United States vs. Wilson GR No. 90-1745 March 24, 1992

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No. 90-1745. Argued January 15, 1992 — Decided March 24, 1992

In sentencing respondent Wilson to prison for violating the Hobbs Act,
the District Court denied his request for credit under 18 U.S.C. §
3585(b) for the time he had spent in presentence detention by
Tennessee authorities. After a state trial court credited such time
against his prison term for state law convictions, the Court of Appeals
reversed the District Court's ruling, holding that he had a right to
federal credit and that the District Court should have awarded it to
Held: It is the Attorney General who computes the amount of the §
3585(b) credit after the defendant has begun to serve his sentence.
Pp. 2-7.
(a) Effective in 1987, § 3585(b) — which specifies, inter alia, that "[a]
defendant shall be given credit toward [his] term of imprisonment for
any time he has spent in official detention prior to the date the
sentence commences," if such time "has not been credited against
another sentence" (emphasis added) — replaced a statute which had
provided, among other things, that "[t]he Attorney General shall give
any such person credit" (emphasis added). Under the predecessor
statute, the Attorney General, through the Bureau of Prisons (BOP),
computed the amount of credit after taking custody of the sentenced
federal offender. Pp. 2-3.
(b) Section 3585(b) does not authorize a district court to compute the
credit at sentencing. By stating crucial verbs in the past and present
perfect tenses, the section indicates that the computation must occur
after the defendant begins his sentence. A sentencing court,
therefore, cannot apply the section. Indeed, the District Court here
could not have made the necessary computation at sentencing, since
the credit is based on how much time a defendant "has spent"(not "will
have spent") prior to beginning his sentence. The court did not then
know when the state court proceedings would end or when the federal
authorities would take Wilson into custody, and only could have
speculated about the amount of time that he would spend in
detention. Moreover, it is immaterial that such detention "ha[d] not
been credited" against a state sentence at the time of Wilson's federal
sentencing, since basing the award of credit on the relative timing of
sentencing proceedings would result in arbitrary awards. Pp. 4-5.
(c) In light of the sentencing court's inability to compute the credit,
the Attorney General must continue to make the calculation as he did
in the past, even though § 3585(b) no longer mentions him. The
offender has a right to certain jail time credit under the section, and
BOP must know how much of a sentence remains in order to fulfill its
statutory duty of administering the sentence. Congress' conversion of
the former statute's active language into the passive voice in § 3585(b)
is a slim ground for presuming an intention to change well established
procedures for determining the credit. Pp. 5-6.
(d) The general presumption that Congress contemplates a change
whenever it amends a statute is overcome in this case by the
foregoing analysis. Because the statute was entirely rewritten, and
because any other interpretation would require this Court to stretch §
3585(b)'s language, it is likely that the former reference to the
Attorney General was simply lost in the shuffle. This interpretation
does not render the 1987 revision meaningless, since Congress altered
the predecessor statute in at least three other ways. Pp. 6-7.
916 F. 2d 1115, reversed.

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