FAREASTLIF-Annual Report - 2016

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In the name of Allah

the most gracious

the most merciful
Years of
Glorious Success

We are inspired and

committed to go ahead
All Shareholders
Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms
Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited
Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited
Central Depository Bangladesh Limited
All other Stakeholders.

Annual Report for the year ended on 31 December, 2016

Dear Sir,

We are pleased to enclose a copy of the Annual Report 2016 together with the Audited Financial
Statements including consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December, 2016 and Life Revenue
Account, Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 December 2016, a summary of
significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes thereto of Fareast Islami Life
Insurance Company Limited for your kind information and record.

Best regards,

(Syed Abdul Aziz)

DMD & Company Secretary
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Our Vision is to have a poverty free Bangladesh in course of a
generation in the new millennium, reflecting the national dream and to
make a society where human dignity and rights get the highest
consideration to remove of poverty.

To become the best and premier islami life insurance comapany in the
country in terms of efficiency, capital adequacy, asset quantity, sound
management and profitability having strong liquidity.

06 www.fareastislamilife.com
 Continue delivering attractive returns to our valued shareholder
by sustainable growth in business.
 Setting high standards of integrity.
 Become a most caring organization and employer of choice.
 Ensuring human resources development to meet the challenges
of the time by providing continued training and professionalism.
 Bring innovation in products and services.

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Quality of Human
Services Resources
Creation of
Clients Innovation of Profit
Satisfaction Products Earning

We believe in uncompromising commitment to fulfil our clients' needs and satisfaction to become
their first choice in islami life insurance. As a leading life insurance company in the country we are
committed to provide the all out cooperation and services to our stakeholders. Since inception of
the company, we have set a number of long term strategic goals.
We have broadened our range of services over the years with a view to reaching out for more clients
and to meet their precise needs and demands.

08 www.fareastislamilife.com
We believe that business ethics practices provide a basis for the stability and sustainable
growth of the company. The company has established sophisticated processes and
structures exhaustive in employees conduct and ethical principles for a responsible and
values driven management and control. The Code of Conduct is designed to guide the
employees of the company to observe and comply with the prudential standards of conduct,
manner and behaviour. It is in alignment with the Company's Vision, Mission, Objectives,
corporate culture and aims at enhancing the ethical and transparent process in managing
the affairs of the Company. The employees of the company should strictly adhere to the
following code of conduct and ethical principles:

 Employees must be sincere and loyal to the Company.

 Maintain strict secrecy of the Company.
 Refrain from disclosing the confidential and sensitive information of the Company.
 Behaviour must be in such a manner that will enrich the image, dignity and reputation of
the Company.
 Perform the duties efficiently and faithfully.
 Ensure policyholders, other stakeholders’ needs and satisfaction in the best possible manner
within the guidelines of corporate ethics, honesty, sincerity, dignity and utmost care.
 Build and consolidate corporate culture in the company.
 Ensure Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) through performing activities.
 Pay more importance in human resources as well as financial capital.

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For Policyholders
 To provide the most courteous and efficient services in every aspect of its business.
 To be innovative in the development of new insurance products and services.
For Employees
 By promoting their well-being through attractive remuneration and fringe benefits.
 By promoting good staff moral through proper staff training and development and provision of
opportunities for career development.

For Shareholders
 By forging ahead and consolidating its position as a stable and progressive financial institution.
 By generating profits and fair return on their investment.

For Community
 By assuming our role as a socially responsible corporate entity in a tangible manner.
 By adhering closely to national policies and objectives thereby contributing towards
the progress of the nation.
 By upholding ethical values and best practices.

10 www.fareastislamilife.com
Five key core values that dictate the manner through which we provide insurance services to
the nation.
We are committed to upholding integrity as one of the core values of Islam in all of our

Solidarity of the nation is a must for peace, progress, prosperity and happiness. So, Islam
strongly inspires us for solidarity. Solidarity of our people is our dream and wishes to see the
dream turning into truth.

Fareast Islami Life comes to establish everything lawful and destroys lawlessness. This
value taught us to be lawful in our all sphere of operations.

A'dal and Ehsan

Allah SubhanahuTa'ala dictates us to establish A'dal and Ehsan in all Muaamelat and
Muasharat. We are here to establish A'dal and Ehsan by ensuring riba free islamic economic

Mutual benefits
Fareast Islami Life always concerned about mutual benefits. Our activities are nothing but to
make sure mutual benefits of all stakeholders.

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A leading third generation company in the insurance Most of the Directors of the company are prominent
sector, Fareast Islami Life Insurance Comapny figures in the society having ownership of many
Limited started its journey on May 29, 2000 and organisations. They are experienced with adequate
obtained Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate knowledge about the relevant business fields and also
of Commencement of Business on May 29, 2000 as a bearing positive personality. The company has
Public Limited Company under the Companies Act, effective and efficient workforce with a perfect
1994 and subseqently listed with the Dhaka and combination of talent, youth and experience. At the
Chittagong Stock Exchanges Limited in 2005. Since end of 2016 the company had 4,052 permanent
inception, Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company employees and more than three lac development
Limited has been working efficiently and achieved employees. These employees are amply trained and
strong and prominent position in the insurance experienced on various phases of insurance activities
sector. By the passing of time the company has and most importantly they are dedicatad to their duty
consolidated its strength manifold through extending and responsibilities. The company always ensures
its business rapidly while ensuring sustanable better work environment for its employees and as a
growth. The company has been rendering life result, the employees become motivated to provide
insurance business and services through its 23 better services. Most of the senior employees are
Divisional Offices, 103 Service Center Offices, 252 highly qualified and professional degree holders. They
Zonal Offices and 635 Premium collection centers have been trained at home and abroad.
throughout Bangladesh. Financial performance of the company is very strong
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Comapny Limited is and positive. Total assets of the company as at 31
focused on providing quality & quick services to its December 2016 stood at taka 41,320.58 million and
clients. We are always conscious to meet up our life fund taka 31,297.26 million. The company
clients' needs. Over the yerars Fareast Islami Life has invested its fund in Shariah based banks and financial
established a track record as a sound and dependable companies, wherefrom good income is generated and
services and consistently enabled to comply with all as a result attractive returns are available to give
commitments to the clients and the society. benefits to Shareholders as well as policyholders as
At present the authorized capital of the company is dividend and bonus. The company always maintained
taka1000 million and paid up capital is taka 622.85 strong corporate culture, corporate governance, code
million. As on 31 December 2016 total number of of conduct, ethical principles and corporate social
shareholders were 9,845 and round the year the responsibilities.
company has held the position at CSE 30 Index of the
Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited. The shares of
the company are traded both in Dhaka and
Chittagong Stock Exchanges Limited in the catagory
"A" from the beginning. The total market value of the
company's shares is taka 3892.85 million as on 31
December 2016.

12 www.fareastislamilife.com
Incorporation of the Company 29 May, 2000

Commencement of Business 29 May, 2000

License issued by Chief Controller of Insurance 30 May, 2000

First Policy Issued 28 June, 2000

Land Acquisition for Fareast Tower 4 December, 2002

Publication of Prospectus for IPO 29 March, 2005

Subscription opened 7 May, 2005

Subscription closed 11 May, 2005

Lottery held for Allotment of Shares 13 June, 2005

Listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. 18 July, 2005

Listed with Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. 18 July, 2005

Trading of shares on Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. 20 July, 2005

Trading of shares on Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd. 20 July, 2005

First Observation of Service Month July 2006

 Change in the denomination of Face value BDT 10.00 12 August, 2010

Re-valuation of Fareast Tower 27 December, 2011

Incorporation of Fareast Islami Securities Ltd. 6 March, 2012

Authorized capital increased to BDT 1000 million 5 May, 2013

Incorporation of Fareast Islami Properties Ltd. 24 June, 2014

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Name of the Company Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited
A public limited company incorporated in Bangladesh on 29 May 2000
Legal Form under the companies Act 1994 and subsequent listed with Dhaka Stock
Exchange Limited and Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited
Commencement of Business 29 May 2000
Registered Office Fareast Tower, 35 Topkhana Road, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000.
Telephone No. 09613000123
Fax No. 88-02-9573077
Website www.fareastislamilife.com
E-mail [email protected]
Chairman Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam
Chief Executive Officer Mr. Md. Hemayet Ullah
Authorized Capital Tk. 1,000 million
Paid up Capital Tk. 622.86 million
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Paramount Heights (7th Floor, D2 & C1), 65/2/1 Box
Culvert Road, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000.
A. Hossain & Co.
Chartered Accountants
Tax Advisor Paramounts Heights (Level-7)
65/2/1 Box Culvert Road, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000.
Credit Rating AA
Emerging Credit Rating Ltd.
Credit Rating Agency Shams Rangs, House-104 Park Road
Leve-A1, A2 & A5, Baridhara, Dhaka-1212
Subsidiary Company Fareast Islami Securities Ltd.
Fareast Islami Properties Ltd.
Mahfel Huq & Co.
Corporate Governance Auditor BGIC Tower (4th Floor)
34, Topkhana Road, Dhaka-1000
Mr. Mohammad Sohrab Uddin PhD, AIA
Actuarial Consultant House # 6 (4th floor), Road # 12
Sector # 13, Uttara Model Town Dhaka-1230.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. Exim Bank of Bangladesh Ltd.
Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. Union Bank Ltd.
Principal Bankers
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. First Security Islami Bank Ltd.
Social Islami Bank Ltd.
Dr. S. M. Mustafa Zaman Dr. Najnin Akter
Medical Consultant Professor MBBS, Senior Medical Officer
BSMMU, Dhaka. Mirpur Holycrescent Hospital, Dhaka.

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16 www.fareastislamilife.com
Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam
Chairman, Board of Directors

Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam is Sponsor Director of

Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited
and Chairman of the Board of Directors. He
engaged in business after graduation and near
about in three decades he established a good
number of companies. In the financial sector,
he contributes a lot to develop the country’s
economy via Bank, NBFI and Insurance
Company. He has established himself as an
icon in the business sector by developing the
overall socio-economy activities of the country.
His business affiliation is versatile and
diversified. He earned notable fame in the
business community for his integrity and
remarkable business performance. He proves
himself as a Chairman in several companies as
Fareast Islami Securities Limited, Fareast
Islami Properties Limited, Advanced Jute Mills
Limited and Prime Polymer Industry (Pvt.)
Limited. He is the Managing Director of
Ramisha Cold Storage Limited, Punot Cold
Storage Limited, Fareast Cold Storage Limited,
Ramisha Composite Textiles Mills Limited,
Apsara Holdings Limited, Ramisha BD Limited,
Rimsha BD Limited and Fareast Securities
Limited. Apart from that, he is the Director of
Meghna Bank Limited, CAPM Venture Capital &
Finance Limited, PFI Properties Limited, Prime
Islami Securities Limited and Advance Sweater
Industries Limited. He is also the Proprietor of
M/s. Ramisha Enterprise and M/s. Rimsha
Mr. Nazrul Islam with his dynamic personality a member of Australia Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce, Canada
lot to contributes the nation by developing the Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Bangladesh Thai
education sector. He acts as Vice Chairman of Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BTCCI), Bangladesh German
Primeasia University, Prime Multimedia Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BGCCI) and Bangladesh Insurance
Limited, Just International School & College Association (BIA). He contributes lot among the various business
and Bangladesh Institute of Professional sectors and its development by setting the strategic plan to achieve the
Development Ltd. business goal.
As a very prominent entrepreneur, he has Mr. Nazrul Islam’s contribution to the society through the Corporate
received many prestigious awards from the Social Responsibility activities is remarkable. As a very widely travelled
institutions at home and abroad for his person, he has the detailed idea of modern business and technologies
remarkable contribution to the modern through cross country cultural activities. He has an amiable personality
business. He is the member of Bangladesh having the track record of making contributions in the social and
Association of Publicly Listed Companies, educational development activities of the country.

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Alhaj Md. Helal Miah Mr. Shahriar Khaled
Director Director

18 www.fareastislamilife.com
Ms. Ayesha Husne Jahan Ms. Nazneen Hossain
Director Director

Ms. Ayesha Husne Jahan is Sponsor Director Mrs. Nazneen Hossain is Sponsor Director of
of Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited
Limited and Chairperson of the Policy and and also the Chairperson of the Purchase
Claims Committee. She was born in a Sub-Committee. She is a reputed business
respectable Muslim family. She had her person of the Country. She established
schooling in the local educational institutions versatile and diversified business and proved
and obtained B.Com. Degree. She is a herself as a business icon in the country. Mrs.
subscriber member of Fareast Islami Life Nazneen Hossain is the Director of Mosharaf
Insurance Company Limited and associated Group and Chairperson of Mosharaf
with many other socio-cultural activities. Composite Textile Mills Limited, Mosharaf
Apparels Studio Limited, M.N. Dyeing Printing
& Washing Mills Limited, Natore Cold Storage
Limited, Ekota Cold Storage Limited and
Asuchem Limited. By her dynamic leadership
and strong vision, she expanded diversified
business to its present level in Mosharaf
Group. She is the Director of Sonali Twisting &
Netting Industries Limited, Silimpur Cold
Storage Limited. She is also a Member of
FBCCI and Director of Munshigonj Chamber of
Commerce and Industries. She is a Proprietor
of M/S. Nazneen Enterprise and M/S. N. H.
Trade International.
She is also associated with lot of charity

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Dr. Md. Manowar Hossain Mr. K. M. Khaled
(Alternate Director) Director

Dr. Md. Manowar Hossain is Alternate Director Mr. Khandker Mohammad Khaled is Sponsor
of Ms. Shaher Banu. He completed his SSC Director of Fareast Islami Life Insurance
from West End High School, Dhaka and HSC Company Limited is a BUET graduate in
from Notre Dame College, Dhaka. He obtained Mechanical Engineering. After graduation he
his MBBS degree from Sher-e-Bangla Medical joined the Water & Power Development
College, Barisal and after that he started Authority (WAPDA), now Bangladesh Water
Development Board (BWDB). After having
practice as a physician. In 1992 he opened up
served BWDB for thirteen years, he started his
a new venture of medical service oriented
own business in 1975 establishing Greenland
business named as "Medinova Medical Engineers & Tractors Company Limited
Services Ltd". He is the founder Director of (GETCO) along with few associates which by
Medinova Medical Services Ltd. and carrying now has attained an enviable position among
out his duties and responsibilities till now. He the contemporary business houses in
is also a Representative Director of Fareast Bangladesh. He is currently the Chairman &
Islami Securities Limited. He has attachment Managing Director of GETCO Telecommunications
with various educational and socio-cultural Limited, GETCO Agro Vision Limited and
activities. GETCO Limited. He is the Vice- Chairman and
Member, Board of Governor, Primeasia
University and Vice Chairman of Prime Bank
Ltd. Besides, he is associated with numerous
Chamber Bodies and Societies in different
capacities, prominent among which are
Institute of Engineers Bangladesh, National
Heart Foundation of Bangladesh, Diabetic
Association of Bangladesh, AMCHAM,
Bangladesh, CANCHAM, China- Bangladesh
Friendship Association, Bangladesh Railway
Spares and Accessories Suppliers'
Association. A very widely traveled person, Mr.
Khaled is an amiable personality having track
record of making contributions in the social
and educational development activities of the

20 www.fareastislamilife.com
Ms. Muslima Shireen Mr. Rubaiyat Khaled
Director Director

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Ms. Taslima Islam Mr. Md. Tanvirul Haque
Director Director

22 www.fareastislamilife.com
Prof. Dr. Iffat Jahan Ms. Rabeya Begum Mr. Md. Kamrul Hasan
Alternate Director Director Director

Prof. Dr. Iffat Jahan is an Ms. Rabeya Begum is Mr. Md. Kamrul Hasan MBA is
Alternate Director of Mr. Samir Shareholder Director of Fareast Shareholder Director of Fareast
Obaid. She is a business Islami Life Insurance Company Islami Life Insurance Company
person and also an Limited. She was born in a Limited. He is the Member of
educationist. Dr. Iffat Jahan respectable Muslim family. She General body of the Federation
completed her BA (Hons), MA has completed her of Bangladesh Chamber of
degree from Dhaka University post-graduation from Commerce and Industry (FBCCI)
in the year 1980 & 1982 Government Tularam University and the Asstt. Secretary
respectively. In the year 2002 & College, Narayanggonj. Her General of Bangladesh Lungi
she got her PhD. degree from qualities such as being holistic, Manufacturers Traders &
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, collaborative, inclusive and Exporters Association. His
consultative that helps her to business affiliation is versatile
India. She started her career as
make the decision in the and diversified. For the last
a lecturer in Goverment
business community. She eight years he has earned a
College of Music, Agargaon,
included her footsteps with the notable fame from his business
Dhaka. Lastly, she promoted to
peer group to develope the community. He is the Director of
the rank of professor and
company’s vision and achieve Amanat Shah Group Ltd.,
retired from the same post in
the ultimate goals. She has Hazrat Amanat Shah Securities
the year 2009. She is the success in building the Ltd., Amanat Shah Knit
Chairperson of TERTEX Ind. meaningful business Composite Ltd. and Nodi Bangla
Ltd. an export oriented relationship via social Development Ltd. He is the
garments factory. networking. She is also Proprietor of M/S. Amanat Shah
associated with many Traders. Mr. Hasan is holding
socio-cultural activities. the position of Managing
Director of Standard Composite
(Pvt.) Ltd. and Federal Knit
World Ltd. He is also one of the
members of Board of Governor
of Narsingdi Model School and
Narsingdi Club. Furthermore, he
is associated with philanthropic
activities in different area of the

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Mr. Kazi Farid Uddin Ahmed FCA Mr. Mohammed Hafizour Rahman FCA, ACS
Independant Director Independant Director

Mr. Kazi Fariduddin Ahmed FCA is a Chartered Mr. Mohammed Hafizour Rahman FCA, ACS is
Accountant having around 38 (Thirty Seven) an Independent Director of Fareast Islami Life
years professional experience mainly in Insurance Company Limited. He is a fellow
banking & non banking financial organizations. member of The Institute of Chartered
Mr. Ahmed completed his graduation in 1971 Accountants of Bangladesh. At the starting of
from Comilla Victoria Government College and career, Mr. Rahman joined Fahami Group of
thereafter he did his Chartered Accountant Industries as General Manager Accounts &
(CA) in 1983 from the Institute of Chartered Finance; there he acquired huge knowledge on
Accountants of Bangladesh. He has also the textile and garments industries. Thereafter,
completed his M.Sc in Finance from the he joined Fareast Finance & Investment
University of Strathclyde, U.K. in 1988. He has Limited as Vice President on April 01, 2008. He
a long career in home and abroad. He has was promoted to the post of Senior Vice
begun his career as an accountant in foreign President and Chief Financial Officer on
company since 1978. During his long career January 01, 2011. Later he was promoted to
span, Mr. Ahmed held highly responsible the post of Executive Vice President effective
positions in the Financial Sector of from January 01, 2014. Presently, he has been
Bangladesh. Presently he is working as promoted to the post of Deputy Managing
Managing Director & CEO of PFI Securities Ltd. Director and CFO on January 1, 2017.
(a member of Prime Financial Group), which is Other than services, he participated in various
a leading securities house in the country. trainings and workshop programs on different
Before joining in PFI Securities Ltd., he was in subjects mainly on financial reporting,
Jamuna Bank Limited and held many corporate financing, SME financing, leadership,
important positions up to Senior Executive taxes, ethics, financial management, global
Vice President and Company Secretary. He financial meltdown and sustainable energy
was also the Executive Vice President in Dhaka finance organized by IBA of Dhaka University,
Bank Limited and held many important The Institute of Chartered Accountants of
positions like Head of Accounts Division, Chief Bangladesh, Bangladesh Bank Training
of Investment Division etc. Mr. Ahmed is also Institute, IDCOL, Bdjobs training program,
accomplished in Investment Corporation of Bangladesh Leasing & Finance Companies
Bangladesh (ICB) from 1984 to 1995 and lastly Association, Rapport International and
he held the position of Assistant General SouthAsia Enterprise Development Facility.

24 www.fareastislamilife.com
Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Md. Hemayet Ullah

Addl. Managing Director & CFO

Mr. Md. Abdul Khaleque FCA

Deputy Managing Director & Company Secretary

Mr. Syed Abdul Aziz

Deputy Managing Director & Head of HRD

Mr. A. K. M. Hemayet Uddin

Deputy Chief Finance Officer

Mr. Mohammed Alamgir Kabir ACA

Assistant Managing Director, Group Insurance

Mr. Md. Torikul Islam

Senior Executive Vice Presidint

Executive Vice Presidint

Joint Executive Vice President

Senior Vice President

www.fareastislamilife.com 25
03 Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Ltd.
Mr. Md. Hemayet Ullah
Cheif Executive Officer

Mr. Md. Abdul Khaleque FCA

Addl. Managing Director & CFO

Mr. Syed Abdul Aziz

DMD & Company Secretary

Mr. A. K. M. Hemayet Uddin

DMD & Head of Human Resources

Mr. Md. Majedul Islam

SEVP & Head of IT

Engr. Amir Mohammad Ibrahim

EVP & Project Incharge

Mr. Md. Kamal Hosen Howlader

JEVP & Head of Internal Control & Compliance

Mr. Sk. Abdur Razzaque

SVP & Incharge, Banking & Investment

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Ekok Bima (Individual Life)

Sharbojonin Bima (Micro Insurance) Group Insurance

 
 
 

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Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited is It is our business opportunity to get sustenance
one of the largest, best corporate cultured from the society where we live and operate. We want
companies in Bangladesh. It has been discharging to give some return to the society. Our area of
responsibilities to the society since its inception. The corporate social responsibility includes our clients,
Company’s CSR activities are largely focused in the employees, shareholders, business associates and
areas of education, health, skill development and the society as a whole. Our relationship with the
financial inclusion and other activities as the society is our understanding, trust and credibility.
Company may choose to select in fulfilling its CSR The company has spent Taka 20.33 million in the
objectives. Besides, it also Participates in the areas year 2016 for the purpose of CSR for distribution of
of disaster relief, environment and ethnicity, all Blankets among the poor people in cold hit area of
aimed at improving the quality of life of the the country, medical treatment for poor people,
communities. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) educational welfare and other sectors. The inbuilt
has been a long standing commitment of the rigor of the due diligence process has also led to the
Company and forms an integral part of its activities. recalibration of the CSR expenses in a few
instances. While this has also contributed to the
The Company’s objective is to pro-actively support reduction in spending, we are confident that we are
meaningful socio-economic development in the able to optimize impact on the target beneficiaries
country and enable a larger number of people to through these processes.
participate in and benefit from the country’s
economic progress. The principal aim and objective CSR Policy indicates the activities to be undertaken
of the society are to undertake, promote, sponsor, by the company and recommendation of the amount
assist or aid directly any activity in the promotion of the expenditure to be incurred on such activities;
and growth of the economy, welfare, socio-economic reviewing and recommending the annual CSR plan
development and upliftment of the people in to the Board; monitoring the CSR activities,
rural/urban areas. Our Company is committed to implementation of and compliance with the CSR
being a responsible corporate citizen. We offer Policy; and reviewing and implementing, if required,
assistance and support magnanimously to all of our any other matter related to CSR initiatives.
communities around the society. We take numerous
initiatives in individual and organizational level for
the development of the society, particularly the less
fortunate part of the community. Corporate social
responsibility plan of Fareast Islami Life Insurance
Company Limited is mainly about the awareness of
actions in support of environmentally sustainable
social development. This is based on the belief that
growth and development are effective only when
they result in wider access to opportunities and
benefit a broader section of society. The CSR policy
of the Company sets the framework guiding the
Company’s CSR activities.

30 www.fareastislamilife.com
Human Resources (HR) are main elements behind Code of conduct and ethical guidelines for
the success and future sustainability of the employees
Company. Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the
Limited (FILIC) is developing and motivating the responsibilities of proper practices for an individual
workforce with contemporary HR policies and or organization. As per the ‘Code of Conduct and
attractive benefits. Our people are our most valuable Ethical Guidelines’ for FILIC employees, all have to
assets, embodying our commitment to maximizing maintain the code of conduct and demonstrate
wealth of the Company. We rely on them to highest ethical standards. These are the core values
communicate this value to our many stakeholders. A of FILIC and people must follow and nurture. The
talented officer can win the heart of a customer by basic premise of this code of conduct is that each
providing efficient service blended with personal employee, while on the payroll of FILIC, shall place
care which eventually builds a strong and FILIC ahead of his/her personal interests. As our
ever-lasting business relationship with that Company based on Shariah, our employees follow
customer. the ethical rules & regulations.

FILIC has a vast number of employees which are Employees’ Benefits

divided into two groups - Desk employees & We have a target to achieve a fair human resources
Development employees. Finding the right management by using a performance based system.
employees, developing, rewarding and retaining FILIC’s management strategy is a multi-prolonged
them is our highest priorities. FILIC has formulated one; that includes compelling employees’ value
efficient recruitment policy to recruit new proposition with a competitive reward package. Our
employees, both fresh and experienced to meet the total rewards strategy has involved with our
customers’ ever-increasing demand and to support business transformation and basic pay is
the business expansions of the Company. Our benchmarked against the market to ensure
human resources are competent enough to handle competitiveness. The Company offers satisfactory
the challenges of modern economy. Our financial and non financial benefits for the
development employees represent our Company’s employees of the Company to ensure a better life
thought, idea and motive, Currently, about 03 (three) style.
lac development employees are actively working
with FILIC.  Career growth opportunities
 Training and workshop at home and abroad
To accomplish the goals and uphold the values, we  Fair Promotion
have a commitment to provide a professional, caring  Annual increment
work environment dedicated equally to both  Favorable work environment
individual and team achievement. We focus on each  Health care facilities
individual’s needs and successes as well as the spirit  Group Insurance facilities
and rewards of teamwork. We are working together  Loan facilities at a privileged rate
to achieve common goals. Most importantly, we  Attractive compensation package
provide a progressive workplace with open  Festival and incentive bonuses
communication, promotion of employee involvement  Leave fare assistance.
and the celebration of our successes. Our  Hajj & Foreign tour awards.
employees play a vital role in all of our past  Hire purchese.
accomplishments and in many coming in the future.  Home loan.
 Earned leave encashment.

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We have platforms which provide recognition for and their children, our honorable Policyholders will
outstanding performance, we offer career get a discount on the test & hospital bills. It is a
development opportunities and we are dedicated to great opportunity for them and our Company has
our employees’ wellbeing. To boost up motivation, made it.
we recognize and reward top performers, long
service employees, best managers, executives and Policy of Recruitment
officers. Human Resource Management is playing a In order to set up our business for success over the
more active role in shaping the future and the long term, FILIC recognizes the importance of
success of our “Employees”. The Company has been attracting and retaining the talent. As part of FILIC’s
maintaining a welfare fund to support their families investments in Human Capital, it has formulated
on the ground of medical, maternity, retirement, Human Resources Policy including a strategic
disability and death claim. The Fund has been imperative for recruiting the best people from the
established to provide coverage in the event of society. Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company
accidental death or permanent disabilities, a portion Limited recruits fresh graduates from different
of retirement benefit. academic backgrounds of renowned universities,
which act as a source of creativity. Fresh graduates
Salary Policy are recruited through comprehensive written test
There is no discrimination in terms of remuneration and interview. FILIC also recruits experienced
provided to both male and female employees of our employees from the industry having sound
company. Every employee is paid salary on monthly insurance knowledge and expertise.
basis, which is a combination of basic salary, fringe
benefits and other benefits as given at the end of the Job Satisfaction
month. Comparatively, our salary policy and scheme Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited
are very impressive. seeks not only to attract the most qualified
personnel but also to retain them by creating a
Fostering Health superior working environment and addressing their
Safe and healthy work place is precondition for needs. To ensure success for the Company as a
sound mentality of employees to deliver desired whole, employees are encouraged to engage in
services to valued customers. FILIC is fully energetic teamwork and effort is given to facilitate
committed to offering its employees a hygienic work communication and the flow of information.
environment where they can identify and develop Employees initiative and responsibility are promoted
their skills with optimal advantage. The Company is through challenging assignments where rewards are
always careful about ensuring modern, healthy and determined by results.
safe workplace for its employees. We remain
proactive in implementing strategies and systems to Learning & Development
help prevent injury or harm to employees whilst at Knowledge & skill development is a continuous
work. Health and safety measures are in place to process and to keep our employees abreast of all the
ensure that our people have an optimum work latest developments in the insurance sector, the
environment. Time to time, the Company conducts a company continues to organize training & workshop
variety of safety and wellness activities. Female to the officers & executives in an effort to improve
employees are given 06 (six) months’ maternity their professional efficiency. The Company always
leave. lays the highest importance on training of its
employees as a continuous process of human
To make sure of a better healthy life our Company resources development. Fareast Islami Life
has contracted with many hospitals, such as LAB Insurance Company Limited has been maintaining
AID, IBNE SINA, SAMARITA, CENTRAL ISLAMI BANK its own training institute named FILITRA, which is
HOSPITAL etc. Under this contract our employees equipped with all modern study aid and course

32 www.fareastislamilife.com
Managing People Human Resources Accounting in FILIC
FILIC has formulated its HR policy incorporating Human Resources Accounting (HRA) involves
benefits to be provided and returns to be expected accounting for the company’s management and
from the employees. HR Policy acts as a key employees as Human assets or capital that provide
mechanism to make the employees responsible future benefits. The function of HRA is to provide
professionally and morally. Ethical codes of conduct, information with which management can analyze its
behavioral patterns of the employees and what the decisions in relation to human services. Accounting
employees should do and what they shouldn’t are of human resources is nothing but the valuation of
elaborately incorporated in the Policy. human assets in monetary terms and the process of
their recording and disclosure. It also affords
Retirement Benefits investors the opportunity to truly evaluate and
Fareast Islami Life provides the following benefits understand the complete picture of an organization.
for its officers and staffs: Our “people first” policy and practices, passion of our
people to come to work, performance driven culture,
 Provident fund
quality of working environment, healthy work life
 Gratuity
balance, recognition for the performers and
 Leave encashment
investing in people differentiates Fareast Islami Life
We encourage open communication, feedback and Insurance Company Limited as an excellent
new ideas. We are consistent in our communications workplace in the country.
in the organization.
Our People’s Policy is made open on internet, all the
employees of the Company can access to it. Every
year we arrange a recreation tour. We conduct a lot
of Group Discussions for welcoming people views
and criticisms on the way the organization operates.

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34 www.fareastislamilife.com
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36 www.fareastislamilife.com
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as on 31 December 2016

Market value added statement reflects the company's performance evaluated by the market through the share
price. This amount is derived from the difference between the total market value and total book value of shares
of a company. A high market value added indicates that the company has created substantial wealth for the
The equity market value of the company stood at taka 4216.74 million where the book value of the equity stood
at taka 622.86 million, resulting in market value added of taka 3593.88 million as on 31 December 2016 against
taka 3269.99 million 2015.

Particulars 2016 2015

Face value per share (BDT) 10.00 10.00
Market value per share (BDT) 67.70 62.50
Number of shares outstanding 62285626 62285626
Total market capitalization (BDT in million) 4216.74 3892.85
Book value of paid up capital (BDT in million) 622.86 622.86
Market value added (BDT in million) 3593.88 3269.99

2016 2015

38 www.fareastislamilife.com
as on 31 December 2016

The Present Authorized Capital of the Company is taka 1000 million and Paidup Capital is taka 622.86
Million. At the end of the year 2016 total number of shareholders stood at 11,827 and the shareholdings
percentage as per category is shown in the following table:

Category of shareholders Number of Quantity of Shareholding %

shareholders Share
Sponsor & Director 30 2,26,06,356 36.29
Institute 249 2,22,02,592 35.64
General Public 9,562 1,60,67,516 25.80
Foreign 04 14,09,162 2.27
Total - 11,827 6,22,85,626 100.00

35.64 36.29



Foreign General Public Institute Sponsor & Director

www.fareastislamilife.com 39
Ekok Bima (Individual Life) Taka in Million

Year First Year Premium Renewal Premium Total Premium

2015 1920.02 4900.94 6820.96

2016 2402.28 4951.22 7353.50

Sharbojonin Bima (Micro Insurance)

Year First Year Premium Renewal Premium Total Premium

2015 640.19 1030.23 1670.42

2016 818.88 1052.16 1871.04

Group Insurance

Year Premium

2015 19.83

2016 30.46

8000 7353.50
7000 7000

6000 6000

5000 5000

4000 4000

3000 3000
2000 2000

1000 30.46 1000 19.83

0 0
Ekok Sharbojonin Group Ekok Sharbojonin Group

Business Analysis 2016 Business Analysis 2015

40 www.fareastislamilife.com
Taka in Million

Business Performance 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

First Year Premium 3221.16 2560.21 1890.20 1416.21 1576.35
Renewal Premium 6003.38 5931.17 5766.66 5674.84 5497.00
Group Insurance Premium 30.46 19.83 14.44 10.71 1.22
Gross Premium 9255.00 8511.22 7671.30 7101.77 7074.58
Investment Income 1534.47 1624.27 1890.26 2149.03 1722.03
Claims 5426.22 3575.05 2639.74 2000.76 1732.30
Management Expenses
a) Commission 2067.86 1663.83 1337.27 1130.85 1161.19
b) Admin. Expenses 2097.93 1697.31 1261.93 1162.37 1062.43

Assets 41320.56 40763.21 38704.48 32264.17 28222.24

Life Fund 32174.33 31297.26 28863.06 25248.03 20804.22

Claims to Premium (%) 58.63 42.00 34.41 28.17 24.49
Management Expenses to Premium (%) 44.87 39.49 33.88 32.29 31.43

Dividend of face value of share

a) Cash 15% 39% 35% 40% 20%
b) Stock 20% - 10% - 15%

Business Growth 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

Assets (%) 1.37 5.32 19.81 14.32 28.73
Life Fund (%) 2.80 8.43 14.32 21.36 26.19
Premium (%) 8.74 10.95 8.02 0.38 2.40

www.fareastislamilife.com 41
Taka in Million


Gross Premium
7101.77 2015




Investment Income 1624.27 2014

2149.03 2015



5426.22 2000.76 2012


Claims Paid 2014





2599.20 2012
Management Expenses 2014


42 www.fareastislamilife.com
Taka in Million

40763.21 41320.56

28222.24 2012

Assets 2014


25248.03 2012
Life Fund 20804.22



35% 35%

39% 40%


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44 www.fareastislamilife.com
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
(In the name of Allah, the most gracious, most
Dear Shareholders,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Assalamu Alikum Wa-rahmatullah.
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to the wealth of shareholders and the recognition,
17th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Fareast rewarding and evaluation of the dignity of our staff.
Islami Life Insurance Company Limited and Place
before you the Company’s Financial Statements and It is beyond my idea to pay tribute to our customers
performance of the financial year 2016. Stepping whose continuous and ever increasing loyalty will
into the 17th year of business operation, Fareast always be reciprocated by this company in offering
Islami Life Insurance Company Limited can assert them innovative value added products combined
with proud that it has persistently strived to achieve with the highest form of service excellence
optimum value index for its shareholders as well as particularly by the fast settlement of claims. I thank
stakeholders from the very outset of this each and every member of our staff for their sincere
organisation. Fostering superior corporate commitment to fulfil their responsibilities even when
governance and balancing out growth, profitability faced with unanticipated stress and challenges.
and risk to maximiz use of intrinsic value for the Their performance has resulted in another year of
organisation. Fareast has remained a testimony of outstanding success. Our employees are not mere
growth spread across almost two decades. In statistics in our payroll but they are members of
succession, the financial year 2016 denotes yet FILIC’s family and as such we respect them with
another triumphant year of operation. We remain taking care.
thankful to you and all other stakeholders for I now thank all our field forces who have steadfastly
extending their ceaseless support to the company. continued to support us by bringing satisfactory
In line with accelerating economic growth of the business.
country, the company maintained sustainable Importance has been given to the contributions of
momentum with a 6.7% growth in business in 2016. the employees who exert in the organization and to
So, it gives me immense pleasure to pronounce that adopt policy to reward them accordingly. Our
this performance is likely to supersede the top life company believes in ensuring healthy working
insurance companies of Bangladesh. During the year environment for its employees. The company
of 2016, gross premium income attained was taka continues to be managed professionally by qualified
9247 million as against taka 8496.44 million in 2015. personnel and development of proper human
We record our gratitude for the contribution of this resources, because human resource is the first asset
growth made by all of our clients. of the company. So, maintaining its ability to provide
Whenever there will be any changes in future let me services of the highest quality to its clients and thus
assure you that the brand “FILIC” will always stand have edge over its competitors. Fareast wants to be
for the protection and financial security of the an organisation where our clients, employees and
highest quality to customers, the addition to the people will tell us how well we have done on
important measures of customer services, trust,

www.fareastislamilife.com 45
accountability and good governance. In case of We have drawn up exciting growth plans for the next
recruitment, educational qualification, honesty, three years to five years.
professionalism are taken into consideration. For
adopting these epoch-making steps the activities of  Increase our Customer base - from 10,00,000 to
FILIC have considerably been boosted up and 50,00,000.
leading towards achievements of its desired goal.
 Increase the distribution reach - from 2,000 to
Our FOUNDER, the legendary Mr. M. A. Khaleque 3,000 throughout Bangladesh.
gave us a simple mantra to aspire to the highest
global standards of quality, efficiency operational Together, these initiatives will further accelerate our
performance and customer care. We are committed growth and lead to substantial value creation for all.
to upholding that vision wholeheartedly. He exhorted
us to think big. with your continued support we will Besides our business operations, we believe that the
think bigger. Indeed not just bigger but better, company is also contributing actively to the society
creating ever greater value for all our stakeholders. through our best corporate practices, the activities
are to help the people of flood affected area, cold hit
I extend a very special word of appreciation to our area, natural disasters area, and for education &
Re-insurer (Trust Re), Manama-Bahrain. They are our healthcare.
close, trusted and respected business partners.
Throughout the year under review they have been To conclude, I would like to convey my sincere
totally loyal to us and offered a unique service gratitude to fellow Directors for their support and
without which we would not have been able to co-operation. The diligence of the management
achieve the success we did. team and the staff, drawing the Company forward
and delivering excellent results. I would like to record
Dear Shareholders, reassured by our remarkable our deepest appreciation of their dedicated and
track record; we believe that the company is poised unflinching services and convey our thanks to all of
to surmount the challenges of the future and retain them.
the momentum for business growth in years to
come. We are most obliged and appreciative of the
unrelenting support and patronage received from
May Allah help us, Ameen.
our clients and shareholders; as we look forward to
the continuation of the same. In particular, I would Ma-Assalam,
like to thank the Banking authorities with whom we
have extensive dealings along with the regulators,
stock exchanges of Dhaka and Chittagong, BSEC
and Government bodies for their incessant
co-operation and support. Md. Nazrul Islam
Our Company has always been maintained the
highest governance standards and practices by
adopting, as is the norm for all constituent
companies of the group “the fareast group- 17 August 2017
corporate governance policies and code of conduct.” Dhaka
These policies and code Prescribe a set of systems,
processes and principles which conform to the
highest international standards and are reviewed
periodically to ensure their continuing relevance,
effectiveness and responsiveness to the needs of
investors, both local and global and other

46 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 47
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Dear Shareholders & Patrons,

Assalamu Alikum Wa-rahmatullah.

I take pleasure in giving you a short review on our In the year of 2016 the company paid total claims to
company’s activities and its performance. The year policyholders amounting to taka 5426.2 million in
2016 was a year at which we made continued the form of death, maturity, survival and surrender
progress in many areas of our core business. It was against taka 3575.05 million in 2015. The excess
also a year when we have successfully headed payment of claims in the year was taka 1851.2
towards our corporate objectives for serving our million which has a reflection in the life fund of the
valued customers with superior skills and speed. In year.
this connection we cannot but recount the propelling
inspiration we always receive from our well-wishers We are pleased to express that several steps have
of all corners. My sincere thanks to go all of them. been taken to complete customised services. These
would not be possible without the help of our
In the year 2016 we have achieved an impressive advisers, strong in house cross functional teams, a
growth rate of 8.74% in spite of the competition committed management, absolute shareholders
prevailing in the life segment of the market we play support and overall economic recovery.
For the last few years, the life insurance industry has
It is my pleasure to let you know that from the been at the helm of transformational changes. This
inception to date our total premium income is taka is mainly in response to the key challenge which is
6,95,888.08 million. The growth rate is very being faced by the life insurance industry mainly
satisfactory. The five years growth trend is shown lack of customer confidence. The very important
below through diagram: issue is that which is at the heart of our change
initiative. “The success of change is to focus all your
energy not on fighting the old, but on building the
Five Year Summary
new” (Socrates)
10000 8511.22
9000 7671.31 We believe that adequate service levels, good
7074.58 7101.77
8000 corporate governance practices and compliance
with regulations can have a significant impact on the
5000 Company’s sustainability. We as always execute all
4000 operational regulations so introduced by Insurance
Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA) of
1000 Bangladesh. FILIC aspires to reach the apex of
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
highest standards of corporate governance in the
insurance sector, and apply the guidelines set out by
At this happy juncture of stepping into 17th year of the IDRA and BSEC.
journey. I sincerely express my heartfelt gratitude
I also thank our respected Shareholders, Valued
and thanks to our distinguished shareholders, valued
Policyholders, Patrons and well wishers, without
policyholders and respected well wishers for their
whose Co-operation and supports, we could not
support, Co-operation and association with this
have achieved these good results in such a
model of financial institution.

48 www.fareastislamilife.com
competitive market place. We should like to pay our of FILIC family, we all here swear to face any
special thanks and gratitude to the Government challenge with dedication and professionalism. This
Agencies, and Insurance Development and is our way of life through which we can add value to
Regulatory Authority (IDRA), Registrar of Joint Stock our personal career, to the overall performance of
Companies and firms, Dhaka and Chittagong Stock the company, and definitely to our lovely motherland,
Exchanges for their Co-operation and support for the Bangladesh.
development of the Company. Last but not the least;
I am really indebted to our Honorable Board of Finally, I take the opportunity to express our sincere
Directors for their insights as well as guidance they appreciation for your continuous support and
time to time extended to my management team. association with the company.

I would like to express my deepest thanks to all of May Allah help us, Ameen.
my colleagues for their dedication and commitment Ma-Assalam,
during the year 2016. I believe “Talent wins games,
but teamwork and intelligence wins championships”,
and it is my colleagues’ whole- hearted co-operation
that will, for sure, make FILIC unique. With these in
mind I have the optimism that my colleagues will go Md. Hemayet Ullah
on supporting me in the coming days. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Above all, we proudly own a saga of the unbeaten
excellence for the last seventeen years in the
17 August 2017
insurance sector of Bangladesh. This, of course,
stimulates us to excel in the coming days as well Dhaka.
with new zeal and enthusiasm. As a proud member

www.fareastislamilife.com 49
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Dear Shareholders,
Assalamu Alikum Wa-rahmatullah.

All praises to Allah, the Lord of the universe and International trade growth revived in the last year,
peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the prophet although it still remains less robust than in pre-crisis
Muhammad (SM) and his descendants and decades. Technology-driven and deeper trade
companions. integration through global value chains creates new
markets and raises productivity. Access to a wider
The Directors are pleased to present the 17th Annual variety of goods and services at cheaper prices
Report of Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company raises well-being and consumers’ purchasing power,
Ltd. (“Company”), together with the Directors' Report particularly low-income consumers. But these gains
along with the Audited Financial Statements and the come with adjustment costs, neither of which have
Auditors' Report for the year ended December 31, been equally shared across regions and individuals,
2016 for your approval and consideration. The yielding pressure to retreat from globalisation. While
Annual Report of the Company has been prepared in the balance of risks is viewed as being to the
accordance with the Company's Act, 1994, downside, there are also upside risks to near-term
Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commissions growth. Specifically, global activity could accelerate
(BSEC) notification, Listing Rules of Dhaka Stock more strongly if policy stimulus turns out to be
Exchange Ltd. (DSE) and Chittagong Stock larger than currently projected in the United States
Exchange Ltd. (CSE) and others applicable Rules & or China. Notable negative risks to activity include a
Regulations. The report of the Shariah Council for possible shift toward inward-looking policy
the year ended has also been placed. The Annual platforms and protectionism, a sharper than
Report also reflects the overall performance of the expected tightening in global financial conditions
company for the year ended 2016. that could interact with balance sheet weaknesses
in parts of the euro area and in some emerging
Global Economy Outlook market economies, increased geopolitical tensions,
and a more severe slowdown in China.
The mood in the global economy has brightened during
the last year. After a lackluster outturn in 2016,
Each country has its own coherent policy package to
economic activity is projected to pick up pace in 2017
boost productivity, employment, and inclusiveness;
and 2018, especially in emerging market and
Going for Growth, 2017 suggests priorities for all
developing economies. Confidence indicators,
G20 countries. These priorities are designed to
industrial production, headline measures of
maximise policy synergies, such as how addressing
employment, and cross-border trade flows have non-performing loans can also boost business
improved in most economies. However, this dynamism, or how active labor market policies work
still-modest cyclical expansion is not yet robust enough best if there is a competitive business environment,
to yield a durable improvement in potential output or to or how promoting geographical mobility and
reduce persistent inequalities. Financial vulnerabilities improved skill matching are aided by housing policy
could be realised by policy and geopolitical shocks. reforms. However, national policy settings interact
Compared to the 20-year pre-crisis average against with the nature and degree of international
which expectations have been set, OECD per capita economic cooperation to affect firms and citizens.
GDP growth remains over ½ percentage point weaker The mutually reinforcing forces of tastes,
and global growth overall, projected to rise to just technology, and trade that hit regions, firms and
above 3½ per cent by 2018, also lags. In sum, the workers, targeted policies need to be reassessed. So,
global economic outlook is better, but not good enough an integrated policy approach is needed to make the
to sustainably improve citizens well-being. whole system work better for more people.

www.fareastislamilife.com 51
Bangladesh Economic Scenario Clearly, Bangladesh has done well. Major challenges
In conformity with the Global Economy, Bangladesh remain that need to be addressed before our country
Economy is going to achieve the goal of mid-income leaps to the next stage of development. Private
nation in the world. Growth remained robust in FY investment is very important if our country is to
2017, according to a recently-released provisional sustain the recent high levels of growth. At the same
estimate. GDP expanded 7.2% in FY 2017, which time, a significant increase in public investment is
ended in June 2017, a notch above the 7.1% rise in necessary to maintain competitiveness and
FY 2016. Despite global headwinds that crimped generate further productivity growth. There also is
remittances, GDP recorded robust growth in FY2016 clear scope to pursue capital market development to
on higher private investment and exports. The provide new vehicles to channel savings toward
economy benefited from better weather conditions long-term investments. Another way to achieve this
that allowed for a recovery in the agricultural sector. needed increase in investment is to focus on raising
Moreover, the traditional manufacturing sector revenues and lifting foreign direct investment. It is
continued to expand at a double-digit rate in the important that the VAT law will be implemented. In
same period, albeit at a slightly weaker pace. While addition, policies that remove red tape and simplify
structural weaknesses continue to put a dent in the trade regime should be put in place. Structural
growth prospects, the decision to postpone the reforms, strengthened institutions, and capacity
long-awaited unified Value Added Tax (VAT) by two development are all priorities if Bangladesh is going
years casts a long shadow on fiscal sustainability to unleash its full economic potential. The efficiency
and calls into question the government’s reform of the tax system is one priority, along with reforms
agenda. The Bangladeshi economy has undergone a to improve fiscal management and improve the
major transformation over the past two decades. business environment. Finally, sustaining strong,
This change has been spearheaded by the rapid medium-term growth will require a stable security
expansion of the garment industry, which has helped situation. This is necessary to avoid adverse effects
reduce poverty and raise the employment of women. on market confidence.
The result has been a sustained increase in per
capita income. It is important to recognize that Industry Outlook and Prospects
Bangladesh is making important progress toward its The Life Insurance operation in this industry has
goal of middle-income status. been integral part of financial markets and
contributed significant return in the country’s
Bangladesh also stands out in terms of development economy. The sector recorded a 3.77% growth in
indicators. Poverty has been nearly halved since 2016 even though nearly half of the companies saw
1990. Inequality remains low and stable, defying the their premium incomes decline. The top seven life
regional trend. Our country also stands out among insurers last year commanded 77% of the market.
low-income countries in terms of life expectancy, The remaining 23% was shared among more than 20
child mortality, and access to water and sanitation. insurers.
In addition, there has been good progress on
financial inclusion (FI). This includes efforts to World Bank sanctioned a loan of USD 65 Million for
enhance access and usage of financial services. the development of Insurance Industry in
Bangladesh compares very favorably with other Bangladesh. Bangladesh Government already
developing countries across a broad range of FI prepared a draft paper for the project entitled
indicators. Macroeconomic stability has been “Bangladesh Insurance Development Project”. The
preserved, and Bangladesh is now in a stronger main objective of the project are organizational
position. This means higher reserves, lower public development, skilled ness, monitoring capability
debt as a share of GDP, and lower underlying enhancement of Insurance Development &
inflation. Regulatory Authority (IDRA), Two public Life &

52 www.fareastislamilife.com
Non-Life Insurance Corporation and to increase the our marketing forces, soundness of our
number of policy holders. To reform Bangladesh organizational structure and our constant endeavor
Insurance Academy to enhance the quality of to review our business strategies wherever
insurance education and training would be done necessary keeping in view of the quality of business,
relatedly. improved customer services and reduction of
procuration cost in all spheres of business.
Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority
(IDRA) arranged a historical Insurance Fair from Our Reach
23-25 March, 2016 for the first time in Bangladesh to
The Company reaches its customers through
build up public awareness. Maximum Life and
different offices collection center in 935 locations at
Non-Life insurance companies out of 77 operators
December 31, 2016. On December 31, 2016, the
participated in the fair. On spot, online policy selling,
Company had 4,870 employees and 3,55,264 field
open discussion, seminars were held on the fair.
force staffs to cater to the needs of customers. The
Company distributes its products only through
Except 5-6 most of the Life Insurance companies are
captive agents, corporate agents and banking
in solvency crisis. As a result companies are fail to
settle maturity claims in due time, policies are bonus
less year after year and above all the public interest
Product and Services
hampered seriously. Because most of the Life
insurance companies do not have sufficient reserve We continuously focus on developing, updating and
to meet up the liability and the Insurance innovative products tailoring to ever changing needs
of our customers. We offer customized and
Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA) is still
competitive products to meet the demand of all
to develop the solvency guideline. By the Insurance
types of customers. We have introduced diverse
Act 2010 already adopted instead of Insurance Act
range of products and services to provide to the
1938 and many reforms are going on to overcome
needs of all our valued clients from the inception of
the situation.
the company. A comprehensive range of Life
insurance products and services are awaiting
Business Performance 2016
launching very soon with the approval of regulatory
The Company continues to retain its market authority, such as Health Care Group Insurance
leadership among the private local players and Scheme, Monthly Premium Endowment Assurance
achieved market share of 12.05% amongst private Plan and Endowment Assurance Plan etc. It is
players in 2016 under the Islamic Shariah platform. expected that the upcoming products will contribute
The Company focused on improving its protection towards the growth of good business for the
business and there was a 26% increase in sum company in near future.
assured for new business. Our continued focus on
customer retention has resulted in increase in retail Dividend to Shareholders and Bonus to
renewal premium by 1% from 5.90 billion in 2015 to Policyholders
6.0 billion in 2016. Total expenses increased to 4.27
The Actuarial Valuation have resulted divisible
billion in 2016 as compared to 3.86 billion in 2015.
surplus is 2,359.83 million for the year ended 2016.
However total cost to total weighted received
The Board at its Meeting held on August 17, 2017
premium (TWRP) ratio improved from 45% in 2015
has recommended to pay 15% Cash dividend i.e taka
to 46% in 2016.It’s an immense pleasure to note that
1.50 per share and 20% stock dividend i.e 2 Bonus
in continued unstable economic condition prevailing
share for every 10 Ordinary shares for the year 2016
in the country and stiff competition among different
as approved in the Annual General Meeting. Basis on
insurers the year 2016 was another successful year
the valuation report Board also approved the
of the company. We all achieved the result due to
Bonuses to its Policy Holders’.

www.fareastislamilife.com 53
Preceding Five Years Key Operating and  Strong and sound solvency.
Financial Data  Satisfactory Payment Position of Claims.
Preceding five years key operating, financial  Well Experienced management team.
summarized data and graphical representation has Sound liquidity position.
shown in page no. 41 to 43.  Low management expenses.
 Surplus assets over liabilities etc.
Information Technology
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited has Auditors
upgraded its IT system successfully for further As per section 210 of Companies Act, 1994, every
strengthening and securing the automation of company shall, at each Annual General Meeting
services. Fareast Life has highly experienced and appoint an auditor or auditors to hold the office from
trained professionals working on maintaining and the conclusion of that meeting until the next Annual
developing the company's IT infrastructure. The IT General Meeting. Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co. a
professionals are constantly innovating and prominent Audit Firm, was appointed as Auditors of
developing in house programs to meet the needs of the Company for the year 2016 at the Sixteenth
the company. IT division has implemented Local Annual General Meeting to hold office up to the
Area Network (LAN) in its Head Office and Branch conclusion of the ensuing Annual General
Offices. Information and Communication Technology Meeting.This year they will eligible to re-appoint for
(ICT) has become indispensable for insurance the year 2017. They have expressed their willingness
companies in ensuring smooth operational activities to be re-appointed for the year 2017.
and providing efficient services. Fareast Life has
recognised this fact and the Board of Directors have Re-Insurance
adopted a comprehensive ICT policy for the The Board of Directors recognizes the importance of
company. Here it is especially mentionable that the sound risk management practices and internal
Company has recently implemented online services controls to safeguard the policyholders’ premium
through its ICT Department for getting prompt and the company’s assets. Besides, Insurance
services throughout the Bangladesh. development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA)
circulated an S.R.O No.-349 Law/2015 Dated 16
Actuarial Valuation March 2016 related to reinsurance. It is a mandatory
Mohammad Sohrab Uddin PhD, AIA a senior and provision for a life insurance company to diverse
renowned Actuary was appointed by the Board of co.’s risk through a reinsurance contract. Although,
Directors to complete the actuarial valuation for the we were already under coverage with reinsurer Trust
year ended 31 December, 2016. In accordance with Re (Reinsurer), Manama, Bahrain.
Insurance Act, Actuarial Valuation of the company
as on 31 December, 2016 has been done and the Internal audit and compliance framework
divisible surplus with the Life Fund of the company Internal Audit: The Company has institutionalized a
have been determined. It appears from the valuation robust and comprehensive internal audit
report that a remarkable excess of life fund over framework/mechanism with all the processes, to
liabilities has been determined under the valued ensure reliability of financial reporting, timely
policies. feedback on achievement of operational and
strategic goals and, compliance with applicable
Credit Rating policies, procedures, laws, and regulations. Review
Emerging Credit Rating Limited rated Fareast Islami of control is undertaken by internal audit through
Life Insurance Company Ltd, as AA (Double A). The execution of internal audits as per risk based audit
Credit Rating Company has been given plan. The internal audit covers auditing of processes,
concentration on the following key points: transactions and systems. Key audit observations

54 www.fareastislamilife.com
and recommendations made are reported to the records with reasonable accuracy. The financial
Board Audit Committee in case of Board Audit within estimates and judgments relating to the financial
the specific time frame. Implementation of the statements have been made on prudent and
recommendations is actively monitored. The internal reasonable basis, in order to reflect the financial
audit function is capable of reviewing and assessing operations of the company in a true and fair view.
the adequacy and effectiveness of, and the
Company’s adherence to its internal controls as well Related Party Transactions
as reporting on its policies and procedures. The particulars of contracts or arrangements
entered into by the Company with related parties
Compliance: The Company has formulated various during 2016 referred to in the ‘details of related
internal policies/procedures and an employee code parties and transactions with related parties’
of conduct, which governs day-to-day activities to including certain arm’s length transactions are
ensure compliance. The Compliance function disclosed in Notes 3.13 to the Accounts forming part
disseminates relevant laws, regulations and circulars of the financial statements.
related to insurance, anti-money laundering and
other regulatory requirements, to various functions. Auditor’s Report
It also serves as a reference point for the staff of There is no qualification, reservation, adverse remark
various functions for seeking clarifications on or disclaimer passed by the statutory auditors for
applicable laws, regulations and circulars issued by the year ended 31 December 2016.
the regulatory authorities. The Compliance team
also monitors the adequacy of the compliance Risks and concerns
framework within the Company. Key issues observed Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company has a
as part of this monitoring are reported to the Board defined Risk Management Strategy and Framework
through CEO, and implementation of designed to identify, manage, monitor and to
recommendations is actively monitored. A mitigate various risks. As part of this, a Risk
compliance certificate signed by CEO, based on the Management Policy has been put in place. The
certification from respective functional heads, is Company recognises that risk is an integral part of
placed at the Board in a timely manner. the business and managed acceptance of risk is
essential for the generation of shareholder’s value.
Internal Financial Controls Life Insurance Companies are exposed to a number
The Company has institutionalized a robust and of risks such as Investment Risks, Insurance Risks,
comprehensive internal control mechanism in Market Risks, Operational Risks and Reputational
respect of all the major processes. The internal Risks etc. In order to manage these Risks properly,
audit, in addition to ensuring compliance to policies, Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority
regulations, processes etc., also test and report (IDRA) has issued guidelines which are being
adequacy of internal financial controls with followed by the company with utmost-care and
reference to financial reporting/statements. dedication. The standard operating procedure as per
international best practices prepared by Price Water
Financial Reporting Standard House Coopers. The standard operating procedure
The company prepared the financial statements in has strengthened internal control system and
accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standards facilitated the risk management process of our
(BAS), Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards company. Internal control system which is being
(BFRS), the Companies Act, 1994 and other made effective by increasing the internal audit, both
applicable rules and regulations. The Board of comprehensive and others, of the various affiliated
Directors of the company has ensured the offices as well as Head office of the company.
responsibility that the company keeps accounting

www.fareastislamilife.com 55
Corporate Governance helping the distressed people affected by natural
The corporate governance framework of the calamities, education welfare, medical treatment
Company is based on an effective independent and donation to poor people of the society. In the
Board. The separation of Board’s supervisory role year 2016 company expended 20.33 million taka in
from the executive management and the Corporate Social Responsibilities sector.
constitution of Board Committees. Fairness,
transparency, accountability and the responsibilities Human Resources and Training
are the standard of acceptable corporate behaviour We believe that one of the greatest strengths that an
today. As sound corporate governance practice has organisation can have is the human capital.
consistently been followed in carrying out the overall Encouraging employees to innovate, think out of the
operation of Fareast Life. The company is smoothly box challenge conventions and push boundaries
running the day to day activities of Fareast within while not letting hierarchy interference with
the policy guidelines of the Board of Directors and in capability, has been a constant effort. At FILIC the
accordance with the legal and regulatory framework employees have a passion for learning and adapting
of different regulatory bodies of the country. to changes. "People are the Key of success".
Awareness of corporate governance has grown Technology can be purchased and copied, neither
rapidly worldwide in recent years due to increased people can be copied nor their ideas, personalities,
legislative and regulatory activities as well as motivation and cultural values be copied.
evolving best practice recommendations. Fareast Recognizing people as "human and intellectual
Life as a leading Life Insurance company in capital" is very important for any organization.
Bangladesh led by highly professional people is Company has to invest in building that capital and
committed in adopting the highest governance manage that resource wisely and deftly for
standard and adjusting them as required in organizational unity of purpose to create and
protecting the interest of policyholders and maintain competitive advantages now and all the
shareholders. A comprehensive report about time to be successful and profitable.
corporate governance scenario of our company has
shown in page no. 81. We all aware that a healthy environment has been
there, employees enjoy working with pride. To face
Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) the challenge and to meet the demand of required
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Ltd being manpower normally, we recruit fresh at the entry
one of the best corporate companies in the country level as well as experienced officers in mid and top
has been discharging responsibilities to the society levels. Extensive training programs both centrally,
since its inception. As we get our business from the regionally through the company's training
society in which we live and operate. The Company department and development professional cadre of
always acknowledges its responsibilities for the human resources. We are also sending our
well-being of the society and takes part in such personnel to Bangladesh Insurance Academy,
activities whenever it becomes necessary. We Bangladesh Insurance Association and other
pursue a strong policy in respect of Corporate Social training institutions at home and abroad. Research
Responsibility. Our corporate social responsibility for improvement of operational activities and quality
includes our clients, employees, shareholders, services are going on. Finally, we have in our
business associates and the society as a whole. Our company dedicated and highly professional pool of
relationship with the society is one of understanding, workforce voicing our corporate slogan, 'Efficiency is
trust and credibility. In reciprocation, the citizens feel our strength'.
and acknowledge the significance and reasons for
our existence as a corporate citizen. The company
has been performing its social responsibilities by

56 www.fareastislamilife.com
Staff Welfare both of the companies got the Certificate of
Staff welfare has always been uppermost in the Incorporation from the Registrar of Joint Stock
Company. The very word staff welfare indicates the Companies & Firms in operations.
financial benefits given to officers and staffs of the
company in addition to the salary & allowances. The Legal Update
company has always been given the uppermost During the year 2016, no significant and material
preference regarding staff welfare which includes orders were passed by the regulators, courts or
contributory Provident Fund, Gratuity Schemes and tribunals, that impacted the going concern status of
Group Insurance facility towards welfare of the Company, or which can potentially impact the
members of the staff including field as well as desk Company’s future operations.
officers of the company. Recently Company has
introduced of house Investment scheme, Car loan Pattern of Shareholdings
scheme and Benevolent Fund for the Officers and We hereby confirm that the shareholding pattern of
Staffs of the company. We have been striving for the Company and any transfer of shares during the
developing a sustainable institutional infrastructure year are in accordance with statutory requirements.
for the company. It has been built and put into place There was no capital infusion by the promoters
a dynamic and growth oriented organizational during the year. The total quantity of shares of the
structure by reshuffling the overall activities. We company are 62.29 million. The pattern of
have also been preparing ourselves to face the shareholdings has shown in page no. 39 & 136.
challenges of globalization with strategies such as
capacity building, using modern technologies, Relation and Communication with Shareholders
decentralization of operations and training of both We always give priority to our shareholders. The
desk and development work force at home and shareholders of the Company are able to collect all
abroad with a view to providing excellent services to required information from our Share Department.
our valued policyholders and the stakeholders. Company is able to provide required services to the
shareholders through modern technology based on
Contribution to the National Exchequer share management software. The Company has
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited been arranging regularly Annual General Meetings
made significant contribution to the government in (AGM) as per rules of Companies Act, 1994 from the
boosting up its revenue collection. According to inception, where discuss about Company's progress,
prevailing law of the land, the company being a important activities and developments. As a result,
corporate citizen pays Tax on its own income. the shareholders get various information about the
Besides, the company complies to deduct or paid on Company in due time.
account of service tax, stamp duty, tax deducted at
source, VAT, dividend distribution tax and other Remuneration of Directors
duties and deposited the same to the National The company only pays meeting fee to its Directors
Exchequer. During the year 2016 under review the as per rules and regulation. Details are shown
company contributed taka 287.08 million to National in page no. 82.
Retirement & Election of Directors
Subsidiary Companies According to the Companies Act, 1994 and Section
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company has formed 94 of the Articles of Association of the Company one
two Subsidiary Companies namely “Fareast Islami third directors will be retired from their office by
Securities Ltd.” and “Fareast Islami Properties Ltd.” rotation every Annual General Meeting. Sponsor
In the year of 2012 Fareast Islami Securities Ltd. and Directors will be elected by the Sponsor
in the year of 2014 Fareast Islami Properties Ltd. Shareholders, Shareholder Directors will be elected

www.fareastislamilife.com 57
by the Shareholders and Independent Directors will Directors’ Responsibility Statement
be appointed by the Board of Directors and approved In accordance with the requirements of the
by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting. Companies Act, 1994 and the Corporate Governance
A brief profile of directors of the company has been Guidelines, the Board of Directors confirm:
shown in the page no.17.
(i) in the preparation of the annual accounts, the
Sponsor Directors applicable accounting standards had been
As per Article 94 of the Articles of Association of the followed along with proper explanation relating
Company the following Sponsor Directors will retire to material departures;
from the office at 17th Annual General Meeting and
(ii) the financial statements together with the notes
being eligible they offer themselves for re-election:
thereon have been drawn up in conformity with
Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam the companies Act. 1994, Insurance Act. 2010,
Al-Haj Md. Helal Miah Insurance Rules 1958 and Securities and
Mr. K. M. Khaled Exchange Rules 1987.These statements present
Mr. Rubaiyat Khaled fairly the Company’s statement of affairs, the
result of its operation and cash flow ;
Public Subscriber Directors
In accordance with the Article 94 of the Articles of (iii) the directors had selected such accounting
Association of the Company the following Directors policies and applied them consistently and
representing Public Shareholders shall retire from made judgments and estimates that are
the office by rotation and are eligible to offer reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and
themselves for re-election at the 17th Annual fair view of the state of affairs of the Company
General Meeting: at the end of the financial year and of the profit
and loss of the Company for that period;
Mr. Samir Obaid
Mr. Md. Kamrul Hasan (iv) the directors had taken proper and sufficient
care for the maintenance of adequate
It may be mentioned here that Notice for Election of accounting records in accordance with the
Directors from Public Subscribers were published in provisions of this Act for safeguarding the
"The Daily News Today" and "The Daily Bhorer Kagoj" assets of the Company and for preventing and
on 20 July, 2017 inviting nominations from Public detecting fraud and other irregularities;
Subscribers and all preparations have been made in
(v) the directors had prepared the annual accounts
order to hold the election as per schedule.
on a going concern basis;
Independent Directors (vi the Internal Control system is sound in design
The Company has two Independent Directors on the and effectively implemented and monitored;
Board. In compliance with the latest corporate
(vii) the key operating and financial data of the last
governance notification guidelines of BSEC, Mr. Kazi
five years is ref. in Page no. 151 as “Key
Farid Uddin Ahmed FCA & Mr. Mohammed Hafizour
Financial Indicators”. and
Rahman FCA, ACS were appointed as independent
Directors by the Board of Directors of the Company. (viii) the directors had devised proper systems to
The Independent Directors enjoy full independence ensure compliance with the provisions of all
in terms of carrying out their coveted applicable laws and that such systems were
responsibilities. Both of them are well conversant in adequate and operating effectively.
the field of business and professional areas.

58 www.fareastislamilife.com
Appreciation and Acknowledgement time to time. The Directors would also like to take
The Directors are grateful to the Insurance this opportunity to express sincere thanks to its
Development & Regulatory Authority (IDRA), valued customers for their continued patronage. The
Bangladesh Insurance Association (BIA), Directors express their deep sense of appreciation to
Bangladesh Bank and other Government bodies of all employees and field force, who continue to
Bangladesh for their continued co-operation, display outstanding professionalism and
support, guidance and advice. The Directors express commitment, enabling the organisation to retain
their gratitude to Shareholders, Members of the market leadership in its business operations.
Executive Committee, Board Audit Committee, Policy
& Claims Committee, Investment & Real Estate May Allah with all of us.
Development Committee, Purchase Committee,
Shariah Council, Shariah Executive Committee, The Ameen.
Chief Executive Officer, Additional Managing Director Ma-Assalam.
& CFO, DMD & Company Secretary, Deputy Managing For and on behalf of the Board of Directors,
Director- Human Resource Department, Bangladesh
Securities and Exchange Commission, Offices of
Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges Ltd,
Bankers and esteemed well-wishers for their
co-operation, help, support and confidence from (Md. Nazrul Islam) 17 August 2017
Chairman Dhaka

www.fareastislamilife.com 59
cwiPvjKgÛjxi cÖwZ‡e`b
wemwgjøvwni ivn&gvwbi ivwng
mb¥vwbZ †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`,

Avm&mvjvgy AvjvBKzg IqvÕivngvZzjøvn| Ges Mfxi evwYR¨ mgÜq Drcv`bkxjZv e„w× Ges bZzb
mg¯Í cÖksmv Avjøvni Rb¨ whwb wek¦ ågv‡Ûi kÖóv Ges evRvi m„wó Ki‡Q| c‡Y¨i m¯Ív g~j¨ I †mevi we¯Í…Z ˆelg¨
gvwjK| nhiZ gynv¤§` (m.) Ges Zvi Abymvix‡`i Dci jv‡fi d‡j wb¤§ Av‡qi MÖvnK‡`i µqÿgZv e„w× cv‡”Q|
Avjøvni Avkxev©` I kvwšÍ ewl©Z nDK| wKš‘ GB AR©b wewfbœ LiP mgš^‡qi gva¨‡g wewfbœ
e¨vw³, AÂj GgbwK wek¦vq‡bi cÖwZKz‡j Pvc cÖ`vb
dviBó Bmjvgx jvBd BÝy¨‡iÝ †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW Ki‡Q| SzuwKi fvimvg¨ †bwZevPK we‡ePbv Kiv n‡jI
(Ô†Kv¤úvbxÕ) Gi 17Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq mb¥vwbZ wbKUeZx© †gqv‡` cÖe„w×i †ÿ‡Î Sz uwK e„w×i m¤¢vebv
cwiPvjKgÛjxi cÿ †_‡K Avcbv‡`i‡K RvbvB AvšÍwiK i‡q‡Q| we‡klZ gvwK©b hy³ivóª ev Px‡bi cÖ¯ÍvweZ cÖK‡íi
Awfb›`b Ges GZ` m‡½ 31 wW‡m¤^i 2016 mgvß Zzjbvq hw` bxwZi DÏxcbv eo nq n‡e ˆewk¦K Kvh©Kjvc
eQ‡ii †Kv¤úvbxi wbixwÿZ Avw_©K weeiYx I wbixÿv AviI `„pZi n‡Z cv‡i| †bwZevPK SzuwKi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q
cÖwZ‡e`b Ges cwiPvjKgÛjxi cÖwZ‡e`b Avcbv‡`i Af¨šÍixb bxwZ‡Z Ae¯’vb, iÿbkxjZvi w`‡K Ae¯’vb
Aby‡gv`b Ges we‡ePbvi Rb¨ Dc¯’vcb KiwQ| m¤§vwbZ Ges ˆewk¦K Avw_©K Ae¯’vq m~PK BD‡iv AÂj Ges
cwiPvjKe„‡›`i c‡ÿ G cÖwZ‡e`bwU 1994 m‡bi D`xqgvb evRvi A_©bxwZ AÂjwfwËK ivR‰bwZK Pvc
†Kv¤úvbx AvBb, evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR GÛ G·‡PÄ wewfbœ fvimvg¨nxbZvi g‡a¨ mgš^‡qi gva¨‡g Px‡bi
Kwgkb (weGmBwm) KZ…©K RvixK…Z cÖÁvcb, XvKv óK A_©bxwZ‡Z g›`vfve †`Lv w`‡Z cv‡i|
G·‡PÄ wjt (wWGmB) Ges PÆMÖvg óK G·‡PÄ wjt
(wmGmB) Ges mswkøó Ab¨vb¨ wewa weavb Abyhvqx ˆZwi Drcv`bkxjZv, Kg©ms¯’vb Ges mgš^q e„wׇZ cÖwZwU
Kiv n‡q‡Q| eQi †k‡li kwiÔAvn& KvDw݇ji †`‡ki wbR¯^ bxwZgvjv i‡q‡Q, GB AMÖvwaKvi 2017
cÖwZ‡e`bwUI Gi m‡½ Dc¯’vcb Kiv n‡q‡Q| evwl©K mv‡ji g‡a¨ mg¯Í G20 †`k¸‡jvi g‡a¨ cÖe„w×i Bw½Z
cÖwZ‡e`‡b GQvovI 2016 mgvß eQ‡ii †Kv¤úvwbi K‡i| GB AMÖvwaKvi¸wj ev¯Íevq‡bi Rb¨ wewfbœ c×wZ
mvgwMÖK Ae`vb cÖwZdwjZ n‡q‡Q| Aej¤^b Kiv n‡q‡Q †hgb: AcÖPwjZ FY¸wj wK fv‡e
e¨vemvq MwZkxjZv evov‡e ev mwµq kÖgevRvi wKfv‡e
wek¦ A_©bxwZi wPÎ cÖwZ‡hvMxZvg~jK evRv‡i KvR K‡i ev †fŠMwjK
2016 mv‡j wek¦ A_©bxwZ‡Z wbiwew”Qbœ cÖe„w× jÿjxq| MwZkxjZv DbœZ `ÿZv AvšÍ:bxwZ MV‡b mnvqZv Ki‡Z
we‡klZ D`xqgvb evRvi Dbœqbkxj A_©bxwZi d‡j G mvnvh¨ K‡i| hvB †nvK RvZxq bxwZ wba©vib e¨ve¯’v
aviv 2017 I 2018 mv‡jI Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e e‡j avibv wba©vwiZ nq AvšÍR©vwZK A_©‰bwZK mn‡hvMxZvi cÖK…wZ
Kiv hvq| A_©bxwZ‡Z G Dbœq‡bi g~‡j i‡q‡Q w¯’Zxkxj Ges Gi gvÎv Øviv hv cÖfvweZ K‡i wewfbœ ms¯’v Ges
m~PK, wkí Drcv`b, Kg©ms¯’v‡bi mvwe©K cwigvc Ges bvMwiK‡`i| cvi¯úwiK ¯^v`, cÖhyw³ Ges ewYR¨ hv wewfbœ
Db¥y³ evwbR¨ cÖevn| hvB †nvK G axi N~Y©vqgvb cÖe„w× AÂj ms¯’vi ev kÖwgK‡`i cÖfvweZ Ki‡e Zv c~b:g~j¨vqb
†UKmB Drcv`b ev ¯’vqx AmgZv KvwU‡q A_©‰bwZK cÖ‡qvRb| myZivs GKwU mgwš^Z bxwZgvjv cÖ‡qvRb hv
Dbœqgvb NUv‡Z h‡_ó †Rviv‡jv bq| Avw_©K `ye©jZv mgMÖ c×wZ Øviv AviI fvjfv‡e Avw_©K g~j¨vq‡bi Rb¨
Dcjã n‡Z n‡j bxwZ Ges AvÂwjK ivR‰bwZK Dc‡hvMx nq|
AwfNvZ jÿbxq| GB cÖZ¨vkv 20 eQi cÖvK-msK‡Ui
M‡oi wecix‡Z wba©vib Kiv n‡q‡Q, OECD Gi g‡Z evsjv‡`‡ki A_©bxwZi wPÎ
wRwWwc cÖe„w× kZKiv Aa© kZvs‡ki †P‡qI `ye©j Ges wek¦ A_©bxwZi mv‡_ mvgÄm¨Zvi w`‡K jÿ †i‡L
wek¦e¨vcx G cÖe„w× Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e, Avkv Kiv hvq 2018 evsjv‡`‡ki A_©YxwZ we‡k¦i ga¨ Av‡qi †`k wn‡m‡e
mv‡ji g‡a¨ G cÖe„w× kZKiv mv‡o wZb kZvs‡ki AwaK cwiwPZ AR©b Ki‡Z hv‡”Q| 2017 mv‡j †`‡ki cÖe„wׇZ
n‡e hvi Ae¯’vb GLbI `ye©j| mgwóMZfv‡e, ˆewk¦K †ZRx fve jÿbxq, m¤úªwZ Ryb 2017 †k‡l AbywgZ
A_©‰bwZK wPÎ †ek fvj Z‡e bvMwiK`‡i Rb¨ ZZUv GDP 7.2% G DbœxZ n‡q‡Q hv 2016 mv‡j wQj 7.1%|
fvj bq| we‡k¦ cÖwZKzj Ae¯’v Ges †cÖwiZ A_© cÖevn w¯’Zxkxj bv
n‡jI 2016 mv‡j †emiKvix wewb‡qvM I ißvbxi d‡j
2016 mv‡j AvšÍ©RvwZK evwb‡R¨i cÖmvi NU‡jI MZ GDP cÖe„wׇZ †ZRx fve jÿbxq| AbyKzj AvenvIqv wQj
†kl `k‡Ki msKUgq Ae¯’v n‡Z Zv GLbI `ye©j K…wlLvZ Dc‡hvMx hv G Lv‡Zi cybiæ×vi Gi gva¨‡g
Ae¯’v‡b i‡q‡Q| ˆewk¦K gvbk„•Ljvi †ÿ‡Î cÖhyw³ PvwjZ A_©bxwZ‡Z we‡kl f‚wgKv ivL‡Q| Dciš‘, HwZn¨MZ

www.fareastislamilife.com 61
Drcv`b Lv‡Z GKB mg‡qi Zzjbvq wظb nv‡i Gi cÖmvi exgv wk‡íi wPÎ Ges m¤¢vebv
Ae¨vnZ i‡q‡Q, hw`I Gi MwZ wQj mvgvb¨ gš’i| hw`I exgv wk‡í Rxeb exgv wk‡íi mwµqZv Avw_©K evRv‡ii
KvVv‡gvMZ `ye©jZv¸wj cÖe„w× AR©‡b euvavi m„wó K‡i‡Q, Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask Ges †`‡ki A_©bxwZ‡Z D‡jøL‡hvM¨
Z‡e `yÕeQi a‡i cÖwZÿxZ g~j¨ ms‡hvRb Ki (gymK) Ae`vb ivL‡Q| Rxeb exgv wk‡í 2016 mv‡j cÖe„w×i nvi
¯’wMZ Kivi wmØvšÍ Avw_©K w¯’wZkxjZvi Dci `xN© cÖfve kZKiv 3.77 fvM hw`I cÖvq †`‡ki A‡a©K †Kv¤úvwbi
†dj‡e hv miKv‡ii ms¯‹v‡ii m¤úv`¨ Kvh©vejx‡K cÖkœ †ÿ‡Î wcÖwgqvg Avq n«vm †c‡q‡Q| kx‡l© _vKv mvZwU
we× K‡i| MZ `yB `kK a‡i evsjv‡`‡ki A_©bx‡Z‡Z Rxeb exgv †Kv¤úvbx †gvU evRv‡ii kZKiv 77 fvM `Lj
¸iæZ¡c~Y© cwieZ©b mvwaZ n‡q‡Q| Mv‡g©›Um wk‡íi `ªæZ K‡i Av‡Q| Aewkó kZKiv 23 fvM evRvi evwK 20wU
m¤úªmvi‡bi d‡j GB cwieZ©b †Rvi`vi n‡q‡Q, hv †Kv¤úwbi `L‡j i‡q‡Q|
`vwi`ªZv n«vm Ges bvixi Kg©ms¯’vb e„wׇZ mvnvh¨ K‡i‡Q|
hvi djkÖæwZ‡Z Avgv‡`i gv_v wcQz Avq e„w× †c‡q‡Q| GUv wek¦e¨vsK evsjv‡`‡k exgv wk‡íi Dbœq‡b 65 wgwjqb
we‡ePbv Kiv ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †h evsjv‡`k ga¨-Av‡qi †`‡k gvwK©b Wjvi FY Aby‡gv`b K‡i‡Q| evsjv‡`k miKvi
DbœZ nIqvi Rb¨ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© AMÖMwZ AR©b K‡i‡Q| BwZg‡a¨ ÔÔBangladesh Insurance Development
Project ÕÕ bv‡g cÖKíwUi Lmov Aby‡gv`b K‡i‡Q|
evsjv‡`‡ki Ae¯’vb m~PK Øviv wb‡`©k Ki‡j DbœqbgyLx, cÖKíwUi g~j D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv mvsMVwbK Dbœqb, `ÿZv Ges
`vwi`ªZvi nvi 1990 mvj n‡Z A‡a©K n‡q‡Q| AvÂwjK †hvM¨Zv Øviv exgv Dbœqb I wbqš¿b KZ…©cÿ
cÖebZvi Kvi‡b GLv‡b ˆelg¨ Kg Ges Zv w¯’wZkxj| (AvBwWAviG) miKvix Rxeb exgv Ges bb-Rxeb exgv
Avgv`‡i †`‡k Rxeb cÖZ¨vkv, wkï g„Zz¨nvi Ges ¯^v¯’¨ K‡c©v‡ik‡bi ch©v‡eÿb bxwZgvjv Ges cwjwm MÖnxZvi
e¨e¯’v I cvbxq AcÖZzjZvi Kvi‡b GLbI wb¤§ Av‡qi msL¨v e„w× Kiv| evsjv‡`k BÝy¨‡iÝ GKv‡Wgxi ms¯‹vi
†`k¸‡jvi mv‡_ Ae¯’vb Ki‡Q| Dciš‘ Avw_©K AšÍf©w‚ ³i Kiv hv‡Z exgv wkí Ges cÖwkÿ‡bi gvb DbœZKi‡bi
(FI) †ÿ‡Î AMÖMwZ mvwaZ n‡q‡Q| GB cÖ‡Póvq AšÍf©³ ‚ gva¨‡g mswkøó Kvh© m¤úbœ nq|
n‡q‡Q Avw_©K cwi‡mevi e¨venvi Ges Gi mnR
AwaMg¨Zv| Avw_©K AšÍf©w‚ ³i m~P‡K Ab¨vb¨ Dbœqbkxj exgv Dbœqb I wbqš¿b KZ…©cÿ (AvBwWAviG) Rb
†`‡ki Zzjbvq evsjv‡`‡ki Ae¯’vb Lye fv‡jv| e„nËi m‡PZbZv e„w×i j‡ÿ cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv 2016 mv‡ji
A_©‰bwZK w¯’ZxwkjZvi Kvi‡b evsjv‡`‡ki Ae¯’vb †ek 23-25 †k gvP© GK HwZnvwmK exgv †gjvi Av‡qvRb
kw³kvjx| Gi A_© n‡”Q D”PZi mwÂwZ GDP Gi Ask K‡i| exgv †gjvq 77wU †Kv¤úvbxi g‡a¨ mve©vwaK jvBd
wn‡m‡e wb¤§ miKvix FY Ges wfw˯^iæc gy`ªvùxwZ n«vm| I bb-jvBd exgv †Kv¤úvbx AskMÖnb K‡i| †gjv ¯’‡j
AbjvBb cwjwm weµq, Db¥y³ Av‡jvPbv I †mwgbvi
¯úóZB evsjv‡`k fvj Ki‡Q| Avgv`‡i †`‡ki AMÖMwZ AbywôZ nq|
cieZx© ch©v‡q DbœxZ nIqvi c~‡e©B cÖavb cÖwZeÜKZv wbY©q
Kiv cÖ‡qvRb| Avgv`‡i †`‡ki eZ©gvb cÖe„w× Ae¨vnZ ivLvi Rxeb exgv †Kv¤úvbxi g‡a¨ 5-6wU †Kv¤úvbx e¨ZxZ
Rb¨ †emiKvix wewb‡qvM AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| GKB mg‡q †ekxi fvM †Kv¤úvbx A_©cÖvPzh© m¼‡U Av‡Q| Gi dj¯^iæc
cÖwZ‡hvMx evRv‡i wU‡K _vKv Ges Drcv`bkxjZv e„w×i Rb¨ †Kv¤úvbx¸‡jv h‡_vchy³ mg‡q †gqv`c~wZ©i `vwe wb®úwË
miKvix wewb‡qvM e„w× AZxe Riæix| GLv‡b GKwU ¯úó Ki‡Z e¨_©, eQ‡ii ci eQi cwjwm †evbvm Kg‡Q Ges
my‡hvM i‡q‡Q `xN©‡gqv`x wewb‡qv‡Mi gva¨‡g cyuwR evRv‡i m‡ev©cwi RbM‡bi ¯^v_© ¸iæZi fv‡e e¨vnZ n‡”Q| †h‡nZz
bZzb MwZc‡_i gva¨‡g Gi Dbœqb Kiv| wewb‡qv‡Mi GB †ewkifvM Rxeb exgv †Kv¤úvbxi `vqe×Zv c~i‡Yi Rb¨
e„w×i cÖ‡qvR‡bi jÿ¨ n‡”Q Avq e„w× Ges ˆew`wkK mivmix ch©vß mÂq †bB Ges exgv Dbœqb I †i¸‡jUwi A_wiwUi
wewb‡qv‡Mi D‡Ëvj‡bi w`‡K †Lqvj ivLv| GwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †h (AvBwWAviG) ¯^”QjZv g~j bxwZ cÖbqb GLbI
fwel¨r GB AvBb cÖ‡qvM Kiv n‡e| Dciš‘ jvj wdZvi cÖwµqvaxb| exgv AvBb 1938 Gi cwie‡Z© exgv AvBb
†`ŠivZ¡ Ges evwbR¨ kvmb mnRZi Kivi Rb¨ wewfbœ 2010 cÖbqb Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges mvwe©K cwiw¯’wZ DbœwZi
bxwZgvjv¸wj ¯’vcb Kiv DwPZ| evsjv‡`k hw` A_©‰bwZK Rb¨ A‡bK ms¯‹vi Pj‡Q|
m¤¢vebvi c~Y© weKvk NUv‡Z Pvq Z‡e KvVv‡gvMZ ms¯‹vi,
kw³kvjx ms¯’v Ges KvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb‡K AMÖvwaKvi w`‡Z dviB‡ói e¨emv ch©vjPbv 2016
n‡e| `ÿ Ki e¨ve¯’vcbvi cvkvcvwk ivR¯^ e¨ve¯’vcbvi dviBó 2016 mv‡j Bmjvgx kixÔAvn& †gvZv‡eK
DbœwZ Ges e¨emv cwi‡e‡ki Dbœqb `iKvi| Ae‡k‡l cwiPvwjZ n‡q mg¯Í †`kxq †Kv¤úvbxi g‡a¨ 12.05%
kw³kvjx ga¨‡gqv`x cÖe„w×i Rb¨ w¯’wZkxj wbivcËv cwiw¯’wZ kZvsk evRvi `Lj K‡i exgv evRv‡i Gi †bZ…Z¡‡K
evRvi Gi Av¯’v Dci cÖwZKzj cÖfve Gov‡Z GUv cÖ‡qvRb| Ae¨vnZ †i‡L‡Q| †Kv¤úvbx Gi e¨emvq DbœwZ Ges

62 www.fareastislamilife.com
myiÿvi Dci `„wó wbe× iv‡L Ges kZKiv 26% fvM A_©vr †kqvi cÖwZ 1.5UvKv Ges 20% ÷K jf¨vsk A_©vr
bZzb e¨vemvi Kvi‡b e„w× †c‡q‡Q| MÖvnK avib ÿgZvi cÖwZ 10wU †kqv‡i 2wU †evbvm †kqvi cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ evwl©K
Dci Avgv‡`i Ae¨vnZ `„wófw½i Kvi‡b Avgv‡`i bevqb mvavib mfvq Aby‡gv`‡bi Rb¨ mycwik K‡i| MvwbwZK
wcÖwgqvg e„w×i nvi kZKiv 1% fvM Ges 2015 Ges g~j¨vqb Abyhvqx †evW© †Kv¤úvbxi exgv MÖnxZv‡`i m‡e©v”P
2016 mv‡j msMÖnxZ bevqb wcÖwgqvg h_vµg 5.90 Ges cwjwm †evbvm Aby‡gv`b K‡i‡Q|
6.0 wewjqb UvKv| 2016 mv‡j †gvU e¨q 4.27 wewjqb
UvKv hv 2015 mv‡j wQj 3.86 wewjqb UvKv| Z‡e †gvU weMZ cuvP eQ‡i D‡jøL‡hvM¨ I A_© msµvšÍ Z_¨vejx
I‡q‡UW cÖvß wcÖwgqv‡gi Zzjbvq †gvU ai‡Pi AbycvZ weMZ cuvP eQ‡i D‡jøL‡hvM¨ AR©b, A_© msµvšÍ mswÿß
2015 mv‡ji kZKiv 45% fvM n‡q DbœZ n‡q 2016 Z_¨vejx Ges wP‡Îi gva¨‡g GKwU c~b©v½ cÖwZ‡e`b 41
mv‡j kZKviv 46% fvM AwR©Z n‡q‡Q| GwU GKwU n‡Z 43 c„ôvq mwbœ‡ekb Kiv n‡q‡Q|
Acwi‡gq Avb‡›`i e¨vcvi †h †`‡ki Aw¯’Zxkxj
A_©‰bwZK Ae¯’v Ges wewfbœ †Kv¤úvwbi g‡a¨ K‡Vvi Z_¨ I cÖhyw³ †mev
cÖwZ‡hvMxZvi g‡a¨ 2016 mvj Avgv‡`i e¨emvi †ÿ‡Î dviBó Bmjvgx jvBd BÝy¨‡iÝ †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW Zvi
AviI GKwU mdj eQi wn‡m‡e cwiMwbZ n‡q‡Q| Avgiv Kvh©µg ¯^qswµq, ¯^vfvweK I wbivc`RbKfv‡e
mK‡j wg‡j GB mvdj¨ Mv_vq Askx`vi n‡qwQ Gi g‡a¨ cwiPvjbv Kivi Rb¨ AvBwU wm‡÷g‡K mvdj¨RbKfv‡e
i‡q‡Q wecbb Kgx©, Avgv‡`i mvsMVwbK KvVv‡gvi D”PZi ¯Í‡i DbœxZ K‡i‡Q| dviBó Bmjvgx jvB‡di
my`„iZv, e¨emvi ¸bMZgvb, DbœZ MÖvnK †mev Ges i‡q‡Q Z_¨-cÖhyw³ cwiPvjbv I AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb
e¨emvi mKj †ÿ‡Î e¨emv msMÖ‡ni LiP n«v‡mi gva¨‡g wel‡q KvR Kivi D”PZi AwfÁZv Ges †ckvMZ
e¨emv †KŠkj wba©vib Kiv| cÖwkÿY| †Kv¤úvbxi Z_¨-cÖhyw³ wel‡q AwfÁMY
wbqwgZ fv‡e bZzb bZzb cÖhyw³ Ges †Kv¤úvbxi
Avgv‡`i we¯Í…wZ cÖ‡qvRbxq Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvq m‡Pó i‡q‡Qb| †Kv¤úvbxi
†Kv¤úvbx Gi MÖvnK‡`i 935wU wewfbœ Awdm/ Kv‡jKkb Z_¨-cÖhyw³ wefvM cÖavb Kvh©vj‡qi mv‡_ kvLv Awdm
†m›Uv‡ii gva¨‡g 31 †k wW‡m¤^i 2016 ch©šÍ †mev cÖ`vb mg~‡ni mve©ÿwYK †hvMv‡hvM Ges Kv‡Ri MwZkxjZvi
K‡i Avm‡Q| D³ Zvwi‡L †Kv¤úvbxi †gvU Kg©KZ©v wQj Rb¨ Local Area Network (LAN) mvwf©m Pvjy K‡i‡Qb|
4,870 Rb Ges gvVKgx© wQj 3,55,264 Rb hviv Z_¨ Ges †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ BÝy¨‡iÝ †Kv¤úvbxi mwVK
MÖvnK‡`i †mev cÖ`vb K‡i Avm‡Qb| †Kv¤úvbxi Gi cb¨ Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv Ges Kvh©Ki †mev cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨
cwiKí¸‡jv GKwbô Kgx©, e¨emvwqK G‡R›U Ges Acwinvh©| dviBó Bmjvgx jvBd BÝy¨‡iÝ †Kv¤úvbx
e¨vswKs P¨v‡b‡ji gva¨‡g wecbb K‡i _v‡K| wjwg‡U‡Wi cwiPvjbv cl©` G welqwU‡K ¯^xK…wZ w`‡q
†Kv¤úvbxi Rb¨ GKwU cwic~Y© Z_¨-cÖhyw³ bxwZgvjv MÖnY
cY¨ Ges †mev K‡i‡Q| GLv‡b we‡kl fv‡e D‡jøL¨ †h, †Kv¤úvbx AwZ
Avgiv µgvMZ Avgv‡`i MÖvnK‡`i Pvwn`vi w`‡K †Lqvj m¤úªwZ AvBwmwU wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui gva¨‡g `ªæZ MÖvnK †mev
†i‡L c‡Y¨i nvjbvMv` Kib, Dbœqb I wewfbœ cY¨ cÖ`v‡bi j‡ÿ¨ mviv‡`k e¨vcx Ab jvBb mvwf©m Pvjy
Drcv`b K‡i _vwK| Avgiv MÖvnK`‡i Pvwn`vi w`‡K †Lqvj K‡i‡Q|
†i‡L cÖwZ‡hvwMZvg~jK cY¨ Zv‡`i Pvwn`v Abyhvqx cÖ`vb
Kwi| †Kv¤úvbxi ïiæ †_‡K Avgiv Avgv‡`i g~j¨evb G¨vKPz¨qvwiqvj f¨vjy‡qkb
MÖvnK‡`i Pvwn`v¸wj mieivn‡i Rb¨ wewfbœ ai‡bi cY¨ †gvnv¤§` †mvnive DÏxb wc,GBP,wW, GAvBG GKRb
I cwi‡mev¸wj Pvjy K‡iwQ| we¯Í…Z cwim‡i Rxeb exgv AwfÁ Ges wmwbqi G¨vKPz¨qvix‡K †Kv¤úvbxi 31
cY¨ ev cwi‡mev¸wj wbqš¿K KZ…©c‡ÿi Aby‡gv`‡bi wW‡m¤^i, 2016 mv‡ji f¨vjy‡qk‡bi Rb¨ Kbmvwës
A‡cÿvq Av‡Q †hgb, †nj_ †Kqvi MÖæc ¯‹xg, wewfbœ G¨vKPz¨qvix wn‡m‡e wb‡qvM cÖvß n‡q‡Qb| exgv AvBb
G‡Ûv‡g›U cwiKí hv Aby‡gv`b mv‡c‡ÿ¨ Lye kxNªB Pvjy Abyhvqx 2016 mv‡ji 31 wW‡m¤^i ch©šÍ †Kv¤úvbxi
Kiv n‡e| Avkv Kiv hv‡”Q bZzb cY¨¸wj fwel¨‡Z G¨vKPz¨qvwiqvj f¨vjy‡qkb h_vh_fv‡e m¤úbœ Kiv
†Kv¤úvbxi e¨emv cÖe„wׇZ mnvqZv Ki‡e| n‡q‡Q Ges †Kv¤úvbxi `vq I cwim¤ú‡`i g~j¨vqb Kiv
n‡q‡Q| G¨vKPz¨qvwiqvj f¨vjy‡qk‡bi djvdj Abyhvqx
†kqvi‡nvìvi‡`i jf¨vsk Ges exgvMÖnxZv‡`i †evbvm cwjwmmg~‡ni wecix‡Z `v‡qi Zzjbvq †Kv¤úvbxi jvBd
exgv MvwbZxK g~j¨vqb Abyhvqx 2016 mv‡j e›Ub‡hvM¨ dv‡Ûi cÖe„w×i nvi m‡šÍvlRbK|
gybvdv 2359.83 wgwjqb UvKv| †Kv¤úvbxi cwiPvjbv
cl©` 17B AvMó 2017Bs Zvwi‡L 15% bM` jf¨vsk

www.fareastislamilife.com 63
†µwWU †iwUs †jb‡`b Ges wewfbœ c×wZ Gi AšÍf©³ ‚ | we‡kl wbixÿv
BgvwR©s †µwWU †iwUs wjwg‡UW 2016 mv‡j dviBó ch©‡eÿb Ges wb‡`©kbv †evW© AwWU KwgwU eivei wbw`©ó
Bmjvgx jvBd BÝy¨‡iÝ †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW †K AA †iwUs mgvqv‡šÍ cÖwZ‡e`b AvKv‡i †ck Kiv nq| Avf¨šÍixY
cÖ`vb K‡i‡Q| wbixÿv Kvh©c×wZ †Kv¤úvbxi Avf¨šÍixY wbqš¿‡bi
GKPz¨qvixqvj f¨vjy‡qk‡bi wfwˇZ G †iwUs wb‡¤œv³ Kvh©KvwiZv, ch©v‡jvPbv, ch©vßZv I Gi cÖwZ‡e`‡bi bxwZ
†ikbvj mg~‡ni Dci wfwË K‡i Kiv n‡q‡Q| I c×wZ cwigvc K‡i|
 D”Pgv‡bi Avw_©K ¯^”QjZv
 D”Pnv‡i exgv `vex cwi‡kv‡ai ¶gZv cwiPvjb KvVv‡gv: †Kv¤úvbx wewfbœ Avf¨šÍixY bxwZgvjv/
 †ckvMZ `¶ e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ Ges Kg©Pvix AvPib wewa cÖbqb K‡i‡Q hv
 m‡šÍvlRbK Zvij¨ ˆ`bw›`b Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ GKwU wbðZ cwicvjb
 wbqwš¿Z e¨e¯’vcbv e¨q KvVv‡gv cÖ`vb K‡i‡Q| cwiPvjb Kvh© wewfbœ †ÿ‡Î
 G¨vKPz¨qvwiqvj f¨vjy‡qkb Abyhvqx `v‡qi Zzjbvq cÖ‡qvRbxq AvBb cÖweavb Ges exgvi mv‡_ mswkøó weÁwß
m¤ú‡`i AvwaK¨ BZ¨vw`| Gw›U gvwb jÛvwis Ges Ab¨vb¨ wbqš¿‡Ki AZ¨vekKxq
welq¸wj wewfbœ wefv‡M †cŠ‡Q †`q| GwU cÖ‡hvR¨ AvBb,
wbix¶K cÖweavb Ges wbqš¿K KZ…©cÿ KZ…©K cÖ`Ë weÁw߸‡jvi
†Kv¤úvbx AvBb 1994, aviv 210 Abymv‡i cÖ‡Z¨K Dci ¯úóxKi‡bi Rb¨ wewfbœ dvsk‡bi Kgx©‡`i Rb¨
†Kv¤úvbx Dnvi cÖ‡Z¨K evwl©K mvavib mfvq GK ev GKwU †idv‡iÝ c‡q›U wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| cwicvjb
GKvwaK wbixÿK‡K D³ mfvi mgvwß n‡Z cieZ©x wb‡qvwRZ `j †Kv¤úvbx Ry‡o Gi cwicvjb KvVv‡gvi
evwl©K mvavib mfvi mgvwß ch©šÍ mg‡qi Rb¨ wb‡qvM ch©vßZv wbixÿb K‡i| GB wbixÿ‡bi Ask wn‡m‡e g~j
Ki‡Z cv‡i| ingvb †gv¯Ídv Avjg GÛ †Kvs, L¨vZbvgv welq¸‡jv g~L¨ wbe©vnx Kg©KZvi gva¨‡g †evW©‡K
wbixÿv cÖwZôvb‡K 2016 mv‡j †Kv¤úvbxi wbixÿK AewnZKi‡bi gva¨‡g mycvwik ev¯Íevqb mwµqfv‡e
wnmv‡e wb‡qvM cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q| AvBb Abyhvqx evwl©K ch©‡eÿb Kiv nq| wewfbœ mswkøó wefvM cÖavb Gi
mvavib mfvq 2017 mv‡ji Rb¨ D³ wbixÿv cÖwZôv‡bi mvwU©wd‡Kkb Gi Dci wfwË K‡i wbw`©ó mg‡q †ev‡W©
cybt wb‡qv‡Mi my‡hvM i‡q‡Q| Dc¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ cÖavb wbe©vnx Kg©KZ©v Øviv ¯^vÿwiZ
GKwU cwiPvjb mb` Dc¯’vcb Kiv nq|
cyb: exgvKib
†Kv¤úvbxi cwiPvjbv cl©` exgv MÖnxZv‡`i wcÖwgqvg Ges Avf¨šÍixY Avw_©K wbqš¿Y
†Kv¤úvbxi m¤ú` iÿv Kivi Rb¨ SzuwK e¨ve¯’vcbv cÖwµqv †Kv¤úvbx Gi mKj Kvh©µ‡gi g‡a¨ GKwU e¨vcK Ges
Ges Af¨šÍixb wbqš¿b¸‡jvi ¸iæZ¡ ¯^xKvi K‡i| G Qvov k³ mg_© wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v cÖwZôv K‡i‡Q| G QvovI
exgv Dbœqb I wbqš¿b KZ©…cÿ (AvBwWAviG) Avf¨šÍixY wbixÿv wewfbœ bxwZgvjv, cÖ weavb, cÖwµqv
cyb:exgvKi‡bi c‡ÿ 16B gvP© 2016 S.R.O No.-349 cÖf…wZi cwicvjb wbwðZ K‡i Gi cvkvcvwk Avw_©K
AvBb/2015 GKwU cwicÎ cÖKvk K‡i| Rxeb exgv cÖwZ‡e`b/ wee„wZi mv‡_ Avf¨šÍixY Avw_©K wbqš¿b¸wji
†Kv¤úvbxi †ÿ‡Î cy b:exgvi gva¨‡g SzuwK n«vmKi‡bi h_v_©Zv hvPvB K‡i|
weavb eva¨ZvgyjK Kiv n‡q‡Q| hw`I Avgv‡`i †Kv¤úvbx
Uªvó wi-BÝy¨‡iÝ gvbvgv, evnivB‡bi mv‡_ cyb:exgvKib Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`‡bi gvb`Û
Pzw³ m¤úv`b K‡i‡Q| †Kv¤úvbx Zvi Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`b evsjv‡`k dvBb¨vwÝqvj
wi‡cvwU©s ÷vÛvW©m (weGdAviGm), †Kv¤úvbx AvBb
Avf¨šÍixY wbixÿv I cwiPvjb KvVv‡gv 1994 Ges we`¨gvb Ab¨vb¨ AvBb Kvbyb I wewa-weavb
Abyhvqx ˆZix K‡i‡Q| †Kv¤úvbxi cwiPvjKe„›` Zv‡`i
Avf¨šÍixY wbixÿv: Avw_©K cÖwZ‡e`b, Kvh©Kix Ges
`vwqZ¡kxjZvi cÖwZ m‡PZb Ges †Kv¤úvbxi wnmve
†KŠkjMZ jÿ AR©‡bi Rb¨ mgqgZ cÖwZwµqv Ges
msµvšÍ Z_¨vejx mwVK Ges wek¦vm‡hvM¨ cš’vq h_vh_
cÖ‡hvR¨ bxwZgvjv c×wZ, AvBb Ges cÖweav‡bi mv‡_ m¯§wZ
fv‡e msiÿY e¨e¯’v wbwðZ K‡i‡Qb| Avw_©K cwigvc
wbwðZKi‡bi Rb¨ †Kv¤úvbxwU mg¯Í cÖwµqvi GKwU
Ges gvb`Û msµvšÍ A_©-wnmve ˆZix Kiv nq m‡PZbZv
kw³kvjx Avf¨šÍixY wbixÿv KvVv‡gv cÖwZôvwbKfv‡e Ges †hŠw³K fv‡e, hv‡Z †Kv¤úvbxi evwl©K Avw_©K
cwiPvwjZ K‡i‡Q| SzuwK wfwËK wbixÿv cwiKíbv Abyhvqx weeiYx‡Z A_© †jb‡`b msµvšÍ mwVK Ges wbi‡cÿZv
wbqš¿b ch©v‡jvPbvi welqvejx Avf¨šÍixY wbixÿv Øviv cÖKvk cvq|
cwiPvwjZ nq| Avf¨šÍixb bxwiÿvi wewfbœ cÖwµqvKib,

64 www.fareastislamilife.com
†Kv¤úvbxi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z c‡ÿi †jb‡`b †Kv¤úvbx †h‡nZz evsjv‡`‡ki Ab¨Zg e„nr jvBd
2016 mv‡j †Kv¤úvbxi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z wewfbœ cvwU©i mv‡_ BÝy¨‡iÝ †Kv¤úvbx ZvB K‡c©v‡iU mykvmb wbwðZ K‡i Zvi
evwYwR¨K fv‡e †jb‡`b cwiPvwjZ n‡q‡Q hv mKj †kqvi‡nvìvi Ges †÷K‡nvìvi‡`i ¯^v_© msiÿ‡Y
dvBb¨vwÝqvj †÷U‡g‡›Ui 3.13 bs †bv‡U eY©bv †`Iqv cÖwZkÖæwZe×| K‡c©v‡iU mykvm‡bi iƒc‡iLvi GKwU wPÎ
n‡q‡Q| 81 c„ôvq D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q|

wbixÿ‡Ki cÖwZ‡e`b K‡cv©‡iU mvgvwRK `vqe×Zv (CSR)

wewae× wbixÿKMb 31‡k wW‡m¤^i 2016 mv‡j †Kvb †`‡ki Ab¨Zg e„nr †Kv¤úvbx wn‡m‡e dviBó Bmjvgx
wewa wb‡la ewnf‚©Z, Aby”PvwiZ AvcwË, cÖwZKzj e³e¨ ev jvBd cÖwZôvjMœ †_‡KB wewfbœ mvgvwRK `vwqZ¡ cvjb
A¯^xK…Z gZvgZ cÖ`vb K‡ib bvB| K‡i Avm‡Q| Avgiv mvgvwRK cwi‡e‡k e¨emv cwiPvjbv
Kwi Ges GLvb †_‡KB e¨emvwqK mvdj¨ †c‡q _vwK,
SzuwK e¨e¯’vcbv I mZ©KZv wewbg‡q mgvR‡KI wKQz w`‡Z PvB| †Kv¤úvbx memgq
dviBó Bmjvgx jvBd BÝy‡iÝ †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW SzuwK mgv‡Ri Kj¨v‡bi Rb¨ Zvi `vqe×Zv ¯^xKvi K‡i Ges
e¨e¯’vcbvi †ÿ‡Î i‡q‡Q mywbw`©ó †KŠkj Ges KvVv‡gv hv hLb cÖ‡qvRb nq ZLb GB ai‡bi Kvh©µ‡g Ask †bq|
Øviv wewfbœ ai‡bi SzuwK wPwüZKib, ch©‡eÿ‡bi gva¨‡g Avgiv K‡c©v‡iU mvgvwRK `vqe×Zv m¤ú‡K© GKwU
cÖkwgZ Kiv nq| hvi d‡j GKwU SzuwK e¨e¯’vcbv bxwZ kw³kvjx bxwZ AbymiY Kwi| MÖvnK, Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix,
Kvh©Ki Av‡Q| Avgiv ¯^xKvi Kwi †h, SzuwK e¨emvi GKwU †kqvi‡nvìvi, e¨emvwqK mn‡hvMx Ges m‡e©vcwi mgv‡Ri
Awe‡”Q`¨ Dcv`vb Ges Askx`vi‡`i g~j¨ wba©vivb SzuwK mewKQzB Avgv‡`i K‡c©v‡iU mvgvwRK `vqe×Zvi
e¨e¯’vcbvi gva¨‡g SzuwK MÖnb Kiv AZxe Riæix| Rxeb AvIZvf~³| mgv‡Ri mv‡_ Avgv‡`i i‡q‡Q GKwU my›`i
exgv †Kv¤úvbx¸‡jv‡K gv‡K©U SzuwK, MwZwewai SzuwK, †evSvcov, Av¯’v I wek¦¯ÍZvi m¤úK©| djkÖæwZ‡Z, mykxj
mybv‡gi SuzwKmn bvbvwea SzuwK †gvKv‡ejv Ki‡Z nq| mgvR I e¨emvwqK cÖwZôvb wn‡m‡e Avgv‡`i ¸iæZ¡ I
h_vh_fv‡e GmKj SzuwK †gvKv‡ejv Kivi Rb¨ exgv cÖ‡qvRbxqZv Abyfe Ki‡Q Ges ¯^xK…wZI w`‡”Q|
Dbœqb I wbqš¿Y KZ…©c¶ w`Kwb‡`©kbv Bmy¨ K‡i‡Qb, hv cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM, wkÿv mnvqZv, wPwKrmv, Avw_©K mvnvh¨
†Kv¤úvbx me©vZ¥Kfv‡e cwicvjb Ki‡Q| we‡k¦i I Pig msK‡U mn‡hvwMZvi gva¨‡g †Kv¤úvbx Zvi
D‡jøL‡hvM¨ AwWU dvg© cÖvBR IqvUvi nvDR I Kzcvi mvgvwRK `vwqZ¡ Ae¨vnZ †i‡L‡Q| †Kv¤úvbx 2016 mv‡j
AvšÍR©vwZK gv‡bi wbqg I c×wZ ˆZix K‡i‡Qb| GB K‡c©v‡iU mvgvwRK `vqe×Zv Lv‡Z 20.33 wgwjqb UvKv
D”Pgv‡bi wbqgvejx Avf¨šÍixY wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v‡K e¨q K‡i‡Q|
kw³kvjx Ges †Kv¤úvbxi SzuwKc~Y© e¨e¯’vcbv‡K mnR
K‡i‡Q| Avf¨šÍixY wbqš¿Y e¨e¯’v‡K Avf¨šÍixY wbix¶v I gvbe m¤ú` I cÖwkÿb e¨e¯’v
Ab¨vb¨ mn‡hvMx e¨e¯’vi gva¨‡g †Kv¤úvbxi wewfbœ Awdm Avgiv wek¦vm Kwi, gvbe m¤ú` n‡”Q †Kvb
I cÖavb Kvh©vjq‡K D‡jøL‡hvM¨fv‡e djcÖm~ Kiv n‡q‡Q| cÖwZôv‡bi me‡P‡q eo PvwjKv kw³| Kg©KZ©v
Kg©Pvix‡`i D™¢vebxg~jK Kv‡R Drmvn †`qv, a¨vb
K‡c©v‡iU mykvmb avibvi evB‡i wPšÍv K‡i, MZvbyMwZK cÖwµqvi cwieZ©b
†Kv¤úvbxi K‡c©v‡iU mykvm‡bi KvVv‡gv GKwU Kvh©Ki Ges Abyµ‡gi mvg_©¨ n¯Í‡ÿc n‡Z weiZ †_‡K AwR©Z
¯^Zš¿ †ev‡W©i Dci wfwË K‡i MwVZ, wbe©vnx e¨e¯’vcbv djvd‡ji Rb¨ me©vZœK mn‡hvMxZvq Avgiv m‡Pó|
Ges †evW© KwgwUi MVb †ev‡W©i ZË¡veavb †_‡K wew”Qbœ| †Kv¤úvbx‡Z Kg©Pvix‡`i †kLvi AvMÖn Ges cwieZ©‡b
mZZv, ¯^”QZv, ¯’vwqZ¡ Ges `vwqZ¡kxjZv n‡”Q AvR‡Ki Awf‡hvwRZ nIqvi Rb¨ mnvqK| gvbyl n‡”Q mvd‡j¨i
K‡c©v‡iU mykvm‡bi g~j wfwË| dviBó Bmjvgx jvBd Pvwe KvwV Avi cÖhyw³‡K †Kej µq wKsev AbyKib Kiv
BÝy¨‡iÝ †Kv¤úvbx me©‡ÿ‡Î mwVK K‡c©v‡iU mykvmb hvq| gvbyl †Kej ïay AbyKibB Ki‡Z cv‡ibv eis †m
†g‡b Pj‡Z `„p cÖwZÁ| dviBó Bmjvgx jvBd BÝy¨‡iÝ A‡b¨i avibv, `vwqZ¡kxj, DØy×KiY Ges mvs¯‹…wZK
Zvi ˆ`bw›`b Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi †ÿ‡Î cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i g~j¨‡eva‡KI Abymib K‡i| GKwU cÖwZôv‡bi Rbej‡K
wb‡`©kbv, AvBbMZ Abykvmb Ges wewfbœ wbqš¿YKvix eyw×`xß g~jab wnmv‡e Mb¨ Kiv nq| †Kv¤úvbx `vjvb
KZ…©c‡ÿi wb‡`©kbv cwic~Y©fv‡e †g‡b P‡j| mv¤úªwZK †KvVvq wewb‡qvM K‡i _v‡K Ges †m wewb‡qvM h_vh_
mg‡q K‡c©v‡iU mykvm‡bi wel‡q wek¦ e¨vcx `ªæZ fv‡e cwiPvjbv K‡i eyw×gËvi mv‡_ †Kv¤úvbxi mvdj¨
m‡PZbZv e„w× cv‡”Q, AvB‡bi wel‡q m‡PZbZv, Ges avivevwnK my‡hvM myweav AR©b K‡i _v‡K| Avgiv
wbqgvbyewZ©Zv we‡kl K‡i mykvmb cwicvj‡b g~j¨vqb mK‡jB Rvwb †h, ¯^v¯’¨Ki cwi‡e‡k Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvixiv
Ges mycvwi‡ki Kvi‡Y| dviBó Bmjvgx jvBd BÝy¨‡iÝ KvR‡K Dc‡fvM K‡i _v‡K Ges Giƒc cwi‡e‡k Zviv

www.fareastislamilife.com 65
KvR Ki‡Z M‡e©v‡eva K‡i| mg‡qi cÖ‡qvR‡b Ges Pvwn`v wn‡m‡e Zvi wbR¯^ Av‡qi Dci Ki cÖ`vb K‡i _v‡K|
cyi‡Yi Rb¨ Avgiv cÖv_wgK ¯Í‡i bZzb Rbkw³i GQvovI †Kv¤úvbx wbqgvbyhvqx †mev Ki, ÷¨v¤ú wWDwU,
cvkvcvwk ga¨g Ges D”P ¯Í‡i cÖ‡qvRbxq `¶ I AwfÁ g~j¨ ms‡hvRb Ki, jf¨vsk e›Ub Ki Ges Ab¨vb¨ ïé I
Kg©KZ©v wb‡qvM `vb K‡i _vwK| GQvov Dbœqb Ges †W¯‹ Ki RvZxq †KvlvMv‡i Rgv`vb Ki‡Q| 2016 mv‡j
Kg©KZ©v‡`i †ckvMZ gvb Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ cÖavb Kvh©vjq I †Kv¤úvbx f¨vU, U¨v·, ïé I Ab¨vb¨ Ki eve` 287.08
†Rvbvj Awdmmg~‡n †Kv¤úvbxi cÖwk¶Y wefv‡Mi gva¨‡g wgwjqb UvKv miKv‡ii ivR¯^ †KvlvMv‡i Rgv cÖ`vb
wbqwgZfv‡e e¨vcK cÖwk¶‡Yi e¨e¯’v †bqv n‡q‡Q| gvbe K‡i‡Q|
m¤ú‡`i `¶Zv AR©‡bi Rb¨ Avgiv Avgv‡`i
Kg©KZ©v‡`i evsjv‡`k BÝy¨‡iÝ GKv‡Wgx, evsjv‡`k mvewmwWqvwi †Kv¤úvbx
BÝy¨‡iÝ G‡mvwm‡qkb Ges †`‡k-we‡`‡ki Ab¨vb¨ dviBó Bmjvgx jvBd BÝy¨‡iÝ †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW,
cÖwk¶Y cÖwZôv‡b †cÖiY K‡i _vwK| cvkvcvwk †Kv¤úvbxi dviBó Bmjvgx wmwKDwiwUR wjwg‡UW Ges dviBó
mvwe©K Kg©KvÛ Ges †mevi gvb Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ M‡elYv Bmjvgx cÖcvwU©R wjwg‡UW bv‡g `ywU mvewmwWqvwi
Kg©KvÛ‡K MwZkxj Kiv n‡”Q| m‡e©vcwi Avgiv Avgv‡`i †Kv¤úvbx MVb K‡i‡Q| 2012 mv‡j dviBó Bmjvgx
†Kv¤úvbxi cÖwZ `vwqZ¡kxj, †ckvMZ †ÿ‡Î `ÿ Ges wmwKDwiwUR wjwg‡UW Ges 2014 dviBó Bmjvgx
Avgv‡`i K‡c©v‡iU †køvMvb n‡”Q Ò`ÿZvB kw³Ó| cÖcvwU©R wjwg‡U‡Wi bv‡g †iwR÷ªvi Ae R‡q›U ÷K
†Kv¤úvbxR GÛ dvg©m& n‡Z BbK‡c©v‡ikb mvwU©wd‡KU
Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix‡`i my‡hvM-myweav jvf K‡i| G‡`i Kvh©µg Pvwj‡q hv‡”Q|
†Kv¤úvbx Gi Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix‡`i Kj¨v‡bi w`‡K me©`v
m‡ev©”P `„wó w`‡q _v‡K| †Kv¤úvbxi Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix‡`i AvBwb Ae¯’v
Kj¨vY ej‡Z eySvq †eZb-fvZv e¨ZxZ Ab¨vb¨ Avw_©K †Kv¤úvbx‡K 2016 mv‡j wewfbœ wbqš¿K ms¯’v, Av`vjZ
my‡hvM-myweav cÖ`vb| dviBó Bmjvgx jvBd BÝy¨‡iÝ ev UªvBeybvj KZ…©K †Kvb D‡jøL‡hvM¨ Av‡`k cÖ`vb Kiv
†Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW me©`vB Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix‡`i Kj¨v‡Yi nqwb hv Gi Pjgvb cwiw¯’wZi Dci cÖfve †dj‡e A_ev
welq‡K AMÖvwaKvi w`‡q _v‡K| BwZg‡a¨ dviBó Bmjvgx fwel¨‡Z Gi K‡g©i Dci cÖfve †dj‡e|
jvBd BÝy¨‡iÝ †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡U‡Wi mKj †W¯‹ I
Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v‡`i Rb¨ fwel¨r Znwej myweav, MÖ¨vPzwqwU
†kqviaviY msµvšÍ Z_¨
myweav Ges MÖæc exgv myweav cÖeZ©b Kiv n‡q‡Q| AwZ
Avgiv wbwðZ KiwQ †h, †Kv¤úvbxi †kqvi avib Ges
m¤úªwZ †Kv¤úvbx Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ M„nwbg©vY
†kqvi n¯ÍvšÍi D³ eQ‡i mswewae× wbqgvbyhvqx n‡q‡Q|
wewb‡qvM cÖKí, Mvox µq FY myweav Ges Kj¨vY Znwej
GeQ‡i cÖeZ©K‡`i Øviv †Kvb g~jab cvVv‡bv nqwb|
myweav cÖeZ©b K‡i‡Q|
†Kv¤úvbxi †gvU †kqvi msL¨v 62.29 wgwjqb| †kqvi
Avgiv †Kv¤úvbx‡K GKwU hy‡Mvc‡hvMx cÖvwZôvwbK msµvšÍ we¯ÍvwiZ Z_¨ 39 I 136 c„ôvq ewY©Z n‡q‡Q|
KvVv‡gv‡Z `uvo Kiv‡Z †Póv Pvwj‡q hvw”Q| B‡Zvg‡a¨
†Kv¤úvbxi GKK exgv Ges mve©Rbxb exgvi mvwe©K †kqvi‡nvìviM‡Yi mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM I m¤úK©
Kvh©vejx cybwe©b¨vm K‡i cÖkvmwbK †¶‡Î MwZkxjZv †kqvi‡nvìvi‡`i ¯^v_©‡K Avgiv memgq m‡e©v”P
evov‡Z c`‡¶c ‡bIqv n‡q‡Q| wek¦vq‡bi P¨v‡jÄ AMÖvwaKvi w`‡q _vwK| †Kv¤úvbxi †kqvi‡nvìviMY †kqvi
†gvKv‡ejvi Rb¨ Avgiv †Kv¤úvbxi wewfbœ Kg© †KŠkj‡K wefv‡M G‡m Zuv‡`i Kvw•LZ Z_¨ I †mev †c‡Z cv‡ib|
Awdm Z_v gvV ch©v‡q AvaywbK cÖhyw³i mgš^‡q †Kv¤úvbx GKwU AvaywbK I hy‡Mvc‡hvMx †kqvi md&UIqvi
we‡K›`ªxKiY K‡iwQ Ges †W· I Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v‡`i Gi gva¨‡g †kqvi‡nvìvi‡`i‡K cÖ‡qvRbxq †mev I Z_¨
†`‡k-we‡`‡k cÖwkÿ‡Yi gva¨‡g `ÿ Rbkw³ wn‡m‡e cÖ`v‡bi e¨e¯’v K‡i‡Q| Rb¥jMœ †_‡K G cÖwZôvb
M‡o Zz‡jwQ, hv‡Z †Kv¤úvbxi m¤§vwbZ cwjwm
†Kv¤úvbx AvBb 1994 Gi wewa-weavb †gvZv‡eK h_vixwZ
MÖvnKMY‡K Zviv `ªæZ †mev`v‡b AMÖYx f~wgKv cvjb
wbqwgZ evwl©K mvaviY mfv Av‡qvRb K‡i Avm‡Q, hvi
Ki‡Z cv‡i|
gva¨‡g †kqvi‡nvìvi‡`i‡K †Kv¤úvbxi Avw_©K djvdj,
AMÖMwZ, ¸iƒZ¡c~Y© Kvh©µg I Dbœqb m¤ú‡K© AewnZ
RvZxq ivR‡¯^ Ae`vb
Kiv nq| djkÖæwZ‡Z †kqvi‡nvìviMY †Kv¤úvbx m¤ú‡K©
dviBó Bmjvgx jvBd BÝy¨‡iÝ †Kv¤úvbx wjwg‡UW RvZxq
ivR¯^ msMÖ‡n ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ae`vb †i‡L Avm‡Q| †`‡ki bvbv ai‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxq Z_¨ h_vmg‡q †c‡q _v‡Kb|
cÖPwjZ AvBb Abyhvqx †Kv¤úvbx K‡cv©‡iU bvMwiK

66 www.fareastislamilife.com
cwiPvjK‡`i m¤§vbx ¯^vaxbZv †fvM K‡i _v‡Kb| †Kv¤úvbx‡Z wb‡qvMK…Z
†Kv¤úvbx cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i m`m¨‡`i AvBb I wewa weavb BwÛ‡c‡Û›U cwiPvjKMY wbR wbR †ckv I e¨emvi
Abyhvqx ïay wgwUs wd cÖ`vb K‡i _v‡K| we¯ÍvwiZ weeibx †ÿ‡Î AZ¨šÍ `ÿ I AwfÁ|
AÎ wi‡cv‡U©i 82 c„ôvq eY©bv †`Iqv n‡q‡Q|
cwiPvjKM‡bi `vqe×Zvi wee„wZ
cwiPvjK‡`i Aemi MÖnY Ges wbe©vPb †Kv¤úvbx AvBb 1994 Ges cÖ‡qvRbxq K‡c©v‡iU
cwiPvjK mykvm‡bi w`‡K †Lqvj †i‡L cwiPvjbv cl©` D‡jøL¨
†Kv¤úvbx AvBb, 1994 Ges †Kv¤úvbxi AvwU©K¨vjm Ae welq¸‡jv wbwðZ K‡i‡Q:
G‡mvwm‡qk‡bi 94 Aby‡”Q` Abyhvqx cÖ‡Z¨K evwl©K
mvaviY mfvq GK-Z…Zxqvsk cwiPvjK ch©vqµ‡g Aemi (i) evrmwiK wnmve cÖ¯‘‡Zi †ÿ‡Î h_vh_fv‡e wnmv‡ei
MÖnY Ki‡eb| D‡`¨v³v cwiPvjK D‡`¨v³v †kqvi‡nvìvi gvb`‡Ûi e¨envi Ges Dchy³ e¨vL¨v cÖ`vb Kiv
KZ…©K, †kqvi‡nvìvi cwiPvjK †kqvi‡nvìvi KZ…©K Ges n‡q‡Q|
¯^vaxb cwiPvjK cwiPvjbv cl©` KZ…©K wbe©vwPZ n‡eb
(ii) †Kv¤úvbxi Avw_©K weeiYx cÖ¯‘‡Zi †ÿ‡Î †Kv¤úvbx
Ges evwl©K mvaviY mfvq †kqvi‡nvìvi KZ©…K
AvBb 1994, exgv AvBb 2010, exgv wewa 1958
Aby‡gvw`Z n‡eb| †Kv¤úvbxi cwiPvjK‡`i mswÿß
Ges wmwKDwiwUR A¨vÛ G·‡PÄ wewa 1987 Gi
Rxeb e„ËvšÍ 17 bs c„ôvq mwbœ‡ewkZ Kiv n‡q‡Q|
weavbejx gvbv n‡q‡Q| GB wee„wZ h_vh_fv‡e
†Kv¤úvbx Ae¯’v Gi K…ZKv‡h©i Ges bM` cÖevn‡i
D‡`¨v³v cwiPvjK
djvdj cÖ`vb K‡i|
†Kv¤úvbxi AvwU©‡Kjm& Ae G‡mvwm‡qk‡bi 94Zg
Aby‡”Q` Abyhvqx wbgœewY©Z D‡`¨v³v cwiPvjKMY 17Zg (iii) cwiPvjKgÛjxiv wnmve weÁv‡bi bxwZgvjv
evwl©K mvaviY mfvq AemiMÖnY Ki‡eb Ges Zviv †hvM¨ h_vh_fv‡e cÖ‡qvM K‡i‡Qb Ges wePvi we‡kølb
weavq cybtwbe©vwPZ n‡Z cvi‡ebÑ Øviv wbðqZv cÖ`vb K‡i‡Qb †h mKj Avw_©K
Rbve †gvt bRiæj Bmjvg weeibx‡Z †Kv¤úvbxi mwVK I ¯^”Q wPÎ cÖwZdwjZ
AvjnvR¡ †gvt †njvj wgqv n‡q‡Q|
Rbve †K. Gg. Lv‡j`
Rbve iæevBqvZ Lv‡j` (iv) †Kv¤úvbxi m¤úwË myiÿv Ges Gi RvwjqvwZ I
Awbqg mbv³Kib I cÖwZ‡iv‡ai Rb¨ cwiPvjKMb
cvewjK †kqvi‡nvìvi cwiPvjK AvB‡bi weavb Ges wnmve iÿ‡bi h_vh_ I ch©vß
†Kv¤úvbxi AvwU©‡Kjm& Ae G‡mvwm‡qk‡bi 94Zg e¨e¯’v wbwðZ n‡i‡Qb|
Aby‡”Q` Abyhvqx 17Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq wbgœewY©Z (v) cwiPvjKgÛjx ÔPjgvb cÖwµqvÕ bxwZ Abymib K‡i
cvewjK †kqvi‡nvìvi cwiPvjKMY Aemi MÖnY Ki‡eb- †Kv¤úbxi evwl©K wnmve cÖ¯‘Z Aby‡gv`b K‡i‡Qb|
Rbve mvwgi Iev‡q`
Rbve †gvt Kvgiæj nvmvb (vi) Af¨šÍixb wbqš¿b e¨e¯’v mycwiKwíZfv‡e Ges
h_vh_fv‡e cÖ ‡qv‡Mi gva¨‡g wbqwgZfv‡e
D‡jøL¨, cvewjK †kqvi‡nvìvi cwiPvjK wbe©vP‡bi ch©‡eÿb Kiv n‡”Q|
weÁwß 20 RyjvB 2017 Zvwi‡L ˆ`wbK †fv‡ii KvMR I (vii) MZ cuvP eQ‡ii e¨emvi djvdj Ges Avw_©K
wbDR Uz-†W cwÎKvq cÖKvwkZ n‡q‡Q Ges wba©vwiZ mg‡q Z_¨vejx c„ ôv bs 151 †Z ÔÔKey Financial
wbe©vPb Abyôvb msµvšÍ mKj cÖ¯‘wZ BwZg‡a¨ m¤úbœ Kiv
IndicatorsÕÕ ms‡hvwRZ n‡q‡Q| Ges
(viii) cwiPvjKMb mKj cÖ‡hvR¨ AvBb Ges weav‡bi
BwÛ‡c‡Û›U cwiPvjK mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z wbðZ Kivi Rb¨ h_vh_ e¨e¯’v
evsjv‡`k wmwKDwiwUR GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgk‡bi cÖKvwkZ cÖbqb K‡i‡Qb Ges mKj †ÿ‡Î GB e¨e¯’v¸wj
cÖÁvcb Abyhvqx Rbve KvRx dwi` DwÏb Avn‡g` ch©vß Ges Kvh©Ki wbwðZ K‡i‡Qb|
GdwmG Ges Rbve †gvnv¤§` nvwdRyi ingvb GdwmG,
GwmGm-†K BwÛ‡c‡Û›U cwiPvjK wn‡m‡e wb‡qvM †`qv
n‡q‡Q| BwÛ‡c‡Û›U cwiPvjKMY Zv‡`i Kv‡R c~Y©

www.fareastislamilife.com 67
cÖksmv I K…ZÁZv AvšÍwiKfv‡e ab¨ev` cÖKvk Ki‡Q| cwiPvjKe„›`
cwiPvjKe„›` exgv Dbœqb I wbqš¿b KZ… ©cÿ Amvgvb¨ †ckv`vwiZ¡ I A½xKvi cÖ`k©b Ae¨vnZ ivLvi
(AvBwWAviG) evsjv‡`k BÝy¨‡iÝ G‡mvwm‡qkb Rb¨ mKj Kg©KZ©v Kg©Pvix I gvV Kg©x‡`i cÖwZ K…ZÁZv
(weAvBG) evsjv‡`k e¨vsK Ges evsjv‡`‡ki Ab¨vb¨ cÖKvk Ki‡Q| cwi‡k‡l hviv Zv‡`i Mfxi Z¨vM I e¨emv
miKvix ms¯’v¸‡jvi cÖwZ Zv‡`i AK¬všÍ mn‡hvwMZv, cwiPvjbvi gva¨‡g dviBó Bmjvgx jvBd BÝy¨‡iÝ
mnvqZv Ges civg‡k©i Rb¨ Zv‡`i cÖwZ K…ZÁ| GQvov †Kv¤úvbx‡K kxl©¯’v‡b wb‡q †M‡Qb Zv‡`i AvšÍwiK
cwiPvjKe„›` K…ZÁZv cÖKvk Ki‡Qb †kqvi‡nvìvi, ab¨ev` I †gveviKev` Rvbvw”Q|
wbe©vnx KwgwU, †evW© AwWU KwgwU, exgv I `vex KwgwU,
wewb‡qvM I wi‡qj G‡÷U Dbœqb KwgwU, µq KwgwU, Avjøvn Avgv‡`i mK‡ji mnvq †nvb, Avgxb|
kixÕAvn KwgwU, kixÕAvn KvDwÝj, kixÕAvn wbe©vnx
KwgwU, cÖavb wbe©vnx Kg©KZ©v, †Kv¤úvbxi AwZwi³
cwiPvjKgÛjxi c‡¶,
e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK I cÖavb A_© Kg©KZ©v, wWGgwW I
†Kv¤úvbx mwPe, wWGgwW- gvbe m¤ú` wefvM, evsjv‡`k
wmwKDwiwUR GÛ G·‡PÄ Kwgkb, XvKv I PÆMÖvg ÷K
G·‡PÄ wjwg‡UW, e¨vsKvm© Ges mKj ïfvbya¨vqx‡`i
hviv Avgv‡`i mvnvh¨ Ges mn‡hvMxZv c~e©K Avgv‡`i Dci (†gvt bRiæj Bmjvg)
AwePj Av¯’v †i‡L‡Qb| cwiPvjKe„›`, †Kv¯úvbxi †Pqvig¨vb 17 AvMó 2017
m¤§vwbZ exgv MÖvnK I Zv‡`i me©`v c„ô‡cvlKZvi Rb¨ XvKv

68 www.fareastislamilife.com
Insurance Fair - 2016 arranged by IDRA Chief Executive Officer Mr. Md. Hemayet Ullah is receving Crest
from Mr. M A Muhit, Finance Minister

Inauguration of Insurance Fair -2016 Honorable Chairman Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam is delivering speech
in 41st anniversary of National Mourning Day 15 August

Honorable Finance Minister Mr. M.A Muhit is visiting stall of Business Closing Conference -2016
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Co. Ltd at Insurance Fair - 2016

www.fareastislamilife.com 69
Board meeting at Fareast Tower Sustainable growth & Business Development Conference 2016,
Overseas Division

Honorable Chairman Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam is delivering speech Iftar and Doa Mahfil - 2016 at Fareast Tower
in the Annual Planing & BC Confarance-2016, Dhaka Division

Bhutan tour awarded officers with Chief Executive Officer and other senior Executives of Head Office

70 www.fareastislamilife.com
Inauguration of New Auditorium Raganigandha Hall Inauguration of Chairman & Board Secretariat
at Fareast Tower at Fareast Tower

Departmental Co-Ordination Meeting -2016 Inauguration of Automation PR-MR Management Software

through BEFTN

Nepal Tour awarded officers with Chief Executive officer and other senior Executives of Head Office

www.fareastislamilife.com 71
Annual General Meeting - 2015 at ICCB Death Claim Cheque handed over by Honorable
Chairman of the Board of Directors

Shareholders gathering at 16th AGM Death Claim Cheque Handedover by Chief Executive Officer Mr.
Md. Hemayet Ullah and other senior Executives at Head Office

Hajj awarded officers with Honorable Chairman and Death Claim Cheque handed over by Chief Executive Officer
Founder of the Company Mr. Md. Hemayet Ullah and other senior Executives of Head

72 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 73
Risk Management identification and assessment, measurement,
The Company knows that risk is an integral part of monitoring and control of risks.
the business and managed acceptance of risk is
essential for the generation of shareholder value. 1. Risk identification
The Company's acceptance of risk is dependent on The Company identifies its risk exposures through a
the return on risk-adjusted capital and consistency variety of techniques and processes, including:
with its strategic objectives. Having accepted a risk,  Stress testing of the current financial condition
the Company may cede or hedge it where this is of the Company. Risk may be identified by
cost-effective. In general therefore, the Company's reference to the statutory position of the
control procedures and systems are designed to Company.
manage risk, rather than eliminate it. However, at  Product development process by way of analysis
certain times, there may also exist some risks for of the sensitivity of profit margins and of profit
which the Company has no tolerance and which are signatures to market and insurance risks. Any
actively avoided. The Company has in place a risk liquidity or operational risk arising out of the new
management framework with the following aims : product or modification of existing product is
 Determining the risk profile of the Company i.e. assessed prior to product launch.
the aggregate level of risks that the Company  Business planning process by way of analysis of
has undertaken in pursuit of profitable business. the sensitivity of the projected solvency and
 Identification, measuring, monitoring and control emergence of profit to market and insurance
of risk for the purpose of protecting the interests risks.
of key stakeholders.  Risk and Control Self-Assessment to identify and
 Enhancing the Company's ability to identify and assess operational risks in terms of their
pursue opportunities that offer attractive likelihood and impact by each business unit
risk-adjusted returns by providing transparent, within the Company.
accurate and timely risk information.
 Embedding risk-based decision making in key 2. Risk measurement
management processes and fostering a culture The Company uses the following approaches to
of risk awareness. measure its risk exposure:
 Risk to the Evaluation : Value at Risk of the
 Limiting the Company's exposure to adverse Evolution is an appropriate measure of risk
outcomes through risk limits. exposure for market, credit and insurance risks.
 Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. The value at risk is measured by calculating the
Focusing on ensuring that it possesses the reduction in the evolution under extreme
appropriate capabilities and experience in economic and noneconomic scenarios. The
managing and transferring risks. stresses are benchmarked to European
 Minimizing reputational risk. Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
standards as they develop, subject to
Risk Governance Framework appropriate adjustments for local conditions and
In line with its quest for implementation of Risk the Company's stage of development.
Management, our Company has developed a robust  Risk to the growth of the Evaluation: In addition
Risk Management Framework. It describes the to the risk to the current evaluation, the
overall Risk Management methodology at Fareast Company also considers risks that impede
Islami Life Insurance Company Limited. As a step future growth of the evaluation like insufficient
forward in this direction, the Company has also new business profit growth and over-run in
taken up an initiative to establish a Risk Appetite acquisition or renewal expenses, caused by
Framework to integrate the risk management with adverse deviation of actual unit costs from
strategic business objectives and define the overall planned unit costs.
risk appetite for the Company. At Fareast Islami Life  Risk to the statutory position: The Company
Insurance, Risk Management vertical is responsible considers the impact of market risk on its
for development & implementation of Enterprise statutory position and assesses the quality of its
Risk Management in a phased manner. The risk performing a resilience test periodically on the
management model of the Company comprises a quasi-regulatory balance sheet. The
four-stage continuous cycle, namely the

74 www.fareastislamilife.com
quasi-regulatory balance sheet is obtained by The key focus areas of the framework are described
marking to market the assets on the regulatory below:
balance sheet. The liabilities are determined with
reference to the market value of assets and by (a) Market risk
preserving the margins for adverse deviation in The Investments Department complies with the
accordance with applicable regulation and IDRA regulations on Investment Management and
professional guidance. The quasi-regulatory Investment Audit etc from time to time. All the
Balance Sheet is subjected to economic shocks investments are done strictly in line with the IDRA
and the solvency ratios and free assets under regulations and as per BSEC guidelines. The
the stress scenarios are monitored. Investment Policy is exhaustive and covers all the
 Key Risk Indicators and loss data for operational key areas of Risk Management & reporting with
risk. regard to Market Risk. Further market risk is
mitigated by matching assets and liabilities by type
 Liquidity Ratio of its highly liquid assets to its
and duration and matching cash flows. Guarantees
near term liabilities, after allowing for any
provided on the products are assessed and
constraint on the fungibility of its assets.
monitored on an ongoing basis Launching new
products can significantly alter the risk profile of the
3. Risk monitoring Company's balance sheet. Market risks inherent in
The Company is committed to recognizing and the new products or significant modifications to
managing its risks in a proactive, ongoing and existing products are identified at the product design
positive manner. The Risk Management Policy stage and a risk report placed before the Board. The
outlines the strategy for risk management and products are launched only after approval by the
determines the processes and identifies tools for Board.
realizing its objectives. The management reviews all
the risk and present a risk report to the Board on a (b) Credit risk
quarterly basis. The management may inform the The Company manages the credit risk of its
Board of the key findings at its discretion. Based on investments through the following measures :
the Board reports, representatives of promoter  Exposure limits for companies, groups and
shareholders may consider the risks to their industries in accordance with IDRA norms and
respective operations. limits as per its own Investment Policy.
 Engagement with select and financially
4. Risk control
sound reinsurers as per internal guidelines for
Identified risks are managed by one or more of the
reinsurance. The credit risk on reinsurance
following techniques:
contracts are reviewed when the Company plans
 Retention (acceptance)
to enter into a relationship with a new reinsurer,
 Avoidance
or in case of significant events like credit rating
 Transfer or
 Reduction (mitigation)
downgrades of existing reinsurers.
 Approved counter-parties are used to minimize
The nature of the controls implemented and the level
of control exercised are based upon the : settlement risk.
 Potential severity of the risk
 Frequency of the risk occurring (c) Liquidity risk
 Cost of implementing controls relative to The Company faces limited liquidity risk due to the
 the significance of the risk and nature of its liabilities. The Company has put the
 Risk Appetite following mitigates in place :
The Investment Specifications as a part of the
Risk Management asset-liability management framework provide
The Risk Management team is responsible for guidelines to manage liquidity risk by specifying
development of overall risk management framework the minimum investment in highly liquid assets,
at Fareast Islami Life. The framework encompasses taking account of constraints on the fungibility of
risk management activities integrated with the assets among funds and by specifying cash flow
Business Objectives of Fareast Islami Life and forms matching for certain funds. The Company has a
the base for compliance, monitoring & reporting of liquidity contingency plan, which addresses the
those activities.

www.fareastislamilife.com 75
following: interventions could include sending
i) Identifying mitigates to liquidity stress arising out communication via different media like SMS to
of contingencies, customers and distributors and reminders and
ii) Communication and action protocol and telephonic interviews with customers.
iii) Restoring normality in the event of any  Aligning key performance indicators : The
contingency. Company uses different key performance
indicators for different levels of hierarchy in
d) Morbidity and Mortality risk sales and operations to align interests and
The Company uses the following approaches to ensure adequate focus on persistency.
manage its mortality and morbidity risk :
 Product approval process: Launching new (f) Expense risk
Products can significantly alter the risk profile of
The Company uses the following approaches to
the Company's balance sheet. Insurance risks
manage the risk:
inherent in the new products or significant
modifications to existing products are identified i) Experience analysis: The Company actively
at the product design stage and products are monitors its expense levels, which are then fed
launched only after approval by the Board. back into new product pricing, calculation of
 Reinsurance: The Company uses appropriate reserves and management reporting. In case of
reinsurances arrangements, including disaster any adverse deviations between actual unit costs
reinsurance, to manage insurance risk. The and planned unit costs, mitigation measures are
Company's reinsurance exposures are taken.
considered and approved by the Board. ii) Aligning key performance indicators: The
 Reappraise: The Company also reserves the right Company uses different key performance
to review risk charges, in case of adverse indicators to align interests and ensure adequate
experience, with IDRA approval. focus on expense.
 Underwriting and claims controls: Underwriting
(g) Operational risk
and claims policies and procedures are in place
to assess and manage the risks. The Company Assessment of Operational risks is done through
conducts periodic reviews of both underwriting tools like Risk Registers, Risk Control Self
and claims procedures. Assessment and web-based Incident Reporting. The
risks are discussed with stakeholders and mitigation
 Experience analysis: The Company conducts its
strategies are devised with appropriate monitoring &
experience analysis regularly to ensure that
control. The Company uses the following
corrective action can be initiated at the earliest
approaches to manage the risk :
opportunity and that assumptions are in line
with experience.  The Company develops mitigation plans for high
risk items. The Company monitors actions
(e) Persistency risk identified for mitigation of the risks towards
The Company uses the following approaches to improvement of its operational risk profile.
manage the risk :
 The Company actively promotes a risk
 Experience analysis: The Company conducts its
awareness culture by improving understanding
experience analysis regularly to ensure that
through communication and education amongst
corrective action can be initiated at the earliest
management and employees. Appropriate
opportunity and that assumptions used in
training material is developed and cascaded to
product pricing and embedded value reporting
improve knowledge and promote a strong
are in line with experience.
operational risk practice.
 Product features : The Company uses features
like loyalty bonuses and additional allocation of
units to encourage policyholders to continue
with the policy.
 Service initiatives : The Company uses a
combination of proactive and reactive
interventions to manage persistency. The

76 www.fareastislamilife.com
Tomorrow begins now
Fareast Islami Life Insurance company Information
Technology (IT) department is taking various
initiatives to satisfy the demand of modern era
regarding automation of insurance system. Inbox
Considering transparency of payment, Digital Dear Sir/Madam, We
Have Received
premium receipt (PR) has introduced in lieu of as Tk.11030 On Dated
usual manual premium receipt to more than 430 12/04/2016, Receipt
offices at rural and city area. The subscriber now Policy No:
4500002937, Thank
can ensure about premium payment instantly by You, Fareast Islami
receiving SMS. One month prior notice sends to the Life.

subscriber by SMS for informing about premium Reply Exit

payment. BEFTN has implemented for quick delivery
of payment including claim to the subscriber's bank

78 www.fareastislamilife.com
As a part of automation and paperless green volume storage capacity. Considering business
environment, IT department has introduced improved continuity latest Oracle is used for Database servers.
company website www.fareastislamilife.com. Latest For ensuring security access control system, NVR
company information including notice, business, based IP camera has installed. To minimize risk Fire
financial, share, policy holder information, news and suppression system with smoke and heat detector,
events are now available to the website. Mobile Apps very early smoke detection system (VESDA) has
has introduced to get the detail information of the installed. For continuous monitoring the
policy through company website. Now policy owner environment status of the Data Center EMS
may get the detail information about his policy (Environment monitoring system) has Introduced.
anytime throughout the globe.

At present all of the divisional offices, service

centers and zonal offices are equipped with
computer, printer, scanner, network switches and
connected with the Head Office Application servers, For ensuring reliable secured connectivity
Database servers and get the resources on-line throughout the country Data center has equipped
through virtual private network (VPN). with highly secured network. World renowned Cisco
Firewall, core switch with appropriate policy has
implemented for controlling access to the network.
A numbers of edge and access switch has been
Head Office
Data Center
installed for connectivity to Head office computers,
Divisional Office Divisional offices and service centers. Network
monitoring system (NMS) has installed for
continuous monitoring of the system. A numbers of
Telco Network

103 young dynamic engineers are dedicatedly working

Service Center
for smooth operation and security of the network
Dial-up User
(With Modem/ISDN)
Zone Office

To provide IT service uninterruptible round the clock Oracle

Data Bas Server
the company has established a State of art Data
Center maintaining highest information security. Browser
Considering continuity of power redundant power
source like stand by generator, high backup capacity Application Server
Node 2
On-line UPS has installed. Precision air conditioner
has installed in server room for ensuring ambient

temperature and humidity at the server room for Oracle

smooth operation of the servers and communication Application Server

Node 1

equipment. For insuring availability and reliability a

number of powerful servers has installed with high Firewall


www.fareastislamilife.com 79
To make the company paperless, transparent and
international standard, efficient E-mail system has
introduced which is now become as an official
communication media for head office, division
offices, service centers and zonal offices. E-mail
communication is becoming popular day by day.
Automated attendance system by using finger print
is working to head office and few service centers.
The data generated from the automated attendance
system is used for HR & Payroll system.
Implementation of computerized billing system,
automated IT support system, E-inventory software
recently developed and implemented by IT
department. Single point solution point has introduced in IT
department for quick support to the users. Users
now can get information instantly regarding
premium due date, maturity date or any query about
Remote PC 3G Network
Cable Router
their policy. IT department is receiving the calls and
delivering the service by getting information from
Remote PC
the database server. The support team is also
Gateway Core Router
Remote Access
Firewall working as an agent between users and software
(Dynamic IP)
development team. The team also communicate
Network Switch
with the IT officers throughout the office and
collecting about their observation and survey of
existing services. Highly skilled software
Laptop Wireless AP development team is continuously working for
PC PC PC Server Server improvement of the software on the basis of the
approval of IT management team.
A bright, energetic IT hardware support team is
dedicatedly working for installation, maintenance,
and troubleshooting of IT hardware, software
related issues like for computer, laptop, printer, UPS,
monitor, scanner etc. They are providing support
service to Head office, all divisional offices, service
centers, zonal offices by attaining physically or by
phone or by using remote connectivity. They are also
providing support for multimedia, anti-virus, VPN,
database connectivity related issues. All problem
related tickets are entered to the IT support software
finally all the process completed till completion. So
the process become transparent and users are
getting the benefits ever before.

80 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 81
Corporate Governance and service. Each of our directors brings in
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited has independent judgment and considerable
a strong policy of fair, transparent and ethical knowledge to perform their roles effectively. The
governance practices. The Board of the Company is Board of Directors ensure that the activities of the
committed to adhere to the sound principles of company are strict and highest possible ethical
Corporate Governance. We believe in adopting and standards and in the best interests of the
adhering to the best recognized corporate stakeholders.
governance practices and continuously
benchmarking itself against each such practices to Membership of Independent Director
ensure that the interests of policyholders and all the The Company appointed 2 Independent Directors
stakeholders is protected through ethical behavior namely Mr. Kazi Farid Uddin Ahmed FCA & Mr.
and transparent decision making process. The Board Mohammed Hafizour Rahman FCA, ACS. One of
understands its fiduciary role and responsibility them (Mr. Kazi Farid Uddin Ahmed FCA) is the
towards the stakeholders and is committed to meet Chairman of the Board Audit Committee. He is a
their expectations. The Company believes in professional Chartered Accountant with diversified
adopting and adhering to the best standards of skills and knowledge.
corporate governance to all the stakeholders.
Fareast Life considers that its corporate governance Tenure and Retirement of Director
practices comply with all the aspects of BSEC The office of Directors is subject to retirement as per
Notification No. SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/134/Admin/44 Articles of Association of the Company. At least
dated 07 August, 2012. In addition to establishing one-third of the Directors from each group shall
high standards of corporate governance, Fareast retire by rotation in every Annual General Meeting,
Islami Life also considers best governance practices but remains eligible for re-election. Casual
in its activities. The independent role of Board of vacancies, if any are filled by the Board in
Directors, Separate and Independent role of accordance with the stipulations of the Companies
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, distinct role of Act, 1994 and Article of the Company. The
Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary and Independent Director is appointed by the Board of
different Board Committees allow Fareast Islami Life Directors meeting and approve by the shareholders
Insurance Company Limited to achieve excellence in in Annual General Meeting for a term of three years.
best corporate governance practices.
Directors’ Compensation
Board of Directors Except the Cheif Executive Officer, none of the
The Board of Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Directors holds any position and does not receive
Limited considers that its membership should any remuneration other than fees for attending the
comprise of directors with an appropriate mix of Board/Committee meetings. The maximum fees
skills, experience and personal attributes that allow payable to Directors is Taka 5,000 for attending each
the directors, individually and the Board, collectively, meeting. In the year 2016, thirteen Boards Meetings
to discharge their responsibilities and duties, under were held to discuse scheduled businesses of the
the law, efficiently and effectively, understand the Company.
business of the company and assess the
performance of the management. Role and Responsibilities of the Board of
Composition The Board is committed to the company seeking to
The Board of Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company achieve superior financial performance, long term
Ltd. comprises of twenty members of which prosperity and remains concerned to protect the
Sponsor Directors are twelve, Shareholder Directors interests of all stakeholders, while meeting
six and Independent Directors two. stakeholders' expectations of sound corporate
All the Directors possess a wide range of skills and governance practice. The Board has the
experience over a range of professions, business responsibility to periodically review and approve the
overall strategies, business policy, organization and

82 www.fareastislamilife.com
significant policies of the company. In discharging Chairman
the above responsibilities, the Board carries out the The Chairman leads the Board and also responding
following functions as per the charter of the Board. for the effective performance of the Board. The
Determine, monitors and evaluate strategies, Chairman continuously works together with the rest
policy, management performance criteria, of the Board members in setting the policy
objectives, business plan etc. framework and strategies to align the business
activities driven by the senior management with the
Ensuring that decisions and investment are company's objectives and aspirations through
consistent with long term strategies goals. monitoring the implementation.
Ensuring and guiding management to manage The Chairman ensures orderly conduct and
external stakeholders. proceedings of the Board, where healthy debate on
Approving the company's Annual Report & issues being deliberated is encouraged. The
reviewing its periodical financial report. Chairman takes the lead to ensure the
appropriateness and effectiveness of the
Ensure the compliance with all relevant laws and succession-planning program for the Board and
regulations. senior management levels. He also promotes a
Review the Report of the audit committee. healthy working relationship with the Chief Executive
Officer and provides the necessary support and
Delegation to Board committees and
advices. He continues to demonstrate the highest
management and approval of transactions in
standards of corporate governance practices.
excess of delegated level.
Ensuring proper decision making and Chief Executive Officer
accountability structure throughout the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for overseeing
company. the day- to-day operations to ensure smooth and
effective operation of the company. Furthermore, he
Approval of annual budget including major
is responsible for mapping the long term and short
expenditure proposals.
term plans for Board approval and is accountable for
Regular review of financial performance and implementing the policies and decisions of the
overdue situation. Board as well as co-ordinating the development and
implementation of business and corporate
Appointment and evaluation of the performance
strategies. The Chief Executive Officer ensures that
of the top management position.
the financial management practice is performed at
Monitoring the adequacy, appropriateness and the highest level of integrity and transparency for
operation of internal controls. the benefit of the stakeholders.
Appointment Independent Director. Role of the Company Secretary
Appointment consultants and other Advisors in The Company Secretary provides assistance to the
compliance with the norms. Board of Directors and the Management. He is
responsible for advising the Board of Directors on
Role and Responsibilities of the Chairman of issues relating to compliance with the relevant laws,
the Board and Chief Executive Officer rules, procedures and regulations as well as best
In line with the best practices and to ensure practices of corporate governance. The company
appropriate supervision of the Management, the Secretary keeps the records of the company's
roles and responsibilities of the Chairman and the compliance or non-compliance status of the
Chief Executive Officer are separated with clear conditions imposed by Bangladesh Securities and
division of responsibilities as defined and Exchange Commission (BSEC) and other regulatory
documented after proper approval. authorities.
Internal Control
A sound system of internal controls requires a

www.fareastislamilife.com 83
defined organizational and policy framework. The independently and review the financial statements
Board is responsible for ensuring that the Company before submission to the Board for approval. The
has an adequate and effective control system in company has duly complied with the regulory
place. Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company's requirements as stipulated by the BSEC presented to
Internal Audit is an Independent function that the shareholders as a part of the Annual Report.
reports functionally to the Audit Committee and
administratively to the Cheif Executive Officer. The Board Committees
functional reporting includes matters relating to The Board has constituted the following committees
Audit Charter, risk assessment and related Audit to assist its activities:
plans, results of internal audit activities and other
matters that the head of Internal Audit deems Executive Committee
necessary. Executive Committee (EC) of the Board consists of
seven members. Beyond the delegation power of
The Internal Audit & Inspection Department of the management, Executive Committee makes a
Company carrying out the regular Internal Audit of decision upon all routine and day to day operational
all divisions, departments and offices. The functioning of the Company. Besides, according to
Committee regularly reviewed the internal audit and Executive Committee's charter discharge the
inspection functions. The Internal Audit Report is following duties:
forwarded to the members of the Board where
detailed discussions are being made on the Administrative
examinations, findings and recommendations. The To approve recruitment of the Staff/Officers of all
following activities are carried out by the Internal Grades and the Executives upto the Vice
Audit Department : President Level through interview and to make
To review the effectiveness of Company's primary selection of the Executives from the SVP
internal control and management information and above both in desk and development side
systems. and submit the matter to the Board for final
To ensure implementation of Shariah principles
in the business operation of the Company and To consider and approve the promotion of the
establishing company's values. Staff/Officers of all Grades and the Executives
upto the VP level and to refer/recommend the
Internal audit team works closely with external case of promotion of the Executives from the
auditors and meets them regularly to discuss SVP and above to the Board for approval in
matters of mutual interest to strengthen working respect of both the Desk and Development.
relationship and to co-ordinate audit efforts.
To approve transfer of the officers from AVP to
Internal audit is to develop and maintain a quality the VP level and award punishment including
assurance and improvement program which demotion as per Rules of the Company. Such
covers all aspects of the internal audit activities. cases above the post of the VP be
It reviews Company's Financial Statements and referred/recommended to the Board for decision.
oversees its compliance with applicable auditing, To recommend Reward/Special Increment to
accounting and reporting requirements. those outstanding cases of the employees, when
necessary and refer to the Board for approval.
Statutory Auditor
Appointment of Statutory Auditor is regulated by the To study/scrutinize/approve such measures
Companies Act 1994 and by Securities & Exchange which will expedite/increase the administrative
Rules 1987. The current statutory Auditor is Rahman functions of the Management leading to the
Mostafa Alam & Co. Chartered Accountants. augmentation of the overall output of the
According to BSEC order, a statutory Auditor can Company and refer to the Board, if necessary.
continue in office for maximum three consecutive Any other matter that may be required for
years. The statutory auditor works here immediate decision/approval.

84 www.fareastislamilife.com
Financial independent director. The Chairman of the
To approve printing and purchase of the necessary Committee is of vast experience in Audit, Accounting
materials for the Company as under: and financial reporting in Insurance sector. The
Committee is responsible to report to the Board of
(a) Through spot quotation or press tender basis Directors.
upto Taka10,00,000.00 (Taka ten lac) only in single
instance/item. Role of the Board Audit Committee
Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee which
(b) Amount exceeding Taka10,00,000.00 (Taka ten
clearly defines the role and responsibility of the
lac) be referred to the Board for approval/decision.
Audit Committee are periodically reviewed with the
To suggest and recommend to the Board for concurrence of the Board of Directors. This process
Investment of Company's fund. ensures that new developments and concerns are
adequately addressed.
To approve advance rent upto 50% (fifty percent)
on the total rent of the term of the lease but not The main objective of the Audit Committee is to
exceeding rent for 30 (thirty) months. assist the Board of Directors to effectively carrying
out its responsibilities relating to financial and other
Organizational connected affairs of the Company. The Committee is
To approve opening of the branches and empowered to:
selection/hiring of the premises with terms and
Examine any matter relating to the financial and
conditions including payment of advance rent
other connected issues of the company.
within the ceiling as approved by the Board.
Review all Internal and External Audit and
To approve advertisement for publicity for
Inspection programs.
development and improvement of business and
image of the Company through different Media Review all Internal and External Audit reports and
within the ceiling as approved by the Board. follow up on recommendations.
To frame, develop and plan new Review the existence of Internal Control Systems
Projects/Schemes for introduction / and procedures in operation.
implementation by the Company and
Review the quality of Accounting Policies to
recommend the same to the Board for approval
Statutory and Regulatory Compliance.
Ensure that a well managed sound financial
To approve training to the employees/officers
reporting system is in place to provide timely
including development officers/ executives for
reliable information to the Board of Directors,
improving their professional knowledge
Regulatory Authorities, Management and all
efficiency and skill.
other stakeholders.
Board Audit Committee Ensure that the Company's policies are firmly
A separate Audit Division, namely-Board Audit Team committed to the highest standards of good
has been formed within the Company. The Board corporate governance practices and operation
Audit Team reviews the compliances status of policy conform the highest ethical standards and in the
guidelines of the Board of Directors of the company best interests of all Stakeholders.
and also regulators. Board Audit Team visits all the
departments and offices of the company for Activities of Board Audit Committee
verification and inspection purposes. The Committee carried out the following activities:

Composition of the Board Audit Committee Financial Reporting

In accordance with the currently accepted best The Committee reviewed the financial reporting
practice and Corporate Governance Guidance of system in place to ensure reliability of the
BSEC, the Board appointed Audit Committee information provided to the stakeholders and strict
comprised of five members including one adherence and compliance to the accounting

www.fareastislamilife.com 85
policies and requirements of Bangladesh Accounting as adopted by the Institute of Chartered
Standards (BAS). Having assessed the internal Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB), Bangladesh
financial controls, the Committee is of the view that Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC)
reasonable assurance of the Company's assets are Notification 07 August 2012 and the Listing
safeguarded and that the financial position of the Regulations of the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock
Company is sound enough. Exchanges. The financial statements are required by
law and International Accounting Standards to
Regulatory Compliance present fairly the financial position of the Company
The Company's procedures in place to ensure and the performance for the period.
Compliance with the Insurance Development and
In preparing financial statements, the Directors are
Regulatory Authority's (IDRA) instructions and
required to:
statutory requirements were under close scrutiny.
The Committee monitors the due compliance with Select suitable accounting policies and then
all requirements through the statements on apply them consistently.
compliance status submitted by the Board Audit
Make judgments and estimates that are
reasonable and prudent.
Reporting to the Authorities Ensure that the financial statements have been
If the Audit Committee has reported to the Board of prepared in accordance with International
Directors about anything which has material impact Accounting Standards and International
on the financial condition and results of operation Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the
and has discussed with the Board of Directors and ICAB.
the management that any rectification is necessary
Prepare the financial statements on going
and if the Audit Committee finds that such
concern basis unless it is inappropriate to
rectification has been unreasonably ignored, the
presume that the Company will continue in
Audit Committee should report such finding to the
Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission,
upon reporting of such matters to the Board of The Directors are responsible for keeping proper
Directors for three times or completion of a period of accounting records that disclose with reasonable
6 (six) months from the date of first reporting to the accuracy of the financial position of the Company
Board of Directors, whichever is earlier. and enable them to ensure that its financial
statements comply with the Companies Act, 1994.
Reporting to the Shareholders and General Under applicable laws and regulations, the Directors
Investors are also responsible for preparing a Directors' Report
Report on activities carried out by the Audit that complies with that laws and regulations.
Committee, including any report made to the Board
In compliance with the requirements of the BSEC's
of Directors under condition 3.4.1 (ii) above during
Notification, the Directors are also required to
the year, should be signed by the Chairman of the
declare certain matters in their report which inter
Audit Committee and disclosed in the annual report
alia include as under :
of the company.
That the financial statements and other
Statement on Abridged Responsibility of information included in the Annual Report fairly
Corporate Governance present in all material respects, the state of
The Companies Act, 1994 requires the Directors to affairs of the Company.
prepare the Financial Statements for each financial
That the preparation of the financial statements,
year. The Directors are responsible for preparing the
information has been obtained from the books of
Annual Report and the Financial Statements in
accounts, which have been maintained properly
accordance with the Companies act, 1994.
as required by the law.
International Accounting Standards (IAS) and
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

86 www.fareastislamilife.com
That in the preparation of financial statements, Death claims above Taka 50,000 (Taka fifty
the Directors have used appropriate accounting thousand) & upto Taka 2,00,000.00 (Taka two
policies, consistently applied and supported by lac) and ex-gratia payment up to Taka
reasonable and prudent judgments. 1,00,000.00 (Taka one lac) be settled and
approved for payment by the Policy & Claims
The Directors have the responsibility for ensuring
Committee and recommend payment of death
that the financial statements have been prepared
claims above Taka 2,00,000.00 (Taka two lac) &
in observance of Bangladesh Accounting
ex-gratia payment above Taka 1,00,000.00 (Taka
Standards, Bangladesh financial Reporting
one lac) to the Board for approval.
Standards, the Companies Act, 1994, the
Securities and Exchange Rules, 1987 and all Purchase Committee
other applicable rules and regulations.
Purchase Committee consists with ten members.
The Directors have the general responsibilities Purchase Committee is a body to deliberate on
for taking such measures as is reasonably open important issues and matters relating to purchase of
to them to safeguard the assets of the Company the company. The committee performs within the
and to prevent and detect fraud and other power delegated to it by the Board of Directors. The
irregularities. resolutions of the committee are ratified by the
Board. The following functions are performed by the
It is the responsibility of the Directors to conduct
committee :
appropriate enquiries and analysis of financial
reporting and other relevant indicators which To evaluation and approve the proposal of any
give reasonable assurance as to the Company's quotation relating to purchase of goods and
ability to continue as going concern. services.
To give a report on significant deviation in To analyse and consider the purchase proposal
operating results from last year. of furniture.
To present key operating and financial date for at To approve to purchase vhicles for employees of
least last five years. the company.
The Directors confirm that their Report includes To approve the proposal for printing and
the report on the above matters and further stationery items.
confirm that the Annual Report together with the
To approve the proposal of Computer and
Financial Statements have been prepared in
Computer accessories, etc.
compliance with the laws, rules and regulatory
guidelines. Any other matter that may be required for
immediate decision for purchase & procumment.
Policy & Claims Committee
The Policy & Claims Committee of the Board Investment & Real Estate Development
comprised of seventeen members. The Committee
responsibilities of the committee are clearly The Investment & Real Estate Development
assigned by the Board. The main responsibilities and Committee of the Board comprised of eighteen
functions of the committee are as follows : members. The responsibilities of the committee are
clearly assigned by the Board. The main
To review the Service Rules of the Company to
responsibilities and function of the committee are as
be framed in due course including Provident
follows :
Fund, Gratuity, Group Insurance and other
benefits and recommend to the Board for To analyse and consider the purchase/sale
approval/decision. proposal of land, building, appartment and
recommend to the Board.
To review the organizational structure, creation
of posts, grades, salary structure of all levels and To supervise construction work of company's
recommend to the Board for approval. buildings.

www.fareastislamilife.com 87
To appoint consultant as and when necessary. Principles. Shariah Council shall have access at
all times to the papers and documents of the
To appoint contractor as and when necessary.
Company and to require from the Company such
Taking decision for investment and properties information and explanations as the Council may
development. think necessary for giving their opinion.

Academic Council To recommend the Board for executing decision

The company has formed a committee of Academic of the Shariah Council.
Council with eight members. The rules and To comply Shariah guidelines, Muraqibs of the
responsibilities of the committee are as follows : Shariah Council inspect all offices of the
To prepare the annual budget and development Company throughout the year in order to give
plan of the academy and place the same before necessary instructions and to submit their
the Board of Directors of FILIC for their approval. reports to the Shariah Council.

To specify the duties and responsibilities of the To find out problems in implementing Shariah
officers and other employees in respect of Principles in day to day operation of the
maintenance of the Books of Accounts and other Company and recommend to solve the problems.
registers. Honourable Members of Shariah Executive
To prepare the annual accounts of the academy Committee participate to seminars, symposium,
and other necessary statements timely and Ifter Mahfil, Milad Mahfil and get together with
submit the same to the company. the Policyholders, Elites, well-wishers. Also, they
participate in the formal and informal discussion
To facilitate audit and inspection of the books as arranged by the different offices of the
and accounts of the academy. company on Shariah issues and inspired all
To prepare and examine the syllabus and concerned for compliance of Shariah.
curriculum of the training courses.
Management Committee
To ensure proper utilization of the funds as Ensuring effective internal control framework FILIC
provided by the company. has a management committee. This committee is
To perform any other duties as may be deemed the highest decision and policy making body of the
necessary for the smooth functioning of the company which is responsible for overall
academy. management. Management committee is comprised
of top most senior executives and the CEO is the
Shariah Council and Shariah Executive Committee Convenor of the committee. Meeting of the
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Ltd is a management committee is held once in a month.
shahriah based company. The company always The main functions of the committee are to address
adhere to compliance of shariah principles. The general issues of importance, introduce new
Company has two shariah committees named as products, business perfomance analysis, set new
Shariah Council and Shariah Executive Executive business strategies and goals to procure business,
Committee, both of the committees are consisting of evaluation of performance of the employees,
prominenet islami scholars, economists, monitor internal control system, etc.
educationists, ex-judges
and lawyears to advise the management on shariah
matters relating to business and daily operational
activities. The above Committee’s functions are as
follows :
To comply Shariah Principles in operating entire
activities of the Company and to give their views
and opinion in accordance with Shariah

88 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 89

Status of compliance with the conditions imposed by Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission's Notification
No. SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/134/Admin/44 dated 07 August 2012 Issued under section 2CC of the Securities and
Exchange Ordinance, 1969 :
SEC Checklist: (Report under Condition No. 7)

Compliance status
Condition (Put  in the Remarks
No. Title appropriate column)
Not (if any)
Complied complied
1.0 Board of Directors
1.1 Board Size : The number of the Board members of the company Board Comprised by 20
 Directors as per Insurance
shall not be less than 5 (five) and more than 20 (twenty). Act 2010

1.2 Independent Directors

(i) Independent Directors: At least one fifth (1/5) of the total number Two Independend Directors
of Directors in the company's Board shall be Independent  appointed as per Insurance
Directors. Act 2010

(ii) For the purpose of this clause "Independent Director" means a


(ii) a) Independent Director does not hold any share or holds less than
(1%) One percent shares of the total paid-up capital. 

(ii) b) Independent Director or his family members are not connected

with the company's any sponsor or Director or Shareholder who 
holds 1% or more shares.

(ii) c) Does not have any other relationship, whether pecuniary or

otherwise, with the company or its subsidiary/associated 
(ii) d) Independent Director is not a member, Director or officer of any
Stock Exchange. 

(ii) e) Independent Director is not a shareholder, Director or officer of

any member of Stock Exchange or an intermediary of the capital
market. 

(ii) f) Independent Director is not a partner or an executive or was not a

partner or an executive during the preceding 3 (three) years of
any statutory audit firm. 

(ii) g) Independent Director shall not be an Independent Director in

more than 3 (three) listed companies. 

(ii) h) Independent Director has not been convicted by a court of

competent jurisdiction as a defaulter in payment of any loan to a 
bank or a Non-Bank Financial Institution (NBFI).

90 www.fareastislamilife.com
Compliance status
Condition (Put  in the Remarks
No. Title appropriate column) (if any)
Complied complied

(ii) i) Independent Director has not been convicted for a criminal offence 
involving moral turpitude.
(iii) Independent Director(s) shall be appointed by the Board of
Directors and approved by the shareholders in the AGM. 

(iv) The Post of Independent Director(s) cannot remain vacant for Not No such vacancy created
 Applicable
more than 90 (ninety) days. 2016

(v) The Board shall lay down a code of conduct of all Board

members and annual compliance of the code to be recorded.

(vi) The tenure of office of an Independent Director shall be for a

period of 3 (three) years, which may be extended for 1 (one) term 
1.3 Qualification of Independent Director (ID)
(i) Independent Director shall be a knowledgeable individual with
integrity who is able to ensure compliance with financial,
regulatory and corporate laws and can make meaningful 
contribution to business.

(ii) Independent Director should be a Business Leader/ Corporate

Leader/ Bureaucrat/ University Teacher with Economics or
Business Studies or Law background/Professionals like Chartered 
Accountants, Cost and Management Accountants, Chartered
Secretaries. The Independent Director must have at least
12(twelve) years of corporate management/ professional

(iii) In special cases the above qualifications may be relaxed

subject to prior approval of the Commission. Not

1.4 Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive officer

Chairman and CEO shall be filled by different individuals.
Chairman shall be elected from among the Directors. The Board

of Directors shall clearly define respective roles and
responsibilities of the Chairman and the CEO
1.5 The Directors' Report to Shareholders
(i) Industry outlook and possible future developments in the industry. 

(ii) Segment-wise or product-wise performance. 

(iii) Risks and concerns. 

(iv) A discussion on Cost of Goods sold, Gross Profit Margin and Net Not
Profit Margin. Applicable

Discussion on continuity of any Extra-Ordinary gain or loss. Not No such gain/loss

Applicable occurred

www.fareastislamilife.com 91
Compliance status
Condition (Put  in the Remarks
No. Title appropriate column) (if any)
Complied complied
(vi) Basis for related party transactions-a statement of all related Presented in the Financial
party transactions should be disclosed in the annual report.  Statemtnts

(vii) Utilization of proceeds from public issues, rights issues and/or Not During 2016 there were no
through any others instruments. Applicable public issue or right issue

(viii) An explanation if the financial results deteriorate after the

company goes for Initial Public Offering (IPO), Repeat Public Applicable
Offering (RPO), Rights Offer, Direct Listing, etc.

(ix) If significant variance occurs between Quarterly Financial

performance and Annual Financial Statements the management No such variance occurred
shall explain about the variance on their Annual Report.

(x) Remuneration to Directors including Independent Directors. 

(xi) The financial statements prepared by the management of the

issuer company present fairly its state of affairs, the result of its 
operations, cash flows and changes in equity.

(xii) Proper books of account of the issuer company have been

(xiii) Appropriate accounting policies have been consistently applied

in preparation of the financial statements and that the
accounting estimates are based on reasonable prudent
(xiv) International Accounting Standards (IAS)/ Bangladesh
Accounting Standards (BAS)/ International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS)/Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards

(BFRS), as applicable in Bangladesh, have been followed in
preparation of the financial statements and any departure
there-from has been adequately disclosed.

(xv) The system of internal control is sound in design and has been

effectively implemented and monitored.

(xvi) There are no significant doubts upon the issuer company's ability
to continue as a going concern. If the issuer company is not Ability of the company to
 continue as going concern
considered to be a going concern, the fact along with reasons
thereof should be disclosed.

(xvii) Significant deviations from the last year's operating results of the
issuer company shall be highlighted and the reasons thereof Applicable
should be explained.
(xviii) Key operating and financial data of at least preceding 5 (five)
years shall be summarized. 

92 www.fareastislamilife.com
Compliance status
Condition (Put  in the Remarks
Title appropriate column) (if any)
Complied complied

(xix) No Declaration of Dividend Not


(xx) The number of Board meetings held during the year and
attendance by each Director shall be disclosed.  Annexure -I, See Page No. 98

(xxi) The pattern of shareholdings shall be reported to disclose the aggregate number of shares
(along with name wise details where stated below) held by:

(xxi) a) Parent/ Subsidiary/ Associated companies and other related

parties (name wise details);
(xxi) b) Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary, Chief
Financial Officer, Head of Internal Audit and their spouses and  Annexure -II, See Page No. 99
minor children (name wise details).
(xxi) c) Executives.  "
(xxi) d) Shareholders holding ten percent (10%) or more voting interest
 "
in the company (name wise details).
(xxii) In case of the appointment/re-appointment of a Director the company shall disclose the following information
to the shareholders :-
(xxii) a) A brief resume of the Director. 
(xxii) b) Nature of his/her expertise in specific functional areas; 
(xxii) c) Names of the companies in which the person also holds the

Directorship and the membership of committees of the Board.
2.0 Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Head of Internal Audit and Company Secretary (CS)
2.1 The company shall appoint a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), a
Head of Internal Audit (Internal Control and Compliance) and a
Company Secretary (CS). The Board of Directors should clearly

define respective roles, responsibilities and duties of CFO, The
Head of Internal Audit and the CS.

2.2 Attendance of CFO and the Company Secretary in the Board

3.0 Audit Committee:
(i) The company shall have an Audit Committee as a sub-
committee of the Board of Directors. 

(ii) The Audit Committee shall assist the Board of Directors in

ensuring that the Financial Statements reflect true and fair view

of the state of affairs of the company and in ensuring a good
monitoring system within the business.

(iii) The Audit Committee shall be responsible to the Board of

Directors. The duties of the Audit Committee shell be clearly set 
forth in writing.

www.fareastislamilife.com 93
Compliance status
Condition (Put  in the Remarks
Title appropriate column) (if any)
No. Not
Complied complied

3.1 Constitution of the Audit Committee:

(i) The Audit Committee shall be composed of at least 3 (three)


(ii) The Board of Directors shall appoint members of the Audit

Committee who shall be Directors of the company and shall 
include at least 1 (one) Independent Director.

(iii) All members of the Audit Committee should be "Financially

Literate" and at least 1 (one) member shall have accounting or
related financial management experience: the term financially
literate means the ability to read and understand the financial
statement i.e. Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow 
Statement and a person will be considered to have accounting or
related financial management expertise if (s) he possesses
professional qualification or Accounting/Finance Graduate with at
least 12 (twelve) years of corporate management/professional

Not There was no such vacancy

(iv) Casual vacancy in Audit Committee shall be filled by the Board. Applicable created

(v) The Company Secretary shall act as the Secretary of the 

(vi) The quorum of the Audit Committee meeting shall not constitute 
without at least 1 (one) Independent Director.
3.2 Chairman of the Audit Committee:
(i) The Board of Directors shall select 1 (one) member of the Audit
Committee to be Chairmen of the Audit Committee, who shall be 
an Independent Director.

(ii) Chairman of the Audit Committee shall remain present in the 

Annual General Meeting (AGM).
3.3 Role of the Audit Committee:
(i) The role of Audit Committee: Oversee the financial reporting

(ii) Monitor choice of accounting policies and principles 
(iii) Monitor Internal Control Risk Management process 
(iv) Oversee hiring and performance of external Auditors. 
(v) Review along with the management, the annual financial statements before

submission the Board for approval.
(vi) Review along with the management, the quarterly and half yearly
financial statements before submission to the Board for approval. 

94 www.fareastislamilife.com
Compliance status
Condition (Put  in the Remarks
Title appropriate column)
No. (if any)
Complied complied

(vii) Review the adequacy of Internal Audit functions. 

(viii) Review statement of significant related party transaction
submitted by the management. 

(ix) Review Management letters/Letter of Internal Control weakness

issued by statutory auditor.
(x) When money is raised through Initial Public Offering (IPO)/
Repeat Public Offering (RPO)/ Rights Issue the company shall
disclose to the Audit Committee above the uses / applications
of funds by major category (Capital Expenditure , Sales and Not
marketing Expenses, Working Capital etc.), on a quarterly basis, Applicable
as a part of there quarterly declaration of financial results.
Further, on an annual basis, the company shall prepare a
statement of funds utilized for the purposes other that those
stated in the offer documents/ prospectus.

3.4 Reporting of the Audit Committee:

3.4.1 Reporting to the Board of Directors:

(i) The Audit Committee shall report on its activities to the Board of
Directors. 

(ii) The Audit Committee shall immediately report to the Board of Directors on the following findings, if any:

Not There was no reportable case of

(ii) a) Report on conflicts of interest. Applicable conflict of interest in 2016.
(ii) b) Will report any suspected or presumed fraud or irregularities or Not There was no such case in the
material defect in the internal control system to the Board. Applicable year 2016.

(ii) c) Will report any suspected infringement of laws, including Not "
securities related laws, rules and regulations to the Board.
(ii) d) Will report any other matters which shall be disclosed to the Not "
Board of Directors immediately.
3.4.2 Reporting to the Authorities:
Reporting to the Authorities: If the Audit Committee has reported
to the Board of Directors about anything which has material
impact on the financial condition and results of operation and
has discussed with the Board of Directors and the management
that any rectification is necessary and if the Audit Committee
Not There was no such case in the
finds that such rectification has been unreasonably ignored, the Applicable year 2016.
Audit Committee shall report such findings to the commission,
upon reporting of such matters to the Board of Directors for 3
(three) times or completion of a period of 6 (six) months from the
date of first reporting to the Board of Directors, whichever is

www.fareastislamilife.com 95
Compliance status
Condition (Put  in the Remarks
Title appropriate column)
No. (if any)
Complied complied

3.5 Reporting to the Shareholders and General Investors:

Report on activities carried out by the Audit Committee,
including any report made to the Board of Directors under
condition 3.4.1 (ii) above during the year, shall be signed by the 
Chairman of the Audit Committee and disclosed in the annual
report of the issuer company.

4. External/Statutory Auditors should not engage in the following services

(i) Appraisal or valuation services or fairness opinions. 

(ii) Financial Information Systems Design and implementation.

(iii) Book-keeping or other services related to the accounting 

records or financial statements.

(iv) Broker-dealer services. 

(v) Actuarial Services. 

(vi) Internal Audit services. 

(vii) Any other service that the Audit Committee determines. 

(viii) No partner or employees of the external audit firm's shall

possess any share of the company they audit at least during 
the tenure of their audit assignment of that company.

(ix) Audit/certification services on compliance of corporate 

governance as required under clause (i) of condition No 7.

5. Subsidiary Company
(i) Provisions relating to the composition of the Board of Directors
of the holding company shall be maid applicable to the 
composition of the Board of Directors of the subsidiary

(ii) At least 1(one) Independent Directors on the Board of Directors

of the holding company shall be a Director on the Board of 
Directors of the subsidiary company.

(iii) The minutes of the Board meeting of the subsidiary company

shall be placed for review at the following Board meeting of the 
holding company.

(iv) The minutes of the respective Board meeting of the holding

company shall state that they have reviewed the affairs of the 
subsidiary company also.

96 www.fareastislamilife.com
Compliance status
Condition (Put  in the Remarks
Title appropriate column)
(if any)
No. Not
Complied complied

(v) The Audit Committee of the holding company shall also review the
financial statements, in particular the investments made by the  "
subsidiary company.
6.0 Duties of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
The CEO and CFO will certify to the Board that:
(i) They have reviewed the financial statements for the year and that to the best of their knowledge and belif:
(i) a) These statements do not contain any materially untrue
statement or omit any material fact or contain statements
that might be misleading.

(i) b) The CEO and CFO will certify to the Board that they have
reviewed the financial statements and believe that these
statements together present a true and fair view of the 
company's affairs and are in compliance with existing
accounting standards and applicable laws.

(ii) There are, to the best knowledge and belief, no transactions

entered into by the company during the year which are
fraudulent, illegal or violation of the company's code of 
7.0 Reporting and Compliance of Corporate Governance
(i) The company shall obtain a certificate from a professional
Accountant/Secretary (Chartered Accountant/ Cost and

Management Accountant/ Chartered Secretary) regarding The Certificate is enclosed in this
compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance Guidelines Annual Repoet 2016
of the Commission and shall send the same to the
Shareholders along with the Annual Report on an yearly basis.

(ii) The Directors of the company shall state, in accordance with
the Annexure attached, in the Directors' report whether the
company has complied with these conditions.

www.fareastislamilife.com 97
Annexure - I

The number of Board Meetings held during the year 2016 and attendance by each Director:

Sl. No. Name of Directors Meeting held Attended

01. Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam, Chairman, Board of Directors 13 13

02. Al-Haj Md. Helal Miah, Chairman, Executive Committee 13 08

03. 0Mr. Sheikh Md. Hasan (Alternate of Mr. Shahriar Khaled) 10 08

04. Ms. Ayesha Husne Jahan, Chairperson, Policy & Claims Sub Committee 13 12

05. Ms. Nazneen Hossain, Chairperson, Purchase Sub Committee 13 13

06. Dr. Md.Monowar Hossain, (Alternate of Ms. Shaher Banu) 13 09

07. Mr. K.M. Khaled 13 12

08. Ms. Muslima Shireen 13 12

09. Mr. Rubaiyat Khaled 13 11

10. Ms. Taslima lslam 13 11

11. Mr. Md. Tanvirul Haque, (Representative, Maksons Associates Ltd) 13 10

12. Mr. Saymon Ahmed (Representative, Fareast Securities Ltd.) (Appointed on 23-8-2016) 04 04

13. Mr. Mohammad Atiar Rahman {Representative, Maksons (Bangladesh) Ltd} (Appointed on 25-9-2016) 03 03

14. Prof. Dr. lffat Jahan, (Alternate of Mr. Samir Obaid) 13 13

15. Mr. Md. Tajul Islam (Representative, Prime Financial Securities Ltd) (Appointed on 23-8-2016) 04 03

16. Ms. Rabeya Begum 13 13

17. Mr. Md. Kamrul Hasan 13 09

18. A. K. M. Monirul Islam (Appointed on 23-8-2016) 04 04

19. Mr. Kazi Farid Uddin Ahmed FCA, Independent Director 13 08

20. Mr. Mohammed Hafizour Rahman FCA, ACS, Independent Director 13 09

21 Mr. M. A. Khaleque (Retired on 25-9-2016) 10 10

22 Mr. Md. Mozammel Hossain (Retired on 23-8-2016) 09 08

23 Mr. Noor Mohammad Dicon (Retired on 23-8-2016) 09 08

24 Dr. M. Mosharraf Hossain FCA, Independent Director (Retired on 18-8-2016) 06 06

98 www.fareastislamilife.com
The pattern of Shareholding as on 31 December 2016. Annexure - II
(a) Parent/ Subsidiary/ Associated Companies and other related parties: N/A
(b) Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary, Chief Financial officer,
Head of Internal Control and Compliance and their spouses and minor children:
Quantity of Name of Quantity of
Name of Directors Status Spouse/Children
Shares Shares
Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam Chairman 13,16,147 - -
Al-Haj Md. Helal Miah Director 12,45,714 - -
Mr. Shahriar Khaled Director 16,09,491 - -
Ms. Ayesha Husne Jahan Director 12,45,714 - -
Ms. Nazneen Hossain Director 12,49,187 - -
Ms. Shaher Banu Director 18,30,626 Dr. Mokaddes Hossain 12,49,187
Mr. K. M. Khaled Director 12,47,209 - -
Ms. Muslima Shireen Director 12,59,980 - -
Mr. Md. Rubaiyat Khaled Director 12,49,050 - -
Ms. Taslima Islam Director 13,11,870 - -
Maksons Associates ltd. Director 12,71,399 - -
Fareast Securities Ltd. Director 13,00,000 - -
Maksons (Bangladesh) Ltd. Director 1,000 - -
Mr. Samir Obaid Director 1,593 - -
Prime Financial Securities Ltd. Director 5,000 - -
Ms. Rabeya Begum Director 3,208 - -
Mr. Md. Kamrul Hasan Director 5,170 - -
Mr. A.K.M. Monirul Islam Director 21,979 - -
Mr.Kazi Farid Uddin Ahmed FCA Independent Director Nill - -
Mr. Mohammed Hafizour Rahman FCA, ACS Independent Director Nill - -
Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary, Chief Financial officer, Head of Internal Control and Compliance
and their spouses and minor children:

Quantity of Name of Quantity of

Name Status Shares Spouse/Children Shares
Mr. Md. Hemayet Ullah Chief Executive Officer Nil -- Nil
Mr. Md. Abdul Khaleque FCA Chief Financial Officer Nil -- Nil
Mr. Syed Abdul Aziz Company Secretary Nil -- Nil
Mr. Md. Kamal Hosen Howlader Head of ICC Department Nil -- Nil
(c) Executives (Top five salaried employees of the Company, other than the Directors, Chief Executive
Officer, Company Secretary, Chief Financial Officer and Head of Internal Control and Compliance:

Name Status Quantity of Name of Quantity of

Shares Spouse/Children Shares
Mr. A.K.M. Hemayet Uddin DMD & Head of Human Resources Nil -- Nil
Mr. Md. Alamgir Kabir FCA Deputy CFO Nil -- Nil
Mr. Md. Torikul Islam Assistant Managing Director Nil -- Nil
Mr. Md. Kamrul Hasan Khan Senior Executive Vice President Nil -- Nil
Mr. Md. Majedul Islam Senior Executive Vice President Nil -- Nil

(d) Shareholders holding ten percent (10%) or more voting interest in the
Company : No such shareholders.

www.fareastislamilife.com 99
100 www.fareastislamilife.com
Composition of the Committee Committee Activities
In accordance with the currently accepted best  Coordinated with the internal and External Auditors'
practice and Corporate Guidelines of Bangladesh and discussion on their audit findings.
Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), the
 Reviewed the Financial Statements, Audit Reports
Board of Directors of the company appointed Audit
and Actuarial Valuation Reports etc.
Committee comprised of five Directors including one
Independent Director. DMD & Company Secretary is  Reviewed the internal Audit Reports of different
working as Member Secretary of the Committee. offices of the Company conducted by the Internal
Control and Compliance Department and reports
Role of the Committee prepared by the Board Audit Team.
The main functions of the Committee is to assist the  Reviewed the policy and guidelines formulated and
Board of Directors to ensure that the Financial State- recommended by the Policy & Claims Sub-
ments reflect true and fair view of the state of affairs Committee and the Management Committee of
of the Company, to have a good monitoring system of the Company.
the business operation, to maintain proper and
adequate internal control system, to facilitate the  Ensured that the Financial Statements of the
smooth functioning of the Company’s operations and Company contained full disclosure and these were
to provide accurate, appropriate and timely informa- prepared in accordance with IAS and IFRS as
tion to the Board of Directors, regulatory authorities, adopted in Bangladesh.
policyholders, shareholders and other related parties.  Reviewed and examined all the regulatory returns
The Committee has also to ensure compliance of the like investment Return, Actuarial Abstracts,
requirements of International Accounting Standards Claims Return, Income Tax Return, Annual Return
(IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards etc.
(IFRS), Insurance Act & Rules, BSEC and other Regula-
tory Bodies’ regulations. Committee's Summary Report
The Committee has the following observations
Committee Meetings regarding corporate and the financial affairs of the
During the year, the Committee held nine meetings in Company:
which the Committee reviewed some pertinent issues on
 Laws and regulations relating to insurance
the business operation, human resource, finance and
business and companies' internal policy and
accounts etc. The proceedings of the Committee
guidelines have been complied with.
meetings are regularly reported to the Board of Directors.

www.fareastislamilife.com 101
 Financial Statements for the year ended 31 Decem- The findings and recommendations of the Committee
ber 2016 contained full disclosure and those are were reported to the Board of Directors meeting and
prepared in accordance with IAS and IFRS as the Board of Directors had taken appropriate
adopted in Bangladesh. measures. The minutes of is each the meeting were
circulated among the members of the Committee.
 Actuarial Valuation Report as on 31 December
2016 has been extracted complying with the
Good Governance:
provisions of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended
in 2010 and the Insurance Rules 1958. Highest standards in Corporate Good Governance
and strict adherence to the requirements of Fareast
 Appropriate Management Information Systems lslami Life's Code of Ethics are ensured by close
(MlS) including automation of operations are in monitoring. Though the Code of Ethics all levels of
place and in effect. staff have been educated and encouraged to resort
 Existing risk management procedures are effec- to whistle blowing, when they suspect wrong doings
tive and ensure transparency of financial trans- by others.
actions of the Company.
 The Committee considered recommendations
made by the External Auditors' and Auditors
appointed by the Insurance Development and
Regulatory Authority (IDRA) and Internal Auditors
of the Company in their respective reports.

Kazi Farid Uddin Ahmed FCA

Board Audit Committee

17 August 2017

102 www.fareastislamilife.com
kixÔAvn& KvDwÝj Gi cÖwZ‡e`b




www.fareastislamilife.com 103
Board of Directors
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited
Fareast Tower (Level-18)
35, Topkhana Road

The following is provided to the Board of Directors of Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited in our
capacity as the persons responsible for performing the functions of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer of Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited.
In accordance with the notification of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission No.
SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/134/Admin/44 dated 07 August, 2012 we declared that for the financial year ended 31
December, 2016.
i) We have reviewed the financial statements for the year 2016 and that to the best of our knowledge and belief:
a) these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain
statements that might be misleading.
b) these statements together present a true and fair view of the company's affairs and are in compliance with
existing accounting standards and applicable laws.
ii) There are, to the best of knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the Company during the year
which are fraudulent, illegal or violation of the Insurance code of conduct.

Md. Hemayet Ullah Md. Abdul Khaleque FCA

Chief Executive Officer Additional Managing Director & CFO

17 August 2017

104 www.fareastislamilife.com
The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report and financial statements in accordance with the
Companies Act 1994, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Rules 1987, Bangladesh Financial
Reporting Standards (BFRS) and other applicable laws and regulations.

The Companies Act 1994 requires Directors to ensure that the Company keeps proper books of accounts of all
transactions and prepares financial statements that give a true and fair view of the state of the company's
affairs and of the profit for the year.

The Directors are also required to ensure that the financial statements have been prepared and presented in
accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and BFRS as applicable in Bangladesh
and provided the information required by the Companies Act 1994, Securities and Exchange Ordinance 1969,
Securities and Exchange Commission Rules 1987 and the regulations of the Dhaka/Chittagong Stock
Exchanges Ltd. They are also responsible for taking reasonable measures to safeguard the assets of the
Company and in that context to have proper regard to the establishment of appropriate systems of internal
control with a view to preventing and detecting fraudulent activities and other irregularities.

The Directors are of the view that these financial statements have been prepared under the generally accepted
accounting principles and in accordance with the Bangladesh Accounting Standards as laid down by the
institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh.

The Directors endeavor to ensure that the Company maintains sufficient records to be able to disclose, with
reasonable accuracy, the financial position of the Company and to be able to ensure that the financial
statements of the Company meet with the requirements of the Companies Act, Bangladesh Accounting
Standards and the regulations of the Dhaka/Chittagong Stock Exchanges Ltd.

The Directors have a reasonable expectation, after making enquiries and following a review of the Company's
plan for the ensuing year including cash flows and borrowing facilities, that the Company has adequate
resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future and therefore continues to adopt the
going concern basis in preparing the Accounts.

Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co. Auditors of the Company, have examined the financial statements made available
by the Board of Directors meeting and expressed their opinion.

Md. Nazrul Islam


17 August 2017

www.fareastislamilife.com 105
106 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 107
Rahman Mostafa Alam & Co.
Chartered Accountants

108 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015






110 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015



4,002,930,136 3,023,217,280
174,165,360 57,870,274



www.fareastislamilife.com 111
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015





112 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015





www.fareastislamilife.com 113
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015

114 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015

www.fareastislamilife.com 115
547,026,496 547,026,496
5,711,810 5,711,810

658,008,558 658,008,558
2,529,608,252 2,269,392,670
466,300,000 466,300,000

14,310,964,310 14,310,964,310
4,352,061,764 4,352,061,764

1,300,842,440 1,300,842,440
721,264,476 721,264,476

4,002,930,136 4,002,930,136
12,614,097 12,614,097
174,165,360 174,165,360
3,171,549 3,171,549
12,235,916,443 12,235,916,443
41,320,585,691 41,060,370,109

116 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015




www.fareastislamilife.com 117
622,856,260 47,401,770 670,258,030

2,157,970 2,157,970

566,232,970 45,588,633 611,821,603

56,623,290 1,813,137 58,436,427

118 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015

120 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015

www.fareastislamilife.com 121
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015



122 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015

www.fareastislamilife.com 123
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015
40,000 -
213,066,293 -



124 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015




622,856,260 622,856,260

6 32,166,085,973

www.fareastislamilife.com 125
547,026,496 547,026,496
5,711,810 5,711,810

658,008,558 658,008,558
2,512,258,252 2,252,042,670
496,500,000 496,500,000
58,000,000 58,000,000

14,203,667,678 14,203,667,678
4,239,522,093 4,239,522,093

1,300,842,440 1,300,842,440
721,264,476 721,264,476

4,006,808,203 4,006,808,203
12,614,097 12,614,097
150,784,535 150,784,535
12,227,618,911 12,227,618,911
41,140,627,549 40,880,411,967

126 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015




www.fareastislamilife.com 127
622,856,260 622,856,260

622,856,260 622,856,260

128 www.fareastislamilife.com
130 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 131
Depreciation is charged on Fixed assets has been calculated on all assets using diminishing balance
method in accordance with BAS-16 ''Property, Plant and Equipment '' at varying rates depending on
the class of assets. Depreciation is charged in additions of xed assets when it is available for use.
Methods and Rates of depreciation are consistently applied in relation to previous year and depreciation
rates are as follows:

132 www.fareastislamilife.com
The gain or loss arising on the disposal or retirement of an asset is determined as the difference between
the sale proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and recognized in the Life Revenue Account.

In each year the management assess whether there is any indication that the assets may be impaired
in accordance with BAS 36: “Impairment of Assets” considering the current economic situations.
Management concludes that there is no such indication in existence.

BAS 12: “Income Taxes” and Income Tax ordinance 1984 have been used for the calculation of deferred
tax and current tax expense respectively.

The tax currently payable is based on taxable surplus for the year. Taxable surplus differs from surplus
as reported in the life revenue account because it excludes items of income or expenses that are
taxable or deductible in succeeding years and it further excludes items that are never taxable or
deductible. The company’s liability for current tax has been calculated using tax rates that have been
enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.
Refund has been created/assessed in the following Income Years

Assessment of Income Tax for the Income Years 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
and 2015 has not yet been nalized. Above refund amount are subject to adjustment with the nally
assessed tax amount, if any, for the Income Year 2016 and coming years.


www.fareastislamilife.com 133
The related party is the party who has the signi cant power in the management process and cast
signi cant power in the company’s affairs and the management duly identi ed the party is related to
the company and discloses the transactions of the related party as per BAS 24: “Related party Disclosures”.
The company did not make any transaction with the related party.

134 www.fareastislamilife.com


Comparative Figures

www.fareastislamilife.com 135
Amount in Taka
2016 2015

36.29 226,063,560
63.71 396,792,700

30 22,606,356 36.29
Foreigners 4 1,409,162 2.27
9,562 16,067,516 25.80
249 22,202,592 35.64
9,845 62,285,626 100.00

6,613 1,012,099 1.62

2,666 4,464,870 7.17
217 1,558,995 2.50
134 1,878,450 3.02
53 1,293,637 2.08
18 623,202 1.00
20 911,944 1.46
42 2,870,167 4.61
63 20,167,458 32.38
19 27,504,804 44.16
9,845 62,285,626 100.00

3,330,392,262 3,330,392,262

32,166,085,973 31,297,712,872
31,297,712,872 28,862,811,687
868,373,101 2,434,901,184
32,166,085,973 31,297,712,872

136 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015

The amount represents the balance due to Trust Re, Manama, Bahrain on account of share of re-insurance
commission and share of claim after adjustment of re-insurance premium due to them. The balance of
Trust Re has been accounted for the year ended 31 December 2016.
The amount of taka 43,527,433 adjust against prior year balance due to cancellation of contract with Takaful
Re-Ltd. Dubai.
16 43,527,433
53,926,729 43,527,433
Less: Adjustment made during the year 43,527,433 -

16 24,246,028
79,276,354 87,859,115
103,522,382 108,700,998
16,081,020 28,746,028
2,208,000 4,500,000
16 375,963

www.fareastislamilife.com 137
Amount in Taka
2016 2015
16 112,599,085


1,453,500,000 2,009,300,000



138 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015

Development Expenditure 76,768,838 30,163,645

126,472 111,195
9,750 8,202
496,288 496,288
116,500 -
8,417 2,610
1,279,309,882 1,179,979,825
502,111 484,301
Training & Recruipment Expenses 36,000 -
Shifting Expenses 63,660 -
Un Identi ed Deposit 10,227,538 -
Others 246,529 212,529






www.fareastislamilife.com 139

Amount in Taka
2016 2015




Under BAS 10: Events after the Balance Sheet Date, dividend declared after the Balance Sheet
date should not be classi ed as a liability at the Balance Sheet date as the proposed dividend
does not represent a present obligation under BAS 37: Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets. Hence subsequent to the Statement of Financial position date, the Board of
Directors in their meeting held on 17 August 2017 recommended 20% stock dividend and 15%
cash dividend (Total dividend of Tk 2180.00 lakh) existing share held at record date for the year
31 December 2016.The dividend proposal is subject to shaholders' approval at the forthcoming
Annual General Meeting.


140 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015






Fareast Islami Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Holds 5,800,000 shares (58% out of 10,000,000 shares) @ Tk. 10 each
against the paid-up capital of the subsidiary company.


16 1,505,016,666

16 1,300,842,440
16 1,300,842,440


www.fareastislamilife.com 141
Amount in Taka
2016 2015
Policy Investment 177,115,150 -

, Land & Land Development 2,372,013,744 1,776,252,315

4,002,930,136 3,023,217,280
Less: inter Company transaction 8,555,334 8,555,334
4,002,930,136 3,023,217,280


142 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015

174,165,360 57,870,274
150,784,535 49,382,700
23,380,825 8,487,574
174,165,360 57,870,274





21.00 SND & CD ACCOUNTS WITH BANKS 4,239,479,675

944 214


www.fareastislamilife.com 143
Amount in Taka
2016 2015

12,227,618,911 12,016,859,840
6 (Cost & Revaluation)

6,578,822,409 84,252,931 - 6,663,075,340

294,946,492 29,561,704 - 324,508,196
320,129,683 22,893,471 - 343,023,154
97,886,813 138,209,292 - 236,096,105
441,230,423 85,270,633 27,766,599 498,734,457
22,548,763 1,512,373 - 24,061,136
20,692,654 3,256,913 - 23,949,567
600,328 - - 600,328
88,441,379 2,414,587 - 90,855,966
27,026,763 931,500 - 27,958,263
1,219,296,275 53,702,142 - 1,272,998,417
165,203,003 6,854,240 - 172,057,243
86,833,174 - - 86,833,174
Total - 2016 9,363,658,159 428,859,786 27,766,599 9,764,751,346

Charge during the year

- - - - 6,663,075,340
74,110,959 24,085,997 - 98,196,956 226,311,242
42,570,715 29,067,719 - 71,638,434 271,384,720
50,339,054 14,671,043 - 65,010,097 171,086,008
243,179,831 47,174,528 22,732,176 267,622,183 231,112,274
7,559,690 2,439,071 - 9,998,761 14,062,375
10,556,967 1,777,339 - 12,334,306 11,615,261
464,906 33,855 - 498,761 101,567
29,267,179 9,088,960 - 38,356,139 52,499,827
10,656,187 3,367,857 - 14,024,044 13,934,219
130,411,887 54,911,696 - 185,323,583 1,087,674,834
61,438,821 15,918,409 - 77,357,230 94,700,013
16,634,385 10,529,818 - 27,164,203 59,668,971
Sub Total - 2016 677,190,583 213,066,292 22,732,176 867,524,699 8,897,226,649


3,330,392,262 - - 3,330,392,262 -

Charge during the year
- - - 3,330,392,262
Total - 2016 677,190,583 213,066,292 22,732,176 867,524,699 12,227,618,911

144 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015

23.00 9,237,028,905

2,402,277,518 17,969,188 2,384,308,330

818,881,002 818,881,002
4,951,220,478 4,951,220,478
1,052,158,516 1,052,158,516
30,460,579 30,460,579
16 9,254,998,093 17,969,188 9,237,028,905

24.00 1,502,850,725
1,502,850,725 1,611,542,421
24.A 1,534,472,834

25.00 5,842,773

26.00 915,550,793

www.fareastislamilife.com 145
Amount in Taka
2016 2015
27.00 43,597,463










146 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015

CAR FUEL 42,292,581 32,364,957

42,150,629 32,279,690
141,952 85,267
42,292,581 32,364,957






www.fareastislamilife.com 147

on 17 August 2017.

There is no capital expenditure contract that has been made during the year except the amount
paid as advance for Construction, Land & Land Development and Mobilization advance for build-
ing project work shown in the Note # 18.

Amount in Taka Amount in Taka

2016 2015

26,10,279 21,71,471
38,78,03,930 38,92,39,724
3,22,39,650 3,31,01,994
21,01,55,260 21,25,65,540
27,90,01,517 19,80,19,705
26,10,279 90,92,00,357 21,71,471 83,29,26,963

148 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 149
150 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 151
152 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 153
154 www.fareastislamilife.com
156 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 157
As at 31 December 2016
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015

Advance Income Tax 3,552,954




28 February 2017

158 www.fareastislamilife.com
For the year ended 31 December 2016
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015




6,188,069 (2,781,707)


28 February 2017

www.fareastislamilife.com 159
As at 31 December 2016

500,000,000 132,350 500,132,350

(2,781,707) (2,781,707)
(482,455) (482,455)

500,000,000 (3,131,812) 496,868,188

6,188,069 6,188,069
(374,788) (374,788)

16 500,000,000 2,681,469 502,681,469

28 February 2017

160 www.fareastislamilife.com
As at 31 December 2016

Amount in Taka
2016 2015





6 19,544,427
6 108,822,725

28 February 2017

www.fareastislamilife.com 161
For the year ended 31 December 2016


162 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 163
16 16

164 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015











www.fareastislamilife.com 165
Amount in Taka

7.01 Paid current year advance tax 2016 2015

Tax at source - Dividend income 1,526,692 7,340

Tax at source - Bank interest 300,454 73,681
Tax at source - DSE 1,725,807 418,378
3,552,954 499,379

562,600 562,600
Fees for the Period


Brokerage commision Receivable 4,014,107 -
Margin Interest Receivable 566,054 -
Receivable form DSE 973,944 -




166 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015


Office rent payable 89,778 66,855
Utility Bill 14,378 14,000
Audit fee 50,000 25,000
CDBL Charge Payable 138,698 27,852
Bo Account Maintenance Exp. payable - 38,648
Clients payable 103,459,002 10,463,972
Brokerage Commission Payable 199,924 -
Liability & Provision 22,500 -
Payable to Networking 3,000 -
Payable to VAT 750 -
Trade License Renewal Fee 15,200 -


www.fareastislamilife.com 167
Amount in Taka
2016 2015









168 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015
10,689,121 6,687,778

Telephone 18,520 18,738

AGM Expenses - 15,000
Internet Bill 238,966 106,682
Mobile Bill 164,000 124,819
Office Stationery 77,810 53,799
Legal & Professional Fees (Audit Fee) 50,000 25,000
Office rent 425,258 405,660
Others Utility Bill - 358
Water Bill 30,090 9,500
Advertisement - 6,494
Business Promotion 215,070 5,190
Repair Expense 600 13,440
Revenue & Non Judisal Stamp 6,875 4,865
Salary & Allowance 5,898,811 3,735,317
Stock Broker & Dealer Renewal Fee 20,000 20,000
Networking Expenses 87,500 14,000
Newspaper 2,870 -
Fuel Bill 141,952 85,267
Festival Bonus 451,625 279,400
Other Car Expenses 79,039 26,500
Overtime 35,175 22,325
Other Allowance - 700
Postage & Stamps 215 -
Printing 43,200 23,215
Miscellaneous 344,363 493,743
Rent & Taxes - 1,500
Conveyance 60,896 52,035
Computer Accessories 85,748 98,314
Maintainance - 54,793
Depreciation 1,223,912 881,688
Entertainment 137,335 84,436
TWS Charge 21,000 25,000
Member Subcription 25,000 -
Other Expenses 2,424 -
Photo Copy 129 -
Registration Fee (Book Building System) 30,000 -
Rent Extension office PFI Tower 112,000 -
Software Maintenance 180,000 -
TC Renewal Fee 35,000 -
Trade License Renewal 15,200 -
Vehicle Insurance 31,502 -
Autorised Rep. Training fee 38,923 -
Brokerage Commission Expense 358,113 -
10,689,121 6,687,778

www.fareastislamilife.com 169
Amount in Taka
2016 2015


13,060,850 1,991,764


170 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 171
172 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 173
As at 31 December 2016
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015








28 February 2017

174 www.fareastislamilife.com
For the year ended 31 December 2016
Amount in Taka
Notes 2016 2015



10 (2,885,105)


28 February 2017

www.fareastislamilife.com 175
For the year ended 31 December 2016

As on 01 January 2015 100,000,000 208,827 100,208,827

Pro te / (loss) after tax for the year 4,375,791 4,375,791
Adjustment (4,396) (4,396)

100,000,000 4,580,221 104,580,221

Pro te / (loss) after tax for the year 5,094,068 5,094,068

(52,933) (52,933)

16 100,000,000 9,621,356 109,621,356

176 www.fareastislamilife.com
For the year ended 31 December 2016

Amount in Taka
2016 2015


nv (7,296,632)
nv 8,140,700


Cash & Cash Equivalents as at 01 January 2016 5,666,319 2,303,187
Cash & Cash Equivalents as at 01 December 2016 3,716,946

www.fareastislamilife.com 177
For the year ended 31 December 2016

This Comprises of the following

178 www.fareastislamilife.com
www.fareastislamilife.com 179
2016 2016

Amount in Taka
2016 2015





180 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015



Midland Bank





www.fareastislamilife.com 181
58% 5,800,000

100% 100% 7

2016 2015


Trade License 15,200 -


AGM Exp. 17,000 -



182 www.fareastislamilife.com
Amount in Taka
2016 2015


(Note 13.01) 102,457

(Note 13.02) 8,140,700


This is made-up as follows
Midland bank - Bannani Branch FDR # 0001255 -
Midland bank - Bannani Branch FDR # 0001256 -
Midland bank - Dilkhusha corporate Branch FDR # 0000495 -
Midland bank - Dilkhusha corporate Branch FDR # 0000494 -
Midland bank - Gulshan Branch FDR # 10736 2,035,175 -
Midland bank - Gulshan Branch FDR # 10709 2,035,175 -
Midland bank - Gulshan Branch FDR # 10718 2,035,175 -
Midland bank - Gulshan Branch FDR # 10727 2,035,175 -

www.fareastislamilife.com 183

We have the pleasure in presenting to you the Annual

Report 2016 of Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company
Limited. A Company's performance, achievements and
corporate governance scenario are virtually reflected in
its Annual Report. Apart from being an art, ability to
write and edit annual report is a professional proficiency.
We are proud to say that the Annual Report 2016 has
been prepared under the prudent guidance of the
honorable Chairman, Directors and Cheif Executive
Officer of the Company.

Annual Report 2016 has been extensively prepared,

composed and compiled with participation from various
Departments of the Company. Thanks and regards to all
of them for their relentless efforts.

It is our firm confidence that stakeholders shall find a lot

of important information about Fareast Islami Life
Insurance Company Limited from this Annual Report.

With best regards,

Syed Abdul Aziz 17 August 2017

DMD & Company Secretary Dhaka

184 www.fareastislamilife.com
Mr.Muhammad Saidul Amin Mr. Muhammad Hefzur Rahman
Senior Executive Vice President (Dev.) Executive Vice President (Dev.)
Khulna Divisional Office Sylhet Divisional Office
Ali Bhaban (1st Floor), Fareast Tower (1st floor), Mohona-01,
A/7, Majid Sharoni, Sonadanga, Sunamgonj Road, Pathantula, Sylhet.

Mr. H.M. Nurul Kabir Touhidee

Mr. Md. Abu Ahamed Executive Vice President (Dev.)
Senior Executive Vice President (Dev.) Overseas Divisional Office
Rangpur Divisional Office Fareast Tower (level-19)
Shah Jamal Market (3rd floor), Station Road 35, Topkhana Road, Dhaka-1000.
Grand Hotel More, Rangpur Sadar
Mr. Md. Mostofa Zaman Hamidi
Joint Executive Vice President (Dev.)
Mr. Sayed Abdul Matin Mymensingh Divisional Office
Senior Executive Vice President (Dev.) Mojlish Mansion (2nd floor), 51 Thanaghat,
Dhaka Divisional Office Jubli Road, Mymenshingh.
Rahmat Tower (3rd floor),
19, Dilkusa, Dhaka- 1000.
Mr. Shekh Abdur Rashid
Joint Executive Vice President (Dev.)
Mr. Md. Abdul Mannan Mia Faridpur Divisional Office
Executive Vice President (Dev.) Faridpur Tower (3rd floor), Mujib Road,
Rajshahi Divisional Office Niltuli, Faridpur.
Talukder Basar Plaza (4th floor)
Boro Gola, Bogra.
Mr. Md. Abdul Halim
Senior Vice President (Dev.)
Mr. Md. Mahabubul Mowla Comilla Divisional Office
Executive Vice President (Dev.) Nahar Plaza (2nd floor)
Chittagong Divisional Office 67/58, Nazrul Islam Avenue
Faruk Chamber (5th floor) Kandirpar, Comilla.
1403, Sheikh Mujib Road, Chowmuhani,
Agrabad, Chittagong.
Mr. Md. Abdus Salam
Joint Senior Vice President (Dev.)
Mr. Mohammad Ibrahim Barisal Divisional Office
Executive Vice President (Dev.) Women College gate
Noakhali Divisional Office 109, Sadar Road, Barisal.
Nodi Bangla Tower (4th floor), Stadium Para,
Main Road, Maizdee, Noakhali.

Mr. MD. Motiur Rahman

Executive Vice President (Dev.)
Narayangonj Divisional Office
Shohitun Nesa Tower (2nd floor)
101, B.B Road, Narayangonj

www.fareastislamilife.com 185
Mr. Md. A.B.M. Khairul Islam Mr. Mohammad Munirul Islam
Joint Executive Vice President (Dev.) Joint Executive Vice President (Dev.)
Rangpur Divisional Office Sylhet Divisional Office
Shah Jamal Market (3rd floor), Station Road Fareast Tower (2nd floor), Mohona-01,
Grand Hotel More, Rangpur Sadar Sunamgonj Road, Pathantula, Sylhet.
Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam
Mr. Muhammad Mozammel Haq Joint Executive Vice President (Dev.)
Joint Executive Vice President (Dev.) Comilla Divisional Office
Faridpur Divisional Office Nahar Plaza (3rd Floor), Ranir Bazar Road,
Faridpur Tower (3rd floor), Mujib Road, Kandirpar, Comilla.
Niltuli, Faridpur.
Mr. Md. Jamal Uddin Ahmed
Mr. Md. Anwar Hossain Joint Executive Vice President (Dev.)
Joint Executive Vice President (Dev.) Barisal Divisional Office
Mymensingh Divisional Office 4s Tower(1st floor), East Bogra Road,
41, Moholla-Choto Bazar, Kotwali, Barisal Sadar, Barisal.
Mr. Md. Abdul Mobin Khan
Mr. Syed Abdul Awal Joint Executive Vice President (Dev.)
Senior Vice President (Dev.) Noakhali Divisional Office
Khulna Divisional Office Nodi Bangla Tower (4th floor), Stadium Para,
29/A, KDA Avenue (3rd & 4th floor), Main Road, Maizdee, Noakhali.
Mr. Md. Mojibul Mawla
Mr. Md. Khurshedul Alam Senior Vice President (Dev.)
Joint Executive Vice President (Dev.) Dhaka Divisional Office
Chittagong Divisional Office Fareast Tower (Level-4),
Commerce View Complex (3rd floor) 35 Topkhana Road, Dhaka.
191, CDA Avenue, Purba Nasirabad,

Mr. Md. Afsarul Islam

Joint Senior Vice President (Dev.)
Rajshahi Divisional Office
Sultan Tower, (4th Floor), House # -2906,
P.S-Bogra Sadar, Dist-Bogra.

186 www.fareastislamilife.com
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Fareast Tower (Level-18), 35 Topkhana Road, Dhaka-1000.

I/ We .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
of .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. being a
shareholder(s) of Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited and entitled to vote hereby appoint Mr./ Ms.

or (Failing him/ her) Mr./ Ms. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

as my/ our proxey to attend and vote for me/ us and on my/ our behalf at the 17th Annual General Metting of the
company to be held on 22 October 2017, Sunday at 10.30 a.m at Fareast Tower, 35 Topkhana Road, Dhaka-1000
and adjournment thereof.

As witness my/ our hand this ........................................................ Day of .................................................... 2017.

Revenue ......................................................
Signature of Proxy Stamp of Signature of Shareholder
BO ID No. Tk. 20.00 BO ID No.

Dated .................................................................................. Dated

Witness No. of Share ...........................................................
Signature ..................................................................................
Name ..................................................................................
Address ..................................................................................
A member entitled to attend and vote in the AGM may appoint a Proxy (such proxy shall be a member of the company) to
attend and vote on his/her behalf. The Proxy Form, duly stamped must be deposited at the Head office of the Company,
not later than 48 (Forty Eight) hours before the time fixed for the metting.

............................................... ...............................................
Authorized Signature Signature Verified
Fareast Islami Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

Fareast Islami Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

I/ We hereby record my/ our attendance at the 17th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on
22 October 2017, Sunday at 10.30 a.m at Fareast Tower, 35 Topkhana Road, Dhaka-1000

Name of the Shareholder(s)/ Proxy ..........................................................................................................................................................................


No. of Shares held ...............................................................................................................

Signature of Shareholder(s) / Proxy
Note : Please complete this Attendance Slip and deposit at the registration counter of the day of the Meeting.

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