Research Paper About Climate Change in The Philippines PDF

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Title: Expert Thesis Writing Services: Simplifying Your Journey through Research Paper About

Climate Change in the Philippines PDF

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis, especially on a complex and critical topic like climate
change in the Philippines, can be daunting. It requires extensive research, in-depth analysis, and a
clear understanding of both the subject matter and the academic standards. As you delve into the
intricacies of climate change, its impacts, and potential mitigation strategies in the context of the
Philippines, you may encounter numerous challenges along the way.

One of the primary difficulties in crafting a thesis on climate change in the Philippines is the vastness
and complexity of the subject matter. Climate change is a multifaceted issue with interconnected
social, economic, political, and environmental dimensions. Understanding its implications for a
specific region like the Philippines demands comprehensive research spanning across various
disciplines such as climatology, ecology, economics, sociology, and public policy.

Moreover, gathering reliable data and conducting empirical research on climate change in the
Philippines can pose significant challenges. Access to accurate and up-to-date information, especially
regarding local climate trends, environmental impacts, and societal responses, may be limited.
Additionally, analyzing the data and drawing meaningful conclusions require advanced statistical and
analytical skills.

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about climate change in the Philippines PDF.
Image source, Reuters Image caption, Politicians have been under pressure to act on climate change
from protestors, including Greta Thunberg The countries that have signed up to the Paris agreement
are expected to lodge new carbon-cutting plans for 2030 by the end of this year. Three types of
geoengineering approaches have been proposed to alter the climate system: 1) enhancing the natural
processes that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere; 2) altering the amount of the sun’s
energy that reaches the Earth (referred to as “solar radiation management”); and 3) direct capture
and storage of CO 2 from the atmosphere. As human-induced emissions of carbon dioxide build up
in the atmosphere, excess carbon dioxide dissolves into the oceans, where it reacts with seawater to
form carbonic acid, which makes ocean waters more acidic and corrosive. Sign up for email
notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of interest when they're
released. The draft plan recognises impending dangers to coastal line due to rising temperature,
degradation of coral reefs, mangroves, saltwater intrusion and excessive commercial fishing. “Several
new activities on protection, conservation and management of marine resources, livelihood
generation and disaster resilience are proposed for implementation in 2021-30 period,” the document
said. About CChAMSEA News Contact JavaScript is currently disabled. For example, because
about 28% of the energy used in the U.S. is used for transportation, developing and driving more
efficient vehicles and changing to fuels that do not contribute significantly to heat-trapping gas
emissions over their lifetimes would result in fewer emissions per mile driven. Greenhouses are used
to grow plants, especially in the winter. Emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere contribute
to changes in global trends. The blue band shows model simulations of the effects of human and
natural factors combined. The shapes and sizes of the wedges shown here are illustrative only. (Data
from Boden et al. 2012 3 ). Carbon dioxide absorption is very strong at certain wavelengths of
infrared radiation, whereas water vapor absorbs more broadly across most of the spectrum. The
global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced 1 -.emissions of
heat-trapping gases. Pteropods are eaten by organisms ranging in size from tiny krill to whales, and
are an important source of food for North Pacific juvenile salmon. Various techniques for removal of
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere have been proposed. These are all major issues that have been
created as a direct repercussion of human actions such as burning fossil fuels, leaving lights on,
having heating higher than needed, driving your car and countless more wasteful actions. Particles
from exceptionally large eruptions like Mount Pinatubo in 1991 or Krakatoa in 1883 can reach all the
way into the stratosphere, where they can stay for several years. The earth is heating itself up and
there is little that humans can do about it. The lines show annual differences in temperature relative
to the 1901-1960 average. Annual amounts of rainfall or snowfall can increase or decrease. After
publication, other scientists will often undertake new studies that may support or reject the findings
of the original study. About 90% of the glaciers and land-based ice sheets worldwide are melting as
the Earth warms, adding further to the sea level rise. Tierney is a paleoclimatologist and and UA
Associate Professor of Geosciences. These approximations lead to uncertainties in model simulations
of climate. NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Felix Landerer. Isn’t there recent
evidence that it is actually cooling? First, basic physics dictates that increasing the concentration of
CO 2 and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere will cause the climate to warm. However, the
greenhouse effect is intensified as humans add carbon dioxide (CO?) to the atmosphere, resulting in
global warming. These climate-related changes are expected to continue while new ones develop.
This is, again due to global warming, as the ice is melting weeks early giving the polar bears less time
to hunt before their hunting grounds disappear.
Of these, sustainable habitat calls for highest budgetary allocation of Rs 1,27,489 crore. Extracting
ice cores from either Greenland or Antarctica allows scientists to research further into the
Milankovitch theory. Greenland contains only about one tenth as much ice as the Antarctic Ice
Sheet, but if Greenland’s ice were to entirely melt, global sea level would rise 23 feet. Limited
resources and an already high burden of chronic health conditions, including heart disease, obesity,
and diabetes, will place the poor at higher risk of health impacts from climate change than higher
income groups. Climate-related changes have already been observed globally and in the United
States. Annual amounts of rainfall or snowfall can increase or decrease. The dashed lines are results
from the previous generation of climate models and scenarios, while solid lines show the most recent
generation of climate model simulations and scenarios. What is and is not debated among climate
scientists about climate change? Question marks indicate systems whose status as tipping elements is
particularly uncertain. (Figure source: adapted from Lenton et al. 2008 17 ). We’ve summarized four
practical tips for how YOU can address climate change into a printable poster (right). Projections in
2099 for additional emissions pathways are indicated by the bars to the right of each panel. For
example, the weather in areas covered by mountains can be completely different than the weather in
areas where the land is mostly flat. Other studies have shown that the temperature trends of rural and
urban areas in close proximity essentially match, even though the urban areas may have higher
temperatures overall. Technological fixes such as “geoengineering” may be possible, but at least
some such proposals would do nothing to slow ocean acidification, and would need to be done
indefinitely. The color of some animals, such as butterflies, is changing because dark-colored
butterflies heat up faster than light-colored butterflies, which have an edge in warmer temperatures.
The questions addressed range from those purely related to the science of climate change to those
that extend to some of the issues being faced in consideration of mitigation and adaptation measures.
Weather prediction using state-of-the-art computer models can be very accurate for a few days to
more than a week in advance. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and
requirements. Squares indicate cumulative number of articles published. These parts of the world are
affected by monsoon rains, very hot temperatures, shifting storms, floods and droughts, which have
proven difficult to predict. A change in any one component alters conditions throughout the entire
system, affecting the climate. Most climate studies have considered only relatively gradual,
continuous changes in the Earth’s climate system. Our analysis confirmed this prediction, finding
most abstracts didn’t state a position on whether humans were causing global warming. Scientists
say that ENSO should not be seen as a secluded incident occurring in the South-Pacific, but as a
global phenomenon impacting climates worldwide. Rising temperatures, new precipitation patterns,
and other changes are already affecting many aspects of human society and the natural world. He is
a former Fulbright scholar and has been recognized for research excellence in studying long-term
changes in North American monsoon precipitation by the Strategic Environmental Research and
Development program. The most popular myth was “ there is no consensus ”. Students will will first
learn basic weather words and ideas, and the difference between weather and climate. The Antarctic
Ice Sheet is up to three miles deep and contains enough water to raise sea level about 200 feet. I have
noticed that the pattern of rainfall and flooding have changed over the past few years which I
believe is due to the earth’s warming.
These tipping points have been identified based on observations of past abrupt climate changes,
recent observations showing abrupt changes underway (for example, in the Arctic), process-based
understanding of the dynamics of the climate system, and climate simulations showing tipping points
in future projections. Global climate change is a grave problem that might call for to be solvent by
the governments and companies that produce pollution. These drastic environmental changes have a
direct link to the damage of the coral reefs from the warm seas, which when ravaged by hurricanes
can lead to the destruction of more than half of these essential structures in the Caribbean. For
example, dark sand beaches are hotter than light sand beaches because black color absorbs large
amounts of solar radiation. The evidence of climate change is based on long-term trends over 20-30
years or more (red line). (Data from NOAA NCDC). Click here to buy this book in print or
download it as a free PDF, if available. It is the sum total of these indicators that lead to the
conclusion that warming of our planet is unequivocal. Overwhelming agreement among scientists
had already formed in the early 1990s. Global surface temperatures are measured by weather stations
over land and by ships and buoys over the ocean. Observations from past climate combined with
climate model projections of the future suggest that over the next 100 years the Atlantic Ocean’s
overturning circulation (known as the “Ocean Conveyor Belt”) could slow down as a result of
climate change. The report is the second from the three-volume Philippine Climate Change
Assessment series, which synthesizes scientific information from international and local literature in
order to provide an assessment of climate change for the Philippines and identify gaps in the
scientific literature. The black line depicts the annually averaged observed changes. In addition,
satellite and ocean observations indicate that most of the increased energy in the Earth’s climate
system from the increasing levels of heat-trapping gases has gone into the oceans. We analysed the
same papers as Oreskes and similarly found zero rejections in the papers matching her search
parameters. Industrial Revolution are known to have caused only one North American plant
speciesa??a type. First, projections of future climate changes are usually based on scenarios (or sets
of assumptions) regarding how future emissions may change as a result of population, energy,
technology, and economics. A number of different research teams have taken up this challenge. In
September this year, the group concluded that the world was heading for warming of around 2.7C by
2100. This figure was still far above the 2C goal contained in the wording of the Paris pact, and
nowhere near the more challenging 1.5C target that scientists endorsed as the threshold to destructive
warming in 2018. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
URL. And of course, sometimes the papers just ignored physics altogether. “In many cases,
shortcomings are due to insufficient model evaluation, leading to results that are not universally valid
but rather are an artifact of a particular experimental setup,” the authors write. Sign up for email
notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of interest when they're
released. Yes. There have been a number of studies that have examined the U.S. and global
temperature records in great detail. For example, you don’t expect to see geography research papers
endorsing the fact that the earth is round. There is some evidence that reductions in ice cover are
already leading to changes in weather patterns affecting the U.S. and Europe. The most direct way to
significantly reduce the magnitude of future climate change is to reduce the emissions of heat-
trapping gases. Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center Russell Vose. For example, as the
Arctic warms, carbon trapped in permafrost may be released into the atmosphere, increasing the
initial warming due to human emissions of heat-trapping gases (see FAQ T ). However, they are
relatively opaque to the heat energy the Earth radiates back outward at infrared wavelengths.
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management In the history of science there
have been only a few issues which have mobilized the attention of scientists and policy-makers alike
as the issue of climate change currently does. The author team selected these questions based on
those often asked in presentations to the public.
In addition, AFD, and DFID and GTZ expressed their interest in participating. For precipitation,
wet areas are generally projected to get wetter while dry areas get drier. This has a knock on effect
on hurricanes and rainfall. GRID-Arendal and United Nations Environment Programme. URL.
Large quantities of carbon dioxide are exchanged between the land-based biosphere and the
atmosphere as plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, and animals inhale oxygen and
exhale carbon dioxide. While there have always been extreme events due to natural causes, scientific
evidence indicates that the probability and severity of some types of events has increased due to
climate change. Recent scientific studies suggest that warming of the ocean at the edges of the outlet
glaciers may contribute to this speed-up. Could the sun or other natural factors explain the observed
warming of the past 50 years? These gases are natural in the atmosphere but have been added to by
humans which lead to a gradual warming of the atmosphere, which then leads to global warming.
Weather is what we hear about on the television news every night. These are all major issues that
have been created as a direct repercussion of human actions such as burning fossil fuels, leaving
lights on, having heating higher than needed, driving your car and countless more wasteful actions.
By analogy, while it is impossible to predict the age of death of any individual, the average age of
death of an American can be calculated. Climate is the long-term average of weather conditions over
30 years or more. For example, observed changes in surface air temperature at both the global and
continental levels, particularly over the past 50 years or so, cannot be explained without including the
effects of human activities. How do we know that human activities are the primary cause of recent
climate change? Before the Industrial Revolution, natural levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
averaged around 280 parts per million (ppm), that is, 280 molecules of CO 2 per million molecules of
air (which is mostly nitrogen and oxygen). Hurricanes are becoming stronger and more frequent,
islands are facing the reality of invading seas which can cause families to move out of their homes,
like those on low level plains. In all figures except the lower two in the right column, data are plotted
relative to averages over the period 1960-1999 (Figure source: updated from Kennedy et al. 2010 2 ).
Climate change occurs when these large-scale climate factors change over time. Please download one
of these browsers for the best experience on Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Opera
Microsoft Edge Safari. It is possible that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which contains enough ice to
raise global sea levels by 10 feet, could begin to lose ice much more quickly if ice shelves in the
region begin to disintegrate at the edges. For example, many major cities are located on the coasts
where they are now vulnerable to sea level rise. Estimates of past changes in solar variability over the
last several millennia suggest that the magnitude of solar effects over this century are likely to be
small compared to the magnitude of the climate change effects projected from human activities.
Weather includes daily changes in precipitation, barometric pressure, temperature, and wind
conditions in a given location. Because of the complex processes controlling carbon dioxide
concentrations in the atmosphere, even after more than a thousand years, the global temperature
would still be higher than it was in the pre-industrial period. Other more abundant gases in the
atmosphere like nitrogen and oxygen are largely transparent to the Earth’s infrared energy. The
oceans are now absorbing about a quarter of the carbon dioxide produced by human activities every
year. The pattern from the computer models is an average based on 43 different global climate
models (CMIP5) used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fifth Assessment
Report. There is evidence for responses at every level from genetics to physiology and up through to
community level. Weather is a snapshot of day-to-day conditions at a location.
It disseminates experiences from projects and case studies where due consideration to
environmental, economic, social and political aspects is given and especially the links and leverages
that can be attained by this holistic approach. This means that sea turtles breeding on dark sand
beaches are more likely to be female because of a process called temperature dependent sex
determination. And of course, sometimes the papers just ignored physics altogether. “In many cases,
shortcomings are due to insufficient model evaluation, leading to results that are not universally
valid but rather are an artifact of a particular experimental setup,” the authors write. Large quantities
of carbon dioxide are exchanged between the land-based biosphere and the atmosphere as plants
take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, and animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
Many people are already being affected by the changes that are occurring, and more will be affected
as these changes continue to unfold. One way that scientists are evaluating ice loss is by observing
changes in the gravitational fields over Greenland and Antarctica. To stabilize levels of atmospheric
carbon dioxide, emissions would need to be reduced significantly, on the order of 80% or more
compared to the present day (green lines). In it, Shepardson and Hirsch review students'
understanding of climate change and barriers to teaching it, they elaborate on key concepts, and they
provide pedagogical suggestions for integrating these concepts into classroom learning. Because of
how they warm our world, these gases are referred to as greenhouse gases. Artificial injection of
stratospheric particles and cloud brightening are two examples of “solar radiation management”
techniques. Future climate cannot be “predicted” because human activities are currently the most
important driver of climate change and we cannot predict what society will choose to do with regard
to emissions. She specializes in reconstructing past climate change using molecular fossils and
statistical techniques. In addition, reducing emissions of some shorter-lived heat-trapping gases,
such as methane, and some types of particles, such as soot, would begin to reduce warming within
weeks to decades. Climate change occurs when these large-scale climate factors change over time.
All of this means an increasingly unpredictable future for humans. Additional evidence for a
warming world comes from a wide range of consistent measurements of the Earth’s climate system.
About CChAMSEA News Contact JavaScript is currently disabled. For the period 1965 through
1979, the literature survey found seven papers suggesting further cooling, 20 neutral, and 44
warming. Most of the sun’s radiation reaches the Earth’s surface. High sea surface temperatures in
the Pacific set off a reversal in the regular westward flow of the Trade winds and ocean currents that
drift across the tropical pacific from America towards Asia. This consists of how much solar power
different parts of the earth receive. His doctoral and postdoctoral work applied a regional
atmospheric model to the investigation of North American summer climate. These records extend
back regionally for over 300 years in some locations and near-globally to the late 1800s. Course will
be password protected and only available to enrolled students. Since the beginning of the Industrial
Revolution, the pH of surface ocean waters has fallen by 0.1 pH units, representing approximately a
30% increase in acidity. Some photosynthetic algae and seagrass species may benefit from higher CO
2 conditions in the ocean, as they require CO 2 to live, as do plants on land. The driver of human-
caused climate change is our use of fossil fuels, and to mitigate (reduce) global warming this usage
must be understood and addressed. Arrhenius’ results were remarkably similar to those produced by
the most up-to-date global climate models today, although he did not anticipate that atmospheric
levels of carbon dioxide would increase as quickly as they have. In summary, the evidence that
climate is changing comes from a multitude of independent observations. Some tipping points are
more imminent, and some would have larger impacts than others.
Many lines of evidence demonstrate that human activities are primarily responsible for recent
climate changes. The constant change in plate tectonics could result in more land moving to more
northern or southern parts of the world, closer to the poles. The longer these changes in climate
continue, the greater the resulting impacts. Climate models are based on mathematical and physical
equations representing the fundamental laws of nature and the many processes that affect the Earth’s
climate system. When the atmosphere, land, and ocean are divided up into small grid cells and these
equations are applied to each grid cell, the models can capture the evolving patterns of atmospheric
pressures, winds, temperatures, and precipitation. Biosphere The biosphere is that part of Earth's
atmosphere, land, oceans that supports any living plant, animal, or organism. For example, the poor,
the very young, and some older people have less mobility and fewer resources to cope with
extremely high temperatures, increased water scarcity, environmental degradation, and other impacts.
The greenhouse effect is caused by heat-trapping gases, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and
methane, in the Earth’s atmosphere. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in
Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Global temperatures over the last 100
years are unusually high when compared to temperatures over the last several thousand years.
However, for a given future scenario, the amount of future climate change can be specified within
plausible bounds, determined not only from the differences in the “climate sensitivity” among
models but also from information about climate changes in the past. Image source, Reuters Image
caption, President-elect Joe Biden has selected former US Secretary of State John Kerry to be his
climate envoy Potential difficulties The CAT researchers say they have taken a fairly conservative
approach but they readily acknowledge that their optimistic analysis comes with some major caveats.
This peer review process provides quality assurance for scientific results, ensuring that anything
published in a scientific journal has been reviewed and approved by other independent experts in the
field and that the authors of the original study have adequately responded to any criticisms or
questions they received. Thus, numerous analyses have called for policies that establish coherent
national and international goals and incentives, and that promote strong U.S. engagement in
international-level response efforts. Climate tells us what it's usually like in the place where you live.
Evidence for a changing climate is not confined to the Earth’s surface. Climate System Atmosphere
The atmosphere covers the Earth. About CChAMSEA News Contact JavaScript is currently
disabled. Yet the most sensible forecasts suggest we will see at least an increase of up to an
additional 2-3 degrees Celsius over the next 50 to 100 years unless greenhouse gas emissions are
rapidly cut. In many mid-latitude regions, including the United States, there will be fewer days with
precipitation but the wettest days will be wetter. Scientists are continually designing experiments to
test whether observed climate changes are unusual and then to determine their causes. Hurricanes
are becoming stronger and more frequent, islands are facing the reality of invading seas which can
cause families to move out of their homes, like those on low level plains. The America’s Climate
Choices reports from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences discuss these issues in details. These
short-term variations in no way negate the reality of long-term warming. Some of the trapped energy
is re-radiated back down to the Earth’s surface. The scientific basis for understanding how heat-
trapping gases affect the Earth’s climate dates back to the French scientist Joseph Fourier, who
established the existence of the natural greenhouse effect in 1824. At this time, however, there is no
indication that any of them could be implemented on a large enough scale to have a significant
effect. In additions the companies who produce pollutions must need to collaborate with solutions to
reduce global warming, reducing energy use fossil fuel or other activities that cause global climate
problems. Pre-existing health conditions also make older adults susceptible to cardiac and respiratory
impacts of air pollution and to more severe consequences from infectious diseases. Oceans Oceans
cover about 70 percent of Earth's surface.
We all need come together governments, companies and people, and make a plan to help save our
world. Because impacts are already occurring and anticipated to increase, adaptation to the impacts
of climate change will be required. For these reasons, many scientists prefer the term “climate
change,” which connotes a much larger picture: broad changes in what are considered “normal”
conditions. However, for a given future scenario, the amount of future climate change can be
specified within plausible bounds, determined not only from the differences in the “climate
sensitivity” among models but also from information about climate changes in the past. An increase
in solar output would warm the atmosphere consistently from top to bottom. Because ice is highly
reflective and because of its insulating properties, ice plays an important role in regulating climate.
Estimates of past changes in solar variability over the last several millennia suggest that the
magnitude of solar effects over this century are likely to be small compared to the magnitude of the
climate change effects projected from human activities. When shelled species are at risk, the entire
food web may also be at risk. While there have always been extreme events due to natural causes,
scientific evidence indicates that the probability and severity of some types of events has increased
due to climate change. Land that is not covered in ice absorbs the light from the sun making the
earth warmer. Evaluate the extent to which water insecurity is the result of physical or. The earth
present changes in precipitation, arctic sea ice and atmospheric moisture also the rate of recurrence
and intensity of extreme weather conditions. Bars show the difference between each decade’s
average temperature and the overall average for 1901 to 2000. In theory, it may be possible to
reverse global warming through technological interventions called geoengineering. Of the global rise
in sea level observed over the last 35 years, about 40% is due to this warming of the water. San
Diego is known as having a mild climate, New Orleans a humid climate, Buffalo a snowy climate,
and Seattle a rainy climate. It is essential to carefully examine the data to identify and adjust for such
effects before the data can be used to evaluate climate trends. On other planets, like Venus, where
there are much higher concentrations of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect
has a much stronger influence on surface temperature, making conditions far too hot for life as we
know it. Over the next decade, computer speeds are predicted to increase another 100 fold or more,
permitting even more details of the climate system to be explored. Emissions can be reduced in many
ways, and increasing the efficiency of energy use is an important component of many potential
strategies. Global temperatures over the last 100 years are unusually high when compared to
temperatures over the last several thousand years. Large quantities of carbon dioxide are exchanged
between the land-based biosphere and the atmosphere as plants take in carbon dioxide and give off
oxygen, and animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. The Earth’s climate system is
complex, and continues to challenge scientists’ understanding of exactly how it may respond to
human influences. Multiple lines of evidence show that climate change is happening as a result of
human activities. But an absence of certainty does not indicate an absence of risk. Oceans Oceans
cover about 70 percent of Earth's surface. In addition to the warming, the acidity of seawater is
increasing as a direct result of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (see FAQ Q ). Also, you can
type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. Examples include
clouds, convection, and turbulent mixing of the atmosphere, for which important processes are much
smaller than the resolution of current models. Biosphere The biosphere is that part of Earth's
atmosphere, land, oceans that supports any living plant, animal, or organism.

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