Actividad 2 Artículo 1
Actividad 2 Artículo 1
Actividad 2 Artículo 1
Journal of J Innate Immun 2018;10:432–441 Received: January 31, 2018
Immunity DOI: 10.1159/000487756 Accepted after revision: February 14, 2018
Published online: April 11, 2018
complex (DISC). Of note, caspase-8 can be activated in- pathogen survival and is necessary to evade the host im-
dependently from the extrinsic pathway, and can activate mune system. A. phagocytophilum, the etiological agent
caspase-9 as a downstream effect of cleavage and the ac- of human granulocytic anaplasmosis, and Chlamydia
tivation of Bid, thus demonstrating the interconnection pneumoniae, a cause of acute respiratory disease, are ex-
between the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. Moreover, amples of pathogens that can survive and replicate within
both pathways converge at the effector caspase-3 level neutrophils [52, 53]. The delay of neutrophil apoptosis by
[47]. A. phagocytophilum is mediated in part by the increased
During bacterial infection, neutrophil ingestion of mi- phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase
crobes prompts cells to undergo apoptosis in a process (MAPK) and activation of phosphatidylinosytol 3-kinase
termed “phagocytosis-induced cell death” (PICD) [47]. (PI3K)/Akt [54, 55]. Apoptosis is delayed by affecting 2
PICD is highly dependent on ROS, Mac-1 (CD11b/ main antiapoptotic proteins. Specifically, infected neu-
CD18), and Fcγ receptor signaling [50, 51]. Nonlytic pro- trophils maintain the expression of Mcl-1, a Bcl-2 family
grammed cell death is highly advantageous to the host, antiapoptosis protein that directly prevents Bax translo-
since it allows the safe removal of effete neutrophils con- cation, and the enhanced expression of cellular inhibitor
taining killed bacteria, and promotes the resolution of in- of apoptosis (cIAP2), which regulates caspase activity by
fection. In general, a select group of bacterial pathogens direct binding. Furthermore, infected neutrophils in-
can either delay apoptosis to prolong host cell survival, or crease IL-8 production, which promotes neutrophil sur-
accelerate and/or redirect apoptosis causing cell lysis, and vival in an autocrine/paracrine manner [55]. F. tularensis
leading to prolonged inflammation and surrounding tis- is another intracellular bacterial pathogen that delays
sue destruction. There are very few intracellular patho- neutrophil apoptosis by affecting Bcl-2 family proteins.
gens that are neutrophil-tropic, attributed, primarily, to Namely, the pathogen impairs the processing and activa-
the short neutrophil lifespan. Nonetheless, the delay of tion of caspase-8 and Bid, and significantly inhibits apop-
neutrophil apoptosis is a crucial strategy for intracellular tosis by impairing translocation of Bax into the mito-
chondria [56, 57]. More recently, it has been suggested tolytic path or cause direct cell lysis by secreted toxins.
that F. tularensis-secreted bacterial lipoproteins play a Some ingested S. aureus or S. pyogenes strains survive
role in apoptosis inhibition via a TLR-2 dependent route within human neutrophils and cause premature lysis that
[58]. leads to the dissemination of viable bacteria, thus per-
Common bacterial pathogens such as E. coli, P. aeru- petuating the disease process. Lysis of PMNs infected
ginosa, and S. aureus induce neutrophil apoptosis follow- with S. aureus resembles necroptosis [60]. This process
ing phagocytosis. In general, PICD is a host-driven pro- is typically dependent on an interaction between recep-
cess that promotes pathogen removal and the resolution tor-interacting serine/threonine kinase (RIPK-1 and
of inflammation; however, some bacterial pathogens RIPK-3) and mixed-lineage kinase like protein (MLKL).
have evolved means by which to exploit this process to Necroptosis induced by S. aureus is primarily dependent
their benefit. For example, P. aeruginosa secretes a phen- on RIPK3 activation, but is inhibited by necrostatin-1
azine exotoxin, pyocyanin, that rapidly accelerates neu- (Nec-1), an antagonist of RIPK-1 [61]. In addition, neu-
trophil apoptosis. This pathogen-driven premature trophils with ingested bacteria increase the expression of
apoptosis of neutrophils interferes with the ability of the CD47 (a “don’t eat me” signal) that interferes with mac-
immune system to eliminate invading bacteria. Pyocya- rophage efferocytosis and cytokine production [60].
nin-induced apoptosis is a ROS-dependent process that Furthermore, S. aureus and S. pyogenes produce several
mediates dysfunction of the phagosome and leads to the leukotoxins (e.g., streptolysins O and S, and the staph
release of cathepsin D, permeabilization of the mito- ylococcal leukotoxins HlgAB, LukDE, LukGH, and Pan-
chondrial membranes and, subsequently, reduced levels ton-Valentine leukocidin [PVL]) that form pores in the
of Mcl-1 [59]. Moreover, pathogens such as S. aureus neutrophil membrane and cause subsequent cytolysis
have the ability to redirect neutrophil fate towards a cy- [62, 63].
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