English Learning Strand 1 (Module 8,10-17)

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English Learning Strand 1 ( module 8, 10-17)

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

_____ 1. He/ She is the one who sends the message in the communication process.
a. The Sender b. The Receiver c. The Medium d. The Message

_____ 2. He/ She is the other person involved in communication. He/ She receives the message and
processes it in his /her mind.
b. The Sender b. The Receiver c. The Medium d. The Message

_____ 3. The means by which the message is sent. There are different types of media.
a. The Sender b. The Receiver c. The Medium d. The Message

_____ 4. The last but perhaps the most important component of the communication process. This is
what you are actually transmitting. This is what the receiver receives and interprets. Without
this, there can be no communication.
a. The Sender b. The Receiver c. The Medium d. The Message

_____ 5. The most common way of sending messages in a conversation.

a. Spoken word or oral communication c. Non-verbal communication
b. Written communication d. Technological media of messages

_____ 6. Refers to sending messages through writing. Letters, notes and memoranda are examples
of this.
a. Spoken word or oral communication c. Non-verbal communication
b. Written communication d. Technological media of messages

_____ 7. Refers to body language including gestures, motions and facial expressions. A smile, a
raised eyebrow, a frown and head movements can convey certain meanings.
a. Spoken word or oral communication c. Non-verbal communication
b. Written communication d. Technological media of messages

_____ 8. Refers to sending messages using technological equipment like radios, telephones, etc.
a. Spoken word or oral communication c. Non-verbal communication
b. Written communication d. Technological media of messages

_____ 9. A _______________ is a response or reaction given to a particular statement or situation. It

aims to correct and not to destroy, to achieve results and not to hurt feelings.
a. constructive feedback b. comparison c. facts d. opinions

_____ 10. It refers to the act of examining two or more people, things or ideas to see what
differences or similarities they have.
a. constructive feedback b. comparison c. facts d. opinions

_____ 11. These are statements or pieces of information that can be proven conclusively to be true.
a. constructive feedback b. comparison c. facts d. opinions

_____ 12. These are pieces of information that are based on attitudes and feelings. They vary
between and among sources and cannot be conclusively proven to be true.
a. constructive feedback b. comparison c. facts d. opinions

_____ 13. A ________ is a mental leaning, an inclination, a predisposition or a prejudice that keeps
an information source from being totally accurate.
a. Bias c. Glittering Generalities
b. Name calling d. Bandwagon
_____ 14. It accusing or denouncing an individual by using a widely disapproved label.
Example: He is a liar and a troublemaker.
a. Bias c. Glittering Generalities
b. Name calling d. Bandwagon

_____ 15. It vague and misleading general terms used when referring to particular persons or things
in order to avoid distasteful details about them.
Examples: love, peace, freedom, goodness, truth
a. Bias c. Glittering Generalities
b. Name calling d. Bandwagon

_____ 16. It convincing people to do something by letting them know others are doing it and
encouraging them to follow the crowd (“join the bandwagon”).
Example: Most people prefer Product X because they know the plus factors of this product.
Do you?
a. Bias c. Glittering Generalities
b. Name calling d. Bandwagon

_____ 17. It presenting only favorable facts about someone or something and deliberately excluding
unpleasant ones.
Example: When asked to describe her cruel father, Julie said, “Tatay is a very tall, handsome
a. Card Stacking b. Testimonial c. Transfer d. “Makamasa”

_____ 18. It using the words of famous people to encourage people to like someone or something.
Example: Sharon Cuneta uses this facial cleanser. She says it makes her skin look “soft,
smooth and clear.”
a. Card Stacking b. Testimonial c. Transfer d. “Makamasa”

_____ 19. It using the names or pictures (but not direct quotations) of famous people or other
figures and symbols of authority to encourage people to like someone or something.
Example: Paeng Nepomuceno wears this brand of bowling shoes. These shoes can make you
a winner too!
a. Card Stacking b. Testimonial c. Transfer d. “Makamasa”

_____ 20. It trying to establish someone as one of the common folk in order to give him or her mass
Example: A rich politician wears ordinary work clothes and joins in tilling a field in order to
win more votes during the coming election.
a. Card Stacking b. Testimonial c. Transfer d. “Makamasa”

_____ 21. The ________ contains the name of the newspaper, the volume, date and price.
a. flag b. editorial c. sports d. headline

_____ 22. The ________ contains the opinion of the editor about a certain issue.
a. flag b. editorial c. sports d. headline

_____ 23. The ________ section features articles about games and athletes.
a. flag b. editorial c. sports d. headline

_____ 24. The ________ is the title of the main story of the newspaper.
a. flag b. editorial c. sports d. headline

_____ 25. ________ news tells about events in different countries of the world.
a. International b. front page c. business d. opinion
_____ 26. The ________ has the headline and usually some international and local news, the
weather, and the index.
a. International b. front page c. business d. opinion

_____ 27. The ________ section contains financial and business news.
a. International b. front page c. business d. opinion

_____ 28. Various writers working for the newspaper write about their thoughts and views in the
________ columns.
a. International b. front page c. business d. opinion

_____ 29. These are principles or qualities that are intrinsically valuable or desirable.
a. values b. literature c. fictional works d. nonfictional works

_____ 30. It refers to writings in prose or verse especially those having excellence of form or
expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest.
a. values b. literature c. fictional works d. nonfictional works

_____ 31. These are those that are invented by imagination or feigned.
a. values b. literature c. fictional works d. nonfictional works

_____ 32. These are those that are based on real events or those that can happen in real life.
a. values b. literature c. fictional works d. nonfictional works

_____ 33. This is a literary medium distinguished from poetry especially by its greater irregularity
and variety of rhythm and its closer correspondence to the patterns of everyday speech.
a. prose b. short story c. play d. letter

_____ 34. A ________ is an invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few
characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood
rather than plot.
a. prose b. short story c. play d. letter

_____ 35. A _______ is the stage representation of an action or a story.

a. prose b. short story c. play d. letter

_____ 36. A _________ is a direct or personal written or message addressed to a person or an

a. prose b. short story c. play d. letter

_____ 37. It refers to writings that formulate a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in
language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning,
sound and rhythm.
a. poetry b. poem c. eulogy d. obituary

_____ 38. It is a composition in verse.

a. poetry b. poem c. eulogy d. obituary

_____ 39. It is a commendatory formal statement of set oration.

a. poetry b. poem c. eulogy d. obituary

______ 40. It is where you can found a notices of deaths.

a. poetry b. poem c. eulogy d. obituary
_____ 41. It is the loudness or softness of your voice.
a. volume b. pitch c. rate d. quality

_____ 42. It is the element of voice that shows how you feel.
a. volume b. pitch c. rate d. quality

_____ 43. It is how fast or how slow you speak.

a. volume b. pitch c. rate d. quality

_____ 44. A characteristic which makes a person’s voice pleasant or unpleasant.

a. volume b. pitch c. rate d. quality

_____ 45. A _____________ is used for screening, hiring and placing applicants, employees and
members of an organization. It is conducted for a job, bank, loan or overseas travel visa
a. selection interview c. problem-solving interview
b. information-gathering interview d. persuasive interview

_____ 46. An _____________________ is a type of interview designed to obtain facts or

opinions, feelings, attitudes and reasons for certain actions. It is similar to those commonly
used by journalists.
a. selection interview c. problem-solving interview
b. information-gathering interview d. persuasive interview

_____ 47. A ___________________ is similar to those used when discussing concerns of the
members of a community. It is conducted when a problem concerning two or more people
needs to be settled.
a. selection interview c. problem-solving interview
b. information-gathering interview d. persuasive interview

_____ 48. A ________________ is similar to those which commonly occur in the marketplace. It
is used when one wants to change how a person thinks, feels, and/or acts.
a. selection interview c. problem-solving interview
b. information-gathering interview d. persuasive interview

____ 49. It means arranging the main ideas and the detail sentences in proper order.
a. outlining b. summarizing c. paraphrasing d. interviewing

____ 50. It means telling the most important facts about events in as well as the highlights of a story.
a. outlining b. summarizing c. paraphrasing d. interviewing

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