Analysis of Social Communication Questionnaire SCQ

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The paper evaluates using the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) to screen children under 4 years old for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

The goal is to critically evaluate literature on using the SCQ to screen children under age 4 for ASD, with reference to recent findings.

The paper evaluates using the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) to screen children under 4 years old for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Curr Dev Disord Rep (2017) 4:137–144

DOI 10.1007/s40474-017-0122-1


Analysis of Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ)

Screening for Children Less Than Age 4
Alison R. Marvin 1,2 & Daniel J. Marvin 1 & Paul H. Lipkin 1,2,3 & J. Kiely Law 1,2,3

Published online: 4 November 2017

# The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication

Abstract Keywords Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) . Social

Purpose of Review The Social Communication Questionnaire communication questionnaire (SCQ) . Early childhood
(SCQ) is a screener for Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) val- screening . Psychometric properties . Sensitivity and
idated for age 4.0 +. There is a clinical need for an ASD specificity . Area under ROC curve analysis
screener for children beyond the 30-month age limit of the
M-CHAT-R/F. We evaluate the literature on the use of the
SCQ in children < 4.0 years. Introduction
Recent Findings Recent studies have used very large samples;
included typically developing children, rather than just those Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) currently affects approxi-
with developmental disorders; compared the SCQ Lifetime mately 1 in 68 children across the USA, and is about 4.5 times
and Current versions; and increased scrutiny of internal more common among boys than among girls [1].
validity. Children can be reliably diagnosed with ASD by age 2
Summary The sensitivity-specificity balance in distinguishing [2–7], clearing a pathway to early intervention opportunities.
between ASD and other developmental disorders is poor, Early intervention may not only limit deterioration of skills,
which has led to development of abbreviated versions of the but may lead to such improvement in functioning, such that
SCQ; however, sensitivity-specificity balance is better in a children with higher intelligence and functional skills may
more general population. The SCQ Lifetime (not Current) later lose their ASD diagnosis [8–10].
version should be used. Future research relating should focus The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends
on further validation of the SCQ as a screener for children 30– screening for ASD at both 18- and 24-month well visits
48 months. [11–13] with an autism-specific screening tool, such as the
Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, revised with
follow-up (M-CHAT-R/F) [14]. The AAP also recommends
screening for ASD at later visits in cases where there is con-
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Screening cern; however, the M-CHAT-R/F is only valid for ASD
screening of toddlers between 16 and 30 months of age.
* Alison R. Marvin There is, thus, a clinical need to have an ASD screening
[email protected] instrument with acceptable psychometric properties for chil-
dren between 30 and 48 months. It must be stressed that a
Department of Medical Informatics, Kennedy Krieger Institute, 3825
screening tool cannot be used to make a diagnosis; if the child
Greenspring Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21209, USA fails on the screening instrument, he or she is referred to a
Wendy Klag Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities,
specialist to receive a comprehensive clinical evaluation to
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 615 N. Wolfe determine a diagnosis, if any. If the screening instrument fails
Street, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA too many children, the referral system may become
Department of Medical Informatics, Kennedy Krieger Institute, overwhelmed with concomitant delays for children in receiv-
733 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA ing a diagnosis; however, if the screening instrument does not

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138 Curr Dev Disord Rep (2017) 4:137–144

screen positive for the child who truly does have ASD, the development of the SCQ. Several studies have indicated that
child will not be sent for evaluation to receive a diagnosis of the SCQ is not age neutral and that the measure performs
ASD and so will not receive intervention services. better in older children [18, 19•], which may be problematic
The Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) [15, 16] in attempting to use the SCQ in children under 4.0 years.
offers a screening instrument for ASD that has been validated
for children age 4.0 years or older. The goal of this paper is to
critically evaluate the literature on the use of the Social Literature Selection
Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) for children under age
4.0 years, with special reference to recent findings. Studies incorporated into this review were drawn from
keyword-guided online searches on PubMed, Google
Scholar, and the International Meeting for Autism Research
Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ): online archives. Studies must specifically report on the psy-
a Screening Measure for ASD chometric properties of the SCQ Lifetime and/or SCQ Current
for children under age 4.0 years. In addition, studies must been
The SCQ is a brief, 40-item, parent-report screening measure published 2003 or later, corresponding to the year that the
that focuses on items relating to ASD symptomatology likely SCQ was released.
to be observed by a primary caregiver. Although the SCQ is a Eight studies were selected for inclusion [20–25, 26••,
screening tool—and, thus, cannot be used for diagnosis of 27••]. One study [23] included 97% of the sample from an-
ASD—it is based on the Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI- other study [22] by the same authors. In addition, high-level
R) [17], a semi-structured parent interview conducted by a unpublished summary data from the current authors (in man-
trained clinician or researcher that can be used for diagnostic uscript) have been included [28••].
evaluation of children with suspected ASD. Six early studies (2007–2010) are listed in Table 1 [20–25]
Each item in the SCQ requires a dichotomous “yes”/“no” and three current studies (2016–2017) are listed in Table 2
response, and each scored item receives a value of 1 point for [26••, 25••, 28••]. The tables include the following: the authors
abnormal behavior and 0 points for absence of abnormal and years of publication in alphabetical order; information on
behavior/normal behavior. The first item—“Is she/he now how each sample was selected; the age range of the sample
able to talk using short phrases or sentences?”—is not scored, population; sample characteristics; and which version of the
but rather determines whether six items relating to abnormal SCQ was used. Tables also include key psychometric data,
language are assigned. Only “verbal” children (i.e., children which are important for understanding the value of the SCQ
with a “yes” response to the first question) are assigned the six in this population. Psychometric data are described in the next
items relating to abnormal language and can, thus, can score a section.
total of 0–39 points; “non-verbal” children (i.e., children with
a “no” response to the first question) are not assigned the six
items in relation to abnormal language and so can score a total Psychometric Data Relating to Receiver Operating
of 0–33 points. Characteristic Curve Analysis
There are two different versions of the SCQ. The SCQ
Current asks respondents to indicate whether behaviors have The following psychometric data, which are included in
been present during the past 3 months. By contrast, the SCQ Tables 1 and 2, represent key results of receiver operating
Lifetime references complete developmental history and asks characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, and are described below.
respondents to indicate whether behaviors have ever been ROC curve analysis—including key measures of sensitiv-
present for questions 2–19 and whether behaviors were pres- ity, specificity, and area under the ROC curve—is associated
ent at age 4 years—or to consider behavior in the past with test validity. Generally, validity refers whether the test
12 months if the child is not yet 4 years—for questions 20–40. measures what it was intending to test and provide informa-
Agreement between the SCQ and the ADI-R at the total tion about the accuracy of the test. The SCQ would be de-
score level is high [17]. Per its authors, the SCQ is applicable scribed as having criterion validity if its results are associated
to subjects of “any chronological age above age 4.0 years with the “gold standard” of, say, a clinical assessment.
provided that their mental age is at least 2.0 years” [17]. The Cutoff: for each SCQ cutoff value, a positive or negative
authors suggest that the applicability of the ADI-R may extend ASD diagnosis is made for each child by comparing the SCQ
down to a chronological age of 2.0 years as long as the mental Total Score to the select SCQ cutoff value.
age exceeds 2.0 years, but caution against using the SCQ in Sensitivity (true positive rate): the proportion of children
subjects under age 4.0 years because data for that population with ASD who are correctly identified as having ASD, which
had not yet been systematically tested and no individuals un- also quantifies the avoidance of false negatives (type II error:
der age 4.0 were included in the sample used in the children with ASD being incorrectly identifying as not having

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Table 1 External validity studies of the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) in children under age 4 using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis: early studies (2007–2010)

Author (year) Sample selection Age range Sample characteristics (n) Cutoff Sensitivity Specificity AUC LR+ LR Youden’s J SCQ version
(months) −

Allen et al. Clinical sample referred for 24–36 Diagnosis not specified (16) 15 0.56 0.29 – 0.79 1.52 −0.15 Current*
(2007) [20] developmental/ 11 0.89 0.29 1.25 0.38 0.18
behavioral assessment 37–48 Diagnosis not specified (30) 15 0.82 0.79 – 3.90 0.23 0.61
11 1.00 0.58 2.38 0.00 0.58
Curr Dev Disord Rep (2017) 4:137–144

Lee et al. Children receiving 36–47 ASD (10) vs. non-ASD 15 0.70 0.88 0.88 5.93 0.34 0.58 Current
(2007) [21] preschool public spec. developmental delay (68) 11 0.60 0.94 10.17 0.43 0.54
ed. services 14 0.80 0.85 5.44 0.23 0.65
Oosterling et al. Screened high-risk 8–24 ASD (35) vs. non-ASD: 11 0.89 0.27 0.71 1.22 0.41 0.16 Current
(2009) [22] psychiatric disorder 15 0.74 0.55 0.71 1.64 0.47 0.29
clinical sample referred (9)/no problem (2)
for assessment 25–44 ASD (125) vs. non-ASD 11 0.83 0.28 0.66 1.15 0.61 0.11
psychiatric disorder (67) 15 0.63 0.66 1.85 0.56 0.29
Oosterling et al. Toddlers referred for 20–40 ASD (151) vs. non-ASD (66) 20 0.39 0.80 0.64 1.95 0.76 0.19 Current
(2010) [23] clinical assessment 18 0.50 0.70 1.67 0.71 0.20
14 0.70 0.54 1.52 0.56 0.24
11 0.80 0.25 1.07 0.80 0.05
Snow and Lecavalier Clinical sample referred for 30–48 ASD (29) vs. non-ASD 15 0.72 0.30 0.62 1.03 0.92 0.02 Current
(2008) [24] possible ASD developmental delay
and/or language
impairment (10)
Wiggins et al. Clinical sample referred to 17–45 ASD (19) vs. non-ASD 15 0.47 0.89 – 4.27 0.60 0.36 Current*
(2007) [25] early intervention developmental delay (18) 13 0.68 0.89 6.18 0.36 0.57
program 11 0.89 0.89 8.09 0.12 0.78

Cutoff. For each SCQ cutoff value, a positive or negative ASD diagnosis is made for each child by comparing the SCQ Total Score to the select SCQ cutoff value
Sensitivity (true positive rate) and specificity (true negative rate). Values: 1.0 = perfect; 0.9–1.0 = very good; 0.8–0.9 = good; 0.7–.0.8 = fair; <0.7 = poor
AUC. Area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve; plots sensitivity against 1-specificity. A measure of how well the SCQ Total Score can distinguish between the presence of an ASD
diagnosis and the absence of an ASD diagnosis. Values: 1.0 = perfect; 0.9–1.0 = very good; 0.8–0.9 = good; 0.7–.0.8 = fair; 0.6–0.7 = poor; 0.5–0.6 = very poor; 0.5 = non-discriminating. Values below 0.5
mirror those with values above, with 0.0 = perfect inverse
LR+. Likelihood ratio for positive test results; an indicator for ruling-in ASD. Calculated as sensitivity/(1-specificity). Higher is better; good diagnostic tests have LR+ > 10

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LR−. Likelihood ratio for negative test results; an indicator for ruling out ASD. Calculated as (1-sensitivity)/specificity. Lower is better; good diagnostic tests have LR− < 0.1
Youden’s J. An indicator that gives equal weight to sensitivity and specificity, and which is often used to establish the optimal cutoff point. It is calculated as Sensitivity + Specificity − 1. Values: 1 = perfect;
0 = no value; − 1 = perfect inverse
* Per personal correspondence with lead researcher

Table 2 External validity studies of the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) in children under age 4 using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis: current studies (2016–2017)

Author (year) Sample selection Age range Sample characteristics (n) Cutoff Sensitivity Specificity AUC LR+ LR− Youden’s J SCQ version

Barnard-Brak et al. Secondary data from NDAR for < 48 Not specified Analysis not performed on full SCQ Lifetime where
(2016) [26••] children with confirmatory available, else
ADOS scores Current
Day et al. Positive and negative screens in 24–47 ASD (181) vs. 203 non-ASD 15 0.41 0.86 0.69 2.86 0.69 0.27 Lifetime
(2017) [27••] primary care (203) 7 0.81 0.43 1.42 0.44 0.24
[DD = 91 vs. TD = 112]
Marvin et al. Children with ASD and siblings 24–47 ASD verbal (978) vs. 15 0.85 0.96 0.97 19.36 0.15 0.81 Lifetime
(unpublished) [28••] without ASD in a verified non-ASD verbal siblings 12 0.93 0.93 13.41 0.08 0.86
parent-report online ASD (1320) 10 0.96 0.90 9.22 0.05 0.86
research registry
ASD non-verbal (1195) vs. 15 0.91 0.81 0.90 4.64 0.12 0.71
non-ASD non-verbal 12 0.97 0.70 3.25 0.05 0.67
Siblings (185)
11 0.98 0.67 2.92 0.03 0.64

Cutoff. For each SCQ cutoff value, a positive or negative ASD diagnosis is made for each child by comparing the SCQ Total Score to the select SCQ cutoff value
Sensitivity (true positive rate) and specificity (true negative rate). Values: 1.0 = perfect; 0.9–1.0 = very good; 0.8–0.9 = good; 0.7–.0.8 = fair; < 0.7 = poor
AUC. Area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve; plots sensitivity against 1-specificity. A measure of how well the SCQ Total Score can distinguish between the presence of an ASD
diagnosis and the absence of an ASD diagnosis. Values: 1.0 = perfect; 0.9–1.0 = very good; 0.8–0.9 = good; 0.7–.0.8 = fair; 0.6–0.7 = poor; 0.5–0.6 = very poor; 0.5 = non-discriminating. Values below 0.5
mirror those with values above, with 0.0 = perfect inverse
LR+. Likelihood ratio for positive test results; an indicator for ruling-in ASD. Calculated as sensitivity/(1-specificity). Higher is better; good diagnostic tests have LR+ > 10
LR−. Likelihood ratio for negative test results; an indicator for ruling out ASD. Calculated as (1-sensitivity)/specificity. Lower is better; good diagnostic tests have LR− < 0.1
Youden’s J. An indicator that gives equal weight to sensitivity and specificity, and which is often used to establish the optimal cutoff point. It is calculated as Sensitivity + Specificity − 1. Values: 1 = perfect;
0 = no value; − 1 = perfect inverse

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Curr Dev Disord Rep (2017) 4:137–144
Curr Dev Disord Rep (2017) 4:137–144 141

ASD). Values: 1.0 = perfect; 0.9–1.0 = very good; 0.8– and has values from + 1 (indicating a perfect measure in which
0.9 = good; 0.7–.0.8 = fair; < 0.7 = poor. there are no false positives or negatives) to − 1 (indicating a
Specificity (true negative rate): the proportion of children perfect inverse measure). A value of 0 indicates that the mea-
without ASD who are correctly identified as not having ASD, sure has no value [31].
which also quantifies the avoidance of false positives (type I
error: children without ASD being incorrectly identifying as
having ASD). Values: 1.0 = perfect; 0.9–1.0 = very good; 0.8–
0.9 = good; 0.7–.0.8 = fair; < 0.7 = poor. Comparing Early (2007–2010) and Current
Different cutoff scores express the trade-off between sensi- (2016–2017) Studies
tivity and specificity, which can be represented graphically by
a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, which plots Children included in the six early studies (see Table 1) re-
sensitivity (the true positive rate) on the y-axis against 1- ceived a full ASD assessment in conjunction with administra-
specificity (the false positive rate) on the x-axis. A key goal tion of the SCQ Current. Five studies [20, 22–25] included
of ROC curve analysis is the select an optimal cutoff; howev- children who had been referred for assessment, while one [21]
er, there are likely to be different optimal cutoffs dependent on included children receiving preschool special education ser-
the purpose of the researcher or clinician. vices; thus, children are generally categorized into ASD diag-
Area under the ROC curve: a measure of how well the SCQ nosis vs. non-ASD psychiatric and/or developmental and/or
Total Score can distinguish between the presence of an ASD behavioral diagnoses. Samples sizes for these early studies
diagnosis and the absence of an ASD diagnosis. AUC varies were small, and focused on the use of receiver operating char-
between 0 and 1 (in normalized units), where AUC = 1.0 rep- acteristic (ROC) analyses to determine the ability of the SCQ
resents a perfect diagnostic accuracy; AUC between 0.9 and to distinguish between the presence or absence of ASD at the
1.0 represents very good diagnostic accuracy; AUC between recommended SCQ threshold of 15 and at other cutoff points.
0.8 and 0.9 represents good diagnostic accuracy; AUC be- The three current studies (2016–2017) which are the main
tween 0.7 and 0.8 represents fair diagnostic accuracy; AUC focus of this paper—Barnard-Brak et al. [26••], Day et al.
between 0.6 and 0.7 represents poor diagnostic accuracy; [27••], and Marvin et al. [28••]—are listed in Table 2.
AUC between 0.5 and 0.6 represents very poor accuracy; Result for ROCs analyses of the full SCQ for both early
and AUC = 0.5 represents a non-discriminating test [29]. and current studies can be found in Tables 1 and 2, respective-
Likelihood ratios (LR), below, have been calculated by the ly. All but one study [26••] performed ROC curve analysis on
current authors from researcher-reported sensitivity and spec- the full SCQ measure.
ificity data. LR provide a statistic about test reliability, that is All three current studies:
the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and Used the SCQ Lifetime: one study [26••] used both the
consistent results, that is independent of ASD prevalence in SCQ Lifetime and the SCQ Current, but gave precedence to
the population tested. (By contrast, positive predictive value the SCQ Lifetime where available. The authors of the SCQ
(PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) are measures of designed the SCQ Current to focus on changes over time in
reliability that, indeed, are affected by disease prevalence.) individuals previously diagnosed with ASD [16]; however,
Likelihood ratio for positive test results (LR+): an indicator they also suggested using the SCQ Current as an alternative
for ruling-in diagnosis of ASD where higher is better, which is to the SCQ Lifetime among young children [21]. Wei et al.
calculated as sensitivity/(1-specificity). Good diagnostic tests [32••] compared the psychometric properties of the SCQ
have LR+ > 10. Lifetime and the SCQ Current, and strongly caution against
Likelihood ratio for negative test results (LR−): an indica- the general use of the SCQ Current due to numerous measure-
tor for ruling out ASD where lower is better, which is calcu- ment issues, and specifically state that “it seems inappropriate
lated as (1-sensitivity)/specificity. Good diagnostic tests have to use the Current form as an alternative to the Lifetime form
LR- < 0.1. among children younger than 5 years old” due to its problem-
The authors also calculated Youden’s J statistic, below, atic nature.
from researcher-reported sensitivity and specificity data. Include typically developing children: rather than exclu-
Youden’s J which is a single statistic that summarizes the sively children with psychiatric and/or developmental and/or
performance of a dichotomous test and represents behavioral concerns; thus, exploring the potential for routine
“informedness,” the probability of an informed decision or, clinical screening. Day et al. included both positive and neg-
as Powers [30] conceptualizes it, the “edge” a punter has in ative screens in a primary care setting, while Marvin et al.
making his bet as quantified by his winnings. included unaffected siblings of children with ASD. This
Youden’s J: an indicator that which is often used to establish broadens the external validity of the SCQ and allows general-
the optimal cutoff point. It gives equal weight to sensitivity izability to populations beyond those with developmental
and specificity. It is calculated as Sensitivity + Specificity − 1, concerns.

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142 Curr Dev Disord Rep (2017) 4:137–144

Have large sample sizes: Day et al. included 384 children Marvin et al. used participant-report data from the
ascertained through screening in primary care and is the largest Interactive Autism Network (IAN) [35], an online autism re-
study to date for this age group in which each child received a search registry and database. The IAN registry includes the
full ASD assessment in conjunction with administration of the proband child with ASD, who is required to have a profes-
SCQ. Both Barnard-Brak et al. and Marvin et al. used data from sional diagnosis of ASD, and his or her parents and siblings.
large research databases, with Marvin et al. being the largest IAN uses the SCQ Lifetime for confirmation of parent-report
study to date of the use of the SCQ in young children, with of professional diagnosis of ASD, rather than as a screening
3678 fully completed SCQ forms—large enough to split analy- instrument. Parental report of professional diagnosis of ASD
ses by both verbal/non-verbal status (based on the first question has been verified by medical records [36]. Community pro-
of the SCQ) and by age in years (2 vs. 3 years). fessional diagnosis of ASD has been clinically validated for
Extensively reviewed internal consistency and validity of both verbal children aged 4–17 years [37] and non-verbal
the SCQ Lifetime: Day et al. and Marvin et al. also analyzed children aged 6–17 [38] with SCQ Lifetime scores ≥ 12,
external validity using ROC analysis for the full SCQ where dichotomous verbal/non-verbal status was determined
Lifetime. based on the response to the first question of the SCQ
Lifetime. Marvin et al. analyzed a subset of data for children
& Barnard-Brak et al. used Item Response Theory (IRT) who had a re-confirmed their diagnosis at age 6 years or older
Mokken scaling analyses to create an abbreviated scale, via completion of updated baseline development question-
and performed confirmatory factor analysis and ROC naire in order to account for children with ASD might have
curve analyses on the abbreviated scale. They found that been incorrectly diagnosed at such a young age and unaffected
bootstrapped ROC curve analyses of a 7-item version of siblings who might not yet have been diagnosed. The results
the SCQ provide an AUC value of .81. Sensitivity was of the analyses on the subset data were improved, but gener-
0.67 and specificity was 0.75 at the cutoff of 3, with a ally comparable to the score on the full dataset.
Youden’s J value of 0.52. The 7 items were the following: Studies generally recommended a cutoff below the thresh-
socially inappropriate questions/statements (Q4); used old of 15 for children under age 4.0. Most studies advised
other’s hand like a tool (Q10); odd, preoccupying interests selecting a cutoff to emphasize sensitivity or specificity de-
(Q11); unusual, intense special interests (Q13); odd ways pending on need because the balance between sensitivity and
or movements (Q15); looking directly at you in commu- specificity was generally poor. For example, a cutoff score that
nicating (Q26); and reciprocal imaginative play (Q39). provided high sensitivity would generally have low specifici-
& Day et al. used ROC analysis to develop abbreviated SCQ ty, resulting in a large false positive rate.
measures and found that ROC curve analysis of 6 items Rather than use the SCQ as a screener, Marvin et al. used
had an AUC > .757, with sensitivity of 88.9% and speci- the SCQ for confirmation of parent-report of diagnosis. The
ficity of 39.1% at a cutoff of 1. The 6 items were the researchers differentiated between children with ASD and
following: reciprocal conversations (Q2); unusual hand their generally typically developing siblings (although sib-
and body mannerisms (15–16); nodding head for “yes” lings are at higher risk of ASD than the general population),
(24); offering comfort (31); and reciprocal imaginative rather than children with non-ASD concerns. They obtained
play (Q39). very good results for verbal children (sensitivity = .93; spec-
& Marvin et al. found that the full SCQ had high internal ificity = .93; AUC = .97; LR + =13.41; LR − = .05) with a
consistency (with Cronbach’s alpha of .94 for verbal chil- cutoff of 12, and good results for non-verbal children (sensi-
dren and .89 for nonverbal children). Marvin et al. also tivity = .91; specificity = .81; AUC = .90; LR + =4.64;
performed confirmatory factory analysis on the original LR − = .12). The lower performance for the non-verbal chil-
four factors of the SCQ (Factor 1: Social Interaction; dren is likely due to the association between non-verbal status
Factor 2: Communication; Factor 3: Abnormal and intellectual disability and, thus, the mental age of the non-
Language; Factor 4: Stereotyped Behavior), but found that verbal children might not be at the 2.0-year level. See Table 2
Factor 1: Social Interaction did not hold in this population. for additional results at different cutoff points.

The two studies [26••, 28••] that used secondary data anal-
ysis without incorporating full assessments into their respec- Concluding Remarks
tive studies used alternate methods of confirming ASD diag-
nosis in their population. Recent studies of the use of the SCQ in younger children have
Barnard-Brak et al. used the National Database for Autism focused on the following: the use of large samples, including
Research (NDAR) [33], an NIH-funded research data reposi- secondary data analysis from large research datasets; the in-
tory, and selecting a sample where there was a confirmatory clusion of typically developing children in analyses, rather
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) [34]. than limiting analyses to children with ASD and non-ASD

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Curr Dev Disord Rep (2017) 4:137–144 143

concerns; comparative psychometric analysis of the SCQ Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://
Lifetime and Current versions; and the increased scrutiny of, which permits unrestricted use,
internal validity, which has led to development of abbreviated distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro-
versions of the SCQ. priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Those interested in using the SCQ in children younger Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
than the recommended age of 4.0 years should use the
Lifetime version, rather than the SCQ Current, due to
the poor psychometric properties of the SCQ Current in
this age group. References
The sensitivity-specificity balance is poor in a population
where children have a diagnosis, whether ASD or non-ASD; Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
thus, development of an abbreviated version may be useful for highlighted as:
high-risk children for differentiating between those with ASD • Of importance
and those with another developmental diagnosis. The •• Of major importance
sensitivity-specificity balance was better in a general popula-
tion comparing children with ASD to (generally) typically 1. Christensen DL, Bilder DA, Zahorodny W, Pettygrove S, Durkin
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developing children. In addition to showing potential as a
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screening tool for ASD in children younger than 4.0 years in developmental disabilities monitoring network. J Dev Behav
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onstrated to confirm diagnosis of ASD in young children who 2. Guthrie W, Swineford LB, Nottke C, Wetherby AM. Early diagno-
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