Green Skills Programme

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What is the Green Skills Programme?

Green skills are those skills needed to adapt processes,

services and products to climate change and the
environmental regulations and requirements related to it.
They include the knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes
needed to live in, develop and support a sustainable and
resource-efficient society. These skills are required in areas
such as Renewable energy, readiness, Wastewater
treatment, Climate-resilient cities, Green construction, Solid

waste management etc.

Importance of Green Skill Development Programme

 India would need around 10.4 crores of new workforces by the year 2022, in various
sectors and hence skill development is essential to meet the demand.
 The trainees of this programme can also be exposed for the expertise on wildlife
conservation, nurseries, horticulture etc. and can be absorbed with the Department
of Environment and Forests of the State Governments as well.
 The programme aims to train youth who have not been able to continue higher
education due to different financial or social constraints but has an urge to learn new
things and do something fruitful.
 The green skilled workforce having technical knowledge and commitment to
sustainable development will help in the attainment of INDCs and National
Biodiversity Targets.
 Green skill is crucial for making a transition from energy and emission-intensive
economy to cleaner and greener production and service patterns.
Recent Developments

The decision has been taken by the Government of India, to expand the Green Skill
Development Programme (GSDP) to an all-India level. Post a pilot project in the year 2017,
the ministry has now taken the following steps to expand the Green Skill Development

 Increasing the budget allocation for ENVIS in budget 2018-19 by 33%. Out of this, the
training courses under the Green Skill Development Programme will be funded.
 The targets for training have been increased. A total of 5 lakh 60 thousand people will
be imparted training between 2018-19 and 2020-21.

35 courses including pollution monitoring (air/water/noise/soil), effluent treatment plant

operation, forest management, water budgeting etc have been recognised by the

Important Sectors of a Green Economy

Sector What can we do?

Agriculture • Support local, organic and
Agriculture refers to growing crops for our natural farming (farming without
food. It is the largest part of our use of harmful fertilisers and
economy and the most pesticides)
important because it provides • Grow our own vegetables, if possible
us with food. Agriculture may • Eat in-season and
harm the environment by locally produced food
• overusing land resources,
• cutting forests and
• polluting air, water and land by using
harmful chemical fertilisers and
Stakeholders in Green Economy

Government Business and Industry

Governments and local

authorities make and
implement sustainable
development laws, Many individual social
policies, strategies, workers and NGOs help The success of green
standards, programs, the government and economy depends on the
agreements with other society in implementing active participation of both
countries actions required for a — public and the private
and actions. green economy. sectors.
Companies need to follow
responsible business
practices and protect the
Farmers Women Workers and Trade
Women form
one-half of
and have a
Farmers produce food big role in
and agricultural The workers are a very
households, important part of our
products for the whole society and
country. economy. Green policies aim
the at providing them
They are one of the economy.
most important parts • a decent life and decent
Sustainable work in a healthy
of an economy and development
society. environment.
is possible • access to health,
They have a big role only
in the success of a water and
if we focus sanitation.
green economy. on women’s • access to education
rights and skills training.
making them
participate fully in a
green economy.
Native Scientific and Children and Youth
Tribes Technological
Native or
s people
are the
of a region The youth are both the
who still All areas of sustainable
present and the future of
follow development need science
our economy. They can
their and technology. Scientists
participate actively in the
ancient can explain problems of
protection of the
lifestyle. technology to
environment and the
The governments and policy
promotion of economic and
green makers. They can also
social development.
economy provide sustainable
can solutions to improve
benefit people’s lives.
many such tribes in
the hills and forests of
Significance of the development of ‘green skills’

The development of ‘green skills’ is international

experience in the process of promoting sustainable


The development of ‘green skills’ is national or regional

development strategy

Development of ‘green skills’ is an urgent need for the

development of our society

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