Chapter2 Hydrology WSDOT Hydraulics Manual

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Chapter 2


2-1  General Hydrology

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Headquarters
(HQ) Hydraulics Office uses several methods for determining runoff rates
and/or volumes. Experience has shown these methods to be accurate,
convenient, and economical. The following methods will be discussed in
detail in subsequent sections of this chapter:
1. The Rational Method
2. The Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) Method
3. Continuous Simulation Method (western Washington for stormwater
4. Published Flow Records
5. United States Geological Survey (USGS) Regression Equations
6. Flood Reports
Two other methods, documented testimony and high water mark
observations, may be used as back-up material to confirm the results
of the above statistical and empirical methods. Where calculated results
vary from on-site observations, further investigation may be required.
7. Documented Testimony
Documented testimony of long-time residents should also be given
serious consideration by the designer. The engineer must be aware of any
bias that testifying residents may have. Independent calculations should
be made to verify this type of testimony. The information that may be
furnished by local residents of the area should include, but not be limited
to the following:
a. Dates of past floods.
b. High water marks.
c. Amount of drift.
d. Any changes in the river channel, which may be occurring
(i.e., stability of streambed, is channel widening or meandering).
e. Estimated velocity.

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Hydrology Chapter 2

f. Description of flooding characteristics between normal flow to

flood stage.
8. High Water Mark Observations
Sometimes the past flood stage from a drainage area may be determined
by observing ordinary high water marks (OHWM) on existing structures
or on the bank of a stream or ditch. The Region Biologist can assist in
determining the OHWM if needed. These marks along with other data
may be used to determine the discharge by methods discussed in the
Open Channel Flow chapter or the Culverts chapter of this manual.
Additional hydrologic procedures are available including complex computer
models, which can give the designer accurate flood predictions. However,
these methods, which require costly field data and large amounts of data
preparation and calculation time, can rarely be justified for a single hydraulic
structure. The HQ Hydraulics Office should be contacted before a procedure
not listed previously is used in a hydrologic analysis.
For the sake of simplicity and uniformity, the HQ Hydraulics Office will
normally require the use of one of the first six of the eight methods listed
previously. Exceptions will be permitted if adequate justification is provided
and approved by the State Hydraulic Engineer.

2-2  Selecting a Method

The first step in performing a hydrologic analysis is to determine which
method is most appropriate. The following briefly describes each method that
can be used to determine runoff rates and/or volumes. Figure 2-2.1 provides
a summary table for quick comparison. Subsequent sections in this chapter
provide a more detailed description of each method.
1. Rational Method – This method is used when peak discharges for small
basins must be determined. It is a fairly simple and accurate method
especially when the basin is primarily impervious. The rational method
is appropriate for culvert design, pavement drainage design, storm drain
design, and some stormwater facility designs in eastern Washington.
2. SBUH Method – This method is used when peak discharges and runoff
volumes for small basins must be determined. This method is not
complicated but requires a computer due to its computationally intensive
nature. The SBUH method can be used for many stormwater facility
designs in eastern Washington and can also be used for culvert design,
pavement drainage design, and storm drain design through the entire state.

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

3. Continuous Simulation Method – The Continuous Simulation method

captures the hydrologic effects of back to back storms more common in
western Washington. This method uses a HSPF routine for computing
runoff from western Washington extended precipitation time series or
precipitation stations on pervious and impervious land areas. WSDOT
continuous simulation hydrologic model MGSFlood is the recommended
software product to use for calculating runoff treatment rates and volumes
when designing WSDOT stormwater facilities. MGSFlood is not an
appropriate model for calculating flow in fish passage culvert design.
Consult Chapter 7 of this manual for a list of acceptable models.
4. Published Flow Records – This method is used when peak discharges
for large basins must be determined. This is more of a collection of data
rather than a predictive analysis like the other methods listed. Some
agencies (primarily the USGS) gather streamflow data on a regular basis.
This collected data can be used to predict flood flows for the river and is
typically more accurate than calculated flows. Published flow records are
most appropriate for culvert and bridge design.
5. USGS Regression Equations – This method is used when peak
discharges for medium to large basins must be determined. It is a set of
regression equations that were developed using data from streamflow
gaging stations. The regression equations are very simple to use but lack
the accuracy of published flow records. USGS regression equations are
appropriate for culvert and bridge design.
6. Flood Reports – This method is used when peak discharges for medium
to large basins must be determined. It is basically using results from an
analysis that has been conducted by another agency. Often these values
are very accurate since they were developed from an in-depth analysis.
Flood report data are appropriate for culvert and bridge design.

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Hydrology Chapter 2

Method Assumptions Data Needs

Rational • Small catchments (< 1000 acres) Time of concentration (min)
• Time of concentration < 1 hour Drainage area (acreage)
• Storm duration > or = concentration time Runoff coefficient (C values)
• Rainfall uniformly distributed in time Rainfall intensity (use m,n values in/hr)
and space
• Runoff is primarily overland flow
• Negligible channel storage
SBUH • Rainfall uniformly distributed in time Curve number (CN values)
and space Drainage area (acreage)
• Runoff is based on surface flow Precipitation values (Isopluvials)
• Small to medium basin (up to 1,000 acres) Use software similar to StormSHED
• Urban type area (pavement usually
Regional Storms (Eastern Washington)1
• Short duration storm for stormwater
• Long durations storm for stormwater
Type 1A Storm (Western Washington)1
(stormwater conveyance)
Continuous • HSPF routine for stormwater best Use MGSFlood software
Model management practices including Drainage basin area (acreage)
(Western detention and infiltration ponds, Land cover (impervious, grass)
Washington) vegetated filter strips, and bioswales Soils (outwash, till, wetland)
• Medium size basin (<320 acres) Climatic region (MAP)
• Elevations below 1500 feet
Published • Midsized and large catchments with 10 or more years of gaged flood
Flow Record stream gage data records (A list of gages are published
• Appropriate station and/or generalized in Hydraulics Manual.)
skew coefficient relationship applied
USGS • Appropriate for culvert and bridge design Regional Equations 2001
Regional • Midsized and large catchments Annual precipitation (inches)
Regression • Simple but lack accuracy of flow records Drainage area (square miles)
2001 (National Flood Frequency (NFF) or
Stream Stats software can be used)
Flood Reports • Appropriate for culvert and bridge design Available from FEMA
• Midsized and large watershed
• Often very accurate, but check with
Basin • Similar hydrologic characteristics Discharge and area for gaged watershed
Transfer of • Channel storage Area for ungaged watershed
Gage Data
1Chapter 4 of the Highway Runoff Manual provides detailed guidance for design storms.

Summary of Methods for Estimating Runoff Rates and/or Volumes

Figure 2-2.1

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

2-3  Drainage Basin

The size of the drainage basin is one of the most important parameters
regardless of which method of hydrologic analysis is used. To determine the
basin area, select the best available topographic map or maps, which cover
the entire area contributing surface runoff to the point of interest. Outline
the area on the map or maps and determine the size in square meters, acres,
or square miles (as appropriate for the specific equations), either by scaling
or by  using a planimeter. Sometimes drainage basins are small enough that
they fit entirely on the CADD drawings for the project. In these cases the
basin can be digitized on the CADD drawing and calculated by the computer.
Any areas within the basin that are known to be non-contributing to surface
runoff should be subtracted from the total drainage area.
The USGS has published two open-file reports titled, Drainage Area Data
for Western Washington and Drainage Area Data for Eastern Washington.
Copies of these reports can be obtained from the HQ Hydraulics Office
and the Region Hydraulics Engineer. These reports list drainage areas for
all streams in Washington where discharge measurements have been made.
Drainage areas are also given for many other sites such as highway crossings,
major stream confluences, and at the mouths of significant streams. These
publications list a total of over 5,000 drainage areas and are a valuable time
saver to the designer. The sites listed in these publications are usually medium
sized and larger drainage basin areas. Small local drainage areas need to be
determined from topographic maps as outlined above.

2-4  Cold Climate Considerations

Snowmelt and rain-on-snow is a complicated process and in some areas can
result in greater rates of runoff. There are two parts to this section: the first
part focuses on calculating the impacts of snowmelt and the second section
provides additional considerations for designers when evaluating the impacts
of snowmelt in a project location.
2-4.1  Calculating Snowmelt
The following general guidance was developed for urban areas; however,
it can be used in rural areas. This method should be added to the 100-year
24‑hour precipitation when using the single event model to account for
snowmelt. No additional amounts need to be added to precipitation when
designing for conveyance and other hydraulic calculations.
When an area is evaluated for snow impacts the designer should: apply the
method described in this section; consult the Region Hydraulics Engineer,
the project maintenance office, the project engineer, and finally historical
data. Then in the hydraulics report, the designer should describe in detail
what value (if any) was determined to most accurately represent snowmelt
at a project location.

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Hydrology Chapter 2

The first question designers should consider is whether or not cold climate
effects will impact a project. In particular, designers should check the snow
record to determine the maximum monthly average snow depths for the
project. Snow depths can be found at the following website or through
contacting the Region Hydraulics Engineer or Headquarter Hydraulics
Office at 
The following equation uses a factor of 5 developed from the energy budget
equation developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and
available snow for eastern Washington cities to convert depth to snow water
equivalent. This amount should be added to the 100-year 24-hour precipitation
value when designing for flood conditions for rain-on-snow or snowmelt.
The equation below should only be applied when the average snow depth
within the month at a project location meets or exceeds 2 inches/day.

Average Snow Depth (max. month (in/day))

Snow Water Equivalent =

The snow water equivalent should not be greater than 1.5 in/day.
2-4.2  Additional Considerations
Regardless of whether or not snowmelt will impact a project site, designers
need to also consider the following important issues to provide adequate road
drainage and prevent flood damage to downstream properties.
1. Roadside Drainage – During the design phase, consideration should be
given to how roadside snow will accumulate and possibly block inlets
and other flow paths for water present during the thawing cycle. If it is
determined that inlets could be blocked by the accumulation of plowed
snow, consideration should be given to an alternate course of travel for
runoff. This will help to prevent the water ponding that sometimes occurs
in certain areas due to snowmelt and rain not having an open area in which
to drain.
2. Retention Ponds – When retention ponds are located near the roadway,
the emergency spillway should be located outside of any snow storage
areas that could block overflow passage or an alternative flow route should
be designated.
3. Frozen Ground – Frozen ground coupled with snowmelt or rain-on-snow
can cause unusually adverse conditions. These combined sources of runoff
are generally reflected in the USGS regression equations as well as in
the historic gauge records. No corrections or adjustments typically need
to be made to these hydrology methods for frozen ground or snowmelt.
For smaller basins, the SBUH and Rational methods are typically used to
determine peak volume and peak runoff rates. The CN value for the SBUH

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

method, and the runoff coefficient for the Rational method do not need
to be increased to account for frozen ground in snowy or frozen areas as
consideration has been given to this in the normal precipitation amounts
and in deriving the snowmelt equation.

2-5  The Rational Method

2-5.1  General
The Rational method is used to predict peak flows for small drainage areas,
which can be either natural or developed. The Rational method can be used
for culvert design, pavement drainage design, storm drain design, and some
eastern Washington stormwater facility design. The greatest accuracy is
obtained for areas smaller than 100 acres (40 hectares) and for developed
conditions with large areas of impervious surface (e.g., pavement, roof tops).
Basins up to 1,000 acres (400 hectares) may be evaluated using the rational
formula; however, results for large basins often do not properly account
for effects of infiltration and thus are less accurate. Designers should never
perform a Rational method analysis on a basin that is larger than the lower
limit specified for the USGS regression equations since the USGS regression
equations will yield a more accurate flow prediction for that size of basin.
The formula for the Rational method is:

Q= (2-1)

Q = runoff in cubic feet per second (cubic meters per second)
C = runoff coefficient in dimensionless units
I = rainfall intensity in inches per hour (millimeters per hour)
A = drainage area in acres (hectares)
Kc = conversion factor of 1 for English (360 for Metric units)

When several subareas within a drainage basin have different runoff

coefficients, the Rational formula can be modified as follows:

Q= (2-1a)

ΣCA = C1 × A1 + C2 × A2 + ... Cn × An

Hydrologic information calculated by the Rational method should be

submitted on DOT Form 235-009 (see Figure 2-5.1). This format contains
all the required input information as well as the resulting discharge. The
description of each area should be identified by name or stationing so that
the reviewer may easily locate each area.

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Hydrology Chapter 2

2-5.2  Runoff Coefficients

The runoff coefficient “C” represents the percentage of rainfall that becomes
runoff. The Rational method implies that this ratio is fixed for a given
drainage basin. In reality, the coefficient may vary with respect to prior
wetting and seasonal conditions. The use of an average coefficient for various
surface types is quite common and it is assumed to stay constant through the
duration of the rainstorm.
When considering frozen ground, designers should review Section 2-4.2
number 3 of this manual.
In a high growth rate area, runoff factors should be projected that will be
characteristic of developed conditions 20 years after construction of the
project. Even though local stormwater practices (where they exist) may reduce
potential increases in runoff, prudent engineering should still make allowances
for predictable growth patterns.
The coefficients in Figure 2-5.2 are applicable for peak storms of 10-year
frequency. Less frequent, higher intensity storms will require the use of
higher coefficients because infiltration and other losses have a proportionally
smaller effect on runoff. Generally, when designing for a 25-year frequency,
the coefficient should be increased by 10 percent; when designing for a
50-year frequency, the coefficient should be increased by 20 percent; and
when designing for a 100-year frequency, the coefficient should be increased
by 25 percent. The runoff coefficient should not be increased above 0.95,
unless approved by the Regional Hydraulics Engineer. Higher values may be
appropriate for steeply sloped areas and/or longer return periods, because in
these cases infiltration and other losses have a proportionally smaller effect
on runoff.

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

SR Project

Calculated By Date

L L1.5 Q = Flow Tc = Time of concentration
K S K 'H L = Length of drainage basin m&n = Rainfall coefficients
m S = Average slope Kc = Conversion
TC n K = Ground cover coefficient C = Runoff coefficient
CIA ¨H = Elevation change of basin A = Drainage area

MRI L ¨H S K Tc Coeff Kc C I A Q
Of Area
m n

Hydrology by the Rational Method

Figure 2-5.1

Below is the web link for electronic spreadsheet (WSDOT Form 235-009):

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Hydrology Chapter 2

Rolling Hilly
Type of Cover Flat 2%–10% Over 10%
Pavement and roofs 0.90 0.90 0.90
Earth shoulders 0.50 0.50 0.50
Drives and walks 0.75 0.80 0.85
Gravel pavement 0.50 0.55 0.60
City business areas 0.80 0.85 0.85
Suburban residential 0.25 0.35 0.40
Single family residential 0.30 0.40 0.50
Multi units, detached 0.40 0.50 0.60
Multi units, attached 0.60 0.65 0.70
Lawns, very sandy soil 0.05 0.07 0.10
Lawns, sandy soil 0.10 0.15 0.20
Lawns, heavy soil 0.17 0.22 0.35
Grass shoulders 0.25 0.25 0.25
Side slopes, earth 0.60 0.60 0.60
Side slopes, turf 0.30 0.30 0.30
Median areas, turf 0.25 0.30 0.30
Cultivated land, clay and loam 0.50 0.55 0.60
Cultivated land, sand and gravel 0.25 0.30 0.35
Industrial areas, light 0.50 0.70 0.80
Industrial areas, heavy 0.60 0.80 0.90
Parks and cemeteries 0.10 0.15 0.25
Playgrounds 0.20 0.25 0.30
Woodland and forests 0.10 0.15 0.20
Meadows and pasture land 0.25 0.30 0.35
Pasture with frozen ground 0.40 0.45 0.50
Unimproved areas 0.10 0.20 0.30

Runoff Coefficients for the Rational Method — 10-Year Return Frequency

Figure 2-5.2

2-5.3  Time of Concentration

Time of concentration (Tc) is defined as the time for runoff to travel from
the hydraulically most distant point of the watershed to a point of interest in
the watershed. Travel time (Tt) is the time it takes water to travel from one
location to another in a watershed. Travel time (Tt) is a component of time
of concentration (Tc), which is computed by summing all the travel times for
consecutive components of the drainage flow path. This concept assumes
that rainfall is applied at a constant rate over a drainage basin which would
eventually produce a constant peak rate of runoff.

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

Actual precipitation does not fall at a constant rate. A precipitation event

will begin with small rainfall intensity then, sometimes very quickly, build
to peak intensity and eventually taper down to no rainfall. Because rainfall
intensity is variable, the time of concentration is included in the Rational
method so that the designer can determine the proper rainfall intensity to
apply across the basin. The intensity that should be used for design purposes
is the highest intensity that will occur with the entire basin contributing flow
to the location where the designer is interested in knowing the flow rate. It is
important to note that this may be a much lower intensity than the absolute
maximum intensity. The reason is that it often takes several minutes before
the entire basin is contributing flow but the absolute maximum intensity lasts
for a much shorter time so the rainfall intensity that creates the greatest runoff
is less than the maximum by the time the entire basin is contributing flow.
Most drainage basins will consist of different types of ground covers and
conveyance systems that flow must pass over or through. These are referred
to as flow segments. It is common for a basin to have flow segments that are
overland flow and flow segments that are open channel flow. Urban drainage
basins often have flow segments that flow through a storm drainpipe in
addition to the other two types. A travel time (the amount of time required
for flow to move through a flow segment) must be computed for each
flow segment. The time of concentration is equal to the sum of all the flow
segment travel times.
For a few drainage areas, a unique situation occurs where the time of
concentration that produces the largest amount of runoff is less than the
time of concentration for the entire basin. This can occur when two or more
subbasins have dramatically different types of cover (i.e., different runoff
coefficients). The most common case would be a large paved area together
with a long narrow strip of natural area. In this case, the designer should check
the runoff produced by the paved area alone to determine if this scenario
would cause a greater peak runoff rate than the peak runoff rate produced
when both land segments are contributing flow. The scenario that produces
the greatest runoff should be used, even if the entire basin is not contributing
flow to this runoff.
The procedure for determining the time of concentration for overland flow
was developed by the United States Natural Resources Conservation Service
(formerly known as the Soil Conservation Service) and is described below.
It is sensitive to slope, type of ground cover, and the size of channel. If the
total time of concentration is less than 5 minutes, a minimum of five minutes
should be used as the duration, see Section 2-5.4 for details. The time of
concentration can be calculated as in Equations 2-2 and 2-3:

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Hydrology Chapter 2

L L1.5
Tt = = (2-2)
K√S K√∆H

Tc = Tt1 + Tt2 + ... Ttnz (2-3)

Tt = travel time of flow segment in minutes
Tc = time of concentration in minutes
L = length of segment in feet (meters)
∆H = elevation change across segment in feet (meters)
K = ground cover coefficient in feet (meters)
S = slope of segment in feet per feet (meter per meter)

Type of Cover K (English) K (Metric)

Forest with heavy ground cover 150 50
Minimum tillage cultivation 280 75
Short pasture grass or lawn 420 125
Nearly bare ground 600 200
Small roadside ditch w/grass 900 275
Paved area 1,200 375
Gutter flow 4 inch deep (100 mm) 1,500 450
6 inch deep (150 mm) 2,400 725
8 inch deep (200 mm) 3,100 950
Storm sewers 1 foot diam. (300 mm) 3,000 925
18 inch diam. (450 mm) 3,900 1,200
2 feet diam. (600 mm) 4,700 1,425
Open Channel Flow (n = .040) 1 foot deep (300 mm) 1,100 350
Narrow Channel (w/d = 1)
2 feet deep (600 mm) 1,800 550
4 feet deep (1.20 m) 2,800 850
Open Channel Flow (n =.040) 1 foot deep (300 mm) 2,000 600
Wide Channel (w/d = 9)
2 feet deep (600 mm) 3,100 950
4 feet deep (1.20 m) 5,000 1,525

Ground Cover Coefficients

Figure 2-5.3

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

2-5.4  Rainfall Intensity

After the appropriate storm frequency for the design has been determined
(see Chapter 1) and the time of concentration has been calculated, the rainfall
intensity can be calculated. Designers should never use a time of concentration
that is less than 5 minutes for intensity calculations, even when the calculated
time of concentration is less than 5 minutes. The 5-minute limit is based on
two ideas:
1. Shorter times give unrealistic intensities. Many IDF curves are constructed
from curve smoothing equations and not based on actual data collected
at intervals shorter than 15 to 30 minutes. To make the curves shorter,
involves extrapolation, which is not reliable.
2. It takes time for rainfall to generate into runoff within a defined basin,
thus it would not be realistic to have less than 5 minutes for a time of
It should be noted that the rainfall intensity at any given time is the average
of the most intense period enveloped by the time of concentration and is
not the instantaneous rainfall. Equation 2-4 is the equation for calculating
rainfall intensity.

I= (2-4)

I = rainfall intensity in inches per hour (millimeters per hour)
Tc = time of concentration in minutes
m & n = coefficients in dimensionless units (Figures 2-5.4A and 2-5.4B)

The coefficients (m and n) have been determined for all major cities for the
2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year mean recurrence intervals (MRI). The
coefficients listed are accurate from 5-minute durations to 1,440-minute
durations (24 hours). These equations were developed from the 1973 National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlas 2, Precipitation-Frequency
Atlas of the Western United States, Volume IX-Washington.
With the Region Hydraulic Engineer’s assistance, the designer should
interpolate between the two or three nearest cities listed in the tables when
working on a project that is in a location not listed on the table. If the designer
must do an analysis with a Tc greater than 1,440 minutes, the Rational method
should not be used.

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2-Year MRI 5-Year MRI 10-Year MRI 25-Year MRI 50-Year MRI 100-Year MRI
Location m n m n m n m n m n m n
Aberdeen and Hoquiam 5.10 0.488 6.22 0.488 7.06 0.487 8.17 0.487 9.02 0.487 9.86 0.487

Page 2-14

Bellingham 4.29 0.549 5.59 0.555 6.59 0.559 7.90 0.562 8.89 0.563 9.88 0.565
Bremerton 3.79 0.480 4.84 0.487 5.63 0.490 6.68 0.494 7.47 0.496 8.26 0.498
Centralia and Chehalis 3.63 0.506 4.85 0.518 5.76 0.524 7.00 0.530 7.92 0.533 8.86 0.537
Clarkston and Colfax 5.02 0.628 6.84 0.633 8.24 0.635 10.07 0.638 11.45 0.639 12.81 0.639
Colville 3.48 0.558 5.44 0.593 6.98 0.610 9.07 0.626 10.65 0.635 12.26 0.642
Ellensburg 2.89 0.590 5.18 0.631 7.00 0.649 9.43 0.664 11.30 0.672 13.18 0.678
Everett 3.69 0.556 5.20 0.570 6.31 0.575 7.83 0.582 8.96 0.585 10.07 0.586
Forks 4.19 0.410 5.12 0.412 5.84 0.413 6.76 0.414 7.47 0.415 8.18 0.416
Hoffstadt Cr. (SR 504) 3.96 0.448 5.21 0.462 6.16 0.469 7.44 0.476 8.41 0.480 9.38 0.484
Hoodsport 4.47 0.428 5.44 0.428 6.17 0.427 7.15 0.428 7.88 0.428 8.62 0.428
Kelso and Longview 4.25 0.507 5.50 0.515 6.45 0.509 7.74 0.524 8.70 0.526 9.67 0.529
Leavenworth 3.04 0.530 4.12 0.542 5.62 0.575 7.94 0.594 9.75 0.606 11.08 0.611
Metaline Falls 3.36 0.527 4.90 0.553 6.09 0.566 7.45 0.570 9.29 0.592 10.45 0.591
Moses Lake 2.61 0.583 5.05 0.634 6.99 0.655 9.58 0.671 11.61 0.681 13.63 0.688
Mt. Vernon 3.92 0.542 5.25 0.552 6.26 0.557 7.59 0.561 8.60 0.564 9.63 0.567
Naselle 4.57 0.432 5.67 0.441 6.14 0.432 7.47 0.443 8.05 0.440 8.91 0.436
Olympia 3.82 0.466 4.86 0.472 5.62 0.474 6.63 0.477 7.40 0.478 8.17 0.480
Omak 3.04 0.583 5.06 0.618 6.63 0.633 8.74 0.647 10.35 0.654 11.97 0.660
Pasco and Kennewick 2.89 0.590 5.18 0.631 7.00 0.649 9.43 0.664 11.30 0.672 13.18 0.678
Port Angeles 4.31 0.530 5.42 0.531 6.25 0.531 7.37 0.532 8.19 0.532 9.03 0.532
Poulsbo 3.83 0.506 4.98 0.513 5.85 0.516 7.00 0.519 7.86 0.521 8.74 0.523
Queets 4.26 0.422 5.18 0.423 5.87 0.423 6.79 0.423 7.48 0.423 8.18 0.424
Seattle 3.56 0.515 4.83 0.531 5.62 0.530 6.89 0.539 7.88 0.545 8.75 0.5454
Sequim 3.50 0.551 5.01 0.569 6.16 0.577 7.69 0.585 8.88 0.590 10.04 0.593
Snoqualmie Pass 3.61 0.417 4.81 0.435 6.56 0.459 7.72 0.459 8.78 0.461 10.21 0.476
Spokane 3.47 0.556 5.43 0.591 6.98 0.609 9.09 0.626 10.68 0.635 12.33 0.643
Stevens Pass 4.73 0.462 6.09 0.470 8.19 0.500 8.53 0.484 10.61 0.499 12.45 0.513
Tacoma 3.57 0.516 4.78 0.527 5.70 0.533 6.93 0.539 7.86 0.542 8.79 0.545
Vancouver 2.92 0.477 4.05 0.496 4.92 0.506 6.06 0.515 6.95 0.520 7.82 0.525
Walla Walla 3.33 0.569 5.54 0.609 7.30 0.627 9.67 0.645 11.45 0.653 13.28 0.660
Wenatchee 3.15 0.535 4.88 0.566 6.19 0.579 7.94 0.592 9.32 0.600 10.68 0.605
Yakima 3.86 0.608 5.86 0.633 7.37 0.644 9.40 0.654 10.93 0.659 12.47 0.663

Index to Rainfall Coefficients (English Units)

Figure 2-5.4A

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WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
2-Year MRI 5-Year MRI 10-Year MRI 25-Year MRI 50-Year MRI 100-Year MRI
Location m n m n m n m n m n m n
Aberdeen and Hoquiam 129 0.488 158 0.488 179 0.487 208 0.487 229 0.487 250 0.487

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Chapter 2

Bellingham 109 0.549 142 0.555 167 0.559 201 0.562 226 0.563 251 0.565
Bremerton 96 0.480 123 0.487 143 0.490 170 0.494 190 0.496 210 0.498
Centralia and Chehalis 92 0.506 123 0.518 146 0.524 178 0.530 201 0.533 225 0.537
Clarkston and Colfax 128 0.628 174 0.633 209 0.635 256 0.638 291 0.639 325 0.639
Colville 83 0.558 138 0.593 177 0.610 230 0.626 271 0.635 311 0.642
Ellensburg 73 0.590 132 0.631 179 0.649 240 0.664 287 0.672 335 0.678
Everett 94 0.556 132 0.570 160 0.575 199 0.582 228 0.585 256 0.586
Forks 106 0.410 130 0.412 148 0.413 172 0.414 190 0.415 208 0.416
Hoffstadt Cr. (SR 504) 101 0.448 132 0.462 156 0.469 189 0.476 214 0.480 238 0.484
Hoodsport 114 0.428 138 0.428 157 0.427 182 0.428 200 0.428 219 0.428
Kelso and Longview 108 0.507 140 0.515 164 0.519 197 0.524 221 0.526 246 0.529

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Leavenworth 77 0.530 105 0.542 143 0.575 202 0.594 248 0.606 281 0.611
Metaline Falls 85 0.527 124 0.553 155 0.566 189 0.570 236 0.592 265 0.591
Moses Lake 66 0.583 128 0.634 178 0.655 243 0.671 295 0.681 346 0.688
Mt. Vernon 100 0.542 133 0.552 159 0.557 193 0.561 218 0.564 245 0.567
Naselle 116 0.432 144 0.441 156 0.432 190 0.443 204 0.440 226 0.436
Olympia 97 0.466 123 0.472 143 0.474 168 0.477 188 0.478 208 0.480
Omak 77 0.583 129 0.618 168 0.633 222 0.647 263 0.654 304 0.660
Pasco and Kennewick 73 0.590 132 0.631 178 0.649 240 0.664 287 0.672 335 0.678
Port Angeles 109 0.530 138 0.531 159 0.531 187 0.532 208 0.532 229 0.532
Poulsbo 97 0.506 126 0.513 149 0.516 178 0.519 200 0.521 222 0.523
Queets 108 0.422 132 0.423 149 0.423 172 0.423 190 0.423 208 0.424
Seattle 90 0.515 123 0.531 143 0.530 175 0.539 200 0.545 222 0.545
Sequim 89 0.551 127 0.569 156 0.577 195 0.585 226 0.590 255 0.593
Snoqualmie Pass 92 0.417 122 0.435 167 0.459 196 0.459 223 0.461 259 0.476
Spokane 88 0.556 138 0.591 177 0.609 231 0.626 271 0.635 313 643
Stevens Pass 120 0.462 155 0.470 208 0.500 217 0.484 269 0.499 316 513
Tacoma 91 0.516 121 0.527 145 0.533 176 0.539 200 0.542 223 545
Vancouver 74 0.477 103 0.496 125 0.506 154 0.515 177 0.520 199 0.525
Walla Walla 85 0.569 141 0.609 185 0.627 246 0.645 291 0.653 337 0.660
Wenatchee 80 0.535 124 0.566 157 0.579 202 0.592 237 0.600 271 0.605
Yakima 98 0.608 149 0.633 187 0.644 239 0.654 278 0.659 317 0.663

Index to Rainfall Coefficients (Metric Units)

Figure 2-5.4B

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Hydrology Chapter 2

2-5.5  Rational Formula Example

Compute the 25-year runoff for the Spokane watershed shown above. Three
types of flow conditions exist from the highest point in the watershed to the
outlet. The upper portion is 4.0 acres of forest cover with an average slope of
0.15 ft/ft. The middle portion is 1.0 acres of single family residential with a
slope of 0.06 ft/ft and primarily lawns. The lower portion is a 0.8 acres park
with 18-inch storm sewers with a general slope of 0.01 ft/ft.

L 1,800 650 820

Tc = ∑ = + +
K√S 150√0.15 420√0.06 3,900√0.01

Tc = 31 min + 6 min + 2 min = 39 min

m 9.09 in
I= = = 0.93
(Tc)n (39) 0.626 hr

ΣCA = 0.22 (4.0 acres) + 0.44 (1.0 acres) + 0.11 (0.8 acres) = 1.4 acres

I(ΣCA) (0.93)(1.4)
Q= = = 1.31 cfs
Kc 1

2-6  Single-Event Hydrograph Method: Santa Barbara Urban

Of the several commonly accepted hydrograph methods, the Santa Barbara
Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) method is the best suited for WSDOT projects
where conveyance systems are being designed and for some stormwater

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

treatment facilities in eastern Washington. SBUH was developed to calculate

flow that will occur from surface runoff and is most accurate for drainage
basins smaller than 100 acres (40 hectares) although it can be used for
drainage basins up to 1,000 acres (400 hectares). SBUH should not be used
where groundwater flow can be a major contributor to the total flow. While
not all WSDOT projects are in urban basins, it is typically the paved surfaces
(similar to urban areas) that generate the majority of the total flow.
An SBUH analysis requires that the designer understand certain characteristics
of the project site, such as drainage patterns, predicted rainfall, soil type, area
to be covered with impervious surfaces, type of drainage conveyance, and
for eastern Washington the flow control BMP that will be used. The physical
characteristics of the site and the design storm determine the magnitude,
volume, and duration of the runoff hydrograph. Other factors, such as the
conveyance characteristics of channel or pipe, merging tributary flows, and
type of BMP used, will alter the shape and magnitude of the hydrograph.
The key elements of a single-event hydrograph analysis are listed below
(and described in more detail in this section):
• Design storm hyetograph.
• Runoff parameters.
• Hydrograph synthesis.
• Hydrograph routing.
• Hydrograph summation.
While the equations for the SBUH method are fairly simple, it is
computationally intensive and would take hours if done by hand. Because
of this, the only practical way to perform an analysis is to use a computer
application. There are several commercially available computer programs that
include the SBUH method, however the recommended software for WSDOT
project is StormShed. Other commercially available computer program may
also be used with prior approval from the State Hydraulic Engineer.
2-6.1  Design Storm Hyetograph
The SBUH method requires the input of a rainfall distribution or design storm
hyetograph. The design storm hyetograph is rainfall depth versus time for a
given design storm frequency and duration. For this application, it is presented
as a dimensionless table of unit rainfall depth (incremental rainfall depth for
each time interval divided by the total rainfall depth) versus time. The type of
design storm used depends on the project locations as noted below:
• Eastern Washington – For projects in eastern Washington, the design
storms are the short duration storm for conveyance design and the
regional storm for volume based stormwater facilities. (Design storms
are discussed further in Appendix 4C of the Highway Runoff Manual.)

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Hydrology Chapter 2

• Western Washington – For projects in western Washington, the design

storm for conveyance design is the Type 1A storm. For designs other
than conveyance, see Section 2-7 for a description of the Continuous
Simulation method.
Along with the design storm, precipitation depths are needed and should be
selected for the city that is closest to the project site from the contours on an
isopluvial map. The National Weather Service publishes isopluvial maps for
different storm durations and recurrence intervals and links to these maps can
be found in Appendix 4A of the Highway Runoff Manual or can be obtained
from the HQ Hydraulics Office. ArcGIS has the isopluvial maps loaded into
the program and may be the most accurate method since precipitation depths
are given for the exact location of a project.
2-6.2  Runoff Parameters
The SBUH method requires input of parameters that describe physical
drainage basin characteristics. These parameters provide the basis from
which the runoff hydrograph is developed. This section describes the three
key parameters (contributing drainage basin areas; runoff curve number;
and runoff time of concentration) that, when combined with the rainfall
hyetograph in the SBUH method, develop the runoff hydrograph. The proper
selection and delineation of the contributing drainage basin areas to the BMP
or structure of interest is required in the hydrograph analysis. The contributing
basin area(s) used should be relatively homogeneous in land use and soil
type. If the entire contributing basin is similar in these aspects, the basin can
be analyzed as a single area. If significant differences exist within a given
contributing drainage basin, it must be divided into subbasin areas of similar
land use and soil characteristics. Hydrographs should then be computed for
each subbasin area and summed to form the total runoff hydrograph for the
basin. Contributing drainage basins larger than 100 acres should be divided
into subbasins. By dividing large basins into smaller subbasins and then
combining calculated flows, the timing aspect of the generated hydrograph is
typically more accurate. Basin delineation is not the same as TDA delineation.
For more details on delineation of TDAs, see Section 4-2.5.
Curve Numbers

The NRCS has conducted studies into the runoff characteristics of various
land types. After gathering and analyzing extensive data, the NRCS developed
relationships between land use, soil type, vegetation cover, interception,
infiltration, surface storage, and runoff. The relationships have been
characterized by a single runoff coefficient called a curve number (CN).
CNs are chosen to depict average conditions—neither dry, nor saturated.
The designer is referred to FHWA Ip-80-1 for more information on choosing
appropriate curve numbers. Appendix 4B of the Highway Runoff Manual
shows suggested CN values for various land covers and soil conditions.

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

The factors that contribute to the CN value are known as the soil-cover
complex. The soilcover complexes have been assigned to one of four
hydrologic soil groups, according to their runoff characteristics. These soil
groups are labeled Types A, B, C, and D; with Type A generating the least
amount of runoff and Type D generating the greatest. Appendix 4B of the
Highway Runoff Manual shows the hydrologic soil groups of most soils in
Washington State. The different soil groups can be described as follows:
• Type A – Soils having high infiltration rates, even when thoroughly
wetted, and consisting chiefly of deep, well-drained to excessively drained
sands or gravels. These soils have a high rate of water transmission.
• Type B – Soils having moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted
and consisting chiefly of moderately fine to moderately coarse textures.
These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission.
• Type C – Soils having slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and
consisting chiefly of soils with a layer that impedes downward movement
of water or soils with moderately fine to fine textures. These soils have a
slow rate of water transmission.
• Type D – Soils having very slow infiltration rates when thoroughly
wetted and consisting chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential,
soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a hardpan or clay
layer at or near the surface, and shallow soils over bedrock or other
nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water
The NRCS (formerly the Soil Conservation Service, or SCS) has developed
maps for Washington State that show the specific soil classification for any
given location. These maps are compiled by county and are typically available
from the regional NRCS office. To determine which soil group to use for an
analysis, locate the project site on the SCS map and read the soil classification
listed. (See Appendix 4B of the Highway Runoff Manual for a web link to
data to convert from the specific soil classification to a hydrologic soil group.)
The WSDOT Materials Lab can also perform a soil analysis to determine the
soil group for the project site. This should be done only if an SCS soils map
cannot be located for the county in which the site is located; the available SCS
map does not characterize the soils at the site (many SCS maps show “urban
land” in highway right of ways and other heavily urbanized areas where the
soil properties are uncertain); or there is reason to doubt the accuracy of the
information on the SCS map for the particular site.
When performing an SBUH analysis for a basin, it is common to encounter
more than one soil type. If the soil types are fairly similar (within 20 CN
points), a weighted average can be used. If the soil types are significantly
different, the basin should be separated into smaller subbasins (previously
described for different land uses). Pervious ground cover and impervious

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Hydrology Chapter 2

ground cover should always be analyzed separately. If the computer program

StormShed is used for the analysis, pervious and impervious land segments
will automatically be separated, but the designer will have to combine and
manually weight similar pervious soil types for a basin.
Antecedent Moisture Condition

The moisture condition in a soil at the onset of a storm event, referred to as

the antecedent moisture condition (AMC), has a significant effect on both
the volume and rate of runoff. Recognizing this, the SCS developed three
antecedent soil moisture conditions: I, II, and III.
AMC I: Soils are dry, but not to the wilting point.
AMC II: Average conditions.
AMC III: Heavy rainfall, or light rainfall and low temperatures,
has occurred within the last 5 days, near saturated or saturated soil.
Table 2-6 gives seasonal rainfall limits for the three antecedent soil moisture

AMC Dormant Season Growing Season

I Less than 0.5 Less than 1.4
II 0.5 to 1.1 1.4 to 2.1
III Over 1.1 Over 2.1

Total 5-Day Antecedent Rainfall (Inches)

Table 2-6

The CN values generally listed are for AMC II, if the AMC falls into either
group I or III, the CN value will need to be modified to actually represent
the project site conditions. Appendix 4C of the Highway Runoff Manual
provides further information regarding when the AMC should be considered
and Appendix 4B of the Highway Runoff Manual provides conversions for
the curve number for different antecedent moisture conditions for the case of
Ia = 0.2S. For other conversions, see SCS National Engineering Handbook
No. 4, 1985.
Time of Concentration

Time of Concentration (Tc) is defined as the time for runoff to travel from
the hydraulically most distant point of the watershed to a point of interest in
the watershed. Travel time (Tt) is the time it takes water to travel from one
location to another in a watershed. Travel time (Tt) is a component of time
of concentration (Tc), which is computed by summing all the travel times
for consecutive components of the drainage flow path. While this section

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

starts the same as Section 2-5.3, the analysis described in this section is more
detailed because how water travels through a basin is classified by flow type.
The different types of flow include: sheet flow, shallow concentrated flow,
open channel flow, or some combination of these. Classifying flow type is
best determined by field inspection and using the parameters described below:
• Sheet flow is flow over plane surfaces. It usually occurs in the headwater
areas of streams and also for short distances on evenly graded slopes. With
sheet flow, the friction value (ns, which is a modified Manning’s roughness
coefficient) is used. These ns values are for very shallow flow depths up
to about 0.1 foot (3 cm) and are used only for travel lengths up to 300 feet
(90 m) on paved surfaces and 150 feet on pervious surfaces. Appendix 4B
of the Highway Runoff Manual provides the Manning’s ns values for sheet
flow at various surface conditions.
For sheet flow of up to 300 feet, use Manning’s kinematic solution to
directly compute Tt:

Tt = (0.42 (nsL)0.8)/((P2)0.527(so)0.4) (2-5)

Tt = travel time (minutes)
ns = sheet flow Manning’s coefficient (dimensionless)
L = flow length (feet)
P2 = 2-year, 24-hour rainfall (inches)
so = slope of hydraulic grade line (land slope, ft/ft)

• Shallow Flow – After a maximum of 300 feet, sheet flow is assumed to

become shallow concentrated flow. The average velocity for this flow
can be calculated using the ks values from Appendix 4B of the Highway
Runoff Manual. Average velocity is a function of watercourse slope and
type of channel. After computing the average velocity using the Velocity
Equation (Equation 4-2), the travel time (Tt) for the shallow concentrated
flow segment can be computed by dividing the length of the segment by
the average velocity.
• Open channels are assumed to begin where surveyed cross section
information has been obtained, where channels are visible on aerial
photographs, or where lines indicating streams appear on USGS
Quadrangle maps. For developed drainage systems, the travel time of
flow in a pipe is also represented as an open channel. The kc values
from Appendix 4B of the Highway Runoff Manual used in the Velocity
Equation can be used to estimate average flow velocity. Average flow
velocity is usually determined for bank full conditions. After average
velocity is computed, the travel time (Tt) for the channel segment can
be computed by dividing the length of the channel segment by the
average velocity.

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Hydrology Chapter 2

A commonly used method of computing average velocity of flow, once it

has measurable depth, is the following Velocity Equation:

V = (k)(so0.5) (2-6)

V = velocity (ft/s)
k = time of concentration velocity factor (ft/s)
so = slope of flow path (ft/ft)

Regardless of how water moves through a watershed, when estimating travel

time (Tt), the following limitations apply:
• Manning’s kinematic solution should not be used for sheet flow longer
than 300 feet.
• The equations given here to calculate velocity were developed by
empirical means; therefore, English Units (such as inches) must be used
for all input variables for the equation to yield a correct answer. Once
the velocity is calculated, it can be converted to metric units to finish
the travel time calculations in the case of shallow concentrated flow and
channel flow.
Appendix 4B of the Highway Runoff Manual shows suggested “n” and “k”
values for various land covers to be used in travel time calculations.
2-6.3  Hydrograph Synthesis
The SBUH method applies the selected CNs to SCS equations to compute soil
absorption and precipitation excess from the rainfall hyetograph. Each time
step of this process generates one increment of an instantaneous hydrograph
with the same duration. The instantaneous hydrograph is then routed
through an imaginary reservoir, with a time delay equal to the basin time of
concentration. The end product is the runoff hydrograph for that land segment.
Abstractions (including rainfall interception and storage in small depressions
in the ground surface) are also accounted for in the SBUH method. The
abstraction of runoff, S, is computed from the CN as follows:

S = (1000/CN) − 10 (2-7)

Using the abstraction value and precipitation for the given time step, the
runoff depth, D, per unit area is calculated as follows:

D(t) = ((p(t) − 0.2(S))^2)/(p(t) + 0.8(S)) (2-8)

p(t) = precipitation for the time increment (in)

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

The total runoff, R(t), for the time increment is computed as follows:

R(t) = D(t) − D(t-1) (2-9)

The instantaneous hydrograph, I(t), in cubic feet per second (cfs) at each time
step, dt, is computed as follows:

I(t) = 60.5 R(t) A/dt (2-10)

A = area (acres)
dt = time interval (min)

Note: A time interval of 10 minutes can be used for the Type 1A storm or the
Regional Long-Duration Storm, however a 5 minute interval should always
be used for the Short-Duration Storm. The runoff hydrograph, Q(t), is then
obtained by routing the instantaneous hydrograph I(t) through an imaginary
reservoir with a time delay equal to the time of concentration of the drainage
basin. The following equation estimates the routed flow, Q(t):

Q(t+1) = Q(t) + w[I(t) + I(t+1) − 2Q(t)] (2-11)

w = dt/(2Tc + dt)
Tc = time of concentration for the contributing drainage basin area

2-6.4  Level Pool Routing

This section presents the methodology for routing a hydrograph through a
stormwater facility using hydrograph analysis. Level pool routing is done the
same way regardless of the method used to generate the hydrograph; therefore,
this part of the analysis is not unique to the SBUH method. The level pool
routing technique presented here is one of the simplest and most commonly
used hydrograph routing methods and is the method used by StormShed.
It is based on the following continuity equation:

Inflow − Outflow = Change in Storage (2-12)

((I1 + I2)/2) − ((O1 + O2)/2) = S2 − S1

I1, I2 = inflow at time 1 and time 2
O1, O2 = outflow at time 1 and time 2
S1, S2 = storage at time 1 and time 2

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Hydrology Chapter 2

The time interval for the routing analysis must be consistent with the time
interval used in developing the inflow hydrograph. The time interval used
for a 24-hour storm is 10 minutes. The variables can be rearranged to obtain
the following equation:

I1 + I2 + 2S1 − O1 = O2 + 2S2 (2-13)

If the time interval is in minutes, the unit of storage (S) is now cubic feet
per minute (cf/min), which can be converted to cfs by multiplying by
1 min/60 sec. The terms on the left-hand side of the equation are known
from the inflow hydrograph and from the storage and outflow values of the
previous time step. The unknowns O and S can be solved interactively from
the given stage-storage and stage-discharge curves. As with the synthesis of a
hydrograph, the computations are fairly simple, but very voluminous. The best
way to route a hydrograph through a stormwater facility is to use a computer
program. Many hydrologic analysis software programs include features that
make hydrograph routing an easy process including Storm Shed.
2-6.5  Hydrograph Summation
One of the key advantages of hydrograph analysis is the ability to accurately
describe the cumulative effect of runoff from several contributing drainage
basin areas having different runoff characteristics and travel times. This
cumulative effect is best characterized by a single hydrograph, which is
obtained by summing the individual hydrographs from tributary basins at a
particular discharge point of interest. The general procedure for performing
a hydrograph summation begins with selecting a discharge point of interest
where it is important to know the effects of the runoff generated on the project
site. Next, route each individual hydrograph through a conveyance system that
carries it to the point of interest. The final step is to sum the flow values for
each hydrograph for all of the time intervals. This will yield a single discharge

2-7  Continuous Simulation Method (Western Washington Only for

When designing stormwater facilities in western Washington, the designer
must use an approved continuous simulations model, to meet the requirements
of the most current version of the Highway Runoff Manual. A continuous
simulation model captures the back to back affects of storm events that are
more common in western Washington. These events are associated with
high volumes of flow from sequential winter storms rather than high peak
flow from short duration events as is characteristic in eastern Washington.
WSDOT’s approved continuous simulation hydrologic model is MGSFlood
(see Section 4-3.5.2 of the Highway Runoff Manual) which uses the HSPF
routines for computing runoff from rainfall on pervious and impervious

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

land areas. In addition, MGSFlood has the BMP design criteria built into the
software and will alert the designer regarding whether the runoff treatment
flow rates and volumes meet the requirements of the Highway Runoff Manual.
See the HQ Hydraulics web page for a detailed example of this modeling
approach and for information on how to obtain a copy of the public domain
program at 
MGSFlood does have limitations that the designer should understand before
using the program, regarding the project location, conveyance design, and
the size of the basin. MGSFlood is for projects in western Washington only,
at elevations below 1500 feet, and for basins up to 320 acres (about one-
half square mile). The program does not include routines for simulating the
accumulation and melting of snow, and its use should be limited to areas
where snowmelt is typically not a major contributor to floods or to the annual
runoff volume. MGSFlood is generally not used for conveyance design unless
a conveyance system is downstream of a stormwater pond and the 15 minute
time step is used. For projects located in western Washington that fall outside
the modeling guidelines described in this paragraph, contact region or HQ
hydraulics staff for assistance.
2-7.1  Modeling Requirements
MGSFlood should be used once the designer has selected the BMP(s) for the
project site and has determined the input values for: precipitation, drainage
basin delineation, and soil characteristics. Each of these input values are
further described in the sections below.
2-7.1.2  Precipitation Input
There are two methods for transposing precipitation timeseries that are
available in the continuous simulation model: Extended Precipitation
Timeseries Selection and Precipitation Station Selection. The designer
will generally select the Extended Precipitation Timeseries unless it is not
available for a project site, then the Precipitation Station is selected. Both
methods are further described below.
1. Extended Precipitation Timeseries Selection – Extended Precipitation
Timeseries uses a family of prescaled precipitation and evaporation
timeseries. These timeseries were developed by combining and scaling
precipitation records from widely separated stations, resulting in record
lengths in excess of 100 years. Extended hourly precipitation and
evaporation timeseries have been developed using this method for most
of the lowland areas of western Washington where WSDOT projects
are constructed. These timeseries should be used for stormwater facility
design for project sites with a mean annual precipitation ranging from
24 to 60 inches and located in the region shown in Figure 2-7.1.

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Hydrology Chapter 2

Extended Precipitation Timeseries Regions

Figure 2-7.1

2. Precipitation Station Selection – For project sites located outside the

extended timeseries region, a second precipitation scaling method is used.
A source gage is selected and a single scaling factor is applied to transpose
the hourly record from the source gage to the site of interest (target
site). The current approach for single factor scaling, as recommended in
Ecology’s SMMWW, is to compute the scaling factor as the ratio of the
25-year, 24-hour precipitation for the target and source sites. Contact
region or Headquarters Hydraulics staff if assistance is needed in selecting
the appropriate gage. Updating areas with the extended precipitation
timeseries will be done eventually for all of western Washington, based
on available funding.
2-7.1.3  TDAs and Drainage Basin Characteristics
To facilitate rainfall-runoff modeling the project site must be defined in terms
of Threshold Discharge Areas (TDAs) and drainage basins. The Highway
Runoff Manual Minimum Requirements for flow control and/or runoff
treatment might be triggered in some or all TDAs along the project. For
those TDAs that require a stormwater BMP, drainage basins should show the
areas of land that contribute flow to a point of interest; typically a stormwater
BMP. Since the continuous simulation model simulates the rainfall-runoff
for each land cover/soil type combination separately, determining both the
predeveloped and post developed land cover is critical. Additionally, any
areas that are reverted to pervious surfaces should be accounted for as well.

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Chapter 2 Hydrology

Finally, if there are any existing wetlands within the TDA and stormwater is
proposed to discharge or detract from the natural wetland evaluation of the
hydroperiod maybe necessary.
The delineation and specifics of TDAs are part of the Highway Runoff Manual
requirements and designers should review the following sections of the
manual prior to using MGSFlood:
1. TDA Delineation – Section 4-2.5
2. Predeveloped Land Cover – Section 4-3.6
3. Reverision of an Existing Impervious Surface – Section 4-3.6
4. Separation of On-Site and Off-Site Flow – Section 4-3.6
5. Wetland Hydroperiods – Section 4-6
2-7.1.4  Hydrologic Soil Groups
For each basin, land use is defined in units of acres for predeveloped and
developed conditions. Soils must be classified into one of three default
categories for use in the continuous simulation model: till, outwash, or
saturated soil (as defined by the USGS). Mapping of soil types by the Soil
Conservation Service (SCS), which is now the Natural Resource Conservation
Service (NRCS), is the most common source of soil/geologic information used
in hydrologic analyses for stormwater facility design. Each soil type defined
by the NRCS has been classified into one of four hydrologic soil groups: A, B,
C, and D. As is common in hydrologic modeling in western Washington, the
soil groups used in the continuous simulation model generally correspond to
the NRCS hydrologic soil groups shown in Table 2-7.2.

NRCS Group HSPF Group

A Outwash
B Till or Outwash
C Till
D Wetland

Relationship Between NRCS Hydrologic Soil Group

and HSPF Soil Group
Table 2-7.2

NRCS Type B soils can be classified as either glacial till or outwash,

depending on the type of soil under consideration. Type B soils underlain by
glacial till or bedrock, or that have a seasonally high water table, are classified
as till. Conversely, well-drained B-type soils should be classified as outwash.
It is very important to work with the WSDOT Materials Lab or a licensed
geotechnical engineer to make sure the soil properties and near-surface

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03 Page 2-27

June 2010
Hydrology Chapter 2

hydrogeology of the site are well understood, as they are significant factors
in the final modeling results. Appendix 4B of the Highway Runoff Manual
contains some soils classification information for preliminary work.
Wetland soils remain saturated throughout much of the year. The hydrologic
response from wetlands is variable, depending on the underlying geology, the
proximity of the wetland to the regional groundwater table, and the geometry
of the wetland. Generally, wetlands provide some base flow to streams in the
summer months and attenuate storm flows via temporary storage and slow
release in the winter. Special design consideration must be taken into account
when including wetlands in continuous simulation runoff modeling.

2-8  Published Flow Records

When available, published flow records provide the most accurate data for
designing culverts and bridge openings. This is because the values are based
on actual measured flows and not calculated flows. The streamflows are
measured at a gaging site for several years. A statistical analysis (typically
Log Pearson Type III) is then performed on the measured flows to predict the
recurrence intervals.
The USGS maintains a large majority of the gaging sites throughout
Washington State. A list of all of the USGS gages, with adequate data to
develop the recurrence intervals, is provided in Appendix 2-1 along with the
corresponding latitude, longitude, hydrologic unit, and drainage area. Flood
discharges for these gaging sites, at selected exceedance probabilities (based
on historical data up to 1996), can be found in Table 2 at the following Web
link: 
In addition to these values, the HQ Hydraulics Office maintains records of
daily flows and peak flows for all of the current USGS gages. Also, average
daily flow values for all current and discontinued USGS gages are available
through the Internet on the USGS homepage (note these are average daily
values and not peak values) at 
Historical data for additional gaging sites is available through the Stream
Hydrology Unit (SHU) of Ecology’s Environmental Monitoring and Trends
Section. This flow information was recorded in support of the salmon
recovery efforts and water resource management. While discharge is measured
at these sites 6 to 8 times a year, the majority of the actual measurements are
of stream stage and a calculated stream discharge. The calculations are made
using information from stream gages operated by other governmental agencies
(primarily the USGS) and rating curves developed by SHU that relate river
stage to discharge (

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June 2010
Chapter 2 Hydrology

Some local agencies also maintain streamflow gages. Typically, these are
on smaller streams than the USGS gages. While the data obtained from
these gages is usually of high enough quality to use for design purposes,
the data is not always readily available. If the designer thinks that there is
a possibility that a local agency has flow records for a particular stream
then the engineering department of the local agency should be contacted.
The HQ Hydraulics Office does not maintain a list of active local agency
streamflow gages.

2-9  USGS Regression Equations

While measured flows provide the best data for design purposes, it is not
practical to gage all rivers and streams in the state. A set of equations has been
developed by USGS to calculate flows for drainage basins in the absence of a
streamflow gage. The equations were developed by performing a regression
analysis on streamflow gage records to determine which drainage basin
parameters are most influential in determining peak runoff rates
The equations break the state up into nine unique hydrologic regions,
as shown on the map in Appendix 2-2. The various hydrologic regions
require different input variables, depending on the hydrologic region. Input
parameters that maybe required include: total area of the drainage basin,
percent of the drainage basin that is in forest cover, and percent of the
drainage basin that is in lakes, swamps, or ponds. These variables can be
determined by the designer through use of site maps, aerial photographs, and
site inspections.
For some hydrologic regions, the designer will need to determine the Mean
Annual Precipitation (MAP) which can be found through the Web links in
Appendix 2-3. It should be noted that the regression equations were developed
using the 1965 NOAA precipitation maps and the maps in Appendix 2-3 are
an update to these maps. The new maps are considered more accurate because
the values are based on more actual precipitation data and an improved
methodology for determining precipitation values is utilized. However, in
some areas of Washington there was a significant change in the precipitation
values from the 1965 maps and designers should verify that the new
precipitation value is within the MAP limits noted on the Regression Equation
worksheets. In addition to the MAP limits, each region has limits for the
drainage basin area size. The designer should be careful not to use data that
is outside of the limits specified for the equations since the accuracy of the
equations is unknown beyond these points.

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03 Page 2-29

June 2010
Hydrology Chapter 2

The designer must be aware of the limitations of these equations. They were
developed for natural rural basins, however the equations have been updated
with current flood events. The equations can be used in urban ungaged areas
with additional back-up data, i.e., comparing results to nearest gage data for
calibration and a sensitivity analysis, field inspection of highwater lines and
information from local maintenance. Designers should contact the Region
Hydraulics Engineer for further guidance. Also any river that has a dam
and reservoir in it should not be analyzed with these equations. Finally, the
designer must keep in mind that due to the simple nature of these equations
and the broad range of each hydrologic region, the results of the equations
contain a fairly wide confidence interval, represented as the standard error.
The standard error is a statistical representation of the accuracy of the
equations. Each equation is based on many rivers and the final result
represents the mean of all the flow values for the given set of basin
characteristics. The standard error shows how far out one standard deviation
is for the flow that was just calculated. For a bell- shaped curve in statistical
analysis, 68 percent of all the samples are contained within the limits set by
one standard deviation above the mean value and one standard deviation
below the mean value. It can also be viewed as indicating that 50 percent of
all the samples are equal to or less than the flow calculated with the equation
and 84 percent of all samples are equal to or less than one standard deviation
above the flow just calculated.
The designers shall use the mean value determined from the regression
equations with no standard error or confidence interval. If the flows are too
low or too high for that basin based on information that the designer has
collected, then the designer may apply the standard error specific to the
regression equation accordingly. The designer should consult the Region
Hydraulic Engineer for assistance.
The equations were updated as noted in Appendix 2-2 and are only presented
in English units. To obtain metric flow data, the designer should input the
necessary English units data into the appropriate regression equation and then
multiply the results by 0.02832 to convert the final answer to cubic meters
per second.
Estimates of the magnitude and frequency of flood-peak discharges and flood
hydrographs are used for a variety of purposes, such as the design of bridges,
culverts, and flood-control structures, and for the management and regulation
of flood plains.

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June 2010
Chapter 2 Hydrology

In addition to the worksheets at the end of this chapter, the USGS has
programs to improve the process of estimating peak flows. One program is
the National Flood Frequency (NFF) Program, which acts as a calculator
taking the manual input of the physical site and climate characteristics and
then using the regression equations to calculate the peak flow and the standard
error. The program is available for designers use at the following web site and
should be loaded by the Region IT: 
Streamstats is another USGS tool that not only estimates peak flows, but can
also delineate the basin area and determine the MAP as well as other basin
characteristics. Streamstats can be found at the following web site:
 It should be
noted that Streamstats uses the 1965 NOAA maps and may produce a
slightly different result than the map links on Appendix 2-3.

2-10  Flood Reports

Flood reports have been developed for many rivers in Washington State.
Most of these reports, and the ones that are most readily accessible, have
been developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Other reports have been developed by the United States Army Corps of
Engineers and by some local agencies.
These reports are a good source of flow information since they were
developed to analyze the flows during flooding conditions of a particular
river or stream. The types of calculations used by the agency conducting
the analysis are more complex than the rational method or USGS regression
equations and because of this are more accurate. The increased time required
to perform these complex calculations is not justified for the typical structure
that WSDOT is designing; however, if the analysis has already been
performed by another agency, then it is in WSDOT’s best interest to use this
information. Flood study data should never be used in place of published
flow records.
The HQ Hydraulics Office maintains a complete set of FEMA reports and
also has several Corps of Engineers flood reports. Region Environmental
Offices should be contacted for local agency reports.

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June 2010
Hydrology Chapter 2

2-11  Mean Annual Runoff

Sometimes it is necessary to determine the mean annual flow or runoff for
a given stream. When published flow records are available they are the best
source of information. Minor streams, which do not have any gaging records
available, can be estimated by the following procedure:
English Units:
Q= (2-14)

Q = mean annual runoff in cfs
MAR = mean annual runoff in inches taken from Appendix 2-3
A = area of the drainage basin in square miles

Metric Units:

Q = mean annual runoff in cms
MAR = mean annual runoff in inches taken from Appendix 2-2
A = area of the drainage basin in kilometers

Page 2-32 WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

June 2010
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
10393500 SILVIES RIVER NEAR BURNS, OR 434255 1191035 17070101 934
10396000 DONNER UND BLITZEN RIVER NEAR FRENCHGLEN, OR 424728 1185200 17120003 200
10401800 MALHEUR LAKE NEAR VOLTAGE,OR 431730 1184905 17120001 2150
10406500 TROUT CREEK NEAR DENIO, NV 420920 1182714 17070101 88
12000000 WASHINGTON STATE OFFICE TEST STATION 470000 1223000 17110019 --
12009500 BEAR BRANCH NEAR NASELLE, WA 461948 1235437 17100106 11.7
12010000 NASELLE RIVER NEAR NASELLE, WASH. 462227 1234432 17100106 54.8
12010500 SALMON CREEK NEAR NASELLE, WASH. 462120 1234500 17100106 16.4
12010600 LANE CREEK NEAR NASELLE, WASH. 462220 1234700 17100106 2.15
12010700 SOUTH FORK NASELLE RIVER NEAR NASELLE, WA 462039 1234823 17100106 17.9
12010710 NASELLE RIVER AT NESELLE, WA 462159 1234829 17100106 --
12010800 SOUTH NEMAH RIVER NEAR NASELLE, WASH. 462627 1235138 17100106 1.99
12010830 SOUTH NEMAH RIVER NEAR NEMAH, WASH. 462833 1235301 17100106 6.72
12010900 MIDDLE NEMAH RIVER NEAR SOUTH BEND, WASH. 462938 1235312 17100106 11.6

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12011000 NORTH NEMAH RIVER NEAR SOUTH BEND, WASH. 462930 1235000 17100106 18
12011100 NORTH NEMAH R TRIBUTARY NR SOUTH BEND, WASH. 463045 1234630 17100106 0.46
12011103 NORTH NEMAH RIVER NEAR NEMAH, WASH. 463050 1235142 17100106 --
12011200 WILLIAMS CREEK NEAR SOUTH BEND, WASH. 463149 1235139 17100106 9.43
12011500 WILLAPA RIVER AT LEBAM, WASH. 463350 1233350 17100106 41.4
12012000 FORK CREEK NEAR LEBAM, WASH. 463319 1233500 17100106 20.4
12012200 GREEN CREEK NEAR LEBAM, WASH. 463515 1233530 17100106 1.79
12012500 STRINGER CREEK NR HOLCOMB, WA 463515 1233750 17100106 3.02
12013000 MILL CREEK NR WILLAPA, WA 463850 1233820 17100106 23.7
12013500 WILLAPA RIVER NR WILLAPA, WA 463904 1233905 17100106 130
12014000 WARD CREEK NR WILLAPA, WA 464145 1233855 17100106 19.3
12014500 SOUTH FORK WILLAPA RIVER NEAR RAYMOND, WASH. 463742 1234212 17100106 27.8
12015000 ELKHORN CREEK NR RAYMOND, WA 464610 1234450 17100106 15.6
12015100 CLEARWATER CREEK NEAR RAYMOND, WASH. 464459 1234559 17100106 3.98
12015200 SMITH CREEK NEAR RAYMOND, WASH. 464525 1234625 17100106 57.7
12015500 NORTH RIVER NEAR BROOKLYN, WASH. 464655 1232850 17100106 29.8
12016000 FALL RIVER AT BROOKLYN, WA 464630 1233015 17100106 41
12016500 LITTLE NORTH RIVER NEAR COSMOPOLIS, WASH. 465420 1234250 17100106 18.6
12016600 NORTH RIVER ABOVE JOE CR, NR RAYMOND, WASH. 465140 1234400 -- 189
12016700 JOE CREEK NEAR COSMOPOLIS, WASH. 465019 1234305 17100106 2.05
12016900 NORTH R AT AMERICAN MILL ROAD NR RAYMOND, WASH. 464946 1234948 17100105 210
12017000 NORTH RIVER NEAR RAYMOND, WASH. 464827 1235058 17100106 219
12017303 KINDRED SLOUGH AT HWY 105 NEAR TOKELAND, WASH. 464339 1240029 17100106 --
12017315 CANNERY SLOUGH TRIBUTARY NEAR TOKELAND, WASH. 464345 1240215 17100106 0.17
12017330 DRAINAGE DITCH NO. 1 NEAR TOKELAND, WASH. 464409 1240356 17100106 --
12017500 JOHNS RIVER NR MARKHAM, WA 465130 1235540 17100105 18.9
12018000 NEWSKAH CREEK NEAR ABERDEEN, WASH. 465445 1234920 17100105 7.44
12018500 CHARLEY (CHARLIES) CREEK NEAR ABERDEEN, WASH. 465625 1234810 17100104 5.93
12019000 CHEHALIS RIVER NR PE ELL, WA 463215 1231725 17100103 54.7
12019500 ROCK CREEK NR PE ELL, WA 463300 1232025 17100103 13.4
12019600 WATER MILL CREEK NEAR PE ELL, WASH. 463349 1231831 17100103 1.98

Page 2-33
Appendix 2-1 USGS Streamflow Gage Peak Flow Records

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12020000 CHEHALIS RIVER NEAR DOTY, WASH. 463703 1231635 17100103 113

Page 2-34

12020500 ELK CREEK NEAR DOTY, WASH. 463742 1231950 17100103 46.7
12020565 CHEHALIS RIVER AT DRYAD, WASH. 463754 1231451 17100103 --
12020800 SOUTH FORK CHEHALIS RIVER NEAR WILDWOOD, WA 462642 1230457 17100103 27
12020900 SOUTH FORK CHEHALIS RIVER NEAR BOISTFORT, WASH. 463138 1230658 17100103 44.9
12021000 SOUTH FORK CHEHALIS R AT BOISTFORT, WASH. 463245 1230755 17100103 48
12021500 HALFWAY CREEK NR BOISTFORT, WA 463135 1230855 17100103 13.4
12021800 CHEHALIS RIVER NEAR ADNA, WA 463733 1230602 17100103 --
12022000 BUNKER CREEK NR ADNA, WA 463905 1230730 17100103 20.1
12022050 DEEP CK. ABV. CARSON CK. NR. BUNKER 464212 1230705 17100103 --
12022090 DEEP CK. NR. MOUTH NR. BUNKER 463909 1230648 17100103 --
12022250 CHEHALIS RIVER AT ADNA, WASH. 463742 1230335 17100103 --
12022500 STEARNS CREEK NR NAPAVINE, WA 463440 1225900 17100103 14.1
12023000 STEARNS CREEK NEAR ADNA, WASH. 463550 1230010 17100103 --
12023500 CHEHALIS RIVER NR CHEHALIS, WASH. 463830 1230055 17100103 434
12024000 SOUTH FORK NEWAUKUM RIVER NEAR ONALASKA, WASH. 463433 1224102 17100103 42.4
12024059 CARLISLE LAKE AT ONALASKA, WASH. 463441 1224334 17100103 --
12024100 S.F. NEWAUKUM RIVER AT FOREST, WASH. 463614 1225115 17100103 --
12024400 NORTH FORK NEWAUKUM RIVER AB BEAR CR NR FOREST, WA 464003 1224608 17100103 --
12024500 NORTH FORK NEWAUKUM RIVER NEAR FOREST, WASH. 463920 1224640 17100103 31.5
12024820 N.F. NEWAUKUM RIVER AT FOREST, WASH. 463631 1225105 17100103 --
12025000 NEWAUKUM RIVER NR CHEHALIS, WASH. 463713 1225638 17100103 155
12025020 NEWAUKUM RIVER AT CHEHALIS, WASH. 463901 1225846 -- --
12025100 CHEHALIS RIVER AT WWTP AT CHEHALIS, WA 463940 1225858 17100103 --
12025300 SALZER CREEK NEAR CENTRALIA, WASH. 464130 1225425 17100103 12.6
12025500 CHEHALIS RIVER AT CENTRALIA, WASH. 464245 1225839 17100103 --
12025700 SKOOKUMCHUCK RIVER NEAR VAIL, WASH. 464622 1223534 17100103 40
12026000 SKOOKUMCHUCK RIVER NEAR CENTRALIA, WASH. 464715 1224245 17100103 61.7
12026150 SKOOKUMCHUCK R BLW BLDY RN CR N CENTRALIA, WASH. 464725 1224403 17100103 65.9
12026300 SKOOKUMCHUCK R TRIBUTARY NEAR BUCODA, WASH. 464740 1225345 17100103 0.58
12026400 SKOOKUMCHUCK RIVER NEAR BUCODA, WASH. 464620 1225523 17100103 112
12026500 HANAFORD CREEK NR CENTRALIA, WA 464450 1224640 17100103 13.3
12026504 HANAFORD CK. ABV. COAL CK. NR. BUCODA 464406 1224452 17100103 --
12026508 HANAFORD CREEK ABV SNYDER CREEK NR BUCODA, WASH. 464517 1224800 17100103 --
12026530 HANAFORD CK BLW. SNYDER CK NR. BUCODA 464547 1224902 17100103 --
12026533 PACKWOOD CK. ABV. MINING SITE NR. KOPIAH 464309 1224734 17100103 --
12026535 PACKWOOD CREEK NEAR BUCODA, WASH. 464457 1224911 17100103 --
12026540 PACKWOOD CK. ABV. STEAMPLANT NR. BUCODA 464517 1225002 17100103 7.93
12026542 HANAFORD CR BLW PACKWOOD CR NEAR BUCODA, WASH. 464532 1225039 17100103 --
12026550 HANAFORD CREEK NEAR BUCODA, WASH. 464544 1225347 17100103 --
12026560 SOUTH HANAFORD CK NR. KOPIAH 464143 1225008 17100103 --
12026570 SOUTH HANAFORD CK. NR. CENTRALIA 464532 1225359 17100103 14.4
12026600 SKOOKUMCHUCK RIVER AT CENTRALIA, WASH. 464352 1225710 17100103 172
12026615 BORST LAKE AT CENTRALIA, WASH. 464320 1225835 17100103 --
12026700 CHEHALIS RIVER AT GALVIN, WASH. 464408 1230107 17100103 --
12027000 LINCOLN CREEK NEAR ROCHESTER, WASH. 464410 1231040 17100103 19.3

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12027100 LINCOLN CK. ABV. SPONENBERGH CK. NR. GALVIN 464536 1230549 17100103 --
Chapter 2

12027220 LINCOLN CK. NR. GALVIN 464429 1230240 17100103 --

12027500 CHEHALIS RIVER NEAR GRAND MOUND, WASH. 464634 1230204 17100103 895
12027550 PRAIRIE CREEK NEAR GRAND MOUND, WASH. 464725 1230115 17100103 --
12028000 SCATTER CREEK NEAR GRAND MOUND, WASH. 464950 1225935 17100103 --
12028050 SCATTER CREEK NEAR ROCHESTER, WASH. 464900 1230400 17100103 36.2
12028070 CHEHALIS R AT INDIAN RESV NR OAKVILLE, WASH. 464834 1230816 17100103 --
12028500 WADELL CREEK NR LITTLE ROCK, WA 465450 1230300 17110010 15.9
12029000 BLACK RIVER AT LITTLE ROCK, WASH. 465410 1230120 17100103 63.7
12029015 DEEP LAKE NEAR MAYTOWN, WASH. 465433 1225454 17100103 --
12029050 SCOTT LAKE NEAR MAYTOWN, WASH. 465519 1225553 17100103 --
12029060 BEAVER CREEK AT LITTLEROCK, WA 465353 1230106 17100103 --
12029150 MILL CREEK NEAR MOUTH NEAR LITTLEROCK, WA 465347 1230544 17100103 --
12029200 BLACK RIVER NEAR OAKVILLE, WASH. 464900 1231100 17100103 130

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12029202 WILLAMETTE CREEK NEAR OAKVILLE, WASH. 464917 1231126 17100103 --
12029210 BLACK RIVER NEAR MOUTH NEAR OAKVILLE, WASH. 464918 1231228 17100103 --
12029500 GARRARD (GARROD) CR NR OAKVILLE, WA 464845 1231505 17110010 27.7
12029700 CHEHALIS RIVER NEAR OAKVILLE, WASH. 464951 1231531 17100103 1160
12030000 ROCK CREEK AT CEDARVILLE, WASH. 465205 1231825 17100103 24.8
12030500 CEDAR CREEK NEAR OAKVILLE, WASH. 465230 1231615 17100103 38.2
12030550 GIBSON CREEK NEAR PORTER, WASH. 465415 1231725 17100103 6.96
12030900 PORTER CREEK AT PORTER, WASH. 465700 1231730 17100104 35.3
12030950 PORTER CR AT U.S. HWY 12 AT PORTER, WA 465615 1231835 17100104 39.8
12031000 CHEHALIS RIVER AT PORTER, WASH. 465617 1231845 17100103 1290
12031890 EAST FORK WILDCAT CREEK AT MCCLEARY, WASH. 470351 1231557 17100104 4.45
12032000 WILDCAT CREEK NEAR ELMA, WA 470130 1232110 17100104 19.8
12032500 CLOQUALLUM RIVER AT ELMA, WASH. 470017 1232311 17100104 64.9
12033000 CHEHALIS RIVER AT SOUTH ELMA, WASH. 465856 1232440 17100106 1420
12033305 CHEHALIS RIVER ABV SATSOP RIVER AT FULLER, WASH. 465843 1232842 17100104 --
12033500 EAST FORK SATSOP RIVER NR MATLOCK, WASH. 470945 1232200 17100104 23.7
12034000 BINGHAM CR NR MATLOCK, WASH. 470940 1232345 17100104 --
12034200 EAST FORK SATSOP RIVER NEAR ELMA, WASH. 470740 1232500 17100104 65.9
12034500 MIDDLE FORK SATSOP RIVER NEAR SATSOP, WASH. 470510 1232920 17100104 --
12034700 WEST FORK SATSOP RIV TRIBUTARY NR MATLOCK, WASH. 471850 1233525 17100104 0.33
12034800 WEST FORK SATSOP RIVER NEAR SATSOP, WASH. 470233 1233126 17100104 94.9
12035000 SATSOP RIVER NEAR SATSOP, WA 470003 1232937 17100104 299
12035002 CHEHALIS RIVER NEAR SATSOP,WASH. 465753 1233115 17100104 1760
12035100 CHEHALIS RIVER NEAR MONTESANO, WA 465745 1233612 17100104 1780
12035380 WYNOOCHEE LAKE NEAR GRISDALE, WA 472308 1233616 17100104 --
12035400 WYNOOCHEE RIVER NR GRISDALE, WA 472250 1233631 17100104 41.3
12035450 BIG CREEK NEAR GRISDALE, WASH. 472228 1233808 17100104 9.57
12035500 WYNOOCHEE RIVER AT OXBOW, NR ABERDEEN, WASH. 472000 1233900 17100104 70.7
12036000 WYNOOCHEE RIVER ABV SAVE CREEK, NR ABERDEEN, WA 471757 1233907 17100104 74.1
12036400 SCHAFER CREEK NEAR GRISDALE, WASH. 471216 1233650 17100104 12.1
12036500 WYNOOCHEE RIVER NEAR MONTESANO, WASH. 471045 1233730 17100104 112

Page 2-35

12036650 ANDERSON CREEK NEAR MONTESANO, WASH. 470702 1233917 17100104 2.72

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12036800 WYNOOCHEE RIV BLW HELM CR NR MONTESANO, WASH. 470444 1234157 17100104 133

Page 2-36

12037000 CTY,ABERDEEN WYNOOCHEE R INTAKE NR MONTESANO, WA 470100 1234115 17100104 --

12037400 WYNOOCHEE RIVER ABOVE BLACK CR NR MONTESANO, WA 470042 1233915 17100104 155
12037500 WYNOOCHEE RIV BLW BLACK CR NR MONTESANO, WASH. 470035 1233900 17100104 180
12038000 WISHKAH RIVER NEAR WISHKAH, WASH. 470635 1234720 17100105 57.8
12038005 WISHKAH RIV ABV EAST FORK NR ABERDEEN, WASH. 470420 1234609 17100104 --
12038100 WISHKAH RIVER AB WISHKAH ROAD NEAR WISHKAH, WA 470420 1234610 17100104 --
12038400 CHEHALIS RIVER BLW WISHKAH RIVER AT HOQUIAM, WA 465819 1234825 17100104 2110
12038500 WEST FORK HOQUIAM RIVER NEAR HOQUIAM, WASH. 470305 1235525 17100105 --
12038510 W F HOQUIAM RIV BLW POLSON CR NR HOQUIAM, WASH. 470324 1235535 17100105 --
12038750 GIBSON CREEK NEAR QUINAULT, WASH. 472830 1234150 17100105 1.16
12039000 HUMPTULIPS RIVER NEAR HUMPTULIPS, WASH. 471342 1235623 17100105 130
12039003 HUMPTULIPS RIVER AT HUMPTULIPS, WASH. 471348 1235738 17100105 --
12039005 HUMPTULIPS RIVER BELOW HWY 101 NR HUMPTULIPS, WA 471354 1235822 17100105 --
12039050 BIG CREEK NEAR HOQUIAM, WASH. 470840 1235310 17100105 0.56
12039100 BIG CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR HOQUIAM, WASH. 470855 1235310 17100105 0.15
12039220 MOCLIPS RIVER AT MOCLIPS, WASH. 471432 1241127 17100102 35
12039300 NORTH FORK QUINAULT R NEAR AMANDA PARK, WASH. 473546 1233723 17100102 74.1
12039400 HIGLEY CREEK NEAR AMANDA PARK, WASH. 472055 1235345 17100102 0.77
12039500 QUINAULT RIVER AT QUINAULT LAKE, WASH. 472728 1235317 17100102 264
12039520 RAFT RIVER BLW RAINY CR NEAR QUEETS, WASH. 472717 1241858 17100102 76
12039900 QUEETS RIVER ABV CLEARWATER RIV NR QUEETS, WASH. 473258 1241635 17100102 --
12040000 CLEARWATER RIVER NR CLEARWATER, WASH. 473500 1241740 17100102 140
12040002 CLEARWATER RIVER NR QUEETS, WASH. 473445 1241800 17100102 143
12040500 QUEETS RIVER NEAR CLEARWATER, WASH. 473217 1241852 17100102 445
12040600 QUEETS RIVER AT QUEETS, WASH. 473230 1241955 17100102 --
12040680 LAKE HOH NEAR FORKS, WA 475400 1234706 17100101 --
12040700 HOH RIVER BELOW MT. TOM CREEK NEAR FORKS, WASH. 475207 1235302 17100101 97.8
12040900 SOUTH FORK HOH RIVER NEAR FORKS, WASH. 474825 1235943 17100101 50.4
12040910 HOH RIVER AT MILE 30.0 NEAR FORKS, WASH. 474856 1240150 17100101 --
12040930 HOH RIVER AT MILE 28.4 NEAR FORKS, WASH. 474837 1240333 17100101 --
12040940 CANYON CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR FORKS, WASH. 474844 1240412 17100101 --
12040950 OWL CREEK NEAR FORKS, WA 474657 1240443 17100101 --
12040960 OWL CREEK AT MOUTH NR FORKS, WASH. 474817 1240439 17100101 9.63
12040965 SPRUCE CREEK AT MOUTH NR FORKS, WASH. 474819 1240448 17100101 --
12040985 MAPLE CREEK AT MOUTH NR FORKS, WASH. 474814 1240517 17100101 --
12040990 DISMAL CREEK AT MOUTH NR FORKS, WASH. 474821 1240525 17100101 --
12041000 HOH RIVER NEAR FORKS, WASH. 474825 1241500 17100101 208
12041040 HOH RIVER AT RIVER MILE 24.0 NR FORKS, WASH. 474844 1240728 17100101 --
12041100 HOH RIVER AT MILE 20.0 NR FORKS, WASH. 474919 1241134 17100101 --
12041110 WILLOUGHBY CREEK AT MOUTH NR FORKS, WASH. 474919 1241146 17100101 --
12041120 ELK CREEK AT MOUTH NR FORKS, WASH. 474856 1241254 17100101 --
12041130 HOH RIVER AT MILE 18.0 NR FORKS, WASH. 474843 1241329 17100101 --
12041140 ALDER CREEK AT MOUTH NR FORKS, WASH. 474843 1241342 17100101 --
12041160 WINFIELD CREEK NEAR FORKS, WA 474753 1241334 17100101 --
12041170 WINFIELD CREEK AT MOUTH NR FORKS, WASH. 474836 1241350 17100101 11.8

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WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12041200 HOH RIVER AT U.S. HIGHWAY 101 NEAR FORKS, WASH. 474825 1241459 17100101 253
Chapter 2

12041206 HOH RIVER AT MILE 12.0 NR FORKS, WASH. 474712 1241647 17100101 --
12041209 LOST CREEK AT MOUTH NR FORKS, WASH. 474701 1241702 17100101 --
12041212 HOH RIVER AT MILE 8.9 NR FORKS, WASH. 474545 1241851 17100101 --
12041214 HOH RIVER AT MILE 6.7 NR FORKS, WASH. 474507 1242005 17100101 --
12041217 NOLAN CREEK AT HWY 101 BRIDGE NR FORKS, WASH. 474507 1241916 17100101 8.35
12041220 BRADEN CREEK AT HWY 101 BRIDGE NR FORKS, WASH. 474422 1242051 17100101 --
12041223 HOH RIVER AT MILE 4.3 NR FORKS, WASH. 474410 1242159 17100101 --
12041226 HOH RIVER AT MILE 2.3 NR FORKS, WASH. 474450 1242346 17100101 --
12041230 CHALAAT CR.AT TREATMENT PLANT, HOH RESV, WASH. 474432 1242458 17100101 --
12041234 CHALAAT CR.AT COMM.CENTER, HOH RESV, WASH. 474445 1242520 17100101 --
12041250 HOH RIVER AT MILE 0.6 NR FORKS, WASH. 474458 1242543 17100101 --
12041350 ROUND LAKE NEAR FORKS, WA 474557 1234715 17100101 --
12041500 SOLEDUCK RIVER NEAR FAIRHOLM, WASH. 480240 1235728 17100101 83.8

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12041600 SOLDUCK RIVER TRIBUTARY NEAR FAIRHOLM, WASH. 480245 1235735 17100101 0.42
12042000 SOLEDUCK R NEAR BEAVER, WASH. 480400 1240550 17100101 116
12042300 SOLEDUCK RIVER NEAR FORKS, WASH. 480115 1242255 17100101 --
12042400 SOLEDUCK R AT HWY 101 AT FORKS, WASH. 475901 1242348 17100101 --
12042500 SOLEDUCK R NR QUILLAYUTE, WASH. 475705 1242758 17100101 219
12042503 SOLEDUCK R AT MOUTH NR LA PUSH, WASH. 475455 1243227 17100101 --
12042700 MAY CREEK NEAR FORKS, WASH. 475255 1242100 17100101 2.03
12042800 BOGACHIEL R NR FORKS, WASH. 475340 1242119 17100101 111
12042900 GRADER CREEK NEAR FORKS, WASH. 475540 1242425 17100101 1.67
12042920 SITCUM RIVER TRIBUTARY NEAR FORKS, WASH. 475719 1241211 17100101 0.42
12043000 CALAWAH R NR FORKS, WASH. 475737 1242330 17100101 129
12043003 CALAWAH R AT MOUTH NR FORKS, WASH. 475604 1242649 17100101 --
12043015 BOGACHIEL R NR LAPUSH, WASH. 475411 1243239 17100101 --
12043080 EAST FORK DICKEY RIVER NEAR LA PUSH, WASH. 475910 1243245 17100101 39.8
12043100 DICKEY R NR LA PUSH, WASH. 475755 1243250 17100101 86.3
12043101 DICKEY R AB COLBY CR NR LA PUSH, WASH. 475724 1243332 17100101 86.3
12043103 DICKEY RIVER AT MORA, WASH. 475520 1243705 17100101 108
12043120 QUILLAYUTE RIVER AT LAPUSH, WASH. 475502 1243803 17100101 --
12043123 QUILLAYUTE R. AT RIVER MILE 0.2 AT LAPUSH, WASH. 475436 1243817 17100101 --
12043125 QUILLAYUTE R. AT RIVER MILE 0.0 AT LAPUSH, WASH. 475435 1243826 17100101 --
12043149 OZETTE LAKE AT OZETTE, WASH 480912 1244005 17100101 --
12043150 OZETTE RIVER AT OZETTE,WASH 480913 1244004 17100101 77.5
12043156 SOOES RIVER AB PILCHUCK CR NR OZETTE,WASH 481444 1243713 17100101 --
12043159 PILCHUCK CREEK NEAR OZETTE,WASH 481355 1243735 17100101 --
12043163 SOOES R BLW MILLER CR NR OZETTE,WASH 481556 1243728 17100101 32
12043173 WAATCH R BLW EDUCKET CR AT NEAH BAY,WASH 482126 1243730 17110021 9.96
12043176 WAATCH RIVER AT NEAH BAY,WASH 482123 1243757 17110021 --
12043186 VILLAGE CR AT NEAH BAY,WASH 482211 1243738 17110021 --
12043190 SAIL RIVER NR NEAH BAY,WASH 482127 1243338 17110021 5.42
12043195 SEKIU RIVER NEAR SEKIU, WASH. 481638 1242659 17110020 22
12043270 HOKO RIVER TRIB NR SEKIU, WASH. 481214 1242508 17100101 0.67

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12043300 HOKO RIVER NR SEKIU, WA 481430 1242257 17110021 51.2

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12043304 HOKO R ABV LITTLE HOKO R NR SEKIU 481524 1242110 17110021 --

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12043330 HOKO R. NR. SEKIU 481628 1242119 17110021 --

12043350 CLALLAM RIVER NEAR CLALLAM BAY, WASH. 481325 1241510 17110021 137
12043365 PYSHT R NR SAPPHO, WASH 481015 1241240 17110021 10.2
12043400 PYSHT R NR PYSHT 481123 1240923 17110021 --
12043430 EAST TWIN RIVER NEAR PYSHT, WASH. 480949 1235633 17110021 14
12043450 CROSS CR NR FAIRHOLM, WASH. 480320 1235235 17110021 0.92
12043470 LAKE CRESCENT TRIBUTARY NEAR PIEDMONT, WA 480300 1234805 17110021 0.79
12043500 HAPPY LAKE NEAR PIEDMONT, WA 480033 1234109 17110021 --
12044000 LYRE RIVER AT PIEDMONT, WASH. 480535 1234730 17110021 48.6
12044500 SALT CREEK NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480740 1234040 17110021 8.31
12044600 ELWHA RIVER AB SLATE CR NR PORT ANGELES, WA 474434 1232922 17110021 --
12044610 SLATE CREEK NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 474436 1232926 -- --
12044615 BUCKINGHORSE CREEK NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 474442 1232855 -- --
12044675 GODKIN CREEK NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 474535 1232723 -- --
12044680 ELWA RIVER AT CAMP WILDER NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 474559 1232734 -- --
12044685 LEITHA CREEK NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 474558 1232730 -- --
12044690 UNNAMED TRIB NR CAMP WILDER NR PORT ANGELES, WA 474637 1232706 -- --
12044695 HAYES RIVER NR HAYES RS NR PORT ANGELES, WA 474836 1232644 -- --
12044790 LOST RIVER NEAR ELKHORN RS NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 475145 1232754 -- --
12044800 ELWA RIVER AT ELKHORN RS NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 475218 1232813 -- --
12044825 LILLIAN RIVER AT SHELTER NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 475616 1233101 -- --
12044850 ELWHA RIVER NEAR GOBLINS GATE NR PORT ANGELES, WA 475722 1233424 17110020 --
12044900 ELWHA RIVER ABOVE LAKE MILLS NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 475813 1233522 17110020 198
12044910 ELWHA R DELTA SITE 1 AT LAKE MILLS NR PORT ANGELES 475823 1233518 17110020 --
12044915 HURRICANE CREEK NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 475834 1233507 -- --
12044920 ELWHA R DELTA SITE 2 AT LAKE MILLS NR PORT ANGELES 475835 1233524 17110020 --
12044930 CRYSTAL CREEK NEAR OLYMPIC HOT SPRINGS, WA 475843 1234106 -- --
12044940 COUGAR CREEK NEAR OLYMPIC HOT SPRINGS, WA 475917 1233922 -- --
12044950 BOULDER CREEK NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 475854 1233608 -- --
12045000 LAKE MILLS AT GLINES CANYON, NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480008 1233555 17110020 --
12045100 LAKE MILLS PWRPLT TLWTR GAGE NR PORT ANGELES, WA. 480016 1233554 17110020 245
12045150 GRIFFIN CREEK AT ELWA RS NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480058 1233522 -- --
12045200 ELWHA RIVER AT ALTAIRE BRIDGE NEAR PORT ANGELES 480039 1233521 17110020 --
12045500 ELWHA RIVER AT MCDONALD BR NR PRT ANGELES, WASH. 480318 1233455 17110020 269
12045520 LITTLE RIVER NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480326 1233013 -- --
12045535 COWEN CREEK NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480210 1232957 -- --
12045550 LITTLE R AT OLY HOT SPRINGS RD NR PORT ANGELES, WA 480348 1233416 -- --
12045560 ELWHA R BLW LITTLE R NR PORT ANGELES 480356 1233435 17110020 --
12045900 LAKE ALDWELL NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480542 1233322 17110020 315
12046000 ELWHA RIVER NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480540 1233320 17110020 315
12046090 UNNAMED TRIB AT HIGHWAY 112 NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480558 1233246 -- --
12046100 ELWHA RIVER BELOW ELWHA DAM NEAR PORT ANGELES,WA 480620 1233306 17110020 --
12046250 ELWHA R AT OLD HWY 112 BRIDGE NR PORT ANGELES, WA 480650 1233307 -- --
12046260 ELWHA RIVER AT DIVERSION NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480653 1233307 17110020 --

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Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12046300 ELWHA RIVER DIVERSION BL ELWHA DAM NR PORT ANGELES 480658 1233306 17110020 --
Chapter 2

12046390 ELWHA RIVER DIVERSION TO FISH POND NR PORT ANGELES 480654 1233258 17110020 --
12046400 ELWHA RIVER DIVESION CANAL NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480654 1233304 17110020 --
12046500 ELWHA RIVER BELOW DIVERSION NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480655 1233310 17110020 318
12046510 ELWHA R NR MOUTH NR PORT ANGELES WASH 480841 1233350 17110020 --
12046520 WEST SLOUGH AT ANGELES PT NR PORT ANGELES, WA 480900 1233328 17110020 --
12046523 BOSCO CR NR PORT ANGELES, WASH 480840 1233317 17110020 --
12046526 EAST SLOUGH AT ANGELES PT NR PORT ANGELES, WA 480857 1233246 17110020 --
12046800 EAST VALLEY CREEK AT PORT ANGELES, WASH. 480610 1232620 17110020 0.69
12047000 ENNIS CREEK NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 480625 1232340 17110020 8.32
12047100 LEES CREEK AT PORT ANGELES, WASH. 480620 1232255 17110020 4.77
12047150 PJ LAKE NEAR PORT ANGELES, WA 475647 1232429 17110020 --
12047300 MORSE CREEK NEAR PORT ANGELES, WASH. 480217 1232057 17110020 46.6
12047500 SIEBERT CREEK NEAR PORT ANGELES, WASH. 480500 1231652 17110020 15.5

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12047550 SIEBERT CR AT MOUTH NEAR AGNEW, WASH. 480709 1231715 17110020 --
12047650 MCDONALD CREEK NEAR AGNEW, WASH. 480730 1231302 17110020 22.9
12047700 GOLD CREEK NR BLYN, WASH. 475515 1230230 17110020 2.28
12048000 DUNGENESS RIVER NEAR SEQUIM, WASH. 480052 1230753 17110020 156
12048050 CANYON CREEK NEAR SEQUIM, WASH. 480126 1230815 17110020 11.9
12048500 DUNGENESS RIVER BELOW CANYON CREEK, NR SEQUIM, WA 480230 1230845 17110020 170
12048550 DUNGENESS R AT DUNGENESS MEADOWS NR CARLSBORG, WA 480343 1230910 17110020 --
12048600 DUNGENESS R AT HWY 101 BR NR CARLSBORG 480434 1230858 17110020 178
12048650 DUNGENESS RIVER AT RR BRIDGE NEAR SEQUIM, WA 480508 1230847 17110020 --
12048700 DUNGENESS R AT WOODCOCK BRIDGE NR DUNGENESS, WA 480658 1230854 17110020 --
12048750 HURD CREEK NEAR DUNGENESS, WASH. 480721 1230827 17110020 --
12048800 MATRIOTTI CREEK NEAR DUNGENESS, WASH. 480812 1230839 17110020 13.6
12049000 DUNGENESS RIVER AT DUNGENESS, WASH. 480840 1230740 17110020 197
12049020 MEADOWBROOK CREEK AT DUNGENESS, WASH. 480840 1230721 17110020 0.53
12049040 CASSALERY CREEK NEAR DUNGENESS, WASH. 480738 1230557 17110020 3.19
12049080 GIERIN CREEK NEAR SEQUIM, WASH. 480615 1230428 17110020 3.49
12049200 BELL CREEK NEAR SEQUIM, WASH. 480501 1230319 17110020 8.86
12049400 DEAN CREEK AT BLYN, WASH. 480130 1230035 17110020 2.96
12049500 JIMMYCOMELATELY CREEK NEAR BLYN, WA 480040 1230005 17110020 18.3
12050000 SALMON CREEK NEAR MAYNARD, WA 475850 1225340 17110020 13
12050500 SNOW CREEK NEAR MAYNARD, WASH. 475625 1225310 17110020 11.2
12051000 ANDREWS CREEK NEAR MAYNARD, WA 475635 1225300 17110020 10.2
12051100 SNOW CR AT UNCAS, WASH 475915 1225305 17110020 --
12051200 CHEVY CHASE CR AT S. DISCOVERY RD NR IRONDALE, WA 480350 1225012 17110020 --
12051450 CHIMACUM CR BLW W. VALLEY RD AT CENTER, WA 475653 1224754 17110019 9.38
12051500 CHIMACUM CREEK NR CHIMACUM, WASH. 475827 1224635 17110019 13.8
12051530 CHIMACUM CR. AT HADLOCK 480151 1224632 17110019 --
12051550 CHIMACUM CR ABV IRONDALE RD AT IRONDALE, WA 480232 1224652 17110019 --
12051590 LUDLOW CREEK ABOVE FALLS NEAR PORT LUDLOW, WA 475502 1224252 17110019 --
12051595 SHINE CREEK BELOW STATE HIGHWAY 104 NEAR SHINE, WA 475235 1224232 17110019 --
12051600 THORNDYKE CR AT THORNDYKE RD NR SOUTH POINT, WA 474926 1224420 17110019 --

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12051700 TARBOO CREEK AT DABOB ROAD NEAR DABOB, WA 475208 1224858 17110019 11.3

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12051750 DONOVAN CREEK NEAR QUILCENE, WA 475112 1225127 17110019 --

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12051900 LITTLE QUILCENE RIVER BLW DIVERSION NR QUILCENE,WA 475230 1225730 17110018 --
12052000 LITTLE QUILCENE RIVER NR QUILCENE, WASH. 475015 1225310 17110018 23.7
12052200 BIG QUILCENE RIVER ABOVE DIVERSION NR QUILCENE, WA 474707 1225846 17110018 49.4
12052210 BIG QUILCENE RIVER BELOW DIVERSION NR QUILCENE, WA 474705 1225842 17110018 49.4
12052390 BIG QUILCENE RIVER ABOVE PENNY CR NR QUILCENE, WA 474832 1225443 17110018 59.7
12052400 PENNY CREEK NEAR QUILCENE, WASH. 474840 1225450 17110018 6.78
12052500 BIG QUILCENE RIVER NR QUILCENE, WN. 474839 1225434 17110018 66.4
12052800 LAKE CONSTANCE NEAR BRINNON, WA 474504 1230829 17110018 --
12053000 DOSEWALLIPS RIVER NR BRINNON, WASH. 474335 1230030 17110018 93.5
12053400 DOSEWALLIPS R TRIBUTARY NEAR BRINNON, WASH. 474300 1225620 17110018 0.62
12053500 DOSEWALLIPS R. AT BRINNON 474125 1225352 17110018 116
12054000 DUCKABUSH RIVER NEAR BRINNON, WASH. 474103 1230037 17110018 66.5
12054100 DUCKABUSH R. AT BRINNON 473857 1225601 17110018 --
12054500 HAMMA HAMMA RIVER NEAR ELDON, WASH. 473518 1230657 17110018 51.3
12054600 JEFFERSON CREEK NEAR ELDON, WASH. 473500 1230618 17110018 21.6
12055000 HAMMA HAMMA R N HOODSPORT WASH 473248 1230325 17110018 83.5
12055500 EAGLE CREEK NEAR LILLIWAUP, WA 472910 1230440 17110018 7.06
12056000 FINCH CREEK AT HOODSPORT, WA 472420 1230850 17110018 3.45
12056300 ANNAS BAY TRIBUTARY NEAR POTLATCH, WASH. 472050 1230935 17110018 0.82
12056400 UPPER FLAPJACK LAKE NEAR HOODSPORT, WA 473339 1232021 17110018 --
12056495 NF SKOKOMISH R AT STAIRCASE RPDS, NR HOODSPORT, WA 473112 1232001 17110017 --
12056500 NF SKOKOMISH R BLW STRCSE RPDS NR HDSPRT, WASH. 473052 1231943 17110017 57.2
12057000 LAKE CUSHMAN NR HOODSPORT 472525 1231320 17110017 93.7
12057500 NORTH FORK SKOKOMISH RIVER NR HOODSPORT, WASH. 472524 1231316 17110017 93.7
12058000 DEER MEADOW CREEK NEAR HOODSPORT, WASH. 472456 1231336 17110017 1.83
12058500 DOW CREEK NEAR HOODSPORT, WASH. 472440 1231115 17110017 1.67
12058600 LOWER LAKE CUSHMAN NR HOODSPORT 472352 1231157 17110017 --
12058605 PENSTOCK AT POWERHOUSE NEAR POTLATCH, WA 472210 1230936 17110017 --
12058800 NF SKOKOMISH R. BL LWR CUSHMAN DAM NR POTLATCH, WA 472327 1231230 17110017 --
12059000 MCTAGGERT CREEK NEAR HOODSPORT, WASH. 472450 1231425 17110017 1.3
12059300 NF SKOKOMISH R BLW MCTAGGERT CR NR POTLACH, WASH 472122 1231405 17110017 --
12059500 N.F. SKOKOMISH RIVER NR POTLATCH, WA 471942 1231433 17110017 117
12059800 S.F. SKOKOMISH RIVER NR HOODSPORT, WASH. 472645 1232454 17110017 26
12059900 S.F. SKOKOMISH R BLW LEBAR CR NR HOODSPORT 472503 1231945 -- --
12060000 S.F. SKOKOMISH RIVER NR POTLATCH, WASH. 472310 1231830 17110017 65.6
12060100 ROCK CR NR POTLATCH, WA 472228 1231859 17110015 --
12060500 SOUTH FORK SKOKOMISH RIVER NEAR UNION, WASH. 472026 1231644 17110017 76.3
12060995 VANCE CR NR CAMP GOVEY NR POTLATCH, WA 471949 1231857 17110017 15.6
12061000 VANCE CREEK NEAR POTLATCH, WASH. 471945 1231848 17110017 --
12061200 FIR CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR POTLATCH, WASH. 472015 1231800 17110017 0.76
12061500 SKOKOMISH RIVER NEAR POTLATCH, WASH. 471836 1231033 17110017 227
12062500 PURDY CREEK NEAR UNION, WASH. 471805 1231050 17110017 3.73
12062505 WEAVER CR NR POTLATCH WASH 471835 1231055 -- --
12063000 UNION RIVER NEAR BREMERTON, WASH. 473145 1224705 17110018 3.16
12063500 UNION RIVER NEAR BELFAIR, WASH. 472820 1224940 17110018 19.8

June 2010
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Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12064000 MISSION LAKE NR. BREMERTON 473200 1225005 17110018 --
Chapter 2

12064500 MISSION CREEK NEAR BREMERTON, WASH. 473200 1225005 17110018 1.91
12065000 MISSION CREEK NR BELFAIR, WASH. 472920 1225145 17110018 4.43
12065020 TIGER LAKE NR BELFAIR 473035 1225007 17110018 --
12065500 GOLD CREEK NEAR BREMERTON, WASH. 473320 1224835 17110018 1.51
12066000 TAHUYA RIVER NEAR BREMERTON, WASH. 473300 1225050 17110018 5.99
12066500 PANTHER LAKE NR. BREMERTON 473110 1225108 17110018 --
12067000 PANTHER CREEK NEAR BREMERTON, WASH. 473150 1225130 17110018 1
12067500 TAHUYA RIVER NEAR BELFAIR, WASH. 472940 1225420 17110018 15
12068000 TAHUYA RIVER NEAR TAHUYA, WASH. 472420 1230020 17110018 42.2
12068500 DEWATTO RIVER NEAR DEWATTO, WASH. 472810 1230133 17110018 18.4
12069000 ANDERSON CREEK NEAR HOLLEY, WA 473405 1225740 17110018 6.3
12069500 STAVIS CREEK NEAR SEABECK, WA 473725 1225230 17110018 5.6
12069550 BIG BEEF CREEK NEAR SEABECK, WASH. 473827 1224702 17110018 13.8

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12069600 DEVILS HOLE CREEK NEAR BANGOR, WA 474415 1224354 17110019 2.61
12069651 GAMBLE CREEK NEAR PORT GAMBLE, WA 474757 1223451 17110018 5.86
12069660 PORT GAMBLE TRIB NO 2 NR PORT GAMBLE WASH 475030 1223352 17110018 --
12069663 PORT GAMBLE TRIB NO 3 AT PORT GAMBLE WASH 475116 1223358 17110018 --
12069710 GROVERS CREEK NEAR INDIANOLA WASH 474625 1223323 17110019 --
12069720 MILLER BAY TRIB NO 2 NR SUQUAMISH WASH 474449 1223332 17110019 --
12069721 MILLER BAY TRIB NO 3 NR SUQUAMISH WASH 474451 1223336 17110019 --
12069731 PORT ORCHARD TRIB NO 2 NR SUQUAMISH WASH 474245 1223419 17110019 --
12069760 PORT ORCHARD TRIB NO 4 AT KEYPORT WASH 474229 1223619 17110019 --
12069995 DOGFISH CR AT BIG VALLEY RD NR POULSBO, WA 474558 1223820 17110019 --
12070000 DOGFISH CREEK NEAR POULSBO, WASH. 474511 1223836 17110019 5.08
12070040 JOHNSON CREEK AT DNR SITE NEAR POULSBO, WA 474436 1224039 17110018 0.17
12070045 NORTH FORK JOHNSON CREEK NEAR POULSBO, WA 474403 1223945 17110019 2.04
12070050 JOHNSON CREEK NEAR POULSBO, WA 474400 1223942 17110019 2.52
12070455 ISLAND LAKE NR. KEYPORT 474042 1223932 17110019 --
12070500 CLEAR CREEK NEAR SILVERDALE, WA 473950 1224050 17110019 8.5
12071000 WILDCAT LAKE NR. BREMERTON 473559 1224535 17110019 --
12071500 KITSAP LAKE NR. BREMERTON 473447 1224234 17110019 --
12072000 CHICO CREEK NEAR BREMERTON, WASH. 473525 1224230 17110019 15.3
12072400 GORST CREEK NEAR MOUTH AT GORST, WA 473141 1224158 17110019 --
12072500 BLACKJACK CREEK AT PORT ORCHARD, WASH. 473220 1223750 17110019 14.5
12072600 BEAVER CR NR MANCHESTER WASH. 473415 1223330 17110019 1.61
12072615 LONG LAKE NR PORT ORCHARD 472858 1223512 17110019 --
12072630 JUDD CR ON VASHON ISLAND NR VASHON, WA 472421 1222810 17110019 --
12072675 CRESCENT LAKE NR. GIG HARBOR 472318 1223418 17110019 --
12072681 CRESCENT CR. NR GIG HARBOR,WASH. 472102 1223444 17110019 --
12072685 NORTH CREEK AT GIG HARBOR,WASH. 472014 1223537 17110019 --
12072710 ARTONDALE CREEK AT ARTONDALE,WASH. 471755 1223704 17110019 --
12072750 UNNAMED TRIB.TO CARR INLET AT ROSEDALE,WASH 471949 1223854 17110019 --
12072770 MCCORMICK CREEK AT PURDY,WASH. 472216 1223721 17110019 --
12072795 PURDY CREEK NEAR PURDY,WASH. 472412 1223651 17110019 --

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12072800 PURDY CREEK AT PURDY,WASH. 472318 1223730 17110019 3.44

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12073000 BURLEY CREEK AT BURLEY, WASH. 472455 1223750 17110019 10.7

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12073490 HUGE CREEK AT COUNTYLINE NEAR WAUNA,WASH. 472412 1224210 17110019 --

12073500 HUGE CREEK NEAR WAUNA, WASH. 472322 1224152 17110019 6.47
12073505 HORSESHOE LAKE NR BURLEY 472433 1223934 17110019 --
12073550 TRIBUTARY TO BEAVER CREEK NR HERRON, WA 471648 1224801 17110019 0.21
12073585 JACKSON LAKE NR. HOME 471710 1224619 17110019 --
12073600 MASTIN CREEK NR KEY CENTER, WA 472113 1224436 17110019 0.2
12073890 WYE LAKE NEAR BELFAIR 472525 1224537 17110019 --
12074000 SHUMOCHER CR (HD SHERWOOD CR) NR UNION, WA 471910 1225920 17110019 12.2
12074500 MASON LAKE NEAR UNION, WASH. 472114 1225517 17110019 20.2
12074780 PHILLIPS LAKE NR SHELTON 471452 1225752 17110019 --
12075000 DEER CREEK NEAR SHELTON, WASH. 471600 1230015 17110019 13.6
12075500 CRANBERRY CREEK NEAR SHELTON, WASH. 471600 1230030 17110019 15.2
12076000 JOHNS CREEK NEAR SHELTON, WASH. 471500 1230515 17110019 17.7
12076100 LOST LAKE NR SHELTON 470955 1231445 17110019 --
12076500 GOLDSBOROUGH CREEK NEAR SHELTON, WASH. 471256 1231052 17110019 39.3
12077000 GOLDSBOROUGH CREEK AT SHELTON, WASH. 471230 1230600 17110019 55
12077490 ISABELLA LAKE NR SHELTON 471002 1230658 17110019 --
12077500 MILL CREEK AT SHELTON, WASH. 471145 1230545 17110019 19.5
12078000 SKOOKUM CREEK AT KAMILCHE, WASH. 470730 1230650 17110019 16.1
12078200 SUMMIT LAKE NR. KAMILCHE 470312 1230720 17110019 --
12078400 KENNEDY CREEK NEAR KAMILCHE, WASH. 470437 1230733 17110019 17.4
12078500 KENNEDY CREEK NEAR NEW KAMILCHE, WA 470530 1230545 17110019 18.7
12078600 SCHNEIDER CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR SHELTON, WASH. 470525 1230430 17110019 1.12
12078650 SNYDER CREEK NEAR OLYMPIA, WASH. 470509 1225824 17110019 0.52
12078700 BLACK LAKE NR. TUMWATER 470036 1225750 17100103 --
12078705 BLACK LAKE DITCH AT LAKE OUTLET NR TUMWATER, WA. 470037 1225750 17110019 --
12078720 BLACK LAKE DITCH NR OLYMPIA, WA. 470139 1225618 17110019 --
12078730 PERCIVAL CREEK NR OLYMPIA, WA. 470132 1225552 17110019 5.84
12078940 LAWRENCE LK NR RAINIER,WASH 465057 1223451 17110016 --
12079000 DESCHUTES RIVER NR RAINIER, WASH. 465108 1224003 17110016 89.8
12079004 DESCHUTES R AT HWY 507 NR RAINIER, WASH 465223 1224344 17110016 101
12079300 MCINTOSH LAKE NR TENINO 465144 1224636 17110016 --
12079380 OFFUTT LAKE NR EAST OLYMPIA 465506 1224904 17110016 --
12079500 SPURGEON CREEK NEAR OLYMPIA, WA 465700 1225030 17110016 11
12079550 AYER CREEK NEAR TUMWATER, WA 465829 1225140 17110016 --
12079900 MUNN LAKE NR OLYMPIA 465914 1225242 17110016 --
12079980 DESCHUTES R AT HENDERSON BLVD NR OLYMPIA, WA 465944 1225247 17110016 --
12079994 CHAMBERS LAKE NR OLYMPIA ,WASH 470121 1225004 17110016 --
12079996 LITTLE CHAMBERS LK NR OLYMPIA,WASH 470105 1224956 17110016 --
12080000 DESCHUTES RIVER NEAR OLYMPIA, WASH. 470005 1225340 17110016 160
12080010 DESCHUTES R AT E ST BRIDGE AT TUMWATER, WASH 470043 1225407 17110016 162
12080012 DESCHUTES RIVER AT TUMWATER, WASH 470053 1225407 17110016 --
12080025 CAPITOL LAKE AT OLYMPIA 470237 1225429 17110019 --
12080070 WARD LAKE NEAR TUMWATER 470021 1225235 17110016 --
12080090 INDIAN-MOXLIE CR AT UNION AVE AT OLYMPIA, WA 470224 1225326 17110019 --

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Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12080092 INDIAN-MOXLIE CR OUTFALL AT OLYMPIA, WA 470252 1225335 17110019 --
Chapter 2

12080100 MISSION CREEK AT MOUTH NR OLYMPIA, WA 470402 1225343 17110019 --

12080450 WOODWARD CR AT ENSIGN ROAD AT OLYMPIA, WA 470304 1225106 17110019 --
12080500 WOODWARD CREEK NR OLYMPIA, WA. 470501 1225134 17110019 3.8
12080550 HICKS LAKE NEAR LACEY 470102 1224742 17110019 --
12080560 WOODLAND CR AT PATTERSON LAKE INLET NR LACEY, WA 470018 1224714 17110019 2.25
12080570 PATTERSON LAKE NR LACEY 465954 1224615 17110019 --
12080600 LONG LAKE NR. LACEY 470203 1224648 17110019 --
12080650 WOODLAND CREEK AT LONG LAKE OUTLET NR LACEY, WA 470208 1224652 17110019 12.2
12080670 WOODLAND CREEK AT MARTIN WAY AT LACEY, WA. 470300 1224814 17110019 12.4
12080750 WOODLAND CR AT DRAHAM RD NR OLYMPIA, WA 470338 1224811 17110019 20.5
12081000 WOODLAND CR NR OLYMPIA, WA 470418 1224858 17110019 24.6
12081010 WOODLAND CR TRIBUTARY AT JORGENSON RD NR OLYMPIA 470435 1224914 17110019 0.46
12081300 EATON CREEK NEAR YELM, WASH. 465805 1224330 17110019 2.28

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12081480 ST. CLAIR LAKE NEAR YELM, WA 470009 1224307 17110019 19.9
12081500 MCALLISTER SPRINGS NEAR OLYMPIA, WASH. 470145 1224325 17110019 --
12081590 NISQUALLY R. ABV. DEAD HORSE CR. AT PARADISE, WA 464710 1214518 17110015 --
12081595 NISQUALLY R. ABV. GLACIER BRIDGE AT PARADISE, WA 464650 1214530 17110015 --
12081700 PARADISE RIVER AT PARADISE, WA 464640 1214420 17110015 --
12081900 KAUTZ CREEK (UPPER SITE) NEAR LONGMIRE, WA 464740 1214740 17110015 --
12081910 KAUTZ CREEK (LOWER SITE) NEAR LONGMIRE, WA 464630 1214840 17110015 --
12081990 TAHOMA CREEK AT HWY BRIDGE NR ASHFORD 464420 1215400 17110015 14
12082000 NISQUALLY RIVER NEAR ASHFORD, WA 464430 1215540 17110015 68.5
12082500 NISQUALLY RIVER NEAR NATIONAL, WASH. 464510 1220457 17110015 133
12082990 MINERAL LAKE AT MINERAL 464308 1221036 17110015 --
12083000 MINERAL CREEK NEAR MINERAL, WASH. 464440 1220836 17110015 75.2
12083400 NISQUALLY R AT ELBE, WASH 464547 1221127 17110015 --
12083500 EAST CREEK NR ELBE, WASH. 464440 1221220 17110015 11.5
12084000 NISQUALLY RIVER NEAR ALDER, WASH. 464605 1221605 17110015 252
12084500 LITTLE NISQUALLY RIVER NEAR ALDER, WASH. 464720 1221845 17110015 28
12085000 ALDER RESV AT ALDER WASH 464809 1221837 17110015 286
12085500 LA GRANDE RESERVOIR AT LA GRANDE, WA 464923 1221813 17110015 289
12086000 NISQUALLY RIVER AT LA GRANDE DAM, WA 464922 1221811 17110015 289
12086100 TACOMA POWER CONDUIT AT LA GRANDE DAM, WA 464922 1221813 17110015 --
12086500 NISQUALLY RIVER AT LA GRANDE, WASH. 465037 1221946 17110015 292
12087000 MASHEL RIVER NEAR LA GRANDE, WASH. 465125 1221805 17110015 80.7
12087300 CLEAR LAKE NR. PARADISE 465548 1221540 17110015 --
12087400 OHOP LAKE NEAR EATONVILLE, WASH. 465306 1221638 17110015 17.3
12087500 LYNCH CREEK NEAR EATONVILLE, WA 465250 1221630 17110015 16.3
12088000 OHOP CREEK NEAR EATONVILLE, WA 465252 1221640 17110015 34.5
12088020 OHOP CREEK AT SR7 NEAR EATONVILLE, WA 465152 1222033 17110015 --
12088300 SILVER LAKE NR. LA GRANDE 465253 1222155 17110015 --
12088400 NISQUALLY R ABV POWELL C NR MCKENNA, WASH. 465104 1222603 17110015 431
12088500 NISQUALLY RIVER NEAR MCKENNA, WASH. 465120 1222710 17110015 445
12088900 TANWAX LAKE NEAR KAPOWSIN, WASH. 465640 1221626 17110015 4.08

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12089000 TANWAX CREEK NR MCKENNA, WASH. 465155 1222705 17110015 26

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12089020 CLEAR LAKE NR. MC KENNA 464942 1222832 17110015 --

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12089200 HARTS LAKE NR. MC KENNA 465332 1222818 17110015 --

12089208 CENTRALIA POWER CANAL NR MCKENNA, WASH 465401 1222950 17110015 --
12089300 NISQUALLY RIVER BELOW CENTRALIA DAM NR MCKENNA, WA 465358 1222948 17110015 --
12089500 NISQUALLY RIVER AT MCKENNA, WA 465601 1223335 17110015 517
12089700 YELM CREEK NR YELM, WASH. 465318 1223614 17110015 1.72
12090000 MUCK CREEK NEAR LOVELAND, WA 470055 1222515 17110015 16.9
12090060 MUCK CR NR ROY, WASH 470200 1222935 17110015 --
12090200 MUCK CREEK AT ROY, WASH. 470020 1223232 17110015 86.8
12090203 NISQUALLY LAKE NR ROY, WASH 470121 1223734 17110015 --
12090205 MUCK CREEK AT MOUTH NR ROY, WASH 465949 1223737 -- --
12090240 NISQUALLY R. AT NISQUALLY, WASH 470343 1224142 17110015 710
12090288 LOUISE LAKE NR STEILACOOM 470952 1223400 17110019 --
12090290 MURRAY CREEK NR. TILLICUM 470700 1223347 17110019 --
12090300 AMERICAN LAKE NR. TILLICUM 470630 1223518 17110019 --
12090325 CLOVER CR AT TSC RIFLE RANGE NR SPANAWAY, WA 470606 1222050 17110019 --
12090330 CLOVER CR AT MILITARY RD NR SPANAWAY, WA 470617 1222232 17110019 18
12090335 CLOVER CR AT 152ND ST. E NR SPANAWAY, WA 470707 1222248 17110019 --
12090340 UNNAMED TRIB. TO CLOVER CR AT BINGHAM AVE E. 470733 1222200 17110019 0.01
12090350 CLOVER CREEK NEAR PARKLAND, WA 470735 1222312 17110019 --
12090355 CLOVER CR AT 25TH AVE E. NR PARKLAND, WA 470740 1222343 17110019 20.7
12090358 CLOVER CR BLW BROOKDALE GOLF COURSE NR SPANAWAY,WA 470730 1222444 17110019 --
12090360 CLOVER CR BLW 138TH ST S. NR PARKLAND, WA 470755 1222532 17110019 42.6
12090362 CLOVER CR AT 136TH ST S. NR PARKLAND, WA 470801 1222543 17110019 --
12090365 UNNAMED TRIB. TO NF CLOVER CR AT WALLER ROAD 470802 1222316 17110019 0.14
12090367 UNNAMED TRIB TO NF CLOVER CR AT 136TH ST E. NR 470800 1222326 17110019 --
12090370 NF CLOVER CR AT BROOKDALE RD NR PARKLAND, WA 470758 1222407 17110019 --
12090380 UNNAMED TRIB TO NF CLOVER CR AT 99TH ST E. NR TAC 471003 1222439 17110019 0.19
12090395 UNNAMED TRIB TO NF CLOVER CR AT BROOKDALE RD NR PA 470804 1222428 17110019 --
12090396 QA-CLOVER CR FIELD BLANK 470804 1222449 17110019 --
12090400 NORTH FORK CLOVER CREEK NEAR PARKLAND, WASH. 470805 1222450 17110019 6.25
12090430 CLOVER CR AT 17TH AVE S. NR PARKLAND, WA 470838 1222728 17110019 49.7
12090448 SPANAWAY CR AT SPANAWAY LOOP RD NR SPANAWAY, WA 470603 1222655 17110019 --
12090450 SPANAWAY LAKE NR SPANAWAY 470630 1222628 17110019 --
12090452 SPANAWAY CR AT SPANAWAY LK OUTLET NR SPANAWAY, WA 470721 1222642 17110019 17.2
12090460 SPANAWAY CR AT TULE LK OUTLET NR PARKLAND, WA 470824 1222718 17110019 --
12090480 MOREY CR ABV MCCHORD AFB NR PARKLAND, WA 470749 1222742 17110019 --
12090500 CLOVER CREEK NEAR TILLICUM, WASH. 470846 1223033 17110019 73.8
12090600 CLOVER CREEK ABV. STEILACOOM LK. NR. TACOMA 470925 1223139 17110019 --
12090602 CLOVER CR AT GRAVELLY LAKE DR. NR TACOMA, WA 470923 1223120 17110019 75.9
12090690 GRAVELLY LAKE NR. TILLICUM 470832 1223145 17110019 --
12090800 WAPATO LAKE AT TACOMA, WASH 471134 1222720 17110019 --
12090850 PONCE DE LEON CREEK NR. STEILACOOM 470945 1223141 17110019 --
12090990 STEILACOOM LAKE NR. STEILACOOM 471040 1223204 17110019 --
12091000 CHAMBERS CREEK AT STEILACOOM L., NR STEILACOOM, 471040 1223205 17110019 --
12091040 CHAMBERS CR ABV FLETT CR NEAR STEILACOOM, WASH. 471128 1223137 17110019 90.4

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12091050 FLETT CREEK AT 74TH ST., AT TACOMA, WASH. 471126 1222908 17110019 4.23
Chapter 2

12091055 USGS WAREHOUSE DCP TEST FACILITY NR STEILACOOM, WA 471034 1222925 17110019 --
12091060 FLETT CREEK AT MT. VIEW MEMORIAL PARK, WASH. 471106 1222917 17110019 5.91
12091070 FLETT CREEK BELOW FLETT SPRINGS AT TACOMA, WASH. 471050 1223010 17110019 6.72
12091098 FLETT CR AT CUSTER RD AT TACOMA, WASH 471111 1223105 17110019 --
12091100 FLETT CREEK AT TACOMA, WASH. 471123 1223108 17110019 8.01
12091180 LEACH CREEK AT HOLDING POND, AT FIRCREST, WASH. 471329 1223032 17110019 4.59
12091200 LEACH CREEK NR FIRCREST, WASH. 471318 1223029 17110019 4.73
12091300 LEACH CR NR STEILACOOM, WA 471154 1223117 17110019 6.56
12091500 CHAMBERS C BW LEACH C, NR STEILACOOM, WASH. 471152 1223139 17110019 104
12091600 CHAMBERS CR. NR. STEILACOOM 471132 1223420 17110019 108
12091700 JUDD CREEK NEAR BURTON, WASH. 472440 1222818 17110019 4.41
12091950 DEER CR NR ELECTRON, WA 465128 1215806 17110014 --
12091960 UPPER GOLDEN LAKE NEAR ELECTRON, WA 465320 1215357 17110014 --

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12092000 PUYALLUP RIVER NR ELECTRON, WA 465414 1220202 17110014 92.8
12092100 ALLISON CREEK NR ELECTRON, WASH. 465647 1200343 17110014 1.78
12092500 PUYALLUP RIVER AT ELECTRON, WA 465945 1221030 17110014 131
12093000 KAPOWSIN CREEK NEAR KAPOWSIN, WASH. 465944 1221144 17110014 25.9
12093500 PUYALLUP RIVER NEAR ORTING, WASH. 470222 1221224 17110014 172
12093505 FOREST LAKE NR. ORTING 470254 1221129 17110014 --
12093510 PUYALLUP RIVER AT ORTING, WASH 470521 1221243 17110014 --
12093600 PUYALLUP RIVER NEAR MCMILLIN, WASH. 470747 1221404 17110014 186
12093650 GREEN LAKE NEAR FAIRFAX, WA 465837 1215134 17110014 --
12093900 CARBON RIVER AT FAIRFAX, WASH. 470047 1220042 17110014 76.2
12094000 CARBON RIVER NEAR FAIRFAX, WA 470141 1220153 17110014 78.9
12094300 CARBON RIVER NR. ORTING 470556 1220905 17110014 --
12094400 SO PRAIRIE CREEK NR ENUMCLAW, WASH. 470530 1215705 17110014 22.4
12094497 WILKESON CR AT SNELL LK RD AT WILKESON, WASH 470606 1220150 17110014 --
12094499 WILKESON CR NR SCHOOLHOUSE AT WILKESON, WASH 470603 1220244 17110014 --
12094500 WILKESON (GALE) CREEK AT WILKESON, WA 470620 1220245 17110014 25
12094501 WILKESON CR BLW WWTP AT WILKESON, WA 470636 1220303 17110014 --
12095000 SOUTH PRAIRIE CREEK AT SOUTH PRAIRIE, WASH. 470823 1220529 17110014 79.5
12095300 SOUTH PRAIRIE CR NR CROCKER, WASH 470634 1220843 17110014 89.5
12095500 VOIGHT CREEK NEAR CROCKER, WA 470410 1220700 17110014 22.9
12095660 VOIGHT CR NR ORTING, WASH 470455 1221030 17110014 --
12095690 CARBON RIVER AT ORTING, WA 470700 1221308 17110014 230
12095900 PUYALLUP RIVER AT MCMILLIN, WASH 470825 1221331 17110014 416
12096000 FENNEL CREEK NEAR MCMILLIN, WA 470910 1221255 17110014 12.5
12096500 PUYALLUP RIVER AT ALDERTON, WASH. 471107 1221342 17110014 438
12096510 UPPER DEADWOOD LAKE NEAR GREENWATER, WA 465314 1213116 17110014 --
12096600 WHITE RIVER NEAR GREENWATER, WA 465350 1213701 17110014 16.2
12096800 DRY CREEK NEAR GREENWATER, WASH. 470040 1213145 17110014 1.01
12096950 JIM CREEK NEAR GREENWATER, WASH. 470245 1214120 17110014 4.31
12097000 WHITE RIVER AT GREENWATER, WASH. 470848 1213844 17110014 216

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12097500 GREENWATER RIVER AT GREENWATER, WASH. 470913 1213804 17110014 73.5

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12097600 WHITE R. NR. GREENWATER 470953 1214437 17110014 --

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12097700 CYCLONE CREEK NEAR ENUMCLAW, WASH. 471030 1214640 17110014 2.35
12097850 WHITE R BL CLEARWATER R NR BUCKLEY WASH 470849 1215132 17110014 375
12098000 MUD MOUNTAIN LAKE NEAR BUCKLEY,WASH 470827 1215548 17110014 400
12098500 WHITE RIVER NEAR BUCKLEY, WASH. 470905 1215655 17110014 401
12098600 WHITE R. NR. BUCKLEY 470946 1215831 17110013 --
12098910 WHITE RIVER FLUME NR BUCKLEY WASH 471012 1220018 -- --
12099000 WHITE RIVER CANAL AT BUCKLEY, WASH. 471019 1220113 17110014 --
12099100 WHITE RIVER ABOVE BOISE CREEK AT BUCKLEY, WA 471012 1220012 17110014 411
12099300 BOISE CR ABOVE RESERVOIR, NR ENUMCLAW, WASH. 471130 1215350 17110014 4.6
12099400 BOISE C BL MILLPOND NR ENUMCLAW WN 471145 1215547 17110014 8.27
12099500 BOISE CREEK NEAR ENUMCLAW, WASH. 471120 1215820 17110014 12.3
12099600 BOISE CR. AT BUCKLEY 471034 1220102 17110014 15.4
12100000 WHITE RIVER AT BUCKLEY, WASH. 471028 1220109 -- 427
12100050 WHITE R. BL BOISE CR. NR BUCKLEY 471101 1220338 17110014 --
12100490 WHITE RIVER AT R-STREET NEAR AUBURN, WASHINGTON 471630 1221224 17110014 --
12100496 WHITE R. NR. AUBURN 471558 1221343 17110014 464
12100500 WHITE RIVER NR SUMNER, WASH. 471501 1221433 17110014 470
12100600 STUCK RIVER TRIBUTARY NEAR MILTON, WA 471520 1221635 17110014 0.53
12101000 LAKE TAPPS NEAR SUMNER, WASH 471428 1221126 17110014 --
12101100 LAKE TAPPS DIVERSION AT DIERINGER, WASH. 471418 1221337 17110014 --
12101104 WHITE RIVER AT TACOMA AVE BRIDGE AT SUMNER, WA 471300 1221410 17110014 --
12101105 WHITE RIVER AT WILLIAMS RD BRIDGE AT SUMNER, WASH 471245 1221430 17110014 --
12101110 WHITE R. AT SUMNER 471215 1221440 17110014 --
12101475 PUYALLUP R AT MERIDIAN ST BR AT PUYALLUP, WAS 471210 1221733 17110019 --
12101478 WAPATO CR DIV TO PUYALLUP RIV AT NO. PUYALLUP WA 471213 1221746 17110014 --
12101500 PUYALLUP RIVER AT PUYALLUP, WA 471231 1221933 17110014 948
12102000 CLARK CREEK AT PUYALLUP, WASH. 471040 1221900 17110014 --
12102005 MEEKER DITCH AT 7TH ST S AT PUYALLUP, WA 471100 1221804 17110014 --
12102010 CLARKS CR AT 7TH AVE S.W. AT PUYALLUP, WA 471110 1221907 17110014 --
12102020 DIRU CR AT INFLOW TO HATCHERY NR PUYALLUP, WA 471130 1222017 17110014 1.17
12102025 DIRU CR BLW HATCHERY AND PIONEER WAY NR PUYALLUP 471135 1222012 17110014 1.18
12102040 W.F. CLARKS CR AT 104TH ST. EAST NR PUYALLUP, WA. 470943 1222053 17110014 --
12102050 CLARKS CR TRIB AT PIONEER WAY NR PUYALLUP, WA 471147 1222048 17110014 1.56
12102075 CLARKS CREEK AT TACOMA ROAD NEAR PUYALLUP, WA 470923 1221909 17110014 13
12102100 CLARKS CR AT RIVER ROAD NR PUYALLUP, WA 471249 1222027 17110014 16.3
12102102 PUYALLUP RIVER ABOVE CLEAR CREEK NEAR TACOMA, WA 471410 1222330 17110014 --
12102105 W.F. CLEAR CR AT 84TH ST. EAST NR TACOMA, WASH. 471052 1222233 17110014 --
12102110 W.F. CLEAR CR AT 72ND ST E. TACOMA, WA 471130 1222231 17110014 0.74
12102112 E.F. CLEAR CR AT 100TH ST. EAST NEAR TACOMA, WASH. 470959 1222156 17110014 --
12102115 E.F. CLEAR CR AT 72ND ST E. NR TACOMA, WASH. 471129 1222211 17110014 1.52
12102140 CLEAR CR AT PIONEER WAY BLW HATCHERY NR TACOMA, WA 471310 1222225 17110014 3.09
12102145 CANYON CREEK AT 77TH ST. EAST NR TACOMA, WASH. 471111 1222110 17110014 --
12102150 SQUALLY CR AT 72ND ST E. TACOMA, WA 471129 1222308 17110014 0.1
12102175 CLEAR CR AT 31ST AVE CT. E. TACOMA, WA 471354 1222308 17110014 8.53
12102180 SWAN CREEK AT 96TH ST. EAST NR TACOMA, WASH. 471012 1222333 17110014 --

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Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12102190 SWAN CR AT 80TH ST. EAST NR TACOMA, WASH. 471105 1222333 17110014 2.35
Chapter 2

12102200 SWAN CREEK NEAR TACOMA, WASH. 471130 1222335 17110014 2.15
12102202 SWAN CR AT FLUME LINE ROAD, TACOMA, WA 471142 1222235 17110014 2.28
12102212 SWAN CR AT PIONEER WAY, TACOMA, WA 471343 1222326 17110014 3.45
12102400 PUYALLUP RIVER AT LINCOLN AVENUE AT TACOMA, WA 471500 1222447 17110014 --
12102490 WAPATO CR AT UNION PAC RR NR NO. PUYALLUP, WA 471253 1221804 17110019 0.62
12102500 WAPATO CREEK NEAR TACOMA, WA 471330 1222010 17110019 6
12102510 WAPATO CR AT 12TH ST E. IN FIFE, WA 471446 1222206 17110019 3.47
12102750 NORTH LAKE NR FEDERAL WAY 471817 1221719 17110019 --
12102760 KILLARNEY LAKE NR ALGONA 471711 1221721 17110012 --
12102770 HYLEBOS CR AT S. 370 ST. NEAR MILTON, WASH. 471613 1221806 17110019 --
12102775 HYLEBOS CR TRIB ABV S. 363 PL. NR MILTON, WASH. 471637 1221824 17110019 --
12102800 SOUTH FORK HYLEBOS CREEK NR PUYALLUP, WASH. 471535 1221740 17110019 0.27
12102900 HYLEBOS CR ABV TRIB AT 5TH AVE IN MILTON, WA 471510 1221939 17110019 4.77

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12102920 WEST TRIB TO HYLEBOS CR AT S.356 ST NR MILTON,WA 471658 1221934 17110019 --
12103000 WEST TRIB TO HYLEBOS(HYLEBOS)CR NEAR MILTON,WA 471602 1221942 17110019 7.33
12103005 WEST TRIB TO HYLEBOS CR AT COMET ST NR MILTON, WA 471517 1221959 17110019 --
12103020 HYLEBOS CREEK AT HIGHWAY 99 AT FIFE, WA 471439 1222013 17110019 16.8
12103025 HYLEBOS CR AT 8TH AVE E. IN FIFE, WA 471500 1222046 17110019 16.7
12103035 FIFE DITCH AT 54TH ST E. IN FIFE, WA 471525 1222127 17110019 2.03
12103200 JOES CREEK AT TACOMA, WASH. 471844 1222320 17110019 0.78
12103205 JOES CR AT MARINE DR. NEAR TACOMA, WASH. 471937 1222231 17110019 --
12103207 LAKOTA CR ABV SEWAGE TRTMNT PLANT NR TACOMA, WA 471933 1222206 17110019 --
12103210 REDONDO CR 1 AT REDONDO SHORES NR DESMOINES, WA 472032 1221952 17110019 --
12103212 REDONDO C 2 AB REDONDO HTS CONDO NR DESMOINES WA 472051 1221913 17110019 --
12103215 WOODMONT DRIVE CREEK NEAR DESMOINES, WASH. 472155 1221855 17110019 --
12103220 UNNAMEDCR AT SALT WATER ST PARK NR DESMOINES WA 472230 1221909 17110019 --
12103324 DES MOINES CR NR MOUTH AT DES MOINES, WA 472420 1221938 17110019 6
12103326 MILLER CREEK NR DES MOINES, WA 472647 1222103 17110019 8.5
12103330 SEOLA BEACH DRAIN AT SEATTLE, WASH 472948 1222227 17110019 --
12103375 PIONEER CR NR LESTER, WA 471057 1212200 17110013 --
12103380 GREEN RIVER ABV TWIN CAMP CREEK NR LESTER, WA 471055 1212315 17110013 16.5
12103390 SUNDAY CR NR LESTER, WA 471338 1212616 17110013 --
12103395 INTAKE CR NR LESTER, WA 471221 1212417 17110013 3.4
12103400 GREEN RIVER BLW INTAKE CR NR LESTER, WASH. 471244 1212513 17110013 34.8
12103500 SNOW CREEK NEAR LESTER, WASH. 471510 1212410 17110013 11.5
12104000 FRIDAY CREEK NEAR LESTER, WASH. 471317 1212722 17110013 4.67
12104500 GREEN RIVER NEAR LESTER, WASH. 471228 1213307 17110013 96.2
12104700 GREEN CANYON CREEK NEAR LESTER, WASH. 471308 1213428 17110013 3.23
12105000 SMAY CREEK NEAR LESTER, WASH. 471543 1213352 17110013 8.56
12105480 CANTON CREEK AT HUMPHERY 471350 1214319 17110013 --
12105500 CHARLEY CREEK NR EAGLE GORGE, WASH. 471500 1214700 17110013 11.3
12105700 N.F. GREEN RIVER NR PALMER, WASH. 471830 1214620 17110013 16.5
12105710 NORTH FORK GREEN RIVER NEAR LEMOLO, WASH. 471821 1214620 17110013 16.7
12105800 HOWARD A. HANSON RESERVOIR NEAR PALMER, WASH. 471638 1214703 17110013 220

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12105900 GREEN RIVER BELOW HOWARD A. HANSON DAM, WASH. 471702 1214748 17110013 221

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12106000 BEAR CREEK NR EAGLE GORGE, WASH. 471700 1214810 17110013 4.1

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12106500 GREEN RIVER NEAR PALMER, WASH. 471740 1214920 17110013 230
12106700 GREEN RIVER AT PURIFICATION PNT NR PALMER, WASH. 471819 1215058 17110013 231
12107000 GREEN RIVER AT KANASKAT, WA 471910 1215330 17110013 240
12107200 DEEP CREEK NEAR CUMBERLAND, WASH. 471725 1215500 17110013 2.17
12107290 WALKER LAKE NEAR CUMBERLAND 471547 1215425 17110013 --
12107300 ICY CREEK NR BLACK DIAMOND, WASH. 471640 1215825 17110013 3.29
12107498 GREEN R AT FLAMING GEYSER BR NR BLACK DIAMOND,WA 471651 1220212 17110013 280
12107500 GREEN RIVER NR BLACK DIAMOND, WASH. 471700 1220310 17110013 285
12107950 NORTH FORK NEWAUKUM CREEK NEAR ENUMCLAW,WASH 471406 1215542 17110013 1.93
12107995 NEWAUKUM CR AT SE 400TH ST NR ENUMCLAW, WA 471438 1220217 17110013 --
12108000 NEWAUKUM CREEK NEAR ENUMCLAW, WA 471630 1220330 17110013 25.5
12108050 CLOVERCREST OUTFALL AT ENUMCLAW,WASH 471238 1220014 17110013 0.26
12108450 NEWAUKUM CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR BLACK DIAMOND,WASH 471512 1220134 17110013 1.52
12108500 NEWAUKUM CREEK NEAR BLACK DIAMOND, WASH. 471633 1220330 17110013 27.4
12109000 BURNS CREEK NEAR BLACK DIAMOND, WA 471700 1220610 17110013 3.47
12109010 GREEN R AT AUBURN ACADEMY NR AUBURN, WASH 471718 1220933 17110013 --
12109450 SHADOW LAKE NR MAPLE VALLEY 472408 1220458 17110012 --
12109500 LITTLE SOOS CREEK NEAR KENT, WASH. 472222 1220646 17110013 6.08
12109550 LITTLE SOOS CR AT 164TH SE AT MERIDAN HEIGHTS, WA 472143 1220718 17110012 3.4
12110000 BIG SOOS CR ABV JENKINS CR NEAR AUBURN, WASH. 472038 1220800 17110013 20.9
12110002 WILDERNESS LAKE NR. MAPLE VALLEY 472204 1220212 17110013 --
12110003 WILDERNESS LAKE OUTLET NR MAPLE VALLEY, WA 472234 1220214 17110013 0.66
12110004 PIPE LAKE NR. MAPLE VALLEY 472158 1220306 17110013 --
12110005 LUCERNE LAKE NR. MAPLE VALLEY 472205 1220250 17110013 --
12110400 S.F. JENKINS CREEK NEAR COVINGTON, WASH. 472122 1220502 17110013 3.47
12110500 JENKINS CREEK NEAR AUBURN, WASH. 472024 1220742 17110013 13.5
12111000 LAKE SAWYER NEAR BLACK DIAMOND, WASH. 471953 1220223 17110013 13
12111500 COVINGTON CREEK NR BLACK DIAMOND, WASH. 472010 1220240 17110013 13
12112000 COVINGTON CREEK NEAR AUBURN, WASH. 471851 1220632 17110013 21.6
12112500 BIG SOOS CREEK NEAR AUBURN, WASH. 471900 1220840 17110013 62.9
12112550 SOOSETTE CREEK NEAR AUBURN, WASH. 471903 1220930 17110013 5.5
12112600 BIG SOOS CREEK ABV HATCHERY, NR AUBURN, WA 471845 1220951 17110013 66.7
12112610 BIG SOOS CR NR MOUTH NR AUBURN, WASH 471822 1221016 17110013 --
12113000 GREEN RIVER NR AUBURN, WA 471845 1221210 17110013 399
12113200 MILL CREEK NEAR AUBURN, WASH. 471815 1221600 17110012 3.14
12113300 MILL CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR AUBURN, WASH. 472010 1221510 17110013 0.3
12113340 GREEN R AT 212 ST. NR KENT, WASH. 472445 1221549 17110013 --
12113342 ANGLE LAKE NR DES MOINES,WASH 472530 1221732 17110019 --
12113346 SPRING BROOK CREEK AT ORILLIA, WA 472553 1221335 17110013 8.44
12113347 MILL CREEK AT EARTHWORKS PARK AT KENT, WA 472300 1221325 17110013 2.49
12113349 MILL CREEK NEAR MOUTH AT ORILLIA, WA 472620 1221426 17110013 6.03
12113350 GREEN RIVER AT TUKWILA, WASH. 472755 1221450 17110013 440
12113370 SPRINGBROOK CR AT SW 27TH AT TUKWILLA, WA 472721 1221335 17110013 --
12113375 SPRINGBROOK CREEK AT TUKWILA, WA 472757 1221353 17110013 19
12113385 BLACK RIVER BELOW PUMP STATION NEAR RENTON, WA 472833 1221441 -- --

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12113390 DUWAMISH R AT GOLF COURSE AT TUKWILA, WA 472845 1221527 17110013 461
Chapter 2

12113400 DUWAMISH R AT TUKWILLA, WASH. 472858 1221600 17110013 --

12113470 DUWAMISH R AT FIRST AVENUE S AT SEATTLE WA 473233 1222001 17110013 477
12113485 DUWAMISH R AT TERMINAL 3 AT SEATTLE WA 473355 1222053 17110013 483
12113488 LONGFELLOW CR AT SW BRANDON ST NR WEST SEATTLE, WA 473317 1222157 17110013 2.2
12113492 DUWAMISH R AT TERM 5 AT SEATTLE, WASH. 473450 1222138 17110013 483
12113493 DUWAMISH R AT TERM 20 AT SEATTLE, WASH. 473451 1222042 17110013 483
12113499 TAYLOR CREEK AT LAKERIDGE PARK NEAR RENTON, WA 473033 1221449 17110012 --
12113500 NORTH FORK CEDAR RIVER NEAR LESTER, WASH. 471910 1213005 17110012 9.3
12114000 SOUTH FORK CEDAR RIVER NEAR LESTER, WASH. 471830 1213100 17110012 6
12114500 CEDAR R. BELOW BEAR CR., NEAR CEDAR FALLS, WASH. 472032 1213252 17110012 25.4
12115000 CEDAR RIVER NEAR CEDAR FALLS, WASH. 472213 1213726 17110012 40.7
12115300 GREEN POINT CREEK NEAR CEDAR FALLS, WASH. 472320 1214030 17110012 0.89
12115500 REX RIVER NEAR CEDAR FALLS, WASH. 472103 1213943 17110012 13.4

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12115700 BOULDER CR NR CEDAR FALLS, WASH. 472159 1214130 17110012 4.64
12115800 RACK CREEK NR CEDAR FALLS,WASH. 472329 1214317 17110012 2.14
12115900 CHESTER MORSE LAKE AT CEDAR FALLS, WASH. 472434 1214322 17110012 78.4
12116000 CEDAR RIVER AT CEDAR LAKE, NEAR NORTH BEND, WA 472420 1214310 17110012 77.7
12116060 CEDAR LAKE (MASONRY POOL) NEAR CEDAR FALLS,WASH. 472443 1214504 17110012 78.4
12116100 CANYON CREEK NEAR CEDAR FALLS, WASH. 472511 1214555 17110012 0.19
12116400 CEDAR RIVER AT POWERPLANT AT CEDAR FALLS, WA 472508 1214649 17110012 --
12116450 CEDAR RIVER BELOW POWERPLANT NEAR CEDAR FALLS, WA 472511 1214652 17110012 --
12116500 CEDAR RIVER AT CEDAR FALLS, WASH. 472502 1214727 17110012 84.2
12116700 MIDDLE FORK TAYLOR CREEK NEAR SELLECK, WASH. 472115 1214730 17110012 5.17
12116800 NORTH FORK TAYLOR CREEK NEAR SELLECK, WASH. 472220 1214820 17110012 3.77
12117000 TAYLOR CREEK NEAR SELLECK, WASH. 472312 1215042 17110012 17.2
12117490 CEDAR R. AB ROCK CR. NR LANDSBURG 472328 1215508 17110012 --
12117500 CEDAR RIVER NEAR LANDSBURG, WASH. 472338 1215712 17110012 121
12117600 CEDAR RIVER BELOW DIVERSION NR LANDSBURG, WA 472247 1215856 17110012 124
12117695 ROCK CR AT CEDAR FALLS RD NR LANDSBURG, WA 472412 1215353 17110012 2.78
12117699 ROCK CREEK NEAR LANDSBURG, WA 472358 1215513 17110012 4.73
12117700 ROCK CR ABOVE WALSH LK DITCH NR LANDSBURG, WASH. 472356 1215512 17110012 4.91
12117800 WALSH LAKE CREEK NEAR LANDSBURG, WASH. 472400 1215515 17110012 --
12117820 WALSH LAKE DITCH NEAR LANDSBURG, WA. 472357 1215513 17110012 9.42
12118000 ROCK CREEK DIVERSION NEAR LANDSBURG, WASH. 472330 1215840 17110012 11
12118200 RETREAT LAKE NEAR RAVENSDALE 472102 1215642 17110013 --
12118300 ROCK CREEK NEAR RAVENSDALE, WASH. 472145 1215945 17110012 --
12118400 ROCK CREEK AT HIGHWAY 516 NEAR RAVENSDALE, WA 472145 1220035 17110013 11.2
12118500 ROCK CREEK NEAR MAPLE VALLEY, WASH. 472248 1220058 17110012 12.6
12118510 CEDAR R. AT MAPLE VALLEY 472422 1220218 17110012 --
12119000 CEDAR RIVER AT RENTON, WA 472858 1221208 17110012 184
12119005 CEDAR R. AT WILLIAMS AV AT RENTON 472904 1221218 17110012 187
12119007 CEDAR R AT LOGAN ST AT RENTON, WASH 472909 1221228 17110012 --
12119300 MAY CREEK NEAR ISSAQUAH WASH 472953 1220553 -- 2.82
12119302 MAY CREEK TRIB AT STATE ROAD 900 NR ISSAQUAH,WA 472953 1220554 17110012 --

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12119375 MAY CREEK AT RENTON WASH 473102 1220855 -- 7.57

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12119400 BOREN LAKE NEAR RENTON 473152 1220945 17110012 --

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12119450 HONEY CREEK NEAR RENTON WASH 473048 1221041 -- 0.7

12119500 MAY CREEK NR RENTON, WASH. 473125 1221145 17110012 12.5
12119600 MAY CREEK AT MOUTH, NEAR RENTON, WASH. 473148 1221200 17110012 12.7
12119700 COAL CREEK NR BELLEVUE, WASH. 473400 1221045 17110012 6.8
12119725 LAKE HILLS STORM SEWER OUTFALL AT BELLEVUE, WA. 473623 1220812 17110012 --
12119730 148TH AV STORM SWR BLW LK HILLS BLVD BELLEVUE,WA 473601 1220830 17110012 --
12119731 148TH AVE UPSTREAM MANOMETER AT BELLEVUE WA 473601 1220831 -- --
12119732 148TH AVE DOWNSTREAM MANOMETER AT BELLEVUE WA 473601 1220832 -- --
12119795 VALLEY CREEK AT NE 27TH ST NEAR BELLEVUE, WA 473807 1220903 17110012 2.1
12119800 VALLEY (NO BRANCH MERCER) CR NR BELLEVUE, WASH. 473742 1220906 17110012 3.05
12119850 WEST BRANCH KELSEY CREEK AT BELLEVUE, WA 473608 1220950 17110012 10.1
12119900 SUNSET CREEK AT SE 30TH ST NEAR BELLEVUE, WA 473508 1220944 17110012 2.1
12119950 WOODRIDGE PARK TRIB OF RICHARDS CR AT BELLEVUE 473532 1220952 17110012 --
12120000 MERCER CREEK NEAR BELLEVUE, WASH. 473611 1221047 17110012 12
12120005 SURREY DOWNS STORM SEWER OUTFALL AT BELLEVUE, WA 473602 1221130 17110012 --
12120480 JUANITA CREEK AT NE 132ND ST NR KIRKLAND, WA 474308 1221207 17110012 3.4
12120490 JUANITA CREEK AT JUANITA, WA 474240 1221235 17110012 6.3
12120500 JUANITA CREEK NEAR KIRKLAND, WASH. 474227 1221251 17110012 6.69
12120600 ISSAQUAH CREEK NEAR HOBART, WASH. 472727 1220014 17110012 17.6
12121000 ISSAQUAH CREEK NEAR ISSAQUAH, WASH. 472855 1220210 17110012 27
12121500 EAST FORK ISSAQUAH CREEK AT ISSAQUAH, WA 473155 1220120 17110012 8.54
12121510 EAST FORK ISSAQUAH CR AT MOUTH AT ISSAQUAH WASH 473208 1220211 -- 9.5
12121600 ISSAQUAH CREEK NR MOUTH, NR ISSAQUAH, WA 473309 1220248 17110012 56.6
12121699 TIBBETTS CR AT SE NEWPORT WAY NEAR ISSAQUAH, WA 473225 1220343 17110012 --
12121700 TIBBETTS CREEK NEAR ISSAQUAH, WASH. 473230 1220347 17110012 3.9
12121720 LAUGHING JACOBS CREEK NEAR ISSAQUAH, WASH. 473357 1220304 17110012 --
12121750 LEWIS CR AT 187TH AVE SE NR BELLEVUE, WA 473415 1220529 17110012 1.9
12121800 PINE LAKE NR ISSAQUAH, WA 473517 1220224 17110012 1.06
12121810 PINE LAKE OUTLET NR ISSAQUAH, WA 473515 1220309 17110012 1.06
12121815 PINE LK CR AT BURL-NORTH RR NEAR ISSAQUAH, WASH. 473608 1220441 17110012 --
12121820 SAMMAMISH LAKE TRIB. NEAR REDMOND, WASH. 473630 1220418 17110012 --
12121830 INGLEWOOD CR AT E. LK. SAMM. PKWY NR REDMOND, WA 473656 1220359 17110012 --
12122000 SAMMAMISH LAKE NEAR REDMOND, WASH. 473447 1220638 17110012 99.6
12122010 SAMMAMISH R AB BEAR CR NR REDMOND,WASH. 473928 1220653 17110012 102
12122500 BEAR CREEK NR REDMOND, WA 474304 1220434 17110012 13.9
12123000 COTTAGE LAKE CR NEAR REDMOND, WASH. 474415 1220445 17110012 10.7
12123100 COTTAGE LAKE CR ABV BEAR CR NR REDMOND, WASH. 474303 1220507 17110013 12.2
12123200 BEAR CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR REDMOND, WASH. 474202 1220408 17110012 1.4
12123300 EVANS CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR REDMOND, WASH. 473905 1220245 17110012 2.46
12123500 EVANS CREEK NEAR REDMOND, WA 473915 1220445 17110012 10.9
12124000 EVANS CREEK (ABOVE MOUTH) NR REDMOND, WASH. 474031 1220448 17110012 13
12124500 BEAR CREEK AT REDMOND, WASH. 474010 1220630 17110012 48.2
12124998 SAMMAMISH R AT REDMOND, WASH 474015 1220735 17110012 148
12125000 SAMMAMISH RIVER NEAR REDMOND, WASH. 474010 1220750 17110012 150
12125200 SAMMAMISH RIVER NEAR WOODINVILLE, WASH. 474215 1220829 17110012 159

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12125500 BEAR CREEK AT WOODINVILLE, WASH. 474525 1220950 17110012 15.3
Chapter 2

12125800 PENNY CREEK NEAR EVERETT, WASH. 475115 1221241 17110012 3.67
12125900 NORTH CREEK BLW PENNY CR NEAR BOTHELL, WASH. 474913 1221242 17110012 12
12125950 NORTH CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR WOODINVILLE, WASH. 474907 1221224 17110012 4.2
12126000 NORTH CREEK NEAR BOTHELL, WASH. 474730 1221147 17110012 24.6
12126100 NORTH CREEK NEAR WOODINVILLE. WASH. 474648 1221113 17110012 27
12126200 NORTH CREEK AT NORTH CREEK PARKWAY NR BOTHELL, WA 474634 1221107 17110012 27
12126500 SAMMAMISH RIVER AT BOTHELL, WASH. 474532 1221209 17110012 212
12126800 SWAMP CREEK NEAR ALDERWOOD MANOR, WASH. 474932 1221515 17110012 9.55
12126900 SCRIBER CREEK NEAR MOUNTLAKE TERRACE, WASH. 474758 1221527 17110012 6.14
12127000 SWAMP CREEK NEAR BOTHELL, WA 474600 1221425 17110012 21.8
12127100 SWAMP CREEK AT KENMORE, WASH. 474522 1221357 17110012 23.1
12127101 SWAMP CREEK NEAR KENMORE, WA 474520 1221350 17110012 --
12127290 LYON CR AT NE 178TH AT LAKE FOREST PARK, WA 474523 1221651 17110012 3.6

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12127300 LYON CREEK AT LAKE FOREST PARK, WASH. 474511 1221635 17110012 3.67
12127395 ECHO LAKE NR RICHMOND HEIGHTS 474623 1222025 17110012 --
12127400 LAKE BALLINGER NEAR EDMONDS, WASH. 474643 1221938 17110012 5.09
12127500 MCALEER CREEK NEAR BOTHELL, WASH. 474530 1221725 17110012 7.48
12127600 MCALEER CREEK AT LAKE FOREST PARK, WASH. 474507 1221648 17110012 7.8
12127700 NF THORNTON CR BL GOLF COURSE NEAR SEATTLE, WA 474331 1221847 17110012 3.1
12127800 SF THORNTON CR AT 30TH AVE NE NR SEATTLE, WA 474225 1221736 17110012 3.4
12128000 THORNTON CREEK NEAR SEATTLE, WASH. 474145 1221630 17110012 12.1
12128150 DEER LAKE NR CLINTON 475820 1222313 17110019 --
12128300 GOSS LAKE NR LANGLEY 480205 1222845 17110019 --
12128500 POWDER CREEK NR MIKILTEO, WA 474710 1221610 17110019 --
12128900 TYE RIVER NEAR SCENIC, WASH. 474335 1210830 17110009 7.6
12129000 TYE RIVER NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH. 474220 1211740 17110009 79.8
12129300 FOEHN LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473402 1211526 17110009 --
12129310 0PAL LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473438 1211508 17110009 --
12129320 EMERALD LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473453 1211516 17110009 --
12129330 JADE LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473510 1211525 17110009 --
12129350 TAHL LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473431 1211544 17110009 --
12129360 AL LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473458 1211539 17110009 --
12129370 LOCKET LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473518 1211614 17110009 --
12129390 LAKE ILSWOOT NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473522 1211504 17110009 --
12129600 SOUTH TANK LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473340 1211546 17110009 --
12129610 NORTH TANK LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473401 1211550 17110009 --
12129620 BONNIE LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473354 1211622 17110009 --
12129710 ANGELINE LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473445 1211826 17110009 --
12129730 BIG HEART LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473502 1211905 17110009 --
12129750 DELTA LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473545 1211846 17110009 --
12129800 LITTLE HEART LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473535 1211942 17110009 --
12129810 COPPER LAKE NR SKYKOMISH, WA 473628 1211941 17110009 --
12129820 MCCAFFREY LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473634 1211952 17110009 --
12129840 LAKE MALACHITE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473637 1212005 17110009 --

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12129850 TROUT LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473710 1211844 17110009 --

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12129870 ROCK LAKE NR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473832 1211956 17110009 --

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12129890 TOP LAKE NR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473925 1212014 17110009 --

12129895 TOP LAKE POTHOLE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473923 1212002 17110009 --
12129900 EVANS LAKE NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH 473926 1211928 17110009 --
12130000 FOSS RIVER NEAR SKYKOMISH, WA 474140 1211750 17110009 54.8
12130500 S. F. SKYKOMISH RIVER NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH. 474220 1211830 17110009 135
12130800 BULLBUCKER CREEK NR SKYKOMISH, WASH. 474951 1211755 17110009 0.7
12131000 BECKLER RIVER NEAR SKYKOMISH, WASH. 474420 1211910 17110009 96.5
12132000 MILLER RIVER AT MILLER RIVER, WASH. 474230 1212350 17110009 45.6
12132500 S.F. SKYKOMISH R NR MILLER RIVER, WASH 474348 1212427 17110009 --
12132700 S.F. SKYKOMISH RIVER TRIBUTARY AT BARING, WASH. 474614 1212851 17110009 0.95
12133000 S.F. SKYKOMISH RIVER NEAR INDEX, WASH. 474820 1213244 17110009 355
12133500 TROUBLESOME CREEK NEAR INDEX, WASH. 475400 1212340 17110009 10.6
12134000 NORTH FORK SKYKOMISH RIVER AT INDEX, WASH. 474910 1213310 17110009 146
12134500 SKYKOMISH RIVER NEAR GOLD BAR, WASH. 475015 1213956 17110009 535
12134900 WALLACE LAKE NEAR GOLD BAR 475408 1214026 17110009 --
12135000 WALLACE RIVER AT GOLD BAR, WASH. 475151 1214053 17110009 19
12135500 OLNEY CREEK NEAR GOLD BAR, WASH. 475640 1214230 17110009 8.31
12136000 OLNEY CREEK NEAR STARTUP, WASH. 475535 1214310 17110009 10.3
12136500 MAY CREEK NEAR GOLD BAR, WASH. 475130 1213630 17110009 3.8
12137000 SKYKOMISH R AT SULTAN 475138 1214848 17110009 --
12137200 ELK CREEK NEAR SULTAN,WASH 475814 1213312 -- 11.4
12137260 WILLIAMSON CREEK NEAR SULTAN,WASH 475909 1213600 -- 15.6
12137290 SOUTH FORK SULTAN RIVER NEAR SULTAN, WA 475651 1213732 17110009 11.6
12137300 SPADA LAKE NEAR STARTUP, WA 475828 1214110 17110009 68.3
12137500 SULTAN RIVER NEAR STARTUP, WASH. 475827 1214647 17110009 74.5
12137790 SULTAN RIVER AT DIVERSION DAM WEIR NR SULTAN, WA 475734 1214746 17110009 77.1
12137800 SULTAN RIVER BLW DIVERSION DAM NR SULTAN, WASH. 475734 1214746 17110009 77.1
12138000 SULTAN RIVER NEAR SULTAN, WASH. 475540 1214750 17110009 86.6
12138150 SULTAN RIVER BLW CHAPLAIN CR NR SULTAN, WASH. 475452 1214836 17110009 92.6
12138160 SULTAN RIVER BLW POWERPLANT NEAR SULTAN, WASH. 475427 1214851 17110009 94.2
12138200 SULTAN R AT SULTAN 475138 1214910 17110009 --
12138450 SKYKOMISH R BLW SULTAN R AT SULTAN, WASH 475134 1214911 17110009 --
12138500 MCCOY CREEK NEAR SULTAN, WASH. 474950 1214940 17110009 6.17
12139000 ELWELL CREEK NEAR SULTAN, WA 475010 1215100 17110009 22.9
12139490 ROESIGER LAKE NEAR MONROE 475819 1215523 17110009 --
12139500 ROESIGER CREEK NEAR MACHIAS, WASH. 475750 1215500 17110009 3.8
12140000 WOODS CREEK BELOW ROESIGER CREEK, NR MONROE, WA 475640 1215340 17110009 19
12140500 CARPENTER CREEK NEAR MACHIAS, WA 475750 1215810 17110009 8.89
12141000 WOODS CREEK NEAR MONROE, WASH. 475208 1215531 17110009 56.4
12141090 WOODS CR AT MONROE 475116 1215750 17110009 --
12141100 SKYKOMISH RIVER AT MONROE, WA. 475108 1215729 17110009 834
12141300 MIDDLE FORK SNOQUALMIE RIVER NEAR TANNER, WASH. 472910 1213848 17110010 154
12141500 MIDDLE FORK SNOQUALMIE R NR NORTH BEND, WASH. 472920 1214535 17110010 169
12141800 M.F. SNOQUALMIE R AT 428TH ST NR NORTH BEND, WA 473059 1214605 17110010 --
12142000 N.F. SNOQUALMIE RIVER NR SNOQUALMIE FALLS, WA. 473654 1214244 17110010 64

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Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12142200 CALLIGAN CREEK NR SNOQUALMIE, WASH. 473605 1214120 17110010 7.31
Chapter 2

12142295 HANCOCK LAKE NR. SNOQUALMIE 473421 1214112 17110010 --

12142300 HANCOCK CREEK NR SNOQUALMIE, WASH. 473421 1214112 17110010 7.67
12142500 N.F. SNOQUALMIE R AT CABLE BR NR NORTH BEND, WA. 473420 1214250 17110010 85.6
12143000 N.F. SNOQUALMIE RIVER NEAR NORTH BEND, WASH. 473215 1214426 17110010 95.7
12143300 S F SNOQUALMIE R TRIB NEAR NORTH BEND, WASH. 472347 1212833 17110010 0.15
12143310 SF SNOQUALMIE R TR NO.9 NR NORTH BEND, WASH. 472348 1212838 17110010 0.34
12143400 SF SNOQUALMIE R AB ALICE CR NR GARCIA, WASH. 472455 1213510 17110010 41.6
12143500 S.F. SNOQUALMIE RIVER NR GARCIA, WASH. 472500 1213520 17110010 45.8
12143550 S.F. SNOQUALMIE R. AT WEEKS FALLS NR GARCIA, WA. 472554 1213839 17110012 53.9
12143600 SF SNOQUALMIE R AT EDGEWICK, WA 472710 1214310 17110010 65.9
12143700 BOXLEY CREEK NEAR CEDAR FALLS, WASH. 472558 1214504 17110012 1.57
12143800 RATTLESNAKE LAKE AT CEDAR FALLS, WASH. 472539 1214629 17110012 1.86
12143900 BOXLEY CREEK NEAR EDGEWICK, WASH. 472656 1214350 17110010 3.64

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12144000 S.F. SNOQUALMIE RIVER AT NORTH BEND, WA 472935 1214720 17110010 81.7
12144400 SNOQUALMIE RIVER AT SNOQUALMIE, WASH. 473137 1214840 17110010 --
12144500 SNOQUALMIE RIVER NEAR SNOQUALMIE, WASH. 473243 1215028 17110010 375
12144800 BEAVER C NR SNOQUALMIE WN 473755 1214500 17110010 4.13
12145000 TOKUL CREEK NEAR SNOQUALMIE, WASH. 473320 1215015 17110010 32.2
12145490 ALICE LAKE NR PRESTON 473203 1215307 17110010 --
12145500 RAGING RIVER NEAR FALL CITY, WASH. 473224 1215428 17110010 30.6
12145550 RAGING RIVER AT FALL CITY, WA 473352 1215316 17110010 --
12145600 SNOQUALMIE R AT FALL CITY, WA 473406 1215318 17110010 --
12146000 PATTERSON CREEK NEAR FALL CITY, WASH. 473452 1215623 17110010 15.5
12146500 PATTERSON CR, 8/10 MI ABV MOUTH, NR FALL CITY, WA 473515 1215540 17110010 21.3
12147000 GRIFFIN CREEK NEAR CARNATION, WASH. 473658 1215415 17110010 17.1
12147500 NORTH FORK TOLT RIVER NEAR CARNATION, WASH. 474245 1214715 17110010 39.9
12147600 SOUTH FORK TOLT RIVER NEAR INDEX, WASH. 474225 1213556 17110010 5.34
12147700 PHELPS CREEK NEAR INDEX, WASH. 474220 1213605 17110010 2.04
12147800 S F TOLT RIVER AT UPPER STA. NR CARNATION, WA. 474230 1213650 17110010 8.82
12147900 S.F. TOLT RESERVOIR NEAR CARNATION, WASH. 474138 1214116 17110010 --
12148000 SOUTH FORK TOLT RIVER NR CARNATION, WASH. 474122 1214244 17110010 19.7
12148100 SO FK TOLT RIVER TRIB NR CARNATION, WASH. 474150 1214400 17110009 2.19
12148300 S F TOLT R BLW REGULATING BASIN NR CARNATION, WA 474149 1214710 17110010 29.6
12148500 TOLT RIVER NR CARNATION, WA 474145 1214922 17110010 81.4
12148700 STOSSEL CREEK NEAR CARNATION, WASH. 474145 1214950 17110010 5.58
12148790 LANGLOIS LAKE NR CARNATION 473814 1215303 17110010 --
12148800 TOLT R AT MOUTH NR CARNATION, WA 473822 1215524 17110010 --
12149000 SNOQUALMIE RIVER NEAR CARNATION, WASH. 473958 1215527 17110010 603
12149500 HARRIS CREEK NEAR CARNATION, WA 474042 1215422 17110010 8.39
12149990 AMES LAKE NR CARNATION 473840 1215720 -- --
12150000 AMES CREEK NEAR TOLT, WA 473940 1215750 17110010 3.17
12150400 SNOQUALMIE RIVER AT DUVALL, WA. 474436 1215912 17110010 --
12150450 KING LAKE NEAR MONROE 474834 1215519 17110010 --
12150480 MARGARET LAKE NR DUVALL 474613 1215406 17110010 --

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12150500 CHERRY CREEK NEAR DUVALL, WASH. 474440 1215635 17110010 19.2

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12150700 SNOQUALMIE RIVER NR MONROE, WASH 474814 1220006 17110010 --

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12150800 SNOHOMISH RIVER NEAR MONROE, WASH. 474952 1220250 17110011 1540
12151000 EVANS CREEK NEAR SNOHOMISH, WA 475030 1220500 17110011 2.75
12151500 FRENCH CREEK NEAR MONROE, WA 475340 1220040 17110011 7.09
12152000 PILCHUCK RIVER BLW WORTHY CR, NR GRANITE FALLS, WA 480120 1215310 17110011 41.7
12152500 PILCHUCK RIVER NEAR GRANITE FALLS, WASH. 480315 1215725 17110011 54.5
12152800 PILCHUCK R NR LAKE STEVENS, WASH 480312 1220122 17110011 --
12153000 LITTLE PILCHUCK C NEAR LAKE STEVENS, WASH. 480200 1220304 17110011 17
12153100 CASSIDY LAKE NR LAKE STEVENS 480251 1220528 17110011 --
12153500 STEVENS LAKE NR LAKE STEVENS,WASH 480053 1220355 17110011 --
12154000 STEVENS CREEK AT LAKE STEVENS, WASH. 480100 1220310 17110011 15.3
12154500 DUBUQUE CR NR LAKE STEVENS WASH 475825 1220140 17110011 7.16
12155000 PANTHER CREEK NEAR LAKE STEVENS, WA 475925 1220140 17110011 5.93
12155300 PILCHUCK RIVER NEAR SNOHOMISH, WA 475606 1220419 17110011 127
12155400 PILCHUCK R AT SNOHOMISH 475447 1220456 17110011 --
12155500 SNOHOMISH R AT SNOHOMISH 475438 1220552 17110011 1720
12156000 WOOD CREEK NEAR EVERETT, WASH. 475525 1221100 17110011 1.89
12156100 SNOHOMISH R AT US HIGHWAY 2 AT EVERETT, WASH. 475843 1221057 17110011 1750
12156400 MUNSON CREEK NEAR MARYSVILLE, WASH. 480350 1220810 17110011 0.97
12156500 ALLEN CREEK AT MARYSVILLE, WA 480305 1220945 17110011 7.93
12157000 QUILCEDA CREEK NEAR MARYSVILLE, WASH. 480620 1220940 17110011 15.4
12157005 QUILCEDA CR ABV WEST FORK NR MARYSVILLE, WASH. 480508 1221026 17110011 17.4
12157020 W.F. QUILCEDA CREEK NEAR MARYSVILLE, WASH 480603 1221105 17110011 9.41
12157030 QUILCEDA CREEK TRIB.NR.MARYSVILLE,WASH 480434 1221117 17110011 --
12157035 STURGEON CREEK AT MARYSVILLE,WASH 480327 1221147 17110011 --
12157130 JOHN SAM LAKE NEAR TULALIP, WA 480710 1221450 17110019 --
12157140 MISSION CREEK BELOW JOHN SAM LAKE NR TULALIP, WA 480642 1221452 17110019 --
12157150 MISSION CR NR MARYSVILLE,WASH 480508 1221450 17110008 --
12157170 MISSION CR TRIBUTARY NR TULALIP,WASH 480500 1221458 17110019 --
12157200 ROSS LAKE NR MARYSVILLE, WASH 480528 1221346 17110019 --
12157202 TRIBUTARY TO MISSION CREEK NEAR TULALIP, WA 480515 1221337 17110019 0.74
12157210 MISSION CR TRIB #2 NR TULALIP,WASH 480445 1221436 17110019 --
12157247 MISSION CR NR MISSION BEACH, WASH 480313 1221452 17110019 --
12157250 MISSION CREEK NEAR TULALIP, WA 480331 1221558 17110019 7.92
12157500 LAKE GOODWIN NEAR SILVANA, WASH. 480802 1221757 17110019 5.17
12157900 LOMA LAKE NR TULALIP 480806 1221456 17110008 --
12157950 CRABAPPLE LAKE NR TULALIP 480757 1221626 17110019 --
12158000 LAKE SHOECRAFT NEAR TULALIP, WASH. 480734 1221811 17110019 6.02
12158001 LAKE SHOECRAFT OUTLET NR TULALIP, WASH 480724 1221824 -- --
12158007 WEALLUP LAKE AT OUTLET NEAR TULALIP, WA 480643 1221500 17110019 8.31
12158008 TULALIP CREEK BELOW WEALLUP LAKE NR TULALIP, WA 480643 1221758 17110019 8.31
12158010 TULALIP CREEK ABOVE EAST BRANCH NEAR TULALIP, WA 480551 1221717 17110019 9.74
12158025 EAST BRANCH CR AB MARY SHELTON LAKE NR TULALIP, WA 480647 1221545 17110019 0.8
12158030 EAST BRANCH TULALIP CREEK NEAR TULALIP, WA 480613 1221627 17110019 --
12158032 EAST BRANCH TULALIP CREEK NR MOUTH NR TULALIP, WA 480535 1221644 17110019 --
12158040 TULALIP CREEK NEAR TULALIP, WA 480407 1221712 17110019 15.4

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12158050 CUMMINGS LAKE NEAR TULALIP, WASH 480724 1222046 17110019 --
Chapter 2

12158070 HOWARD LAKE NR SYLVANA 480922 1221924 17110019 --

12158072 MARTHA LAKE NR SILVANA 481003 1222046 17110008 --
12158300 DEER CREEK NEAR SILVERTON, WASH. 480640 1213450 17110006 1.07
12158500 S F STILLAGUAMISH R AT SILVERTON WASH 480420 1213450 17110008 37.2
12159000 SF STILLAGUAMISH R BLW BENDER CR, NR SILVERTON, WA 480410 1213550 17110008 40.7
12159500 S.F. STILLAGUAMISH RIVER NR SILVERTON, WASH. 480400 1213620 17110006 43.7
12160000 BOARDMAN CREEK NEAR SILVERTON, WA 480400 1214030 17110008 8.52
12160400 S.F.STILLAGUAMISH R. NR. VERLOT, WASH. 480512 1214538 17110008 --
12160500 BENSON CREEK NEAR GRANITE FALLS, WA 480530 1214630 17110008 2.7
12161000 S.F. STILLAGUAMISH R. NR. GRANITE FALLS, WASH. 480612 1215707 17110008 119
12161400 CANYON CR. AT MASONIC PARK NR GRANITE FALLS, WA. 480702 1215405 17110008 --
12161500 CANYON CR NR GRANITE FALLS WASH 480715 1215545 17110008 59.8
12162000 S F STILLAGUAMISH R AT GRANITE FALLS WASH 480540 1215820 17110008 182

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12162500 S.F. STILLAGUAMISH R AB JIM CR NR ARLNGTN, WASH. 481005 1220405 17110008 199
12163000 JIM CR NR OSO WASH 481230 1215540 17110008 10.9
12163500 CUB CR NR OSO WASH 481220 1215610 17110008 6.44
12164000 JIM CREEK NEAR ARLINGTON, WASH. 481025 1220405 17110008 46.2
12164500 S.F. STILLAGUAMISH RIVER NR ARLINGTON, WASH. 481140 1220545 17110008 251
12164510 S F STILLAGUAMISH R AT ARLINGTON 481203 1220704 17110008 --
12164900 NF STILLAGUAMISH R AB SQUIRRE CR NR DARRINGTON, WA 481704 1213818 17110005 48.2
12165000 SQUIRE CREEK NEAR DARRINGTON, WASH. 481615 1214000 17110008 20
12165500 N F STILLAGUAMISH R NR DARRINGTON, WASH. 481648 1214204 17110008 82.2
12166000 BOULDER CREEK NEAR OSO, WA 481645 1214645 17110008 27
12166300 N F STILLAGUAMISH R NR OSO 481621 1215313 17110007 --
12166500 DEER CREEK AT OSO, WASH. 481700 1215545 17110008 65.9
12166900 N.F. STILLAGUAMISH R AT CICERO, WASH 481604 1220044 17110008 --
12167000 N.F. STILLAGUAMISH R. NR. ARLINGTON, WASH. 481542 1220247 17110008 262
12167400 STILLAGUAMISH RIVER AT ARLINGTON, WASH. 481210 1220735 17110008 539
12167500 ARMSTRONG CREEK NR ARLINGTON, WASH. 481315 1220800 17110008 7.33
12167700 STILLAGUAMISH RIVER NR SILVANA, WA 481148 1221233 17110008 557
12168000 CAVANAUGH LAKE NEAR OSO, WA 481930 1221915 17110007 6.7
12168500 PILCHUCK CREEK NEAR BRYANT, WASH. 481558 1220946 17110008 52
12168600 PILCHUCK CREEK NEAR SILVANA, WASH. 481244 1221300 17110008 --
12169000 PORTAGE CREEK NEAR ARLINGTON, WA 481045 1221140 17110008 8.8
12169400 KI LAKE NR SILVANA 480925 1221545 17110008 --
12169500 FISH CREEK NEAR ARLINGTON, WASH. 481035 1221325 17110008 7.52
12170000 CHURCH CREEK NEAR STANWOOD, WA 481400 1221930 17110008 6.4
12170300 STILLAGUAMISH R NR STANWOOD, WASH 481241 1222010 17110008 --
12170305 UNNAMED TRIB TO SARATOGA PASSAGE ON CAMANO IS, WA 480405 1222310 17110019 0.41
12170310 UNNAMED TRIB TO SKAGIT BAY ON CAMANO ISLAND, WA 481517 1222740 17110019 0.6
12170315 UNNAMED TRIB TO SKAGIT BAY NR OAK HARBOR, WA 481958 1223229 17110019 6.36
12170320 UNNAMED TRIB TO PENN COVE NR SAN DE FUCA, WA 481421 1224226 17110019 2.92
12170400 CULTUS CREEK NEAR MAXWELTON, WA 475606 1222400 17110019 3.05
12170440 UNNAMED TRIB TO ADMIRALTY INLET NR BUSH POINT, WA 480310 1223517 17110019 0.5

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12170500 SKAGIT RIVER NR HOPE, B.C. 490250 1210545 -- 357

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12170600 SKAGIT R. AT INTNTL BNDRY, NR HOPE, B.C. 490001 1210415 -- 381

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12171000 LIGHTNING CREEK NEAR NEWHALEM, WASH. 485330 1205850 17110005 129
12171200 SKYMO LAKE NEAR NEWHALEM, WA 485014 1210603 17110005 --
12171500 SKAGIT RIVER AB DEVILS CR NR NEWHALEM, WASH. 485030 1210220 17110005 655
12172000 BIG BEAVER CREEK NEAR NEWHALEM, WASH. 484640 1210420 17110005 63.2
12172500 SKAGIT RIVER NR NEWHALEM, WA 484450 1210150 17110005 765
12173000 GRANITE CR NR NEWHALEM WASH 484140 1205330 17110005 71
12173500 RUBY C BELOW PANTHER C, NR NEWHALEM, WASH. 484230 1205810 17110005 206
12174000 RUBY CREEK NEAR NEWHALEM, WASH. 484320 1210030 17110005 210
12174500 SKAGIT R BELOW RUBY C, NEAR NEWHALEM, WASH. 484420 1210340 17110005 999
12175000 ROSS RESERVOIR NEAR NEWHALEM, WASH. 484358 1210402 17110005 999
12175400 THUNDER CR BLW MCALLISTER CR NR NEWHALEM, WASH. 483800 1210300 17110005 91.7
12175500 THUNDER CREEK NR. NEWHALEM, WASH. 484022 1210418 17110005 105
12176000 THUNDER CREEK NEAR MARBLEMOUNT, WASH. 484230 1210600 17110005 114
12176500 DIABLO RESERVOIR NEAR NEWHALEM, WASH. 484256 1210752 17110005 --
12177000 SKAGIT R AT REFLECTOR BAR, NR NEWHALEM, WASH. 484250 1210830 17110005 1120
12177450 STETATTLE CR BL CAMP DAYO CR NR NEWHALEM, WA 484357 1210955 17110005 19.5
12177500 STETATTLE CREEK NEAR NEWHALEM, WASH. 484320 1210858 17110005 22
12177520 PYRAMID CR NR NEWHALEM WASH. 484237 1210840 17110005 2.82
12177620 SKAGIT RIVER TRIB NR NEWHALEM, WA 484219 1211047 17110005 0.43
12177700 GORGE RESERVOIR NEAR NEWHALEM, WASH. 484153 1211225 17110005 --
12177900 LADDER CREEK AT NEHALEM, WA. 484032 1211420 17110005 --
12178000 SKAGIT RIVER AT NEWHALEM, WASH. 484019 1211442 17110005 1180
12178050 UPPER WILCOX LAKE NEAR NEWHALEM, WA 483604 1211014 17110005 --
12178100 NEWHALEM CREEK NR. NEWHALEM, WASH. 483922 1211414 17110005 27.9
12178400 GOODELL CR NR N CASCADES NP BOUNDARY NR NEWHALEM 484053 1211617 17110005 38.6
12178500 GOODELL CREEK NEAR NEWHALEM, WA 484025 1211550 17110005 38.7
12179000 SKAGIT RIVER ABV ALMA CR, NR MARBLEMOUNT, WASH. 483627 1212137 17110005 1270
12179500 ALMA CREEK NR MARBLEMOUNT, WA 483600 1212140 17110005 8.48
12179800 SKAGIT R. ABOVE BACON CREEK NEAR MARBLEMOUNT WA. 483510 1212311 17110005 1290
12179820 GREEN LAKE NEAR MARBLEMOUNT, WA 484135 1213015 17110005 --
12179900 BACON CREEK BELOW OAKES CREEK NEAR MARBLEMOUNT, WA 483617 1212354 17110005 49.7
12180000 BACON CREEK NEAR MARBLEMOUNT, WASH. 483520 1212340 17110005 50.9
12180500 DIOBSUD CREEK NEAR MARBLEMOUNT, WA 483340 1212500 17110005 25.4
12181000 SKAGIT RIVER AT MARBLEMOUNT, WASH. 483202 1212543 17110005 1380
12181090 SOUTH CASCADE MIDDLE TARN NEAR MARBLEMOUNT, WA 482208 1210332 17110005 --
12181100 S.F. CASCADE R AT SO CASCADE GL NR MBLMNT, WASH. 482213 1210423 17110005 2.36
12181110 SOUTH CASCADE GLACIER HUT 1 NR MARBLEMOUNT, WA 482152 1210353 17110005 --
12181120 SOUTH CASCADE GLACIER HUT 2 NR MARBLEMOUNT, WA 482153 1210353 17110005 --
12181200 SALIX CR AT SO CASCADE GL NR MARBLEMOUNT, WASH. 482216 1210435 17110005 0.08
12181500 MARBLE CREEK NEAR MARBLEMOUNT, WA 483210 1211620 17110005 15.9
12182000 CASCADE RIVER NEAR MARBLEMOUNT, WASH. 483125 1212300 17110005 140
12182200 CASCADE R TR NR MARBLEMOUNT WASH. 483154 1212006 17110005 0.72
12182500 CASCADE RIVER AT MARBLEMOUNT, WASH. 483137 1212450 17110005 172
12183000 CLARK CR AT MARBLEMOUNT WASH 483115 1212505 17110005 1.42
12183500 JORDAN CR AT MARBLEMOUNT WASH 483100 1212500 17110005 12

June 2010
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Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12184000 ROCKY CREEK NEAR MARBLEMOUNT, WA 483030 1212950 17110005 10
Chapter 2

12184200 UPPER ILLABOT CR NR ROCKPORT, WASH. 482554 1212542 17110005 --

12184300 IRON CREEK NEAR ROCKPORT, WASH. 482605 1212755 17110005 1.7
12184500 ILLABOT CR. NR ROCKPORT, WASH. 482853 1213003 17110005 42.4
12184700 SKAGIT RIVER NR ROCKPORT, WASH. 482930 1213255 17110005 1660
12185000 N F SAUK R NR BARLOW PASS WASH 480520 1212000 17110006 76.4
12185295 GOAT LAKE INLET NEAR MONTE CRISTO, WASH. 480052 1212051 17110006 --
12185297 GOAT LAKE NEAR MONTE CRISTO, WASH. 480104 1212049 17110006 --
12185300 ELLIOTT CR AT GOAT LK OUTLET NR MONTE CRISTO, WA 480120 1212119 17110006 3.03
12185500 S.F. SAUK RIVER NR BARLOW PASS, WASH. 480345 1212420 17110006 33.1
12186000 SAUK R ABV WHITECHUCK R NR DARRINGTON, WASH. 481008 1212810 17110006 152
12186500 WHITE CHUCK R NR DARRINGTON WASH 481030 1212300 17110006 77.9
12187000 SAUK R AB CLEAR CR NR DARRINGTON WASH 481300 1213400 17110006 259
12187500 SAUK RIVER AT DARRINGTON, WASH. 481500 1213500 17110006 293

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12188000 SUIATTLE RIVER BLW LIME CR, NR DARRINGTON, WA 481455 1211810 17110006 213
12188300 STRAIGHT CREEK NEAR DARRINGTON, WASH. 481405 1212310 17110006 4.32
12188400 SUIATTLE R ABV BIG CR NR DARRINGTON, WASH. 482032 1212708 17110006 307
12188500 BIG CR NR MANSFORD WASH 482020 1212610 17110006 21
12189000 SUIATTLE RIVER NEAR MANSFORD, WASH. 482150 1212930 17110006 335
12189400 SAUK RIVER TRIBUTARY NEAR DARRINGTON, WASH. 482030 1213300 17110006 1.3
12189498 SAUK R NR ROCKPORT, WASH 482424 1213327 17110006 --
12189500 SAUK RIVER NEAR SAUK, WASH. 482529 1213402 17110006 714
12190000 JACKMAN CR NR CONCRETE WASH 483125 1214245 17110005 23.9
12190400 BAKER RIVER ABV BLUM CR NR CONCRETE,WASH 484515 1213245 17110005 --
12190700 MOROVITZ CREEK NEAR CONCRETE, WASH. 484535 1214025 17110005 2.58
12190710 SWIFT CREEK NEAR CONCRETE, WASH. 484407 1213926 17110005 36.4
12190718 PARK CREEK AT UPPER BRIDGE NEAR CONCRETE, WASH. 484436 1214123 17110005 10.5
12190720 PARK CREEK NR CONCRETE, WASH 484358 1213943 17110005 --
12190800 BOULDER CREEK NEAR CONCRETE,WASH 484300 1214134 17110005 --
12191000 SANDY CREEK NEAR CONCRETE,WASH 484105 1214223 17110005 --
12191500 BAKER R BELOW ANDERSON C, NR CONCRETE, WASH. 483950 1214025 17110005 211
12191600 BAKER LAKE AT UPPER BKR DM NR CONCRETE WASH 483858 1214122 17110005 215
12191700 BAKER RIVER AT UPPER BAKER DAM NR CONCRETE,WASH 483854 1214147 17110005 --
12191800 SULPHUR CREEK NEAR CONCRETE, WA 484040 1214500 17110005 8.36
12191820 SULPHUR CREEK AT GUARD STATION NR CONCRETE,WASH 483933 1214244 17110005 --
12191900 ROCKY CREEK NEAR CONCRETE,WASH 483852 1214350 17110005 --
12192000 BEAR CREEK NEAR CONCRETE, WA 483710 1214435 17110005 10
12192500 N.F. BEAR CREEK NEAR CONCRETE, WA 483805 1214420 17110005 20.2
12192600 BEAR CREEK BLW TRIBUTARIES NEAR CONCRETE, WASH. 483711 1214409 17110005 14.4
12192700 THUNDER CREEK NEAR CONCRETE, WASH. 483608 1214217 17110005 22.4
12193000 LAKE SHANNON AT CONCRETE, WASH. 483253 1214422 17110005 297
12193200 LOWER BAKER PP TAILWATER AT CONCRETE, WASH. 483240 1214425 17110005 --
12193500 BAKER RIVER AT CONCRETE, WASH. 483224 1214431 17110005 297
12194000 SKAGIT RIVER NEAR CONCRETE, WA 483128 1214611 17110007 2740
12194500 FINNEY CR NR CONCRETE WASH 483035 1214845 17110007 51.6

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12195000 GRANDY CREEK NEAR CONCRETE, WA 483200 1215300 17110007 18.9

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12195500 O TOOLE CREEK NEAR HAMILTON, WA 483040 1215505 17110007 5.69

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12196000 ALDER CREEK NR HAMILTON, WASH. 483142 1215658 17110007 10.7

12196150 SKAGIT RIVER NEAR HAMILTON, WASH. 483027 1220040 17110007 2870
12196153 LORETTA CR NR DAY CR, WASH 482803 1215915 17110007 --
12196155 LORETTA CR NR HAMILTON, WASH 483013 1220116 17110007 --
12196170 DAY LAKE NR LYMAN 482429 1215830 17110007 --
12196200 DAY CREEK BELOW DAY LAKE, NEAR LYMAN, WASH. 482431 1215847 17110007 6.56
12196400 DAY CREEK NEAR HAMILTON, WASH. 482910 1220157 17110007 32.3
12196500 DAY CREEK NEAR LYMAN, WASH. 483005 1220245 17110007 34.2
12197000 JONES CREEK NR LYMAN, WA 483215 1220240 17110007 7.8
12197020 CHILDS CR NR LYMAN WASH 483146 1220517 17110007 --
12197040 TANK CR NR LYMAN WASH 483138 1220619 17110007 2.5
12197100 MINKLER LAKE NR LYMAN 483124 1220611 17110007 --
12197110 MINKLER CR NR LYMAN WASH 483115 1220600 17110007 --
12197200 PARKER CREEK NEAR LYMAN, WASH. 482925 1220550 17110007 1.82
12197500 GILLIGAN CREEK NEAR LYMAN, WA 482905 1220800 17110007 6.31
12197680 BLACK CREEK NEAR MINKLER, WASH. 483234 1220650 -- --
12197690 BLACK CR NR LYMAN WASH 483209 1220720 17110007 --
12197700 WISEMAN CR NR LYMAN WASH 483149 1220808 17110007 3
12198000 COOL CR NR SEDRO WOOLLEY WASH 483200 1220900 17110007 1.88
12198500 HANSEN CR NR SEDRO WOOLLEY WASH 483030 1221210 17110007 9.66
12199000 SKAGIT RIVER NEAR SEDRO WOOLLEY, WASH. 482903 1221431 17110007 3020
12199200 MCMURRAY LAKE AT MCMURRAY 481850 1221310 17110007 --
12199499 BIG LAKE AT BIG LAKE 482352 1221424 17110007 --
12199500 NOOKACHAMPS CREEK NEAR MOUNT VERNON, WA 482405 1221410 17110007 22.2
12199800 EAST FORK NOOKACHAMPS CREEK NEAR BIG LAKE, WASH. 482450 1220925 17110007 3.56
12200000 E.F. NOOKACHAMPS CREEK NR CLEAR LAKE, WASH. 482530 1221230 17110007 20.5
12200020 CLEAR LAKE AT CLEAR LAKE 482756 1221306 17110007 --
12200025 BEAVER LAKE NR CLEAR LAKE 482645 1221310 17110007 --
12200500 SKAGIT RIVER NEAR MOUNT VERNON, WASH. 482642 1222003 17110007 3090
12200675 S F SKAGIT R AT CONWAY 482031 1222103 17110007 --
12200680 FRESH WATER SLOUGH OF SF SKAGIT R AT CONWAY,WAS 482000 1222103 17110007 3100
12200700 CARPENTER CR TRIB NR MOUNT VERNON, WASH. 481710 1221725 17110007 2.58
12200702 UNNAMED TRIB TO SKAGIT BAY NR LACONNER,WASH 482257 1222148 17110007 --
12200704 UNNAMED TRIB NO2 TO SKAGIT BAY NR LACONNER WASH 482347 1223208 17110019 --
12200706 UNNAMED TRIB TO SWINOMISH CHANNEL NR LACONNER WA 482512 1223003 17110019 --
12200708 UNNAMED TRIB NO2 TO SWINOMISH CHNL N LACONNER WA 482555 1223054 17110019 --
12200728 UNNAMED TRIB TO JASPER BAY ON LOPEZ ISLAND, WA 482819 1225125 17110003 --
12200730 UNNAMED TRIB TO DAVIS BAY ON LOPEZ ISLAND, WA 482805 1225508 17110003 --
12200733 UNNAMED TRIB TO LOPEZ SOUND ON LOPEZ ISLAND, WA 483042 1225254 17110003 --
12200737 UNNAMED TRIB TO SQUAW BAY ON SHAW ISLAND, WA 483350 1225721 17110003 --
12200746 AMERICAN CAMP POND ON SAN JUAN ISLAND, WA 482736 1225833 17110003 --
12200750 UNNAMED TRIB TO TROUT LAKE ON SAN JUAN ISLAND, WA 483208 1230750 17110003 --
12200754 UNNAMED CR AT ENGLISH CAMP ON SAN JUAN ISLAND, WA 483509 1230851 17110003 --
12200762 UNNAMED TRIB TO MASSACRE BAY ON ORCAS ISLAND, WA 483904 1225914 17110003 --
12200800 LAKE CREEK NEAR BELLINGHAM, WASH. 484105 1222330 17110002 2.35

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WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12200850 SAMISH LAKE NR. BELLINGHAM 483856 1222215 17110002 17.3
Chapter 2

12200900 FRIDAY CR AT ALGER 483710 1222050 17110002 --

12201000 FRIDAY CREEK NR BURLINGTON, WASH. 483420 1222015 17110002 37.1
12201100 FRIDAY CR BLW HATCHERY NR BURLINGTON 483332 1221938 17110002 --
12201500 SAMISH RIVER NR BURLINGTON, WASH. 483246 1222013 17110002 87.8
12201900 PADDEN LAKE AT BELLINGHAM 484215 1222741 17110002 --
12201950 ANDERSON CREEK NEAR BELLINGHAM, WASH. 484026 1221558 17110002 4.13
12201960 BRANNIAN CREEK AT S BAY DR NR WICKERSHAM, WA 484009 1221644 17110002 3.36
12202000 AUSTIN CREEK NR BELLINGHAM, WASH. 484247 1221948 17110002 7.73
12202050 SMITH CR NR BELLINGHAM WASH 484401 1221820 17110002 5.12
12202300 OLSEN CREEK NR BELLINGHAM, WASH. 484505 1222108 17110002 3.78
12202310 CARPENTER CREEK AT N SHORE DRIVE NR BELLINGHAM, WA 484515 1222110 17110002 1.17
12202400 EUCLID CR AT EUCLID AVE AT BELLINGHAM, WA 484456 1222429 17110002 0.54
12202420 MILL CREEK AT FLYNN ROAD AT BELLINGHAM, WA 484519 1222455 17110002 0.79

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12202450 SILVER BEACH CR AT MAYNARD PL AT BELLINGHAM, WA 484610 1222419 17110002 1.2
12202500 WHATCOM LAKE NR BELLINGHAM 484545 1222510 17110002 55.9
12203000 WHATCOM CREEK NR BELLINGHAM, WASH. 484514 1222535 17110002 55.4
12203500 WHATCOM CR BLW HATCHERY NR BELLINGHAM, WASH. 484506 1222542 17110002 56.1
12203540 WHATCOM CREEK AT JAMES ST AT BELLINGHAM, WA 484517 1222750 17110002 --
12203550 WHATCOM CR. AT BELLINGHAM 484518 1222853 17110002 64.7
12203900 TOAD LK NR BELLINGHAM,WASH 484723 1222357 17110002 --
12204000 SQUALICUM CREEK AT BELLINGHAM, WA 484650 1222625 17110002 12
12204050 TENNANT LAKE NR FERNDALE 484948 1223447 17110004 --
12204200 GALENA CREEK NEAR GLACIER, WASH. 485218 1213955 17110004 0.55
12204400 NOOKSACK RIVER TRIBUTARY NEAR GLACIER, WASH. 485430 1214820 17110004 1.15
12204500 NOOKSACK RIVER AT EXCELSIOR, WA 485420 1214910 17110004 95.7
12205000 N.F. NOOKSACK R BLW CASCADE CR NR GLACIER, WASH. 485422 1215035 17110004 105
12205295 DAVIS CR AT GLACIER, WASH 485242 1215544 -- --
12205298 LITTLE CR AT GLACIER, WASH 485252 1215612 -- --
12205310 GALLOP CR NR GLACIER, WASH 485053 1215655 17110004 --
12205315 GALLOP CR ABV MOUTH NR GLACIER WASH 485158 1215658 17110004 --
12205320 GALLOP CR NR MOUTH AT GLACIER, WASH 485306 1215639 17110004 --
12205340 CORNELL CREEK AT GLACIER WASH 485315 1215733 17110004 --
12205350 WEST CORNELL CREEK NEAR GLACIER, WA 485315 1215735 17110004 --
12205360 HENDRICK CREEK NEAR GLACIER 485346 1215815 17110004 --
12205490 KIDNEY CREEK NR GLACIER, WASH. 485640 1215520 17110004 2.66
12205497 CANYON CREEK NEAR GLACIER, WA 485452 1215928 17110004 30.4
12205500 N.F. NOOKSACK RIVER NR GLACIER, WASH. 485415 1215930 17110004 195
12206000 KENDALL CR AT KENDALL WASH 485505 1220835 17110004 24
12206500 KENDALL CREEK NR MOUTH AT KENDALL, WA 485420 1220820 17110004 29.2
12206900 RACEHORSE CR AT NORTH FORK ROAD NR KENDALL, WA 485306 1220755 17110004 10.5
12207000 COAL CREEK NEAR KENDALL, WA 485320 1220905 17110004 4.57
12207200 N.F. NOOKSACK RIVER NR DEMING, WASH. 485224 1220856 17110004 282
12207250 KENNY CREEK NEAR DEMING, WA 485108 1220835 17110004 --
12207300 NF NOOKSACK RIVER BELOW KENNEY CREEK NR DEMING, WA 485018 1220910 17110004 --

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12207750 WARM CREEK NEAR WELCOME, WA 484603 1215748 17110004 4.13

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12207800 MF NOOKSACK R AB CLEARWATER C NR DEMING,WASH 484617 1220235 17110004 47.2

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12207850 CLEARWATER CREEK NEAR WELCOME, WA 484719 1220118 17110004 18.5

12207900 CLEARWATER CREEK NR DEMING,WASH 484620 1220243 17110004 --
12207950 MF NOOKSACK DIVERSION AT PUMP STATION NR DEMING,WA 484225 1221000 17110004 --
12208000 M.F. NOOKSACK RIVER NR DEMING, WASH. 484643 1220620 17110004 73.3
12208100 MF NOOKSACK RIVER BL HEISTERS CR NR VAN ZANDT, WA 484709 1220644 17110004 --
12208500 CANYON CREEK AT KULSHAN, WASH. 485000 1220805 17110004 8.7
12209000 S.F. NOOKSACK RIVER NEAR WICKERSHAM, WASH. 483952 1220756 17110004 103
12209460 ARLECHO CREEK NEAR WICKERSHAM, WA 484059 1220315 17110004 --
12209490 SKOOKUM CR ABOVE DIVERSION NR WICKERSHAM, WA 484018 1220818 17110004 23
12209495 SKOOKUM CR. HATCHERY INFLOW NR. WICKERSHAM 484020 1220823 17110004 23.1
12209498 SKOOKUM CR. HATCHERY OUTFLOW NR. WICKERSHA 484015 1220828 17110004 --
12209500 SKOOKUM CREEK NEAR WICKERSHAM, WASH. 484020 1220824 17110004 23.1
12210000 SOUTH FORK NOOKSACK R AT SAXON BRIDGE WASH 484040 1220955 17110004 129
12210480 SOUTH FORK NOOKSACK RIVER AT VAN ZANDT, WA 484714 1221151 17110004 --
12210500 NOOKSACK RIVER AT DEMING, WASH. 484838 1221213 17110004 584
12210700 NOOKSACK RIVER AT NORTH CEDARVILLE, WASH. 485031 1221735 17110004 588
12210800 SMITH CREEK NEAR GOSHEN 485121.1 1221738.2 17110004 --
12210900 ANDERSON CREEK AT SMITH ROAD NEAR GOSHEN, WA 484750 1222013 17110004 8.96
12211000 ANDERSON CREEK AT GOSHEN, WA 485127 1222015 17110004 12.9
12211200 NOOKSACK RIVER AT EVERSON, WA 485505 1222048 17110004 --
12211390 KAMM CR AT KAMM ROAD NR LYNDEN, WA 485724 1222404 17110004 --
12211400 KAMM CREEK AT LYNDEN, WA 485645 1222617 17110004 6.9
12211480 SCOTT CREEK AT THEIL ROAD NEAR LYNDEN, WA 485506 1222512 17110004 --
12211490 SCOTT CREEK AT BLYSMA ROAD NEAR LYNDEN, WA 485508 1222750 17110004 --
12211500 NOOKSACK RIVER NEAR LYNDEN, WASH. 485514 1222904 17110004 648
12211890 FISHTRAP CREEK NEAR PEARDONVILLE, BC 490053 1222411 -- --
12211900 FISHTRAP CREEK AT I.B. NR LYNDEN, WA 490010 1222422 -- --
12211950 FISHTRAP CREEK NEAR LYNDEN, WA 485844 1222546 17110004 --
12212000 FISHTRAP CREEK AT LYNDEN, WASH. 485752 1222549 17110004 22.3
12212030 FISHTRAP CREEK AT E MAIN AT LYNDEN, WA 485646 1222732 17110004 --
12212035 PEPIN CREEK (EAST) AT LYNDEN, WA 485652 1222824 17110004 --
12212040 PEPIN CREEK AT LYNDEN, WA 485648 1222807 17110004 --
12212050 FISHTRAP CREEK AT FRONT STREET AT LYNDEN, WA 485620 1222840 17110004 37.8
12212100 FISHTRAP CREEK AT FLYNN ROAD AT LYNDEN, WA 485536 1222942 17110004 38.1
12212200 FISHTRAP CREEK AT RIVER ROAD NEAR LYNDEN, WA 485451 1223110 17110004 --
12212400 BERTRAND CR AT BERTRAND H ST BRIDGE NR LYNDEN, WA 485936.2 1223033.5 17110004 --
12212450 BERTRAND CR AT WEST BADGER ROAD NEAR LYNDEN, WA 485750 1223026 17110004 --
12212480 BERTRAND CR AT BIRCH BAY LYNDEN ROAD NR LYNDEN, WA 485608 1223208 17110004 --
12212500 BERTRAND CREEK NEAR LYNDEN, WA 485527 1223139 17110004 40.3
12212700 TENMILE CREEK TRIBUTARY NR BELLINGHAM, WASH. 485030 1222430 17110004 0.74
12212800 TENMILE CREEK TRIB #2 NR BELLINGHAM, WASH. 485035 1222430 17110004 0.24
12212895 TENMILE CR BELOW FOURMILE CR NR FERNDALE, WA 485200 1222856 17110004 22.7
12212900 TENMILE CREEK AT LAUREL, WASH. 485150 1222945 17110004 23.6
12212950 TENMILE CREEK AT HEMMI ROAD, NEAR FERNDALE, WA 485145 1223051 17110004 --
12213000 TENMILE CREEK NR FERNDALE, WA 485115 1223225 17110004 22.7

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12213030 DEER CREEK NEAR FERNDALE, WA 485043 1223242 17110004 --
Chapter 2

12213050 TENMILE CREEK AT BARRETT ROAD NEAR FERNDALE, WA 485113 1223420 17110004 --
12213095 NOOKSACK RIVER NEAR FERNDALE, WASH. 485114 1223455 17110004 786
12213100 NOOKSACK RIVER AT FERNDALE, WASH. 485042 1223517 17110004 786
12213140 NOOKSACK RIVER AT BRENNAN, WASH. 484910 1223443 17110004 790
12213155 KWINA SLOUGH AT FISH PEN CANAL NR MARIETTA 484642 1223614 17110004 --
12213500 CALIFORNIA CREEK NEAR CUSTER, WA 485518 1223933 17110002 6.85
12213950 SF DAKOTA CR AT DELTA LINE RD NR BIRCH BAY, WA 485645 1223655 17110002 --
12213980 NORTH FORK DAKOTA CREEK NEAR CUSTER, WA 485704 1223812 17110002 --
12214000 DAKOTA CREEK NEAR BLAINE, WA 485725 1223930 17110002 18.4
12214050 DAKOTA CREEK AT GILES ROAD NEAR BLAINE, WA 485747 1224051 17110002 --
12214500 SUMAS RIVER NEAR SUMAS, WASH. 485830 1221500 17110001 33
12214550 SUMAS RIVER AT SUMAS, WASH. 485934 1221510 17110001 34.1
12214900 JOHNSON CREEK AT HIGHWAY 9 AT SUMAS, WA 485933.9 1221600 17110001 --

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12214990 SUMAS CREEK AT JOHNSON ST AT SUMAS, WA 485957 1221602 17110001 --
12215000 JOHNSON CREEK AT SUMAS, WA 485950 1221540 17110001 23
12215100 SUMAS RIVER NEAR HUNTINGDON, B.C. 490009 1221350 -- 57.6
12215500 SAAR CREEK NEAR SUMAS, WA 485935 1221235 17110001 9.76
12215650 COPPER LAKE NEAR GLACIER, WA 485507 1212702 17110001 --
12215700 CHILLIWACK RIVER NR VEDDER CROSSING, B.C. 490502 1212724 -- 131
12215900 SLESSE CREEK NEAR VEDDER CROSSING, B.C. 490421 1214158 -- 62.7
12224000 COLUMBIA RIVER AT DONALD, B.C. 512900 1171045 -- 3700
12230500 COLUMBIA RIVER AT REVELSTOKE, B.C. 510029 1181309 -- 10400
12233000 INCOMAPPLEAX RIVER NR BEATON, B.C. 504625 1174036 -- 387
12238000 LOWER ARROW LAKE AT NEEDLES, B.C. 495227 1180535 -- --
12241000 COLUMBIA RIVER AT CASTLEGAR, B.C. 491956 1174033 -- --
12294500 KOOTENAY RIVER NR SKOOKUMCHUCK, B.C. 495438 1154408 -- 2780
12296000 KOOTENAY RIVER AT FORT STEELE, B.C. 493650 1153805 -- 4350
12296500 BULL RIVER NR WARDNER, B.C. 492935 1152150 -- 578
12297000 KOOTENAY RIVER AT WARDNER, B.C. 492513 1152510 -- 5200
12299500 ELK R AT PHILLIPS BRIDGE NR ELKO, B.C. 491254 1150638 -- 1720
12322300 DUNCAN RIVER BLW B.B. CREEK,B.C. 503817 1170250 -- 499
12322400 DUNCAN FOREBAY AT DUNCAN DAM, B.C. 501520 1165651 -- --
12322560 DUNCAN RIVER BLW LARDEAU RIVER, B.C. 501356 1165718 -- 1560
12322640 KOOTENAY LAKE AT QUEENS BAY, B.C. 493916 1165547 -- --
12322680 KOOTENAY RIVER AT NELSON (GAUGE NO. 10), B.C. 493033 1171646 -- --
12322900 SLOCAN RIVER NR CRESCENT VALLEY, B.C. 492940 1172004 -- 17700
12323000 COLUMBIA RIVER AT BIRCHBANK, B.C. 491040 1174259 17110001 34000
12325200 LARDEAU RIVER AT MARBLEHEAD, B.C. 501547 1165802 -- 610
12331800 CLARK FORK RIVER NEAR DRUMMOND, MT 464244 1131948 -- 2500
12354500 CLARK FORK R. AT ST. REGIS, MT 471807 1150511 -- 10700
12358500 MIDDLE FORK FLATHEAD RIVER NR WEST GLACIER, MT 482943 1140033 -- 1130
12363000 FLATHEAD RIVER AT COLUMBIA FALLS, MT 482143 1141102 -- 4460
12395000 PRIEST RIVER NEAR PRIEST RIVER, ID 481231 1165449 -- 902

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12395500 PEND OREILLE RIVER AT NEWPORT, ID. 481100 1170200 17010216 24200

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12395502 PEND OREILLE R AT US HWY 2 AT NEWPORT, WASH. 481107 1170200 17010216 24200

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12395800 DEER CREEK NEAR DALKENA, WASH. 481149 1171738 17010216 4.75
12395900 DAVIS CREEK NEAR DALKENA, WASH. 481351 1171714 17010216 16.8
12395910 DAVIS CR NR USK, WASH. 481640 1171550 17010216 --
12395950 PEND OREILLE RIVER AT CUSICK, WASH. 482010 1171731 17010216 --
12396000 CALISPELL CREEK NEAR DALKENA, WASH. 481440 1172026 17010216 68.3
12396100 WINCHESTER CREEK NEAR CUSICK, WASH. 481652 1172144 17010216 16.8
12396200 SMALLE CREEK NEAR CUSICK, WA 481940 1172100 17010216 25.1
12396220 CALISPEL RIVER AT CUSICK, WASH. 482015 1171815 17010216 --
12396300 TRIMBLE CREEK NEAR CUSICK, WA 482120 1172025 17010216 3.5
12396302 TACOMA CR NR CUSICK, WASH. 482320 1171845 17010216 --
12396450 LITTLE MUDDY CREEK AT IONE, WASH. 484358 1172144 17010216 11.3
12396470 BOX CANYON DAM HEADWATER (AUXILIARY GAGE) NR ION 484649 1172432 17010216 --
12396480 BOX CANYON PRPLNT HDWTR NR IONE, WASH. 484649 1172447 17010216 --
12396490 PEND OREILLE R. BLW BOX CANYON TAILWATER NR IONE 484649 1172442 17010216 24900
12396500 PEND OREILLE R BEL BOX CANYON NR IONE, WASH. 484652 1172455 17010216 24900
12396501 PEND OREILLE R. BLW BOX CANYON NR IONE, WASH. 484649 1172442 17010216 24900
12396900 SULLIVAN C ABV OUTLET C NR METALINE FALLS, WASH. 485047 1171709 17010216 70.2
12396950 HARVEY CREEK NEAR NEAR METALINE FALLS, WA 484610 1171743 17010216 --
12397000 SULLIVAN LAKE NR METALINE FALLS, WA 485021 1171715 17010216 51.2
12397100 OUTLET CREEK NEAR METALINE FALLS, WASH. 485042 1171712 17010216 51.5
12397500 SULLIVAN CREEK NEAR METALINE FALLS, WASH. 485110 1171720 17010216 122
12398000 SULLIVAN CREEK AT METALINE FALLS, WASH. 485140 1172150 17010216 142
12398090 PEND OREILLE R AT METALINE FALLS, WASH. 485155 1172220 17010216 --
12398500 PEND OREILLE R B Z CNYN NR METALINE FLLS, WASH. 485850 1172040 17010216 25200
12398550 BOUNDARY RESERVOIR NEAR METALINE FALLS, WA. 485920 1172055 17010216 --
12398560 BOUNDARY POWER PLANT T.W. NR METALINE FALLS,WASH 485920 1172055 17010216 25200
12398600 PEND OREILLE RIVER AT INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY 485956 1172109 17010216 25200
12398900 SALMO RIVER NEAR SALMO, B.C. 490407 1171637 -- 476
12399000 SALMO RIVER NEAR WANETA, B.C. 490149 1172226 -- 500
12399300 PEND OREILLE RIVER AT WANETA, B.C. 490015 1173705 -- --
12399500 COLUMBIA RIVER AT INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY 490003 1173742 17020001 59700
12399510 COLUMBIA R AUXIL AT INTERNA BNDRY, WASH. 485817 1173824 17020001 59700
12399550 COLUMBIA R BLW RAPIDS AT INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY 485941 1173806 17020001 59700
12399600 DEEP CREEK NEAR NORTHPORT, WASH. 485547 1174459 17020001 191
12399900 BIG SHEEP CREEK NEAR ROSSLAND, B.C. 490100 1175640 -- 134
12400000 SHEEP CREEK NR VELVET, WASH. 485710 1175250 17020001 171
12400500 SHEEP CREEK NEAR NORTHPORT, WASH. 485640 1174650 17020001 225
12400520 COLUMBIA RIVER AT NORTHPORT, WASH. 485521 1174632 17020001 60200
12400900 MYERS CREEK NEAR CHESAW, WA 485955 1190108 17020002 90.9
12401500 KETTLE RIVER NR FERRY, WA 485853 1184555 17020002 2200
12402000 CURLEW LAKE NEAR MALO, WA 484520 1183930 17020004 65.9
12402500 CURLEW CREEK NR MALO, WASH. 484600 1183910 17020004 66.8
12403000 CURLEW CR NR CURLEW, WASH. 484625 1183845 17020004 --
12403500 KETTLE R AT CURLEW, WASH. 485310 1183600 17020002 --
12403700 THIRD CREEK NEAR CURLEW, WASH. 485221 1182520 17020002 1.18

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12404000 KETTLE RIVER AT CASCADE, B.C. 490135 1181220 17110001 3550
Chapter 2

12404500 KETTLE RIVER NEAR LAURIER, WASH. 485904 1181255 17020002 3800
12404860 PIERRE LAKE NEAR ORIENT, WASH. 485351 1180814 17020002 26.8
12404900 KETTLE RIVER NR BARSTOW, WASH. 484705 1180727 17020002 4040
12405000 KETTLE RIVER AT BOYDS, WASH. 484320 1180720 17020002 4070
12405400 NANCY CREEK NEAR KETTLE FALLS, WASH. 483920 1180640 17020001 11.9
12405500 COLUMBIA RIVER AT KETTLE FALLS, WASH. 483720 1180700 17020001 64500
12406000 DEER LAKE NEAR LOON LAKE, WASH. 480628 1173618 17020003 18.2
12406500 LOON LK NR LOON LK, WASH. 480320 1173830 17020003 14.1
12407000 SHEEP CR AT LOON LAKE, WASH. 480335 1173910 17020003 37.9
12407500 SHEEP CREEK AT SPRINGDALE, WASH. 480328 1174504 17020003 48.2
12407520 DEER CREEK NEAR VALLEY, WASH. 480706 1174752 17020003 36
12407530 JUMPOFF JOE LAKE NEAR VALLEY, WASH. 480811 1174106 17020003 2.35
12407550 WAITTS LAKE NEAR VALLEY, WASH. 481125 1174713 17020003 14.2

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12407600 THOMASON CREEK NEAR CHEWELAH, WASH. 481738 1174012 17020003 4.08
12407680 COLVILLE R AT CHEWELAH, WASH. 481538 1174252 17020003 295
12407700 CHEWELAH CREEK AT CHEWELAH, WASH. 481700 1174250 17020003 94.1
12408000 COLVILLE RIVER AT BLUE CREEK, WASH. 481910 1174910 17020001 428
12408190 FRATER LAKE NEAR TIGER 483918 1172911 17020003 0.68
12408195 LEO LAKE NEAR TIGER 483846 1173006 17020003 2.94
12408200 PATCHEN (BIGHORN) C NR TIGER, WASH. 483832 1173105 17020003 1.65
12408205 HERITAGE LAKE NEAR TIGER 483747 1173154 17020003 10.2
12408210 THOMAS LAKE NEAR TIGER 483707 1173239 17020003 12.7
12408214 GILLETTE LAKE NEAR TIGER 483643 1173235 17020003 14.9
12408216 SHERRY LAKE NEAR TIGER 483624 1173236 17020003 15.3
12408300 LITTLE PEND OREILLE RIVER NEAR COLVILLE, WASH. 482758 1174453 17020003 132
12408400 NARCISSE CREEK NEAR COLVILLE, WASH. 483052 1174357 17020003 11.1
12408410 LITTLE PEND OREILLE R AT ARDEN, WASH. 483005 1175250 17020003 --
12408420 HALLER C NR ARDEN, WASH. 482802 1175424 17020003 37
12408440 WHITE MUD LAKE NEAR COLVILLE, WA 483110 1174845 17020003 15.3
12408450 MILL CREEK BELOW FORKS, NEAR COLVILLE, WA 483645 1174650 17020003 67.9
12408500 MILL CREEK NEAR COLVILLE, WASH. 483444 1175156 17020003 83
12408700 MILL CR AT MOUTH NR COLVILLE, WASH. 483425 1175635 17020003 146
12409000 COLVILLE RIVER AT KETTLE FALLS, WASH. 483540 1180341 17020003 1010
12409200 BARNABY CREEK NEAR RICE, WASH. 482604 1181331 17020001 45.9
12409290 LITTLE JIM CREEK NEAR DAISY, WASH. 482204 1181143 17020001 4.04
12409500 HALL CREEK AT INCHELIUM, WASH. 481841 1181239 17020001 161
12409900 N. TWIN LAKE NR INCHELIUM, WA. 481647 1182245 17020001 30.2
12409920 S. TWIN LAKE NR INCHELIUM, WA. 481525 1182232 17020001 36.9
12410000 STRANGER CREEK AT METEOR, WASH. 481540 1181700 17020001 50.9
12410050 ROUND LAKE NEAR INCHELIUM 481733 1181904 17020001 5.02
12410500 STRANGER CREEK AT INCHELIUM 481732 1181120 17020001 80.2
12410600 SOUTH FORK HARVEY CREEK NR CEDONIA, WASH. 481026 1180642 17020001 18.1
12410650 NORTH FORK HARVEY CREEK NR CEDONIA, WASH. 481236 1180449 17020001 6.96
12410700 HARVEY CREEK NEAR CEDONIA, WA 481025 1180655 17020001 29.9

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12410710 NEZ PERCE CREEK NEAR KEWA, WASH. 481027 1181446 17020001 22.6

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12410715 FALLS CREEK NEAR KEWA, WASH. 480859 1181611 17020001 13.1

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12410770 WILMONT CREEK NEAR HUNTERS, WASH. 480434 1181929 17020001 51.1
12410775 NINEMILE CREEK NEAR FRUITLAND, WASH. 480250 1182606 17020001 106
12410780 LITTLE NINEMILE CREEK NEAR FRUITLAND, WASH. 480104 1182438 17020001 6.12
12410785 SIXMILE CREEK NEAR MILES, WASH. 475823 1182222 17020001 10.8
12410790 THREEMILE CREEK NEAR MILES, WASH. 475618 1182206 17020001 106
12410800 COUER D ALENE RIVER NEAR MAGEE RANGER STATION, ID 475810 1161125 17010301 --
12414500 ST. JOE RIVER AT CALDER, ID 471629 1161117 -- 1030
12419000 SPOKANE RIVER NR POST FALLS, ID. 474211 1165837 17010305 3840
12419495 SPOKANE R AT ID-WA STATE LINE NR OTIS ORCHARDS, WA 474155 1170240 17010305 3870
12419500 SPOKANE R AB LIBERTY BRIDGE NR OTIS ORCHARDS, WA 474056 1170505 17010305 3880
12419800 NEWMAN LAKE NEAR NEWMAN LAKE, WASH. 474607 1170440 17010305 28.6
12420000 LIBERTY LAKE AT LIBERTY LAKE, WASH. 473909 1170520 17010305 13.3
12420300 SPOKANE R AT HARVARD RD BR NR OTIS ORCHARDS, WA 474100 1170600 17010305 --
12420500 SPOKANE RIVER AT GREENACRES, WASH. 474045 1170925 17010305 4150
12420800 SPOKANE R AT SULLIVAN RD BR NR TRENTWOOD, WASH 474022 1171143 17010305 --
12421000 SPOKANE RIVER AT TRENT WASH 474120 1171330 17010305 4210
12421200 SPOKANE R. AT TRENT BRIDGE AT TRENTWOOD 474132 1171403 17010305 4200
12421500 SPOKANE RIVER BLW TRENT BRG NR SPOKANE, WASH. 474150 1171435 17010305 4200
12421700 SPOKANE RIVER AT ARGONNE RD BR AT SPOKANE, WASH 474130 1171700 17010305 --
12422000 SPOKANE RIVER BLW GREEN ST AT SPOKANE WASH 474040 1172220 17010305 --
12422010 SPOKANE R. AT MISSION AVE. AT SPOKANE 474019 1172312 17010305 4220
12422100 SPOKANE RIVER AT TRENT AVE BR AT SPOKANE, WASH 473930 1172600 17010305 --
12422400 SPOKANE FIELD OFFICE DCP TEST STATION 473934 1172653 17010308 --
12422500 SPOKANE RIVER AT SPOKANE, WASH. 473934 1172653 17010305 4290
12422990 HANGMAN CREEK AT STATE LINE ROAD NEAR TEKOA, WA 471210 1170223 17010306 --
12423000 HANGMAN (LATAH) CREEK AT TEKOA, WA 471320 1170435 17060109 130
12423500 NF HANGMAN (LATAH) CREEK AT TEKOA, WA 471335 1170430 17060109 60
12423550 HANGMAN CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR LATAH, WASH. 471916 1171042 17010306 2.18
12423700 SO FK ROCK CR TRIBUTARY NR FAIRFIELD, WASH. 472054 1170406 17010306 0.59
12423900 STEVENS CREEK TRIBUTARY NR MORAN, WASH. 473335 1172055 17010306 2.02
12423980 HANGEMAN CR NR SPOKANE, WASH 473515 1172405 17010306 --
12424000 HANGMAN CREEK AT SPOKANE, WASH. 473910 1172655 17010306 689
12424003 HANGMAN CR. AT MOUTH AT SPOKANE 473917 1172712 17010306 689
12424100 SPOKANE R. AT FT. WRIGHT BR. AT SPOKANE 474050 1172707 17010307 4990
12424200 SPOKANE R. AT RIVERSIDE STATE PARK AT SPOK,WA 474148 1172948 17010307 5010
12424500 SPOKANE R AT 7 MILE BRIDGE NR SPOKANE WASH 474425 1173110 17010307 5020
12425000 MEDICAL LAKE AT MEDICAL LAKE, WA 473423 1174100 17010307 --
12425500 DEEP CREEK NEAR SPOKANE, WA 474030 1174100 17010307 76.6
12426000 SPOKANE R. BLW. NINE MILE DAM AT SPOKANE 474634 1173236 17010307 5200
12426500 LITTLE SPOKANE RIVER AT SCOTIA, WA 480620 1170910 17010216 74.2
12427000 LITTLE SPOKANE RIVER AT ELK, WASH. 480120 1171619 17010308 115
12427500 DIAMOND LAKE NEAR NEWPORT, WASH. 480708 1171305 17010308 17.4
12428000 SACHEEN LAKE NEAR NEWPORT, WASH. 480950 1171803 17010308 33.5
12428500 ELOIKA LAKE NEAR ELK, WASH. 480145 1172225 17010308 101
12428600 WEST BRANCH LITTLE SPOKANE RIVER NR ELK, WA 480025 1172146 17010308 101

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12429000 LITTLE SPOKANE RIVER AT MILAN, WA 475800 1172000 17010308 274
Chapter 2

12429200 BEAR CREEK NEAR MILAN, WASH. 475548 1172027 17010308 10.5
12429600 DEER CREEK NEAR CHATTAROY, WASH. 475325 1172000 17010308 31.9
12429800 MUD CREEK NEAR DEER PARK, WASH. 475408 1173408 17010308 1.83
12430000 WETHEY CREEK NEAR DEER PARK, WA 475300 1172830 17010308 12
12430100 DRAGOON CREEK AT MOUTH, NR CHATTAROY, WA 475229 1172209 17010308 177
12430150 LITTLE SPOKANE R BLW DRAGOON CR, NR CHATTEROY, WA 475226 1172203 17010308 511
12430200 LITTLE SPOKANE RIVER AT BUCKEYE, WASH 475034 1172226 17010308 --
12430250 LITTLE SPOKANE RIVER NEAR BUCKEYE, WASH 474926 1172224 17010308 --
12430300 LITTLE SPOKANE R ABV DEADMAN CR NR DARTFORD, WA 474819 1172240 17010308 --
12430320 LITTLE SPOKANE R AT L SPOK DR NR DARTFORD, WA 474754 1172253 17010308 --
12430350 DEADMAN CREEK NEAR MEAD, WA 474645 1172105 17010308 80.3
12430370 BIGELOW GULCH NEAR SPOKANE, WASH. 474310 1171934 17010308 2.07
12430400 DEADMAN CR BLW U.S. HWY 195, NR MEAD, WA 474653 1172149 17010308 94.7

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12430500 DEEP CREEK AT COLBERT, WA 474915 1172045 17010308 32.8
12430600 LITTLE SPOKANE R BLW DEADMAN CR, NR DARTFORD, WA 474736 1172303 17010308 659
12430650 LITTLE SPOKANE R AT GREENLEAF DR NR DARTFORD, WA 472958 1172352 17010308 --
12430700 LITTLE SPOKANE R AB WANDERMERE CR AT DARTF 474705 1172402 17010308 660
12430800 WANDERMERE LAKE CR NR DARTFORD, WA 474701 1172404 17010308 4.32
12431000 LITTLE SPOKANE RIVER AT DARTFORD, WASH. 474705 1172412 17010308 665
12431010 LITTLE SPOKANE R AT DARTFORD DR NR DARTFORD, WA 474705 1172415 17010308 --
12431100 LITTLE CREEK AT DARTFORD, WASH. 474705 1172500 17010308 11.9
12431200 LITTLE SPOKANE BLW COUNTRY CLUB NR DARTFORD, WA 474650 1172945 17010308 --
12431500 LITTLE SPOKANE RIVER NEAR DARTFORD, WASH. 474650 1172945 17010308 698
12431900 LITTLE SPOKANE R. NR. MOUTH NR. SPOKANE 474700 1173143 17010308 700
12432000 LITTLE SPOKANE RIVER NEAR SPOKANE, WA 474725 1173140 17010308 701
12432500 LONG LK AT LONG LK WA 475012 1175020 17010307 6020
12433000 SPOKANE RIVER AT LONG LAKE, WASH. 475012 1175025 17010307 6020
12433100 CHAMOKANE CREEK NEAR SPRINGDALE, WASH. 475944 1174328 17010307 99.9
12433200 CHAMOKANE CR BELOW FALLS NEAR LONG LAKE, WASH. 475142 1175128 17010307 179
12433300 SPRING CR TRIBUTARY NR REARDAN, WASH. 474449 1175131 17010307 1.14
12433500 SPOKANE R BLW LITTLE FALLS NR LONG LAKE, WASH. 474930 1175625 17010307 6220
12433540 GS-1 UNNAMED TRIB TO BLUE CRK NR WELLPINIT 475539 1180448 17010307 --
12433542 BLUE CR ABV MIDNITE MINE DRAINAGE NR WELLPINIT, WA 475528 1180518 17010307 6
12433546 BELOW HAUL RD AT MIDNITE MINE NR WELLPINIT GS-2 475533 1180448 17010307 --
12433548 EAST DRAINAGE FR MIDNITE MINE NR WELLPINIT D-11 475548 1180520 17010307 --
12433550 WASTEPOND AT MIDNITE MINE NR WELLPINIT D-20 475607 1180535 17010307 --
12433552 BELOW DAM AT MIDNITE MINE NR WELLPINIT D-15 475606 1180535 17010307 --
12433554 WEST DRAINAGE FR MIDNITE MINE NR WELLPINIT D-10 475552 1180535 17010307 --
12433556 MIDNITE MINE DRAINAGE NEAR WELLPINIT, WASH. 475527 1180520 17010307 1.3
12433558 BLUE CR BLW MIDNITE MINE DRAINAGE NR WELLPINIT, WA 475524 1180520 17010307 7.3
12433559 BLUE CR BTW MIDNITE MINE & OYACHEN CR NR WELLPINIT 475437 1180621 17010307 8.4
12433560 BLUE CR ABV OYACHEN CR NR WELLPINIT D-7,WA 475404 1180649 17010307 --
12433561 BLUE CR NR MOUTH NR WELLPINIT, WA 475349 1180805 17010307 19.1
12433562 BLUE CR ABV LK ROOSEVELT NR WELLPINIT D-8, WA 475340 1180819 17010307 --

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12433580 COTTONWOOD (HAWK) C AT DAVENPORT, WASH. 473931 1180809 17020001 23.2

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12433790 SANPOIL R ABV GRANITE CR NR REPUBLIC, WASH 483904 1184216 17020004 --

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12433800 GRANITE CREEK NEAR REPUBLIC, WASH. 483945 1184945 17020004 4.25
12433810 SANPOIL R BLW GRANITE CR NR REPUBLIC, WASH 483658 1184343 17020004 --
12433890 SANPOIL R ABV 13 MILE CR NR REPUBLIC, WASH. 482837 1184341 17020004 263
12433896 THIRTEENMILE CREEK NR. REPUBLIC 482838 1184341 17020004 16.9
12433930 BAILEY CREEK NR AENEAS WASH. 483348 1190158 17020006 8.04
12433950 CRAWFISH LAKE NEAR DISAUTEL 482847 1191236 17020004 0.83
12433995 LOST CREEK NR. DISAUTEL 482826 1190149 17020004 --
12434000 LOST CREEK NEAR AENEAS, WA 482930 1190100 17020004 84
12434050 GOLD LAKE NEAR WEST FORK 482215 1185516 17020004 3.5
12434100 GOLD CREEK NEAR REPUBLIC, WASH. 482718 1184756 17020004 47.4
12434110 WEST FORK SANPOIL RIVER NEAR REPUBLIC, WASH. 482733 1184457 17020004 308
12434120 SEVENTEENMILE CREEK NR. REPUBLIC 482619 1184411 17020004 28.9
12434130 NINETEENMILE CREEK NR. REPUBLIC 482455 1184412 17020004 4.41
12434180 NORTH NANAMKIN CREEK NR. KELLER 481839 1184414 17020004 15.7
12434230 THIRTYMILE CREEK NR. KELLER 481540 1184053 17020004 24.9
12434300 BRIDGE CREEK NEAR KELLER, WASH. 481425 1183549 17020004 18.4
12434320 BRIDGE CREEK AT MOUTH NR. KELLER 481325 1184119 17020004 31.6
12434380 CACHE CREEK NR. KELLER 481019 1184221 17020004 7.72
12434450 IRON CREEK NR. KELLER 480812 1184113 17020004 9.23
12434500 SANPOIL RIVER NEAR KELLER, WASH. 480628 1184151 17020004 880
12434520 BRUSH CREEK NR. KELLER 480620 1184209 17020004 6.21
12434590 SANPOIL R ABV JACK CR AT KELLER, WASH 480504 1184125 17020004 --
12434600 JACK CREEK AT KELLER, WASH. 480454 1184118 17020004 8.17
12434700 COPPER CREEK NR. KELLER 480416 1183955 17020004 9.02
12434800 MEADOW CREEK NR. KELLER 480355 1184022 17020004 7.85
12434900 SILVER CREEK NR. KELLER 480301 1183919 17020004 5.11
12435000 SANPOIL R AT KELLER, WASH. 480505 1184126 17020004 928
12435020 JOHN TOM CREEK NR. KELLER 480147 1183924 17020004 7.47
12435050 DICK CREEK NR. KELLER 480033 1184012 17020004 6.8
12435100 MANILA CREEK NR. KELLER 480026 1184149 17020004 21.2
12435500 FEEDER CANAL AT GRAND COULEE, WASH. 475705 1185940 17020001 --
12435810 SCBID EL 85 XX WASTEWAY NR MESA, WA 463541 1185927 -- --
12435840 SCBID EL 85 JJ LATERAL AT HEAD NR MESA, WA 463805 1185920 -- --
12435850 SCBID EL85 CANAL BLW EL85JJ LATERAL NR MESA, WA 463806 1185922 -- --
12436000 FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT LAKE AT GRAND COULEE DAM, WA. 475720 1185902 17020005 74700
12436500 COLUMBIA RIVER AT GRAND COULEE, WASH. 475756 1185854 17020005 74700
12436540 MCGINNIS LAKE NEAR SEATONS GROVE 480158 1185349 17020005 4
12436542 PETER DAN CREEK AT ELMER CITY 480042 1185655 17020005 15.5
12436550 BUFFALO LAKE NEAR COLVILLE INDIAN AGENCY 480316 1185225 17020005 13.7
12436850 PARMENTER CR NR NESPELEM WASH. 481506 1185847 17020005 6.94
12436895 MILL CREEK BELOW ARMSTRONG CR NR NESPELEM, WA 481328 1190004 17020005 27
12436900 MILL CREEK NR. NESPELEM 481234 1185905 17020005 29
12437000 NESPELEM CANAL NR. NESPELEM 481047 1185844 17020005 --
12437500 NESPELEM RIVER AT NESPELEM, WASH. 481035 1185852 17020005 122
12437505 NESPELEM R BELOW MILLPOND AT NESPELEM, WASH. 480955 1185846 17020005 123

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12437530 OWHI LAKE NR NESPELEM 481322 1185333 17020005 13.2
Chapter 2

12437590 LITTLE NESPELEM RIVER NR. NESPELEM 480723 1185839 17020005 90.4
12437600 NESPELEM RIVER AT MOUTH NR. NESPELEM 480738 1190132 17020005 224
12437690 COYOTE CREEK NR. NESPELEM 480848 1190634 17020005 28.7
12437700 GOOSE LAKE NEAR MONSE 480937 1191957 17020005 23.5
12437900 RUFUS WOODS LK AT BRIDGEPORT WASH 475940 1193805 17020005 75400
12437930 EAST FORK FOSTER CREEK AT LEAHY, WASH. 475445 1192250 17020005 35.4
12437940 EAST FOSTER CREEK AT BELL BUTTE ROAD NR LEAHY, WA 475655 1193024 17020005 --
12437950 EAST FORK FOSTER CREEK TRIBUTARY NR BRIDGEPORT, WA 475700 1193750 17020005 4.75
12437960 WEST FORK FOSTER CREEK NR BRIDGEPORT, WASH. 475305 1194250 17020005 28
12437980 WEST FORK FOSTER CR AB EAST FORK NR BRIDGEPORT, WA 475704 1193935 17020005 --
12438000 COLUMBIA RIVER AT BRIDGEPORT, WASH. 480024 1193951 17020005 75700
12438500 OKANAGAN RIVER AT OKANAGAN FALLS, B.C. 492026 1193440 -- 2650
12438700 OKANOGAN RIVER NEAR OLIVER, B.C. 490653 1193350 -- 2930

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12439000 OSOYOOS LAKE NEAR OROVILLE, WASH. 485724 1192618 17020006 3130
12439100 OKANOGAN RIVER BELOW OSOYOOS LAKE NR OROVILLE, WA 485635 1192545 17020006 3130
12439150 OKANOGAN R AT BRIDGE ST AT OROVILLE, WASH 485620 1192536 17020006 3130
12439200 DRY CREEK TRIB NR MOLSON, WASH. 485453 1191244 17020006 1.68
12439300 TONASKET CREEK AT OROVILLE, WASH. 485635 1192445 17020006 60.1
12439350 OKANOGAN RIVER BELOW TONASKET CR AT OROVILLE, WA 485610 1192530 17020006 3200
12439400 OKANOGAN RIVER AT ZOSEL MILLPOND AT OROVILLE, WA 485555 1192505 17020006 3200
12439500 OKANOGAN RIVER AT OROVILLE, WASH. 485551 1192509 17020006 3200
12439600 SIMILKAMEEN RIVER AT PRINCETON, B.C. 492147 1203120 -- 730
12440000 SINLAHEKIN CR ABV BLUE LAKE NEAR LOOMIS, WASH. 484130 1194300 17020007 41.7
12441000 SINLAHEKIN CR AT TWIN BR NR LOOMIS WASH 484410 1194020 17020007 75.5
12441500 SINLAHEKIN CR NR LOOMIS WASH 484650 1193900 17020007 86
12441700 MIDDLE FORK TOATS COULEE CR NEAR LOOMIS, WASH. 485230 1195350 17020007 17.1
12441800 OLIE CREEK NEAR LOOMIS, WASH. 485059 1194354 17020007 1.42
12442000 TOATS COULEE CREEK NEAR LOOMIS, WASH. 485001 1194132 17020007 130
12442200 WHITESTONE IRR CANAL NR LOOMIS WASH 484950 1194125 17020007 --
12442300 SINLAHEKIN CR ABV CHOPAKA CR NEAR LOOMIS, WASH. 485110 1193850 17020007 256
12442310 CHOPAKA LAKE NR NIGHTHAWK,WASH 485413 1194133 17020007 --
12442400 PALMER LAKE NR NIGHTHAWK, WASH 485430 1193650 17020007 293
12442500 SIMILKAMEEN RIVER NEAR NIGHTHAWK, WASH. 485905 1193702 17020007 3550
12443000 OROVILLE TONASKET IRR DST CANAL N OROVILLE WASH 485700 1192800 17020007 --
12443500 SIMILKAMEEN RIVER NEAR OROVILLE, WASH. 485740 1193000 17020007 3580
12443600 SIMILKAMEEN R AT OROVILLE, WASH 485605 1192627 17020007 3550
12443700 SPECTACLE LAKE TRIB NR LOOMIS, WASH. 484837 1193310 17020006 4.59
12443800 SPECTACLE LAKE NR LOOMIS,WASH 484852 1193115 17020006 17.2
12443980 WANNACUT LAKE NR OROVILLE, WASH 485205 1193054 17020006 --
12444000 WHITESTONE LAKE NEAR TONASKET, WASH. 484714 1192749 17020006 52.3
12444100 WHITESTONE CREEK NEAR TONASKET, WASH. 484705 1192600 17020006 55.4
12444400 SIWASH CR TRIB NR TONASKET, WASH. 484312 1192212 17020006 0.66
12444490 BONAPARTE CREEK NEAR WAUCONDA, WASH. 483926 1191202 17020006 96.6
12444550 BONAPARTE CR AT TONASKET, WASH 484205 1192630 17020006 --

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12444700 AENEAS LAKE NEAR TONASKET, WASH. 484037 1193028 17020006 32.4

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12444990 OKANOGAN R AT JANIS, WASH 483857 1192810 17020006 --

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12445000 OKANOGAN RIVER NEAR TONASKET, WASH. 483757 1192738 17020006 7260
12445500 JOHNSON CREEK NEAR RIVERSIDE, WA 482950 1193130 17020006 68.2
12445700 WANNACOTT CREEK NR. OMAK 482552 1192742 17020006 19.4
12445750 SUMMIT LAKE NEAR DISAUTEL 481705 1190852 17020006 0.49
12445800 OMAK CR TRIB NR DISAUTEL, WASH. 482016 1191016 17020006 4.12
12445900 OMAK CREEK NEAR OMAK, WASH. 482202 1192638 17020006 119
12445920 KARTER CREEK ABV NELSON CREEK NR OMAK, WA 481316 1191608 17020006 --
12445930 KARTAR CREEK NR. OMAK 481452 1191945 17020006 48.8
12445939 NO NAME CREEK NEAR SOURCE NEAR OMAK,WASH 482112 1192633 17020006 --
12445940 NO NAME CREEK DIVERSION NEAR OMAK,WASH 482043 1192606 17020006 --
12445941 NO NAME CREEK BELOW DIVERSION NEAR OMAK,WASH 482043 1192629 17020006 --
12445942 NO NAME CREEK DIVERSION RETURN NEAR OMAK,WASH 482025 1192624 17020006 --
12445944 NO NAME CREEK AT GRANITE LIP NEAR OMAK,WASH 481946 1192606 17020006 --
12445945 NO NAME CREEK NR. OMAK 481940 1192602 17020006 3.98
12445948 NO NAME CREEK AT MOUTH NR. OMAK 481922 1192546 17020006 7.11
12445950 OMAK LAKE NR OMAK, WA. 481437 1192026 17020006 --
12445990 OMAK CREEK AT OMAK 482412 1193007 17020006 --
12446000 OKANOGAN RIVER AT OKANOGAN, WASH. 482140 1193450 17020006 7900
12446480 CONCONCULLY RESERVOIR NR OMAK, WASH 483216 1194450 17020006 --
12446500 SALMON CREEK NEAR CONCONULLY, WASH. 483200 1194450 17020006 121
12447000 SALMON CREEK NEAR OKANOGAN, WASH. 482400 1193700 17020006 150
12447100 OKANOGAN RIVER TRIB AT MALOTT, WASH. 481650 1194200 17020006 2.66
12447200 OKANOGAN RIVER AT MALOTT, WA 481653 1194212 17020006 8080
12447270 SUMMIT CREEK NEAR MALOTT, WA 482234 1194610 17020006 17.4
12447300 OKANOGAN RIVER NEAR MALOTT, WASH. 480610 1194230 17020006 8220
12447306 SOAP LAKE NEAR MALOTT 481342 1193842 17020006 16.1
12447350 METHOW RIVER ABOVE ROBINSON CREEK NR MAZAMA, WA 483934 1203223 17020008 --
12447370 LOST RIVER NEAR MAZAMA, WA 483919 1203018 17020008 146
12447374 METHOW R BLW GATE CR NR MAZAMA, WASH 483746 1202750 17020008 --
12447380 PINE CREEK NEAR MAZAMA, WASH. 483450 1203735 17020008 4.63
12447382 EARLY WINTERS CREEK NR MAZAMA, WA 483555 1202631 17020008 80.2
12447383 METHOW RIVER ABOVE GOAT CR NEAR MAZAMA, WA 483432 1202305 17020008 373
12447384 GOAT CREEK NEAR MAZAMA, WA 483431 1202243 17020008 --
12447385 METHOW R AT WEEMAN BR NR MAZAMA, WASH 483240 1201920 17020008 --
12447386 METHOW RIVER ABOVE WOLF CREEK NEAR WINTROP, WA 482929 1201349 17020008 --
12447387 WOLF CREEK BELOW DIVERSION NEAR WINTHROP, WA 482900 1201824 17020008 32.5
12447388 PATTERSON LAKE NR WINTHROP 482759 1201459 17020008 --
12447390 ANDREWS CREEK NEAR MAZAMA, WASH. 484923 1200841 17020008 22.1
12447394 LAKE CREEK NEAR WINTHROP, WA 484525 1200809 17020008 --
12447400 DOE CR NR WINTHROP, WASH. 484041 1200759 17020007 3.8
12447430 ORTELL CR NR WINTHROP, WASH. 483945 1201510 17020008 4.05
12447440 EIGHTMILE CREEK NEAR WINTHROP, WA 483618 1201001 17020008 --
12447450 CHEWUCH RIVER AT EIGHTMILE RANCH NEAR WINTHROP, WA 483602 1200952 17020008 --
12447500 CHEWUCH RIVER BELOW BOULDER CR NEAR WINTHROP, WA 483436 1201026 17020008 466
12447600 CHEWUCH RIVER ABOVE CUB CREEK NEAR WINTHROP, WA 483353 1201035 17020008 466

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Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12447900 PEARRYGIN LAKE NR WINTHROP 482932 1200946 17020008 --
Chapter 2

12448000 CHEWUCH RIVER AT WINTHROP, WA 482838 1201107 17020008 525

12448500 METHOW RIVER AT WINTHROP, WASH. 482825 1201034 17020008 1010
12448610 (BIG) TWIN LAKE NR WINTHROP 482635 1201139 17020008 --
12448620 METHOW RIVER MVID EAST DIVERSION NR WINTHROP, WA 482508 1200824 17020008 --
12448700 WILLIAMS CR NR TWISP, WASH. 482350 1202745 17020008 3.15
12448850 TWISP RIVER ABOVE BUTTERMILK CREEK NEAR TWISP, WA 482142 1202024 17020008 --
12448900 LITTLE BRIDGE CR NR TWISP, WASH. 482425 1201940 17020008 16.6
12448990 TWISP RIVER ABOVE NEWBY CREEK NEAR TWISP, WA 482251 1201538 17020008 207
12448992 TWISP RIVER TVPI DIVERSION NEAR TWISP, WA 482250 1201431 17020008 --
12448996 TWISP RIVER MVID WEST DIVERSION NR TWISP, WA 482212 1201131 17020008 --
12448998 TWISP RIVER NEAR TWISP, WASH. 482212 1200851 17020008 245
12449000 TWISP RIVER AT TWISP, WA 482202 1200717 17020008 250
12449500 METHOW RIVER AT TWISP, WA 482155 1200654 17020008 1300

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12449510 METHOW RIVER NR TWISP, WASH 482053 1200621 17020008 --
12449600 BEAVER CREEK BELOW SOUTH FORK, NEAR TWISP, WASH. 482544 1200112 17020008 62
12449700 BEAVER CREEK NEAR TWISP, WASH. 482350 1200220 -- 68.1
12449710 BEAVER CREEK NEAR MOUTH NEAR TWISP, WA 481943 1200329 17020008 110
12449760 METHOW RIVER AT CARLTON, WA 481411 1200643 17020008 --
12449780 LIBBY CREEK NEAR CARLTON, WA 481355 1200717 17020008 --
12449790 RAINY CREEK NEAR METHOW, WASH. 480850 1201000 17020008 8.51
12449795 GOLD CREEK NEAR CARLTON, WA 481121 1200613 17020008 --
12449900 METHOW RIVER TRIBUTARY NR METHOW, WASH. 480425 1200010 17020008 0.77
12449910 METHOW RIVER TRIB NO. 2 NEAR METHOW, WASH. 480424 1195943 17020008 1
12449950 METHOW RIVER NR PATEROS, WASH. 480439 1195902 17020008 1770
12449954 METHOW R AT 2ND BRIDGE NR PATEROS WASH 480429 1195720 17020008 1780
12450000 ALTA LAKE NR PATEROS,WASH 480115 1195633 17020008 5.01
12450500 METHOW RIVER AT PATEROS, WASH. 480250 1195440 17020008 1810
12450650 WELLS POWER PLANT H. W. NR. PATEROS, WASH. 475652 1195145 17020005 86100
12450660 WELLS POWERPLANT TAILWATER NEAR PATEROS, WASH. 475652 1195145 17020005 86100
12450700 COLUMBIA RIVER BELOW WELLS DAM, WASH. 475648 1195156 17020005 86100
12450720 ANTOINE CREEK NEAR AZWELL, WA 475532 1195407 17020005 35.6
12450950 UPPER DEE DEE LAKE NEAR STEHEKIN, WA 482413 1203858 17020009 --
12451000 STEHEKIN RIVER AT STEHEKIN, WASH. 481947 1204126 17020009 321
12451200 LAKE CHELAN AT PURPLE POINT AT STEHEKIN, WASH. 481822 1203911 17020009 --
12451500 RAILROAD CREEK AT LUCERNE, WASH. 481145 1203550 17020009 64.8
12451600 SAFETY HARBOR CREEK NEAR MANSON, WASH. 480638 1202132 17020009 7.85
12451620 GRADE CREEK NEAR MANSON, WASH. 480336 1201526 17020009 8.45
12451650 GOLD CREEK NEAR MANSON, WASH. 480114 1201140 17020009 6.3
12451700 ANTILON LK FEEDER SYSTEM NR MANSON WASH 475830 1200930 17020009 --
12451800 WAPATO LAKE NR MANSON 475444 1200915 17020009 --
12452000 LAKE CHELAN AT CHELAN, WA 475011 1200337 17020009 924
12452500 CHELAN RIVER AT CHELAN, WASH. 475005 1200043 17020009 924
12452750 ENTIAT RIVER AT SULLIVANS BRIDGE NR ARDENVOIR, WA 475305 1202611 17020010 --
12452800 ENTIAT RIVER NEAR ARDENVOIR, WASH. 474907 1202519 17020010 203

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12452880 TILLICUM CR NR ARDENVOIR, WASH. 474325 1202620 17020010 7.15

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12452890 MAD RIVER AT ARDENVOIR, WA 474413 1202203 17020010 --

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12452900 MAD RIVER NEAR ARDENVOIR, WA 474410 1202148 17020011 92.4

12452990 ENTIAT RIVER NR ENTIAT, WASH. 473948 1201458 17020010 419
12453000 ENTIAT RIVER AT ENTIAT, WASH. 473940 1201330 17020010 419
12453500 PINE CANYON CR NR WATERVILLE WASH 474010 1200640 17020010 11.1
12453600 COLUMBIA R TRIB NR ENTIAT, WASH. 473320 1201640 17020010 0.77
12453679 ROCKY REACH HD UNIT 10W NR WENATCHEE, WA 473200 1201800 17020010 --
12453680 ROCKY REACH HD UNIT 10 NEAR WENATCHEE, WA 473200 1201800 17020010 --
12453690 ROCKY REACH DAM TW UNIT 10 NR WENATCHEE, WA. 473200 1201800 17020010 87800
12453700 COLUMBIA RIVER AT ROCKY REACH DAM, WA 473128 1201804 17020010 87800
12454000 WHITE RIVER NEAR PLAIN, WASH. 475227 1205209 17020011 150
12454290 LITTLE WENATCHEE R TRIB NR TELMA, WASH. 475025 1205550 17020011 1.02
12454500 WENATCHEE LAKE NEAR PLAIN, WASH. 474950 1204630 17020011 273
12455000 WENATCHEE RIVER BELOW WENATCHEE LAKE, WASH. 474950 1204630 17020011 273
12455500 NASON CREEK NEAR NASON, WA 474610 1204810 17020011 88.7
12455550 NASON CR NR PLAIN WASH 474827 1204248 -- 108
12455600 FISH LAKE NR PLAIN 474942 1204235 17020011 --
12456000 PHELPS CR NR PLAIN, WASH. 480425 1205055 17020011 16.4
12456300 BRUSH CR NR TELMA, WASH. 475320 1204315 17020011 3.34
12456500 CHIWAWA RIVER NEAR PLAIN, WASH. 475015 1203940 17020011 170
12457000 WENATCHEE RIVER AT PLAIN, WASH. 474547 1203954 17020011 591
12457300 SKINNEY CR AT WINTON, WASH. 474323 1204406 17020011 2.55
12457500 CHIWAUKUM CREEK NEAR CHIWAUKUM, WA 474050 1204350 17020011 49.6
12457800 WENATCHEE R NR LEAVENWORTH 474025 1203400 17020010 672
12457880 WENATCHEE R ABV ICICLE CR AT LEAVENWORTH, WASH 473438 1204026 17020011 --
12457900 CHATTER CR NR LEAVENWORTH, WASH. 473630 1205305 17020011 2.25
12457950 EIGHT MILE LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 473115 1205128 17020011 --
12457952 LITTLE EIGHT MILE LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 473124 1205058 17020011 --
12457957 HORSESHOE LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472940 1205414 17020011 --
12457959 LAKE STUART NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472944 1205217 17020011 --
12457962 COLCHUCK LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472941 1205005 17020011 --
12457980 SHIELD LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472953 1204640 17020011 --
12457982 EARLE LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 473025 1204604 17020011 --
12457984 MESA LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 473031 1204549 17020011 --
12458000 ICICLE CREEK ABV SNOW CR NR LEAVENWORTH, WASH. 473228 1204308 17020011 193
12458020 ENCHANTMENT LAKE NO. 9 NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472850 1204902 17020011 --
12458025 ENCHANTMENT LAKE NO. 8 NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472843 1204854 17020011 --
12458030 ISOLATION LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472839 1204855 17020011 --
12458040 ENCHANTMENT LAKE NO. 7 NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472837 1204842 17020011 --
12458045 ENCHANTMENT LAKE NO. 6 NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472841 1204841 17020011 --
12458055 INSPIRATION LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472852 1204755 17020011 --
12458065 PERFECTION LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472844 1204738 17020011 --
12458075 ENCHANTMENT LAKE NO. 3 NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472849 1204659 17020011 --
12458080 ENCHANTMENT LAKE NO. 2 NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472855 1204648 17020011 --
12458090 TEMPLE LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472904 1204634 17020011 --
12458097 UPPER SNOW LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472901 1204459 17020011 --

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12458100 LOWER SNOW LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472923 1204402 17020011 --
Chapter 2

12458120 NADA LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472950 1204401 17020011 --

12458500 ICICLE CR NR LEAVENWORTH WASH 473330 1204000 17020011 211
12458900 POSEY CANYON NR LEAVENWORTH, WASH. 473601 1203722 17020011 1.36
12459000 WENATCHEE RIVER AT PESHASTIN, WASH. 473500 1203646 17020011 1000
12459400 TRONSEN CR NR PESHASTIN, WASH. 472018 1203358 17020011 3.44
12459500 PESHASTIN CREEK AT BLEWETT, WA 472509 1203929 17020011 40
12459800 CRYSTAL LAKE NEAR LEAVENWORTH, WASH 472826 1204758 17020011 --
12460000 PESHASTIN CREEK AT ALLENS RANCH NR PESHASTIN, WA 472829 1203919 17020011 101
12460500 WENATCHEE VALLEY CANAL AT DRYDEN WASH 473240 1203320 -- --
12461000 WENATCHEE RIVER AT DRYDEN, WASH. 473240 1203340 17020011 1160
12461001 WENATCHEE R NR DRYDEN, WASH 473207 1203259 17020011 --
12461100 EAST BRANCH MISSION C NR CASHMERE, WASH. 472250 1202910 17020011 15.4
12461200 EAST BRANCH MISSION CR TRIB, NR CASHMERE, WASH. 472250 1202920 17020010 2.49

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12461400 MISSION CREEK ABOVE SAND CR NEAR CASHMERE, WASH. 472548 1203020 17020011 39.8
12461500 SAND CREEK NEAR CASHMERE, WASH. 472548 1203025 17020011 18.6
12462000 MISSION CR AT CASHMERE, WASH. 473100 1202830 17020011 81.2
12462500 WENATCHEE RIVER AT MONITOR, WASH. 472958 1202524 17020011 1300
12462520 WENATCHEE RIVER AT WENATCHEE, WASH. 472732 1202007 17020011 --
12462545 ROCK ISLAND CREEK NEAR ROCK ISLAND, WA 472122 1200607 17020010 --
12462550 ROCK ISLAND DAM POWER PLANT NORTH HEADWATER 464955 1194855 17020015 89400
12462560 ROCK ISLAND PP TW (UNIT 1) NR WENATCHEE, WASH. 472100 1200600 17020010 89400
12462566 ROCK ISLAND PP TW (UNIT 10) NR WENATCHEE, WASH. 472100 1200600 -- --
12462600 COLUMBIA RIVER BELOW ROCK ISLAND DAM, WA 471957 1200448 17020010 89400
12462610 DRY GULCH NR MALAGA, WASH. 471838 1200547 17020010 12
12462630 COLOCKUM CR TRIBUTARY NR MALAGA, WASH. 471554 1201056 17020010 0.49
12462640 COLOCKUM CREEK NEAR ROCK ISLAND, WA 471736 1200913 17020010 --
12462700 MOSES CR AT WATERVILLE, WASH. 473850 1200310 17020012 3.48
12462800 MOSES CREEK AT DOUGLAS, WASH. 473649 1200010 17020012 15.4
12463000 DOUGLAS CREEK NEAR ALSTOWN, WASH. 473500 1200050 17020012 99.9
12463500 DOUGLAS CR NR PALISADES, WASH. 472800 1195230 17020012 206
12463600 RATTLESNAKE CR TRIB NR SOAP LAKE, WASH. 472630 1193545 17020012 2.22
12463690 GRIMES LAKE NR MANSFIELD, WASH. 474318 1193559 17020012 --
12463695 JAMESON LAKE NR MANSFIELD,, WASH. 474013 1193748 17020012 --
12463700 MCCARTENEY CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR FARMER, WASH. 473748 1194438 17020012 0.4
12463800 PINE CANYON TRIBUTARY NEAR FARMER, WASH. 473851 1194850 17020012 1.1
12464000 DOUGLAS CR AT PALISADES, WASH. 472500 1195600 17020012 844
12464500 COLUMBIA RIVER AT TRINIDAD, WASH. 471330 1200050 17020010 90500
12464600 SCHNEBLY COULEE TRIBUTARY NEAR VANTAGE, WASH. 465744 1200847 17020010 0.82
12464606 SAND HOLLOW CR AT S RD SW NR VANTAGE, WA 465550 1195355 17020010 47
12464607 SAND HOLLOW AT MOUTH NR VANTAGE, WA 465546 1195701 17020010 --
12464610 WANAPUM POWERPLANT HEADWATER NR BEVERLY WA 465238 1195813 17020010 --
12464650 CRAB CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR WAUKON, WA 473212 1175112 17020013 0.68
12464669 WEST MEDICAL LAKE NR MEDICAL LAKE, WASH. 473417 1174215 17020013 1.84

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12464670 CLEAR LAKE NEAR MEDICAL LAKE, WA 473230 1174121 17020013 9.51

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12464770 CRAB CREEK AT ROCKY FORD ROAD NEAR RITZVILLE, WA 471810 1182205 17020013 384

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12464774 SOUTH FORK CRAB CREEK NEAR MOUTH NR RITZVILLE, WA 471804 1182209 17020013 --
12464780 CRAB CR ABOVE SYLVAN LAKE NR LAMONA, WASH. 471832 1182954 17020013 542
12464800 COAL CREEK AT MOHLER, WASH. 472423 1181854 17020013 64.7
12464809 SYLVAN LAKE NR LAMONA WASH 471933 1183444 17020013 675
12464810 CRAB CREEK BLW SYLVAN LAKE NR ODESSA, WASH. 471918 1183625 17020013 --
12464900 COFFEE POT LAKE NR ODESSA,WASH 472847 1183607 17020013 --
12464910 DEER LAKE NR ODESSA,WASH 472803 1183724 -- --
12464950 PACIFIC LAKE NR ODESSA, WASH 472448 1184417 17020013 --
12465000 CRAB CREEK AT IRBY, WASH. 472138 1185056 17020013 1040
12465100 CONNAWAI CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR GOVAN, WASH. 473658 1184540 17020013 0.25
12465300 BROADAX DRAW TRIBUTARY NEAR WILBUR, WASH. 475024 1184540 17020013 1.12
12465400 WILSON CREEK BLW CORBETT DRAW NEAR ALMIRA, WASH. 473947 1185546 17020013 327
12465500 WILSON CREEK AT WILSON CREEK, WASH. 472550 1190610 17020013 427
12466000 CRAB CR AT WILSON CREEK P.O. NR WILSON CREEK, WA 472524 1190747 17020013 1760
12466090 BILLY CLAPP LK NR PINTO RIDGE DAM NR STRATFORD, WA 472704 1191457 17020014 --
12466100 WEST CANAL NR ROYAL CITY, WASH. 465606 1193349 17020015 --
12466101 INFLOW TO DW272A1 BASIN,BL86 COLUMBIA BASIN,WASH 465605 1193348 17020015 --
12466500 CRAB CREEK AT ADRAIN, WA 472320 1192230 17020015 1950
12467000 CRAB CREEK NEAR MOSES LAKE, WASH. 471122 1191553 17020015 2230
12467400 HAYNES CANYON NEAR COULEE CITY, WASH. 473846 1192122 17020014 2.7
12467500 PARK CREEK NEAR COULEE CITY, WASH. 473520 1192300 17020014 400
12468000 PARK LAKE NR COULEE CITY, WASH. 473441 1192505 17020014 317
12468500 PARK CREEK BLW PARK LAKE NR COULEE CITY, WASH. 473422 1192532 17020014 317
12469000 BLUE LAKE NR COULEE CITY WASH 473421 1192530 17020014 334
12469500 LENORE LK NR SOAP LK, WASH 473052 1193006 17020014 367
12470000 SOAP LK NR SOAP LK, WASH 472411 1192911 17020014 413
12470300 IRON SPRINGS CREEK NEAR WINCHESTER, WASH. 472000 1194212 17020015 1.57
12470500 ROCKY FORD CREEK NEAR EPHRATA, WASH. 471846 1192640 17020015 458
12470600 ROCKY FORD CR AT SR 17 NR EPHRATA, WA 471542 1192716 17020015 --
12470800 MOSES LAKE AT CITY PARK NR MOSES LAKE, WA 471105 1192100 17020015 --
12470900 MOSES LK IN PARKER HORN AT ALDER ST AT MOSES LK, W 470803 1191640 17020015 --
12471000 MOSES LK AT MOSES LK, WASH. 470611 1191902 17020015 3080
12471005 POTHOLES RES IN CRAB CR ARM NR MOSES LAKE, WA 470306 1192057 17020015 --
12471008 POTHOLES RES. IN WEST ARM NR MOSES LAKE, WA 470325 1192443 17020015 --
12471050 WINCHESTER WSTWY AT GAGE ON SE C RD NR MOSES LK, W 465943 1192527 17020015 --
12471080 FRENCHMAN HILLS WSTWY AT SCBSWRA NR MOSES LAKE, WA 470122 1194401 17020015 --
12471090 FRENCHMAN HILLS WSTWY ON SE C RD NR MOSES LK, WA 465828 1192542 17020015 202
12471100 PAHA COULEE TRIBUTARY NEAR RITZVILLE, WASH. 470303 1182526 17020015 8.52
12471200 LIND COULEE TRIBUTARY NEAR LIND, WASH. 475722 1183555 17020001 0.21
12471270 FARRIER COULEE NEAR SCHRAG, WASH. 470745 1185115 17020015 42
12471300 WEBER COULEE TRIBUTARY NEAR RUFF, WASH. 470825 1185220 17020015 0.95
12471400 LIND COULEE WASTEWAY AT SR17 NR WARDEN, WA 470037 1190810 17020015 703
12471440 WARDEN LAKE NR WARDEN, WASH. 465746 1191025 17020015 --
12471482 O SULLIVAN DAM NR WARDEN, WA 465859 1191529 17020015 --
12471485 POTHOLES CANAL AT ROAD K.2 NEAR WARDEN, WA 465843 1191526 17020015 --

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12471495 CRAB CR AT UPPER COLUMBIA NW REFUGE NR OTHELLA, WA 465725 1191527 17020015 --
Chapter 2

12471500 CRAB CREEK NEAR WARDEN, WASH. 465700 1191520 17020015 4470
12471505 UPPER GOOSE LAKE NR OTHELLO,WASH 465555 1191720 17020015 --
12471506 LOWER GOOSE LK AT E. END OF KULM RD NR OTHELLO, WA 465525 1191714 17020015 --
12471510 SODA LAKE NR OTHELLO,WASH 465727 1191344 17020015 --
12471600 HEART LAKE NR OTHELLO, WASH 465544 1191116 17020015 --
12471610 CANAL LAKE NR OTHELLO,WASH 465512 1191123 17020015 --
12471720 SCBID PRIEST RAPIDS WASTEWAY NR MOUTH NR MATTAWA 464442 1195638 17020016 --
12471722 SCBID WB48E WASTEWAY NR MOUTH NR MATTAWA, WA 464232 1195604 17020016 --
12471724 SCBID MATTAWA WASTEWAY NR MATTAWA, WA 463917 1194748 -- 18.1
12472000 CRAB CREEK AT MORGAN LAKE ROAD NEAR OTHELLO, WA 465510 1191416 17020015 9.83
12472190 LOWER CRAB CR AT MCMANANON RD NR OTHELLO, WA 465345 1191810 17020015 --
12472200 CRAB CR NR OTHELLO,WASH 464908 1192154 17020015 4700

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12472300 DW 272 A1 DRAIN NEAR ROYAL CAMP, WASH. 465448 1193232 17020015 0.88
12472350 DW 272 A DRAIN NEAR ROYAL CAMP, WASH. 465454 1193230 17020015 3.36
12472380 CRAB CR LATERAL AB ROYAL LAKE NR OTHELLO, WA 465237 1192051 17020015 56
12472400 CRAB CREEK AT B SE ROAD NEAR ROYAL CITY, WA 464920 1192710 17020015 86.2
12472500 CRAB CREEK NEAR SMYRNA, WASH. 465035 1193625 17020015 4500
12472515 RED ROCK COULEE AT E ROAD SW NEAR SMYRNA, WA 465228 1193551 17020015 --
12472520 RED ROCK COULEE NEAR SMYRNA, WA 465120 1193548 17020015 --
12472600 CRAB CR NR BEVERLY, WASH. 464948 1194948 17020015 4840
12472700 PRIEST RAPIDS POWERPLANT HEADWATER NR BEVERLY WA 463846 1195424 17020016 --
12472750 PRIEST RAPIDS POWERPLANT T W NR BEVERLY, WASH. 463842 1195432 17020016 96000
12472800 COLUMBIA RIVER BELOW PRIEST RAPIDS DAM, WASH. 463744 1195149 17020016 96000
12472900 COLUMBIA R AT VERNITA BR NR PRIEST RAPIDS DAM,WA 463824 1194354 17020016 96000
12472950 SCBID SADDLE MOUNTAIN WASTEWAY NR MATTAWA, WA 464209 1193937 -- 37.1
12473100 WAHLUKE BRANCH 10A WSTWY NR OTHELLO, WA 463834 1191958 17020016 --
12473190 WAHLUKE BRANCH 10 WASTEWAY NEAR WHITE BLUFFS, WA 464034 1192445 17020016 --
12473200 WAHLUKE BRANCH 10 WSTWY NR MOUTH NR WHITE BLUFFS 464036 1192638 17020016 --
12473502 SCBID WB 5 WASTEWAY AT DROP 14 NR RINGOLD, WA 463224 1191631 -- --
12473506 SCBID PE 16.4 WASTEWAY BLW EAGLE LK NR BASIN CITY 464024 1190856 -- --
12473507 SCBID PE16.4 WASTEWAY AT RICKERT RD NR RINGOLD, WA 463121 1191418 17020016 --
12473508 SCBID PE 16.4 WASTEWAY NR MOUTH NR HANFORD, WA 463022 1191532 -- 118
12473510 COLUMBIA RIVER AT RINGOLD, WA 462916 1191515 17020016 --
12473512 BAXTER CANYON SPRINGS NR RICHLAND, WA 462635 1191513 -- --
12473518 COLUMBIA R E CHANNEL AT JOHNSON IS NR RICHLAND, WA 462319 1191552 17020016 --
12473519 COLUMBIA R W CHANNEL AT JOHNSON IS NR RICHLAND, WA 462321 1191613 17020016 --
1247351920 COLUMBIA R BLW JOHNSON IS. NO.1 NR RICHLAND, WA 462246 1191620 17020016 96900
1247351940 COLUMBIA R BLW JOHNSON IS. NO. 2 NR RICHLAND, WA 462235 1191617 17020016 96900
1247351960 COLUMBIA R BLW JOHNSON IS. NO. 3 NR RICHLAND, WA 462228 1191616 17020016 96900
1247351980 COLUMBIA R BLW JOHNSON IS. NO.4 NR RICHLAND, WA 462204 1191608 17020016 96900
12473520 COLUMBIA RIVER AT RICHLAND WASH 461846 1191528 -- 96900
12473560 FCID WASTEWAY AT PASCO, WA 461529 1190830 -- --
12473700 KANSAS NO.2 NEAR CUNNINGHAM, WASH. 464926 1185532 17020016 6.06

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12473710 KANSAS NO.2 TRIB NR CUNNINGHAM, WASH. 464926 1185635 17020016 3.31

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12473740 EL 68 D WASTEWAY NEAR OTHELLO, WASH 464347 1190256 17020016 146

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12473860 SCBID WASTEWATER DITCH NO. 1 NR RICHLAND, WA 462058 1191450 -- --
12473880 SCBID PPL 4.3 WASTEWAY NR RICHLAND, WA 461919 1191408 -- --
12473900 SCBID PASCO WASTEWAY NR RICHLAND, WA 462240 1191518 -- --
12473980 GOLD CR ABOVE KEECHELUS LAKE NR HYAK,WA 472325 1212254 -- --
12474000 KEECHELUS LAKE NEAR MARTIN, WA 471920 1212020 17030001 55.8
12474500 YAKIMA RIVER NEAR MARTIN, WASH. 471917 1212006 17030001 54.7
12474510 YAKIMA R 2 MI BELOW KEECHELUS LAKE AT MARTIN,WA 471831 1211848 -- --
12474700 MOSQUITO CR NR EASTON, WASH. 471732 1211923 17030001 1.07
12475000 CABIN CREEK NEAR EASTON, WASH. 471430 1211340 17030001 31.7
12475300 BOX CANYON CR TRIBUTARY NR EASTON, WASH. 472257 1211542 17030001 0.36
12475400 LODGE CR ABOVE KACHESS LAKE NR EASTON,WA 471958 1211521 -- --
12475420 TRIBUTARY TO LAKE KACHEES NR EASTON,WA 471842 1211455 -- --
12475500 KACHESS LAKE NEAR EASTON, WA 471550 1211200 17030001 63.6
12476000 KACHESS RIVER NEAR EASTON, WASH. 471541 1211208 17030001 63.6
12476500 KITTITAS CANAL AT EASTON, WA 471400 1211100 17030001 --
12476650 HIGHLINE CANAL NR ELLENSBURG,WA 470628 1203334 -- --
12477000 YAKIMA RIVER AT EASTON, WASH. 471420 1211040 17030001 188
12477001 YAKIMA @ EASTON UNREGULATED FROM MODEL 463331 1202811 -- 22
12477600 YAKIMA RIVER ABV CLE ELUM RIVER NR CLE ELUM,WASH 471110 1210231 17030001 248
12478000 CLE ELUM R ABV WAPTUS R NR ROSYLN, WA 472746 1210249 17030001 --
12478100 WAPTUS RIVER AT MOUTH NR ROSLYN, WA 472513 1210515 17030001 --
12478200 COOPER RIVER AT SALMON LASAC NR ROSLYN, WA 472429 1210611 17030001 --
12478300 CLE ELUM R ABOVE CLE ELUM LAKE NR ROSLYN, WA 472119 1210622 -- --
12478500 CLE ELUM LAKE NEAR ROSLYN, WA 471440 1210400 17030001 203
12479000 CLE ELUM RIVER NEAR ROSYLN, WASH. 471441 1210400 17030001 203
12479100 DOMERIE CREEK NEAR ROSLYN, WASH. 471447 1210622 17030001 3.19
12479280 CLE ELUM R NR CLE ELUM,WA 471128 1210057 -- --
12479300 CLE ELUM RIVER NR CLE ELUM, WASH. 471105 1210010 17030001 221
12479500 YAKIMA RIVER AT CLE ELUM, WASH. 471135 1205655 17030001 502
12479501 YAKIMA @ CLE ELUM UNREGULATED FROM MODEL 463332 1202812 -- 22
12479600 THORNTON CR NR CLE ELUM, WASH. 470922 1205134 17030001 0.66
12479720 JUNGLE CREEK NR MOUTH NR CLE ELUM, WA 472030 1205159 17030001 --
12479750 NO FK TEANAWAY R BLW BRIDGE AT DICKEY CR CAMPGRND 471721 1205130 17030001 --
12480000 TEANAWAY RIVER BELOW FORKS NEAR CLE ELUM, WASH. 471448 1205136 17030001 172
12480500 TEANAWAY RIVER NEAR CLE ELUM, WASH. 471140 1204650 17030001 200
12480600 TEANAWAY R NR CLE ELUM, WASH 471030 1204505 17030001 --
12480700 HOVEY CREEK NEAR CLE ELUM, WASH. 471905 1204132 17020010 2.65
12481000 SWAUK CREEK NEAR CLE ELUM, WA 470950 1204404 17030001 87.8
12481090 SWAUK CREEK NEAR THORP, WA 470745 1204435 17030001 --
12481100 SWAUK CREEK AT HIGHWAY 10 NEAR THORP, WA 470728 1204408 17030001 --
12481500 CASCADE CANAL NEAR ELLENSBURG WASH 470635 1204302 -- --
12481600 WEST SIDE DITCH AT UMTANUM RD NR ELLENSBURG, WA 465659 1203408 17030001 --

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12481900 TANEUM CR AT TANEUM MEADOW NR THORP, WA 470647 1205201 17030001 --
Chapter 2

12482000 TANEUM CREEK NEAR THORP, WASH. 470510 1204640 17030001 74.3
12482100 TANEUM CREEK AT BRUTON RD. AT THORPE, WA 470457 1204357 -- --
12482600 YAKIMA RIVER NR THORP, WASH. 470605 1204204 17030001 --
12482700 TOWN CANAL AT ELLENSBURG,WA 470009 1203142 -- --
12482720 CASCADE CANAL AT ELLENSBURG,WA 470103 1203100 -- --
12482780 YAKIMA RIVER AT EVERGREEN FARM NR ELLENSBURG, WA 470107 1203628 17030001 --
12482800 YAKIMA R AT THORP HIGHWAY BR. AT ELLENSBURG, WA 470020 1203543 -- --
12483190 SOUTH FORK MANASTASH CR NR ELLENSBURG, WA 465818 1204832 17030001 --
12483200 SO FK MANASTASH CR AB LAZY F CAMP NR ELLENSBURG,WA 465735 1204702 17030001 --
12483300 SOUTH FK MANASTASH CR TRIB NR ELLENSBURG, WASH. 465740 1204541 17030001 2.12
12483500 MANASTASH CREEK NEAR ELLENSBURG, WASH. 465800 1204140 17030001 74.5
12483520 MANASHTASH CR AT BROWN RD NR ELLENSBURG,WA 465944 1203523 -- --
12483535 CURRIER CR AT DRY CR RD AT ELLENSBURG, WA 470121 1203451 17030001 --

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12483540 REECER CR AT FAUST RD AT ELLENSBURG,WA 470003 1203428 -- --
12483575 UNNAMED DRAIN 1.9 MI. NW THRALL, WA 465645 1203226 17030001 --
12483585 YAKIMA RIVER NEAR THRALL, WA 465551.1 1203103.6 17030001 --
12483590 YAKIMA R ABOVE WILSON CR AT RM 148 AT THRALL,WA 465452 1203031 -- --
12483600 WILSON CREEK NEAR ELLENSBURG, WASH. 470735 1202935 17030001 13.6
12483750 NANEUM CR BLW HIGH CR NR ELLENSBURG, WA 471055 1202644 17030001 --
12483800 NANEUM CREEK NEAR ELLENSBURG, WASH. 470737 1202847 17030001 69.5
12483900 WILSON CREEK AT ELLENSBURG, WA 465806 1203213 -- --
12483940 NANEUM CREEK ABOVE GAME FARM ROAD NR KITTITAS, WA 470059 1202830 17030001 --
12483995 COLEMAN CREEK BELOW TOWN CANAL NEAR KITTITAS, WA 465835 1202814 17030001 --
12484000 COLEMAN CR AT WILSON CR RD AT THRALL,WA 465654 1202948 -- --
12484100 WILSON CREEK ABOVE CHERRY CREEK AT THRALL, WA 465535 1203001 17030001 180
12484200 JOHNSON CANYON TRIBUTARY NEAR KITTITAS, WASH. 465841 1201424 17030001 0.65
12484225 PARK CR AT CLEMENS RD AT KITTITAS, WA 465742 1202444 17030001 --
12484250 TILE DRAIN TO CARIBOU CR NR KITTITAS,WA 470235 1202206 -- --
12484300 COOKE CREEK NEAR ELLENSBURG, WASH. 470540 1202240 17030001 18.6
12484440 CHERRY CREEK AB WHIPPLE WASTEWAY AT THRALL, WA 465556 1202928 17030001 166
12484460 BADGER CR AT BADGER PKT RD & PARALLEL RD 465444 1202206 17030001 --
12484480 CHERRY CREEK AT THRALL, WASH. 465534 1202951 17030001 214
12484490 WILSON CREEK AT THRALL, WASH. 465504 1203025 17030001 382
12484500 YAKIMA RIVER AT UMTANUM, WASH. 465146 1202844 17030001 1590
12484501 YAKIMA @ UMTANUM UNREGULATED FROM MODEL 463333 1202813 -- 22
12484550 UMTANUM CREEK NR MOUTH AT UMTANUM, WA 465127 1202946 17030001 53
12484560 YAKIMA RIVER BELOW UMTANUM CR AT UMTANUM, WA 465118 1202859 17030001 --
12484600 MCPHERSON CANYON AT WYMER, WASH. 465003 1202712 17030001 5.48
12484650 SQUAW CREEK AT HIGHWAY 821 NEAR WYMER, WA 464908 1202713 -- --
12484700 YAKIMA R BELOW SQUAW CR AT RM 134 AT ROZA,WA 464807 1202710 -- --
12484800 BURBANK CR AT MOUTH NR WYMER, WA 464610 1202653 17030001 --
12484900 YAKIMA RIVER AT ROZA DAM, WASH. 464650 1202710 17030001 1800
12484950 YAKIMA R ABV CANAL DIVERSION AT RM 128 AT ROZA DAM 464503 1202752 -- --
12485000 ROZA CANAL AT ROZA DAM NEAR POMONA,WA 464452 1202759 -- --

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12485002 ROZA CANAL AT POWERHOUSE AT YAKIMA,WA 463658 1202716 -- --

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12485003 ROZA CANAL AT N 33RD ST. BLW POWERHOUSE 463700 1202715 17030003 --

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12485005 ROZA CANAL AT BEAM ROAD NEAR ZILLAH,WASH 462458 1200959 -- --

12485010 ROZA CANAL AT SCOON RD NR SUNNYSIDE WASH 462325 1200107 17030003 --
12485012 ROZA CANAL BLW SULPHUR CR WSTWY NR SUNNYSIDE, WA 462220 1195727 17030003 --
12485014 ROZA CANAL AT BLK CANYON CR NR SUNNYSIDE WASH 462049 1195353 17030003 --
12485016 ROZA CANAL AT FACTORY RD NR SUNNYSIDE WASH 461902 1195328 17030003 --
12485018 ROZA CANAL AT WILGUS RD NR GRANDVIEW WASH 461722 1194948 17030003 --
12485019 ROZA CANAL AT GAP RD NR PROSSER, WA 461659 1194718 17030003 --
12485020 ROZA CANAL AT ROTHROCK RD NR PROSSER,WA 461650 1194215 -- --
12485100 YAKIMA R BELOW ROZA DAM NR POMONA,WA 464449 1202758 -- --
12485299 ROZA CANAL AT N 33RD ST. DOWNSTRM OF PWRHOUSE 463658 1202716 17030003 --
12485500 SELAH-MOXEE CANAL NR SELAH WASH 464122 1202911 -- --
12485550 YAKIMA RIVER AB SELAH CR AT POMONA, WA 464232 1202825 17030001 --
12485700 SELAH CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR YAKIMA, WASH. 464034 1202320 17030001 0.68
12485740 SELAH CR AT MOUTH AT POMONA, WA 464227 1202759 17030001 --
12485750 YAKIMA R ABOVE WENAS CR AT RM 122.5 AT POMONA,WA 464146 1202925 -- --
12485790 YAKIMA R AT HARRISON RD BRIDGE NR POMONA, WA 464040 1202928 17030001 --
12485890 WENAS CREEK ABV WENAS LAKE NEAR SELAH, WA 464937 1204154 -- --
12485900 PINE CANYON NEAR NACHES, WASH. 464911 1204016 17030001 2.26
12485940 WENAS CREEK AT FLETCHER LANE NEAR SELAH, WA 464446 1203619 17030001 --
12485960 WENAS CREEK AT WENAS ROAD CROSSING NR SELAH,WASH 464232 1203111 17030001 186
12486000 WENAS CREEK NEAR SELAH, WASH. 474200 1202945 17030001 192
12486500 TAYLOR CANAL NR SELAH WASH 464051 1202930 17030001 --
12487000 YAKIMA R AT SELAH GAP NR N YAKIMA WASH 463752 1203109 17030001 2130
12487050 N.F. LITTLE NACHES R ABV MID. FK. NR CLIFFDELL, WA 470523 1211352 17030002 --
12487200 LITTLE NACHES RIVER AT MOUTH NR CLIFFDELL, WA 465920 1210555 17030002 --
12487400 DEEP CR NR GOOSE PRAIRIE, WASH. 464730 1211930 17030002 12.7
12487500 LITTLE NACHES R. UNPUBLISHED BUR’S, ????? 465212 1205735 -- 117
12488000 BUMPING RIVER NEAR NILE, WASH. 465222 1211729 17030002 70.7
12488050 BUMPING R AT SODA SPRINGS WALKWAY NR NILE,WA 465527 1211250 -- --
12488100 BUMPING RIVER AT AMERICAN RIVER WASH 465830 1211010 -- --
12488250 AMERICAN RIVER AT HELLS CROSSING NR NILE, WA 465804 1211545 17030002 --
12488300 AMERICAN RIVER TRIBUTARY NEAR NILE, WASH. 465759 1211519 17030002 1.1
12488500 AMERICAN RIVER NEAR NILE, WASH. 465840 1211003 17030002 78.9
12489000 NACHES R AT ANDERSON RANCH NR NILE WASH 465500 1210300 17030002 --
12489050 NACHES R AT COTTONWOOD CAMPGRND NR CLIFFDELL, WA 465424 1210133 17030002 --
12489100 RATTLESNAKE CR ABV N.F. RATTLESNAKE CR NR NILE, WA 464834 1210408 17030002 --
12489150 RATTLESNAKE CR ABV LITTLE RATTLESNAKE NR NILE, WA 464850 1205658 17030002 --
12489200 RATTLESNAKE CREEK (UNPUBLISHED BUR’S RECORDS) 464915 1205620 -- 134
12489300 RATTLESNAKE CR AT MOUTH NR NILE, WA 464909 1205601 17030002 --
12489500 NACHES R AT OAK FLAT NEAR NILE, WASH. 464510 1204910 17030002 641
12489600 CITY OF YAKIMA (OAK FLAT) DIVERSION NR NACHES, WA 464450 1204705 17030003 --
12490000 SELAH VALLEY CANAL NEAR NACHES, WA 464440 1204750 17030003 --
12490010 NACHES R NR NACHES, WASH. 463450 1204715 17030003 --
12490500 N.F. TIETON RIVER ABV CLEAR LAKE NR RIMROCK, WA 463532 1212043 17030002 --
12491000 RIMROCK LAKE AT TIETON DAM, NR NACHES, WA 463910 1210730 17030003 187

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12491500 TIETON RIVER AT TIETON DAM NEAR NACHES, WASH. 463946 1210725 17030002 187
Chapter 2

12491700 HAUSE CREEK NEAR RIMROCK, WASH. 464033 1210449 17030002 3.91
12492000 TIETON CANAL NEAR NACHES, WA 464010 1210030 17030003 --
12492500 TIETON RIVER AT CANAL HEADWORKS NR NACHES, WASH. 464016 1210010 17030002 239
12493000 TIETON R AT OAK C GAME RANGE, WASH. 464330 1204820 17030002 296
12493100 TIETON RIVER AT MOUTH NR NACHES, WA 464439 1204706 17030002 --
12493500 WAPATOX CANAL NEAR NACHES, WA 464450 1204620 17030002 --
12494000 NACHES RIVER BELOW TIETON RIVER NR NACHES, WASH. 464444 1204605 17030002 941
12494400 NACHES RIVER AT NACHES, WASH. 464328 1204156 17030001 953
12496510 PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY WASTEWAY 464144 1203911 17030002 --
12496511 CITY OF YAKIMA FINISH WATER 464110 1203910 17030002 --
12496550 BUCKSKIN SLOUGH BLW GLEED DITCH NR GLEED, WA 463801 1203450 17030002 --
12498700 NACHES RIVER NR YAKIMA, WASH. 463755 1203510 17030002 976
12498980 COWICHE CREEK WEIKEL, WA 463740 1203928 17030003 --

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12499000 NACHES RIVER NR NORTH YAKIMA, WA 463742 1203110 17030001 1110
12500005 YAKIMA R ABOVE ROZA POWER RETURN NR YAKIMA,WA 463622 1202846 -- --
12500010 YAKIMA R NR TERRACE HEIGHTS 463621 1202827 17030003 3250
12500400 FIREWATER CANYON NR MOXEE CITY, WASH. 463014 1200837 17030003 7.3
12500410 UNNAMED DRAIN AT WALTERS RD AT MOXEE CITY, WA 463246 1202118 17030003 --
12500415 TRIB. TO MOXEE DRAIN AT BELL RD NR UNION GAP, WA 463326 1202632 17030003 --
12500420 MOXEE DRAIN AT BIRCHFIELD ROAD NEAR UNION GAP, WA 463246 1202613 17030003 --
12500430 MOXEE DRAIN AT THORP RD NR UNION GAP,WA 463218 1202719 -- --
12500437 WIDE HOLLOW CR AT W. VALLEY M.S. NR AHTANUM, WA 463456 1203634 17030003 --
12500439 WIDE HOLLOW CR AT GOODMAN RD AT UNION GAP 463327 1203004 17030003 --
12500440 WIDE HOLLOW CR AT UNION GAP 463301 1202848 17030003 64.3
12500442 WIDE HOLLOW CR AT OLD STP AT UNION GAP, WA 463235 1202826 17030003 --
12500445 WIDE HOLLOW CREEK NEAR MOUTH AT UNION GAP,WASH 463235 1202827 17030003 66.9
12500450 YAKIMA R ABV AHTANUM CR AT UNION GAP, WASH. 463204 1202758 17030003 3480
12500500 NORTH FORK AHTANUM CREEK NEAR TAMPICO, WASH. 463340 1205510 17030003 68.9
12500600 N.F. AHTANUM CR AT TAMPICO 463155 1205206 17030003 --
12500900 S.F. AHTANUM CR ABV CONRAD RNCH NR TAMPICO, WA 462932 1205723 17030003 --
12501000 SO FK AHTANUM CR AT CONRAD RNCH N TAMPICO, WASH. 463033 1205436 17030003 24.8
12501500 SOUTH FORK AHTANUM CR NR TAMPICO, WASH. 463110 1205320 17030003 28.5
12501600 S.F. AHTANUM CR AT TAMPICO 463137 1205220 17030003 --
12501990 AHTANUM CR NR TAMPICO,WA 463130 1204955 -- --
12502000 AHTANUM CR AT THE NARROWS NR TAMPICO, WASH. 463140 1204800 17030003 119
12502490 AHTANUM CR AT GOODMAN RD AT UNION GAP 463255 1203003 17030003 --
12502500 AHTANUM CREEK AT UNION GAP, WASH. 463210 1202820 17030003 173
12503000 YAKIMA RIVER AT UNION GAP, NR YAKIMA, WASH. 463150 1202810 17030003 3650
12503001 YAKIMA RIVER AT UNION GAP , WASH.(RECONSTRUCTED) 463150 1202810 -- 3650
12503002 YAKIMA RIV AT UNION GAP(RECON.W/CANALS+PARKER) 463150 1202810 -- 3650
12503300 YAKIMA R. @ UNION GAP ( UNREGULATED FROM MODEL) 463150 1202810 -- 3650
12503301 YAKIMA R. @ UNION GAP (UNREGULATED NUMB 2 MODEL) 463151 1202810 -- 3650
12503500 MAIN CANAL NR PARKER, WASH 463114 1202842 17030003 --
12503599 WAPATO MAIN CANAL NR PARKER, WA 463114 1202842 -- --

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12503640 UNNAMED DRAIN AT LATERAL & RIGGS RDS NR WAPATO, WA 462840 1203159 17030003 --

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

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12503900 WAPATO CANAL AT BECKER & LARUE RDS AT TOPPENISH 462140 1202119 17030003 --
12503950 YAKIMA R AT PARKER 463022 1202707 17030003 --
12504000 OLD RESERVATION CANAL NR PARKER WASH 462940 1202700 -- --
12504490 SUNNYSIDE CANAL AT DIVERSION NR PARKER, WA 462944 1202558 17030003 --
12504500 SUNNYSIDE CANAL NR PARKER WASH 462940 1202540 -- --
12504508 SUNNYSIDE CANAL AB N OUTLOOK RD NR SUNNYSIDE, WA 462158 1200541 17030003 --
12504510 SUNNYSIDE CANAL AT MAPLE GROVE RD NR SUNNYSIDE 462127 1200222 17030003 --
12504512 SUNNYSIDE CANAL BLW SULPHUR CR WSTWY NR SUNNYSDE 462048 1195820 17030003 --
12504514 SUNNYSIDE CANAL AT EDISON RD NR SUNNYSIDE WASH 461926 1195614 17030003 --
12504516 SUNNYSIDE CANAL AT BETHNAY RD NR GRANDVIEW, WASH 461745 1195529 17030003 --
12504518 SUNNYSIDE CANAL AT GRANDVIEW WASH 461532 1195325 17030003 --
12504520 SUNNYSIDE CANAL AT GAP RD NR PROSSER,WA 461421 1194718 -- --
12505000 YAKIMA RIVER NEAR PARKER, WASH. 462950 1202630 17030003 3660
12505001 YAKIMA R NEAR PARKER (UNREGULATED FROM MODEL) 462950 1202630 -- 3660
12505002 YAKIMA R NEAR PARKER (UNREGULATED NUMB 2, MODEL) 462951 1202630 -- 3660
12505050 YAKIMA RIVER NEAR WAPATO, WA 462908.6 1202549.2 17030003 --
12505100 YAKIMA R AT DONALD RD AT RM 100.3 AT DONALD,WA 462758 1202351 -- --
12505300 YAKIMA R NR TOPPENISH 462435 1201847 17030003 --
12505310 YAKIMA RIVER BELOW HIGHWAY 22 NEAR TOPPENISH, WA 462413.6 1201829.7 17030003 --
12505320 YAKIMA R AT RM 91 AT ZILLAH,WA 462407 1201654 -- --
12505350 E TOPPENISH DRAIN AT WILSON RD NR TOPPENISH,WASH 462204 1201500 17030003 --
12505410 SUB 35 DRAIN AT PARTON ROAD NEAR GRANGER,WASH 462011 1201348 17030003 --
12505435 YAKIMA RIVER NEAR GRANGER, WASH. 462046 1201242 17030003 --
12505440 YAKIMA R AT BRIDGE AVE AT GRANGER,WA 462016 1201148 -- --
12505450 GRANGER DRAIN AT GRANGER, WA 462037 1201109 17030003 --
12505460 GRANGER DRAIN AT MOUTH NR GRANGER, WA 462010 1201138 17030003 --
12505465 YAKIMA R AT HWY 223 BRIDGE AB MARION DR AT GRANGER 462000 1201138 17030003 --
12505466 HARRAH DRAIN AT HARRAH DRAIN RD AT HARRAH, WA 462352 1203349 17030003 --
12505467 UNNAMED DRAIN TO MARION DRAIN NR HARRAH, WA 462050 1203042 17030003 --
12505468 UNNAMED DRAIN AT FORT RD NR HARRAH, WA 462232 1202945 17030003 --
12505469 UNNAMED DRAIN AT BECKER & YOST RDS NR TOPPENISH 462046 1202121 17030003 --
12505470 WANITY SLOUGH AT EAST FIRST ST. AT WAPATO, WA 462652 1202358 17030003 --
12505472 UNNAMED DRAIN AT HOFFER RD NR WAPATO, WA 462626 1202539 17030003 --
12505474 UNNAMED DRAIN AT BRANCH RD AT ASHUE NR WAPATO, WA 462417 1202738 17030003 --
12505475 UNNAMED DRAIN AT YETHONAT AT BRANCH RD NR WAPATO 462416 1202404 17030003 --
12505480 WANITY SLOUGH AT ROCKY FORD RD NR TOPPENISH 462019 1201759 17030003 --
12505482 WANITY SLOUGH AT MEYERS RD 462002 1201733 17030003 --
12505490 SATUS NO. 2 CANAL AT HAPPY RD NR SATUS,WA 461625 1201316 17030003 --
12505495 SATUS NO. 3 CANAL AT WINNIER RD NR MABTON,WA 461139 1200549 17030003 --
12505500 MARION DRAIN NR GRANGER 461914 1201326 17030003 --
12505510 MARION DRAIN AT INDIAN CHURCH RD AT GRANGER, WA 461952 1201154 17030003 --
12505900 TOPPENISH CR AB WILLY DICK CNYN NR FORT SIMCOE, WA 461653 1205215 17030003 --
12506000 TOPPENISH CREEK NEAR FORT SIMCOE, WASH. 461840 1204713 17030003 122
12506300 NORTH FORK SIMCOE CREEK NEAR FORT SIMCOE, WA 462723 1205207 17030003 --

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12506330 SOUTH FORK SIMCOE CREEK NEAR FORT SIMCOE, WA 462641 1205306 17030003 --
Chapter 2

12506500 SIMCOE CREEK BELOW SPRING CR NR FORT SIMCOE, WA 462340 1204830 17030003 81.5
12506520 SIMCOE CREEK AT MEDICINE VLY RD NR WHITE SWAN, WA 462255 1204747 17030003 --
12506600 AGENCY CREEK NEAR FORT SIMCOE, WA 462027 1205148 17030003 --
12506700 SIMCOE CREEK NEAR WHITE SWAN, WA 462340 1204340 17030003 --
12506800 NORTH MEDICINE CREEK NEAR WHITE SWAN, WA 462653 1204809 17030003 --
12506900 SIMCOE CREEK AT BARKES ROAD NEAR WHITE SWAN, WA 462325 1203855 17030003 --
12506960 UNNAMED CREEK AT BARKES RD NR WHITE SWAN, WA 462311 1203852 17030003 --
12506980 DRAIN AT MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD NEAR WHITE SWAN, WA 462601 1203830 17030003 --
12507000 TOPPENISH CREEK BL SIMCOE CR NR WHITE SWAN, WA 462230 1203710 17030003 409
12507050 UNNAMED DRAIN AT PROGRESSIVE RD NR HARRAH, WA 462509 1203545 17030003 --
12507090 MUD LAKE DRAIN NR HARRAH 462232 1203600 17030003 --
12507100 MILL CR AT CANYON RD NR WHITE SWAN 461745 1204422 17030003 --

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

12507150 TRIB TO MILL CR AT TECUMSEH RD NR WHITE SWAN, WA 462132 1203738 17030003 --
12507200 TOPPENISH CR AT ISLAND RD NR HARRAH,WA 462022 1203505 -- --
12507300 TOPPENISH CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR TOPPENISH, WASH. 461731 1202130 17030003 1.24
12507400 TOPPENISH CREEK NEAR TOPPENISH, WA 461833 1202042 17030003 --
12507500 TOPPENISH CR AT ALFALFA,WASH 461850 1201300 17030003 625
12507508 TOPPENISH CR AT INDIAN CHURCH RD NR GRANGER,WASH 461852 1201153 17030003 599
12507510 TOPPENISH CR NR SATUS,WASH 461839 1201120 17030003 625
12507525 YAKIMA R BL TOPPENISH CR AT RM 79.6 NR GRANGER, WA 461858 1200913 17030003 --
12507545 YAKIMA RIVER (RIGHT CHANNEL) NEAR GRANGER, WA 461829.6 1200831.5 17030003 --
12507550 YAKIMA R BL TOPPENISH CR AT RM 78.1 NR GRANGER, WA 461852 1200803 -- --
12507580 YAKIMA R ABV SATUS CR AT RM 73 NR SATUS,WA 461638 1200523 -- --
12507585 YAKIMA RIVER AT RM 72 AB SATUS CR NR SUNNYSIDE, WA 461611 1200530 17030003 4480
12507590 YAKIMA R AT RM 71 AB SATUS CR NR SUNNYSIDE, WA 461526 1200545 17030003 --
12507594 SATUS CR ABV WILSON-CHARLEY CANYON NR TOPPENISH,WA 460100 1204054 17070106 --
12507595 SATUS CREEK AB SHINANDO CREEK NR TOPPENISH, WA 460100.6 1203855.5 17030003 17.9
12507600 SHINANDO CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR GOLDENDALE, WASH. 460017 1203832 17030003 0.38
12507650 SHINANDO CR NR GOLDENDALE, WASH. 460110 1203750 17070106 7.9
12507660 SATUS CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR TOPPENISH, WASH. 460527 1203257 17030003 8.54
12507940 SATUS CR ABV LOGY CR NR TOPPENISH 461216 1202837 17030003 --
12507950 LOGY CR NR TOPPENISH 461236 1202853 17030003 --
12508000 SATUS CREEK NEAR TOPPENISH, WA 461420 1202440 17030003 271
12508300 SATUS CREEK AT HIGHWAY 97 NEAR TOPPENISH, WA 461408 1202505 17030003 --
12508400 SATUS CREEK ABOVE DRY CREEK NEAR TOPPENISH, WA 461511 1202351 17030003 --
12508480 DRY CR NR TOPPENSIH 461513 1202426 17030003 --
12508500 SATUS CR BELOW DRY CR NEAR TOPPENISH, WASH. 461500 1202240 17030003 435
12508590 SATUS CREEK AT PLANK ROAD NEAR SATUS,WASH 461725 1201312 -- 560
12508600 SATUS CR NR SATUS, WASH 461625 1200915 17030003 612
12508602 SATUS CREEK ABOVE NORTH DRAIN NEAR SATUS, WA 461624 1200849 17030003 --
12508605 NORTH DRAIN ABOVE POND NEAR SATUS, WA 461727 1200856 17030003 --
12508608 NORTH DRAIN EASTSIDE SATUS ROAD NEAR SATUS, WA 461626 1200843 17030003 --

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12508609 NORTH DRAIN AT MOUTH NEAR SATUS, WA 461627 1200845 17030003 --

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12508610 SATUS CREEK AT NORTH SATUS ROAD AT SATUS,WASH 461623 1200844 -- --

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12508620 SATUS CREEK AT GAGE AT SATUS, WA 461626 1200832 17030003 563

12508621 SATUS CR AT SATUS 461617 1200748 17030003 --
1250862120 WEST INFLOW TO MCBRIDE LAKE NEAR SATUS, WA 461627.6 1200719.5 17030003 --
1250862140 MCBRIDE LAKE OUTLET CREEK TO SATUS CR NR SATUS, WA 461615.8 1200656.9 17030003 --
1250862220 TEAL LAKE NEAR SATUS, WA 461556.7 1200644.5 17030003 --
1250862240 TEAL LAKE OUTLET CREEK TO SATUS CREEK NR SATUS, WA 461555 1200643.1 17030003 --
12508625 YAKIMA R BLW SATUS CR AT RM 68 NR SATUS,WA 461506 1200545 -- --
12508630 SOUTH DRAIN NEAR SATUS, WA 461535 1200757 17030003 --
12508660 SATUS DRAIN 302 AT HIGHWAY 22 NEAR MABTON, WA 461428 1200542 17030003 --
12508680 YAKIMA R ABOVE SULPHUR CR AT RM 61.3 NR MABTON,WA 461415 1200132 -- --
12508690 SATUS DRAIN 303 AT LOONEY ROAD NEAR MABTON,WASH 461257 1200202 -- --
12508730 SULPHUR CREEK NR SUNNYSIDE WASH 462254 1195723 -- --
12508753 DRAIN 61.0 AT SLI RD. NR SUNNYSIDE, WASH. 462140 1195544 17030003 --
12508755 DRAIN 61.0 NR SUNNYSIDE,WA(DAILY SEDIMENT X 100) 462049 1195628 17030003 --
12508765 DRAIN 60.7 AT SLI RD. NR SUNNYSIDE, WASH. 462140 1195604 17030003 --
12508766 DRAIN 60.5 AT SLI RD. NR SUNNYSIDE, WASH. 462140 1195614 17030003 --
12508769 DRAIN 60.7 NEAR SUNNYSIDE, WASH. 462054 1195705 17030003 0.92
12508770 DRAIN 59.6 AT SLI RD. NR SUNNYSIDE, WASH. 462140 1195655 17030003 --
12508771 DRAIN 60.0 AT SLI RD. NR SUNNYSIDE, WASH. 462140 1195647 17030003 --
12508773 DRAIN 60.2 AT SLI RD. NR SUNNYSIDE, WASH. 462140 1195629 17030003 --
12508775 DRAIN 59.6 BLW DR. 60.2 NR SUNNYSIDE, WASH. 462110 1195658 17030003 0.68
12508776 DRAIN 59.4 AT SLI RD. NR SUNNYSIDE, WASH. 462140 1195723 17030003 --
12508778 DRAIN 59.4 TRIB AT SLI RD. NR SUNNYSIDE, WASH. 462140 1195707 17030003 --
12508779 DRAIN 59.4 NR SUNNYSIDE,WA(DAILY SEDIMENT X 100) 462109 1195702 17030003 --
12508790 DID 18 DRAIN AT SUNNYSIDE WASH 461929 1195838 17030003 14.7
12508800 YAKIMA RIVER TRIBUTARY NEAR SUNNYSIDE, WASH. 462520 1195623 17030003 1.91
12508810 WASHOUT DRAIN AT SUNNYSIDE WASH 461835 1195924 17030003 --
12508815 BLACK CANYON CR NR SUNNYSIDE WASH 462050 1195354 -- --
12508820 BLACK CANYON CREEK AT WANETA RD NR SUNNYSIDE, WA 461722 1195842 17030003 35.8
12508830 DID 9 DRAIN NR SUNNYSIDE WASH 461700 1195953 17030003 27.1
12508838 DID 3 DRAIN BLW STP AT MIDVALE RD AT SUNNYSIDE, WA 461728 1200148 17030003 --
12508840 DID 3 DRAIN NR SUNNYSIDE WASH 461658 1200030 17030003 18.8
12508850 SULPHUR CR WASTEWAY NR SUNNYSIDE WASH 461503 1200107 17030003 --
12508910 SATUS DRAIN 303 AT HWY 22 AT MABTON,WA 461302 1200108 -- --
12508990 YAKIMA RIVER AT MABTON, WASH. 461353 1195954 17030003 5360
12508998 DRAIN TO YAKIMA R 1 MI ABOVE EUCLID BR AT GRANDVIE 461327 1195548 -- --
12509000 YAKIMA RIVER NEAR MABTON, WA 461300 1195510 17030003 5380
12509050 YAKIMA R AT EUCLID BR AT RM 55 NR GRANDVIEW,WA 461301 1195500 17030003 5400
12509200 DRAIN TO YAKIMA R ABOVE PROSSER,WA 461144 1195102 -- --
12509489 YAKIMA R AT PROSSER 461237 1194632 17030003 --
12509492 JD 52.8 AT WAMBA ROAD AT PROSSER, WA 461245 1194640 17030003 --
12509496 SHELBY DRAIN AT SHELBY ROAD AT PROSSER,WASH 461319 1191524 -- --
12509499 CHANDLER CANAL AT BUNN RD AT PROSSER, WA 461327 1194408 17030003 --
12509500 YAKIMA RIVER NEAR PROSSER, WASH. 461300 1194500 17030003 5450

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WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
12509600 KID CANAL NR CHANDLER, WA 461537 1193441 -- --
Chapter 2

12509612 KID BADGER WEST LATERAL AT HEAD NR KIONA, WA 461246 1192138 17030003 --
12509614 KID BADGER EAST LATERAL AT HEAD NR KIONA, WA 461244 1192136 17030003 --
12509620 KID CANAL AT BADGER CANYON RD NR KIONA, WA 461155 1192153 -- --
12509638 KID CANAL AT CLODFELTER RD NR KENNEWICK, WA 461120 1191514 -- --
12509640 AMON WASTEWAY BLW KID PUMP NR KENNEWICK, WA 461131 1191412 -- --
12509650 KID HIGHLAND FEEDER CANAL AT HEAD NR KENNEWICK, WA 461134 1191419 17030003 --
12509660 KENNEWICK CANAL AT S ELY ST. AT KENNEWICK, WA 461203 1190929 17030003 --
12509670 KID DIVISION 4 CANAL AT HEAD NR KENNEWICK, WA 461139 1191411 17030003 --
12509674 KID AMON PUMP LATERAL AT HEAD NR KENNEWICK, WA 461126 1191312 17030003 --
12509678 KID DIVISION 4 WASTEWAY NR MOUTH NR FINLEY, WA 460609 1185849 -- --
12509682 YAKIMA RIVER NEAR BUNN RD AT PROSSER, WA 461325 1194346 17030003 --
12509690 YAKIMA R AB SNIPES CR & SPRING CR NR WHITSTRAN, WA 461327 1194138 17030003 --

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12509696 SPRING CREEK AT HANKS RD NR PROSSER, WA 461622 1194417 17030003 --
12509698 SPRING CREEK AT MCCREADIE RD NR PROSSER 461527 1194237 17030003 34
12509700 SPRING CREEK AT HESS ROAD NEAR PROSSER,WASH 461402 1194102 -- 44.7
12509710 SPRING CREEK AT MOUTH AT WHITSTRAN, WA 461400 1194038 17030003 41.5
12509800 SNIPES CR TRIBUTARY NR BENTON CITY, WASH. 462015 1193930 17030003 5.18
12509820 SNIPES CREEK NEAR PROSSER,WASH 461432 1194048 -- 33.6
12509829 SNIPES CREEK AT MOUTH AT WHITSTRAN, WA 461402 1194037 17030003 34.2
12509830 SNIPES CR PLUS SPRING CR AT WHITSTRAN,WA 461358 1194031 -- --
12509850 YAKIMA RIVER NEAR HOSKO RD 461423 1193902 17030003 --
12509900 YAKIMA R ABOVE CHANDLER PUMP AT RM 35.9 NR WHITSTR 461558 1193518 -- --
12510200 CORRAL CANYON CR AT MOUTH NR BENTON CITY, WA 461703 1193206 17030003 25.1
12510500 YAKIMA RIVER AT KIONA, WASH. 461513 1192837 17030003 5620
12510600 WEBBER CANYON NEAR KIONA, WASH. 461113 1192723 17030003 2.88
12510618 COLD CREEK AT COUNTY LINE NR PRIEST RAPIDS DAM, WA 463510 1195227 17030003 --
12510620 COLD CR TRIBUTARY NR PRIEST RAPIDS DAM, WASH. 463538 1195144 17020016 0.89
12510625 COLD CREEK AT HIGHWAY 24 NR PRIEST RAPIDS DAM, WA. 463414 1194717 17030003 --
12510650 DRY CR AT HIGHWAY 241 NR PRIEST RAPIDS DAM, WA. 463129 1195224 17030003 --
12510655 DRY CR NR RATTLESNAKE SP NR PRIEST RAPIDS DAM, WA. 463028 1194153 17030003 --
12510700 YAKIMA RIVER TRIBUTARY NEAR KIONA, WASH. 461553 1192316 17030003 3.35
12510800 YAKIMA R AT RM 24 NR BENTON CITY,WA 461926 1192920 -- --
12510950 YAKIMA RIVER AB HORN RAPIDS DAM NR RICHLAND, WA 462246 1192525 17030003 --
12511000 CID CANAL AT HORN RAPIDS DAM NR WEST RICHLAND, WA 462242 1192502 -- --
12511016 CID WASTEWAY AT COLUMBIA PARK AT KENNEWICK, WA 461358 1191158 -- --
12511030 CID NO. 2 CANAL AT HEAD AT KENNEWICK, WA 461207 1190628 -- --
12511034 CID NO. 2 CANAL WASTEWAY NR FINLEY, WA 461055 1190147 -- --
12511038 CID NO. 2 CANAL AT END AT FINLEY, WA 460953 1190055 -- --
12511040 CID NO. 3 CANAL AT HEAD AT KENNEWICK, WA 461201 1190647 -- --
12511050 CID NO. 1 CANAL AT HEAD AT KENNEWICK, WA 461203 1190627 -- --
12511520 YAKIMA R BELOW HORN RAPIDS DAM NR RICHLAND,WA 462208 1192356 -- --
12511800 YAKIMA RIVER AT VAN GEISAN BR NR RICHLAND 461750 1191956 17030003 --

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12511900 YAKIMA RIVER AT I-182 HWY BRIDGE AT RICHLAND, WA 461515 1191708 17030003 --

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
12512000 YAKIMA RIVER NR RICHLAND WASH 461510 1191530 17030003 6120

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12512150 AMON WASTEWAY NR MOUTH NR RICHLAND, WA 461427 1191527 -- --
12512500 PROVIDENCE COULEE AT CUNNINGHAM, WASH. 464920 1184836 17020016 27.8
12512550 PROVIDENCE COULEE NEAR CUNNINGHAM, WASH. 464811 1184855 17020016 52.1
12512600 HATTON COULEE TRIB NO.2 NR CUNNINGHAM, WASH. 464924 1184149 17020016 2.44
12512700 HATTON COULEE TRIBUTARY NEAR HATTON, WASH. 464550 1184756 17020016 3.71
12513000 ESQUATZEL COULEE AT CONNELL, WA 463949 1185144 17020016 234
12513300 DUNNIGAN COULEE NR CONNELL WASH. 463439 1185126 17020016 27.1
12513400 ESQUATZEL COULEE AT MESA, WA 463518 1190000 17020016 269
12513500 ESQUATZEL COULEE AT ELTOPIA, WA 462745 1190040 17020016 551
12513600 ESQUATZEL COULEE AT SAGEMOOR RD NR PASCO, WA 462313 1190406 17020016 453
12513650 ESQUATZEL DIV CHANNEL BL HEADWORKS NR PASCO, WA 462148 1190516 17020016 798
12513700 ESQUATZEL DIV CHANNEL NR MOUTH NR RICHLAND, WA 462131 1191458 -- --
12514000 COLUMBIA R AT PASCO WASH 461300 1190555 17020016 104000
12514095 ZINTEL CNYN WSTWY ABV VANCOUVER ST AT KENNEWICK,WA 461205 1190857 17020016 --
12514400 COLUMBIA RIVER BELOW HWY 395 BRIDGE AT PASCO, WA 461332 1190725 17020016 104000
12514500 COLUMBIA RIVER ON CLOVER ISLAND AT KENNEWICK,WA 461300 1190629 17020016 104000
13000000 SPOKANE FIELD OFFICE TEST STATION, WA. 473934 1172653 17010305 --
13214000 MALHEUR RIVER NR DREWSEY, OR 434705 1181950 -- 910
13269000 SNAKE RIVER AT WEISER, ID 441444 1165848 -- 69200
13272500 UNITY RESERVOIR NEAR UNITY, OR 443013 1181045 17050202 309
13273000 BURNT RIVER NEAR HEREFORD, OR 443014 1181035 17050202 309
13275300 POWDER RIVER NEAR SUMPTER, OR 444020 1175940 17070101 168
13277000 POWDER RIVER AT BAKER, OR 444606 1174950 17050203 351
13285000 THIEF VALLEY RESERVOIR NR POWDER, OR 450115 1174700 17050203 826
13285500 POWDER R BL T VLY RES NR NORTH POWDER,OREG. 450050 1174700 17050203 910
13286700 POWDER RIVER NEAR RICHLAND,OREG. 444640 1171730 17050203 1310
13288200 EAGLE C AB SC NR NEW BRIDGE, OREG. 445250 1171510 17050203 156
13290190 PINE CREEK NEAR OXBOW, OREGON 445713 1165221 -- --
13290450 SNAKE RIVER AT HELLS CANYON DAM ID-OR STATE LINE 451505 1164150 17050203 --
13292000 IMNAHA RIVER AT IMNAHA,OREG. 453345 1165000 17060102 622
13317000 SALMON RIVER AT WHITE BIRD, ID 454501 1161923 -- 13600
13320000 CATHERINE CREEK NEAR UNION, OREG. 450920 1174626 17060104 105
13324280 LOOKINGGLASS CR BLW INTAKE NR LOOKING GLASS, OR 454406 1175148 17060104 --
13324300 LOOKINGGLASS CREEK NEAR LOOKING GLASS, OR. 454355 1175150 17060104 78.3
13326000 WALLOWA LAKE NEAR JOSEPH,OREG. 452010 1171315 17060105 50.8
13329770 WALLOWA R ABV CROSS CNTY CANAL NR ENTERPRISE, OR 452918 1172410 -- --
13330000 LOSTINE RIVER NEAR LOSTINE, OREG. 452620 1172535 17060105 70.9
13330050 LOSTINE RIVER AT CAUDLE LANE AT LOSTINE, OR 452922 1172608 -- --
13330300 LOSTINE RIVER AT BAKER ROAD NR LOSTINE, OR 453214 1172843 -- --
13330500 BEAR CREEK NEAR WALLOWA, OREG. 453137 1173305 17060105 68
13330700 BEAR CREEK AT WALLOWA, OR 453450 1173221 -- --
13331450 WALLOWA RIVER BELOW WATER CANYON, NR WALLOWA, OR 453630 1173655 -- --
13331500 MINAM RIVER AT MINAM,OREG. 453712 1174332 17060105 240

June 2010
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Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
13331800 WALLOWA RIVER NEAR MINAM, OR 453637 1173615 -- --
Chapter 2

13333000 GRANDE RONDE RIVER AT TROY, OREG. 455645 1172700 17060106 3280
13334000 GRANDE RONDE RIVER AT ZINDEL, WASH. 460413 1170016 17060106 3950
13334300 SNAKE RIVER NEAR ANATONE, WA 460550 1165836 17060103 93000
13334310 CAPTAIN JOHN CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR LEWISTON, ID 460910 1165555 17060103 27
13334360 COUSE CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR ASOTIN, WASH. 461217 1165800 17060103 24.1
13334400 MILL CR AT ANATONE, WASH. 460804 1170751 17060103 2.74
13334420 TENMILE CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR ASOTIN, WASH. 461752 1165928 17060103 41.9
13334450 ASOTIN CREEK BELOW CONFLUENCE NEAR ASOTIN, WA 461625 1171729 17060103 104
13334500 ASOTIN CREEK NEAR ASOTIN, WASH. 461940 1171220 17060103 156
13334700 ASOTIN CR BLW KEARNEY GULCH NR ASOTIN, WASH. 461935 1170906 17060103 170
13334900 PINTLER CREEK NEAR ANATONE, WASH. 460759 1170956 17060103 0.86
13335050 ASOTIN CREEK AT ASOTIN, WA 462027 1170318 17060103 323
13335200 CRITCHFIELD DRAW NR CLARKSTON, WASH. 462228 1170507 17060103 1.8

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

13335249 TAMMANY CREEK AT MOUTH, NEAR LEWISTON, ID 462154 1170336 17060103 34.9
13335299 SNAKE RIVER AT MILE 139.43 AT LEWISTON, ID 462519 1170208 -- --
13336500 SELWAY RIVER NR LOWELL, ID 460512 1153046 -- 1910
13337000 LOCHSA RIVER NR LOWELL, ID 460902 1153511 -- 1180
13338500 S.F. CLEARWATER RIVER AT STITES, ID 460512 1155832 -- 1150
13340000 CLEARWATER RIVER AT OROFINO, ID 462843 1161523 -- 5580
13340600 N.F. CLEARWATER RIVER NR CANYON RANGER STATION, ID 465026 1153711 -- 1360
13341000 NORTH FORK CLEARWATER RIVER AT AHSAHKA, ID 463011 1161918 -- 2440
13341050 CLEARWATER RIVER NR PECK, ID 463000 1162330 -- 8040
13341470 LITTLE BEAR CR AT TROY, ID 464358 1164547 -- --
13341600 ARROW GULCH NR ARROW, ID 462823 1164617 -- --
13342450 LAPWAI CR NR LAPWAI, ID 462536 1164815 -- 235
13342500 CLEARWATER RIVER AT SPALDING, ID 462655 1164935 17060306 9570
13342600 HATWAI CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR LEWISTON, IDAHO 462600 1165446 17060306 32.5
13343000 CLEARWATER RIVER NEAR LEWISTON, ID 462606 1165736 17060306 9640
13343009 LOWER GRANITE RES AT EAST LEWISTON, ID 462528 1165904 -- --
13343190 CLEARWATER RIVER AT MILE 0.41 AT LEWISTON, ID 462534 1170140 -- --
13343220 SNAKE RIVER AT MILE 137.17 AT CLARKSTON, WA 462523 1170432 17060103 --
13343400 DRY CREEK NEAR CLARKSTON, WA 462310 1170814 17060107 2.34
13343450 DRY CREEK AT MOUTH NR CLARKSTON, WASH. 462427 1170621 17060103 6.83
13343500 SNAKE RIVER NEAR CLARKSTON, WASH. 462541 1170951 17060107 103000
13343505 SNAKE RIVER ABOVE ALPOWA CR NR ANATONE, WA 462519 1171044 17060107 103000
13343510 ALPOWA CR AT PEOLA, WASH. 461903 1172928 17060107 0.5
13343520 CLAYTON GULCH NR ALPOWA, WASH. 462652 1171736 17060107 5.6
13343530 ALPOWA CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR CLARKSTON, WASH. 462444 1171245 17060107 129
13343560 STEPTOE CANYON CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR CLARKSTON, WA. 462710 1171217 17060107 23.5
13343590 LOWER GRANITE LK FOREBAY AT LOWER GRANITE DAM, WA 463934 1172531 17060107 --
13343595 SNAKE RIVER BL LOWER GRANITE DAM (RB), WA 463958 1172629 17060107 --
13343600 SNAKE RIVER BELOW LOWER GRANITE DAM, WASH 464004 1172638 17060107 --
13343620 SOUTH FORK DEADMAN CREEK TRIB NR PATAHA, WASH. 462845 1172448 17060107 0.54
13343660 SMITH GULCH TRIBUTARY NEAR PATAHA, WASH. 462924 1172642 17060107 1.85

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13343680 DEADMAN CR NR CENTRAL FERRY, WASH. 463650 1174707 17060107 135

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
13343700 BEN DAY GULCH TRIBUTARY NR POMEROY, WASH. 463220 1173525 17060107 0.78

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13343790 MEADOW CR TRIBUTARY NR CENTRAL FERRY, WASH. 463506 1174451 17060107 1.63
13343800 MEADOW CREEK NR CENTRAL FERRY, WASH. 463551 1174654 17060107 66.2
13343855 LAKE BRYAN FOREBAY AT LITTLE GOOSE DAM, WA 463506 1180132 17060107 --
13343860 SNAKE RIVER BELOW LITTLE GOOSE DAM, WA 463459 1180231 17060107 --
13344000 TUCANNON RIVER NR POMEROY, WASH. 462630 1174450 17060107 160
13344300 PATAHA CR NR POMEROY 462840 1173320 -- --
13344500 TUCANNON RIVER NEAR STARBUCK, WASH. 463020 1180355 17060107 431
13344506 KELLOGG CR TR NO. 2 NR STARBUCK, WASH. 462846 1180647 17060107 2.95
13344508 KELLOGG CR TRIB NR STARBUCK, WASH. 463003 1180750 17060107 6
13344510 KELLOG CREEK AT STARBUCK, WA 463038 1180747 17060107 35.3
13344520 TUCANNON R AT POWERS 463218 1180918 17060107 --
13344620 PALOUSE RIVER NEAR HARVARD, ID 465700 1164020 -- --
13344700 DEEP CR TRIB NR POTLATCH, ID 470128 1165257 -- --
13344800 DEEP CREEK NEAR POTLATCH, ID 465738 1165604 -- --
13345000 PALOUSE RIVER NR POTLATCH, ID. 465455 1165700 17060108 317
13345300 PALOUSE RIVER AT PALOUSE, WASH. 465436 1170407 17060108 360
13345310 PALOUSE RIVER AT STATE ROUTE 272 NEAR PALOUSE, WA 465452 1170505 17060108 345
13345500 PALOUSE RIVER AT ELBERTON, WA 465850 1171310 17060108 406
13345510 PALOUSE RIVER AT ELBERTON ROAD NR ELBERTON, WA 465837 1171359 17060108 452
13346000 PALOUSE RIVER NEAR COLFAX, WASH. 465515 1171904 17060108 491
13346050 PALOUSE R ABV BUCK CANYON AT COLFAX 465428 1172014 17060108 --
13346100 PALOUSE RIVER AT COLFAX, WASH. 465350 1172120 17060108 497
13346400 S.F. PALOUSE RIVER TRIBUTARY NR PULLMAN, WASH. 463855 1170505 17060108 --
13346450 S.F. PALOUSE RIVER NR MOSCOW, ID 464241 1165845 -- --
13346500 SO FK PALOUSE R ABV PARADISE C NR PULLMAN, WASH. 464220 1170955 17060108 84.4
13346600 S.F. PALOUSE R BLW SUNSHINE CR AT PULLMAN, WASH 464307 1170948 17060108 --
13346700 PARADISE CR AT D ST AT MOSCOW, ID 464345 1165832 -- --
13346750 PARADISE CR AT MOSCOW, ID 464326 1165846 -- --
13346760 PARADISE CREEK AT STP NEAR MOSCOW, ID 464355 1170124 -- 17.1
13346770 PARADISE CREEK BELOW STP NEAR MOSCOW, ID 464352 1170207 -- 18.7
13346990 PARADISE CREEK AT PULLMAN, WASH. 464316 1170810 17060108 34
13347000 PARADISE CR NR PULLMAN, WASH. 464310 1170930 17060108 34.5
13347500 DRY FORK OF S F PALOUSE R AT PULLMAN WASH 464325 1171110 17060108 7.28
13348000 SOUTH FORK PALOUSE RIVER AT PULLMAN, WASH. 464357 1171048 17060108 132
13348400 MISSOURI FLAT CREEK TRIB NEAR PULLMAN, WASH. 464552 1171001 17060108 0.88
13348500 MISSOURI FLAT CREEK AT PULLMAN, WASH. 464359 1171047 17060108 27.1
13348505 STP OUTFLOW TO SF PALOUSE RIVER AT PULLMAN, WA 464420 1171117 17060108 --
13348520 S F PALOUSE R NR PULLMAN 464512 1171246 17060108 --
13349000 FOURMILE CR AT SHAWNEE, WASH. 464955 1171620 17060108 71.6
13349200 S.F. PALOUSE RIVER AT COLFAX, WA 465232 1172042 17060108 274
13349210 PALOUSE RIVER BELOW SOUTH FORK AT COLFAX, WASH. 465323 1172209 17060108 796
13349220 PALOUSE RIVER BELOW STP NEAR COLFAX, WA 465333 1172244 17060108 788
13349300 PALOUSE RIVER TRIBUTARY AT COLFAX, WASH. 465322 1172259 17060108 2.1
13349302 PALOUSE R NR DIAMOND 465542 1172451 17060108 --
13349309 PALOUSE R TRIBUTARY AT WINONA, WASH. 465737 1194812 17060108 2.94

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Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
13349310 PALOUSE RIVER AT WINONA,WASH. 465640 1174810 17060108 986
Chapter 2

13349320 REBEL FLAT CREEK AT WINONA, WA 465636 1174749 17060108 73.2

13349325 PHILLEO DITCH NR CHENEY, WA 472407 1172948 17060109 14.7
13349340 PINE CR AT ROSALIA, WASH 471430 1172225 17010306 --
13349350 HARDMAN DRAW TRIBUTARY AT PLAZA, WASH. 471836 1172314 17060109 1.64
13349400 PINE CREEK AT PINE CITY, WA 471224 1173014 17060109 302
13349410 PINE CREEK AT PINE CITY ROAD AT PINE CITY, WA 471216 1173125 17060109 302
13349500 ROCK CREEK NEAR EWAN, WASH. 470822 1174326 17060109 523
13349670 PLEASANT VALLEY CR TRIBUTARY NR THORNTON, WASH. 470230 1172619 17060109 0.77
13349690 COTTONWOOD C BL PLEASANT VALLEY C NR EWAN,WASH 470651 1173944 17060109 110
13349700 ROCK CREEK BELOW COTTONWOOD CREEK NEAR REVERE, WA 470616 1174713 17060109 --
13349800 IMBLER CR TRIBUTARY NEAR LAMONT, WASH. 470951 1175256 17060109 1.33
13349850 ROCK CREEK NEAR REVERE, WA 470425 1175603 17060109 --
13349860 ROCK CREEK AT BREEDEN ROAD BRIDGE NEAR REVERE, WA 470333.6 1175759.1 17060108 --

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13349900 ROCK CR NR WINONA,WASH. 465459 1175537 17060109 954
13350000 PALOUSE RIVER AT WINONA, WASH. 465435 1175540 17060108 2060
13350300 UNION FLAT CR NR COLTON, WASH 463435 1170855 17060108 --
13350448 COW CR AT GENESEE, ID 463248 1165537 -- --
13350500 UNION FLAT CREEK NEAR COLFAX, WASH. 464837 1172552 17060108 189
13350700 UNION FLAT CR NR LACROSSE,WASH. 465142 1175333 17060108 294
13350800 WILLOW CR TRIBUTARY NEAR LACROSSE, WASH. 464526 1175508 17060108 0.95
13350900 WILLOW CR AT GORDON,WASH. 464554 1180123 17060108 67.4
13351000 PALOUSE RIVER AT HOOPER, WA 464531 1180852 17060108 2500
13351300 SILVER LAKE AT MEDICAL LAKE,WASH 473424 1173905 17060108 19
13351495 BADGER LAKE NR AMBER,WASH 472019 1173847 17060108 --
13351500 WILLIAMS LAKE NEAR AMBER, WASH. 472005 1174001 17060108 23.4
13351520 AMBER LAKE AT AMBER, WA. 472035 1174315 17060108 --
13351800 SPRAGUE LAKE NR SPRAGUE,WASH 471723 1180116 17060108 289
13352000 COW CR AT OUTLET OF COLVILLE LAKE NR KEYSTONE, WA 471339 1180639 17060108 117
13352200 COW CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR RITZVILLE, WASH. 471038 1181131 17060108 1.51
13352500 COW CREEK AT HOOPER, WASH. 464546 1180846 17060108 679
13352550 STEWART CANYON TRIB NEAR RIPARIA, WASH. 463821 1180741 17060108 1.27
13352595 LAKE H G WEST FOREBAY AT LOWER MONUMENTAL DAM, WA 463314 1183252 17060110 --
13352600 SNAKE RIVER BELOW LOWER MONUMENTAL DAM, WA 463314 1183252 17060108 --
13352950 LAKE SACAJAWEA FOREBAY AT ICE HARBOR DAM, WA 461458 1185242 17060110 --
13353000 SNAKE RIVER BLW ICE HARBOR DAM, WASH. 461502 1185255 17060110 108000
13353010 SNAKE RIVER BL GOOSE ISLAND BL ICE HARBOR DAM, WA 461432 1185620 17060110 --
13353050 SMITH CANYON TRIBUTARY NEAR CONNELL, WASH. 463228 1184554 17060110 1.8
13353200 SNAKE RIVER AT BURBANK, WASH. 461259 1190122 17060110 109000
14000000 PASCO FIELD OFFICE TEST STATION, WA. 461846 1191528 17020016 --
14005000 COLUMBIA RIVER AT FINLEY,WASH. 461036 1190111 17070101 --
14006000 CID NO. 3 CANAL AT END NR FINLEY, WA 460747 1190027 -- --
14012600 WALLA WALLA R NR COLLEGE PLACE 460046 1182318 17070102 --
14013000 MILL CREEK NEAR WALLA WALLA, WASH. 460029 1180703 17070102 59.6
14013500 BLUE CREEK NEAR WALLA WALLA, WASH. 460330 1180810 17070102 17

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14013600 MILL CR BLW BLUE CR NR WALLA WALLA, WA. 460455 1181125 17070102 91

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
14013700 MILL CR AT FIVE MILE RD BRIDGE NR WALLA WALLA, WA 460509 1181338 17070102 --

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14014000 YELLOWHAWK CR AT WALLA WALLA, WASH. 460420 1181655 17070102 --

14014400 YELLOWHAWK CR NR COLLEGE PLACE, WASH. 460120 1182315 17070102 --
14014500 GARRISON CR AT WALLA WALLA, WASH. 460425 1181710 17070102 --
14015000 MILL CREEK AT WALLA WALLA, WASH. 460435 1181621 17070102 95.7
14015002 MILL CR AT TAUSICK WAY AT WALLA WALLA 460434 1181658 17070102 --
14015400 MILL CR AT MISSION RD BR NR COLLEGE PLACE 460232 1182812 17070102 --
14015550 WALLA WALLA R NR LOWDEN,WASH. 460253 1183314 -- 429
14015900 SPRING CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR WALLA WALLA, WASH. 460615 1181121 17070102 1.94
14016000 DRY CREEK NEAR WALLA WALLA, WASH. 460720 1181410 17070102 48.4
14016050 DRY CR AT LOWDEN,WASH. 460325 1183523 17070102 246
14016100 PINE CR NR TOUCHET,WASH. 460044 1183653 17070102 168
14016500 NORTH FORK TOUCHER RIVER AT DAYTON, WA 461645 1175405 17070102 102
14016600 HATLEY CREEK NEAR DAYTON, WASH. 461652 1175337 17070102 4.12
14016610 EF TOUCHET R BL HATLEY CR NR DAYTON,WASH 461645 1175405 -- 106
14016640 EAST FORK TOUCHET RIVER AT DAYTON, WASH. 461753 1175705 17070102 108
14016650 DAVIS HOLLOW NEAR DAYTON, WASH. 461800 1175710 17070102 3.01
14016700 SOUTH FORK TOUCHET RIVER AT DAYTON, WASH. 461613 1175646 17070102 39
14016800 PATIT CR NR DAYTON,WASH. 462025 1175702 -- 53.5
14016810 TOUCHET RIVER NEAR DAYTON, WASH. 461726 1180240 17070102 --
14016900 WHISKEY CR NR WAITSBURG,WASH. 461440 1180441 -- --
14016950 COPPEI CR NR WAITSBURG,WASH. 461545 1180907 17070102 34.1
14017000 TOUCHET RIVER AT BOLLES, WASH. 461628 1181315 17070102 361
14017040 THORN HOLLOW NEAR DAYTON, WASH. 462050 1180355 17070102 2.68
14017070 EAST FORK MCKAY CREEK NEAR HUNTSVILLE, WASH. 462147 1180757 17070102 4.92
14017100 WHETSTONE HOLLOW AT PRESCOTT,WASH. 461757 1181938 17070102 101
14017120 TOUCHET R NR LAMAR,WASH. 461714 1182913 17070102 --
14017200 BADGER HOLLOW NEAR CLYDE, WASH. 462457 1182016 17070102 4.16
14017490 TOUCHET RIVER TRIBUTARY NEAR LOWDEN, WA 460910 1183825 17070102 4.7
14017500 TOUCHET R NR TOUCHET, WASH. 460230 1184100 17070102 733
14017600 TOUCHET RIVER AT TOUCHET 460229 1184059 17070102 --
14018000 ATTALIA IRRIGATION DISTRICT CANAL NR WALLULA, WA 460400 1185130 17070102 --
14018500 WALLA WALLA RIVER NEAR TOUCHET, WASH. 460140 1184343 17070102 1660
14018600 WALLA WALLA R BL WARM SPR CR NR TOUCHET 460216 1184555 17070102 --
14019000 WALLA WALLA RIVER NEAR WALLULA, WA 460400 1185130 17070102 1760
14019100 WALLA WALLA RIVER TRIBUTARY NEAR WALLULA, WASH. 460312 1185258 17070102 0.8
14019200 COLUMBIA RIVER AT MCNARY DAM,NEAR UMATILLA,OR 455558.2 1191743.7 17070101 214000
14019210 COLUMBIA R FOREDAY AT MCNARY DAM NR UMATILLA, OR 455739 1191745 17070101 214000
14019220 COLUMBIA RIVER AT MCNARY DAM LOCK, NR UMATILLA, OR 455826 1191747 17070101 --
14019240 COLUMBIA RIVER BELOW MCNARY DAM NEAR UMATILLA, OR 455601 1191931 17070101 --
14020000 UMATILLA RIVER ABOVE MEACHAM CREEK NR GIBBON, OR 454311 1181920 17070103 131
14020300 MEACHAM CREEK AT GIBBON,OREG. 454120 1182120 17070103 176
14020520 SQUAW CREEK NEAR GIBBON, OR 454000 1182400 17070103 32.6
14020740 MOONSHINE CR NR MISSION, OR 453937 1183542 -- 4.62
14020760 COTTONWOOD CR NR MISSION, OR 453938 1183352 -- 4.01

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Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
14021980 PATAWA CR AT WEST BOUNDARY NR PENDLETON, OR 453911 1184439 -- 30
Chapter 2

14022200 NORTH FORK MCKAY CREEK NEAR PILOT ROCK,OREG. 453024 1183657 17070103 48.6
14033500 UMATILLA R NR UMATILLA OREG 455411 1191933 17070103 2290
14034040 BOFER CANYON TRIBUTARY NR KENNEWICK, WASH. 460342 1191322 17020016 1.53
14034100 FOURMILE CANYON NR PLYMOUTH, WASH. 455810 1191322 17070101 81.2
14034250 GLADE CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR BICKLETON, WASH. 460407 1201223 17070101 0.5
14034270 EAST BRANCH GLADE CREEK NEAR PROSSER, WASH. 460435 1193610 17070101 50.3
14034280 EAST BRANCH GLADE CREEK TRIB NR PROSSER, WASH. 460739 1193610 17070101 0.77
14034320 DEAD CANYON TRIB NEAR ALDERDALE, WASH. 455512 1195429 17070101 0.62
14034325 ALDER CREEK NEAR BICKLETON, WASH. 455949 1201631 17070101 8.35
14034350 ALDER CR AT ALDERDALE, WASH. 455030 1195530 17070101 197
14034470 WILLOW CREEK ABV WILLOW CR LAKE, NR HEPPNER, OR 452027 1193053 17070104 67.6
14034480 BALM FORK NEAR HEPPNER, OR 451956 1193224 17070104 26.3
14034490 WILLOW CREEK LAKE AT HEPPNER, OR 452050 1193237 17070104 96.6

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14034500 WILLOW CREEK AT HEPPNER, OREG. 452102 1193256 17070104 96.8
14034550 SHOBE CREEK AT HEPPNER, OR 452000 1193337 17070104 --
14034580 HINTON CR BL KILKENNY FK NR HEPPNER, OR 452155 1192516 17070104 --
14034600 HINTON CREEK NEAR HEPPNER, OR 452152 1193118 17070104 --
14036500 ROCK CR NR GOLDENDALE, WASH. 454810 1203010 17070101 120
14036600 ROCK CREEK NEAR ROOSEVELT, WASH. 454455 1202604 17070101 213
14036860 JOHN DAY R AT BLUE MTN HOT SPRINGS NR PRAIRIE CITY 442129 1183430 -- --
14038530 JOHN DAY RIVER NEAR JOHN DAY, OR 442507 1185419 17070101 386
14044000 M FK JOHN DAY R AT RITTER, OREG. 445320 1190825 17070203 515
14046000 N FK JOHN DAY R AT MONUMENT, OREG. 444850 1192550 17070202 2520
14046500 JOHN DAY RIVER AT SERVICE CREEK, OR 444738 1200020 17070204 5090
14048000 JOHN DAY R AT MCDONALD FERRY,OREG. 453516 1202430 17070204 7580
14103000 DESCHUTES RIVER AT MOODY, NEAR BIGGS OREG 453720 1205405 17070306 10500
14105700 COLUMBIA RIVER NEAR THE DALLES, OR 453900 1205800 17070105 237000
14106000 KLICKITAT RIVER ABOVE PEARL CREEK, NR GLENWOOD, WA 461850 1211530 17070106 131
14106500 PEARL CREEK NEAR GLENWOOD, WA 461850 1211550 17070106 4
14107000 KLICKITAT R ABV WEST FK NR GLENWOOD, WASH. 461554 1211438 17070106 151
14108000 WEST FORK KLICKITAT R NR GLENWOOD, WASH. 461530 1211620 17070106 87
14108200 KLICKITAT R BLW SODA SPR CR NR GLENWOOD 461258 1211609 17070106 --
14108500 CUNNINGHAM CREEK NEAR GLENWOOD, WA 461040 1211720 17070106 16
14109000 BIG MUDDY CR NR GLENWOOD, WASH. 460906 1211733 17070106 --
14109500 COUGAR CREEK NEAR GLENWOOD, WA 460830 1211800 17070106 3.8
14110000 KLICKITAT RIVER NEAR GLENWOOD, WASH. 460520 1211530 17070106 360
14110480 TROUT CR NR GLENWOOD 460349 1211249 17070106 --
14110490 ELK CR NR GLENWOOD 460322 1211152 17030003 --
14110700 MEDLEY CANYON CR NR GLENWOOD, WASH. 455647 1211813 17070106 1.26
14110720 OUTLET CR NR GLENWOOD,WASH 460101 1211228 17070106 124
14110800 WHITE CR NR GLENWOOD 460048 1210857 17070106 --
14111100 SUMMIT CR NR GLENWOOD 455911 1210729 17070106 --
14111400 KLICKITAT R BL SUMMIT CR NR GLENWOOD, WA 455745 1210604 17070106 --
14111500 KLICKITAT R BLW GLENWOOD 455613 1210703 17070106 --

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14111700 BUTLER CREEK NEAR GOLDENDALE, WASH. 455447 1204217 17070106 11.6

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
14111800 W PRONG LITTLE KLICKITAT R NR GOLDENDALE, WASH. 455530 1204311 17070106 10.4

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14112000 LITTLE KLICKITAT R NR GOLDENDALE, WASH. 455040 1204742 17070106 83.5

14112200 LITTLE KLICKITAT RIVER TRIB NR GOLDENDALE, WASH. 455015 1204750 17070106 0.71
14112300 SPRING CREEK NEAR BLOCKHOUSE, WASH. 455025 1205415 17070106 2.75
14112400 MILL CREEK NEAR BLOCKHOUSE, WASH. 455134 1205749 17070106 26.9
14112500 LITTLE KLICKITAT R NR WAHKIACUS, WASH 455038 1210332 17070106 280
14113000 KLICKITAT RIVER NEAR PITT, WASH. 454524 1211232 17070106 1300
14120000 HOOD RIVER AT TUCKER BRIDGE, NR HOOD RIVER, OR 453920 1213250 17070105 279
14121300 WHITE SALMON R BLW CASCADES CR NR TROUT L, WASH. 460606 1213614 17070105 32.4
14121400 WHITE SALMON R AB TR LK CR NR TROUT LK, WASH. 460150 1213150 17070105 64.9
14121500 TROUT LAKE CREEK NR TROUT LAKE, WASH. 460020 1213220 17070105 69.3
14122000 WHITE SALMON RIVER NEAR TROUT LAKE, WASH. 455930 1212930 17070105 185
14122500 WHITE SALMON R AT SPLASH DAM NR TROUT LK, WASH. 455700 1212820 17070105 240
14122800 PHELPS C NR B-Z CORNER, WASH. 455301 1213113 17070105 1.88
14122900 WHITE SALMON RIVER AT B-Z CORNER, WASH. 455145 1213015 17070105 269
14123000 WHITE SALMON RIVER AT HUSUM, WASH. 454750 1212900 17070105 294
14123500 WHITE SALMON R NR UNDERWOOD, WASH. 454508 1213133 17070105 386
14124000 LITTLE WHITE SALMON R NR WILLARD, WASH. 454800 1213830 17070105 39.2
14124500 LITTLE WHITE SALMON RIVER AT WILLARD, WASH. 454650 1213730 17070105 114
14125000 LTLE WHITE SALMON R ABV LAPHAM CR WILLARD, WASH. 454600 1213740 17070105 117
14125200 ROCK CREEK NEAR WILLARD, WASH. 454510 1213850 17070105 4.1
14125500 LITTLE WHITE SALMON RIVER NEAR COOK, WASH. 454325 1213758 17070105 134
14126300 COLUMBIA RIVER TRIBUTARY AT HOME VALLEY, WASH. 454250 1214640 17070105 0.54
14126500 FALLS CREEK NEAR CARSON, WASH. 455420 1215620 17070105 24.3
14126600 WIND R BLW DRY CR NEAR CARSON, WASH. 455250 1215838 -- 79
14127000 WIND R AB TROUT CREEK NR CARSON, WASH. 454831 1215427 17070105 108
14127200 LAYOUT CR NR CARSON, WASH. 454901 1220250 17070105 1.8
14127300 TROUT CREEK NEAR STABLER, WA 454921 1220055 17070105 21
14127500 TROUT CREEK NEAR CARSON, WASH. 454800 1215500 17070105 30.3
14128000 PANTHER CREEK NEAR CARSON, WASH. 454800 1215200 17070105 30.1
14128500 WIND RIVER NEAR CARSON, WASH. 454337 1214737 17070105 225
14128600 COLUMBIA R AT STEVENSON, WA 454158 1215202 17070105 240000
14143200 CANYON CREEK NEAR WASHOUGAL, WASH. 453545 1221130 17080001 2.74
14143500 WASHOUGAL RIVER NEAR WASHOUGAL, WASH. 453730 1221655 17080001 108
14144000 LITTLE WASHOUGAL RIVER NEAR WASHOUGAL, WASH. 453651 1222126 17080001 23.3
14144100 WASHOUGAL R AT WASHOUGAL, WASH 453511 1222110 17080001 --
14144550 SHANGHAI CREEK NEAR HOCKINSON, WASH. 454205 1222625 17080001 2.14
14144590 LACKAMAS LAKE AT CAMAS, WASH. 453616 1222422 17080001 --
14144600 GROENEVELD CREEK NEAR CAMAS, WASH. 453505 1222730 17080001 0.51
14144700 COLUMBIA R AT VANCOUVER, WA 453715 1224020 17080001 241000
14211895 BURNT BRIDGE CREEK AT 112TH AVE AT VANCOUVER, WA 453930 1223324 17080001 3.6
14211897 BURNT BRIDGE CREEK AT BURTON ROAD AT VANCOUVER, WA 453823 1223450 17080001 --
14211898 BURNT BRIDGE CREEK AT 18TH STREET AT VANCOUVER, WA 453806 1223721 17080001 18.9
14211900 BURNT BRIDGE CREEK AT VANCOUVER, WA 453910 1223920 17080001 21.6
14211901 COLD CREEK AT MOUTH AT VANCOUVER, WA 453933 1224000 17080001 2.71
14211902 BURNT BRIDGE CREEK NEAR MOUTH AT VANCOUVER, WA 453942 1224003 17080001 27.6

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Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
14211903 BURNT BRIDGE CREEK AT MOUTH AT VANCOUVER, WA 453942 1224016 17080001 --
Chapter 2

14212000 SALMON CREEK NEAR BATTLE GROUND, WASH. 454626 1222640 17080001 18.3
14212300 SALMON CR ABV WEAVER CR NR BRUSH PRAIRIE, WASH. 454457 1223132 17080001 --
14212350 BATTLEGROUND LAKE NR BATTLEGROUND, WASH. 454811 1222937 17080001 --
14212400 WEAVER CRK AT BRUSH PRAIRIE, WASH. 454434 1223243 17080001 --
14212500 SALMON CREEK NEAR BRUSH PRAIRIE, WA 454345 1223550 17080001 63.5
14213000 SALMON CREEK NEAR VANCOUVER, WASH. 454232 1223853 17080001 80.7
14213200 LEWIS RIVER NEAR TROUT LAKE, WASH. 460955 1215210 17080002 127
14213500 BIG CREEK BELOW SKOOKUM MDW NR TROUT LK, WASH. 460536 1215150 17080002 13.2
14214000 RUSH CREEK AB MEADOW CREEK NR TROUT LAKE, WASH. 460230 1215030 17080002 5.87
14214200 RUSH CREEK ABOVE MEADOW CREEK, NEAR GULER, WA 460230 1215130 17080002 10.1
14214500 MEADOW CR BLW LONE BUTTE MDW NR TROUT LK, WASH. 460250 1215120 17080002 11.7
14215000 RUSH CREEK ABOVE FALLS NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460312 1215440 17080002 26
14215500 CURLY CREEK NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460222 1215438 17080002 11.6

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14216000 LEWIS RIVER AB MUDDY RIVER NR COUGAR, WASH. 460338 1215900 17080002 227
14216100 MUDDY RIVER ABOVE SMITH CREEK NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460002 1220312 17080002 --
14216200 SMITH CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460002 1220310 17080002 23.9
14216300 CLEARWATER CREEK NEAR MOUTH NEAR COUGAR, WA. 461207 1220054 -- 33
14216350 MUDDY RIVER AB CLEAR CR NR COUGAR, WASH. 460703 1220024 17080002 84.1
14216450 CLEAR CREEK NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460740 1215920 17080002 46.9
14216500 MUDDY CREEK BELOW CLEAR CREEK NEAR COUGAR, WA 460433 1215951 17080002 135
14216800 PINE CREEK NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460530 1220227 17080002 22.4
14216900 PINE CREEK AT MOUTH NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460424 1220057 17080002 26
14217000 LEWIS RIVER AT PETERSONS RANCH NR COUGAR, WA 460340 1221120 17080002 454
14217100 SWIFT CR 2 MILES ABV WEST FK NR COUGAR, WASH. 460743 1221045 17080002 --
14217500 SWIFT CREEK NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460350 1221130 17080002 27.5
14217598 SWIFT RESERVOIR AT CAMP CR NR COUGAR, WASH. 460325 1220405 17080002 --
14217600 SWIFT RESERVOIR NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460338 1221144 17080002 481
14217700 SWIFT POWERPLANT NO 1 TAILRACE NR COUGAR, WASH. 460340 1221205 -- 481
14217812 SWIFT POWERPLANT NO 2 HEADWATER NR COUGAR, WASH. 460335 1221530 -- --
14218000 LEWIS RIVER NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460330 1221240 17080002 481
14218030 SWIFT POWER PLANT 2 TAILWATER NR COUGAR, WASH. 460330 1221535 17080002 --
14218300 DOG CREEK AT COUGAR, WASH. 460240 1221830 17080002 2.31
14218500 YALE RESERVOIR NEAR YALE, WASH. 460306 1221730 17080002 596
14219000 CANYON CREEK NR AMBOY, WA 455630 1221915 17080002 63.8
14219500 LEWIS RIVER NEAR AMBOY, WASH. 455750 1222300 17080002 665
14219800 SPEELYAI CREEK NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460028 1222046 17080002 12.6
14220000 LAKE MERWIN AT ARIEL, WASH. 455723 1223313 17080002 730
14220200 LEWIS R AT MERWIN DAM AT ARIEL, WASH. 455721 1223320 17080002 --
14220500 LEWIS RIVER AT ARIEL, WASH. 455707 1223346 17080002 731
14221000 CHELATCHIE CREEK AT AMBOY, WA 455445 1222645 17080002 12.8
14221500 CEDAR CREEK NEAR ARIEL, WASH. 455554 1223140 17080002 40.8
14221700 LEWIS RIVER AT WOODLAND, WASH. 455325 1224355 17080002 --
14222000 EAST FORK LEWIS RIVER NR YACOLT, WA 454900 1221530 17080002 31.4
14222500 EAST FORK LEWIS RIVER NEAR HEISSON, WASH. 455013 1222754 17080002 125

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14222540 EAST FORK LEWIS RIVER NR BATTLEGROUND, WASH. 454836 1223245 17080002 151

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)
14222550 EAST FORK LEWIS R NR DOLLAR CORNER, WASH. 454853 1223526 17080002 --

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14222700 EAST FK LEWIS R TRIB NR WOODLAND, WASH. 455129 1224215 17080002 0.53
14222749 KALAMA R ABOVE FOSSIL CR NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460820 1221925 17080003 --
14222910 COLUMBIA R AT KALAMA, WA 460113 1225130 17080003 254000
14222920 KALAMA R NR COUGAR, WASH. 460733 1221957 17080003 12.3
14222930 FOSSIL CREEK NR COUGAR, WASH. 460822 1222030 17080003 8.21
14222950 DRY CREEK NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460717 1221934 17080003 3.29
14222960 MERRILL LAKE NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460443 1221852 17080003 --
14222970 SPRING CREEK NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460637 1222123 17080003 --
14222980 KALAMA RIVER BELOW FALLS NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 460625 1222133 17080003 37.4
14222986 KALAMA R BELOW SUMMERS CRK NR ARIEL, WASH. 460203 1223916 17080003 --
14223000 KALAMA RIVER NEAR KALAMA, WASH. 460102 1224352 17080003 179
14223500 KALAMA RIVER BELOW ITALIAN CR NEAR KALAMA, WASH. 460210 1225120 17080003 198
14223600 KALAMA RIVER ABV SPENCER CR NEAR KALAMA, WASH. 460250 1225011 17080003 202
14223800 COLUMBIA RIVER TRIBUTARY AT CARROLLS, WASH. 460420 1225140 17080003 1.06
14224000 OHANAPECOSH RIVER NEAR LEWIS, WASH. 464030 1213510 17080004 101
14224500 CLEAR FK COWLITZ RIVER NR PACKWOOD, WASH. 464050 1213430 17080004 56.5
14224590 SNOW LAKE NEAR PACKWOOD, WA 464527 1214149 17080005 --
14224600 BLUE LAKE NEAR PACKWOOD, WA 464418 1214036 17080004 --
14225000 COAL CR AT MOUTH NR LEWIS, WASH. 463830 1213640 17080004 10.5
14225400 PACKWOOD LAKE NEAR PACKWOOD, WASH. 463547 1213407 17080004 19.2
14225500 LAKE CREEK NEAR PACKWOOD, WASH. 463547 1213408 17080004 19.2
14226000 LAKE CREEK AT MOUTH, NEAR PACKWOOD, WASH. 463748 1213812 17080004 26.5
14226500 COWLITZ RIVER AT PACKWOOD, WASH. 463647 1214041 17080004 287
14226800 SKATE CREEK TRIBUTARY NEAR PACKWOOD, WASH. 464210 1214830 17080004 1.22
14226900 SKATE CREEK TRIB NO.2 NEAR PACKWOOD, WASH. 464030 1214510 17080004 1.82
14227500 HAGER CREEK NEAR LEWIS, WA 463500 1213900 17080004 3.81
14228000 NORTH FORK HAGER CREEK NEAR LEWIS, WA 463520 1213840 17080004 1.45
14228500 HALL CR NR PACKWOOD, WASH. 463450 1214110 17080004 10.9
14229000 JOHNSON CREEK BLW WEST FORK, NEAR LEWIS, WASH. 463150 1213700 17080003 33.3
14229500 JOHNSON CR BL GLACIER CR NR PACKWOOD, WASH. 463230 1213715 17080004 42.8
14230000 JOHNSON CREEK NEAR PACKWOOD, WASH. 463430 1214200 17080004 50
14230500 SILVER CREEK NEAR RANDLE, WA 463230 1215500 17080004 51.1
14231000 COWLITZ RIVER AT RANDLE, WA 463157 1215720 17080004 541
14231100 MILLER C AT RANDLE, WASH. 463210 1215720 17080004 2.29
14231600 COWLITZ R ABOVE CISPUS R NEAR RANDLE, WASH. 462747 1220522 17080005 --
14231670 WALUPT LAKE NR PACKWOOD, WASH. 462515 1212817 17080004 13.7
14231700 CHAMBERS CR NR PACKWOOD, WASH. 462455 1213245 17080004 5.25
14231900 CISPUS RIVER ABOVE YELLOWJACKET CR NR RANDLE, WA 462638 1215028 17080004 250
14232000 YELLOWJACKET CREEK NEAR RANDLE, WA 462545 1215000 17080004 66.3
14232300 QUARTZ CR NR COSMOS, WASH. 462150 1220315 17080002 1.48
14232500 CISPUS RIVER NEAR RANDLE, WASH. 462650 1215146 17080004 321
14233000 TOWER ROCK SPRINGS NEAR RANDLE, WA 462645 1215200 17080004 --
14233160 CISPUS R BELOW WOODS CR NEAR RANDLE, WASH. 462628 1220140 17080004 400
14233200 QUARTZ CREEK NR KOSMOS, WASH. 462150 1220315 17080005 1.48
14233400 COWLITZ RIVER NR RANDLE, WASH. 462813 1220551 17080004 1030

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

June 2010
14233490 LAKE SCANEWA NEAR KOSMOS, WA 462800 1220628 17080005 1040
Chapter 2

14233500 COWLITZ RIVER NEAR KOSMOS, WA 462759 1220628 17080005 1040

14234000 RAINY CR NR KOSMOS, WASH. 463030 1220915 17080005 17.9
14234500 LANDERS CREEK NEAR KOSMOS, WA 462730 1221415 17080005 9.61
14234800 RIFFE LAKE NEAR MOSSYROCK, WASH. 463207 1222525 17080005 1150
14234805 MOSSYROCK POWER PLANT TAILWATER NR MOSSYROCK, WA 463207 1222528 17080005 --
14234810 COWLITZ RIVER BELOW MOSSYROCK DAM, WASH. 463207 1222526 17080005 1150
14235000 COWLITZ RIVER AT MOSSYROCK, WASH. 463301 1222931 17080005 1160
14235300 TILTON RIVER NEAR MINERAL, WASH. 463940 1221155 17110015 0.79
14235500 WEST FORK TILTON RIVER NEAR MORTON, WASH. 463640 1221436 17080005 16.4
14235700 E.F. TILTON R NR MORTON, WASH. 463520 1221430 17080005 --
14235900 TILTON R NR MORTON, WASH. 463420 1221540 17080005 --
14236000 TILTON RIVER AT MORTON, WA 463330 1221700 17080005 70.2
14240351 COLDWATER LAKE (SO. SIDE) NR SPIRIT LK, WASH. 461716 1221535 17080005 --

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

14240352 COLDWATER LAKE CANAL NR SPIRIT LK, WASH. 461730 1221550 17080005 --
14240360 NORTH FORK TOUTLE RIVER NEAR ELK ROCK 461535 1221530 17080005 --
14240370 NF TOUTLE R BLW MARATTA CR NR SPIRIT LK, WASH. 461703 1221808 17080005 --
14240400 N. F. TOUTLE RIVER ABV. BEAR CR. NR. KID VALLEY,WA 461621 1222054 -- --
14240440 CASTLE CREEK ABV CASTLE LAKE NR SPIRIT LAKE, WA 461512 1221542 17080005 --
14240445 SOUTH FORK CASTLE LAKE DEBRIS DAM 461532 1221640 17080005 --
14240446 CASTLE LAKE NEAR MOUNT ST. HELENS, WA 461531 1221627 17080005 --
14240447 SO. FK. CASTLE CR LK WEST NR SPIRIT LK, WASH. 461531 1221628 17080005 --
14240450 ELK CR NR SPIRIT LAKE, WASH. 461651 1222025 17080005 3.27
14240460 NF TOUTLE R BELOW ELK CR NR SPIRIT LAKE, WASH 461640 1222119 17080005 --
14240466 N F TOUTLE R NR CAMP BAKER (NORTH CHANNEL), WA. 461717 1222245 17080005 --
14240467 N F TOUTLE R NR CAMP BAKER (SOUTH CHANNEL), WA. 461710 1222245 17080005 --
14240490 N F TOUTLE R ABV ALDER CR NR KID VALLEY, WA. 461946 1223048 17080005 --
14240500 N F TOUTLE R AT ST HELENS, WASH. 462040 1223200 17080005 124
14240520 N F TOUTLE RIVER ABOVE SRS NEAR KID VALLEY, WASH. 462142 1223243 17080005 --
14240525 NORTH FORK TOUTLE RIVER BL SRS NR KID VALLEY, WA 462219 1223440 17080005 175
14240580 RYAN LAKE NEAR SPIRIT LAKE, WASH. 462116 1220352 17080005 --
14240600 VENUS LAKE NR SPIRIT LAKE, WASH. 462035 1220904 17080005 --
14240700 FAWN LAKE NR SPIRIT LAKE, WASH. 461927 1221521 17080005 --
14240800 GREEN R ABV BEAVER CR NEAR KID VALLEY, WASH. 462255 1223121 17080005 129
14241000 GREEN R NR TOUTLE, WASH. 462230 1223350 17080005 131
14241100 N.F. TOUTLE RIVER AT KID VALLEY, WASH. 462155 1223740 17080005 284
14241101 N. FORK TOUTLE RIVER AT CABLEWAY NR KID VALLEY, WA 462152 1223741 17080005 284
14241200 COLDSPRING CREEK NEAR COUGAR, WASH. 461038 1221725 17080005 5.47
14241460 SF TOUTLE R BLW DISAPPNTMENT CR NR SPIRIT LK, WA 461244 1221941 17080005 --
14241465 S F TOUTLE R ABV HERRINGTON CR NR SPTTD BUCK MTN 461340 1222340 17080005 --
14241490 S F TOUTLE R AT CAMP 12 NR TOUTLE, WASH. 461905 1224001 17080005 117
14241495 S F TOUTLE R AT RR BRIDGE NEAR TOUTLE, WASH. 461925 1224035 17080005 118
14241500 SOUTH FORK TOUTLE RIVER AT TOUTLE, WASH. 461920 1224145 17080005 120
14242000 SILVER LAKE AT SILVER LAKE, WASH. 461746 1224827 17080005 41.5
14242450 TOUTLE R AT COAL BANK BR NR SILVER LK,WASH. 461953 1224330 17080005 --

Page 2-91

14242500 TOUTLE RIVER NEAR SILVER LAKE, WASH. 462011 1224327 17080005 474

Latitude Longitude Hydrologic Area
Site - ID Station Name (Degrees) (Degrees) Unit (OWDC) (Miles2)

Page 2-92

14242512 TOUTLE ADJUSTED FOR R-R STUDY STORAGE-NOT GOOD!! 462013 1224327 -- 474
14242513 FAKE TOUTLE R. RECORD DONT YOUS’S USE 462012 1224329 -- 474
14242580 TOUTLE RIVER AT TOWER ROAD NR SILVER LAKE, WASH. 462002 1225020 17080005 496
14242592 CLINE CK. AT WILKES HILLS NR. SILVER LAKE 462232 1225105 17080005 --
14242595 CLINE CK. NR. MOUTH NR. SILVER LAKE 462032 1225122 17080005 --
14242600 TOUTLE R TRIBUTARY NR CASTLE ROCK, WASH. 461925 1225130 17080005 0.64
14242690 TOUTLE R AT HIWAY 99 BRIDGE NR CASTLE ROCK, WA. 461910 1225427 17080005 511
14242700 TOUTLE R NR CASTLE ROCK, WASH. 461910 1225428 17080005 512
14243000 COWLITZ RIVER AT CASTLE ROCK, WASH. 461630 1225448 17080005 2240
14243500 DELAMETER CREEK NEAR CASTLE ROCK, WASH. 461549 1225758 17080005 19.6
14244000 OSTRANDER CREEK NEAR KELSO, WA 461145 1225300 17080003 25.3
14244200 COWLITZ RIVER AT KELSO, WASH. 460844 1225447 17080005 2350
14244500 COWEMAN RIVER NEAR KELSO, WA 460740 1225010 17080003 119
14244600 COWEMAN RIVER ABV SAM SMITH CREEK NR KELSO,WASH 461023 1224346 17080005 68.6
14245000 COWEMAN RIVER NEAR KELSO, WASH. 460857 1225345 17080005 119
14245100 COWEMAN RIVER AT KELSO, WASH. 460817 1225347 17080005 --
14245300 COLUMBIA RIVER AT LONGVIEW, WA 460622 1225714 17080003 257000
14245400 COLUMBIA R. AT FISHER ISLAND NR LONGVIEW, WASH. 460920 1230320 17080003 --
14245410 COAL CK. ABV. EAST FORK COAL CK. NR. LONGVIEW 461350 1230248 17080003 --
14245420 COAL CK. NR. LONGVIEW 461221 1230107 17080003 --
14245500 GERMANY CREEK NEAR LONGVIEW, WA 461150 1230735 17080003 22.9
14246000 ABERNATHY CR NR LONGVIEW, WASH. 461210 1230915 17080003 20.3
14246500 MILL CREEK NR CATHLAMET, WA 461140 1231125 17080003 27.6
14247500 ELOCHOMAN RIVER NEAR CATHLAMET, WASH. 461317 1232028 17080003 65.8
14248000 SKAMOKAWA CREEK NEAR SKAMOKAWA, WA 461800 1232630 17080003 17.4
14248100 RISK CREEK NEAR SKAMOKAWA, WASH. 461505 1232350 17080003 1.13
14248200 JIM CROW CREEK NEAR GRAYS RIVER, WASH. 461637 1233337 17080006 5.48
14249000 GRAYS RIVER ABV SOUTH FK NR GRAYS RIVER, WASH. 462336 1232839 17080006 39.9
14249500 GRAYS R BLW SOUTH FK NR GRAYS RIVER, WASH. 462330 1232835 17080006 60.3
14250000 GRAYS R NR GRAYS RIVER, WASH. 462240 1233150 17080006 60.6
14250500 WEST FORK GRAYS RIVER NEAR GRAYS RIVER, WASH. 462307 1233330 17080006 15.2
14250900 GRAYS R. NR. GRAYS RIVER 462134 1233355 17080006 --
14251000 HULL CREEK AT GRAYS RIVER, WA 462120 1233615 17080006 11.9
14270000 COLUMBIA RIVER NEAR ILWACO,WASH 461600 1240212 17080006 --

June 2010
WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03
Chapter 2
Appendix 2-2 USGS Regression Equations

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03 Page 2-93

June 2010
Hydrology Chapter 2

Washington State Hydrology

USGS Regression Equations
Region 1 – 61 stations
SR ___________________ Date ____________
Project _________________________________
Made By _______________________________
Q 2yr = 0.35 X A0.923 X (MAP)1.24 (Standard Error = 32%)
Q 10yr = 0.502 X A0.921 X (MAP)1.26 (Standard Error = 33%)
Q 25yr = 0.59 X A0.921 X (MAP)1.26 (Standard Error = 34%)
Q 50yr = 0.666 X A0.921 X (MAP)1.26 (Standard Error = 36%)
Q 100yr = 0.745 X A0.922 X (MAP)1.26 (Standard Error = 37%)
Legend Limits
Q = Flow (cfs)
A = Drainage Basin Area (miles 2) (0.15 mile s2 < A< 1,294 miles2)
MAP = Mean Annual Precipitation (inches) (45.0 in < MAP < 201 in)

Description of Area A MAP Q

USGS Regression Equations — Region 1

Figure A2-2.2
(Updated March 2001)

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June 2010
Chapter 2 Hydrology

Washington State Hydrology

USGS Regression Equations
Region 2 – 202 stations
SR ___________________ Date ____________
Project _________________________________
Made By _______________________________
Q 2yr = 0.090 X A0.877 X (MAP)1.51 (Standard Error = 56%)
Q 10yr = 0.129 X A0.868 X (MAP)1.57 (Standard Error = 53%)
Q 25yr = 0.148 X A0.864 X (MAP)1.59 (Standard Error = 53%)
Q 50yr = 0.161 X A0.862 X (MAP)1.61 (Standard Error = 53%)
Q 100yr = 0.174 X A0.861 X (MAP)1.62 (Standard Error = 54%)
Legend Limits
Q = Flow (cfs)
A = Drainage Basin Area (miles 2) (0.08 miles s2 < A< 3,020 miles2)
MAP = Mean Annual Precipitation (inches) (23 in < MAP < 170 in)

Description of Area A MAP Q

USGS Regression Equations — Region 2

Figure A2-2.3
(Updated March 2001)

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03 Page 2-95

June 2010
Hydrology Chapter 2

Washington State Hydrology

USGS Regression Equations
Region 3 – 63 stations
SR ___________________ Date ____________
Project _________________________________
Made By _______________________________
Q 2yr = 0.817 X A0.877 X (MAP)1.02 (Standard Error = 57%)
Q 10yr = 0.845 X A0.875 X (MAP)1.14 (Standard Error = 55%)
Q 25yr = 0.912 X A0.874 X (MAP)1.17 (Standard Error = 54%)
Q 50yr = 0.808 X A0.872 X (MAP)1.23 (Standard Error = 54%)
Q 100yr = 0.801X A0.871 X (MAP)1.26 (Standard Error = 55%)
Legend Limits
Q = Flow (cfs)
A = Drainage Basin Area (miles 2) (0.36 mile s2 < A< 2,198 miles2)
MAP = Mean Annual Precipitation (inches) (42 in < MAP < 132 in)

Description of Area A MAP Q

USGS Regression Equations — Region 3

Figure A2-2.4
(Updated March 2001)

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June 2010
Chapter 2 Hydrology

Washington State Hydrology

USGS Regression Equations
Region 4 – 60 stations
SR ___________________ Date ____________
Project _________________________________
Made By _______________________________
Q 2yr = 0.025 X A0.880 X (MAP)1.70 (Standard Error = 82%)
Q 10yr = 0.179 X A0.856 X (MAP)1.37 (Standard Error = 84%)
Q 25yr = 0.341 X A0.85 X (MAP)1.26 (Standard Error = 87%)
Q 50yr = 0.505 X A0.845 X (MAP)1.20 (Standard Error = 90%)
Q 100yr = 0.703X A0.842X (MAP)1.15 (Standard Error = 92%)
Legend Limits
Q = Flow (cfs)
A = Drainage Basin Area (miles 2) (0.66 mile s2 < A< 2,220 miles2)
MAP = Mean Annual Precipitation (inches) (12 in < MAP < 108 in)

Description of Area A MAP Q

USGS Regression Equations — Region 4

Figure A2-2.5
(Updated March 2001)

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03 Page 2-97

June 2010
Hydrology Chapter 2

Washington State Hydrology

USGS Regression Equations
Region 5 – 19 stations
SR ___________________ Date ____________
Project _________________________________
Made By _______________________________
Q 2yr = 14.7 X A0.815 (Standard Error = 96%)
Q 10yr = 35.2 X A (Standard Error = 63%)
Q 25yr = 48.2 X A (Standard Error = 56%)
Q 50yr = 59.1 X A (Standard Error = 53%)
Q 100yr = 71.2 X A (Standard Error = 52%)
Legend Limits
Q = Flow (cfs)
A = Drainage Basin Area (miles 2) (0.38 mile s2 < A< 638 miles2)

Description of Area A Q

USGS Regression Equations — Region 5

Figure A2-2.6
(Updated March 2001)

Page 2-98 WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

June 2010
Chapter 2 Hydrology

Washington State Hydrology

USGS Regression Equations
Region 6 – 23 stations
SR ___________________ Date ____________
Project _________________________________
Made By _______________________________
Q 2yr = 2.24 X A0.719 X (MAP)0.833 (Standard Error = 63%)
Q 10yr = 17.8 X A0.716 X (MAP)0.487 (Standard Error = 69%)
Q 25yr = 38.6 X A0.714 X (MAP)0.359 (Standard Error = 72%)
0.713 0.276
Q 50yr = 63.6 X A X (MAP) (Standard Error = 74%)
0.713 0.201
Q 100yr = 100 X A X (MAP) (Standard Error = 77%)
Legend Limits
Q = Flow (cfs)
A = Drainage Basin Area (miles 2) (0.50 mile s2 < A< 1,297 miles2)
MAP = Mean Annual Precipitation (inches) (10 in < MAP < 116 in)

Description of Area A MAP Q

USGS Regression Equations — Region 6

Figure A2-2.7
(Updated March 2001)

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03 Page 2-99

June 2010
Hydrology Chapter 2

Washington State Hydrology

USGS Regression Equations
Region 7 – 17 stations
SR ___________________ Date ____________
Project _________________________________
Made By _______________________________
Q 2yr = 8.77 X A0.629 (Standard Error = 128%)
Q 10yr = 50.9 X A0.587 (Standard Error = 63%)
Q 25yr = 91.6 X A0.574 (Standard Error = 54%)
Q 50yr = 131 X A0.566 (Standard Error = 53%)
Q 100yr = 179 X A0.558 (Standard Error = 56%)
Legend Limits
Q = Flow (cfs)
A = Drainage Basin Area (miles 2) (0.21 mile s2< A< 2,228 miles2)

Description of Area A Q

USGS Regression Equations — Region 7

Figure A2-2.8
(Updated March 2001)

Page 2-100 WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

June 2010
Chapter 2 Hydrology

Washington State Hydrology

USGS Regression Equations
Region 8 – 23 stations
SR ___________________ Date ____________
Project _________________________________
Made By _______________________________
Q 2yr = 12.0 X A0.761 (Standard Error = 133%)
Q 10yr = 32.6 X A0.706 (Standard Error = 111%)
Q 25yr = 46.2 X A0.687 (Standard Error = 114%)
Q 50yr = 57.3 X A0.676 (Standard Error = 119%)
Q 100yr = 69.4 X A0.666 (Standard Error = 126%)
Legend Limits
Q = Flow (cfs)
A = Drainage Basin Area (miles 2) (0.59 mile s2 < A< 689 miles2)

Description of Area A Q

USGS Regression Equations — Region 8

Figure A2-2.9
(Updated March 2001)

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03 Page 2-101

June 2010
Hydrology Chapter 2

Washington State Hydrology

USGS Regression Equations
Region 9 – 36 stations
SR ___________________ Date ____________
Project _________________________________
Made By _______________________________
Q 2yr = 0.803 X A0.672 X (MAP)1.16 (Standard Error = 80%)
Q 10yr = 15.4 X A0.597X (MAP)0.662 (Standard Error = 57%)
Q 25yr = 41.1 X A0.570X (MAP)0.508 (Standard Error = 55%)
Q 50yr = 74.7 X A0.553 X (MAP)0.420 (Standard Error = 55%)
0.538 .344
Q 100yr = 126 X A X (MAP) (Standard Error = 56%)
Legend Limits
Q = Flow (cfs)
A = Drainage Basin Area (miles 2) (0.54 mile s2 < A< 2,500 miles2)
MAP = Mean Annual Precipitation (inches) (12.0 in < MAP < 40.0)

Description of Area A MAP Q

USGS Regression Equations — Region 9

Figure A2-2.10
(Updated March 2001)

Page 2-102 WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03

June 2010
Isopluvial and MAP Web Links
Appendix 2-3 and Mean Annual Runoff Data

The 24-hour and 2-hour Isopluvial maps and the Mean Annual Precipitation
maps for Washington are available in pdf format through the links below or by
using ArcMap. Contact your local GIS group for how to extract precipitation
data using ArcMap.
Washington 2-hour Isopluvial Maps
Washington 24-hour Isopluvial Maps
Washington Mean Annual Precipitation Map

WSDOT Hydraulics Manual  M 23-03.03 Page 2-103

June 2010
Hydrology Chapter 2

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June 2010

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