Project Vision Document

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Project Vision Document <Version No.


Project Vision Document

<Project Name>
<Version Number>

<Company Name>
Project Vision Document <Version No.>

Document Revision Control Table

Version Date Change Description A/M/D Prepared By Approved By

No. Revised (Add/Modify/ Deleted)


<Company Name>
Project Vision Document <Version No.>

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose 4
1.2 Stakeholders 4
1.3 Scope 4
1.4 Definitions 4
1.5 References 4
2. Business Case
2.1 Business Opportunity/need 5
2.2 Problem statement 5
3. Stakeholders and User details
3.1 Stakeholders Details 6
3.2 Users Types 6
3.3 User Environment 6
3.4 User Profile 6
4. Project/Product Overview
4.1 Features 7
4.2 Benefits 7
4.3 Modules 7
5. Constraints 8
6. Assumptions and Dependencies 8
7. Cost and Pricing 8
8. Quality Control 8
9. Project Documentation 8
10. Additional Details 8

<Company Name>
Project Vision Document <Version No.>

1. Introduction

[Define the overview of the document and include stakeholders, scope, features, and constraints for the

1.1 Purpose
[Define the purpose behind creating the document.]

1.2 Stakeholders
[Give brief details about the stakeholders involved in the project.]

1.3 Scope
[Give brief details of the scope of the project and define the broad outlines of what is included and what isn’t.]

1.4 Definitions
[Define any of the technical or business acronyms and abbreviations used in the document.]

1.5 References
[List down any of the other reference documents that are mentioned in the document.]

<Company Name>
Project Vision Document <Version No.>

2. Business Case

[Give the reason of initiating the project, the business proposition and the associated explanation.]

2.1 Business Opportunity/need

[Explain the business opportunity that will be met by the implementation of the project and the need for the

2.2 Problem statement

[Provide details of the problem that will be solved by the implementation of this project.]

<Company Name>
Project Vision Document <Version No.>

3. Stakeholders and User details

[Furnish the details of the stakeholders that are going to be a part of the project and the users that are going to
use the end product/application/service.]

3.1 Stakeholders Details

[Describe each of the stakeholders that will be affected by the outcome of the project in any way, in the format
given below.]

Stakeholder Name
Contact Details/Email ID

3.2 Users Types

[Give details of all the different types of users/user demographics that will interact with the system.]

3.3 User Environment

[Users work in different environment and all those details will come in here.]

3.4 User Profile

[Users profile details shall be elucidated in the form of the table below.]

User Name
User Type
User interaction area/domain

<Company Name>
Project Vision Document <Version No.>

4. Project/Product Overview

[This section defines an overview of the project along with the features, capabilities and modules.]

4.1 Features
[Define the list features/requirements-along with details that are required for the project to be successful and
acceptable, in a tabular format like below:]

S.No. Feature Description

4.2 Benefits
[Give details about how the features that are elaborated above will help attain the overall objective of the
project and the benefit they will impart to the intended end users/customers.]

4.3 Modules
[There may be modules or phases in which the project/product is intended to be developed and those details
will come in here.]

<Company Name>
Project Vision Document <Version No.>

5. Constraints

[Define the constraints that may/will pose a limitation in achieving the intended outcome from the

6. Assumptions and Dependencies

[List down all the external and internal dependencies the project/product is exposed to. Also detail out the
assumptions that are considered while drafting the Vision document.]

7. Cost and Pricing

[All the particulars and constraints against the cost of the application are listed in this section. Additionally,
the pricing for manpower hiring, 3rd party vendors, software and limitations against the same are detailed.]

8. Quality Control

[The quality expectations and acceptance criteria of the finished product/application/software are listed here.]

9. Project Documentation

[The type of the documentation and the level of details expected from the project documentation are described
here. Information about the format and language are also provided.]

10. Additional Details

[Any details that is not a part of any of the above detailed sections or any added details are provided here.]

<Company Name>
Project Vision Document <Version No.>

<Company Name>

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