Drug Study

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Date Name of Drug Drawing Classification Dosage/ Indication Mechanism of Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Time/Route Action
03-13- Pharmacologic to prevent Inhibits CNS: dizziness, excitement,  Perform Hand Hygiene
23 Generic Name: Classification: and relieve peristalsis of headache, hyperactivity,  Observe the 5 rights of
salbutamol Sympathomimet 500 mcg/ bronchospas intestinal wall  Medication administration
insomnia CV: hypertension,
ipratropium ic (beta2- 2.5 mg per m in patients musculature  Assess vital signs for baseline data.
adrenergic 2.5 mL/ with and intestinal palpitations, tachycardia,
 Check the medication.
Brand Name: agonist) TID/ oral reversible contents. chest pain EENT:
 Stay alert for hypersensitivity
Pulmodual inhalation obstructive Also reduces conjunctivitis, dry and reactions and paradoxical
Therapeutic via airway fecal volume, irritated throat, pharyngitis bronchospasm. Stop drug
Classification: nebulizatio disease increases GI: nausea, vomiting, immediately if these occur.
Bronchodilator, n fecal bulk, and
anorexia, heartburn, GI  Monitor serum electrolyte levels.
antiasthmatic minimizes fluid
and distress, dry mouth
Metabolic: hypokalemia Patient teaching
electrolyte loss
● Tell patient to swallow extendedrelease
Musculoskeletal: muscle tablets whole and not to mix
cramps Respiratory: cough, them with food.
dyspnea, wheezing, ● Follow manufacturer’s directions
paradoxical bronchospasm supplied with inhalation drugs.
Skin: pallor, urticaria, rash, 2Teach patient signs and symptoms
angioedema, flushing, of hypersensitivity reaction and paradoxical
bronchospasm. Tell him to stop
sweating Other: tooth taking drug immediately and contact
discoloration, increased prescriber if these occur.
appetite, hypersensitivity 2Instruct patient to notify prescriber
reaction immediately if prescribed
dosage fails to provide usual relief,
because this may indicate seriously
worsening asthma.
● Advise patient to limit intake of caffeine-
containing foods and beverages
and to avoid herbs unless prescriber
● Caution patient to avoid driving and
other hazardous activities until he
knows how drug affects concentration
and alertness.
● Advise patient to establish effective
bedtime routine and to take drug
well before bedtime to minimize
● As appropriate, review all other significant
and life-threatening adverse
reactions and interactions, especially
those related to the drugs, foods, and
herbs mentioned above.

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