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Welcome Back Jesus!

Dear Stonemill, 2. Join a Life Group. Remember, the spiritual life is not an
individual sport. God created us for community. When
Remember the classic 70's sitcom "Welcome Back we meet together regularly for the purpose of growing
Kotter?" It tells the story of a man who grew up in the in the Lord, Christ shows up in unusual ways (see Matt.
sticks of Brooklyn, NY, went away to college, and came 18:20).
back to his hometown as an agent of positive change
Inside this and inspiration. Brooklyn welcomed him back with open 3. Sacrifice for Him. Give of your Time, Talents, and
arms. Sometimes I think Jesus sees the church like Treasure to God. For those of you not tithing, show
Kotter saw Brooklyn. He is one of us, knows all our your faith by taking steps toward that goal. Give just
weaknesses, but He has also lived in the Heavens, and one dollar out of every ten and see what God does with
Bright Futures 1
yet He still comes back to change us and prepare us your heart!
for a glorious future. Welcome Back Jesus!
Garage Sale 2 4. Serve Him. We need volunteers to "give a cup of water"
As we return from our summer vacations, I want to to those in need. Imagine the smile on God's face when
Celebrate 2 encourage all of us to welcome Jesus to the new 2008- you serve a child on Sunday mornings in our Children's
Freedom 09 School Year. Welcome Him back to a place of Ministry or help a special needs child with the love of
prominence in your heart. Welcome Him back to the Christ or lead a Life Group or go on a mission trip.
Lifeline 2 new holiday season approaching. Welcome Him back to There are so many ways to serve! So plug in and change
Screening the rhythm of your day-in and day-out life. Welcome a life for God!
Him back to your weekends as you attend church regu-
Taste of 2 larly. And welcome Him back fully as THE LORD OF 5. Grow. Make it your goal to grow in the Lord this school
YOUR LIFE! year. Two weeks ago, I challenged us to fast for our
maturity and 150 of you took the challenge. Great job!
Now, let's live it! Our God-honoring goal as a church is
Family 2
Here are a few ways to welcome Him tangibly: to be a transforming, relevant ministry of grace and
Campout truth. That comes through maturity. Let's grow up!
1. Two Free Lunches. Invite two new families to
Stonemill 5K 2
church this school year and buy them lunch after- If we do these five things, God will feel welcome in our
wards. Everyone needs a good church, and church. Join me as we Welcome Back Jesus with a welcoming
Stonemill is a great place to join! commitment to Him. See you on Sunday!
Pastor Rusty

Who is Bright Futures and What are They Doing?

If you have been attending Stonemill Church on Sunday The Mission is to provide programs and activities that this year. The time spent during the service was a bless-
morning for any length of time, there is a high probability are aimed at creating social change in inner-city ing to all who were present and we are humbled and
that you have encountered someone from Bright Fu- adolescents by mentoring, using Christian based thankful to Bright Futures for sharing their special day
tures. There is an even higher probability that the en- character building techniques, and staying involved with us.
counter has changed your life in the best possible way. with the families and community.
Philip and Gail Ross moved to the inner city of Atlanta in
2000 to work with "at-risk" children and single mothers. The days are full at the ministry center with after school
They purchased property located across from Ben Car- programs that include mentoring, devotion, academic
son Middle School in the Grove Park Community, now instruction and recreation all followed by a "home-
home to Bright Futures Atlanta and the Ross's. cooked" meal and all full of never ending love. In
Most of their time and talent is focused on establishing addition, baseball is played, art class is taught and
and developing relationships with students attending Ben the kids serve in the community on a regular
Carson Middle School. Using Christian-based love, men- basis. During summer months, camp is in session
toring, programs, and activities, they are making an where character building and team work are priorities.
obvious difference in the lives of the participants and the
community. Read more about Bright Futures and find out how to get
Through volunteers, ministry partners and the smiles,
it is evident that God's favor and His faithfulness are involved in the ministry by visiting their website,
The Vision is to search out, assist, and build long-term overflowing. The spiritual fruit of this ministry was seen www.bfatl.org or calling 404.799.1244.
relationships with single parents and adolescent youth by many on Sunday, August 16, when 15 children of all
from the inner-city of Atlanta. with a goal to end the cycle ages who mentored by the ministry were baptized at
of poverty, violence, unemployment, and low self-esteem, Stonemill Church. Philip shared that they normally bap-
through social change and education. tize in Lake Lanier, but the water was too low to do that
Awana spaces are Celebrate Freedom Concert
limited! The registration
form is available on line.
Georgia International Horse Park,
Opening night is August 27! Saturday, August 30 9am-11pm
Artists include MercyMe, Aaron Shust, Jacqi
Leader Meeting August 24 Velasquez, Chris Sligh, and many others. Tick-
ets are FREE and can be picked up at Kroger,
Please come to the 3rd floor after the Bruesters or ChickfilA.
second service for a quick leader meeting. www.celebratefreedomatlanta.com
It’s very important!
Stonemill Church is one of 10 local churches/
Classes begin on Tuesday ministries featured at the WNIV Pavilion. Con-
Sept. 2nd. There are still a
tact Rebecca at [email protected] or
770.476.1400 ext. 227 if you’d like to take a shift at
few spots available for 18
the booth between 9:00-5:00.
mths. to Pre-K . Contact
Heather Hall, Director
[email protected] to register or
visit www.stonemillchurch.org
On Thursday, October 9, from 8-5, LifeLine Screening is offering preventative health
screenings here for our church & community.
Stroke Screening: 75% of all strokes are linked to carotid artery blockage
August 24
9 and 11am Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening (looks at the arteries in the legs )
1st Floor Mill
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
Come here mission, vision and plans to
partner with YOU, the parents!
An irregular heartbeat test (AFIB)
Register and win Starbucks gift card!
Osteoporosis screenings will be complimentary to our church members.

Volunteer Training These 5 tests are non-invasive, completely painless, and take about 10 minutes or less each.
The vascular tests are offered for $45 each or at a package price of $139. The results are sent directly
Come experience training like you’ve
never known before...
to you.

Sept. 7th after the second With early detection, all of these problems can be treated. Screenings are recommended yearly for
service. Pizza and child care ages 40+. Pre-registration is a must; space is limited! Visit www.lifelinescreening.com Call 800-324-
provided. 1851 for an appointment. If you have questions, call Khristel McGill at 678-462-3702.

[email protected]
If you are new to Stonemill, we welcome The Adventure Ministry invites you to the
you! We want you to know about all the 2nd annual Family Campout at Fort
great ways to connect at our church –
including things like Life Groups, children’s Yargo State Park, Winder, Ga on Friday,
and student ministry opportunities, mis- Sept. 12- Sunday, Sept.14. There will be
sions, worship arts, church membership and much more. Come food, fishing, bonfires, games, singing, and
join us immediately after the 11:00am service on Sept. 14th for a most of all fellowship with friends, both new and old. Flyers are in
Garage Sale 8am-3pm light brunch followed by time with our Senior Pastor, Rusty Hayes.
You will have an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the lobby at the Ministry Booth.
Stonemill Church. There is no cost or obligation to attend and
THIS SATURDAY childcare is provided! You may register by stopping by the Stone-
mill Guest Center to RSVP on Sunday mornings, emailing Cindy We’re on the web!
AUGUST 23 Potts at [email protected] or register on the calendar
page of the website. www.stonemillchurch.org
!" Still collecting tax
deductible donations &
bake sale items.
With seven consecutive races under their belt, the
!" Need volunteers to help Stonemill Race for Autism Team (formerly Sugarloaf
carry out heavy items. 5K), knows how to put on a successful race! This year's
event includes the Classic Stonemill 5K and has
!" All proceeds benefit expanded to include a Community Fair, 1 mile Fun
Stonemill missionaries to Run/Walk, and a Tot Trot.
New to the race this year is the partnership with The
Uganda and Russia. 10/04/08 8:00 am Autism Society of America-Greater Georgia Chapter
and SPECTRUM Autism Support Group. With autism
Contact Karen Hynes w/ Stonemill Church being the fastest-growing developmental disability,
questions 404-254-8915 100% of proceeds donated to ASA affecting 1 in 150 births each year, this is a cause our
community will surely support. Register online at
[email protected] & Spectrum, race partners www.stonemillraceforautism.org

855 Northbrook Pkwy. Suwanee GA 30024 770.476.1400 [email protected]

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