After A Bath: Text Based Questions

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Objective Answer Type Questions

1- State 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements.

(i) The child in the poem wipes before he takes a bath. 
(ii) The child has a shiny nose. 
(iii) A dog takes more time to dry. 
(iv) The child wishes to be a dog. 

2- Fill in the blanks from the box given below.

shiny, toes, wipe, two

(i) Hands to ...............

(ii) and fingers and ...............
(iii) and ............... wet legs
(iv) and a ............... nose

3- Tick ({) the correct option.

(i) The boy tries to wips himself till he is ............... .
(a)wet  (b) dry 

(c) sad  (d) happy 

(ii) What do you use to dry yourself after a bath?

(a)Soap  (b) Toothpaste 

(c) Cream  (d) Towel 

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(iii) A dog takes less time to ............... .

(a)cry  (b) fry 

(c) dry  (d) buy 

4- On the basis of the poem give answers to the following questions.

(i) How many legs have been mentioned in the poem? (Three/Two)


(ii) Can you bath yourself? (Yes/No)


(iii) Which body part is used to wipe in the poem? (Toes/Hands)



5- Circle the words which are spelled correctly.

(i) Tri Try Trry

(ii) Wip Wipee Wipe

(iii) Fingars Fingirs Fingers

(iv) Toes Toees Tois

(v) Coldd Could Coud

(vi) Sheke Skakke Shake

6- Write the opposites of the following words.

(i) Dry .................... (ii) Shiny ....................

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(iii) Less .................... (iv) After ....................

7- Write the things you need to take a bath using the picture clues.
(i) B.....C..... .....T (ii) T.....W.....L

(iii) S..... .....P (iv) SHO.....S

(v) SH.....RT (vi) SO.....KS

(vii) BE.....T (viii) SHO.....TS

8- Label the different parts of your body using the words in the box.
Head, Mouth, Chest, Fingers, Arm, Foot, Nose, Neck, Tummy, Leg,
Hand, Toes

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9- Answer the following questions.

(i) What does the boy do after a bath?



(ii) Are the boy's legs dry or wet?



(iii) What does the boy's nose look like after a bath?



(iv) How does a dog dry itself?



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10- Water is used in many ways. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences
with the words given below.
watering washing bathing cooking cleaning drinking

(i) (ii)

Sam is ................................... Lata is ...................................water.

(iii) (iv)

The washerman is The maid is ...................................

.................................. clothes. the floor.

(v) (vi)

Mother is .......................... The gardener is

food. .................................... the plants.

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11- Rewrite the following sentences with capital letters inthe beginning and full
stops at the end. One has been done for you.
(i) (ii)

i go to school this is my new dress


(iii) (iv)

i have a dog she has long hair

............................................... .......................................................


he likes sweets



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