GRP Series: Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

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GRP Series

Installation, Operation
& Maintenance Manual

Project: _________________________

Installation: ___________________

Pump Model: ____________ Serial Number: ___________


HOMA Pump Technology, Inc.

390 Birmingham Boulevard  Ansonia, CT 06401
GRP Series
This manual is intended to provide basic installation INSPECTION:
and start-up guidance. It is to be read and
thoroughly studied prior to attempting to install or Upon arrival of pump shipment carefully unpack all
operate any of the equipment supplied. Equipment components and compare with shipping and
damage, which occurs by not following these purchase order documents to ensure that the order
instructions will void the warranty. is complete. Also inspect equipment for any
damage that might have occurred in shipment. If
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: any problems are detected contact an authorized
HOMA Pump Technology Representative
Only trained qualified personnel shall be utilized for immediately.
installation and start-up.
The following is a general list of safety precautions TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE
that should be followed when installation starting- PROCEDURE:
up or servicing the pump. The pump station
owner or operator is ultimately responsible for Always lift the pump by its lifting bail or eye.
ensuring that all equipment is installed, started Never lift the pump by its power cable!
up and operated in a safe manner. Pumps should be stored in an upright position,
taking extreme care to protect the power cable and
 Do not work alone. control cables from crushing, nicks or tears which
 Double check to make sure that all lifting would permit water intrusion.
equipment is in good working order and that it Power cable ends must be protected from
has adequate lifting capacity for the weight that immersion in water as well as moisture intrusion.
it will handle. The cable will wick water into the pump if it is not
 Wear safety helmet, goggles and protective protected properly. Power cable leads should be
shoes, or appropriate safety materials required. covered with shrink tubing or suitable sealing
 Before working on the pump make sure that material.
power is disconnected and cannot be energized
by others. Lockout and tag the control panel Short Term Storage: Short term storage is
circuit breaker. defined as any time less than six months. We
 Do not stand under suspended loads! recommend that pump and accessories be stored
 Never enter or work within a wet well without in their original shipping container in a dry,
first checking to make sure sufficient oxygen is temperature controlled area. If climate controlled
present and that there are no explosive or storage is not possible, all exposed parts should be
poisonous gases present. inspected before storage and all surfaces that have
 All personnel, who work with sewage pumping the paint scratched, damaged or worn should be
equipment and systems shall be vaccinated re-coated with suitable paint. When possible it is
against diseases that can occur, If there are best to store the pump in an upright position.
any questions or doubts in this area it is
strongly suggested that the local health agency Long Term Storage: Any storage time exceeding
be contacted. six months is considered long term. In addition to
 For Hazardous Area Classifications, only use the safeguards specified above, the impeller should
pumps with suitable Explosion Proof Rating. be rotated once a month to prevent the mechanical
seals from being damaged, and the pump should
be inspected. The oil in the mechanical seal
chamber should be drained and replaced prior to


Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

GRP Series
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION: Note: All sizes of Class1, Div. I pumps for
hazardous service will have externally wired
GENERAL GUIDELINES thermal switches. Thermal switch leads must
All electrical work shall be carried out under the be connected to a current regulated control
supervision of an authorized, licensed electrician. circuit in accordance with the NEC.
The present state adopted edition of the
National Electrical Code as well as all local Thermal switch leads must be connected to
codes and regulations shall be complied with. validate warranty.
Identify thermal switch leads marked T1 and T3 in
VERIFICATION OF POWER SUPPLY the power or control cable. The resistance across
Prior to making any electrical connections or these leads will be .5 Ohm. These leads must be
applying power to the pump, compare the power connected to the thermal overload relay such as
supply available at the pump station to the data on the HOMA Go switch seal fail / thermal relay
the unit's nameplate. Confirm that both voltage and (option) or other current regulated power supply /
phase match between pump and control panel. controller.
The voltage supplied at the pump shall be
+5 / -10% of the nameplate value, frequency shall SEAL PROBE WIRING
be + / - 1% of the nameplate value, the voltage The mechanical seal leak detector probe utilized in
phase balance shall be within 1% and the the pump is a conductive probe which is normally
maximum corrected power factor shall be 1.0. open. The intrusion of water into the seal chamber
completes the electrical circuit. Control panel
Voltage Change: For instructions on changing the provisions will sense this circuit closure, and will
voltage of your stator, please consult the Technical provide indication or alarm functions depending on
Pages in the Downloads section of the HOMA the panel design.
website: Either single or dual wire systems may be provided.
Single wire systems utilize one energizing
POWER LEAD WIRING conductor, and the pump casing and neutral lead
HOMA GRP Series pumps may be provided with 1 as the ground or return portion of the circuit. The
or more cables, depending on motor horsepower dual wire systems utilize two separate conductors
and operating voltage. Power leads L1, L2, & L3 for each leg of the circuit.
may be provided as single conductor, or as twin With either system, the seal probe leads must be
conductor. Twin conductor configuration may use wired into a control circuit provided in the control
leads from two separate cables, or may use two panel. This control circuit must energize the probe
conductors within one cable. Please refer to wiring with a regulated power source, and sense the
diagram in the appendix for specific connection closed circuit in event of water intrusion. Indication
details. The pump must be connected electrically and alarm functions must also be provided in the
through a motor starter with proper circuit breaker control circuit. Please see control panel wiring
protection in order to validate warranty. Do not diagram (by others) for seal probe connection
splice cables. points. IMPORTANT: For Hazardous Area
THERMAL SWITCH WIRING : Classification Pumps, leak detector circuit must be
Pumps are equipped with thermal switches which in conformance with applicable NEC codes and
are normally closed, automatically resetting regulations.
switches. Switches will open when the internal START / RUN CAPACITORS AND RELAYS:
temperature rises above the design temperature, All single phase motors require start and/or run
and will close when the temperature returns to capacitors to operate. Refer to the wiring
normal. Non Explosion proof GRP 10/1 to 21/1 schematics in the appendix. Capacitors and relays
single phase pumps have internally connected must be sized for the specific motor.
thermals which shut pump down in the event of Capacitors are sized based on ideal conditions.
over temperature condition, and do not require any The Run capacitor may need to be resized to
external connection. Explosion proof pumps and match the available field voltage. Each cap kit
pumps with 7 lead cable have thermal switches shipped is supplied with a wiring diagram and start-
which must be wired into the over temperature up procedure.
circuit of the control panel. Pg.3

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

GRP Series
PUMPS WITH AUTOCOUPLING SYSTEMS 2. Clean threaded portions of pump discharge
flange, nipple and riser pipe.
The HOMA Auto-Coupling is a quick removal 3. Apply pipe sealant to the male threads.
system used in keeping personnel from having to 4. Thread guide claw riser pipe (either style) onto
enter the wet well. The pump mounts on a the pump discharge with the provided 11/4”
stationary base and operates completely or partially close nipple. Tighten the assembly until the
submerged (min. 8” above volute) in the pumping opening in riser pipe points away from pump and
media. is parallel with the cable entry.
5. Bolt the guide claw flange with rubber gasket to
The HOMA Auto-Coupling kit includes a base the riser pipe using the SS nuts and bolts
elbow, guide claw flange and upper guide rail provided.
bracket. Kit also includes a profile seal. Refer to 6. Install profile seal (if not already installed at
dimensional drawing for details. factory) into the guide claw with large diameter
fitted into groove inside of claw. Refer to the
drawing provided with the kit.
For GRP 10 - 50 Series pumps with horizontal 2”
7. For check valve version install second gasket
threaded discharge, attach the guide claw flange to
drop in check ball and fasten the cover with nuts
the pump discharge flange as follows:
and bolts provided.
1. Inspect threaded assemblies for damage.
2. Clean threaded portions of pump discharge
Important: Do not install more then one (1)
flange and guide claw flange and locate set
check valve into any pump discharge piping
screw location.
system or problems will occur.
3. Install profile seal (if not already installed at
factory) into the guide claw with large diameter
fitted into groove inside of claw. For GRP 59 to 118 Series pumps, attach the
4. Apply pipe sealant to the threads of the guide claw flange to the pump discharge flange
discharge. with the fasteners and gasket included with the
5. Thread guide claw flange on to pump discharge auto-coupling kit. Tighten the bolts to the proper
fully. DISCHARGE THREADS ARE NOT NPT. torque. Install profile seal (if not already installed at
DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN. factory) into the guide claw with large diameter
6. Tighten guide claw flange until the claw is in fitted into groove inside of claw.
upright (horizontal) position.
7. Apply thread locker to the set screw included For all pumps, properly locate the base and with
with the guide claw and tighten set screw. the anchor bolts fasten to the floor of the pump
station. Make sure when locating and securing the
For the GRP 10 – 50 Series pumps that were anchor bolts that the base will align properly with
provided with the 8604019 HOMA Auto-Coupling the access cover at the top elevation of the station.
Systems only, this auto-coupling uses a straight (Refer to outline drawing in appendix). Level the
guide claw. To lift pump attach the tether through base before completely tightening the anchor bolts.
the large opening of the lifting handle and do not If base is not level, proper sealing of the pump to
use the circular hole in the rear tab of the lifting base may not occur!
handle. If you were provided with a different auto-
coupling please contact the factory. Place the guide rail pipes (supplied by others), cut
to length into the rings of the base. The rails will be
For GRP 12 and 19 Series pumps with vertical, secured at the top of the pump station with the
upper guide bar bracket and will extend down to
1¼” threaded discharge (note: this assembly can
the sump floor.
be ordered with or without integral check valve),
For stations exceeding 10 feet in depth, inter-
attach the pump discharge flange as follows:
mediate guide bar brackets are recommended.
Refer to assembly drawing provided with the auto-
One bracket is recommended for each additional
coupling for additional details.
10 feet of station depth.
1. Inspect threaded assemblies for damage.

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

GRP Series
Install upper guide bar bracket as shown on outline
drawing located in the appendix. Do not Bolts
tighten mounting bolts completely at this point. PUMP MODEL Anchors SIZE TORQUE
Check that the guide system is properly installed in 1 ¼ -2” GRP
the vertical orientation by using levels and a plumb THREADED 4 M12mm 37 ft/ #
line. Then tighten upper guide anchor bolts. 2” GRP 4 M16x60 108 ft/ #
Connect the station riser piping to the outlet flange FLANGED 4 M16mm 74 ft/ #
of the base.
INSTALLATION OF PUMPS WITH RING 1. Flange bolts must be tightened in cross pattern
STANDS: to avoid damage to the raise face flanges.
2. Standard Flange Bolts are 316SS
The ring stand design allows for simple economical
installation and can be transported from one START-UP
installation to another. It is intended to operate
completely or partially submerged in the pumping Prior To Applying Power
liquid. Prior to applying power to the pump; double check
For pump models without integral support feet, all wiring and verify that the power (Voltage, Phase)
install the ring stand to the underside of the volute that will be supplied to the unit matches the name-
with the supplied fasteners. Apply a thread locking plate specified values. Measure resistance of cable
compound to threads before installing such as Blue and pump motor resistance of ground circuit
Loctite #242. between control panel and outside of pump.
Install lifting chain or cable of adequate size Perform MEG ohm check of motor insulation.
and load rating of the unit. Allow for proper Record all data on start-up checklist which is
length to permit proper lowering and raising of included with this manual.
the pump. Properly position power cables and
lifting devise over the load and keep from Wet Well Applications
entering the pump suction. If the above checks prove satisfactory the pump is
ready for operation. Lower the pump into position.
Prior To Installation: (Refer to Mechanical installation section of this
Before lowering the pump into position check the manual.)
direction of rotation. The impeller will rotate
clockwise as viewed from the top. Therefore the Open discharge valve, and verify that all check
pump will try to move in the counter clockwise valves operate freely. It is very common for
direction as the impeller rotates (known as start discharge check valves to be jammed shut (or
reaction). "Bump the Motor" by closing the pump open) after sitting for a period of time. Once all
circuit breaker and push the pump start button and valves are open and free, start the pump and allow
look for the direction of movement specified above. it to stabilize for several minutes prior to recording
For three phase motors, if the starting jerk is in the any test data.
clockwise direction, open the circuit breaker to
isolate power and interchange two of the three Listen for any unusual noise and be on the lookout
phase leads inside the control panel. for unusual vibration. This is generally detectable
on guide rails for Auto Coupling installations and on
Make sure to use lifting equipment that has discharge piping for ring stand installations. Also
adequate capacity for the pump that will be for Auto Coupling installations, look for any blow by
handled. Before installing pump, check to be from the discharge connection.
certain the profile seal is properly positioned in the
guide claw flange. Position pump so the guide ears Perform all remaining electrical, operational, and
on the discharge flange engage the rails. Slowly performance tests specified on the start-up report
lower the pump along the guide rail. Once the at the back of this manual. Record and provide
pump reaches its bottom location it will auto- details on the checklist to validate warranty.
matically connect to the base. Pg.5

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

GRP Series
Installation / Startup Troubleshooting: Listing of Possible Causes:

Only authorized service personnel who are trained 1.

Incorrect or no power supplied to motor.
professionals shall troubleshoot and repair pumps 2.
Power cable cut.
that are experiencing operational or performance 3.
Short to ground in cable or motor winding.
difficulties. 4.
Control panel circuit breaker open.
Actual system head is higher than calculated or
All HOMA pumps are factory tested, yet startup specified.
difficulties can occur with any mechanical 6. Incorrect impeller rotation direction.
equipment. Please note that our technical 7. Sump liquid level is below pump's minimum
support staff stands ready to assist you with submergence requirement.
any problem or difficulty you might encounter 8. Closed discharge valve or jammed check valve.
with our equipment. 9. Wear ring(s) worn. (If Applicable).
10. Vortex at pump's suction.
The following is a tabulation of common start- 11. Discharge valve partially closed.
up problems and possible causes. 12. Insufficient NPSHA (Dry Pit Application).
13. Actual system head is lower than specified
Symptom resulting in over pumping condition.
Possible Causes 14. Voltage supply to motor is lower than required
by motor.
Pump will not start 15. Damaged bearings.
1, 2, 3, 4, 27, 29, 31, 32 16. High system head causing pump to operate at
extremely reduced capacity.
Little or zero discharge 17. Object stuck inside impeller.
5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 30, 32 18. Motor not receiving proper voltage on all three
Insufficient discharge flow/pressure 19. Phase/currents unbalanced or too high.
5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 26, 30 20. Insulation between phases and earth
Excessive power consumption 21. Density of the pumping media too high.
6, 9, 13, 28, 30 22. Defective level sensor.
23. Hand/Off/Auto switch not in Auto Position.
Excessive current draw 24. Defective H/O/A switch, relay or contactor coil.
6, 13, 14, 15, 19, 21, 26, 30 25. Air Captured in Cooling Jacket.
26. Pump not properly seated on Auto Coupling.
Excessive pump vibration/noise 27. Water intrusion through junction box.
5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 30, 31 28. Run capacitor size too large.
29. Start capacitor size too small.
Pumps runs & motor protection trips 30. Profile seal not sealing or missing.
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28 31. VFD or Soft Start not functioning properly.
32. Start Relay or Capacitors damaged. (1 ph)
Pumps runs manually, but not automatically
22, 23, 24

Pump runs hot If you need additional help, please contact

7, 13, 18, 19, 25, 26, 28 your local distributor or e-mail
[email protected]

Pg. 6

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

GRP Series
Caution seal chamber may be
Regular preventive maintenance will help ensure pressurized
longer pump life and more reliable operation. It is
Check the condition of the oil to see if any water
recommended that pumps in intermittent operation leakage has occurred. Lay the pump on its side
be inspected twice a year and pumps in continuouswith the plug facing upward and remove the oil fill
operation be inspected every 1,000 hours. The plug. Drain the oil from the seal chamber into a
following is a listing of required inspection andtransparent container. Check for impurities and
maintenance items. emulsification (Oil is cream-like). If water intrusion
has occurred check lower mechanical seal and
If any of the problems described in the replace if necessary. Refill seal chamber with fresh
following list exists stop operating the pump to oil. Refer to shop manual for type and quantity of
avoid damage or personal injury. oil.

Make sure that the cable entry flange and strain
Periodically inspect impeller by turning pump on its
relief clamp are tight. If the cable entry is showing
side, remove suction strainer nuts and strainer to
signs of leakage remove cable from entry, remove
expose impeller and relocate position of adjusting
grommet, cut a piece of cable off so that the
plate (suction cover) as needed. Replace the
grommet seats on a new portion of the cable,
impeller if it is damaged or severely worn.
replace grommet, and reinstall cable assembly, into
the top of the motor.
Note: Explosion Proof cables are sealed with a 7. PROFILE SEAL
Factory Mutual Approved potting compound. When pump is removed for any service, carefully
Please consult factory for instruction. inspect the profile seal for signs of damage or
improper sealing. Be sure the contact patch is fully
around the seal face.
Inspect the cable for cuts, scrapes or sharp bends.
If the outer jacket is damaged, replace the cable. SPARE PARTS
Do not attempt splices within wet wells. In order to obtain spare parts identify the required
parts by looking at the appropriate cross sectional
drawing and listing, and contact authorized HOMA
Megger the insulation between the phases and
parts required and the pump serial number.
between any phase and ground. Resistance
Authentic Homa Pump Technology parts shall be
values should be greater than 1 M ohm. If
used to maintain warranty.
abnormal readings are obtained contact authorized
Note: Explosion Proof pumps must be identified as
service center immediately.
such, and the pump serial number must be
referenced for proper parts identification.
Make sure that all screws, bolts and nuts are tight.
Check the condition of pump lifting eyes and RECOMMENDED TOOLS AND
replace if damaged or worn, Replace any external SUPPLIES
part that appears worn or damaged. In addition to ordinary, standard tools and lifting
devices, ensure that complete set of metric Allen
wrenches, dead blow hammer, impeller puller,
Loctite 242 (Blue), petroleum jelly and anti- seize
compound are on hand.


Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

GRP Series



Black Rubber Sealing Ring (Profile Seal) must be installed in the Guide Claw
before pump is installed. Ring must be installed with the large diameter lip inside
the groove of the Guide Claw Flange.



Pg. 8

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

GRP Series
Mechanical Seal Leak Detection probe has been loose to protect from shipping
damage. Please follow this procedure to install the probe.

1) Lay pump on its side with the plug on the seal chamber facing upwards as indicated.
2) Unscrew the plug with the proper wrench, taking care not to damage the sealing surface.
3) Verify that seal chamber oil level is within ¼” of the indicated value. Measurement is from
oil level to the top of hole. See IOM Manual for seal chamber oil volume, if required.
4) Remove the new sealing gasket from package and install it onto the seal probe plug.
5) Install the seal probe with gasket into the opening, taking care not to damage the cable.
Then tighten the seal probe with the proper wrench until snug. Do not overtighten. Once
tight, verify the seal gasket is properly seated and the cable is not pinched or twisted.
NOTE: At installation of the seal probe be careful not to bind the seal probe cord as it is
being installed into the pump.
6) Lift pump into a vertical position and inspect for any leaks.
7) Secure seal probe cable to pump body and power cable with tyraps before installing

External Seal Probe Connections

Pg. 9

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

GRP Series
Capacitor Sizing Chart
GRP 10 to 21/1 25 uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 50 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor-PN#:8857005
GRP 26/1 40 uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 80 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor-PN#:8857010
GRP 28 - 41/1 50 uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 150 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor-PN#:8857015
GRP44/1 70uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 320 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor-PN# 8857084
GRP 58/1 120 uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 200 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor-PN#:8857025
GRP 78/1 120 uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 300 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor-PN#:8857030
GRP 59/1 100 uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 350 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor-PN#:8857085
GRP 79/1 120 uf @ 370V Run Capacitor - 350 uf @ 330V Start Capacitor-PN#:8857090
7.5 HP and larger motors require multiple run and start capacitors to achieve the necessary
capacitance value. Refer to the capacitor wiring diagram supplied with each capacitor kit.

Single Phase Pump Start-Up Procedure

Run Capacitor sizing can vary depending on the incoming supply voltage provided. HOMA Single Phase
pumps are provided with Start and Run Capacitor(s) sized for 220-230V under load. Frequently, the
available line voltage is considerable different than indicated, and the Run capacitor(s) may need to be
resized to match the available field voltage. The following procedure will allow you to verify proper
operation of your single phase pump, and/or make necessary changes to you capacitors to correct for
your power supply.
After verifying wiring is in accordance with your pump requirements, start pump and record the following
readings from each of the (3) pump cable leads.

Current under load:

U1 _________Amps,> U2 __________Amps,> Z2 __________Amps
Should be (highest reading) (middle reading) (lowest reading)

Lead U1 (common) should have the highest current reading. Lead Z2 (start) should have the lowest
If Z2 current draw is greater than the current draw of either U1 or U2, a smaller size Run capacitor (lower
microfarad rating) is required to correct the condition. Example: If a 60 uf Run capacitor was supplied,
change to a 50 uf Run capacitor and check current readings. Typically, only one step down in capacitor
size is required, but in certain instances 2 steps may be required.

( ) The standard capacitor kit provided includes: ____________uf start capacitor

____________uf run capacitor
( ) Additional run capacitors have been included for use in tuning the pump to match available line
voltages for optimum performance.
___________uf run capacitor
___________uf run capacitor
___________uf run capacitor
This form is provided for your use in optimizing the performance and service life of your single phase
pumps, and is applicable to most Capacitor Start and Run motors. Please contact our Technical Service
Dept. @ 800-452-4662 with any questions or if you require any additional information or assistance.

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

GRP Series

This report is designed to insure the customer that customer service and a quality product are the number one
priority with HOMA Pump Technology, Inc. Please answer the following questions completely and as accurately as
possible. Mail this form to:



Receipt of completed report will initiate operational warranty.

Reports that are not returned can delay or void warranty.

1.) Pump User's Name: _____________________________________________________________

Site Location: __________________________________________________________________
Site Contract: __________________________________________________________________
Unit Supplied By: _______________________________________________________________

2.) HOMA Pumps Model__________________________________ Serial No._____________________

Voltage____________ Phase_________________ Hertz________________ Horsepower________
Method Used to Check Rotation (viewed from bottom) __________________________________
Does Impeller Turn Freely By Hand: YES________ NO _________

3.) Condition of Equipment: EXCELLENT_____________ GOOD ____________ AVERAGE___________

Condition of Cable Jacket : EXCELLENT___________GOOD ____________ AVERAGE___________
Resistance of Cable and Pump Motor (measured at pump control)
1 Phase: U1 – U2 _________ Ohms; U1 - Z2 ________ Ohms; U2 – Z2 _________ Ohms; T1 – T2 ________Ohms
3 Phase: U - V_____________ Ohms; V - W ____________Ohms; U -W _________Ohms, T1 – T2 ________ Ohms

Resistance of Ground Circuit Between Control Panel and Outside of Pump __________Ohms
MEG Ohm Check of Insulation:
U to Ground _______________ V to Ground _______________ W to Ground____________

4.) Condition of Equipment at Start-Up: Dry __________ Wet _____________ Muddy_________

Was Equipment Stored:_______________ Length of Storage ________________________
Describe Station Layout ___________________________________________________________

5.) Liquid Level Controls: Model_____________________________ Type ______________________

Is Control Installed Away From Turbulence?____________________________________________
Tip lowest float (stop float), all pumps should remain off.
Tip second float (and stop float), one pump comes on.
Tip third float (and stop float), both pumps on (alarm on simplex).
Tip fourth float (and stop float), high level alarm on (omit on simplex).

6.) Electrical Readings:

Single Phase:
Voltage Supply at Panel Line Connection, Pump Off, L1, L2 _______ L1-Ground ______ L2-Ground _________
Voltage Supply at Panel Line Connection, Pump On, L1, L2 ________ L1-Ground _______ L2-Ground ________
Amperage: Load Connection, Pump On, U1________________ U2 _______________ Z2 _________
Resistance Across Thermal Switch leads T1-T2 _______ ohms

Three Phase:
Voltage Supply at Panel Line Connection, Pump Off, L1-L2_________ L2-L3 _______ L3-L1 ______
Voltage Supply at Panel Line Connection, Pump On, L1-L2_________ L2-L3 _______ L3-L1 ______
Amperage Load Connection, Pump On, L1_____________ L2_____________ L3_______________
Resistance Across Thermal Switch leads T1-T2 _______ ohms

Pg. 11

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

GRP Series
7.) Final Check:
Are Thermal Switches properly wired? What Over-temperature Relay is being used? ____________
Is Pump Seated On Discharge Properly? ______________Check For Leaks?__________________
Does Check Valves Operate Properly? ________________________________________________
Flow: Does Station Appear To Operate At Proper Rate ___________________________________
Vibration Level: Measured _____________________ Observed_____________________________

COMMENTS: _____________________________________________________________________

8.) Equipment Difficulties During Start-Up:_________________________________________________


9.) I Certify this Report to be accurate.

Authorized Homa Service Representative:

___________________________________________________________ Phone #____________________



Pump Station Owner/ Operator

___________________________________________________________ Phone # ____________________

DATE _______________________

Pg. 12

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

GRP Series
GRP Technical Details
The following is offered as a general guide to values and capacities commonly used.

Resistance Readings (ohms) Pump Weight

230V 230V 460V Approx. (Lbs.)
1 Phase 3 Phase * 3 Phase *
U1 - U2 / U1 - Z2 U-V-W U-V-W
GRP 10 to 21 2.0u 6.0u 3.0u 9.7u 65#
GRP 24/26 1.9u 3.6u 2.0u 7.3u 88#
GRP 28/34/36/41 0.9u 2.3u 1.4u 3.8u 100#
GRP 44/50 0.6u 1.6u 1.2u 3.8u 100#
GRP 58/59 0.5u 0.7u 0.5u 1.6u 230#
GRP 78/79 0.3u 0.5u 0.5u 1.6u 239#
GRP117/118 N/A 0.3u 0.9u 248#
*Values should be as indicated between any 2 power leads.
Note: Resistance values include 30’cable, and should be within +/- 10% of above value.

Impeller Bolt Torque 12 Ft. #

Impeller to Bottom Plate Clearance .010” or 1/4 turn of adjuster screws

Pump Rotation Right hand (CW) looking down from top of motor. CCW looking at cutter blade.

Seal Probes GRP pumps use a 12mm seal probe. 2 wire probes are for Hazardous areas.

Seal Chamber Oil - White Mineral Oil (Chevron Lubricating Oil FM 32, 46, 68)

Seal Oil Volume Minimum Distance between 2 pumps

GRP 10, 12,16,19,21 .72L GRP 10,12,16,19,21 6”
GRP 24, 26, 28, 34, 36, 37, 41 1.0L GRP 24, 26, 28, 34, 36, 37, 41 6”
GRP44, 50 1.40L GRP44, 50 6”
GRP 58, 78, 117 2.5L GRP 58, 78, 117 8”
GRP 59, 79, 118 1.90L GRP 59, 79, 118 8”

Seal Oil Level

With pump lying on its side and oil port at 12:00, measure from the top of housing with gasket in place, to
the oil level.
GRP 10 to 50 1” from top of housing to oil level
GRP 58/59 to 117/118 1 1/2” from top of housing to oil level

Pg. 13

Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

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