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Analysis of Tow Cables

Article in Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering · November 2017

DOI: 10.13189/ujme.2017.050502


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2 authors:

Nimmy Thomas Manoj T. Issac

Cochin University of Science and Technology Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering 5(5): 144-149, 2017 http://www.hrpub.org
DOI: 10.13189/ujme.2017.050502

Analysis of Tow Cables

Nimmy Thomas*, Manoj T. Issac

Department of Ship Technology, Cochin University of Science and Technology, India

Copyright©2017 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract Hydrodynamic analysis of tow cable has an tow cable and the tow body. Underwater towed systems
important role in the design of towed system. Cable can be as simple as a single cable with its towed vehicle, or
catenary, cable depth attained for a given cable length, they may be composed of multiple towed cables and
cable tension and angle of cable with the body are the multiple towed bodies. They are employed for geophysical
parameters that affects the towed system related to tow explorations, coastal surveillance, patrolling of offshore
cable. This paper deals with analysis of a set of installations, detection of underwater targets, mine
commercially available cables of different properties using sweeping, surveys, inspections and researches.
Orcaflex software. The cables were analysed for different In simulating the hydrodynamic performance of an
payouts at different speeds. A comparative study was underwater towed system, the coupling effect between the
performed on the results obtained relating the cable towing ship and the towed system is generally neglected,
properties (diameter and buoyancy). This provides a rough and the hydrodynamic model is usually composed of tow
idea on the catenary profiles that reflects the depth and trail cable and towed body [1]. The towed body is towed behind
achieved by the cable given payout and speed.
the surface vessel by means of a tow cable. The depth at
Keywords Tow Cables, Orcaflex, Catenary Profile, which the towed body is operated can be adjusted by
Towfish, Trail, Lumped Mass, Drag Coefficient varying the length of cable payout or by changing the ship
speed or both. The horizontal distance between tow body
and the towing ship is the trail. The angle that the cable
makes with the horizontal is its ‘critical angle’, and is a
1. Introduction function of towing speed, weight in water, and drag
The components of a towed system include towing ship,

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a towing arrangement

Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering 5(5): 144-149, 2017 145

2. Modeling and Analysis{ XE The cables chosen are commercially available tow
cables and the strength details of cables are from the
"template" } manufacture brochures. A variety of light tow cables,
The entire system was modelled as a combination of heavy tow cables and positively buoyant tow cables are
lines and a 3-D buoy to represent the towing system. The selected for analysis.
towed body is idealized as a 3-D buoy in Orcaflex [8]. The The cables with codes 1SSA and 1HRS are of company
properties of 3D buoy are assumed as the parameters of a NOVACAVI [7] and cables with codes starting FCE are of
bare hull from reference [4]. The steady state configuration company FALMAT [6]. The description details of tow
of the towed system is determined using implicit time cables are available in the respective references.
domain analysis.
The cable is represented as a line in Orcaflex. This
models cable as finite elements that are connected by 3. Results
frictionless spherical joints, i.e., the method employs
lumped mass approach [1][2][3]. Orcaflex calculates Analysis of selected 13 cables were performed in
tension forces, bend moments, shear forces, torsion Orcaflex software for payout lengths of 100m, 200m, 300m
moments and total load. The end fitting of the line is and 400m at low speeds 2m/s to 10m/s at intervals of 2m/s.
defined by 3 angles: azimuth, declination and gamma. 3-D The translational motion of towing vessel was restricted in
buoys have the freedom of translational motion in X, Y and global X-direction. Each simulation was performed at a
Z directions. They do not rotate and therefore do not have constant speed for a time period of 600 seconds at time step
rotational properties and moments. The equilibrium 0.1 second. Each cable was discretized at 1 m intervals.
position of buoy is calculated by static analysis. The mass, The results at the 600th second instant were chosen for
volume, bulk modulus, height, contact area, drag discussion. Total force, position and orientation of buoy
coefficients, drag area and added mass coefficients are the and each node are obtained from simulation. The forces
parameters that defines the 3-D buoy. The seastate is acting at the midpoint of each segment are also available
assumed to be calm (glassy), and sea bed is assumed at from the analysis results. Detailed results are available in
500m depth. Angle of attack of towed body is assumed to reference [5].
be zero for any speed.
Table 1. Physical and hydrodynamic parameters of towing cable
Breaking Overall Weight Weight/Buoyancy (W/B)
Sl.No Cable Code
Strength (N) Dia(mm) (kg/m) Ratio
1 FCE5020T05 1124 9.4 0.09673 1.36
2 FCE5020T20 4996 13 0.16965 1.23
3 FCE7514T02 562 22.9 0.54318 1.29
4 FCE7514T20 4996 25.4 0.63693 1.23
5 1SSA4 712000 11.45 0.441 4.18
6 1SSA6 166713 17.3 0.968 4.02
7 1SSA13 313812 24 1.798 3.88
8 1SSA16 529559 9.95 0.352 4.42
9 1HRS255 3924 7.8 0.072 1.47
10 1HRS259 3433 11 0.15 1.54
11 1HRS285 3139 5 0.028 1.39
12 DYNEEMA [9] 498200 25.4 0.00102 0.002
13 KEVLAR [10] 346961 25.4 0.0015 0.003

Table 2. Physical and hydrodynamic parameters of towed body [1]


3 2 2 2
200 kg 0.0657 m 0.203 m 0.0324 m 0.431 m 0.431 m 0.004 1 1
146 Analysis of Tow Cables

Figure 2. Cable profile of cables for a payout of 100m at 2m/s speed.

Figure 3. Cable profile of 1HRS series cables for a payout of 300m at 8m/s speed s cables

Figure 4. Cable profile of 1SSA serie for a payout of 300m at 8m/s speed.
Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering 5(5): 144-149, 2017 147

Figure 5. Cable profile of positively buoyant cables for a payout of 300m at 8m/s speed

Figure 6. Cable profile of FCE series cables for a payout of 300m at 8m/s speed.

Figure 7. Cable profile of cables for a payout of 300m for at 8m/s speed
148 Analysis of Tow Cables

Figure 8. Cable profile of 1SSA13 for a payout of 300m different speeds

Cable profile achieved by each cable for a given payout The cables that attained maximum depth and minmum
at different speeds are plotted, which represents the depth of same series are distinguished by the properties of
catenary profile variation of the cables. diameter and weight by buoyant ratio. From fig 6, dyneema
Among the selected tow cables, light tow cable and kevlar are positively buoyant cables of similar
1HRS285 (𝜙𝜙 5mm and W/B 1.39) attained the maximum properties and they attained same cable profiles, hence the
depth and minimum trail for all payouts at 2m/s and 8m/s cable profile overlaps. Fig 7 represents the cable profile of
speeds. But among light tow cables of FCE series, cables with similar diameter for a given payout at a specific
FCE5020T05 (𝜙𝜙 9.4mm and W/B 1.36) attained the speed. Fig 8 represents the cable profile attained by a cable
maximum depth and minimum trail for all payouts at 2m/s for a given payout at different speeds. It gives an idea about
and 8m/s speeds. In case of light tow cables, we observed the towspeed to attain a certain depth for a given payout
that the cables with smaller diameter and lower W/B ratio
attains the maximum depth. i.e, As the diameter and W/B
ratio of light weight tow cables increases, the depth 4. Conclusions
attained by cable decreases and the trail attained by the
cable increases, probably because smaller diameter cables Analysis was performed on a series of commercially
experience less drag than larger ones. available tow cables to study the dependency of tow depth
But in case of heavy tow cables, cables of greater on tow speed and cable properties (diameter and weight by
diameter attains greater depth than cables with smaller buoyant ratio). The payout length that has to be provided to
diameter for greater payouts and speed. Among those achieve a certain depth can also be roughly estimated for
cables, heavy tow cables (1SSA) with high weight to those cables from the analysis results.
buoyancy ratio have the maximum effective depth at Buoyancy of the cable have significant role in attaining
different tow speeds. But, on considering the weight of the tow depth along with the tow speed. Light weight
those cables in air, the self-weight of cable for its whole cables of smaller diameter are capable to achieve depths
length are sometimes greater than the load at the end node similar to that of heavy tow cables under their breaking
provided. The light tow cables (1HRS255 and 1HRS285) strength. In case of light weight tow cables, as the diameter
have a range of depth and trail similar to that are achieved and W/B ratio of light weight tow cables increases, the
by heavy tow cables. depth attained by cable decreases and the trail attained by
Fig 2 represents the cable profile of all selected cables the cable increases. This is probably due to the fact that an
for a payout of 100m at 2m/s speed. It reveals that light tow increased diameter attracts more drag which influence the
cables (IHRS285 with 𝜙𝜙 5mm and W/B 1.39) achieved the depth achieved. Among the selected cables, the light
maximum depth and minimum trail, while the positively weight cable 1HRS285 𝜙𝜙 5mm and W/B 1.39) attains the
buoyant cables (𝜙𝜙 25.4mm and W/B 0.002 & 0.003) maximum depth under its breaking strength. Among light
attained the minimum depth and maximum trail. Fig 3 to tow cables (FCE and 1HRS series), smaller diameter cables
fig 6 represents the cable profile of each series cables for a achieved deeper depth and minimum trail for a given
given payout at a given speed. It reveals the influence of payout and speed.
diameter and W/B ratio of cables in attaining the depth. Positively buoyant cables stretches under loading at high
Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering 5(5): 144-149, 2017 149

tow speeds and are not suitable for deep towing except at during Manoeuvres, Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE
slow speeds. They are suitable for surface towing under OCEANS ‘06, Boston Conference.
their breaking strength. The work can be further extended [5] Thomas, N.,(2017), Analysis of Tow Cables, M.Tech thesis,
at different loads and for different seastate conditions. Department of Ship Technology, Cochin University of
Science and Technology.
[6] FALMAT manual, (2017).
[7] http://falmat.com/products/marine-subsea/towcables/,
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