Opacity Secure Channel: Globalplatform Card - Amendment G

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GlobalPlatform Card

Opacity Secure Channel

Card Specification v2.3 – Amendment G
Version 1.0

Public Release
October 2016
Document Reference: GPC_SPE_106

Copyright  2014-2016, GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Opacity Secure Channel – Public Release v1.0


Copyright  2014-2016 GlobalPlatform, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.1 Audience ...............................................................................................................................................7
1.2 IPR Disclaimer ......................................................................................................................................7
1.3 References ............................................................................................................................................7
1.4 Terminology and Definitions .................................................................................................................9
1.5 Abbreviations and Notations ...............................................................................................................10
1.6 Revision History ..................................................................................................................................11
2 Use Cases ............................................................................................................................. 12
3 Algorithms ............................................................................................................................ 14
3.1 ECC .....................................................................................................................................................14
3.1.1 EC Curves ....................................................................................................................................14
3.1.2 Random Number Generators .......................................................................................................14
3.1.3 EC Private Key .............................................................................................................................15
3.1.4 EC Points .....................................................................................................................................15
3.1.5 EC Public Key ..............................................................................................................................15
3.1.6 EC Public Key Blinding ................................................................................................................15
3.1.7 ECDSA .........................................................................................................................................15
3.2 Certificates ..........................................................................................................................................16
3.2.1 Certificate Types ..........................................................................................................................16
3.2.2 Trusted Certificates ......................................................................................................................16
3.2.3 Certificate Chains .........................................................................................................................16
3.2.4 CVC Format (Informative) ............................................................................................................17
3.2.5 Certificate Validation ....................................................................................................................19
3.3 Key Derivation .....................................................................................................................................20
3.3.1 2-Step Key Derivation Function (KDF2S) ....................................................................................20
3.3.2 1-step Key Derivation Function (KDF1S) .....................................................................................22
3.4 Authenticated Encryption ....................................................................................................................23
3.4.1 Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) .............................................................23
3.4.2 Authenticated Encryption without Associated Data (AE) .............................................................23
3.4.3 AEAD Modes ................................................................................................................................23
3.4.4 Block Cipher .................................................................................................................................23
4 Protocol................................................................................................................................. 24
4.1 Cipher Suites .......................................................................................................................................24
4.2 Protocol Parameters ...........................................................................................................................27
4.3 Protocol Flow ......................................................................................................................................30
4.3.1 Principle .......................................................................................................................................30
4.3.2 Protocol Steps ..............................................................................................................................31
4.4 Protocol Parameter Negotiation ..........................................................................................................37
4.4.1 Host Cipher Suite List ..................................................................................................................37
4.4.2 SE Cipher Suite Selection ............................................................................................................37
4.4.3 Certificate Format .........................................................................................................................37
4.4.4 SE Key Reference ........................................................................................................................37
4.4.5 SE Response Parameters............................................................................................................37
4.4.6 Protocol Cases .............................................................................................................................38
4.5 Secure Messaging ..............................................................................................................................39
5 Parameter Encoding............................................................................................................. 40
5.1 Control Byte Encoding ........................................................................................................................40

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5.2 Cipher Suite and Cipher Suite List Encoding ......................................................................................41

5.3 Certificate Format ................................................................................................................................42
5.4 Key Reference ....................................................................................................................................43
5.5 Blinding Factor Policy..........................................................................................................................43
6 Messaging............................................................................................................................. 44
6.1 Message Flow .....................................................................................................................................44
6.2 ISO 7816-8 Based Messaging ............................................................................................................44
6.2.1 Data Format .................................................................................................................................44
6.2.2 GENERAL AUTHENTICATE APDU ............................................................................................45
6.2.3 Secure Messaging .......................................................................................................................47
6.3 Other Messaging Formats...................................................................................................................48
6.3.1 Non APDUs ..................................................................................................................................48
6.3.2 Non ISO APDUs ...........................................................................................................................48
7 Indication of Card Capabilities ............................................................................................ 49
7.1 Card Capability Information ................................................................................................................49
8 Security Domain Support..................................................................................................... 50
8.1 Implementation Options ......................................................................................................................50
8.2 Key and Certificate Requirements ......................................................................................................50

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Figure 2-1: Opacity Blinded Protocol Overview ...............................................................................................13
Figure 3-1: Extraction-then-Expansion Key Derivation Procedure ..................................................................20
Figure 4-1: Protocol Flow Overview ................................................................................................................30

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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
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Table 1-1: Normative References ......................................................................................................................7
Table 1-2: Informative References ....................................................................................................................9
Table 1-3: Abbreviations and Notations ..........................................................................................................10
Table 1-4: Revision History .............................................................................................................................11
Table 3-1: ECC Key Length and Recommended Curves ...............................................................................14
Table 3-2: Hash Algorithms for ECDSA ..........................................................................................................15
Table 3-3: Card Verifiable Certificate Format ..................................................................................................17
Table 3-4: KDF Configuration Based on Input Curve ......................................................................................22
Table 3-5: Available AEAD Modes ..................................................................................................................23
Table 4-1: Requirements for Opacity Cipher Suites ........................................................................................24
Table 4-2: Opacity Blinded Protocol Cipher Suites .........................................................................................26
Table 4-3: Opacity-ZKM Mode Cipher Suites ..................................................................................................26
Table 4-4: Opacity-FS Mode Cipher Suites .....................................................................................................26
Table 4-5: Protocol Parameters .......................................................................................................................27
Table 4-6: Protocol Steps – Host Prerequisites ..............................................................................................31
Table 4-7: Protocol Steps – SE Prerequisites .................................................................................................32
Table 4-8: Protocol Steps – Host Request ......................................................................................................32
Table 4-9: Protocol Steps – SE Response ......................................................................................................32
Table 4-10: Protocol Steps – Host Validation ..................................................................................................35
Table 5-1: Control Byte Encoding....................................................................................................................40
Table 5-2: Cipher Suite Encoding – Curve Byte ..............................................................................................41
Table 5-3: Cipher Suite Encoding – Cipher Byte .............................................................................................42
Table 5-4: Cert Format Byte ............................................................................................................................42
Table 5-5: Key Reference ................................................................................................................................43
Table 6-1: Command Data ..............................................................................................................................44
Table 6-2: Response Data ...............................................................................................................................44
Table 6-3: GENERAL AUTHENTICATE Command Message ........................................................................45
Table 6-4: GENERAL AUTHENTICATE Error Conditions ..............................................................................46
Table 7-1: SCP Information .............................................................................................................................49
Table 8-1: Key and Certificate Requirements .................................................................................................50

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1 Introduction
The purpose of this amendment is to extend the GlobalPlatform Card Specification [GPCS] with new secure
channel and key establishment protocols, altogether known as the Opacity Secure Channel establishment
method or Secure Channel Protocol '22'.
The Opacity Secure Channel establishment method includes:
 Opacity ZKM and Opacity FS protocols as defined in [ANSI 504-1]
 Opacity Blinded protocol as defined in this specification
Configurations will define the protocol modes, the selection of cipher suites and secure messaging formats
that are mandatory or optional in specific market segments.

1.1 Audience
This amendment is intended primarily for card manufacturers and developers of applications for
GlobalPlatform cards.
It is assumed that the reader is familiar with smart cards and smart card production, and in particular familiar
with the GlobalPlatform Card Specification [GPCS].

1.2 IPR Disclaimer

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this GlobalPlatform specification or other work
product may be the subject of intellectual property rights (IPR) held by GlobalPlatform members or others. For
additional information regarding any such IPR that have been brought to the attention of GlobalPlatform,
please visit https://www.globalplatform.org/specificationsipdisclaimers.asp. GlobalPlatform shall not be held
responsible for identifying any or all such IPR, and takes no position concerning the possible existence or the
evidence, validity, or scope of any such IPR.

1.3 References
Table 1-1: Normative References

Standard / Specification Description Ref

GlobalPlatform GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.3 [GPCS]
Card Specification
GlobalPlatform GlobalPlatform Card Technology [GPCS-D]
Card Specification Secure Channel Protocol '03'
Amendment D Card Specification v2.2 – Amendment D v1.1.1
GlobalPlatform GlobalPlatform Card Technology [GPCS-ISO]
Card Specification Card Specification – ISO Framework v1.0
ISO Framework
FIPS PUB 186-4 Digital Signature Standard (DSS) [FIPS 186-4]
FIPS PUB 186-4
ANSI/INCITS 504-1:2013 INCITS 504-1 – Generic Identity Command Set Part 1: [ANSI 504-1]
Card Application Command Set

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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
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8 / 50 Opacity Secure Channel – Public Release v1.0

Standard / Specification Description Ref

ANSI X9.62:2005 Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services [ANSI X9.62]
Industry, The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
NIST SP 800-38B Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: [NIST 800-38B]
The CMAC Mode for Authentication, May 2005
NIST SP 800-56A Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment [NIST 800-56A]
Revision 2 Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography,
Revision 2 May 2013
NIST SP 800-56C Recommendation for Key Derivation through Extraction- [NIST 800-56C]
then-Expansion. November 2011
NIST SP 800-73-4 Interfaces for Personal Identity Verification – May 2015 [NIST 800-73-4]
NIST SP 800-90A Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using [NIST 800-90A]
Deterministic Random Bit Generators, January 2012
NIST SP 800-108 Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom [NIST 800-108]
Functions (Revised), October 2009.
ISO/IEC 7816-4:2005 Identification cards – Integrated circuit cards – Part 4: [ISO 7816-4]
Organization, security and commands for interchange
ISO/IEC 7816-8:2004 Identification cards – Integrated circuit cards – Part 8: [ISO 7816-8]
Commands for security operations
ISO/IEC 19772/AC1:2014 Information technology – Security techniques – [ISO 19772]
Authenticated encryption [ISO/IEC 19772:2009 with
Technical correction]
BSI TR-02102-1 BSI Technische Richtlinie TR-02102-1: Kryptographische [TR 02102]
Verfahren: Empfehlungen und Schlüssellängen
(Cryptographic Methods: Recommendations and Key
Lengths) v2015-01
BSI TR-03111 BSI Technical Guideline TR-03111: Elliptic Curve [TR 03111]
Cryptography. Version 2.0
RFC 5639 Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Brainpool Standard [RFC 5639]
Curves and Curve Generation
SM2 Chinese Commercial Cryptography Administration Office: [SM2]
SM2 Digital Signature Algorithm, December 2010,
SM3 Chinese Commercial Cryptography Administration Office: [SM3]
SM3 Cryptographic Hash function, December 2010,
SMS4 Chinese Commercial Cryptography Administration Office: [SMS4]
Block cipher for WLAN products SMS4, September 2014,

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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
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Table 1-2: Informative References

Document Description Ref

An analysis of the EMV Christina Brzuska, Nigel P. Smart, Bogdan Warinschi, [Smart]
channel establishment and Gaven J. Watson. An analysis of the EMV channel
protocol. establishment protocol. ACM Conference on Computer
and Communications Security – ACM CCS 2013,
373-386, 2013
NIST SP 800-57 Part 1 Recommendation for Key Management – Part 1: General [NIST 800-57]
Revision 3 (Revision 3), July 2013.
ISO/IEC 7812 Identification cards – Identification of Issuers [ISO 7812]
ISO 9797-1 Information technology – Security techniques – Message [ISO 9797-1]
Authentication Codes (MACs) – Part 1: Mechanisms
using a block cipher
ISO/IEC 14888-3:2006 Information technology – Security techniques – Digital [ISO 14888]
signatures with appendix – Part 3: Discrete logarithm
based mechanisms
SM2 Chinese Commercial Cryptography Administration Office: [SM2-Eng]
SM2 Digital Signature Algorithm
Translation, February 2014:
SM3 Chinese Commercial Cryptography Administration Office: [SM3-Eng]
SM3 Cryptographic Hash function
Translation, February 2014:
SMS4 Chinese Commercial Cryptography Administration Office: [SMS4-Eng]
Block cipher for WLAN products SMS4
Translation, September 2014:
Advanced Encryption Federal Information Processing Standards [FIPS-197]
Standard (AES) Publication 197: Specification for the Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES)
Available at FIPS Pub 197

1.4 Terminology and Definitions

The technical terms used in this amendment are defined in [GPCS].

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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
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1.5 Abbreviations and Notations

Table 1-3: Abbreviations and Notations

Abbreviation / Notation Meaning

AD Associated Data
AEAD Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
BSI Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
CB Control Byte
CBC Cipher Block Chaining
CCM Counter with CBC-MAC (AEAD Mode)
CLA Class byte of the command message
CMAC Cipher-based MAC ([NIST 800-38B])
CS Cipher Suite
CT Cipher Text
CTR-DRBG A block cipher based PRNG ([NIST 800-90A])
CVC Card Verifiable Certificates
dn Distinguished Name
DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator
DSS Digital Signature Standard
EC Elliptic Curve
ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography
ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman
ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
EtM Encrypt then MAC (AEAD mode)
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
FS Full Secrecy
GCM Galois Counter Mode (AEAD mode)
GF(p) Galois Field or Finite Field with p elements – p being a prime
HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code
IIN Issuer Identification Number

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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
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Abbreviation / Notation Meaning

INCITS InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards
INS Instruction byte of command message
KDF Key Derivation Function
MAC Message Authentication Code
N/A Not applicable
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
OCB2 Offset Codebook Mode
OID Object IDentifier
PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator
PT Plain Text
RFU Reserved for Future Use
RNG Random Number Generator
SCP Secure Channel Protocol
SE Secure Element
SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (digest size 160 bits)
SHA-nnn Secure Hash Algorithm with digest size nnn bits
ShS Shared Secret
SK Session Key
TLV Data structure containing of Tag, Length, Value fields
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
XOR Exclusive or
ZKM Zero Key Management

1.6 Revision History

Table 1-4: Revision History

Date Version Description

October 2016 1.0 Public Release

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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
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2 Use Cases
The purpose of this specification is to present and specify a compact and efficient method to establish secure
channel keys between an entity (Host) and a secure element that can be authenticated using a public/private
elliptic curve key pair. The secure channel keys are established in a single request response step, and can be
used to protect further communication between the SE and Host (host or terminal).
See [ANSI 504-1] and [NIST 800-73-4] Part II section 4.1 for specific use cases involving Opacity ZKM mode
and Opacity FS mode.
The supplementary Secure Channel establishment method presented in this specification, i.e. the Opacity
Blinded protocol, allows correct implementations to make the following security claims:
 One-way entity authentication – The identity claimed in the response message from the SE can be
proven to be bound to the SE secret.
 One-way messaging privacy – The identity of the SE is carried in the response but not revealed.
 One-way message authentication – The response message from the SE can be proven to be bound
to the SE secret.
 Non-traceability – The information from two messages cannot be correlated to reveal the message
origin, or to reveal the message content.
 Forward Secrecy – The compromise of the long term SE secret does not compromise the message
privacy or confidentiality of any payload sent in the past.
The privacy and non-traceability properties claimed above depend on the initial assumption that the host is not
an active attacker, and would not be valid otherwise. Host Authentication may be performed at the application
level using the secure messaging resulting from the execution of the protocol.
A formal analysis to prove the above security properties has been established in ‘An analysis of the EMV
channel establishment protocol’ ([Smart]). The proofs on privacy, non-traceability, and forward secrecy
assume that a full size blinding factor is being used, i.e., the blinding factor shall have the same number of bits
as the curve order.
Using standard-based cryptography in [GPCS]:
 The messaging specification allows a mapping to APDUs or other communication channels.

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Figure 2-1: Opacity Blinded Protocol Overview

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3 Algorithms
3.1 ECC
3.1.1 EC Curves

Elliptic Curve Cryptography over prime fields GF(p) shall be used for the purpose of this amendment.
Standardized Domain Parameters are recommended to be used:
 Digital Signature Standard (DSS) [FIPS 186-4], recommended by NIST, or
 Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Brainpool Standard Curves and Curve Generation [RFC 5639],
recommended by BSI.
These references specify the EC domain parameters for curves of different key lengths:
P: Prime field specification parameter
A,B: EC curve equation parameters
G: Base EC Point
N: EC order parameter
k: EC cofactor parameter
The following table lists recommended curves for different ECC key lengths.

Table 3-1: ECC Key Length and Recommended Curves

Curve Specified in Curve Specified in Curve Specified in ECC Key

[FIPS 186-4] [RFC 5639] [SM2] Length (bits)
P-256 brainpoolP256r1 Fp-256 256
P-384 brainpoolP384r1 N/A 384
N/A brainpoolP512r1 N/A 512
P-521 N/A N/A 521

3.1.2 Random Number Generators

Recommendations for appropriate random number generators are given in BSI TR-02102 [TR 02102] and
NIST SP 800-90A [NIST 800-90A].
The random number generator involves an entropy source and a Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG)
applied on the source output. Example PRNGs are defined in [NIST 800-90A]:
 CTR-DRBG (Block cipher based PRNG)
 HMAC-DRBG or Hash_DRBG (Hash-based PRNG)

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3.1.3 EC Private Key

A private key is a randomly generated number with the size of the EC Key Length in bits. A recommended
number generator must be used (see section 3.1.2).

3.1.4 EC Points

Any point Q on the curve with x- and y-coordinates (x,y) shall be encoded either as:
 In [TR 03111] section 3.2.
 An optimized encoding, i.e. the byte string representation of the x-coordinate only. The y-coordinate is
chosen as the lowest value obtained by applying the curve equation to the x-coordinate.
The multiplication of any point (x, y) on the curve with an integer number is another point on the curve (x', y').

3.1.5 EC Public Key

The multiplication of the base point G with a private key d is the associated public key.

3.1.6 EC Public Key Blinding

The multiplication of any EC Public Key with a random blinding factor, which size in bits is comprised between
n and n/2 where n is the number of bits the EC curve order N.

3.1.7 ECDSA

ECDSA is specified in ANSI X9.62 [ANSI X9.62] standard.

From an input message M, ECDSA produces a signature (r,s).
ECDSA requires a hash function. Unless defined otherwise, the security strength of the hash function used
shall meet or exceed the security strength associated with the order of the key according to [FIPS 186-4].
The following table lists the Hash algorithms that shall be used depending on specific ECC key lengths.

Table 3-2: Hash Algorithms for ECDSA

ECC Key Length (in bits) Hash Algorithm

256-383 SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
384-511 SHA-384, SHA-512
512+ SHA-512

The signature shall be coded according to the signed object format (see section 3.2.4). The ECDSA signature
algorithm requires a random value as input. To protect against attacks, a high quality random number
generator is required for the entity generating the signature. Recommendations for appropriate random
number generators are given in section 3.1.2.

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3.2 Certificates
3.2.1 Certificate Types

X.509 v3 and Card Verifiable Certificates (CVC) in section 3.2.4 are the two certificate types recommended in
this version of the specification.

3.2.2 Trusted Certificates

Any entity validating that a certificate can be trusted must first trust the corresponding signing certificate.
A validating entity must therefore trust the original signing certificates such as root certificates or CA certificates
or at least trust the public key association with the issuer, root, or CA identity. The process allowing an entity
to trust an issuer, root, or CA certificate or its public key association is outside the scope of this specification.

3.2.3 Certificate Chains

Certificates for which signing certificates are not already trusted by the validating entity may be presented
instead as certificate chains, i.e. a sequence of certificates. Each certificate in the sequence is the signing
certificate for the following certificate in the chain. The first certificate must be verifiable by the validating entity.

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3.2.4 CVC Format (Informative)

The Card Verifiable Certificate Format used in this specification follows [ISO 7816-8] and [ANSI 504-1] as

Table 3-3: Card Verifiable Certificate Format

Tag Tag Tag Length Name Value

'7F21' Card Verifiable
'5F29' 1 Credential '80'
Profile Identifier
'42' 8 Issuer IIN: 8 bytes: leftmost 8 bytes of the
Identification subjectKeyIdentifier of the CVC signer X.509
Number certificate. This references the CVC signer key
'5F20' Var. Subject Actual identity dn or URI associated with public
Identifier key
'7F49' Var. PublicKey Data Composite object
'06' Var. Algorithm OID Public Key Curve OID
o {} brainpoolP256r1
o {} brainpoolP256t1
o {} brainpoolP384r1
o {} brainpoolP384t1
o {} brainpoolP512r1
o {} brainpoolP512t1
o {1.2.840.10045.3.1.7} secp256r1
o {} secp384r1
o {} secp521r1
This is encoded as DER. For instance
'2A8648CE3D030107' for secp256r1
'86' Var. Public Key Coded as follows:
object o '04' || X || Y, where X and Y are the
coordinates of the point on the curve

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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
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Tag Tag Tag Length Name Value

'5F37' Var. DigitalSignature DigitalSignature ::= SEQUENCE {
object signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
signatureValue ECDSA-Sig-Value

AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
parameters ANY DEFINED BY algorithm

Algorithm allowed OID values are:

o {1.2.840.10045.4.3.2} ECDSA with
o {1.2.840.10045.4.3.3} ECDSA with
o {1.2.840.10045.4.3.4} ECDSA with
And Where:
ECDSA-Sig-Value ::= SEQUENCE {
The signature is computed using the
corresponding signing key SIGKEYID,
referenced with the IssuerID Data Element.
EC Domain parameters are derived from tag '06'
of PublicKey Data Object.

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The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
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Tag Tag Tag Length Name Value

'5F4C' 1 Role Identifier Indicates the type of certificate
The format is:
For root, CA, or issuer certificates:
0 0 x 1 - - - - Key assigned to SE app.
0 0 1 x - - - - Key assigned to client app.
- - - - 0 0 0 1 Verification key
- - - - 0 0 1 0 Authentication Key
Card application root CVC role ID: '12'
Client application root CVC role ID: '22'

For other certificates:

'00' : for card-application key CVC
'80' : for card-application administrator key CVC
'01': for client application key CVC

3.2.5 Certificate Validation

The following steps are recommended to validate a certificate.

 Verify signature on the certificate (see section 3.1.7).
 Validate the contents of the certificate, at minimum Key usage, Algorithm OID, domain parameters,
and Issuer identifier.

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3.3 Key Derivation

Two Key Derivation Functions (KDF) are defined in this specification. A 1-step KDF (KDF1S) using Secure
Hash Algorithm defined in [NIST 800-56A] and a 2-step KDF (KDF2S) using AES-CMAC allowed in
[NIST 800-56A] and defined in [NIST 800-56C]. KDF2S is proposed as a more efficient method than KDF1S
as it only relies on AES primitives with no hash function. KDF1S is chosen as compliant with [ANSI 504-1].

3.3.1 2-Step Key Derivation Function (KDF2S)

This section describes the 2-step Key Derivation Function (KDF2S), also specified in [NIST 800-56C], and
makes appropriate choices for Opacity.

Figure 3-1: Extraction-then-Expansion Key Derivation Procedure

Extraction Step
The extraction-then-expansion key derivation procedure begins with a shared secret Z. Z is the x-coordinate
of the common EC point computed on both sides.
Z length in bytes is defined according to the following rule:
Len (Z) is equal to the lowest number of bytes that can include a number of bits equal to the EC curve
For P-256 or brainpoolP256r1: len(Z) = 256/8 = 32 bytes
For P-521: len(Z) = 521/8 = 65.125. The lowest number of bytes to include the curve order in bits is 66
The Randomness Extraction function is the MAC function (AES-CMAC).
s – Salt, a (public or secret) byte string used as the “key” during the execution of the randomness extraction
step. s is the all-zero byte string. The bit length of the all-zero byte string shall equal the length of the AES
key used, e.g. for AES 128:
s = '00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'
KDK – The output of the randomness extraction step.
When AES-CMAC is used, KDK is a binary string of length 128 bits.
1. KDK = AES-CMAC (s, Z)
2. Zeroize Z.

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Expansion Step
This section describes the Key Derivation Function (KDF) common to all session keys regardless of the method
used to generate the shared secret.
The expansion step is as specified in NIST SP 800-108 [NIST 800-108] in counter mode (§5.1). It takes as
input the result of the extraction step KDK, the total session key data length ‘len’, and supplementary data
‘OtherInput’ consisting of multiple data elements A1, .. , Am, and produces session keys as follows:
OtherInput (A1, .. , Am) = [AlgorithmID(SK1) || .. || AlgorithmID(SKp) || A1 || .. || Am]
len = algoKeyLengthInBits(SK1) + … + algoKeyLengthInBits(SKp)
n = len / (hashLengthInBits (KDFHashAlgorithm)) = len/128
KM = [AES-CMAC (KDK, '00 00 00 01' || OtherInput) || AES-CMAC (KDK, '00 00 00 02' || OtherInput) || … ||
AES-CMAC (KDK, ('00 00 00 00' + n || OtherInput)]

The concatenated session keys (SK1 || .. || SKp ) are the (len) leftmost bits from KM.

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3.3.2 1-step Key Derivation Function (KDF1S)

This section describes the 1-step Key Derivation Function (KDF1S), which is based on the use of the shared
secret previously exchanged using public key cryptography. It is common to all session keys regardless of the
method used to generate the shared secret.
The Key Derivation Function is implemented as specified in [NIST 800-56A] §5.8.1. It takes as input a shared
secret ‘Z’, total session key data length ‘len’, and supplementary data ‘info’, and produces session keys as
The concatenated session keys (SK1 || .. || SKp ) are the (len) leftmost bits from DerivedKeyingMaterial.

len = algoKeyLengthInBits(SK1) + … + algoKeyLengthInBits(SKp)
DerivedKeyingMaterial = [KDFHashAlgorithm('00 00 00 01' || Z || info) || KDFHashAlgorithm('00 00 00 02'
|| Z || info) || KDFHashAlgorithm(('00 00 00 00' + n ) || Z || info)]

KDFHashAlgorithm = SHA-256 or SHA-384 or SHA-512 (See Table 3-5 below.)
n = len / (hashLengthInBits (KDFHashAlgorithm))
Z = Shared Secret
Info (A1, .. , Am) = [AlgorithmID(SK1) || .. || AlgorithmID(SKp) || A1|| .. || Am]


Table 3-4: KDF Configuration Based on Input Curve

ECDH Curve Z Length in Bytes AlgorithmID (SK) SK Length in Bytes

P-256 16 AES 128 16
or Brainpool 256 or SMS4 128 for SM2
or SM2 Fp-256
P-384 or Brainpool 384 24 AES 192 24
P-521 32 AES 256 32
or Brainpool 512

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3.4 Authenticated Encryption

3.4.1 Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD)

The Authenticated encryption modes defined in section 3.4.3 allow the protection of data for confidentiality and
integrity as follows:
AEAD (SK, AD, PT) = AD || CT || MAC
SK = Session Key
AD = Associated Data. Will not be encrypted.
PT = Plain text. Will be encrypted.
CT = Cipher Text resulting from encryption of PT with SK
MAC = Integrity check value using SK computed over the concatenation of AD (clear text) and CT (cipher

3.4.2 Authenticated Encryption without Associated Data (AE)

Authenticated Encryption without Associated Data (AE) is defined as follows:


3.4.3 AEAD Modes

One of the following available AEAD modes is required:

Table 3-5: Available AEAD Modes

Mode Reference
OCB2 See [ISO 19772] section 6.
CCM See [ISO 19772] section 8.
EAX See [ISO 19772] section 9.
Encrypt then MAC See [ISO 19772] section 10.
(ETM-CTR-CMAC) Use AES Counter Mode encryption and AES-CMAC.
GCM See [ISO 19772] section 11.

3.4.4 Block Cipher

AES is the default Block Cipher Algorithm used for AEAD.

When SM2 Curves are selected, SMS4 must be used instead.

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4 Protocol
This chapter specifies the Opacity Blinded protocol. The protocol for Opacity ZKM and Opacity FS are specified
in [ANSI 504-1].

4.1 Cipher Suites

The Opacity Blinded protocol uses several cryptographic mechanisms which can be configured in different
ways. Such configurations are known as ‘Cipher Suites’ and can be defined according to the requirements
defined in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1: Requirements for Opacity Cipher Suites

Cipher Suites Opacity-128 Opacity-192 Opacity-256

Channel Strength (bits) 128 192 256
AES128-AEAD or
SMS4-128-AEAD for
Session keys – (see AEAD mode) SM2 curve AES 192-AEAD AES256-AEAD
SE certificate Signature ECDSA 256 (*) ECDSA 384 (*) ECDSA 521 (*)
SE certificate Signature Hash SHA-256 (*) SHA-384 (*) SHA-512 (*)
Key Agreement Curve P-256 or
brainpoolP256r1 or P-384 or P-521 or
brainpoolP256t1 or brainpoolP384r1 or brainpoolP512r1 or
SM2 Fp-256 brainpoolP384t1 brainpoolP512t1
Nonces ([NIST 800-56A]) 16 bytes 24 bytes 32 bytes
Authenticated Encryption Mode See section 3.4.3.
Secure Messaging See section 4.5

(*) or equivalent strength specified in the certificate.

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In this specification, Cipher Suites are defined for the Opacity protocol and are assigned a UTF-8 string name
according to the following pattern:
Where :
 Bit_strength
o 128, 192, or 256.
 key_agreement_mode
o ECDHB : usage of Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Blinded Mode (as described in this document).
 curve_type
o NIST means usage of the NIST curve according to the specified bit strength (e.g. P256 for
o BR1 means usage of the Brainpool r1 curve according to the specified bit strength (e.g.
brainpoolP256r1 for Opacity-128).
o SM2 means usage of the SM2 curve according to the specified bit strength (e.g. SM2 Fp-256 for
 key_derivation_function
o KDF1S: one–step KDF
o KDF2S: two–step KDF
 AEAD_mode
o CCM, GCM, and ETM are the recommended AEAD modes necessary to compute the response
of the authentication command. The selection also applies to the AEAD secure messaging mode
when it is selected.
 secure_messaging_mode
o AEAD means usage of AEAD secure messaging. The AEAD mode used to protect the response to
the authentication command message and for the AEAD secure messaging shall be the same.
o SCP03 means usage of SCP03 secure messaging. When SCP03 is selected AEAD is still
necessary to protect the response of the authentication command message.

The Ciphers Suites defined by this specification are listed in Table 4-2. Each Cipher Suite is assigned a 2-byte
identifier for reference in environments where UTF-8 strings cannot be used.

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Table 4-2: Opacity Blinded Protocol Cipher Suites

Cipher Suites 2-byte Identifier


Table 4-3: Opacity-ZKM Mode Cipher Suites

P1 byte
Cipher Suites 2-byte Identifier
[ANSI 504-1] Table 91
OPACITY_128_ECDH_NIST_KDF1S_SCP03 (used in '01 04' '27'
[NIST 800-73-4])
OPACITY_192_ECDH_NIST_KDF1S_SCP03 (used in '02 04' '2B'
[NIST 800-73-4])

Table 4-4: Opacity-FS Mode Cipher Suites

P1 byte
Cipher Suites 2-byte Identifier
[ANSI 504-1] Table 91
OPACITY_128_ECDH_NIST_KDF1S_SCP03 '01 04' '28'
OPACITY_256_ECDH_NIST_KDF1S_SCP03 '02 04' '2D'

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4.2 Protocol Parameters

Table 4-5: Protocol Parameters

Name Definition Type Format/Length

C_se Certificate Chain authenticating the X.509 or
SE ISO 7816-8 CVC
CB_h Host control byte See section 5.1 See Table 5-1.
CB_se SE control byte See section 5.1 See Table 5-1.
CS_se Allowed Cipher Suite See section 5.2 See Table 5-2.
CSL_h Requested Cipher Suite List See section 5.2
d_se SE private key EC private key Size of curve in bits
d_bse Random Blinding factor. Byte string The length is n1. The
The size is set by the SE. It is host must support a
between n_bitsec and N, the order of size that is as large as
the EC curve. The host must support the order of the curve
these values. (size of private key).

dec_{k}(data, aad) Decryption of data with Key k (reverse Byte string

Authenticated encryption operation),
aad is associated data that is not
encrypted used in the AEAD MAC
Default_CS Default cipher suite requested from See section 5.2 See Table 5-2.
the terminal. At minimum the SE must
use this cipher suite to generate the
encryption key to encrypt the allowed
cipher suite.
enc_{k}(data, aad) Authenticated Encryption of data, and Byte string
associated data aad with Key k
enc_se Encrypted data generated on an SE Byte string Variable
G EC Base Point EC Point See EC Point
representation representation in
section 3.1.4.
Head Opacity Message Header Byte String Two bytes: Protocol
Type and Version
KR_h Requested SE Key reference See section 5.4 1 byte
KR_se Allowed SE key reference See section 5.4 1 byte
len_msg_se Fixed length of SE messages Integer All SE messages
should be padded to
have exactly this
Msg_h Full host message Byte String

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Name Definition Type Format/Length

N EC private key length in bits Integer
n_bitsec Security strength supported (in bits). Integer 128 for N=256
Defined in [NIST 800-56A] 192 for N=384
section, Table 2.
256 for N=512 or 521
n1_h Blinding factor length in bytes as Integer Must be higher or
requested from the host. See section 5.5 equal than n_bitsec.
EC Curve key length is
recommended for
n1_se Random Blinding factor length in bytes Integer Must be higher or
chosen by the SE. equal than n_bitsec.
EC Curve key length is
recommended for
n2_h Host Session identifier length in bytes Integer 8
n2_se SE session identifier length Integer 8
Pad_se Padding for non-traceability. Byte string Length is determined
Padding should be used in the to adjust the SE
response message prior to encryption message length to a
to remove any indication of mode or fixed size
error state (len_msg_se). The
leftmost bit of padding
should be 1 followed
with all 0s.
Payload Application payload to protect –
transmitted from the SE
Q_bse Blinded SE public key EC Point See EC Point
representation representation in
section 3.1.4
Q_eh = [d_eh] . G Host ephemeral public key, matched EC Point See EC Point
with the corresponding ephemeral representation representation in
private key: d_eh section 3.1.4
Q_se = [d_se] . G SE authentication public key, matched EC Point See EC Point
with the corresponding private key: representation representation in
d_se section 3.1.4
sID_h Random session identifier Byte string Length = n2_h
sID_se SE session identifier. Use n2_se Byte string Length = n2_se
leftmost bytes from the x-coordinate of
sk_csQ Cipher suite encryption key, encrypts XOR key 4 bytes
CB_se || CS_se || KR_se

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Name Definition Type Format/Length

sk_h Secure Messaging Session Keys for AES key Defined by cipher suite
Authenticated encryption of
information in transit from host to SE
sk_se Secure Messaging Session Keys for AES key Defined by cipher suite
Authenticated encryption of
information in transit from SE to host
T_{len}(data) Truncation of data: leftmost ‘len’ bits. Byte string
x Order in cipher suite list integer
Z Intermediate Shared secrets EC point
(x-coordinate of ECDH shared representation
resulting point)
zero_key AES key. All key bytes have a zero AES key
value (see [NIST 800-56C]).

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4.3 Protocol Flow

4.3.1 Principle

The following diagram provides an illustration of the protocol flow.

Figure 4-1: Protocol Flow Overview

Each side computes: Z = [d_bse . d_eh . d_se] .

Assumedly: d_se . G = Q_se

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4.3.2 Protocol Steps

The Opacity Protocol consists of three required steps, followed by optional steps to exchange messages within
the secure channel that is established.
1. Host Request: Host prepares and sends Command (i.e. Authentication Request) to SE
2. SE Response: SE receives and processes Command, prepares and sends Response to Host
3. Host Validation: Host receives and processes Response, authenticating SE and decrypting SE
response payload
4. <Optional secure channel messages>

Table 4-6: Protocol Steps – Host Prerequisites

Step # Description Comment

H1 Known CB_h = BLIND Set host control parameter to Blinded
Known CSL_h = Default_CS, followed with other protocol mode (see section 5.1).
Cipher Suites List Set host Cipher Suite list to the
Known CF_h = Certificate Format values supported by the host. The
first cipher suite element shall match
Known KR_h = Default Key reference,
the ephemeral public key sent by the
corresponding to CSL_h[0]
host. The following cipher suite
Known G, N = Base point, EC key length elements represent the alternate
Known n1_h = Desired blinding factor size cipher suites that are allowed by the
Known n2_h = 8 host, and that the SEs may support or
require if the first cipher suite is not
desirable for securing the transaction.
Set default key reference to match
default cipher suite (optional for non-
proprietary use). This can only be
specified for the default (first) cipher
The certificate Format byte indicates
the different formats supported by the
Set curve parameters G, N according
to the first Cipher Suite element of
KDF used for first key agreement
must be Default CS KDF.

Set desired blinding size (see

section 5.5). Low values allow faster
computation. 'FF' means a default
size will be chosen by SE. SE may
choose longer or full blinding size.
Recommended host session identifier
length is 8.

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Table 4-7: Protocol Steps – SE Prerequisites

Step # Description Comment

SE1 Known n2_h = 8 n2: size of host identifier sID_h = 8
Known all allowed values for d_se, Q_se, Cert_se are set for all
(d_se , Q_se = [d_se] . G , Cert_se) allowed curves.
Known Payload Obtain or prepare payload

Table 4-8: Protocol Steps – Host Request

Step # Description Comment

H2 Generate sID_h = RNG (n2) Generate a host session identifier
with the selected length (see
section 3.1.2).
H3 Generate d_eh = RNG (N) Generate an ephemeral EC Key Pair
Execute Q_eh = [d_eh] . G for the Host. See section 3.1.2 for the
Validate Q_eh recommended choice of a random
number generator.
Perform full public-key validation
([NIST 800-56A] section,
either as part of the key generation
process or as a separate process.
H4 Send When SE is present in the field, send
msg_h = Head || CB_h || sID_h || CF_h || CSL_h ephemeral public key, session ID,
|| KR_h || n1_h || Q_eh control byte, cipher suite list.

H5 Wait Wait for SE response

Table 4-9: Protocol Steps – SE Response

Step # Description Comment

SE2 Receive msg_h = Head || CB_h || sID_h || CF_h || Obtained from host
CSL_h || KR_h || n1_h || Q_eh
SE3 if CB_h & BLIND == '00' return CB_ERROR Check if terminal request allows
if CB_h & CS_CHANGE then goto SE8 the SE to respond:
Check CF_h  Check if Control byte CB_h is
Set CB_se = CB_h | BLIND
 If this is a retry, then assume
that Q_eh complies with the
CS_se returned in the previous
response. Ignore CSL_h ||
KR_h || n1_h
 Check if Cert_se has a format
supported by the host in CF_h

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Step # Description Comment

SE4 Set n1_se larger or equal to n1_h (shall be higher Set blinding factor size. n1_se
than n_bitsec) and N/8. according to n1_h. Special value
'00' means no blinding and 'FF'
means a default size shall be
chosen by SE (see section 5.5).
n1_se: size of blinding factor
between 0 and N
SE5 Search x = order of allowed cipher suite in CSL_h Select allowed cipher suite from
if x does not exist, return CB_ERROR host cipher suite list. Determine by
searching from left to right in the
if SE does not support KDF and curve of CSL_h[0],
list if any cipher suite present in
return CB_ERROR
the host list is allowed. This also
otherwise means that the SE has a
Set CS_se = CSL_h[x] corresponding valid key pair and
certificate Cert_se The order starts
from x=0 (Default_CS), the
leftmost element in CSL_h.
If no host cipher suite is allowed or
if KR_h is incorrect, return
CB_ERROR (recommended for
additional security).
Otherwise select allowed cipher
SE6 if x != 0 Check if the selected SE cipher
and (CS_se Curve or CS_se KDF is incompatible suite selection requires the host to
with default CS) then restart the protocol. If the
requested default host cipher suite
is not an allowed SE Cipher suite
Payload = NULL, for the requested SE key
Cert_se = NULL reference (x != 0).
It will however protect the
response information with
default_CS (CSL_h[0]).
The SE indicates that a cipher
suite change is requested. No
certificate or application payload
will be returned. The host will need
to restart the protocol.
SE7 if x == 0 If the selected SE cipher suite
or does not require the host to restart
the protocol, then select the
x != 0 and curve is compatible with CS_se curve and
appropriate SE certificate. SE can
KDF(Default_CS) is the same as KDF (CS_se)
protect response with CS_se,
then continue Cert_se.

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Step # Description Comment

SE8 Set KR_se Select SE key
Set G, N = Base point, EC key length. if x=0,
Set d_se , Q_se = [d_se] . G , Cert_se Use KR_se = KR_h
Determine SE private key, public
key, and Certificate (d_se, Q_se,
Cert_se) according to chosen
cipher suite CS_se.
Otherwise use KR_se based on
Default_CS. Generate key pair
(d_se, Q_se) if necessary.
SE9 Generate d_bse = Rand (n1_se) Generate blinding factor.
SE10 Execute Q_bse = [d_bse] . Q_se Create blinded public key.
SE11 Set CB_se = BLIND Set Opacity Mode selected by the
SE12 Validate Q_eh #belongs to EC domain Check ephemeral host public key
SE13 Execute Z = [d_bse . d_se] . Q_eh Compute shared secret.
SE14 Set sID_se = T_{n2_se}(Q_bse) Build SE Identifier for KDF.
SE15 Select CS_se as cipher suite for further KDF of Default_CS is selected to
operations be the same as KDF of CS_se.
SE16 Execute sk_cs || sk_se || sk_h = KDF ( Z , Compute session keys. sk_cs is
info(sID_h, CB_h, Q_eh, sID_se), an XOR key with the same size as
len) CB_se || CS_se || KR_se.
KDF parameters are aligned with
[ANSI 504-1] except for CB_se.
Note: ISO secure messaging may
be supported with the extension of
KDF output with secure
messaging keys (see section 4.5).
SE17 Compute Pad_se The padding should be computed
so the whole result of the AEAD
computation, including the plain
text, cipher text, and MAC values,
has a fixed size message length
equal to len_msg_se. This
padding value will avoid revealing
the message modes and error
states. The first bit of padding
should be 1 followed with 0.
SE18 Execute enc_cs = XOR (sk_cs, CB_se || Compute encrypted cipher suite
CS_se || KR_se) using XOR with sk_cs.

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Step # Description Comment

SE19 Execute enc_se = Enc_{sk_se} (n1_se || Compute Authenticated
d_bse || Cert_se || Payload || Encryption cryptogram. The MAC
Pad_se, msg_h || Q_bse || enc_cs) is computed on the whole
message sequence, starting from
the terminal request message, i.e.
Q_eh (message only, no transport
or APDU header).
Note: Cert_se and Payload may
be NULL if the SE requests the
host to restart the protocol (i.e.
CB_se is set to CS_CHANGE).
SE20 Zeroize Z, d_bse, sk_cs Destroy current shared secret.
SE21 Send Head || Q_bse || enc_cs || enc_se Return to host.

Table 4-10: Protocol Steps – Host Validation

Step # Description Comment

H6 Receive Head || Q_bse || enc_cs || enc_se, Q_bse is a point on the curve
indicated by the SE cipher suite
Enc_cs is the encrypted cipher suite,
key reference and control byte.
enc_se is the authenticated
encryption result including Cert_se,
H7 set sID_se = T_{n2_se}(Q_bse) Set SE identifier sID_se.
H8 Validate Q_bse #belongs to EC domain Check that the point is on the same
curve as Q_eh.
H9 Execute Z = [d_eh] . Q_bse Compute the shared secret.
H10 Select Default_CS as cipher suite for Used to determine the KDF.
further operations
H11 Execute sk_cs || sk_se || sk_h = KDF ( Z , Compute the session keys. KDF
info(sID_h, CB_h, Q_eh, sID_se), parameters are aligned with
len) [ANSI 504-1] except for CB_se.
The output session keys are sk_cs
used to compute XOR on enc_cs,
sk_se, used for AEAD and further
communication from the card, and
sk_h for further communication from
the terminal.
Note: ISO secure messaging may be
supported with the extension of KDF
output with secure messaging keys
(see section 4.5).

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Step # Description Comment

H12 Zeroize Z, d_eh Destroy Z, ephemeral private key
H13 Execute CB_se || CS_se || KR_se = XOR Decrypt the cipher suite and key
(sk_cs, enc_cs) reference information.
Zeroize sk_cs
H14 If CB_se & CS_CHANGE then Payload == NULL. If the SE requests a change of cipher
restart protocol with correct KR_h, Default_CS suite that requires to restart the
Goto H1 protocol.
Note: There is no SE certificate to
validate from the host in this case.
H15 Execute n1_se || d_bse || Cert_se || Decrypt enc_se using AEAD. Use
Payload || Pad_se = Dec_{sk_se} aad = msg_h || Q_bse || enc_cs to
(enc_se, msg_h || Q_bse || include integrity validation on both
enc_cs) request and response messages.
H16 Extract Q_se = PubK (Cert_se) Recover SE public key.
Validate Q_se (belong to EC domain)
H17 Validate [d_bse] . Q_se = Q_bse Confirm that the blinded public key
that was received is actually the
result of the blinding factor applied to
the SE public key.
H18 Validate Cert_se To verify the SE certificate signature
according to the cipher suite or
directive within the certificate.

The Opacity Blinded protocol is completed and a secure channel is established. Use secure messaging with
SK_h to protect additional commands and SK_se to decrypt and authenticate the responses (see
section 6.2.3).

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4.4 Protocol Parameter Negotiation

The Opacity protocol allows the negotiation between the host and the SE of the protocol mode, SE cipher
suite, SE key reference, and SE Certificate Format.

4.4.1 Host Cipher Suite List

The host provides a mandatory cipher suite list in the command that informs the SE about the combinations
of curve, secure messaging mode, KDF, and AEAD mode which can be accepted (see section 4.1). The first
element of the host cipher suite list is the default cipher suite. The host ephemeral public key shall be on the
default cipher suite curve.

4.4.2 SE Cipher Suite Selection

The SE must select one cipher suite of the host cipher suite list to successfully complete the protocol execution.
If the SE application policy allows the use of the default cipher suite, then the SE should select it. However the
appropriate selection of cipher suite and key reference is determined per SE application policy. If no cipher
suite is supported or allowed from the host list, or if the SE does not support the default Curve and default
KDF, then the SE will return an error with no further information.
The SE must support the default cipher suite curve and the default cipher suite KDF, to allow the protection of
SE protocol parameters in the response. The SE Application policy may forbid to return identity data such as
certificates or application payload data with the default curve. In that case the SE will indicate in a first response
protected by the default curve, which other – non-default – cipher suite supported by the host shall be used to
obtain the desired identity or application data.

4.4.3 Certificate Format

The host provides a certificate format byte (CF_h) in the command that informs the SE about all certificate
formats that the host allows for authentication. The SE shall return a certificate having a format that the host
indicates in the command. Otherwise it returns an error with no further information.

4.4.4 SE Key Reference

The host provides a SE key reference (KR_h) in the command that informs the SE about what private key
should be used (d_se). KR_h shall refer to a key that belongs to the default cipher suite. The SE should use
this key (i.e. KR_se = KR_h) if allowed by the SE application policy, if the SE has the private key corresponding
to the proposed SE key reference (KR_h), and if the host default curve is the curve for KR_se.

4.4.5 SE Response Parameters

To inform the host about the selected cipher suite and key reference, and protect this information from
eavesdropping, the SE must encrypt this information in the response and shall use the default cipher suite
curve and KDF for that matter. Section 4.4.6 details the different protocol cases.

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4.4.6 Protocol Cases Case 1 – SE allows default cipher suite

In that case the SE may choose the private key (d_se) corresponding to the host key reference (KR_h) or a
different private key for the same default cipher suite curve. The SE will indicate the chosen key reference in
the response (KR_se). The SE uses all default cipher suite parameters, KDF, and AEAD mode, to produce
the session key and protect the response information including the selected key agreement parameters, in
that case the default cipher suite and selected key reference, the blinding factor, and the certificate. Case 2 – SE supports default curve and KDF, but requires another suite in list

If the non-default cipher suite is compatible with the default suite (same curve and KDF), but with a different
AEAD mode or secure messaging then the response may be fully protected with the non-default cipher suite.
If the non-default cipher suite has an incompatible curve or incompatible KDF with the default cipher suite, the
protocol must be restarted with appropriate key agreement parameters selected by the SE.
The SE will generate an ephemeral key pair on the default curve, and use the default cipher suite to protect
the response. The response will contain the SE ephemeral public key protected SE Key Agreement
Parameters, but no certificate, blinding information, or SE application payload.
The host will decrypt the response to determine the selected cipher suite and key reference. It will check that
the SE cipher suite selection is included in the cipher suite list and will resubmit a command with appropriate
SE cipher suite, including a new ephemeral host public key. The host cipher suite list and default cipher suite
must remain unchanged as the selected SE cipher suite must not be revealed. Case 3 – SE supports default curve but does not allow any cipher suite in list

The SE is not able to protect its application payload using the host capabilities. It shall return an error. Case 4 – SE does not support default curve and KDF

The SE is not able to protect its cipher suite selection in a response. It shall return an error.

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4.5 Secure Messaging

The protocol allows a choice of secure messaging mechanisms (see section 5.2):
 AEAD (see section 3.4): The same AEAD scheme as indicated by the cipher suite is used to further
protect the host commands and SE responses.
 SCP03 (per [GPCS-D]) or SCP03 ISO (per [GPCS-ISO]):
o Three AES session keys are needed for Secure Messaging in addition to: SK_mac, SK_enc, and
SK_rmac. The KDF (KDF1S or KDF2S) is adjusted to output the appropriate number of keys.
Steps H11 in Table 4-10 and SE16 in Table 4-9 should be replaced as follows:
sk_cs || sk_se || sk_h || sk_enc = KDF (Z, info(sID_h, CB_h, Q_eh, sID_se), len)

where sk_se = sk_rmac and sk_h = sk_mac

o The usage of SCP03 or SCP03 ISO variant would be defined in specific configuration documents
or would be implicitly determined from the context (e.g. ISO SCP03 would be used if the
Application is associated with an ISO SD as per [GPCS-ISO]).

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5 Parameter Encoding
This chapter describes the encoding for the Opacity Blinded protocol parameters. The encoding of Opacity
ZKM and Opacity FS parameters is specified in [ANSI 504-1].

5.1 Control Byte Encoding

Table 5-1: Control Byte Encoding

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 CB Encoding Description
(RFU) (*)
0 – – 1 0 0 0 0 CS_CHANGE Cipher suite must be
0 – 1 0 0 0 0 0 BLIND Blind Mode requested
0 0 0 0 0 0 – – ZKM (*) ZKM mode requested
0 1 0 0 0 0 – – FS (*) Full Secrecy Mode
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ERROR Error occurred

(*) As defined in [ANSI 504-1].

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5.2 Cipher Suite and Cipher Suite List Encoding

When referenced in an opacity protocol response message, a unique Cipher Suite descriptor is encoded on
two bytes as follows:
CS_se = '00' || CurveByte || CipherByte (see CurveByte in Table 5-2 and CipherByte in Table 5-3)
When referenced in an opacity protocol command message, a Cipher Suite List descriptor is encoded on two
or more bytes as follows:
CSL_h = '00' || CurveByte_0 || CipherByte_0 || … || CurveByte_n || CipherByte_n || 'FF'
CSL_h describes the curves and cipher suites that are supported by the host or terminal. The leftmost cipher
suite (CurveByte_0 || CipherByte_0) is the default cipher suite that the SE must support to provide a first
protected response.
For instance, if the host supports NIST P-256 with either AEAD GCM and AEAD CCM and 1-step KDF and
AEAD Secure Messaging, or NIST P-384 with AEAD CCM only. The host also supports both X.509 and CVC
certificate format.
CSL_h = '00' || {NIST_P-256} || {AEAD-GCM} || {NIST_P-256} || {AEAD-CCM} || {NIST_P384} || {AEAD-CCM}
|| 'FF'
Where according to Table 5-2, NIST_P-256 = '01', NIST_P-384 = '02', and according to Table 5-3, AEAD-CCM
= '00', AEAD-GCM = '01'
CSL_h = '00010101000200FF'
CS_se response shall only contain a single curve and a single cipher suite that are selected among the
combinations that are proposed in CSL_h.
For instance:
CS_se = '000100'

Table 5-2: Cipher Suite Encoding – Curve Byte

Description Value
Reserved '00', 'FF'
Proprietary '80' – 'FE' (range)
NIST P256 '01'
NIST P384 '02'
NIST P521 '03'
Brainpool 256r1 '04'
Brainpool 384r1 '05'
Brainpool 512r1 '06'
Brainpool 256t1 '07'
Brainpool 384t1 '08'
Brainpool 512t1 '09'
SM2 Fp-256 '0A'
RFU '0B' – '7F' (range)

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Table 5-3: Cipher Suite Encoding – Cipher Byte

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Cipher Suite Cipher Byte Encoding

– – – – – X X X AEAD mode (unspecified values are RFU)
– – – – – 0 0 0 AEAD-CCM
– – – – – 0 0 1 AEAD-GCM
– – – – – 0 1 0 AEAD-ETM-CTR-CMAC
See Table 3-5
– – – – – 0 1 1 AEAD-EAX
– – – – – 1 0 0 AEAD-OCB2
– – X X X – – – secure messaging
– – 0 0 0 – – – AEAD secure messaging
– – 0 0 1 – – – AE secure messaging
– – 1 0 0 – – – SCP03 secure messaging
– – 1 0 1 – – – SCP03 ISO secure messaging
X X – – – – – – KDF
0 0 – – – – – – 1-step KDF
0 1 – – – – – – 2-step KDF

5.3 Certificate Format

Table 5-4: Cert Format Byte

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Cert Format Byte Encoding

X X X X Cert Format Encoding

– – – – 0 0 0 1 CVC encoding
– – – – 0 0 1 0 X.509 encoding
– – X X – – – – EC Point Representation
– – 0 0 – – – – As defined in [TR 03111] section 3.2
– – 0 1 – – – – Optimized. See section 3.1.4

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5.4 Key Reference

Table 5-5: Key Reference

Description Value
Reserved '00', '80' – 'FF'
Application Specific '01' – '7F'

The key reference refers to the SE ECC static private key.

5.5 Blinding Factor Policy

A random blinding factor is used in Opacity to obfuscate the SE public key. The size of the blinding factor
determines the strength of obfuscation (i.e. level of privacy). The recommended size is the EC curve key
The blinding factor policy determines the default and minimum values for the blinding factor.
The blinding factor policy n1_h is encoded on one byte as follows:
 'FF': The blinding factor size will be a default size chosen by the SE.
 'n_bitsec/8 to N/8' (N: EC curve order): The actual size in bytes of the blinding factor requested by the

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6 Messaging
6.1 Message Flow
The message flow for all Opacity protocols (ZKM, FS, and Blinded) consists of a first command message
transmitted by a sender entity (host) to a responder entity (Secure Element). This is followed by a response
message transmitted from the responder to the sender. Secure channel key establishment is completed at this
point, so any number of protected messages may be transmitted both ways (see Figure 2-1).

6.2 ISO 7816-8 Based Messaging

The data format, message format, and secure messaging for Opacity ZKM and Opacity FS protocols are
specified in [ANSI 504-1].
This section defines the data format, message format, and secure messaging for the Opacity Blinded protocol.

6.2.1 Data Format Command Message Data

Table 6-1: Command Data

Name Definition Length

CB_h Host control byte (see section 5.1) 1 byte
sID_h Host identifier 8 bytes
CF_h Certificate Format Byte (see section 5.3) 1 byte
CSL_h Host cipher suite list (see section 4.4.1). 'FF' if none. (2*n+2) bytes.
n: number of cipher suites
KR_h SE key reference for default cipher suite (see section 5.4) 1 byte
n1_h Blinding factor size/policy (see section 5.5) 1 byte
Q_eh Ephemeral host public key encoded as described by the Var.
certificate format byte in section 5.3 Response Message Data

Table 6-2: Response Data

Name Definition Length

Q_bse Blinded public key (same EC point format and length as Q_eh) encoded as Var.
described by the certificate format byte in section 5.3
enc_cs Cipher text produced by XORing CB_se || CS_se || KR_se 4 bytes
enc_se Cipher text produced via authenticated encryption. Includes mac cryptogram Var.
computed over both command and response.

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This section applies to the Opacity Blinded protocol only. Transport for Opacity ZKM and FS protocols is
specified in [ANSI 504-1]. Definition and Scope

The GENERAL AUTHENTICATE command defined in [ISO 7816-4] is used to transport the Opacity command
message and the Opacity response message between the card and the host.
This command also initiates an optional Secure Channel Session.
At any time during a current Secure Channel, the GENERAL AUTHENTICATE command can be issued to the
card in order to initiate a new Secure Channel Session. Command Message

The GENERAL AUTHENTICATE command message is coded according to the following table:

Table 6-3: GENERAL AUTHENTICATE Command Message

Code Value Meaning

CLA '00' See [GPCS] section 11.1.4.
P1 'xx' Must be equal to the one byte cipher suite value for Opacity ZKM or
Opacity FS. See [ANSI 504-1] P1 byte in tables 4-3 and 4-4.
Must be equal to 'FF' when Authenticated Encryption without associated data is
used for secure messaging, the APDU header is not protected by the secure
Must be equal to '00' for all other cases.
P2 'xx' Opacity SE Private Key d_se reference or '00'. Must be equal to '00' (implicit) or
Lc 'xx' Length of command data in bytes.
Data 'xx xx .. ' Command data (See section
Le '00' Reference Control Parameter P1

This value should be set to '00'. If not '00' it must match the default recommended host cipher suite, i.e. the
leftmost byte of CSL_h in command data. Reference Control Parameter P2

The Key Reference should be '00'. If non zero, it must be set to KR_h. Data Field Sent in the Command Message

See section 6.1.

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The data field of the response message shall be as specified in section Processing State Returned in the Response Message

A successful execution of the command shall be indicated by status bytes '90' '00'. This command may either
return a general error condition as listed in [GPCS] section 11.1.3 or the following error conditions:

Table 6-4: GENERAL AUTHENTICATE Error Conditions

SW1 SW2 Meaning

'6A' '88' Referenced data not found

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6.2.3 Secure Messaging

The secure messaging for Opacity ZKM and Opacity FS protocols is specified in [ANSI 504-1].
The following sections define secure messaging mechanisms and format for the Opacity Blinded protocol. AEAD

The AEAD scheme referenced in the cipher suite is used to further protect the host commands and SE
The APDU protection may leverage AEAD using AE modes defined in section 3.4.3 as follows:
AD = APDU Header = (CLA || INS || P1 || P2)
PT_c = APDU command Payload (including TLV)
CT_c = Encrypted command payload
C-APDU = AD || PT_c
MAC_c = command MAC (defined from AEAD mode)
PT_r = APDU response Payload (including TLV)
CT_r = Encrypted response payload
MAC_r = response MAC (defined from AEAD mode)
SW = SW1 || SW2
R-APDU = PT_r || SW

Example Protection of C-APDU using SK_h:

AEAD (SK_h, AD, PT_c) = AD || CT_c || MAC_c = APDU Header || Encrypted payload || MAC_c

Example Protection of R-APDU using SK_se:

AEAD (SK_se, SW+MAC_c, PT_r) = SW || MAC_c || CT_r || MAC_r
The response is then reformatted as CT_r || MAC_r || SW.
Note: MAC_c is not transmitted but necessary to verify the MAC value.

Note: Certain AEAD modes (AEAD-CCM) require the Initialization Vector (IV) to be updated each time the
same session key is reused (for instance a counter must be used as IV). AE

The Authenticated Encryption (AE) Secure messaging scheme is identical to AEAD Secure Messaging (see
section, with the following condition:

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SCP03 secure messaging mechanism and format is described in [GPCS-D]. Also see section 4.5 for SCP03
key establishment with Opacity.
If the SM2 curve is used, SMS4 block cipher shall be used instead of AES in the SCP03 protocol. SCP03 ISO

SCP03 ISO secure messaging mechanism and format is described in [GPCS-ISO]. Also see section 4.5 for
SCP03 ISO key establishment with Opacity.
If the SM2 curve is used, SMS4 block cipher shall be used instead of AES in the SCP03 ISO protocol.

6.3 Other Messaging Formats

6.3.1 Non APDUs

Non APDU schemes may be defined to transport Opacity messages if they preserve the overall framework
and message flow but are outside the scope of this specification.

6.3.2 Non ISO APDUs

APDU commands that are not specified within [ISO 7816-4] may be defined to transport Opacity messages if
they preserve the overall framework and message flow but are outside the scope of this specification.

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7 Indication of Card Capabilities

7.1 Card Capability Information
Card Capability Information is defined in [GPCS] section and section H.4.
Table 7-1 defines additional conditional contents for the ‘SCP Information’ TLV described in [GPCS] Table H-4.

Table 7-1: SCP Information

Tag Length Data / Description Presence

'A0' Variable SCP information
… … … …
'85' Variable Supported cipher suites for SCP22 Conditional

The new ‘Supported cipher suites for SCP22’ TLV shall be used to describe the SCP22 cipher suites supported
by the implementation and contains a sequence of supported cipher suite numbers as defined in Table 4-2.

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8 Security Domain Support

8.1 Implementation Options
The Opacity protocol option byte “i” is defined from Table 5-1 as follows:
 “i” = 0: Opacity ZKM
 “i” = 20: Opacity Blinded
 “i” = 40: Opacity FS

8.2 Key and Certificate Requirements

This section indicates the list of keys and certificates that must be provided and personalized with a security
domain supporting SCP22.

Table 8-1: Key and Certificate Requirements

Name Reference Comment

SE Authentication Key pair KR_se (for each key pair d_se, Q_se) One or multiple key pairs per
cipher suite supported,
referenced with KR_se
SE_certificate or certificate chain Cert_se One per public key and key
reference KR_se

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