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NEBOSH National and

International General Certificates

in Occupational Health and
Safety assessments: Learner
Performance Report May 2023
Advice and an indication of the types of answers that
would attract credit, and those that would not, for the
NG1, IG1, NGC1 and IGC1 unit assessments.
Version 3 (11/October/23)
NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

Management of Health and Safety

Unit NG1:
For: NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

Unit NGC1:
For: NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Management of Health and Safety

Unit IG1:
For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

Management of International Health and Safety

Unit IGC1:
For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

About NEBOSH 02
General Certificate assessments 02
Examples of responses 03
Scenario 03
Task 1: Managing the contractor on site 05
Task 2: Task 2: Health and safety management roles and responsibilities 06
Task 3: Improving verbal communications at the café 07
Task 4: Near miss 08
Task 5: Employer breaches of general duties 09
Task 6: Human factors and accident causation 10
Task 7: Reviewing first-aid arrangements 11
Task 8: Reactive monitoring methods 12
Conclusion 13

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

About NEBOSH General Certificate assessments

NEBOSH is a leading global organisation, which provides The NEBOSH National and International Certificate in
health, safety, and environmental qualifications. Our General Occupational Health and Safety Certificate
internationally recognised qualifications help to raise the assessments have been designed to provide accessibility
competence of safety and environmental professionals as to all learners from all over the world, enabling them to
well as individuals at all levels in the workplace. complete assessments and achieve NEBOSH qualifications
from a safe and suitable location.
As a registered charity, NEBOSH has a clear vision and
mission: This guide will support learners and Learning Partners in
- Our Vision is to preserve and improve health, safety, preparation for the assessment alongside the syllabuses,
well-being, and the environment in workplaces course notes and other reference materials for units NG1,
worldwide. IG1, NGC1 and IGC1. These units are part of the National
- Our Mission is to be recognised as the global leading and International General Certificate, the National and
provider of high-quality qualifications, training International Certificate in Fire Risk Management, and the
opportunities and learner engagement in occupational National and International Certificate in Construction Health
health, safety, environmental, well-being, risk, and and Safety.
related subjects.
Further information about NEBOSH certificate assessments,
Tens of thousands of people from more than 170 countries including resources, sample questions and guidance
study for a NEBOSH qualification every year, learning with videos, can be found at www.nebosh.org.uk/digital-
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Our qualifications are highly respected by governments, © NEBOSH 2023

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skills which underpin competent performance as a health, Any enquiries about this report publication should be
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As an awarding body, NEBOSH applies best practice in NEBOSH

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Qualifications Authority (SQA) Accreditation regulatory Meridian Business Park
requirements and Ofqual’s General Conditions of Leicester
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email: [email protected]

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

Examples of responses
The following information gives advice and an indication a ‘mind the step’ sign on the wall next to the step. In these
of the types of answers that would attract credit and those seating areas, the furniture is placed very close together. A
that would not. It also guides learners in their approach to corridor at the back of the café leads to a unisex restroom
similar tasks and questions that they could expect to see in and an emergency exit. There is a patio outside the front of
their assessment. the café where further seating is available.
Since the new SM started working at the café, you and the
These questions are from the May 2023 Unit NG1 other workers have noticed some changes. It is obvious
assessment on a specified scenario. Learners must not take that the new SM has been keen to impress the owner.
these as the actual questions that they will be required to The SM insists that tasks must be completed quickly, so
answer in their own assessment. that more customers can be served. One of the full-time
workers raised concerns with the SM about the increase
Marks available will always be shown at the end of each in workload. The SM angrily told them that it was “good
question, with 1 mark for each correct answer given by a for the business; that is what matters most.” None of the
learner. This gives the learner an indication of the minimum workers look forward to working on the days that the SM is
number of answers they must give for each question in charge.
to ensure a good chance of attaining a ‘Pass’ in this
assessment. On a day off work, the owner is catching up with some
administrative tasks. While going through some paperwork,
Scenario they notice that the number of worker sick days has
You are a full-time worker at a popular café in a town substantially increased in the last month.
centre. A month ago, the café changed to operating from
5 days to 7 days a week. The workforce consists of the Faulty machine
owner of the café, a part-time shift manager (SM), three Early in the week, the owner is on duty. The part-
full-time workers, and two part-time workers who work time worker on-shift notifies them that one of the two
on busier days. The SM is the first new hire in the last two commercial-sized coffee machines is not working. The
years. The café is managed by the owner 5 days a week owner inspects the coffee machine and concludes that
and the part-time SM manages the café for the remaining the pressure system (used to create steam) has a fault.
two days. They instruct the part-time worker to stop using the faulty
machine and the owner puts an ‘out of order’ sign on it.
The café is in an old, renovated narrow building on a The owner then contacts the coffee machine company and
busy, pedestrianised shopping street. It has a service arranges for the repairs to be carried out. The owner calls
counter near to the entrance where orders are taken and and leaves a voice message for the SM, informing them of
drinks are made. Once a customer places an order at the the broken coffee machine. In their message, the owner
counter, they are given a numbered sign to place on their explains that a contractor will carry out repairs in two days’
table. When the order is ready, a worker will take it to the time, and that the SM must supervise the contractor while
customer’s table. they are on site. The SM did not return the call.

There are two indoor seating areas. At the back of the first On the day that the contractor is due to arrive, the SM, a
area, there is a step that leads up to the second area. In the full-time and a part-time worker, and you, are on shift at
past, customers and new workers have often tripped over this the café. By midday it has started to rain heavily, so all the
step. You have previously raised this with the owner, as you indoor seating is being used. More customers continue to
noticed an increase in the number of times it is mentioned in enter the café to shelter from the bad weather. As they
the accident book. Luckily, there have never been any serious enter, some customers shake rainwater off their umbrellas
injuries. Following your conversation, the owner has hung and coats.

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

The SM is determined to keep a high turnover of customers. The accident

They find you in the second seating area and tell you to bring A worker is carrying a tray of hot drinks to a customer
in some outdoor tables and chairs for customers to use. You sitting in the second seating area. At the last moment, they
tell the SM you do not think there is enough space to set up notice that they are about to bump into a customer sitting
additional furniture. The SM points to various areas in the at one of the extra tables. As they quickly turn to avoid
current walkways and says “look, there’s plenty of space.” the customer, they trip over the step leading to the second
They even point out the large empty space in front of the seating area and fall to the floor. The hot drinks from the
corridor at the back of the second seating area. They tell tray spill over the worker’s hand and arm.
you to “get on with the job before we lose any customers.”
The SM then leaves, allowing you to complete the task. The As you are nearby, you are the first to respond to the scene.
other workers are too busy serving customers to help. The injured worker appears to be in a lot of pain, so you
make sure that the SM is informed of the accident. The SM
You bring in three lightweight metal tables and set up two arrives on the scene and does not know what to do and
chairs at each table. You place them where the SM has told begins to panic. As the only worker available with first-aid
you to and dry them, ready to be used. These tables are training, you carry out emergency first aid on the injured
soon occupied by customers. worker. Later, the injured worker is taken to hospital where
they are confirmed to have skin damage covering their hand
Contractor arrival and arm. They are instructed not to return to work for 5
The contractor arrived while the SM was talking to you weeks to allow the scalds to heal.
about moving the outdoor furniture inside. The contractor
informed a worker at the service counter that they were You tell the SM where the accident book is kept, as the
at the café to carry out repairs. The worker was not owner would usually complete this. The SM tells you that
expecting the contractor and did not know what they they will complete it later. They focus on continuing to
were there to work on. They asked the contractor to wait serve customers and forget to do this. You call the owner
while they spoke to the SM. When the worker found the and inform them of the accident. They ask how the injured
SM, the SM told the worker that they were too busy and worker is, thank you for informing them, and tell you that
that the worker was more than capable of supervising the they will organise an investigation into the accident.
contractor. The worker returned to the counter and told
the contractor that the SM was busy, but they could start
the work. The contractor said that they were happy to do
this as they had repaired coffee machines at this café before
and know the layout of the café.

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

Task 1: Managing the contractor on site

What was ineffective about how the SM managed the Few learners were able to give the breadth or depth of
contractor while on site at the café? (10) points that could have been considered. A greater breadth
of answers could have been achieved if learners had
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, interpreted the information provided in the scenario, rather
using relevant information from the scenario. than limiting themselves to points that were explicitly stated
in the scenario.
This question assessed learners’ knowledge and
understanding of assessment criteria 1.4: Explain how For example, the SM did not advise the workers that there
contractors should be selected, monitored, and managed. was a contractor on site to fix the machine. They also did
not appear to consider any risks associated with having the
This question required learners to demonstrate their contractor working on the machine while the café was open
understanding of good practice for contractor management for service. Although these points were not explicitly stated
and to assess the way the SM managed the contractor in the scenario, they are reasonable arguments that can be
against accepted good practices. deduced.

The supporting note directed learners to draw on relevant In other limited answers, learners did not focus on the SM,
information from the scenario to support their answers. but discussed other failures, or did not use the scenario.
Others missed that the focus was on the management of
Some learners correctly identified the lack of supervision the contractor and introduced content related to contractor
afforded to the contractor by the SM and the delegation of selection and accreditation.
this task to the worker, who was not expecting to supervise
the contractor. This point could have been expanded on to Ten marks were available for this question, and fewer
consider whether the worker was competent to supervise answers given would automatically mean fewer marks could
the contractor. be awarded.

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

Task 2: Health and safety management roles and responsibilities

Comment on the effectiveness of roles and The notes given after the question signpost to the learner
responsibilities in relation to health and safety that:
management at the café. (10) (i) they should not focus on the health and safety
management systems requirements, nor legal duties;
Notes: You should focus on roles and responsibilities and and
not the health and safety management system OR legal (ii) that the majority of the answers should be examples
duties. from the scenario, so information within the scenario
should trigger the answers required.
You should support your answer, where applicable, using
relevant information from the scenario. Identifying that the café owner delegated responsibility
to the SM and communicated this to them but did not
This question assessed learners’ knowledge and ensure that the SM understood their responsibilities was a
understanding of assessment criterion 2.2: Discuss the consideration of the effectiveness of the owner’s role and
main ingredients of health and safety management systems responsibilities.
that make it effective – general policy, organisation,
arrangements. However, many answers were limited. Most learners
seemed to misunderstand the question and either provided
This question required learners to consider the roles in the accurate lists of what responsibilities should be assigned to
scenario, such as the café owner (the employer), certain roles, or identified what certain individuals should
the SM (line manager) and the worker, together with the have done in an ideal world. In so doing, they overlooked
health and safety management responsibilities associated any consideration of ‘effectiveness.’
with those roles, and to reflect on how effectively they
carried out those responsibilities. Despite the note to not focus on the health and safety
management system or legal duties, some learners did just
that, setting out aspects such as policy and investigation.

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

Task 3: Improving verbal communication at the café

Based on the scenario only, give examples of how

verbal communication between all workers at the café Limited answers gave generic responses about how
could be improved. (11) to improve communication or even explained why
communication is important, but not referring to the
This question assessed learners’ knowledge and scenario.
understanding of assessment criterion 3.2: Summarise how
health and safety culture at work can be improved. Additionally, some learners provided answers that covered
broader issues that can impact the success of verbal
This question signposts the learner to focus on verbal communication, such as using clear language and showing
communication. Additionally, the answers should be based empathy.
on the scenario only, so information within the scenario
should trigger the answers required. Within the scenario In some cases, learners extracted points verbatim from the
there are a range of potential communication issues that scenario without any interpretation; for example, learners
could be improved. commented on the missing “Danger” sign on the machine
but did not go on to make it clear that, as a result, the
Several learners recognised instances of a lack of contractor had not been given the necessary information
communication in the scenario and made practical about the machine fault. Other answers were expressed as
recommendations for improvement, for example active incomplete sentences.
listening, regular meetings, induction, and feedback.
Eleven marks are available, so a broad range of issues
Although some learners identified where improvements should be considered when answering this question.
were needed, or what was needed, they did not always
state how to achieve them.

Some learners misread the question and related to different

communication methods, while others did not focus on
who needs to communicate what, eg SM to worker; Owner
to SM.

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

Task 4: Near miss

The accident book indicates that there have been Many answers lacked sufficient breadth and did not
several occurrences of people tripping over the step. sufficiently consider that had consequences been identified,
How could an investigation of these near misses have the worker’s injuries could have been avoided.
helped prevent the accident? (9)
Many learners thought the question was about accident
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, investigation and provided answers describing how
using relevant information from the scenario. investigations should be carried out; why they need to take
place (including references to HASAWA and RIDDOR); detail
This question assessed learners’ knowledge and provided around actual root/immediate/underlying causes as
understanding of assessment criterion 4.2: Explain why well as controls. Some learners completely misunderstood
and how incidents should be investigated, recorded, and the question and wrote about risk assessments as opposed
reported. to near misses, etc.

The note signposts learners to the scenario; the majority of Although many learners appeared to understand what
the answers should be examples from there, so information a near miss was, they were unable to articulate how a
within the scenario should trigger the answers required. near miss can prevent accidents: such as lessons learned,
potential consequences have been avoided, potential
To respond to this question, learners should understand consequences could have been identified, and suitable
how investigation of near misses can support accident control measures have been identified.
Learners frequently repeated points for which they had
Some learners explained that near miss investigation can already received a mark.
help to identify the causes before a more serious accident
occurs; that suitable controls could have been implemented,
such as providing information to workers, and that trends
could have been identified. However, some learners missed
the opportunity to reference the scenario to support their
answer and missed marks.

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

Task 5: Employer breaches of general duties

The café management has duties under the Health the scenario was not used, or duties were explained without
and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. consideration of breaches.

Comment on how these duties may have been For IG1 learners, the following question was asked:
breached under:
Employers have obligations under Recommendation
(a) Section 2 (12) 10 of International Labour Organisation R164 –
Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation,
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, 1981 (No. 164), and also under Article 16 C155 –
using relevant information from the scenario. Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981
(b) Section 4 (3)
Which of these employer obligations are likely to have
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, been contravened at the café? (15)
using relevant information from the scenario.
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable,
This question assessed learners’ knowledge and using relevant information from the scenario.
understanding of assessment criterion 1.3: Summarise the
main health and safety duties of employers and workers in This question assessed learners’ knowledge and
HSWA 1974 and MHSWR 1999. understanding of assessment criterion 1.3: Summarise the
main health and safety duties of different groups of people
To respond to this question learners needed to consider the at work and explain how contractors should be selected,
duties under Sections 2 and 4 of the HSWA 1974 and how monitored, and managed.
they may have been breached by the café management.
Stronger answers considered a range of potential
Once again, learners were instructed to use the information contraventions under Recommendation 10 of R164 and
in the scenario for both parts of the question and there Article 16 C155, and supported their answers with evidence
were many points that could be highlighted here. from the scenario, such as not providing a safe workplace,
information, and training. However, learners missed the
In part (a) stronger answers were provided by learners who opportunity to gain full marks by not considering the
worked systematically through the legal requirements and breadth of contraventions.
illustrated their answers with examples from the scenario.
For example, they covered duties for safe workplace, safe Limited answers did not establish a clear connection
equipment, and instruction and training. between the contraventions and the specific circumstances
in the scenario. There was also a lack of linkage of failings
Limited answers set out the duties that may have been in the scenario to the obligations under Recommendation
breaches but did not support this with evidence from the 10 of R164 and Article 16 C155, resulting in incomplete
scenario. Others simply explained the duties but did not or unrelated information being presented. Some learners
discuss what might have been breached. explained the obligations without examining potential
Some learners did introduce a wider range of Section 2
duties such as consultation with representatives and having
a policy; however, the scenario was silent on these issues
and these points did not score marks.

The performance of part (b) was similar to part (a).

Stronger answers were provided by those who used the
framework of duties in Section 4, combined with supporting
evidence from the scenario. Limited answers resulted where

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

Task 6: Human factors and accident causation

(a) What organisational factors could have Some learners struggled to focus their answers on
contributed to the accident? (12) organisational factors and drifted into individual human
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable,
using relevant information from the scenario. In part (b) the key word is ‘individual,’ therefore learners
were required to relate this to their answers. Additionally,
(b) What individual human factors of workers could answers provided should be drawn from the scenario,
have contributed to the accident? (8) where there were many points that could be highlighted.

Notes: You do not need to consider the café owner and As with part (a), stronger answers offered breadth and
shift manager’s individual human factors. depth with linkage to the scenario, such as worker fatigue
from serving a high volume of customers; and poor hazard
You should support your answer, where applicable, awareness in the café.
using relevant information from the scenario.
Limited answers provided factors other than individual
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, factors; for example, organisational factors, or individual
using relevant information from the scenario. You do not factors that were not mark worthy. Some learners
need to include specific first-aid equipment. discussed the café owner and SM, despite the note
indicating that this should not be considered.
This question assessed learners’ knowledge and
understanding of assessment criterion 3.3: Summarise Several learners missed the opportunity to cover points such
the human factors which positively or negatively influence as workers becoming disheartened, and their fear of being
behaviours at work in a way that can affect health and disciplined.
Incomplete sentences, listing and repetition limited learners’
In part (a) the key word is ‘organisational,’ therefore learners opportunities to be awarded marks.
were required to focus their answer on this category of
human factors. Additionally, answers provided should be
drawn from the scenario, where there were many points Again, there are headings, but expansion has been given on
that could be highlighted. each issue showing understanding, breadth and depth of
Stronger answers canvassed a variety of points such as
high work pressure (volume of customers, etc); inadequate Limited responses would only mention what the
response to previous incidents, poor health, and safety requirements are, such as the type of facilities and
culture (commitment, supervision) and depth, and were equipment that should be available.
linked to the scenario. However, few learners provided the
breadth of answers to gain the marks available.

Limited answers did not offer breadth and depth or did not
link to the scenario. For example, commenting on poor
planning, but not providing specific examples. Others gave
only generic answers to the question.

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

Task 7: Reviewing first-aid arrangements

Following the accident, the owner has asked you to Stronger answers provided breadth and depth by identifying
review first-aid arrangements at the café. a range of factors such as the nature of the hazards, the
type of potential injuries that could be sustained, and the
What would you consider in your review to determine size of the workforce, together with relevant information
if first-aid provision is realistic and proportionate at extracted from the scenario.
the café? (15)
Limited answers considered some, but not all the factors;
Notes: You do not need to itemise specific first-aid while others discussed factors not related to the scenario.
equipment. For example, the need for a site ambulance or clinic, and
needs related to high hazard tasks using chemicals, which is
You should support your answer, where applicable, disproportionate for the type of business in the scenario.
using relevant information from the scenario.
Several learners focused on first aiders and appointed
This question assessed learners’ knowledge and persons, and issues related to emergency response rather
understanding of assessment criterion 3.8: Discuss typical than consideration of first aid arrangements.
emergency procedures (including training and testing)
and how to decide what level of first aid is needed in the Despite stating explicitly in the question that ‘You do not
workplace. need to itemise specific first-aid equipment,’ some learners
devoted large part of their answer to identifying first aid
The note instructs learners that the review does not need to steps and items of first aid.
detail specific items of first-aid equipment. It also signposts
that the majority of the answers should be examples from Incomplete sentences, listing and repetition curtailed marks
the scenario, so information within the scenario should that could be awarded. For fifteen marks, learners should
trigger the answers required. be looking to offer a wide range of considerations.

To respond to this question, learners needed to carry out

a first aid needs assessment in the context of the scenario;
considering, for example, the workplace, the nature of
the work being carried out and the composition of the

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback

Task 8: Reactive monitoring methods

Comment on the reactive (lagging) monitoring However, there were several instances where learners had
measures that could be put in place by the café. not noticed the cues in the question, or did not understand
(10) the question, which led to limited answers. Providing a
mix of reactive and proactive monitoring methods and not
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, referencing the scenario was a common oversight.
using relevant information from the scenario.
Other examples of limited answers were learners listing
This question assessed learner’s knowledge and generic reactive measures, but not linking them to the
understanding of assessment criterion 4.1: Discuss common scenario; or suggesting reactive measures that were not
methods and indicators used to monitor the effectiveness of suitable for the scenario.
management systems.
In some instances, answers deviated from any form of
Signposts in this question include ‘reactive (lagging).’ This monitoring measures to cover investigating the accident and
should have guided learners to the aspects to be considered corrective and preventative measures that should be put in
in their responses. The supporting note directed learners to place going forward.
draw on relevant information from the scenario to support
their answers. It appears that the following points need to be revisited by
Stronger answers were able to identify a range of reactive - the differences between reactive and active measuring
measures that could be put in place including accident needs, and
rates, worker complaints, enforcement action and trends. - the difference between the measuring techniques and
Answers also drew on the scenario to support these what they are measuring.

NEBOSH Open Book Examinations:
Learner Feedback


Overall, learners should ensure that they have learnt, Learners should be prepared to interpret or process the
understood, and revised the whole syllabus thoroughly information in the scenario to propose considered answers,
and prepared themselves for the assessment. They need and not expect that every mark-worthy point is stated
to practice researching information and using their course verbatim in the scenario.
notes and other reference sources to attain the best result.

When preparing answers learners should look carefully

at any signposts included, such as ‘based on the scenario
only’ or ‘using the scenario to support your answer.’
Additionally, learners should look to give the same number
of separate points as there are marks in the scheme and
avoid repetition. Answers written in complete sentences,
rather than in notes or lists, and including the relevant point
supported by evidence, are likely to lead to mark-worthy

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