Simulcast AppNote

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The challenge faced by public safety frst responders and feld personnel from utilities
and transportation agencies is increasing because they are managing ever more complex
situations: emergency response to accidents and natural or man-made disasters, and
border and coastal control. Many of their missions require effcient and effective real-
time collaboration across an area of several hundred square miles or more. To satisfy
the stringent communications requirements, a simulcast solution has been deployed in
many public safety agencies, transportation authorities and even utilities. As electronics
and CPU power have improved, the simulcast solution has also changed from analog to
digital transmission in the past 20 years, and has recently been migrating from a TDM
T1/E1-based system to an IP/Ethernet-based system.
As mission-critical communications networks are rapidly adopting IP/MPLS as part of the
converged network transformation program, continued support for simulcast application
as it evolves is mandatory. Rising to this challenge, Alcatel-Lucent delivers a converged
IP/MPLS-based communications solution with comprehensive synchronization capabili-
ties and seamless microwave integration. This paper describes how this solution can be
deployed to support simulcast applications with both TDM T1/E1-based and IP/Ethernet-
based systems.
Introduction / 1
Land mobile radio in public safety / 1
Simulcast communication overview / 1
Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS Network Solutions / 2
Many VPNS, one network / 3
Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS solution components overview / 4
The Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS Solution for Simulcast / 5
General communication requirements for simulcast applications / 5
An Alcatel-Lucent blueprint IP/MPLS solution for simulcast application / 7
Conclusion / 11
Acronyms / 11
References / 12
Transforming Mission-Critical Communications Networks
Land mobile radio in public safety
The Detroit police department frst started to use Land Mobile Radio (LMR), also known
as Public/Professional Mobile Radio (PMR), in 1928.
Since then, the technology has
evolved to become a critical communications tool that must be in the hands of every frst
responder and member of feld personnel who are responding to an emergency
or accident scene.
A radio system can operate in one of the following three operation modes:
1. Simplex mode: One frequency is required; all transmitting mobile radios are tuned to
the same transmit and receive frequency. When one radio is transmitting, all other
units are able to receive directly and no LMR base station is involved, as long as they
are all within the propagation range. This is also commonly known as direct mode.
This mode is essential as it allows frst responder to communicate with each other
when outside the network coverage area.
2. Duplex mode: Two frequencies are required the uplink (mobile to base station)
frequency and downlink (base station to mobile) frequency. The transmitting mobile
radio sends messages on the uplink frequency to the radio site, which repeats and
rebroadcasts them on the downlink frequency to all other mobile radios tuned to the
frequency. Since the radio transmitter at the site can transmit the signal at a higher
level, the range is longer than that of simplex mode. It is also known as repeat mode.
3. Simulcast mode: Simulcast is an abbreviation for simultaneous broadcast. It is ideal
when the system needs to cover an area of several hundred square miles or more with
only a handful of radio channels. It also avoids the complexity of handoff since all
radio sites in the simulcast system broadcast simultaneously at the same frequency.
In essence, all participating radio sites are set up as if they were one giant transmitter
in order to reach radio users across the whole area covered by the simulcast system.
With multiple remote sites transmitting the signal synchronously, simulcast offers
better urban high-rise and in-building area penetration, which is important for frst
responders, and provides scalability up to tens of channels if required. Also, with
only one frequency channel, radio users can roam throughout the geographical area
without having to switch channels.
Simulcast communication overview
A simulcast system has the following fve components:
Master site: Consists of computing and controlling equipment necessary to manage,
confgure and monitor all components in the system; typically there is an active/
standby pair.
Prime site: Consists of a radio base station, controller equipment (usually in a pair for
redundancy protection), a comparator that votes (compares and selects) for the best
radio message from the source mobile radio, and a GPS receiver
Remote site: Consists of a base station and usually a GPS receiver
Mobile radio: Used by frst responders in the feld; typically either handheld or
mounted on a vehicle
A mission-critical WAN interconnecting all sites
1 T.A. Peters & L. Bell, eds., The Handheld Library: Mobile Technology and the Librarian (Santa Barbara: Libraries Unlimited, 2013), p. xi.
Transforming Mission-Critical Communications Networks
All communications take place between the radio, remote site and prime site. A high-
level description of the communication procedures (see Figure 1) are as follows.
1. Radio 1, the transmitting radio, sends radio messages that are received by base
stations in both remote sites 2 and 3.
2. Upon receiving the radio messages, both base stations will send the message via the
WAN to the prime site to be processed and compared.
3. After the prime site comparator compares the two copies and votes for the best copy,
it will send the messages to all remote sites (remote sites 1, 2 and 3 in this example)
in the simulcast subsystem.
4. All remote sites will broadcast the messages over the air simultaneously to all radios
tuned to the frequency. It is pivotal that they need to be broadcasted simultaneously
to avoid out-of-phase signal interference. It is important to note that all users in the
area will be able to listen in and beware of the latest situation, hence fostering close
Figure 1. Simulcast system
Remote site 1
Radios 2 and 3
Prime site equipment
Radio 1
Radios 4 and 5
Remote site 3
Remote site 2
network Prime site
Many operators of mission-critical networks have started to consider deploying, or
have already deployed, converged next-generation networks to support all their com-
munications needs. However, not all next-generation solutions are appropriate. To
simultaneously support all mission-critical and non-mission-critical traffc, an IP/MPLS-
based communications network is needed.
Transforming Mission-Critical Communications Networks
Non-MPLS-based IP networks have grown signifcantly in recent years, but they often
lack the necessary traffc management capability to support traffc that requires strict
quality of service (QoS) for mission-critical operations. They also lack the fexibility to
optimize the use of network resources and the capability to react to network events fast
enough to guarantee end-to-end QoS per application.
By using an Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS network, operators get the best of both worlds
the versatility of an IP network and the predictability of a circuit-based network along
with high capacity and support for packet-based traffc with high QoS. An IP/MPLS
network enables the deployment of new IP/Ethernet applications and also supports exist-
ing TDM-based applications. Because IP/MPLS networks can continue to carry existing
TDM services, operators can now fexibly choose when to migrate the applications from
TDM to IP.
With an IP/MPLS network, operators have a network with the following features:
High scalability and robustness with full redundancy and rapid recovery mechanism
such as MPLS Fast Reroute (FRR)
A solution that addresses a wide range of QoS and service level agreement (SLA)
requirements, from circuit emulation to best-effort Internet surfng
Optimized bandwidth usage of all links and avoidance of common path through traffc
An extensive operations, administration and maintenance (OA&M) suite for
performance monitoring, troubleshooting and maintenance at all protocol layers
Advanced network and service management to simplify operations
Each application that runs on the network has its unique requirements for bandwidth,
QoS and availability. An IP/MPLS network enables operators to confgure service
parameters for each service and traffc type according to operational requirements. This
includes multiple types of voice, video and data traffc. The network can also provide
low jitter and delay performance to handle all traffc types effectively and reliably in
real time. In addition, an Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS network supports advanced capabili-
ties, including non-stop routing, non-stop services and FRR, to maintain high network
Many VPNS, one network
An Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS network provides for the virtual isolation of various traffc
types on a single infrastructure supporting many Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) simul-
taneously. As shown in Figure 2, whether the network is a Virtual Leased Line (VLL) of
various types, Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) or a Virtual Private Routed Network
(VPRN), deploying Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS allows full separation of control and data
traffc in each VPN from different applications or operations in the network. The results
are a fully secured environment, effective infrastructure sharing and optimal bandwidth
allocation. With this advanced capability, the same IP/MPLS network infrastructure can
be leveraged to carry corporate business data as well.
Transforming Mission-Critical Communications Networks
7705 SAR
7705 SAR
7705 SAR
2. VPLS Layer 2 bridged
multipoint Ethernet service
3. Layer 3 IP VPN
RFC 4364 routed multipoint
Virtual bridge
VPLS service
7705 SAR
7705 SAR
7705 SAR
7705 SAR
7705 SAR
Service 1
Service 2
1. Pseudowire (PWE3)
7705 SAR
7705 SAR
7705 SAR
7705 SAR
FR service
Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS solution components overview
The Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS implementation provides a service-oriented approach that
focuses on service scalability and quality as well as per-service OA&M. A service-aware
infrastructure enables the operator to tailor services such as mission-critical applica-
tions so that the network has the guaranteed bandwidth to meet peak requirements.
The Alcatel-Lucent service routers support IP routing and switching, which enables the
network to support real-time Layer 2 and Layer 3 applications.
The Alcatel-Lucent converged IP/MPLS network leverages multiple state-of-the-art
technologies. The network extends IP/MPLS capabilities from the core to access and can
include the following main components:
Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router (SR)
Alcatel-Lucent 7705 Service Aggregation Router (SAR)
Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Ethernet Services Switch (ESS)
Alcatel-Lucent 7210 Service Access Switch (SAS)
Alcatel-Lucent 9500 Microwave Packet Radio (MPR) providing packet microwave link
connecting MPLS nodes
Alcatel-Lucent 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) as optical layer underlying the
IP/MPLS network
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM) for service and network
Figure 2. Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS network
Transforming Mission-Critical Communications Networks
From a network deployment standpoint, there are two kinds of simulcast system:
1. TDM-based simulcast system with T1/E1 network connectivity
2. IP-based simulcast system with Ethernet network connectivity
Figure 3a. T1/E1 TDM-based simulcast
Prime site equipment
Ethernet link
Remote site
Prime site
Prime site equipment
T1/E1 link
Remote site
Prime site
Figure 3b. Ethernet-based simulcast system
Prime site equipment
Ethernet link
Remote site
Prime site
Prime site equipment
T1/E1 link
Remote site
Prime site
General communication requirements for simulcast applications
High network resiliency
In a mission-critical network carrying a simulcast application, it is of uppermost concern
that the communication service remains on all the time so that frst responders, other
feld personnel and dispatch center are fully aware of the situation to save life and stay
safe. Therefore high network resiliency is a paramount network design consideration. In
a typical carrier-grade backhaul network, an aggregation ring with spur (ring-and-spoke)
topology (Figure 4a) is considered to exhibit enough network robustness. If the ring node
with spur attached (Node A in Figure 4a) fails, even though service served by Node B is
disrupted, customer impact is limited since the spur site is usually only serving a small
number of customers. However, in a mission-critical network, full coverage is usually
mandated even for remote sites. A typical mission-critical network would adopt a multi-
ring topology, which offers multi-path diversity elevating the service availability.
Beside path diversity, it is also important that the network node also has equipment
protection for its key hardware such as the control and fabric card.
Transforming Mission-Critical Communications Networks
Figure 4a. Ring-and-spoke topology
Aggregation ring Aggregation ring
Node B Node A
Figure 4b. Multi-ring topology
Aggregation ring Aggregation ring
Node B Node A
Low packet loss
Whether the network is TDM-based or IP-based simulcast, minimal packet loss is
required to avoid voice quality degradation or loss of communication. With the popular
deployment of microwave transmission, it is paramount that the network equipment has
acute microwave awareness of the microwave link condition, for example high bit error
rate and loss of frame, in order that traffc can be re-routed to preserve service integrity.
On the other hand, with the use of adaptive modulation microwave transmission technol-
ogy, the available bandwidth in a microwave link would change as the modulation level
adapts to new atmospheric conditions. It is vital that the network equipment together
with microwave radio is able to classify all traffc types, including control, synchroniza-
tion, simulcast voice and other data applications, into the appropriate forwarding classes
and transmit it accordingly to preserve end-to-end service integrity.
Low network delay
Simulcast is a time-sensitive, real-time application that imposes strict delay and jitter
requirements on the mission-critical network. One-way, end-to-end network delay
between the prime site and simulcast remote site needs to be constrained under the order
of 30 milliseconds.
Another parameter to consider is the one-way, end-to-end network
delay spread
between the prime site and any simulcast remote site.
High-quality simulcast transmission of radio messages depends on the simultaneity of
the messages by all remote sites. Therefore time synchronization among all the radios
at all the sites is pivotal. Today this need is fulflled with the on-site GPS receiver. If the
simulcast system is based on T1/E1 TDM technology, frequency synchronization trans-
port over the network is also important for accurate transmission of T1/E1, which carries
simulcast information, without frame slip. There are likely also other legacy applications
such as mutual aid communications and direct site-to-site orderwire communications that
would require frequency synchronization as well.
2 The actual delay requirement depends on simulcast system vendor implementation and network design.
3 Delay spread is calculated by fnding the difference between the prime site/farthest remote site delay and the prime site/closest remote site delay.
Depending on system implementation and network design, it is typically in the order of 5 milliseconds.
Transforming Mission-Critical Communications Networks
An Alcatel-Lucent blueprint IP/MPLS solution for simulcast application
A mission-critical network solution for simulcast highly depends on various factors
Network technology used by the simulcast system (TDM-based or IP-based)
Simulcast system requirements on network delay, jitter and bit error rate
End users IP address and sub-netting design principle
This application note outlines a blueprint network solution based on the Alcatel-Lucent
7705 SAR and the Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR. The 7705 SAR is deployed as the remote
site router and, depending on the size of the prime and master site and interface type
required, either the 7705 SAR or the 7750 SR is used there. The blueprint solution can
be further tailored and refned for different deployment scenarios.
Blueprint solution for TDM-based simulcast system
The following communication connectivities are required (see Figure 5):
a) between prime site and active/standby master sites
b) between prime site and remote sites
c) between active and standby master sites
Figure 5. C-pipe-based IP/MPLS solution for TDM-based simulcast system
Remote site 1
Remote site 3
Remote site 2
master site
Prime site
master site

Transforming Mission-Critical Communications Networks
In the transport of TDM traffc, TDM pseudowires (PW), also called C-pipes, need to be
set up among the sites individually in order to provide adequate connectivity. Depending
on the TDM circuit confguration, either the Structure Agnostic TDM over Packet
(SAToP) mode or Circuit Emulation Service over Packet Switched Network (CESoPSN)
mode is used. When all the timeslots in a T1/E1 circuit are used, SAToP can be used as
a transparent transport mechanism. When only a number of time slots are used, then
CESoPSN can be used to transport only the timeslots in use (see Figure 6).
C-pipe circuit parameter confguration such as payload size and playout buffer can be
optimized to fulfll delay and jitter requirements.
Figure 6. Two modes of C-pipe
T1/E1 frame Packet data ow
ts 1
ts 1-3
ts n
PW 1
ts 10-12
PW 3
ts 4
PW 2
= MPLS/PW header
Blueprint solution for IP-based simulcast system
While connectivity among the sites remains the same as in the case for a TDM-based
simulcast system, since the connecting interface to the network is now based on IP-over-
Ethernet, the architecture of meshed point-to-point C-pipe connectivity can now be
simplifed. Only one interface circuit is required between the site simulcast equipment
and the network. Flexible options are available because the IP-based traffc is carried in
Ethernet packets:
A Layer 3 VPN service a VPRN
A multi-point Layer 2 VPN service VPLS
A point-to-point Ethernet pseudowire (also known as E-pipe)
A combination of all three
Transforming Mission-Critical Communications Networks
Figure 7. Layer 2/Layer 3 IP/MPLS solution for IP-based simulcast system
Remote site 1
Remote site 3
Remote site 2
master site
Prime site
master site
Synchronization consideration
Another key aspect is network synchronization, which is particularly important for
C-pipe service. While simulcast equipment at master, prime and remote sites typically
includes a GPS receiver, synchronization redundancy protection is still essential to
maintain the quality of simulcast transmission by all remote sites. The Alcatel-Lucent
IP/MPLS solution can provide redundancy protection with different options including
(briefed as 1588 below) and Synchronous Ethernet.
The 7705 SAR at the master site can be integrated with a GPS module, becoming a 1588
grand master sending out synchronization information to the 7705 SAR at the remote
sites, which acts as the 1588 slave. To ensure the quality of synchronization transported,
7705 SAR boundary clock capability, which is a combination of 1588 master and slave, is
switched on to improve accuracy of the clock synchronization. It is important to utilize
this capability, particularly in networks with many hops between the sites (see Figure 8).
This option provides redundancy for both frequency and phase/time synchronization to
remote sites. The 7705 SAR at the remote sites can also be equipped with a GPS module
if necessary.
4 EEE 1588v2 is a timing-over-packet technology in which timestamp information is encoded in its packets. It is also known as IEEE 1588-2008
5 Synchronous Ethernet is specifed in ITU-T G.8262 ( and ITU-T G.8264 (
Transforming Mission-Critical Communications Networks
Figure 8. IEEE 1588v2 providing frequency and phase/time redundancy
Remote site
Remote site
Master site
1588 GM
Synchronous Ethernet is another synchronization transport mechanism. However, unlike
1588, it is limited to frequency synchronization only. It works in a similar way to other
physical line timing mechanisms such as SONET/SDH or T1/E1 and requires every hop
in the middle to support it.
Microwave integration with IP/MPLS
With prevalent use of microwave in the mission-critical network, the seamless micro-
wave integration of 7705 SAR with 9500 MPR-e (see Figure 9) brings immense benefts to
a network that carries simulcast applications. Benefts include the following:
Early detection of microwave link high bit error rate and other error conditions to
preserve voice quality
Convergence of multiple indoor units (IDUs) and IP/MPLS router into one platform
High network resiliency with the full re-routing fexibility of MPLS in a multi-ring
Reduced equipment space and sparing requirements, power consumption and cooling
Streamlined installation and operations management
Elimination of different network managers
Transforming Mission-Critical Communications Networks
Figure 9. Integrated 7705 SAR with 9500 MPR-e
5620 SAM
7705 SAR
IDU #1
9500 MPRe
One platform replaces all chassis
One network manager for both domains
Two platforms
(for IP and microwave domains)
Two network managers
- One IDU or each MW direction typically
A daunting task for deployment and operation
Integrating microwave into
7705 SAR makes life easy
IDU #2
With public safety and other agencies migrating the backhaul networks from TDM to IP
in preparation for transport of more multimedia and bandwidth-demanding applications,
operators of mission-critical networks should ensure that the network solution and
architecture can continue to support existing key applications such as simulcast.
The Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS network solution can help operators to extend, enhance and
optimize their network fexibility and management and reduce CAPEX/OPEX without
compromising safety, security or reliability. Alcatel-Lucent can partner with public safety
and other agencies worldwide to transform end-to-end mission-critical networks.
CESoPSN Circuit Emulation Service over Packet Switched Network
ESS Ethernet Service Switch
FRR Fast Re-Route
GPS Global Positioning System
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IP/MPLS Internet Protocol/Multiprotocol Label Switching
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union Standardization Sector
LMR Land Mobile Radio
MPR Microwave Packet Radio
OA&M operations, administration and maintenance
PMR Public/Professional Mobile Radio
PSS Photonic Service Switch
PW pseudowire
QoS quality of service
SAM Service Aware Manager
SAR Service Aggregation Router
SAS Service Access Switch Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are trademarks of
Alcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented
is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
Copyright 2014 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved. NP2014045404EN (May)
SAToP Structure Agnostic TDM over Packet
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SLA service level agreement
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
SR Service Router
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
VLL Virtual Leased Line
VPLS Virtual Private LAN Service
VPN Virtual Private Network
VPRN Virtual Private Routed Network
Peters, T.A. & Bell, L., eds., The Handheld Library: Mobile Technology and the Librarian
(Santa Barbara: Libraries Unlimited, 2013)
IEEE 1588-2008, IEEE Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for
Networked Measurement and Control Systems
ITU-T G.8262, Timing characteristics of a synchronous Ethernet equipment slave clock
ITU-T G.8264, Distribution of timing information through packet networks

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