Fotocopias Ingles Tema Climate 1º Eso

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GEOGRAPHY 1º ESO Elena García Marín

1.- Layer of atmosphere where weather, a) Ionosphere
clouds and smog occur
2.- Layer of atmosphere that has a high b) Nitrogen
concentration of electrically charged
particles c) Ozone
3.- Most common gas in the atmosphere
4.- Layer of atmosphere that includes the d) Stratosphere
ozone layer
5.- The upper layer of atmosphere near the e) Ultraviolet radiation
6.- This gas is naturally in the stratosphere f) Exosphere
but is considered a pollutant in the lower
atmosphere g) Troposphere
7.- The ozone layer absorbs…

Fill the gaps with the following words:

living beings oxygen ultraviolet rays

The atmosphere is very important for _____________________ because: It contains the

______________ that we need to breathe. It protects us from the __________________

The main gas in the atmosphere is:
A. Hydrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Water
D. Nitrogen
The Earth atmosphere is plenty of a gas which doesn’t appear in other planets.
Which gas is it?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Methane
Why our planet is rich in oxygen?
A. Because it is near the Sun.
B. Because there are a lot of plants.
C. Because there are volcanoes
D. Because it is far from the Sun.

Write the answer in your notebook with complete sentences:

1. What’s the name the first layer of atmosphere? How long is it?
2. Do you know any characteristics about the Troposphere?
3. What altitude does the plane fly? In which layer is it?
4. Is there oxygen in all layers of the atmosphere?
5. Where is there the most of the oxygen?
6. Where is the ozone layer?
7. What is the ozone layer for?
GEOGRAPHY 1º ESO Elena García Marín

Do you know the difference between weather and climate?

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere in a day. This includes temperature, rainfall
and wind.
Climate is the weather conditions of a place, usually measured over one year.

Climate Elements

- Temperature is how hot or cold the atmosphere is, how many degrees Celsius
(centigrade) it is above or below freezing (0°C).
- Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.
- Precipitation is the water that falls from the air to the ground. Precipitation
includes snow, hail and rain.
- Atmospheric pressure (or air pressure) is the weight of air resting on the
earth's surface. Pressure is shown on a weather map with lines called isobars.
- Wind is the movement of air masses from high pressure areas (highs) to low
pressure areas (lows).

Measuring the weather

Weather stations are places where a variety of instruments are used to measuring the
weather. The most important instruments used in a weather station are:

- Hygrometers are special thermometers that measure humidity by calculating

the amount of water vapour in the air in percentage (%)
- Rain gauges are containers that collect and measure rainfall or any other form of
precipitation. Levels of rainfall are measured in millimetres (mm).
- Barometers are used to measure atmospheric pressure in millibares (mb).
State of sky: sunny, sunshine, cloudy, overcast, clear sky.
- Maximum and minimum thermometers measure the highest and lowest
temperature in degrees celsius (°C). From the lowest temperatures to the
highest temperatures, you can use these adjectives: freezing (below
0ºC)<cold<cool <temperate=mild<warm<hot.
- Wind vanes are used to show the direction of the wind. Anemometers are used
to measure the wind speed in km/h. From the gentle winds to the strongest winds
you can distinguish: calm<breeze<moderate wind<strong wind<hurricane.

Make a mural about the climate elements :

Measuring the Definition Instruments Measure Picture
weather unit
GEOGRAPHY 1º ESO Elena García Marín


Rainforests or jungles are near the equator in Central America, parts Africa and Asia.
They are very hot and humid and contain a huge variety of plants and animals. It is
typical of equatorial climate with abundant precipitations.

Savannah or tropical grasslands are hot and dry, dominated by grass and occasional
trees. They have two different seasons a dry season and a rainy season. It is typical of
the tropical climate it is between the jungle and the desert.

Desert is an arid zone, where vegetation is extremely poor and it only grows in oases.
There are only a few plants like cactus, palm and esparto grass. This vegetation is
typical of desert climates.

Mediterranean forest is the typical vegetation of Mediterranean climate, which is

characterised by temperate winters as well as hot and dry summers. A Mediterranean
forest has evergreen trees.

Atlantic forest is the typical vegetation of Oceanic climate, which has temperate
temperatures and abundant precipitation all the year. An Atlantic forest has deciduous

Taiga is the typical vegetation of Continental climate, which has very cold winters as
well as very hot and humid summers. The taiga is made up of conifers.
GEOGRAPHY 1º ESO Elena García Marín

Match each picture with the name of the climate, climatic

characteristics and natural vegetation:

Temperate Oceanic climate

Temperate Mediterranean climate

Temperate Continental climate

Deciduous forest

Evergreen forest


Coniferous forest or taiga

Hot and rainy summers, extremely cold

and dry winters.

Dry and hot summers, mild and rainy


Mild temperatures all year, abundant and

regular precipitation.

1. What instrument do you use to know the temperature?

2. Which units do we use to express temperature?

3. What instrument do we use to know atmospheric pressure?

4. The units for atmospheric pressure are...

5. What instrument do you use to know the humidity?

6. Which units do we use to express the humidity?

7. What instrument do you use to know the precipitations?

8. Which units do we use to express the precipitations?

9. What instrument do you use to know the speed of wind?

10. Which units do we use to express the speed of wind?

11. What instrument do you use to know the direction of the wind?
GEOGRAPHY 1º ESO Elena García Marín

Find all of these words:

Antarctic Circle
Arctic Circle
North Pole
rain forest
South Pole
Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Capricorn

Label the following on the globe to the right:

Antarctic circle
Arctic Circle
North pole
South pole
Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Capricorn
GEOGRAPHY 1º ESO Elena García Marín


The layer of atmosphere: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere or ionosphere

and exosphere. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ultraviolet radiations, rays, air, gas, breathe,
ozone layer, living beings.

Temperature, wind, atmospheric pressure, humidity, precipitations, weather, climate,

hygrometers, rain gauges or pluviometers, barometers, thermometers, wind vanes,

Rainforest, desert, savannah, grassland, evergreen forest, deciduous forest, coniferous forest,
tundra, ecuatorial climate, tropical climate, desert climate, mediterranean climate, oceanic
climate, continental climate

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