B17108-R5E - Cylinder Line Scuffing Prevention Measure at 0.1% Shulphur

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: HSD-B17108-R5

Cylinder liner scuffing prevention measures at use of

fuel oils of 0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) and 0.50% sulphur or less (VLSFO)

1. Background
Since 1 January 2015, the specified fuel oils Sulphur limit in SECAs (Sulphur emission
control area) has been reduced to 0.10% sulphur or less.
Even tighter low Sulphur regulations look set for legislation and it is decided to be
regulated to 0.50% sulphur or less in the general sea area on 2020.
The Sulphur content in the fuel oils could have very large effects on running condition
between the cylinder liner/piston ring.

At operating on fuel oils containing Sulphur under normal conditions, the Sulphuric acid
formed during the combustion process will ensure a controlled amount of corrosion on the
running surface of the cylinder liner. This corrosion causes the liner surface to sustain
adequate level of wear that ensures a high number of open graphite lamellas in the cast
iron matrix (see Fig. 1), with resulting improved oil retention and easier oil film formation
on running surface.
Therefore, it is important to choose the acid base value of the cylinder oil properly and
control the amount of corrosion wear adequately.
Meanwhile, at operating with fuel oils of 0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) or fuel oils of 0.50%
sulphur or less (VLSFO), or gas or liquefied gas containing no Sulphur, especially at their
prolonged operation, it makes very difficult to keep a proper oil film, as the level of corrosion
is very low and this leads cylinder liner running surface is to be polished with mirror polish
finishing (hereafter shown as polishing) and the open graphite lamella structure is closed
(see Fig. 2). This means that the risk of scuffing between the cylinder liner and the piston
ring increases, and engines operated on such fuels are facing this problem.

Fig.1 Open graphite lamellas structure Fig.2 Closed open graphite lamellas structure

In such circumstances, the followings are recommended as effective measures for the
above reported cases.
REMARKS: 1st edition : 20 Nov. 2017
Rev. 1 : The fuel oils of 0.50% sulphur or less was added. Note of PC ring was added.
Description about 0.50% sulphur or less in the general sea area was updated. 29 Aug. 2018
Rev. 2 : Section 6 “Stopping the LDCL system” and Section 7 “Setting of cylinder
cooling water outlet temperature” Were added. 19 Nov. 2018
Rev. 3 : Section 3-3) was deleted. Section 8,9 and 10 were added. 15 May 2019
Rev. 4 : Recommendation for regular operation of the LDCL system pump was added (page 5/7). 10 Sep. 2019
Rev. 5 : Description about LDCL was revised (P5~10), Cyl. CW outlet temp. was changed(P11). 9 May 2020

2. Application of cermet ring

To increase the margin against scuffing, we have introduced a piston ring
configuration that incorporates cermet hard coating on the running side of all the
piston ring (hereinafter cermet ring). It is recommended to adopt the cermet ring at
operating with fuel oils of 0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) or fuel oils of 0.50% sulphur
or less (VLSFO), or gas or liquefied gas containing no sulphur. We’d like to introduce
the features of the cermet ring and effective way to use and precautions as follows.

1) Characteristics of cermet ring

Cermet is a composite material of high temperature resistant ceramic and metal with
high hardness and resistance to plastic deformation. When applying the cermet
hard coating to the running side of the piston ring as shown in Fig. 3 and 4, an
incident with contact between the piston rings and the liner surface does not lead to
irrecoverable seizures. Furthermore, the cermet will recover after the incident,
provided the situation is timely discovered and action is taken to ensure that it stops
(increased lubrication and reduced load), even in the case of light seizure.

Fig.3 The CPR ring pack Fig. 4 The CPR ring pack containing
containing 3 high rings with 1 high ring and 3 low rings with
cermet-coating on all rings. cermet-coating on all rings.

2) For applying cermet ring

Wave-cut grinding for improving cylinder oil retention is provided on new cylinder
liner running surface and it also contributes preventing polishing as the
consequence. At use of clean fuel oils of 0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) or fuel oils
of 0.50% sulphur or less (VLSFO), the liner wear is very low, and the wave cut marks
can maintain safe operation for a long time. However, in case of the wave cut wear,
the liner running surface can be polished. In such cases and when such signs of
seizure are observed as described in the above, it is necessary to refresh the liner
running surface as shown in the next page at the next coming overhaul, in order to
ensure proper running in of the new rings.

3. Refreshing the inner surface of the cylinder liner

When the wave cut of the running surface of the cylinder liner is worn out, it is
recommended to refresh cylinder liner, inner surface by the following method in order
to facilitate proper running-in of new rings easier and faster.

1) Wave cut
Provide the same pattern of the wave cut with a new one as shown in Figure 5 by
using a wave cut grinder.

Fig.5 Cylinder liner running surface with wave cut pattern

2) Honing processing
Honing processing is an alternative to wave-cut grinding. Horning should be done
at qualified workshops if honing is chosen. According to instructions from the
horning machine maker, at least 0.1 to 0.2 mm to the diameter should be removed to
ensure that the damaged surface is removed thoroughly. In case of liner scuffing,
at least 0.5 mm to 1 mm to the diameter should be removed. However, please note
that the final surface roughness after honing must not exceed Ra 1.6.

4. Fitting piston cleaning ring (PC ring)

Residual deposits that build up on the piston crown have a significant influence on
cylinder liner polishing and seizure. Most engines built after year 2000 have PC rings
installed in the top of the cylinder liners, to scrape off excessive deposits which build
up on the piston crown topland (see Figure 7). The PC ring can be installed on most
old engines by retrofitting, and PC rings are recommended for engines operating in a
SECA with fuel oils of 0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) or in a general sea area with the
fuel oils of 0.50% sulphur or less (VLSFO). For retrofitting, please contact us.

Note: Main engines with Low Top Land Piston Crown are excluded.

Cylinder liner

cleaning ring

Fig.7 Piston cleaning ring (PC ring)

5. Choice of cylinder oil

It is also important to choose the right cylinder oil. Operating for longer periods on
combination of low Sulphur fuel and high BN cylinder oil, or with a high feed rate, may
lead to a build-up of deposits and/or liner polishing. When operating on fuel oils of
0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) or fuel oils of 0.50% sulphur or less (VLSFO), it is
recommended to use low BN cylinder oil. Please refer to our service letter
(HSD-B19103) on cylinder lubrication.

6. Recommendation about LDCL system (Engine type of ME/ME-C, ME-B)

The main engine equipped with the LDCL (Load Dependent Cylinder Liner J.W.
Cooling) system (see Figure 8) keeps the cylinder liner at high temperature by the
LDCL system when high sulfur fuel oil is used and suppresses sulfuric acid
generation on running surface of the cylinder liner. When operating on fuel oils of
0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) or fuel oils of 0.50% sulphur or less (VLSFO) in the
long term, it is not necessary to keep the cylinder liner at high temperature and it is
possible to reduce the risk of scuffing by lowering the temperature of the cylinder liner,
it is recommended to disable the control of LDCL system that keep the cylinder liner
at high temperature. As a method of checking whether the main engine has LDCL
system, if there is LDCL tab in the Process Information tab of ECS-MOP, LDCL
system is installed (see Figure 9).

3-way valve

LDCL pump

Fig.8 Example of main engine with LDCL system

Select Process Information

on the ECS-MOP screen.

If there is LDCL tab, LDCL

system is installed.

Fig.9 How to check whether LDCL system is installed


Please note that the layout of the cooling water piping differs slightly depending on
the main engine type (dot number), so the recommended LDCL pump status (stop
or run) differs. The operation differs depending on the ECS (Engine Control
System) version. Table 1 shows a summary of each case, and details of each case
are described in this chapter. Please refer to Figure 10 for the confirmation
method (example) of the main engine type (dot number), and Figure 11 for the
confirmation method (example) of the ECS version.

Table 1.Recommended LDCL disabling, LDCL pump status, operation

when operating on fuel oils of 0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) or fuel oils
of 0.50% sulphur or less (VLSFO)

The dot number can be confirmed

on the main engine nameplate
attached to the main engine Fore
side, and is shown at the end of
the main engine type.
In the case of this photo, the main
engine type is 7S70ME-C10.5, so
the dot number is "5".

Fig.10 Confirmation method (example) of main engine type (dot number)

On the MOP screen, select the "Admin" tab and then "Version".
Press the Refresh button and the ECS version will be displayed on the upper
left corner of the screen.
In this case, ECS version is 1609-2, then it is “1312-4 or later” in Table 1.

Fig.11 Confirmation method (example) of ECS version


【Case A】 Main engine type:dot 4 and below, ECS version:1312-3 and earlier
As shown in Table 1, it is recommended to disable the LDCL system and stop the
LDCL pump. Please switch LDCL State from Auto to Stop on ECS-MOP(see
Figure 12) . When switching LDCL State to Stop, the alarm “LDCL manually
stopped from MOP” will be occurred, so please cut off the alarm.

Fig.12 LDCL State on ECS-MOP Screen

【Case B】 Main engine type:dot 4 and below, ECS version:1312-4 and later
As shown in Table 1, it is recommended to disable the LDCL system and stop the
LDCL pump. Please set Fuel oil S% (0.5% or less) on ECS-MOP (see Figure 13).

Fig.13 Location of Fuel oil S% on ECS-MOP screen


When stopping the LDCL pump for a long period, it is recommended to run LDCL
pump manually for about 5 minutes every month at main engine stop condition to
prevent seizure of rotating parts such as the pump shaft seal, bearing, and
impeller(see Figure 14). At the same time, , it is recommend to operate the 3-way
valve manually once every month at main engine stop condition to prevent sticking
(see Figure 15).

① Change the Local-Remote switch on

the starter panel to Local.

② Turn on the Start button.

Fig.14 The method of LDCL pump manual running

Cover is removed.

Button A B C
IP converter Spindle of 3-way valve

① Press button A to set the mode to Manual.

② Press button B or C to operate the 3-way valve
opening displayed on IP converter between 0
and 100%.
③ Visually check that the spindle of the 3-way
valve rotates accordingly.
④ Set the mode to Auto.

Fig.15 The method of 3-way valve manual operation


【Case C】 Main engine type:dot 5 and above, ECS version:1312-3 and earlier
As shown in Table 1, it is recommended to disable the LDCL system but run the
LDCL pump. Please switch LDCL State from Auto to Stop on ECS-MOP(see
Figure 12) . When switching LDCL State to Stop, the alarm “LDCL manually
stopped from MOP” will be occurred, so please cut off the alarm. After that please
run the LDCL pump manually by Starter panel (see Figure 14). When run the LDCL
pump manually by Starter panel, the alarm “LDCL Circ. pump locally controlled”
will be occurred, so please cut off the alarm.

【Case D】 Main engine type:dot 5 and above, ECS version:1312-4 and later
As shown in Table 1, it is recommended to disable the LDCL system but run the
LDCL pump. Please set Fuel oil S% (0.5% or less) on ECS-MOP (see Figure 13).
At that situation, the LDCL pump stops automatically, then please run the LDCL
pump manually by Starter panel (see Figure 14). When run the LDCL pump
manually by Starter panel, the alarm “LDCL Circ. pump locally controlled” will be
occurred, so please cut off the alarm.
The main engines of ships that do not use high sulphur fuel oil (without SOx
scrubber) and that will be in service after May 2020 are set so that the LDCL pump
will not stop by changing some parameters in the ECS. Therefore, there is no need
to manually run the LDCL pump by Starter panel. If it is uncertain about the
existence of subject ships, please contact us.

【Case E】 Main engine type:dot 5 and above, ECS version:1903-5 and later
As shown in Table 1, it is recommended to disable the LDCL system but run the
LDCL pump. Please set Fuel oil S% (0.5% or less) on ECS-MOP (see Figure 13).
No other operation is necessary.

7. Setting of cylinder cooling water outlet temperature

About main engine which cylinder cooling water outlet temperature setting is set as
high as 88 - 92 °C, for a countermeasure against low temperature corrosion of the
cylinder liner from the viewpoint of raising the cylinder liner temperature, when
operating on fuel oils of 0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) or fuel oils of 0.50% sulphur or
less (VLSFO) in the long term, it is not necessary to keep the cylinder liner at high
temperature and reduce the risk of scuffing by lowering the temperature of the cylinder
liner, it is recommended to lower the cylinder cooling water outlet temperature setting
to the value shown in Table 1, if it is possible to lower the cylinder cooling water outlet
temperature setting by adjustment of vessel’s auxiliary machineries.

Table 1. Recommendation of cylinder cooling water temperature change,

when operating on fuel oils of 0.10% Sulphur or less (ULSFO) or fuel oils of
0.50% Sulphur or less (VLSFO)

Before change After change

Normal Alarm Slowdown Normal Alarm Slowdown
Cylinder cooling water
88-92 95 98 82-88 90 95
outlet temp(℃)

8. Invalidation of the JBB system

The main engine equipped with the JBB (Jacket Cooling Water Basic Bypass) system
keeps the cylinder liner at high temperature by the JBB system when high sulfur fuel
oil is used and suppresses sulfuric acid generation on running surface of the cylinder
liner. When operating on fuel oils of 0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) or fuel oils of 0.50%
sulphur or less (VLSFO) in the long term, it is not necessary to keep the cylinder liner
at high temperature and it is possible to reduce the risk of scuffing by lowering the
temperature of the cylinder liner, it is recommended to invalid the JBB system. Fig.16
shows how to invalid the JBB system (Note: Blind plate is not supplied as a tool.) In
case of carrying out this modification, please contact us in advance.

Fig.16 Procedure how to invalid JBB system


9. Change of Load-up Program

By changing of Load-up Program (i.e. prolong the necessary time for Load-up), it
can make speed increasing gradual and reduce the risk of torque rich. Torque rich
by increasing speed will make large deforming of piston ring and it has a
possibility of prevent producing the oil film with cylinder liner. The example of
change of Load-up Program (relationship between minutes vs speed, minutes vs
load) are shown in Fig.17. In case if there is a sign of scuffing at the inspection of
scavenging port at the use of fuel oils of 0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) or fuel oils of
0.50% sulphur or less (VLSFO), please contact us about the change of Load-up

Fig.17 Change of Load-up Program (Example)

10. Change of breakpoint of Cylinder oil feed rate control algorithm

Regarding Cylinder oil feed rate control on alpha lubricator system, generally 25%
load is the breakpoint. Cylinder oil consumption is controlled in accordance with
speed at less than 25% load, and it is controlled in accordance with load at over
25% load. By increasing the load at breakpoint, it can increase the feed rate at
low load range, and it can reduce the risk of scuffing occurrence. Its example is
shown in Fig.18. In case if there is a sign of scuffing at the inspection of
scavenging port at the use of fuel oils of 0.10% sulphur or less (ULSFO) or fuel oils of
0.50% sulphur or less (VLSFO), please contact us about the change of breakpoint
of Cylinder oil feed rate control algorithm.

Fig.18 Change of breakpoint of Cylinder oil feed rate control algorithm (Example)

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