MC35 Geometry Ch04 Handout-209

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Some key takeaways from the text are that the centroid, incenter, and circumcenter are special points of a triangle that satisfy certain geometric properties related to ratios of line segments and angles. The text also discusses theorems about these points and their proofs.

The centroid G satisfies the property that AG:GM = BG:GN = CG:GP = 2:1 and the six triangles formed by the medians all have equal areas. The incenter I is the center of the incircle tangent to all three sides of the triangle. The circumcenter O is the center of the circumcircle and satisfies properties related to angles.

The orthocenter H is the intersection of the three altitudes of a triangle. It can be shown that H is the circumcenter of a related triangle XYZ where ABC is the medial triangle of XYZ. Angular properties are also given for the orthocenter.

Chapter 4

Special Points

4.1 Notes
Even though triangles are a very general object, there are many ideas that are consistent
with all triangles. In the subsequent theorems, pay attention to both the results and the
proofs, as both will be helpful to solving problems.

Theorem 4.1.1 (The Centroid). Let triangle ABC have midpoints M , N , and P , re-
spectively opposite A, B, and C. There exists a point G, called the centroid, that is the
intersection of AM , BN , and CP with the following properties:

1. AG : GM = BG : GN = CG : GP = 2 : 1

2. The six triangles formed by drawing AM , BN , and CP (the medians) all have equal

Proof. Triangles AP N and ABC are similar by SAS (equal ratio AP : AB = AN : AC =

1 : 2 and an equal ∠A), so P N is parallel to BC and P N : BC = 1 : 2 (this is known as a
midline). Therefore, triangles P N G and CBG are similar by AA (∠P N G = ∠CBG and
∠N P G = ∠BCG), with a similitude ratio of 1 : 2, so GN : BG = GP : CG = 1 : 2. We

MC35G Chapter 4. Special Points

can find the last ratio by repeating this proof with a different side. Therefore, because the
2 : 1 ratio is consistent with all three medians, point G does exist.
For the second half of the proof, notice that the areas of BGM and CGM are the same,
since BM = M C and they have the same height. Similarly, the areas of CGN and AGN
are the same, and the areas of AGP and BGP are the same. But [ABM ] = [ACM ] and
[BGM ] = [CGM ]; subtracting these gives that [AGB] = [AGC] and so on. Therefore, all
six small triangles have the same area.

The centroid, often denoted as G, can also be thought of as the “center of mass.”
Notice that because it is defined in terms of midpoints and lengths, there are not as many
important facts about the angles related to G.

Theorem 4.1.2 (The Incenter). Let ABC be a triangle, and let AD, BE, and CF be
angle bisectors. There exists a point I, called the incenter, that is the intersection of
these three lines with the following properties:

1. I is the center of a circle that is tangent to all three sides of the triangle.

2. ∠BIC = 90◦ + ∠A
2 , and similar for the other two angles.

3. If the circle (known as the “incircle”) intersects BC at X, AC at Y , and AB at Z,

then AY = AZ, BX = BZ, and CX = CY .

Proof. First of all, notice that any point on the angle bisector AD is equidistant from the
sides AB and AC. Why? Pick any P on AD, and let the perpendiculars from P intersect
AB and BC at Q and R, respectively. Then triangles AP Q and AP R are congruent by
SAA congruence: both have a right angle, ∠QAP = ∠RAP , and both share side AP .
Therefore, P Q = P R, so P is equidistant from AB and AC.
Therefore, let I first be the intersection of AD and BE. It must be equidistant from
AB and AC, and it must be equidistant from BC and AB, so it is equidistant from all
three sides. Now draw a circle with radius equal to that distance; this proves the existence
of both the circle and the point I.

MC35G Chapter 4. Special Points

Now, ∠IBC = ∠B ∠C ◦ ∠B ∠C ◦ ∠A+∠B+∠C −

2 , and ∠ICB = 2 , so ∠BIC = 180 − 2 − 2 = 90 + 2
− ∠C
= 90◦ + ∠A . Repeat for the other sides.
2 2 2
Finally, notice that triangles AZI and AY I are congruent by SAA, since they share
side AI, a right angle, and ∠ZAI = ∠Y AI. Therefore, AZ = AY . Repeat for the other
sides, and we are done.

Many of the properties of I are useful in both sides and angles, partially because of the
Angle Bisector Theorem.
Theorem 4.1.3 (The Circumcenter). Let ABC be a triangle. Then there exists a point
O, called the circumcenter with the following properties:
1. O is the center of a circle through points A, B, and C; that is, AO = BO = CO.

2. O is the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the three sides of the triangle.

3. ∠BOC = 2∠A, ∠OBC = ∠OCB = 90◦ − ∠A, and similar with the other sides.

Proof. Consider the perpendicular bisectors of AB and AC. All points on the former
line are equidistant from A and B (if P is the midpoint of AB and X is a point on
the perpendicular bisector, triangles XP A and XP B are congruent by SAS, since they
share XP , P A = P B, and ∠XP A = ∠XP B = 90◦ . This means that XA = XB).
Therefore, where the perpendicular bisectors of AB and AC meet (let’s call this point
O), O is equidistant from A and B, and it’s also equidistant from A and C. Therefore,
OA = OB = OC, and a circle centered at O with this radius passes through all three
The third fact follows from the inscribed arc theorem: ∠BAC = ∠BOC
2 , so ∠BOC =

2∠A. Then, triangle BOC is isosceles, so each of ∠OBC and ∠OCB is 180 −2∠A 2 =
90◦ − ∠A.

Example 4.1.4 (2009 AMC 12A # 14). A triangle has vertices (0, 0), (1, 1), and (6m, 0),
and the line y = mx divides the triangle into two triangles of equal area. What is the sum
of all possible values of m?

MC35G Chapter 4. Special Points

Solution. The equal areas motivates looking at the centroid: if we have a median, then
the triangle will be divided into two equal area traingles. Well, the centroid is the center
of mass, so to find its coordinates, we just find the average of the coordinates. The x-
coordinates add to 6m + 1 and the y-coordinates add to 1, so the centroid is G( 6m+1 1
3 , 3 ).
1 6m+1 2
Now the line through the origin and G has slope m, so 3 = 3 · m, or 1 = 6m + m.
Now by Vieta’s formulas, the sum of the values for m is − .
Example 4.1.5. Triangle ABC is inscribed in a circle of radius 87, and the incenter I
and circumcenter O are distance 30 and 63 away from side BC. Given that the perimeter
of triangle ABC is 320, find AI.

Proof. If the midpoint of BC is M , then triangle BM O is right, so by the Pythagorean

theorem, we find that BM = CM = 60. Also, the radius of the incircle is 30.
Now, let the intouch points to triangle ABC be X, Y , and Z opposite A, B, and C (the
intouch points are the points where the incircle touches sides AB, BC, CA). Then we know
that AY = AZ = x, BX = BZ = y, and CX = CY = z, so adding everything up and
dividing by 2, x+y+z = s, where s is the semiperimeter. Therefore, x = s−y−z = s−BC.
This means
√ that AY = 160 − 120 = 40, and by the Pythagorean theorem on triangle AY I,
AI = 402 + 302 = 50 .

Try to recognize when you see a triangle center, because it usually has very nice prop-

Theorem 4.1.6 (The Orthocenter). Let ABC have altitudes AD, BE, CF . Then the lines
AD, BE, CF intersect at a point H called the orthocenter. Moreover, if we draw a line
through A parallel to BC, and draw the corresponding lines for B, C, this forms a triangle
XY Z such that ABC is the medial triangle of XY Z. The point H satisfies

1. H is the circumcenter of XY Z.

2. ∠BHC = 180◦ − ∠A, etc.

3. The reflection of H across BC lies on the circumcircle of ABC.

Proof. Through parallel lines and SAS congruence, we get 4ABC ∼ = 4XCB ∼ = 4CY A ∼ =
4BAZ. Now, note that AD ⊥ BC, so AD ⊥ Y Z. Moreover, ZA = AY , so AD is the
perpendicular bisector of Y Z. Similarly, BE and CF are perpendicular bisectors of the
other sides, so they must intersect at the same point. If we call this point H, then note H
is the circumcenter of XY Z, and H is the intersection of the altitudes of ABC.
Now, note that ∠HBC = 90 − C and ∠HCB = 90 − B by right triangle angles.
Thus, ∠BHC = 180 − (90 − B) − (90 − C) = B + C = 180 − A. Moreover, if we
reflect H across BC, then we get a point H 0 such that ABH 0 C is a quadrilateral and

MC35G Chapter 4. Special Points

∠BAC + ∠BH 0 C = A + (180 − A) = 180. Thus, ABH 0 C is a cyclic quadrilateral, so the

reflection of H across BC lies on the circumcircle of ABC as desired.

As it turns out, the orthocenter H, centroid G, and circumcenter O of a triangle are

collinear. This line is called the Euler line, and H, G, O lie on the Euler line in that order
with HG = 2GO.

4.2 Examples
1. (HMMT Nov-2012-Guts-18) Let 4ABC be a triangle with AC = 1 and ∠ABC
obtuse. Let D and E be points on AC such that ∠DBC = ∠ABE = 90◦ . If
AD = DE = EC, find AB + AC.

2. (AMC10-2017-B24) The vertices of an equilateral triangle lie on the hyperbola xy = 1,

and a vertex of this hyperbola is the centroid of the triangle. What is the square of
the area of the triangle?

(A) 48 (B) 60 (C) 108 (D) 120 (E) 169

3. (AMC12-2018-B21) In 4ABC with side lengths AB = 13, AC = 12, and BC = 5,

let O and I denote the circumcenter and incenter, respectively. A circle with center
M is tangent to the legs AC and BC and to the circumcircle of 4ABC. What is
the area of 4M OI?

(A) 5/2 (B) 11/4 (C) 3 (D) 13/4 (E) 7/2

MC35G Chapter 4. Special Points

4. (HMMT Nov-2010-General1-3) Triangle ABC has AB = 5, BC = 7, and CA = 8.

New lines not containing but parallel to AB, BC, and CA are drawn tangent to the
incircle of ABC. What is the area of the hexagon formed by the sides of the original
triangle and the newly drawn lines?

4.3 Exercises
1. (HMMT Nov-2010-Guts-16) Triangle ABC is given in the plane. Let AD be the
angle bisector of ∠BAC; let BE be the altitude from B to AD, and let F be the
midpoint of AB. Given that AB = 28, BC = 33, CA = 37, what is the length of
EF ?

2. (AMC12-2012-A18) Triangle ABC has AB = 27, AC = 26, and BC = 25. Let I

denote the intersection of the internal angle bisectors 4ABC. What is BI?
√ √ √ 2
√ √
(A) 15 (B) 5 + 26 + 3 3 (C) 3 26 (D) 3 546 (E) 9 3

3. (AMC10-2011-B25) Let T1 be a triangle with sides 2011, 2012, and 2013. For n ≥ 1,
if Tn = 4ABC and D, E, and F are the points of tangency of the incircle of 4ABC
to the sides AB, BC and AC, respectively, then Tn+1 is a triangle with side lengths
AD, BE, and CF, if it exists. What is the perimeter of the last triangle in the se-
quence (Tn )?
1509 1509 1509 1509 1509
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
8 32 64 128 256
4. (HMMT Nov-2010-Guts-25) Triangle ABC is given with AB = 13, BC = 14, CA =
15. Let E and F be the feet of the altitudes from B and C, respectively. Let G be
the foot of the altitude from A in triangle AF E. Find AG. Express your answer as
a common fraction in reduced form.


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