Competency Dictionary: Behavioural and Technical Competencies

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The Organizational Readiness Office, with the help of subject matter experts and CS representatives from
numerous departments, developed the competency dictionaries specifically for the IT Community across

In today's workplace, it's not just completing tasks that's important. How people perform their jobs and the
behaviors they demonstrate on the job are the key to success.

Although the focus of the competency dictionaries is on the skills, abilities and behaviors that are specific to
jobs in IT Community, we assume that the behavioural dictionary will also be appropriate for other

Competency Based Management

Competency Based Management is a proven methodology being used in the workplace by those who want
to take an integrated approach to human resources management. At the centre of the system is the Job
Competency Profile. The profile is based on the work descriptions and built by combining competency
definitions from the behavioural and technical competency dictionaries.

The competency definitions describe the observable knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors needed for
successful job performance and include levels of proficiency that are described in terms of behavioral
indicators. The indicators highlight the behaviors that are expected at a certain level of job performance
ranging from the introductory and basic levels to the advanced and expert levels.

Once the Job Competency Profile has been created, it forms the foundation of the Competency Based
Management system and can be used for the complete range of human resources planning and
management functions. This includes developing statements of qualifications, staffing using behavioral-
based interviewing techniques, implementing self-evaluation and performance management processes, and
supporting learning and career development.

Using the Competency Dictionaries

The IT Community competency dictionaries are tools that can be used for developing competency profiles.
The dictionaries help identify the success factors by defining the types and level of skills and behaviors
needed for the job.

The Organizational Readiness Office will be developing generic job competency profiles based on the
generic work descriptions that have been developed in collaboration with the IT Community. Until these are
developed, you may want to refer to these dictionaries if you are developing work descriptions or statements
of qualifications or are considering developing a competency profile.

What is important is that we all start to use a common language when we describe the skills, abilities and
behaviors needed for IT jobs.

Two Types of Dictionaries

The Behavioral Competency Dictionary describes the non-technical competencies that apply to IT jobs.
These competencies are generic in nature and are often shared by people across the organization. They
reflect the values of the organization and describe its working culture. They include things like Adaptability,
Communication, Decision Making, Planning and Organizing, Teamwork and Continuous Learning.
The Technical Competency Dictionary includes the skills, abilities and behaviors that are required when
applying specific technical knowledge on the job. For example, Application Development Support and
Maintenance, Database Design and Management, Security/ Information and Application Protection and
Service Management Processes.

Both behavioral and technical competencies are included in the job competency profiles.

Take a Look

You can take a look at the competency dictionaries to get a better idea of the range of requirements or
qualifications needed by IT workers.

These days, managers use competencies to screen and select candidates. They develop interview
questions that focus on abilities and behaviors instead of tasks and experience. You may have had
experience with this type of interview process already.

The dictionaries can help you identify the level of proficiency you are working at now. You can also see what
is required at the next level and assess your ability to progress to that level. You are better able to plan your
career by targeting areas of strength and areas that need improvement. By focusing on the competencies,
you can determine your learning needs and be specific about what you need to learn.

Take a look at the dictionaries. Use them if you are developing competency profiles or learn more about
what's needed for work in the IT Community.

Behavioural Competency Dictionary

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Adaptability
3. Continuous Learning
4. Communication
5. Organizational and Environmental Awareness
6. Creative Thinking
7. Networking / Relationship Building
8. Conflict Management
9. Stewardship of Resources
10. Risk Management
11. Stress Management
12. Influence
13. Initiative
14. Team Leadership
15. Change Leadership
16. Client Focus
17. Partnering
18. Developing Others
19. Planning and Organizing
20. Decision Making
21. Analytical Thinking
22. Results Orientation
23. Teamwork
24. Values and Ethics
25. Visioning and Strategic Thinking

What are Competencies?

Competencies are observable abilities, skills, knowledge, motivations or traits defined in terms of the
behaviours needed for successful job performance. Competencies are not new. What is new is their
integrated use across human resource functions.

How Are the Competencies Structured?

For all competencies in the dictionary, a definition is provided. Each competency also includes a proficiency
scale that indicates the full range of expression of the competency. Most proficiency scales have five levels.
Each proficiency level is described in terms of behavioural indicators. The behaviours at each level of the
scale are illustrative rather than definitive; that is other examples of behaviour are possible. Each
competency scale is cumulative which means that, although behaviours from lower levels are not repeated
at higher level, they nonetheless apply.

How to Use this Dictionary?

The contents of this dictionary represent the behavioural or non-technical competencies that apply to jobs in
the federal Public Service. The dictionary can be used for a variety of purposes including recruitment and
staffing, learning and career development and performance management. For each job, choose the
competencies and proficiency learning that are most critical to performance excellence.


Adjusting own behaviours to work efficiently and effectively in light of new information, changing
situations and/or different environments

Level 1
Recognizes how change will affect work
• Accepts that things will change.
• Seeks clarification when faced with ambiguity or uncertainty.
• Demonstrates willingness to try new approaches.
• Suspends judgment; thinks before acting.
• Acknowledges the value of others’ contributions regardless of how they are presented.

Level 2
Adapts one’s work to a situation
• Adapts personal approach to meet the needs of different or new situations.
• Seeks guidance in adapting behaviour to the needs of a new or different situation.

Level 3
Adapts to a variety of changes
• Adapts to new ideas and initiatives across a wide variety of issues or situations.
• Shifts priorities, changes style and responds with new approaches as needed to deal with new
or changing demands.

Level 4
Adapts to large, complex and/or frequent changes
• Publicly supports and adapts to major/fundamental changes that show promise of improving
established ways of operating.
• Seeks opportunities for change in order to achieve improvement in work processes, systems,
• Maintains composure and shows self control in the face of challenges and change.
Level 5
Adapts organizational strategies
• Anticipates change and makes large or long-term adaptations in organization in response to
the needs of the situation.
• Performs effectively amidst continuous change, ambiguity and, at times, apparent chaos.
• Shifts readily between dealing with macro-strategic issues and critical details.

Note : "Adaptability" links to the competency "Management Excellence – Action Management," identified as
relevant for federal Public Service leaders.

3. Continuous Learning

Identifying and addressing individual strengths and weaknesses, developmental needs and
changing circumstances to enhance personal and organizational performance

Level 1
Assesses and monitors oneself to maintain personal effectiveness
• Continually self-assesses and seeks feedback from others to identify strengths and
weaknesses and ways of improving.
• Pursues learning opportunities and ongoing development.

Level 2
Seeks to improve personal effectiveness in current situation
• Tries new approaches to maximize learning in current situation.
• Takes advantage of learning opportunities (e.g., courses, observation of others, assignments,
• Integrates new learning into work methods.

Level 3
Seeks learning opportunities beyond current requirements
• Sets challenging goals and standards of excellence for self in view of growth beyond current
• Actively pursues self-development on an ongoing basis (technically and personally).
• Pursues assignments designed to challenge abilities.

Level 4
Aligns personal development with objectives of organization
• Designs personal learning objectives based on evolving needs of the portfolio or business unit.
• Uses organizational change as an opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge.

Level 5
Aligns personal learning with anticipated change in organizational strategy
• Identifies future competencies and expertise required by the organization and develops and
pursues learning plans accordingly.
• Continuously scans the environment to keep abreast of emerging developments in the broader
work context.

Note : "Continuous Learning" links to the competency "Management Excellence – Action Management"
identified as relevant for federal Public Service leaders.

4. Communication

Listening to others and communicating in an effective manner that fosters open communication

Level 1
Listens & clearly presents information
• Makes self available and clearly encourages others to initiate communication.
• Listens actively and objectively without interrupting.
• Checks own understanding of others’ communication (e.g., repeats or paraphrases, asks
additional questions).
• Presents appropriate information in a clear and concise manner, both orally and in writing.

Level 2
Fosters two-way communication
• Elicits comments or feedback on what has been said.
• Maintains continuous open and consistent communication with others.
• Openly and constructively discusses diverse perspectives that could lead to
• Communicates decisions or recommendations that could be perceived negatively, with
sensitivity and tact.
• Supports messages with relevant data, information, examples and demonstrations.

Level 3
Adapts communication to others
• Adapts content, style, tone and medium of communication to suit the target audience’s
language, cultural background and level of understanding.
• Takes others’ perspectives into account when communicating, negotiating or presenting
arguments (e.g., presents benefits from all perspectives).
• Responds to and discusses issues/questions in an understandable manner without being
defensive and while maintaining the dignity of others.
• Anticipates reactions to messages and adapts communications accordingly.

Level 4
Communicates complex messages
• Handles complex on-the-spot questions (e.g., from senior public officials, special interest
groups or the media).
• Communicates complex issues clearly and credibly with widely varied audiences.
• Uses varied communication systems, methodologies and strategies to promote dialogue and
shared understanding.
• Delivers difficult or unpopular messages with clarity, tact and diplomacy.

Level 5
Communicates strategically
• Communicates strategically to achieve specific objectives (e.g., considering such aspects as
the optimal message to present, timing and forum of communication).
• Identifies and interprets departmental policies and procedures for superiors, subordinates and
• Acknowledges success and the need for improvement.

5. Organizational and Environmental Awareness

Understanding the workings, structure and culture of the organization as well as the political, social
and economic issues, to achieve results

Level 1
Understands formal structure
• Monitors work to ensure it aligns with formal procedures and the organization’s
• Recognizes and uses formal structure, rules, processes, methods or operations to accomplish
• Actively supports the public service mission and goals.
Level 2
Understands informal structure and culture
• Uses informal structures; can identify key decision-makers and influencers.
• Effectively uses both formal and informal channels or networks for acquiring information,
assistance and accomplishing work goals.

Level 3
Effectively operates in external environments
• Achieves solutions acceptable to varied parties based on understanding of issues, climates
and cultures in own and other organizations.
• Accurately describes the issues and culture of external stakeholders. Uses this information to
negotiate goals and initiatives.

Level 4
Understands organizational politics, issues and external influences
• Anticipates issues, challenges and outcomes and effectively operates to best position the
• Supports the changing culture and methods of operating, if necessary, for the success of the
• Ensures due diligence by keeping informed of business and operational plans and practices.

Level 5
Operates effectively in a broad spectrum of political, cultural and social milieu
• Demonstrates broad understanding of social and economic context within which the
organization operates.
• Understands and anticipates the potential trends of the political environment and the impact
these might have on the organization.
• Operates successfully in a variety of social, political and cultural environments.
• Uses organizational culture as a means to influence and lead the organization.

Note : "Organizational and Environmental Awareness" links to the competency "Action Management –
Design and Execution" identified as relevant for federal Public Service leaders.

6. Creative Thinking

Questioning conventional approaches, exploring alternatives and responding to challenges with

innovative solutions or services, using intuition, experimentation and fresh perspectives.

Level 1
Acknowledges the need for new approaches
• Is open to new ideas.
• Questions the conventional approach and seeks alternatives.
• Recognizes when a new approach is needed; integrates new information quickly while
considering different options.

Level 2
Modifies current approaches
• Analyzes strengths and weaknesses of current approaches.
• Modifies and adapts current methods and approaches to better meet needs.
• Identifies alternate solutions based on precedent.
• Identifies an optimal solution after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of alternative
Level 3
Introduces new approaches
• Searches for ideas or solutions that have worked in other environments and applies them to
the organization.
• Uses existing solutions in innovative ways to solve problems.
• Sees long-term consequences of potential solutions.

Level 4
Creates new concepts
• Integrates and synthesizes relevant concepts into a new solution for which there is no previous
• Creates new models and methods for the organization.
• Identifies flexible and adaptable solutions while still recognizing professional and
organizational standards.

Level 5
Nurtures creativity
• Develops an environment that nurtures creative thinking, questioning and experimentation.
• Encourages challenges to conventional approaches.
• Sponsors experimentation to maximize potential for innovation.

Note : "Creative Thinking" links to the competency "Strategic Thinking," identified as relevant for federal
Public Service leaders.

7. Networking / Relationship Building

Building and actively maintaining working relationships and/or networks of contacts to further the
organization’s goals

Level 1
Accesses sources of information
• Seeks information from others (e.g., colleagues, customers).
• Maintains personal contacts in other parts of the organization with those who can provide
work-related information.

Level 2
Builds key contacts
• Seeks out the expertise of others and develops links with experts and information sources.
• Develops and nurtures key contacts as a source of information.
• Participates in networking and social events internal and external to the organization.

Level 3
Seeks new networking opportunities for self and others.
• Seeks opportunities to partner and transfer knowledge (e.g., by actively participating in trade
shows, conferences, meetings, committees, multi-stakeholder groups and/or seminars).
• Cultivates personal networks in different parts of the organization and effectively uses contacts
to achieve results..
• Initiates and develops diverse relationships.

Level 4
Strategically expands networks
• Builds networks with parties that can enable the achievement of the organization’s strategy.
• Brings informal teams of experts together to address issues/needs, share information and
resolve differences, as required.
• Uses knowledge of the formal or informal structure and the culture to further strategic
Level 5
Creates networking opportunities
• Creates and facilitates forums to develop new alliances and formal networks.
• Identifies areas to build strategic relationships.
• Contacts senior officials to identify potential areas of mutual, long-term interest.

8. Conflict Management

Preventing, managing and/or resolving conflicts

Level 1
Identifies conflict
• Recognizes that there is a conflict between two or more parties.
• Brings conflict to the attention of the appropriate individual(s).

Level 2
Addresses existing conflict
• Listens to differing points of view and emphasizes points of agreement as a starting point to
resolving differences..
• Openly identifies shared areas of interest in a respectful and timely manner.

Level 3
Anticipates and addresses sources of potential conflict
• Anticipates and takes action to avoid/reduce potential conflict (e.g., by encouraging and
supporting the various parties to get together and attempt to address the issues themselves).
• Refocuses teams on the work and end-goals, and away from personality issues.

Level 4
Introduces strategies for resolving existing and potential conflict
• Provides consultation to or obtains consultation / mediation for those who share few common
interests and who are having a significant disagreement.
• Introduces innovative strategies for effectively dealing with conflict (e.g., mediation,
collaborative and "mutual gains" strategies).

Level 5
Creates an environment where conflict is resolved appropriately
• Creates a conflict-resolving environment by anticipating and addressing areas where potential
misunderstanding and disruptive conflict could emerge.
• Models constructive approaches to deal with opposing views when personally challenging the
status quo and when encouraging others to do so as well.

9. Stewardship of Resources

Ensures the effective, efficient and sustainable use of Public Service resources and assets: human
and financial resources, real property and business information.

Level 1
Uses resources effectively
• Protects and uses resources and assets in a conscientious and effective manner.
• Identifies wasteful practices and opportunities for optimizing resource use.

Level 2
Ensures effective use of resources
• Monitors and ensures the efficient and appropriate use of resources and assets.
• Explores ways of leveraging funds to expand program effectiveness.
Level 3
Controls resource use
• Allocates and controls resources and assets within own area.
• Implements ways of more effectively utilizing resources and assets.
• Assigns and communicates roles and accountabilities to maximize team effectiveness;
manages workload.

Level 4
Implements systems to ensure stewardship of resources
• Identifies gaps in resources that impact on the organization’s effectiveness.
• Develops strategies to address resource gaps/issues.
• Ensures alignment of authority, responsibility and accountability with organizational objectives.
• Ensures that information and knowledge sharing is integrated into all programs and processes.
• Acts on audit, evaluation and other objective project team performance information.

Level 5
Ensures strategic stewardship of resources
• Directs resources to those areas where they will most effectively contribute to long-term goals.
• Sets overall direction for how resources and assets are to be used in order to achieve the
vision and values.
• Institutes organization-wide mechanisms and processes to promote and support resource

Note: "Stewardship of Resources" links to the competency "Management Excellence," identified as relevant
for federal Public Service leaders.

10. Risk Management

Identifying, assessing and managing risk while striving to attain objectives

Level 1
Identifies possible risks
• Describes risk factors related to a situation/activity.
• Uses past experience and best practices to identify underlying issues, potential problems and
• Plans for contingencies.
• Identifies possible cause-effect relationships.

Level 2
Takes calculated risks
• Takes calculated risks with minor, but non-trivial, consequences of error (e.g., risks involving
potential loss of some time or money but which can be rectified).
• Makes decisions based on risk analysis.
• Makes decisions in the absence of complete information.

Level 3
Personally takes significant risks
• Personally takes calculated risks with significant consequences (e.g., significant loss of time or
money) but which can be rectified.
• Anticipates the risks involved in taking action.
• Identifies possible scenarios regarding outcomes of various options for action.
• Conducts ongoing risk analysis, looking ahead for contingent liabilities and opportunities and
astutely identifying the risks involved.

Level 4
Designs strategies for dealing with high-risk initiatives
• Implements initiatives with high potential for pay-off to the organization, where errors cannot be
rectified, or only rectified at significant cost.
• Conducts risk assessment when identifying or recommending strategic and tactical options.
• Encourages responsible risk taking, recognizing that every risk will not pay off.

Level 5
Provides organizational guidance on risk
• Provides a supportive environment for responsible risk taking (e.g., by supporting decisions of
• Oversees the development of guidelines, principles and approaches to assist decision-making
when risk is a factor.
• Provides guidance on the organizational tolerance for risk.
• Develops broad strategies that reflect in-depth understanding and assessment of operational,
organizational, and political realities and risks.

11. Stress Management

Maintaining effectiveness in the face of stress

Level 1
Works in low level stress situations
• Keeps functioning effectively during periods of on-going low intensity stress.
• Maintains focus during situations involving limited stress.
• Seeks to balance work responsibilities and personal life responsibilities.

Level 2
Adjusts to temporary peaks in stress levels
• Maintains composure when dealing with short but intense stressful situations.
• Understands personal stressors and takes steps to limit their impact.
• Keeps issues and situations in perspective and reacts appropriately (e.g., does not overreact
to situations, what others say, etc.).

Level 3
Adapts to prolonged stress
• Effectively withstands the effects of prolonged exposure to one or few stressors by modifying
work methods.
• Maintains sound judgment and decision making despite on-going stressful situations.
• Controls strong emotions or other stressful responses and takes action to respond
constructively to the source of the problem.

Level 4
Employs stress management strategies
• Develops and applies stress reduction strategies to cope with long exposure to numerous
stressors or stressful situations.
• Recognizes personal limits for workload and negotiates adjustments to minimize the effects of
stress, while still ensuring appropriate levels of productivity.
• Controls own emotions and calms others in stressful situations.

Level 5
Deals with stress affecting the organization
• Demonstrates behaviours that help others remain calm, yet focused and energized during
periods of extreme stress affecting the organization.
• Maintains composure and shows self-control in the face of significant challenge facing the
• Suspends judgment; thinks before acting.
• Identifies and consistently models ways of releasing or limiting stress within the organization.
Note : "Stress Management" is included in the competency "Management Excellence – People
Management", a competency identified as relevant for federal Public Service leaders.

12. Influence

Gaining support from and convincing others to advance the objectives of the organization

Level 1
Uses facts and available information to persuade
• Uses appeals to reason, data, facts and figures.
• Uses concrete examples, visual aids and demonstrations to make a point.
• Describes the potential impact of own actions on others and how it will affect their perception
of self.

Level 2
Adapts rationale to influence others
• Anticipates the effect of one’s approach or chosen rationale on the emotions and sensitivities
of others.
• Adapts discussions and presentations to appeal to the needs or interests of others.
• Uses the process of give-and-take to gain support.
• Builds relationships through fair, honest and consistent behaviour.

Level 3
Demonstrates the benefit of ideas
• Builds on successful initiatives and best practices internal and external to the organization to
gain acceptance for ideas.
• Presents pros and cons and detailed analyses to emphasize the value of an idea.
• Persuades others by drawing from experience and presenting multiple arguments in order to
support a position.

Level 4
Builds coalitions, strategic relationships and networks
• Assembles coalitions, builds behind-the-scenes support for ideas and initiatives.
• Develops an extensive network of contacts.
• Uses group process skills to lead or direct a group.

Level 5
Designs complex influence strategies
• Designs strategies that position and promote ideas and concepts to stakeholders.
• Uses indirect strategies to persuade, such as establishing alliances, using experts or third
• Gains support by capitalizing on understanding of political forces affecting the organization.

13. Initiative

Identifying and dealing with issues proactively and persistently; seizing opportunities that arise

Addresses current issues
• Recognizes and acts on present issues.
• Offers ideas to address current situations or issues.
• Works independently. Completes assignments without constant supervision.
Level 2
Addresses imminent issues
• Takes action to avoid imminent problem or to capitalize on imminent opportunity.
• Looks for ways to achieve greater results or add value.
• Works persistently as needed and when not required to do so.

Level 3
Acts promptly in a crisis situation
• Acts quickly to address a crisis situation drawing on appropriate resources and experience with
similar situations.
• Implements contingency plans when crises arise.
• Exceeds requirements of job; takes on extra tasks.

Level 4
Looks to the future
• Takes action to avoid or minimize potential problems or maximize potential opportunities in the
future by drawing on extensive personal experience.
• Defines and addresses high-level challenges that have the potential to advance the state-of-
the art in an area.
• Starts and carries through on new projects.

Level 5
Encourages initiative in others
• Fosters an environment that anticipates and acts upon potential threats and/or opportunities.
• Coaches others to spontaneously recognize and appropriately act on upcoming opportunities.
• Gets others involved in supporting efforts and initiatives.

14. Team Leadership

Leading and supporting a team to achieve results

Level 1
Keeps the team informed
• Ensures that team members have the necessary information to operate effectively.
• Establishes the direction/goal(s) for the team.
• Lets team members affected by a decision know exactly what is happening and gives a clear
rationale for the decision.
• Sets an example for team members (e.g., respect of others’ views, team loyalty, cooperating
with others).

Level 2
Ensures the needs of the team and of members are met
• Makes sure the practical needs of the team and team members are met.
• Makes decisions by taking into account the differences among team members, and overall
team requirements and objectives.
• Ensures that the team’s tasks are completed.
• Accepts responsibility for the team’s actions and results.

Level 3
Ensures team member input
• Values and encourages others’ input and suggestions.
• Stimulates constructive discussion of different points of view, focusing on the organization’s
strategic objectives, vision or values.
• Builds cooperation, loyalty and helps achieve consensus.
• Provides constructive feedback and recognizes all contributions.
• Ensures the respective strengths of team members are used in order to achieve the team’s
overall objectives.

Level 4
Empowers the team
• Communicates team successes and organization-wide contribution to other organizational
• Encourages the team to promote their work throughout the organization.
• Establishes the team’s credibility with internal and external stakeholders.

Level 5
Inspires team members
• Builds the commitment of the team to the organization’s mission, goals and values.
• Aligns team objectives and priorities with the broader objectives of the organization.
• Ensures that appropriate linkages/partnerships between teams are maintained.
• Creates an environment where team members consistently push to improve team performance
and productivity.

15. Change Leadership

Managing, leading and enabling the process of change and transition while helping others deal with
their effects

Level 1
Makes others aware of change
• Identifies and accepts the need and processes for change.
• Explains the process, implications and rationale for change to those affected by it.
• Invites discussion of views on the change

Level 2
Underscores the positive nature of change
• Promotes the advantages of change.
• Clarifies the potential opportunities and consequences of proposed changes.
• Explains how change affects current practices.

Level 3
Manages the process for change
• Identifies important / effective practices that should continue after change is implemented
• Anticipates specific reasons underlying resistance to change and implements approaches that
address resistance.

Level 4
Aligns change initiatives with organizational objectives
• Links projects/objectives to department’s/public service’s change initiatives and describes the
impact on operational goals.
• Presents realities of change and, together with staff, develops strategies for managing it.
• Identifies future needs for change that will promote progress toward identified objectives.

Level 5
Champions change
• Creates an environment that promotes and encourages change or innovation.
• Shares and promotes successful change efforts throughout the organization.
• Personally communicates a clear vision of the broad impact of change.

16. Client Focus

Identifying and responding to current and future client needs; providing service excellence to
internal and external clients

Level 1
Responds to client requests
• Identifies client needs and expectations.
• Responds to requests efficiently and effectively.
• Takes action beyond explicit request within established service standards.
• Refers complex questions to a higher decision-making level.
• Meets client needs in a respectful, helpful and responsive manner.
• Seeks feedback to develop a clear understanding of client needs and outcomes.
• Uses client satisfaction monitoring methodologies to ensure client satisfaction.
• Adjusts service based on client feedback.

Level 2
Builds positive client Relations
• Contacts clients to follow up on services, solutions or products to ensure that their needs have
been correctly and effectively met.
• Understands issues from the client’s perspective.
• Keeps clients up-to-date with information and decisions that affect them.
• Monitors services provided to clients and makes timely adjustments as required.

Level 3
Anticipates and adapts to client needs
• Maintains ongoing communication with clients.
• Regularly and systematically contacts clients or prospective clients to determine their needs.
• Uses understanding of client’s perspective to identify constraints and advocate on their behalf.
• Works with clients to adapt services, products or solutions to meet their needs.
• Encourages co-workers and teams to achieve a high standard of service excellence.
• Anticipates areas where support or influence will be required and discusses situation/concerns
with appropriate individuals.
• Proposes new, creative and sound alternatives to improve client service.

Level 4
Fosters a client-focused culture
• Tracks trends and developments that will affect own organization’s ability to meet current and
future client needs.
• Identifies benefits for clients; looks for ways to add value.
• Seeks out and involves clients or prospective clients in assessing services, solutions or
products to identify ways to improve.
• Establishes service standards and develops strategies to ensure staff meet them.

Level 5
Considers the strategic direction of client focus
• Communicates the organization’s mission, vision and values to external clients.
• Strategically and systematically evaluates new opportunities to develop client relationships.
• Creates an environment in which concern for client satisfaction is a key priority.
• Links a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of clients’ long-term needs and strategies
with current and proposed projects/initiatives.
• Recommends/ determines strategic business direction to meet projected needs of clients and
prospective clients.

17. Partnering

Seeking and building strategic alliances and collaborative arrangements through partnerships to
advance the objectives of the organization
Level 1
Operates effectively within partnerships
• Understands the roles played by partners. Identifies and refers to areas of mutual interest as a
means of establishing a business relationship.
• Communicates openly, builds trust and treats partners fairly, ethically and as valued allies.
• Meets partner needs by responding to requests efficiently and effectively.
• Recognizes the contributions of partners.

Level 2
Manages existing partnerships
• Works with existing partners, honouring established agreements/ contracts.
• Monitors partnership arrangements to ensure that the objectives of the partnership remain on
• Seeks input from partners to ensure that objectives are achieved.
• Seeks mutually beneficial solutions with partners.

Level 3
Seeks out partnership opportunities
• Initiates partnership arrangements that promote organizational objectives.
• Assesses the value of entering into partner relationships in terms of both short- and long- term
return on investment.
• Develops new and mutually beneficial partnerships that also serve the interests of the broader
• Identifies benefits of a partnership and looks for ways to add value for the partner.

Level 4
Facilitates partnerships
• Provides advice and direction on the types of partner relationships to pursue, as well as
ground rules for effective partner relationships.
• Supports staff in taking calculated risks in partner relationships.
• Negotiates, as necessary, to assist others to address issues or resolve problems surrounding
partner relationships.
• Identifies when modifications and terminations of partnerships are needed and takes
appropriate measures.

Level 5
Sets strategic direction for partnering
• Provides strategic direction on partnerships that the organization should be pursuing.
• Sets up an infrastructure that supports effective partner arrangements (e.g., principles and
frameworks for assessing the value of partnerships; expert assistance in aspects of
• Takes advantage of opportunities to showcase excellent examples of partner arrangements
throughout the organization.
• Creates and acts on opportunities for interactions that lead to strong partnerships within and
external to the organization

Note : "Partnering" links to the competency "Engagement – Mobilizing People, Organizations, Partners",
identified as relevant for federal Public Service leaders.

18. Developing Others

Fostering the development of others by providing a supportive environment for enhanced

performance and professional growth

Level 1
Shares expertise with others
• Regularly shares expertise with team members to support continuous learning and
• Advises, guides and coaches others by sharing experiences and discussing how to handle
current or anticipated concerns.

Level 2
Supports individual development and improvement
• Provides performance feedback and support, reinforcing strengths and identifying areas for
• Encourages staff to develop and apply their skills.
• Suggests to individuals ways of improving performance and competence.

Level 3
Promotes ongoing learning and development
• Helps team members develop their skills and abilities.
• Engages in development and career planning dialogues with employees.
• Works with employees and teams to define realistic yet challenging work goals.
• Encourages team members to develop learning and career plans and follows-up to guide
development and measure progress.
• Advocates and commits to ongoing training and development to foster a learning culture.

Level 4
Provides opportunities for development
• Ensures that resources and time are available for development activities.
• Ensures that all employees have equitable access to development opportunities.
• Provides opportunities for development through tools, assignments, mentoring and coaching
relationships etc.

Level 5
Creates a continuous learning and development environment
• Provides long-term direction regarding learning needs for staff and how to pursue the
attainment of this learning.
• Institutes organization-wide mechanisms and processes to promote and support continuous
learning and improvement.
• Manages the learning process to ensure it occurs by design rather than by chance.

Note : "Developing Others" links to the competency "Management Excellence – People Management"
identified as relevant for federal Public Service leaders.

19. Planning and Organizing

Defining tasks and milestones to achieve objectives, while ensuring the optimal use of resources to
meet those objectives

Level 1
Plans tasks and organizes own work
• Identifies requirements and uses available resources to meet own work objectives in optimal
• Completes tasks in accordance with plans.
• Monitors the attainment of own work objectives and/or quality of the work completed.
• Sets priorities for tasks in order of importance.

Level 2
Applies planning principles to achieve work goals
• Establishes goals and organizes work by bringing together the necessary resources.
• Organizes work according to project and time management principles and processes.
• Practices and plans for contingencies to deal with unexpected events or setbacks.
• Makes needed adjustments to timelines, steps and resource allocation.
• Directs issues to appropriate bodies when unable to resolve them within own area of

Level 3
Develops plans for the business unit
• Considers a range of factors in the planning process (e.g., costs, timing, customer needs,
resources available, etc.).
• Identifies and plans activities that will result in overall improvement to services.
• Challenges inefficient or ineffective work processes and offers constructive alternatives.
• Anticipates issues and revise plans as required.
• Helps to remove barriers by providing resources and encouragement as needed.

Level 4
Integrates and evaluates plans to achieve business goals.
• Establishes alternative courses of action, organizes people and prioritizes the activities of the
team to achieve results more effectively.
• Ensures that systems are in place to effectively monitor and evaluate progress.
• Evaluates processes and results and makes appropriate adjustments to the plan.
• Sets, communicates and regularly assesses priorities.

Level 5
Plans and organizes at a strategic level
• Develops strategic plans considering short-term requirements as well as long-term direction.
• Plans work and deploys resources to deliver organization-wide results.
• Secures and allocates program or project resources in line with strategic direction.
• Sets and communicates priorities within the broader organization.
• Ensures sufficient resources are available to achieve set objectives.

Note : "Planning and Organizing" links to the competency "Action Management" identified as relevant for
federal Public Service leaders.

20. Decision-Making

Making decisions and solving problems involving varied levels of complexity, ambiguity and risk

Level 1
Makes decisions based solely on rules
• Makes straightforward decisions based on pre-defined options using clear criteria/procedures.
• Consults with others or refers an issue/situation for resolution when criteria are not clear.
• Deals with exceptions within established parameters using clearly specified rules and
• Makes decisions involving little or no consequence of error.
• Verifies that the decision/resolution is correct.

Level 2
Makes decisions by interpreting rules
• Applies guidelines and procedures that require some interpretation when dealing with
• Makes straight - forward decisions based on information that is generally clear and adequate.
• Considers the risks and consequences of action and/or decisions.
• Makes decisions involving minor consequence of error.
• Seeks guidance as needed when the situation is unclear.

Level 3
Makes decisions in situations where there is scope for interpretation of rules
• Applies guidelines and procedures that leave considerable room for discretion and
• Makes decisions by weighing several factors, some of which are partially defined and entail
missing pieces of critical information.
• As needed, involves the right people in the decision-making process.
• Balances the risks and implications of decisions across multiple issues.
• Develops solutions that address the root cause of the problem and prevent recurrence.
• Recognizes, analyzes and solves problems across projects and in complex situations.

Level 4
Makes complex decisions in the absence of rules
• Simplifies complex information from multiple sources to resolve issues.
• Makes complex decisions for which there are no set procedures.
• Considers a multiplicity of interrelated factors for which there is incomplete and contradictory
• Balances competing priorities in reaching decisions.
• Develops solutions to problems, balancing the risks and implications across multiple projects.
• Recommends solutions in an environment of risk and ambiguity.

Level 5
Makes high-risk decisions in complex and ambiguous situations
• Makes high-risk strategic decisions that have significant consequences.
• Balances a commitment to excellence with the best interests of clients and the organization
when making decisions.
• Uses principles, values and sound business sense to make decisions.
• Makes decisions in a volatile environment in which weight given to any factor can change
• Reaches decisions assuredly in an environment of public scrutiny.
• Assesses external and internal environments in order to make a well-informed decision.
• Identifies the problem based on many factors, often complex and sweeping, difficult to define
and contradictory (e.g., fiscal responsibility, the public good).

21. Analytical Thinking

Interpreting, linking, and analyzing information in order to understand issues

Level 1
Analyzes and synthesizes information
• Breaks down concrete issues into parts and synthesizes succinctly.
• Collects and analyses information from a variety of appropriate sources.
• Identifies the links between situations and information.

Level 2
Identifies critical relationships
• Sees connections, patterns or trends in the information available.
• Identifies the implications and possible consequences of trends or events.
• Draws logical conclusions, providing options and recommendations.
Level 3
Analyses complex relationships
• Analyses complex situations, breaking each into its constituent parts.
• Recognizes and assesses several likely causal factors or ways of interpreting the information
• Identifies connections between situations that are not obviously related.

Level 4
Applies broad analysis
• Integrates information from diverse sources, often involving large amounts of information.
• Thinks several steps ahead in deciding on best course of action, anticipating likely outcomes.
• Develops and recommends policy framework based on analysis of emerging trends.
• Gathers information from many sources, including experts, in order to completely understand a

Level 5
Applies a systems perspective to the analysis of enterprise-wide issues
• Identifies multiple relationships and disconnects in processes in order to identify options and
reach conclusions.
• Adopts a systems perspective, assessing and balancing vast amounts of diverse information
on the varied systems and sub-systems that comprise and affect the working environment.
• Thinks beyond the organization and into the future, balancing multiple perspectives when
setting direction or reaching conclusions (e.g., social, economic, partner, stakeholder interests,
short- and long-term benefits, national and global implications).

Note : "Analytical Thinking" links to the competency "Strategic Thinking" identified as relevant for federal
Public Service leaders.

22. Results Orientation

Focusing personal efforts on achieving results consistent with the organization’s objectives

Level 1
Strives to meet work expectations
• Sets goals and works to meet established expectations; maintains performance levels.
• Pursues organizational objectives with energy and persistence. Sets high personal standards
for performance.
• Adapts working methods in order to achieve objectives.
• Accepts ownership of and responsibility for own work.

Level 2
Consistently meets established expectations
• Consistently achieves established expectations through personal commitment.
• Makes adjustments to activities/processes based on feedback.

Level 3
Surpasses established expectations
• Exceeds current expectations and pushes for improved results in own performance.
• Takes on new roles and responsibilities when faced with unexpected changes.

Level 4
Seeks out significant challenges
• Seeks significant challenges outside of current job scope.
• Works on new projects or assignments that add value without compromising current
• Guides staff to achieve tasks, goals, processes and performance standards.
Level 5
Pursues excellence on an organizational level
• Models excellence and motivates fellow organizational members to follow his/her example.
• Encourages constructive questioning of policies and practices; sponsors experimentation and
• Holds staff accountable for achieving standards of excellence and results for the organization.

23. Teamwork

Working collaboratively with others to achieve common goals and positive results

Level 1
Participates as a team member
• Assumes personal responsibility and follows up to meet commitments to others.
• Understands the goals of the team and each team member’s role within it.
• Deals honestly and fairly with others, showing consideration and respect.
• Willingly gives support to co-workers and works collaboratively rather than competitively.
• Shares experiences, knowledge and best practices with team members.

Level 2
Fosters teamwork
• Assumes responsibility for work activities and coordinating efforts.
• Promotes team goals.
• Seeks others’ input and involvement and listens to their viewpoints.
• Shifts priorities, changes style and responds with new approaches as needed to meet team
• Suggests or develops methods and means for maximizing the input and involvement of team
• Acknowledges the work of others.

Level 3
Demonstrates leadership in teams
• Builds relationships with team members and with other work units.
• Fosters team spirit and collaboration within teams .
• Discusses problems/ issues with team members that could affect results.
• Communicates expectations for teamwork and collaboration.
• Facilitates the expression of diverse points of view to enhance teamwork.
• Capitalizes on the strengths of all members.
• Gives credit for success and acknowledges contributions and efforts of individuals to team

Level 4
Capitalizes on teamwork opportunities
• Initiates collaboration with other groups/ organizations on projects or methods of operating.
• Capitalizes on opportunities and addresses challenges presented by the diversity of team
• Supports and encourages other team members to achieve objectives.
• Encourages others to share experience, knowledge and best practices with the team.
• Encourages the team to openly discuss what can be done to create a solution or alternative.

Level 5
Builds bridges between teams
• Facilitates collaboration across the organization and with other organizations to achieve a
common goal.
• Builds strong teams that capitalize on differences in expertise, competencies and background.
• Breaks down barriers (structural, functional, cultural) between teams, facilitating the sharing of
expertise and resources.

24. Values and Ethics

Fostering and supporting the principles and values of the organization and the Public Service as a

Level 1
Demonstrates behaviours consistent with the organization’s values
• Treats others fairly and with respect.
• Takes responsibility for own work, including problems and issues.
• Uses applicable professional standards and established procedures, policies and/or legislation
when taking action and making decisions.
• Identifies ethical dilemmas and conflict of interest situations and takes action to avoid and
prevent them.
• Anticipates and prevents breaches in confidentiality and/or security.

Level 2
Identifies ethical implications
• Identifies and considers different ethical aspects of a situation when making decisions.
• Identifies and balances competing values when selecting approaches or recommendations for
dealing with a situation.

Level 3
Aligns team with organization’s values and ethics
• Fosters a climate of trust within the work team.
• Implements processes and structures to deal with difficulties in confidentiality and/or security.
• Ensures that decisions take into account ethics and values of the organization and Public
Service as a whole.
• Interacts with others fairly and objectively.

Level 4
Promotes the organization’s values and ethics
• Advises others in maintaining fair and consistent dealings with others and in dealing with
ethical dilemmas.
• Deals directly and constructively with lapses of integrity (e.g., intervenes in a timely fashion to
remind others of the need to respect the dignity of others).

Level 5
Exemplifies and demonstrates the organization’s values and ethics
• Defines, communicates and consistently exemplifies the organization’s values and ethics.
• Ensures that standards and safeguards are in place to protect the organization’s integrity (e.g.,
professional standards for financial reporting, integrity/ security of information systems).
• Identifies underlying issues that impact negatively on people and takes appropriate action to
rectify the issues (e.g., systemic discrimination).

Note : "Ethics and Values" was identified as a competency relevant for federal Public Service leaders.

25. Visioning and Strategic Direction

Developing and inspiring commitment to a vision of success; supporting, promoting and ensuring
alignment with the organization’s vision and values

Level 1
Demonstrates personal work alignment
• Sets personal work goals in line with operational goals of work area.
• Continually evaluates personal progress and actions to ensure alignment with organizational
vision and operational goals.
• Liaises with others to ensure alignment with the business goals and vision of the organization.

Level 2
Promotes team alignment
• Effectively communicates and interprets the strategic vision to employees within area of
• Clearly articulates and promotes the significance and impact of employee contributions to
promoting and achieving organizational goals.
• Monitors work of team to ensure alignment with strategic direction, vision and values for the
• Identifies potential future directions for work area in line with vision.
• Proactively helps others to understand the importance of the strategy and vision.

Level 3
Aligns program/operational goals and plans
• Works with teams to set program/operational goals and plans in keeping with the strategic
• Regularly promotes the organization, its vision and values to clients, stakeholders and
• Works with staff to set strategic goals for own sector of the organization.
• Assesses the gap between the current state and desired future direction and establishes
effective ways for closing the gap in own sector.

Level 4
Influences strategic direction
• Foresees obstacles and opportunities for the organization and acts accordingly.
• Defines issues, generates options and selects solutions, which are consistent with the strategy
and vision.
• Scans, seeks out and assesses information on potential future directions.
• Provides direction and communicates the vision to encourage alignment within the
• Energetically and persistently promotes strategic objectives with colleagues in other business

Level 5
Develops vision
• Leads the development of the vision for the organization.
• Defines and continuously articulates the vision and strategy in the context of wider government
• Describes the vision and values in compelling terms to develop understanding and promote
acceptance/ commitment among staff and stakeholders.
• Identifies, conceptualizes and synthesizes new trends or connections between organizational
issues and translates them into priorities for the organization.

Note : "Visioning" was identified as a competency relevant for federal Public Service leaders.

Technical Competency Dictionary

for the IT Community
Technical Competency Dictionary
Table of Contents


1. Application Development Support and Maintenance

2. Architecture
3. Business Analysis
4. Database Design and Management
5. Infrastructure/Platforms
6. IT Procurement and Asset Management
7. IT Project Management
8. Data Communications
9. Security/Information and Application Protection
10. Testing
11. Service Management Processes


Competencies are observable abilities, skills, knowledge, motivations or traits defined in terms of the
behaviours needed for successful job performance. Often competencies reflect very general attributes
common to all jobs (e.g., analytical thinking, problem solving, client orientation). However, the goal of the
present exercise was to identify technical competencies - competencies required from incumbents
occupying various jobs/roles in the IT Community that reflect the unique knowledge and skill set expected
from these IT employees – that would complement the Behavioural Competency Dictionary. The resulting
Technical Competency Dictionary for the IT Community was developed in partnership with subject matter
experts in the IT Community and is the outcome of numerous interviews and discussions with CS
representatives in different roles and levels from several large departments.

How Are the Competencies Structured?

For all competencies in the dictionary, a brief definition is provided as well as a list of points of knowledge
required. Each competency also includes a proficiency scale that indicates the full range of expression of the
competency. Each proficiency scale has five levels indicating the depth and breadth to which knowledge and
skill are required in the job. Each proficiency level is described in terms of behavioural indicators. The
behaviours at each level of the scale are illustrative rather than definitive; that is, other examples of
behaviour are possible and can be used at each level. Each competency scale is cumulative which
means that, although behaviours from lower levels are not repeated at higher level, they nonetheless apply.

1. Introductory: Demonstrates introductory understanding and ability and, with guidance, applies the
competency in a few simple situations.
2. Basic: Demonstrates basic knowledge and ability and, with guidance, can apply the competency in
common situations that present limited difficulties.
3. Intermediate: Demonstrates solid knowledge and ability, and can apply the competency with
minimal or no guidance in the full range of typical situations. Would require guidance to handle
novel or more complex situations.
4. Advanced:Demonstrates advanced knowledge and ability, and can apply the competency in new
or complex situations. Guides other professionals.
5. Expert: Demonstrates expert knowledge and ability, and can apply the competency in the most
complex situations. Develops new approaches, methods or policies in the area. Is recognized as an
expert, internally and/or externally. Leads the guidance of other professionals.

1. Application Development/Support and Maintenance[1]

-Knowledge and ability to design, define, construct, enhance, support and maintain application software on
one or more platforms.

Knowledge requirements:

 Systems Analysis and Design

o Requirements Analysis
o General/external design (includes design principles)
o Use of established techniques to assist in the analysis of business data/information flows
and database construction (e.g., data and functional modeling)
 Application Development and Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Management
o Programming languages (e.g., software language structures, machine, assembly,
procedural, non-procedural, object-oriented languages)
o Standards and methods used in developing and maintaining a repository of information
and processes (e.g., development standards including programming, user interface,
design, naming, specifications)
o System development processes, tools and methodologies (e.g., Systems Development
Life Cycle including principles, best practices and standards used in designing and
maintaining a formal procedure and a related repository of information)
o Unit testing processes and practices
o Application development tools (e.g., COTS development tools, technical productivity tools,
workstation operating systems)
o Polices and practices related to office productivity tools
o Policies and practices related to website design and use of Inter/Intranet technologies
within the Public Service

1. Introductory

• Demonstrates a basic level of understanding of software specifications or design techniques.

• Demonstrates a basic understanding of programming concepts.
• Demonstrates a general familiarity with one or more programming languages and/or
• Understands the importance of testing, documentation and production assurance.
• Knows where to look for standards.

2. Basic

• Demonstrates a working knowledge of one or more programming languages.

• Writes or adapts software modules for testing and integration.
• Understands and employs basic development methods and standards.
• Tests/debugs program modules.
• Uses a testing tool and prepares basic test cases.
• Understands the migration cycle and prepares program for migration.
• Prepares operational documentation.

3. Intermediate

• Demonstrates a detailed knowledge of several programming environments and a good working

knowledge of hardware and software interfaces.
• Writes original multi-module/complex programs or applies reusable modules.
• Designs, tests and integrates software modules and resolves programming errors using
various debugging tools and techniques.
• Provides support, guidance and production assurance for common problems.
• Conducts impact analysis for proposed changes to or problems with the system.
• Prepares technical documentation (e.g., user guides, technical specifications).
• Undertakes routine analysis and works with designers and analysts to clarify and improve
specifications or to identify alternative programming solutions.
• Enforces standards (e.g., at walkthroughs).

4. Advanced

• Demonstrates in-depth knowledge and capability in software construction, testing,

infrastructure, configuration, a wide range of system development methodologies and
operating standards.
• Demonstrates knowledge in multiple applications, data management systems and
technologies or in a single area of expertise.
• Demonstrates application and corporate knowledge, and understands how a change would
affect multiple applications.
• Makes recommendations/ decisions in application and program design, standards and
program enhancements.
• Debugs very complex or urgent problems.
• Analyzes and models business functions, processes and information flow within or between
• Provides guidance/mentors on programming practices and techniques to individuals and
cross-functional teams.

5. Expert

• Demonstrates expert knowledge of software design, construction, programming trends,

programming and scripting languages across government in multiple applications and data
management systems or in a single area of expertise.
• Provides effective strategic direction to enterprise-wide application design.
• Guides and oversees multiple-concurrent software construction projects.
• Works with users at all levels to define system requirements and specify appropriate system
environments to meet operational needs and system performance objectives.
• Presents software construction disciplines to peers in public forums.
• Develops policy and standards for software construction.

This competency does not include data management or database management (See Competency 4).

2. Architecture

-Knowledge and ability to apply architecture theories, principles, concepts, practices, methodologies and

Knowledge requirements:

• Enterprise Architecture/Information Technology (IT) Strategy

o Implementation/enforcement of policies and support
o Architecture functions and the interrelationships with the organization's vision
o Architecture direction, policies and practices with a focus on Government of Canada
• Information Architecture
o Organization of information to effectively support the work of the organization
o Creation of an entity relationship model and an integrated function or process dependency
o Transaction services architecture, configuration and interfaces
o Relationship between the information architecture and other architectures
• Systems Architecture
o Design of the systems architecture and how its components are connected and operate
with each other and other applications
o Relationship between the systems architecture and other architectures (e.g., integrating
technology and business)
• Technology Architecture
o Design of the fundamental hardware, software and telecommunications systems that
provide the infrastructure on which business applications are developed and run (e.g.,
network topologies)
o Interrelationships of the various technologies and their respective roles
o Technical standards
o Relationship between the technology architecture and other architectures
• Government and Department Policies and Standards
o Business policy and standards development
o Privacy Act
o TBS Business Transformation Enablement Program (BTEP)
o Management of Government Information (MGI)

1. Introductory

• Possesses basic understanding of architecture principles.

• Reads and understands architecture specifications and models.
• Distinguishes between different architecture domains.

2. Basic

• Creates basic models based upon specifications.

• Defines key terms and concepts.

3. Intermediate

• Focuses on a single area of expertise.

• Produces analytic and candidate design models to be used for further analysis (e.g.,
telecommunications, networks).
• Demonstrates awareness of other architectures.
• Validates models created by projects and/or junior staff.
• Signs off functional models.

4. Advanced

• Demonstrates good understanding of architecture across the business lines and how they
interact but focuses on a single architecture.
• Produces frameworks for a single architecture.
• Assesses new requirements and makes design recommendations.
• Signs off architecture models.
• Manages transformations.
• Defines metadata models and information models.
• Monitors standards.

5. Expert

• Understands how architecture relates to the organization's vision, how new business fits in the
current business lines, the integration of business and technology, and relates government
priorities to target architectures.
• Builds corporate data models.
• Delivers and signs off frameworks for architectures and integration models.
• Recommends priorities for business based upon the architecture.
• Understands and applies TB standards (e.g., ISO, WC3 Quality standards).
• Addresses governance issues.
• Defines metadata models at the enterprise level, information models and the interoperability
• Extends the body of knowledge and contributes to government standards.

3. Business Analysis

- Knowledge and ability to apply the principles of business analysis in the planning, reengineering,
requirement gathering for government business environments, operations, processes, and practices.

Knowledge requirements:

• Government/business knowledge in various application areas (e.g., financial/accounting, human

resources, purchasing, supply, policing, corrections)
• Common government/business management and decision-making concepts, principles, activities
and practices (e.g., Government and corporate planning cycles and processes, accountability and
budgetary cycles and processes)
• Business architecture (at a project level) and how it augments organizational design, planning
systems and financial controls
• Impact analysis and environmental scan methods, techniques and tools used to evaluate an
organization's strengths and challenges
• Business case/cost benefit methodology and standards including return on investment (ROI) and
total cost of ownership (TCO)
• Typical organization structures, job functions, work activities and workflow
• Business process analysis and business process reengineering methods and design benefits,
methodologies and tools; roles in support of business change
• Costing and cost recovery
• Industry, business line and the technical aspects of the business line
• Relationship between the business architecture and other architectures
• Transaction processing theory and principles, flow and design
• Government and Department policies and standards such as:
o Business policy and standards development
o Privacy Act
o TBS Business Transformation Enablement Program (BTEP)
o Management of Government Information (MGI)

1. Introductory

 Demonstrates awareness of business rules and concepts.

2. Basic

 Understands business lines.

 Understands basic government and departmental services.
 Drafts simple requirements.

3. Intermediate

 Understands client business requirements, business roles, business planning and business
 Understands and works within governance principles.
 Understands audit and compliance principles, change management principles and the impact of
 Understands how technologies can enable business processes.
 Translates business requirements into technical requirements.
 Develops clear requirement statements.
 Develops simple business cases.
 Carries out simple business process reengineering, models and redesign processes.

4. Advanced

 Validates business requirements, applies government and corporate priorities.

 Gathers/refines complex business requirements, recommends or makes decisions on business
 Develops complex business cases.
 Carries out impact analyses and environmental scans to make recommendations.
 Leads business process reengineering.
 Presents and defends complex positions and strategies for business decisions, processes and
 Guides other business analysts.
 Advises on compliance, governance structures and audit principles.

5. Expert

 Works at the "integration level" by understanding the business architecture and its relationship to
other architectures.
 Makes recommendations to senior management on strategies and plans.
 Carries out environmental scans of architecture.
 Assesses corporate impacts of changes and recommends strategies to senior management.
 Develops complex business cases across multiple business lines and platforms.
 Sets standards for compliance and governance structures.

4. Database Design and Management

- Knowledge and ability to apply the methods, practices and policies that are used in the design and the
management of databases.

Knowledge requirements:

 Concepts, policies, principles, theories, practices and techniques associated with information
management and information technology as it relates to database design and management
 Relationship between database design/management and application performance
 Database design and architecture - logical structure and physical structure (e.g., functional,
metadata and process models)
 Database types (e.g., data warehouse, decision support, operational, query, ERP and
relationship to technologies)
 Data security and recovery
 Database integrity, capacity planning, performance and tuning
 DBMS and data warehouse principles, best practices and standards
 Interoperability
 Database software installation processes and techniques
 Database tools to design and manage databases (e.g., data management tools, data modeling
tools, database integration tools)
 Languages for data modeling, manipulation, control and database query
 Database trends and directions

1. Introductory
 Demonstrates basic understanding of database management, logical design concepts and
levels of database security.
 Understands the difference between different database structures (e.g., relational vs. network).
 Comprehends database design (e.g., diagrams, schemas, models).
 Demonstrates basic understanding of data manipulation language (DML).
 Demonstrates an awareness of performance issues (e.g., distribution of data, size definitions).

2. Basic

 Understands a single database management system (DBMS), its components and how they
relate to each other.
 Demonstrates a good knowledge of data manipulation language (DML) and data definition
language (DDL).
 Codes/tests basic database access modules (e.g., stored procedures).
 Troubleshoots, at a basic level, to understand database problem and identify where to direct it
(e.g., basic database accessibility).
 Recognizes the importance of database basic recovery and, with guidance, performs backup
and recovery.
 Understands database release management, applications business rules, data integrity issues,
database security implementation, workload manager and interaction with DBMS (e.g., CICS,
 Performs data population, debugging and testing.
 Conducts basic impact analysis for database change management.


 Demonstrates working level understanding of a single DBMS relevant operating systems,

applications business rules and its dependencies with other applications, databases and/or
business partners.
 Applies wide range of concepts to the corporate/vendor environment (e.g., database security
and/or individual profiles).
 Makes recommendations on logical/physical models (e.g., converts from logical model,
implements and maintains physical model to meet storage, availability, and performance
 Develops, codes, tests and reviews complex database access modules.
 Solves problems that impact on the business or service, resolves data integrity issues and
implements data integrity safeguards, and uses diagnostic and monitoring tools to prevent
problems/enhance performance and availability.
 Demonstrates a solid knowledge of system testing and integration environments.
 Develops, selects, recommends and implements strategies for backup and recovery, data
population and migration.
 Conducts general impact analysis on database change management.

4. Advanced

 Demonstrates broad understanding of multiple DBMS or an in-depth knowledge of one or more

 Develops logical models incorporating business requirements such as high availability,
redundancy and disaster recovery into the logical/physical database design.
 Researches, pilots, evaluates new technologies and standards, identifies how they will
integrate with the corporate network and recommends strategies.
 Solves unusual problems or problems with a significant impact on the business.
 Deals with major and/or multiple application groups.
 Creates or reviews certification testing.
 Develops standards and procedures for implementing new database technology.
 Mentors people and provides input/guidance to cross-functional teams.
5. Expert

 Demonstrates expert knowledge of data management, data stewardship, government-wide

data management initiatives and trends in data management and how they can be applied.
 Holds an enterprise-wide view and/or is regarded as the subject matter expert in one or more
areas of expertise, and provides effective strategic direction to enterprise-wide data
 Develops enterprise-wide multi-disciplinary architectural documents translating business data
requirements into topographical format.
 Demonstrates broad-based knowledge of information technology (e.g., programming, data
management, platforms).
 Develops business cases for enterprise-wide data management initiatives as a direct response
to business drivers.
 Guides and oversees multiple-concurrent data management projects.
 Conducts procurement for data management solutions and related services.
 Develops strategies, policy and standards for corporate data management and contributes to
standards working groups - governmental and/or industry.

5. Infrastructure/Platforms[2]

- Knowledge and ability to support the enterprise computing infrastructure (e.g., enterprise servers, client
server, storage devices and systems, hardware and software) in the provision, management, storage,
operation, scheduling, support and maintenance of the infrastructure.

Knowledge requirements:

 Principles, practices, standards, methods and techniques related to interoperability of

hardware/software configuration controls
 Platform environment (e.g., client-server environment, enterprise server/mainframe
 Storage and retrieval (e.g., area network, mainframe storage, media storage, virtual storage)
 Systems hardware and its characteristics (e.g., mainframe computers, mini and micro-
computers, CPU, memory, disk, registers, bus, channel)
 Hardware/software and connection, implementation and maintenance
 Operating systems, communications and software utilities used on enterprise
server/mainframe and distributed computer systems
 Cooperative processing (two or more computers simultaneously processing portions of the
same program or operating on the same data such as multiple-CPU systems, distributed
 Monitoring of systems software (i.e., the operating system and all utility programs that manage
computer resources at a low level) including compilers, loaders, linkers, and debuggers
 Operations performance monitoring and capacity planning of the delivery platform
 Treasury Board and corporate IT standards and policies regarding the development and
support of infrastructure systems and networks

1. Introductory

 Demonstrates awareness of the platform principles and procedures.

 Understands need for capacity planning and performance management.
 Operates the platform at a simple level under supervision.
 Demonstrates awareness of the standards for the platform.

2. Basic

 Understands the platform technology and concepts.

 Understands how basic concepts relate to each other and applies them.
 Understands how the platform integrates with other environments, at a basic level, from an
end-user perspective.
 Operates the platform at a simple level.
 Troubleshoots basic physical or software problems.
 Understands and applies the standards.

3. Intermediate

 Understands how the platform integrates with other environments (e.g., network).
 Participates in day-to-day operations (e.g., monitoring operations of the platform).
 Uses performance data collection tools and techniques.
 Installs software and hardware on the platform.
 Solves routine problems.
 Solves typical hardware and software problems.
 Uses diagnostic tools to solve complex problems.
 Executes standards.

4. Advanced

 Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of an area of expertise.

 Contributes to high-level architecture.
 Evaluates/pilots new technologies, assesses the results, identifies how they integrate with the
platform and implements them.
 Carries out performance measurement and capacity planning.
 Incorporates business requirements such as high availability, redundancy and disaster
recovery into platform design.
 Resolves complex problems.
 Develops and monitors/enforces standards and procedures for new technology configuration
and implementation.
 Mentors/guides individuals and cross-functional teams.

5. Expert

 Demonstrates expert knowledge of platform principles, technology, government-wide

technology initiatives and technological trends.
 Demonstrates an intimate knowledge of the environment, interdependencies and impact of
 Provides effective strategic direction to enterprise-wide platform design and initiatives.
 Develops enterprise-wide multi-disciplinary architectural and design documents.
 Resolves very complex problems and recommends capacity and performance improvements.
 Conducts procurement for platform hardware and services.
 Sets standards and technology direction for the platform.
 Leads the development of people in the infrastructure domain.

This competency does not include network/telecommunication systems (See competency 8).

6. IT Procurement and Asset Management

- Knowledge and ability to evaluate, negotiate, procure, track, manage IT assets including software licenses
and computer leases:

Knowledge requirements:

 Vendor liaison/management, service agreements, warrantees and lease agreements

 Procedures related to procurement and contract administration
 Processes and procedures necessary to critically evaluate products, services and claims
 Processes involved in vendor negotiations for substantial and/or long-term contracts for
hardware, software and licence agreements, support and services
 Systems and applications for procurement (e.g., NMSO, DISO, Software Acquisition
Reference Centre, Request for Software Discounts and Supply Arrangements)
 Roles and responsibilities of TBS and PWGSC related to asset procurement and management
 Corporate and Government of Canada legislation, standards and policies (e.g., regulating
software licence agreements and renewals, disposal, procurement ethical practices and
security policies)
 Licence management
 Policies, guidelines and procedures for IT asset management
 IT asset management life cycle (e.g., planning, maintenance, retirement and disposal)
 Negotiation and contracting processes and practices
 Federal legislative and policy framework related to IM/IT procurement for goods and services
 Departmental processes for acquisition of goods and services, including drafting of Statements
of Work (SOW), Requests for Proposals (RFPs), evaluation of responses, contract
negotiations and management of contracts
 Remedial measures for IT equipment non-performance

1. Introductory

 Demonstrates broad knowledge of Government of Canada and the role of PWGSC in

 Understands the values and ethics involved in procurement.
 Demonstrates basic understanding of procurement process for IT services and goods.

2. Basic

 Understands Treasury Board and corporate processes, standards and governance structures.
 Assists in gathering requirements from the business.
 Understands internal procurement processes for IT services and goods.

3. Intermediate

 Knows the procurement cycle and processes, gathering of information through RFIs and
RFPs, roles of interdepartmental partners and the proposal/ evaluation processes.
 Demonstrates a general knowledge of procurement and conducts low-level procurement.
 Evaluates products and services and identifies the vehicle(s) to use.
 Provides advice on reporting and inventory, policies and procedures.
 Establishes partnerships with Finance.
 Understands IT asset business and language.
 Formulates and applies performance management guidelines to asset management.

4. Advanced

 Possesses a specific area of expertise and business knowledge of the life cycle for his/her
asset area (e.g., sunset procedures).
 Negotiates multi-level, multi-layer million dollar contracts.
 Knows rules for Canadian and International governing bodies (e.g., NAFTA, Trade Tribunal,
CITT) and negotiates CITT challenges.
 Reviews, signs off and approves RFP/RFI documents.
 Liaises with PWGSC to communicate requirements, terms and conditions.
 Monitors and enforces values and ethics.
 Consults with regions and senior management (e.g., leveraging assets, inventory and plans for
sunset/refresh, professional services and training).
 Mentors junior staff.
5. Expert

 Demonstrates a very deep understanding of one area of expertise or a broad understanding of

multiple areas and provides guidance to senior management.
 Demonstrates a broad understanding of software licensing models, the market and how to
leverage the knowledge.
 Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of procurement, the industry, the vendor community
and industry trends.
 Possesses corporate knowledge and understands service levels.
 Negotiates with vendors at a high/complex level.
 Provides advice in large supply agreements.
 Performs "total cost of ownership" analysis.

7. IT Project Management

- Knowledge and ability to apply formal project management principles and practices during the planning,
implementation, monitoring and completion of projects, ensuring effective management of scope, resources,
time, cost, quality, risk and communications.

Knowledge requirements:

 Enhanced Management Framework for the management of information technology/projects

 Project management concepts, techniques, methods and tools and industry best practices in
the management of projects in an IT environment (e.g., Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBoK))
 Project estimating and planning techniques
 Project progress monitoring
 Management of change, risk and problem
 Human resources management
 Government of Canada policies and standards

1. Introductory

 Understands basic concepts (e.g., project goals, risk, scope, participants' roles, planning and
the importance of project management principles such as time, cost and quality management).
 Provides input to project plan.

2. Basic

 Understands project reporting.

 Develops simple project plans including work breakdown structure and estimates.
 Identifies and escalates issues and potential delays.
 Manages small, straightforward projects or specific components of larger projects.

3. Intermediate

 Manages a complete multi-stage project in own area.

 Identifies, allocates and manages resources needed to meet project objectives.
 Develops and manages the project plan, including timelines, deliverables, milestones and
 Identifies potential roadblocks and risks and develops contingency plans to deal with them.
 Oversees implementation of the project plan, monitors progress, resource usage and quality,
and makes needed adjustments.
4. Advanced

 Manages complex, multifaceted/ interrelated projects that span own area or department
 Conducts comprehensive risk assessment and develops plans for eliminating or mitigating the
risks identified.
 Mentors other project managers.
 Understands the impact of the project on the department as a whole.
 Develops complex plans (e.g., with interdependencies or cross-department).
 Implements standards.

5. Expert

 Oversees/manages large, highly complex, diverse or strategic projects that impact the
organization as a whole.
 Develops departmental policies and standards.
 Markets project management principles and benefits across the department.
 Sets/evolves the vision of how project management should be done.
 Changes project management practices.
 Knows multiple projet management disciplines.

8. Telecommunications (Data and Voice) Network

- Knowledge and ability to implement the methods, practices and policies governing the design, analysis,
development, management and use of the hardware and software used to transfer information such as data,
voice, images and video.

Knowledge requirements:

 Theories and concepts, methods, policies and practices to design, develop, plan
telecommunications networkinfrastructure systems (e.g., calculation of peak and mean bandwidth
requirements, response time, propagation delays, priorities, traffic types, traffic flows (point-to-point,
multicast, broadcast), error detection and protection, security, interoperability, growth, quality of
service, availability)
 Installation, configuration, operation and maintenance of telecommunications infrastructure
hardware and software
o Telecommunication systems' operating systems, system software and utilities
o Low level interfaces (e.g., modems, CSU/DSU)
o Voice communication devices (e.g., Blackberry units, cell phones, gateways, routers,
switches, PBX)
 Standards describing the structure of data exchange between systems (e.g., OSI seven layer
reference model)
 Standards describing the format content and exchange mechanisms between systems, such as
communication protocols (including protocols that relate to the convergence of technologies, such
as Voice over IP), connection oriented versus connectionless protocols
 Classes of networking systems (e.g., Local Area Network (LAN), Metropolitan Area Network
(MAN), Department Wide Area Network (DWAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Virtual Private
Network (VPN), Voice Network System, Remote Access Networks, associated hardware and
software, operating systems and protocols)
 Network topologies (physical and logical) and their characteristics
 Classes of telecommunication media, such as wire based (e.g., copper, fibre) and wireless
(characteristics of various frequency bands from HF to microwave)
 The purpose and use of different networks (e.g., Internet, Intranets, Extranets)
 Value added networks (i.e., services added within a communications network beyond data transfer
such as message routing, resource management and conversion facilities)
 Performance analysis, diagnosis, capacity planning and data communications
monitoring/management practices, protocols and tools
 Data, voice and video requirements and services
 Traffic and transmission management
 Common carrier services - data transmission and telephony service offerings provided by private
sector companies
 Security, including specific methods, policies and best practices to secure information within the
telecommunications network infrastructure
 Industry regulations and tariffs (e.g., CRTC)

1. Introductory

 Demonstrates basic understanding of data communications and components, definitions, key

concepts, communication protocols and platforms (e.g., Firewalls, Security, Frame Relay,
SNA, ATM, Hubs/Routers/ Gateways switches, VOIP, ISDN, routing protocols).
 Understands need for capacity planning and performance management.

2. Basic

 Understands data communications routing and switching technology.

 Understands how basic concepts relate to each other and applies them (e.g., vendor-specific
 Understands how data communications integrate with other environments (e.g., mainframe)
and are distributed, at a basic level, from an end-user perspective.
 Assists in the design of basic connections (e.g., connecting 100 people to a WAN or designing
a small site (less than 50)).
 Troubleshoots basic physical or software connectivity problems, network congestion (e.g.,
cables/connections, defective equipment, logging in to network equipment, checking
configuration of routers/switches).
 Uses data communications diagnostic tools.
 Tests, configures, installs and supports hardware and software at any typical site.
 Talks clients through troubleshooting.

3. Intermediate

 Understands how data communications integrate with other environments such as mainframe,
distributed, E-commerce, firewalls and external networks, at a component level.
 Demonstrates and applies wide range of concepts to the corporate/vendor environment.
 Understands vendor-specific network switching and routing products.
 Translates multiple client network connectivity requirements and limitations into technical
specifications for building/site designs.
 Designs complex building environments using existing standards (e.g., complex site layouts
(many buildings and requirements)).
 Resolves typical hardware and software problems (e.g., connectivity, network congestion,
protocols, uses diagnostic tools).
 Conducts certification testing.
 Executes standards.

4. Advanced

 Incorporate business requirements (e.g., high availability, redundancy, disaster recovery) into
data communications design using analytical techniques.
 Evaluates/pilots new technologies, identifies how they integrate with the corporate network
and implements.
 Resolves unusual or atypical network problems without clear precedents and/or that have
significant impact or consequence on the business or service.
 Creates or reviews certification testing.
 Develops standards and procedures for new technology configuration and implementation.
 Mentors/guides individuals and cross-functional teams.
 Deals with major client groups (e.g., regional or national client).

5. Expert

 Demonstrates expert knowledge of data communications principles, network technology,

government-wide technology initiatives and technological trends.
 Demonstrates broad-based knowledge of information technology.
 Develops enterprise-wide multi-disciplinary architectural documents.
 Develops business cases for enterprise-wide network technology initiatives as a direct
response to business drivers.
 Provides effective strategic direction to enterprise-wide network design.
 Guides and oversees multiple-concurrent network projects.
 Conducts procurement for network solutions network hardware and services procurements.
 Develops policy and standards for networking technology and contributes to governmental
and/or industry standards working groups (e.g., GOL, ITU, RC).

9. Security/Information and Application Protection

- Knowledge and ability to ensure there are adequate technical and organizational safeguards to protect the
continuity of IT infrastructure services by the implementation of IT security principles, methods, practices,
policies and tools that are used in securing IT resources including information and operations security,
physical security,business continuity/disaster recovery planning, methods to deal with security breaches and
security assessment in a technical environment.

Knowledge requirements:

 IT security principles methods, policies, practices and tools

o Information Protection/IT security principles, threat and risk assessment methodology,
practices, procedures and tools (e.g., Government privacy and security related legislation
and policies, biometric and cryptographic principles, firewalls, intrusion logs, encryption
and digital (numeric) signature)
o Theories, processes and methodologies involved in developing, implementing, monitoring
and reporting IT security planning frameworks, policies, measures, counter-measures and
monitoring programs, procedures and guidelines
o Management tools such as data classification and risk assessment/analysis to identify
threats, classify assets and to rate system vulnerabilities
o IT software and hardware security requirements
o Preparation and conduction of Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA), Statement of Sensitivity
(SOS), Threat Risk Assessments (TRA), Vulnerability Assessments (VA)
o Accreditation procedures, policies and practices
o Security certification procedures
o Security hardware and software
o Treasury Board and corporate IT standards and policies regarding the development and
support of infrastructure systems and networks, including security policies and operational
 IT Operations Security
o Protection techniques for the entire facility, from the outside perimeter to the inside office
space, including all of the information system resources and methods to deal with security
o Requirements of hardware, media and of the operators and administrators with access
privileges to these resources
o Application product level security, access management and remote access
o Auditing and monitoring the mechanisms, tools and facilities to permit the identification of
security events and to assess operations security capacity
o Viruses
o Computer crimes laws and regulations and the measures and technologies used to
investigate computer crime incidents
o Cryptographic, graphic and hardware applications
 Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Planning
o Disaster recovery strategies, plans, tests and management
o Preservation and business recovery planning, practices, policies and procedures
o Rollback and contingency strategies, planning practices and tools
o Business continuity analysis procedures and exercise frameworks
o Activities within the response, recovery, restoration and resumption phases applicable to
business continuity plans
o Roles and responsibilities of IT operational functions during business continuity exercises
o Federal government business continuity planning policies and programs, including
Treasury Board Standards

1. Introductory

 Demonstrates awareness of security requirements.

 Demonstrates awareness of certification policies.
 Demonstrates awareness of privacy requirements and standards.

2. Basic

 Understands concepts of IT security and its application to computer systems architecture.

3. Intermediate

 Executes security test plans.

 Deals with low impact threats.
 Acts to protect integrity of system data at operation level (e.g., single key incident).
 Performs security certifications.
 Provides advice on disaster recovery planning.
 Participates in disaster recovery tests.
 Recommends security safeguards.
 Executes standards.

4. Advanced

 Demonstrates a broad understanding or very detailed area of expertise in security subject(s).

 Demonstrates a broad knowledge of security policies and interprets policies.
 Understands a specific security application or tool and how it works.
 Conducts risk assessments.
 Assesses security safeguards.
 Deals with threats and serious incidents.
 Deals with intrusions at a high threat level.

5. Expert

 Demonstrates an expert understanding or very detailed area of expertise in multiple security

 Demonstrates expert knowledge of law, regulation and policies, and interprets policies and
 Is an expert in multiple security applications and tools.
 Leads risk and security safeguards assessments.
 Mitigates threats and serious security incidents at the enterprise level.
 Consults on security issues and recommends corporate strategies.
 Leads the development of enterprise policies and standards.
 Directs employees and consultants and mentors others.
10. Testing

- Knowledge and ability to perform testing of software and/or hardware using a systematic approach (i.e.,
the orderly progression of testing in which software elements, hardware elements or both are combined and
tested until the entire system has been integrated).

Knowledge requirements:

 Quality assurance and control

 Testing approaches and strategies
 System and application testing methodologies, practices and principles (e.g., end-to-end)
 Testing/validation in relation to the systems development life-cycle
 Types of testing (e.g., volume, unit, compatibility, bandwidth, integration, system, end-to-end,
 Testing standards (e.g., Treasury Board and department, International organization for
standardization (ISO))
 Testing and readiness functions and assessments including release processes and packages,
change control and system integration
 Testing tools including automated tools, test scripts and reporting/tracking tools
 Certification and accreditation of new applications

1. Introductory

 Demonstrates awareness of testing principles and processes.

 Understands testing terminology.

2. Basic

 Tests and debugs software modules.

 Conducts unit testing.
 Understands testing methodologies and principles.
 Understands standards for testing.
 Executes test scripts.
 Reports test results.
 Understands and applies IT system security for applications.
 Uses a testing tool.

3. Intermediate

 Understands systems integration principles (i.e., the methods, practices and policies that are
used during a systems integration process, including hardware, software, network and
 Understands release and certification processes.
 Prepares test cases/scripts.
 Carries out complex testing/ validation (e.g., volume testing, integration testing).
 Ensures other applications are not affected.
 Matches results with expectations in the design document.
 Troubleshoots/resolves issues.
 Implements test tools.
 Applies standards for testing.

4. Advanced

 Conducts application testing.

 Conducts complex series test scenarios.
 Prepares test plans and strategies.
 Researches/tests testing tools and makes recommendations.
 Develops test practices.
 Implements and monitors standards for testing.
 Tests standards.
 Understands the impact of testing on the environment and other tests being carried out.
 Ensures that the right/appropriate tests are being carried out.
 Mentors others.
 Guides application stakeholders in testing methods and tools.

5. Expert

 Manages integration testing.

 Sets standards for cycle testing.
 Designs testing methodologies.
 Develops test standards, best practices and policies.

11. Service Management Processes

- Knowledge and ability to implement the methods, practices and policies governing the design,
development and use of the IT support processes designed to keep the IT environment functioning
efficiently, effectively and securely.

Knowledge requirements:

 Service Management Principles

o Relationship between different IT support processes and between support processes and
o Implementation and management of services using the principles and methods associated
with industry best practices (e.g., Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL))
o Service level agreements
o Processes and practices to ensure the Agreement and Statements of Work or contracts
are met while taking steps to minimize any adverse impact on service quality
o Government of Canada and department policies and standards (e.g., Service
Management Life Cycle Framework)
 Change Management
o Processes and practices to ensure changes to the IT infrastructure are introduced
successfully and on a scheduled basis
o Planning, scheduling, distribution, application and tracking of changes to the IT
 Configuration Management
o Management of the physical and logistical properties of resources and their relationships
(e.g., physical connections and dependencies)
o Configuration management technologies that affect the IM/IT environment including the
physical and logistical properties of resources
 Release Management
o Processes and practices to ensure the introduction and maintenance of all IS/IT
infrastructure and that existing infrastructure falls within the standards and the technology
suppliers supported release levels
o Problem Management
o Detection, reporting, analysis, recovery, resolution and tracking of problems
o Help Desk/Client Support
o Concepts, techniques and practices of help desk operations and service delivery
o Provision of a single point of contact for all users of the IT infrastructure services
o Installation, configuration, troubleshooting and application software support
o Technical problem analysis, evaluation and solution proposal
o Techniques and practices for client queries, troubleshooting and problem resolution and
1. Introductory

 Understands service management processes and concepts (e.g., incident management, change
management, release management).
 Understands concepts, techniques and practices of help desk operations and service delivery.

2. Basic

 Understands and follows a process in problem management, change management or configuration

 Provides IT help desk support services.
 Gathers information from end-users to determine the nature of problems and resolve them.
 Monitors SLAs and escalates problems.
 Performs initial evaluation of problem and routes as necessary.
 Understands the requirements of process (e.g., involvement of service management early in the

3. Intermediate

 Understands interrelationships and interdependencies between service management processes.

 Installs, configures, troubleshoots and supports application software.
 Analyzes, evaluates and diagnoses technical problems and proposes solutions.
 Manages process ensuring it is followed (e.g., change, problem, testing, costing, backup and
recovery, QA release).
 Schedules release after ensuring absence of conflicts.
 Serves as a point of escalation.
 Conducts customer satisfaction surveys.
 Guides others in processes.
 Implements changes to processes.

4. Advanced

 Implements and manages services using the principles and methods associated with Information
Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and other industry best practices.
 Identifies who to call for severe or complex problems.
 Manages the provision of help desk services and problem resolution.
 Analyzes problem trends and makes recommendations.
 Develops service management processes.
 Writes/negotiates SLAs for operational level agreements and internal SLAs.
 Develops customer satisfaction surveys.
 Sets guidelines for others to follow.

5. Expert

 Negotiates, develops, implements and manages service level agreements.

 Develops service management standards, practices and policies.
 Builds and maintains a network of experts.
 Develops SLA templates.
 Negotiates complex SLAs.
 Provdes guidelines for service management (e.g., recommends changes based upon results of a
customer satisfaction survey).
 Recommends continual improvements in service management strategy and processes.

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