MKT2015019749EN TDM Migration Whitepaper

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Transformation of mission-critical
communications networks
Migrating from SDH/SONET networks to IP/MPLS networks

Momentous changes are occurring in mission-critical communications networks. The current

SDH/SONET networks, which are TDM-based, have proven to be resilient, reliable and
secure in delivering voice, video and data traffic 24x7. However, there are a number of
challenges driving many operators of mission-critical communications networks to consider
migrating to IP/MPLS networks: the imminent obsolescence of SDH/SONET network
equipment, the approaching end of their TDM leased line contracts with service providers,
the adoption of new bandwidth-intensive applications and the pressing need to consolidate
multiple dedicated networks into one converged network to optimize costs. This paper
discusses the key considerations for network migration planning and provides an
SDH/SONET-to-IP/MPLS migration blueprint.
Table of contents
1. Challenges for mission-critical networks . . . . . . . / 1

2. Key considerations during migration to IP/MPLS / 2

2.1 Network migration without compromise / 2
2.2 Migrating to a service provider’s next-generation service / 3
2.3 Support for a diversity of applications / 4

3. Comparing SDH/SONET and IP/MPLS . . . . . . . . . . / 5

3.1 Both transmit in frames / 5
3.2 Both use on circuit-based transport / 6
3.3 Both support multiprotocol transport / 7
3.4 Both guarantee QoS / 8
3.5 Both have strong resiliency / 9
3.6 Both have extensive OAM capability / 10
3.7 Both support precise frequency synchronization / 10
3.8 Additional benefits of IP/MPLS / 11
4.1 Circuit Emulation Service / 11
4.2 End-to-end delay considerations / 14
4.3 TDM circuit synchronization / 14

4. An SDH/SONET-to-IP/MPLS network migration blueprint / 15

4.1 Phase 1: Adding IP/MPLS routers to the SDH/SONET infrastructure / 15
5.2 Phase 2: Switching TDM services onto the IP/MPLS infrastructure / 16
5.3 Phase 3: Removing the SDH/SONET infrastructure and introducing WDM / 17

5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / 18

6. Acronyms / 19

7. References / 19
1. Challenges for mission-critical networks
Industry and the public sector – from power utilities and oil & gas to public transportation, public safety
and defense – rely on SDH/SONET network technology to build resilient and secure mission-critical
communications networks. The SDH/SONET networks offer reliable circuit-based connectivity for
TDM-based user equipment to run a wide variety of mission-critical applications, including voice,
SCADA, private mobile radio/land mobile radio (PMR/LMR) and teleprotection. To avoid disruption
in operations, it is imperative that these applications continuously run smoothly.

To exchange more data, these applications have now evolved from being TDM-based to being Ethernet-
and/or IP-based. This is true for even widely-deployed applications such as SCADA, emergency
communications, train signalling and teleprotection.

At the same time, new applications such as geographic information systems, high resolution video
protection, 4G/LTE connectivity and machine-to-machine communications are starting to be widely
adopted to provide more operations intelligence, automation and control. They are also IP/Ethernet-
based and consume much more bandwidth than current SDH/SONET networks can possibly provide.
Moreover, deployed SDH/SONET network equipment is nearing end-of-life due to electronic component
obsolescence and decreased demand as a result of the telecommunications industry’s shift to IP. This
situation is driving many service providers to retire their TDM leased line services that operators often
use to complement their own networks.

The end result is that operators of mission-critical networks are struggling not just to maintain the
current networks with necessary spare parts and support but also to evolve the networks for the future.
A new network that can bridge the past to the present and scale for the future needs to be built.
A foremost consideration is how to migrate legacy applications (see Table 1) to this new network.

An IP/MPLS network can rise to this challenge and provide the same network performance, quality of
service (QoS), reliability and security as today’s SDH/SONET network plus many new capabilities for
future evolution.

Table 1. Common TDM applications



Analog voice X X X X X X
Radar X X
Teleprotection X
Signaling X

This paper discusses the key considerations required during network migration planning. It explains
how IP/MPLS can support the essential SDH/SONET network attributes while also providing other
functionality, and how IP/MPLS carries TDM traffic. Then, an SDH/SONET-to-IP/MPLS migration
blueprint is presented.

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
2. Key considerations during migration to IP/MPLS
The key considerations during migration to IP/MPLS are:
•• Network migration without compromise
•• Migrating to a service provider’s next-generation service
•• Support for a diversity of applications

Each of these considerations is discussed in detail in the following sections.

2.1 Network migration without compromise

SDH/SONET networks have provided very robust, reliable and secure connectivity to operators
of mission-critical communications networks. Therefore, when migrating to a converged IP/MPLS
network, the new network must continue to meet all key mission-critical network requirements:
•• Guaranteed QoS
•• High availability and resiliency
•• Traffic engineering
•• Precise synchronization
•• Strong security
•• Effective and efficient network management

Guaranteed QoS
Legacy applications are TDM-based. TDM transport requires guaranteed network QoS to ensure that
all bits and bytes arrive on time at the receiving end. Furthermore, some legacy applications such as
voice, train signaling and teleprotection, are very delay sensitive while others, such as SCADA, are not.
The new network must be capable of meeting the QoS requirements of the different classes of legacy
applications without performance degradation.

High availability and resiliency

Any disruption in providing connectivity to mission-critical applications could cause significant harm
to society, incur huge economic losses and even jeopardize human lives. For example, interruption of
PMR/LMR (including TETRA/TETRAPOL, P25 and GSM-R traffic backhaul) could put the lives of field
crews and public safety personnel in danger or paralyze rail transportation. If real-time telemetry data is
not available, oil and gas production might need to stop. If teleprotection is disrupted, expensive power
grid assets such as high-voltage transformers become vulnerable to damage, disrupting the essential
electricity supply. To avoid these situations, the new network must have the same high availability and
resiliency as the legacy SDH/SONET network.

Traffic engineering
SDH/SONET networks allow operators to select the appropriate physical route for path layers across
the network for mission-critical and real-time applications. The new network needs to provide the same

Precise synchronization
TDM applications require precise frequency synchronization distributed across the network. Otherwise,
TDM circuit errors such as frame slips as well as buffer overruns or underruns can occur. The new
network needs to provide the same synchronization accuracy.

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
Strong security
An SDH/SONET network is usually very secure because it is usually isolated from an organization’s IT
network and the Internet. In contrast, an IP/MPLS-based network is typically connected to the Internet
to support IT applications and remote device access; as a result, it is essential that the network be built
to mitigate the effects of both internal and external threats.

An IP/MPLS network is also inherently secure. Because transport of traffic is over a label switched path
(LSP) tunnel, traffic sent by an attacker is not injected into the tunnel. MPLS-based VPN also makes
extensive use of segregated routing, switching and cross-connect tables. Therefore, even if one MPLS
VPN is compromised, the attacker cannot reach out to other VPN domains. The use of an access control
list, a stateful firewall, Network Address Translation (NAT) and MPLS encryption also further fortify
the network.

Effective and efficient network management

Operations and maintenance tools need to simplify the deployment and day-to-day operation of a
communications network. Operations tools such as service and interface tests should allow for rapid
troubleshooting, enabling proactive awareness of the state of traffic flows to help minimize service
down time. The tools should also offer proactive surveillance, configuration, validation and diagnosis
to simplify problem resolution, reduce configuration errors and reduce troubleshooting time.

Because the network buildout can ride over optical fiber or microwave transport, the new network
manager (see Figure 1), which can manage end-to-end across layers – from services to IP/MPLS to
transport – can greatly reduce operation cost and complexity. Its capability to correlate events in a
cross-layer manner also streamlines fault diagnosis procedures.

Figure 1. Cross-layer end-to-end network management

Ethernet Ethernet Services

CES Services IP VPN
LL bridging

IP routes

network MPLS paths


2.2 Migrating to a service provider’s next-generation service

Many network operators have been using a service provider’s TDM leased line service to complement
their private networks or to act as a fallback path to increase reliability. The service is usually in the
form of a DS1/T1 at 1.544 Mb/s, E1 at 2 Mb/s, and n x 64 kb/s for both.

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
As service providers have begun the transition to an all-IP network, these services are becoming
unavailable and are replaced by Ethernet-access-based, next-generation service. Operators of mission-
critical networks need to weigh two options: migrate to the service provider’s new service or expand
their private network.

With the first option, instead of a TDM interface, service providers now provide a VLAN interface inside
an Ethernet port (see Figure 2). Operators need to be able to transport data of legacy TDM circuits with
the new services by using circuit emulation capability such as TDM pseudowire and MEF 8. They also
need to be able to aggregate IP and Ethernet traffic from future applications onto the same Ethernet
VLAN interface before handing off to the service provider. In essence, they still deploy IP/MPLS that
will run on top of the provider’s network end-to-end. Furthermore, it is also important to understand
the QoS requirements of all the applications.

Network operators also need to work closely with service providers to determine the required service
parameters (for example, bandwidth, delay and jitter) and service availability to define a suitable
Service Level Agreement.

Figure 2. Connecting to a service provider’s next-generation network

Operator’s remote
MPLS router



Service provider’s network

demarcation platform

If network operators decide to instead expand their private network, they need to provision new
connectivity to the locations using optical fiber, microwave or cellular broadband.

Operators need to understand the technical and economic aspects of the two options when making
the decision to use one or the other, or both.

2.3 Support for a diversity of applications

A key characteristic of mission-critical networks is that there are a broad variety of applications with widely
different communications requirements. One way to categorize these services is by application type:
•• Voice applications (for example, telephony, teleconferences): Require constant but moderate
bandwidth (kb/s) with very short transmission delay (100 ms) and limited jitter.
•• Video applications (for example, CCTV, live video from car-mounted or body-worn cameras,
videoconferencing): Require variable and significantly higher bandwidth (Mb/s) with short
transmission delay and limited jitter.
•• Data-based applications (for example, file transfer and control data from remote devices):
Require bandwidths ranging from very moderate (tens of kb/s) to high (Mb/s).

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
Data-based applications can further be divided into two sub-categories:
•• TDM-based data: While the applications encapsulate data in a protocol data unit (PDU), the network
transparently transports the data. Even when PDU transmission is intermittent, all data bits (PDU
and idling data) are transported. This is typically found in legacy applications such as SCADA, LMR/
GSM-R and teleprotection. Traffic, whether it is data or voice, is carried as transparent data bits. Delay
tolerance depends on the nature of the applications.
•• Packet-based data: The data is typically encapsulated in an Ethernet frame or an IP packet within an
Ethernet frame. The traffic is usually bursty, with short periods of high activity followed by long idle
periods. Applications such as voice, signaling and teleprotection are still delay sensitive, like their
TDM counterparts, while others, such as environmental sensor data, are less so.
•• Depending on the sub-category, the data can be transparently transported as TDM bits or forwarded
by Ethernet or IP capability found in IP/MPLS network equipment. Delay tolerance depends on the
nature of the applications.

Another way to classify applications is topological:

•• Point-to-point applications such as LMR as well as legacy PBX and voice
•• Point-to-multipoint applications such as in SCADA and CCTV
•• Multipoint applications such as conferencing

To ensure smooth migrations of all applications, it is important that both TDM point-to-point and point-
to-multipoint (also known as multi-drop data bridge) as well as pulse-code-modulation (PCM) bridging
capabilities are supported in the new network.

3. Comparing SDH/SONET and IP/MPLS

MPLS provides the capability to establish connection-oriented paths or tunnels, called label switched
paths (LSPs), over a connectionless IP network. It enables intelligent and precise traffic engineering and
optimal use of network resources. It allows next-generation Ethernet- and/or IP-based applications to
run over all types of transport: optics, microwave and copper. MPLS was also specifically designed to
support Layer 1 and Layer 2 services simultaneously.

Although it might sound as though there is a great leap when migrating from SDH/SONET to IP/MPLS,
both technologies were designed from inception to be the robust, reliable and flexible. As a result, many
common underlying network concepts are used by both technologies.

The following sections explain similarities that provide network operators further benefits after an
SDH/SONET-to-IP/MPLS migration.

3.1 Both transmit in frames

SDH/SONET encapsulates data in fixed-size frames (see Figure 3) and transmits at a fixed rate
dependent on the interface speed. By contrast, MPLS encapsulates in variable-sized frames transmitting
at a variable rate as applications send out information.

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
For TDM applications, MPLS still transmits frames at a fixed rate. For IP- and/or Ethernet-based
applications, MPLS transmits only when the applications send information. Flexible frame size and
variable rate enable MPLS to efficiently carry short frames at a constant rate (in the order of tens of
bytes) as well as jumbo frames at a bursty rate.

Figure 3. SDH/SONET and MPLS framing

125 microseconds
51.84 Mb/s

90 columns
3 1 86
frame Section OH

Fixed payload size

9 rows

Path OH
Synchronous payload
Line OH



frame Payload
(20 bits) (3) (1) (8 bits)

Header Variable size

3.2 Both use on circuit-based transport

Operators provision an end-to-end circuit, or path, for transport in SDH/SONET and MPLS networks. In
SDH/SONET, there is a channel bank in front of the SDH/SONET add-drop multiplexer (ADM). Legacy
interfaces such as G.703, E&M, FSX/FSO and serial interfaces are multiplexed onto various timeslots in
an E1 or DS1 carrier.

There are also DS1 or E1 interfaces directly from other customer equipment such as a legacy PBX. An
interface enters the ADM and is mapped into a Synchronous Transport Signal (STS) container as a
virtual container or tributary (VC-12 for SDH and VT-1.5 for SONET). It is then cross-connected across
the SDH/SONET network.

To support flexible bandwidth capacity, enhancements such as link capacity adjustment scheme and
generic framing procedures have been standardized to support virtual concatenation to create a larger
capacity payload container, in a multiple of 2 Mb/s (for SDH) and 1.544 Mb/s (for SONET).

Similarly, the legacy interfaces and DS1/E1 interfaces are transported by the MPLS platform as a
pseudowire circuit, which is carried inside an LSP across the IP/MPLS network (see Figure 4).

In an IP/MPLS network, the bandwidth reserved for the LSP can be any number within the line
speed instead of the rigid 2 Mb/s or 1.544 Mb/s multiples. This allows more flexible network capacity
planning and more efficient bandwidth resource utilization.

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Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
Figure 4. Circuit in SDH/SONET and IP/MPLS

SDH/SONET circuit MPLS label switched path

TDM SDH/SONET E1/DS1 Multiservice 1 Gb/s LSP/
MUX MUX aggregation tunnel
DS0 RS-232 4W E&M FXO V.35 2W E&M

When provisioning an end-to-end SDH/SONET path, the physical route can be selected according
to administration policy. Similarly, the physical route of an LSP can also be explicitly specified or
computed according to policy or constraints such as bandwidth, number of hops and link type.

3.3 Both support multiprotocol transport

Both SDH/SONET and MPLS networks can carry multiprotocol data in their respective frames. Whether
it is TDM and frame relay data in E1/E3/DS1/DS3, Ethernet or IP, the multiprotocol data can be carried
over SDH/SONET and MPLS. It is notable that MPLS frames can also be carried over SDH/SONET using
Packet over SDH/SONET (POS) framing format as defined in IETF RFC 2615.

While an SDH/SONET network can carry Ethernet and IP traffic, it mainly provides only transport1.
An MPLS network supports bridging and routing in the forms of Layer 2 Ethernet and Layer 3 IP VPN
(see Figure 5). This new capability allows the network to perform Layer 2 and Layer 3 aggregation and
to support different VPN types.

Figure 5. MPLS-based VPN

Virtual Leased Line (VLL) ATM service

Point-to-point pseudowire
(TDM, Ethernet, FR, etc.)

IP/MPLS service

7705 SAR
Virtual Private Routed Network (VPRN)
Layer 3 IP VPN

R 7705 SAR 7705 SAR

7705 SAR R R
Service 1
Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) VPRN
Layer 2 Bridged Multipoint Service 2
Ethernet Service 7705 SAR
VPLS service
IP/MPLS router

B Virtual bridge
7705 SAR

This wide range of VPN support provides high flexibility for operators to optimally transport traffic from
new Ethernet- and/or IP-based applications.

1 An exception is next-generation SDH/SONET, which can be equipped with an Ethernet card to perform basic Ethernet bridging.

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Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
3.4 Both guarantee QoS
Because TDM-based applications are extremely sensitive to delay and jitter, their traffic needs to be
treated with higher priority than other applications. When traffic arrives at a router, it needs to be
classified based on header marking (EXP field for MPLS frames) and be placed in different queues.
TDM traffic such as teleprotection must be placed in the high-priority queue and be exhaustively2
serviced continuously to achieve minimal delay and jitter (see Figure 6).

SDH/SONET has been well recognized for delivering guaranteed QoS. Its framing hierarchy and TDM-
based transport allow SDH/SONET to guarantee QoS for transported data. MPLS was also designed to
support guaranteed QoS with greater flexibility.

SDH/SONET, being TDM-based, treats all applications, from real-time delay/jitter-sensitive to best-effort
ones, with the same priority. While this guarantees QoS, there is inefficiency in bandwidth utilization
because traffic of best-effort applications such as Internet access is bursty. With IP/MPLS, traffic from
each individual application is first classified and rate-limited before entering the network. (See Figure 6
for an example.)

Figure 6. Traffic classification and rate-limiting



IT applications

Ethernet port

After being classified and rate-limited, the traffic is encapsulated in an MPLS frame that has a shim
header with a 3-bit traffic (TC) field, previously commonly known as experimental (EXP) bits. The field
indicates the QoS level assigned for the MPLS traffic. It also incorporates a flexible traffic management
scheme that allows a committed information rate (CIR) and peak information rate (PIR) to be set (see
Figure 7).

Figure 7. CIR and PIR bandwidth resource partition

PIR = 500 kb/s

Emergency voice
CIR = 500 kb/s
PIR = 4 Mb/s
Video CIR = 4 Mb/s
port PIR = 1 Mb/s
SCADA CIR = 4 Mb/s
PIR = 10 Mb/s
IT LAN data CIR = 0

2 Exhaustive queuing is a traffic management technique that continues to transmit a packet in the queue until it is empty.

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
This process provides a flexible way to manage the bandwidth and delivery performance of different
applications. Legacy traffic can be classified and assigned to the highest QoS level by the TC field so
that the traffic will always fall into the CIR bandwidth region whose delivery will be assured3.

Some applications, such as e-mail and Internet browsing, can be classified as best-effort traffic with
minimum or even no CIR bandwidth. If there is no traffic from other competing applications, a best-
effort application can use all the available bandwidth until competing, higher priority traffic is received.
Because not every non-critical application will transmit at the same time, operators can take advantage
of statistical multiplexing to optimize the use of network bandwidth.

Applying a hierarchical QoS model can also ensure that a common group of services can be allocated
a fixed amount of bandwidth, ensuring fairness among different groups.

3.5 Both have strong resiliency

Current SDH/SONET-based networks have automatic protection switching (1+1 APS) for link
protection as well as unidirectional path-switched ring (UPSR) and bidirectional line-switched ring
(BLSR) for link and nodal protection in a ring. These resiliency mechanisms have proven to be
extremely reliable, providing rapid recovery in 50 ms after a network fault is detected.

IP/MPLS supports fast re-route (FRR) technology that can re-route traffic around the link or nodal
failure to a pre-established LSP FRR tunnel, also in 50 ms after detection. In the case of SDH/SONET,
because the bandwidth of the protecting link or path is locked up for protection, half of the link or ring
bandwidth cannot be used. For MPLS, the FRR tunnel is established without locking up any bandwidth;
therefore, all bandwidth in the link and ring are put to use.

Furthermore, mission-critical networks often call for even higher availability beyond that required by a
typical commercial service provider. The network topology often evolves from a simple ring to a multi-
ring or meshed topology to provide richer path diversity in order to recover from a multi-fault scenario,
which is common during natural disasters or deliberate sabotage.

As long as physical connectivity is available, IP/MPLS’s intelligence path compute capability allows
connectivity to be re-established, thereby providing maximum network availability even in a multi-fault
scenario. Furthermore, because IP/MPLS rides on top of various physical and link layer technologies
, operators can optionally take advantage of each technology’s protection mechanism (SDH/SONET’s
APS, UPSR and BLSR; microwave’s 1+1; and Ethernet’s LAG) in conjunction with IP/MPLS resiliency

IP/MPLS can further provide geo-diversity protection, which is not possible on SDH/SONET networks,
particularly to a control/command center. For mission-critical operations that need to continue to
operate even in the face of a serious disaster or accident, this capability allows all traffic to switch
a backup control/command center if the primary control/command center fails (see Figure 8).

3 To achieve guaranteed QoS, it is important to engineer so that the total CIR does not exceed the interface speed.

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
Figure 8. Geo-diversity redundancy with MPLS network

Active control/command center

Remote site

MPLS network Backup control/command center

Complementing these network recovery mechanisms is the hitless switching of the control and routing
module in an IP/MPLS platform. This unique redundancy mechanism elevates IP/MPLS network
reliability to the same level as an SDH/SONET network.

3.6 Both have extensive OAM capability

SDH/SONET’s operations/administration and maintenance (OAM) capability, from alarm propagation to
remote defect indication to loss of signal detection, is vital to a network operator’s day-to-day operation.

IP/MPLS has its own end-to-end tools for OAM capability, such as LSP ping/traceroute, virtual circuit
connectivity verification and bidirectional forwarding detection. These tools are complemented by the
OAM capability of the underlying link layer, which can be Ethernet, microwave or SDH/SONET.

3.7 Both support precise frequency synchronization

In an SDH/SONET network, frequency synchronization, which is vital to TDM transport, is achieved
with line timing recovered from the SDH/SONET interface. An IP/MPLS network can do the same thing
by recovering from an SDH/SONET interface, a synchronous Ethernet link and a packet microwave link
with equal precision.

For applications that require phase and time-of-day (ToD) synchronization, the remote site resorts to
installing an external Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver because SDH/SONET has no inherent
mechanism to transport phase or ToD information. This sole synchronization source is a single point of
failure. If the GPS signal reception quality degrades or hardware failure occurs at the GPS receiver, the
site loses synchronization and application devices need to switch back to holdover mode. In this mode,
the accuracy of the clock in devices running the applications quickly degrades.

IP/MPLS network pairing with Precision Timing Protocol as defined in IEEE1588v2 allows a protecting
synchronization source for phase and ToD to be transported. MPLS platforms are now typically
designed with IEEE1588 hardware assist capability to allow for precise synchronization transport
over a large number of spans in the network.

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
3.8 Additional benefits of IP/MPLS
The IP/MPLS network technology provides numerous additional benefits that SDH/SONET cannot
•• Topology and transmission medium agnostic
•• Multitenant/shared infrastructure enablement
•• Future communications readiness

Topology and transmission medium agnostic

IP/MPLS can run over any network topology, including ring, multi-ring, necklace and meshed. It is
crucial that mission-critical networks maintain connectivity during multi-fault failure scenarios, which
are not uncommon during a natural disaster. An IP/MPLS platform can intelligently compute path as
long as there is physical connectivity.

IP/MPLS can also be deployed over any transmission medium, providing operators with the flexibility
to add new links as required to boost resiliency. For example, a microwave link can be strategically
deployed overlaying a fiber ring to attain high network availability.

Multitenant/shared infrastructure enablement

To streamline network operations and strive for greater economic efficiency, operators of mission-
critical networks want to consolidate multiple networks into one converged network that can serve
multiple needs. With proper design and engineering, the service-oriented nature of IP/MPLS network
management enables operators to serve individual needs without compromise.

Future communications readiness

IP/MPLS-based VPN services natively support Ethernet and IP, including IP multicast and IPv6, to
support future applications. The services also facilitate the future adoption of software defined network
and network functions virtualization.

Migration of legacy TDM applications

Migrating legacy mission-critical applications requires an adequate technical understanding of how
TDM circuits are transported over IP/MPLS to render the same level of performance as before. The
following sections explain how TDM traffic is transported over an IP/MPLS network using Circuit
Emulation Service over Packet Switched Network (CESoPSN), discuss end-to-end delay considerations,
and explain TDM circuit synchronization.

4.1 Circuit Emulation Service

An IP/MPLS network uses a Circuit Emulation Service (CES) to carry data of legacy applications. The
key engineering considerations to provision a CES are latency, jitter and synchronization. Different
TDM applications have different requirements. Latency and jitter will be considered first.

The latency for TDM traffic consists of packetization delay at network ingress, network transit delay,
and jitter buffer/playout delay at network egress. To address these issues effectively and provide the
most optimized delivery performance, IP/MPLS routers need to allow network operators to fine-tune
packetization delay and jitter buffer/playout delay based on the network topology.

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
Operating with legacy TDM networks and services is straightforward when using MPLS CES
functionality. CES delivers the same quality of experience as the existing TDM network infrastructure
with the same level of predictability. The MPLS network has a CES interworking function that ensures
all information required by a TDM circuit is maintained across the packet network (see Figure 9). This
functionality provides a full transition to the packet network while providing TDM service continuity.

Figure 9. Circuit Emulation Service

Network Network
ingress Network egress

MPLS tunnel


The CES interworking function MPLS tunnels transport The CES IWF extracts MPLS
(IWF) packetizes traffic from traffic from Point A frames payload, places it
the TDM interface receive and to Point B by label in a buffer and playout on
encapsulates it in an MPLS frame. switching at every hop. the TDM interface transmit.

The major delay contributors for TDM CES are:

•• TDM packetization at service ingress
•• MPLS during network transit (at every hop)
•• TDM playout delay at service egress

TDM packetization
The packetization process is shown in Figure 10. The ingress MPLS router receives frames of digital
information at a fixed interval (for example, 1 byte every 125 microseconds for a DS0 circuit). The
router encapsulates the digital information in an MPLS frame that has two labels: a tunnel label that
specifies an LSP and a service label that specifies a pseudowire circuit associated with the particular
CES service.

As explained earlier, it is also important that the TC field, a 3-bit field, is marked appropriately,
reflecting an expedited class of QoS. The actual TC value depends on the network QoS policy set
by the network operator.

The operator has two choices: to package this byte in an MPLS frame and transmit it across the network
immediately with practically no packetization delay (other than that incurred by hardware processing)
or to wait until a pre-configured number of bytes arrive before transmitting them all together in one
MPLS frame, thereby incurring more packetization delay.

The packet payload size is configurable by the network operator.

Smaller payload sizes lead to a higher number of MPLS frames per second, resulting in higher
bandwidth but lower packetization delay and, ultimately, lower end-to-end delay. By contrast, larger
payload sizes with a lower number of frames per second result in lower bandwidth but higher
packetization delay and higher end-to-end delay.

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
Depending on the network design and delay budget of the TDM applications, network operators can
optimize the setting to achieve engineered targets. If delay tolerance of the application is stringent,
operators should consider using a smaller payload size that consumes a larger bandwidth in the

Figure 10. Packetization process at ingress

Ethernet Ethernet
Tunnel label Tunnel label
Octet N Octet N-1 ... Octet 1 Service label Service label
Octet 1 Octet 1
Octet 2 Octet 2
Ingressing TDM data
Packetization ... ...
Octet N Octet N

MPLS frames transiting network

For an analog interface such as E&M, the router needs to digitize the analog signal with PCM before
packetization. The PCM algorithms commonly used are µ-law in North America and Japan and A-law

MPLS during network transit

During the label switching (see Figure 11), the priority of the MPLS frames carrying TDM traffic is
denoted by the EXP field. With proper marking and network engineering, the frames are placed in the
top-priority queue and are serviced without incurring unnecessary queuing delay. As a result, the delay
incurred at each label switching hop is negligible. Also, because frames are switched immediately with
effectively no queuing delay, minimal jitter is incurred.

Figure 11. Multiprotocol Label Switching

Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet

Tunnel label Tunnel label Tunnel label Tunnel label
Service label Service label Service label Service label
Octet 1 Octet 1 Octet 1 Octet 1
Octet 2 Octet 2 Octet 2 Octet 2
Label switching
... ... ... ...
Octet N Octet N Octet N Octet N

MPLS frames entering transit node MPLS frames leaving transit node

TDM playout delay at service egress

The playout process is shown in Figure 12.

When MPLS frames carrying TDM payload are received, the payload is extracted and placed in the
playout buffer. To accommodate jitter incurred on the MPLS frames during transit, the payload gathered
in the buffer is not immediately played out, or transmitted, on the TDM transmit circuit. Instead, it
waits until half of the configured buffer is full before playout of bits on TDM circuit starts.

4 It has been tested that with small payload and jitter buffer size (2 bytes and 1 ms) in a three-hop network, the end-to-end delay can be as low as in the 2-ms range.

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
The buffer size should be set based on packetization payload size and the estimated network jitter,
which is dependent on the number of transit hops and other network engineering factors such as
transmission link speed. It is often necessary for operators to measure delay and jitter based on the
network design before production deployment.

Figure 12. Playout process

Ethernet Ethernet
Tunnel label Tunnel label
Service label Service label Octet N Octet N-1 ... Octet 1
Octet 1 Octet 1
Octet 2 Octet 2
Egressing TDM data
... ... TDM playout
Octet N Octet N

MPLS frames transiting network

4.2 End-to-end delay considerations

With proper engineering design, CES service with stringent QoS requirements can be reliably met.

At ingress, CES starts with packetization, which has deterministic delay that is configurable by
operators. The larger the delay, the more TDM data can be carried in a single MPLS frame, resulting
in higher bandwidth efficiency.

On egress playout, CES uses a playout buffer, which is essentially a jitter buffer, to ensure that the
TDM circuit recovery mechanism can absorb jitter incurred during network transit. This ensures
the successful de-packetization of the payload back into the TDM interface connected to the
legacy equipment.

This playout buffer delay is also deterministic. The smaller the jitter buffer, the less delay incurred at
egress. However, to avoid playout overruns and underruns, the jitter buffer needs to be set at a large
enough value to compensate for jitter incurred in the network.

Network operators can customize configurations to set these two delay parameters as well as the
network transit delay. Enabled by this flexibility and MPLS’s QoS capability, the CES delay is therefore
very deterministic.

When ordering a packet service from a third-party network operator, it is important to understand the
jitter introduced by their networking equipment as well as the jitter introduced by the CES terminating
equipment. Highly unstable jitter can cause problems in TDM circuit recovery at network egress.

4.3 TDM circuit synchronization

Synchronization of the TDM circuit end-to-end is another prime consideration for CES. As shown in
Figure 13, an MPLS platform can support a full range of synchronization technologies ranging from
integrated GPS receiver to line synchronization with Ethernet and SDH/SONET/PDH as well as timing-
over-packet technology (including IEEE1588v2, differential clock recovery [DCR] and adaptive clock
recovery [ACR]) to adapt to a network operator’s synchronization infrastructure.

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Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
Figure 13. Synchronization technologies

integrated GPS L2 or L3
receive PSN


synchronization PDH/SDH,

Timing over
packet (1588v2
MC/BC/TC/OC, L2 or L3


Ethernet Synchronous

BC: Boundary clock

MC: Master clock
NTP: Network timing protocol

4. An SDH/SONET-to-IP/MPLS network migration

OC: Ordinary clock
PRC: Primary reference clock

Migration can occur in many different ways, depending on the network resource availability (for
example, is there spare fiber or wavelength in the fiber?; are alternate network uplinks available
during migration?) and operating constraints such as how much downtime can be allowed.
This paper describes a migration scenario that provides a blueprint for operators.

The goal is to keep the disruption of existing applications to a minimum. We recommend that the
migration from SDH/SONET to MPLS take place in phases. The following sections describe a three-
phase migration.

4.1 Phase 1: Adding IP/MPLS routers to the SDH/SONET infrastructure

In Phase 1, IP/MPLS routers are connected to the SDH/SONET infrastructure (see Figure 14). This
allows the introduction of new IP services and Ethernet connectivity while continuing to support TDM
services on the SDH/SONET infrastructure, for cost savings and reduced disruption. Network operators
also have time to become familiar with IP/MPLS capabilities before moving the TDM services. Effective
utilization of the existing SDH/SONET infrastructure ensures minimal or no disruption to existing
services while new services are added.

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Figure 14. Adding IP/MPLS routers for IP and Ethernet services

Low-speed interfaces
IP services Ethernet services (RS-232, E&M, FSX/FSO, etc.)

IP/MPLS router TDM multiplexer

PoS E1/T1

IP services IP services

Ethernet services PoS PoS Ethernet services

router router

interfaces E1/T1 Low-speed
(RS-232, E&M, interfaces
FSX/FSO, etc.) (RS-232, E&M,
multiplexer multiplexer FSX/FSO, etc.)


PoS E1/T1

IP/MPLS router TDM multiplexer

IP services Ethernet services Low-speed interfaces

(RS-232, E&M, FSX/FSO, etc.)

5.2 Phase 2: Switching TDM services onto the IP/MPLS infrastructure

In Phase 2, IP/MPLS routers support traditional TDM services – including Synchronous Transport Mode
1/Optical Carrier 3 (STM-1/OC-3), T1/E1, RS-232, V.35, X.21 and E&M – allowing the migration of these
services away from the SDH/SONET infrastructure. This migration can be done in stages and with the
coexistence of various interface types. Services that have been satisfied with traditional TDM interfaces
can also be supported while new Ethernet interfaces for these services are being introduced.

At this point, TDM services will likely be supported on the existing multiplexer TDM equipment or on
the IP/MPLS routers while new IP and Ethernet services are supported on IP/MPLS routers (see Figure
15). At the end of this phase, all services should have migrated to the IP/MPLS network.

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Figure 15. Consolidating TDM services onto and through IP/MPLS routers

IP services
Ethernet services Low-speed interfaces
IP/MPLS router TDM multiplexer (RS-232, E&M, FSX/FSO, etc.)


IP services IP services
Ethernet services SDH/SONET SDH/SONET Ethernet services
router router
E1/T1 E1/T1

Low-speed Low-speed
interfaces interfaces
(RS-232, E&M, TDM TDM
(RS-232, E&M,
FSX/FSO, etc.) multiplexer multiplexer
FSX/FSO, etc.)



IP/MPLS router TDM multiplexer

IP services Ethernet services Low-speed interfaces

(RS-232, E&M, FSX/FSO, etc.)

5.3 Phase 3: Removing the SDH/SONET infrastructure and introducing WDM

In Phase 3, the SDH/SONET network can be completely removed and the fiber plant can be used to
interconnect IP/MPLS routers after all services have migrated onto the routers (see Figure 16). This
simplifies network structure and management while providing an infrastructure capable of supporting
new services and their bandwidth requirements.

Figure 16. Consolidating access on IP/MPLS and removing SDH/SONET

IP services
router Low-speed interfaces
Ethernet services (RS-232, E&M, FSX/FSO, etc.)

Optical Optical
Ethernet Ethernet

IP services IP services

Ethernet services Ethernet services

Low-speed interfaces router router Low-speed interfaces
(RS-232, E&M, FSX/FSO, etc.) (RS-232, E&M, FSX/FSO, etc.)
Optical Optical
Ethernet Ethernet

IP services Low-speed interfaces

IP/MPLS (RS-232, E&M, FSX/FSO, etc.)
Ethernet services

Transformation of mission-critical communications networks
Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
Furthermore, if huge bandwidth (in the order of tens to hundreds of gigabits per second) is required,
wave division multiplexing (WDM) technology can be deployed (see Figure 17). Depending on the
projected backbone capacity requirements, operators can consider using coarse WDM (CWDM) or
dense WDM (DWDM) for cross-layer management in the IP/MPLS platform.

Figure 17. Deploying WDM to expand bandwidth on fiber

IP services

Ethernet services Low-speed interfaces

IP/MPLS router (RS-232, E&M, FSX/FSO, etc.)



IP services IP services
Ethernet Ethernet
Ethernet services WDM WDM Ethernet services
Low-speed router router Low-speed
interfaces interfaces
(RS-232, E&M, (RS-232, E&M,
FSX/FSO, etc.) FSX/FSO, etc.)



IP/MPLS router

IP services Ethernet services Low-speed interfaces

(RS-232, E&M, FSX/FSO, etc.)

5. Conclusion
It is imperative that mission-critical networks are built with a network solution that is reliable, resilient
and secure. Alcatel-Lucent is a world leader in mission-critical networks. Its unique and comprehensive
portfolio of IP/MPLS, microwave, optics and network management communications products have
already enabled many operators globally to flexibly build end-to-end managed converged networks.
Wide support of legacy interfaces allows customers to migrate deployed legacy applications smoothly.
Coupled with advanced MPLS networking and QoS capabilities, all applications can be delivered
deterministically, without compromise. The innovative cross-layer network management of the
IP/MPLS, microwave, and optics layers further optimizes network provisioning and operations.

For more information about Alcatel-Lucent solutions and products for mission-critical networks,
go to

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Alcatel-Lucent Strategic White Paper
6. Acronyms
4G Fourth Generation OAM operations, administration and maintenance

ACL Access Control List PBX private branch exchange

AGA air ground air system PCM pulse-code modulation

APS automatic protection switching PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy

BLSR Bi-directional Line Switched Ring PDU protocol data unit

CCTV closed circuit television PIR peak information rate

CES Circuit Emulation Service PMR private mobile radio

CESoPSN Circuit Emulation Service over Packet POS Packet over SDH/SONET
Switched Network
QoS Quality of Service
CIR committed information rate
SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition
FXO Foreign eXchange Office
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
FXS Foreign eXchange Service
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
GPS Global Positioning System
STS Synchronous Transport Signal
GSM-R Global System for Mobile Communications
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
- Railway
TETRA Terrestrial Trunked Radio
IP Internet Protocol
UPSR Unidirectional Path Switched Ring
LAG Link Aggregation Group
VLAN virtual local area network
LAN local area network
VLL Virtual Leased Line
LMR land mobile radio
VPLS Virtual Private LAN Service
LSP label switched path
VPN virtual private network
LTE long term evolution
VPRN Virtual Private Routed Network
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
WAN wide area network
MUX multiplexer
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing
NAT Network Address Translation

7. References
1. Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch.
2. Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager.
3. Alcatel-Lucent 5505 Service Aggregation Router.
4. Alcatel-Lucent 9500 Microwave Packet Radio.
5. International Engineering Task Force. RFC 2615: PPP over SONET/SDH. June 1999. Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are

trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The information presented is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no
responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. Copyright © 2015 Alcatel-Lucent.
All rights reserved. MKT2015019749EN (March)

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