Read Each Scenario, Then Answer The Following Questions

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Name: Elizabeth Paredes Date: 01/25/2021

Read each scenario, then answer the following questions.

Scenario A: Anthropologists have been studying the role of soybean curd and related products

in the culture of Hong Kong. The researchers interview people about how frequently they eat

soybean products, where they eat them, and at what time of day they eat them. The

researchers also ask people about how they prepare soybean products, where they obtain

soybean products, and any beliefs they have about soybean products.

1. What is the primary field of anthropology addressed in this research?

Cultural Anthropology

2. Are there any other fields of anthropology addressed in this research?


3. How might this research contribute to a comparative approach?

Different cultures may have different opinions on soybeans, based on whether or not

they grow in the area.

Scenario B: An anthropologist has been researching how Native Americans in California were

impacted by Spanish missionization from 1776 to 1830. The researcher is particularly interested

in how Native Californians may have negotiated their identity and balanced traditional practices

with colonial influences. The anthropologist excavates material remains from areas where the

Native Californian may have gone when they fled the Spanish missions. The materials include

things such as stone tools, shell beads, and historic bottle glass.
1. What is the primary field of anthropology addressed in this research?

Archeological Anthropology

2. Are there any other fields of anthropology addressed in this research?

Cultural Anthropology

3. How might this research contribute to a comparative approach?

The scenario isn’t comparing.

Scenario C: Building on previous research showing that people of different genders often

communicate differently, and anthropologist has been studying how gendered communication

affects family interactions. The anthropologist uses recorded conversation and documentary

footage of family interactions from participants’ homes.

1. What is the primary field of anthropology addressed in this research?

Linguistic anthropology

2. Are there any other fields of anthropology addressed in this research?

Biological anthropology

3. How might this research contribute to a comparative approach?

It compares how the two different genders communicate.

Scenario D: Anthropologists have been studying Y-chromosomal DNA to understand where and

when humans first appeared and when they moved into various areas of the world.

Researchers collect Y-chromosomal DNA from living men and measure the amount of genetic

difference among populations. Greater amounts of genetic difference indicate longer periods of

separation between different groups.

4. What is the primary field of anthropology addressed in this research?

Biological Anthropology

5. Are there any other fields of anthropology addressed in this research?


6. How might this research contribute to a comparative approach?

It compares the amounts of genetic difference between groupds of people

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