5A2. CO Recovery and Sequestration Technology

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Part 2 CCT Overview

Environmental Protection Technologies (CO2 Recovery Technologies)

5A2. CO2 Recovery and Sequestration Technology

Technology overview

1. CO2 recovery technology

(1) CO2 recovery technology (for natural gas, syngas, and flue gas) resulting in global warming, which can only be prevented through the
CO2 separation/recovery is widely prevalent in the natural gas and mitigation of CO2 emissions. There are, however, many difficulties in
syngas fields and has been carried out for decades. The CO2 in recovering and sequestering CO2 from movable bodies such as
natural gas is not only useless because it decreases the caloric automobiles and vessels, naturally rendering it easier to recover CO2
value of natural gas, but also because it creates problems at from stationary sources, like boilers, gas turbines, etc.
LNG/ethane recovery plants by solidifying into dry ice. CO2 is hence (3) Characteristics and superiority of technology to recover CO2 from
removed to prevent such problems. exhaust gas
In a plant where natural gas or naphtha is reformed to manufacture The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. and Mitsubishi Heavy
H2, CO2 is separated after being converted from the CO produced Industries, Ltd. began a joint R&D program in 1990 to recover CO2
with hydrogen as syngas. In an ammonia/urea plant, CO2 is from the exhaust gas of power plants and other facilities as a
separated from the gas mixture of H2, N2, and CO2 to produce urea, global-warming countermeasure. First, they assessed the
using H2/N2-derived synthetic ammonia and separated CO2. conventional "monoethanolamine" (MEA) liquid absorbent-based
Previously, however, CO2 separation/recovery from flue gas was not technology considered at that time a CO2 recovery process that
in such large demand, finding limited applications only in food could save the largest amount of energy. It is a process developed
processing and dry ice. When CO2 is separated from natural gas or by the former Dow Chemical Co. and later assigned to Fluor
syngas, the separation is relatively easy because of the high Daniel, Inc. This MEA-based technology was found
pressure of the gas. To the contrary, CO2 separation/recovery from disadvantageous for use in large plants as a measure against
flue gas is difficult in many technological respects due to the very low global warming because of such problems as the large amount of
pressure of flue gas as well as the presence of oxygen, SOx, NOx, energy required for CO2 recovery and the great loss in the liquid
and soot and dust in the flue gas. absorbent due to its rapid degradation. Kansai Electric Power and
(2) Necessity to recover CO2 from fixed sources Mitsubishi Heavy Industries started with basic research to explore
Most fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal) in the world are used as a new liquid absorbent, resulting in the successful development of
fuel for boilers, gas turbines, and internal combustion engines, a novel energy-saving liquid absorbent less prone to degradation. It
releasing CO2 into the atmosphere as exhaust gas. As a result, it is has already been put into practical use for the manufacture of urea
alleged that the atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased, in Malaysia.

2. CO2 sequestration technology

Geological sequestration and ocean sequestration are being displacing the water. This is already underway in Norway. For
widely studied and a commercial project of the former has Japan, Norway-like CO2 sequestration into aquifers distributed
already begun. Geological CO2 sequestration is being carried over continental shelves are considered the most realistic.
out, using the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) method or the coal Other than into aquifers, CO2 can also be sequestered into
seam sequestration-accompanied Coal Bed Methane Recovery closed oil/gas fields where production has already been
method. Aquifer sequestration and sequestration into closed terminated. Closed oil/gas fields once were active oil/gas fields
oil/gas fields are options as well, if the only objective is CO2 because their geological structures did not permit oil/gas leaks.
sequestration. Figure 1 shows a conceptual view of CO2 Therefore, such closed oil/gas fields are considered secure CO2
recovery-EOR combination. sequestration sites.
CO2-EOR commercialization started in the 1970’s mainly in the
United States, enhancing oil production by approximately
200,000 barrels/day. Outside the United States, Canada, Turkey,
and Hungary also utilize the CO2 recovery-EOR combination.
Underground aquifers are widely distributed on the earth wherever
sedimentary layers are located. Even in Japan, where aquifers are
scarce and small in structure because of Japan’s volcanic and
earthquake history, surveys are underway for possible CO2
sequestration sites. If a geological underground layer has cavities,
CO2 can be sequestered in these cavities, which indigenously
contain water (mainly salt water), by pumping in CO2, thereby Photo 1 Conceptual view:
CO2 recovery from power plant flue gas for EOR

Masaki Iijima et al., "CO2 Recovery/Effective Utilization/Fixation and Commercialization," MHI Technical Journal, 39 (5), 286, 2002.


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