Conceptual Study On Nidana and Samprapti of Svetapradara With Special Reference To Leucorrhoea

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Published online in

ISSN: 0976-5921
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2013, 4(4), 252-263

Conceptual study on nidana and samprapti of Svetapradara with special

reference to Leucorrhoea

Review article

Singh Biti1*, Sundari Hema1, Katiyar Shipra2, Srivastava Mallika2,

Ram Reddy G.P3, Venkata Shivudu K4, Suneela P5

1. P.G. Scholar, Dept. of Basic Principles, 2. P.G. Scholar, Dept. of Shalya,

3. Professor & H.O.D, Department of Basic principles, 4. Reader, Department of Basic
principles, 5. Asst. Professor, Department of Stri and Prasuti Roga,
Sri Venkateswara Ayurvedic College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh - 517507

The reputation of a physician depends upon his skill in diagnosing and treating the
patients. Ayurveda has given much importance to nidana (etiology) and samprapti
(pathogenesis) as these two are important components of nidana panchaka. Nidana is defined
as the fundamental or root cause of a disease and samprapiti is defined as the evolution of an
illness. Svetapradara is a condition characterized by white vaginal discharge which is not
associated with foul smell, pain, itching, burning sensation etc. thus it can be correlated with
Leucorrhoea. It is an annoying complaint of more than 60% of women seen in gynaecological
OPD. The symptoms and treatment of Svetapradara is given in Ayurvedic texts but no where
its nidana and samprapti is discussed. This study mainly deals with detailed discussion on
nidana and samprapti of Svetapradara. Method – Classical Ayurvedic texts along with the
commentaries were carefully studied to compile information about Svetapradara and to
evaluate the nidana and samprapti of the disease. Observation – Ayurveda has given more
emphasis to nidana and samprapti. It was observed that different ahara, vihara, agantuja,
mansika etc karana influences the samprapti of the disease. Result –Vata prakopaka and
kapha prakopaka karana are important nidana of Svetapradara and various nidana factors
affects the samprapti in different process and accordingly treatment schedule must be

Key words- Svetapradara, Leucorrhoea, nidana, samprapti, nidana panchaka, dosha

prakopaka karana.

Introduction the healthy and happy woman lays the first

The health of nation mainly step of a prosperous nation. Any feeling of
depends on the health of woman because physical or psychological factor directly
affects her attitude and efficacy which
*Corresponding Author:
adversely affects the family. Hence, the
Biti Singh, disease which causes physical or
P.G. Scholar-Final Year, psychological concern to a woman should
S.V.Ayurvedic College, be immediately taken care and equally
Kashyapa Girls Hostel, New block, weighed in medical science.
Room no: 5, SVIMS Road, Svetapradara is a condition
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh characterized by white vaginal discharge
Mobile no: +91-9533132070 not associated with foul smell, pain,
Email: [email protected] burning sensation and itching thus we can

Published online in
ISSN: 0976-5921
Singh Biti, Conceptual study on nidana and samprapti of Svetapradara w.s.r. to Leucorrhoea

correlate it with Leucorrhoea(1). The word Charaka, Susruta and Vagbhata have some
Svetapradara has not appeared in different opinion regarding the etiology of
brihatrayi i.e. Charak, Susruta and Yoni vyapad as described in their
Vagbhata Samhita. Commentator Samhitas(3,4,5). Among Laghutrayi, both
Chakrapani and the authors of Madhavakara and Bhava Mishra followed
Sarangadhara Samhita, Bhava Prakash and Susruta’s description. In Sarangadhara
Yoga Ratnakara have used the word samhita only names of Yonivyapad have
Svetapradara for white vaginal denoted but not the detailed description(6).
discharge(2). The symptoms and treatment Nidana of yonivyapada according
of Svetapradara are given in several to different Acharyas has shown below:
ayurvedic texts but no where its nidana
and samprapti are discussed. In present Charaka
era, Svetapradara is quite frequent  Mithyachara (improper conduct)
complaint of more than 60% of women in  Artava dushti (menstrual disorder)
gynaecologic clinic. It becomes the  Beeja dosha (genetic morbidity)
necessity of the time to find out an  Daiva (devine factors)
efficacious and harmless therapy to
manage this condition, but it is not
possible without getting correct knowledge Susruta
of nidana and samprapti, this is the reason  Pravrddha linga purshati sevana
why ayurveda has given more emphasis to (excessive indulgence into sex with a
nidana and samprapti before treating a man of abnormally developed penis),
disease.  Atimaithuna(excessive indulgence into
sexual act),
Early work carried out:  Vyavaya with ruksha, durbala, atibala
Several studies were done on  Beeja dosha
Svetapradara and its treatment but no  Daiva
where its nidana and samprapti were
discussed in detail. This study mainly Vagbhata
deals with the detailed discussion on  Dushtabhojana (vitiated food),
nidana and samprapiti of Svetapradara. visamanga seyana bhrshamaithuna
sevana (intercourse in improper
Materials and Methods: position and excessive indulgence into
Classical Ayurvedic texts, sexual act),
commentaries and modern text were  Apadravya sevana (use of artificial
thoroughly studied to evaluate the nidana things for sexual pleasure)
and samprapti of the disease and only  Dushta Artava
nectar part is presented and discussed in  Beeja dosha
the present article.  Daiva
Nidana: In brief, all the Acharyas have
Nidana is one of the basic mentioned four main etiological factors
principles in the Ayurvedic line of with partial modification. Here these
pathology, hence physician should get nidana factors are going to be discussed in
acquainted with the nidana, in order to detail-:
eradicate a disease. So, here the details
regarding with the nidana of Svetapradara Mithyachara: (Improper conduct)
are discussed: The word Achara embodies in
itself the entire mode of living. The

Published online in
ISSN: 0976-5921
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2013, 4(4), 252-263

principles of dietetics and regimen dadhi, drava padartha, bhavya, piyusha,

including good conduct are essential to kharjura, narikeal, ikshu vikara, yavaka,
maintain positive health. Body and mind hayanaka, naishedhya etc. atisevana,
constitute the substrata of happiness divaswapana, avyayama, atialasya
(positive health) and disease. Improper (10),brimhana, atisukha, sukhasana,
conduct includes improper maintenance of sukhashaya, sheeta paricharya during
body, speech, mind etc. in the form of ritusrava kala, shayana between
utilization, excessive- utilization and non- suryodaya and suryasta, samashana,
utilization of the sense organs and objects adhyashana etc. are kapha prakopaka
concerned. They cause vitiation of mansik ahara vihara.
and sharirik dosha.
As the important cause of all Apadravya Sevana (usage of artificial
yonivyapada is vitiation of vata(7). So, the things):
main etiological factor for Svetapradara as Another more remarkable cause
described in yonivyapad is vata and the mentioned by Vagbhata is the use of
discharge in Svetapradara is of pandura apadravya sevana(11) i.e. abnormal things
varna which shows predominance of or artificial things for sexual satisfaction
kapha dosha. Vata vitiation occurs due to (artificial penis for intercourse) may cause
excessive intake of vata-vardhaka ahara Yonirogas (in immature girl as well as in
and vihara(8) since they increases ruksha the mature ones). In this modern era, for
(dry), laghu (light), vishada (clear), sheeta different purposes, means like I.U.C.D.,
(cold) , chala (mobile) etc properties of diaphragms etc are used which can be
vata in sarva sharira (all over the body). considered under this group of etiological
This vitiated vata takes sthanasamshraya factors. The foreign bodies may produce
in yoni pradesha, there it vitiates sthanik irritation in the mucus membranes of
kapha and expels it excessively in the form different reproductive organs or may cause
of whitish discharge from yoni. So, vata infection in the same organ which may
and kapha vitiation are important cause of lead to yoni rogas like Svetapradara.
Yoni adhavana (unhygienic condition):
Vata Vitiating Factors: The lack of health education and
Ruksha, katu, tikta, kashaya, laghu illiteracy are also the etiological factors of
etc padarth atisevana, pramita ahara, this disorder. Dincharya sevana which
asatmya ahara, udhalaka, koradushaka, includes regular bath and washing of the
shyamaka, nivara, mudga, masoora, genital organs are important to maintain
chanaka, kalaya, aadaki etc sevana, the healthy condition of the vulva and
balawadvigraha, adhikvyayama, vagina.
atimaithuna, atiadhwagamana,
atijagarana etc all these activities causes Manasik karana (psychological factors):
vata prakopa(9). Vegavidharana like Acharya Sarangadhara has
suppression of mutra, purisha, kshavathu highlighted certain kinds of mental agonies
and other natural urges or creating the of women originating from the
urges artificially disturb the movement of matrimonial relationship which act as
vata and causes vata aggravation. predisposing factor for the development of
this disease(12). These are divided into
Kapha Vitiating Factors: two,
Guru, snigdha, picchila, sheeta etc. (1) Adaksha purusotpanna striroga
dravyas, madhura, amla, lavana rasa, (2) Sapatnivihita striroga
anupa mamsa or varija mamsa, dugdha,

Published online in
ISSN: 0976-5921
Singh Biti, Conceptual study on nidana and samprapti of Svetapradara w.s.r. to Leucorrhoea

This postulation indirectly points

out the involvement of psychological Nidana (etiology) and Samprapti
factors which disturbs the equilibrium of (pathogenesis) –
doshas, thus promote Strirogas and also The above mentioned nidana
the disease Svetapradara. Moreover, factors mainly influence vata and kapha
mental ups and downs with sorrow, doshas, so these factors can be grossly
anxiety, exhaustion or constant thinking of divided into two groups:
sexual objects or others produce excessive 1. Vata prakopaka nidana
secretion from vagina or bartholin’s 2. Kapha prakopaka nidana
Vata Prakopaka Nidana(13):
Artava dusti (menstrual disorder): Ahara:
During the menstrual cycle, vata  Ruksha padarth sevana
plays a significant role in expelling out the  Katu padarth sevana
artava through yoni. When this vata gets  Tikta padarth sevana
vitiated alone or associated with other  Kashaya padarth sevana
doshas, it causes menstrual abnormalities  Laghu padarth sevana
like nashtartava, kashtartava, anartava,  Alpahari
karnini yonivyapada etc. Vitiated vata is
 Shushka shaka
the main cause of artava dushti, this
 Shushka mamsa
vitiated vata takes sthanasamshraya in
yoni pradesh, vitiates sthanik kapha and  Pramita ahara
expels out it from yoni.  Asatmya ahara
 Udhalaka
Beeja dushti (genetic morbidity):  Koradushaka
Abnormality of a portion of beeja  Shyamaka
responsible for development of yoni  Nivara
during embryonic life in female fetus  Mudga
causes congenital cervical erosion which is  Masoora
one of the cause for Svetapradara.  Chanaka
 Kalaya
Daiva (devine factors):  Aadaki
Among the four causes of  Nishapava
Yoniroga, Acharya Charaka has mentioned  Ama rasotapatti
daiva as one of the causative factor of  Varatka
Yoniroga. Charaka has explained that the
 Harenu
effect of what was done during the
 Vishtambhi padarth sevana
previous life is known as daiva. It is also
 Virudhanna
seen that where it becomes difficult to find
out exact etiology of the diseases, the God  Trinadhanya
has been considered responsible.  Karira
 Tumba
Diseases -  Kalinga
Jananagarbuda, arsha etc. are also  Chirbhatta
responsible for Svetapradara.  Kamalanala
Jananagarbuda, arsha etc. causes srotas  Shaluka
avarodha and vata aggravation.  Jambava
Aggravated vata vitiates sthanik kapha and  Tinduka
causes svetasrava from yoni.  Heena bhojana

Published online in
ISSN: 0976-5921
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2013, 4(4), 252-263

 Shushka bhojana  Dukhashayya

 Kalaya  Yanatapatana
 Trishitashana  Intera uterine contraceptive devices
 Valoor  Krodha (angry)
 Vataka  Divaswapana
 Anashana(fasting)  Bhaya (fear)
 Vishamashana
 Adhyashana Kala:
 Khudhitambupana  Varsha ritu
 Ashadha/shravana
Vihara:  Rajah srava kala
 Ativyayama  Sheeta kala
 Apatarpana  Durdina kala (storm, cloudy etc.
 Langhana environment)
 Bhagna (fracture)  Sayan kala
 Dhatukshaya  Anna pachana paschata
 Dukhasana  Rajonivritti kala
 Ratrijagarana  Jara / vridhhavastha
 Paraghatana  Pratah kala/usha kala
 Prapatana (falling)
 Vegavidharana Vyadhi:
 Atishoka  Garbhasrava (abortion)
 Kshobha  Garbhapata
 Atibhaya  Mudhagarbha (abnormal delivery)
 Aitvyavaya  Mritagarbha (I.U.D.)
 Atyadhyayana  Udarapatana (abdominal surgery)
 Pradhavan (running)  Panchakarma vyatikrama
 Prapedana (excessive pressure for  Doshatisravana
longer duration)  Raktatisravana
 Abhighata(injury)  Rogatikarshana
 Plavana  Marmabhighata
 Pratarana (excessive swimming)  Dirgha kalina roga
 Bharavahana  Doshavarana
 Atyucchabhasana  Doshakshaya(except vata)
 Kriyatiyoga
 Gajaticharya
Kapha Prakopaka Nidana(14) :
 Rathaticharya
 Pathaticharya
 Guru, Snigdha, Picchila, Sheeta
 Asatmya vihara
etc. dravya
 Chalana (walking)
 Madhura, Amla, Lavana rasa
 Sahasa (over hasty)
 Anupa mamsa / Varija mamsa
 Vishamopachara
 Bhavya
 Vikshepana
 Piyusha
 Bhramana
 Kharjura
 Chinta (worry)
 Narikela
 Shoka (grief)
 Dugdha (milk)
 Margavicharana

Published online in
ISSN: 0976-5921
Singh Biti, Conceptual study on nidana and samprapti of Svetapradara w.s.r. to Leucorrhoea

 Dadhi (curd)  Falguna /chetra

 Drava padartha  Ratri kala
 Ikshu vikara  Bhojana sevana kala
 Anupa mamsa sevana
 Purvahana
 Apakva ghrita sevana
 Ahara sevana in Kapha kala
 Atisheetal jala pana
 Yavaka Vihara:
 Hayanaka
 Divaswapana (daysleep)
 Nashedhya
 Itakata  Avyayama (lack of exercise)
 Masha  Atialasya (lazyness)
 Maha Masha  Brihana (sedentary food habits)
 Godhuma (godhuma)  Atisukha
 Tila/Pishta  Sukhasana
 Krishara  Sukhashaya
 Gaudika
 Sheeta paricharya during ritusrava
 Vasa
 Navamadhya
 Mridala  Shayana between suryodaya and
 Atyambupana suryastamaya
 Valliphala  Samashana (mixed food)
 Payasa  Adhyashana.
 Shringataka
 Kasheruka SAMPRAPTI: It can be divided into two
 Madhura phala categories:
 Navanna (freshly harvested food 1. Samanya samprapti
article) 2. Vishishtha samprapti
 Prithuka
 Mrinala Samanya Samprapti
 Sthulabhakshya
 Shashkuli Vata prakopaka ahara vihara
 Kilata (solid portion of split milk)
 Morata (thick milk till it becomes
thin) Aggravates vata
 Aamakshira
 Kurchika (fluid of curd)
 Takra pindaka
 Kadali phala
Sarvadehika/sthanika vata prakopa
 Hemanta ritu Takes sthanasamshraya in yoni pradesha
 Shishira ritu
 Basanta ritu
Ashayapakarsha of kapha dosha and rasa
 Ritukala
 Sheeta kala

Published online in
ISSN: 0976-5921
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2013, 4(4), 252-263

rasa dhatu and manifests pathogenesis of

the disease.
Attipravritti of rasa dhatu and kapha from
yoni Pradesha Vega sandharana (suppression of
natural urges):
It causes vata vitiation, which takes
Svetapradara vyadhi sthanasamshraya in yoni pradesh and
vitiates sthanik kapha and expels it out
through yoni.
Manasik bhavas (Psychological
Kapha prakopaka ahara vihara factors)(16):
Manasik bhavas get disturbed due to
chinta, shoka etc. Due to nidana sevana,
Aggravates kapha
doshas specially vata gets provoked

Causes mandagni and ama formation

Provoked dosha as well as disturbed
manasik bhavas hamper the agni
Obstruct the srotas
Leads to agni-vaishamya or agni dushti
Aggravates vata in yoni
Rasa-dhatu dushti and dosha prakopa
Vata vitiats sthanik kapha and ras dhatu
in yoni pradesha
Doshas get lodged in yoni pradesha

Svetapradara vyadhi
Manifest the disease

According to Charka, chinta (tension)

Vishishtha Samprapti (according to leads to vata and rasavaha srotodushti(17)
different vata prakopak nidana): “Rasavahini dushyanti chintyana chati
chintanata ||”
Ratrijagarana(late night sleep)(15):
According to Susruta, manasik
bhavas like chinta , shoka, bhaya etc are
“Ratro jagarana ruksham” (Ch. Su.
the etiological factors of ojakshaya i.e.
immunity gets weak, which leads a person
to become more susceptible or prone to get
Creates Increases vata dosha diseased.
rukshata (kharata, rukshata,
vishadata) Other vata prakopaka nidana:
Ritu Vaishamya(seasonal variations):
Injury during child birth, asamyaka
According to Charaka, ritu
vaishamya has a direct impact on paricharya during rajaswala kala,
jatharagni. Vitiation of jatharagni garbhasrava kala –
produces ama, resulting improper
digestion of ingested food. This ama
causes srotas avarodha, vitiates vata and Vata prakopa

Published online in
ISSN: 0976-5921
Singh Biti, Conceptual study on nidana and samprapti of Svetapradara w.s.r. to Leucorrhoea

Kapha ashaya apakarsha in yoni Causes atimatra pravritti from srotas

Excessive secretion of kapha from yoni Mucus Polyp (karnini yonivyapada):

Intra uterine devices (apadavya Karninika


I.U.C.D. Causes srotas avarodha

Aggravates vata Vata aggravates

Causes kapha dosha and rasa dhatu dushti Causes kapha and rasa dhatu vitiation
in yoni
Expels kapha and rasa dhatu out from
Causes atimatra pravritti from yoni
bahirmukha srotas
Vishishtha Samprapti (according to
different kapha prakopak nidana):
Ill health and chronic diseases
(Durbalata and jirna vyadhi): Samashana, Vishamashana, Atimatra

Mithayahara vihara
Indigestion of ingested food leading to
production of ama
Vata prakopaka and dhatwagni vaishamya
Ama causes srotas avarodha
Aggravated vata causes ashayaapakarsha
of kapha in yoni
Vitiates kapha dosha and rasa dhatu

Excessive secretion of kapha from yoni

Circulates throughout the body through
Acquired retroverted uterus / Prolapsed
uterus: (antarmukhi / mahayoni) Sthana samshraya at khavaigunya in yoni
Due to mamsa dhatu vaishamy(kshaya)
Expulsion of kapha and rasa dhatu from
Vata aggravates
The intake of the improper quantity
Causes kapha dosha and rasa dhatu dushti of diet is the atimatra bhojana, intake of
in yoni pathya and apathya ahara at a time is

Published online in
ISSN: 0976-5921
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2013, 4(4), 252-263

samshana and the intake of diet untimely blocking substances) as clearly explained
is vishamashana, these dietary habits by Susruta are those which possess the
causes agni mandhya and produces ama, capacity to produce kleda in the doshas,
simultaneously aggravates kapha and after dhatus, malas and srotas by the pichhila
getting localized in the female genital and guru gunas, it obstructs the srotas
organs it results into Svetapradara. (channels), dhatu poshana (nourishment)
hampered. Due to its guru guna it
Ritu vaishamya(seasonal increases the kapha as well as the kleda.
variations)(18): So, in the Svetapradara the excessive
According to Charaka, ritu consumption of abhisyandi dravya
enhances the vaginal discharge and
vaishamya has a direct impact on
thereby causes other signs and symptoms.
jatharagni (C.Ci.15/42-44). Vitiation of
jatharagni produces ama, resulting Jalaja / Anupa mamsa sevana – Having
improper digestion of ingested food. This kleda guna, increases the klinnata in
ama causes srotas avarodha vitiates vata, srotoas.
kapha and rasa dhatu and manifests Ritu kala – Kapha dhatu vriddhi causes
pathogenesis for the disease. excessive secretion from yoni marga.

Chronic cervicitis (kaphaja

Atimatra guru-sheeta-madhura ahara :
The dravyas which are brimhaniya
Pandura and picchila srava
in action are snigdha, madhura, guru and
kledakara (slimy). Under such dravyas
navanna (newly harvested rice), navasava Excessive rasa dhatu kshaya and kapha
and aristas, meat of anupa (aquatic) kshaya
animals, cow's milk and its different
preparation, varieties of sugar derivatives
etc. also fall under this group. Causes vata aggravation in yoni pradesh
As mentioned by Acharya Charaka –
“Sarvada sarva bhavanam samanya
vriddhi karanam||” (Ch.Su.1/44) Samprapti according to vata and kapha
prakopak nidana:
With excessive intake of guru, sheeta and
madhura ahara Snana with atisheetal jala:
Sheetala jala
Dosha gets aggravated due to the principle
“sama-guna vriddhi” Vitiates vata and kapha dosha

Aggravated kapha follow the same vicious Takes sthanasamshraya in yoni pradesh
cycle of pathogenesis, as mentioned above
to manifest the disease.
Vitiates sthanik dosha and dhatu in yoni
Dadhi and amaksheer – pradesha
Both have abhishayandi property,
causing the srotoavarodh (obstruction) and Vriddha vata expels out
kapha vriddhi. The abhisyandi (channel

Published online in
ISSN: 0976-5921
Singh Biti, Conceptual study on nidana and samprapti of Svetapradara w.s.r. to Leucorrhoea

doshas- pitta and kapha to produce

Doshas and dhayu (kapha and rasa dhatu) Regarding the Yonivyapada, it has
through yoni been narrated clearly that kapha will not
vitiate without the involvement of vata
Giving rise the disease dosha. The practice of vata provoking
factors like ruksha (dry), laghu (light),
SAMPRAPTI (pathogenesis): sheeta (cold) etc. food articles vitiates vata
"Dosha eva hi sarvesam roganam and makes jatharagni irregular eventually
eka karanam" (19) formed undigested materials (ama)
commence to accumulated (sanchaya) in
Several etiological factors the amashaya. This phase of pathological
contributing to disease formation and the change in the body can be commented here
vitiation of doshas invade and disturb the as the first stage of kriyakala i.e.
body every now and then. Some of them sanchayakala.
can be avoided by adopting proper
precautionary measures while some factors Prakopavastha (stage of aggravation):
like kala (time), karma (deeds), desha After the accumulation (sanchaya)
(place) etc. are mostly unavoidable. If the of more and more of this kind of ama, in
resistance power of the body against the its own asaya, the provocation
disease is functioning well, then only, the (unmargagamita) of it occurs with specific
body can fight against the etiological prakopaka factors in the prakopavastha.
factors successfully, thereby maintaining During this stage, patient complaints of
sound health. annadwesha(anorexia), angamarda
But if the etiological factors are (lethargyness), alasya (lassitude) etc.
stronger than the power of resistance of the
body then those factors after vitiating Prasaravastha (stage of spreading):
dosha and dushya bring the process of Thus, overwhelmed dushta ama
disease inside the body. then circulates all over the body through
The involvement of all doshas is rasavaha srotas by the motive force of the
the most prime event as far as the body i.e. vyana vayu in the prasaravastha.
manifestation of the disease is concerned. Circulating ama causes srotas avarodha,
This statement is strongly supported by which causes excessive vata aggravation
Vagbhata's verse. and rasavaha srotas dushti.
. "Savervesameva Roganam
nidanam kupitaa malah" (20) Sthanasamshrayavastha (stage of
pordromal symptoms):
Samchaya vastha (stage of Meanwhile by the activities and
accumulation): unwholesome food articles, over
In all yonirogas, all these changes indulgence in sexual activities etc the
take place before the occurrence of the vitiated vata dwelling at trayavartayoni
particular disease. Acharya Susruta has (sthanasamshraya) and produces the
very clearly mentioned that a man with khavaigunya in the artavavaha strotas.
abnormal genitalia when indulges into Due to agni vaishamya and srotas
coitus with a very young girl or women in avarodha, kapha dosha and rasa dhatu are
an undesired and un-comfortable position formed excessively in yoni pradesha.
then the vata becomes vitiated and this
vitiated vata starts getting sanchaya in the
garbhasaya with the help of other two

Published online in
ISSN: 0976-5921
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 2013, 4(4), 252-263

Vyaktavastha (stage of disease): samprapti in different stages of kriyakala.

In the fifth stage of kriyakala the According to different nidana, samprapti
expression of the pathology occurs. Here, also changes. If physician understands the
this happens in the form of appearance of samprapti in a proper way he will never
white discharge through vagina by the fail in the management of Svetapradara.
activity of expulsion of apana vayu, as the
cardinal symptom with profuse appearance
of all symptoms like yonisrava,
yonipicchilata or yoni sula, slight References:
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becomes clear that in this disease process Varanasi, Chaukhambha Bharti
mainly the sthanik kapha and rasa dhatu Akadamy, 3ed, 2011, 808p.
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 Dosha Vata and Kapha Sanskrita Academy, 2006, 156p.
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 Vyaktha Stana Yoni Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita,
 Rogamarga Abhyantara Varanasi, Chaukhambha Bharti
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samprapti vighatana is chikitsa. In Samhita, Delhi, Chaukhambha
Ayurveda treatment mainly depends on Sanskrita Academy, 2006, 91p.
nidana and samprapti. Vata prakopaka 11. Gupta Atridev, Astanga Hridaya,
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various nidana factors affects the

Published online in
ISSN: 0976-5921
Singh Biti, Conceptual study on nidana and samprapti of Svetapradara w.s.r. to Leucorrhoea

12. Parashar Radha Krishana, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Bharti

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16. Kashi Natha Shastri, Gorakhanath Varanasi, Chaukhambha Publication
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