Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education: Educ 108
Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education: Educ 108
Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education: Educ 108
Tagudin Campus
Educ 108
Course Code Educ 108
Course Title Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education
Course Unit 3 units
Contact Hours
3 hours
per Week
Prerequisite NONE
This course is designed to equip the pre-service teachers with
knowledge and understanding of the different philosophies, theories,
Course legal bases and policies of special needs and inclusive education. It
Description includes the study of typical and atypical development of children,
learning characteristics of students with special educational needs
(gifted and talented learners, learners with difficulty seeing, learners
with difficulty hearing, learners with difficulty communicating, learners
with difficulty walking/moving, learners with difficulty remembering and
focusing, learners with difficulty with self-care) and those in difficult
circumstances. Pre-service teachers will be provided with skills in the
selection of variety of differentiated strategies in teaching, assessing
and managing students with special educational needs in a regular
class. They will also be provided with knowledge of policies, guidelines
and procedures that provide safe and secure learning environments,
and teaching strategies that are inclusive of learners from indigenous
a. open a messenger account (if you do not have one yet);
b. use your complete and official name (your Given Name and Family
Name you used when you enrolled in ISPSC) in your messenger
account; and
c. send a messenger Private Message (PM) or Direct Message (DM) to
me, your course facilitator, to inform me that you are officially enrolled
in this class. Please state your degree program (example: Bachelor of
Secondary Educ) in your PM so that I can add you in our official class
messenger Group Chat (GC). My official messenger account is found
in the last page of this Course Guide
Since we will be using the messenger, kindly use recent and
appropriate (formal) identification (ID) Photo Profile picture. Also, I would like
to reiterate that you use your official name (as stated in your enrollment form
or birth certificate) in your account, for proper identification.
b. Stick with the mobile number (cellphone number) you indicated in
your enrollment form.
I, the course facilitator, will be contacting you in your mobile numbers
should there be concerns that are very specific to you. Hence, do not keep
changing your mobile numbers (sim cards). In cases wherein you really have
to change your mobile number (e.g. your cellular phone was lost, and the
like), it is your responsibility to inform me through a Personal Message (PM)
or Direct Message (DM) in messenger.
2. Manage your learning time
It is advisable that you be conscious of the schedule our class. It will
help if you post the time and day of our class schedule on your calendar and
place it in a conspicuous area so that you will always be reminded of it.
Follow the schedule of course activities and remind yourself of deadlines or
finish lines.
3. Focus your attention
This module is prepared for you to learn diligently, intelligently, and
independently. Read and understand every part of the module. Please note
that due to problems on erratic or intermittent internet connections, other
concerns with internet accessibility, and in observance of the community
quarantine protocols imposed by the government for our own safety, this
course will be delivered using both online and offline modalities. Online
classes and/or consultations will be arranged based on the most convenient
time for the majority vis-à-vis availability of internet connections.
4. Be on track
During the course, you will have the chance to interact with your
classmates using the messenger account. One good way to do this is by
posting comments and questions or clarifications. Keep updated of important
announcements, reminders and other class activities by logging in to our
messenger group chat (GC) at least twice (2x) a week.
If there are concerns or queries, do not hesitate to post messages in
our messenger GC that allows everyone to see and comment in return. You
can also send me a private or direct message in my messenger account or in
my mobile number.
When posting any information, query, response or feedback, be polite
and respectful. Respectful disagreements and constructive criticisms in our
group chat are welcome, but sarcasm, insults, nastiness, profanity, or
repeated negativity will not be tolerated. Likewise, before posting anything,
think first before clicking the send/post button.
You are responsible for any and all course materials in class,
announcements, and/or handouts. Find and exchange contact information
with at least two of your classmates if you are unable to access the materials
and announcements posted.
It is also your responsibility to contact me if you are unable to
submit your assignments on time, unable to take quizzes, and all other
forms of assessment on our course or for any help necessary. Please
refer to my contact details at the end of this Course Guide.
5. Do your best
I hope that you will not procrastinate. Remember the deadlines when
to turn in or submit your assignments, reports, and other requirements.
Remember, in order to appreciate this course and not to feel short-changed,
your participation is critical to the success of your learning.
6. Motivate yourself
You are free to browse and read different materials even prior to doing
the tasks in each unit of the module. However, you need to ensure that you
will not miss any part of the learning module of our course.
7. Be honest
You are also expected to uphold academic integrity. In doing your
requirements, it is expected that such work has been scholarly prepared and
well thought-of. Do not plagiarize (the act of copying entirely the work of
others and claiming it as your own) and do not patch write (the act of making
small changes and substitutions to copied source materials). Always
indicate your references or sources in your requirements.
8. Work independently
Lastly, you are the learner. Hence, your active engagement in this
course and your honest preparation and the writing of your own course
assignments and other requirements are indications of your commitment to
uphold your values of competence, creativity, social involvement, and
integrity as an ISPSC student. You may ask assistance from your family
members, friends, or relatives but make sure that you do not shortchange
your own learning by letting them do your assignments and quizzes.
Week Topic Learning Special Instructions
1 to 3 I. Definition, Goals, Demonstrate an in- Take note and answer the
and Scope of depth understanding activities labelled as “You
Special and of concepts related are required to submit
Inclusive Education to inclusive and your answers to this
special education
that promote
A PRETEST will be given
supportive before each chapter.
environments to
diverse learners
Week 4 II. Bases and Demonstrate Take note and answer the
to 7 Policies of Special understanding of the activities labelled as “You
and Inclusive philosophies, theories, are required to submit
Education and legal bases of your answers to this
special and inclusive activity”.
education including its
Week 8 Midterm Exam
Week 9 Module Break
Week 10 III. Typology of Distinguish the Look into online resources
to 13 Learners with different types, used in the assessment of
Special Needs identifications, some special needs
etiologies, causes,
characteristics of
learners who have
special needs;
Week 14- IV. Assessment, Demonstrate Look into various strategies
16 Learning knowledge of used in special education
Resources and differentiated particularly those that are
Instructional technology driven.
Accommodation strategies that are
responsive to the
needs and strengths
of diverse learners
Week 17 Research Work Each student is Powerpoint presentations,
assigned to collect and modelling, application
organize materials videos, assessment of
related to different children with possible
strategies in handling learning needs and write an
children with special IEP, etc.
learning needs.
Week 18 Final Exam
The following shall be used as basis for giving grades as per approved
Student Handbook through BOT Res. #505, s. 2011.
To be able to accomplish all the tasks in this course, you will be needing the
following software applications:
- Word Processing, Messenger, Office applications
If you do not have an Android phone or a laptop to do your requirements,
the College has other alternative options for you on how you can submit your
requirements. This will be presented to you during the Orientation and/or your
course facilitator will update you on messenger or through your mobile number.
Again, it is very important that your keep your communication lines open.
Chapter 1
Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner
Key Dimensions
A. Learner
‒ learner-oriented, relevant and appropriate education
‒ programs responsive to diverse learners
‒ learner’s participation and representation
B. K to 12 Curriculum
- inclusion as a key standard & principle
- Quality differentiated instructions thru: a) Contextualization of curriculum and
learning materials b) Equal opportunities for active participation in teaching-learning process
c) Provision of options to create, learn and share what they know and what they can do in
both curricular and co-curricular activities
D. Learning Delivery
‒ Flexible, option of programs for different types of learners based on context,
background, needs, interests
E. Educational Assessment
‒ recognizes particularities of learners
‒ Formative and evaluative
‒ Traditional and non-traditional
‒ Authentic assessment
F. Learning Environment
‒ support and complement learning delivery
‒ facilitate learning and reinforce effective teaching-learning
‒ protects learner’s rights
I. Partnerships
‒ advocacy and social mobilization
‒ institutionalized engagement of stakeholders and partners
‒ expand and strengthen linkages and partnerships
J. Governance Support
‒ Inclusive Education in planning and programming
‒ Responsiveness of planning standards to diversity of learners
‒ Coordination with LGUs
‒ Maximize use of Special Education Fund and other resources
1. Special Education in the Philippines has only served 2% of the targeted 2.2 million
children with disabilities in the country who live without access to a basic human
right: the right to education. Most of these children live in rural and far flung areas
whose parents need to be aware of educational opportunities that these children
could avail of.
2. The Department of Education (DepED) has organized the urgency to address this
problem and therefore, guarantees the right for these children to receive appropriate
education within the regular or inclusive classroom setting. Inclusive education
embraces the philosophy of accepting all children regardless of race, size, shape,
color, ability or disability with support from school staff, students, parents and the
3. A comprehensive inclusive program for children with special needs has the following
1. Child Find. This is locating where these children are through the family
mapping survey, advocacy campaigns and networking with local health
workers. The children with special needs who are not in school shall be listed
using Enclosure No. 1. These children shall be visited by Special Education
(SPED) teachers and parents should be convinced to enroll their children in
SPED Centers or schools nearest their home.
2. Assessment. This is the continuous process of identifying the strengths and
weaknesses of the child through the use of formal and informal tools for
proper program grade placement. Existing SPED Centers in the Division shall
assist regular schools in the assessment process.
3. Program Options. Regular schools with or without trained SPED teachers
shall be provided educational services to children with special needs. These
schools shall access educational services from SPED Centers or SPED
trained teachers.The first program option that shall be organized for these
children is a self-contained class for children with similar disabilities which can
be mono-grade or multi-grade handled by a trained SPED teacher.The
second option is inclusion or placement of the child with disabilities in general
education or regular class where he/she learns with his/her peers under a
regular teacher and/or SPED trained teacher who addresses the child’s
The third option is a resource room program where the child with disabilities
shall be pulled out from the general education or regular class and shall
report to a SPED teacher who provides small group/one-on-one instruction
and/or appropriate interventions for these children.
assistance needed and conduct evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the
program and improve its implementation.
Module Activity 1:
Some important concepts carried over from the Education for All Handicapped Children Act,
passed in 1975. That was the first United States law that required schools to provide Special
Education to all children with disabilities.
Part B of the IDEA covers children ages 3 through 21—or until graduation from high
school. Students who receive services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
are covered under Part B. The six principles listed at the end of this article describe IDEA’s
Part B protections.
Part C protects children Birth to age 3 who need family support for early learning.
The disability category of developmental delay overlaps early learning and IEP and can
qualify a child for free, family-focused services to age 3 and school-based services through
age 8.
1. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE): Students with disabilities who need a
special kind of teaching or other help have the right to an education that is not only free
but also “appropriate,” designed just for them. Under IDEA rules, schools provide special
education students with “access to FAPE,” so that’s a common way to talk about whether
the student’s program is working.
2. Appropriate Evaluation: The IDEA requires schools to take a closer look at children
with potential disabilities. . There are rules about how quickly those evaluations get done.
The results provide information that the school and parents use to make decisions about
how the child’s education can be improved.
Module Activity 2.
1. In 3 to 5 paragraphs, make an honest assessment (pros and cons) about the kind of
education experience you have had when it came to handling the education of different
learners in the elementary and high school/senior high. Give a special mention on how your
classmates “who were falling behind” in their performance were assisted.
Chapter 2