Ng2 Guidance v1 Final
Ng2 Guidance v1 Final
Ng2 Guidance v1 Final
1.3 Location 11
1.6 Marking 13
1.7 Results 16
2.2 Location 18
2.5 A Learning Partner’s staff, family or friends taking the Unit NG2 assessment 19
Part 1:
Guidance for learners
Part 1 Introduction When completing your risk assessment it can be
difficult to know how much detail is enough.
Guidance for The aim of this assessment is for you to practically
apply the knowledge and understanding that So here are some useful tips. Your risk assessment
students you have gained from your studies. To do this, should not be about creating huge amounts of
you will need to complete a risk assessment of paperwork, but should instead be about identifying
your workplace. Before you start the assessment, sensible and proportionate measures to control
you must have completed your studies of the the risks in your workplace. We want your risk
whole of the NG syllabus (elements 1 to 11). assessment to be realistic and the level of detail
to be proportionate to the level of risk in your
organisation. To help you with this exercise we
The stages of the assessment are as follows: have based this risk assessment format on the
Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) approach
to risk assessment. You can refer to the risk
of the Priorities 3 Review, assessment guidance, examples and FAQs on
organisation actions with communicate
and methodology assessment justfification
the HSE website
and check
used controlling-risks.htm and the completed example
provided by NEBOSH in the assessment pack.
We have also included in the forms approximate
The rest of this guidance tells you what you need word counts for each section. These word counts
to do to complete the assessments. The guidance should be used as a guide only and should not
also contains some helpful hints and tips (including be seen as an absolute minimum or maximum.
information on how to complete the various forms).
An assessment pack has been produced to provide
you with everything that you will need to complete
the assessment. This can be downloaded from
the NEBOSH website (
You will then need to outline how you carried out the
risk assessment (methodology used). You will need to
include as a minimum:
• the sources of information that you consulted;
• who you spoke to; and
• how the hazards and controls were identified.
You may also include anything else that is relevant to
the completion of the risk assessment.
You must use the table in Part 2 of the assessment pack to complete the risk assessment.
You will now need to complete a risk assessment of your organisation.
You must find and record at least 10 different hazards that are taken from at least
5 different hazard categories. For the avoidance of doubt, hazard categories for this
assessment are the topic headings for Elements 5 – 11 of the NG syllabus as shown in Table 1:
5 Noise; vibration; radiation; mental ill-health; violence at work; substance abuse at work
7 Hazardous substances
Health, welfare and work environment; working at height; confined spaces; lone
8 working; slips and trips; movement of people and vehicles in the workplace; work-related
10 Fire
11 Electricity
Table 1
Table 2
You must use the tables in Part 4 of the Before carrying out the assessment, you must
assessment pack to complete the review, speak to the management at the premises to
communicate and check exercise. ensure that you can carry out the inspection
without endangering your own health and safety
The final part of the assessment is to:
(so that advice can be given on any restricted
1. set a realistic review date for the risk assessment areas, whether PPE must be worn, etc).
and say why you have chosen that review date;
2. indicate how the findings of the risk assessment
Assessment time and tutor guidance
are to be communicated (verbal or written and
the methods to be used, eg, email, noticeboards) The time needed to complete the assessment is
and who needs to know the information; and not restricted. We do, however, recommend that
you take around 3 hours to complete all four
3. indicate how you will follow up on
parts of the assessment. We feel that the 3 hours
the risk assessment to check that the
will allow you to show your understanding of the
actions have been carried out.
assessment requirements and complete a good
quality risk assessment. Please note that the 3
Location hours is for guidance; you may choose to take
more or less time to complete your assessment.
The assessment must be carried out in your
own workplace. This means that your risk We advise that you discuss your approach with
assessment will be realistic and provide added your tutor after reading this guidance. They can
value for you and your organisation. Your give you advice on whether you are ‘heading in the
workplace should be large enough to provide a right direction’ – for example, they may comment
sufficient range of hazard categories/hazards. on whether you have chosen a suitable workplace
or situation that will give enough scope to be able
to tackle this assessment properly. Do not submit
drafts of your work to your tutor as they are not
allowed to pre-mark or comment on specific details.
Table 3
*Don’t provide more than 3 actions as only the first three actions will be marked.