D A T A S H E E T: EC2-5x2 Series Condensing Unit Controllers

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EC2-5x2 Series

Condensing Unit Controllers

The EC2-Series form a new generation of electronic
controllers for refrigeration and air conditioning. The
controllers combine in the small industry standard housing
maximum functionality such as step less compressor
modulation and variable fan speed control with TCP/IP
Ethernet communications and WebServer functionality. Any
standard WebBrowser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Mozilla
Firefox) can be used for monitoring or parameter setting.

• Suction pressure control for up to 2 compressors;
1 Copeland Digital Scroll compressor and 1 single stage EC2-5x2 Series
• Variable fan speed condensing pressure control with
EMERSON FSP Series Fan Speed Power Modules
• Suction pressure control for up to 2 single stage
• Condensing pressure control with fan cycling of up to 2
fixed speed condenser fans
• Separate inputs for compressor serial control loops,
common input for fan motor control loop

Common Features
• Multiple control options: Dead band control, base load
• Compressor and fan motor rotation with run-time
• Fast recovery of suction and condensing pressure
• Sensor failure management with emergency operating
• Relay outputs with 230 VAC SPDT contacts for
compressor crankcase heater control
• Support of TCP/IP Ethernet networking technology with Typical ordering package
WebServer functionality allows monitoring and • EC2-552 Condensing Unit Controller with K02-540
configuration of controllers through a standard Terminal Kit
WebBrowser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox)
• FSP-150 Fan Speed Power Module with FSP-L15 Cable
• Alarm messaging by email
• ECT-523 Transformer
• Electrical connection via plug-in type screw terminals
• ECX-N60 Ethernet Cable
• 2½ digit LED display with automatic decimal point
• PT5-07M Suction Pressure Transmitter
• Indicator LEDs for compressor, fan, press./°C and alarm
• PT5-30M Condensing Pressure Transmitter
• Standard 71 x 29 mm cut-out dimensions
• 2 x PT4-M15 cable for PT5 Pressure Transmitters
• IP 65 protection class when mounted in front panel

Selection Table
TCP/IP Ethernet
Description Type Part No.

Condensing Unit Controller EC2-552 807 738

1 Digital Scroll Compressor, 1 Single Stage Compressor, Variable Fan Speed Control with FSP

Condensing Unit Controller EC2-512 807 732

2 Single Stage Compressors, 2 Fixed Speed Fans

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EC2-5x2 Series
Condensing Unit Controllers
The EC2-5x2 Series Condensing Units Controllers are for use The Emerson PT5 pressure transmitter (1) senses suction
in commercial refrigeration systems to control suction pressure pressure. The Digital Scroll Compressor (6) operates as the
and condensing pressure of a refrigeration circuit by modulating base load compressor. Capacity modulation is achieved by
compressors and fan motors of a condensing unit. temporarily unloading the compressors scroll sets with the
Though the controllers are designed to handle tandem Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal (11) which controls the
compressors, they are also perfectly suited for single compressor unloading valve (12). In tandem compressor
compressor applications. condensing units, the single stage compressor (7) will only be
turned on when demand exceeds the refrigeration capacity of
When compared with more traditional condensing unit control
the Digital Scroll Compressor. The discharge temperature
methods, which utilise mechanical pressostats for compressor
thermistor of the Digital Scroll Compressor should be connected
modulation and fan cycling, or which may have no fan control at
to the Disch. Temp. input (5) of the controller and the volt-free
all, the EC2-5x2 Series Controllers greatly enhance system
digital inputs (3) and (4) should be connected to the serial alarm
efficiency, reliability and operating conditions. The built-in
loops of both compressors for feedback of compressor tripping.
communications capabilities permit remote access to the
condensing units for monitoring, remote maintenance and Suction Pressure Control EC2-552
retrieval of operational data. Though remote access through a 2 control loops with the same suction pressure setpoint P0
network to individual equipment controllers has been available modulate the compressors.
before for display case, coldroom and rack controllers, it is a
new feature for condensing unit controllers. It is now possible to
access the entire refrigeration system remotely and not only a Standard
part of it. Scroll
The EC2 Series Condensing Unit Controllers are members of
the range of EC2 and EC3 devices, which can be easily
assembled into complete control systems for commercial Digital
refrigeration. They all share the benefits of remote access and
data communication. Please refer to specific datasheets for Scroll
The EC2-552 has been exclusively designed to control single Suction Pressure
compressor or tandem compressor condensing units with a
Copeland Digital Scroll compressor. It features a 0…10 VDC
output to connect to an EMERSON FSP Fan Speed Power The dead band control loop with dead band P1 switches the
Module for variable fan speed control. Alternatively this output single stage compressor on or off, whereas a PI control loop
may be used to control fan motor speed with an inverter or to modulates the Digital Scroll base load compressor between
connect to ECM type fan motors directly. approximately 10% and 100% capacity. Being the base load
compressor, the Digital Scroll Compressor will never be
The EC2-512 is also capable of controlling 1 or 2 single stage
switched off while the single stage compressor remains on.
compressors. 1 or 2 fan motors can be controlled by on – off
cycling. Condensing Pressure Control EC2-552
When compared to on – off cycling of fan motors, variable fan The PT5 pressure transmitter (2) senses condensing pressure
speed control offers two distinctive advantages: A proportional and feeds the signal into a control loop which generates a
control loop keeps condensing pressure constant and minimizes 0…10V output signal (10) to modulate condenser fan motor
fan motor noise. By keeping condensing pressure as low as speed by using the EMERSON FSP Fan Speed Power Module.
possible, major energy savings can be achieved. The control algorithm for condensing pressure is generating a
proportional transfer characteristic:
The functions of the EC2 Series Condensing Unit Controllers 100%
are described in the functional diagrams below:

EC2-552 0%
P0 Condensing Pressure
P0 is the condensing pressure setpoint for the fan. P1 is the
proportional pressure band within the fan speed is controlled

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EC2-5x2 Series
Condensing Unit Controllers
Application EC2-512 Sensors
The use of Emerson PT5 Pressure Transmitters is highly
recommended. They are dedicated for refrigeration applications
and feature pre-fabricated plug and cable assemblies with
different cable lengths as well as waterproof electrical connec-
tors for easy installations. Their electrical characteristics match
the requirements of the EC2 Series and guarantee proper
function of the built-in sensor detection and self-test feature.
Display and Keypad
With the 2½-digit display pressures within ±199bar can be shown
with a resolution of 1bar. The resolution improves to 0.1bar within
a range of ±19.9bar. The same principle applies to the display of
temperatures, which can be switched from °C to °F.
Indicator LEDs show the status of the compressors and the fan
motors. A blinking LED indicates that the EC2 Controller is
trying to fulfill a task but is prevented from doing so by another
restraint in the system. An example of this would be a request to
The suction pressure control algorithm and the compressor remove a compressor, which is temporarily inhibited by the
control features of the EC2-512 are identical to the ones as minimum compressor run time requirement.
described above in the EC2-552.
As above, the PT5 pressure transmitter (2) senses condensing Operation and Commissioning
pressure and feeds the signal into a condensing pressure dead Setup and commissioning of an EC2 Series Controller may be
band control loop, which is similar to the dead band compressor performed by using one of the following options:
control loop as described in the EC2-552. • Locally or remote with a PC connected to the TCP/IP
Ethernet port of the EC2.
Condensing pressure is modulated by turning fan motors on • Locally through the 4-button keypad.
and off. For initial commissioning of a new installation depending on the
excess dead band demand networking technology of the EC2 the first option is the most
appropriate. Commissioning is done via dedicated menus with
meaningful default values, which make commissioning an EC2
a plug-and-play type of job. Englisch and german are the
setpoint condensing pressure
standard languages, others are also available. Anybody who is
familiar with Microsoft Windows® based programs and
No change occurs as long as the condensing pressure remains WebBrowsers should find it very intuitive without the need for
within the dead band around the condensing pressure setpoint. special training.
The controller will add/remove fan capacity when the
condensing pressure goes beyond the limits of the condensing WebServer function of the EC2 with TCP/IP Ethernet
pressure dead band. For stable condenser operation, adjustable networking capabilities
time delays for fan motor on and off are available. Though the actual status of the controllers can be viewed on the
To avoid premature wear of individual fan motors, run time local display, it is much more convenient to do the viewing on a
equalization is built into the controller. PC. All relevant parameters and modes are visible on a single
WebPage simultaneously. For even more details and for setup
and maintenance a click on one of the screen tabs calls up a
WebPage dedicated to specific task. All of this can be done with
a standard WebBrowser like the Internet Explorer®, the Mozilla
Firefox or others. The picture on page 4 shows the homepage
of an EC2-552 with the monitoring WebPage.

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EC2-5x2 Series
Condensing Unit Controllers

The top center field indicates the status of compressors and All WebPages, which allow the change of controller parameters,
fan(s). The top left field shows suction pressure setpoint and are password protected. Below is the example for the setpoint
actual suction data. The top right field shows the equivalent configuration WebPage of an EC2-552 Controller. All setpoints
condensing pressure data. The fields below show controller can be easily reviewed and modified if needed:
status, active compressors and compressor and fan motor
modulation. All active messages are in bold letters in blue
A rolling graph with the pressure and temperature data over a
period of approximately 10 minutes can be displayed:

Alarm / maintenance functions

EC2 Series Condensing Unit Controllers provide many alarm
codes to facilitate diagnosis.
Limit violation alarms are associated with temperature and
pressure set point (high-, low alarm, sensor failure).
Maintenance alarms are based on compressor/fan runtimes.
A logfile can be stored on the PC. The file format of the datalog When a defined runtime is exceeded the maintenance alarm is
is text with semicolon (;)separated fields. In the picture below is triggered.
a sample log file from an EC2-552, imported in Microsoft Compressor and fan motor feedback alarms occur when the
Excel®: serial control loop opens due to excessive temperature,
pressure, motor overload etc.
Alarm management includes the issuing of an alarm message
and to show the alarm code on the controllers display.
The TCP/IP Ethernet versions EC2 Controllers have the
capability to send alarm messages directly by email.

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EC2-5x2 Series
Condensing Unit Controllers
While the display indicates alarms as blinking symbols only, the
monitoring WebPage shows all alarms in text form. All possible
alarm messages are visible, active alarms are highlighted bold
in red colour, see below:

Electrical Connection
For electrical connection removable screw connectors can be
used. This allows the electrical wiring to be completed at the
display case manufacturer and the controller is simply plugged-
in on site when necessary. The terminal Kit K02-540 (K02-211
for EC2-512) must be ordered separately
Safety Functions For TCP/IP controllers an Ethernet cable must be used. The
Safe operating modes allow the system to continue to operate assembled cable ECX-N60 comes with RJ45 connector on one
safely even when the signal is lost from a defective or side and the 4-pin screw connector at the other.
disconnected sensor or when one of the serial control loops
Particularly useful facilities are the service functions, which
enable the engineer to manually control the system during
commissioning. They include manual operation of compressors
and fans. Service intervals for compressors and fans can be
preset and cause an alarm when the preset run time has been

Screw Connector Kit EC2-552,

K02-540 Rear side

Terminal Kits and Cables for EC2 Series Type PCN
Terminal Kit for EC2-552 K02-540 800 070
Terminal Kit for EC2-512 K02-211 807 647
Ethernet Cable (TCP/IP) 6,0m cable length ECX-N60 804 422

Fan Speed Power Modules 3-phase 4A max FSP-340 800 376

1-phase 8A max FSP-180 800 373
1-phase 5A max FSP-150 800 370
Cable Assembly for FSP 1.5m cable length FSP-L15 804 693
FSP-150 FSP-340
3.0m cable length FSP-L30 804 694
Fan Speed Control Module
Pressure Transmitter -0.8…7bar PT5-07M 802 350
0…18bar PT5-18M 802 351
0…30bar PT5-30M 802 352
0…50bar PT5-50M 802 353
Cable Assembly for PT5 1.5m cable length PT4-M15 804 803
3.0m cable length PT4-M30 804 804
PT5-07M Pressure Transmitter with Cable
6.0m cable length PT4-M60 804 805
Plug Assembly PT4-Mxx
Transformers 230VAC Input,
ECT-323 804 442
Class II 24V output, 25VA, DIN
115-230VAC Input,
ECT-523 804 332
12/24V output, 20VA

ECT-323 ECT-523

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EC2-5x2 Series
Condensing Unit Controllers

Technical Data Input and Output Configuration

Power supply 24VAC ± 10% 50/60Hz Class II EC2- 512 552
Power consumption EC2-512 4VA max Pressure transmitter inputs
EC2-552 20VA max 24VDC, 4…20mA 2 2
Plug-in connector size Removable screw version Digital inputs
wire size 0.14 … 1.5mm2 Volt free contact 3 2
Communication TCP/IP Ethernet (EC2-xx2) 5V / 0,1mA
Display 2½ digits red LED Discharge temperature
-199 to +199 with decimal point thermistor 1
Switchable between bar, °C & °F Output relays
4 indicator LEDs Inductive (AC15) 250V / 2A
Temperature Resistive (AC1) 250V / 8A 2
storage -20 … +65°C Resistive (AC1) 250V / 6A 4
operating 0 … +60°C Output Triacs
Humidity 0 … 80% r.h. non condensing 24VAC 0,1…1A 1
Protection class IP 65 (front protection with gasket) Analogue output
Weight ~ 150g 0…10VDC 3mA max 1
Mounting Panel mount (71 x 29mm cutout) Communication

Wiring Diagrams


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EC2-5x2 Series
Condensing Unit Controllers
Physical Dimensions
EC2-5x2 Controllers


EMERSON is not to be held responsible for erroneous literature by persons having the appropriate technical knowledge and skills, at
regarding capacities, dimensions, applications, etc. stated herein. their own discretion and risk. Our products are designed and adapted
Products, specifications and data in this literature are subject to change for fixed locations. For mobile applications failures may occur. The
without notice. The information given herein is based on technical data suitability for this has to be assured from the plant manufacturer which
and tests which EMERSON believes to be reliable and which are in may include making appropriate tests.
compliance with technical knowledge of today. It is intended only for use This document replaces all earlier versions.

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