Quarter Most Essential Learning Learning Competencies No. of Days Competencies (MELC) Taught

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A. Features/Elements

The PIVOT 4A Budget of Work for Mathematics (PIVOT 4A BOW-Mathematics) merges

the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) issued by the Department of Education and the
PIVOT 4A BOW of DepEd CALABARZON. This is a resource material for teaching Mathematics
that contains learning competencies from Grade 1 to Grade 10 as prescribed by the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum of the Department of Education.

The document contains the quarterly learning domains of each grade level (column 1), the
MELCs represented by the number which also refers to week number it should be undertaken in class
(column 2), specific learning competencies pertinent to each learning domain which are also the
enabling competencies for each MELC (column 3), and the number of days each learning competency
should be taught in class (column 4).

The number of days suggests the number of class time the teacher/facilitator should devote to
the learning competency. On a quarterly basis, the number of days allotted is 40 class days.

The PIVOT 4A BOW-Mathematics is grouped according to grade levels and learning

domains on a quarterly basis.

B. How to Use this PIVOT 4A BOW-Mathematics?

The PIVOT 4A BOW-Mathematics is a resource for teachers and could be used as reference
for the development of lesson plans and lesson logs.

The PIVOT 4A BOW in Mathematics is composed of four (4) columns. The first column is
intended for the Quarter; the second one is for the Most Essential Learning Competencies
(MELC); the third for the Learning Competencies; and the last one for the No. of Days Taught.

Quarter Most Essential Learning Learning Competencies No. of Days

Competencies (MELC) Taught
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(F) 1

In using the PIVOT 4A BOW in Mathematics, it is important to understand the figure above
marked by the following specifications:

A. Quarter
B. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
C. Learning Competencies
D. Number of Days Taught
E. Enabling Competencies. These were taken from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide which
teachers shall use in bridging the lessons especially in reaching and targeting the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC).
F. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). In each PIVOT 4A BOW, the MELC is
symbolized or marked by numbers. These identified MELCs may be of the same variant of
the K to 12 LCs or enabling competencies. But in some cases, MELCs were produced by
merging/fusing some LCs or enabling competencies.

In using the materials, the teachers should

 look for the grade level being handled;

 identify the current quarter and week number which is equivalent to the MELC number for
the particular quarter;
 identify the learning competencies to be taught during the day or week; and
 observe the number of days the learning competencies should be taught.

In writing the lesson plan or lesson log, the teacher should specify the learning competencies and
note the number of days as specified and suggested by the document.


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Visualizes and represents numbers from 0-100 using
a variety of materials.
 Visualizes and represents numbers from 0 - 51 using
1 4
a variety of materials arranged in a particular way.
 Represents numbers from 51-100 using a variety of
2. Counts the number of objects in a given set by ones
and tens.
3. Identifies the number that is one more or one less
from a given number.
4. Composes and decomposes a given number. E.g.
5 is 5 and 0, 4 and 1, 3 and 2, 2 and 3, 1 and 4, 0 and
5. 4
5. Regroups sets of ones into sets of tens and sets of
tens into hundreds using objects.
6. Visualizes, represents, and compares two sets using
the expressions “less than,” “more than,” and “as
many as”.
 Visualizes, represents, and compares two sets
4 using the expression “less than”. 3
 Visualizes, represents, and compares two sets
using the expression “more than”.
 Visualizes, represents, and compares two sets
using the expression “as many as”.
7. Visualizes, represents, and orders sets from least to
greatest and vice versa.
8. Reads and writes numbers up to 100 in symbols and
in words.
 Reads and writes numbers from 0 to 25.
Number and
 Reads and writes numbers from 26 to 50.
Number Sense 5 4
 Reads and writes numbers from 51 to 75.
 Reads and writes numbers from 76 to 100.
 Reads and writes numbers up to 100 in symbols and
in words.
9. Visualizes and gives the place value and value of a
digit in one- and two digit numbers.
 Visualizes and gives the place value of a digit in
6 4
one- and two digit numbers.
 Visualizes and gives the value of a digit in one- and
two digit numbers.
10. Renames numbers into tens and ones.
7  Renames numbers into tens. 4
 Renames numbers into ones.
11. Visualizes, represents, and compares numbers up to
100 using relation symbols.
 Identifies the different relation symbols.
8  Uses the different relation symbols in comparing 3
numbers up to 50.
 Uses the different relation symbols in comparing
numbers from 51 to 100.
12. Visualizes, represents, and orders numbers up to 100
in increasing or decreasing order.
13. Identifies the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, up to 10th object in a
given set from a given point of reference.
 Tells ordinal numbers from 1st up to 10th object in a
given set from a given point of reference using
9 4
concrete models
 Writes ordinal numbers from 1st up to 10th object in
a given set from a given point of reference using
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
16. Recognizes and compares coins and bills up to php
100 and their notations.
 Recognizes coins and bills up to PhP 100 and their
10 4
 Compares coins and bills up to Php 50 and their
 Compares coins and bills from PhP 50 to PhP 100
and their notations.
Quarter 2
1. Illustrates addition as “putting together or combining
or joining sets”.
11  Identifies and collects similar objects together to 4
add numbers.
 combines sets of pictures together to add numbers.
2. Visualizes and adds two one-digit numbers with
12 sums up to 18 using the order and zero properties of
3. Adds two one-digit numbers using appropriate
mental techniques e.g. Adding doubles and/or
4. Visualizes and adds three one-digit numbers using
the grouping property of addition.
5. Visualizes and adds numbers with sums through 99
without regrouping.
6. Adds mentally two to three one- digit numbers with
sums up to 18 using appropriate strategies. 4
7. Adds mentally two-digit numbers and one-digit
numbers with regrouping using appropriate
8. Visualizes and solves one-step routine problems
involving addition of whole numbers including
money with sums up to 99 using appropriate
problem-solving strategies.
 Visualizes one-step routine problems involving
14 addition using concrete models/pictures
Number and
 Identifies different words associated with addition 4
Number Sense
 Enumerates the steps in solving word problems
 Solves non-routine problems involving addition of
whole numbers including money with sums up to
99 using the learned strategies
9. Creates situations involving addition of whole
numbers including money.
10. Illustrates subtraction as “taking away” or
“comparing” elements of sets.
 Compares sets of elements as to which is the
15 greater set.
 Takes away the elements of the smaller set from 4
the elements of the greater set by pairing to get
the difference.
11. Illustrates that addition and subtraction are inverse
12. Visualizes, represents, and subtracts one-digit
numbers with minuends through 18 (basic facts).
 Visualizes and represents concrete objects and
16 4
pictures in a subtraction sentence.
 Subtracts one digit numbers with minuends
through 18
13. Visualizes, represents, and subtracts one- to two—
digit numbers with minuends up to 99 without
17 4
 Visualizes and represents concrete objects and
pictures of one- to two-digit numbers in a
subtraction sentence.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
 Subtracts one- to two-digit numbers with minuends
up to 99 without regrouping.
14. Uses the expanded form to explain subtraction with
15. Visualizes, represents, and subtracts one- to two-
digit numbers with minuends up to 99 with
 Visualizes and represents concrete objects and
18 2
pictures involving subtraction with regrouping in
number sentences.
 Subtracts one- to two-digit numbers with minuends
up to 99 with regrouping.
16. Subtracts mentally one-digit numbers from two-digit
19 minuends without regrouping using appropriate 4
17. Visualizes, represents, and solves routine and non-
routine problems involving subtraction of whole
numbers including money with minuends up to 99
with and without regrouping using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
 Describes different words associated with
 Visualizes, represents, and solves routine problems
involving subtraction of whole numbers including
money with minuends up to 99 without regrouping
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
 Visualizes, represents, and solves non routine
20 3
problems involving subtraction of whole numbers
including money with minuends up to 99 without
regrouping using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
 Visualizes, represents, and solves routine problems
involving subtraction of whole numbers including
money with minuends up to 99 without regrouping
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
 Visualizes, represents, routine problems involving
subtraction of whole numbers including money
with minuends up to 99 with regrouping using
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
18. Creates situations involving subtraction of whole
numbers including money.
Quarter 3
1. Counts groups of equal quantity using concrete
21 objects up to 50 and writes an equivalent 4
expression; e.g. 2 groups of 5.
2. Visualizes, represents, and separates objects into
groups of equal quantity using concrete objects
up to 50., e.g. 10 groups of 5s.
22  Visualizes and represents objects and pictures of 4
equal quantity up to 50.
 Separates objects and pictures of equal quantity
up to 50.
Number and
3. Visualizes, represents, and divides the elements of
Number Sense
23 sets into four groups of equal quantities to show 4
4. Visualizes and draws the whole region or set given
its ½ and/or ¼.
 Visualizes and draws the whole region or set given
24 4
its ½.
 Visualizes and draws the whole
region or set . given its ¼.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
5. Identifies, names, and describes the four basic
shapes (square, rectangle, triangle and circle) in 2
dimensional (flat/plane) and 3 dimensional (solid)
25  Identifies, names, and describes the four basic 4
shapes (square, rectangle, triangle and circle) in 2
dimensional (flat/plane)
Geometry  Identifies, names, and describes the basic shapes in
3 dimensional (solid) objects
6. Compares and classifies 2 dimensional (flat/plane)
and 3 dimensional (solid) figures according to
common attributes.
26 7. Draws the four basic shapes.
8. Constructs three dimensional objects (solid) using
27 4
manipulative materials.
9. Determines the missing term/s in a given continuous
pattern using one attribute (letters/
numbers/events). E.g. A,B,C,D,__ 2,3,__5,6,7 __,Wed,
Thur, Fri Aa, Bb, Cb, __,___
10. Determines the missing term/s in a given repeating
28 pattern using one attribute (letters, numbers, colors, 3
figures, sizes, etc.). E.g. A,B,C,A,B,C,A,__.
11. Constructs equivalent number expression using
addition and subtraction, e.g. 6 + 5 = 12 – 1.
 Constructs equivalent number expression involving
29 2
addition and subtraction using actual objects
Patterns and
 Constructs equivalent number expression using
addition and subtraction.
12. Identifies and creates patterns to compose and
decompose using addition, e.g. 7 = 0 + 7, 1 + 6, 2 + 2
13. Visualizes and finds the missing number in an
addition or subtraction sentence using a variety of
ways, e.g. N + 2 = 5, 5 – n = 3.
30  Visualizes and finds the missing number in an 4
addition sentence using a variety of ways.
 Visualizes and finds the missing number in a
subtraction sentence using a variety of ways.
Quarter 4
1. Tells the days in a week; months in a year in the right
31 4
 Tells the days in a week in the right order.
 Tells the months in a year in the right order.
2. Determines the day or the month using a calendar. 4
3. Tells and writes time by hour, half hour and quarter-
hour using analog clock.
 Tells and writes time by hour using analog clock
32 4
 Tells and writes time by half hour using analog clock
 Tells and writes time by quarter-hour using analog
4. Solves problems involving time (days in a week,
months in a year, hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour).
 Solves problems involving time (days in a week,
33 4
months in a year)
 Solves problems involving time (hour, half-hour, and
5. Compares objects using comparative words: short,
shorter, shortest; long, longer, longest; heavy,
heavier, heaviest; light, lighter, lightest.
34  Compares objects using comparative words: short, 4
shorter, shortest
 Compares objects using comparative words: long,
longer, longest
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
 Compares objects using comparative words:
heavy, heavier, heaviest; light, lighter, lightest
6. Estimates and measures length using non- standard
units of linear measures.
 Identifies the different non-standards units of linear
35 4
 Estimates and measures length using non- standard
units of linear measures.
7. Estimates and measures mass using non-standard
units of mass measure.
 Identifies the different non-standard units of mass
36 4
 Estimates and measures mass using non-standard
units of mass measure.
8. Estimates and measures capacity using non-
standard unit.
 Identifies the different non-standard units of
37 4
capacity measure
 Estimates and measures capacity using non-
standard unit.
9. Collects data on one variable through simple
10. Sorts, classifies, and organizes data in tabular form
and presents this pictograph without scales.
11. Infers and interprets data presented in pictograph
without scales. E.g. Finding out from the title what 4
the pictograph is all about, comparing which has
Statistics and 38 the least or greatest …
Probability  Identifies a pictograph from the rest of the graphs.
 Infers and interprets data presented in pictograph
without scales.
12. Solves routine and non-routine problems using data
presented in pictograph without scales.
 Solves routine problems using data presented in
39 4
pictograph without scales.
 Solves non-routine problems using data presented
in pictograph without scales.

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Visualizes and represents numbers from 0-1000 with
emphasis on numbers 101 – 1 000 using a variety
of materials.
•Visualizes and represents numbers from 0 – 1000
1 with emphasis on numbers 101-500 using a variety 4
of materials.
•Visualizes and interpret numbers from 0 – 1000
with emphasis on 501 – 1000 using a variety of
learning materials.
2. Groups objects in ones, tens, and hundreds.
3. Gives the place value and finds the value of a 4
digit in three-digit numbers.
4. Visualizes and counts numbers by 10s, 50s, and
•Visualizes and counts numbers by 10’s and 50’s.
•Visualizes and counts numbers by 100’s.
5. Reads and writes numbers up to 1 000 in symbols
and in words.
6. Visualizes and writes three-digit numbers in
expanded form.
•Visualizes and writes three-digit numbers from 100
4 2
– 500 in expanded form.
•Visualizes and write three digit numbers from 501-
999 in expanded form.
7. Visualizes and compares numbers up to 1 000 using
relation symbols.
8. Visualizes and orders numbers up to 1 000 in
increasing decreasing order.
Number and 9. Identifies the 1st through the 20th with the
Number Sense 5 emphasis on 11th to 20th object in a given set from 4
a given point of reference.
10. Counts the value of a set of bills or a set of coins
through php100 (peso-coins only; centavo-coins
only; peso-bills only and combined peso-coins and
peso bills).
6 4
•Counts the value of a set of coins through Php100
(centavo coins and peso coins only).
•Counts the values of the set of bills through
Php100 and combination of coins and bills.
11. Illustrates the properties of addition (commutative,
associative, identity) and applies each in
appropriate and relevant situations.
•Illustrates the properties of addition
(commutative) applies each in appropriate and
7 relevant situations. 2
•Illustrates the properties of addition (associative)
and applies each in appropriate and relevant
• Illustrates the properties of addition (identity) and
applies each in appropriate and situations.
12. Visualizes, represents, and adds 2-digit by 3-digit
numbers with sums up to 1000 without and with
13. Visualizes, represents, and adds 3-digit by 3-digit
numbers with sums up to 1000 without and with 1
14. Adds mentally 1- to 2-digit numbers with sums up to
8 2
50 using appropriate strategies.
15. Adds mentally 3-digit numbers and 1-digit numbers
using appropriate strategies.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
16. Adds mentally three -digit numbers and tens
9 (multiples of 10 up to 90) using appropriate 2
17. Adds mentally 3-digit numbers and hundreds
(multiples of 100 up to 900) using appropriate 2
18. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
addition of whole numbers including money with
sums up to 1000 using appropriate problem-solving
strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving addition of
whole numbers including money with sums up to
10 4
1000 using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.
•Solves non-routine problems involving addition of
whole numbers including money with sums up to
1000 using appropriate problem solving strategies
and tools.
Quarter 2
1. Visualizes, represents, and subtracts 2- to 3-digit
numbers with minuends up to 999 without and with
11 •Visualizes, represents and subtracts 2- to 3- digit 4
numbers without regrouping.
•Visualizes, represents and subtracts 2- to 3- digit
numbers with regrouping.
2. Subtracts mentally 1-digit numbers from 1- to 3-
digit numbers without regrouping using
appropriate strategies.
12 2
•Subtracts mentally 1-digit numbers from 2- to 3-
digit numbers without regrouping using
appropriate strategies.
3. Subtracts mentally 3-digit numbers by tens and by
hundreds without regrouping using appropriate 2
4. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
subtraction of whole numbers including money
with minuends up to 1000 using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving subtraction of
13 4
Number and whole numbers including money with minuends up
Number Sense to 1000 using strategies and tools.
•Solves non-routine problems involving subtraction
of whole numbers including money with minuends
up to 1000 using strategies and tools.
5. Performs orders of operations involving addition
14 4
and subtractions of small numbers.
6. Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems
involving addition and subtraction of 2- to 3-digit
numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
•Solves multi-step non- routine problems involving
addition and subtraction of 2- to 3-digit numbers
15 4
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
•Solves multi-step routine problems involving
addition and subtraction of 2- to 3-digit numbers
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
7. Illustrates multiplication as repeated addition using
7.1 groups of equal quantities
16 2
7.2 arrays
7.3 counting by multiples
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
7.4 equal jumps on the number line
•Illustrates multiplication as repeated addition
using groups of equal quantities on the number
•Illustrates multiplication as repeated addition
using arrays on the number line.
•Illustrates multiplication as repeated addition
using counting by multiples on the number line.
8. Writes a related equation for each type of
multiplication: repeated addition, array, counting 2
by multiples, and equal jumps on the number line.
9. Illustrates the property of multiplication that zero
multiplied by any number is zero.
10. Illustrates the commutative property of
11. Visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 by
2,3,4,5 and10.
12. Multiplies mentally 2,3,4,5 and 10 using appropriate
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
• Solves routine problems involving multiplication of
19 whole numbers including money using appropriate 4
problem solving strategies and tools.
• Solves non-routine problems involving
multiplication of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
14. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication and addition or subtraction of whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
• Solves routine and non-routine problems
involving multiplication and addition of whole
20 4
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategy and tools.
• Solves routine and non-routine problems
involving multiplication and subtraction of whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategy and tools.
Quarter 3
1. Visualizes and represents division as equal sharing,
repeated subtraction, equal jumps on the number
line and using formation of equal groups of
21 4
•Visualizes and represents division as equal sharing
and using formation of equal groups of objects.
•Visualizes and represents division as repeated
subtraction and equal jumps on the number line.
Number and 2. Visualizes division of numbers up to 100 by 2,3,4,5,
22 4
Number Sense and 10 (multiplication table of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10).
3. Divides mentally numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 10 using
23 appropriate strategies (multiplication table of 2, 3, 3
4, 5 and 10).
4. Illustrates that multiplication and division are
inverse operations.
5. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 10 and with any
24 of the other operations of whole numbers including 4
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
•Solves routine problems involving division of
numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 10 and with any other
operations of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
•Solves non-routine problems involving division of
numbers 2,3 and 4 and with any other operations
of whole numbers including money using
appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
•Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of numbers 5 and 10 and with any other
operations of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
6. Visualizes, represents and identifies unit fractions
with denominators of 10 and below.
7. Reads and writes unit fractions.
8. Compares unit fractions using relation symbols.
9. Arranges unit fractions in increasing or decreasing
10. Identifies other fractions less than one with
denominators 10 and below.
11. Visualizes similar fractions (using group of objects 4
and number line).
12. Reads and writes similar fractions.
27 13. Compares similar fractions using relation symbols.
14. Arranges similar fractions in increasing or 4
decreasing order.
15. Constructs squares, rectangles, triangles, circles,
28 half-circles, and quarter circles using cut-outs and 4
square grids.
16. Identifies straight lines and curves, flat and curved
29 2
surfaces in a 3-dimensional object.
17. Explains the differences between straight lines and
curved lines, flat surfaces and curved surfaces. This 2
is not reflected in the performance standards.
18. Determines the missing term/s in a given continuous pattern
using two attributes (any two of
Patterns and the following: figures, numbers, colors, sizes, and
30 4
Algebra orientations, etc.) E.g.
a. A, 2, B, 3, C, ___, ___
b. 2, 3, 4, ___
Quarter 4
1. Tells and writes time in minutes including a.m. and
p.m. Using analog and digital clocks.
•Tells time in minutes including a.m. and p.m. using
analog and digital clocks.
•Writes time in minutes including a.m. and p.m.
using analog and digital clocks.
2. Visualizes and finds the elapsed time in days.
3. Visualizes, represents, and solves problems
involving time (minutes Including a.m. and p.m.
Measurement and elapsed time in days).
32 4. Compares length in meters or centimeters. 2
5. Compares mass in grams or kilograms. 2
6. Measures objects using appropriate measuring
33 2
tools in m or cm.
7. Estimates and measures length using meter or
8. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
34 4
•Solves routine problems involving length.
•Solves non-routine problems involving length.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
11. Measures objects using appropriate measuring
35 2
units in g or kg.
12. Estimates and measures mass using gram or
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
36 2
•Solves non-routine problems involving mass.
•Solves routine problems involving mass.
14. Measures objects using appropriate measuring
tools in ml or L.
15. Finds the area of a given figure using square-tile
37 2
units i.e. Number of square-tiles needed.
16. Estimates the area of a given figure using any
17. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
38 4
any figure using Square tiles.
18. Collects data on one variable using a
19. Sorts, classifies, and organizes data in tabular form
and presents this Into a pictograph without and 1
with scales.
20. Infers and interprets data presented in a
39 2
pictograph without and with scales.
Statistics and
21. Solves routine and non-routine problems using
data presented in a pictograph without and with
40 •Solves routine and non-routine problems using 4
data presented in a pictograph without scales.
•Solves routine and non-routine problems using
data presented in a pictograph with scales.

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Visualizes numbers up to 10 000 with emphasis on
numbers 1001 - 10000.
•Visualizes numbers up to 10 000 with emphasis on
1 2
numbers 1001 - 5000.
•Visualizes numbers up to 10 000 with emphasis on
numbers 5001 - 10000.
2. Gives the place value and value of a digit in 4- to
5-digit numbers.
3. Reads and writes numbers up to 10 000 in symbols
and in words.
4. Rounds numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and
2 •Rounds numbers to the nearest tens 2
•Rounds numbers to the nearest hundreds.
•Rounds numbers to the nearest thousands.
5. Compares numbers up to 10 000 using relation
6. Orders 4- to 5-digit numbers in increasing or
decreasing order.
7. Identifies ordinal numbers from 1st to 100th with
3 emphasis on the 21st to 100th object in a given set 2
from a given point of reference.
8. Recognizes coins and bills up to php1 000. 1
9. Reads and writes money in symbols and in words
through php1 000 in pesos and centavos.
10. Compares values of the different denominations of
4 coins and bills through php1 000 using relation 2
11. Adds 3- to 4-digit numbers up to three addends
with sums up to 10 000 without and with 2
12. Estimates the sum of 3- to 4-digit addends with
reasonable results.
•Estimates the sum of 3 digit addends with
5 2
reasonable results.
•Estimates the sum of 4 digit addends with
Number and reasonable results.
Number Sense 13. Adds mentally 2-digit and 1digit numbers without
or with regrouping using appropriate strategies.
14. Adds mentally 2- to 3-digit numbers with multiples
of hundreds using appropriate strategies.
15. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
addition of whole numbers with sums up to 10 000
including money using appropriate problem-
solving strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving addition of
whole numbers with sums up to 10 000 including
6 4
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
•Solves non- routine problems involving addition of
whole numbers with sums up to 10 000 including
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
16. Subtracts 3-to 4-digit numbers from 3- to 4-digit
numbers without and with regrouping.
•Subtracts 3-to 4-digit numbers from 3- to 4-digit
7 2
numbers without regrouping.
•Subtracts 3-to 4-digit numbers from 3- to 4-digit
numbers with regrouping.
17. Estimates the difference of two numbers with three
to four digits with reasonable results.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
18. Subtracts mentally 1- to 2 – digits numbers without
and with regrouping using appropriate strategies.
•Subtracts mentally 1- to 2 – digits numbers
8 4
without regrouping using appropriate strategies.
•Subtracts mentally 1- to 2 – digits numbers with
regrouping using appropriate strategies.
19. Subtracts mentally 2- to 3 – digits numbers with
multiples of hundreds without and with regrouping
using appropriate strategies.
•Subtracts mentally 2- to 3– digits numbers with
9 multiples of hundreds without regrouping using 4
appropriate strategies.
•Subtracts mentally 2- to 3– digits numbers with
multiples of hundreds with regrouping using
appropriate strategies.
20. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
subtraction without or with addition of whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving subtraction
without or with addition of whole numbers
10 4
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
•Solves non- routine problems involving subtraction
without or with addition of whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
Quarter 2
1. Visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 by 6,7,8
and 9.
•Visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 by 6,
11 2
and 7.
•Visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 by 8,
and 9.
2. Visualizes and states basic multiplication facts for
numbers up to 10.
3. Applies the commutative property of
•States the Commutative Property of
12 4
•Applies the Commutative Property of
4. Multiplies 2-digit by 1-digit numbers using the
13 1
distributive property of multiplication.
Number and
5. Multiplies three 1-digit numbers using the
Number Sense 1
associative property of multiplication.
6. Multiplies 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
without or with regrouping.
7. Multiplies 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
without regrouping.
8. Multiplies 2-digit number by 2-digit numbers with
14 2
9. Multiplies 2- to 3-digit numbers by multiples of 10
and 100.
10. Multiplies 1- to 2-digit numbers by 1 000. 1
11. Estimates the product of 2- to 3-digit numbers and
1- to 2-digit numbers with reasonable results.
•Estimates the product of 2-digit numbers and 1-to
15 2
2- digit numbers with reasonable results.
•Estimates the product of 3-digit numbers and 1-to
2- digit numbers with reasonable results.
12. Multiplies mentally 2-digit by 1-digit numbers
without regrouping with products of up to 100.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication without or with addition and
subtraction of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
•Solves routine problems involving multiplication
with or without addition and subtraction of whole
16 4
numbers including money using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
•Solves non-routine problems involving
multiplication with or without addition and
subtraction of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving strategies and
14. Visualizes and states the multiples of 1- to 2-digit
17 2
15. Visualizes division of numbers up to 100 by 6, 7, 8,
and 9 (multiplication table of 6, 7, 8, and 9).
16. Visualizes and states basic division facts of numbers
18 1
up to 10.
17. Divides 2- to 3-digit numbers by 1- to 2- digit 2
numbers without and with remainder.
18. Divides 2-3-digit numbers by 10 and 100 without or
with remainder.
19. Estimates the quotient of 2- to 3- digit numbers by
1- to 2- digit numbers.
•Estimates the quotient of 2-digit numbers by 1- to
19 2
2- digit numbers.
•Estimates the quotient of 3- digit numbers by 1- to
2- digit numbers.
20. Divides mentally 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
without remainder using appropriate strategies.
21. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
division of 2- to 4-digit numbers by 1- to 2-digit
numbers without or with any of the other
operations of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
•Solves routine problems involving division of 2- to
4-digit numbers by 1- 2-digit numbers with any of
the other operations of whole numbers including 4
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
•Solves non- routine problems involving division of
2- to 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without
any of the other operations of whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
Quarter 3
21 1. Identifies odd and even numbers. 2
2. Visualizes and represents fractions that are equal
to one and greater than one.
3. Reads and writes fractions that are equal to one
and greater than one in symbols and in words.
•Reads fractions that are equal to one and
22 4
greater than one in symbols and in words.
Number and
•Writes fractions that are equal to one and greater
Number Sense
than one in symbols and in words.
4. Represents fractions using regions, sets, and the
number line.
23 •Represents fractions using regions. 4
•Represents fractions using sets.
•Represents fractions using the number line.
24 5. Visualizes and generates equivalent fractions. 4
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
•Visualizes and generates equivalent fractions
using models.
•Visualizes and generates equivalent fractions
using multiples and factors.
6. Recognizes and draws a point, line, line segment
25 2
and ray.
7. Recognizes and draws parallel, intersecting and
perpendicular lines.
8. Visualizes, identifies and draws congruent line
•Visualizes, identifies and draws congruent line
26 2
•Identifies and draws congruent line segments
using ruler.
9. Identifies and visualizes symmetry in the
environment and in design.
10. Identifies and draws the line of symmetry in a given
27 2
symmetrical figure.
11. Completes a symmetric figure with respect to a
given line of symmetry.
12. Determines the missing term/s in a given
combination of continuous and repeating pattern.
•Determines if the given pattern is continuous or
repeating pattern.
28 4
•Determines the missing term/s in a given
combination of continuous pattern.
•Determines the missing term/s in a given
combination of repeating pattern.
13. Finds the missing value in a number sentence
involving multiplication or division of whole
Patterns and
E.g. N x 7 = 56
56 ÷ n = 8
• Finds the missing value in a number sentence
involving multiplication of whole numbers.
29-30 •Finds the missing value in a number sentence 8
involving division of whole numbers.
•Writes a number sentence involving multiplication
of whole numbers.
•Writes a number sentence involving division of
whole numbers.
•Creates simple problem involving multiplication
and division of whole numbers.
Quarter 4
1. Visualizes, and represents, and converts time
measure from seconds to minutes, minutes to
hours, and hours to a day and vice versa.
•Visualizes, represents time measure from seconds
to minutes; minutes to hours and hours to a day
31 2
and vice versa.
•Converts time measure from seconds to minutes;
minutes to hours, and vice versa.
•Converts time measure from hours to a day and
vice versa.
2. Visualizes, and represents, and converts time
3. Visualizes, and represents, and solves problems
involving conversion of time measure.
•Visualizes and represents problems involving
32 4
conversion of time measure.
•Solves problems involving conversion of time
4. Visualizes, and represents, and converts common
33 2
units of measure from larger to smaller unit and
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
vice versa: meter and centimeter, kilogram and
gram, liter and milliliter.
•Visualizes, and represents common units of
measure from larger to smaller unit and vice versa;
meter and centimeter, kilogram to gram, and liter
to milliliter.
•Convert common units of measure from larger to
smaller unit and vice versa; meter and centimeter,
kilogram to gram, and liter to milliliter.
5. Visualizes, and represents, and solves routine and
nonroutine problems involving conversions of 2
common units of measure.
6. Visualizes, and represents, and solves routine and
nonroutine problems involving capacity measure
•Visualizes and represents routine problems
involving capacity measure.
•Visualizes and represents non-routine problems
34 4
involving capacity measure.
•Solve routine problems involving capacity
•Solve non- routine problems involving capacity
7. Visualizes, and represents, and measures area
using appropriate unit.
35 •Visualizes and represents area using appropriate 4
•Measures area using appropriate unit.
8. Derives the formula for the area of a rectangle
and a square.
9. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
areas of squares and rectangles.
•Solves routine problems involving area of
36 3
squares and rectangles.
•Solves non-routine problems involving areas and
perimeter of squares and rectangles.
10. Collects data on one variable using existing
37 2
11. Sorts, classifies, and organizes data in tabular form
and presents this into a vertical or horizontal bar 2
12. Infers and interprets data presented in different
kinds of bar graphs (vertical/ horizontal).
•Infers data presented in different kinds of bar
38 4
graphs (vertical/horizontal).
•Interpret data presented in different kinds of bar
graphs (vertical/horizontal).
13. Solves routine and nonroutine problems using data
And Probability
presented in a single-bar graph.
•Solves routine problems using data presented in a
39 4
single-bar graph.
•Solves non-routine problems using data
presented in a single-bar graph.
14. Tells whether an event is sure, likely, equally likely,
40 2
unlikely, and impossible to happen.
15. Describes events in real-life situations using the
phrases “sure to happen,“ likely to happen”,
“equally likely to happen”, “unlikely to happen”,
and “impossible to happen”.

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Visualizes numbers up to 100 000 with emphasis on
1 1
numbers 10 001 – 100 000.
2. Gives the place value and value of a digit in
numbers up to 100 000.
3. Reads and writes numbers up to hundred thousand
in symbols and in words.
4. Rounds numbers to the nearest thousand and ten
2 • Recall Rounding off whole numbers 2
• Recall “landmark numbers and Rounding of whole
5. Orders numbers up to 100 000 in increasing or
decreasing order.
6. Multiplies numbers up to 3-digit numbers by up to 2-
digit numbers without or with regrouping.
• Recall Basic Addition and Multiplication Facts
3 • multiplies numbers up to 3 to 4-digit numbers by 2 2
to 3-digit
• multiplies numbers up to 3 to 4-digit numbers by 2
to 3-digit numbers with regrouping.
7. Estimates the products of 3- to 4-digit numbers by 2-
to 3- digit numbers with reasonable results.
8. Multiplies mentally 2-digit by 1-to 2-digit numbers
4 with products up to 200 and explains the strategies 2
9. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
multiplication of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
10. Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems
involving multiplication and addition or subtraction
Numbers and using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
Number Sense tools.
•Solves multi-step routine and non-routine
(pictorial/word) problems involving multiplication
and addition or subtraction using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools
5 11. Creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving multiplication or with addition or
subtraction of whole numbers including money.
•Creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving multiplication or with addition or
subtraction of whole numbers
•Creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving multiplication or with addition or
subtraction of whole numbers including money.
12. Divides 3- to 4-digit numbers by 1-to 2-digit numbers
without and with remainder.
• Divides 3- to 4-digit numbers without by 1- to 2-digit
6 2
number without remainder
•Divides 3- to 4-digit numbers without by 1- to 2-digit
number remainder
13. Divides mentally 2- to 4-digit numbers by tens or
hundreds or by 1 000 without and with remainder.
14. Estimates the quotient of 3- to 4-digit dividends by
7 1- to 2digit divisors with reasonable results. 4
•Recall/Explain Multiplication facts
15. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of 3- to 4-digit numbers by 1- to 2-digit
8 4
numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
•Recall four fundamental Operations and Identify
the different Steps i problem solving
•Solves routine problems involving division of 3- to 4-
digit numbers by 1- to 2- digit numbers including
strategies and tools.
•Solves non-routine problems involving division of 3-
to 4-digit numbers by 1- to 2-digit numbers including
strategies and tools.
16. Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems
involving division and any of the other operations of
whole numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
•Discuss different problems strategies and tools
•Solves multi-step routine problems involving
9 division and any of the other operations of whole 4
numbers including money using appropriate
•Solves multi-step non-routine problems involving
division and any of the other operations of whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools
17. Represents and explains Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction (MDAS) correctly.
10 18. Performs a series of two or more operations. 3
Quarter 2
1. Identifies factors of a given number up to 100.
•Recall multiplication and Division Facts
•identifies factors of a given number from 1 to 50
11 2
•identifies factors of a given number from 51 to 100
•Recall odd and even numbers
•Recall divisibility of a number
2. Identifies the multiples of a given number up to 100. 1
3. Differentiates prime from composite numbers. 1
4. Writes a given number as a product of its prime
12 2
5. Finds the common factors and the greatest
common factor (GCF) of two numbers using the
following methods: listing, prime factorization, and
continuous division.
6. Finds the common multiples and least common
multiple (LCM) of two numbers using the following
methods: listing, prime factorization, and
continuous division.
7. Solves real-life problems involving GCF and LCM of
2 given numbers.
•Solves real-life problems involving GCF of 2 given
Numbers and
Number Sense 13 4
•Solves real-life problems involving LCM of 2 given
• Solves real-life problems involving GCF and LCM
of 2 given numbers.
8. Changes improper fraction to mixed numbers and
vice versa.
14 3
•Changes improper fraction to mixed number.
•Changes mixed number to improper fraction
9. Changes fractions to lowest forms. 1
10. Visualizes addition and subtraction of similar
15 fractions. 2
•Recall like fraction
11. Visualizes subtraction of a fraction from a whole
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
12. Visualizes addition and subtraction of dissimilar
13. Performs addition and subtraction of similar and
dissimilar fractions.
16 •Recall LCM and LCD of a number 4
•Perform addition of dissimilar fractions
•Perform subtraction of dissimilar fractions
14. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
addition and/or subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving addition of
17 fractions using appropriate problem-solving 4
strategies and tools.
•Solves routine problems involving subtraction of
fractions using appropriate problem-solving
strategies and tools
15. Visualizes decimal numbers using models like blocks,
grids, number lines and money to show the
relationship to fractions.
•Defining decimal number
18 •visualizes decimal numbers using models like 2
blocks and grids to show relationship to fractions.
•visualizes decimal numbers using models like
number lines and money to show relationship to
16. Renames decimal numbers to fractions, and
fractions whose denominators are factors of 10 and 2
100 to decimals.
17. Gives the place value and the value of a digit of a
given decimal number through hundredths.
19 •Gives the place value of a digit of a given
decimal number through hundredths.
•Gives the value of a digit of a given decimal
number through hundredths.
18. Reads and writes decimal numbers through
19. Rounds decimal numbers to the nearest whole
20 2
number and tenth.
20. Compares and arranges decimal numbers.
•Compares and arranges decimal numbers. 2
•Compares and arranges mixed decimal numbers
Quarter 3
1. Describes and illustrates parallel, intersecting, and
21 perpendicular lines. 2
•Recall points, line, plane, ray and line segment
2. Draws perpendicular and parallel lines using a ruler
and a set square.
3. Describes and illustrates different angles (right,
acute, and obtuse) using models.
•Describes and illustrates different angles (right,
22 acute and obtuse) using models. 2
•Describes and illustrates different angles (right,
acute, and obtuse) through creative art works
4. Describes the attributes/properties of triangles and
quadrilaterals using concrete objects or models.
5. Identifies and describes triangles according to sides
and angles.
•identifies and describes triangles according to
sides (includes orientation of the use of measuring
23 2
• identifies and describes triangles according to
angles (includes orientation of the use of measuring
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
6. Identifies and describes the different kinds of
quadrilaterals: square, rectangle, parallelogram, 2
trapezoid, and rhombus.
7. Relates triangles to quadrilaterals.
24 •Identifying the characteristics of triangles and 2
8. Relates one quadrilateral to another quadrilateral
(e.g. Square to rhombus).
9. Determine the missing term/s in a sequence of
numbers (e.g. Odd numbers, even numbers,
multiples of a number, factors of a number, etc.)
E.g. 3,6,9,__ 4,8,12,16,__ (e.g. Odd numbers, even
numbers, multiples of a number, factors of a
number, etc.)
25 12345 6 7 ____ 2
•Determines the missing term/s in a sequence of
odd and even num
•Determines the missing term/s in a sequence of
multiples of a number
•Determines the missing term/s in a sequence of
factors of a number and other sequences.
10. Finds the missing number in an equation involving
properties of operations. (e.g. (4+__) + 8 = 4 +(5+ 2
11. Finds the elapsed time in minutes and seconds.
•Introducing conversion hours to minutes and vice
26 2
•Conversion of Minutes to Seconds and vice versa
12. Estimates the duration of time in minutes. 1
13. Solves problems involving elapsed time. 1
14. Visualizes the perimeter of any given plane figure in
different situations.
•Visualize/illustrate the perimeter of any plane
27 1
Patterns and
• Measuring the perimeter of any plane figure using
cm and m.
15. Measures the perimeter of any given figure using
appropriate tools.
16. Derives the formula for perimeter of any given figure 1
17. Finds the perimeter of triangles, squares, rectangles,
parallelograms, and trapezoids.
18. Solves routine and nonroutine problems in real-life
situations involving perimeter of squares and
rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and
•Solves routine and non-routine problems in real life
situations involving perimeter of squares and
rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and
•Solves routine and non-routine problems in real-life
28 4
situations involving perimeter of triangles.
•18.2 Solves routine and non-routine problems in
real-life situations involving perimeter of squares,
and rectangles.
•18.3 Solves routine and non-routine problems in
real-lifesituations involvingperimeter of
•18.3 Solves routine and non-routine problems in
real-life situations involving perimeter of trapezoid.
29 19. Differentiates perimeter from area 4
20. Converts sq. cm to sq. m and vice versa. 4
Quarter 4
1. Finds the area of irregular figures made up of
Measurement 30 2
squares and rectangles using sq. Cm and sq. M.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
2. Finds the area of triangles, parallelograms and
trapezoids using sq. Cm and sq. M.
3. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
squares, rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and
•Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
area of squares, and rectangles
31 •Solves routine and non-routine problems involving 5
area of parallelograms
•Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
area of triangles
•Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
area of trapezoid
4. Visualizes the volume of solid figures in different
32 situations using non-standard (e.g. Marbles, etc.) 2
And standard units.
5. Derives the formula for the volume of rectangular
6. Finds the volume of a rectangular prism using cu.
Cm and cu. M.
7. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
the volume of a rectangular prism.
•Identify the appropriate problem strategy
33 •Solves routine problems involving the volume of a 5
rectangular prism.
• Solves non-routine problems involving the volume
of a rectangular prism.
34 8. Collects data on two variables using any source. 2
9. Organizes data in tabular form and presents them
in a single/double horizontal or vertical bar graph.
10. Interprets data presented in different kinds of bar
35 graphs (vertical/horizontal, single/double bars). 2
•Interpreting vertical and horizontal bar graph
11. Solves routine and non-routine problems using data
presented in a single or double-bar graph.
12. Draws inferences based on data presented in a
36 2
double bar graph.
13. Records favorable outcomes in a simple
experiment (e.g. Tossing a coin, spinning a wheel, 2
14. Expresses the outcome in a simple experiment in
Statistics and words, symbols, tables, or graphs.
Probability •Expresses the outcome in a simple experiment in
words and symbols.
37 4
•19.2 Expresses the outcome in a simple experiment
in tables
•19.3 Expresses the outcome in a simple experiment
in graph
15. Explains the outcomes in an experiment 1
16. Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving a
simple experiment.
•Solves routine problems involving a simple
38 5
•Solves non-routine problems involving a simple

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Uses divisibility rules for 2, 5, and 10 to find the
common factors of numbers.
2. Uses divisibility rules for 3, 6, and 9 to find common
3. Uses divisibility rules for 4, 8, 12, and 11 to find
common factors.
4. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving 4
factors, multiples, and divisibility rules for
2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11, and 12.
5. States, explains, and interprets Parenthesis,
Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
(PMDAS) or Grouping, Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction (GMDAS) rule.
6. Simplifies a series of operations on whole numbers
involving more than two operations using the
3 3
PMDAS or GMDAS rule.
•Performs operation on whole numbers
7. Finds the common factors and the GCF of 2–4
numbers using continuous division.
8. Finds the common multiples and LCM of 2–4
numbers using continuous division.
9. Solves real-life problems involving GCF and LCM of
2-3 given numbers.
10. Adds fractions and mixed fractions without and
with regrouping.
•adds similar fractions and similar mixed fractions
5 2
without and with regrouping.
•adds dissimilar fractions and dissimilar mixed
fractions without and with regrouping.
11. Subtracts fractions and mixed fractions without
and with regrouping.
12. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
addition and/or subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
• solves routine problems involving addition and/or
6 subtraction of fractions using appropriate problem- 2
solving strategies and tools.
• solves non-routine problems involving addition
and/or subtraction of fractions using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
7 13. Visualizes multiplication of fractions using models. 2
14. Multiplies a fraction and a whole number and
another fraction.
15. Multiplies mentally proper fractions with
denominators up to 10.
16. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving
multiplication without or with addition or
subtraction of fractions and whole numbers using
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
•solves routine or non-routine problems involving
multiplication without addition or subtraction of
8 2
fractions and whole numbers using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
• solves routine or non-routine problems involving
multiplication with addition or subtraction of
fractions and whole numbers using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
17. Shows that multiplying a fraction by its reciprocal is
equal to 1. 2
•illustrates reciprocal of a number or fraction.
9 18. Visualizes division of fractions. 2
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
19. Divides simple fractions whole numbers by a
fraction and vice versa.
20. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving
division without or with any of the other operations
of fractions and whole numbers using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools
• solves routine or non-routine problems involving
division without any of the other operations of
10 4
fractions and whole numbers using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools
•solves routine or non-routine problems involving
division with any of the other operations of
fractions and whole numbers using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools
Quarter 2
1. Gives the place value and the value of a digit of a
given decimal number through ten thousandths.
2. Reads and writes decimal numbers through ten
3. Rounds decimal numbers to the nearest hundredth
and thousandth.
4. Compares and arranges decimal numbers.
12 2
•illustrate different comparing symbols.
5. Adds and subtracts decimal numbers through
thousandths without and with regrouping.
6. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving
addition and subtraction of decimal numbers
including money using appropriate problem-
solving strategies and tools.
13 4
•determine appropriate problem-solving strategy
and tools such as but not limited to drawing
pictures/ diagrams/ models; look for patterns; use
of manipulatives
7. Multiplies decimals up to 2 decimal places by 1- to
2-digit whole numbers.
8. Multiplies decimals with factors up to 2 decimal
9. Estimates the products of decimal numbers with
reasonable results.
Number and
10. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
Number Sense
multiplication without or with addition or 4
subtraction of decimals and whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem-
solving strategies and tools.
11. Divides decimals with up to 2 decimal places.
•Divides whole number
12. Divides whole numbers with quotients in decimal
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division without or with any of the other operations
of decimals and whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
•solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division without any of the other operations of
17 decimals and whole numbers including money 5
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
•solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division with any of the other operations of
decimals and whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
14. Visualizes the ratio of 2 given numbers. 1
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
18 15. Expresses ratio using either the colon (:) or fraction.
16. Identifies and writes equivalent ratios.
19 17. Finds the missing term in a pair of equivalent ratios.
18. Defines and describes a proportion.
19. Recognizes when two quantities are in direct
Quarter 3
1. Visualizes percent and its relationship to fractions,
20 ratios, and decimal numbers using models.
•Illustrates fractions, ratio and decimals.
2. Defines percentage, rate or percent, and base.
Number and
3. Identifies the base, percentage, and rate in a
Number Sense
21 4. Finds the percentage in a given problem.
5. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving 5
percentage using appropriate strategies and tools.
6. Visualizes, names, and describes polygons with 5 or
22 more sides. 2
•Illustrate triangles and quadrilaterals.
7. Describes and compares properties of polygons
(regular and irregular polygons).
8. Visualizes congruent polygons. 2
Geometry 9. Visualizes and describes a circle. 1
23 10. Identifies the terms related to a circle.
11. Draws circles with different radii using a compass.
24 12. Visualizes and describes solid figures.
13. Makes models of different solid figures: cube,
prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere using
plane figures.
14. Formulates the rule in finding the next term in a
1, 3, 7,15, (15 x 2+1)
25 3
Possible answers:
(x 2 + 1)
(+2, +4, +8, +16)
Patterns and
Illustrates sequence
17. Uses different strategies (looking for a pattern,
working Backwards, etc.) To solve for the unknown
in simple equations Involving one or more
operations on whole numbers and Fractions. 2
3 x _ + 1 = 10
(the unknown is solved by working backwards)
18.Measures time using a 12-hour and a 24-hour
27 clock.
•Reads time in 12-hour and 24-hour clock.
16. Calculates time in the different world time zones in
relation to the Philippines.
17. Solves problems involving time.
28 18. Visualizes circumference of a circle. 1
19. Measures circumference of a circle using
appropriate tools.
20. Derives a formula in finding the circumference of a
21. Finds the circumference of a circle. 1
22. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
29 4
circumference of a circle.
Quarter 4
1. Derives a formula in finding the area of a circle 1
2. Finds the area of a given circle.
30 1
•Performs multiplication and squaring number.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
3. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
the area of a circle.
4. Visualizes the volume of a cube and rectangular
31 prism. 1
•Illustrates a square and a rectangle.
5. Names the appropriate unit of measure used for
measuring the volume of a cube and a rectangle 1
6. Derives the formula in finding the volume of a
cube and a rectangular prism using cubic cm and 1
cubic m.
7. Converts cu. Cm to cu. M and vice versa; cu.cm to
L and vice versa.
8. Finds the volume of a given cube and rectangular
32 prism using cu. Cm and cu. M.
•Multiplies whole numbers and decimals 4
9. Estimates and uses appropriate units of measure
for volume.
10. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
33 volume of a cube and rectangular prism in real-life 4
situations using appropriate strategies and tools.
11. Creates problems (with reasonable answers)
involving volume of a cube and rectangular prism
in real-life situations.
12. Reads and measures temperature using
34 thermometer (alcohol and/or digital) in degree 1
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
temperature in real-life situations.
14. Organizes data in tabular form and presents them
35 in a line graph
•Illustrates line graph. 4
15. Interprets data presented in different kinds of line
graphs (single to double-line graph).
16. Solves routine and non-routine problems using
data presented in a line graph.
17. Draws inferences based on data presented in a
line graph.
37 18. Describes experimental probability.
19. Performs an experimental probability and records 4
result by listing.
20. Analyzes data obtained from chance using
38 experiments involving letter cards (A to Z) and 4
number cards (0 to 20).
21. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
39 4
experimental probability.

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Adds and subtracts simple fractions and mixed
numbers without or with regrouping.
1 • adds and subtracts simple similar fractions and 2
mixed numbers without or with regrouping.
• adds and subtracts simple dissimilar fractions
2. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
addition and/or subtraction of fractions using 2
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
2 3. Multiplies simple fractions and mixed fractions. 2
4. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving
multiplication without or with addition or
subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions using
appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools.
3 5. Divides simple fractions and mixed fractions. 2
Number and 6. Solves routine or non-routine problems involving
Number Sense division without or with any of the other operations
of fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
7. Adds and subtracts decimals and mixed decimals
through ten thousandths without or with
• adds and subtracts decimals and mixed
4 2
decimals through ten thousandths without
• adds and subtracts decimals and mixed
decimals through ten thousandths with regrouping.
8. Solves 1 or more steps routine and non-routine
problems involving addition and/or subtraction of
decimals and mixed decimals using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
9. Multiplies decimals and mixed decimals with
factors up to 2 decimal places.
10. Multiplies mentally decimals up to 2 decimals
places by 0.1, 0.01,10, and 100.
11. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
multiplication of decimals and mixed decimals
including money using appropriate problem-
solving strategies.
12. Solves multi-step problems involving multiplication
and addition or subtraction of decimals, mixed
6 decimals and whole numbers including money 4
using appropriate problem-solving strategies and
13. Divides whole numbers by decimals up to 2
decimal places and vice versa.
14. Divides decimals/mixed decimals up to 2 decimal
15. Divides decimals up to 4 decimal places by 0.1,
0.01, and 0.001.
16. Divides decimals up to 2 decimal places by 10,
100, and 1 000 mentally.
17. Differentiates terminating from repeating, non-
9 2
terminating decimal quotients.
18. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
division of decimals, mixed decimals, and whole
numbers including money using appropriate
problem-solving strategies and tools.
19. Solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems
10 involving division and any of the other operations 4
of decimals, mixed decimals, and whole numbers
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
including money using appropriate problem-
solving strategies and tools.
Quarter 2
1. Expresses one value as a fraction of another given
11 their ratio and vice versa. 2
•visualizes the ratio of two given numbers.
2. Defines and illustrates the meaning of ratio and
proportion using concrete or pictorial models.
3. Finds a missing term in a proportion (direct, inverse,
and partitive).
12 2
Number and •recognizes direct, inverse and partitive
Number Sense proportions.
4. Solves problems involving direct proportion,
partitive proportion, and inverse proportion in
different contexts such as distance, rate, and time
using appropriate strategies and tools
5. Finds the percentage or rate or percent in a given
13 problem. 2
•defines percentage, rate or percent
6. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
finding the percentage, rate and base using 2
appropriate strategies and tools.
7. Solves percent problems such as percent of
increase/decrease (discounts, original price, rate
14 4
of discount, sale price, marked-up price),
commission, sales tax, and simple interest.
8. Describes the exponent and the base in a number
15 expressed in exponential notation. 2
•multiplies whole number (by itself)
9. Gives the value of numbers expressed in
exponential notation.
10. Interprets and explains the Grouping, Exponent,
16 Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction 2
(GEMDAS) rule.
11. Performs two or more different operations on
whole numbers with or without exponents and
grouping symbols. 2
•performs the four fundamental operations in
whole number
17 12. Describes the set of integers.
13. Compares integers with other numbers such as 4
whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.
18 14. Compares and arranges integers.
15. Describes and interprets the basic operations on
integers using materials such as algebra tiles,
counters, chips, and cards.
16. Performs the basic operations on integers.
•performs addition of integers.
•performs subtraction of integers.
19 •performs multiplication of integers. 4
•performs division of integers.
•performs combination of four fundamental
operations on integers.
17. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
basic operations of integers using appropriate
20 strategies and tools. 4
•determine appropriate problem-solving strategy
and tools.
Quarter 3
1. Visualizes and describes the different solid figures:
21 2
cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere.
2. Differentiates solid figures from plane figures. 2
22 3. Identifies the faces of a solid figure. 4
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
4. Formulates the rule in finding the nth term using
different strategies (looking for a pattern, guessing
and checking, working backwards)
23 4
(the nth term is 3n+1)
•determines the missing term/s in a sequence of
5. Gives the translation of real-life verbal expressions
Patterns and
24 and equations into letters or symbols and vice 2
6. Defines a variable in an algebraic expression and
7. Represents quantities in real-life situations using
25 2
algebraic expressions and equations.
8. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
different types of numerical expressions and
equations such as
7+ 9 =___ + 6.
9. Calculates speed, distance, and time.
26 2
•Multiplies and divides whole numbers.
10. Solves problems involving average rate and
11. Finds the area of composite figures formed by any
two or more of the following: triangle, square,
27 2
rectangle, circle, and semi-circle.
•find the area of plane figures.
12. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
area of composite figures formed by any two or
more of the following: triangle, square, rectangle,
circle, and semi-circle.
Measurement 13. Visualizes and describes surface area and names
the unit of measure used for measuring the surface
28 area of solid/space figures. 4
•visualizes and describes the different solid figures:
cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere.
14. Derives a formula for finding the surface area of
cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, and 1
15. Finds the surface area of cubes, prisms, pyramids,
29 cylinders, cones, and spheres. 3
•Performs series of two or more operations.
16. Solves word problems involving measurement of
30 4
surface area.
Quarter 4
1. Determines the relationship of the volume between
a. a rectangular prism and a pyramid;
b. a cylinder and a cone; and
31 3
c. a cylinder and sphere.
•visualizes and describes the different solid figures:
cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere
2. Derives the formula for finding the volume of
cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres.
3. Finds the volume of cylinders, pyramids, cones,
Measurement and spheres.
32 •performs two or more different operations on 2
whole numbers with or without exponents and
grouping symbols.
4. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
volumes of solids.
5. Reads and interprets electric and water meter
33 1
•reads and writes decimal numbers through
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
6. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
electric and water consumption. 4
•performs operations in decimals.
7. Constructs a pie graph based on a given set of
34 1
8. Solves routine and non-routine problems using
35 5
data presented in a pie graph.
9. Describes the meaning of probability such as 50%
chance of rain and one in a million chance of
36 4
•describe experimental probability
10. Performs experiments and records outcomes. 1
11. Makes listings and diagrams of outcomes and tells
37 the number of favorable outcomes and chances 5
using these listings and diagrams.
12. Makes simple predictions of events based on the
38 5
results of experiments.
13. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving
39 5
experimental and theoretical probability.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Illustrates the union and intersection of sets and the
difference of two sets.
1 •Illustrates and describes the union of two sets. 4
•Illustrates the difference of two sets
•Illustrate the complement of a set.
2. Uses Venn Diagrams to represent sets, subsets and
the set operations.
2 3. Solves problems involving sets. 2
4. Represents the absolute value of a number on a
3 2
number line as the distance of a number from 0.
5. Performs addition and subtraction of integers using
model or chips.
6. Illustrates the different properties of operations on
the set of integers.
7. Expresses rational numbers from fraction form to
decimal form and vice versa.
8. Performs operations on rational numbers.
5 •Performs operation involving rational numbers. 4
•Solve problems involving rational numbers.
9. Describes principal roots and tells whether they are
6 2
rational or irrational.
10. Determines between what two integers the square
root of a number is.
11. Estimates the square root of a whole number to the
7 2
nearest hundredth.
12. Plots irrational numbers (up to square roots) on a
number line.***
8 13. Illustrates the different subsets of real numbers. 2
14. Arranges real numbers in increasing or decreasing
15. Writes numbers in scientific notation and vice
•Identify the significant figures in a given number.
9 4
•Write the scientific notation of very big number
and very small number and vice versa.
•Describe number in scientific notation.
16. Represents real-life situations which involve real
numbers. 4
17. Solves problems involving real numbers.
Quarter 2
1. Approximates the measures of quantities
11 particularly length, weight/mass, volume, time, 4
angle and temperature and rate.
2. Converts measurements from one unit to another
in both Metric and English systems.
12 2
•Converts measurement from one unit to another
using metric system and English system.
3. Solves problems involving conversion of units of
4. Translates English phrases to mathematical phrases
13 1
and vice versa.
5. Interprets the meaning of an where n is a positive
Patterns 6. Differentiates between constants and variables in
and a given algebraic expression.
Algebra 10. Classifies algebraic expressions which are
polynomials according to degree and number of 1
7. Evaluates algebraic expressions for given values of
14 2
the variables.
Page 173 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
11. Adds and subtracts polynomials. 2
12. Derives the laws of exponent.
15 •Identify the different law of exponents. 2
•Derives the law of exponent.
13. Multiplies and divides polynomials. 2
14. Uses models and algebraic methods to find the:
(a) product of two binomials; (b) product of the
sum and difference of two terms; (c) square of a
binomial; (d) cube of a binomial; (e) product of a
binomial and a trinomial.
•Uses models and algebraic methods to find the
16 sum and difference of two binomials. 4
•Uses models and algebraic methods to find the
product of two binomials.
•Uses models and algebraic methods to find the
cube of a binomial.
•Uses models and algebraic methods to find the
product binomial and trinomial.
15. Solves problems involving algebraic expressions.
•Solves routine problems involving algebraic
17 expressions. 4
•Solves non-routine problems involving algebraic
16. Differentiates between algebraic expressions and
18 1
17. Translates English sentences to mathematical
sentences and vice versa
18. Illustrates linear equation and inequality in one
19. Finds the solution of linear equation or inequality in
one variable.
19 2
•Finds solution of linear equation in one variable.
•Finds solution of linear inequality in one variable.
20. Solves linear equation or inequality in one variable
involving absolute value by: (a) graphing; and (b)
algebraic methods.
•Solves linear equation or inequality in one
20 3
variable involving absolute value by: (a) graphing.
•Solves linear equation or inequality in one
variable involving absolute value by: (b) algebraic
21. Solves problems involving equations and
inequalities in one variable.
Quarter 3
1. Represents point, line and plane using concrete
and pictorial models.
2. Illustrates subsets of a line.
3. Classifies the different kinds of angles.
4. Derives relationships of geometric figures using
measurements and by inductive reasoning;
supplementary angles, complementary angles,
congruent angles, vertical angles, adjacent
angles, linear pairs, perpendicular lines, and
Geometry parallel lines.
• Illustrates , identifies and defines pairs of angles:
22 linear pairs; complementary angles; 4
supplementary angles ; congruent angles;
adjacent angles and vertical angles
• Derives relationships of geometric figures using
measurements ; supplementary angles,
complementary angles, and congruent angles
• Illustrates , identifies and defines parallel lines
and perpendicular lines
Page 174 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
• Derives relationships of geometric figures using
measurements :vertical angles, adjacent angles
and linear pairs, perpendicular lines, and parallel
5. Derives relationships among angles formed by
parallel lines cut by a transversal using
measurement and by inductive reasoning.
• Derives relationships among angles formed by
23 parallel lines cut by a transversal using 4
• Derives relationships among angles formed by
parallel lines cut by a transversal by inductive
6. Uses a compass and straightedge to bisect line
24 segments and angles and construct 4
perpendiculars and parallels.
7. Illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; (b) angles; and
(c) sides.
• Define and identify polygons, convexity, angles
25 4
and sides.
• Illustrates polygons: (a) convexity; (b) angles; and
(c) sides.
8. Derives inductively the relationship of exterior and
26 4
interior angles of a convex polygon.
9. Illustrates a circle and the terms related to it: radius,
diameter chord, center, arc, chord, central angle,
and inscribed angle.
• Illustrates a circle and the terms related to its
radius and diameter
27 • Illustrates a circle and the terms related to its 4
chord and center.
• Illustrates a circle and the terms related to its arc
and chord.
• Illustrates a circle and the terms related to its
central angle and inscribed angle.
10. Constructs triangles, squares, rectangles, regular
28-29 8
pentagons, and regular hexagons.
11. Solves problems involving sides and angles of a
• Solve routine problems involving sides and angles
30 4
of a polygon.
• Solve non routine problems involving sides and
angles of a polygon.
Quarter 4
1. Poses problems that can be solved using Statistics.
• Identify problems that can be solved using
31 statistics.
• Determine problems involving statistics in a real-
life situation.
2. Formulates simple statistical instruments.
3. Gathers statistical data.
• Identify the method of gathering statistical data.
32 4
• Determine the importance of gathering statistical
data in a real-life situation.
4. Organizes data in a frequency distribution table.
• Organizes data in a frequency distribution table:
33 ungrouped data 4
• Organizes data in a frequency distribution table:
grouped data
5. Uses appropriate graphs to represent organized
data: pie chart, bar graph, line graph, histogram,
34-35 and ogive. 8
• Uses appropriate graphs to represent organized
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
pie chart and line graph.
• Uses appropriate graphs to represent organized
bar graph and histogram,
• Represent organized data using ogive.
• Identify and understand the sigma notation.
• Uses the summation notation in expressing the
sum of a given numbers.
6. Illustrates the measures of central tendency
36 4
(mean, median, and mode) of a statistical data.
7. Calculates the measures of central tendency of
37 4
ungrouped and grouped data.
8. Illustrates the measures of variability (range,
average deviation, variance, standard deviation)
of a statistical data.
38 • Illustrates the measures of variability (range and 4
average deviation ) of a statistical data.
• Illustrates the measures of variability (variance
and standard deviation) of a statistical data.
9. Calculates the measures of variability of grouped
and ungrouped data.
• Determine the measures of variability in
ungrouped and grouped data.
• Calculates the measures of variability in
39 4
ungrouped data.
• Calculates the measures of variability of grouped
• Solves problems involving measures of variability
in grouped and ungrouped data
10. Uses appropriate statistical measures in analyzing
40 2
and interpreting statistical data.
11. Draws conclusions from graphic and tabular data
and measures of central tendency and variability.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Factors completely the different types of
a. Polynomials with common monomial factor
b. Difference of two squares
c. Sum and difference of two cubes
d. Perfect square trinomials, and
1 e. General trinomials 4
• Multiplies and divides polynomials.
• Uses models and algebraic methods to find the:
(a) product of two binomials; (b) product of the
sum and difference of two terms; (c) square of a
binomial; (d) cube of a binomial; (e) product of
a binomial and a trinomial.
Patterns 2. Solves problems involving factors of polynomials:
and a. Polynomials with common monomial factor
Algebra b. Difference of two squares
2 c. Sum and difference of two cubes 4
d. Perfect square trinomials, and
e. General trinomials
• Solves problems involving algebraic expressions
3. Illustrates rational algebraic expressions.
• Translates verbal phases to mathematical
expressions 4
• Evaluates algebraic expressions for given value
4. Simplifies rational algebraic expressions.
5. Performs operations on rational algebraic
4 2
6. Solves problems involving rational algebraic
7. Illustrates the rectangular coordinate system and
5 4
its uses.
8. Writes the linear equation ax + by = c in the form y
6 = mx + b and vice versa. 1
• Uses of APE and MPE
9. Graphs a linear equation given:
a. Any two points;
b. The x – and y – intercepts;
c. The slope and a point on the line.
10. Describes the graph of a linear equation in terms
of its intercepts and slope.
11. Finds the equation of a line given (a) two points;
7 (b) the slope and a point; (c) the slope and its 2
12. Solves problems involving linear equations in two
13. Illustrates a system of linear equations in two
14. Graphs a system of linear equations in two
variables. 4
15. Categorizes when a given system of linear
equations in two variables has graphs that are
parallel, intersecting, and coinciding.
16. Solves a system of linear equations in two variables
9 a. Graphing; 4
b. Substitution;
c. Elimination.
17. Solves problems involving systems of linear
10 4
equations in two variables.
Quarter 2
Page 177 of 349

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
1. Differentiates linear inequalities in two variables
from linear equations in two variables.
2. Graphs linear inequalities in two variables. 4
3. Solves problems involving linear inequalities in two
4. Solves a system of linear inequalities in two
12 4
13 5. Illustrates a relation and a function.
8. Verifies if a given relation is a function.
9. Determines dependent and independent
14 10. Finds the domain and range of a function. 1
11. Graphs a linear function’s (a) domain; (b) range;
(c) table of values; (d) intercepts; and (e) slope.
15 12. Solves problems involving linear functions. 4
13. Determines the relationship between the
16 hypothesis and the conclusion of an if-then 2
14. Transforms a statement into an equivalent if-then
15. Determines the inverse, converse, and
17 4
contrapositive of an if-then statement.
Geometry 16. Illustrates the equivalences of:
18 a. The statement and its contrapositive; and 4
b. The converse and inverse of a statement.
17. Uses inductive or deductive reasoning in an
19 4
18. Writes a proof
20 a. Direct and 4
b. Indirect.
Quarter 3
21 1. Describes a mathematical system. 4
2. Illustrates the need for an axiomatic structure of a
mathematical system in General, and in Geometry
in particular:
22-23 b. Defined terms; 8
c. Undefined terms;
d. Postulates; and Theorems.

24 3. Illustrates triangle congruence. 4

Geometry 4. Illustrates the
a. SAS,
25 4
b. ASA and
c. SSS congruence postulates.
26 5. Solves corresponding parts of congruent triangles 4
27 6. Proves two triangles are congruent. 4
28 7. Proves statements on triangle congruence. 4
8. Applies triangle congruence to construct
29-30 a. Perpendicular lines 8
b. And angle bisectors.
Quarter 4
1. Illustrates theorems on triangle inequalities (Exterior
31 Angle Inequality Theorem, Triangle Inequality 4
Theorem, Hinge Theorem).
32 2. Applies theorems on triangle inequalities. 4
Geometry 33 3. Proves inequalities in a triangle. 4
4. Proves properties of parallel lines cut by a
34 4
5. Determines the conditions under which lines and
35 4
segments are parallel or perpendicular.
6. Illustrates an experiment, outcome, sample space
Statistics 36 4
and event.
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
and 7. Counts the number of occurrences of an outcome
Probability in an experiment:
A. Table;
37 4
b. Tree diagram;
c. Systematic listing; and
d. Fundamental counting principle.
38 8. finds the probability of a simple event. 4
9. illustrates an experimental probability and a
39 4
theoretical probability.
10. solves problems involving probabilities of simple
40 4
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Illustrates quadratic equations.
1 4
• Identifies the degree of polynomials
2. Solves quadratic equations by: (a) extracting
2 square roots; (b) factoring; (c)completing the 4
square; and (d) using the quadratic formula.
3. Characterizes the roots of a quadratic equation
using the discriminant.
3 4
• Applies the substitution method to solve for the
value of the discriminant.
4. Solves equations transformable to quadratic
4 4
equations (including rational algebraic equations).
5. Solves problems involving quadratic equations and
5 rational algebraic equations. 4
• States the steps of solving word problems.
6. Illustrates quadratic inequalities
6 • recognizes the inequality symbols and its
functions 4
7. Solves quadratic inequalities.
8. Solves problems involving quadratic inequalities.
7 9. Models real-life situations using quadratic functions.
11. Represents a quadratic function using: (a) table of 4
values; (b) graph; and (c) equation.
12. Transforms the quadratic function in general form
= + + into standard form (vertex form)

8 = ( − ℎ) 2 + and vice versa. 4

• Applies knowledge about completing the square
to find the value of h and k.
13. Graphs a quadratic function and determine the
following: (a) domain; (b) range; (c) intercepts;
9 (d) axis of symmetry; (e) vertex; (f) direction of the
opening of the parabola.
• Locates and plot points on the cartesian plane.
14. Analyzes the effects of changing the values of a, h
and k in the equation = ( − ℎ) 2 + . Of a
quadratic function on its graph.
15. Determines the equation of a quadratic function
given: (a) a table of values; (b) graph; (c) zeros. 4
16. Solves problems involving quadratic functions.
Quarter 2
1. Illustrates situations that involve the following
11 variations: (a) direct; (b) inverse; (c) joint; (d) 4
2. Translates into variation statement a relationship
between two quantities given by: (a) a table of
12 4
values; (b) a mathematical equation; (c) a graph,
and vice versa
13 3. Solves problems involving variation. 4
4. Applies the laws involving positive integral
Patterns 14 exponents to zero and negative integral 4
and exponents.
Algebra 5. Illustrates expressions with rational exponents.
15 6. Simplifies expressions with rational exponents.
7. Writes expressions with rational exponents as 4
radicals and vice versa.
8. Derives the laws of radicals from the laws of
16 rational exponents. 4
• Illustrates the laws of rational exponents.
9. Simplifies radical expressions using the laws of
17 4
18 10. Performs operations on radical expressions. 4
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
19 11. Solves equations involving radical expressions. 4
12. Solves problems involving radicals.
20 4
• Solves equations involving radical expressions
Quarter 3
1. Determines the conditions that make a
quadrilateral a parallelogram.
21 4
• Illustrates the measure of sides and angles of
2. Uses properties to find measures of angles, sides and
other quantities involving parallelograms.
22 4
• Uses properties of parallelogram to find measures
of angles, sides and other quantities.
3. Proves theorems on the different kinds of
23 4
parallelogram (rectangle, rhombus, square).
24 4. Proves the Midline Theorem.
5. Proves theorems on trapezoids and kites.
6. Solves problems involving parallelograms,
25 4
trapezoids and kites.
7. Describes a proportion.
• Models ratio and proportion
8. Applies the fundamental theorems of 4
proportionality to solve problems involving
27-28 9. Illustrates similarity of figures.
10. Proves the conditions for similarity of triangles.
SAS Similarity Theorem
SSS Similarity Theorem 8
AA Similarity Theorem
Right Triangle Similarity Theorem
Special Right Triangle Theorem
11. Applies the theorems to show that given triangles
are similar. 4
12. Proves the Pythagorean Theorem.
13. Solves problems that involve triangle similarity and
30 4
right triangles.
Quarter 4
1. Illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine,
31 tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent. 4
• Identifies parts of a Right Triangle.
2. Finds the trigonometric ratios of special angles.
32-33 8
• State the properties of special right triangles.
3. Illustrates angles of elevation and angles of
Geometry 34 4
4. Uses trigonometric ratios to solve real-life problems
35 4
involving right triangles.
5. Illustrates laws of sines and cosines.
36-37 8
• Illustrates Oblique Triangles.
38-40 6. Solves problems involving oblique triangles. 12
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Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1
1. Generates patterns.
1 • Illustrates patterns and relationships. 4
• Cites situations that generate patterns.
2. Illustrates an arithmetic sequence.
2 • Performs operations on rational numbers. 4
(Addition and Subtraction)
3. Determines arithmetic means and nth term of an
arithmetic sequence.
3 4
• Illustrates the different properties of operations on
Patterns the set of integers.
and 4. Illustrates a geometric sequence.
Algebra • Performs operations on rational numbers.
(Multiplication and Division)
• Simplifies expressions using laws of exponent.
5. Differentiates a geometric sequence from an
arithmetic sequence.
6. Determines geometric means and nth term of a
geometric sequence.
7. Finds the sum of the terms of a given finite or
infinite geometric sequence.
6 8. Solves problems involving sequences. 4
9. Performs division of polynomials using long division
and synthetic division.
• Performs fundamental operations on integers.
• Derives the laws of exponent.
10. Proves the Remainder Theorem and the Factor
11. Factors polynomials.
• factors completely different types of polynomials
(polynomials with common monomial factor,
8 4
difference of two squares, sum and difference of
two cubes, perfect square trinomials, and
general trinomials).
9 12. Illustrates polynomial equations. 4
13. Solves problems involving polynomials and
polynomial equations.
10 • Solves quadratic equations by: (a) extracting 4
square roots; (b) factoring; (c) completing the
square; and (d) using the quadratic formula.
Quarter 2
Patterns 11 1. Illustrates polynomial functions.
and 2. Graphs polynomial functions.
Algebra 12 3. Solves problems involving polynomial functions. 4
4. Derives inductively the relations among chords,
13 4
arcs, central angles, and inscribed angles.
5. Proves theorems related to chords, arcs, central
angles, and inscribed angles.
5.1 Proves theorems related to chords, arcs, central
14 4
5.2. Proves theorems related to inscribed
6. Illustrates secants, tangents, segments, and sectors
15 4
of a circle.
7. Proves theorems on secants, tangents, and
segments. 4
8. Solves problems on circles.
9. Derives the distance formula.
10. Applies the distance formula to prove some 4
geometric properties.
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11. Illustrates the center-radius form of the equation of

a circle.
• Solves quadratic equations by completing the
12. Determines the center and radius of a circle given
its equation and vice versa.
13. Graphs a circle and other geometric figures on the
19 4
coordinate plane.
14. Solves problems involving geometric figures on the
20 4
coordinate plane.
Quarter 3
1. Illustrates the permutation of objects.
• Illustrates the Fundamental Counting Principle
21 through a tree diagram or by listing method.
• Uses FCP to visualize the possible number of 4
2. Derives the formula for finding the number of
permutations of objects taken at a time. N r
22 3. Solves problems involving permutations. 4
23 4. Illustrates the combination of objects. 4
5. Differentiates permutation from combination of
objects taken at a time.
6. Derives the formula for finding the number of
combinations of n objects taken r at a time.
7. Solves problems involving permutations and
25 4
Statistics combinations
And 8. Illustrates events, and union and intersection of
Probability events.
• Uses Venn Diagrams to represent sets, subsets,
26 4
and set operations.
• Illustrates the union and intersection of sets and
the difference of two sets.
9. Illustrates the probability of a union of two events.
• Illustrates an experiment, outcome, sample
27 4
space and event.
• Finds the probability of a simple event.
10. 
Finds the probability of A B . 
28 • Finds the percentage or rate or percent in a 4
given problem.
29 11. Illustrates mutually exclusive events. 4
12. Solves problems involving probability.
30 4
Quarter 4
1. Illustrates the following measures of position:
quartiles, deciles and percentiles.
a. Illustrates the following measures of
position: quartiles,
31 4
b. Illustrates the following measures of
position: deciles and percentiles
• Illustrates the measures of central tendency
(mean, median, and mode) of a statistical data.
2. Calculates a specified measure of position (e.g.
And 32 4
90th percentile) of a set of data.
33 3. Interprets measures of position. 4
34-35 4. Solves problems involving measures of position. 8
5. Formulates statistical mini-research.
36-37 • Identifies sampling techniques, measures of 8
central tendency and variability.
6. Uses appropriate measures of position and other
38-40 statistical methods in analyzing and interpreting 12
research data.

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