The Arrohan: Chemistry Test Class-XI Topic-Atomic Structure & Chemical Bonding F.M-40

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Chemistry test Class-XI

Topic-Atomic structure & Chemical Bonding F.M-40

1. A photon of wavelength 4 × 10-7m strikes on metal surface, the work

function of the metal being 2.13 eV. Calculate the energy of the photon,
the kinetic energy of the emission and the velocity of the photoelectron.
2. Write the electronic configuration of the following atoms and hence
calculate their magnetic moments.
i) 20Ca

ii) 29Cu

iii) 26Fe

3. Discuss the shape of the following molecules using the VSEPR model:
BeCl2 , BCl3 , SiCl4 , AsF5 , H2S , PH3.
4. Use the molecular orbital energy level diagram to show that N2 would be
expected to have a triple bond, F2 a single bond and Ne2 no bond.
5. What is the type of hybridization of carbon atoms marked with star?
i) ..

ii) ..

iii) ..

CH2=CH−𝐶̇ ≡N
6. Arrange the following orbitals in increasing order of energies
6d, 7f , 3d , 6p , 5f , 8s , 5d
7. Using s,p,d,f notations describe the orbital
i) n=1 , l=0 , ml=0 , ms=-1/2
ii) n=3 , l=0 , ml=0 ,ms=-1/2
iii) n=2 , l=1 , ml=0 ,ms=-1/2
8. What are the frequency and wavelength of a photon emitted during a
transition series from n=5 state to the n=2 state in the hydrogen atom?
9. Give reasons for the following
i) Covalent bonds are directional bonds while ionic bonds are non-
ii) Water molecule has bent structure whereas carbon dioxide
molecule is linear.
iii) PCl5 is trigonal bipyramidal whereas IF5 is square pyramidal.
10.Draw the Lewis structures for the following molecules and ions.
H2S , SiCl4 , BeF2 , CO32- , HCOOH.
11. A golf ball has a mass of 40g and a speed of 45 m/s. If the speed can be
measured within accuracy of 2%, calculate the uncertainty in the position.
12. State Aufbau’s principle.
13. Which of the following have identical bond order?
CN-, NO+, O2-, O22-
14. A 25W bulb emits monochromatic yellow light of wavelength of 0.57µm.
Calculate the rate of emission of quanta per second.
15. Write resonance structures of
i) NO2
ii) CO32-
iii) NO3-

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