Technologies Used JavaFx Mysql
Technologies Used JavaFx Mysql
Technologies Used JavaFx Mysql
JavaFX is a Java library using which you can develop Rich Internet
Applications. By using Java technology, these applications have a browser
penetration rate of 76%.
What is JavaFX?
JavaFX is a Java library used to build Rich Internet Applications. The
applications written using this library can run consistently across multiple
platforms. The applications developed using JavaFX can run on various
devices such as Desktop Computers, Mobile Phones, TVs, Tablets, etc.
JavaFX provides a rich set of graphics and media API’s and it leverages the
modern Graphical Processing Unit through hardware accelerated
graphics. JavaFX also provides interfaces using which developers can
combine graphics animation and UI control.
One can use JavaFX with JVM based technologies such as Java, Groovy and
JRuby. If developers opt for JavaFX, there is no need to learn additional
technologies, as prior knowledge of any of the above-mentioned
technologies will be good enough to develop RIA’s using JavaFX.
Features of JavaFX
Following are some of the important features of JavaFX −
Written in Java − The JavaFX library is written in Java and is available for the
languages that can be executed on a JVM, which include − Java, Groovy and
JRuby. These JavaFX applications are also platform independent.
CSS like Styling − JavaFX provides a CSS like styling. By using this, you can
improve the design of your application with a simple knowledge of CSS.
Canvas and Printing API − JavaFX provides Canvas, an immediate mode style
of rendering API. Within the package javafx.scene.canvas it holds a set of
classes for canvas, using which we can draw directly within an area of the
JavaFX scene. JavaFX also provides classes for Printing purposes in the
package javafx.print.
Rich set of API’s − JavaFX library provides a rich set of API’s to develop GUI
applications, 2D and 3D graphics, etc. This set of API’s also includes capabilities
of Java platform. Therefore, using this API, you can access the features of Java
languages such as Generics, Annotations, Multithreading, and Lambda
Expressions. The traditional Java Collections library was enhanced and concepts
like observable lists and maps were included in it. Using these, the users can
observe the changes in the data models.
Installing Java8
First of all, you will have to verify whether there is Java Installed in your
system or not by opening the command prompt and typing the command
“Java” in it.
If you haven’t installed Java in your system, the command prompt displays
the message shown in the following screenshot.
On clicking the highlighted link, the Java8 Development Kit suitable for
Windows 64-bit Operating System will be downloaded onto your system.
Step 3 − Run the downloaded binary executable file to start the installation
of JDK8.
Step 4 − Choose the Installation Directory.
Step 5 − On selecting the destination folder and clicking Next, the JavaFX
installation process starts displaying the progress bar as shown in the
following screenshot.
Step 6 − Change the installation directory if needed, else keep the default
ones and proceed further.
Step 7 − Finish the installation process by clicking the Close button as
shown in the following screenshot.
Setting up the Path for Windows
After installing Java, you need to set the path variables. Assume that you
have installed Java in C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_91directory.
Now you can follow the steps that are given below −
Now, alter the 'Path' variable so that it also contains the path to the Java
executable. For Example, if the path is currently set to
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32', then change your path to read
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32; C:\Program Files\java\ jdk1.8.0_91\bin'.
Step 2 − On clicking Download, you will get to the Downloads page of the
NetBeans software, which provides NetBeans bundles for various Java
applications. Download the NetBeans software for JavaSE as shown in the
following screenshot.
Step 3 − On clicking this button, a file named netbeans-8.0-
windows.exewill be downloaded onto your system. Run this file in order to
install it. On running this file, a NetBeans installer will start as shown in the
following screenshot.
After completion of the configuration, you will see the Welcome Page of
the installer.
Step 4 − Click the Next button and proceed with the installation.
Step 5 − The next window holds the NETBEANS IDE 8.0 license
agreement. Read it carefully and accept the agreement by checking the
checkbox at “I accept the terms in the license agreement” and then click
the Next button.
Step 6 − In the next window, you will encounter the license agreement
for Junit, accept it by selecting the radio button at “I accept the terms in
the license agreement, Install JUnit” and click on Next.
Step 7 − Choose the destination directory where you need the Netbeans
8.0 to be installed. Furthermore, you can also browse through the directory
where Java Development Kit is installed in your system and click on
the Nextbutton.
Step 8 − Similarly, choose the destination directory for Glassfish
Serverinstallation. Browse through the Java Development Kit directory
(now for Glassfish Reference) and then click Next.
Step 9 − Check the Check for Updates box for automatic updates and
click the Install button to start the installation.
Step 10 − This step starts the installation of NetBeans IDE 8.0 and it may
take a while.
Step 11 − Once the process is complete, click the Finish button to finish
the installation.
Step 12 − Once you launch the NetBeans IDE, you will see the start page
as shown in the following screenshot.
Step 13 − In the file menu, select New Project… to open the New project
wizard as shown in the following screenshot.
Step 14 − In the New Project wizard, select JavaFX and click on Next. It
starts creating a new JavaFX Application for you.
Step 15 − Select the name of the project and location of the project in
the NewJavaFX Application window and then click Finish. It creates a
sample application with the given name.
In this instance, an application with a name javafxsample is created.
Within this application, the NetBeans IDE will generate a Java program with
the name As shown in the following screenshot, this
program will be created inside NetBeans Source Packages →
Step 16 − Right-click on the file and select Run File to run this code as
shown in the following screenshot.
This automatically created program contains the code which generates a
simple JavaFX window having a button with the label Say ‘Hello World’ in
it. Every time you click on this button, the string Hello World will be
displayed on the console as shown below.
JavaFX Architecture:
Architecture of JavaFX API is shown below. Here you can see the
components that support JavaFX API.
JavaFX Application Structure
In general, a JavaFX application will have three major components
namely Stage, Scene and Nodes as shown in the following diagram.
A stage (a window) contains all the objects of a JavaFX application. It is
represented by Stage class of the package javafx.stage. The primary
stage is created by the platform itself. The created stage object is passed as
an argument to the start() method of the Application class (explained in
the next section).
A scene represents the physical contents of a JavaFX application. It contains
all the contents of a scene graph. The class Scene of the
package javafx.scene represents the scene object. At an instance, the
scene object is added to only one stage.
You can create a scene by instantiating the Scene Class. You can opt for the
size of the scene by passing its dimensions (height and width) along with
the root node to its constructor.
Containers (Layout Panes) such as Border Pane, Grid Pane, Flow Pane, etc.
Root Node − The first Scene Graph is known as the Root node.
Branch Node/Parent Node − The node with child nodes are known as
branch/parent nodes. The abstract class named Parent of the
package javafx.scene is the base class of all the parent nodes, and those
parent nodes will be of the following types −
o Group − A group node is a collective node that contains a list of children
nodes. Whenever the group node is rendered, all its child nodes are
rendered in order. Any transformation, effect state applied on the group
will be applied to all the child nodes.
o Region − It is the base class of all the JavaFX Node based UI Controls,
such as Chart, Pane and Control.
o WebView − This node manages the web engine and displays its
Leaf Node − The node without child nodes is known as the leaf node. For
example, Rectangle, Ellipse, Box, ImageView, MediaView are examples of leaf
It is mandatory to pass the root node to the scene graph. If the Group is
passed as root, all the nodes will be clipped to the scene and any alteration
in the size of the scene will not affect the layout of the scene.
MySQL Database
MySQL is a fast, easy-to-use RDBMS being used for many small and big
businesses. MySQL is developed, marketed and supported by MySQL AB,
which is a Swedish company. MySQL is becoming so popular because of
many good reasons −