Bronchospasm Child: PO 2-6 Y, 0.1-: 0.2 MG/KG T.I.D. (Max: 4 Mg/dose) 6-12 Y, 2 MG 3-4 Times/d

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Arnold L. De Guzman Jr.



Albuterol Salbutamol, Synthetic To control and prevent Hypersensitivity to Bronchospasm Hypersensitivity reaction.  Assess lung sounds, PR and BP before
Proventil, sympathomimetic amine reversible airway adrenergic amines drug administration and during peak
Ventolin, and moderately selective obstruction caused by Child: PO 2–6 y, 0.1– CNS: Tremor, anxiety, of medication.
Accuneb, beta2-adrenergic agonist asthma or chronic Hypersensitivity to 0.2 mg/kg t.i.d. (max: 4 nervousness, restlessness,  Observe fore paradoxical spasm and
airet, Novo- with comparatively long obstructive pulmonary fluorocarbons mg/dose); 6–12 y, 2 convulsions, weakness, withhold medication and notify
Salbutamol, action. Acts more disorder (COPD) mg 3–4 times/d; headache, hallucinations. physician if condition occurs.
Proventil prominently on beta2 Pregnancy  If administering medication through
HFA, Gen- receptors (particularly Quick relief for (category C), Inhaled 6–12 y, 1–2 CV: Palpitation, chest
inhalations q4–6h inhalation, allow at least 1 minute
salbutamol, smooth muscles of bronchi, bronchospasm lactation. Use of pain, hypertension, between inhalation of aerosol
Ventodisk, uterus, and vascular supply oral syrup in hypotension, bradycardia, medication.
Ventolin to skeletal muscles) than on For the prevention of children <2 y. reflex tachycardia.  Advise the patient to rinse mouth with
HFA, beta1 (heart) receptors. exercise-induced water after each inhalation to
Volmax, Minimal or no effect on bronchospasm Special Senses: Blurred minimize dry mouth.
VoSpira ER alpha-adrenergic receptors. vision, dilated pupils.  Inform the patient that Albuterol may
Inhibits histamine release Long-term control cause an unusual or bad taste.
by mast cells. agent for patients with GI: Nausea, vomiting.
chronic or persistent
Bronchodilator bronchospasm Other: Muscle cramps,
(therapeutic); hoarseness.

(pharmacologic)  Determine previous
hypersensitivity reactions to
Ampicillin Unasyn Binds to bacterial cell wall, Treatment of the Hypersensitivity to IM, IV (Infants > 1 CNS: Seizures penicillins, cephalosporins, and other
Sulbactam resulting in cell death; following infections: penicillins or month): 100-150mg allergens prior to therapy.
spectrum is broader than Skin and skin structure sulbactam ampicillin/kg/day GI: Pseudomembranous  Lab tests: Baseline C&S tests
that of penicillin. addition infections, soft-tissue divided q 6 hr. Colitis, diarrhea, nausea, prior to initiation of therapy; start drug
of sulbactam increases to infections, otitis media, Use cautiously in: vomiting pending results.
beta-lactamases, enzymes intra-abdominal Severe renal
 Report promptly unexplained
produced by bacteria that infections, sinusitis, insufficiency; Derm: Rashes, urticaria
bleeding (e.g., epistaxis, purpura,
may inactivate ampicillin. respiratory infections, Epstein-Barr virus
genitourinary infection, acute Hemat: Blood dyscrasias
 Observe for and report symptoms
Therapeutic effect: infections, meningitis, lymphocytic
of superinfections (see Appendix F).
Bactericidal action septicemia. leukemia, or Local: Pain at IM site,
Withhold drug and notify physician.
cytomegalovirus pain at IV site
Classifications: infection (increased  Monitor I&O ratio and pattern.
antiinfective; antibiotic; incidence or rash) Misc: Allergic reaction Report dysuria, urine retention, and
aminopenicillin including anaphylaxis and hematuria.
serum sickness,  Report chills, wheezing, pruritus
superinfection, elevated (itching), respiratory distress, or
palpitations to physician immediately.
Adult & adolescent liver enzymes  Do not breast feed while taking
Ipratropiu Ipratropium Ipratropium bromide is an Treatment of reversible Hypertrophic >12 yr:1 neb. Fine tremor of skeletal this drug without consulting
m bromide Br, anticholinergic agent that bronchospasm obstructive muscle, nervousness; physician.
+ Salbutamol inhibits vagally-mediated associated w/ cardiomyopathy & Childn 2-12 yr: 3 nausea, vomiting,
drops/kg body
salbutamol Sulfate reflexes by antagonising obstructive airway tachyarrhythmia. sweating, weakness,
wt/dose. To be taken
sulfate the action of acetylcholine. diseases in patients 6-8 hrly.
myalgia/muscle cramps;
It prevents the increases in who require more than dry mouth, dysphonia;
intracellular concentration single bronchodilator Acute attack: 1 neb. mydriasis, increased
of cyclic guanosine Maintenance 1 neb tid occular pressure, angle-
monophosphate (cyclic or qid closure glaucoma, eye
GMP) which are brought pain.
about by interaction of
acetylcholine with the
muscarinic receptors on
bronchial smooth muscle.
Salbutamol is a direct-
acting β2-adrenergic agent.
It acts on the airway
smooth muscle resulting in
bronchodilation. Adult & Children:
Apply 2-4 nasal drops
Salinase Salinase Nasal Decongestants Drops & Spray or 2 sprays in each
(Nasal Moisturizes dry, nostril tid-qid, or as
Drops) crusted & stuffy needed. Nebulizing
nostrils due to allergy, soln Mix 2.5 mL nebule
to antiasthma drugs
colds, sinusitis, overuse
for nebulization
of antihistaminic &
1 drop bid-qid.
Alphagram Chlorampheni Ear Anti-Infectives & Topical treatment of Acute cases: 1 drop Bone marrow depression
Otic® [ear col Antiseptics ear infections caused hrly. due to hypersensitization
drops] by susceptible gm+ve or idiosyncracy. Serious &
& gm-ve organisms. fatal blood dyscrasias
(aplastic anemia,
hypoplastic anemia,
granulocytopenia). Rarely,
allergic lid eczema, bone
marrow hypoplasia,

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