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Mass Mining Services and Statement of Qualifications

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Mass Mining Services and

Statement of Qualifications



“Forward thinking engineering and science”

Copyright ©2020 Itasca International Inc. All rights reserved.

The information contained in this document is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted to be a guarantee or
commitment on the part of Itasca. Itasca cannot certify the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.
Product and company names other than Itasca mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Structural Geology and Rock Mass Characterization 6
Mining Method Selection 7
Stope Design 8
Backfill Design 8
Infrastructure Design 9
Surface Subsidence Evaluation 10
Ground Support Design 10
Slope Stability and Design of Pit Slopes 11
Blast Design 13
Model Work Flow 14
Fragmentation 17
Caving and Subsidence 19
Draw Control, Flow and Recovery 21
Infrastructure Stability 23
Itasca International Inc. is an engineering consulting
and software development company founded in
Minneapolis, Minnesota, with 14 offices worldwide.
Itasca specializes in solving complex geomechanical,
hydrogeological and microseismic issues in mining,
civil, oil & gas, energy and manufacturing. Itasca
works directly with industry, government, research
and education institutions and as a specialist to other
consulting engineering firms.

Founded in 1981, Itasca has gained practical

and technical knowledge of world-class mining
challenges and solutions. Itasca is staffed by leading
engineers in the fields of rock mechanics, hydrology,
hydrogeology, geochemistry, mining engineering and
software engineering. Our experienced staff work
on projects ranging from practical field solutions to
design issues to applications of Itasca modeling tools
for solving difficult or unusual problems, including
a wide range of mining methods (from large open
pits to deep underground operations) and materials
(from soil and engineered materials to soft and hard

Itasca understands the logistical constraints that often

are encountered in solving engineering problems.
Therefore, we believe in using the most appropriate
levels and methods of engineering investigation that
examine both technical and economic factors, in

ITASCA order to provide practical solutions using the most

suitable and best-available technology.

“the true source” Use of numerical simulation software is an

integral part of our consulting. Our state-of-the-
art numerical modeling programs are among the
In 1832, an expedition to the Upper Mississippi by most widely used and respected tools of their kind.
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft and William T. Boutwell Development of our advanced numerical simulation
discovered the source of the Mississippi River; Lake software sets Itasca apart from other geotechnical
Itasca, an amalgamation of Latin syllables meaning and mining consulting firms. Itasca benefits from the
the true source. dynamic interplay between our consulting, software
development and contract research activities.

Our software is developed and proven with real-world

problem solving driven by our consulting work.

Itasca’s consulting and research evolves our software, which in-turn provides more advanced tools for us to use towards
solving complex problems for our clients.

Our engineers and software developers have a proven

track record of innovation, leading to new strategies and
tools to better understand the complex environments
in which mines exist.

With a large portion of our engineers possessing PhD

advanced degrees and mining experience, Itasca has MSc
been selected as the lead research group for three BSc
important mining consortia:
24% Other

• Large Open Pit (LOP);

• Mass Mining Technology (MMT); and
• Hybrid Stress Blast Model (HSBM).

Each of these projects brought together international

mining companies who pooled their resources to tackle
problems of common interest.
In addition to practical experience, two-thirds of Itasca
Itasca also fosters education and university research personnel have advanced degrees in engineering, science
world-wide though the Itasca Education Program or computer programming.
(IEP) and Itasca Teaching Program (ITP), which offer
our software free to qualified students and lecturers.

Itasca Offices Itasca Consulting Canada, Inc.
Sudbury, Canada


Itasca Consulting Canada, Inc. Itasca Consulting Ltd
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F. (+1) 705-522-6564 T. (+44) 1743 384171 Group, Inc. Itasca Cons
itasca@itasca.ca itasca@itasca.co.uk Minneapolis, USA Lla
www.itasca.ca www.itasca.co.uk

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USA 977 75 Luleå, Sweden Itasca Denver, Inc.
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Lakewood, Colorado 80228 www.itasca.se
T. (+1) 303 969-8033 Itasca Consultants S.A.S. Itasca Perú S.A.C.
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T. (+33) 4-72-18-04-20 Itasca S.A.
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info@itasca-africa.com info@itasca.in

sca Consulting Ltd. Itasca Office (Main)
ry, United Kingdom Itasca Consultants AB Itasca Office (Secondary)

Luleå, Sweden
Itasca Consultants GmbH
Gelsenkirchen, Germany


sultores S.L.
anera, Spain
HydroChina - Itasca
nts S.A.S.
R&D Center
y, France
Hangzhou, China

Itasca India
Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Nagpur, India

Itasca Africa (Pty) Ltd. Itasca Australia Pty. Ltd.

Johannesburg, South Africa Melbourne, Australia

14 main consulting offices in 13 countries, and software agents

based in another 11 countries, focused on servicing the global mining,
civil, and energy industries.

Itasca’s global experience and expertise in
geomechanics, hydrogeology and microseismics are
employed by our clients to select the mining method,
sequence and ground support that will maximize ore
recovery, excavation stability and operational safety
while minimizing development costs and maximizing
ore recovery.

Itasca has analyzed the behavior of excavations in all

types of rock and at all scales, from individual boreholes
and access tunnels to the complete sequencing of the
largest underground mines and deepest open pit mines
in the world. Individual projects often require analyses
over a wide range of scales due to the complex
interaction between the overall mine advance, in-situ
stresses and the loading conditions experienced on the
scale of critical infrastructure.

Itasca is a recognized leader worldwide in geomechanical

numerical modeling of complex mining environments.
While this remains our core focus, Itasca’s capabilities
extend beyond this as a complete mining engineering
service provider as shown in the next sections.

Structural Geology
and Rock Mass
In order to develop a robust structural geology model,
Itasca assesses the existing data in collaboration
with our clients to assess any gaps and then applies
a number of techniques as appropriate. These can
include lineament analysis, precise structural mapping
(outcrop, open pit and underground), drill core logging,
televiewer analysis and stereophotos.
VR Studio 3

Although Itasca has a reputation for numerical modeling,

our consultants are out in the field every day assessing site
conditions and characterizing the structural geology and
rock mass data crucial for good engineering solutions.

Datamine plot of a structural fault model with pit geology.

Rock mass strength estimation is required in order 11/12/13 09:43:55

to predict the excavation response at the mine site.

Obtaining accurate rock mass strengths requires
an understanding of the intact rock and joint
properties of each geotechnical unit and the in-situ
stress state. Itasca can facilitate, interpret and apply
both field/laboratory strength testing and in-situ
stress measurements. We use traditional engineering
approaches including mechanical, empirical and
numerical to estimate rock mass strengths; and have
pioneered innovative numerical techniques such as
Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) simulations. This approach
allows our consultants to model rock mass behavior
for any given range of anisotropies, scales, properties
and conditions, giving Itasca an understanding of the Synthetic Rock Mass, a technique invented by Itasca,
consists of simulated joint sets embedded in intact rock with
rock mass that is second-to-none.
properties calibrated to match observed behaviors.

Mining Method Selection
Combining our experience, conventional approaches
and numerical modeling tools, Itasca is able to simulate
mining of our client’s sites first, so as to select mining
methods appropriate to the orebody geometry and
rock mass strength conditions. Itasca understands the
economics involved in any mine design and ensures
that mineral recovery is optimized while maximizing
excavation stability. Using our suite of modeling
software, Itasca can implement any number of mining
methods with a range of property, economic and site
condition sensitivities to virtually excavate the mine.
Designs, properties and conditions can be revised
readily over time using the best information available.

Pyramid mining sequence of a panel showing

mining-induced stress changes around the
advancing stopes. A concentration of stress in
the sill pillar between panels can be seen.

Stope Design
Itasca regularly performs evaluations and designs for
long-hole, cut-and-fill, room-and-pillar, longwall and
solution stopes. As with all our work, our engineers
combine a practical engineering approach with
numerical modeling technologies where appropriate.
Itasca’s software is particularly good at representing
the stress-strain response of intact, blocky or bedded
materials exhibiting plastic, brittle and creep behaviors
over all scales of mining; thus, any combination of
mine geology can be simulated.

Backfill Design
Itasca offers services in backfill characterization,
specification, design of backfill mixing and delivery
systems, stability analysis (exposure stability, Step room-and-pillar stope sequence with fill (gray) is used
reinforcement and closure resistance), dynamic to optimize pillar and room dimensions.
modeling to examine stability and liquefaction
potential under rockburst and rockfall conditions,
and instrumentation and testing of placed backfill.
These services cover a wide range of backfill products
(paste fills, hydraulic fill, cemented aggregate fill and
rockfill) and have been applied to mining operations
throughout the world. Itasca also has developed
specialized methods for simulation of the deformation
and yielding of backfill, bulkheads and backfill mats.

Section view through orebody with backfilled stopes showing

Itasca uses FLAC3D models in order to better understand the predicted ground stress response to a particular mining
and improve backfill barricade designs. method, sequence and stope design.

Infrastructure Design
Robust designs for critical infrastructure (access and
ventilation shafts, crusher stations, haulage drifts, etc.)
are essential to ensure the long-term stability, mine
viability and safety of personnel. Once the location,
orientation and geometry of an excavation have been
designed, long-term considerations such as the impact
of future adjacent excavations on stability must be

A number of design issues require consideration

when developing infrastructure in rock or soil that Stress plots along several cut-planes suggest very
impact an excavation’s long-term stability: in-situ and little interaction would be expected between two large
mining induced stress, geologic structures and other underground caverns constructed in close proximity.
intersecting developments can be assessed by Itasca
in order to compensate the design as necessary. We
perform complete analyses using the most appropriate
empirical, analytic and numerical tools available.

By simulating all of the wedges surrounding a horseshoe

tunnel using multiple DFN realizations, block size and
ground support can be estimated to minimize stability risks
for critical openings.

Haulageway in a block caving mine with stress contours

shown. Stresses at the junction, walls and back of several mining
bays in close proximity permit offset and support needs to
be estimated prior to development.

Surface Subsidence
Surface subsidence is often an inevitable consequence
of many mining methods. Itasca evaluates mining-
induced subsidence related to the extraction of
ore from both underground and open pit mines,
together with dewatering-induced subsidence. We
provide services ranging from field investigation
for acquiring geomechanical and hydrogeological
properties to subsidence back-analysis, to prediction
of the magnitude and extent of subsidence related to a
particular mine design in order to optimize location of
infrastructure and understand any impacts on existing
property and the surface environment.

Traditionally, empirical and analytical methods have

been used to assess the limits of subsidence from
underground mining. However, these methods
generally are restricted to simplified, regular mining
geometries and often limited to two-dimensional
problem geometries.

Itasca engineers have performed more three-

A back-analysis of the closed Grace cave mine shows
dimensional assessments of mining-induced excellent agreement with the observed actual extent
subsidence than any other group. Through the of surface subsidence.
calibration of observed and measured subsidence
features at a number of operating and abandoned mine
sites, we have developed a rigorous methodology that
predicts the limits of large-scale surface cracking and
ground strains capable of causing damage to surface

Ground Support Design

Itasca designs the ground support layout and
specification necessary to reinforce, retain and hold
the rock mass around excavations. We design ground
support using a combination of engineering tools such
as Ground Reaction Curves and practical numerical
modeling tools based on instrumentation data where
available. Ground support elements (rock bolts, cables,
liners, etc.) are an integral component of much of
Itasca’s software. We also design instrumentation
programs to validate and subsequently monitor the
support design over the life of the excavation. Evaluation of an underground cable bolt and shotcrete
support design. Loads acting axially along the cables are

Slope Stability and
Design of Pit Slopes
Itasca specializes in the assessment of slope stability and
design of pit slopes on bench, inter-ramp and global
mine scales. Itasca performs slope, instrumentation
and remediation design at some of the world’s largest
open pit mines. We also analyze the static and dynamic
stability of waste dumps, leach piles and tailings dams.

Itasca is particularly well-known for examining difficult

problems involving slope instabilities and remediation
methods. Itasca pioneered the use of accurate and
efficient methods to determine safety factors using
numerical methods that use the shear-strength
reduction technique, which allows failure surfaces to
develop naturally; an important advantage over more
traditional limit-equilibrium solutions that are restricted
to prescribed failure surface geometries. Currently,
a vast majority of work involves three-dimensional
analysis. We have found that three-dimensional analysis
provides a much more realistic simulation of actual
slope behavior in many cases. We have worked with
our software developers to significantly reduce the
run-times that have traditionally impeded 3D analysis.

Itasca is the lead researcher for the Large Open Pit

(LOP) project and has been instrumental in the
publication of Guidelines for Open Pit Slope
Design, a comprehensive and modern reference for
the best-practices slope design processes and tools that
are available for mine design. (Click on the cover image
below for more information.)

Cut through open pit showing a new stress state due to

One of Itasca’s first applications of SRM was a challenge by

the LOP project to model an open pit based on a the rock
mass properties and the mining sequence. This PFC2D
model correctly predicted the dominant failure mechanism
(toppling and rock sliding) experienced at the mine site,
Chuquicamata. Colors and dark lines indicate horizontal
displacements and joints opening up or undergoing shear.

Itasca engineers have a wide variety of experience with all

types of slope failure mechanisms and the tools to analyze
them. Shown from top to bottom are large wedges sliding
out from a slope, simple rock slope toppling and a large
open pit with more complex mechanisms. All contours
indicate displacements.

Blast Design
Itasca provides consulting services for:

• Drilling and blasting engineering;

• Stope surface and pit wall design;
• Blast optimization:
• Fragmentation;
• Muckpile profile;
• Throw; and
• Vibrations;
• Wall control; and
• Large-scale destress blasting.
• Design monitoring systems, so that performance
can be assessed and optimized.

In addition to conventional analytical and empirical

methods, Itasca has developed proprietary tools for
blast analysis as part of the HSBM consortium that
can be used to understand blasthole-to-blasthole
interaction, optimize fragmentation and throw, and
minimize undesirable damage (e.g., smooth blasting for
wall control). This unique blasting simulator is capable
of modeling a variety of geometries. Blasthole patterns
and explosives loading may be defined individually or
as groups (patterns). Blo-Up simulation results include
final muckpile profile, fragment velocities, blasthole gas
pressure and fragmentation and material distributions.
Although Blo-Up is not available commercially, Itasca
does use it in consulting work.

Blo-Up simulates explosive detonation, dynamic shock

wave propagation and interaction, rock fragmentation and
muck pile formation.

Model Work Flow
Based on decades of experience using and developing
numerical tools, Itasca has developed a rigorous and
efficient work-flow for addressing sophisticated
geomechanical and hydrogeological problems.
This process allows our consultants to bring all of
the necessary information from a variety of mine
planning and CAD software together as a single closed
surface. From this point, we can generate any number
of complex FLAC3D and 3DEC models rapidly,
flexibly and reliably. Soon, Itasca plans to expand this
technology to include PFC and other proprietary 3D


Blo-Up simulation showing a section though a 3D bench

and subsequent muck pile.




Single Closed

Itasca’s work flow for numerical model development is a

process of unifying all relevant information into a single, well-
defined closed surface. Multiple geomechanical models can
A sublevel caving (SLC) module has been added to be rapidly prototyped.
Blo-Up for ring blasting simulation.

Itasca has been at the forefront of cave mining
geomechanics for more than 20 years, pioneering the
development of a number of industry leading tools for
the analysis of caving, subsidence, fragmentation, flow,
infrastructure stability and groundwater inflow. These
tools have been applied at more than 30 block, panel
and sublevel caving (SLC) operations and projects
worldwide, and have been validated through direct
comparison of observed and predicted behaviors.
Itasca also relies on a number of experiential guidelines
and empirical relations for caving that have been
developed by Itasca and other experts based on a
large number of case histories. Itasca engineers work
directly with mining companies and other consultants
in all phases of design, ramp-up, operation and closure
in order to provide advice and make predictions aimed



New Afton

Bingham Canyon




Block Cave
Sublevel Cave
Operation Chuquicamata

Project El Salvador

Locations are approximate. Andina

El Teniente

at optimizing recovery and
managing risk. The tools are
designed to employ as much of
the existing rock mass data and
monitoring data as possible in
order to add maximum value to
projects and operations.

With more than 20 years of practical and advanced applications, Itasca designs and
analyses every aspect of block, panel and sublevel cave mine mechanics and engineering.



Oyu Tolgoi

Far Southeast


Ernest Henry


Palabora Northparkes
Cullinan Ridgeway /
Cadia East

Select caving projects and operations that Itasca has consulted on, ranging from mud-rush potential and orepass stability
to caving and fragmentation prediction.

Fragmentation exerts a significant control on the width
of flow zones associated with draw from the cave and
must be understood to select a drawpoint spacing
that promotes uniform drawdown and optimizes
ore recovery. Primary fragmentation (the size of
rock blocks produced at the onset of caving) is a key
input to forecasting of recovery, dilution, drawpoint
availability and secondary breakage requirements.
Accurate forecasting of drawpoint availability and
fines production from the cave also requires an
understanding of secondary fragmentation, the
attrition of blocks over time as they move through
the cave. Itasca has conducted primary and secondary
fragmentation studies at a number of different projects
and operations, including Ridgeway Deeps Mine (to
understand the impact of cave shape on primary
fragmentation) and the Chuquicamata, Kemess and
Niobec projects, where veining is expected to exert a
significant control on primary fragmentation.

Itasca employs Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) modeling

techniques for primary fragmentation prediction and
REBOP for secondary fragmentation prediction.

SRM technology was developed as part of the industry-

funded Mass Mining Technology (MMT) project and
is unique in its capability of explicitly accounting for
the impacts of existing fractures (joints or veins), as
well as new fracture growth, on fragmentation. In this
approach, Discrete Fracture Networks (DFNs) first
are developed to describe the in-situ fracture network
geometry based on available frequency, orientation
and trace length data. The properties of the fractures
”There is no doubt that the tools are established on the basis of laboratory testing
assembled in the SRM approach are and/or empirical relations for stiffness and strength
(i.e., based on logged and/or mapped roughness,
the most advanced available to us alteration and waviness). These DFNs are embedded
today.” within large-scale (5-20 m), three-dimensional bonded
particle/block models of the intact rock (developed
Evert Hoek and Derek Martin (2010) with PFC3D and/or 3DEC) and strained to simulate
the primary fragmentation process as a function of
expected cave back stresses. Results are presented in
the form of fragment size and volume distribution
plots and three-dimensional block models of expected
primary fragmentation.

Primary fragmentation measurements or predictions
can be input to REBOP, a gravity flow simulator SELECTED FRAGMENTATION CLIENTS
developed by Itasca to predict the flow and drawdown Operations Projects
associated with production from hundreds of
El Teniente Bingham
drawpoints over the life of the mine. Using a user-
defined drawpoint layout and production schedule, Henderson Chuquicamata
secondary fragmentation can be predicted as part of Northparkes Kemess
a draw simulation with blocks breaking down in the Palabora Niobec
column as a function of stress and strain and the rock Ridgeway Deeps Oyu Tolgoi
block strength.

Synthetic Rock Mass testing methodology for fragmentation prediction.

Use of Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) testing to estimate primary fragmentation as a function of
evolving cave back stress. The sample (colored by fragment) is shown on the left, while the
underlying DFN is shown on the right.

Caving and Subsidence
Caving is being applied to increasingly deep, large,
strong and heterogeneous orebodies, increasing the risk
of ore loss due to unexpected cave shape. In addition,
the transition from open pit to cave mining that many
companies are contemplating offers challenges in
terms of timing and the management of large-scale
caving-induced slope collapses. Itasca has pioneered
methods for analyzing undercut advance, cave growth
and surface impacts under these conditions, providing
predictions and analysis of caveability, subsidence
(including induced slope failures), cave shape, caving
rate, bulking and the potential for hang-ups and air-
gap development. The results of these studies are
used to optimize column height, footprint layout,
undercut/draw strategy (including advance direction,
lead-lag and undercut shape) and standoff distance
for infrastructure and transitioning strategies. When
combined with empirical strain-based criteria (e.g.,
for the limits of observable cracking on surface) and
structure-specific criteria (e.g., for cracking of masonry
structures), the results of cave-scale modeling can be
used to predict the surface expression of the cave (e.g.,
timing, extent and depth of the crater) and estimate
limits of caving-induced subsidence. The predictions
obtained from these analyses commonly focus on the
location of planned or existing surface infrastructure,
such as shafts, process plant, water diversion structures
and tailings dams.

Predicted surface expression for a series of caves developed

beneath a large open pit, including the crater limit (black
line) and zones outlining the expected severity of damage
to masonry structures (color contours).

Itasca developed the first numerically based tools (e.g., microseismic events, TDR breakages, open hole
for caving prediction in the late 1980s, and these blockages) and other cave operation and management
subsequently have been advanced and expanded activities.
through application at more than 20 different operations
and projects around the world, and through funding
provided by the International Caving Study (ICS)
and Mass Mining Technology (MMT) projects. Both
FLAC3D and 3DEC are used for caving simulation
and employ a “caving algorithm” that is production-
driven and incorporates material behaviors that are
essential to the prediction of rock mass response to
undercutting and draw (including cohesion weakening,
modulus softening and shear- and tension-induced

The key inputs to the caving algorithm include rock

mass strength, modulus and brittleness estimates from
the characterization efforts (e.g., empirical relations
and/or SRM testing), in-situ stresses, base-case layouts Result of a cave-scale model indicating predicted extents
(footprints) and production schedules (e.g., from of yielded zone (blue surface) and mobilized zone (white
PCBC). In addition, major structures can be added to surface). Open-hole blockages (red diamonds) and Time-
Domain Reflectometer (TDR) breakages (blue spheres)
the model to account for their impact on cave shape correspond well with the leading edge of the predicted
and caving rate. yielded zone.


Operations Projects
Andina Bingham
Argyle Cadia East
Cullinan Chuquicamata
Ekati Ernest Henry
El Salvador Far South East
El Teniente Jwaneng
Fabian Kemess
Finsch Niobec
Grace Orapa
Henderson Oyu Tolgoi
Kapten Resolution
Kiruna Venetia
Development of the pit slope failure mechanism at the
Palabora mine at various stages of production. New Afton
Evolution in the seismogenic, yielded, mobilized and Palabora
abutment stress zones is tracked as a function of Renard
production and are visualized as a series of three- Ridgeway Deeps
dimensional isosurfaces that can be exported as
DXF wireframes for comparison to monitoring data
Draw Control, Flow and
Understanding of how material flows within a cave is
required to make appropriate decisions at the design
stage (i.e., drawpoint spacing, drawpoint layout,
drawbell geometry) and during operation (draw
rates, draw ramp-up and scheduling). Draw strategy
in particular is the key control that operators use to
maximize recovery, minimize dilution and manage
hazards associated with caving (hang-ups and mud
rush). Itasca has been involved with a number of
caving projects and operations worldwide in both the
design and operating stages to help with decisions
relating to drawpoint spacing and draw scheduling, and
to forecast what is likely to be extracted from the cave
over the life of the mine. We also have assisted mines
with identifying targets for remnant recovery through
life-of-mine draw reconstruction and simulation
(e.g., Cullinan Mine), and developed mix matrices
for incorporation into grade forecasting and draw
scheduling software (e.g., Henderson Mine).

Flow analyses are conducted by Itasca using REBOP,

a tool specifically developed to provide rapid analysis
of the movement and extraction of fragmented rock
under draw in mine operations that use block, panel or
sublevel caving techniques.


Operations Projects
Andina Niobec
Argyle Oyu Tolgoi
Cullinan Resolution
El Teniente Venetia
New Afton

estimating recovery and dilution, the fragmentation
exiting drawpoints can be estimated over time to help
establish likely drawpoint availability and secondary
breakage requirements. In sublevel caves, the percentage
of ring ore reporting to different sublevels can be
tracked (i.e., primary, secondary, tertiary recovery) and
tracer markers can be used to test the code against the
results of in-situ marker trials.

REBOP software showing drawpoints and zones of broken

rock draw for each.

Example of REBOP simulation of drawdown

(shown in section) associated with the
development of a panel cave beneath an open
pit over time. Black blocks indicate surface rilling.

The key inputs to REBOP include measurements or

predictions of primary fragmentation and evolving
cave shape and intact rock strength. The primary
output from a draw analysis includes time- or tonnage-
based histories of extracted ore grades and other rock
properties, plots of material distribution above the
drawpoints and three-dimensional visualization of the
movement and extraction zones associated with each

In addition, secondary fragmentation, rilling and fines Block cave drawbells and sublevel cave draw points
migration all can be accounted for within REBOP simulated using PFC3D. These types of models were
used to investigate draw control and flow mechanics. The
simulations. The rilling logic and the ability to represent knowledge gained by this innovative work has been applied
complex surface topography allow simulation of the to REBOP for more rapid, mine-scale simulations.
impacts of local or large-scale failures in overlying
open pit slopes or weak overburden. In addition to

Infrastructure Stability
Itasca’s expertise in cave mining has been used by
companies to make critical decisions regarding the
orientation and geometry of the undercut, the layout
of the extraction level and the degree of support in
access and infrastructure required to ensure worker
safety and long-term stability. Itasca is a leader in the
design and analysis of undercut- and extraction-level
infrastructure for underground block- and panel-cave
mining methods. Itasca has conducted investigations
of excavation behavior at many of the world’s caving
mines. Itasca engineers have been successful in
optimizing the extraction-level development prior to
undercutting, as well as developing sound designs for
the level and timing of ground support. Due to the
three-dimensional nature of typical undercut- and
extraction-level mining geometries and the complex
interaction between cave shape, cave growth and
abutment stresses, three-dimensional analyses at both
the tunnel and cave scales are required to simulate the
loading conditions of undercut- and extraction-level
drives. Three-dimensional, non-linear analysis of such
mining geometries has become routine using FLAC3D
and 3DEC.

FLAC3D model of undercut and extraction-level

development used to investigate closure strains associated
with different undercut strategies.

Itasca software permits careful consideration of the
complex stages of loading, unloading and yielding
at both the cave and drift scale that occur during
undercutting and subsequent cave growth. They offer
a means to assess the induced stress changes and
potential for yielding around the planned infrastructure
including shafts, crusher chambers, extraction-level
development and undercut drives. These predictions
can be combined with empirical criteria to infer
potential for instability and to suggest where more
detailed modeling may be required to examine stability
further and to test proposed support designs.

Example of abutment stress analysis in a FLAC3D model

(plan view section) of an inclined cave.

FLAC3D model showing stresses acting on the undercut level of a proposed block cave layout.

Itasca hydrogeologists have extensive experience in
assessing key hydrogeologic issues related to caving
projects, including:

• Groundwater inflow to mine workings for

determining mine pumping requirements;
• Pore-pressure distributions for assessing
underground infrastructure and slope stability;
• Prediction of moisture content for evaluating
mud-rush potential; and
• Prediction of water quality for meeting regulatory
discharge limits.

In addition to conventional data collection, field

investigation and field monitoring, Itasca is unique in
that our hydrogeologists and geomechanical engineers
work closely together to account for the propagation
of caved rock over time in geomechanical models.
In doing this, caving can be accounted for in our 3D
groundwater flow simulations.

Itasca’s models have simulated the temporal

propagation of the enhanced permeability efficiently
and realistically within the extent of disturbed rock
due to caving. Itasca has constructed 3D groundwater
flow models to predict both inflow and pore-pressure
distribution for a number of open pits transitioning to
block or sublevel cave mining and caving projects.

Chuquicamata Aurora
Ernest Henry Grasberg
Mina Ministro Hales

Itasca geochemists are experienced in predicting the
water quality of mine water. Itasca investigates the
effects of fine caved materials on the enhanced leaching
of chemicals from caved material to groundwater, the
water quality of potential pit lakes including open
pits or transition from the open pits to underground
workings, and the temporal/spatial distribution of key
chemical components.

assessment. Itasca used various unsaturated flow codes
to predict the moisture contents for the geomechanical
group to use as input in their assessment of potential
mud-rush occurrences.

Conceptual model of water quality for open pit/block caving


Itasca’s MINEDW is commercially available
groundwater flow software that is specifically designed
to simulate complex mining-related groundwater
conditions. In contrast to the general industry
modeling practice, which requires many intermittent MINEDW model plot showing water head around an open
yearly models, MINEDW models are computationally pit.
efficient and robust, reducing overall modeling costs
and avoiding complex management of modeling files
and data. MINEDW 3D groundwater flow models are LOP
capable of simulating enhanced permeability around
the mine and over the life of the mine using a single As part of the Large Open Pit (LOP) project, Itasca has
transient model simulation. The calculated 2D and been instrumental in the publication of Guidelines
3D pore pressures from MINEDW can be imported for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability, a
seamlessly by Itasca’s suite of geomechanical software comprehensive account of the hydrogeological
for use in geomechanical stability analyses requiring a procedures that should be followed when performing
minimal amount of time, on the order of minutes. For open pit slope-stability design analyses. (Click on the
example, a Chuquicamata Open Pit and Block Cave cover image below for more information.)
groundwater flow model required only one transient
Guidelines for Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability

simulation to calibrate past open pit operation Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design is a comprehensive account of the open pit slope design process. G u i d e l i n e s f o r

calibration, starting in 1970, through to the end of block

Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability

Created as an outcome of the large open Pit (loP) project, an international research and technology transfer
project on the stability of rock slopes in open pit mines, this book provides an up-to-date compendium of
knowledge of the slope design processes that should be followed and the tools that are available to aid slope
Evaluating Water in Pit Slope Stability
design practitioners.

caving. The entire running time for this simulation (on

editors: Geoff Beale and John read
this book links innovative mining geomechanics research into the strength of closely jointed rock masses
with the most recent advances in numerical modelling, creating more effective ways for predicting the
reliability of rock slopes in open pit mines. it sets out the key elements of slope design, the required levels
Guidelines for

of effort and the acceptance criteria that are needed to satisfy best practice with respect to pit slope

a regular desktop) was less than one day.

investigation, design, implementation and performance monitoring.

Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design comprises 14 chapters that directly follow the life of mine sequence
from project commencement through to closure. it includes: information on gathering

all of the field data that is required to create a 3d model of the geotechnical conditions at a mine site; how
data is collated and used to design the walls of the open pit; how the design is implemented;

up-to-date procedures for wall control and performance assessment, including limits blasting, scaling, slope
support and slope monitoring; and how formal risk management procedures can be applied to each stage of

the process.

this book will assist open pit mine slope design practitioners, including engineering geologists, geotechnical
engineers, mining engineers and civil engineers and mine managers, in meeting stakeholder requirements for
pit slopes that are stable, in regards to safety, ore recovery and financial return, for the required life of the mine.

Itasca’s hydrogeologists have worked jointly with the

geomechanics group to study the mud-rush potential
GEoff BEalE
John rEad

of caved material for various caving projects. The

predicted inflow from the 3D groundwater flow model,
the development of subsidence and surface-water
recharge were key input parameters for the mud-rush
Itasca specializes in providing commercial microseismic
monitoring, processing and advanced analyses to the
mining industry. Microseismic monitoring provides a
unique insight into the fractures induced by mining
operations, which has implications for:

• Early warning on localized induced damage to

mine infrastructure;
• Reactivation or creation of structures affecting
slope stability;
• Effectiveness of preconditioning campaigns; and
• Progress of deep underground caving projects.

Itasca has developed a series of novel services

that enhance the information provided by existing
microseismic assets to monitor the evolution of the
fracturing processes, including:

• Structural analysis of microseismic event

distribution for imaging of induced or mobilized
fracture geometry;
• Analysis of microseismic source parameters to
identify fracturing modes and the fraction of newly
opened and reactivated fractures;
• Temporal and spatial clustering of microseismic
events to quantify damage accumulation and
identify areas of localized fracturing;
• In-depth understanding of fracture mechanics
through the integration of acquired data and
Synthetic Rock Mass models; and
• Fully featured, microseismic training courses
focused on the principles behind the technology,
processing algorithms and hands-on experience of
using processing software.

mines, complex velocity structures or limited coverage
sensor arrays.

Itasca has a comprehensive range of cost-effective

seismic data acquisition systems from sensors and
signal conditioning to high-speed data acquisition. We
provide an in-depth and objective analysis of the type
and design required, including a three-dimensional site
analysis to recommend the optimal positioning of a
sensor array.

Additional microseismic services provided:

• Standard and advanced software tools for do-it-

yourself processing;
• Advanced database technologies for networking
remote microseismic stakeholders;
• Microseismic project management, array design,
Microseismic analysis. data hosting and integrated processing systems;
• Geophysics team for provision of complete
InSite, Itasca’s integrated tool for seismic data processing service solution; and
acquisition, signal processing and data management • Quality assurance of third party microseismic
and visualization, is independent of the acquisition processing results.
hardware used at the mine site. It can be integrated
with most commercial hardware packages to perform
real-time data capture and processing. Processing
algorithms are being developed continuously to meet
the complexities of processing microseismic activity in
challenging environments such as high-noise operating

Microseismic events from a mining operation viewed with InSite.

Itasca first commercialized its software in 1985 when
clients asked to have access to the software tools
that our engineers used in their analyses. Itasca has
pioneered and continues to innovate the application
and development of numerical modeling software. Our
software are among the most widely used and respected
tools of their kind for analyzing and solving problems
in geomechanics, hydrogeology, microseismic analysis,
and other engineering fields. The result is a set of
software that provides unparalleled speed, power, and
proven capability for handling engineering problems
ranging from traditional design work to understanding
the most complex natural phenomena encountered in
some of the most challenging environments.

Itasca programs are used for design of major mining

and civil construction projects, design of nuclear waste
repositories, and oil reservoir treatment programs and
have been used in a large portion of rock mechanics
research projects worldwide. More than 4,000 mining
and civil construction companies, consultants in rock
and soil mechanics, and university and government
researchers use these programs worldwide.

Itasca software programs include the two- and three-

dimensional continuum programs FLAC (including
FLAC/Slope) and FLAC3D, the two- and three-
dimensional discontinuum programs UDEC and
3DEC, the two- and three-dimensional particle-flow
simulation programs PFC2D and PFC3D, the three-
dimensional, finite-element groundwater flow code
MINEDW, the integrated seismic data acquisition,
processing, management and visualization software
InSite for seismological studies, and the three-
dimensional code DFN.lab for simulating 3D DFNs
for engineering and research problems.

Itasca often performs custom modification or

development of these programs for specific project
or client needs. Development of all software is
governed by input from Itasca’s consulting practice.
Consequently, clients are assured that these software
are practical, efficient analysis tools with a proven
record of solutions to real-world problems.

For more information or to download a free software

demo, please visit: www.itascacg.com/software.


These are two- and three-dimensional explicit finite-

difference programs for engineering mechanics
simulations. These programs model the behavior of
soil, rock, or other materials that are subject to plastic
yielding. Materials are represented by a continuum of
zones, which form a grid that is adjusted by the user
to form the shape of the model to be simulated (e.g.,
tunnel, open pit, tailings dam, etc.). These programs are
capable of simulating large strains (including unstable
physical processes such as collapse), joints along which
slip and/or separation can occur, groundwater flow,
multiple excavation sequences (including backfilling),
and dynamic processes and includes structural elements
(e.g., liners, rock bolts, cables, beams, etc.).


Two- and three-dimensional distinct element codes

for modeling discrete or jointed systems (e.g., rock
mass, rock grains, hydro-electric dams on jointed
rock foundations, masonry structures). Materials are
represented by a network of blocks cut by discontinuities
with surface (boundary) conditions. Blocks are able to
rotate and slide along joints and joints can open or close.
Blocks can be rigid or deformable (allowing yielding).
The programs are capable of simulating large block
displacements, groundwater flow along discontinuities,
multiple excavation sequences, and dynamic processes
and include structural elements (e.g., liners, rock bolts,
cables, beams).

PFC Suite TM

Two- and three-dimensional distinct element programs

for modeling the movement and interaction of
assemblies of arbitrarily sized circular or spherical
particles. PFC Suite includes both PFC2D and PFC3D.
The codes create an ideal environment for study of the
behavior of synthetic materials, modeling bulk flow
and materials mixing, studies of micro- and macro-
damage (cracks) in solid bodies, including damage
accumulation leading to fracture, dynamic breakage,
and seismic response. PFC2D is also sold separately.


FLAC/Slope is a free, specialized version of FLAC Itasca’s hydrogeological software has been specifically
designed specifically for slope stability factor-of-safety developed for simulating groundwater conditions.
analysis. This code allows rapid generation of problem MINEDW (www.itascadenver.com/minedw) is very
geometries and factor-of-safety calculation using the efficient in simulating complex geometry and spatial and
shear-strength reduction technique. One particular temporal change of hydraulic conductivity of disturbed
feature of this code is the ability to overlay DXF plots rock as the results of excavating. The simulated pore
0) 1.100
to speed model generation. Users can also specify pressure distribution from MINEDW model can be
water tables and pseudostatic earthquake loading. readily imported into Itasca’s geomechanical models.







Griddle TM

Griddle is a fully interactive, general-purpose mesh Itasca’s integrated seismic data acquisition, processing,
generation plug-in for the Rhinoceros 6.0 3D CAD management, and visualization software for

0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600
be used
to1.400 seismological analysis, ranging in scale from acoustic
remesh Rhino surface meshes to comply with precise
emissions in the laboratory through microseismics
size specifications and type (triangle or quad-dominant). around underground excavations up to regional-scale
Surface meshes can then be used as boundaries for earthquakes. The software is independent of acquisition
Griddle’s volume mesher, which produces high-quality hardware and can be integrated with hardware packages
tetrahedral or hex-dominant meshes. The volume to perform real-time data capture and processing. InSite
meshes are ready for importing into most engineering software is used by many international companies and
analysis packages, including FLAC3D and 3DEC. organizations for in-house processing and management
of microseismic data. InSite is available as InSite-Geo,
InSite-HF, and InSite-Lab for geomechanical, hydraulic
fracturing, and laboratory applications. InSite-Lite is
also provided as a free microseimicity viewer.

KATS Software Customization
Kinematic Analysis Tools for Slopes (KATS) is a tool Itasca’s software development is directed and refined
aimed at assessing instabilities caused by daylighting by Itasca’s consulting practice and client feedback.
wedges and planar failures formed when different Itasca develops specialized material constitutive and
structural sets interact with the orientation of a given contact models, FISH and Python functions, or even
slope. The main application of the code is the so- entirely novel simulation software in consultation
called bench-berm scale analysis, which is understood with clients or as part of research collaborations. The
as a first step in the mining slope design process for software REBOP (cave mining), Blo-Up (blast design),
moderate and competent rock masses. However, it is Slope Model (slope stability), and XSite (hydraulic
possible to perform a kinematic analysis in inter-ramp fracturing) were created in this manner and are used
scale. Unlike other tools currently available, through for both consulting and research.
a single automated process, KATS allows performing
a probabilistic or deterministic assessment of the For more information, please contact us at:
behavior of a large number of slope configurations
defined by many structural domains and many info@itascainternational.com
orientations and geometries of the slope. The results
from the analysis can be provided using a variety of
parameters, such as loss of crest, spill lengths, bench Training
face angle distribution, etc. All these results allow a
geometric definition of the interramp (IRA) angles Itasca offices worldwide routinely offer software
that achieve the acceptability criteria defined by the training courses throughout the year.
operation from the point of view of stability and safety
of personnel and equipment.

DFN.lab TM

DFN.lab is used for simulating fluid flow and trasport in

3D discrete fracture networks (DFNs) for engineering
and research problems. DFN,lab is capable of:

• generating genetic models containing millions of

fractures based on the physics of fracturing,
• compute stationary and transient flow with various
boundary conditions in significantly large systems,
• characterize the DFN structure and hydraulic You can find out which courses are currently available
properties using novel statistics and graph methods here:


Custom engineering or software training courses

can also be arranged at one of our offices or at your
organization. Online web forms can be found at the
following address.


Itasca Chile SpA
CAVE MINING Hydrogeology Manager,
Water Management Engineer

Mr. Brown is a civil engineer who

holds Diplomas in Water and
Environmental Management from
the University of Bristol (UK) has
worked in the field of water and
tailings management and dewatering
systems for major mining operations
and projects in Chile and South
America for over 15 years, the last of
which is for Itasca.

He has a diverse background in

mining applied hydrogeology. For
mining operations his experience
includes planning and management
of water resources and open-pit
dewatering systems through 3D
hydrogeological and pore pressure
numerical models and support in the
elaboration of environmental impact
assessments. Has also been fluids
transport manager with responsibility
over tailings storage facilities, water
supply systems and slurry pipelines.
While in Itasca his experience includes
elaboration of 3D hydrogeology
numerical models for open-pit mines,
assessment of dewatering systems
and support in the elaboration of
environmental permits related to
groundwater management.

Richard Brummer Christopher O’Connor Tryana Garza-Cruz
Ph.D., P. Eng. M.A.Sc. M.Sc., Ph.D.
Itasca Consulting Canada, Inc. Itasca Consulting Canada, Inc. Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.
President and Principal General Manager & Principal General Manager and
Geomechanics Engineer Geomechanics Engineer Principal Geomechanics Engineer
rbrummer@itasca.ca coconnor@itasca.ca tgarza@itascacg.com

Dr. Brummer has 35 years of Mr. O’Connor is a mining engineer Dr. Garza-Cruz is a geomechanics
experience in geomechanics with a Master of Applied Science engineer with experience in the
consulting, practical mining degree in Mineral Resource application of three-dimensional
applications, research and academia. Engineering. He has worked in the continuum and discontinuum
His areas of specialization are all mining field for over 20 years focusing numerical methods to assess the
aspects of the behavior of highly on advanced numerical modeling and stability of mining excavations,
stressed rock in deep mines or in geomechanics. Mr. O’Connor has caveability, extraction level
extensively mined workings. He returned to Itasca after four years performance, surface subsidence,
also has expertise in rockbursts, the working at Glencore’s Nickel Rim primary fragmentation, and stope-
design of microseismic and general South Mine as the Senior Ground back behavior, as well as to evaluate
instrumentation systems, the design Control Engineer for the site. underground mining methods and
of backfill and backfill systems, and understand the creep behavior of
particularly in the optimization of excavations in frozen ground.
mining layouts to reduce risk and
maximize value. He is the author of She has applied numerical models
over 50 technical articles. Dr. Brummer to formulate recommendations on
is a Registered Professional Engineer mine design criteria (pillar, room,
in Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan & stope, and panel dimensions), as well
the Northwest Territories, and is a as regional barrier-pillar and crown-
Designated Consulting Engineer with pillar dimensions, sequencing, and set
Professional Engineers Ontario. back of infrastructure and accesses.
She has also developed specialized
tools using Bonded Block Models in
3DEC for the study of spalling rock
mass response at tunnel scale.

Patricio Gómez Houmao Liu
Itasca Chile SpA Ph.D., P. Eng.
General Manager, Itasca Denver, Inc.
Applied Geotechnical Engineer General Manager and
patricio.gomez@itasca.cl Principal Hydrogeologist

Mr. Gómez is a civil engineer who Dr. Liu has more than 25 years
holds a Diploma in Geomechanics of project experience in mining
Applied to Mining from the University hydrogeology, geochemistry, and
of Chile and has worked in the field groundwater flow modeling. He has
of soil and rock mechanics for major worked on and directed numerous
mining projects in South America for mining hydrogeology projects in
over 35 years, 25 of which are for southern Africa, South America,
Itasca. He has a diverse background Turkey, North America, Russia,
in mining applied geomechanics. and East Asia. He has also been
On underground operations his the Principal-in-Charge of Itasca’s
experience includes assessment of hydrogeologic projects for key
mining methods and recommendation mining companies such as Alrosa,
of mining sequences for block caving De Beers, Cameco, Anglo American,
operations, stability analyses for Debswana, Doe Run, Freeport
underground chambers and ore-pass McMoRan, Rio Tinto, Goldcorp, and
sectors, as well as the evaluation of Codelco. These projects include mine
ground-support methods, analysis of dewatering, slope depressurization,
rock mass degradation, caveability water management of surface and
analyses, and stress field calibration. underground mines, environmental
His main area of expertise is impacts, and mine water quality.
geomechanics for open-pit mines, In addition, Dr. Liu has extensive
including slope design at several experience in the code development
scales, stability assessments and back- of MINEDW, as well as more
analysis of slope failures and dynamic than 25 years of groundwater flow
analysis of slopes under effects of modeling experience using
earthquakes. Surface consulting other commercial codes such as
projects include static and dynamic MODFLOW, MT3D, and FEFLOW.
stability analyses and the liquefaction He also provides expert opinions for
potential of tailings dams, water regulatory hearings and due diligence
reservoirs and waste dumps in highly reviews and has taught numerous
active seismic areas. hydrogeologic courses.

Loren Lorig Glenn Sharrock Jonny Sjöberg
Ph.D., P. Eng. Ph.D., MAusIMM CP (Geotech) Ph.D.
Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Itasca Australia Pty. Ltd. Itasca Consultants AB
Itasca Chile SpA General Manager and Principal General Manager and Principal
Principal Mining Engineer Geotechnical Engineer Engineer
loren.lorig@itasca.cl gsharrock@itasca.com.au jonny@itasca.se

Dr. Lorig has more than 35 years of Dr. Sharrock’s has 15 years industry Dr. Sjöberg is a rock mechanics
experience in engineering projects experience in a wide range of rock engineer with experience in
requiring specialized geomechanics mechanics positions such as Principal operations, research and consulting
consulting. His area of expertise is in Geotechnical Engineer (Newcrest within mining and civil engineering.
the application of numerical models Mining NL), Rock Mechanics He holds a Ph.D. in the area of open-
to provide solutions to stability, Engineer (Mt Isa Mines), Senior pit slope stability, and has worked
support and dynamics problems in Geotechnical Consultant (AMC on underground and surface mining
civil and mining engineering. Dr. Consultants), Senior Lecturer in projects in rock mechanics, civil
Lorig has worked extensively at Geotechnical Engineering (UNSW) engineering tunneling projects, stress
some of the largest open pits in the and Associate Professor - Caving measurements and various other
world and currently is working on Geomechanics (UQ). His last position numerical modeling projects. Dr.
studies involving transition from was as Principal Geotechnical Sjöberg also is an Adjunct Professor
open-pit to underground mining Engineer at Newcrest’s Cadia East, in Rock Mechanics and Rock
at sites around the world. He has Ridgeway Deeps, Ridgeway SLC Engineering at Luleå University of
served as a member of consulting and Telfer Mines. In addition to Technology.
and peer review boards for several Newcrest, consulting experience
large projects. He has conducted includes Argyle, Perseverance, North
over 40 short courses, authored more Parks, Koffiefontein, Resolution,
than 50 technical articles and made Goldex, Afton, Ekati, Perseverance
ten keynote presentations. He is a Deeps, and Ridgeway Deeps (Lift 2).
Registered Professional Engineer in
several U.S. states.

“Over 39 years
Thank you for your interest in Itasca’s services to
the mining industry. Please let us know how we
can assist you with your work.
of solving mining Contact us at:
challenges through Itasca International Inc.
engineering and 111 Third Avenue South, Suite 450
Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA
computer simulation.” Tel: 1 (612) 371-4711
Fax: 1 (612) 371-4717

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