Diagnostic and Laboratory Analysis

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Patient’s Diagnosis Breast Cancer
Date Ordered: 02-15-21 Date Performed: 02-15-21
Name of Diagnostic and Laboratory Exam: NaK det
Purpose of the Study: This test is done to the patient to evaluate clinical signs of sodium and potassium depletion.
Nursing Responsibilities Rationale
1. Check the doctor’s order. To verify what examination to be done to the patient.
Verification of order prevents potential errors.
2. Identify the patient. Checking identification ensures client safety through
concept of correct procedure for correct client.
3. Explain the procedure to the client. Tell that To gain cooperation.
patient that this test requires a blood sample.
Explain also who will perform the venipuncture
and when.
4. Obtain an informed consent properly signed. To provide sufficient information.
5. Explain to the patient that she may experience For the patient to be aware that this sign is expected.
slight discomfort from the tourniquet and needle
6. Notify the laboratory and practitioner of These medications may need to be restricted.
medications the patient is taking that may affect
test results.
7. During the procedure, stay with the patient. To ensure safety of the patient.
8. After the procedure, attach the lab result at the For the physician to know the appropriate treatment
chart of the patient. needed for the patient and medications to be ordered.
9. Document the procedure. For legal purposes.

Analysis of the Result:

The results shows that the serum sodium is elevated, and the serum potassium is within normal range. This
sodium is elevated due to anticancer drug therapy by blocking ADH production or its action on renal tubules.
The elevated sodium level is also known as hypernatremia. Hypernatremia is an excess of sodium concentration
in serum (levels above 145 mmol/L). It's generally associated with a hyperosmolar state where a fluid volume deficit
exists. The increase in extracellular sodium causes intracellular fluid to shift out into the extracellular space, causing
cellular dehydration.

Note: Please provide the result of the laboratory study at BACK

Test Patient Reference range Units
Na 156 136-146 mmol/L
K 4.1 3.5-5.0 mmol/L

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