Modeling Lab Final Exam (A)

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Palestine Polytechnic University

Electrical Engineering Department

Biomedical Engineering Program

Modeling and Signal Processing Lab (A)

Final Exam

Student Name: --------------------------------------------- Saturday, April 1, 2019

 This Exam is open book and any other sources.

 This Exam has 3 pages, including this cover sheet.

 Print your name in each circuit design in multisim.

 There are 4 problems. Points for each problem are given in [brackets]. There are 100points total.

 You have 12 hours to complete this Exam.

Q#1A: According to the following figure that is relationship between oxygen saturation
(SPO2) and Ratio (R) find: [30 POINTS]

1- Approximate the equation for SPO2% ( as a linear equation and quadratic equation)
by using Get data graph digitizer and Excel fitting method(included files as excel
with equation).
2- Simulate the previous equation by using suitable an electronic circuit (show all
stages of design including all parts used, IC, resistor, etc...).
3- Show how the simulation circuit can be adjusted to give SPO2= 95% , 80%, ?
Show your work as calculation and simulation.
Note: you can give any information that help you about equation related to R as you learned
during semester.

Q#2: The signal related to blood pressure, answer the following questions:[30

1-Approximate the equation for Blood pressure by using Get data graph digitizer and
Excel fitting method(included files as excel with equation).
2- Simulate the previous equation by using suitable an electronic circuit (show all
stages of design including all parts used, IC, resistor, etc...).

Q#3: [20 POINTS]

‫ وفي بعض األياا زازداد نساب الزائارين‬, ‫ شخص‬055 ‫مستشفى يشتمل على مختبر إذا بلغ عدد الزائرين يوميا للمختبر‬
: ‫ زبعا للمعلومات السابق‬. %0 ‫ في حين ينقص عدد الزائرين في أيا أخرى بمعدل‬, %50 ‫بمعدل‬
‫ ( مطلو إظهارو ظ‬Vensim ‫ قا ببنااام نمااوذا دينااامي ي ي سااا عادد الزائاارين للمختباار خا ل شا ر باساتخدا برنااام‬-5

)‫ظأثن ءظتنفيذظالبرن مج‬screenshot ‫ظهض فةظهلىظ ظ‬,‫ ظ‬vensim‫ظوكذلكظه ف قظملفظ‬,‫المع دالتظالري ضيةظالتيظتمظهدخ لر ظعلىظالبرن مجظ‬
‫ ق بإظ اا العوامال التاي زالدي لزياادق وزقليال عادد الزائارين للمختبار موؤا ا ذياا زالدي لازي العوامال للزياادق أو‬-2
.‫نظرك‬ ‫النقصان من وج‬

Q#4:Build system dynamic model for Diabetes population in Palestine, show all
information resources.(show all variable and parameter in model with equation, and
the simulation result in different variable) [20 POINTS]

With Best Wishes ☺

‫ ظ‬Eng. Fidaa Jaafrah


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