Lecture 1 - SIS

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Lecture 1

Statically Determinate Structures (SDS) &

Statically Indeterminate Structures (SIS)

Lecture 1 1
SAD2 Rev. 1
1. Structural Idealization

Simplification in the following areas:

1. Representation of the Structure
a. Structural Elements
b. Support Conditions
c. Connections
d. Material Behaviour

2. Structural Loading
3. Analysis Procedure.

Lecture 1 2
SAD2 Rev. 1
1.1 Idealizing Structures
Before a structure can be analyzed, the designer must develop a simplified
physical model of the structure and its supports as well as the applied loads.
This model is typically represented by a simple line drawing. The designer
will be able to size the members with the strength required to support the real

1.2 Structural Representation

The members of the structure can therefore be represented by single lines. The
single lines often represent the centroidal axis or an edge of the member.

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Lecture 1 4
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Lecture 1 5
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1.3 Idealization at the Structural Boundaries
To facilitate analysis the engineer makes assumptions about the displacement
conditions pertaining at the points of restraint. As these points are at the
boundary of the structure they are known as boundary conditions.

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SAD2 Rev. 1
To make assumptions about the boundary conditions is mathematically
convenient, yet perfect boundary conditions never occur in practice. For
instance, pinned connections always have some moment carrying capacity, and a
fully fixed connection will always shed some moment due to the rotation of the
connection itself.

Fixed and Pinned Base Connections

Other common boundary conditions include roller supports, elastic supports and
semi-rigid supports. In addition it may be necessary to consider the effect of
settlements at the foundation as part of the analysis.

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SAD2 Rev. 1

Pin or Hinge Support

A pin or hinge support is represented by the symbol

HB or HB

Prevented: Horizontal translation and vertical translation

Allowed: Rotation

Roller Support

A roller support is represented by the symbol


Prevented: Vertical translation

Allowed: Horizontal translation and Rotation

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Fixed Support

A fixed support is represented by the symbol

or HB V

Prevented: Horizontal translation, Vertical translation and

Allowed: None

1.5 Connections
Two types of connections are commonly used to join members of structures: (a)
rigid connections and (b) flexible or hinged connections.

Rigid Joint
All member ends connected to a rigid joint have the same translation and
rotation under the action of loads. Such joints are capable of transmitting
forces as well as moments between the connected members.

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Hinged Joint
All member ends connected to a hinged joint have the same translation but
may have different rotations. Such joints are capable of transmitting forces
but not moments between the connected members. Hinged joints are usually
depicted by a small circles at the intersections of members on the line diagram
of the structure.

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The perfect rigid connections and the perfectly flexible frictionless hinges used
in the analysis are merely idealizations of the actual connections, which are
seldom perfectly rigid or perfectly flexible.

Semi-rigid frame connections have moment resistance capability, but to a lesser

degree than found at rigid joint connections. Also semi-rigid joints can
experience some degree of relative rotation between joint members.

Lecture 1 11
SAD2 Rev. 1
A simple triangulated framework

Idealized Model

Lecture 1 12
SAD2 Rev. 1
2. Classification of Framed Structures

Framed structures are structures that can be satisfactorily idealized using line
elements. Such structures are often referred to as skeletal structures. Usually
the elements of the structures are assumed to be connected either by frictionless
pins or by rigid joints. Framed structures are usually idealized as one of the
five types of skeletal structures as shown below.

Trusses are usually loaded only at their joints and because the joints cannot
transmit bending moment, trusses must be triangulated to avoid mechanism
formation. Plane trusses are loaded in their own plane, whereas the joints of a
space truss can be loaded from any direction.

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Frame Type Joint Type Joint Loads Element Load
Loads Directions
Plane Trusses Pinned Yes No In plane

Space Trusses Pinned Yes No Any direction

Plane Frames Rigid Yes Yes In plane

Grillages Rigid Yes Yes Normal to


Space Frame Rigid Yes Yes Any direction

Rigidly jointed frames are often loaded along their elements as well as at their
joints. Plane frames, like plane trusses, are loaded only in their own plane. In
contrast, grillages are always loaded normal to the structure. Space frames can
be loaded in any plane.

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SAD2 Rev. 1
2.1 Framed Structures

Lecture 1 15
SAD2 Rev. 1
3. Equilibrium of Structures

A structure is in equilibrium if it remains at rest when subjected to a system of

forces and moments. If a structure is in equilibrium, then all its members
and parts are also in equilibrium.

For a structure to be in equilibrium, all the forces and moments (including

support reactions) acting on it must balance each other. For a
three-dimensional space structure, the equations of equilibrium are given by:-

∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0, ∑ Fz = 0
∑ M x = 0, ∑ M y = 0, ∑Mz = 0

For a plane structure, subjected to forces only in its own plane, the conditions
for equilibrium can be reduced to:

∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0, ∑Mz = 0

Lecture 1 16
SAD2 Rev. 1
3.1 Equations of Condition
A structural system may contain internal hinges and / or rollers.

B (internal hinge)
P2 P4

A C Internal Roller

An internal hinge cannot transmit moment – the bending moment there is zero.
A roller transmits only a perpendicular force component – it does not transmit
moment or a transverse force component. Internal hinges or rollers provide
additional equations for analyzing the structure, and they are commonly called
equations of condition.

Statically Determinate and Indeterminate Structures (Reactions)

A structure is externally determinate if all the support reactions can be obtained
by statics, i.e.

No. of Support Reactions = No. of Equations (including Equilibrium & Condition)

A structure that is NOT determinate is called indeterminate.

Degree of Statical Indeterminacy = No. of Support Reactions – No. of Equations

P2 P3 P2 P3

Determinate VB P1 Indeterminate VB
Structure Structure

Lecture 1 17
SAD2 Rev. 1
3.2 Statically Determinate Structures
Definition: In a statically determinate structure, all the support reactions and
member forces can be determined by statics only.

1. A determinate structure can collapse if any one of its members fails.
2. Support reactions and member forces are not affected by (a) member sizes
and / or (b) material properties.
3. Temperature change or support settlement does not induce internal forces.

3.3 Statically Indeterminate Structures

For a statically indeterminate structure, the number of unknowns is greater
than the number of equations from statics. Additional equations from
force-deflection relationships are required to analyze a statically indeterminate

1. Compared to a similar determinate structure, an indeterminate structure has

redundants, which are either (a) extra members or (b) extra supports. The
redundants can prevent immediate collapse of the structure due to failure of
a member.
2. Support reactions and member forces are affected by (a) member sizes and /
or (b) material properties.
3. Temperature change or support settlement generally induces internal forces.

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3.5 Static Indeterminacy of a Structure

Degree of Indeterminacy = No. of Unknowns – No. of Available Equations

Where Unknowns = Support Reactions and Member Forces

Equations = Equations of Equilibrium and
Equation of Condition (e.g. hinges, roller)

BEAMS: Degree of Indeterminacy = r – (3 + c)

Where r = No. of Reactions

c = No. of equations and condition

TRUSSES: Degree of Indeterminacy = (r + b) – 2j

Where r = No. of Reactions

b = No. of bars
j = No. of Joints

FRAMES: Degree of Indeterminacy = (r + 3b) – (3j +c)

Where r = No. of Reactions

b = No. of bars
j = No. of Joints
c = No. of equations and condition

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* If a pin is inserted in a rigid frame, generally, c = the number of members

meeting at the pin minus one. In this case c = 4 – 1 = 3.
** The overhanging portions, such as ab and cd on the right side of the frame,
should not be counted in the number of members.

Lecture 1 22
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3.6 Determining Degree of Indeterminacy – Alternative Method
(Method of Cut Members)
For many structures, the degree of static indeterminacy can be determined
readily by inspection – through cutting frame members and reducing the
structure to several simple determinate parts.

3 3

3 3

(a) (b)
Consider the frame shown above. One approach is to cut the members as
indicated in Figure (b) so that the structure is separated into three statically
determinate and stable parts. The number of restraints removed to accomplish
this gives the degree of indeterminacy of the structure. Since each cut involves
three internal unknown elements (i.e. bending moment, shear force and axial
force), the total number of restraints removed by the four cuts is 4*3 = 12. The
frame is statically indeterminate to the 12th degree.

The advantage of this approach over counting the number of bars and joints and
reaction elements can be appreciated when considering the degree of
indeterminacy of a structure such as the building frame shown below. The
building can be separated into 12 determinate and stable parts by 77 cuts in the
beams. The frame is statically indeterminate to the 231 degree.

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