Evaluating Flood Damages - Guidance and Recommendations On Principles and Methods

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Integrated Flood Risk Analysis

and Management Methodologies

Evaluating flood damages: guidance and

recommendations on principles and methods
Date January 2007
Report Number T09-06-01
Revision Number 2_2_P44

Deliverable Number: D9.1

Due date for deliverable: October 2005
Actual submission date: January 2007
Task Leader UFZ

FLOODsite is co-funded by the European Community

Sixth Framework Programme for European Research and Technological Development (2002-2006)
FLOODsite is an Integrated Project in the Global Change and Eco-systems Sub-Priority
Start date March 2004, duration 5 Years
Document Dissemination Level
PU Public PU
PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)
RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services)
CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)

Co-ordinator: HR Wallingford, UK
Project Contract No: GOCE-CT-2004-505420
Project website: www.floodsite.net
FLOODsite Project Deliverable D9.1
Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

Evaluating flood damages: guidance and recommendations on
principles and methods
Frank Messner, Edmund Penning-Rowsell, Colin Green, Volker
Lead Authors
Meyer, Sylvia Tunstall, Anne van der Veen
Sue Tapsell, Theresa Wilson, Joerg Krywkow, Christiaan Logtmeijer,
Contributors Amalia Fernández-Bilbao, Peter Geurts, Dagmar Haase, Dennis
Distribution Public
Document Reference T09-06-01

Date Revision Prepared by Organisation Approved by Notes
30/9/05 1_1_Pn44 Meyer UFZ Messner
12/10/05 2_1_Pn44 all Chapter 2: UFZ
3, 5 & 7: FHRC
4 & 6: UT
14/10/05 3_0_Pn44 Messner UFZ
24/10/05 3_2_Pn44 Haase UFZ Meyer Contribution on Inundation
15/12/05 3_3_Pn44 Meyer UFZ Messner Include comments in section 2 from
CG and CL
20/01/06 4_0_Pn44 Meyer, all Chapter 1&2: Messner • New: Chapter 1&2
UFZ/FHRC • Revision of all other chapters
Ch. 3: UFZ
Ch. 4, 6, 8:
Ch. 5, 7: UT
23/01/06 4_1_Pn44 Messner UFZ and Task meeting this version will be discussed in task
comments of meeting in Braunschweig
chapter 2
27/03/06 5_0_Pn44 All Messner Revision after Braunschweig meeting
26/04/06 5_1_P01 J Bushell HRW Formatting changes, addition of due
date for deliverable, adjustment of
dissemination level to PU
09/05/06 5_2_P01 J Bushell HRW Correction of deliverable number to
D9.1, minor edits, formatting
09/05/06 1_0_P01 J Bushell HRW Change of name from
v5_2_P01’, insertion of summary text
and final formatting
10/01/06 2_0_P44 Meyer UFZ Messner Final Revision: Inclusion of
comments received from experts
27/01/07` 2_1_P10 Penning- FHRC Meyer Minor edits, new edition of chapter 8
15/02/07 2_2_P44 Meyer UFZ Messner Change of title, as agreed after task
04/04/07 J Bushell HRW Final formatting for publication

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FLOODsite Project Deliverable D9.1
Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

The work described in this publication was supported by the European Community’s Sixth Framework
Programme through the grant to the budget of the Integrated Project FLOODsite, Contract GOCE-CT-

This document reflects only the authors’ views and not those of the European Community. This work
may rely on data from sources external to the FLOODsite project Consortium. Members of the
Consortium do not accept liability for loss or damage suffered by any third party as a result of errors
or inaccuracies in such data. The information in this document is provided “as is” and no guarantee or
warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The user thereof uses the
information at its sole risk and neither the European Community nor any member of the FLOODsite
Consortium is liable for any use that may be made of the information.

© FLOODsite Consortium

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Recent events like the 15 extreme floods that occurred 2002 in various parts of Europe showed that
floods continue to pose serious risks in many EU countries. Indeed there is evidence that flooding is
getting more serious over time, in terms of the number of floods occurring as well as the damage and
the loss of life being caused.

The social purpose of flood risk management is to reduce flood damages. Since flood risk
management strategies can require a significant diversion of resources from other purposes, it is
desirable to determine whether the reduction in flood damages justifies the resources so expended.
Equally, only if we are in a position to evaluate alternative intervention strategies in terms of their
relative benefits and costs we are able to make ‘better’ choices and introduce more effective flood risk
management strategies. As a consequence, the quantification and evaluation of flood damage is
practised in a growing number of EU countries as an important factor to be considered in the decision
process about particular flood risk management measures. Unfortunately, the methods used are quite
diverse and they sometimes do not reflect the state-of-the-art in flood damage evaluation.

The major purpose of these guidelines is, therefore, to give guidance for practitioners of governmental
authorities and executing bodies dealing with ex-ante flood damage evaluation in order to
appropriately appraise public flood defence projects or strategies on different spatial scales.

With these guidelines we want to address a large community. On the one hand, we want to give
guidance to countries just starting with flood damage evaluation studies. For this group we want to
demonstrate how to proceed step by step in flood damage evaluations (especially chapters 3-4).
Chapter 3 describes the state-of-the-art in evaluating direct, tangible flood damages. This chapter can
be used by practitioners of countries with few or even no experience in flood damage evaluation in
order to find an appropriate start into the endeavour of applying flood damage evaluation as a decision
support tool. Chapter 4 reveals the principal rules and the procedure of building up a proper flood
damage data base in order to ensure a consistent set of flood damage data, which is needed if flood
damage evaluation is to be used as a long-term decision support tool.

On the other hand, we want to address flood damage evaluators in countries which already possess
some experience in this field and we offer our guidelines to them as a checklist and want to inspire
them to improve their evaluation methodology, e.g., by including methods for damage types which
have been neglected hitherto in their work (especially chapters 5-9). Chapter 5 outlines the approaches
to evaluate flood effects on industrial production. Chapter 6 indicates possible procedures to include
social flood effects. Environmental flood effects and methods of their evaluation are described in
chapter 7. Thereafter, chapter 8 focuses on damage reducing effects of flood warning in order to
support specific decisions on flood warning systems. Chapter 9 gives an overview of flood damage
categories which have not been considered in more detail in these guidelines and indicates relevant
literature sources for further reading.

Last but not least we want to provide fundamental standard knowledge, specify key principles for
economic evaluation of damages and reveal the sources of uncertainty that need to be considered.
Hence, we want to help preventing errors in flood damage studies (chapter 2).

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Document Information ii
Document History ii
Acknowledgement iii
Disclaimer iii
Summary v
Contents vii

1. Introduction: Purpose of these guidelines ............................................................................. 1

1.1 Floods and the damage that they cause..................................................................... 1
1.2 Our target audience: stakeholders in flood damage assessment ............................... 2
1.3 The purpose of these Guidelines............................................................................... 3
1.4 The content of these Guidelines ............................................................................... 3
1.5 A ‘health warning’.................................................................................................... 3

2. Fundamental issues in the economic evaluation of flood damage ........................................ 5

2.1 Principles of good enquiry........................................................................................ 5
2.2 Validity and reliability.............................................................................................. 5
2.3 Flood damage evaluation as a decision support........................................................ 6
2.4 Types of flood damages............................................................................................ 9
2.5 Six key principles of economic evaluation ............................................................. 11
2.6 Dealing with uncertainty ........................................................................................ 14
2.7 Outlook on the structure and content of the remaining guideline chapters ............ 18
Annex 2.1: Calculating annual average damages by combining data on flood
depth, extent, probability and damage caused ........................................................ 19

3. Guidelines for direct, tangible flood damage evaluation..................................................... 22

3.1 Overview: Basic steps of flood damage evaluation................................................ 22
3.2 Step1: Selection of an appropriate approach .......................................................... 27
3.2.1 Summary & Recommendations ................................................................ 27
3.2.2 Question 1: Which spatial level is planned to be considered? .................. 29
3.2.3 Question 2: What is the objective of the study? And: Are precise
results required for this objective or are approximate results
sufficient?.................................................................................................. 30
3.2.4 Question 3: How much time and money is at hand to carry out the
study? ........................................................................................................ 31
3.2.5 Question 4: Is there already data at hand to carry out the study?.............. 32
3.3 Step 2: Determination of direct, tangible damage categories to be considered ...... 33
3.3.1 Summary & Recommendations ................................................................ 33
3.3.2 Direct, tangible damage categories ........................................................... 33
3.4 Step 3: Calculation and gathering of the necessary information ............................ 35
3.4.1 Inundation characteristics.......................................................................... 35
3.4.2 Land use data............................................................................................. 39
3.4.3 Determination of the value of assets at risk .............................................. 46
3.4.4 Damage Functions..................................................................................... 52
3.5 Step 4: Calculation and presentation of the expected damages .............................. 58
3.5.1 Summary & Recommendations ................................................................ 58
3.5.2 Damage calculation ................................................................................... 58
3.5.3 Damage mapping ...................................................................................... 59
3.5.4 Software tools............................................................................................ 60
3.5.5 Documentation of uncertainties ................................................................ 61

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3.6 Typical, exemplary approaches on different levels ................................................ 61

3.6.1 Damage evaluation approaches on the macro level .................................. 64
3.6.2 Damage evaluation approaches on the meso level.................................... 66
3.6.3 Damage evaluation approaches on the micro level ................................... 69
3.6.4 Conclusion................................................................................................. 72

4. Developing flood damage databases ................................................................................... 74

4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 74
4.2 Why we need to develop flood damage databases ................................................. 75
4.2.1 Justification of public funding: Flood damage data for investment
appraisal (economic values) ...................................................................... 75
4.2.2 Private investment: appraisal for individuals or companies (financial
values) ....................................................................................................... 76
4.2.3 Insurance rate settings (financial values) .................................................. 77
4.2.4 Flood damage data for warning prioritisation and evacuation
planning (financial values) ........................................................................ 77
4.2.5 Land use planning (economic values) ....................................................... 78
4.2.6 Other purposes .......................................................................................... 78
4.3 Philosophy .............................................................................................................. 78
4.3.1 Real flood damage data ............................................................................. 78
4.3.2 Synthetic approaches................................................................................. 78
4.3.3 The unit area approach: The “absolute damage estimation approach” ..... 79
4.3.4 The “relative damage functions” approach ............................................... 79
4.3.5 Weighted annual average damage approaches.......................................... 80
4.4 How to start building a flood damage database...................................................... 80
4.5 Assembling the components of a flood damage database ...................................... 80
4.5.1 Asset values and land use data .................................................................. 81
4.5.2 Asset susceptibility for determining damage functions ............................ 82
4.5.3 Key determining variables: inundation characteristics ............................. 83
4.5.4 Levels of aggregation ................................................................................ 84
4.5.5 Incorporating flood probability data ......................................................... 84
4.5.6 Aggregation of weighted annual average damages ................................... 85
4.6 Data structure and formats, etc ............................................................................... 85
4.7 Quality assurance procedures ................................................................................. 87
4.8 Updating routines ................................................................................................... 87
Annex 4.1: Combined probability and flood damage data (i.e. assessing risk):
Derivation of Weighted Annual Average Damages (WAAD) ............................... 88
Appendix 4.1: MCM codes and their main primary descriptions included in the
Bulk classes ............................................................................................................ 94

5. Indirect economic damage: concepts and guidelines .......................................................... 95

5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 95
5.2 How to model indirect damages? ........................................................................... 98
5.2.1 Micro scale analysis .................................................................................. 98
5.2.2 Meso scale analysis ................................................................................... 99
5.2.3 Macro scale analysis ................................................................................. 99
5.3 Post flood recovery ................................................................................................. 99
5.4 Guidelines for incorporating indirect economic effects ....................................... 100
Annex 5.1: Modelling the reaction of producers and consumers on floods: some
economic notions.................................................................................................. 100

6. Guidelines on social issues................................................................................................ 106

6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 106
6.2 What is ‘better’ practice?...................................................................................... 107
6.3 Survey approaches ................................................................................................ 109

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6.3.1 Qualitative studies................................................................................... 109

6.3.2 Quantitative approaches .......................................................................... 109
6.4 Vulnerability indices............................................................................................. 110
6.5 Methods of monetary evaluation .......................................................................... 113
6.5.1 Expressed preference approaches............................................................ 113
6.5.2 Inferential approaches ............................................................................. 115
6.6 Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 117
Annex 6.1 Summary Guidelines ............................................................................... 119
Annex 6.2 Current ‘best of breed’ survey instruments ............................................. 119

7. Making choices on the quality of the environment: Contingent valuation and cost-
benefit analysis.................................................................................................................. 120
7.1 Summary............................................................................................................... 120
7.2 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 120
7.3 Brief History of Contingent Valuation ................................................................. 121
7.4 The CV method .................................................................................................... 122
7.4.1 Non-use values ........................................................................................ 122
7.4.2 Measuring non-use values and welfare economics ................................. 122
7.4.3 Structure of a CV Study .......................................................................... 123
7.5 CV analysis in the US........................................................................................... 123
7.5.1 Criticism on CV analysis in the US and consequent NOAA
recommendations .................................................................................... 124
7.6 CV analysis in the EU .......................................................................................... 125
7.7 Recent criticism on the use of CV estimates in CBA ........................................... 125
7.8 EU Recommendations on domain and technique for CV analysis ....................... 127

8. Damage reducing effects of flood warnings...................................................................... 129

8.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 129
8.1.1 Context of flood warning ........................................................................ 129
8.1.2 Rationale for producing this guidance .................................................... 129
8.1.3 Objectives for the use of the information in this chapter. ....................... 129
8.1.4 What is included in this chapter .............................................................. 130
8.2 Key literature ........................................................................................................ 130
8.3 Flood warning system performance...................................................................... 131
8.4 Adverse impacts of flooding................................................................................. 132
8.5 Contexts for flood warning damage reduction ..................................................... 133
8.5.1 Types of flood event................................................................................ 133
8.5.2 Flood warning systems............................................................................ 133
8.5.3 Warning recipients and their response .................................................... 136
8.6 Evaluating the damage reducing effects of flood warnings: an overview ............ 139
8.7 Direct damages to property................................................................................... 140
8.7.1 Literature on reducing direct damages to property ................................. 140
8.7.2 FHRC’s data and methods for calculating the damage reducing
effects of flood warnings......................................................................... 141
8.7.3 Individual NRP and residential property owners’ action to keep
flood waters out of their property............................................................ 148
8.7.4 Community and individual actions to keep flood waters out of
properties................................................................................................. 149
8.7.5 Data and sources for evaluating the direct damage reducing effects
of flood warnings ................................................................................... 149
8.8 Human intangible impacts of flooding ................................................................. 149
8.9 Limitations of this chapter .................................................................................... 149

9. Other effects of flooding ................................................................................................... 152

9.1 Human intangible impacts of flooding ................................................................. 152

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9.1.1 Loss of life............................................................................................... 152

9.1.2 Causes of death or injury......................................................................... 152
9.1.3 The role of flood warning systems in preventing loss of life .................. 154
9.1.4 Stress and trauma .................................................................................... 155
9.2 Appraising flood risk management schemes for agriculture ................................ 155
9.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 155
9.2.2 Methods for assessing agricultural benefits ............................................ 156
9.2.3 Step 1: Defining agricultural productivity .............................................. 156
9.2.4 Step 2: Defining the impacts of flooding ................................................ 157
9.2.5 Step 3: Expressing any difference in monetary values............................ 159
9.2.6 Data needs, sources and collection methods ........................................... 160

10. Glossary............................................................................................................................. 161

11. References ......................................................................................................................... 164


Table 2.1: Typology of flood damages with examples 10

Table 3.1: Characteristics of macro, meso and micro approaches of flood damage evaluation 30
Table 3.2: Categories of direct, tangible damages 34
Table 3.3: Damage influencing inundation characteristics 36
Table 3.4: Overview of different land use data types 45
Table 3.5: Specific asset values for North Rhine-Westphalia used in the Rhine-Atlas 49
Table 3.6: Classification of buildings in HOWAS and number of damage records 55
Table 3.7: Overview of the typical, exemplary approaches 63
Table 3.8 Approach macro 1 64
Table 3.9: Approach macro 2 65
Table 3.10: Approach macro 3 65
Table 3.11: Approach meso 1 66
Table 3.12: Approach meso 2 67
Table 3.13: Approach meso 3 68
Table 3.14: Approach meso 4 68
Table 3.15: Approach micro 1 69
Table 3.16: Approach micro 2a 70
Table 3.17: Approach micro 2b 70
Table 3.18: Approach micro 3 71
Table 3.19: Approach micro 4 71
Table 3.18: Checklist for direct, tangible damage evaluation studies 73
Table A4.1: Weighted Damage Calculations by Flood frequency 91
Table A4.2: Weighted Annual Average Damage calculations (WAAD) 92
Table A4.3: Weighted Annual Average damage by Standard of Protection 93
Table 5.1: Conceptual differences between assessment approaches for direct and indirect damages96
Table 6.1: Appropriate survey techniques 109
Table 6.2: Probabilities of a household falling into combinations of the upper quartiles on three
parameters 112
Table 6.3: A hypothetic choice in Conjoint Analysis 114
Table 8.1: Characteristics of effective warning message (sources: Emergency Management Australia
(1999), Drabek (2000)). 137
Table 8.2: Information and communication methods for flood warnings dissemination. Source Tapsell
et al., 2004 – adapted from Parker and Haggett (2001) and Quinetiq(2003) 138
Table 8.3: Calculation of Potential Flood Damages Avoided (PFA) for a short duration flood (<12
hour) for residential property 143
Table 8.4: Conversion from Potential (PFA) to Actual Flood Damages Avoided (FDA) 147
Table 8.6: Expert opinion on percentage damage reduction with warning 148

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Table 8.7: Data required and sources of information for assessing the benefits of flood warnings 151
Table 9.1:‘Tolerance’ of flooding according to agricultural land use 156
Table 9.2: Field water table levels, drainage conditions and freeboard* 157
Table 9.3: Common farming performance by field drainage conditions (England and Wales) 158
Table 9.4: Different assumptions for assessing a range of agricultural flood risk management scenarios
(UK government advice) 159

Figure 2.1 Damage-probability Curve 8
Figure A2.1 The classic 4-part diagram summarising the calculation of annual average flood losses19
Figure A2.2 A simplified flow chart of the stages that need to be followed in order to calculate the
benefits of flood alleviation 20
Figure A2.3: A more detailed flow chart of the various stages that have to be completed so that
flood alleviation benefits can be compared with the costs 21
Figure 3.1: Basic steps of direct, tangible damage evaluation 23
Figure 3.2: The absolute/direct damage estimation approach 25
Figure 3.3: The percentage of property value approach 26
Figure 3.4: How to find an appropriate approach? 28
Figure 3.5: Scale levels of damage evaluation methods 29
Figure 3.6 Example from the UK for Depth-Damage-Duration Data for Residential Properties
(Sector Mean) 36
Figure 3.7: CLC data for the Netherlands 43
Figure 3.8: Example for ATKIS-Basis-DLM data (City of Bremerhaven) 44
Figure 3.9: Depth-damage functions from the Multi-Coloured Manual for different residential house
types (sector mean) 54
Figure 3.10:Depth-damage curve for sub-category 211 (High Street shop) 55
Figure 3.11 Example for a damage function from the HOWAS database: Damage function for
building structure in the first floor for detached houses with cellar 56
Figure 4.1: Early first stages in the development of flood damage databases 75
Figure 4.2: Simplified structure: flood damage database construction (synthetic approach) 81
Figure A4.1: Property Flood Depth Distribution by return period 89
Figure 5.1: Perturbation of an economic system hit by a flood 96
Figure 5.1: Options of suppliers and customers of an affected producer 97
Figure A5.1: Economic system (highly simplified) 102
Figure A5.2: Economic system (highly simplified) affected by a flood 103
Figure A5.3: Options of suppliers and customers of an affected producer 104
Figure 6.2: Impacts of flooding upon households 106
Figure 6.3: Example for regression coefficients of flood impacts derived by bootstrapping technique
Figure 9.1: Causes and effects of flooding and drainage conditions on farmland 155

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1. Introduction: Purpose of these guidelines

Contributed by Frank Messner and Edmund Penning-Rowsell

1.1 Floods and the damage that they cause

Floods continue to pose serious risks in many EU countries. For example:

• In 1997 there were serious floods in the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland (Bronstert et al.
• 2000 saw widespread fluvial flooding in the UK, the worst since 1947 in terms of its extent
and the number of properties affected (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2002)
• In August 2002 the maybe most severe flood event in Europe up to now occurred at the Rivers
Elbe and Danube and some of their tributaries and caused huge damage in the Czech Republic
and Germany (IKSE 2004).
• One of the most recent floods in Europe affected in summer 2005 parts of Switzerland,
Austria, Southern Germany and various countries in south eastern Europe (IRV 2005)

Indeed there is evidence that flooding is getting more serious over time, in terms of the number of
floods and the damage (Munich Re 2005) and the loss of life (EM-DAT) that it has caused.

But floods across Europe have very different characteristics. For example, there are the following
types of flood, depending on geography, climate/weather characteristics, and the human occupance of
the areas at risk:

• Major slow rising rivers, with floods generated by snowmelt or frontal rainfall systems (e.g.
the Rhine, the Thames, the Po, and the Loire);
• Summer thunderstorm type events, resulting in ‘flash floods’ with very short warning lead
time, often characteristic of Mediterranean summer days and/or mountainous regions (e.g. Ore
Mountains in August 2002);
• Floods caused in urban areas through heavy pluvial events falling on inadequate sewer
systems which are overloaded and may fail owing to inadequate maintenance or poor levels of
investment (e.g. heavy rainfalls in July 2002 in Germany);
• Coastal floods, where embankments may be breached or storm surges overwhelm coastal
defences (e.g. the North Sea floods in 1953 and 1962)
• Ice dammed rivers, generating floods through the back-up of flows spreading on to wide
floodplains (e.g. the Vistula)
• Dam failure, although this is very rare but does pose a potential threat (e.g. Cyanide spill from
a mine into the Tisza River 2000), although this type of flood is outside the scope of these

These floods all have very different characteristics and affect different populations. Damage
characteristics will vary, for example in the extent of the failure of the structure of buildings. Loss of
life threats will also be very different. Coastal flooding generally brings strong wave action, and urban
drainage floods are likely to be heavily polluted. In turn, rural populations are likely to be better
adjusted to flooding, with greater awareness and understanding of flood-inducing mechanisms. Older
people are likely to suffer more in floods than young, mobile and adaptable people, and the extent of
warning will bring different degrees of damage saving and loss minimisation.

All this means that developing these Guidelines for the assessment of flood damage for this range of
circumstances and applicable right across the European Community is a complex task, and the results
will necessarily be imperfect. This needs to be borne in mind by users when reviewing this volume.

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1.2 Our target audience: stakeholders in flood damage assessment

In the wider context of integrated catchment and coastal zone management, the different stakeholders
and particularly those who will bear either the flood damages or the costs of intervening to reduce the
flood risks have an interest in the quantification of the damages from floods. Two obvious reasons for
seeking to quantify flood damages are, first, to determine which combinations of floods and affected
populations result in the greatest damages or, second, to determine the relative effectiveness of
alternative intervention strategies. The social purpose of flood risk management is to reduce flood
damages. Since flood risk management strategies can require a significant diversion of resources from
other purposes, it is desirable to determine whether the reduction in flood damages justifies the
resources so expended. Equally, only by being able to evaluate alternative intervention strategies in
terms of their relative benefits and costs will we be able to make ‘better’ choices and introduce more
effective flood risk management strategies. Consequently, the quantification and evaluation of flood
damage is practised in many EU countries as one factor to be considered in deciding what to do in any
particular choice. What each stakeholder wants to know about flood damages varies between
stakeholders and sometimes between decisions:

• Some of these many possible choices faced by the different stakeholders are: Those who are
considering implementing flood risk management measures may want to consider all benefits
and costs of their policy measures in their decisions – and the most important benefit of flood
risk management measures is the reduction in flood damages. Hence, they are interested in ex-
ante flood damage evaluations in the context of project appraisals.
• National ministries and provincial governments responsible for flood risk management policy
have a need to account for the amount of tax money they spend on flood protection. As a
consequence, they want to use quantifications of ex-ante flood damage calculations to
demonstrate that government spending for flood risk management schemes is beneficial to the
public, contributing to the avoidance of millions of Euros of flood damage every year.
• Emergency planners will wish to identify where the critical areas of flood damage are and
hence where emergency action should be concentrated, and which areas may have to be
sacrificed in order to protect others.
• Governments of a nation, which were hit by a flood event, normally want to know afterwards
how serious the flood was, which damages happened and how large the total amount of loss
for the nation and the economy was. Such calculations might be used to just inform policy
makers or they might also be used as a basis for the allocation of compensation payments to
flood victims.
• Insurance companies are also highly interested in flood damage calculations. However,
contrary to the government perspective, insurance companies are not interested in national
loss, but only in insured financial loss referring to their clients. They need flood damage data
to assess the flood risk of properties and to specify premium levels for insurances.
• Last but not least private firms and even private house owners might also be interested in the
amount of damages that potential floods events might cause to their property. Based on this
information they can judge whether it is worth while to take out a flood insurance policy or to
bear the costs of private flood protection measures. Alternatively, they can also use the data to
demand political flood protection measures.

The underlying definition of the term “damage” can also vary significantly depending on the
interests of the stakeholders involved.

The first three bullet points refer to a national or regional policy perspective. In these cases the
definition of damage usually encompasses national welfare losses, including damages to private and
public goods and services. Hence, a broad economic perspective is appropriate in these cases.
Insurance companies and private entities, the last two bullet points, ordinarily focus on private assets
and on the financial strain in terms of replacement of valuables that follows a flood event. A financial
stance is usually taken in these cases.

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Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

Regarding the third bullet point a rather mixed approach can be observed with regard to ex-post flood
damage evaluations in practice, depending on the skills and perspectives of the persons in charge.
Although it can be argued that ex-post flood damage evaluation should take a broader economic
perspective due to the public issues involved, officers in the authorities often tend to apply financial
accounting practices.

1.3 The purpose of these Guidelines

The major purpose of these guidelines is to give guidance for practitioners of governmental
authorities and executing bodies dealing with ex-ante flood damage evaluation in order to appraise
public flood defence projects or strategies on different spatial scales.

Since such appraisals involve private and public goods, flood damage evaluation is mainly described
from a broader economic perspective. Although the other perspectives will be mentioned and referred
to time and again, these guidelines aim at becoming a practical guide for policy makers by
demonstrating how to proceed appropriately in flood damage evaluation in order to use it as an
important source of information for flood defence and its decision making process.

Since there is a large diversity of methods existing for all types of damages within the EU − as
research of Meyer and Messner (2005) revealed for four EU countries − another purpose of the
guidelines is to give some orientation, which flood damage evaluation method should be used, and
which damage types should be included for which kind of policy issues under consideration of case-
specific requirements regarding time horizons, spatial precision requirements and budgetary

While it is not the goal to present one harmonised flood damage evaluation method, we aim at
proposing a harmonised set of assessment principles and general procedures of flood damage
evaluation studies in order to advance the quality and the comparability of such studies within Europe.

1.4 The content of these Guidelines

With these guidelines we want to address a large community. On the one hand, we want to give
guidance to countries just starting with flood damage evaluation studies. For this group we want to
demonstrate how to proceed step by step in flood damage evaluations (especially chapters 3-4).

On the other hand, we want to address flood damage evaluators in countries which already possess
some experience in this field and we offer our guidelines to them as a checklist and want to inspire
them to improve their evaluation methodology, e.g., by including methods for damage types which
have been neglected hitherto in their work (especially chapters 5-9).

Last but not least we want to provide fundamental standard knowledge, specify six key principles for
economic evaluation of damages and reveal the sources of uncertainty that need to be considered. In
this way we want to help preventing simple errors in flood damage studies (ch. 2).

1.5 A ‘health warning’

Of course, the danger in any set of guidelines is that they institutionalise last year’s good practice,
whereas their purpose should be to enable us to develop better practice.

We require innovation and learning if we are to do better, and cannot afford to institutionalise the past.
The guidelines must therefore provide a basis for recognising which innovations will be an advance
upon current practice. Depending upon the current state of the art, these guidelines either set out good
practise or the principles of ‘good enquiry’.

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FLOODsite Project Deliverable D9.1
Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

Furthermore, these guidelines are to be understood as a “living” document, which will be up-dated
once in a while in order to include new developments and innovations as well as to consider feedback
from practitioners.

Finally, as some principles of flood damage evaluation stay true over time, we also want to refer to the
substantial work done in the EUROflood project in the early nineties (Green et al. 1994; Klaus et al.

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FLOODsite Project Deliverable D9.1
Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

2. Fundamental issues in the economic evaluation of flood damage

Contributed by Frank Messner and Colin Green

In this chapter we want to discuss basic aspects of economic flood damage evaluation. We start with a
short demarcation of the principles of good enquiry (2.1), outline fundamental aspects of validity and
reliability of evaluation methods (2.2) and discuss the role of flood damage evaluation as a decision
support (2.3). In 2.4 we outline the types of flood damages that need to be distinguished. In the
following, we summarise the key assessment principles to be considered in studies with a broad
economic perspective (2.5) and outline the uncertainty problems related to flood damage evaluation
(2.6). We complete the chapter with a more detailed overview over the structure and content of the
remaining chapters in this document (2.7).

2.1 Principles of good enquiry

As the famous economist Maynard Keynes pointed out, economics is not a doctrine but a system of
analysis, a way of thinking. Economic techniques are thus aids to thought rather than having any merit
in their own right. These guidelines are therefore supports to thought rather than being a set of rules
which can be mechanically applied.

This approach requires that we start by establishing the criteria for good practice. We are seeking to
measure something, a state or set of relationships, and to do so with minimal random or systematic
error. What we seek to measure varies between states, static conditions, and the dynamics of
relationships. We can want to measure the impact of a flood upon a particular economic unit but we
also often want to be able to determine how those states vary according to the nature of the flood and
the characteristics of the economic unit: to understand the dynamics of the relationships. Hence, a key
criterion for a methodology is: to what extent does it provide new understanding? We want that
understanding to be real and not simply an artefact of the experimental method so we also require that
the methodology provides valid and reliable results.

Furthermore, theory and methodology are intertwined: the methodology is built upon an underlying
theoretical model and consequently applying that methodology is a test of that model. If we want
better methods, we also want better theories, ones of greater explanatory and predictive power.

The purposive sense of ‘better’ is to gain a greater understanding of the nature, extent and causes of
impacts of the flooding in order that we can determine what are the best means of intervening to
reduce those impacts. It is not curiosity that drives us but the desire to do something, and the greater
understanding exists only in so far as we gain greater insight into what action to take. In particular, we
want to be able to predict:
• which economic/social entities will be most vulnerable to which kinds of floods; and
• what are the most effective means of intervening to reduce that vulnerability.

2.2 Validity and reliability

A methodology needs to be both valid and reliable if it is to be of any use. In social science in
particular, a methodology is always theory driven; what it is sought to measure is that which is defined
by the theory. Thus, economic analyses are based upon some economic theory, and conventionally
upon neo-classical economic theory. That theory, for example, is based upon the assumption that
economic value of some resource is solely defined by the desire by someone for the resource in

Validity and reliability are to some extent the two sides of the same coin. Validity is about
differentiation, the ability of the measure to measure that which it is intended to measure and nothing
else, and to show differences when real differences exist but not when they are not predicted: what is a

T09_06_01_Flood_damage_guidelines_D9_1_v2_2_p44.doc 16 02 2007
FLOODsite Project Deliverable D9.1
Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

real difference is one that is strongly predicted by theory and experience. Thus, validity is the ability to
pick systemic differences. Conversely, reliability is the extent to which the measurement technique is
insensitive to factors that can generate random error. In short, validity is the extent to which a measure
yields differences that are theoretically predicted; reliability is the extent to which it does not show
differences when these would not be theoretically predicted. Consequence, any test of the validity of a
measure is simultaneously a test of the theory or hypothesis upon which it is based. What is a systemic
difference and what would be random error are defined by the underlying theory. If a measure
produces a difference when none is predicted then either the measure is invalid or there is a problem
with the underlying theory: the problem is then to determine whether it is the theory or the
measurement technique which is at fault.

Since the nature of the differences and similarities predicted by the theory vary from theory to theory,
there are potentially many different forms of validity (Carmines and Zeller 1979). These include:

• construct validity – this is the extent to which the measurement instrument is clearly a
reflection of the underlying theory or theoretical construct and nothing else.
• discriminant validity – the extent to which the measurement instrument picks up differences
when theory predicts those differences to exist.
• convergent validity – the degree to which two instruments measuring the same theoretical
construct agree.
• predictive validity – the success of the measurement instrument in predicting those conditions
which would theoretically be expected to follow from the state measured by the instrument.

Equally, there are many different forms and tests of reliability, depending upon what differences are
not predicted by theory.

The presumptions of conventional economic theory are therefore defined in Section 2.5.

2.3 Flood damage evaluation as a decision support

The consideration of flood damage in the context of the decision making process of flood risk
management policy is still a relatively new concept. There is even less experience in integrating such a
consideration into the forms of analysis and practice as are now necessary under the EU Water
Framework Directive (and will be required in the context of an EU Flood Directive in coming years as
a first proposal of January 18, 2006 called “Directive on the assessment and management of floods”
indicates). Historically, it is government and government agencies that have used economic appraisals
to support their decision making whereas the new emphasis on governance shifts that responsibility to
the stakeholders. That change simultaneously changes the roles of experts from determining the
‘optimum’ intervention strategy to one of informing the stakeholders of what the stakeholders want to
know but also what they need to know. The different countries of the European Union have decided
upon different institutions to be the designated ‘competent authority’ under the Water Framework
Directive. Some countries, such as Spain, have come closer than others to meeting the emphasis in the
Directive on engaging with the many different stakeholders who will either have to act if the
objectives of the Directive are to be met, or who will be significantly affected by actions taken. Two
obvious stakeholders are those who will benefit by any reduction in the risks of flooding and those
who will bear the costs of any such intervention for that purpose. Whilst this shift to decision making
through stakeholder engagement has significant implications for the form of the information which the
stakeholder decision makers will require, there is no real experience in providing such decision

Traditionally, a design standard philosophy dominated the sphere of flood risk management policy.
Decision makers decided upon the “appropriate” protection level to be achieved based on the
knowledge about the technical flood protection possibilities. For example, national law in the
Netherlands still prescribes today that the coastal regions must have a protection level that ensures
security even against extreme flood events with a frequency of occurrence being up to once in ten

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FLOODsite Project Deliverable D9.1
Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

thousand years (Baan/Klijn 2004). This means, the protection objective is given by politicians and
scientific aspects are considered later when the means to achieve it come into play.
In recent years a new philosophy of flood protection evolved, which aims at the management of flood
risk, and which considers floods just as one of several sources of risk in human society (Sayers et al.
2002). In this context flood risk is defined as expected flood damage for a given time period. Here, the
flood risk management strategy obviously has the effect of producing some notional design standard
of protection but that strategy is determined by wider considerations than some target level of risk.
Considering flood risk management as part of the wider issue of Integrated Water Resource
Management implies the immediate question, whether it is justified to spend a huge amount of tax
money for flood risk reduction, while other areas of risk in society might receive much less financial
support to reduce it. This kind of thinking leads to the necessity to consider all benefits and costs of
flood risk management policy (or specific protection measures) in order to,

(1) specify the risk situation (how large is the current risk in terms of damage per year?),
(2) determine the potentials of risk reduction and their respective costs (by how much is it possible to
reduce risk and how costly is it?),
(3) compare the benefits and costs of risk reduction in terms of the benefit-cost ratio and/or the net
benefit (are the benefits larger than the costs?) and,
(4) compare the benefit-cost ratios of several policy fields dealing with risk reduction in order to
decide where the tax money should be spent first.

Hence, there is an increasing significance of flood damage evaluation methods for decision support in
flood risk management policy (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003).

Flood risk analysis is a holistic approach, which considers the risk of all kind of flood types and flood
events for the study region. Flood risk analysis does not only encompass the risk that one specific or
one extreme flood event may occur (as it is sometimes misunderstood in practice). It rather combines
the hydrological knowledge about the frequency of different types of flood events, the hydraulic
modelling information about inundation behaviour of flood water in flood plains and economic flood
damage evaluation knowledge in order to provide so-called damage-probability curves for individual
floodplains or also for nations as a whole (see fig 2.1, see also Annex 2.1). Such a figure shows the
amount of total damage which is to be expected if a flood with a specific frequency of occurrence
happens. For example, in figure 2.1 the expected damage of a flood with a frequency of occurrence of
once in hundred years (1/100) amounts to a damage of D3. The total area under the curve represents
the average total expected flood damage per year for all kinds of floods.1 Hence, the damage-
probability curve contains important risk-related information for decision making on flood risk
management policy.

Please notice that for the calculation of these annual expected damages the run of the curve at both ends and
especially for low probabilities is important.

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Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

Figure 2.1 Damage-probability Curve






1/200 1/100 1/20 1/5

Exceedance Probability

Three significant spheres of applying flood risk analysis information in public policy must be

1. Supporting decisions on financial allocation of tax money. Considering the area under the damage-
probability curve and comparing the flood risk in terms of yearly expected amount of flood damage
with other societal risks like expected damage due to transport, illness or earthquakes provides
enlightenment about the significance and severity of different risk factors in society. Such information
can provide decision support for decisions about the allocation of tax money to various policy fields
aiming at reducing societal risk.

2. Project appraisal. Information on yearly expected flood damage is also an important input for
decisions on flood risk management measures and investments. The risk-reducing effects of different
flood risk management measures can be estimated by means of flood risk analysis as shown in figure
2.2 (see also Annex 2.1 for a more detailed description).

In this example a flood defence structure is able to ensure protection against floods with a frequency
of once in hundred years. The yearly benefit of a scheme is given by the difference in the areas under
the curves for the ‘with scheme’ and ‘without scheme’ situations. In this particular case the area under
the curve at the right side of the dotted line represents the yearly risk-reducing effect of the measure in
question.2 Other kind of measures will have other impacts on the shape of the damage-probability
curve. For example, a reduction of settlements in the floodplain would probably lead to a left-shift of
the whole curve. It is therefore necessary to calculate the impacts of a measure across the entire range
of probabilities.

Comparing this figure with the costs of the measure in an appropriate time frame (yearly costs or costs
over the expected life time of a flood risk management structure) delivers information about the
efficiency of the measure, i.e. whether benefits to society are larger than costs. If the benefit-cost ratio
of a flood protection measure is robustly larger than one, this measure can be considered to deliver
efficiency gains to society. Otherwise, if this ratio is significantly smaller than one or afflicted with

For simplicity reasons it is assumed in this example that this measure will not have any influence on damages
of events above the design standard. In reality such effects will occur, i.e. the loss-probability curve “with
scheme” will differ from the “without-scheme” curve also on the left side from the 100 year event (see DEFRA
1999). Reason for this might be, e.g., that the construction of a dike leads to increased settlement development in
its Hinterland: If the new dike fails damages would be higher than before its construction.

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FLOODsite Project Deliverable D9.1
Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

high degrees of uncertainty one should rather abandon the measure. This kind of information out of a
cost-benefit analysis (CBA) framework is an important input for decision making to decide over
measures or to set up a priority list of measures.

Figure 2.2: Benefit of flood protection against flood events with a yearly frequency of occurrence
of once to one hundred




1/200 1/100 1/20 1/5

Exceedance Probability

3. Accountability. Flood risk analysis results are an important means to justify public investments and
to demonstrate the appropriateness of public spending. They are helpful to explain why certain flood
protection measures are more efficient in one river basin and less in another, and they can be used to
justify the overall spending for flood risk management measures by demonstrating that the risk figures
and the efficiency of risk-reducing investments are high in this policy field.

Eventually, it should be mentioned that flood risk analysis – and flood damage evaluation as an
essential part of it – need not necessarily be based on monetary damage figures alone. Some damage
categories are very difficult to assess in monetary terms or they are just not accepted by policy makers
in this way. For example, loss of time due to disruption of traffic can be measured in time units or in
average figures of opportunity costs of persons affected. In the U.S., were there is a significant
tendency to apply monetary units to almost all kinds of effects, politicians banned the use of monetary
units to support decisions on transport policy because they found that a time unit would express the
effect more clearly. Similarly, effects on the environment, on cultural values, on human health or the
loss of human life are very difficult to assess in monetary terms. Therefore, they are called intangibles.
Methodological problems are involved in these damage categories and also ethical objections are
expressed by different stakeholder groups. Since flood risk analysis is prevailingly considered to be a
holistic approach, the inclusion of intangibles is desirable. Achieving this requires either to monetise
all intangible damage effects or to integrate them into a multi-criteria framework of analysis. Since at
least loss of life is not treated in monetary units in any EU country, flood risk management policy
must be considered a policy field which has to deal with a bundle of decision criteria in practice.
Therefore, although there is a clear focus on monetary evaluation of flood damage in these guidelines,
multi-criteria aspects and evaluation approaches are also mentioned in some chapters of this

2.4 Types of flood damages

It is, of course, essential to consider all known flood damage categories in flood risk analysis and
flood damage evaluation. It is therefore necessary to specify the different flood damage categories
which need to be involved in the analysis. The term “flood damage” refers to all varieties of harm
caused by flooding. It encompasses a wide range of harmful effects on humans, their health and their

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FLOODsite Project Deliverable D9.1
Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

belongings, on public infrastructure, cultural heritage, ecological systems, industrial production and
the competitive strength of the affected economy.
Although the terminology differs occasionally, flood damages are mostly categorised firstly in direct
and indirect damages and secondly in tangible and intangible damages (Smith & Ward 1998; Parker et
al. 1987; Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003; Messner & Meyer 2005).

• direct/indirect damages: direct flood damage covers all varieties of harm which relate to the
immediate physical contact of flood water to humans, property and the environment. This
includes, for example, damage to buildings, economic assets, loss of standing crops and livestock
in agriculture, loss of human life, immediate health impacts, and loss of ecological goods. Direct
damages are usually measured as damage to stock values.
Indirect flood damages are damages caused by disruption of physical and economic linkages of
the economy, and the extra costs of emergency and other actions taken to prevent flood damage
and other losses. This includes, for example, the loss of production of companies affected by the
flooding, induced production losses of their suppliers and customers, the costs of traffic disruption
or the costs of emergency services. Indirect damages are often measured as loss of flow values.
• tangible/intangible damages: damages, which can be easily specified in monetary terms, such as
damages on assets, loss of production etc. are called tangible damages. Casualties, health effects
or damages to ecological goods and to all kind of goods and services which are not traded in a
market are far more difficult to assess in monetary terms. They are therefore indicated as

Table 2.1 combines the two differentiation criteria and gives some examples for each category.

Table 2.1: Typology of flood damages with examples


Tangible Intangible
Physical damage to assets: - Loss of life
- buildings - health effects
Direct - contents - Loss of ecological goods
Form of - infrastructure
- Loss of industrial production - Inconvenience of post-flood recovery
Indirect - Traffic disruption - Increased vulnerability of survivors
- emergency costs
Adapted from: Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003; Smith & Ward 1998

Furthermore, Smith & Ward (1998) distinguish between primary damages, which result from the event
itself, and secondary damages, which are at least one causal step removed from the flood. For
example, the loss of production of a firm which is flooded and therefore is unable to carry on with
their production would refer to as primary indirect loss. The induced losses of production of customers
or suppliers in- and outside the affected area due to backward and forward linkages would be indicated
as secondary indirect damages. 4

Nevertheless, there exists a range of methods by which such “intangibles” can be evaluated in monetary terms
(see e.g. chapters 6 & 7).
This terminology differs from that used in economics. Here, the primary indirect damages would be referred to
as “direct cost” while only secondary indirect damages would be called an “indirect cost”. Note that e.g. in the
US FEMA reports (www.fema.gov/hazus/) loss of industrial production is handled as a direct loss; in the official
Dutch Government reports this approach is also applied.

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Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

2.5 Six key principles of economic evaluation

As has been indicated above there exist different rationales of economic evaluation. Financial
evaluations look at damage from a perspective of a single person or firm, neglecting public affairs and
focussing on the actual financial burden. Economic evaluations have a broader perspective and want to
assess the impact on national or regional welfare, including impacts on intangible goods and services.
This broader economic perspective is the appropriate one to apply if calculations of flood damage are
to be designed for supporting public policy decisions. Several principles of economic evaluation need
to be considered in order to conduct a comprehensive flood damage evaluation study in a consistent
way. The most important principles as regards the economic evaluation of flood damage are specified
in the following.

1. Define appropriate time and spatial boundaries of the study!

In order to include all important impacts of a flood in one study, it is important to choose a suitable
length of time and the geographic extent over which the flood effects are felt. Regarding the spatial
boundaries the inundated area might not be sufficient, because indirect effects like disruptions of
transportation and production are sometimes felt outside the inundated region. In transboundary
studies problems like different currencies and purchasing power have to be considered. Similarly, in
the choice of the time horizon of a damage study it should be preconceived that some flood damage
categories like health or environmental effects might require the consideration of time spans which are
longer than those normally applied for typical material damage categories (e.g., Young 2005: 31).

2. Apply scarcity prices for the evaluation of market goods!

The economic evaluation of goods and services which are traded in the market is a task that is
relatively easy to accomplish. However, according to economic theory several rules need to be
considered to identify the “correct” value. As stated in most economic textbooks, the value of a market
good corresponds to its scarcity price. And a scarcity price emerges in the context of an ideal
competitive market with many competing actors involved and without government intervention. Since
these ideal conditions are never fulfilled in a real-world market, adjustments are necessary in order to
calculate the ideal “shadow price” of the good under examination. This means, real world market
prices must be translated into shadow prices by excluding all kind of transfer payments like taxes and
subsidies and by converting monopolistic market prices into competitive market prices (e.g.,
Hanley/Spash 1993: 13 ff, Schönbäck et al. 1997: 11 ff).

3. Only consider real effects, this means: neglect pecuniary effects!

Economic evaluation does only consider real effects on the utility of societal market actors, while pure
pecuniary effects due to inflationary pressures (rising oil prices, wage increases etc.) are explicitly
removed. This means, all monetary benefit and cost figures need to be deflated in order to reflect
inflation-adjusted prices which all refer to one basic year (e.g., Hanley/Spash 1993: 11).

4. Consider the fact that stock and flow values are two sides of one (economic value) coin!
From an economic point of view the value of a (market) good can be represented in two ways. On the
one hand, its value is represented by its scarcity price. On the other hand, the good can be considered
as a capital good, which can be used to generate a flow of income to the owner. The sum of this
capitalised income over the life span of the market good represents its value, too. If the market is not
distorted, and is at equilibrium, then the scarcity price of a good − its stock value − is equal to the sum
of its income flow values over the rest of the good´s life span (Georgescu-Roegen 1981: 220 ff.).
Therefore, summing up both in a flood damage evaluation study would be inappropriate due to double
counting. As a consequence, a fundamental principal of economic evaluation reads: never sum up
stock and flow values for one element at risk.

However, although this rule sounds logic and easy to apply, there are some complications with regard
to its use in practical flood damage evaluation. Consider a small firm located in a flood-prone area,
which is inundated at the time t0 by a flood for two weeks with the consequences that the stock of
inventory representing the production of one week is destroyed and production is ground to a halt.
After the flood water disappeared, production can be started at time t2 with the portion of the

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Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

productive capital which is not damaged, while it takes four additional weeks of reconstruction (until
t6) before production performs at its pre-flood level. For simplicity reasons it is assumed that sub-
contractors are not indirectly affected. Figure 2.3 shows the impact on the income flow (solid blue
line) of the affected firm (neglecting economic effects in the overall economy). Before the flood the
firm realises an income flow of f*. Regarding the damage impacts, four different types of damage
must be distinguished in this case. First, the loss of the inventory represents a loss of an income flow
which pertains to the production of the week before the flood, and therefore, can be illustrated as area
A. Second, area B reflects the loss of income flow of the firm due to disruption of production during
the time of inundation (t0 to t2). If another national firm takes over the production and generates a
larger income flow, the national loss equals the income loss of the inundated firm (B) minus the
income gains from the other firm. If a firm outside the country takes over the production, the income
loss B of the inundated firm represents a national loss (if there are no further national firms inundated).
Third, area C corresponds to the loss of income due to reduced output after the disappearance of the
flood water such that the income flow of the firm is reduce to level f1. Again, the increased output and
sales of other firms must be considered as well, if a broad economic perspective for a whole nation is
taken. Finally, fourth, area D represents the loss of income over the remaining life time of the
productive capital stock (t6-T), which would have been materialised if reconstruction activities had not
been carried out such that the income flow would have remained at level f1 after t6 and the sales would
have been lost to competitors. Again, this is only the damage of one firm. For a broader economic
analysis the effects on other national and international firms need to be included.

Figure 2.3: Example of an income flow of a firm damaged by a flood

Income flows






t-1 t0 t2 t6 T T1

Applying the above stated rule (never sum up stock and flow values for one element at risk) would
mean: either subtracting the scarcity value of the flood-affected firm after the flood from its scarcity
value before the flood (value in terms of stock) adjusting with scarcity values of firms which realised
gains or calculating the all income flow losses minus all income flow gains (value in terms of flows).
The first approach is almost impossible for most firms, because their scarcity value is usually not
known. The second approach would be easier, but often data on income flows is not available either. It
might be most appropriate to approximate all flow values of the damage by means of regional
economic models – if available (see chapter 5). However, a compromise approach would be to
combine stock and flow evaluation for the individual value components A, B, C and D, i.e. to choose
the stock or flow approach for each damage component according to data availability. Area A could be
quantified by the loss of income due to not selling the products which were already produced. In this

T09_06_01_Flood_damage_guidelines_D9_1_v2_2_p44.doc 16 02 2007
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Contract No:GOCE-CT-2004-505420

respect the market value of the inventory free of tax could be used (stock value) or, alternatively, the
income flow which is usually generated by this amount of products (average flow value). Area B can
be monetised for the whole economy by the total loss of income flow of the inundated firms during the
time of the flood (two weeks of production in the example) adjusted by gains of income of
competitors. Area C can be represented by the loss of income flow which would be realised if output
is reduced, also adjusted by income gains elsewhere. Finally, area D can be monetised in two ways:
either by calculating the loss of income flow for the rest of the life span of the capital stock (t6-T) that
would have been realised if reconstruction would not have taken place (flow value of D) − adjusted by
income gains elsewhere in the economy. Alternatively, the reconstruction costs can be estimated
which enables the firm to reach its old level of production − and competitiveness − for the time period
t6-T (stock value of D). An example for the compromise approach to evaluate flood effects with stock
and flow values would be to monetize areas A and D through stock values (scarcity value of inventory
and reconstruction costs) and B and C by means of lost/gained income flows. Although stock and flow
values are used in this latter case this is still correct, because each of the damage components A, B, C,
and D is quantified by means of stock or flow value. No double counting is involved. Just calculating
the costs of reconstruction(as is often done in damage studies) would be inappropriate in this case,
because this would only reflect damage D and neglect A, B, and C, hence an underestimation of
damage would result.

After having considered this example the evaluation rule can be specified: Each individual component
of a damage of any category should be monetised either by stock values or by flow values; including
both for one component would be double counting.

5. Apply depreciated values and not full replacement costs!

In an economic damage study depreciated values should be applied in order to reflect the value of a
good at the time when it is damaged by a flood. Using replacement costs is an overestimation of
damage from a broader economic perspective, because replacement usually involves improvements:
old goods which are damaged during a flood are usually substituted by new, more productive and
better performing goods (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003: ch. 4.4.2). With regard to figure 2.3 and
damage component D, the use of replacement cost would mean to overstate this damage component,
because the life span of the firm´s capital is prolonged by reconstruction and the firm´s productivity
will probably improve such that the level of the income flow might increase to f2 after reconstruction.
One possibility to consider this aspect is to survey the average age of relevant consumer goods and to
estimate their value through secondary market values or through application of depreciation rules. In
the UK surveys have been undertaken to identify the average age of relevant retail goods in order to
calculate so-called “average remaining values” (see chapter 4).

6. Use the net present value of benefits and costs in the context of cost-benefit analyses!
Benefits as well as costs may occur in different points in time in the future. All these future values
have to be discounted by a yearly discount rate to their net present value in order to make them
comparable. There are mainly two reasons for this reduction of future values (e.g., Green 2003: 78 ff;
Hanley/Spash 1993: 16 ff.).

1. The opportunity cost argument says that a project should bring at least an average return to
investment compared to other promising investment projects in society.
2. Many people believe that future generations will be better off due to increasing national
welfare, higher income levels and improved technology. Therefore, future values need to be

It should be mentioned, too, that there are critical voices, arguing that discounting the value of
environmental goods and services discriminates against future generations. In face of shrinking natural
areas and growing loss of biodiversity the welfare of future generations might well be lower than
today. Therefore, some economists argue that discounting should not be used for environmental
values. An appropriate way to deal with the problem of discounting is to apply several discount rates

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in the analysis in order to consider their impact on the results and to include this knowledge in the
final decision (Hampicke 1992).


The application of the above described economic principles of economic evaluation is crucial for an
appropriate ex-ante examination of flood damage, and the use of their results in flood risk analysis. It
is essential to follow these principles as closely as practicable. But, in practice, no economic analysis
can ever, nor should it aim to, cover every single benefit and cost very accurately and precisely. It
should instead seek to include the most important benefits and costs so that a decision can be
confidently taken as to which option to adopt. In this regard, the benefit-cost ratio is not a ‘pass-fail’
test but a measure of the confidence as to the desirability of adopting an intervention strategy. Thus, a
benefit-cost ratio of one is the point of maximum doubt as to whether an intervention strategy should
be preferred over the current situation. Consequently, once it is possible to have confidence that one
intervention strategy or the current situation should be preferred over all other courses of action, then
there is no purpose in further refining the cost-benefit analysis. For example, if the benefit-cost ratio
for the intervention strategy is robustly at least three, there is little point in further refining the cost-
benefit analysis.

It also follows that the cost-benefit analysis should be progressively refined; if at the pre-feasibility
stage, a very approximate cost-benefit analysis indicates that it is very unlikely that any feasible option
would achieve a benefit-cost ratio as high as one, then it would be a waste of money to undertake
detailed hydrological and engineering studies of those options. In that iterative process of refinement,
concern should be concentrated upon those costs and benefits which have the greatest effect upon the
benefit-cost ratio. In effect, cost-benefit analysis should be applied to the cost-benefit analysis of the
intervention strategies; it is not worth spending money to refine the estimate of one or another benefit
or cost if that refined estimate would make no difference to the decision. A second and important
purpose of CBA is to aid in the invention of new and better options.

2.6 Dealing with uncertainty

The assessment of flood damages imports uncertainties from the climatic/hydrological/hydraulic
domain, adds some of its own uncertainties, and exports the resulting composite uncertainties into the
decision domain. In some countries, that decision domain has itself been encompassed within cost-
benefit analysis but the intention in Floodsite is to adopt Multi-Criteria Analysis to determine which
flood risk management strategy should be adopted. The approach to the uncertainty adopted within
Floodsite must therefore recognise the multiple sources of uncertainty and take these through to the
decision as to what action to take. The Foresight study on flood risk management sought to define the
sources of uncertainty, and also the relative magnitude of the uncertainties surrounding each. Figure
2.4 summarises the broad sources of uncertainty, and highlights the importance of change over time as
a source of uncertainty.

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Fig 2.4: Source of uncertainties in flood risk management

Robustness analysis
What should we do?
MCA uncertainty


Sensitivity analysis
expected life of option
Discount rate

Loss probability curve

Event loss


Land use Ground levels Damage functions


Since economics is concerned with choice, economics is centred upon predictions or expectations of
the future. Two different philosophies as to the nature and extent of uncertainty have developed. The
first philosophy is that associated with Knight (1921) and later Keynes (1937); they argued that
uncertainty and probability are two entire different concepts. Keynes in particular defined very
narrowly the domain of predictions about which probabilistic statements could be made, asserting in
1937 that the price of copper in twenty years time was a parameter about which no meaningful
probabilistic claim could be made. Since twenty years is relatively short term and the price of copper
appears to be a relatively simple parameter, this was to draw the boundary about meaningful
probabilistic statements extremely narrowly. Unfortunately, examination of the price of copper twenty
years later suggests that Keynes was right to the extent that no useful probabilistic statement could
have been made. The problem with the Knight-Keynes approach is that it appears to provide only
limited guidance as to how to take uncertainty into account in making choices. Consequently, the
alternative philosophy developed in which uncertainty could be expressed in the form of Kolmogorov
probabilistic claims (1950)5. Von Neumann and Morgenstern’s (1947) seminal book introduced
expected utility theory, an approach which was further developed by Savage (1954). This approach
has the great advantage of appearing to offer a means of incorporating uncertainty into decision
making through sensitivity analysis, carried out at the completion of the analysis, coupled to Monte
Carlo modelling (e.g. ADB 2002). This latter approach has consequently been both widely
recommended and adopted, but often greatly underestimates the uncertainties and tells us little more
than we knew already. For example, one recommendation that has been made is to test the effect of
decreasing the benefits or increasing the costs by 20%. However, the uncertainties surrounding both
will typically be considerably greater than 20% and the effect of either change is already known from
the benefit-cost ratio. The definition of uncertainty in terms of Kolmogorov probabilities led on to the
examination of the extent to which a decision maker should be risk averse or risk neutral (Arrow and
Lind 1970).

That is, a probability statement that conforms to Kolmogorov’s mathematical axiomisation of probability.
Other axiomisations have been developed.

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There are therefore two important questions:

1. When we say that we are uncertain or that event is uncertain, is this the same as saying that an
event has a probability? For example, can we make any meaningful claim that an unknown coin is
a fair coin? Equally, can we make meaningful statements in probabilistic terms about ‘statements’:
is it not a category mistake to treat a claim about the truth of a statement as being equivalent to a
claim about the likelihood of an event?
2. Does the Kolmogorov mathematical axiomisation of probability have those properties which truly
represent the nature of the statement which we wish to make in the particular circumstances in
question? Kolmogorov’s 2nd axiom, that probabilities sum to one, in particular has been
challenged (e.g. Green 2004).

In addition, any assertion of a probability is itself an epistemological claim: a claim as to what we can
know and how or why we can know it. The basis of this claim frequently varies between claims
although each claim is expressed in terms of a probability. That a probability statement is based upon
an epistemological claim means that all probability statements are conditional probabilities so that a
claim based upon an examination of the length of record that the probability of a flood of given
magnitude is 0.01 is conditional upon at least the following three statements being true:

a) the record is a random and unbiased sample of flood flows in that river.
b) there is no systematic change over time either in the past or in the future.
c) that statistical distribution which best describes the data has been fitted to the record.

Pending the detailed analysis of the incorporation of uncertainty into flood risk management that will
be undertaken in Floodsite, it would be inappropriate to provide detailed guidance on the handling of
uncertainty at this stage. What can be observed is that these uncertainties are substantial and arise in
multiple ways (Figure 2.5). For example, since direct damages are largely estimated through depth-
damage curves, and depth is estimated as the difference between flood level and floor level, errors in
either will result in errors in the estimation of flood damages. The effect of these errors are greatest for
shallow depths of flooding because flood damages at 0.1 metres of flooding for the UK average house
is estimated to be 23% higher than those for 0.05 metres (and considerably higher for 0.05 as opposed
to 0 metres). Again, in the UK it is known that estimates of the construction costs of schemes are
significantly uncertain and estimates are biased so that preliminary cost estimates are, on average, 60%
below final construction costs (Defra 2003). Worldwide, Operation and Maintenance costs are not
estimated with anything like the same attention as capital costs. However, if bank protection works are
a major cost and there is uncertainty as the frequency with which such works must be repaired or
replaced, this is likely to be a critical parameter (Green 2003). Similarly, Defra (1999) provides
guidance as to the maximum error to be expected in calculating the damage-probability curve and the
most efficient means of reducing that uncertainty. It has thus been suggested that if the robustness
analysis conducted at the end of the analysis does not vary the benefit-cost ratio by a factor of three,
the analyst is not really trying and is making quite spurious claims as to the degree of certainty that
can be claimed about the performance of a flood risk management strategy over a life of perhaps 100
years (Green 2003).

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Figure 2.5: Impacts of uncertainties in agricultural prices on other economic variables

Arable land
Runoff coefficients

Agricultural prices rise Economic growth
- Discount rate

Damages to building
+ - contents
Durable formation

- - Costs of labour +
Global food demand
Cost of capital

+ O & M costs
Savings ratio Rate of addition and Damage to buildings
replacement of building

A particular problem in economic analysis is that we are dealing with a system; in consequence, a
change, and hence uncertainty, can be propagated through the system if there is a change in one
variable. Figure 2.5, which it is not claimed to be more than indicative, illustrates how a long run
change in world agricultural prices (the effect of a change in energy prices would be similar but more
complex in that there is scope for substitution in the case of energy) might be propagated through the
economic system via positive and negative linkages. In one case, the effect of changes in rate of the
replacement and addition to building stock upon direct damages to buildings, the direction of the
change is indeterminant. Thus, the uncertainties about individual parameter values are correlated and
this must be taken into account in any Monte Carlo simulation. There are additional uncertainties as to
the form of the functional relationships between the parameters, and here the discovery of chaos
theory creates a problem in that quite simple functional forms can yield chaotic results. For example,
the output from the equation x = r.x.(1-x) is stable for a value of r of 2.7, oscillates for an r value of
3.0, and is chaotic for a r value of 4.0 (Gleick 1987). Equally, in a simple study examining the effects
of varying the distribution of benefits over time, it was found that the present value of those benefits
was dependent both upon the functional form of the probability distribution adopted and the kurtosis
of the distribution function. Hence, a Monte Carlo analysis should include varying the probability
distributions that are assumed and the variance for each of those distributions, rather simply assuming
some probability distribution about some estimate of the mean value.

That the potential errors and uncertainties are so large suggests that one possible way out of this
problem is to distinguish between ‘decision uncertainty’, doubt about what to do, an inability to
discriminate between the options, from ‘knowledge uncertainty’: uncertainty about the state of the
world now and particularly in the future (Green 2003). One reason why the decision maker may be
unable to decide is that the balance of advantages and disadvantages of each option are equal; the
second reason why the decision maker should be uncertain is the lack of knowledge makes it
impossible to discriminate between the options. In this latter case (Figure 2.4), the decision maker
should undertake a sensitivity analysis at the beginning of the analysis in order to determine which are
the parameters upon whose values the choice between the options critically depends. It is these
parameters upon which attention should be focused. It is only by assessing the implications for the
decision that both the absolute and relative importance of uncertainties in individual parameters can be
determined. If the benefit-cost ratio is very large then there can be major uncertainties in several
parameters without those uncertainties affecting the decision. In more marginal cases, it is on the
critical parameters upon which attention should be focused in seeking to improve the estimates of the

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parameters. It is also on these parameters upon which risk management should be focused. In general,
it is those benefits and costs which occur early in the life of the intervention strategy and/or occur
frequently which are likely to be critical. These include:

• Capital costs
• Operation and Maintenance costs
• Flood levels as estimated from ground levels and water levels
• Damages from frequent floods
• Land uses at low levels including below ground land uses

The following means by which to incorporate uncertainty into flood risk management have been

• Seeking to learn throughout the design cycle of individual projects, over the life of projects
and across projects, and the general importance of institutional learning.
• The application of risk management principles in design, construction and operation.
• The adoption of the principle of seeking to manage all floods and not just some: the avoidance
of adopting some design standard of protection and instead considering how the intervention
strategy will affect the risk from the entire spectrum of floods.
• The adoption of the related principle of designing for failure: designing so that failure occurs
in a manageable way.
• Seeking to allow adaptability to future change.
• Since many flood risk management strategies have spatial requirements, it is likely to be
desirable to leave space for possible future interventions.
• The principles of managing all floods and designing for failure suggest that multi-layered
strategies are likely to be appropriate.

2.7 Outlook on the structure and content of the remaining guideline chapters
The following chapters of these guidelines are mainly organised according to the various flood
damage categories described in chapter 2.4. The following chapter 3 describes the state-of-the art in
evaluating direct, tangible flood damages. Based upon a guiding flowchart the selection of case-
specific flood damage evaluation approaches is supported. This chapter can be used by practitioners of
countries with few or even no experience in flood damage evaluation in order to find an appropriate
start into the endeavour of applying flood damage evaluation as a decision support tool. It might also
be used by experienced flood damage evaluators as a checklist for their proceeding or by practitioners
of various riparian countries to find a common flood damage evaluation methodology. Chapter 4
reveals the principal rules and the procedure of building up a proper flood damage data base in order
to ensure a consistent set of flood damage data, which is needed if flood damage evaluation is to be
used as a long-term decision support tool.

The subsequent chapters focus on specific damage categories, which are up to now rarely included in
flood damage evaluation studies. The methods presented are not standardised yet for flood damage
evaluation, but they are intensively discussed in the economic literature. Chapter 5 outlines the
approaches to evaluate flood effects on industrial production. Chapter 6 indicates possible procedures
to include social flood effects. Environmental flood effects and methods of their evaluation are
described in chapter 7. Thereafter, chapter 8 focuses on damage reducing effects of flood warning in
order to support specific decisions on flood warning systems. Chapter 9 gives an overview of flood
damage categories which have not been considered in more detail in these guidelines and indicates
relevant literature sources for further reading. The guidelines are completed by a glossary which
defines important notions of flood damage evaluation and a comprehensive bibliography.

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Annex 2.1: Calculating annual average damages by combining data on flood

depth, extent, probability and damage caused

The methodology for assessing the benefits of flood alleviation is well-known and relatively
uncontroversial (Penning-Rowsell and Green, 2000a and b). In essence, it combines a risk assessment,
in terms of the probability of future flood events to be averted, and a vulnerability assessment in terms
of the damage that would be caused by those floods and therefore the economic saving to be gained by
their reduction.

Figure A2.1 provides the classic four-part diagram summarising the inter-relation of hydrology,
hydraulics and economics as the basis of calculating the benefits of flood alleviation. Those benefits
must always be calculated with the “with and without” criterion in mind: benefit-cost analysis looks at
the difference in a nation’s resources with and without the investment that is being appraised.

Figure A2.1 The classic 4-part diagram summarising the calculation of annual average flood

Thus in Figure A2.1 (bottom right-hand diagram) it is the difference between the relationship between
probability and damage with and without the flood alleviation scheme that comprise the benefits of
that scheme. Thus if a scheme does not prevent all the flooding that might occur in the future, but
residual overtopping of fluvial or coastal defences is likely or a failure of the scheme is possible, then
the damage from such continuing or possible additional future flooding in these situations should be
appraised. The current relationship between flooding and damage is the “do nothing” situation, and the
reduction in flood damages at a range of flood probabilities represent the result of the necessary
investment in reducing the frequency of flooding or the impact of that flooding on the land use

In terms of calculating the benefits of flood alleviation, therefore, assessing the relationship between
probability and damage (the damage-probability relationship) is crucial. Figure A2.2 gives a simplified
flow chart of the stages that need to be followed in order to calculate the benefits of flood alleviation
(or, put another way, the stages for calculating the capitalised value of flood damages that will occur
in the future if a “do nothing” option is adopted). Figure A2.3 gives a more detailed flow chart,
identifying the various stages that have to be completed before the benefits can be compared with the
costs and the option selected that best passes this test of economic efficiency.

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Figure A2.2 A simplified flow chart of the stages that need to be followed in order to calculate the
benefits of flood alleviation

Define maximum extent of future flooding and

decide on benefit area for this assessment

Collect data on the Assemble hydrographic

land use and other and hydraulic data defining
characteristics of the flood problem
benefit area

Assemble depth/
damage data for
properties in the
benefit area

annual average flood
damages to be avoided by
the scheme

Compare costs and

benefits and select
prospective scheme

The annual average flood damage is the area under the graph of flood damages plotted against
exceedance probability (the reciprocal of the return period in years). This is the area under the curve in
Figure A2.1 (bottom right-hand diagram), and this curve should be derived from an analysis of several
future floods with a range of severities, or the results will be unreliable (at least 3 and preferably 6
flood events should be used).

It is important, in particular, to determine the annual probability of that flood at which damage begins,
assuming that some floods cause no measurable damage. It will also be important in the coastal
situation to gauge accurately the timing and annual probability of the failure of existing defences, if
that is the mechanism of flooding to be alleviated. Indeed, assessing the probability of failure of
existing defences remains one of the most difficult fields in the area of project appraisal for flood
defence expenditure, since there is a very sparse research record on which to base the assessment of
such probabilities.

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Figure A2.3: A more detailed flow chart of the various stages that have to be completed so that
flood alleviation benefits can be compared with the costs


Examine flood

Model flood discharge Identify scheme

Maximum / known / extent relationship possibilities
flood extent

Topographic and Preliminary design of

Define benefit area property floor height range schemes
survey Model flood discharge /
probability relationship
Land use survey and
Model flood
Standard / average probability / level / duration
damage / loss data relationship
Site survey interview
damage/loss data
Traffic data
Hydraulic data input to damage
estimation procedure
Property-by-property Traffic disruption (probability/levels/duration for
depth-damage/loss modelling various SOP for various schemes) Estimate costs of
estimates schemes to
various SOP

Compute expected
annual value of
Survey and benefits for various
estimation of SOP for various
intangible loss schemes

Discount to give Sensitivity analysis Discount to give

present value of present value of
benefits costs

Compare benefits and costs for

Principal steps where level of different schemes for different
generality / detail may be SOP

Limits of concern of this

Select prospective scheme based
on optimisation criteria

SOP Standards of Protection Detailed design

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3. Guidelines for direct, tangible flood damage evaluation

Contributed by Volker Meyer and Frank Messner

The objective of this chapter is to give guidance for the ex-ante estimation of direct, tangible damages
of potential flood events. At least in industrialized countries such damages like, e.g., damages on
buildings and their contents often dominate the total amount of damages (Smith & Ward 1998).

These guidelines are very much based on recent research into existing methods of flood damage
evaluation in different European countries (Meyer & Messner 2005). It was found out that a great
variety of methods exists all over Europe. This variety arises on the one hand from national or regional
differences − for example, in data availability. On the other hand it can be caused by variations in the
objective and spatial scale of country or regional studies.

Due to the variety of factors which determine the selection of a proper flood damage evaluation
method, it is not possible to recommend one single method of flood damage evaluation. Rather, our
guidelines aim at revealing the basic steps of the flood damage evaluation process, emphasising and
explaining important economic evaluation principles and supporting the selection of appropriate flood
damage methods for specific applications.

3.1 Overview: Basic steps of flood damage evaluation

There are four basic steps, which must be executed in every flood damage evaluation study. They are
shown in figure 3.1. In this chapter 3 we explain each of these steps in detail (chapter 3.2-3.5) and at
the end we recommend and specify individual flood damage methods for specific purposes in chapter
3.6. However, before we start with the detailed descriptions, we will give a rough overview of the
process of flood damage evaluation by outlining the content of the four steps in order to give the
reader a first rough impression of what flood damage evaluation is about.

Step 1 (see chapter 3.2) serves to find an appropriate approach for a certain damage evaluation study.
The choice depends very much on a) the scale, b) the study objective, c) the availability of resources,
and d) the availability of pre-existing data.

a) At the beginning the size of the area under investigation – the spatial level – is important. This
size can vary from areas of national or even international scale to areas of local scale. Due to the fact
that very precise methods require more effort (i.e. time and money) than less detailed approaches and
that the resources are usually limited, the most precise methods are often restricted to small areas
under investigation, while studies with a research area of regional or even national size mostly have to
rely on less detailed methods.

b) Most important is that the method to be chosen and the precision of the results of a specific study
must match with the objective of the study. If the goal of the study is to give only a quick and
approximate overview of the amount of damages, a less precise (and consequently less costly and
time-consuming) method might be sufficient and appropriate. If on the other hand single flood
protection measures have to be assessed, for example for a prioritisation of investment, it is necessary
to employ a more precise method. Nevertheless, it should always be checked if it is worth being more
precise, i.e. if it has any effects on the results.

c) This leads to the availability of resources. Although it would be fine and desirable for every study
to come to results with the highest level of precision, this is often not possible due to budget or time
restrictions. If only a small budget and/or little time is available for a study, quick, easy and
approximate methods have to be chosen in order to finish the study under these restrictions.

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d) Indeed, the effort or costs to carry out a certain method of damage evaluation can be significantly
reduced if necessary data already exists. Consequently, the availability of pre-existing data has an
essential influence on the choice of an appropriate method. If, for example, adequate land-use data or a
thoroughly developed set of damage functions already exists, this may facilitate the application of
detailed approaches on a regional or even national scale. Furthermore, not only the question whether
data are pre-existing, but also which data are pre-existing in a certain country or region can have a
large impact on the choice of a method .
In chapter 3.2 it will be revealed, which specific method of flood damage evaluation is recommended
for a specific study, if a practitioner has a clear idea about the four factors described in a-d.

Figure 3.1: Basic steps of direct, tangible damage evaluation

Step 1: Selection of an appropriate approach

depending on:

spatial scale objective of availability of pre-existing

the study resources data

Step 2: Determination of the direct, tangible damage categories to be considered

Step 3: Gathering of necessary information

inundation value of
land use damage
characteristics assets at
data functions
(input) risk

Step 4: Calculation and presentation of expected damages

Step 2 (see chapter 3.3) is to determine which damage categories should be taken into account.
Generally, attention should be focussed on the parameters which have the greatest impact upon the
total damage. Usually, direct, tangible damage which is discussed in this chapter contributes a

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significant proportion of the total damage. Nevertheless, indirect and intangible damage categories
should be taken into account, too (see chapter 2).
Direct tangible damage can further be divided into several categories (buildings, inventories,
infrastructure, cars, etc.). However, some damage categories − especially buildings and inventories −
usually dominate the total amount of damage. Therefore, it can be reasonable to include only the most
important damage categories to reduce the effort of the study. Damage categories which have only a
small influence on the total damage amount can nevertheless be included in a more approximate way,
e.g. by a typical share of the total damage.

Step 3 deals with the major tasks of flood damage evaluation: the estimation and calculation of
economic values of potentially damaged tangible goods and the gathering of sound information for
this task (see chapter 3.4).

Generally speaking, four main factors are important in this respect:

a) the intensity of inundation,

b) the number, type and elevation of properties affected (assets at risk),
c) their value,
d) and their susceptibility against inundation.

a) Data on the intensity of a studied flood scenario, i.e. inundation characteristics, have to be
estimated (chapter 3.4.1). The area and depth of inundation are the most important information to be
sampled here, but also the duration, time of occurrence, velocity or the toxicological load of flooding
water could have a significant influence on damage.
As these guidelines focus on the socio-economic component of damage evaluation, inundation
characteristics are regarded here as an input for damage evaluation. That means, in chapter 3.4.1 only
a short overview on quantitative models for the calculation of inundation characteristics will be given..

b) Information on the location, number and type as well as the elevation of properties which could be
affected by a certain flood event (the elements at risk) needs to be gathered. Such information is
normally given by land use data (chapter 3.4.2). This can be either primary data from field surveys or
secondary data, i.e. data from already existing sources. Furthermore, the spatial resolution and level of
categorisation can be highly diverse. It ranges from broadly aggregated land use information (e.g.
“industrial area”, “residential area”) to detailed information on the type of every single building or

c) In order to measure damage in monetary terms, information on the value of assets at risk needs to
be quantified (chapter 3.4.3). This information can be integrated in the process of damage evaluation
in two different ways (see also step 4):

• First, the total value of all assets at risk in a study area is estimated. The damaged share of this
total value is then calculated by relative damage functions (see below in d).
• Second, the value of elements at risk (or at least parts of them) is integrated in absolute damage
functions, showing the absolute damage depending on magnitude of inundation characteristics.

d) Finally, damage functions are needed to provide information on the susceptibility of elements at
risk against inundation characteristics (chapter 3.4.4). They show either the damaged share (therefore
it is here referred to as relative damage functions) or the absolute monetary amount of damages per
property or square metre (therefore it is here referred to as absolute damage functions) of a certain
group of elements at risk as a function of the magnitude of certain inundation characteristics. In the
current state-of-the-art the main inundation parameter considered in these damage functions is
inundation depth (depth-damage functions). Others, like velocity, duration and time of occurrence are
rarely taken into account. As the susceptibility of elements at risk depends on their type and attributes
(e.g. mode of construction), properties of similar type are grouped and expressed by one approximate

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damage function. The extent of this aggregation and categorisation varies among the different

It needs to be mentioned that further factors like risk perception of the people in flood prone areas and
their preparedness to be flooded can also influence the susceptibility of elements at risks and, hence,
the potential flood damage amount. Up to now such factors have not been included in damage
functions − at least not explicitly.

Step 4 serves to bring all information gathered in step 3 together and to calculate the damages to be
expected from a certain event (chapter 3.5). Two basic approaches of damage evaluation can be
distinguished here, considering the way the monetary value is integrated in the calculation:

a) The absolute or direct damage estimation approach (Figure 3.2): Here, the total value of assets
at risk is not calculated at any time. Instead, information on the value of assets and on their
susceptibility against certain inundation depths is used to develop absolute damage functions.
Combined with data on inundation depth and land use information, these absolute damage
functions enable a direct estimation of the absolute damage amount for each property or unit of

Figure 3.2: The absolute/direct damage estimation approach


inundation absolute
land use
characteristics depth damage
(mostly depth) functions

value of assets
of assets

b) The percentage of property value approach (relative damage function approach; Figure 3.3): By
bringing together land use information and asset values the total value of assets at risk is
calculated. This maximum damage potential is then overlaid with data on the specific flooding
scenario, especially inundation depth. The resulting damage for each asset or unit of assets is then
calculated by means of relative damage functions, showing the damaged share of the total value as
a function of inundation depth (or other inundation characteristics).

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Figure 3.3: The percentage of property value approach


inundation relative total value

characteristics depth damage of assets
(mostly depth) functions at risk

susceptibility land use

value of assets
of assets information

Which of both approaches is chosen depends again very much on the kind of available data. I.e. if
detailed data on the value of assets is at hand the percentage of property approach may be convenient.
If on the other hand a comprehensive set of absolute damage functions already exists the absolute
damage estimation approach could be more appropriate. However, relative damage functions can be
better (but nevertheless carefully) transferred to other regions.

The formula for the calculation of the total damage amount for a certain event depends on the type of
approach chosen and the type of data used. In a general and simple form this can be described by:

n m
Damagetotal = ∑∑ (valuei , j × susceptibility i , j )
i =1 j =1

susceptibility i , j = f (characteristics entity i , j , inundation characteristics k , socioeconomic characteristicsl )

i = category of tangible elements at risk (n categories possible)

j = entity in a elements-at-risk category (m entities possible)
k = flood type/specific flood scenario
l = type of socio-economic system
susceptibility: measured in percent

Such a calculation leads to a single direct, tangible damage amount in monetary units for each
flooding scenario considered. This damage value can be used for the calculation of flood risk (the
annual average damage) and for the calculation of net benefits or cost-benefit ratios in the context of
economic assessments of flood protection measures by means of CBA (see chapter 1).

However, since flooding events and their damages are usually highly spatially diverse, it is advisable
not only to present the results in terms of one monetary number, but also to prepare maps to show the
spatial distribution of damages. This is possible by means of geographical information systems (GIS).
Several software tools have been developed to support the process of damage evaluation as well as

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the risk and cost-benefit calculation (see chapter 3.5.3). Some of them are based on GIS, others do not
explicitly consider the spatial dimension in the results.
Finally, it must be emphasised that all approaches of flood damage analysis − even the most detailed −
contain uncertainties in their results. These arise, among others, from inaccuracies and generalisation
in the data used. Therefore, the dimension of these uncertainties should be reflected in the presentation
of the results, e.g by specifying a range or other statistical spread parameters.

In the following chapters the four steps introduced above will be described in more detail.

3.2 Step1: Selection of an appropriate approach

3.2.1 Summary & Recommendations

For the choice of an appropriate method of damage evaluation four aspects are crucial: the spatial
scale of the study, its objective, the availability of resources to carry out the study and the availability
of pre-existing data. To find an appropriate approach, answering the following questions is essential:
1. Spatial scale: Which spatial level is planned to be considered? Is it of local, regional, national or
even international scale?
2. Objective: What is the objective of the study? Are detailed results required or are approximate
results sufficient to achieve this objective?
3. Availability of resources: How much time and money is at hand to carry out the study? Is there a
considerably high, average or low amount of resources?
4. Pre-existing data: Is there already data at hand which is necessary for damage evaluation?
Of which type is that data?

Figure 3.4 gives guidance on how to come to an appropriate method of damage evaluation by
answering these questions. The typical, recommended approaches mentioned on the right side of this
figure will be further specified in chapter 3.6.

Figure 3.4 gives guidance for the selection of a specific flood damage evaluation method. Each
practitioner wishing to estimate flood damage for a given objective has to answer four questions.
These questions and their meaning and relevance are discussed in the following chapters.

Please notice when working with figure 3.4 that some constraints should be considered. If, for
example, a study requires a high level of accuracy and there is not enough money at hand to carry out
an appropriate approach we would rather recommend to get more funds than to carry out an approach
which results cannot fulfil the purpose of the study.

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Figure 3.4: How to find an appropriate approach?

availability of
spatial objective & resources & pre-existing recommended
scale accuracy data data approaches

approx. values / land use category
macro 1
What is the Are enough
Objective? resources at
yes no Which kind of
Is a relativly low hand for a weighted annual average damages
data already macro 2
level of accuracy more
sufficient? detailed
no yes macro 3
absolute. damage functions, property database

aggregated land use data, meso

aggregated values from official statistics
meso 1

(inter-)national low low

What is the Which see above, additionally geomarketing data
medium, meso 2
Which spatial Objective? medium amount of Which kind of
regional normal
level should be Which level of time, money data already
considered? accuracy is & data is exists?
required available? meso 3
absolute. damage functions, property database
high high
meso 4
object-oriented land-use data

assessment guidelines
micro 1
no no

Are enough
What is the resources & absolute damage functions
micro 2
Objective? data available Which kind of
yes yes
Is a high level of to carry out a data is already
accurracy detailed, object- exists?
needed? oriented micro 3
cadastral maps, addresspoint data

micro 4
no pre-existing data needed!

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3.2.2 Question 1: Which spatial level is planned to be considered?

The choice of an appropriate method of damage evaluation depends very much – although not
exclusively – on the size of the area under investigation. Any practitioner who wants to execute a
flood damage evaluation study needs to take a decision about the size of his or her study. Three study
types are usually distinguished. Firstly, national or even international studies may, e.g., refer to a
national coastline or a river basin of a transboundary river. Secondly, regional study areas are of
medium size and relate, for instance, to a part of a big river or the catchment of a smaller river.
Thirdly, local-sized study areas aim at examinations of municipalities, single floodplains or even
single properties.

The more detailed a method of damage evaluation is in terms of its spatial resolution and its
differentiation of elements at risk, the more effort per unit of area is required to carry it out. Therefore,
the most detailed methods are often restricted to areas of local size, while studies for areas of regional
or even national size have to rely on approaches which require less effort per unit of area and,
consequently, do not provide such a high level of precision (see figure 3.5). For this reason we
recommend in figure 3.2 that national and international studies should apply macro-oriented methods,
regional studies should use meso-oriented methods of flood damage evaluation, and local studies
should employ micro-approaches.

Figure 3.5: Scale levels of damage evaluation methods

Size of Area

micro scale

meso scale

macro scale

Effort, Costs/
Unit of Area

Source: Meyer 2001, p. 30; Reese 2003, p. 54

Especially in Germany, there had been a clear methodological differentiation of micro-, meso- and
macro-scale approaches (Schmidtke 1995, Hamann & Reese 2000, Meyer 2005, Messner & Meyer
2005), mostly concerning the spatial resolution of the analysis:

• Micro-scale methods apply an object-oriented approach, i.e. damages are calculated for single
properties, e.g. buildings.
• Meso-scale methods consider aggregated land use units, e.g. residential areas and industrial
• Macro-scale methods consider whole administrative units, e.g. municipalities.

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However, our research on the current state-of-the-art of damage evaluation in several European
countries (Meyer & Messner 2005) showed that this simple micro-meso-macro differentiation no
longer holds true in this strict way. Due to technical improvements and special damage databases,
damage evaluation has become more elaborate and spatially precise, even on the national and regional
level. For example, object-oriented assessments of flood damages are already applied on the regional
and even national level (see for example Hall et al. 2003). Therefore, we do not just recommend one
single macro, meso or micro approach depending on the size of the study area. We rather include other
factors to support the selection of a method for a specific study. The terms “macro”, “meso” and
“micro” are, hence, not meant to specify one particular method of damage evaluation, but are used to
indicate groups of evaluation approaches which are appropriate for a certain spatial level − under
consideration of other study characteristics.

3.2.3 Question 2: What is the objective of the study? And: Are precise results required for
this objective or are approximate results sufficient?
The scale or spatial level of damage evaluation studies is often strongly correlated with the
management level and its specific objectives, for which a study is meant to provide decision support
(Gewalt et al. 1996, see also Sayers et al. 2002). Frequently, macro-scale analyses aim at providing
decision support for national flood mitigation policies, meso-scale analyses are to support decisions on
large-scale flood mitigation strategies and the objective of micro-scale analyses is time and again the
assessment of single flood protection measures (see table 3.1).

Table 3.1: Characteristics of macro, meso and micro approaches of flood damage evaluation
Amount of
Amount of
Size of Management Demands on resources
Scale input data
research area level precision required per
unit of area
macro (inter-)national flood mitigation low low low
meso regional flood mitigation medium medium medium
micro local protection high high high
See also Gewalt et al. 1996, Messner & Meyer 2005

But what are the concrete objectives of flood damage evaluation on each management level and
especially what level of precision is required to meet these objectives?
In chapter 1 the main objectives and purposes of flood damage evaluation are mentioned: In the public
policy sphere ex-ante flood damage evaluation is used for supporting decisions on the financial
allocation of tax money, for the appraisal of investments on flood protection and the justification of
these investments (accountability). Furthermore the results of flood damage evaluation are used in the
insurance industry e.g. for the calculation of their probable maximum loss (PML) or insurance rate
settings. Last but not least damage evaluation is also used for the information of firms or households
about their individual risk of flooding.

• If flood damage evaluation is used on the national or regional level to justify the allocation of
public funding, an approximate estimation of the total amount of damages is sufficient, i.e. the
demands on precision are relatively low.
• Regarding the appraisal and comparison of alternative policy measures by means of
economic assessment methods the demand on precision is usually higher. Such appraisals are
mostly restricted to the regional and especially to the local level and can consider structural
measures like dikes as well as non-structural measures such as land use planning, evacuation

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planning, warning sytems etc. However, the demand on accuracy can differ with regard to
specific circumstances:
o Sometimes, flood protection measures and their design (e.g. the safety level of dikes)
are given and an appraisal is simply needed to decide whether a measure is efficient or
not. Since only an approximate estimation of the benefits resulting from the specific
measure is needed, demands on precision might be rather low.
o Prioritisation of measures based on cost-benefit calculations aims at a ranking of
measures. Since the assessment usually occurs by comparing cost-benefit ratios, a
medium level of precision might be sufficient in this case − especially if the ranking is
only meant to rule out certain types of flood control measures.
o At least in theory, appraisals can support the selection of optimal, i.e. most efficient
flood protection measures. This would of course require a very high level of precision
in damage evaluation which currently cannot be provided.
o If flood damage evaluation methods are used to determine the proportion of flood
protection measures financing by riparian administrations or regions based on the
proportion of avoided damages in the affected areas, demands on precision are high,
Furthermore, the appraisal process should be seen as iterative and hierarchical (see DEFRA
1999). Starting on the strategic level with rather approximate damage evaluation approaches a
first pre-feasibility appraisal can be carried out to verify where it is worth being more precise.
I.e. only if a project seems to be efficient at all (e.g. has a benefit-cost ratio greater than one) is
it worth considering this alternative in greater detail; otherwise it can be ruled out. In this way,
the most accurate damage evaluation approaches can be restricted to the measures which seem
to be in some way efficient. In any case, it should always be tested if it is worth being more
precise when comparing different flood protection measures: if a more precise damage
evaluation will not lead to a change in the result it would be a waste of money to conduct it.
• If damage evaluation is carried out to inform individual firms or households about their risk
of flooding, the demands on precision are quite high. Wrong results can lead to negative
consequences, e.g. if people feel safe due to a wrong estimation they will not carry out any
preventive action against flooding and will be hit harder by a flood than if they had known
about their real risk.
• As mentioned in chapter 1 these guidelines do not focus on damage evaluation studies for the
insurance industry. Nevertheless it should be mentioned that also in this context the demands
on precision can differ a lot. Especially re-insurance companies are mostly interested in the
calculation of their probable maximum loss (PML) in case of the occurrence of extreme
events. As re-insurance companies are operating mostly internationally such studies consider
primarily very large areas and hence require only an approximate estimation. On the other
hand damage evaluation is used by retail insurance companies for the calculation of
appropriate insurance rates for individual customers. In this case the demands on precision are
consequently higher.

These descriptions of study objectives and their respective precision requirements should have
clarified the importance of this second question. Regarding figure 3.4, an answer to this question
which tends to high precision demands leads to recommendations in the direction of micro
approaches, for medium precision demands meso approaches are recommended, and low precision
demands are guided to macro approaches. However, the final selection of a method is still dependent
on two other questions.

3.2.4 Question 3: How much time and money is at hand to carry out the study?
Of course, it might be argued that it is desirable for every study to get results from damage evaluation
as precisely and in as much detail as possible. So why not carry out the most detailed method for every
study and every objective? The reason is that more detailed methods are usually more time-consuming
and more costly. As the availability of budget and time is limited, it is necessary to choose an
appropriate method to meet the study’s objectives within these restrictions. One example might be the

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case of the federal state of Saxony in Germany. After the 2002 floods, the flood protection system was
planned to be re-established under consideration of cost-benefit aspects. Since the appraisals for many
hundreds of measures in the whole state were required to be executed within a short period of time, an
approximate method of damage evaluation was chosen in order to complete the flood damage
evaluation work in time.

It is not possible here to give a general valid estimate, which method of flood damage evaluation
requires which amount of costs and/or time per unit of area, but some examples can be given to
illustrate this issue. If for example site surveys have to be carried out to obtain detailed local land use
information, this is time consuming and costly. Penning-Rowsell et al. (2003) estimate that such a
survey embracing about 2000 properties will need 3-6 person months (see also DEFRA 1999). Time
could be saved if secondary land use data is used, which mostly provides less detailed information
than primary data (see chapter 3.4.2). However, the costs of secondary land use data vary depending
on its level of detail. This can be illustrated by the example of land use data sources available in
Germany. While CORINE Land Cover data, a rather approximate and generalised land use data
source, is freely available, the much more differentiated data from ATKIS costs 7.50 EUR per square
kilometre. ALK-data, which provides even more detailed, object-oriented land use information, costs
as much as 200-750 EUR per square kilometre. However, CORINE provides a rather poor level of
spatial resolution especially for urban areas.

With regard to figure 3.4, the answer to the question of availability of funds guides towards micro
approaches, if a lot of time and budget is available and towards macro approaches if budgets are low
and time scarce. However, the concrete position depends mainly on the first two questions. If a lot of
funds are available for a national level and precision requirements are rather high, a micro approach is
probably appropriate. On the contrary, a regional study with medium to high demands on precision but
with high time pressure leads to macro- or meso-approaches. However, there is still one question to be

3.2.5 Question 4: Is there already data at hand to carry out the study?
Time and money can be saved and more detailed approaches can be carried out, if some of the
necessary data already exists (information on inundation characteristics, land use data, information on
values of assets at risk and/or damage functions; see chapter 3.4). For example, in England a National
Property Dataset (chapter was built up, containing information on location and type of every
single property within floodplains. Furthermore, a standardised and extensive set of damage functions
(see chapter has been developed for many damage categories in the past. As a matter of
course, the availability of such data facilitates the application of rather precise, object-oriented damage
evaluation methods − even on the national level.

Furthermore, not only the question whether data already pre-exists, but also which kind of data pre-
exists is important. Green et al. (1994, p 39) state that “probably the main determinant of the approach
adopted is the prior availability of data on the values of buildings and contents at risk between
countries”. That means, if good data, e.g., on values of assets or on land use already exists in a
country, it would not make sense to neglect these sources. Rather, such data enables the realisation of
higher levels of precision for all spatial scales of flood damage studies.

Eventually, after having answered this fourth question, the kind of flood damage evaluation approach,
which we recommend for a specific study, can be identified. If for example, the objective of the study
requires a medium level of precision (e.g. for a project appraisal) and enough time and money is
available as well as a good pre-existing data base, micro-scale approaches can be carried out even on
the national level. On the other side, it can be appropriate to carry out a rough macro-approach on the
regional or even local level, if the demands on precision are low and time and money is scarce.

The eleven approaches shown on the right side of figure 3.4 are described in greater detail in chapter
3.6. They represent typical best practice approaches in Europe. The decision, as to which approach
should be chosen on each level, mainly depends on pre-existing data. If, for example a macro-scale

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approach seems to be advisable and there is a property database (see chapter and a set of
absolute damage functions (see chapter 3.4.4) at hand, we recommend following an approach like
macro 3 (see chapter 3.6). Of course, it can also be possible that none of the required data is pre-
existing. In that case it has to be decided individually, which approach seems to be most appropriate.
However, we also recommend answering the four questions seriously and to consider the degree of
precision (and uncertainty) of results when applying them for specific policy support. For example, we
would never recommend the choice of macro approaches, if precision demands are very high. On the
other hand, using micro approaches for rough damage estimations could just be a waste of time,
money and resources. Finally, it needs to be mentioned that the recommended approaches of figure 3.4
and chapter 3.6 can only show the typical ways of performing them. Their application needs to be
customised for each country, depending, among others, on existing data and regional circumstances.

3.3 Step 2: Determination of direct, tangible damage categories to be


3.3.1 Summary & Recommendations

Direct, tangible damages can be furthermore distinguished in different categories (see table 3.2).
Although it is desirable to include all categories in damage evaluation to estimate the full impacts of
flooding it has to be considered in each study if it would be more pragmatic to focus on the most
important categories to reduce effort.
We recommend for studies at all levels at least to include damage to residential and non-residential
buildings and their inventories. Damages to streets and railways might be negligible in plain flood
areas but should be included in flash flood areas, as this kind of damage is mainly caused by high
velocities. Furthermore, meso- and micro-scale studies should consider including damages to cars. A
detailed estimation of damages to agricultural products seems to be necessary only for micro scale
approaches or when areas with a strong agricultural imprinting are considered. Otherwise they can be
included by a typical damage share, which should be derived as far as possible from ex-post analysis
from the same or a comparable region.
However, if not all types of damages (and this also holds true for indirect and intangible damage) are
taken into account in a certain damage evaluation study due to pragmatic reasons, this should be
explicitly mentioned, when presenting the results.

3.3.2 Direct, tangible damage categories

A crucial question in damage evaluation is which categories of direct, tangible damages should be
included. On the one hand it would be of course desirable to take all types of property damages into
account to consider the total impact of flooding to the economy. However, this may lead to extensive
and costly studies. On the other hand it might be more pragmatic to focus on the most important
damage categories to keep the effort of the analysis reasonable (see chapter 3.1). Less important
categories can also be included in a more simple way, e.g. by applying a typical damage share. Table
3.2 shows a listing of different categories.

Furthermore, table 3.2 gives an example for damage shares of some of these categories as recorded
after the 2002 floods in the federal state of Saxony, Germany. Of course the distribution over the
categories depends much on the respective event, its characteristics and which kinds of areas are
affected. Nevertheless, the 2002 flood in Saxony might be a good example, as it affected big cities like
Dresden as well as rural areas and had characteristics of plain flood at the river Elbe as well as of flash
floods at the Elbe tributaries.

The most important categories are buildings and their inventories. In damage evaluation studies these
are often separated in residential properties, i.e. residential buildings and household inventories, and
non-residential properties, i.e. buildings used for industry, commerce or public issues and their fixed

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and movable equipment as well as inventories. These categories are nearly always considered in
damage evaluation. In Saxony 2002 damage on buildings and their inventories made up altogether
more than 60 % of the total direct, tangible damages.

Table 3.2: Categories of direct, tangible damages

Categories Subcategories Saxony 2002: Share
of total direct,
tangible damage6
Residential properties: 33.1
buildings 25.2
household goods 7.8
Non-residential properties: 29.5
buildings .
machinery and equipment .
inventories (stocks) .
Technical infrastructure: 36.3
streets 8.5
railways 13.0
flood defence & watercourses 10.9
further 3.8
Vehicles & cars .
Agricultural products 1.37
livestock .
crops .
Figures for Saxony: Calculations based on Freistaat Sachsen 2003

The question whether damage on streets and railways is worth being included in damage evaluation
depends very much on the type of flooding. Streets and railways are not very susceptible to inundation
depth and duration. On the other hand they can be destroyed if high velocities occur. Consequently,
this kind of damage is more or less negligible in plain flood areas where their share of total direct,
tangible damage hardly exceeds 1 %.8 On the other hand damage on streets and railways can be very
severe in flash flood areas. For example in Saxony, about 8.5 % of the total direct, tangible damage
was on streets and bridges and about 13 % on railways (Freistaat Sachsen 2003). Furthermore, as the
figures from Saxony show, damages on flood defence infrastructure like dikes etc. can be quite high,
too. At least if there is a great stock of defence infrastructure in the area under consideration, this
damage category should be included in the analysis, too.

Also an important category might be damages to cars or other vehicles. They often make up a
significant part of the total value of assets at risk, but dependent on warning lead time a lot of them
can be evacuated, so that damages to cars might be comparably low.

Damages to agricultural products, such as livestock and crops generally make up a rather low share of
total damages9. Furthermore damages to crops depend strongly on the time of year and damage to
livestock again depends on evacuation time, so both are not easy to calculate. Data on the proportional
damage for different crops in different months are given in Green (2003). For agricultural damages,
economic losses are considerably lower than the financial losses because the subsidy element must be

The calculations are based on data published in Freistaat Sachsen (2003). Indirect categories, like emergency
costs are removed here while damages to the railway infrastructure are added. The total direct, tangible damage
of about 6.7 Mio EUR does not show the depreciated value as it is recommended in these guidelines but the full
replacement costs which might overestimate the true damage to the economy. But this should have no major
impact upon the proportion of damage shown in tab. 2.2.
Damages on agri- and silvicultural sites.
Here, damage is mainly centred on bridges, due to undercapacity, blockage, or scour of foundation.
In Saxony 2002, only 1.3% of direct, tangible damages were on agri- and silvicultural sites (IKSE 2004). In the
autumn 2000 floods in England and Wales damages to agriculture make up 5% of all economic costs (Penning-
Rowsell et al. 2002).

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removed in calculating the economic damages. We therefore recommend only including these
categories in detailed damage calculation if it can be expected that they make up an important part of
the total damages, e.g. if very rural floodplains are considered. Otherwise agricultural damages can be
included in a simple, approximate way, i.e. by applying a typical damage share.

3.4 Step 3: Calculation and gathering of the necessary information

As stated in chapter 3.1 mainly four types of information are necessary for the evaluation and
calculation of flood damages: Inundation characteristics, land use data, information on the value of
assets at risk and finally damage functions. In the following, each of these components will be
specified in greater detail and the most important methods will be described to derive them.

3.4.1 Inundation characteristics Summary & Recommendations

For damage evaluation it is necessary to determine the most important parameters of the potential
flooding events under consideration. Table 3.3 shows different inundation characteristics which may
have an influence on the amount of damages.

In the current state-of-the-art mainly inundation depth is used for damage evaluation (see Meyer &
Messner 2005). Only in a few approaches up to now are other inundation characteristics also
considered. We therefore recommend at least gathering data on inundation area and depth. For very
precise approaches additional parameters should also be considered. For example for flash flood areas
it would make sense to calculate velocities and if agricultural damages should be considered in detail it
would be helpful to evaluate at what time of year flooding will most likely occur. However, it would
only be sensible to collect additional flood characteristics if their effect on damages can be quantified
by damage functions (see chapter 3.4.4).

To calculate flood risk, i.e. the annual average damages (see chapter 1), inundation characteristics
should be estimated for at least three events with different return periods (e.g. a 5, 20 and 100 year

For the estimation of inundation characteristics for extreme discharges different quantitative model
approaches are available: Storage cell models, 1D-models and 2D-models. Each of these is briefly
described at the end of this chapter. Inundation characteristics and their impact on damage

As stated above, there are several different parameters of a flooding event which can have an
important impact on the total amount of damages. Table 3.3 shows a listing of these characteristics. In
the following the relevance of each of these characteristics will be briefly described.

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Table 3.3: Damage influencing inundation characteristics

Inundation characteristics Relevance
Area Determines which elements at risk will be affected
Depth Has perhaps the strongest influence on the amount of damage
Duration Special influence on damages to building fabric
Only high velocities will lead to increased damages; therefore mainly
relevant in flash flood areas or areas near dike breaches
Rise rate Influence on damage reducing effects of warnings and evacuation
Time of occurrence Especially important for agricultural products
Contaminations Contaminations and loads may increase damages significantly
Salt-/freshwater Saltwater may increase damages; relevant in coastal areas

The most simple but nevertheless important information is first of all the area of inundation. In
combination with land use data, it reveals which elements at risk would be affected in case of a certain
flood event. In very basic approaches damages or elements at risk are simply estimated by means of
the share of the total area of a city or municipality affected by inundation (e.g. Behnen 2000; Ebenhöh
et al. 1997). Others simply take the floodplain area and then estimate the average flood depth by
means of empirical data on flood depths (Hall et al. 2003; DEFRA 2001; see approach macro 2).

Inundation depth is generally the most important or at least most frequently used inundation
parameter in damage evaluation. Based on the assumption that inundation depth has the strongest
influence on damage magnitude, nearly all damage functions are solely depth-damage functions (see
chapter 3.4.4). Nevertheless it should be noticed that analyses of empirical damage data showed that
the variability of damages can only be explained to a rather small extent by the depth of flooding
experienced (see Merz et al. 2004). But often other flood characteristics than depth are not recorded,
so that it is difficult to quantify their influence.

The duration of flooding is important for instance when calculating production losses but could also
influence direct damages. USACE (1996, p 6-6) argue that duration “may be the most significant
factor in the destruction of building fabric.” Penning-Rowsell et al. (2003) assume increased damages
from longer duration of flooding e.g. for mortar, drains, timbers, plasterwork and tiles. They therefore
distinguish between short (< 12 hours) and long duration of flooding (> 12 hours) in the damage
functions of their manual for damage evaluation in the UK (see figure 3.6).

Figure 3.6 Example from the UK for Depth-Damage-Duration Data for Residential Properties
(Sector Mean)



40000 <12
Damage (£)

20000 hours

















Depth (m )

Source: Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003

The velocity of inundation can also have a significant influence on damages, especially considering
flash flood areas or areas close to potential dike breaches. Nevertheless velocity has up to now rarely

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been taken into account in damage evaluation. One example for the inclusion is the Standard Method
in the Netherlands where it is used for the estimation of casualties and building damages (Kok et al.
2004, see chapter 3.6, meso 2; see also DeLotto & Testa 2002; Kelman 2002)

In this Standard Method the rise rate of flooding is also considered; whereas it is here only used for
the estimation of casualties, it may also have an influence on property damages: A high rise rate will
reduce the time for warning and evacuation and therefore could increase damages on moveable assets.

The time of occurrence of flooding is especially important when calculating damages to agriculture:
While damages would be quite high if flooding occurs just before the harvest of the respective crop,
they will be relatively low in wintertime. In the Czech Republic damages on agricultural products are
calculated under consideration of the month of occurrence of the flood (Satrapa et al. 2005; Čihák et
al. 2005).

Furthermore the contents and loads of flooding water can influence damages. Especially
contamination by oil etc. can increase damages significantly, but also sediment load and saltwater may
lead to additional damages (see Reese 2003; Penning-Rowsell et al. 1992, p 98; Smith & Ward 1998)

For a risk analysis (see chapter 2), i.e. the quantification of annual average damages, it is furthermore
not sufficient to evaluate the selected characteristics for just one particular flood event. To construct a
damage-probability curve, at least three events with different return periods (e.g. a 10-, 100- and 200-
year event) should be considered.

To calculate flood exposure, flood extent and inundation areas for extreme discharges different
quantitative and spatially explicit model approaches are available. Besides estimated inundation
extents derived by simple GIS-functionality (water level in the river determines the possibly flooded
area, static approach) physical based flood(plain) models are applied for the calculation of the flood
extent and inundation area. The variety of models can be divided into the following main categories:

• Storage cell models,

• 1D-models and,
• 2D-models (Paperberger, 2005).

Within these categories the models differ considerably according to how the channels are routed, the
discretisation/incorporation of the topography data and reproduction of the surface roughness. The last
issue is most important when discussing urban areas with a heterogeneous built-up surface.

According to Paperberger (2005), storage cell models are often considered as the least complex
approaches. The models split the valley or the floodplain into single cells (Cunge et al. 1976) or the
more complex representations such as polygonal shaped cells (Estrela, 1994) or Triangular Irregular
Networks (TINs). The size of the model and the amount of detail depend on the grain of the Digital
Topography Model (DTM) and the software resources that are available. Generally, the following
aspects have to be considered concerning the use of storage cell models:

• They are flexible in precision of the modelled area.

• They permit a spatial comparison with existing inundation maps (derived from e.g. Remote
Sensing), photographic material (Aronica et al., 2002, Haase et al., 2003) and ground truth
data (e.g. field measurements).
• The utilisation of storage cell models needs certain hard- and software facilities,
• the availability of a DTM (with information on grain and origin of the topography data) and
• the parameterisation of every cell (surface roughness, Paperberger, 2005).
• Examples for developed models are: FLOODSIM (Bechteler et al., 1994), Lisflood (Bates &
De Roo, 2000).

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Further, there is a great variety of 1D-models for flood and inundation modelling: the most famous
examples according to a summary by Paperberger (2005) are ISIS, Mike11 or Mike Flood from the
SHI-family or HEC-RAS (Bonner et al., 1999, Brunner, 2001, Van Looveren et al., 2000). Some of
the 1D-models may be downloaded from the Internet and have to be implemented in connection with a
GIS-system such as ArcView or ArcGIS (Bechteler et al., 1994, Bonner et al., 1999; see the following
URL: http://www.bossintl.com/products/download/item/HEC-RAS.html).

1D-models calculate one dimensional flows between different cross sections of a floodplain by solving
the full St. Vernant equation. These cross sections have to be available in form of digital or graphic
data sets (maps, sketches, 2D-schemes) for larger parts of the floodplain. The areas between the
sections are not explicitly represented and are rooted according to the values of the sections. 1D-

• are relatively simple and not extremely data-intensive (need pf data on cross-sections rather
than a full DTM, upstream and downstream boundaries, surface roughness data for both
channel and floodplain),
• relatively fast (compared to storage cell and 2D-models),
• relatively easy to implement due to the GIS-coupling,
• optimal concerning the 2D-visualisation of the calculated inundation extents,
• widely and often utilised which enables a comparison of results for different floodplains and
river basins,
• well documented through large peer groups.
• contain a certain degree of uncertainty due to the method of combination of the cross-sections
and their allocation within the floodplain or basin (Samuels, 1990),
• different methods of spatial interpolation between the cross-sections deliver different spatial
results (Werner, 2001; summarised in Paperberger, 2005).

Finally, 2D-models have to be discussed briefly: they represent the most complicated approach of
flood or inundation modelling. Examples are Telemac2, Mike 21, RisoSurf (Neunzert et al., 2003) or
TrimR2D which all solve the 2D St. Venant equation including turbulence processes (Anderson and
Bates, 1994, Feldhaus et al., 1992). 2D-models

• permit a complex and highly detailed description of flow process,

• but therefore need a relatively long time for the model run and
• in most cases they need a considerable number of input parameters concerning the event, the
water flow and the surface of the area where the flood occurs.

Important results of the different inundation models which will be used for the preparation of risk
maps or assessment schemes are water level height a.s.l., flow velocity and flood extent (2D in the
spatial realisation).

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3.4.2 Land use data Summary & Recommendations

Land use data is needed to gather information about the exposed properties, i.e. the number, location
and type of elements at risk.

This information can be gathered by field survey (primary data) or from pre-existing data sources
(secondary data). The spatial resolution of land use data may vary considerably: sometimes single
properties are considered (object-oriented data), sometimes objects are aggregated to areas of
relatively homogeneous land use (aggregated data). Furthermore the categorisation of land use types
varies between two and more than a hundred. Here, it is important to match this with the
categorisation used for asset values (chapter 3.4.3) and damage functions (chapter 3.4.4).

Some examples for the use of object-oriented as well as aggregated land use data for damage
evaluation are given in this chapter.

To receive detailed results of damage evaluation, detailed land use information is necessary, especially
on buildings, the most import direct, tangible damage category. For a damage evaluation with a high
demand on precision we would therefore recommend gathering object-oriented land use information
on buildings. For micro-scale studies, this information is mostly derived from field surveys. For an
application of object-oriented data on the meso or even macro level, secondary sources have to be
used. The development of object-oriented databases like the British National Property Dataset would
be advisable for such a purpose.

If such a database is not at hand, aggregated land use data sources also seem to be a good solution to
obtain good results with an appropriate effort. Here, it should be checked, which data sources are
available in each country and whether they can be mixed or supplemented with additional sources
such as geomarketing data. For very basic and large scale – especially transboundary - approaches the
Corine Land Cover data (CLC) can be used, as it is cheap and ubiquitous in Europe. Types of land use data

After defining the hazard by flood characteristics it is necessary to find out who or what is exposed to
this hazard. I.e. the elements at risk have to be identified. More precisely, information is needed about
the number, location and type of elements at risk as well as their value and their susceptibility against
flooding. While chapter 3.4.3 deals with the quantification of values and chapter 3.4.4 shows how data
on the susceptibility can be evaluated, this chapter deals with land use data, which provides
information on the number, location and type of elements at risk.

From the perspective of damage evaluation the ideal land use dataset will provide (1) the minimum of
variance within a category and (2) the maximum of variance between categories and moreover, it has
to match with the classification systems of the damage functions used.

As mentioned above there are two principal ways to get the required land use information: by carrying
out an individual field survey (primary data) or to rely on pre-existing data sources (secondary data).
The advantage of primary data is that all required land use information can be collected at that level
of detail as it is needed for damage evaluation. This means for example that a more detailed
classification of land use types can be used than is usually available from secondary data. The
disadvantage is that field surveys are time-consuming and costly so that they are usually restricted to
small-scale studies (see chapter 3.2).

However, secondary data can be costly too, especially if very detailed information is needed. But in
general it will require significantly less effort and costs to apply already existing data in damage

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evaluation. The disadvantage of secondary data is that it is almost never solely produced for the
purpose of damage evaluation and, therefore, will probably not contain all necessary information at the
required level of detail.

The level of detail of land use data is determined by two aspects: The spatial resolution of the data and
the level of differentiation of different land use types.
Especially regarding urban areas the spatial resolution of land use information varies considerably.10
Detailed data contains information about single properties or buildings. I.e. the location and type of
every building are documented. This kind of data is called in the following object-oriented data
(Messner & Meyer 2005). Damage evaluation methods based on this data can be called “property-by-
property approach” (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003).

In other data sources properties or buildings are aggregated to areas of more or less homogeneous land
use. In the following this type of data will be called aggregated land use data.
The spatial information is nowadays mostly stored and presented in digital maps, either in the form of
address points, discrete areas or lines (vector data) or in grid format.

The other criteria, the level of differentiation of land use types correlates more or less strongly with
the spatial resolution: Data with a high spatial resolution often also has a high differentiation of land
use categories.
The differentiation of land use types in damage evaluation approaches varies between 5-6 aggregated
land use categories (e.g. IKSR 2001) up to more than hundred just for buildings (e.g. Penning-Rowsell
et al. 2003). But also object-oriented land use data sometimes only provide a differentiation in two
types (e.g. residential and non-residential; DEFRA 2001).

However, it is important that the categorisation of land use matches with the categorisation used for
the quantification of values (chapter 3.4.3) and for the damage functions (chapter 3.4.4). I.e. it would
not make any sense to differentiate buildings in more than a hundred types when later only one
approximate value and one approximate damage function are used. Ideally, the same classification is
used for land use data, value assessment and damage functions. This is indeed not always possible,
especially when secondary data is used. Otherwise it must at least be possible to relate the different
categorisations to each other.

It is of course not possible in these guidelines to describe or to list every possible land use data source
in Europe. In the following at least a few examples of typical land use data used within different
damage evaluation approaches will be given. Object-oriented land use data

A) Primary data
One example of the collection of land use data by field survey would be the method recommended in
the so called “Multi Coloured Manual” (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003) for detailed project appraisals in
England. A property-by-property approach is followed here, i.e. for each property in the defined
floodplain the following information is collected:

• The location is documented by a grid reference code and address which could be related to
respective plans or maps.
• The categorisation of property types first of all distinguishes between residential and non-
residential properties. Residential properties are firstly separated by five building types, secondly
by six age categories and thirdly by four social classes. Non-residential properties are divided by
ten business sectors and its subcategories (admittedly not matching with the standard EU
business classification NACE). This classification matches mostly with the standard depth-

This differentiation is not so high when agricultural areas are considered. Here it is usually not differentiated
between single properties, i.e. fields. Usually only arable and grassland is differentiated.

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damage data provided in the manual. Indeed it is only recommended to use the full detail of this
classification for very detailed surveys, otherwise type and age of residential buildings might be
sufficient (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003).
• For non-residential properties also the ground floor area of each property is surveyed, as it is
needed for damage calculation. Residential houses are simply considered as one unit regardless
of their size.
• Furthermore the altitude of the threshold of flooding for each property is documented. Especially
for micro-scale approaches it is important to document how high this threshold of a building is
above ground altitude in order to determine the actual depth of flooding within each individual

Another example would be the land use survey carried out by Reese et al. (2003; see also Sterr et al.
2005) for the MERK study in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The classification of house types is
aligned with the official building valuation guidelines (“standard construction costs”; BMVBW 2001;
see chapter D). Besides the address of each building, its type and age, also the number of
storeys and their use is documented as well as information on the existence of cellar or attic floors.
The ground floor area is taken from detailed maps (DGK 5).

B) Secondary data
Object-oriented land use data is often also available from secondary sources. If and what kind of data
exists, varies from country to country. Two different kinds of data can be mentioned here: Address-
point data, where each property is represented by a point in a map, and cadastral maps, which also
give information on ground floor area of properties in buildings. An example of each is given in the
following. Both cadastral maps and address-point data are also used for damage evaluation methods in
the Czech Republic (Satrapa et al. 2005; Čihák et al. 2005).

Address-point data: National Property Dataset (England & Wales)

An example for a secondary object-oriented data source is the National Property Dataset which was
especially developed for the MDSF software tool which supports damage evaluation on the catchment
level in England and Wales (DEFRA et al. 2004; see also chapter 3.6). It provides location and type of
every single property in the country derived from address-point data. As the primary land use
classification used in England (see above) it matches the standard damage data, whereas the
classification is not as detailed: While non-residential properties are classified likewise, residential
properties are not differentiated at all. Furthermore an average floor area is assumed. Nevertheless this
data provides very precise information in spatial terms and makes object-oriented damage evaluation
possible on the regional and even national scale with an appropriate amount of effort (Sayers et al.

Cadastral Maps: ALK (Germany)

An alternative solution for an object-oriented damage evaluation would be the usage of cadastral
maps. In contrast to the address-point data described above cadastral maps locate each property not
only by a point but in form of discrete ground floor area of building and property. An example of
cadastral maps would be the German ALK (Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte) which was used e.g. in
the MERK project (Reese et al. 2003; see chapter 3.6) in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein for
damage evaluation. Besides ground floor areas of properties and buildings it provides at least a
differentiation of residential and non-residential use of buildings, in some areas also a more detailed
classification, i.e. of house types and economic sectors.11 However, Reese et al. (2003) state that the
ALK data does not provide as much and as detailed information as collected by field surveys (see
above). For example it does not provide information on the number of storeys or the exact business
sector of non-residential properties.

The classification so far varies among the federal states.

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Furthermore, it has to be mentioned that especially address-point data, but sometimes also cadastral
maps to a certain extent, focus on information on buildings. For the assessment of other areas, like
agricultural or traffic areas it might be necessary to use additional (maybe more general) land use data. Aggregated land use data

In contrast to object-oriented data, other secondary land use data sources aggregate several properties
or areas to areas of more or less homogeneous use. However, the spatial extent of these areas is
seldom the same as that of the inundated area. That means intersections between land use data and
inundation area have to be made in order to estimate which part of the aggregated land use units is
affected. Consequently, the application of aggregated land use data can lead to some inaccuracies, as
an equal distribution of buildings etc. is assumed within each aggregated land use unit.
Hereby, the level of spatial resolution and generalisation as well as the level of differentiation of land
use types differs considerably between different sources. Two examples are given in the following:
Corine Land Cover data (CLC) as a very approximate data source and the German ATKIS-DLM as an
example for more detailed data.

A) Corine Land Cover

The Corine Land Cover (CLC) project provides land use information for all EU member states derived
from satellite information (ETC 2005: http://terrestrial.eionet.eu.int/CLC2000). After a first dataset
with land use information from 1990, a newer dataset (CLC 2000) has recently been released. CLC
data provides quite generalized information in spatial terms: Only areas larger than 25 ha and line
objects like streets or rivers wider than 100 m are considered (DLR 2005). Altogether 44 land use
categories in three hierarchy levels are differentiated (see ETC 2005). Especially in urban areas this
differentiation is quite low, however (see e.g. figure 3.5).
CLC data was used e.g. for flood damage evaluation in a study for the whole River Rhine (IKSR
2001). Here only six categories aggregated from CLC land use classes are used: “Settlement”,
“industry”, “traffic”, “agricultural areas”, “forest” and “other”. Each category is then related to an
approximate asset value (see chapter 3.4.3). The great advantage of CLC data is its availability all over
Europe12 which allows an application in transboundary projects like the Rhine study mentioned above.
On the other hand it is not very detailed regarding its spatial resolution and its differentiation and can
be therefore only be recommended for large scale studies with limited demands on precision.

CLC data is e.g. available at: http://terrestrial.eionet.eu.int/CLC2000 or http://image2000.jrc.it/

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Figure 3.7: CLC data for the Netherlands

Source: ETC 2005

B) More detailed aggregated land use data: ATKIS-DLM (Germany)

Most countries however also provide more detailed aggregated land use data. An example from
Germany is the Digital Landscape Model (DLM) from the ATKIS (Official Topographic-Cartographic
Information System). The ATKIS-DLM has a considerably higher resolution than the CLC data, e.g.
single blocks within settlements are differentiated (see figure 3.8). Also the differentiation of land use
types is much more detailed (AdV 2003): Altogether more than 100 object categories in three
hierarchy levels are provided, sometimes supplemented with additional attributes.

ATKIS-DLM data have been used in several damage evaluation studies especially on the meso-scale
in Germany up to now: For example for the coast of Schleswig-Holstein (Colijn et al. 2000), for the
River Rhine in North Rhine-Westfalia (MURL 2000) and for the Jade-Weser-Estuary (Meyer 2005).
Usually the values of assets are taken from official statistics and then assigned to associated ATKIS
categories (e.g. residential capital to “residential areas” etc.; see chapter

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Figure 3.8: Example for ATKIS-Basis-DLM data (City of Bremerhaven)

Source: Meyer 2005

Other countries provide similar data like the German ATKIS-DLM. E.g. in the Netherlands CBS land
use data is used among other data sources for their standard method of damage evaluation (Kok et al.
2004) and also in the Czech Republic UPD land use data is applied for a meso-scale damage
evaluation approach (Satrapa et al. 2005). If such data sources do not exist, digitized topographic maps
can also be a helpful source, but they often do not contain explicit information on types of land use. Other data

In some studies geomarketing data is used to integrate additional socio-economic information.
Geomarketing data is not an official data source but mostly stems from commercial providers. It
provides information on a small spatial scale, e.g. for postcode districts, election districts, street
sections or single address-points. For each of these units further information is provided, e.g. on
number of inhabitants, buildings, flats, structure of building fabric, age, social status and purchasing
power of inhabitants, number and branch of firms, number of employees etc. While the main purpose
of this data is to facilitate commercial marketing, it can also be valuable for damage evaluation as a
supplementary to land use data described above.

In the Netherlands, for example, such data is used in the standard damage evaluation approach (Kok et
al. 2004). In this way information on the number of inhabitants, number and type of flats as well as
number and branch of employees per geographical unit is added to get more precise information on
these elements at risk than is provided by official land use data. Comparable data is used in Germany
by MURL (2000) and Meyer (2005). By using data at the level of election districts (approximately 500
households) on inhabitants, buildings, purchasing power and firms, the estimation of the spatial
distribution of assets at risk can be improved. Satrapa et al. (2005) use information on inhabitants and
flats per address-point for damage evaluation in the Czech Republic. In some cases such information is
also provided by official statistics: Penning-Rowsell et al. (2003) are using data from the British
census to find out the distribution of social classes in each enumeration district.
Table 3.4 gives a short overview of the types and examples of land use data described in this chapter.

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Table 3.4: Overview of different land use data types

Source Types & examples Spatial resolution Differentiation
(used for damage evaluation)13
Primary Field surveys Object oriented: > 100 different building types
Single properties
Secondary Address-point data Object oriented: > 20 different building types
E.g. UK, National Address-points
Property Dataset
Cadastral maps Object oriented: > 2 different building types
Germany, ALK Ground floor areas

Detailed aggregated data Aggregated: > 10 different land use types

E.g. Germany, ATKIS Blocks of similar use
Czech Republic, UPD
Low detailed aggregated Aggregated: Ca. 6 different land use types
data Areas > 25 ha
E.g. CORINE Land Cover
Geomarketing data Postcode areas, -
E.g. NL, Bridgis Election districts etc. (Additional socio-economic
Germany, Infas-Geodaten information)

In many damage evaluation studies not only one source of land use data is used. The reason for this
can be, for example, that one data source does not cover all types of land use, e.g. only buildings are
documented and infrastructure, agriculture areas etc. have to be collected from other sources. In other
cases the mix of different data sources might lead to a more precise description of land use, for
example when a residential area is further specified by geomarketing data with attributes like
purchasing power, fabric structure etc.

The standard method of damage evaluation in the Netherlands (Kok et al. 2004) for example uses
official CBS land use data as a basis, which is supplemented by geomarketing data on inhabitants,
dwellings and employees and official spatial data on streets, railways and other infrastructure. All this
information is gathered and transformed into a unified 100 m grid dataset.

Some of the data sources mentioned contain more categories, but not all of them are useful for the purpose of
damage evaluation.

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3.4.3 Determination of the value of assets at risk Summary & Recommendations

The assessment of the total value of elements at risk is only needed if relative and not absolute damage
functions are used. The latter show absolute damage amounts and therefore already include asset

When evaluating asset values to determine damages to the economy it is necessary to use depreciated
values and not full replacement values (see also chapter 2).

Several basic assessment approaches are described in this chapter. For macro-scale studies e.g. a
transfer of approximate values of land use unit from other studies is advisable (chapter C). On
the meso-scale the spatial modelling of aggregated data from official statistics can be recommended
(chapter A&B). Micro-scale studies should use at least for buildings an object-oriented
assessment (chapter D). For the derivation of absolute damage functions an assessment of
property components is often carried out (chapter E).

It is often not possible to derive the value of all asset categories from just one source. To include all
desired damage categories (chapter 3.3) it is therefore sometimes necessary to mix different
assessment approaches and data sources. Value, assessment approaches & concepts

After documenting the location, number and type of elements at risk it is necessary to quantify their
value in order to calculate damages in monetary terms. This information can be integrated in the
process of damage evaluation in two different ways:

a) The total value of elements at risk in the study area is evaluated. The damaged share of this total
value is then calculated by relative damage functions.
b) The value of elements at risk (or at least parts of them) is integrated in absolute damage
functions for each category, showing the absolute damage depending on magnitude of inundation
characteristics (see chapter 3.4.4).

This chapter will mainly focus on methods for the assessment of the total value (a). But as it is
sometimes also necessary for the derivation of absolute damage functions to carry out an assessment,
an example for this is also documented.

The methods of assessment of values vary considerably regarding the spatial level on which the
assessment is taking place: While some methods collect aggregated values e.g. on municipality level,
which are then broken down to corresponding land use categories (top-down approach) others assess
the value of each building or even of its components (bottom-up approach).

Regarding the assessment of damages or values of elements at risk two different assessment concepts
can be distinguished:

• Under the assumption that in case of flooding a damaged element has to be replaced by a
similar object, the current price for a new similar object can be taken. This would be the full
replacement value. As some insurance contracts follow this new-for-old payments, this might
be the right assessment concept for a study carried out for the insurance industry. However,
the damage to the economy is overestimated by taking full replacement values because the
depreciation of assets over time is neglected, i.e. full replacement values also include early
investments in new assets.

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• For an economic evaluation of damages the assessment of assets with their depreciated value
is advisable. I.e., the pre-flood value of assets has to be assessed which means the depreciation
on the new value has to be taken into account. As it is of course not pragmatic to survey the
age and the related depreciation of every single element at risk, average remaining values are
assumed (see e.g. Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003). If, for example, a linear depreciation is
assumed the average remaining values would be 50 % of the new value. In official statistics,
e.g. in Germany, data on the value of capital assets is given for both assessment concepts, the
value as new (gross value) and the depreciated value (net value).14

The results of damage evaluation, therefore, differ substantially depending on which assessment
concept is chosen. Nevertheless both concepts are used and sometimes mixed in flood damage
evaluation studies. To evaluate the impacts of flooding to the economy we strongly recommend
applying the depreciated value for the assessment of assets rather than the full replacement
value and furthermore not to mix both concepts. Examples for typical approaches

In the following, some principal approaches for the assessment of values of assets at risk will be
introduced and examples for their application will be given.

A) Aggregated data from official statistics

In many countries official statistics provide information on the value of assets in an aggregated form,
i.e. for the nation as a whole or also for smaller administrative units like federal states, districts or even

The national accounts at least provide data on gross and net value of fixed assets, based on market
prices. Fixed assets include residential and non-residential buildings as well as machinery and
equipment (Eurostat 2005) and therefore cover a lot of the total value of all assets. Nevertheless, for
example industrial inventories (stocks) as well as household goods are not included and have to be
taken from other sources (see chapter

From the Eurostat-homepage data on the fixed assets differentiated in 17 economic branches can be
downloaded for each EU member state.15 Often the national or regional statistical offices also provide
data on lower spatial levels. If not directly available on municipal level, it is also possible to break the
data down to this level by indicators like the number of employees or inhabitants. Therefore the value
of fixed assets on a state or country level is disaggregated by the share of employees in each branch
and municipality compared to the total number of employees in this branch.16

This total value of fixed assets on a municipal level is for example used in the macro-scale study for
the German coast (Ebenhöh et al. 1997) to give an approximate estimation of the maximum damage
potential in the coastal area.

B) Disaggregation to land use units: spatial modelling

For more detailed studies the estimation of the value on municipality level is of course not precise
enough in spatial terms, because an equal distribution of assets over the area of each municipality
would be assumed. Meso-scale approaches therefore often carry out a kind of spatial modelling:

For example in the year 2000 the net value of all capital assets of Germany is about 63% of the gross value
(Frenkel & John 2002).
Therefore, on the eurostat-homepage (epp.eurostat.cec.eu.int) go on “economy and finance” and there on the
data section. Here, follow this tree: National Accounts ⇒ Annual National Accounts ⇒ Breakdowns ⇒
Breakdown of fixed assets. Choose “Current replacement costs” as it reflects best the current value of assets. In
the following menu you can choose e.g. the region and the economic sectors to be included. To derive the
depreciated value of assets it is important to choose “net values”.
Regarding residential capital the number of inhabitants seems to be the better indicator for disaggregation.

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Here, the value of each category of assets or economic branch in a municipality or other administrative
unit is assigned to corresponding land use categories.

For example, in Germany several studies carried out such a spatial modelling where asset value data
from official statistics is assigned to ATKIS-DLM land use data (Klaus et al. 1994, MURL 2000,
Colijn et al. 2000; Meyer 2005; Elsner et al. 2003). This of course requires matching the categorisation
of economic branches to the categorisation of land use. E.g. the value category “residential capital” is
assigned to the ATKIS land use categories “residential areas” and “areas of mixed use” or the fixed
assets of the manufacturing branch are assigned to “industrial and commercial areas”.

In a GIS the corresponding ATKIS land use categories can be selected, merged and related to the
recorded values. Thus, each value category is stored in the GIS as a single layer including information
on location and concentration shown in EUR/m2. By merging these different layers to a single layer a
map showing the distribution of all monetary assets in the research area can be created by simple

MURL (2000) and Meyer (2005) furthermore integrate geomarketing data (see chapter to
improve the spatial modelling: E.g., by information on number of inhabitants and their purchasing
power the spatial distribution of residential capital over the areas mentioned above can be improved.

Spatial modelling can of course also be done on the basis of other land use data. E.g. Halcrow Water et
al. (1999) apply a similar approach for a study in Hungary with CORINE Land Cover data (see
chapter But theoretically also more detailed data, like object-oriented cadastral maps could be
used. However, it should be stated that this disaggregation of aggregated values could lead to some
inaccuracies in the results. So if values derived from highly aggregated statistics are broken down to
the level of single buildings a level of precision would be inferred which would not exist.

C) Approximate values per land use unit from other studies

The results of such a spatial modelling described above are differentiated asset values per square
metre. From these results it is possible to derive approximate asset values per square metre for each
land use category used. Especially for macro-scale studies such approximate values can be adapted
and transferred. Care has to be taken that all important asset / damage categories are included in these
approximate values.

Such an approach is followed e.g. in the Rhine Atlas (IKSR 2001), where damage evaluation is carried
out for the whole transboundary River Rhine. Here, approximate values for different land use
categories are taken from different small scale flood damage evaluation studies in Germany. These
values are firstly converted to 2001 prices and than assigned to land uses categories derived from CLC
(see chapter For each of the four German federal states concerned, these values were adjusted
due to differences in land use distribution. In table 3.5 these specific asset values for the state of North
Rhine-Westphalia are shown. For Switzerland, France, and the Netherlands, the German values were
adjusted by data on purchasing power and GDP indices.17

The application of these approximate values may lead to even more inaccuracies in the results than the
disaggregation of values from official statistics. Such an approach should only be used for large scale
studies with relatively low requirements for precision.

The same approach has also been used in damage evaluation studies in the federal state of Saxony, Germany
(LTV 2003). In contrast to the Rhine Atlas biotope-type data and not CLC is used as land use data.

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Table 3.5: Specific asset values for North Rhine-Westphalia used in the Rhine-Atlas
Land-use category Value of fixed assets Value of mobile assets Total
EUR/m2 EUR/m2 EUR/m2
Settlement 231 59 289
Industry 231 80 311
Traffic 263 2 265
Agricultural areas No differentiation No differentiation 9
Forest No differentiation No differentiation 1
Other No differentiation No differentiation 0
Source: IKSR 2001

D) Object-oriented assessment of building values

For more detailed studies the determination of object-oriented asset values seems to be sensible.
For residential buildings often typical market prices are published. For example in the Netherlands the
approximate market price of different flat types can be taken from official statistics. Briene et al.
(2002) are using such information for the estimation of the maximum damage potential of residential
capital for the Standard Method for damage evaluation in the Netherlands. In Germany such values
based on actual sales are published yearly by so called appraising boards of real estate values
(Gutachterausschüsse für Grundstückswerte) for each city or municipality.

In Germany also exists an official guideline for the assessment of buildings (WertR). Here, the value
of different types of buildings is assessed by means of standard construction costs
(Normalherstellungskosten; NHK) which are published periodically by the responsible ministry (e.g.
BMVBW 2001: NHK 2000). These assessment guidelines are used for example for flood damage
evaluation in the MERK study (Reese et al. 2003; see chapter 3.6, micro 1). For the application of this
approach it is necessary to carry out field surveys to collect detailed information on each building,
such as ground floor area, type of construction and use, number of storeys and age.

As this approach only deals with building values, other important asset values have to be evaluated
seperately. E.g. the value of building equipment, inventories, household goods, cars, streets etc. have
to be taken from other sources (see chapter

E) Object-oriented assessment of property components

An even more detailed and bottom-up approach is followed in the Multi Coloured Manual (MCM) for
damage evaluation in the UK (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003; see also Penning-Rowsell & Chatterton
1977). For residential properties a classification by type, age and social status is carried out (see
chapter 3.3.2). For each of these altogether 100 residential property types a typical inventory is
compiled by means of expert judgement and different statistics and publications. Each of the building
fabric and household inventory components is then assessed with its depreciated (average remaining)
value. Here again different statistics and publications on market prices of the different building
components and household goods are used. A similar approach is carried out for non-residential
properties: Here, the approximate value per square metre of building fabric, fixture and fittings,
moveable equipment and inventories for each economic branch is derived from surveys. It has to be
stated that this approach is not used to evaluate the total value of property assets but instead for the
development of a standard depth-damage dataset in terms of absolute damage functions (see chapter
3.4.4). I.e., only the value of the components which are likely to be damaged at a certain depth (and
duration) are assessed and integrated in the damage functions.

A very similar approach has been developed by Satrapa et al. (2005; see also Čihák et al. 2005) for
flood damage evaluation in the Czech Republic. Here also an inventory of the building fabric
components of about 200 residential and non-residential building types is carried out. Data on the
construction cost per cubic metre of each component is available in the Czech Republic from official
statistics. Multiplied by the height of each building floor the value per square metre of each building
floor affected can be estimated. In the more approximate damage evaluation methods used for large
scale damage evaluation, only a differentiation of five different building types is applied. Here, a

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lower and upper limit of the value per cubic metre is used to reflect the diversity of different building
types within each category. The value of residential and non-residential inventories is not available
from official statistics and has to be derived from statistics.

Again, both approaches described above only consider building values and their inventories (at least in
the British case). If other categories like traffic infrastructure, cars or agricultural products should be
included, they have to be estimated by other approaches, which will be described in the following. Assessment of further asset categories

The examples described above show basic approaches for the determination of asset values but they
mostly do not cover all categories of assets which should be included in damage evaluation (see
chapter 3.2). E.g. data on fixed assets from official statistics (see a.) generally does not include
household goods as well as commercial and industrial inventories or the value of privately used cars.
The object-oriented methods described above mostly concentrate on the evaluation of the value of
buildings. So in the following some further examples for the assessment of other asset categories will
be given.

Household goods
As the value of household goods is often not available from official statistics other sources have to be
used. Some studies therefore apply aggregated values from insurance companies. For example, Briene
et al. (2002) in the Netherlands use an approximate value of 70000 EUR per flat (year 2000) derived
from insurance companies. German studies (e.g. Reese et al. 2003; Meyer 2005) often apply an
average value per square metre of living area of 700 EUR (full replacement value) or 350 EUR
(depreciated value18) which also stems from an insurance company. This value can then be multiplied
by either the ground floor area of residential buildings derived from maps or by the total living area of
a municipality derived from official statistics.

It has to be kept in mind that the application of such insurance values can lead to a biased estimate as
insurance is a luxury good. An alternative would be to estimate the value of household inventories by
data on household expenditure on such goods. However, such data is not always published in official

As described above, more detailed approaches derive the value of household goods from surveys or
special statistics and publications (Satrapa et al. 2005; Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003).

Inventories (Stocks)
In contrast to data on fixed assets the value of private company inventories19 are at least currently not
published in statistics on National Accounts. Detailed methods (Satrapa et al. 2005; Penning-Rowsell
et al. 2003) therefore carry out surveys to determine approximate values of inventories for different
branches. Another approach would be to use a fixed relation of inventories to fixed assets to estimate
the value of inventories. For instance Klaus & Schmidtke (1990) apply a relation of 8 %
(inventories/gross fixed assets) derived from official statistics. Indeed, this relation varies strongly
depending on the economic branch. E.g. while it is very high in manufacturing and trade, it is very low
in agriculture, construction and service activities other than trade. Therefore other studies apply a
relation inventories/fixed assets differentiated by economic branches (e.g. MURL 2000; Reese et al.
2003; Meyer 2005). It has to be checked for each country if data on inventories is published in official
statistics and how it can be used for damage evaluation.

assuming a linear depreciation of household goods
According to Eurostat (2005) “inventories consist of stocks of outputs that are still held by the units that
produced them prior to their being further processed, sold, delivered to other units or used in other ways, and
stocks of products acquired from other units that are intended to be used for intermediate consumption or for
resale without further processing.”

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While commercial vehicles are included for example in the fixed assets, private cars have to be
evaluated separately. Often approximate market values of cars are used for this. Briene et al. (2002)
take the approximate value of new cars and assume a linear depreciation to come to the approximate
value of a car of 9700 EUR (year 2000). German studies (MURL 2000; Berger 2001) apply the
approximate market price of used cars, derived from specialised consultancies like Eurotax Schwacke
and DAT. However, it has to be considered that second hand prices of cars are distorted away from
perfect market prices. Such an approach will consequently lead to a very approximate estimate of the
real value of cars.

Streets and Railways

To determine the value of technical infrastructure, construction costs per metre or square metre are
often applied. E.g. for streets construction costs per metre are used for damage evaluation in the
Netherlands (Briene et al. 2002), in the Czech Republic (Satrapa et al. 2005) and in Germany (e.g.
Reese et al. 2003; Meyer 2005). These values can be either derived from official statistics, special
publications or directly from the responsible offices. Likewise the value of railways per metre can be

Agricultural products
In some damage evaluation studies the value of agricultural products and livestock is also calculated
separately. Although this value is generally fairly low compared with other assets it might be included
in detailed studies or for areas where agriculture is the dominant activity.

For calculating the value of livestock mostly the market price of different types of cattle is taken from
statistics. This value can then be multiplied by the total number of cattle in the region which is mostly
also published in statistics on agriculture (Meyer 2005).

To calculate the value of different crops on farmland, depending on the time of the year, Satrapa et al.
(2005) add up investments for the production of these crops. Corresponding methods are described in
DEFRA (1999, Annex B) as well in the Multi-Coloured Manual (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003).

In the case of livestock and also for crops, it is necessary to remove the subsidy element from
agricultural prices to obtain an estimate of the economic damage. This includes subsidies on inputs as
well as on outputs. E.g. for crops, the reduction in yield as a result of flooding depends upon the time
of year (Green 2003; DEFRA 1999). What is lost is the real economic value of the crops minus the
variable costs avoided because the crop has been destroyed e.g. harvesting, drying the crop (see also
chapter 9.2)

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3.4.4 Damage Functions Summary & Recommendations

Damage functions show the susceptibility of assets at risk to certain inundation characteristics,
currently mostly against inundation depth.

Damage functions can be differentiated in relative damage function, showing the damaged share of the
total value, and absolute damage functions, indicating absolute damage amounts as a function of
inundation depth. Damage functions can be either derived from real flood damage data (survey data)
or synthetically, i.e. by expert estimation for either standardised property types or for the specific
properties located in the study area.

Two prominent examples for damage databases are described in this chapter: The damage data from
FHRC (UK) and the German HOWAS-database.

For the derivation of a detailed set of damage functions the development of such a damage database -
if not already existing - is recommended. Chapter 3 will give further guidance on this topic.

Both absolute and relative damage functions can be used on all scale levels. Nevertheless, if a well
developed set of absolute damage functions is at hand for the study area, this should be used, as it
reduces the effort of damage evaluation.

On the macro level it might be sufficient to use only few (up to five) damage functions for different
land use types. Meso-scale studies should use a higher differentiation (about 10 categories). On the
micro level, especially when absolute damage functions are used, at least 20 different functions are
recommended. Again, it is important to match this categorisation with the differentiation of land use
types. Types and derivation of damage functions

By overlaying maps of inundation and land use it is possible to evaluate which elements or assets
would be affected by a certain flooding scenario and how much they are affected in terms of
inundation depth or other flooding characteristics. What is now needed to estimate the damage is
information about the susceptibility of these elements at risk to flooding. For this purpose damage
functions are used. They show the damaged share (relative damage functions) or the absolute amount
of damages (absolute damage functions) of a certain group of elements at risk as a function of the
magnitude of certain inundation characteristics.

Inundation characteristics considered

As stated in chapter 3.3.1 many different inundation characteristics, like depth, duration, velocity,
rise rate, time of occurrence and contents and loads may influence the amount and degree of damage.
In the current state-of-the-art of flood damage evaluation mainly inundation depth is incorporated in
damage functions, as it seems to have the most significant influence. I.e. in most methods depth-
damage functions are used. Only some approaches also consider other characteristics such as e.g. in
the UK, where depth-damage functions are differentiated in short and long duration of flooding
(Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003) or in the Netherlands, where also the velocity is incorporated in damage
functions for residential properties (Kok et al. 2004).

Absolute and relative damage functions

As mentioned above (see chapter 2 and 3.3.3) there are two basic ways of calculating damages which
require two different types of damage functions:

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• In some approaches first the total value of elements at risk is evaluated. The actual damage is
then calculated by means of relative damage-functions, showing the damaged share of this
total value to inundation depth (“percentage of property value approach”, see also chapter 3).
Such an approach is followed e.g. in the standard method in the Netherlands (Kok et al. 2004),
in a damage evaluation in Hungary (Halcrow Water et al. 1999) or in several mainly macro- or
meso-scale approaches in Germany (e.g. Klaus & Schmidtke 1990, IKSR 2001, MURL 2000,
Reese et al. 2003).
• Other approaches do not determine the total value of elements at risk at any time. Instead, the
calculation of damages is carried out directly by means of absolute damage functions, which
show the absolute amount of damage depending on inundation depth. Such absolute damage
functions are for example provided by the Multi Coloured Manual in the UK (Penning-
Rowsell et al. 2003) or in Germany in the HOWAS-database (IWK 1999).

An advantage of the use of absolute damage functions is, of course, that it is no longer necessary to
determine the value of elements at risk for each study. This reduces the effort of a study considerably
as only land use information has to be gathered. On the other hand this means that a well developed,
differentiated and frequently updated depth-damage database must be available (see chapter 3) or
damage functions have to be created especially for the study area. Furthermore, absolute damage
functions are even more dependent on the type of building or asset considered than relative damage
functions, which are at least independent from the value of assets. That means that absolute damage
functions have to be more differentiated in asset categories than relative damage functions. For the
same reason relative damage functions are easier to transfer to other regions than absolute damage

Derivation of depth-damage functions

If not transferred from another study damage functions can be derived either by survey data or by
synthetic data (Green et al. 1994).

• “Real flood damage data” or “Survey data” (see also chapter 4.3.1) means that after a flood
event data on the affected properties is gathered. At least, information on the type of each
property, how deep it was inundated and what damages occurred has to be ascertained. This
data can be stored in a database. By means of regression analysis, typical depth damage
functions for different property types can be derived. Such an approach requires a large
sample size as the whole variety of different types of construction and use has to be
represented. Furthermore, it has to be ensured that all ex-post damages are evaluated with the
same assessment concept. I.e. that for example depreciated values are ascertained and not full
replacement values, as it is often done by insurance damage adjusters (see chapter 3.4.3).
• “Synthetic data” (see also chapter 4.3.2) means that damages are estimated not for actual
properties but for standardised, typical property types (see e.g. Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003,
2005). I.e. firstly standard buildings types are defined by their typical size, construction and
inventory components. Secondly the value of these components is assessed (see chapter 3.3.3)
and thirdly the susceptibility of each of these items, i.e. the proportional damage depending on
inundation depth, is estimated by expert assessors. Summing up these damage estimates of all
items, a damage function for each building type can be derived. Green et al. (1994) state that
the main difficulty in this approach is ensuring that the synthetically constructed standard
property types truly represent actual properties with all their components. Another variant is
the estimation of depth-damage functions by expert assessors directly for properties in the
study area, an approach currently recommended in particular for micro-studies in Germany
(Buck 2004, DWA 2007, see also B)

Nevertheless, “synthetic” does not mean artificial. I.e. for this derivation approach a synthesis of all
available data sources, including real flood damage data, is used. On the other hand, also damage
functions based on survey data are often adjusted by expert estimates.

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In the following two examples for damage databases and sets of damage functions are given: The
synthetic damage data from the Flood Hazard Research Centre (FHRC) in the UK and the German
HOWAS-database, which is a collection of actual flood damage data. Depth-damage curves for a
number of other countries are given in Green (2003).

A) UK: Damage data from FHRC

Probably the best known example for a synthetically generated database of absolute damage functions
is the Multi Coloured Manual (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003) in England provided by the Flood Hazard
Research Centre (FHRC) from Middlesex University, as well as its predecessors (Penning-Rowsell &
Chatterton 1977; Parker et al. 1987; Penning-Rowsell et al. 1992; see also chapter 3)

It provides depth-damage functions for 100 residential and more than ten non-residential property
types. As described above (chapter 3.4.3) this data is derived synthetically. I.e. for residential flats first
a definition and inventory of these standard property types is done. Secondly, for each of its typical
building fabric and inventory components the monetary value is determined. Thirdly, expert assessors
estimate the susceptibility of each item to inundation depth. So finally depth-damage functions can be
constructed for each residential property type (see for example figure 3.9).

Figure 3.9: Depth-damage functions from the Multi-Coloured Manual for different residential
house types (sector mean)

60000 Detached

50000 Sem i-
Damage (£)

40000 Detached
20000 Bungalow
















Depth (m )

Source: Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003

The procedure for non-residential properties is a little bit different. Here, surveys are carried out in
which responsible persons (managers etc.) in each firm were asked about the value of assets at risk
(building fabric, fixture and fittings, moveable equipment, inventories), and about the susceptibility of
these assets to inundation depth. From the results of this survey average depth-damage curves per
square metre of property are derived for different economic branches.

Both residential and non-residential damage functions do not solely consider inundation depth.
Additionally, it is distinguished between durations of flooding of more and less than 12 hours. For the
non-residential damage function it is furthermore taken into account if a coastal flood is considered or
not (salt or fresh water) and if a warning of more than two hours is received (which will lead to
evacuation of parts of the movable equipment and inventories). Moreover, low, high and indicative
susceptibility bands are constructed, representing the minimum, maximum and arithmetic mean of the
survey sample. Figure 3.10 shows for example the depth-damage curve for high street shops.

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Figure 3.10: Depth-damage curve for sub-category 211 (High Street shop)
Scenario: River flood, no warning and duration less than 12 hours

Depth Dam age Curve

2.75 High
Suscept ibility
2.00 Band
Depth Metres 1.75
1.25 Low
1.00 Suscept ibility
0.75 Band
0.00 Indicative
-0.25 Suscept ibility
- 1.00
£0 £250 £500 £750 £1,000 £1,250 £1,500

Dam age £/m 2

Source: Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003

In the UK, damage functions from FHRC build the basis for damage evaluation studies on all spatial
levels (see Meyer & Messner 2005). For small scale project appraisals the full detail of the database is
used. For meso- or macro-scale studies more aggregated damage functions are used, e.g. the software
MDSF (see chapter 3.5.3) for damage evaluation on the catchment level uses only one sector average
function for residential properties and about ten for non-residential properties.

B) Germany: HOWAS damage database and succeeding approaches

A typical example for the usage of actual flood damage data for the derivation of damage functions is
the German HOWAS database (see e.g. IWK 1999; Merz et al. 2004).20 It contains information on
damages which occurred during nine flooding events between 1978 and 1994. About 3600 individual
damages to buildings are recorded (IWK 1999, Buck 2004). The assessment of damages was carried
out by insurance damage adjusters and can be interpreted as replacement costs.

A hierarchical 4-digit code is used for the classification of buildings. The six main sectors are shown
in table 3.6. For one example of a residential building also an example is given for the full detail of the
classification code. In addition the number of damage records in each sector is shown in the table.

Table 3.6: Classification of buildings in HOWAS and number of damage records

Code Sector Number of
damage records
1*** Residential buildings 1930
12** Detached, multi-storey 1322
121* Pre 1924, solid structure 344
1211 No cellar, no garage 90
2*** Public infrastructure 157
3*** Service industries 630
4*** Mining and construction 69
5*** Manufacturing industry 291
6*** Agriculture and forestry 521
Source: IWK 1999

Each damage record provides information on the actual depth of flooding above ground floor and the
damages that occurred, divided in damages to cellars and other storeys as well as in damage to

HOWAS was initiated by the LAWA (Länder Working Group Water) and held by the Bavarian Water
Management Agency in Munich. However, the database is currently not updated and available anymore.

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building fabric, fixed and moveable inventories. Other information, for instance on the total value of
each property or the ground floor area of buildings is unfortunately available for few records only (see
Merz et al. 2004).

Analyses of the database (IWK 1999; Merz et al. 2004) showed that inundation depth can explain only
a relatively small amount of the total variability of damages. This supports the notion that inundation
depth may be an important, but not the only factor influencing the amount of damages (see chapter
3.3.1). Merz et al. (2004) expect that relative depth-damage functions are more appropriate, since they
are at least independent from absolute asset values. Indeed, it is difficult to derive these directly from
the HOWAS-database as total property values are recorded only for a few cases.

As further damage-determining factors are not recorded in the database, IWK (1999) nevertheless
derived absolute depth-damage functions from HOWAS assuming that the damage functions could be
approximated by a root function with only one parameter (a)21:

damage = a depth

An example for a depth damage function derived from the HOWAS-database is shown in figure 3.11.
The scatterplot demonstartes the great variability within the raw data.

Figure 3.11 Example for a damage function from the HOWAS database: Damage function for
building structure in the first floor for detached houses with cellar

Source: IWK 1999

Whilst there is no theoretical reason for expecting any functional form to be the most appropriate form for a
depth-damage curve, the root function has some desirable characteristics as an approximation and is at least

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While admittedly some of these damage functions are based on only few damage records and need
further empirical substantiation, some basic functions (of the first and second hierarchy level) are used
in several damage evaluation studies, for example in a study for the Upper Danube (ProAqua et al.
2001). For other studies (e.g. IKSR 2001, MURL 2000, Reese et al. 2003) also relative depth-damage
functions are derived from HOWAS data, which requires some estimates and adjustments as the total
property value is rarely documented in the database. Each of these uses a different set of about 5-10
damage functions which is matched with the land use classification used in the respective study.

It should be noted that because of the discussed deficits of the database and due to the fact that it is not
updated anymore most German experts advise against using the HOWAS-data anymore (Buck 2004,
2006, DWA 2007). Instead, a working group of experts recommends a synthetic approach (or “what
– if”-approach) which has some similarities but also some differences to the British approach (DWA
2007). The general idea is that expert assessors conduct an on-site investigation of residential and non-
residential properties in the research area. For each storey the expected damages for about three
different inundation depths are estimated. Based on this, depth-damage functions can be derived for
every building and every building type, respectively.

In contrast to the British approach which uses standardised functions for the whole country, this
approach allows to create region-specific damage functions which consider local conditions and
susceptibilities. On the other side, it obviously requires some effort to carry out the site surveys for
every area under investigation. The authors therefore recommend carrying out such site surveys for
every property only within studies with a very high demand on precision (micro-scale). On the meso
or macro level, i.e. for studies with lower demands on accuracy, site surveys should be carried out
only for a random sample of the most typical building types in the area. For risk hot spots an object-
oriented investigation is nevertheless recommended at all levels.

In the long run, such a study-specific creation of damage functions can of course also be used for the
development of a damage database, in which all relevant damage-influencing factors are considered
(see chapter 4).

On the other side there are other recent approaches which rely on real flood damage data. E.g.
Thieken et al. (2006; see also Büchele et al. 2006) collected damage data of the August 2002 floods by
means of a telephone survey. Based on this data a damage model is developed which considers
inundation depth, building type and quality, as well as effects of precautionary measures and
contamination (ebd.).

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3.5 Step 4: Calculation and presentation of the expected damages

3.5.1 Summary & Recommendations

For the calculation of damages the information gathered in step 3 has to be related to each other. The
damage of each land use unit considered is then determined by its affectedness (inundation depth), its
value and its susceptibility. Summing up the estimated damages to each land use unit the total damage
of each flooding scenario can be calculated.

Especially for meso- and micro-scale studies or when the objective of the study requires spatially
differentiated results (identification of hot-spots, evacuation planning) we recommend not only
calculating total damage amounts but also carrying out damage mapping by means of a GIS.
This chapter also gives some examples of software tools for flood damage evaluation used in different
European countries. Such software tools may facilitate damage evaluation considerably. Especially if a
standardised approach to damage evaluation should be developed it is advisable to create a supporting
software tool.

Even the most detailed approaches of flood damage evaluation still contain uncertainties in their
results. To provide good decision support, these uncertainties should be documented, e.g. by minimum
and maximum damage amounts or by confidence intervals.

3.5.2 Damage calculation

The last step is to bring all the information described in chapter 3.4 together and to calculate the
expected damages for each flooding scenario under consideration. As described above, methods of
damage evaluation vary considerably regarding the type of data used. For example regarding the size
of land use units considered (single properties or aggregated land use units), the categorisation of land
use types, the kind and number of damage functions used (absolute or relative) and the inundation
characteristics considered (solely depth or also others). Nevertheless, the general procedure followed
in nearly all approaches can be described as follows.

First of all the information on inundation characteristics, land use, asset values and susceptibilities
have to be related to each other. This means that inundation data and land use data have to be
combined, i.e. intersected by means of GIS to find out, which land use units would be affected and to
what extent. Furthermore the asset values and damage functions have to be assigned somehow to the
different land use units. As mentioned in chapter 3.1 two basic approaches can be considered:

a) The absolute or direct damage estimation approach (Figure 3.2): Here, the total value of assets
at risk is not calculated at any time. Instead, information on the value of assets and on their
susceptibility against certain inundation depths is used to develop absolute damage functions.
Combined with data on inundation depth and land use information, these absolute damage
functions enable a direct estimation of the absolute damage amount for each property or unit of

b) The percentage of property value approach (relative damage function approach; Figure 3.3): By
bringing together land use information and asset values the total value of assets at risk is
calculated. This maximum damage potential is then overlaid with data on the specific flooding
scenario, especially inundation depth. The resulting damage for each asset or unit of assets is then
calculated by means of relative damage functions, showing the damaged share of the total value as
a function of inundation depth (or other inundation characteristics).

So finally, for each land use unit considered (regardless whether this unit is a single property or a
square metre or kilometre) the following information must be at hand:

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a) the degree of affectedness (e.g. inundation depth) and an associated absolute damage function


b) the degree of affectedness (e.g. inundation depth), its value and an associated relative damage

A general formula for the calculation of the estimated damage for on single unit can be described as
follows (for the use of absolute damage functions):

a) Damageunit i = f (susceptibility of i, inundation depth)

When relative damage functions are used the formula would be:

b) Damageunit i = valueunit i * degree of damage f (susceptibility of i, inundation depth)

I.e. the damage of one unit of a certain land use category i is the product of the value of this unit i and
the degree of damage. This degree of damage depends on the susceptibility of the category i to
inundation depth and the actual inundation depth.

To calculate the total damage of one flooding scenario the damage of each affected unit within the
floodplain has to be summed up.

n m
Damagetotal = ∑∑ (valuei , j × susceptibilty i , j )
i =1 j =1

susceptibilityi , j = f (characteristics entityi , j , inundation characteristicsk , socioeconomic characteristicsl )

i = category of tangible elements at risk (n categories possible)

j = entity in a elements-at-risk category (m entities possible)
k = flood type/specific flood scenario
l = type of socio-economic system
susceptibility: measured in per cent

Of course this is only a general formula which should be matched to the data used in the respective
study. As stated in chapter 3.4 the actual amount of damage does not solely depend on land use
category, value and inundation depth. In more sophisticated approaches also other factors like
additional inundation characteristics or e.g. indicators of preparedness can be integrated in the

3.5.3 Damage mapping

Such a calculation leads to a single damage value for each flooding scenario considered. These values
can be used for the calculation of the annual average damages (the risk) and subsequently for benefit-
cost analysis (see chapter 1). For the purpose of such a benefit-cost analysis the calculation of a single
value might be sufficient. On the other hand it is not only important to know the total amount of
damages (or damages avoided) but also where these damages would occur. In other words, the spatial
distribution of expected damages is also of high interest.

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Flood damages are usually highly spatial diverse, i.e. they concentrate on urban areas. The
information, where hot-spots should be expected may be important for example for civil protection.
Furthermore, citizens are not primarily interested in the total amount of damages but rather if they
would be affected in case of flood and how high their risk is. Moreover, benefit-cost analyses aim to
lead to the most efficient measure to reduce the overall risk of flooding, but these benefits are rarely
distributed equally: some areas will be protected by the planned measures, others will not benefit. It
could also happen that the risk of some areas to flooding will be increased by the most efficient

To show also the spatial distribution of flood damages (or damages avoided) the results of flood
damage evaluation should not only be presented by a single value, but also by means of maps.

Damage and risk mapping could be carried out nowadays relatively easily by means of Geographical
Information Systems (GIS). GIS with their ability to handle spatial information (in contrast to
traditional databases) seem to be an appropriate tool for damage evaluation: As both inundation data
and land use data have a strong spatial dimension and need to be intersected to determine the affected
area, GIS are essential at least for some parts of the damage evaluation procedure.

3.5.4 Software tools

In terms of the reduction of the effort of the damage calculation procedure several software tools have
been developed up to now. Some of them are GIS-based, others not, but there seems to be a trend that
as GIS has become more common and user-friendly over the last years, it is being integrated in
damage evaluation software tools more often.

Some examples of such software tools should be given in the following. Their functionality is often of
course very much adapted to the data used for damage evaluation in the respective country.
Furthermore these software tools differ regarding the number of features they cover: some are solely
made for damage evaluation, others also include the whole procedure of risk calculation and benefit-
cost analysis, i.e. provide comprehensive decision support in flood risk management.

One example for non-GIS-based software is the ESTDAM model developed by FHRC in England. It
applies a property-by-property approach and is matched with the standard depth-damage data provided
by FHRC (e.g. Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003).

In Germany the engineering consultancy ProAqua developed an Access-based tool called HWSCalc.
The interlinkage with a GIS-based system (HWSMap) was planned but not implemented.

In the Netherlands a GIS-based software tool called HIS-SSM (Flood Information System – Damages
and Casualties Module; Huizinga et al. 2002) has been developed on behalf of the Highway and
Hydraulic Engineering Department. It implements the meso-scale Dutch standard method for
evaluating flood damages and casualties (Kok et al. 2002, 2004) and can be applied for the whole
Netherlands. It is part of the Flood Information System (HIS) which also includes other modules like
for example a flooding simulation.

Another GIS-based software tool developed for decision support on the regional level is MDSF
(Modelling and Decision Support Framework; DEFRA et al. 2004) in the UK. It includes a tool for the
calculation of economic damages based on the standard damage data from FHRC.

An example from the Czech Republic is the Flood Analysis Toolbox (FAT) developed by the
engineering consultancy DHI for the Morava Waterboard (Biza et al. 2001). It comprises a whole
CBA tool including a GIS-based damage evaluation tool.

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3.5.5 Documentation of uncertainties

Although good progress has been made over the last years to improve the precision of ex-ante flood
damage evaluation, the results of even very sophisticated methods are still fairly approximate
estimations (see also chapter 2.6).
Uncertainties in the results may arise from the land use data, the value assessment, and last but maybe
most importantly from the susceptibility data, i.e. the damage functions. These uncertainties are
caused for example by generalization and categorisation of land use data, the usage of aggregated data
on asset values, a small empirical basis of damage data or faults and inaccuracies in the basic data
used or in the methods to evaluate them (see also USACE 1996, chapter 6).

As it is simply impossible to estimate future flood damages exactly, the uncertainty of the damage
estimate of the respective study should at least be documented. After all it is the goal of damage
evaluation to support flood risk management and it would be a bad decision support if precision is
pretended, when uncertainties are high. Consequently, the amount of measurement uncertainty in the
results should be known by the decision makers or the public (Merz et al. 2004, p. 154). This is all the
more important, as these uncertainties vary strongly among damage evaluation methods of different
scale. Finally, if decision makers know how certain or uncertain the damage evaluation estimates are,
they can judge for themselves, if these estimates are sufficient as a decision criterion for their decision.
For example, a very approximate damage estimate might be sufficient for a high level strategy
decision but not for the assessment of concrete protection measures.

USACE (1996, chapter 6) describes some approaches to document the uncertainty of flood damage
evaluation parameters. E.g., if building values are assessed by expert judgement, minimum and
maximum values can be estimated to show the range in which the real value most likely lies. If, for
example, a sample of building values of a certain building class is at hand also other parameters of
variability like the standard deviation can be calculated.

Merz et al. (2004) carried out an analysis of ex-post damage data from the German HOWAS-database,
revealing an “enormous variability” of the depth-damage data. They furthermore state that damage
estimates for single buildings on that basis are highly uncertain. This uncertainty decreases with an
increasing number of buildings under consideration.

Examples for the integration of uncertainty parameters in damage evaluation would be for example the
MCM in England (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2005). The depth-damage data for non-residential properties
includes high and low susceptibility bands. The residential depth-damage data of the MCM includes a
confidence interval for the absolute damage estimates.
In the damage evaluation methods developed by Satrapa et al. (2005) both, for asset values and
susceptibilities, a minimum and maximum value is calculated to describe the variability within each
building class and thereby document the uncertainty in the damage estimation.

However, the benefit-cost ratio is perhaps the best indicator of the confidence which can be placed in
the decision as to what to do. A benefit-cost ratio of one is the point of maximum doubt: no distinction
can be made as to the desirability of the proposed option as compared to the do nothing case. The
further away from one is the benefit-cost ratio, the greater the confidence that can be placed in the
choice of the do something or do nothing option (Green 2003).

3.6 Typical, exemplary approaches on different levels

In the foregoing chapters background information was given for each of the steps of damage
evaluation introduced in chapter 3.1. In particular chapter 3.3 showed a spectrum of methods to derive
land use data, asset values and damage functions. The purpose of this last chapter is now to show some
comprehensive approaches, i.e. to illustrate in some typical examples, how these elements can be
combined. But there are of course also other possibilities and intermediate ways how the different
parts of the methods can be combined.

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In the following, three or four approaches will be briefly described on each spatial level (macro, meso
and micro). These approaches are examples for good practice in several European countries. However,
it should be noted that maybe none of these approaches is perfect. E.g. some of these approaches are
using damage functions derived from old databases or others do not consider all relevant damage
categories. Nevertheless, they can be a good starting point for finding and creation of an appropriate
Each method is summarized in one table, showing the basic procedure. As not only the spatial level
matters for the choice of an appropriate method, also the other aspects mentioned in chapter 3.2, i.e.
the objective of the study and the availability of resources and pre-existing data will be taken into
account. Figure 3.4 in chapter 3.2 gives guidance how to choose an appropriate approach.

The last chapters showed, that damage evaluation approaches differ – beyond other aspects – mainly
in two points:
• Regarding the type of damage functions used: Either relative damage functions are used in
combination with the assessment of the total value of assets at risk or absolute damage
functions are applied.
• Regarding the spatial resolution: Either single properties (“object-oriented” or “property-by-
property-approach”) or aggregated land use units are considered.

The exemplary approaches show that it is possible to follow each of these variants on each scale level.
Nevertheless, there is a trend in current European practice that, firstly, relative damage functions are
combined with aggregated land use data and absolute damage functions are combined with object-
oriented data and, secondly, object-oriented data is more likely to be used in small scale studies.

Table 3.7 shows an overview of the recommended approaches with a short characterisation. The
numeration of the approaches within each scale level is of course no ranking, but should just allow a
clear naming and differentiation. Most of the methods mentioned are also described in greater detail
in Meyer & Messner (2005).

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Table 3.7: Overview of the typical, exemplary approaches

Example Land use data Determination of values of assets Damage functions
macro 1 Rhine atlas aggregated data approximate values for each land use relative
(IKSR 2001) (Corine Land Cover) category
2 National appraisal of assets at object oriented data - Weighted Annual
risk (NAAR, UK) (National property dataset) Average Damages
(DEFRA 2001)
3 RASP High level methodology object oriented data - absolute
(Sayers et al. 2002) (National property dataset)
meso 1 German meso-scale approach aggregated data - aggregated data from official relative
(Colijn et al. 2000; MURL 2000, (ATKIS-DLM) statistics
etc.) - disaggregation to land use units
2 Dutch Standard Method - aggregated data - approximate values per unit of each relative
(Kok et al. 2004) - geomarketing data damage category
- calculated from official statistics
3 MDSF (UK) object oriented data - absolute
(DEFRA et al. 2004) (National property dataset)
4 DWA-approach (Germany) object oriented data - absolute,
(cadastral data) region-specific
micro 1 MERK, German Coast object oriented data official building assessment guidelines relative
(Reese et al. 2003) (field surveys)

2 Multi Coloured Manual, UK object oriented data - absolute

(Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003) (field surveys)
Danube study, Germany
(ProAqua et al. 2001)
3 Czech method 3 object oriented data values on building components from relative
(Čihák et al. 2005) (field surveys, address-point data, official statistics
cadastral maps, also aggregated data)
4 DWA-approach (Germany) object oriented data - absolute,
(field surveys) region-specific

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3.6.1 Damage evaluation approaches on the macro level

The approaches recommended in this section are considerably approximated methods, mostly
developed for the application in large areas or for quick overviews.
Regarding step 1 of damage evaluation (chapter 3.2) we therefore recommend the application of these
methods if one or more of the following aspects are given (see also figure 3.4):

• Spatial scale: The following approaches should be chosen if large areas of national or even
international size are considered. Also an application on the regional level is possible, for
example for a quick, approximate overview.
• Objective: These approaches provide a relatively low level of precision and are therefore
suitable to give a broad overview of the estimated amount of damages, for example for the
justification of flood protection funding or a resource allocation. For the appraisal of concrete
projects these approaches are generally not precise enough. At the most, a quick prioritisation
of projects is possible.
• Availability of resources: These approaches require relatively low effort per unit of area.
• Pre-existing data: Basic data requirements of the selected approaches are described in each
table. If some of this data already exists the selection of this approach seems to be advisable.

Table 3.8 Approach macro 1

Example Damage Evaluation for the whole River Rhine (IKSR 2001)
(see also: Flood Protection Plans of Saxony (LTV 2003)
Step 1 Data - approximate values per land use category from other studies
requirements - aggregated land use data source
Step 2 Damage - The approximate values per land use category should include all direct
categories tangible asset categories. I.e. not only values of buildings and inventories,
considered but also infrastructure, agricultural assets, cars etc.
Step 3 Inundation For events of different frequency:
characteristics - area
needed - depth
Land use data - An aggregated land use data source like CORINE Land Cover (see
chapter is needed. Within IKSR, about 5 land use categories derived
from CLC are used.
- If at hand also a more detailed aggregated land use data source with more
categories can be used.
- In Saxony biotope-type data is used.
Determination of - Approximate asset values per square metre for each land use category
values of assets used have to be derived from other studies. Within IKSR results from small
scale damage evaluation studies are used and transformed to the CLC
- It has to be assured that the approximate values have been evaluated
correctly and reflect depreciated values.
- The approximate values have to be adjusted to regional economic conditions.
GDP or purchasing power can be used as an indicator here.
Damage functions - 5 relative depth-damage functions are used, which are matched with the
land use categories used.
- These damage functions are derived and adjusted from the HOWAS database
(see chapter, i.e. empirical damage data is used.
- It would be also possible to use synthetically derived damage functions.
Step 4 Damage Within IKSR results are presented as damage amounts for extreme events by
calculation and means of approximate damage mapping.

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Table 3.9: Approach macro 2

Example Weighted Annual Average Damage Approach (WAAD), e.g. NAAR
(DEFRA 2001, see also chapter 4, Annex 1)
Step 1 Data - weighted annual average damages
requirements - property database
Step 2 Damage - The method described here just evaluates damages to properties (buildings
categories and inventories).
considered - Methods for an approximate estimation of damages on infrastructure like
streets and railways should be added.
Step 3 Inundation Only inundation area is required.
Land use data - Object-oriented information on single properties is used (the National
property dataset, based on address-point data).
- At least residential and non-residential properties should be differentiated.
Determination of - not needed
values of assets
Damage functions - Instead of depth-damage functions WAAD are used. These show the annual
average damages to properties, independent of inundation depth.
- WAAD are derived from empirical flood damage data. The derivation is
explained in greater detail in chapter 4, annex 1.
Step 4 Damage In contrast to all other approaches, the WAAD approach does not evaluate
calculation and damages for single specific flooding events. Instead annual average damages
presentation due to all possible events are estimated directly (see chapter 2.3)

Table 3.10: Approach macro 3

Example RASP high level methodology (Sayers et al. 2002)
Czech method 1 (Satrapa et al. 2005)
Step 1 Data - property database
requirements - damage database
Step 2 Damage - The method described here just evaluates damages to properties (buildings
categories and inventories).
considered - Methods for an approximate estimation of damages on infrastructure like
streets and railways should be added.
Step 3 Inundation For events of different frequency:
characteristics - area
needed - depth
Land use data - Object-oriented information on single properties is used (the National
property dataset; see chapter
- At least residential and non-residential properties should be differentiated.
The National Property Database allows furthermore a differentiation of non-
residential properties in more than ten different branches.
Determination of - not needed (the value of the assets at risk is integrated in the absolute
values of assets damage functions
Damage functions - two or more absolute damage functions (depending on the differentiation
of land use data), representing sector averages.
- These stem from the damage database from the Multi-Coloured Manual
(Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003; see chapter, a synthetically derived
Step 4 Damage - Results can be presented as damage amounts or by damage mapping
calculation and
variants Czech method 1 (Satrapa et al. 2005) for macro scale damage evaluation:
Based on results from a very detailed approach (see micro 3) approximate
damage functions are derived for five different building types. This approach
uses solely secondary land use data (address-point data, aggregated land use
data etc.), i.e. no site surveys are required.

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3.6.2 Damage evaluation approaches on the meso level

The three approaches recommended tend to be somewhat more precise than the macro approaches
described above but will also require more effort.
Regarding step 1 of damage evaluation (chapter 3.2) we therefore recommend the application of these
methods if one or more of the following aspects are given:

• Spatial scale: The following approaches are mainly developed for the application on the
regional level.
• Objective: Approaches of this scale are suitable to give slightly more detailed information on
expected damages. Regarding their level of precision they are also appropriate for the
justification of funding and resource allocation, but furthermore for evacuation planning,
spatial planning or the identification of hot spots. Additionally, they can be used for an
approximate appraisal of protection measures, e.g., for a prioritisation of planned measures.
• Availability of resources: These approaches require medium effort per unit of area.
• Pre-existing data: Basic data requirements of the selected approaches are described in each
table. If some of this data already exists the selection of this approach seems to be advisable.

Table 3.11: Approach meso 1

Examples German meso-scale approaches
(e.g. Klaus & Schmidtke 1990, Klaus et al. 1994)
Coast of Schleswig-Holstein (Colijn et al. 2000)
Rhine in North Rhine-Westphalia (MURL 2000)
Jade-Weser Estuary (Mai et al. 2004)
Step 1 Data - aggregated land use data
requirements - aggregated data on value of assets from official statistics
Step 2 Damage - official statistics mainly provide data on fixed assets (buildings and
categories equipment)
considered - Other categories (household goods, inventories, infrastructure, cars etc.) have
to be added from other sources (adjusted insurance values, expert
information, literature etc.)
Step 3 Inundation For events of different frequency:
characteristics - area
needed - depth
Land use data - Aggregated land use data like the German ATKIS (see chapter
- At least 5-10 different categories should be used.
- Additional small scale socio-economic data could be added for example from
geomarketing data (chapter
Determination of - Aggregated data on fixed assets from official statistics on state level is used
values of assets and broken down to municipality level (see chapter
- The value of each asset category or economic branch is then further
disaggregated within the municipalities to corresponding land use categories
(“spatial modelling”, see chapter
- Geomarketing data can be used for a refinement of this spatial modelling
(see chapter
Damage functions - 5-10 relative depth-damage functions, matching with the asset categories
- These can be derived either from real damage databases or synthetic data.
Step 4 Damage - Results can be presented as damage amounts or by damage mapping.
calculation and

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Table 3.12: Approach meso 2

Examples Dutch standard method (Kok et al. 2004)
Step 1 Data - aggregated land use data
requirements - additional land use data, like e.g. geomarketing data
- official statistics on asset values
Step 2 Damage - buildings
categories - inventories
considered - infrastructure
- cars
- agriculture
Step 3 Inundation For different scenarios:
characteristics - area
needed - depth
- velocity, waves (here only considered for damage estimation for residential
building damages)
Land use data - A mix of different data sources is used: Official aggregated land use data
is supplemented by geomarketing data on buildings and employees in
economy, as well as by official data on the street and railway network (see
- All sources are merged to one file, presenting land use information for the
whole country in a 100 metre grid.
Determination of - approximate total assets values (maximum damage) per unit (either per
values of assets square metre of land use category, metre of street/railway, per flat or
employee are calculated for the whole country.
- Mainly official statistics on assets values are used which are broken down to
the units described above, but also insurance values or other publications.
Damage functions - 11 relative depth-damage functions are used, which can be assigned to
asset categories.
- The functions are derived synthetically, but also based on some ex-post
damage data.
- For residential buildings, the damage functions also consider velocity and
Step 4 Damage - Damages can be calculated for each grid cell and therefore easily presented
calculation and in maps.
presentation - A standard GIS-based software tool (HIS-SSM) has been developed to
facilitate damage calculation and mapping. It already contains land use data
and damage functions.
see also: Huizinga et al. 2002; Briene et al. 2002; Kok et al. 2002

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Table 3.13: Approach meso 3

Examples MDSF (UK) (DEFRA et al. 2004)
Czech method 2 (Satrapa et al. 2004; Čihák et al. 2005)
Step 1 Data - property database (address-point data)
requirements - damage database
Step 2 Damage - The method described here just evaluates damages to properties (buildings
categories and inventories).
considered - If other categories, like infrastructure, cars or agriculture should be included,
methods for an approximate estimation of these categories have to be added.
Step 3 Inundation For events of different frequency:
characteristics - area
needed - depth
Land use data - Object-oriented information on single properties is used (the National
property dataset, see chapter
- The National Property Dataset distinguishes residential and non-residential
properties and allows furthermore a differentiation of non-residential
properties in more than ten different branches.
Determination of - Not needed, because the value of the assets at risk is integrated in the
values of assets absolute damage functions. Nevertheless, the National Property Dataset
contains information on the rateable value of properties.
Damage functions - 10 or more absolute damage functions (depending on the differentiation of
non-residential properties used), representing sector averages.
- These are taken from the damage database from the Multi-Coloured Manual
(Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003; see chapter, a synthetically derived
Step 4 Damage - Results can be presented as damage amounts or by damage mapping.
calculation and - MDSF (Modelling and Decision Support Framework) is a GIS-based
presentation software tool for damage calculation and mapping (see chapter 3.5.3).
variants Czech method 2 (Satrapa et al. 2005; Čihák et al. 2005), which was used in
the Czech Republic for a nationwide appraisal of flood protection measures.
Based on results from a very detailed approach (see micro 3) approximate
damage functions are derived for five different building types. This approach
uses mainly secondary land use data (address-point data, aggregated land use
data etc.), i.e. site surveys are only carried out in special cases.

Table 3.14: Approach meso 4

Examples German DWA-approach (Buck 2006, DWA 2007)
Step 1 Data - Object-oriented land use data
requirements (can also be collected in field surveys)
Step 2 Damage - Residential properties (Buildings & inventories)
categories - Non-residential properties (Buildings & inventories)
Step 3 Inundation For events of different frequency:
characteristics - area
needed - depth
Land use data - Information on type and age of residential and non-residential properties
from secondary sources, e.g. the German ALK cadastral data
Determination of - Not needed
values of assets
Damage functions - Building type-specific damage functions are derived synthetically by expert
assessors for the most common building types in the region (on-site
investigation for a random sample)
Step 4 Damage - Results can be presented as damage amounts or by damage mapping (for
calculation and each object).

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3.6.3 Damage evaluation approaches on the micro level

The approaches described in this section will provide the most detailed and precise results but are on
the other hand the most extensive and time consuming approaches. Nearly all of them will for example
require field surveys for the collection of land use information.
Regarding step 1 of damage evaluation (chapter 3.2) we therefore recommend the application of these
methods if one or more of the following aspects are given:

• Spatial scale: Due to the effort required to carry out these approaches they are mostly
restricted to areas of local scale
• Objective: Because of the relatively high level of precision provided by these approaches they
are appropriate for objectives like detailed project appraisals, prioritisation of projects,
evacuation plans and detailed information of policy makers and the public.
• Availability of resources: These approaches require a high effort per unit of area.
• Pre-existing data: Basic data requirements of the selected approaches are described in each
table. If some of this data already exists the selection of this approach seems to be advisable.

Table 3.15: Approach micro 1

Examples MERK (Germany) (Reese et al. 2003)
Step 1 Data - Assessment guidelines for buildings
requirements - Maps of ground floor area of buildings
Step 2 Damage - The basic method described in this table estimates values of buildings
categories - other categories have to be assessed from other sources:
considered - e.g. household goods from insurance values
- e.g. equipment and inventories from surveys, interviews or publications
Step 3 Inundation For different scenarios:
characteristics - area
needed - depth
Land use data - Information on type, age, height of residential and non-residential buildings
has to be evaluated in field surveys (see chapter
- More than 50 building types are differentiated in this way.
- Ground floor area can be derived from topographic maps
- As an alternative to surveys cadastral maps might be used.
Determination of - Values per square metre of different building types can be derived from
values of assets official assessment guidelines (see chapter D)
- The total value of each building is then determined by multiplication by the
ground floor area.
- Other asset categories have to be evaluated from other data sources like
insurance values, interviews, publications etc (see above).
Damage functions - MERK uses about 10 relative depth damage functions (different building
types, equipment and inventory, cars etc.)
- The functions are derived and adjusted from the German HOWAS database,
i.e. real damage data (see chapter
- An application of synthetically derived functions would also be possible
Step 4 Damage - Results can be presented as total damage amounts per municipality or in
calculation and damage maps (in MERK by a 250 metre grid).
see also: Sterr et al. 2005

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Table 3.16: Approach micro 2a

Examples Project appraisals UK (MCM; Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003)
Step 1 Data - absolute damage functions
Step 2 Damage - The method described here just evaluates damages to properties (buildings
categories and inventories).
considered - Methods for an approximate estimation of damages on infrastructure like
streets and railways should be added.
Step 3 Inundation For events of different frequency:
characteristics - area
needed - depth
- duration
Land use data - Information on type and age of residential and non-residential properties
have to be evaluated in field surveys.
- Additionally, data on social status of households could be derived from
census data
- Up to 100 residential and up to about 50 non-residential properties types can
be distinguished.
Determination of - Not needed, because the value of the assets at risk is integrated in the
values of assets absolute damage functions.
Damage functions - About 120 absolute damage functions, representing each residential and
non-residential property category mentioned above.
- These are taken from the damage database from the Multi-Coloured Manual
(Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003), a synthetically derived database (see chapter
Step 4 Damage - Results can be presented as damage amounts or by damage mapping (for
calculation and address-points).
presentation - The ESTDAM software tool has been developed to calculate damages from
the standard depth-damage data.

Table 3.17: Approach micro 2b

Examples Danube study (ProAqua et al. 2001)
Flood Action Plans North Rhine-Westphalia
Step 1 Data - absolute damage functions
Step 2 Damage - The method described here just evaluates damages to properties (buildings
categories and inventories).
considered - Methods for an approximate estimation of damages on infrastructure like
streets and railways should be added.
Step 3 Inundation For events of different frequency:
characteristics - area
needed - depth
Land use data - Information on type and age of residential and non-residential properties has
to be evaluated in field surveys.
- Additionally, topographic or cadastral maps can be used.
- About 20 residential and non-residential properties types are distinguished.
Determination of - Not needed, because the value of the assets at risk is integrated in the
values of assets absolute damage functions.
Damage functions - About 20 absolute damage functions, representing each residential and
non-residential property category mentioned above.
- The functions are derived from the German HOWAS database, i.e. real
damage data (see chapter They are furthermore adjusted by
insurance data.
Step 4 Damage - Results can be presented as damage amounts or by damage mapping
calculation and - The software-tool HWSCalc has been developed to facilitate damage
presentation evaluation
see also: Beyene 2000, BWK 2001

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Table 3.18: Approach micro 3

Examples Czech method 3 (Čihák et al. 2005)
Step 1 Data - damage database
requirements - different land use data sources
- data on asset values
Step 2 Damage - The most sophisticated damage evaluation method described here evaluates
categories building damages.
considered - Other damage categories are evaluated in a little less detail (household
goods, industrial equipment & inventories, technical infrastructure,
agricultural damage.
Step 3 Inundation For events of different frequency:
characteristics - area
needed - depth
Land use data - A mix of several data sources is used:
- Topographic maps
- address-point data (with information on inhabitants and households)
- register of firms
- orthophotos
- cadastral maps
- additionally, field surveys are carried out to evaluate building type and
height of storeys
- About 200 different building types are differentiated
Determination of - Values per cubic metre per storey for different building categories are
values of assets calculated based on official data on building component prices.
- The total value per storey can than be calculated by multiplication by the
storey height and ground floor area.
- Other asset categories (household goods, equipment and inventories,
technical infrastructure) are evaluated also by official statistics or surveys
Damage functions - For buildings, about 200 different relative depth-damage function are derived
synthetically, adjusted by actual damage data
Step 4 Damage - Results can be presented as damage amounts or by damage mapping (for
calculation and each object).

Table 3.19: Approach micro 4

Examples German DWA-approach (Buck 2006, DWA 2007)
Step 1 Data - Object-oriented land use data
requirements (can also be collected in field surveys)
Step 2 Damage - Residential properties (Buildings & inventories)
categories - Non-residential properties (Buildings & inventories)
Step 3 Inundation For events of different frequency:
characteristics - area
needed - depth
Land use data - Information on type and age of residential and non-residential properties
have to be evaluated in field surveys.
Determination of - Not needed
values of assets
Damage functions - Object-specific damage functions are derived synthetically for every
property by expert assessors.
Step 4 Damage - Results can be presented as damage amounts or by damage mapping (for
calculation and each object).

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3.6.4 Conclusion
As we already stated above, we do not intend to recommend unified damage evaluation approaches in
the EU with these guidelines. The choice of an appropriate method depends on too many different
factors and not least on the data availability, which still varies considerably among EU member
countries. Consequently, this chapter on direct, tangible damage evaluation provides a set of possible
best practice approaches, so that the most appropriate could be selected and adjusted to national or
regional conditions.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that the hierarchical system of damage evaluation methods used in
Britain (macro 3, meso 3, micro 2a) seems to be the most sophisticated in Europe at the moment.
Based on an object-oriented land use database and a synthetically derived database of damage
functions, very detailed damage estimations could be carried out here from the local to the national
level, all based on the same data. A similarly hierarchical system has also been developed in the Czech
Republic over the last years. In the long run, the development of such a system of object-oriented
damage evaluation methods seems to be advisable. However, the application of these methods
presumes the existence of a) a detailed land use database and b) a detailed damage database. The
following chapter 4 will give guidance on the development of damage databases. An alternative – not
only for countries in which such a database does not exist yet – is the application of the DWA-
approach (meso 4 & micro 4). Here, the pre-existence of a damage database is not necessary as region-
specific depth-damage functions are created within each study.

Last but not least, table 3.18 provides a checklist for all methods of direct, tangible flood damage
evaluation, summarizing some of the most important points to remember from each step.

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Table 3.18: Checklist for direct, tangible damage evaluation studies

Step 1 Spatial Scale - For which area do I have to evaluate potential flood damages?
- Is this area of local, regional or national size?
Objective - What is the objective of the study?
- Are detailed results required or are approximate results sufficient to achieve
this objective?
Availability of - How much time and money is available to carry out the study?
Pre-existing data - Which data required for damage evaluation is already pre-existing
(inundation data, land use data, asset values, damage functions)?
- Of which type is that data? Can it be combined?
- Which data has still to be gathered?
Step 2 Damage Are the main damage categories considered?
categories - Residential properties:
- buildings
- household goods
- Non-residential properties:
- buildings
- machinery and equipment
- inventories (stocks)
Also the following categories should be taken into account somehow,
especially if it can be expected that they make up a significant damage share:
- Infrastructure: Streets, railways (mainly if flash flood areas are
- Vehicles, cars
- Agricultural products: livestock, crops
Step 3 Inundation - Minimum required: area & depth.
characteristics - To receive more detailed results, also other characteristics, like duration and
velocity can be helpful.
- To calculate annual average damages, at least three events with different
return period (e.g. HQ 10, 100, 200) have to be considered.
Land use data - Data on number, location and type of assets at risk is needed
- This can be derived either by field surveys or from secondary sources, like
address-point data, cadastral maps or more aggregated land use maps
- It should be checked if all damage categories included in the study are
included in the land use data source used or if additional sources have to be
- The categorisation of land use types should be matched with the asset
categories and damage functions
Determination of - The total value of assets only has to be determined if relative damage
values of assets functions are used.
- In an economic analysis depreciated values, not full replacement values
should be used to describe asset values.
- Possible sources: other studies, official statistics or object-oriented
Damage functions - Is there a suitable & reliable damage function at hand for every land use /
asset category?
- Possible sources: derivation from damage databases (see chapter 4); creation
of study-specific functions; transfer from other studies
Step 4 Damage - Damage values should express depreciated values, not full replacement
calculation and values.
presentation - Uncertainties in the results should be documented.

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4. Developing flood damage databases

Contributed by Edmund Penning-Rowsell

4.1 Introduction

This chapter reviews the development of databases for flood damage data, which has been one way
that user-friendly systems have been developed by researchers to make flood damage data accessible
to end-users. In that respect it is not easy to separate the development of databases and the systems of
data analysis that they serve, so to an extent these are discussed together here, inevitably involving
some repetition of material covered in other chapters.

In terms of rationale, one of the principal purposes of developing flood damage databases is to ensure
policy consistency. If flood risk management (or flood defence) projects are assessed using the same
sort of data, then there will be fair comparison between flood warning systems, flood defence
arrangements, land use planning and other non-structural measures (Defra, 2004, 2005).

This has occurred in the UK over the last 28 years, following the production of the Middlesex
University FHRC “Blue Manual” (Penning-Rowsell and Chatterton, 1977). Such a move was
supported by the UK government, which had to reassure the HM Treasury that the basis of investment
appraisal was consistent across the country, and through time, hence the need for a consistent set of
flood damage data (or more accurately, potential flood damage data).

In essence, therefore, one of the fundamental pre-requisites of a flood damage data base is a consensus
as to the appropriateness of its data for prescribed purposes. If there is no such consensus, then the
database will not be widely adopted, and the measure of consistency outlined above will be lost.

This in turn means that the flood damage database needs to be rigorously researched, preferably by an
organisation which has no inherent interest in the outcome (unlike an insurance company, which will
wish to see damage totals at the lowest possible), and with full knowledge of the consequences of
flooding derived from a number of typical or important flood events.

However it is recognised here that some countries and some agencies are some way behind in this
field. Some countries have no flood damage information that is collected systematically, and others
have very rudimentary systems. One of the objectives of this part of the Floodsite project is to give
guidance on the development of better systems so that consistency across Europe can be sought.
Figure 4.1 gives a first overview how to proceed when building up a flood damage database. It is
recognised in this respect that the use of data from other countries is difficult, and this approach should
be used only after a careful review of that data and its derivation.

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Figure 4.1: Early first stages in the development of flood damage databases

Assemble all the available data into a Design a research

spreadsheet that links flood damage to programme to fill gaps in
key determinants (e.g. flood depth; the database, using either
duration) for the different types of the ‘synthetic’ approach or
Yes property affected. Review the variance pursuing additional cases
within groups to determine whether of actual floods to obtain
averages can be calculated that are ‘real’ flood damage data
meaningful. Determine gaps in the (see Section 4.3)
Is any flood database for further investigation
damage data
known to be Consider using data from another
available for region or country, and its applicability
the country or Design a research and
in different regions. Also: development programme
concerned? Begin to assemble the data for a to use the data assembled
‘synthetic’ flood damage database collated into a spreadsheet
(see Section 4.4.) : database that links flood
No damage to the key
•Property types and numbers in the determinant(s) (e.g. flood
country/region and their values; depth; duration) for the
•Any flood susceptibility data; different types of property
affected. Use data from
•Determine which variables are likely other countries to fill gaps
to be ‘key determinants’ of flood as they emerge.

4.2 Why we need to develop flood damage databases

As indicated above, there are a number of different reasons why we should develop flood damage
databases, and therefore a number of different uses to which these databases may be put (for a
summary of these, see Chapter 1).

To a certain extent these different purposes require different sorts of data, or a different structure to the
database, and this is something that needs consideration when designing systems to produce such a
damage database.

4.2.1 Justification of public funding: Flood damage data for investment appraisal
(economic values)
Flood defence and other flood risk management measures tend to be public goods: this is something
provided by government, because in its provision it is impossible to prevent people benefiting from it,
when it is provided, even if they are unwilling to contribute to its cost.

This tends to mean that flood defence or flood risk management is provided by governments or similar
state organisations. Economies of scale are also important, and therefore the large capital resources
available to government and state agencies encourages them to act to provide this public service.

For the appraisal of public sector investment in this respect (HM Treasury, 2003, 2005) national
economic values are needed. This is because they need to match the locus of payment for these public
services, which in the case of the UK comes from general taxation, even if it is routed through the
Environment Agency, from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). If
flood alleviation expenditure were from private sources (such as a factory providing defences for
itself), then financial values for losses avoided would be appropriate to compare with the necessary
costs (see 4.2.2 below).

Such economic values, with a national base, ignore transfers within the economy (such as taxation),
and seek to determine the gains and losses to the nation as a whole from floods or from flood defence
investment (see Chapter 2 for the key principles underlying this). Therefore, for example, the loss
from one particular retail establishment of sales during a flood is likely to be compensated by gains

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elsewhere in the retail environment. One baker’s shop loses, whereas another one gains (people do not
generally consume less bread overall as a result of a flood).

Similarly, in the assessment of damage to domestic properties, the assumption is made that the loss
during flooding is a function of a diminution of the pre-flood value of household contents. Therefore,
for example, floor coverings may be damaged during a flood but the loss of value of those floor
coverings in that flood is from the depreciated value of the floor coverings prior to the flood event.

Therefore in the UK we have coined the term “Average Remaining Value” to represent the
depreciated value of the floor coverings and other household goods prior to a flood. In the UK, with
some notable exceptions, the Average Remaining Value of these goods is 50% of their new value
(excluding any taxation element). For certain goods such as DVD recorders or laptop computers the
Average Remaining Value may be more than 50%, reflecting the fact that these goods are in general
on average less than half way through their lives.

Bearing these points in mind, it is important in the construction of flood damage databases which are
to be used for national economic investment appraisal of flood defence works undertaken by
government or within the public sector that care is taken to exclude taxation and allow for the
depreciation of values to pre-flood conditions (again, see Chapter 2). This is not a difficult process but
has to be borne in mind right throughout the assembly of flood damage data and the construction of
the necessary flood damage databases.

4.2.2 Private investment: appraisal for individuals or companies (financial values)

A comprehensive flood damage database should contain information for use by individuals or
companies seeking to assess their exposure to a range of flood events. They may need to do that so
they can take action themselves, or purchase insurance, or lobby governments to seek public sector
investment in flood risk management measures. They may need this information, also, in order to see
whether insurance is necessary at all, or whether they can take the risk of flooding and whether that
risk can be accommodated within their business planning processes. So, information for the public
should be one aim in designing flood damage databases (se Chapters 2 and 3).

In this case, flood damage data should be collected which excludes the depreciation of values to pre-
flood conditions, because the loss of assets or other fittings and fixtures may have to be compensated
for by the purchase of new equipment and new furnishings and fittings, thereby costing the company
or individual concerns 100% of the replacement costs (including any purchase taxation such as

Similarly, if a flood damage database such as we are envisaging is to be used by individuals (perhaps
to assess the worthwhileness of them taking action themselves), then the damage data values will have
to include all taxation elements to be incurred in the repair and recovery operations following a flood
(see Chapter 2). Financial values will need to be set at repurchase or replacement cost, and the full
costs of repair and renovation of the fabric of the building itself.

Such a set of data, including all financial values, will make the flood damage database quite complex,
because each individual property will have a range of different flood damage values, depending on the
purpose to which the data is put.

In the case of retail or commercial organisations, financial values within the flood damage database
will need to include all effects to the property and business concerned, irrespective of national
economic values. These full effects, again, will include the replacement of equipment, fittings and
furnishings at full replacement cost values, rather than values depreciated by use or by taxation. It will
also include loss of trade at its full (financial) value.

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4.2.3 Insurance rate settings (financial values)

Many insurance companies, and their associated data gathering organisations, collect flood damage
data in order to assess premium levels and levels of risks to particular properties.

As with the investment appraisals for individuals/companies, above, financial values are needed here,
because the insured will require or demand full replacement of assets damaged or destroyed during a
flood. Naturally, loss adjusters will assess these damages, but increasingly with new-for-old insurance
policies, householders and companies will demand full replacement with new fittings, fixtures and
equipment, rather than the salvaging and repair or renovation of old assets harmed during a flood, as in
the past.

For insurance purposes, it is often the case that damage data is needed for extreme events, including
the demolition of property as a result of fast-moving flood waters. This is not common in the UK, but
in continental Europe such flash flood conditions are not uncommon.

A re-insurance company, being the insurer of last resort, will need to know the maximum exposure of
their portfolio of insurance contracts, so as to determine the viability of their total portfolio. What this
means, in effect, is that any flood damage database to be used by insurance or re-insurance companies
must include the full effects of extreme flood events which by any standard are rare. Re-insurance is
usually not triggered until such a rare event occurs, and therefore its assessment of viability needs to
be based on extreme flood damage data, rather than typical averages.

4.2.4 Flood damage data for warning prioritisation and evacuation planning (financial
Many flood warning schemes, within comprehensive flood risk management measures, are assessed
on the basis of damage saving. These schemes may be either private sector initiatives, but are more
commonly public sector systems.

Therefore, for these purposes, a flood damage database needs to include data on the damage-reducing
effects of flood warnings (Parker, 1996). Such data is sparse, because there is relatively little research
undertaken on this matter which looks at precisely what effects warnings have on damage reduction
for particular types of household or company.

Recent research (Penning-Rowsell et al., 2005) has sought to quantify the damage reducing effects of
warnings and, to generalise, we have found that these have declined over the three decades over which
FHRC has been operating.

In 1977 (Penning Rowsell and Chatterton, 1997) we judged that about 70% of total potential damage
could be avoided as a result of flood warnings being delivered to individual householders or
businesses. More recently (FHRC, 2005) we find that this value is much lower than hitherto we had
appreciated. This may be because people are now not responding as well as they might do to flood
warnings as issued, but perhaps it is more likely that it is a result of new-for-old insurance policies
now being available, which discourage householders somewhat from taking action to reduce potential
flood damage.

Be that as it may, any comprehensive flood damage database needs to contain data on realistic
potential damage, assuming that warnings are given. In the UK, our experience is that flood damage
reduction is not made much more efficient with many hours or even days of warnings; residents and
other property owners tend to wait until flood waters are near to occupying their property before
talking action, for fear that this action is unnecessary.

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4.2.5 Land use planning (economic values)

Any sensible approach to planning the use of flood plain areas should take on board the damage
potential of land uses allocated to such areas.

It is clearly sensible not to locate in flood risk areas properties which have high damage potential, but
at the same time it might be sensible to allocate land uses such as recreational areas, car parks, nature
conservation facilities to such areas, owing to the low damage potential and the benefits that come
from locating these facilities in terms of opportunity costs.

Therefore some indication is necessary of the damage potential of these land uses in flood plain areas,
so that sensible decisions can be made about land use and spatial planning allocations. This indicates
that any flood damage database used for these purposes needs to have land use and property categories
that are relevant to spatial planning processes and decisions.

4.2.6 Other purposes

It often cannot be anticipated what a flood damage database will be used for, and the sub-sections
above give insight into many possible uses.

What has to be borne in mind, quite simply, is that whenever a flood damage database is constructed,
the eventual purposes of that data are reviewed and the database organised and structured accordingly.

In this way the maximum potential use of the database is guaranteed, whereas it is often difficult to
alter a database subsequent to its construction to fit a new use as it becomes appreciated.

4.3 Philosophy
There are different approaches to flood damage data collection and the presentation of these data in
databases. The following include some of the different approaches adopted, reflecting different
purposes and the availability of source data.

4.3.1 Real flood damage data

By the term ‘Real flood damage data’ we mean data that quantifies the impacts of floods that have
occurred, after those events. This assessment is usually undertaken by quantity surveyors or loss
adjusters, but sometimes through social surveys. Given the direct relation between the flood and this
data, it is usually tempting to try to incorporate as much real flood damage data as possible from
recently floods into a database.

The difficulty that we have experienced in the UK is that this often biases the results, by over-
emphasising damage to building contents (which appear to be devastated following a flood), and
underestimating long term effects on the building fabric. This is partly because the assessments of real
flood damage data are usually done in the immediate aftermath of a flood, when salvage and other
recovery values cannot realistically be known. Or it is done some time later, when damaged items may
be missed but damage to the building becomes more easily identified. There is therefore no ideal time
to do such an assessment of real flood damage to individual properties, and often the appraisal falls
between two stools.

Having said this, it is obviously important to use insight and information obtained from real floods to
populate any flood damaged database.

4.3.2 Synthetic approaches

By the term ‘synthetic’ we are deliberately making a contrast with the ‘real flood damage data’ (4.3.1
above), and these approaches are sometimes misunderstood. By the term “synthetic” we do not mean

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arbitrary or artificial. What we mean is that the approach involves a synthesis of all available data,
from both secondary sources and from the real experience of floods.

This is the approach which had been adopted in the UK. Flood damage data is built up from an
accumulation of knowledge about the effect of floodwaters on household or building contents and the
effect on the fabric of the building and its repair and renovation. Many thousands of items of data are
looked at in this respect, based on typical properties flooded to a range of depths from floods with
different severities. In this way we can obtain data on the range of experiences that are likely in flood
risk areas, rather than the one-off situations represented by individual actual (historical) floods.

This synthetic approach has the limitation that it is not necessarily applicable for measuring the effect
of particular floods (all of which are likely to be different), and therefore experience of damage by
particular owners in particular properties may not fit the average synthetic set of data. On the other
hand there are advantages in that the synthetic data set can be more comprehensive than otherwise
would be the case.

4.3.3 The unit area approach: The “absolute damage estimation approach”
This approach looks at individual properties and assesses damage per square metre of the floor space.
We have found in the UK that this is appropriate for commercial, retail and industrial premises, where
size is an important variable affecting flood damage potential. If residential properties vary widely in
their floor plan area for a given type (e.g. detached properties), then this approach would also be
appropriate here.

This approach can be adopted by those constructing real flood damage databases or using the
“synthetic” approach above, and is simply designed to allow for one particular variable (size) in
assessing flood damage potential.

4.3.4 The “relative damage functions” approach

This is a completely different approach (commonly they are termed “relative damage functions”) and
is used commonly in several continental European countries. The approach seeks to related flood
damage to property values.

It uses the market value of the property concerned, preferably just for the building rather than the land
the building occupies, and expresses flood damage potential as percentages of that value. Therefore,
for example, a particularly serious flood might cause damage to the extent of 65% of the total value of
the property concerned, if substantial rebuilding was necessary and majority of the contents were
destroyed. A minor flood might result in just 10% of the property’s value being representative of flood

The advantage of this approach is simplicity, because many data sources are available on the value of
property in flood risk areas. Thus in the UK we can use data from the Land Registry or from
commercial databases to determine the value of both residential and industrial/commercial properties.

On the other hand, the market value of a property is related to the demand for that property (and, in the
commercial sphere, goodwill values), and it is not necessarily correlated with flood damage potential.
Thus some property might have substantial value because of the value of the land it occupies. In
another case, the flood damage potential of a warehouse will be related more to the value of the
contents of that warehouse rather than the value of the building itself. But property databases
containing information on property value tend not to include the contents of the property, quite
naturally, but only record the value of the land and buildings.

Nevertheless, and notwithstanding those limitations, this approach could well be one that is most
applicable across Europe, rather than the unit area “synthetic” approach developed in the UK.

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4.3.5 Weighted annual average damage approaches

One limitation of all the above approaches to flood damage potential is that it only records the damage
from one particular flood event. Yet in many applications what we need to know is the total exposure
of a property or land use item to the full range of floods that might cause it damage, thus recording its
total hazard exposure.

To do this, it is necessary to incorporate flood probability into the assessment of flood damages.
Ideally, the full range of flood probabilities need to be deployed, and the annual average damage
calculated weighted by the appropriate flood exposure. This can be a complex operation, incorporating
data from a range of floods, and in the UK has only been attempted on a regional basis. An example of
such data set for the UK, developed by John Chatterton and incorporating the results from several
dozen individual project appraisals, is given in Annex 4.1.

What this does is to weight damage potential by the probability of flooding of particular depths, taken
from a range of project appraisals, resulting in the weighted average. This approach has the great
advantage in producing data which calculates or records total exposure to a range of floods, but is a
complex operation to achieve and requires considerable data to be successfully accomplished.

4.4 How to start building a flood damage database

A simplified structure for the construction of a flood damage database is contained in figure 4.2.

The essential ingredients and decisions involved here are as follows:

1. Values of the assets at risk.

2. The susceptibility of those assets to flood damage.
3. Key variables affecting the extent of damage, which are likely to vary in different flooding
4. The level of aggregation of the data required.
5. Some information as to flood probability,
6. in order to convert event damages into annual average damages.

Steps 5 and 6 here are only necessary for Annual Average Damage calculation, not for event damage
evaluation. A key difference here across countries experiencing different types of floods will be item 3
above (the key variables affecting the extent of damage).

In the UK experience, where floods are generally characterised as slow moving, slowly accumulating,
shallow and short-lived, it is generally considered that flood depth is the most important variable
affecting flood damage (other than flood extent, which brings properties into the flood risk area).

In other circumstances it will be other variables that dominate this calculus, such that, for example, in
mountainous areas the flood water velocity might be the dominant characteristic, such that extra
damage is caused where flood velocities are particularly high.

This point emphasises that appraisers will have to be aware of local circumstances when populating
their flood damage database with appropriate data suitable for their circumstances.

4.5 Assembling the components of a flood damage database

As indicated in figure 4.2, a flood damage database is composed of a number of components. Each of
these has to be considered when the database construction is evaluated, so as to facilitate easy
incorporation of the data into the total system.

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Figure 4.2: Simplified structure: flood damage database construction (synthetic approach)

1 values

2 susceptibility

Depth variable Warning Velocity Other key

3 D1-n variable W1-n variable V1-n variables

D Aggregation
• Local E
4 • Regional
• National Flood
• Other probability
5 data or

Flood Annual average

event damages
database 6 • Regional
Levels of aggregation • National
• Other

Levels of aggregation

4.5.1 Asset values and land use data

An important starting point for any flood damage database is the assets at risks (figure 4.2) and their
value. These can be characterised from field surveys, secondary sources, or synthetically (see above).

What is needed here, is the market value of the assets at risk, including buildings, land and the
contents of buildings. Other assets at risk could be infrastructure components, such as telecom
facilities, water utilities and gas and electricity systems. These contribute to an assessment of the
indirect affects of flooding, and it is not therefore the asset at risk that is important here but the value
of that asset to maintaining the system provided by the infrastructure.

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In terms of building contents, the asset value determines the maximum potential damage suffered by
the facility or property at risk. In the UK, we have determined values by summing the total value of
each component within the building (building repair operations and inventory values). An alternative
approach (see above) is to assess the total value of the whole property, using market values or
information from rateable or taxation databases.

The treatment of land here is problematic. Obviously, in a flood the land is not lost, but it could be
damaged in some way. Contamination from sediments could occur or erosion might reduce soil depths
or land stability. Notwithstanding this, the total value of land is likely to over-estimate considerably
the potential flood damage, and therefore this item needs to be treated with caution.

Similarly, most floods do not damage buildings totally, although exceptions do occur. This means that
the total asset value will over-estimate the flood damage potential, unless susceptibility values are
appropriately determined (see below). In the same way, building contents represent maximum flood
damage potential, and allowance needs to be made in the database construction for the damage
reducing effects of flood warnings (see Section 5.3 below), because building contents damage will be
thereby reduced.

As with all flood damage assessments, the treatment of taxation elements within values must also be
approached cautiously. The implied value of inventory items in properties will be inflated by taxes
such as Value Added Tax (TVA in France), yet the loss of these values are transfer payments rather
than an opportunity cost. For financial damage evaluations, however, taxation has to be included,
because this is the loss to the organisation or individual concerned. In almost all other circumstances,
taxation has to be deducted from values.

Some values may be intangible. Thus historic buildings may have a value far greater than their repair
and replacement cost, in the same way that the value of contents of buildings will include items of
sentimental or nostalgic value for which market values inappropriately measure their true worth.

Finally, it must be remembered that some assets are movable, and therefore not necessarily potentially
all at risk. Mobile homes and other facilities may be moved away from flood risk areas, given
sufficient warning, and household and building contents may also be treated similarly.

4.5.2 Asset susceptibility for determining damage functions

It is generally easy to obtain information on the value of property at risk from flooding. Secondary
source or even field surveys backed up by estate agent sources provide the appropriate access to that

Much more problematic is the susceptibility of property to flood damage (Figure 4.2). By
“susceptibility” we mean the percentage loss or reduction in value with immersion by flood water.
Thus, for example, a television may be completely destroyed and lose all of its value by immersion in
flooding (susceptibility 100%), whereas a ceramic tile floor may suffer virtually no damage, or only
require inspection to determine that no damage has occurred (susceptibility in this case might be
measured as 5% of total value).

The concept of susceptibility should not be confused with Average Remaining Value measures of the
depreciation in value of some items of property contents or fabric as a result of age; a five year old
television might only be worth 20% of its purchase price as new. The Average Remaining Value of a
DVD player might be 80% of its purchase price as new, because most DVD players are still less than 5
years old.

Susceptibility is assessed in many different ways. After a flood it is possible to assess the value of
damage as the price new less the re-sale value of the flood damaged contents of that property, as
determined by quantity surveyors or loss adjusters. Simple inspection may review items that are

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completely valueless after a flood (the television example), as above, or free from damage (the
ceramic floor, above). In some cases considerable technical knowledge is required to assess
susceptibility, such as the damage to a central heating boiler or antique furniture.

Therefore to assemble a database incorporating accurate or appropriate susceptibility values takes

time, and the incorporation of specialist knowledge into the assessment of flood effects.
Notwithstanding this, this is an essential stage, and has to be approached by assembling experts or
specialists in the field or those with knowledge of valuation techniques (e.g. quantity surveyors) or
insurance claims (loss adjusters). Often a “common sense” approach is necessary, for many items,
leaving the residual difficulties to these specialists.

Flood damage potential is assessed as susceptibility times Average Remaining Value, since the
damage potential is at pre-flood conditions, where items such as DVD players or televisions are part
way through their lives. In the UK, an Average Remaining Value of 50% has generally been assumed
but susceptibility values vary widely.

An additional dimension of the construction of a flood damage database is incorporating other key
variables (see Section 4.5.3, below) thus, for example, in the UK flood depth is considered to be an
important variable, and therefore different susceptibilities for different depths of flooding have to be
determined. In the case of flood warnings, a similar approach would apply, varying susceptibility
levels by duration of warning, or flood water velocities in the case of that being the determining

4.5.3 Key determining variables: inundation characteristics

As indicated above (Section 3) certain key variables will determine overall flood damage potential in
different circumstances, such as flood water velocity being the crucial variable in certain areas (e.g.
mountainous regions), whereas in the UK the natural flood characteristics mean that flood depth is the
one variable seen as critical in determining flood damage potential.

This means that the construction of a truly useful flood damage database will therefore depend on
local circumstances. What is important is identifying the effects of these key variables on
susceptibility values, or repair and renovation costs for building fabric operations, and assembling the
appropriate information or expertise accordingly (Figure 4.2).

For example, in the UK, as indicated above, flood depth is seen to be the key variable. Therefore in the
construction of the FHRC database considerable effort was expended in determining different
susceptibility and asset values by height/depth within properties liable to flooding. This was done
partly by field survey (in the early years of database construction), but also by consulting appropriate
specialists (quantity surveyors; engineering surveyors; loss adjusters). The result was a suite of
depth/susceptibility/asset curves, from which flood damage potential was calculated. The full details
of this process cannot be covered here, but are to be found in the initial Manual produced by FHRC in
1977 (Penning-Rowsell and Chatterton, 1977; see also Penning-Rowsell et al., 2005).

It has to be recognised, however, that few floods in the UK exceed 1.0 metres in depth. Therefore
while damage data and depth data is provided up to 3.0 meters of flooding in the FHRC database, the
data items for depths of flooding greater than1.0 meters are rarely used. The situation may be very
different to different countries, and in different circumstances. Therefore, for example, if flood
warning lead time is the key determining variable, warning lead time may vary from a few minutes to
many days or even weeks. Such a consideration will affect the way that data is collected and stored in
the flood damage database.

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4.5.4 Levels of aggregation

The fourth step in Figure 4.2 indicates that different levels of aggregation are possible and desirable
within a flood damage database. Thus some data may be obtained on individual buildings, whereas
others sum those values for localities, regions or indeed the whole nation.

The level of aggregation within the database is an important consideration determining the character of
that database. The FHRC database at Middlesex University is highly detailed, and contains data at
many different levels. However many project appraisal exercises require only data for a particular
region, or even the nation as a whole. Nevertheless this aggregated data usually has to be built up from
more detailed assemblages of information, containing individual properties from which higher level
averages are derived. Again, much of it will depend upon the use to which the data is to be put.

In the context of the above, any high level averages need to be based on weighted data. Thus, for
example, if one is assembling a database on residential flood data, from information obtained in
specific localities perhaps concerning individual properties, then it is important to know the weights of
those individual properties within the national total before calculating the weighted averages.

This is not a process that can be accomplished by field surveys. It will be important to have knowledge
of the numbers of each type of property within the region or nation concerned, in order to derive the
appropriate weights. Thus, for example, the number of detached, terraced and semi-detached houses is
known to the whole of the UK, and these have been used as weights within the FHRC database. We
also know the numbers of different types of non-residential properties in the indicative flood plain
within England and Wales, based on postal information sources, and therefore that information can be
used both as a sampling frame work for field surveys and as a basis for averaging data collected from
particular localities or regions.

The process of aggregation would need to be pre-determined for the particular database being
constructed. In general it is necessary to use information collected at as high a level of aggregation as
possible, because this is likely to be more generally applicable than locally-based individual survey
results. This assumes that some secondary source data is available on property types and numbers at a
regional or national level, and this needs to be pursued vigorously in order to make the database as
generally applicable as possible.

4.5.5 Incorporating flood probability data

All the above guidance has been designed to collect and aggregate flood damage data for damage from
an individual flood event. This can be used in a number of ways, as indicated in Section 2 above.

However, increasingly it is necessary to assess the full exposure of property or land to a range of flood
events likely to be experienced at that particular location. Thus a property exposed to a flood with a
return period of 1 in 10 years will also be exposed to the flood that occurs once in 100 years. Many
uses of flood damage data need to know the full range of risks and consequences, in the form of an
annual average damage value. This is the potential flood damage from the full range of floods likely to
be experienced at that location, including both the 10 year flood and the 100 year flood in the example

Incorporating flood probability data in this way is not easy. What one needs to know is the depth or
duration or velocity of the individual floods from which the property is at risk (depending on the key
variables: Section 5.3 above), and the consequences of those different events. In effect, a loss-
probability curve has to be established for the individual property, from which the area under the curve
is the value of the annual average damage. In addition, that annual average damage needs to be
weighted by the appropriate property concerned, in the same way as described in the section on
aggregation, above.

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A full description of the calculation of weighted annual average damages is beyond the scope of this
report, which is fundamentally concerned only with the construction of databases. Annex 1 gives an
example of how this has been done in the UK, the principles from which could be extracted for
applications elsewhere.

4.5.6 Aggregation of weighted annual average damages

In the same way that the flood event damage is aggregated for application at regional or national
levels, so the weighted annual average damage values need aggregation.

This again depends upon exactly the same principles as contained in Section 5.4, by knowing the
proportions of properties within different classes in the appropriate regions or nations involved. The
result is a database of flood benefit values and different levels of aggregation for different types of
application, mainly regional projects or national evaluations.

4.6 Data structure and formats, etc

There can be no universal rules for the development of databases for flood damage, because they vary
in the uses to which the data will be put and hence the required level of complexity of the database.
However, there are perhaps some lessons from experience that warrant discussion:

• The database is likely to be used with other computer programs, so the data needs to be stored
• The most common use of flood damage data is with hydraulic models, seeking to assess
damage potential for different flood extents and depths, so a common data structure relates
flood damage to flood extent and depth.
• Perhaps the most flexible approach is to store the flood damage data in Excel spreadsheets,
with flood depths as the columns and the different elements that make up flood damage in
rows (damage to inventory items; clean-up costs; etc). One example of this is given in Figure
• In this way the data can be converted into an Access database if this is desired, or used within
Word documents.
• Procedures for up-dating the flood damage data need to be incorporated into the data storage
system, so that up-dating can be a routine exercise.

Ion terms of the structure of the database, again some lessons from experience may be useful:

• The database needs to be structured in relation to the types of property that is covered, hence
with Excel worksheets for different house types, non-residential property types, or other land
• If this is done it is desirable to record also, if possible, the number of each of these property
types within the country or region concerned, so that weighted high level averages can be
derived for the nation or region concerned (e.g. the weighted damage for all houses, derived
from flood damage data for each type and the number of each type in the country or region).
• The above approach allows the database to have a hierarchical structure: (a) detailed data and
(b) data averaged across the database to produce these high level averages, so that the user can
select the level of detailed required.
• It is not easy to incorporate all flood loss data in the same format. For example, data ion the
indirect effects of floods may not be depth-related, hence the depth-related structure illustrated
in Figure 4.3 may not be relevant.
• A similar format may then be needed that has flood duration as the columns of the database,
rather than flood depth. In certain circumstances flood velocity will be a key determining
variable or flood characteristic, and this may affect the structure of the database, with different
velocity bands being used to contain different levels of flood damage.

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Figure 4.3: Excel based system for structuring a non-residential flood damage database which
has flood depth as the key determining variable or inundation characteristic.

Scenario: River flood, no warning and duration less than 12 hours

Depth Damage Curve
2.75 High
2.50 Susceptibility

Depth Metres
1.00 Susceptibility
0.75 Band
0.00 Indicative
-0.25 Susceptibility
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Damage £/m

Building structure and fabric Moveable Equipment

Indicative value £672 per m2 Indicative value £131 per m2

3.00 3.00
High High
2.50 Susceptibility 2.50 Susceptibility
2.25 Band 2.25 Band
2.00 2.00
1.75 1.75
1.50 Low 1.50 Low

1.25 Susceptibility 1.25
1.00 1.00
Band Band
0.75 0.75
0.50 0.50
0.25 0.25
Indicative 0.00 Indicative
-0.25 Susceptibility -0.25 Susceptibility
-0.50 -0.50
-0.75 -0.75
-1.00 -1.00
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Percent Percent

Fixture and fittings Stock

Indicative value £336 per m2 Indicative value £365 per m2

3.00 3.00
High 2.75 High
2.50 Susceptibility 2.50 Susceptibility
2.25 Band 2.25 Band
2.00 2.00
1.75 1.75
1.50 Low 1.50 Low


Susceptibility 1.25
1.00 1.00
Band 0.75
0.50 0.50
0.25 0.25
0.00 Indicative 0.00 Indicative
-0.25 Susceptibility -0.25 Susceptibility
-0.50 -0.50
-0.75 -0.75
-1.00 -1.00
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Percent Percent

Indicative value £405 per m2

2.75 High
2.50 Susceptibility

1.00 Susceptibility
0.75 Band
0.00 Indicative
-0.25 Susceptibility
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Users need to consider carefully the above advice, and begin to structure their databases with at least
the following fundamental characteristics:

• Electronic data storage

• The structure of the database related to its key variables and its potential use
• Consideration given at the initiation of the work to systems for up-dating the data in the

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4.7 Quality assurance procedures

Flood damage data can be manipulated to achieve certain aims (such as furthering levels of
government investment for local communities). The data that therefore is used to ensure policy
consistency needs to be quality-assured.

How this is best done will depend on local circumstances. The following are important:

• An audit trail back from the data to its sources

• Broad stakeholder acceptance of the data and the assumptions that have been used in its
• Some form of peer review of the resulting data and its database
• An acceptance of the data by government (because much of its use will be related to
government activities)

In addition, use over time brings confidence that the data is valid and dependable.

4.8 Updating routines

All data bases get out of date. Given that they are developed to ensure policy consistency over space
and time, the updating of the data is important. What is needed is:

• Advice on price updating indices to use over a 1-5 year period

• Regular more systematic updates of the data sources on a 3-7 year cycle
• More fundamental updates and revisions to reflect new uses of the data on a 5-10 year cycle.

The first of these will depend on the nature of the database (i.e. its sources data) and the availability of
relevant census bases updating indices on a regional or a national basis. The second and third items
above depend upon a continuing research capability in the organisations responsible for the database
and its maintenance.

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Annex 4.1: Combined probability and flood damage data (i.e. assessing
risk)22: Derivation of Weighted Annual Average Damages

Benefit appraisals of capital flood defence schemes usually involve detailed land use and property
threshold surveys and in depth hydraulic and terrain modelling to determine potential flood depths for
successive return period events.

However, it is not usual to have this data available when there is a call to prioritise, for example,
maintenance expenditure for a range of urban benefit scenarios. Indeed the collection of this data for
the myriad of scheme appraisals is usually out of context of the scale of the assessment. A
representative method is therefore required for both routine justification of maintenance or indeed any
broad scale modelling at the pre-feasibility level.

In the late 1980s the Flood Hazard Research Centre, in association with the then Gould Consultants
(now Entec UK), during the research leading up to the development of Standards of Service data for
Thames region of the National Rivers Authority, devised an algorithm to estimate for all property
sectors (residential, and non-residential) the weighted average property damage data, irrespective of
frequency and depth of flooding.

This normalisation of damage/frequency data was utilised in the derivation of House Equivalents,
which became the cornerstone of Standard of Service evaluations in the NRA’s Flood Defence
Management Manual. This approach obviates the need for both property threshold levels and flooding
threshold levels in the broad scale evaluation of annual average damages.

Research by J Chatterton Associates in the late 1990s23 improved and extended the sample base in the
derivation of weighted depth/damage data by flood frequency to some 9,000 properties within 14
flood plain locations, covering 11 flood return periods. Although the data utilised is restricted to the
English Midlands, it fairly represents the typical damage that might be expected for selected UK flood
events if there is no knowledge of the location of the property in the flood plain nor its threshold in
relation to the flood hydraulic surface. Attempts to improve the database of properties in other
locations of England and Wales did not noticeably change the weighted distribution function.

Summary details of this analysis are provided in Table A4.1 (for residential property) and graphically
represented for 5 return period band groupings (see also figure A4.1).24 The groupings illustrate that,
taking a large property sample size, the resultant statistics represent expected patterns. Thus, the
method ‘quantifies the obvious’ such that properties flooded frequently (5 and 10 year return periods)
exhibit a skew to shallow flooding, whilst properties flooded rarely exhibit a skew to deeper flooding.
Work done by FHRC in 200225, confirmed from a large sample of modelled flood events that the
majority of property flood depths even in extreme flood events are less than 1.2 metres.

Depth/damage data from the 2003 MCM (Penning-Rowsell et al., 2003) for both residential property
(Sector Average) and Non Residential property (the 4 bulk classes defined by Valuation Office
Agency (see Appendix to this Annex) were assigned to the appropriate depth banding within the flood
depth distribution/flood frequency matrix (Table A4.1) and a weighted damage derived for each return
period banding.

John Chatterton, Birmingham, 15th November 2004
JB Chatterton Associates: Maintenance Operations-Urban Benefits, R&D Technical Report W126, 1998
Illustrated here for Residential property only
Penning-Rowsell EC and Chatterton JB (2002) Flood Depth model: Development and specification,
Unpublished report for Experian

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Figure A4.1: Property Flood Depth Distribution by return period

5 year
10 year
25 year
70 50 year
100 year

20 100 year
25 year
<0.1 0.1- 5 year
0.3- 0.6-
0.3 0.6 0.9- >1.2
0.9 1.2
Depth Band (metres)

Summing the weighted damage for each depth within each flood frequency return period gives the
total weighted damage for that return period. The weighted annual average damage (WAAD) is
derived in the normal way advocated by Defra guidance except the damage axis of the loss probability
curve is represented by the weighted damage data for each return period (see Table A4.2)

Assuming no standard of protection for the flood plain to which the broad scale method is being
applied then the weighted annual average damages for the 5 property types is as follows:

Property WAAD
Residential £3,847 per property
Manufacturing £50/sq.m
Retail £78/sq.m
Warehouse £147/sq.m
Office/Other £162/sq.m

Clearly, many flood plains have a degree of flood protection either natural or human made so the
above figures should be reduced, depending on the threshold of flooding usually represented as a
Standard of Protection. Table A4.3 provides WAAD values for successive degrees of protection with
WAAD reducing as protection increases. The figures are not adjusted to account for breaching of
flood protection standards.

NRP WAAD is area-dependent and the floor space of these properties can vary enormously from
location to location. The floor space can be derived from statistics within Office of Deputy Prime
Minister “Commercial and Industrial Floor space and Rateable Value Statistics 2003”. This data is
available by Bulk class for each local authority, though the mean floor space for each Bulk Class for
England and Wales is:

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Bulk Class Mean Floor Space

Retail 198 sq.m
Office 307 sq.m
Factory 865 sq. m
Warehouse 755 sq. m
All 442 sq. m

Although this weighted AAD method is valid where no threshold data or geocode data on property
location is available it cannot be assumed that the same number of properties flooded for the 200 year
event will be affected for lesser floods. Assuming this will grossly over-estimates the cumulative
WAAD for the benefit area in question. However (and see Flooding in Scotland report for Foresight,
Table 10) the number of properties affected reduces as flood frequency increases. For the Scotland
broad scale analysis (which is a useful template for application of the broad scale method) a number of
PAR’s (Project Appraisal Reports) of recent vintage were scrutinised and the following statistics were

• The 5-year flood affects 5% of 200-year flood plain properties

• The 10-year affects 10% of 200-year flood plain properties
• The 25-year flood affects 25% of 200-year flood plain properties
• The 50-year flood affects 80% of 200-year flood plain properties
• The 100-year flood affects 93% of 200-year flood plain properties

Thus WAAD should always be adjusted to reflect these percentages, so that if the maximum (say 200
year) property count is derived from the National Property Dataset then this data should be pro-rated
to reflect the reduction in flood impact for more frequent floods. If property numbers for successive
flood return periods are known then these percentage reductions are not at issue.

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Table A4.1: Weighted Damage Calculations by Flood frequency

Residential Flood % Damage Weighted

Depth Distribution Damage

5 years <0.1 81 577 467

0.1-0.3 7 22360 1565
0.3-0.6 11 26900 2959
0.6-0.9 1 29640 296
0.9-1.2 0 30660 0
>1.2 0 32460 0
Total Weighted Damage 5288
10 years <0.1 50 1229 615
0.1-0.3 31 25195 7810
0.3-0.6 10 29995 3000
0.6-0.9 6 32510 1951
0.9-1.2 2 33560 671
>1.2 1 35170 352
Total Weighted Damage 14398
25 years <0.1 45 1229 553
0.1-0.3 24 25195 6047
0.3-0.6 22 29995 6599
0.6-0.9 5 32510 1626
0.9-1.2 4 33560 1342
>1.2 1 35170 352
Total Weighted Damage 16518
50 years <0.1 32 1880 602
0.1-0.3 20 28030 5606
0.3-0.6 21 33090 6949
0.6-0.9 21 35380 7430
0.9-1.2 4 36460 1458
>1.2 3 37880 1136
Total Weighted Damage 23181
100 years <0.1 22 1880 414
0.1-0.3 16 28030 4485
0.3-0.6 26 33090 8603
0.6-0.9 19 35380 6722
0.9-1.2 12 36460 4375
>1.2 6 37880 2273
Total Weighted Damage £26,872

5 years = short flood duration

10 years and 25 years = mean short & long
50 years plus = long flood duration

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Table A4.2: Weighted Annual Average Damage calculations (WAAD)

RP Exceed Damage Prob of flood Mean Annual

Prob in interval Damage Interval
2 0.5 0
0.30 2644 793
5 0.2 5288
0.10 9843 984
10 0.1 14398
0.06 15458 927
25 0.04 16518
0.02 19850 397
50 0.02 23181
0.01 25027 250
100 0.01 26872
0.005 26872 134
200 0.005 26872
Weighted Annual Average Damage 3487

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Table A4.3: Weighted Annual Average damage by Standard of Protection

Standard 1/RP Residential Manufacturing Retail Warehouse Office/other

Of £/unit Bulk Class Bulk Class Bulk Class Bulk Class
Protection (£/m2) (£/m2) (£/m2) (£/m2)
None 3487 50.40 77.50 147.40 161.80
2 0.500 3222 40.60 60.70 118.30 122.00
3 0.333 2958 36.23 53.27 105.37 104.77
4 0.250 2693 31.87 45.83 92.43 87.53
5 0.200 2429 27.50 38.40 79.50 70.30
6 0.167 2199 25.16 34.84 72.34 64.74
7 0.143 1968 22.82 31.28 65.18 59.18
8 0.125 1738 20.48 27.72 58.02 53.62
9 0.111 1507 18.14 24.16 50.86 48.06
10 0.100 1277 15.80 20.60 43.70 42.50
15 0.067 1057 13.17 17.03 36.17 35.20
20 0.050 836 10.53 13.47 28.63 27.90
25 0.040 616 7.90 9.90 21.10 20.60
30 0.033 547 7.04 8.82 18.78 18.34
35 0.029 477 6.18 7.74 16.46 16.08
40 0.025 408 5.32 6.66 14.14 13.82
45 0.022 338 4.46 5.58 11.82 11.56
50 0.020 269 3.60 4.50 9.50 9.30
55 0.018 249 3.33 4.16 8.79 8.60
60 0.017 229 3.06 3.82 8.08 7.90
65 0.015 208 2.79 3.48 7.37 7.20
70 0.014 188 2.52 3.14 6.66 6.50
75 0.013 168 2.25 2.80 5.95 5.80
80 0.013 148 1.98 2.46 5.24 5.10
85 0.012 128 1.71 2.12 4.53 4.40
90 0.011 107 1.44 1.78 3.82 3.70
95 0.011 87 1.17 1.44 3.11 3.00
100 0.010 67 0.90 1.10 2.40 2.30
200 0.005 44 0.45 0.55 1.20 1.15

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Appendix 4.1: MCM codes and their main primary descriptions included in
the Bulk classes

Retail Office Factory Warehouse

Code Description MCM Code Description MC Code Description MC Code Descriptio MC
M M n M
CG3 Car showroom 223 CO Office 310 CG1 Vehicle 221 CG4 Road 430
repair haulage
CL1 Wine Bar 234 CO1 Computer 311 CG2 Garage 221 CW Warehous 410
Centre e
CL2 Social (club) 234 MH Surgery 620 CG3 Car 223 CW1 Storage 420
Showroom land
CR Restaurant 235 MH1 Health Centre 620 IF Factory 820 CW2 Storage 410
CR1 Cafe 236 ML Office Local 310 IF1 Mill 820 CW3 Store 410
CR2 Food Court 236 MP Police Station 650? IF2 Works 820
CS Shop 211 IF3 Workshop 810
CS1 Bank 320 IF4 Business 310?
CS2 Betting Shop 232 MS1 Fire Station 650
CS3 Hairdressing 231 MS2 Ambulance 650
salon Station
CS4 Kiosk 216
CS5 Launderette 233
CS6 Post Office 237
CS7 Showroom 215
CS8 Hypermarket 213
CS9 Superstore 213
CS10 Retail 214
LT1 Amusement 524
CG? Filling Station 222


Depth/damage data currently available

• No Focus code for Plant Hire Depth damage code =224
• Hotel MCM code 511 has depth damage data focus code CH
• Bingo MCM code 517 has depth damage data focus code LT2
• Theatre/Cinema MCM code 518 has depth damage data Focus code LT/LT3
• Sports and leisure Centre MCM code 523 has depth damage data Focus code mainly LC
• School/university MCM code 610 has depth damage data Focus code mainly EL/EN/EP/EU
• Residential Home MCM code 650 has depth damage data Focus code not apparent code as 1-residential

Top 20 Focus categories representing over 90% of addresses in Indicative Flood Plains
Also includes (in the top 20):
• Self catering units (MCM 515; Focus mainly CH10 and CC2/CC7)
• Beach Huts (MCM 514; Focus LH/LX)
• Boarding house (MCM 512; Focus CH2)
• Hall/community centre (MCM 630; Focus LC/LC3)
• School/University(MCM 610; Focus mainly EL/EN/EP/EU)
• Car Park (MCM 910; Focus mainly CP)
• Public conveniences (MCM 920; Focus MX/NX)

Depth Damage data available and in top 20 of Focus categories, representing almost 75% of focus categories within Indicative Flood

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5. Indirect economic damage: concepts and guidelines

Contributed by Colin Green and Anne van der Veen

5.1 Introduction

This chapter reviews the difficult areas of indirect flood losses which, in very particular circumstances,
can be more important than direct flood losses.

Indirect losses or damages are those where the loss is not the function of contact with flood water
(such as a house that suffers damage through flood waters adversely affecting its contents) but where
the loss is suffered by some item or activity that is distant from the flood but affected by it. Thus, for
example, a factory might be deprived of raw materials owing to a flood in a neighbouring area creating
communication problems for its suppliers, and thus be unable to operate and hence sell its products
(thereby incurring financial losses), or traffic may be disrupted by the congestion on roads used as
diversions during a flood and thereby incur extra fuel costs.

The evaluation of these indirect losses presents greater problems both conceptually and practically
than do those of evaluating direct damages. In part, this is because in the idealised world of economic
theory, indirect costs would not exist. In that ideal world of perfect competitive markets and general
equilibrium, if any one producer ceases to produce, there are no effects upon either the quantity of the
good produced or on its price. The whole economy instantaneously and costlessly adjusts to the loss of
one supplier, whether that supplier closes temporarily as a result of a flood or permanently as a result
of bankruptcy. Since the idealisation extends to assuming that a perfect competitive market is always
homeostatic and optimising, there is no need either to consider how the market will adjust in response
to any perturbation such as a flood.

Within this world, there are also no frictional costs in the form of transaction costs (Coase 1937) and
information costs (Mirrlees 1996); indeed, in this ideal world, there are no transport costs. Because the
perfectly competitive market is homeostatic and optimising, and so change takes care of itself, this
view of the world tends to result in a rather static perspective. But at the same time, because all
resources are already being put to their best possible use, there is no slack in the system to absorb the
effects of any perturbation. The only way to cope with perturbations is to divert resources from other

Indirect losses arise because the real world is a system of systems in which adjustments to
perturbations take time and those adjustments incur costs. This process of dynamic adjustment means
that the immediate effects of the flood ripple out through the system as adjustments are made. The
more specialised each activity becomes and the greater the degree of concentration, the greater the
difficulty in coping with a perturbation. Both effects are illustrated by the recent fire at the Buncefield
oil depot in Hertfordshire, which supplied 30% of aviation fuel to Heathrow airport. In consequence of
the shortage of aviation fuel, it was reported that aircraft were having to fly in with a proportion of the
fuel load required for their next flight or having to make an additional stopover in order to take on
more fuel. In both cases, the result was to increase the operating costs of the airlines concerned and in
the latter case, increasing the congestion at other airports. A more detailed discussion of the economy
as a system and the process of adjustment to perturbation is given in the Annex.

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Figure 5.1: Perturbation of an economic system hit by a flood


Nor can the system be relied upon to optimally adjust upon its own. Figure 5.1 represents the
trajectory of the performance an economic system over time, once that economic system is hit by a
perturbation from which it slowly recovers, although it might never return to the original trajectory.
Historically, some civilisations have been hit by natural disasters which effectively totally destroyed
those civilisations (Fagan 2004). The close parallel between indirect losses and the concept of
resilience is clear. Equally, there are sharp conceptual differences between the approaches taken to the
assessment of direct losses and those that have to be taken to evaluation of indirect losses (Table 5.1).

Table 5.1: Conceptual differences between assessment approaches for direct and indirect damages
Direct damages Indirect damages
Static viewpoint Dynamic adjustment
Focus of concern: elements of the system Focus of concern: interactions between elements in the
The whole is the sum of the parts The whole is a function of the elements and their inter-

As a result of these differences, it is easy to become confused in moving between the two different
approaches when assessing indirect damages. In evaluating direct and indirect damages, the
importance of not counting both stock and flow changes has already been emphasised (Chapter 2). The
practical problem is that different resources are naturally quantified as either a flow or a stock so, for
example, the conventional economic discussion of the factors of production combines a flow (labour)
with a stock (capital) with natural resources, where natural resources include both stocks (land) with
flows (solar energy).

More generally, if we could evaluate the overall response of the system to a perturbation such as a
flood, then that assessment would include direct damages which would not need to be evaluated
separately. But we would then still have an interest in separating out direct and indirect damages to the
extent to which different intervention strategies may be effective to different degrees in reducing the
damages from a flood. Critically, the magnitude of the perturbation is not measured by direct damages.

There are two major problems in applying the model:

1. lack of any measure of the performance of the system; and

2. scale effects.

Ad 1. In general terms, we can argue that the objective in managing an economy is to maximise the
ratio of the value of the outputs, consumption, to the costs of the resources required to produce that
consumption, the inputs. The effect of any perturbation, at least in the short term, is to reduce either

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the outputs whilst inputs are held constant; to increase the inputs required to produce a given quantity
of consumption; or to both increase the required inputs and decrease the outputs.

The conventional economic assumption is that the individual household wishes to maximise its utility
and that a society should seek to maximise some sum of those utilities, or welfare. Utility is defined as
the satisfaction gained by the individual from the consumption of each good or service, whether or not
that good or service is priced. Unfortunately, we do not have any economic statistics which measure
individual utility, and some economists argue that any interpersonal measure of utility is impossible.
An everyday interpretation of utility is as the quality of life. Nor do we have any generally accepted
measure of welfare. Crucially, National Income, measured by the GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
family of measures do not measure welfare, nor do they measure the ratio of outputs to inputs; they are
essentially accounting tools rather economic measures. There are a number of proposed measures
which are intended to provide an indicator of individual utility, such as the Life-Satisfaction index
(Donovan et al 2002) or the quality of life of a society as a whole. The latter include the ‘Human
Development Index’ HDI (UNDP 2005) and the Economist’s ‘Quality-of-Life Index’ (Economist
Intelligence Unit 2005). An issue with these latter indices is that the state at any given time is lagged,
representing the success or otherwise of investment decisions taken in earlier periods. For example,
the HDI includes as indicators life expectancy at birth, adult literacy rate and the enrolment rates in
education. The values of these parameters in any given year depend upon the investments made in
health and education in previous years. These measures are also exclusively of outputs. An equivalent
measure of changes in inputs is also required.

Ad 2. The second problem is that of scale; if the effects of any perturbation ripple out through the
economic system, then the smaller the initial perturbation, the more likely it is that the ripples will
only spread a very limited distance outwards from the point of initial perturbation. What then is
measured locally as a significant perturbation may be largely dissipated at a larger scale. Hence, to
measure the local effects requires knowledge of the local economic system and that local knowledge
will often not be available, not least for reasons of the protection of privacy; if there are only two
bakeries in an area, then even the statistics for averages of turnover, return on capital and so on will
contain data that is commercially sensitive.

Figure 5.1: Options of suppliers and customers of an affected producer

suppliers customers

Defer supply Defer consumption

Affected Buy from another

producer producer

Sell to another
Buy a near substitute
from another producer

If a producer is affected by a flood (Figure 5.2), then both those who supply that producer and those
who consume the products from that producer will be affected. The suppliers have only two options:
to defer production until the flooded business is in a position to buy their production; or seek another
outlet for their product. The consumers of the flooded business’s production have three options. The

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first is to defer their purchases until the business is back in production. The second is buy an identical
product from another producer; and the third is buy a near substitute product from another producer. In
the latter two cases, the consumers experience some loss and there is a national loss if they shift their
purchases to a company abroad. The consequence of these varying adaptations is that if any single
firm is flooded, we want to follow these effects forwards and backwards to all its suppliers and
consumers, where the adjustments they make will mean that their consumers and suppliers,
respectively, will have to make adjustments. This is extremely difficult and very data intensive.

5.2 How to model indirect damages?

The magnitude of indirect damage has been argued to be determined by three factors (Cochrane,

1) where the economic boundary is drawn (city, standard metropolitan statistical area, state or the
2) the degree of economic integration; and
3) pre-disaster economic conditions (level of unemployment and the ability to substitute imports for
regionally produced goods and services).

Cochrane (2004) identified six categories of techniques to calculate and estimate indirect damage:

1. Linear programming models providing guidance as to the optimal allocation of scarce post-
event production capacity.
2. Post event economic surveys.
3. Econometric models reflecting historical trading patterns (and thus unable to take shocks into
4. Input-output models, as demand driven models that reflect an accounting stance of an
economy; it is unlikely that without adaptation these models can capture severe shocks.
5. Computable Equilibrium Models, as an extension of Input-Output models taking into account
price and quantity effects.
6. Hybrid models (computational algorithms) addressing supply shocks, post event supply
constraints and time phased reconstruction.

For most floods, except the most extreme, the spatial scale of the economic models for which data is
available will be much wider than the area affected. In addition, the resolution of the models is rather
coarse (e.g. the number of different industrial sectors that are included). Hence, these models are most
appropriate for large scale events. Of course, this coarse resolution fits a national perspective, but
regional scale analysis or a local economic focus will be different, and here post-event economic
surveys are perhaps the most appropriate approach, certainly at the local scale. In essence this means
that the spatial scale must be kept in mind when assessing indirect damages, hence the discussions
below (Sections 5.2.1 to 5.2.3).

5.2.1 Micro scale analysis

A basic understanding is needed on the geographic concentration, it is important to know whether or
not sites that were damaged are unique to estimate the criticality of its loss. Post event economic
surveys can give an overview of the number and types of businesses that were lost. This is the basic
test on a micro level, as it is highly likely that if the affected area is only very small (size of
communes) the indirect economic effects at a higher level can be ignored. However if in the affected
area unique installations have been built, these installations could be critical. Typically installations
like these are the bigger industrial complexes that produce half-fabrics. Installations like oil-refineries,
chemical plants, etc. are quite likely to be big enough to be unique in their character, production and
products. Therefore closure of or damage to these installations are likely to have major repercussions.

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At the small scale, an approximation of the costs of some of these adjustments can be gained from
interviews with firms that might be flooded. If they expect their consumers to have to defer their
consumption then, although the costs to the consumers of that deferral cannot be readily quantified, we
can determine the additional costs to the firm of seeking to make up the deferred production. If the
firm believes that consumers can buy an identical or approximate substitute product from abroad, then
that a proportion of that loss of sales is a loss to the national economy. But this estimate will not
include the additional costs to the consumer of buying elsewhere. In theory, the flooded firm might be
able to assess the responses of its suppliers but this has not apparently been attempted. Interviewing
representative samples of consumers and suppliers to determine their adaptations and the costs of
those adaptations has, so far, been regarded as too expensive.

5.2.2 Meso scale analysis

Based at the same surveys, these surveys are aimed at gathering information on the number and types
of businesses that sustained damaged because of the disaster. Combined with other existing datasets
(local tax registries, cadastre, land survey and land-use information) these will give an overview of the
extent of damage.

As the size of the study area increases the more likely it is that indirect economic effects will occur.
EUROSTAT database can give an idea on the extent of indirect data by looking at a regions added
value combined with post economic surveys this results in basic assessment of indirect damage.
Indirect damage will then be measured by the value added that can no longer be produced - in addition
to assessing how unique a certain damaged site or lost installation is within the region.
With more detailed accounts typically having information on import and export per sector,
repercussions throughout the economy can be assessed based on the lower general level of output
reached. This lower level of output can be assessed by each sector’s contribution to regional output.
The repercussion can be assessed by the amount to which import and export plays a role in production.
Limitations of input-output tables are the high level of aggregation usually involved and that the
coefficients are long-run averages rather than short run marginal changes.

5.2.3 Macro scale analysis

On macro level, typically the same kind of data is available as is at a meso level. The same approach
can be used as on a regional level. The main thing is to asses which sectors are hit and how hard. (See
Benson and Clay (2000), ECLAC (1991), Freeman et al., (2002)). However on more higher scales it is
typical for substitutions to arise (van der Veen and Logtmeijer, 2005). Sellers and buyers are, on this
scale, more likely to have found alternatives. Therefore uniqueness and information on geographical
spread of some major suppliers is still essential.

However, at a recent EU workshop on the methodologies and techniques to compute direct and
indirect damage (van der Veen et al., 2003); Bočkarjova, Steenge and van der Veen (2004 and 2006)
conclude that the major hindrance to estimate indirect economic damage is the inability of economists
to deal with structural economic changes after a shock. See also Rose and Lim (2002), Rose (2004),
Cochrane (1997) and EPA (2000).

It is our belief that more work is necessary in order to understand the structural economic effects of
large scale inundations.

5.3 Post flood recovery

In the post-recovery phase of flooding, a government will need to decide which is the best strategy for
promoting as rapid and complete a recovery as possible (Freeman et al.,, 2002). This is clearly a
dynamic question; in turn, the implication is that the way in which a government and indeed the
individual households and companies seek to promote recovery can influence the magnitude of the
indirect damages. From the long term perspective, the diversion of expenditure from long term capital
investment will reduce long term growth. Hence, it is likely to be preferable to finance the replacement

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of production and household durables by reducing immediate consumption. So, a household may find
it preferable to pay to replace damaged household durables such as the home, televisions and furniture
by cutting back on short term leisure expenditure (e.g. meals out) rather than draw down on its
savings. Similarly, a government would possibly be unwise if 500 schools are destroyed in a flood to
fund the replacement of those schools by either reducing the number of teachers employed or
postponing the planned construction of 500 new schools. Doing either would have the effect of
reducing economic growth in the future. Hence, the German government’s action of funding the
reconstruction after the recent floods in 2002 by delaying a reduction in income tax may have been an
appropriate response.

The alternative approach is to build up funds for recovery prior to the flood through an insurance or
financial mechanism (Kunreuther and Linnerooth-Bayer nd). The limitation of the insurance
mechanism is that flooding is a risk that is only generally insurable through some form of public-
private partnership (Gaschen et al 1998).

5.4 Guidelines for incorporating indirect economic effects

Based on the analysis in the preceding sections and the remarks in the Annex we recommend to pay
ample attention to possible indirect economic effects in case of:

• Long duration flood (several weeks)

• Event affecting significant proportion of the area (region, country) of interest
• Impacts on highly concentrated and specialised industry or services
• The economy already running at full capacity
• Nodal points in communications networks (transport, energy, information) are affected.
• Stocks are low.

Further research is necessary to investigate structural economic effects of large-scale inundations.

Annex 5.1: Modelling the reaction of producers and consumers on floods:

some economic notions

An economy is a system which like other systems can be visualised as an interconnected web of
stocks, flows and transformations. Flows are transformed in order to produce a more desirable
product; flour, yeast, labour, and energy are transformed into bread, for example. There is then a
distinction between transformations which involve a stock of some kind (e.g. a machine tool) and
those stocks, such as warehouses, which exist solely in order to buffer variations in flows.

In describing this system, the distinction brought out in Chapter 2 between stocks and flows has to be
refined because there are a number of different forms of stock which must be distinguished. In
particular, we need to differentiate between stocks which are permanently depleted by withdrawing a
flow and other forms of stocks. These may be termed ‘stores’ and they include not simply such
artificial stores as warehouses, shops or oil tanks, but natural resources such as fossil fuel. Artificial
stores exist largely to buffer variations in supply and demand. Secondly, there are stocks from which a
flow can be withdrawn, provided that the rate of withdrawal does not exceed the rate at which the
stock is naturally replenished; for example, a fishery or a forest from which timber is harvested or a
lake from which water is abstracted. Conventionally, these included in renewable resources, but,
confusingly, renewable resources are elsewhere taken to include flows, such wind and solar energy.
Next, there are the artificial stocks in the form of roads, machine tools, televisions and so forth. These
may be defined as durables and a distinction made between a production durable, such as machine
tool, and a consumption durable, such a television or a house. A production durable may produce

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consumption durables, or immediate consumption such as food or drink. It may also enable the flows
within the system, as do such production durables as roads and telecommunication facilities.

As previously discussed, these inputs, the factors of production, are transformed into some output.
This transformation can be defined as a function, such as a Cobb-Douglas production function:

Q = a.NEb.Lc.Kd

Where: NE is the natural endowment

L is labour
K is capital

A more complex production function is the CES production function:

Q = A[αx1-p + (1 – α) αx2-p] -1/p

What is significant here is that such determinants of the output, given specified inputs, as technology,
institutions and education are embodied in the coefficients and constant rather than entering as factors
of production in themselves.

The practical problems of implementing a production function approach are four-fold:

1. What is the appropriate functional form?

2. How to calibrate that function?
3. Those of scale
4. Time

Input-output modelling uses the Leontief production functions; this is a linear function so that it is
assumed that if electricity constitutes 25% of inputs, then an electricity blackout will reduce
production by 25%. This is not a very plausible assumption. CGE generally uses the CES production
function which is still linear unlike the Cobb-Douglas function.

The second problem is to calibrate the function, to estimate the necessary coefficients. There is not
generally sufficient data to estimate these with any precision.

These problems are related to those of scale. Conventionally, the industrial and commercial activities
of the economy are categorised into a number of sectors. As elsewhere in damage estimation, the ideal
is that each sector is homogenous; in this case, the coefficients are the same for all firms within each
particular sector. But the discussion on specialisation means that this is not likely to be entirely true;
that some firms will differ either or both in the inputs they require or firms in other activities will have
input requirements which are specific to particular firms. For example, manufacturers of margarine,
butter and olive oil based spreads have different requirements for the basic foodstuff. In turn, a butter
manufacturer is unlikely to be able to substitute its demand for milk by a supply of olive oil. In turn,
this argues for a high degree of differentiation, a large number of sectors, being used. This increases
the demand for data and also the computational problems.

At a large scale, national or regional, then provided that industrial and commercial activities are not
also highly concentrated then the regression to the mean effect may reduce the distortions brought
about by aggregation. At the small scale, the distortions are likely to be greater from using sector
average coefficients rather than locally and plant specific coefficients, but a large proportion of the
effects may then be made up by changes outside of the flooded region.

The fourth problem is that of time. The adjustment of the economy to the perturbation takes time and
different responses take different lengths of time to occur. For example, a shop could increase its order
of margarine and olive-oil based spreads readily quickly. But if road and railways have been damaged

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then it may not be possible to deliver those goods. Hence, in the absence of time weighted coefficients,
it is necessary to decide the time scales of different adjustments exogeneously.

The related concepts of capital and income also need to be carefully defined. Hicks (1939) defined
income as what a person can spend and still be as well off at the end of a period as at the beginning.
That is, without reducing their savings. In turn, we can define capital as that which will yield a
Hicksian income: the amount or value of the capital remaining unchanged at the end of the period in
which the income was taken. It is clear, therefore, that some stocks are not capital. Neither production
durables nor consumer durables are capital because both wear out; indeed, they wear out whether or
not they are used as a result of such natural, time related processes as corrosion.

The basis of conventional economics is that the individual consumer seeks to maximise the
satisfaction gained from the totality of their consumption, and chooses what to consume, within the
limits of their income, so as to maximise this satisfaction, or utility. The assumption is then made that
the objective in societal decision making is to maximise some aggregate of the individuals’ utilities. At
the same time that the individual is assumed to make those consumption choices which result in the
maximisation of his or her utility, it is further assumed that in a perfect competitive market, resources
are put to their highest possible use so as to maximise the aggregate of individual utilities. In addition
to being optimising, a perfect competitive market is further assumed to be homeostatic: after any
disturbance it will automatically move to the new optimum. The perfect competitive market also
involves a number of further assumptions; in particular, it responds to any such disturbance
instantaneously and there are no costs involved in making the adjustment. Substantial modifications
have had to be made to this conceptual model with Coase (1937) identifying the importance of
transaction costs, the costs of doing business, and Mirrlees (1996) and Stiglitz (2001b) the issues of
information availability. When Stiglitz (2001a) asserted that “Today, there is no respectable
intellectual support for the proposition that markets, by themselves, lead to efficient, let alone
equitable outcomes”, he was making assertions about those who still claim that markets are efficient
rather than reporting widespread agreement amongst economists that the problems with markets mean
that they cannot deliver efficiency. What is much more generally accepted is that a perfect competitive
market is nearer to the concept of the gas underlying the gas laws rather than being something that is
ever found in everyday life. In practice, real markets are always imperfect to some degree or another;
Coase (1991), for example, argued that transaction costs should be a central concern of economics.

Figure A5.1: Economic system (highly simplified)

Production durable

consumption durable
aluminium machinery

Production durable

Renewable electricity
Production durable
resource machinery

bread Consumers
wheat flour
Renewable Production durable

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A highly simplified economic system is shown in Figure A 5.1. In this simple model, there are two
plants, bakeries, which both produce some final consumption good, such as bread. There is another
plant which produces a consumption durable such as televisions; a plant which can produce either
machinery with which to bake bread or machines to make televisions; and a granary which stores
wheat harvested from the natural endowment. From the natural endowment three different resources
are being harvested: aluminium, a depletable resource; renewable energy; and wheat. For simplicity,
assume that the only resource necessary to harvest these resources is labour.

This conceptual model is embodied in a physical system, a physical system which importantly
involves such physical laws as the 3rd law of thermodynamics. Time’s arrow operates from left to right
in that physical system: once flour and energy have been transformed into bread, the process cannot be
reversed. Importantly, the conceptual system, the economist’s model of the system, as a right to left
directionality and well as a left to right directionality: the consumers’ demand influences what the
producer decide to produce and at what price whilst, simultaneously, what is produced at what price
influences the quantities consumed.

In that physical system, the flow arrows are manifested in the forms of roads, railways or canals and
power cables. The physical characteristics of that space including distance between the different points
in space at which producers and consumers are located are important. The physical system is brought
together through a symbolic exchange system based upon credit and denominated in money, each
arrow in the above diagram being mirrored by a flow in the opposite direction of credit. The labour
and capital inputs necessary to support the system are similarly rewarded by opposing flows of returns
to labour and capital respectively which enable the consumers to purchase the goods on offer. Out of
that income, the consumer chooses to save some of that income which capital is then available for
investment. Other capital investment, and much of the investment in technological innovation,
institutions, education and training comes out of involuntary taxation. That the flows of credit and the
economic evaluation of the flows and stocks are both denominated in money terms is a potential
source of confusion. If, for example, someone’s television is destroyed in a flood and that person buys
another television then it might appear that there is a simple transfer of credit from the flood victim to
the retailer, the gain to one cancelling out the lost to other. But the flood victim is now down a
television plus the cost of a new television whilst the retailer has only gained the price of a new
television to balance the reduction in the retailer’s stock of one television.

Figure A5.2: Economic system (highly simplified) affected by a flood

Production durable

consumption durable

Production durable

Renewable electricity
Production durable
resource machinery
flour Consumers
wheat flour
Renewable Production durable

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Let us assume that a flood then occurs which floods one of the two bakeries and disrupts transport of
wheat to the granary serving the two bakeries, and it also disrupts electricity supplies to both bakeries,
the granary, the factory producing machinery and the television factory (Figure A 5.2).

The immediate result is the physical damage to bakery. But, because there is no electricity, the
unflooded bakery is unable to make bread and neither is the television factory able to produce
televisions. This perturbation both feeds forward to the consumers who now cannot get bread or
televisions or watch television because there is no power. It also feeds backwards to those who supply
the inputs to the granary, both bakeries and both factories.

In general, those downstream of the affected productive activity have only three options (Figure A

• Shift to another source of an identical resource.

• Substitute the required input by another resource.
• Defer their requirement for the resource in question.

Those upstream have only two options:

• Transfer their outputs to another user.
• Defer their outputs until the affected producer or consumer is able to use them.

Figure A5.3: Options of suppliers and customers of an affected producer

defer Loss of return defer

+ storage costs

Loss of utility/return
Additional cost of
making up production

supplier transformation consumer

Loss of utility/return + additional costs
Loss of return
+ additional costs Loss of utility/return plus
additional costs
transfer Additional costs
of recovering market transfer

Loss overseas

There are limits in each case upon the scope for the consumer in adopting each action. Where the
value of the consumption is time dependent, then they cannot defer; for example, if they miss seeing
the World Cup finals on television. The obvious examples of time dependent consumption are food
and drink: delaying either for a sufficient period results in death or a permanent decrease in capacity.
If consumers can defer, they defer the consumer surplus on their consumption. But, the greater the
degree of concentration and specialisation within an industry, the lower the extent to which it is
possible to either shift to another source or find a substitute for the input in question.

Since it is assumed that the consumers optimised their choices prior to the flood, whatever the strategy
adopted by the consumer, there is a loss. The shift to another source may involve travel and other
costs. The substitution by another resource which is not identical to that to which there is no access
results, by definition, in a loss of utility: by definition, because if this was not the case, the consumer
would have chosen this resource before the flood forced him or her to do so. In the absence of

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television, we have to assume that they engage in some other leisure activity which is not affected by
the absence of power. Since in normal circumstances, they preferred to watch television rather than
engage in that next best leisure activity, they again suffer a loss of utility.

On the input side, in the ideal world of the perfect competitive market, the inputs, the labour, capital
and resources which previously had been used to make televisions and bread would be costlessly and
instanteously transferred to other purposes. Since the assumption of the competitive market is that
resources are allocated optimally, there is a real economic loss because those resources are now being
put to second best uses. For example, grain intended for bread production could be sold as feedstock
for animals but only at a lower price. As feedstock, it would then displace other feedstocks which
might or might be in turn capable of being redeployed to other uses. Either those resources are being
used less efficiently in which case output is lower or the desirability of the output, its value, is lower.

In practice, not all resources can be redeployed and redeploying those resources incurs costs. The
labour currently used to build televisions and bake bread cannot be instanteously shifted to, for
example, nursing in hospitals or teaching in schools, and then back to building televisions and baking
bread. Capital inputs are particularly sticky because capital is made productive through its expression
in physical objects and hence left stranded in those physical objects. The ovens designed to produce
bread cannot readily, if at all, be converted to producing other goods. If the production line can only
produce bread then the capital invested in those production lines cannot be liberated and if bread
cannot be produced, that capital is largely lost, except for the scrap value of machinery. Again, flow
inputs which cannot be stored are lost: the labour which would have produced bread, televisions and
machinery is lost to the economy since yesterday’s labour cannot be used to-day. Those whose labour
is not used gain to the extent to which they have some unexpected leisure but since they would have
preferred to work for money, the gain in leisure does not fully compensate for the loss in income. If
instead they are paid whilst unable to work, the loss is simply redistributed: the workforce gain some
leisure time, the company loses the wages. The consumer, as already discussed, suffers a loss.

Once the flood goes down, the bakery that was not flooded can get back into production, as can the
factories, as soon as power is restored and the roads reopen. The flooded bakery is likely to be closed
for some time whilst it is cleaned up, the machinery replaced and it is restocked. Since there are only
two bakeries, it is very unlikely that the operating bakery will be able to full replace the lost
production from the flooded bakery. Hence, there is likely to be a shortage of bread; that bakery could
in fact increase its prices to bring effective demand into line with its capacity to produce, increasing
the producer’s surplus at the cost of the consumer. It will probably in any case cost more per loaf to
produce a larger number of loaves from the remaining bakery. Equally, prior to the flood, some people
choose to buy their bread from one bakery whilst others preferred the other bakery. Those preferred
the product of the bakery that is flooded may have done so because it was cheaper, or they preferred
type of bread produced, or because it was nearer to them and hence it was cheaper to travel to that
bakery in order to buy bread. Thus, all those who previously used the bakery which is now flooded
experience some degree of loss through the necessity of buying their bread from the bakery that was
not flooded. What happens is then a myriad of small changes spreading out through the economy.

The producer has the option of responding to the adaptation strategy of the consumer. If the consumer
has deferred, then the producer may choose later to make up the deferred production. If they do not do
so then that production is lost forever; if they do make up the deferred production, then additional
costs are likely to be incurred which may generally be expected to be less than the loss of that
production. If the consumer has been able to transfer their demand to another producer or to substitute
the product by a different one then there is a national loss if that demand is shifted to an overseas
producer. If the producer is able to recover their market share by some marketing strategy then the
costs of that strategy are a real loss.

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6. Guidelines on social issues

Contributed by Colin Green

6.1 Introduction

Floods are well established to have other impacts on households and society as a whole in addition to
the physical – and hence direct - damage done by floods to buildings and their contents. We term
these, here, the ‘social impacts’ of floods26, and this chapter reviews this field. These social impacts
should not be confused with indirect flood effects; they can be both direct (loss of treasured
possessions) and indirect (the disruption cases by a flood). Research in the past, as catalogued in this
chapter, has shown that these ‘social impacts’ can be more important to the victims of floods than the
financial losses that they suffer. Hence they warrant careful attention and, incidentally, more research.

These social impacts include:

• the loss of irreplaceable items, such as baby photographs;
• the stress induced by the flood itself;
• temporary evacuation of the home whilst the damage is repaired;
• the disruption caused by the flood to the life of the individual household and to the
community as a whole; and
• the effect of floods upon the health of those affected.

If a community is more than the sum of the individual households of which the community is
comprised then a flood may have wider effects upon the community (Eriksen 1976). Whilst ‘social
capital’ (Aldridge et al 2002), essentially the relationships between households, may help those
households recover from the flood, it might be reduced either in the process or by the flood itself. In
that case, there will be adverse consequences to the functioning of the community as a whole.

Figure 6.1 is the simplest possible model of the relationship between a flood and the impacts of that
flood upon that household. The dwelling acts as a lens which either attenuates or magnifies the effects
of the flood upon the household. A dwelling which provides a safe place of refuge for the household
and its possessions attenuates the flood; a dwelling which collapses in even a slow, shallow flood
magnifies the effects of that flood.

Figure 6.2: Impacts of flooding upon households

flood household

This is an area where there is no established good practice and the guidelines are therefore defined at
the level of good enquiry. This requires that we start by establishing what are the criteria for good
practice. We are seeking to measure something, a state or set of relationships, and to do so with the
minimum random or systematic error. That measurement must satisfy both requirements of validity
and reliability. We can want to measure the impact of a flood upon a particular household but we also
often want to be able to determine how those impacts vary according to the nature of the flood and the
characteristics of the households: to understand the dynamics of the relationships. Hence, a key

This is recognised to be somewhat of a misnomer, because ‚social’ implies collective or the impacts on a
group, whereas many of the impacts discussed here can equally well apply to individuals.

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criterion for a methodology is: to what extent does it provide new understanding? We want that
understanding to be real and not simply an artefact of the experimental method so we also require that
the methodology provides valid and reliable results.

Secondly, theory and methodology are intertwined: the methodology is built upon an underlying
theoretical model and consequently applying that methodology is a test of that model. If we want
better methods, we also want better theories, ones of greater explanatory and predictive power. In
particular, the concept of ‘vulnerability’ is the conceptual concept underlying the methodologies and
vulnerability is a necessarily contested concept (Green 2004).

Hence, this chapter has three elements:

• The main text which is centred upon what we want to learn and how we may go about
learning more effectively.
• An annex (Annex 6.1) on current best practice principles by which to implement that learning
approach. These are unlikely to change over time except by addition.
• An annex (Annex 6.2) listing what are currently the best practice instruments. It is to be hoped
that at least some of these instruments will be replaced in time by better ones.

6.2 What is ‘better’ practice?

A key question in any decision process is: what do we mean by ‘better’? The answers to those
questions must define the basis first of the principles of good enquiry and secondly of good practice.
In assessing the social impacts of flooding, it is argued here – and part of the pursuit for ‘better’
measurement techniques should be the improvement and refinement of what we mean by ‘better’ - that
‘better’ has two aspects: the purposive and the instrumental; the ‘why’ and the ‘what’.

We seek to quantify the social impacts of flooding primarily in order to better assess the most effective
means of intervention in order to reduce those impacts. The purposes of quantifying the social impacts
is firstly to predict how severe those impacts will be in some situation and, secondly, to provide a basis
for assessing the effectiveness of alternative intervention strategies. Hence, the overall objective in
measuring the social impacts of flooding is to gain a better understanding of the key variables and the
relationships between them as these affect the magnitude of the social impacts of flooding. We want,
in short, to learn.

In this respect the material in this chapter may appear to be ‘different’ from that in other chapters. That
this is so is a measure of the less advanced state of research on the social impacts of floods, for
example in relation to studies of direct flood damage. This means that we are still at the beginning of
the learning process outlined above, rather than at the end: there is more that we do not know than we

The surveys designed to enhance our understanding of the social impacts of floods will either be about
past events, past floods, or about possible future floods. In studies of past floods, the problems of
memory stand in the way of obtaining precise recall; it is well known that people are very poor
witnesses, what they see and hear being interpreted, and sometimes remembered in terms of what
ought to have happened rather than what did happen. Studies of responses to future floods are
similarly limited: this time by the difficulty of anyone being able to predict and take account of the full
range of circumstances that will influence their actions at that time.

The variables involved can be grouped into four classes:

• Phenomenal – the physical phenomena of the world e.g. the depth of water in a house.
• Behavioural – what people did, say that they did, or say that they would do.
• Psychological and social– the range of perceptual and cognitive processes that determine how
people interpret the world, and decide which action it is appropriate to take upon the basis of

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that interpretation. Individual values, attitudes, beliefs, personality, and experience are likely
to influence those perceptual, cognitive and decision processes. In turn, those values, attitudes
and beliefs are likely to be influence by the process of socialisation, social norms and other
social factors.
• Characterisation – the characterisation of individual households and individuals in terms of
such factors as age, life stage, prior health, social, demographics, and income.

Memory issues may extend to phenomenal variables as well as behavioural and psychological
variables. Behaviour is a surface phenomena which is the outcome of some perceptual and cognitive
processes; one single behaviour can consequently be the outcome of a number of different
interpretations and decision processes. Consequently, those decision processes and the basis for the
decision are generally of more interest that any particular behaviour, and behaviours are perhaps most
use as indicators of the extremity of the challenge as perceived by the individual. Thus, that someone
tried to help his elderly wife climb on to a chest of drawers so as to be able to climb into the attic is of
significance primarily because it shows a very real fear of death.

The perceptual and cognitive processes are essentially latent – it is impossible to directly observe them
- and require the development of specific measurement instruments by which to quantify the relevant
values, attitudes, beliefs and other factors. Risk, distress, anxiety, and stress are all cognitive variables
which require measurement in this way. Many standard instruments have been developed to measure
such variables and where a well-tested instrument exists, it is desirable to use it rather than to invent a
new one from scratch. Extensive tests of validity and reliability are required before any new
instrument should be accepted and such tests may not be practical within the time frame of a practical
study. Existing instruments also have the advantage that values for the parameter in question are likely
to be available for other situations or other populations, against which the results for the sample of
people affected by flooding can be compared. Where it is necessary to invent a new instrument, it is
desirable simultaneously to use an existing instrument which is nearly comparable to the new
instrument. The differences and similarities in the results from the two instruments should be as
predicted before the study was undertaken.

In general, we are interested in sequences which are both causally and temporally ordered, but where
the elements in those processes are latent. We may, for instance, hypothesise that psychological and
psychiatric well-being is determined by prior health, the stress of the flood, anxiety about future
flooding and the degree of different forms of social support received. Obviously, whilst health prior to
the flood may influence the stress experienced in the flood itself and health now, it is illogical to
expect any determining influence in the opposite direction.

The purposive sense of ‘better’ is to gain a greater understanding of the nature, extent and causes of
social impacts of the flooding in order that we can determine what are the best means of intervening to
reduce those impacts. It is not curiosity that drives us but the desire to do something, and the greater
understanding exists only in so far as we gain greater insight into what action to take. In particular, we
want to be able to predict:

• which populations will be most vulnerable to which kinds of floods; and

• what are the most effective means of intervening to reduce that vulnerability.

We are therefore interested in causation, with relationships between variables, including the discovery
that there is no measurable influence of one variable upon another. Associations, or correlations, are
only of interest if they can bear a substantive causal interpretation. Hence, in the statistical analysis,
any relationship must satisfy the twin tests of substantive significance – whether the direction of the
relationship makes logical sense - and of statistical significance. The problem is that any statistically
association may occur in multiple ways of which only one is substantively meaningful.

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6.3 Survey approaches

6.3.1 Qualitative studies

There are some almost ideological arguments over the relative merits of qualitative (see, for example,
Gilbert (2001)) versus quantitative surveys, but the two approaches should be seen as complements
rather than as complete substitutes. The core of the argument between qualitative and quantitative
approaches lies in the extent to which individual attitudes, beliefs, preferences and actions are:

• Considered to be socially rather than individually determined.

• That the answers people give are acts of recall or whether they are constructed when the
question is asked.

If it is argued that individuals have to construct an answer to a question, for example, about what were
the worst effects of the flood, and that answer will be influenced by the opinions of others, then it
follows that a group discussion format is the only means by which to gain both any understanding of
that process and meaningful answers. Conversely, if it is considered that the individual relies only
upon that individual’s own cognitions, already has knowledge of the appropriate answer to the
question being posed, and the process by which they reached that conclusion is irrelevant, then
questioning individuals will be quite adequate. In orthodox economics, the assumption is that it is the
individual alone that matters and that all questions can be answered through recall so that it is only
state that matters, process being entirely irrelevant; unfortunately, this assumption is entirely at odds
with the results of social science research. The possible combinations of the two factors given above
and the appropriate qualitative or quantitative technique to adopt are summarised in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1: Appropriate survey techniques

Answer generation
Attitudes & preferences Constructed Recall
Socially determined Group discussion In-depth interview
Individually determined In-depth interview Interview schedule or questionnaire

In practice, the importance of the two factors should be expected to vary according to what it is sought
to measure. Preferences and attitudes most likely to be constructed through a social process; individual
preferences simply being the starting point for this process. The processes of stakeholder engagement
and means to enable such engagement are outside of the scope of these guidelines.

The limitation of qualitative methods is that it is only ever possible to involve a very small number of
people in the processes involved; breadth, in terms of the representative nature of the sample, has to be
sacrificed to depth. Equally, the processes involved in the qualitative studies are likely to have
changed the respondents so that their views are no longer typical of the population of which they are
part. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake quantitative studies as well. A secondary, but critical
function of qualitative studies, is then to inform the design of those quantitative studies.

6.3.2 Quantitative approaches

Quantitative approaches (see, for example, DeVaus 2002) include interview schedules, self-
completion questionnaires and telephone interviews; they are characterised by closed ended questions.
The principles governing the development of such a study are; firstly, a conceptual or theoretical
model should form the basis of the design of the survey instrument, the sampling plan and the
statistical analysis of the data. Secondly, the market research literature (e.g. Kotler et al 1999;
Shiffman and Kanuk 1994) is probably the best single starting point in the development of this model.
Since real money hangs on the outcome of market research studies, there is real pressure to get it right,
and the market research literature provides syntheses of material from a variety of disciplines. Thirdly,
avoid involving economists except in an advisory capacity. Economists are not trained in social survey

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methods; in disciplinary terms, they are very parochial and, finally, economists are much more
interested in theory than reality.

6.4 Vulnerability indices

The concept of ‘vulnerability’ is necessarily highly contested (Green 2003b) but it needs to be
distinguished from related concepts of deprivation, and from the economic concepts of declining
marginal value of income and income distribution. Vulnerability is the degree to which some people,
or classes of people, are more susceptible to, or suffer a greater degree of harm from, some hazards
than do other people or from other hazards. It is necessarily contested because the definition of
vulnerability adopted necessarily implies particular forms of intervention in order to reduce it. In
exploring vulnerability, the intention is to identify ‘hot spots’: combinations of people and events that
will result in unusually severe impacts. A vulnerability index seeks to provide a way of predicting
where those hot spots will occur. As a form of evaluation, a vulnerability index, such as the Middlesex
Social Vulnerability Index (Tapsell et al 2002) is particularly appropriate for use in MCA.

Vulnerability must be distinguished from deprivation (Sen 1992): a measure of the degree to which
some people lack entitlements to access to resources, including income, but which also may include
access to education, health and other social resources. The deprived and the vulnerable may form
overlapping sets but the concepts are different; that of deprivation being much more generalised.
Equally, whilst the fewer the entitlements that a household has, the more they can be said to be
deprived, a single factor might be sufficient to make some household vulnerable to some event.

Again, vulnerability must be differentiated from the question of the marginal value of income. It is
accepted in economics that the greater a household’s income, the less significant is the loss of a given
amount or the payment of such a sum. The value of a given amount thus varies according to the
income of that household27.

A common theme in this report is that a key issue is always the functional form assumed or adopted
for some relationship. This involves not only the independent variables included; those, in this case,
intended to predict vulnerability, but also the functional relationship between them. In particular,
where a greater degree of one desirable attribute can offset an undesirable attribute, and whether the
increase in vulnerability for a household with a high degree of two undesirable attributes is simply the
sum of the vulnerability which would result from a high degree of one undesirable attribution plus that
from the other. Care should be taken not to assume an additive model by default; for example, if
vulnerability is taken to be a function of two characteristics, A and B, then V = f(A, B) and the
additive model assumes that V = a.A + b.B. Hence, even if a household has a high level of
characteristic A, this would be offset if it was characterised by a low level of characteristic B.
Conversely, it might be expected that a household that has high levels of two characteristics is much
more vulnerable than if it has only a high level of one characteristic or if it has moderate levels of two

Care must also be taken not to unintentionally impose a functional form on the material through
statistical manipulation. For example, income distribution is generally highly skewed and, if it is
intended to include income as a factor which contributes to vulnerability, it may be appropriate, and
where statistics assuming a normal distribution are to be used it will be necessary, to apply a
logarithmic transform to that data. But, if for example, the result of transforming the different
variables to normality is:

ln.(v) = a.ln(x) + b.ln(y) +c

To adjust for such distortions in value by income, income distributional weights may be applied; for example,
in the UK, the finance ministry requires flood impacts to be weighted in such a way (H M Treasury 2003).

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Then it is being asserted that:


This may or may not be logical.

The issue is then which characteristics of a household create a predisposition to vulnerability and what
is the functional relationship between those characteristics. There is in general little value in any
theoretical claim which does not define the anticipated functional relationship. Where there is
insufficient theoretical or empirical grounds to support the assumption of one functional form rather
than another, an approach which makes the weakest assumptions about the functional form may be

Since the intention is to use the equation to make predictions about the vulnerability in different areas,
there is a constraint on the characteristics that can be included. It is only useful to include those
parameters for which data is publicly available, from census or other sources, about the populations at
risk of flooding. For example, suppose that vulnerability were to be found to be very strongly
correlated with personality type and previous life experiences, then those two parameters would be of
little help in predicting the vulnerability of particular populations because the only way to get the
necessary data would be to undertake a social survey of the populations at risk. There are also
parameters which are believed to be of importance but for which valid and reliable measures may not
yet exist; for example, ‘social support’ is widely regarded as an important factor in reducing
vulnerability, but, using existing measures of social support, whilst flood victims say that social
support was important, no affect of social support upon outcome has been found (Ketteridge and
Green 1994).

This requirement for available data means that it will generally be necessary to use surrogate factors,
those correlated with or dependent upon the predicted determinants of vulnerability, in deriving an
Index of Vulnerability. For example, the elderly are commonly regarded as being more vulnerable but
the most recent research (RPA/FHRC 2004) found that once prior health was taken into account, the
elderly were no more prone to suffer health damage as a result of a flood than anyone else. The elderly
are thus vulnerable to flooding not because they are elderly but because they are more likely than
others to be in poor health prior to the flood. Whilst data is often available on the age profile of the
populations at risk, it is less likely to be available on prior health status and hence it will then be
necessary to use the age profile as a surrogate parameter for prior health.

A further problem with available data is that it will be aggregated and aggregated across a
geographical area which is unlikely to have the same geographical boundaries as the flood plain. The
area across which this data is aggregated may include the flood plain or the flood plain may cut across
several different geographical areas within each of which data is aggregated. That data is generally
aggregated at population level rather than individual level. Thus, supposing that it is considered that
being elderly and being poor are both determinants or correlates of vulnerability, it is likely that the
available data will give the proportions of the population who are poor and the proportion who are
elderly, but not the proportion who are poor AND elderly. At the same time, in some cases it is data
about individual households that is desired and in other cases about the population as a whole. For
example, we want to know which are the poor and elderly households, but social capital, for example,
is a characteristic of the community as a whole.

Finally, research conclusions as to the critical determinants of vulnerability are by no means clear cut.
As noted above, it was considered that the elderly tend to be more vulnerable than others but the most
recent research indicates that this is only because they tend to be in worse health than others before the
flood occurs. The fundamental problem here is that the larger the number of parameters that are
considered might be involved, the larger the sample size required to disentangle the effects.

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What this means in practice is that Vulnerability Indices tend to be based upon commonsense,
tempered by the availability of data. If there is uncertainty about the role of individual potential
determinants in creating vulnerability, there will be even greater uncertainty about the relative
importance about the different determinants, and the functional form of that relationship.

For example, suppose that only three determinants are used and there is aggregated data for each in the
form of the percentages of the population in different income groups, age ranges and so on for
different geographical units (in the UK, for census areas). The frequency distribution of the
geographical units for each parameter of concern can then be derived. Any geographical unit which
then falls in the upper quartile can then be scored one and all other geographical units scored zero. The
same procedure can then be applied for all other parameters of interest. Hence, there are four possible
outcomes for each geographical units: each falls into 3, 2, 1 or zero upper quartiles. If we take account
of in which combinations of upper quartiles it falls, there are three ways in which it could fall into two
upper quartiles and three ways in which it can be in a single upper quartile. Hence, there are a total of
eight possible combinations.

If the probability of being in the upper quartile of the distribution on each parameter were to be
independent of the probability of being in the upper quartile for every other parameter (in practice, we
should expect these probabilities to be coupled) then the percentages of census units in each category
should be as follows:

Table 6.2: Probabilities of a household falling into combinations of the upper quartiles on three
Condition Probability of the combination Probability of the specific condition
All three upper quartiles 0.015625
Any combination of two upper 0.140625
Any single pair of two upper quartiles 0.046875
Falls into one and only one upper 0.421875
The upper quartile on a particular 0.140625
In the upper quartile for none of the 0.421875
three parameters

The probabilities will not of course be independent; some will be negatively associated as it is, for
example, even at the aggregate level it is unlikely that high proportions of single parent families are
associated with high proportions of the elderly. At the same time, we hope that there will not be
independence, that those units that fall into one upper quartile are likely to fall into the upper quartile
on at least one other parameter.

If we are prepared to adopt an additive function for the form of vulnerability, a vulnerability index can
be created simply as the number of times any geographical unit falls into the upper quartile. That
approach assumes, of course, that when a unit falls into the upper quartile on two determinants,
vulnerability is the same irrespective of which two determinants are involved. If it is not judged
appropriate to make that assumption of additivity then the different geographical units can be
categorised according to into which of the eight possible combinations each falls.

One vulnerability index is that developed at FHRC for use in developing Catchment Flood
Management Plans. This makes use of the data available from the Census in the smallest reported
spatial unit. For each output area, the Census reports the proportions of households in a number of
different categories. In order to construct the Social Vulnerability Index, three socio-demographic
variables were used. These are the proportion of the population who are:

1. aged 75 years or older.

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2. single parents.
3. long term sick.

There is no data available for household incomes so four surrogate variables have been used, again
using the proportion of the population who are:

1. unemployed.
2. live in overcrowded houses.
3. do not own a car.
4. do not own their home.

In order to construct an index, each output area is scored one if it falls into the upper quartile on each
parameter and zero otherwise. The total score is then summed across the seven parameters.

6.5 Methods of monetary evaluation

In any assessment of the reduction in damages from flooding, what we are seeking to measure is the
reduction in the expected value of future flood damages: Σpiei. Here, pi is the probability of some
damage ei. Conventionally, we do this through the simplification of the loss-probability curve. In most
of the techniques described below, it is impractical if not impossible to simultaneously vary the
probability and the outcome. Hence a decision has to be made whether to focus upon the value of
reducing the probability or the outcome, and, if so, what relationship to assume between the
probability and damage. The soft option is to assume some linear relationship between probability and
damage. The second issue is that direct damages can already be estimated using the techniques that are
already widely adopted; it is the additional social impacts we wish to measure, either separately or in
addition to the direct damages, or by netting those direct damages out of some gross value so as to
estimate the social impacts as a residual.

6.5.1 Expressed preference approaches

The practical problem in evaluating social impacts is that there are no market prices which can be
observed. There are then only two generic means of deriving values for social impacts: to ask people
what value they would put on those impacts; or to infer those values from what can be observed. The
potential drawback of the first approach, the social survey approach, lies in whether respondents can
actually perform the task in the particular setting in which they are set that task. As a task, it should be
viewed in ergonomic terms (Green and Tapsell 1999). Orthodox economists also have the presumption
that people will naturally tend to lie, although to be able to lie successfully requires that the task is one
in which they can first define what the truthful answer would be. If being honest is difficult, lying
successfully is more difficult.

The second approach, the inferred methods, are often misleadingly termed ‘revealed preference’. This
label is misleading because what is observed is some gross behaviour, buying a house at a particular
price, whereas what we seek to infer is to what extent the price of a particular property is affected by
the risk of flooding. The problem is one of statistical inference, and the problem is that of selecting a
particular statistical function to fit some set of data. A further limitation is that there has to be reason
for assuming that there is a reasonably free market: thus, that property prices or rents are not
constrained by such factors as price controls. Contingent Valuation

Contingent Valuation (Bateman et al 2002; Bateman et al 1992; Mitchell and Carson 1989) is simply a
social survey approach in which respondents are asked how much they would be prepared to pay for a
reduced risk of flooding.

Sterland (1973), in what was one of the first ever CVM studies, asked a convenience sample how
much each person would require in compensation to live in a house exposed to various degrees of

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flood risk. A number of other similar exploratory studies using CVM with convenience samples were
also undertaken at about the same time. More recently, four large scale surveys using random
representative samples have been undertaken: two in the USA (Daun and Clark 2000; Giese et al
2000; Shabman et al 1998) and two in the UK (Green et al 1992; RPA/FHRC 2004). Of these, the
studies at Roanoke are perhaps the most interesting. Following a referendum as to whether the city
should issue a bond to part finance a local flood alleviation project, Shabman et al (1998) carried out a
telephone survey of 492 voters; the sample was a random sample of registered voters in the city. The
referendum itself had been passed by a vote of 56% on a 19.6% turnout of electors. There were some
differences (significant at 5%) between those who choose to vote and those who did not. There were
more marked differences between those who supported and those who opposed the proposed bond
issue. The main reason that those who voted for the bond issue gave voting this way was to help those
who suffer from flooding. This result is very interesting; the problem, as already noted, is that
economic theory provides no theoretical rationale as to why people should behave in this way. Until
there is some adequate theory, there is no basis upon which to design a social survey. Hence, whilst
there is a fascinating theoretical issue here, the current state of the art is not one where it is possible to
do more than exploratory studies to try to gain insights into what is going on. A problem, when such
an understanding has been gained, will be to separate those impacts which are currently evaluated
using present methods from the social impacts.

What all of these surveys have found is, firstly, that the amount which individual households at risk
report that they are prepared to pay is below the expected value of future flood damages. Secondly,
that those who are not at risk of flooding are prepared to pay towards the costs of reducing the losses
to those at risk. People do not seem to behave in the ways expected by economic theory and it is not
clear why this is, and finding out the basis of their behaviour is an important theoretical and practical

General guidelines for the use of Contingent Valuation are given in Chapter 7. Conjoint analysis

Conjoint analysis is a technique that originated in Market Research (Green and Wind 1973) and spread
to transport studies as well as other areas (Bennett and Blamey 2001; Louviere 1988) where it is
known under a number of other names. Compared to Contingent Valuation it has the great advantage
of avoiding the question of who pays. Respondents are to make a series of choices, each between a
pair of alternatives, in this case, between properties with varying bundles of characteristics. A possible
example is shown in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3: A hypothetic choice in Conjoint Analysis

Risk of flooding 1 in 10 1 in 200
Monthly housing cost 600 euros 1000 euros
Number of bedrooms 3 2
Proximity to park 1 kilometre 100 metres

Each respondent is asked to indicate their preference or strength of preference between the two
options. Various forms of statistical analysis can then be used in order to infer the rate at which
respondents are prepared to sacrifice one characteristic for another characteristic. This requires making
two assessments: the rate at which preference changes with variation in a single characteristic and the
rate at which respondents are prepared to trade-off one characteristic for another. Thus, it could be
classed as an inferential method alongside the Hedonic Price approach and so shares some of the same
drawbacks. Those drawbacks include:

1. The different characteristics used are necessarily treated categorically rather than as continuous

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2. As the number of characteristics and levels within each characteristic increase, so the number of
possible combinations that can be compared increases exponentially. This makes it impossible to
ask any single respondent to make all possible comparisons. Hence each respondent is only asked
to make a sample of the possible comparisons, and the comparisons made by the sample as a
whole generally only amount to a sample of the total number of possible comparisons (although
this is in principle solvable by increasing the sample size). In turn, that makes it impossible to
differentiate statistically between a number of functional relationships.
3. The number of possible characteristics which may be important to an individual’s choice between
properties may exceed 7, but Miller’s classic paper (1956) demonstrated that 7 is the maximum
number of characteristics that average person can deal with at any one time.
4. The task of comparison is very tedious for the respondent. There is evidence that the respondent’s
performance varies over the duration of task: performance initially being poor whilst the
respondent learns the task and falling off again after a while when they become bored with it.
5. It is necessary to look for market segmentation; in the example above, it might be anticipated that
household at different stages in the lifecycle would have very different preferences with regard to
the number of bedrooms in a property where that preference is itself in the form of a step

As a technique, it has the advantage that it avoids the explicit question of who pays for flood
alleviation works. But it is likely to only be possible to obtain a total sum for all flood impacts, from
which direct damages would then have to be removed. Overall, the wide usage of the technique in
market research gives credence to it. But the author’s own experience as a participant in market
research studies is that making the choices is very tedious and difficult. Similarly, the author’s
experience in applying the technique to evaluate traffic nuisance is that the statistical analysis is very
time consuming, not least because the UK housing market proved to be segmented, each group
requiring a separate analysis. It is best seen, therefore, as a back-up option, to be adopted if simpler
techniques are not judged to be viable.

6.5.2 Inferential approaches

Market based approaches and the Contingent Valuation method share the advantage that a directly
observable number emerge from the exercise. In the first case, this is a market price; in the latter case,
it is a frequency distribution of the amounts different individuals state that they are prepared to pay for
flood alleviation. Inferential approaches start with some gross observed behaviour and seek to infer
both the reasons why people adopted that behaviour and the relative importance that they gave to
different reasons when making the choice to adopt that behaviour. Hedonic price method

This method is commonly misleading labelled as a ‘revealed preference’ technique, implying that
people’s preferences can be observed from their behaviour. In practice, inferences are made about
their behaviour through statistical analysis of data on the market prices of properties and the
characteristics of those properties, so that the value of lower flood risk is inferred from the relevant
coefficient in some multiple regression equation. The problems with the technique are consequently
those associated with any form of sampling and statistical analysis in which one statistical function is
fitted to some set of data. The issues are thus vary similar to those predicting the return period of a
flood of a given magnitude from some stream flow data or of deriving some regional growth curves
for flood magnitude. Notably, there is a risk of mis-specifying the regression equation either or both in
terms of the independent variables included or the functional form of the equation assumed. These
risks are increased because there is no theoretical reason for determining either what variables ought to
be the independent variables or the functional form of the equation.

The key condition before this method can be considered is that something approximating to a free
market exists; if a large proportion of the housing stock is rented and price controlled in some way
then this method cannot be used. The method has a number of other limitations:

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1. Data notably upon property prices or values must be available, generally this is should be on the
actual price at which a property was sold.
2. The area affected by flooding must be large enough to result in a sufficiently large sample of
properties upon which to carry out the statistical analysis.
3. Only those potential explanatory variables for which data at individual property level is available
can be included.
4. There is evidence that housing markets are commonly segmented both demographically and also

Sugden and Williams (1978) made the interesting suggestion that house prices should be expected to
vary in relation to flood risk only in relation to those damages which could not be recovered through
insurance and/or compensation. If true, then the method has the strong advantage of separating those
damages in which we are interested from the direct damages already included in economic analyses of
flood alleviation schemes. However, insurance is a luxury good, the proportion of households buying
insurance increasing as household income rises.

In practical terms, this method is of interest largely for experimental purposes rather being likely to
yield valid and reliable results in any particular circumstances. A competitive rental market might be
the most promising context in which to test its use. Bootstrapping
This technique was developed at FHRC some twenty years ago (Green and Penning-Rowsell 1986;
1989), being inspired in part by the pioneering Tug Fork study (Allee et al 1980). It is grounded in the
orthodox economic assumption that value is subjective; economic value is simply how much someone
wants something compared to their desire for other things.

In its simplest form, the bootstrapping approach involves a social survey of flood victims. In the
course of that interview, the flood victims are asked to rate subjectively the relative severity of the
different impacts of the flood upon their household’s life. Those impacts include those impacts
conventionally included in the cost-benefit analysis of flood alleviation schemes: the direct damage to
the dwelling and its contents. But they also include some of the social impacts of flooding, including:
the stress of the flood; disruption to the life of the household, and the effects of the flood on the life of
the household. In addition to these subjective assessments of the different impacts of the flood on the
household, the interview schedule also includes questions asking for quantitative information where
appropriate (e.g. the value of the damages to the household, whether or not any member of the
household sought medical help, how many days it took to get the home back to normal and so on).

The respondents are also asked to rate overall the effect of the flood upon their household. It is then a
reasonable assumption that the individual respondents’ assessments of the severity of the different
impacts of the flood should explain the differences in their assessments of the overall severity of the
flood. For example, the regression coefficients obtained in one study (Green et al 1994) are shown in
Figure 6.2. As that figure shows, the subjective severity of some the impacts are themselves inter-
related, some variables affecting the subjective overall severity of the flood indirectly through their
effect on immediate variables. Hence, it is necessary to use causal analysis (e.g. Asher 1976) to
disentangle the different inter-relationships. The figure also shows that respondents appear to have
responded differently to the question on stress to the interpretation that we intended.

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Figure 6.3: Example for regression coefficients of flood impacts derived by bootstrapping

.60 worry
.72 .72

.58 disruption Overall


Irreplaceables .61
.60 evacuation .61
damage to house

The relationships imply that stress should be understood in terms of the overall experience whereas the
intention was to ask about the stress of the event itself. The figure also shows that whilst damage to the
house has both a direct and an indirect effect on the overall severity of the flood (through its effect on
evacuation, and evacuation’s effect on stress), damage to the replaceable contents does not have any
significant effects.

The procedure used to put a money value on the social impacts starts with the orthodox economic
assumption about the nature of value: that this is the individual’s subjective desire to gain goods or to
avoid some consequence. Thus, for the impacts which are priced (e.g. the damage to the house and
damages to replaceable contents), if there is some relationship between the subjective severity of the
damages and the monetary value of the damages, this relationship can be used to infer the monetary
value of the other impacts. For instance, and to over-simplify, if a subjective severity for the damage
to a building of 6 corresponds to a loss of 5,000 euros, then a subjective severity of 6 for health
damage is taken to imply a monetary equivalent loss of 5,000 euros. It is obviously necessary in doing
this to net out indirect effects in order to avoid double-counting.

As an approach, it scores highly as a means of gaining understanding but the lesson is that it requires
very large samples in terms of the combinations of affected populations and flood conditions in order
to disentangle the different effects and relationships. Notably, the effectiveness of both flood warnings
and social support in reducing the social impacts of flooding remain ambiguous.

6.6 Conclusions
We want to make ‘better’ choices about interventions to mitigate the effect of floods; to do so requires
that we gain a better understanding of the nature of each choice which we must make (including about
the social impact of floods).

This is a process of learning, and in the course of learning about the nature of the choice, we also hope
to invent a better option: a better type of intervention. Hence, these guidelines are not about what to do
but how to learn, what techniques can help us discover more about the nature of the choice that must
be made. Quite clearly, this chapter shows that there is still a lot to learn.

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Which techniques are most useful in assisting us with our choices must then reflect the approach being
adopted to making the choice. As stakeholder engagement increasingly becomes the central feature of
decisions about flood risk management, Deliberative Multi-Criteria Analysis is likely to become the
critical project appraisal technique. Here, a vulnerability index is likely to be a useful technique and
this will involve the analysis of the social impacts of floods that has been the subject of this chapter:
the effects of floods on people.

But as always in flood risk management, nothing is that simple. A key group of stakeholders who are
likely to be under-represented are those who will bear the costs of the intervention strategy, the
general taxpayer. Some measure of ‘value for money’ is the minimum required to provide
accountability (e.g. benefit-cost analysis). However, currently we lack not only any knowledge of
what are the priorities of the taxpayer with respect to flood alleviation, and their willingness to pay, we
also lack any economic theory as to why they are willing to pay. In essence that means that we may
know more, by learning, about the social benefits of flood interventions (by studying the social
impacts of floods) but we remain almost entirely ignorant of the social costs of flood intervention and
the sizeable investment that it often involves.

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Annex 6.1 Summary Guidelines

1. The purpose of the exercise is to gain understanding; numbers are useful in so far as they
summarise that understanding.
2. Do not give the responsibility for the development of the methodology to traditional
economists but commission social scientists with a wider perspective instead.
3. The market research literature is a good starting point for the development of a survey
4. The starting point for any study has to be a concept model showing the key concept and the
predicted relationships between those concepts. Questions, sampling design and statistical
analysis should always be based upon that conceptual model.
5. Remember that words matter; that is why we have so many of them. Changing a word can
completely change the meaning of a question. It is essential to be clear both what you mean by
a word and also how it is understood by the respondents. When translating a questionnaire or
interview schedule from one language into another, it is desirable to do a back translation in
order to check for words that do not have exact equivalents in the second language. For
example, the word ‘right’ in English can carry connotations of both ‘correct’ and ‘just’; so, in
some contexts, it would be incorrect to translate ‘right’ as simply ‘correct’.
6. Measurement is a social act; the respondents will seek to interpret the purpose of the survey
and its form and nature will provide them with information as the basis of this interpretation.
When the survey is of flood victims, there is the ethical question of why they should agree to
participate, and what will be the effects of taking part in the survey upon those flood victims?
7. It is always tempting to design any interview schedule or questionnaire from scratch. This
temptation should be resisted, not least because it means that the results from no two studies
will ever be comparable. Given the amount of testing that is required to establish any
measurement instrument as being valid and reliable, it is preferable as far as possible to borrow
from the tried and tested.
8. Reliability is almost invariably enhanced by the use of multiple questions intended to measure
the same concept.
9. The basis for validity is the clear conceptualisation of what it is intended to measure and the
reasons why that variable is of significance.

Annex 6.2 Current ‘best of breed’ survey instruments

Parameters ‘best current practice’ Reference

General interview Standard household interview Penning-Rowsell et al 1992
schedule for flood schedule
Event stress Event stress scale Parker et al 1987
Distress Impact of Event scale Zilberg et al 1982
Health status index General Health Questionnaire 12 Goldberg and Williams 1988
Worry about future Guttman scale of worry Parker et al 1987

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7. Making choices on the quality of the environment: Contingent

valuation and cost-benefit analysis
Contributed by Anne van der Veen and Joerg Krywkow

7.1 Summary

Contingent valuation (CV) is a relative novel method to monetise environmental changes. This survey-
based method has been emerging due to an increasing societal interest in representing the appreciation
and valuation of intangibles such as nature, biodiversity, clean water and many more in complex
assessment methods and decision support. CV enables scientists and practitioners to directly compare
environmental goals to goals such as decreasing unemployment, keeping the inflation down, keeping
the governmental budget balanced and others in a societal economic context.

The incorporation of environmental changes into decision support tools appears to be difficult since no
actual prices can be determined for environmental goods. With a CV scientists or practitioners try to
recover non-use or existence values. This is fundamentally different from cost-benefit analysis (CBA),
where welfare changes are attempted to be measured via prices of goods and services.

CV provides a ‘workaround’ by applying methods that measures the “willingness to pay” and the
“willingness to accept”, and this way creates artificial market prices. Parameters for an artificial
market can be found through interviews and surveys eliciting environmental interests and preferences
of involved stakeholders. Based upon the “hypothetical approach” and in combination with empirical
data CV supports the incorporation of environmental goods in a CBA.

The literature holds many examples for applications of CV, which will be briefly discussed in this
report. Furthermore, some emphasis is put on the way monetisation of environmental goods can be
accomplished. Since CV was firstly introduced in the US, and is successfully applied there, the role of
CV in the US is discussed as well as applications in Europe and the criticism of applications in both
regions. At the end of the report we give some recommendations of how CV techniques can be applied
in the context of the European Union.

7.2 Introduction
Many flood effects cannot be the subject of valuations derived from conventional markets, but are
nevertheless known to be very large and important. This chapter looks at techniques for assessing
these effects.

Due to an increase in social awareness with regard to environmental degradation over the past
decades, the quality of the environment is becoming increasingly important in decision-making
processes. Next to traditional goals such as stimulating employment, keeping inflation down and
keeping the government budget deficit under control, the environmental quality is an important aspect
on which public policy is based. Therefore, environmental changes will have to be incorporated in
decision support methods. In the flooding context environmental change mean a loss of or damage to
'environmental' goods. This can be a mere loss of CO2-absorbing biomass, biodiversity or the loss of
rare species, the loss of recreational or aesthetic value or 'cultural' landscape. If costs and benefits of
flood mitigation measures are calculated, these values must be included in the evaluation. If multi-
criteria analysis is used as decision support method, no special adaptations are required to incorporate
environmental aspects. Environmental impacts are dealt with in the same manner as other non-
monetary criteria such as the number of jobs or the number of years it takes a project to achieve its
purpose. However, if benefit-cost analysis is used as a decision support method, we are faced with the
problem that no prices are available for environmental goods. So there is a need for a procedure which
converts the changes in environmental goods into monetary terms. Put more precisely: because

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benefit-cost analysis aims to measure welfare changes, an alternative method should be used to
demonstrate Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) or Willingness-To-Accept (WTA) for a given amount of
environmental goods. If this approach proves to be successful, benefit-cost analysis will be more

The literature (Freeman, 1979; Johansson, 1987; Pearce & Markandya, 1989) describes a number of
environmental evaluation methods, such as the Cost-of-Illness method, the Averting Behaviour
method, the Hedonic Pricing method, the Travel Cost method and the Contingent Valuation method. A
main distinction between these methods is whether it is based on revealed preferences, or expressed
preferences (Contingent Valuation method). Revealed preferences methods are more familiar to
economists and traditionally inspire them with more confidence than expressed preferences methods
as the Contingent Valuation method, because the former makes use of the observable behaviour of
individuals. In contrast, the Contingent Valuation method creates an artificial market for a good by
means of a questionnaire, where an individual shows hypothetical behaviour by expressing his/her
monetary valuation for the proposed change in the availability of a good. So, the main difference
between revealed preferences methods and the Contingent Valuation method is that the latter method
puts individuals in a hypothetical position and elicits the monetary valuation of a certain
environmental change by means of a questionnaire or survey. An artificial market is the representation
of monetary values that have been determined throughout the survey-based valuation of non-market
resources. Although these resources have utility, they do not have market value. However, for the sake
of comparability these resources receive a value that can be seen as monetary equivalent to market
prices. Since individuals can receive benefit from resources such as the beauty of a landscape, fresh
air, the diversity of species and many more, these value must be considered as loss, similar to a loss of
property and production capacity.

In the following we will concentrate on Contingent Valuation as a method to monetise environmental

changes. We will highlight recent contributions to the valid and reliable application of the CV method.
We will discuss experiences in the US with the method and the consequent rules that were designed
for a proper application within CBA. Finally, we will shortly discuss the role CVM plays in European
decision making. It is our view that this role is limited. We will formulate recommendations for
applying CV analysis within a European institutional context.

Part of the theory on CV analysis as presented below is based on in his PhD on CV analysis at the
University of Twente.

7.3 Brief History of Contingent Valuation

The origins of Contingent Valuation are credited to Ciriacy-Wantrup (1947), as cited by, who
suggested the use of the ‘direct interview method’ to obtain the economic values of natural resources.
However, it was Davis (1963) who played a key role in the development of CV. He argued that it
would be possible to approximate a market for non-marketed goods by means of surveys; the survey
should carefully describe the artificial market, including alternative options, while market behaviour
could be simulated by putting the interviewer in the ‘position of a seller who elicits the highest
possible bid from the user for the services being offered’ (Davis 1963: p.245). Davis applied his ideas
to measure the economic benefits of a particular recreational area, specifically recreation activities in
the woods of Maine. For this purpose he personally interviewed 121 hunters and recreationers. His
study was followed by several others, of which the study reported by Randall, Ives and Eastman
(1974) was a remarkable and influential one, because they were the first to obtain estimates of
benefits of an environmental good, namely aesthetic improvements (air visibility), which could not be
compared with other valuation methods.

A strong stimulus for the development of monetary valuation methods was given by Reagan’s
Executive Order 12291 in 1981, which stipulated that all proposed regulations on environmental
policy should be subjected to benefit-cost analysis. New environmental regulations would only be

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carried out if a positive net present value for society could be obtained. Therefore, the social benefits
of environmental improvement (or prevention of environmental degradation) had to be monetized. The
flexibility and general applicability of CV is the main reason that this method has since then received
the most attention.
7.4 The CV method
The Contingent Valuation (CV) method is based on survey research; its aim is to elicit people's
preferences by asking whether they are prepared to pay for changes in the availability of a public
(specifically, an environmental) good (Mitchell & Carson, 1989). In the survey, an artificial market is
created in which the respondents are given the opportunity to 'buy' (or ‘sell’) certain goods. The main
distinction between CV and the other valuation methods is that CV is based on expressed preferences
instead of revealed preferences; that is, the results of CV can be seen as intended behaviour, while
revealed preferences methods are based on actual behaviour.

At the moment, the Contingent Valuation method is the most promising monetary valuation method
for environmental changes. This is partly due to the following two important features (Pearce &
Markandya 1989: p.35):

• Contingent Valuation is often the only technique for assessing benefits

• Contingent Valuation should be applicable to most contexts of environmental policy

The advantage of the hypothetical nature of this method is that goods can be valued which cannot be
valued by methods based on revealed preferences. The CV method should be able to value
environmental changes which have never occurred yet and changes with which respondents are not
familiar. This implies that CV could be a useful instrument in ex ante decision making. Conversely,
the hypothetical nature of CV is also its main source of criticism, because it creates the possibility of
giving an arbitrary response without bearing the consequences of (wrong) decisions. Therefore it is
doubtful whether the stated valuations are valid. On the other hand, an advantage of the hypothetical
nature of the CV method is that, as opposed to the other methods, the validity of a specific application
of CV can actually be tested. Finally, CV measures total economic value, including non-use value.

7.4.1 Non-use values

Non-use value is an indicator of the utility derived by individuals ‘from an amenity for various reasons
other than their expected personal use’ (Mitchell & Carson 1989: p.63). This differs from the
traditional concept of economic value in two respects: firstly, the wider concept of use benefits does
not necessarily have to be accompanied by direct and observable financial transactions (such as noise
pollution and air visibility); and secondly, economic benefits might arise even if the individual is not
personally and physically affected by a change in the amenity, which we then label 'non-use value'.
And, as argued by (Randall, 1991) ‘both of these ideas are well within the purview of the standard
economic model of benefits’. The intellectual origin of the concept of non-use value comes from
(Krutilla, 1967), who remarked that there are people who are willing to give up scarce resources for
the continued or improved existence of wilderness even though they never would visit that area. This
was labelled existence value. Contingent Valuation is the only monetary valuation method which,
from a theoretical point of view, is capable of measuring non-use values.

7.4.2 Measuring non-use values and welfare economics

In a CV study respondents are asked to value an environmental change which will (usually) have an
effect on his/her level of welfare. This change in welfare is made operational by assessing changes in
utility. In benefit-cost analysis, the change in utility is frequently measured by the change in consumer

Welfare analysis, which is part of neo-classical economic theory, deals with welfare changes resulting
from price changes. The analysis of welfare changes due to changes in the availability of public goods
requires only minor adaptations.

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7.4.3 Structure of a CV Study

The CV method is based on survey research; its aim is to elicit people's preferences by asking to what
extent they are willing to pay for changes in the availability of a public (specifically, an
environmental) good (Mitchell & Carson 1989). The survey creates an artificial market, where the
respondents are given the opportunity to 'buy' certain goods. To this end the survey has to meet a
number of methodological conditions with respect to survey research, but also with respect to
economic theory28.

Basically the survey consists of three parts (Mitchell & Carson, 1989: p.3):

• Firstly, a precise description of the good which has to be valued and of the hypothetical
circumstances in which the public good is made available to the respondent. The purpose is to
create an artificial market which comes as close as possible to a real market for that particular
good. During this stage information is given about the present condition of the good, the
proposed changes in quantity or quality of the good and the means of payment (e.g., tax
increase, entrance fees or membership dues).
• Secondly, a number of questions should be asked which are intended to elicit the respondents'
WTP for the defined change in availability of that good. The respondents may be asked to
value different levels of availability of the good, so that a demand function for the good in
question may be estimated. Moreover, in the course of these questions the respondents should
be confronted with their previously stated WTP and be given the opportunity to revise their
• Thirdly, questions are asked about certain characteristics of the respondents (such as values,
current use of the good, age and income). These characteristics are used to explain the WTP of
the respondent and to determine the validity and reliability of the CV method as a measuring
instrument of WTP for (environmental) goods.

7.5 CV analysis in the US

As stated above a strong stimulus for CV analysis in the US was given by Reagan’s Executive Order
12291 in 1981, which stipulated that all proposed regulations on environmental policy should be
subjected to benefit-cost analysis. New environmental regulations would only be carried out if a
positive net present value for society could be obtained. Therefore, the social benefits of
environmental improvement (or prevention of environmental degradation) had to be included.

In 1983 the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (EPA) asked three CV researchers,
Cummings, Brookshire and Schulze, to write a state-of-the-art assessment of CV and to ‘reflect on
past achievements, remaining problems and future possibilities’ (Mitchell & Carson 1989: p.14). Their
assessment resulted in the following four Reference Operating Conditions (ROC’s) (Cummings
Ronald et al., 1986):

• Subjects must understand and be familiar with the to-be-valued good (ROC 1);
• Subjects must have had, or be allowed to obtain, prior valuation and choice experience with
consumption levels of the to-be-valued good (ROC 2);
• There must be little uncertainty (ROC 3); and finally,
• WTP and not WTA measures should be elicited (ROC 4).

If these conditions were met, the researchers expected the accuracy of the CV results to approximate
the accuracy of estimates from ‘normal’ market research.

Assumptions in standard economic theory are, for example, transitivity, completeness (particularly of interest
to a CV, because in a CV study respondents are confronted with two potential situations, i.e. with/without the
environmental improvement and without/with the money). See Anand (1993) for a philosophical discussion of
the assumptions in neoclassical economics, and Deaton and Muellbauer (1980) for an extensive discussion of the
relevance of these assumptions related to the theory of consumer behaviour. See also section 4.4.

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Another major event related to CV research was the huge oil spill due to the grounding of the oil
tanker Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound in the Northern part of the Gulf of Alaska on March 24,
1989. This oil spill was the largest oil spill from a tanker in U.S. history; more than 1000 miles of
coast line were affected in an area which was pristine before the oil spill. The total number of dead
birds recovered (so it is the lower limit for the actual number of dead birds due to the oil spill) in the
area of the spill was almost 23,000 birds, some 75% of which were murres. After the oil spill the State
of Alaska undertook various studies to identify the physical damage to natural resources as a result of
the oil spill and accompanying economic damage. The studies which measures economic losses also
take into account, in addition to the cost of purification, aspects such as the decrease in revenue from
recreation and fisheries. Besides this loss of use values, the oil spill also resulted in a loss of non-use
values. An interdisciplinary group of experienced CV researchers was commissioned by the state of
Alaska to perform a CV study to measure the loss of non-use value to U.S. citizens (excluding people
who lived in Alaska, because their value could partly be use value). The loss of non-use values
resulting from the Exxon Valdez oil spill was estimated at 2,8 billion US$ (1991 rate) (Carson, 1992).

7.5.1 Criticism on CV analysis in the US and consequent NOAA recommendations

Exxon anticipated the potentially high financial consequences of the Exxon Valdez oil spill and
commissioned a number of researchers outside the field of CV who were asked to perform a number
of empirical studies to verify whether non-use values could be accurately measured by means of CV.
The (predictable) conclusion of this group of researchers was that the CV method is not capable of
resulting in valid and reliable measures of non-use values and that therefore assessments of lost non-
use values by means of the CV method should not be used in court. The main argument of propagators
of CV, in response towards their critics, is summarized by Mitchell (in Hausman, 1993: p.211): 'You
draw some rather strong conclusions about contingent valuation as a method, based on your analysis
of a particular study. And yet when you look at the study, the study does not in any way, shape or form
represent the state of the art of contingent valuation..'.

In view of the damage which resulted from the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, it is interesting to
look at the Oil Pollution Act (OPA) of 1990. This Act 'provides for the prevention of, liability for,
removal of and compensation for the discharge [...] of oil into or upon the navigable waters of the
United States, adjoining shorelines or the Exclusive Economic Zone' (Campbell, 1993).

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the U.S. Department of
Commerce had to develop regulations and procedures to assess the damages to natural resources
covered by the OPA. With this objective in mind the NOAA asked a number of independent
researchers to evaluate the accuracy of the Contingent Valuation method for measuring non-use
values. This 'Blue Ribbon' CV Panel concluded that provided a number of stringent conditions (mainly
survey guidelines) were met, CV studies could convey useful information and that CV estimates were
'reliable enough to be the starting point of a judicial process of damage assessment, including lost non-
use values' (Arrow et al., 1993).

The NOAA recommendations can be summarized as follows (See also (Alberini et al., 2005):
1. Apply face to face interviews and allow for pretesting in focus groups
2. Design the survey in a conservative way
3. Elicit WTP instead of WTA
4. Apply a dichotomous choice referendum format
5. Investigate the reasons for No-answer or Would-not-vote
6. Include follow-up questions to investigate Yes or No answers
7. Remind the respondent of their budget constraints
8. Test for the effects of photographs
9. Cross-tabulate WTP with variables such as income, prior knowledge of the site, prior interest
in the site (visitation rates), attitudes toward the environment, attitudes towards big business,
distance to the site, understanding of the site, belief of the scenarios, ability or willingness to
perform the valuation task.

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7.6 CV analysis in the EU

In Bateman and Willis (1999) the EU institutional Framework for CV analysis is reviewed by
Bonnieuux and Rainelli, (1999). The authors conclude (p. 609) that ‘to date there has been a
noticeable absence of guidance regarding the use of valuation techniques within European decision
making’. Also on page 601: ‘ We….. have little evidence of CV studies directly influencing
regulations and only circumstantial indications of an effect upon wider policy’. In a review for a recent
EU project (Alberini et al., 2005) conclude that Contingent Valuation studies have been conducted in
many European countries, however only in a few cases have the estimates of WTP from these studies
constituted the grounds for policy. As a positive exception, in the UK CV analysis has been applied
for a variety of public goods: environmental quality, transportation policies and safety programs.

That is a rather meager result. More seriously, we are not aware of an EU analogy of the US ROC, or
NOAA recommendations to do CV analysis. Otherwise stated, CV analysis has not received the same
institutional embedding, which was given in the US. This is of course due to differences in legislation
between the US and the EU. However, we do think that acceptance of CV analysis within a CBA
decision framework requires rules for the application of the technique, analogous to rules regarding

An interesting example of a major difference in the setting for a CV analysis is given by Polomé, van
der Veen and Geurts (2004), where the influence of a referendum format, which is quite uncommon in
Europe, is tested. The results indicate that the context does indeed significantly affect the estimated

Before we will answer the question whether it is time to formulate recommendations to do CV

analysis in a EU institutional setting, we will turn to some recent criticism.

7.7 Recent criticism on the use of CV estimates in CBA

The CV method has been rejected by many researchers as a method for measuring preferences for
environmental goods. Early criticism on the use of Contingent Valuation, as already stated above, to
assess the non-use value of environmental goods was given by a group of scientists in Hausman
(1993). Here it was concluded that the CV method is not suitable for measuring preferences and that
therefore its outcomes should not be used in a CBA. Their main argument is that the WTP responses
are implausible, and inconsistent with the assumptions of rational choice in neoclassical economics.

More specific Lichtenstein & Slovic (1971) mention ‘preference reversal’ as a major problem. It
means that basically equivalent methods result in different orders of preference, which disrupts the
procedural invariance. A distinction between methods which is often applied is that of 'choice' (or
rating) versus (WTP-)‘payment’ (Tversky, Slovic and Kahneman, 1990). Preference reversal has been
demonstrated in many studies. See also (Sugden, 1999) for a review.

Another point of criticism of the CV method is the fact that apparently unimportant changes in the
design of the CV survey often result in large changes in the stated WTP. This lack of (convergent)
validity (comparable to 'procedural and descriptive invariance' in cognitive psychology) was
characterized by Shafer (1986, p.464) as 'the most fundamental result of three decades of empirical
investigation' in behavioural decision-making. Despite the fact that cognitive psychological theory
does not give a cut-and-dried explanation for the lack of procedural and descriptive invariance, some
ideas have been proposed in which direction we should look for an explanation (Payne et al. 1992;
Krosnick 1991). In general, Gregory et al. (1993) are of the opinion that the 'unrealistic cognitive
demands upon respondents' (p.178) constitute the main problem of current CV methods.

Furthermore, in the empirical studies on which the critics base their opinions it is usually implicitly
assumed that a respondent has 'articulated values' (Fisschoff, 1991); this means that individuals have
assigned an ex ante value to all possible goods (including goods unknown to the respondents and

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goods with which respondents have no experience). The respondents are simply expected to retrieve
this value from memory and report it accurately. However, even in the case of market goods this
approach is not acceptable: 'it would presumably be implausible to argue that individuals were born
with an innate demand schedule for video-recorders' (Green, 2003). In case of public goods, with
which respondents do not necessarily have experience, it is even less likely that respondents will have
a stable ex ante value for these goods. Less extreme is the thought that individuals will construct stable
preferences for goods through experience and possibly through mistakes in market behaviour.
Particularly, in the case of relatively unfamiliar goods, respondents should be supplied with sufficient
information as to make it clear to them precisely what they are supposed to value. If a respondent is
confronted with an interview without having any clear preferences for the good in question, he will
have to construct a value during the interview (Gregory et al. 1993). This causes difficulties in
Contingent Valuation, because it makes WTP very dependent on the presented context (Fischhoff &
Furby 1988). It is not completely clear how respondents construct a value during the interview;
besides, it is doubtful whether the construction of a value during the short time of the interview will
lead to stable preferences and stable CV responses.

Finally, to describe a CV scenario knowledge is required on how information is processed. Dependent

on the level of complexity of the scenario, there may be a lot of respondents who do not have the
mental capacity to assess the impact of the to-be-valued problem and to understand what it means for
their own situation (Harris et al. 1989; Krosnick 1991).

The criticism as formulated above becomes available more and more in a structured way. In the
following we will summarise five articles that constitute, what we call, a new body of knowledge
regarding the way economists deal with non-use values in the formation of preferences and

1. In Sugden (1999) a thorough review is given on the neo-classical economic basis for CVM
analysis. The author confronts Hicksian welfare economic theory with empirical findings of
CV surveys. He is puzzled by systematic patterns that are not compatible with Hicksian
theory. His conclusion is twofold: either Hicksian theory that models consumer choice is
fundamentally flawed, or learning and feedback mechanisms that operate in real markets tend
to induce behaviour that is consistent with Hicksian theory. The first conclusion requires new
theories of decision making, and the latter asks for more empirical research.
2. In Green and Tunstall (1999) it is argued that a CV survey is a psychological experiment. And
psychology does not accept the axiomatic claims made for the assumptions upon which the
neo-classical model is built. The psychological model is a process model where the emphasis
is on how beliefs and preferences are formed and learnt, and how information is acquired. In
an interview the psychologist is worried about whether the task asked of the respondent is one
which they can do. Moreover, whilst psychology shares with economics a focus on the
behaviour of the individual in isolation, social psychology treats individual behaviour as
emerging from the individual’s interaction in a social context. In their conclusion the authors
end by stating that any CV survey is an experiment and that it is not an ‘off-the-shelf’
procedure which can be simply used to go out and get some values. It thus is not possible to
set out a recipe book and consequently the NOAA guidelines are premature.
3. McFadden (1999) discusses the concept of rationality that underpins economic analysis. His
conclusions are the following: Experimental evidence provides no support for preference
rationality, although the evidence contradicting preference rationality is mostly circumstantial.
More seriously, failures of perception and process rationality may render behaviour so erratic
that even if they exist, preferences are largely irrelevant to the explanation of observed
4. In Wierstra, Geurts and Van der Veen (2001) empirical evidence is provided for some of the
issues mentioned above. First of all, it was tested whether respondents were able to handle
complex information in the valuation of an environmental good (reduction in the risk on
flooding). Secondly, validity was researched in the valuation of a purely non-use
environmental good. The conclusion was that scope validity is ambiguous for goods with high

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content of complexity. Moreover, construct validity was not guaranteed for environmental
changes with non-use values: Economic factors were not significant, only attitudes were
5. In a paper in Land Economics Vatn (2004) tries to integrate the theoretical flaws in the
application of CV analysis. His conclusion is, in our words, that there are too many anomalies
in empirical CV studies that cannot be explained by standard economic theory. Vatn (2004)
points to problems related to presumptions about information and information handling, and
the characteristics of preferences and preference formation. He believes that a better
understanding can be found in expanding the analysis from the individual to the social level.

The five papers suggest that CV analysis is only at the beginning of a long trajectory. It is our belief
that current anomalies in empirical analysis should be solved by new theoretical insights.
Consequently, building in of CV results in a CBA analysis is a potentially dangerous route to go. We
therefore suggest to be careful in applying CV analysis. A distant attitude is recommended. By no
means this implies that we like to abandon CV analysis: we like to stress that every CV analysis is a
psychological experiment (Green and Tunstall, 1999). Our approach is rather conservative; we like to
stay on the safe side.

7.8 EU Recommendations on domain and technique for CV analysis

The distant attitude is translated in recommendations on the domain of environmental goods that can
be researched and in the technique of CV analysis.

With respect to the domain we propose the following conditions:

1. Market condition: Test whether the national government does accept the rules of the market
and thus the outcomes of the CV survey in her public decision-making.
2. Information condition: Test whether respondents understand the valuation task.
3. Scale condition: Do not apply CV analysis to large scale environmental changes
4. Irreversibility condition: Do not apply CV analysis to environmental changes, which are

The domain conditions are translated in the following type of goods that can be valued by means of
CV analysis: Environmental changes, which are characterized by:

1. Short-term
2. Reversibility
3. Small-scale
4. Easy perceptibility
5. National accountability stance

We do not recommend to perform a CV analysis for environmental changes, which are characterized

1. Long-term
2. Irreversibility
3. Large-scale
4. Difficult perceptibility
5. Cross-border accountability stance

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With respect to the technique of CV analysis we propose to accept the NOAA rules, not as a recipe
book (Green and Tunstall, 1999), but as a first recommendation to apply the technique of survey
analysis. There is, however, one exception we introduce in relation to the EU institutional context:
careful testing is required on the use of the typical US institutional referendum format.

1. Apply face to face interviews and allow for pretesting in focus groups
2. Design the survey in a conservative way
3. Elicit WTP instead of WTA
4. Test for validity in applying a dichotomous choice referendum format in the EU institutional
5. Investigate the reasons for No-answer or Would-not-vote
6. Include follow-up questions to investigate Yes or No answers
7. Remind the respondent of their budget constraints
8. Test for the effects of photographs
9. Cross-tabulate WTP with variables such as income, prior knowledge of the site, prior interest
in the site (visitation rates), attitudes toward the environment, attitudes towards big business,
distance to the site, understanding of the site, belief of the scenarios, ability or willingness to
perform the valuation task.

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8. Damage reducing effects of flood warnings

Contributed by Sylvia Tunstall and Dennis Parker

8.1 Introduction

8.1.1 Context of flood warning

Recent flood events across Europe and growing evidence of the potential for increased and more
extreme flooding due to climate change have highlighted the need to manage flood risks through a
range or combination of mechanisms rather than to place reliance upon protecting people and
properties through structural flood defences (e.g. in U.K, Defra 2004; Evans et al, 2004, Environment
Agency 2003a). As a result, flood warnings systems have come into prominence as a key mechanism
for managing flood risk which involves both the probability of flooding occurring and the
consequences for the people and property affected. A number of European countries (e.g. Britain,
France, Germany and others) are currently expanding their flood forecasting and warning systems.

Flood warnings, it can be argued, are the most fundamental mechanism for flood risk management
since even where structural flood defences are provided, residual risks remain. Moreover, long
established settlements are likely to remain in flood risk areas even if new development is kept out of
the flood plain. Importantly flood warnings can be instrumental in preventing loss of life and injury in
floods and this ‘public security’ aspect provides a key justification for developing flood warning
systems. Warning systems also have the potential to reduce flood damages and economic losses. Their
economic evaluation and justification can be based on the damages they save and the other economic
losses that they prevent. Yet despite the high priority accorded to flood warning in flood risk
management by governments, there is a lack of sound data on the benefits (and costs) of these

More generally a flood risk management strategy which uses flood warnings, either solely or in
conjunction with other management options, can contribute to making the occupation of floodplains
and coastal flood risk zones more sustainable over time.

8.1.2 Rationale for producing this guidance

The aim of this chapter is to summarise what is known from the literature review and data produced by
various European and other countries about the potential damage reducing effects of flood warnings. It
is also the intention that the chapter should provide indications on the methods that may be used to
generate data on the effects of warnings on the impacts of flooding.

8.1.3 Objectives for the use of the information in this chapter.

The overall aim is to produce guidance that will aid in improving the effectiveness of flood warning
systems and the social and economic justification for providing such systems.

The information on the damage reducing effects of flood warnings may be used in the following ways.

• To evaluate the benefits of investment in flood warnings (against costs) at national, regional,
local or scheme level and to compare the benefits of different flood warning options or levels
of investment. For example, in England and Wales, the benefits of various options for national
investment in flood warning systems have been appraised as part of the development of the
Environment Agency’s Flood Warning Investment Strategy Appraisal (Environment Agency
2003b). For the 2003/4 to 2012/13 period the Environment Agency has calculated that, with
some 375 million euros of anticipated investments in England and Wales over 10 years, that

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the benefits yielded in terms of flood damages saved will be in the order of 1,892 million
euros with a ratio of benefits to costs of 4.82.
• To facilitate comparison of the benefits and costs of different flood risk management
approaches: structural flood defences as compared with flood warnings schemes.
• To compare and prioritise among possible flood warning schemes for different locations.
• To enable cost benefit analyses for structural flood defences to be adjusted to take account of
the benefit reducing effects of flood warnings (where there is a flood warning system in place
providing property owners with the opportunity to move or protect their property, flood
damages, and thence scheme benefits will be reduced to some extent).

Guidance on ways of generating information on the damage reducing effects of flood warnings
provides an important way of ensuring that a consistent approach is adopted when such comparisons
are made.

8.1.4 What is included in this chapter

The guidance in this chapter is in draft form for two reasons.

• Guidance on the damage reducing effects of flood warnings need to relate to and to build on
other activities in Task 9, chiefly the information on flood damage databases and on
estimating economic damages from flooding.
• In the UK, substantial work is in progress to review the methods for estimating the damage
reducing benefits of flood warnings developed by FHRC and employed by the Environment
Agency in England and Wales. The guidance has been partially amended but may need to be
further revised where appropriate to take account of further developments in the research and

This chapter (section 2) outlines very briefly the type of literature available on flood warnings and
their damage reducing effects. Section 3 provides an overview of the adverse impacts of flooding and
the potential for warnings to reduce them. In section 4, the contextual factors for warning damage
reduction are outlined: the types of flood events, warnings systems and the warning recipients and
their responses are reviewed based on the literature. Section 5 gives a brief overview on evaluating the
damage reducing effects of flood warnings while Section 6 focuses on direct damages to property and
Section 7 on the intangible impacts of flooding.

It is assumed that the main aim of this chapter is to produce guidance on evaluating flood warning
benefits in economic terms, although the information included could also be used to support an
approach based on performance indicators. The Environment Agency uses both approaches in England
and Wales.

8.2 Key literature

A review of the literature shows that although there is an extensive body of literature on flood
warnings especially from the US, and Australia, there is not much written on evaluating the actual
benefits, particularly the economic benefits, of warnings. In particular, there is literature on how
people respond to flood warnings (Pfister, 2002; Drabek, 1986, 2000), and for example, evacuation
behaviour (e.g.Van Duin and Bezuyen, 2000), effectiveness of flood warnings (Parker and Fordham,
1996; Handmer, 2000; Pfister, 2002), flood warning systems in Europe (Rosenthal and t’ Hart, 1998;
Handmer, 2000 & 2002; ), the UK (Parker, 2000), North America (Handmer, 2002) and Australia
(Handmer, 2000), and ways to improve flood warnings (Parker, 2003; Parker, 2000). In the
EUROflood project the flood forecasting, warning and response systems of five European countries
(Germany, France, The Netherlands, Portugal and the United Kingdom) were evaluated and compared
(Parker et al., 1994).

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Recent EU funded projects have tended to focus on science and technology issues in flood forecasting
rather than the social issues of warning dissemination systems and response. The ACTIF project
(Achieving Technological Innovation in Flood Forecasting) was established in February 2003 with a
duration of 36 months under FP5 to cluster the results of the many FP5 research projects on flood
forecasting. A few of the projects considered under ACTIF, for example, MUSIC, MITCH,
FLOODRELIEF and MANTISSA included wider issues of flood warning communication to
professional partners and the public. However, a review of recent EU research on flooding has shown
the topic of IT and disaster management to be of growing interest within EU research on flooding
related topics (Ashton et al., 2003).

8.3 Flood warning system performance

Flood warning systems are one part of a larger system often termed ‘flood forecasting, warning and
response’. The performance of flood warnings depends greatly upon floods being detected and
subsequently forecast with an acceptable degree of accuracy, reliability and timeliness, and warnings
systems may under-perform, or indeed fail, if flood detection and/or flood forecasting is flawed in
some way. The warning process may also under-perform in a variety of ways. For example, warning
messages may be inadequately constructed and/or inadequately communicated to those who require
them. A potentially large number of problems can arise at the warning communication stage,
particularly if warning communications are not direct between the flood warning issuing agency and
those who require flood warnings (e.g. householders). Delays in transmitting or receiving warnings
and passing them on may occur. Even if an adequately constructed warning message is received in a
timely manner by those who need a warning, an adequate response to warnings can by no means by
assured. This latter point is elaborated on below.

Experience demonstrates that all of the main elements of flood forecasting, warning and response
systems need to be working well for the overall system to perform adequately, otherwise performance
problems will arise. This means that flood warning systems are only likely to perform well if they are
constantly maintained and improved, taking advantage of post-warning reviews to diagnose and
address insufficiencies. Unfortunately, maintenance of such systems and taking advantage of learning
and improvement opportunities sometimes does not take place, especially where floods are relatively
infrequent events. In practice, therefore, flood warning systems often display degrees of under-
performance or even failure. This problem with hazard warnings in general has led to efforts to
evaluate the condition of such systems in order to identify and address problems before they arise
(Parker and Budgen 1998).

Unfortunately, therefore, the creation of a sound flood warning system does not guarantee success
measured in terms of loss and damage reduction. Sometimes flood warning systems may work well
for relatively frequent floods but then fail to perform adequately when confronted by an extreme
event. This may happen for a number of reasons. For example, the Environment Agency’s flood
forecasters did not recognise in advance the severity of the flood event which they detected which led
to the Easter 1998 floods in large parts of England and Wales (Bye and Horner, 1998). This was
because extreme events of this nature were beyond their experience and the flood forecasting tools
were insufficient to compensate for this at that time. Equally, those receiving a flood warning may not
grasp the severity of an extreme event, so that their response to the warning is less than is required.

Flash floods pose particular problems for flood forecasters and for flood warning managers, placing a
premium on scientific advances which can increase forecast lead times. Most of the methods for
estimating flood warning benefits described below assume a two hour or more flood warning lead
time, but sometimes the warning lead time is much less. In some parts of Europe, notably the
Mediterranean region, flash floods are common. Extreme flash floods are the worst case scenario in
this regard, and it is a serious challenge to produce a forecasting and warning system that provides
benefits to floodplain users.

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Finally, people sometimes refer to previous flood events which they may have experienced when they
receive a flood warning. Even if they use a previous event of similar magnitude as their benchmark
for warning response, they may be surprised that the flood evolves differently to their benchmarked
flood, and floods different areas and at different depths.

8.4 Adverse impacts of flooding

The rationale for, and the benefits of, providing warnings lie in their potential to reduce the adverse
impacts of flooding. These impacts, summarised in Table 1.3 above, are complex and wide-ranging.
Flooding can, of course, also have positive impacts upon the environment for example. In theory,
these potential positive benefits of flooding should be taken into account as well as the negative effects
but in practice they are not usually considered in the literature in developed countries at least.

In theory, a flood warning system that is properly planned, operated and maintained can allow many,
if not all, of these adverse impacts to be partially reduced or even, in some cases, eliminated. In
practice, the difficulty in systematically demonstrating the link between warnings and reduction in
many adverse impacts and in measuring that reduction in monetary values, means that only a limited
number of effects, chiefly direct damage reduction, have been considered.

Timely, accurate and reliable warnings can provide authorities, communities and individuals with time
to respond effectively in two different ways:

To prevent loss of life and injury through:

• evacuating people, animals and property out of the flood zone in advance of flooding to avoid
loss of life, injury, some direct damages and possibly health and stress effects.

To reduce damages to property through:

• action to strengthen existing defences, put temporary defences in place or to allow individual
home owners or businesses to protect their property with sandbags or flood gates or other
devices so that people, properties and other resources are not exposed to flood waters avoiding
most of the impacts.
• Raising or moving property out of reach of the flood waters within the flood zone to minimise
direct damages.

Recently the range of responses which are made in practice to flood warnings has come under some
scrutiny, and an expanded or more holistic model of these responses and their associated benefits is
being developed for the warnings component of Floodsite Task 10. For example, a recent research
project into flood warning benefits funded by the Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for
Environmental Research (2006) correctly recognises that flood warnings allow:

• the severity of flooding to be reduced through operational activities, such as the closure of
structural flood defences and the emergency clearance of culverts and channels which may
become blocked during a flood event.

In England there is a growing reliance upon flood defences which need to be closed to make them
operational in advance of flooding onset. The outstanding example is the Thames tidal flood
exclusion barrier which is a flood barrier which is closed when tide levels and associated weather
conditions indicate a storm surge of a defined threshold magnitude. At the same time some twenty or
more flood gates and closures must also be made on receipt of a flood warning in the downstream tidal
flood defences along the Thames estuary. This is just one example of numerous similar flood defence
structures in England and Wales which are reliant upon flood forecasting and warning for their

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integrity. Very little research has been undertaken to date on the benefits arising from these combined
warning and structural defence systems.

The potential for reducing the adverse impacts of flooding through flood warnings and the actions in
response to warnings that would be possible and appropriate depends upon three contextual elements:

• the nature and characteristics of the flood events and the catchment within which they occur;
• the characteristics and degree of development of the flood warning systems in place;
• the characteristics, experience, beliefs and attitudes of the public and professional agencies
who have to respond appropriately to the warning in a particular event.

8.5 Contexts for flood warning damage reduction

8.5.1 Types of flood event

It is important to be clear as to the types of flooding that are to be considered here: fluvial, tidal,
estuarial, tidal surges, dam and dike bursts and groundwater or pluvial flooding because the nature of
the flood events, catchment and type of flooding are factors in the potential for reducing adverse flood
impacts and in the appropriate response. First, some flood events and flooding, such as extreme
rainfall events are much more difficult to predict than others; the flooding in Boscastle, Cornwall,
England in August 2004 provides an example of an extremely rare event that it was not possible to
forecast with currently available technology in time to issue a warning (Environment Agency 2005).
There are cases, particularly in small catchments, where rainfall-run off response times are short,
where the principle challenge lies in generating flood forecasts with an acceptable degree of reliability
and accuracy, and which provide at least some warning lead time for response. With long, slow rising
rivers such as the Thames or Severn in the UK, flood forecasts can provide relatively long warning
lead times and allow plenty of time for response. Traditionally, flood risk management has tended to
focus on coastal and fluvial events. However, in the UK, policy is moving in the direction of managing
all flood risks, coastal, and fluvial but also now flooding from other sources such as pluvial and
groundwater flooding, since events often involve different sources of flooding and because it is a
matter of indifference to those affected as to where the floodwater comes from.

Second, the characteristics of the flood event: particularly the depth of flooding, but also the velocity
of flood waters, speed of onset, and duration of the flooding, will affect the amount of damages
incurred and thence the potential for damage reduction through warnings.

Third, the characteristics of the flood event will determine the appropriate and effective response:
where a flood is potentially life threatening as with strong coastal or estuarine storm surges, dam and
dike bursts and flash floods, evacuation will have priority over other property damage reduction

8.5.2 Flood warning systems Flood warning and warning lead time

It is important to define what we mean by a ‘flood warning’. Usually a ‘flood warning’ is taken to
mean a warning message communicated to those at risk (public and professional agencies e.g.
emergency services) prior to a flood event by a variety of mechanisms, but emanating from an official,
authoritative source. Warning messages, of course, may be received during or after flood waters have
entered properties but may still be regarded as ‘warning’. In practice a flood event may be marked by
a series of flood warnings, with the level of warning being incrementally raised and then stepped

Warnings are usually provided by government agencies, at national, regional or local level. However,
there are often unofficial warnings systems drawing on local knowledge and expertise in place where

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no official ones are provided or operating in parallel with or in competition with the formal system.
Such unofficial informal warnings have the advantage of being tailored to the community that receives
them and being based on strong local networks and personal observation (Parker and Handmer, 1998).
In practice, where both exist, there are often interactions between formal and informal warning, so that
the informal system may serve to amplify the official one or may be in conflict with it (Van Duin and
Bezuyen, 2000). A key factor in designing successful flood warning systems is to seek to meld
together the best aspects of any unofficial warning system which may be in place (thereby hopefully
gaining the cooperation and ownership of local flood plain occupants) with an official system (Parker,

The amount of time a warning gives recipients prior to flooding is considered to be a crucial variable
for damage reduction, although empirical evidence to support this view is sometimes difficult to find.
Logically, the amount of damage reducing activity that can take place is limited by the amount of time
available to take action. Evacuation is similarly constrained by time. Warning lead time is usually
defined as the time elapsing between the issue of a warning message and the commencement of
flooding in an area; or the time elapsing between the issuing of a warning and its receipt by the person
targeted (Parker, 2004). Warning messages sometimes take some time to get to recipients, particularly
where intermediary communications are required, and the time that a message is received by a
recipient is a critical factor in behavioural response to the warning. In the worst cases documented, a
significant proportion of flood warnings were received after flooding has taken place (Parker and
Neal, 1990), although at the time the flood forecasting agency believed that the warning system was
working relatively well. Complexity of warning systems

Warnings come at the end of a complex set of processes often involving different organisations,
professional groups and disciplines: the flood forecasting, warning and response system (FFWRS)
comprising the following.

• Flood detection (Weather radar and weather services, rain and flow gauges and telemetry
• Flood forecasting (fluvial and tidal forecasting models and systems, observation and
knowledge of catchments) .
• Flood warning message construction and dissemination.
• Response (pre-planning and awareness raising and emergency response to an event).

Developing and maintaining a flood warning system involves political commitment, considerable
investment and effort, particularly for environmental modelling and the expertise and hardware
required for computer modelling. Achieving the benefits from flood warnings often requires a
considerable degree of cooperation and co-ordination between agencies. Many agencies have long
struggled to improve their performance and although warning effectiveness has been seen to be
improving overall, the literature also documents high profile failures (Bye and Horner, 1998;
Handmer, 2000).

All these elements need to be developed and, importantly, co-ordinated to produce what has been
called for by a UK Minister ‘a seamless and integrated service’ (Hansard, 1998, 20 October ) if the
damage reducing benefits of flood warnings are to be realised. Emergency Management Australia
(EMA) has developed the integrating concept of ‘the total flood warning system’ to embrace all these
processes (EMA, 1999). Yet research interest and investment in the UK and EU has tended to be
focussed upon the science and technology of detection and forecasting and only more recently has
greater attention been given to the more social issues of flood warning message construction,
dissemination and enhancing response.

Emergency Management Australia (1999) has developed a particularly useful guide on flood warnings
covering all of the different stages from flood detection through to hindsight review of the way in

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which flood warning systems have worked in practice. They advocate a ‘total flood warning system’
view in which all of the stages from flood detection to warning response are recognised, and in which
hindsight review (post flood warning review) is recommended. Importantly, a total flood warning
system is also characterised by close consultation and liaison with the ‘customers’ (i.e. those for whom
warning are required) and close cooperation with, and full ownership, by the emergency planning
community. Message construction and content

The literature on flood warnings highlights the importance of the process of interpreting and
translating flood forecasts into warning messages that mean something to their recipients (Handmer
2000; Drabek, 1986, 2000). Warnings need to have a meaning that is shared between those who design
them and those who receive them. This may be achieved through consultation and participation of
local communities in message design and through the avoidance of technical terms and the use of
communications specialists or journalists accustomed to expressing things in simple straightforward
language. The Environment Agency, whose earlier colour coded flood warnings were widely
misunderstood used such specialists and consultation in developing its new warning codes introduced
in 2000. Table 8.1 draws on the literature to summarise the characteristics of effective flood warning
message design. Flood warning dissemination methods

Advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) mean that a very wide range of new
techniques are becoming available for flood warning message dissemination to augment the more
traditional methods that have been deployed in the past e.g. loudhailers, sirens and the knock on the
door, as summarised in Table 8.2. Modern direct warning methods such as automatic voice messaging
using the telephone are potentially more certain and faster than methods that require the action of
intermediaries: delivery of warnings via flood wardens, police or the media. Recent UK research
showed that those registered on the Automated Voice Messaging (AVM) system were about twice as
likely to have received a warning message as those relying on other methods. The new warning
dissemination technologies also have the potential to reduce warning lead times and thence enhance
the damage reducing effect of flood warnings.

Such existing and new technologies need to be evaluated not only in terms of their technical
performance and costs but also in terms of their social performance as a warning method particularly
with vulnerable groups reflecting the facts that groups with different social characteristics have
different needs. FHRC has undertaken research and developed a ‘social performance matrix’ which
provides a means of guidance for flood warning managers in the selection, deployment and
development of warning technologies to enhance social performance and thence the benefits of flood
warning. The matrix yields a social performance rating for each flood warning communications
technology based on the recipient characteristics (socio economic group, age, previous flood
experience, and special needs), communication barriers and time variables identified through the
research taking into account access to, and willingness to use technologies and how well established is
the evidence on use of the communications technology (Tapsell et al., 2004).

In England and Wales, the Environment Agency has now launched a multi-media/channel flood
warning system called Floodline Warnings Direct: a project that was first established in 2002 with a
budget of 15 million euros. This flood warning system employs single data entry but employs a range
of warning media and channels, and has absorbed the AVM system referred to above. The new
service exploits communications technology to deliver flood warnings simultaneously by telephone,
mobile, pager, fax, email and SMS text messaging and is expanded further. Most importantly this
system enables the flood forecasting agency, and the agency with lead responsibility for issuing flood
warnings (the Environment Agency does both), to communicate directly with individuals requiring
flood warnings whether they be at home, at work or in transit. The intermediaries which were a
feature of flood warning systems in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s in England and Wales are now
bypassed making warnings more secure and less prone to delayed transmission. The key breakthrough

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was a decision by central government to give the Environment Agency lead responsibility for issuing
flood warnings in 1996 by Ministerial Directive (prior to this there was no lead agency, but simply an
informal understanding that the police would relay warning messages from the forecasting agencies to
the public and other users).

8.5.3 Warning recipients and their response Warning response as a social process

It is very important to recognise that warnings are received and processed in a social context of
household, family, local community, small or large organisations involving a number of individuals
(Drabek, 2000). People’s behaviour follows a series of complex processes, and for this reason adaptive
behaviour that would yield benefits is often delayed, sometimes for substantial periods. A reason for
this delay is that the initial response to a warning is usually denial of the threat, especially in areas
where flooding is a relatively infrequent event (Drabek, 2000). The literature also shows consistently
that on receipt of an initial warning, recipients are likely to seek further information and confirmation
of the threat from official or unofficial sources before taking action. Moreover, there is rarely an
immediate consensus on what ought to be done, and deliberation and sometimes even arguments may
result over what action to take (Drabek, 1999, 2000). Social, psychological and behavioural factors in warning response

In risk communication (i.e. in this case the communication of flood warnings) it is important to
recognise that people do not respond to flood warnings in a pseudo-mechanical manner (i.e. using a
straightforward stimulus-response model), and that complex social and cognitive processes affect
people’s evaluation of risk and their behavioural response to it. We cannot rely upon neo-classical
economic theories of rational economic behaviour on the part of human agents.

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Table 8.1: Characteristics of effective warning message (sources: Emergency Management Australia
(1999), Drabek (2000)).

Messages have to be designed to meet needs of general public and professional partners
• Importance of understanding recipient community and their needs through:
a. research with recipients
b. consultation and public/professional partner involvement in the message design process
• Heterogeneity of recipient community: same warning message, but variations in what individuals hear and believe
• Groups with special needs e.g. those with hearing, sight and other disabilities, minority ethnic groups with limited
or no command of the main language of the area

A single, credible, known source

• Ideally warning messages should originate from a single, credible, known source and the message should clearly
indicate the source
• Some sources have more authority than others: e.g. official warning agencies, rather than media, or unofficial
Messages need to provide for confirmation
• The commonest initial response to a warning message is to seek to confirm the information from other sources,
official or unofficial
• Messages need to provide a contact through which the warning can be confirmed.

Messages need to provide factual information about the flood

• Messages need to describe the current flood and what is expected: its location, timing, depth, duration
• Detailed, location specific information is more likely to be believed and acted upon
• Using benchmarks: reference to extreme or recent floods and local landmarks

Messages need to advise people on what to do

• Messages are more likely to be believed and acted upon if they contain specific behavioral advice
• e.g. advice on flood proofing, warning others, moving people and possessions to safety, driving, walking in flood
waters, contamination, switching off services

Addressing uncertainty
• Flood warnings provide information about uncertain events
• Warning messages need to reflect this uncertainty and use words such as ‘may’ ‘probably’ and’ likely’ to describe
the impacts rather than exclude uncertainties from messages.

Repeated, multiple and consistent messages

• There needs to be redundancy in the communications networks
• Warning messages should be repeated and be disseminated through multiple mechanisms to maximize the chances
that the varied members of a community will receive the message through one mechanism or another
• Consistency in messages disseminated by different means is important

The assumption that people base their judgements solely on rational models of expected outcomes, or
gains and losses is been shown to be false, and rational decision theory gave way long ago to
behavioural decision theory (Drabek, 1986). A common approach to flood warnings is to use an
information-deficit model in which the critical gaps between what floodplain occupants know and
what they need to know is addressed by the information contained in a warning message (Fischhoff et
al., 1998). Like many other flood agencies, the Environment Agency in England and Wales, relies
partly upon such an approach. However, even if warnings are delivered in a timely and accurate
manner, and contain the ‘missing’ information that people need, people may still take no action or may
not take effective action.

Psychologists and behavioural theorists study the role of cognition and the systematic errors and biases
which people introduce into their decisions about hazards and risks. People do not make strictly
logical decisions in risk assessment and response (Morgan et al. 2000). Tversky and Kahneman (1973)
demonstrate how people use cognitive heuristics, which are akin to mental conveniences or short-cuts,
when they process complex information, and these errors and the biases associated with them lead to
errors in judgements of risk. These errors are not random but are systematically related to decision

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processes and are therefore a source of bias. Tversky and Kahnemann (1973) show that people often
make judgements in terms of how easily they recall past examples, or how easily they imagine such
occurrences, known as the ‘availability heuristic’. This explains why and how some of the systematic
errors appear in people’s quantitative estimates and responses to risk. Others have identified further
cognitive factors which affect people’s response to risk. For example, Weinsten and Klein (1995)
identified the ‘optimism bias’ when they discovered that people consistently underrate the chance of
themselves being adversely affected by in a risk situation. Robertson (2006), an incident manager
with the Environment Agency, has contributed a very useful summary and discussion of these and
other psychological and behavioural processes which affect how people respond to risk and risk
communications such as flood warnings..

Table 8.2: Information and communication methods for flood warnings dissemination. Source Tapsell
et al., 2004 – adapted from Parker and Haggett (2001) and Quinetiq(2003)
Well-tried and in use Comparatively new Near future, potential and/or
and in use advanced
Standard analogue telephone Press-button digital telephone Mobile telephone SMS text
messaging and SMS Cell
Door knocking Mobile telephone and voice mail Digital TV and Digital Audio
Mobile loudhailer, public address Pagers Dedicated public address systems
Written communication Automatic voice messaging Wireless Application Protocol
(AVM) using telephone telephones
Flood wardens Teletext Centrally activated local radio
Flood sirens Dial-and-listen services (e.g. Centrally activated in-home alert
Floodline) systems
Radio telephone/VHF Television/radio broadcast Integrated dial-and-listen and
AVM services
Radio Signage e.g. flashing signs Real time flood data on web;
including livecams
Facsimile Intranet and internet websites Third and fourth generation
with real-time warnings mobile telephones

Automatic water level alerts Electronic mail Others including:

linked to telephone Crawlers on standard TV

The effectiveness of flood warnings depends upon the response of the public, or more correctly, the
many ‘publics’ affected. People may respond differently to flood warnings because their
characteristics, experiences, beliefs and attitudes are different. Drabek has summarised the literature
on this topic. Our own review of the literature has also addressed this issue.

Drabek (2000) draws three conclusions from early disaster research.

• There may be considerable variation in what people listening to the same warning message
• People respond to warnings on the basis of how what they hear influences their behaviour.
• People react differently depending on who they are, who they are with, and who and what they

Drabek noted that people with a high risk perception, for example, women, will respond more quickly
and adaptively to flood warnings and that risk perception is related to, but not the same as, prior

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disaster experience. For example, some people have previous experience of flooding and if warned
may take action (Drabek, 1999). Alternatively, people who live in a community previously affected by
flooding but who escaped themselves may have a false sense of security (Drabek, 2000). Drabek
reports that generally those of lower socio-economic status and ethnic minorities were less likely to
respond adaptively to flood warnings. Lack of trust in the authorities and official warnings,
particularly of ethnic minorities and of poorer people and the social isolation of poorer families were
contributory factors. Levels of awareness of flood risk, of warning systems and of how to respond,
often linked to education and socio-economic group are also important factors.

Community characteristics such as the level and pattern of community development may also be
significant to response. For example, Buckland and Rahman (1999) found that social capital can both
help and hinder effective decision making and action in an emergency situation.

These are complex issues and the findings are not entirely consistent across disaster and flood studies.
Furthermore, much of the valuable research on social factors in warning response reported by Drabek
was undertaken in the United States in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, and this raises questions as to
whether the findings can be transferred across cultures and over time given changes in society and
technology that have taken place in the last twenty years (Handmer, 2000). Guidance on evaluating the
damage reducing effects of flood warnings in monetary terms inevitably involve a very drastic
simplification of the complexities of recipient responses to flood warnings that the research

8.6 Evaluating the damage reducing effects of flood warnings: an overview

The damage reducing effects of flood warnings can be attempted to be calculated at different levels for
the nation as a whole, for example, as part of an examination of a national strategy for investing in
flood warning systems, for a regional programme or for a particular area or scheme(s). The calculation
may serve to facilitate comparison between different flood risk management strategies, or to prioritise
between warning schemes for different areas.

What follows reflects our current, imperfect, approach towards estimating flood warning benefits.

The geographical boundaries and thence the estimated number of properties at risk will need to be
defined by flood risk maps and models and by the current or potential coverage of the flood warning
system(s). For this purpose, it will be necessary to decide what minimum level of flood forecasting
and warning dissemination is to be taken as constituting a flood warning.

The Environment Agency categorises and provides for warning dissemination at three levels of service
(Andryszewski et al., 2005).

• Maximum (Individual warnings) direct warning to each property by telephone, fax, e-mail etc
using a computerised warning system.
• Intermediate (Community warning) using loudhailers, sirens, public address systems etc in
each community.
• Minimum (Broadcast warning) use of media and other agencies to broadcast warnings e.g. a
dial and listen services such as ‘floodline’, internet, ceefax, teletext, TV and radio.

The Agency’s minimum level: some form of broadcast warning applying to a particular area
emanating from an official source and based on some level of technical provision and staffing offering
a detection and forecasting capability, can be taken as the least that must be available for an area to be
said to be provided with a flood warning service.

Having defined the objectives and scope of an assessment, the damage reducing effects of flood
warnings can be considered under two broad headings:

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• direct tangible damage to property; and

• human intangible impacts.

It must be recognised that this represents a simplified and partial approach to estimating the damage
reducing effects of flood warnings, because current research has focused mainly on residential
property only and has largely ignored the value of flood warnings to commerce, industry, offices and
infrastructure operators where loss avoidance can be direct and indirect loss avoidance. The approach
is also partial in only tracing the impacts of raising property in buildings to save them from flood

8.7 Direct damages to property

8.7.1 Literature on reducing direct damages to property

Van der Veen et al. (2003) in their literature review on methodology quoted in ‘Draft guidelines for
estimating economic damages’ (May 2005) concluded that there was no agreed methodology, let alone
a settled definition of damage. However, these tangible and direct damages have been the main focus
of research on flood impacts and such definitions and methods necessarily provide the basis for
assessing the damage reducing effects of flood warnings in monetary terms. In contrast to research on
flood damages, there has only been a limited amount of research on the benefits of FFWRS.

Carsell et al. (2004) reviewed the evolution of methods for evaluating effects of flood warnings in
reducing direct property damages. Day in 1970 proposed that the tangible benefit of a flood warning
system could be estimated as a function of the flood warning time due to the system with reductions in
damage as warning time increased. Day suggested a maximum possible reduction of 35% of total
damage due to the flood. This work has been further extended by the US Army Corps of Engineers

FHRC research evidence on the damage reducing effects of flood warnings in Britain began to be
accumulated in the 1970s (e.g. Penning-Rowsell et al., 1978). The main focus of this research has been
on private households rather than businesses. Particularly important have been social surveys of
households affected by flooding to whom flood warnings were issued designed to determine: whether
households received warning, the actions they were able to take, the damages thereby averted, and the
factors that affect this (including flood warning lead time) and the availability of assistance with
moving household goods etc. A total of over 1,200 interviews were undertaken in this research (Parker
and Tunstall, 1991). Since 1997, the Environment Agency has commissioned a series of post-event
surveys for flood events in England and Wales which provide further evidence on the receipt of
warnings by households and businesses, warning lead times and actions taken to protect people and
property (BMRB Post Event surveys). Recent FHRC research for the Department for the
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Environment Agency has provided more
detailed information on actions taken to save property and property damage (Tunstall et al. 2005).

These methods of evaluating the damage reducing effects of flood warnings appear to have focussed
on the benefits resulting from actions to move or raise property out of the reach of flood waters. They
might also be extended to cover households’ attempts to prevent flood waters entering the property.
However, the Potential Flood Damages Avoided term (PFA) is based on the assumptions about what
property could be moved in a given time and could thus underestimate damage reduction through
wholly successful actions to exclude flood waters from entering the property (e.g. through installing
efficient flood boards) and thus avoiding or minimising contents damage and some internal structural

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8.7.2 FHRC’s data and methods for calculating the damage reducing effects of flood
FHRC’s ‘Blue’, ‘Red’ and ‘Yellow’ and now ‘Multi-coloured’ Manuals include data and methods for
assessing damages to property. Depth-damage data of this kind provide the starting point for
estimating flood warning benefits.

The section below on the estimation of the damage reducing effects of flood warnings has been
brought up-to-date to the beginning of 2007. It therefore incorporates some of the latest survey results
from England and Wales which have been synthesised as part of our Floodsite Task 10 research into
flood warnings.

On the basis of FHRC research, the following equation for assessing the economic benefits of flood
warnings has been developed and calibrated, and has become known as the ‘Parker model’ (see
Parker, 1991):



FDA = Actual flood damage avoided

PFA = Potential flood damage avoided (property plus road vehicle damage avoided)
R= Reliability of the flood warning process (i.e. the proportion of the population at risk
which is warned with sufficient lead time to take action)
PRA = Availability - the proportion of residents/households available to respond to a
PHR = Ability - the proportion of households able to respond to a warning
PHE = Effective response - the proportion of households who respond effectively

Although the original formulation of the model above included cars and motorbikes, these are not
included in the household inventory items and have subsequently been excluded from the calculations.
FHRC’s formula for estimating the damage reducing effects of flood warnings was developed mainly
on the basis of research on private households. In the UK, it has been applied – as a proxy method of
warning benefit estimation - to property generally and specifically to Non-Residential Property
(NRPs): retail, distribution, manufacturing and public sector enterprises in warning benefit
assessments but this application needs very careful consideration. It is usual to calculate the damage
reducing effects of flood warnings using the formula separately for private households and NRPs
because somewhat different values are usually given to the components in the formula for residential
property and NRPs.

What little research there is available on businesses’ responses to flood warnings (Penning-Rowsell et
al., 2003, 2005) indicates that flood warnings can make substantial differences to the damages for
certain types of NRPs under certain conditions. However, the recent research carried out by FHRC
shows that the potential response to warnings and the direct damage savings that can be achieved by
moving moveable equipment and stock vary markedly across business sectors and sizes of enterprises
making it particularly difficult to generalise about the direct damage reductions associated with
warnings for NRPs.

The formula inevitably involves a simplification of the complex social processes of flood warning
response. It is also imprecise and involves many assumptions. These are examined in the following

In adapting the model for its performance factors and targets (Environment Agency, 2003b) the EA
introduced an additional variable – the coverage of the flood warning service which it currently
defines as follows:

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% coverage = No. of properties serviced by warning service X 100

No. of properties at risk

where the number of properties serviced is the number that have been offered an appropriate flood
warning service. Thus the EA’s formula is

FDA = (AAD x DR x C) x (R x RA x PR x PE)

where :

AAD = Annual average damage

DR = Damage Reduction – the % amount of pre-flooding action that can be taken to reduce the
cost of the flooding event Potential Flood Damage Avoided (PFA)

PFA is the maximum (i.e. total potential) of flood damages that could reasonably be expected to be
avoided if all the other components in the formula were 100%: i.e. assuming that there was 100%
success in forecasting and warning dissemination and in response by warning recipients. As discussed
in earlier FHRC benefit assessment manuals and presented in the Manual of data and techniques for
2003 (Penning-Rowsell et al. 2003), PFA took into account and was calculated for both of the

• A particular flood warning lead time: 2, 4, 6, 8 hours and

• The depth-damage relationship: what would be damaged at 5 levels of depth of flooding
O.1m, 0.3m, 0.6m, 0.9m and 1.2m

In the 1970s, a theoretical exercise, backed by survey research of residents, was carried out
(Chatterton and Farrell, 1977; Penning-Rowsell et al. 1978) to establish what could be moved of the
items damaged at a particular level of flooding in a given time and the value of these items. Clearly,
structural damage could not be avoided and a judgement was made on the Household Inventory items
that could be moved or raised in the time. The values were then expressed as a percentage of Total
Potential Damage (structural and contents damage) for each warning lead time and depth of flooding.
Thus, this component in the formula is based on expert judgement and assumptions.

Table 8.3 shows the approach presented in earlier FHRC manuals and the calculation of PFA (% of
Total Damage) for households according to flood depth and flood warning lead time for a short
duration flood ( <12 hours duration) in England and Wales using updated Household Inventory Data
and 2004/5 £ Sterling values. Details on the definitions and calculation of the Total Flood Damage and
Household Inventory Damage are given in Penning-Rowsell et al., (2005). Similar data are available
on PFA for a long duration flood (>12 hours) and for an average of the two durations. Total Potential
Damage and Total Household Inventory Damage are somewhat higher for a long duration event at
each level of flooding. Therefore, PFA £ values are higher although the PFA % of Total Damage
figures used are the same for the long and short duration floods. Once PFA has been calculated the rest
of the formula is applied to the PFA £ value(s).

Applying the PFA percentages presented in Table 8.3 to Total Potential Non-residential Damage is to
assume that the constraints on the maximum amount of property that can be moved operate in the
same way for non-residential property and private households and this may not be the case.

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Table 8.3: Calculation of Potential Flood Damages Avoided (PFA) for a short duration flood (<12
hour) for residential property
Flood warning lead times
Depth of Total Total
Flooding Potential Potential Up to 2hours 2-4 hours 6 hours 8 hours
(m) Damage Household
£ Inventory
Damage £
% of % of % of % of
Total Total Total Total
Damage Damage Damage Damage
1.2 33,040 20,423 8,359 25.3 11,795 35.7 12,786 38.7 13,447 40.7
0.9 31,265 20,237 8,254 26.4 11,756 37.6 12,694 40.6 13,319 42.6
0.6 29,268 19,051 7,463 25.5 10,888 37.2 11,766 40.2 12,351 42.2
0.3 26,105 18,046 7,832 30.0 10,990 42.1 11,774 45.1 12,296 47.1
0.1 13,507 9,977 3,309 24.5 4,430 32.8 4,835 35.8 5,105 37.8

In recent research for the latest FHRC manual of benefit assessment techniques, the Multicoloured
Manual (Penning-Rowsell 2005), the calculation of PFA was reconsidered in the light of changes to
household contents and a new simpler approach to calculating PFA was developed. The FHRC data
base includes updated information on the £ value of property structures and on the £ value of the
contents, the Household Inventory items for different house types, building periods and social classes
and flood depths. The value of inventory items can be calculated as a % of the value of total potential
damages for each of these categories. Averaged across all of these, the household inventory items
were calculated as 52% of the total potential damage (structure and contents damage together). This
percentage will vary according to the flood depth, house type etc. and where data is available can be
calculated for the specific flood depth, house type etc. Of the household inventory items, our
assessment, informed by our most recent surveys and thus part of our current on-going research which
is part of the Floodsite warnings research (Parker et al., 2007), is that only 41% could be moved or
their damage otherwise avoided with warnings. Because Moveable Inventory Damage (MID) is 41%,
and Potential Inventory Damage (PID) is 52% of Total Potential Damage, only 21% of TPD can be
influenced by the provision of a flood warning.

The 41% value for MID was arrived at by examining the household inventory and adding up the £
value of items judged to be unmoveable e.g. fitted kitchen and bedroom units, built in hobs, ovens and
heaters, all high value items and clean up costs. The new approach for estimating PFA described
above is simpler, more transparent and better reflects the contents of modern homes than the approach
presented in earlier FHRC manuals. The reliability of the warning process i.e. the proportion of the population/NRPs at risk
This component reflects the success of the responsible organisations in detecting, forecasting, and
issuing a flood warning via dissemination mechanisms to those at risk in a timely manner. The
warning referred to here is an official warning emanating from an official agency. The lead time
referred to is the time between the issuing of the warning by the warning organisations and the
commencement of flooding in the area warned. This may be different from the time between the
receipt of a warning message by householders and flood waters entering their property. Clearly as
warning time is increased, the amount of damages saved can be increased. This component raises the
question as to what constitutes ‘sufficient’ warning lead time.

For example, the Environment Agency’s Customer Charter for England and Wales specifies that:

‘ A prior warning will be provided (two hours in general) to people living in designated flood
risk areas where a flood forecasting facility exists and where lead times enable us to do so’.

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This indicates that a warning of no less than two hours is seen as the standard to be aimed for and
sufficient by the service providers. However, the Agency recognises that there are types of flood event
and ‘flashy catchments’ where it is not possible given current science and technology to provide a two
hour warning, and in Wales where there are many flashy rivers the lead time advertised by the
Environment Agency is one hour. The formula does not assume any minimum warning lead time but
does assume that a warning is issued some time prior to the commencement of flooding.

This component can be assumed to be the same for residential and non-residential property unless
there are special arrangements to provide priority or earlier warnings to businesses or vulnerable
public or private sector properties such as schools, hospitals or old people’s homes. However, recent
research indicates that warning lead time is a particularly crucial factor in non-residential property
savings and that there would be large differences in the damages that could be mitigated with a two-
hour as compared with an eight hour warning. For many companies, particularly large ones, anything
less than eight hours would be of little use but given that warning lead time most could save some
stock or equipment and for some the savings would be substantial (Penning-Rowsell et al., 2005).

Furthermore, the evidence from the research indicates that businesses are reluctant to suspend trading,
services or manufacturing operations and take measures to move stock and equipment unless flooding
is almost certain because of the business losses involved in closing down a business even for a day. It
is difficult to provide the certainty in forecasts, and specific information on flooding that businesses
require with sufficient warning lead time to allow action to be taken. RA Proportion of households (NRPs) available to respond.

In the original specification of the formula, this referred to the proportion of households in which at
least one adult was at home and awake to receive a warning. Clearly, the warning dissemination
mechanisms used to deliver warning messages have implications for this factor. The assumption at the
time the formula was developed was that the warning would need to be delivered to a particular
location or the threatened home, through a siren, loud hailer or policeman or other agent calling in
person or by telephone to the threatened home and that a household member would need to be
available there to receive it. The proportion of people spending time out at work or pursuing
household or leisure activities outside the home was therefore highly relevant.

With the development of new warning technologies, the presence of household members at home is
becoming less salient. For example, until recently in England and Wales, the Environment Agency’s
AVM telephone warnings were the main form of direct warning and the Agency was able to issue
AVM warnings to work and mobile phone numbers. Furthermore, AVM systems provided evidence of
whether or not the message was delivered successfully. The Agency’s new Floodline Warnings Direct
Service has now been introduced and has absorbed the AVM system which was becoming unreliable
and faced capacity limitations. The new system has greater capacity to reach recipients outside the
home, at work or on the move by utilising a range of current and emerging technologies such as SMS
text messaging and e-mail. However, if a warning is issued to work numbers or to someone on the
move and no one is at home, there will be a delay in the householders taking action due to the time
needed to reach home.

More serious are those who are absent on holiday or overnight on visits, a factor which may have
more impact in flood events occurring at holiday times. Cultural variation in the number of holidays
and the length of holiday time taken, and the increasing trend to holiday away from home across
Europe may affect this factor. The night time effectiveness of different warning methods and thence
the level of availability varies. Radio and TV, internet and e-mail and indeed mobile phones are likely
to be switched off at night. Sirens or loud hailers may not be heard by those asleep. Telephone and
door knocking may be effective at waking people.

Thus, the availability of householders to receive warning messages and the success of dissemination
agencies and mechanisms in reaching those at risk is a key component. The proportion of

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householders who receive a warning message can be taken as reflecting both, R, the agencies’ success
in issuing a warning and PRA, the availability of householders to receive the warning, and thence the
success in delivering a warning.

These components are not necessarily restricted to the receipt of warnings coming directly from an
official source. The rationale for not making a distinction here between formal and informal warnings
received is that there is so often interaction between the two systems that the distinction between them
becomes blurred. There is survey evidence that on receipt of a warning, those at risk warn neighbours
and friends and that on hearing about a potential flood event from neighbours, recipients seek
confirmation from official sources. Post event surveys can provide evidence on the receipt of warnings
and those carried out for the Environment Agency in England and Wales show that generally no more
than 40% of those at risk receive any kind of warning, official or unofficial, prior to flooding (Tunstall
et al. 2005) although the Agency hopes to improve this through its investment in forecasting and in
new dissemination methods (Environment Agency 2003b).

Generally, it is assumed that it is more likely that people will be available at non-residential properties
to respond to a warning. Large businesses normally have security staff at least on site at all times and
duty staff who can be contacted at all times by telephone. Small businesses where owners or operators
live on site or, for example, above the shop, are also likely to be readily available. PHR The proportion of households (NRPs) able to respond

This component reflects an assumption that not all warning recipients will be able to understand and
respond to a warning. It is assumed that, without outside assistance, the proportion of the population
that is elderly, disabled or pregnant may be unable to undertake the lifting and carrying necessary for
raising and moving items out of the reach of flood waters and that these households may give priority
to moving their vulnerable members out of the flood risk zone rather than to protecting property from
flooding. In addition, countries and localities may have minority ethnic groups or recent immigrants
whose command of the language in which flood warnings are issued is limited. These groups with
language difficulties may be unable to understand and thus act upon warnings received.

The component is a simplification of the reality. It makes the assumption that none of these vulnerable
households will take damage reducing action. However, recent survey data for England and Wales
indicates that many such households do respond. Indeed, they were about as likely to make efforts to
save property even when they had no outside help as others and the proportion of property value they
were able to save was similar to that of others although vulnerability in terms of age, illness and
disability did emerge as one factor explaining the £ value and proportion of property at risk saved
(Tunstall et al 2005). In the light of these survey findings, the latest FHRC flood warning benefit
assessment techniques exclude this component (Penning-Rowsell et al., 2005; Parker et al., 2007).

For businesses, it is usually assumed that there will be no limitations on the ability of staff to respond
because those all those employed are unlikely to fall into the categories of those unable to respond. PHE The proportion of households (NRPs) who respond effectively

For able warning recipients to respond effectively on receipt of a warning they need to:
• know about, understand, trust and believe the warning and the warning agency;
• know what actions to take to reduce property damage; and
• elect to take action to minimise property damage rather than to give priority to other actions.

These factors apply as much to staff in businesses as to householders. Action to minimise the
monetary value of property damage is not the only course open to warning recipients. They could have
different priorities and quite rationally choose to act otherwise. For example, staff in public sector
properties such as schools, hospitals and old people’s homes would be likely to give priority to
evacuating their charges over saving items. Householders too might prefer to take actions that would
reduce the disruption to their lives or to minimise damage to items of sentimental value. For example,

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logic might suggest that on receipt of a warning, recipients should first move survival items: food
clothing, torches, radios etc, then irreplaceable items such as photographs and documents, thirdly,
bank, insurance and other details; fourthly items that would aid recovery such as tools, cleaning items
and then finally try to minimise economic damages, for example by moving low weight /high value
items. Evidence suggests that priorities and actions taken on receipt of a warning vary greatly and that
seeking to minimise economic damages is only one strategy if an important one among many that
recipients may adopt (Tunstall et al. 2005).

Householders and those in NRPs may be constrained making an effective response by the space
available to which to move property. This will be particularly the case for residents in single storey or
ground level dwellings. Businesses may lack upper floors, or storage space on higher ground on site or
alternative sites to which to relocate goods and equipment.

Recent research indicates that the first priority for most businesses on receipt of a flood warning is to
ensure the safety of their staff, and where relevant their clients and customers. Many companies would
not ask their staff to help move stock or equipment or to take other mitigating action for health and
safety reasons. Some machinery and goods may simply be too heavy or bulky to move without special
equipment. Some large businesses indicated that they would need to call upon special contractors or
staff to operate equipment to raise items or to move items off site. For example, fork lift trucks are
subject to regulations concerning their operation and only qualified staff are allowed to operate them.
It was more usual for staff in small businesses to take part in efforts to save equipment and stock
(Penning-Rowsell et al., 2005).

The formula calculates the proportion of households/NRPs who receive a warning, then are able to act
on it and then act effectively. It is then assumed that this proportion are 100% effective in their
damage reducing actions i.e. these households/NRPs save the total £ PFA. Recent research on flood
victims in England in which detailed data were collected on the household inventory items saved and
the items damaged and their £ value shows that very few households, only 15%, saved everything that
would have been damaged. Overall, households on average (with those saving nothing included in the
calculation of the average) saved 52% of the value of items at risk. Percentages were significantly
higher for those warned in some way compared with the not warned (62% compared with 45%
respectively) indicating that warnings make a difference but that many property owners respond
without a warning on the basis of personal experience and observation and common sense (Tunstall et
al. 2005). Calculation of Actual Flood Damages Avoided (FDA)

FDA has been calculated using a conversion factor derived from the formula. FDA equals PFA
multiplied by the conversion factor. Table 8.4 gives examples of the values for components of the
formula that have been used in arriving at a conversion factor in its earliest formulation and in a recent
example of a project to assess the benefits of effective flood forecasting and warning for pluvial
flooding. FDA is calculated by multiplication.

Recent research which examined this economic benefits model and its assumptions has lead to the
development of a new approach to establishing PFA (an alternative to that outlined in Section
above) and to assessing the damage reducing effects of flood warnings overall being recommended by
FHRC in its ‘Multi-coloured Manual’ (Penning-Rowsell et al 2005). As the example in Table 8.5
shows, this approach requires only two other factors in addition to PFA:

• the proportion of households/property owners in receipt of a warning (any warning)

• the proportion of property at risk saved by warned households according to receipt of a long or
short warning lead time.

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Table 8.4: Conversion from Potential (PFA) to Actual Flood Damages Avoided (FDA)
Source of Rx PRA x PHR x PHE = Conversion
information Reliability of the Proportion Proportion able to Proportion of factor
flood warning available to respond to a households who
process respond to a warning respond effectively
Residential (1.00) .55 .75 .70 .29
Parker, 1991
NRP (100) .45 (.80 for longer .95 .95 .41
Parker 1991 warning lead times)
Residential .90 .47 .85 .60 .21
Office, 2004
NRP .90 .65 1.00 .60 .35
Office, 2004

This simplified approach was developed because it was found that disability/ability was only one
factor among a number including experience in the home, help from outside the household, a warning
or eight hours or more, flood depth, an informative warning message, number in the household, high
social class, long duration flooding that explained the £ value and/or, the proportion of at risk
property, saved. Furthermore these factors accounted for only a small proportion of the variance in the
£ value and proportion of savings achieved.

This approach requires good survey data to be available or collected on the £ value and proportion of
property saved with warnings of a given length. Alternatively the data in Table 8.5 can be used as a
guide on the assumption that the percentages shown can be applied to circumstances other than those
in which they were collected.

Research for the ‘Multi-coloured Manual’ also developed and presents an alternative approach to
arrive at the potential damage reduction that could be achieved by NRPs on receipt of a warning
(Penning-Rowsell et al., 2003, 2005). Scenarios for the receipt of a two to eight hour flood warning
were included in discussion meetings with company representatives for the moveable equipment and
stock and the representatives were asked to give their expert opinion on the amount of savings they
believed could be achieved.

Table 8.5: Flood warning damage reduction in residential property

(Source: Penning-Rowsell et al. 2005)
Item Description % (Y) £ (X) Example Calculation

A Total Potential damages (TPD) 100 30,000

B Potential Inventory damage ( as a % of TPD) 52 15,600 BY*AX

C Moveable Inventory damage (as a % of 41 6,396 CY*BX
Potential Inventory damage) (PFA)

D Households in receipt of a warning 38

Effectiveness of response - % of property at
risk saved with :
E < 8 hour warning 55
F > 8 hour warning 71

Total Potential damage saved by:

< 8 hour warning 4.46 1,337 AY*BY*CY*DY*EY
> 8 hour warning 5.75 1,726 AY*BY*CY*DY*FY

Potential Inventory damage saved by:

< 8 hour warning 8.57 1,337 CX*DY*EY
> 8 hour warning 11.06 1,726 CX*DY*FY

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Table 8.6 presents selected results from the ‘Multi-coloured Manual’ research. These illustrate the
variation in damage reduction across sectors.

Table 8.6: Expert opinion on percentage damage reduction with warning

Percentage damage
Moveable Stock
equipment (materials,
NRP code Mostly assuming warning
8 hours or more
Super store/hyper store 30 25-50
Garage/Vehicle repair 70-90 20
Café/fast food restaurant 90 90
Bank 40 50
Retail warehouse 20-50 50
Assuming warning 4
hours or more
Average across sectors 43 43

The latest refinement of the ‘Parker model’, Parker et al., (2007), is the result of a complete synthesis
of recent advances reflected in the ‘Multi-coloured Manual’ (Penning-Rowsell et al., 2003) and
through analysis and absorption of the latest major social survey results in England and Wales Tunstall
et al. 2005). The revised model is as follows:


Where FDA and PHE are defined as above.

TPD = Total potential damages
PID = Potential inventory damage
MID = Moveable inventory damage
RAS= Reliability of the flood warning process combined with proportion of householders
available to response to a warning.

PHR is now excluded on grounds of the latest research results from England and Wales, but might
warrant re-inclusion elsewhere if survey results reveal that this is desirable.

8.7.3 Individual NRP and residential property owners’ action to keep flood waters out of
their property
In England and Wales, individual property owners are being encouraged to take steps to protect their
own property by fitting devices such as flood boards or gates or by sandbagging where structural flood
defence schemes are not available or planned. If these actions are fully effective in keeping
floodwaters out of property, property owners may avoid damage to the contents that would have been
affected altogether as well as some of the internal structural damage that might have been incurred.
This damage reduction would be greater than that indicated by PFA which assumes action to raise or
move some contents only. Property owners are not recommended to attempt to keep flood waters out
of their properties when flood waters are likely to reach depths of 1.2 metres or more because the
pressure of the floodwaters held outside the property might cause structural damage.

Where the number of properties known to have effective individual flood protection devices or where
the potential for property owners to undertake effective sandbagging can be estimated, the damage
reduction that could be achieved in these ways could be calculated separately. This calculation would
involve making a judgement on the extent to which the value of damage avoided in these cases
exceeds PFA.

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8.7.4 Community and individual actions to keep flood waters out of properties
In some circumstances, the planned or likely response to a flood warning would be to take community
or agency action to build up existing defences through, for example, sandbagging or to install
temporary or demountable defences to keep flood waters away from business and residential
properties. For example, in February 2004, a long warning lead time along the River Severn was
sufficient to allow the Environment Agency to put in place mobile dams and demountable defences
which protected 199 properties from flooding. Flood warning benefits in such cases would be the
Total Potential Damages avoided for the properties protected depending on the depth to which
properties would have been flooded without the emergency action.

8.7.5 Data and sources for evaluating the direct damage reducing effects of flood
The data and possible sources of information required to evaluate the direct damage reducing effects
of flood warnings outlined above are summarised in Table 8.7.

8.8 Human intangible impacts of flooding

A reduction in loss of life caused by flooding is a clear and important potential benefit of flood
warnings systems (Ramsbottom et al., 2004). Investment in flood warning systems should not be
based upon economic damage savings alone. For example, a warning system which provides 10
minutes of warning for flood plain occupants and just enables them to save their lives, but which does
not allow time for property to be moved and flood damage to be saved, will generate zero economic
benefits but is clearly of importance in public welfare and security terms.

Flood warnings can not only reduce fatalities by providing enough time for evacuation to a safe place,
but also by allowing people to move their belongings to safety in advance since deaths occur when
victims enter their homes or the flood waters attempting to rescue possessions or stock (Reimer, 2002
and Coates, 1999 cited by Jonkman & Kelman, 2005). Flood warning services can also reduce
fatalities by raising awareness of the dangers so that people do not take risks, for example, walking or
driving through floodwaters. However, there is as yet no well researched and tested method for
evaluating the effects of flood warnings in reducing the important human intangible impacts of
flooding: potential loss of life and injury, the potential health and stress effects of flooding. See
Chapter 9 for a more detailed discussion.

8.9 Limitations of this chapter

• In England and Wales, there are well established methods and data for evaluating the direct
damage reducing effects of flood warnings. These have been built up and refined over more
than 20 years of research and application. Yet despite this experience, the methods and model
used are based on assumptions that still need to be tested further.
• The methods have been developed mainly in the context of private households and their
application to Non-Residential Property, which may be significant in the potential damages to
be avoided, is more questionable. The English research shows different NRP sectors and types
of enterprise to be very varied in their damage reducing response to flood warnings.
• The methods presented in this chapter have mainly been developed in an English and Welsh
context. The extent to which they are applicable to the flood events, warning systems and
social context in other countries needs to be considered carefully.
• The methods suggested in this chapter have very heavy data requirements. In particular, they
call for good post event records and post event survey data which may not be available.
• The benefits of flash flood warning systems pose particular issues which are not yet well
researched and addressed.

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• The approach described above for estimating the benefits of flood warnings, needs to be
developed into a more holistic approach which is capable of taking into account the following
benefits of flood warnings in addition to those discussed above: a) the benefits arising from
flood warnings which are designed to allow static, structural flood defences to be operated
(e.g. flood barriers and flood gates); b) the benefits arising from pre-flood operational
activities such as culvert clearing and removal of blockages below bridges.

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Table 8.7: Data required and sources of information for assessing the benefits of flood warnings
Data and sources of information

Data required National/Regional level assessment Local/Project level

Geographical definition of area National/Regional flood risk zone maps Local flood risk zone maps
FRM Agency FRM Agency at local level

No of properties in the risk are FRM Agency national/regional databases FRM Agency local data bases
Residential Regional government agencies Site specific surveys
NRP Local government agencies

Flood warning service coverage of at risk FRM Agency national/regional records FRM Agency local records
Level of flood forecasting and FRM Agency national/regional records FRM Agency local records
dissemination service
Total Potential Flood Damage Data FRM Agency FRM Agency/consultancies
Residential Depth Damage data Site specific depth damage data
NRP Annual Average Damage data
Potential Flood Damage Avoided Derive PFA through research Derive PFA through research
Use FHRC PFA Percentages (Table) Use FHRC PFA Percentages (Table)
Data on FFWRS FRM Agency FRM Agency in local area
R Reliability National/regional FRM Agency records Local FRM Agency records on average
on average flood forecasting and warning flood forecasting and warning
dissemination performance and warning dissemination performance and warning
lead time lead time
PRA Available to respond National/regional or available post-event Local/site specific or comparable post-
Residential survey data or records on availability and event survey data or records on
NRP receipt of warnings. availability and receipt of warnings.
Census, administrative or other data on Local census, administrative or other data
employment rates, holidays. on employment rates, holidays
PHR Able to respond National/regional or other available post Local /site specific or comparable post
Residential event or at risk area survey data on event or at risk area survey data on
prevalence of disability, limited language prevalence of disability, limited language
ability etc. ability etc.
Census, government or health authority Census, local government or health
records on disability etc authority records on disability etc
PHE Taking effective action National/regional or other post event Local/site specific or comparable post
Residential survey data on effective action by event survey data on effective action by
NRP residents residents
Expert informants data on NRP action to Local site surveys on NRP action to avoid
avoid damages damages
Damage avoided through National/regional evidence of plans and Local evidence of plans and preparations,
community/agency action to strengthen preparations, availability of temporary availability of temporary defences.
existing defences or to install temporary defences. Evidence of extent of successful Evidence from post event records of
defences strengthening or deployment of temporary extent of successful strengthening or
defences in past events from post event deployment of temporary defences in past
records. events
Damage avoided through individual Evidence on number of property owners Evidence on number of local property
property sandbagging and installation of in possession of protective devices, on owners in possession of protective
defences arrangements for sandbagging. Post event devices, on arrangements for
survey evidence on prevention of flooding sandbagging. Local post event survey
through sandbagging and installation of evidence on prevention of flooding
protective devices. through sandbagging and installation of
protective devices.

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9. Other effects of flooding

Contributed by Sue Tapsell, Edmund Penning-Rowsell and Joe Morris

Not all flood effects can be assessed with the methods and techniques described in the previous
chapters. Therefore this chapter discusses other effects, which in particular situations can undoubtedly
be the dominant impacts that floods can bring. Thus there may be loss of life in floods but no other
damage; agricultural production can be the principal loss from certain types of flood, etc.

9.1 Human intangible impacts of flooding

9.1.1 Loss of life

Floods often cause thousands of deaths every year throughout the world. In developed countries people
have come to expect to be protected from flooding and have become less aware of the potential risks and
likely impacts of living within a floodplain or in a flood risk area, and are subsequently often unprepared
when floods strike. In Europe, although the numbers of deaths from floods are not as high as other
parts of the world, flooding is the most common natural disaster, and deaths are not uncommon; much
flood risk management effort is therefore aimed at reducing these damages. As flood risks cannot be
completely eliminated, there is a need for methods to estimate the risks to people, as well as those of
economic and environmental damage. To date, very little is known about the likely loss of life in
floods, and the various causes. We do not yet have appropriate techniques that predict the incidence of
loss of life in floods, or the potential for flood mitigation measures to reduce this loss.

9.1.2 Causes of death or injury

Mortality and morbidity depend on the type of flood. The main health concerns in slow rising and long
duration floods are communicable diseases, sanitation, food and nutrition and vectors. In flash floods
and other situations where the impact is more immediate, most deaths are due to drowning while
injury is usually a result of moving debris and high winds (Legome, et al, 1995). Mortality associated
with a flood will depend on the flood characteristics, e.g. flood type, but the way people respond to
floods is a critical factor. In European floods particularly, deaths are strongly related to risk-taking
behaviour (Jonkman, 2003).

Risk to life or serious injury is likely to be greatest when one or more of these following flood
conditions exist (HR Wallingford, 2003, p.5)
• flow velocities are high
• flood onset is sudden as in flash floods, for example the Linton/Lynmouth floods in 1952, Big
Thompson flood, USA, in 1976 and flash floods in Southeast China in 1996
• flood waters are deep
• extensive low lying densely populated areas are affected, as in Bangladesh, so that escape to
high ground is not possible
• no warning (i.e. where there is less than, say, 60 minutes of warning)
• flood victims have pre-existing health/mobility problems
• natural or artificial protective structures fail by overtopping or collapse
• flood alleviation and other artificial structures themselves involve a risk to life because of the
possibility of failure, for example dam or dike failure
• poor flood defence assets lead to breaches or flood wall failure, leading to high velocities and
flood water loadings on people in the way
• debris in the floodwater that can cause death or injury
• flood duration is long and/or climatic conditions are severe, leading to death from exposure
• dam failure

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Certain characteristics of people, their community or property can also increase the risk to life of those
affected by flooding. These include, the presence of elderly or ill people, particular types of property
(e.g. single storey), no previous experience or awareness of flooding, poor community support, the
need to evacuate and live in temporary accommodation, etc. (HR Wallingford, 2003).

Deaths also often occur as a result of undertaking rescues (Jonkman and Kelman, 2005; MMRW,
2000) and disaster clean up (MMRW, 1989). Fast flowing waters rescues in particular present high
hazards. Risk of electrocution (Jonkman, 2003; Kelman, et al, 2003) and many injuries (Noji, 1993)
have a great occurrence during the clean up phase. The meteorological conditions that accompany
floods can also cause additional deaths, for example, in car accidents due to more collisions and falling
trees (Jonkman, 2003).

Jonkman and Kelman (2005) propose a framework for analysing flood deaths: they suggest that
combination of hazard factors (e.g. floodwaters) and vulnerability factors (e.g. elderly person, illness)
result in a flood death due to a specific medical cause (e.g. physical trauma, drowning, heart attack,
etc.). Flood hazard factors used to calculate how floods impact upon people include depth of water,
rise rate, velocity, wave characteristics and debris and pollutants load (Jonkman and Kelman, 2005).
Vulnerabilities that can potentially lead to a flood death include age, gender, prior health (physical and
mental), swimming ability, experience, clothing, activity and behaviour (e.g. sleeping, attempting a
rescue, evacuation), impairment (e.g. due to alcohol or drugs), knowledge of the area, etc. Although
the medical cause of death is usually listed, the fundamental cause of death is the flood. The literature
reviewed by Jonkman and Kelman rarely makes links between hazard factors, individual
vulnerabilities and the medical cause of death.

Three broad sets of flood characteristics were identified in research by HR Wallingford (2003) for
Defra and the Environment Agency in England and Wales under the ‘Flood Risks to People’ project.
These characteristics are seen to influence the number of fatalities or injuries in the event of a flood,
they are:

• Flood characteristics (depth, velocity, etc.)

• Area characteristics (urban/rural,, nature of housing, flood warnings)
• Population characteristics (age, health, etc).

This project developed a methodology for assessing and mapping the risk to life or serious injury
caused by flooding. It covered death or serious injury as a direct result of the flood either during the
flood or up to a week after the event. The methodology was prepared for the UK and was calibrated
using information from several historic flood events. Loss of life is caused by a combination of the
above characteristics, e.g. high depth/velocity and vulnerable housing and no warning, etc. Identifying
the relationships between the different variables is one of the problems with modelling loss of life
(Jonkman, et al, 2002).

The ‘Flood risks to people’ methodology is a linear formula that is based on the flood, area and people
characteristics and estimates the number of injuries and deaths from a river flood event. Different
scores are allocated to each variable in the formula. The formula has been calibrated using several
historical and more recent floods in the UK and the numbers of deaths and injuries predicted by the
formula were reasonably accurate.

A methodology currently being tested for Floodsite Task 10 is based upon the earlier work of HR
Wallingford. The aim of Task 10 is to develop a model that can be used to calculate and map the risk
to life from flooding in Europe and to include loss of life in multi-criteria analysis of flood damage
evaluation. It should be possible to use the existing UK model and to adapt it, using additional
variables, to a range of European flood events and scenarios. The results from the research will
potentially be able to be used in a number of ways, including: in project appraisal, to help raise

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awareness of flood risk and the dangers of flood water, to help improve the targeting of flood
warnings, in land use planning and development control, emergency planning and response, and flood
mapping across Europe. It is estimated that this model will be available from mid 2007.

9.1.3 The role of flood warning systems in preventing loss of life

There are examples in the literature of the part that warnings play in reducing deaths from flooding.
Jonkman and Kelman (2005) who reviewed the causes and circumstances of 247 deaths in 13 recent
flood events in Europe and the US, found drowning to be the main cause but note that drowning in
vehicles is a much worse problem in the US than in Europe. Better warning systems in Europe
combined with better compliance are suggested as one of a number of possible explanations for the
difference as well as the type of flooding. Rosenthal and Bezuyen (2000) also noted that in 1997
summer floods across Europe, there were over 100 deaths altogether in Poland and the Czech
Republic, but none in Germany where admittedly the area affected was comparatively small and dike
breaches in Poland provided some relief but also longer warning lead times, resulted in more time for
preparation which appears to have been well used. Gruntfest (1977, 1987) and Gruntfest and Ripps
(2000) have documented the frequent occurrence in the US and the particular threat posed by flash
floods and the challenge to provide forecasts and warnings given very little warning lead time.
Penning-Rowsell et al. (2005) have developed a methodology and an operational framework for
assessing and mapping the risk of death and serious harm to people from flooding but have not
examined flood warnings as a variable in this process.

In flood events which may pose a substantial risk to life, the main objective of flood warning may be
to enable people to evacuate out of the danger zone in advance of flooding. Evacuation to avoid injury
and loss of life may then take priority over damage reduction as an appropriate response. Dam burst
floods, high velocity and high depth, coastal and fluvial events, coastal storm surges, floods following
the breach in defences particularly in low lying areas and in very ‘flashy’ catchments are likely to be
life threatening events. In these circumstances, calculating property damage avoided may not be
relevant or appropriate. However, in some circumstances, although evacuation may be the appropriate
response, there may still be time if there is a long warning to take damage reducing action as well. The
Netherlands flood of 1995 exemplifies such an event in which a long warning lead time meant that, in
some areas, people had time to move belongings and cattle to a safe place prior to evacuation (Van
Duin and Bezuyen, 2000).

Flood warning and warning time have been used to model the number of fatalities that may be caused
by a flood. Jonkman et al (2002) reviewed a series of methods available in literature to estimate the
loss of life caused by floods. Brown and Graham (1988) propose loss of life as a function of the
population and the time available for evacuation (i.e. warning). The procedure is derived from the
analysis of 24 major dam failures and the consequential flash floods. For DeKay and McClelland
(1991) loss of life is also a function of population and evacuation time, but they distinguish between
‘high lethality’ floods, for example in a canyon and ‘low lethality’ floods, for example, on a
floodplain. In both functions, loss of life decreases very quickly when warning time is increased.
Graham (1999) presented a framework for estimating loss of life due to dam failures based on the
flood severity, the amount of warning and the understanding of the population of the flood severity.
Three categories of warnings are given: no warning, some warning (15-60 minutes) and adequate
warning (> 60 minutes). According to this model, adequate warning greatly reduces the fatality rate in
flood events.

Although systematic evidence is limited, the benefits of flood warnings in reducing flood fatalities are
well recognised. However, there has been little research to assess these benefits in monetary terms. An
approach that has been suggested is to use the monetary value placed on life in other contexts as a
surrogate to evaluate deaths avoided by flood warnings (Taylor et al., 1997).

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9.1.4 Stress and trauma

Floods may also result in impacts upon human health, both physical and psychological (Tunstall et al.,
in press). Methods for assessing the economic benefits of a reduction in the stress and trauma that are
associated with flooding were researched and proposed by Taylor et al. (1997). However, Jones-Lee
(2001) in reviewing these proposals argued that the methods suggested were seriously flawed. A
recent UK Defra and Environment Agency funded research project on the ‘Human Intangible Impacts
of Flooding’ produced measures of the mental health effects of flooding. However, the project was
only partially successful in attaching monetary values to these mental health and stress effects
(RPA/FHRC et al., 2004). The project produced some evidence that a longer warning lead time was a
factor associated with reduced health and stress effects (Tunstall et al., 2005). However, it was not
possible to attach a money value to this effect Thus, there is no well researched and tested method that
can be proposed in these guidelines for these intangible impacts.

9.2 Appraising flood risk management schemes for agriculture29

9.2.1 Introduction
Flood risk management for farmland is an important element of support to the agricultural sector in
many EU countries.

However, under current Common Agricultural Policy regimes in most countries (where there are
agricultural surpluses) the current role of appraisal (Figure 9.1) is mainly to determine whether it is
worthwhile to continue to provide flood defence for agriculture. This may involve comparing some
existing flood defence standard with the ‘do nothing’ option (Table 9.1).

Figure 9.1: Causes and effects of flooding and drainage conditions on farmland

The contribution to this text on agriculture from Professor Morris of Cranfield University is acknowledged.

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Table 9.1:‘Tolerance’ of flooding according to agricultural land use

Whole Summer
Land use type Year April-October
Annual probability
Horticulture 5% 1%
Intensive arable 10% 4%
including sugar beet and
Extensive arable: 20% 10%
cereals, beans, oil seeds
Intensive grass: 50% 20%
improved grass,
including dairying
Extensive grass: usually ≥100% 33%
cattle and sheep

Alternatively some intermediate option may offer better value. The appraisal will require some
comparison of the financial and economic performance of land use under relevant flood risk
management regimes, and how these compare with the costs of delivering those options.

Where farming is impossible in the absence of flood defence - such as behind flood defences or where
land is lower than high tide levels - the advice in the UK is to estimate the economic damages (and
therefore the benefits of flood defence) in terms of the likely reduction in the asset value of the
agricultural land.

The approaches needed for appraisal are:

• At a broad catchment scale, appraisals will at least require information on categories of land
use, and the extent these might be affected by a change in flood risk.
• At a detailed scheme appraisal level, however, there is likely to be a need to collect primary
data and undertake detailed farm-by-farm analysis.

9.2.2 Methods for assessing agricultural benefits

Three main steps are required to derive a monetary value of agricultural benefits under different flood
risk management conditions:

• Step 1: Defining agricultural productivity

• Step 2: Defining the impact of flooding
• Step 3: Expressing any difference in monetary values

The greatest detail will be required to assess reductions in flood defence or flood risk management
standards for specific schemes on relatively intensively cropped land, including intensive grassland.
Less detail is justified for broad scale or reconnaissance level assessment at the catchment scale.

9.2.3 Step 1: Defining agricultural productivity

For the area in question we need, first, to estimate the level of the water table during the critical
periods of the farming calendar. This can be expressed as a drainage ‘condition’ and an agricultural
productivity class (Table 9.2).

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Table 9.2: Field water table levels, drainage conditions and freeboard*
Depth to water Agricultural Agricultural productivity Spring time Spring time
table from drainage Class Freeboards in Freeboards in
surface condition watercourses watercourse
(natural drainage) (field drains)
0.5m or more Good Normal, no impediment 1m (sands), 1.2m (clays) to
imposed by drainage 1.3m (peats) 1.6m sands (0.2m
2.1m (clays) below pipe
0.3m to 0.49m Bad Low, reduced yields, reduced 0.7m (sands) Temporarily
field access 1m (peats) submerged pipe
1.9m (clays) outfalls
Less than 0.3m Very Bad Very Low, severe constraints 0.4m (sands) Permanently
on land use, reduced yields, 0.6m (peats) submerged pipe
reduced field access, mainly 1m (clays) outfalls
wet grassland
*Freeboard here is the height difference between water in the ditch and the adjacent field surface level.

Information on land use, classified into major crop and grassland types (Table 9.1), is then used to
determine the likely consequences for the physical and financial performance of arable and grassland.

• For arable land, estimates of crop yields can be obtained from farm surveys or from data on
regional yields adjusted according to local drainage condition based on research findings
(Table 9.3). Farmers are usually able to report the degree to which yields on poorly drained
parts of their farm are lower than elsewhere.

• Assessing grassland productivity requires data not available on most farms (i.e. livestock
numbers; ages and weights at grass; number of livestock grazing days; liveweight or milk
yields; weight and nutrient value of conserved grass).

• Using data from secondary sources and from farm surveys in the study area, it is possible to
estimate the productivity of grass in terms of energy (Mj/ha) based on drainage condition,
grass suitability class, fertiliser use, and grass conservation and grazing methods.

9.2.4 Step 2: Defining the impacts of flooding

These can be distinguished in terms of:

• Frequency of occurrence (including the chance of multiple floods per year)

• Seasonality (especially the distinction between winter and summer floods)
• Duration (from one or two days in some cases, to two or three months in washland areas)
• Depth (as this affects damage to crops and livestock)
• Soil compaction; erosion risk; chance of crop recovery.

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Flood damage costs include:

• The loss of output due to inundation, plus

• The cost of remedial work.

A similar approach is adopted for grassland. The impact of a flood occurring in a given month is
assessed in terms of energy lost from grass valued at substitute feed prices, less any savings in
hay/silage making costs if relevant, plus stock relocation costs and clean up.

Table 9.3: Common farming performance by field drainage conditions (England and Wales)
Field Drainage Conditions
Land Use Good Bad Very Bad
Typical nitrogen use on 150 - 200 50 – 75 0 - 25
grass kgN/ha
Grass conservation 2 cut silage 1 cut silage or graze 1 cut hay or graze
Typical stocking rates; 1.7 – 2.0 1.2 - 1.4 0.7 - 1.0
Livestock units/ha
Typical livestock type Dairy, intensive beef and Beef cows, 24 month Store cattle and sheep
sheep beef, sheep
Typical financial gross £1200-1400 (dairy) £300-£400 £200
margins £/ha (after forage £600 (intensive
costs) beef/sheep)
Days reduction in grazing
season compared to 'good'
Spring 0 14 to 21 28 to 42
Autumn 0 14 to 21 28 , no stock out in
Yield as % of 'good'
Winter wheat and barley 100 80 50
Spring wheat and barley 100 90 80
Oil seed rape 100 90 80
Potatoes, Peas, Sugar Beet 100 60 40*
Typical wheat financial 550 440 270
gross margin £/ha
Livestock units: dairy cow, 1 Lu; beef cow, 0.8 Lu; 24 month beef, 0.7 Lu; sheep plus lamb, 0.14 Lu.
A grazing day is worth about £1.12/lu in spring, £0.8/lu in autumn, and £0.38/lu in winter in terms of savings in housing
costs and feed conservation costs.
*not grown if persistently ‘very bad’.

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9.2.5 Step 3: Expressing any difference in monetary values

1. Gross and net margins

The financial impacts of changes in flood risk management standards can be determined using the
accounting conventions of gross margins, fixed costs and net margins, expressed either per hectare
(ha) or for a farm as a whole.

The level of detail required depends on the purpose and context of the appraisal. Where the ‘do-
nothing’ option involves write-off of agricultural assets, the appraisal can use the estimated reduction
in land values (suitably adjusted: see Table 9.4) as a basis for assessment. In many cases, however, it
will be necessary to estimate the financial and economic performance of agriculture under different
flood regimes.

Table 9.4: Different assumptions for assessing a range of agricultural flood risk management
scenarios (UK government advice)

Scenario I Scenario II Scenario III

Land Temporary, one-off Permanent reduction
lost to agriculture loss of agricultural in the value of
output agricultural output
All agricultural Loss assumed
land use equivalent to 65%
of prevailing land
Crops: Loss of Gross Reductions in Net
Cereals; oil Margins per ha Margins associated
seeds; beans/ (adjusted for possible with change in flood
peas. savings in costs), and land drainage
Grassland: plus clean-up costs conditions
Beef and sheep
Other: As above, treated as As above, treated as
Dairy; sugar though the area is though the area is
beet, potatoes; occupied by wheat occupied by wheat
high value fruit/

For arable crops, gross margins per hectare measure the value of output, including any remaining
direct subsidies, less variable costs such as seeds and fertiliser. Variable costs are directly related to
each unit of activity, and can be avoided if that activity is not pursued.

Gross margins show the monetary gain (or loss) associated with one more (or one less) unit of an
activity, assuming other so-called ‘fixed’ resources available to the business, such as regular labour,
machinery, buildings and land (and their associated costs) remain unchanged.

1. Scenarios and their treatment

In 2005 a major change affected the way farmers in the EU receive government financial support. For
example, in the UK instead of payments per ha (typically £250/ha) for crops such as cereals, proteins
and oils seeds and payments per head of beef or sheep animal, farmers now receive a Single Payment
per year under the CAP Agenda 2000 regime, of which the current reforms are part.

Thus in the UK previous government guidance on appraising flood risk management schemes for
agriculture (e.g. MAFF 2000) required removal of direct subsidies from crop and livestock gross
margins. This no longer applies because, with a number of small exceptions, these direct subsidies no

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longer exist. Thus the economic analysis of flood risk management investment is more straightforward
than before.

To this end UK government guidance identifies three scenarios which reflect the nature of flood risk
change, namely:

• Scenario I: Permanent loss of agricultural land;

• Scenario II: One-off damages arising from infrequent flood events;
• Scenario III: A permanent deterioration in flood management standards.

These scenarios justify different approaches and methods for the assessment of flood management
benefits; these are detailed in Table 9.4.

9.2.6 Data needs, sources and collection methods

It is advisable to start any assessment with an exploratory survey of the study area to define the
geographical boundary of influence, that is the benefit area, and to determine current flood risk
management standards and issues arising.

The exploratory survey will also identify broad categories of land use, dominant farm types and
systems, possible flood risk management options, the likely impact of these and the likely attitudes of
key stakeholders, especially farmers.

Key informants will include:

• Government officials with flood risk management interests in regional offices ;

• Representatives of farmer organisations;
• Local agricultural advisors and land agents;
• Environmental groups.

In most cases some form of farm survey will also be needed. In most cases it will be appropriate to
select a quota of representative farmers that cover the major variations in farm circumstance (e.g. size,
tenure, land type, flood risk), farm practices (e.g. enterprise mix, drainage improvements), and farmer
characteristics (e.g. age; family circumstances and motivation).

For agricultural enhancement schemes, for which controlling floods is an important part, the extent to
which flooding and drainage currently constrain farming will be a focus of enquiry, together with the
factors that are likely to encourage farmer take-up of potential benefits. Conversely, the scope for, and
attitudes towards, reconciling flood storage, wildlife and farming interests will be a focus for wetland
and washland development schemes where the focus of attention is the prevention of the deterioration
of farming as a result of flooding (probably associated with a deterioration of existing flood defences).

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10. Glossary

Accuracy - The ability to measure differences when there are differences.

Assets at risk - assets are entities functioning as stores of value and over which ownership rights are
enforced by institutional units, individually or collectively, and from which economic benefits may be
derived by their owners by holding them, or using them, over a period of time (Eurostat 2005). Assets
at risk are e.g. houses, cars, inventories etc. which could be affected by a flood.
Catchment area - the area from which water runs off to a river
Consequence - An impact such as economic, social or environmental damage/improvement that may
result from a flood. May be expressed quantitatively (e.g. monetary value), by category (e.g. High,
Medium, Low) or descriptively.
Contingent valuation – A social survey method for the monetary evaluation of goods that are not
traded in markets which involves asking people their “willingness to pay for” or their “willingness to
accept” changes in the supply of such a good.
Cost-benefit analysis – Assessment of measures comparing the benefits of a possible course of action
against their costs. In context of flood risk management measures: Relating the benefits, i.e. the
damages avoided by a measure to its costs.
Damage function (damage curve) – the functional relation between inundation characteristics
(mostly depth) and damage for a certain category of elements at risk.
Relative damage functions show the damaged share of the total value of the element at risk.
Absolute damage functions show the amount of damage for an element of risk or an unit of area of this
element in absolute terms.
Direct damage - covers all varieties of harm which relate to the immediate physical contact of flood
water to humans, property and the environment. This includes, for example, damage to buildings,
economic assets, loss of standing crops and livestock in agriculture, loss of human life, immediate
health impacts, and loss of ecological goods.
Discounting – A means of comparing the desirability of income and expenditure occurring at different
times in the future.
Efficiency - In everyday language, the ratio of outputs to inputs; in economics, optimality.
Event (in context) . In FLOODsite, these are the conditions which may lead to flooding. An event is,
for example, the occurrence in Source terms of one or more variables such as a particular wave height
threshold being exceeded at the same time a specific sea level, or in Receptor terms a particular flood
depth. When defining an event it can be important to define the spatial extent and the associated
Exposure - Quantification of the receptors that may be influenced by a hazard (flood), for example,
number of people and their demographics, number and type of properties etc.
Expressed preferences - techniques for the economic evaluation of goods which rely upon the use of
interview or questionnaire surveys of those populations who may value those goods.
Flood - A temporary covering of land by water outside its normal confines. From a more social
science point of view it is water in a place where we don’t want it, at a time we don’t want it, in a
quantity we don’t want.
Flood damage - loss of life, loss of value of elements at risk (buildings, inventories, infrastructure,
goods, cultural and ecological assets) compared to pre-flood conditions and loss of production caused
by a flood.

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Flood risk management - Continuous and holistic societal analysis, assessment and mitigation of
flood risk.
Flood risk management measure - An action that is taken to reduce either the probability of flooding
or the consequences of flooding or some combination of the two
Flow value – value of a good measured by the flow of income or consumption generated by a good in
a certain time period.
Hazard - A physical event, phenomenon or human activity with the potential to result in harm. A
hazard does not necessarily lead to harm.
Indirect damage - loss caused by disruption of physical and economic linkages of the economy, and
the extra costs of emergency and other actions taken to prevent flood damage and other losses. This
includes, for example, the loss of production of companies affected by the flooding, induced
production losses of their suppliers and customers, the costs of traffic disruption or the costs of
emergency services.
Intangible damage – damages on goods which are not or not easily assessable in monetary terms.
E.g. harm to people or damages to the environment.
Inundation - Flooding of land with water.
Inundation depth – Height of flood water above ground level at a certain location.
Inventories (stocks) - list of household contents or, for businesses, stocks of outputs that are still held
by the units that produced them prior to their being further processed, sold, delivered to other units or
used in other ways, and stocks of products acquired from other units that are intended to be used for
intermediate consumption or for resale without further processing (Eurostat 2005)
Land use data – in this context: any information about number, location and type of properties or
activities at risk.
Probability - A measure of our strength of belief that an event will occur or that some statement is
true. For events that occur repeatedly the probability of an event is estimated from the relative
frequency of occurrence of that event, out of all possible events. In all cases the event in question has
to be precisely defined, so, for example, for events that occur through time reference has to be made to
the time period, for example, annual exceedance probability. Probability can be expressed as a
fraction, % or decimal. For example the probability of obtaining a six with a shake of four dice is 1/6,
16.7% or 0.167.
Project Appraisal - The comparison of the identified courses of action in terms of their performance
against some desired ends.
Receptor - Receptor refers to the entity that may be harmed (a person, property, habitat etc.). For
example, in the event of heavy rainfall (the source) flood water may propagate across the flood plain
(the pathway) and inundate housing (the receptor) that may suffer material damage (the harm or
consequence). The vulnerability of a receptor can be modified by increasing its resilience to flooding.
Resilience - The ability of a system/community/society/defence to react to and recover from the
damaging effect of realised hazards.
Return period - The expected (mean) time (usually in years) between the exceedence of a particular
extreme threshold. Return period is traditionally used to express the frequency of occurrence of an
event, although it is often misunderstood as being a probability of occurrence.
Risk - Risk is a function of probability, exposure and vulnerability. Often, in practice, exposure is
incorporated in the assessment of consequences, therefore risk can be considered as having two
components: the probability that an event will occur and the impact (or consequence) associated with
that event.
Risk = Probability multiplied by consequence

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Risk analysis - A methodology to determine risk by analysing and combining probabilities and
Risk reduction - The reduction of the likelihood of harm, by either reduction in the probability of a
flood occurring or a reduction in the exposure or vulnerability of the receptors.
Stock value – value of a good at a certain point in time. In a market which is not distorted and is at
equilibrium the stock value of a good is its opportunity cost.
Susceptibility - The propensity of a particular receptor to experience harm.
Tangible damage - damage which can be easily specified in monetary terms, such as damages on
assets, loss of production etc.
Uncertainty - A general concept that reflects our lack of sureness about someone or something,
ranging from just short of complete sureness to an almost complete lack of conviction about an
Value - In economics, the extent to which an individual desires some good or service, and is
consequently willing to pay to obtain access to a specific quantity of that good or service.
Vulnerability - Characteristic of a system that describes its potential to be harmed. This can be
considered as a combination of susceptibility and value.

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