الحاجات التدريبية لاعضاء هيئة التدريس للتدريس في بيئة التعلم الالكتروني

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AVENE) aT TIENTA Go ge ON) LL Mecbl tly Spel pple VE epee All dale le elasy ay pill Obribt 97S) poled bel eal strane ST ae oo a) cy at agree BaD Sapp Soy exellent bela Steal depen yall Kall gab [email protected] GUERIN BABU AMEE OB oe GIFSUM bell Ja -S0Y) pall Be ytd) OL sill OLAS sypaes SUM Laas LES, pl Ta Lae ah RL ak J] en Ga oat yaaa cee ASTaly Hat LL se] Zy cpa el CWI Leely pia SIYl ably Gass Babe age AU Le gy pant a ylae WD Cand ie le HY! Gah LS clgldy Le crept sd OL gal plas ela AE GY epi key ade gle G MLE g Had aD Ly phe ena hy ogg abe OL planed aster delet “ cee Dayal he G pl 3 speabell J aI abt oly cl ge aba de all eal ep) gle ley Ly pt OLR dd pe ntl eye CU G6, 0) UI gga Lie an UO Sy Faas ol easly GH Spee be Elan] UV 5 Gy deg Ley ache SB ely aby atl ed Reap yA pla lays ton ad LS Lala ep tea GIEY OLLI (4, 10) DI Lee gl sam cally «ha 2SIN! plait dy va Bape gail ta Lael tal fapSIP at 2B goal ap ae gpl Og LN ne dTatg gy bao Yr LA an) Leta Ay ALE SL sly edad JE ab gl fay VET coger embeds gl dee Laced a IIE ge FNS ge alall WYN) Hall as aby ened heal ae pe all die Lael Cad Ts cdysll GUE by Ue pol Bal Jelaly aglt ep asd dy G papel Lenbetl Lal Li yar dn a oT pk ged (Meyer, 2009) ipeball) 55> JSty Wes od Syn OW SEB Lely VEY pylatt Jeary Sl Nay SVE cd Da ASI las PL Ste He gk des foe gin ASM cee call feel § DLAI SVL Gc V copa ysl Yet ATT gaeah OY Lae eG pul dere Lal lo bi Ls AGS SLA La 3 Ha as y ol Barat apes (daSIVl plat dle Q Laadce pbs ty ot Lal al Lal LS tl Lee Licey iy SII Dal 85 AU Lyall LAL wl) GLY] stot ale syle Groton! aint ae Ste paesels Se Sea Le le thy tll ae Lae Ly lo WI a eet Har Seal 2 gaee Al deals yal EIS spe Aaa OLS GAN poled pelt yylesly wal! Mia jee Sera Qty Aeadball Ghat le YI eel J 2 oI pala oe tall peal Spa ne ol BLE] « yield e145 WL (Parra, 2010) de jLecll city ghastly. Sly Le Lp shy cL ake Mg GLAD! Zeaaly telus A Meld Blo] tery cdpepbel lal pat Va op Sey ard ee feast oly te ae pele lt, SE tlie Goda OME Sault 9 Led LES J Llby iy SY! ole Bat all ye OLS cade Gy tl Ga Leppll waball ely Se se hy pl OLEH ABLE agai ee Gs OLS LiSy dMeyer, 2009) 4 atl Vp Laced Ly whol be Gl eT ge co gees ALUM dal galt IS, wt 2 Ge tl Lag nl eal Sl CL +ga7SIP best andl St Sapa WU ul J as I (Sal pele aka g Lot Le 0S 95 Ly ple sl eety Cad pst Leth oye clay pe ap ke dy Le] IE ge Ld pl oLcsl a LA AB ly Sat GIy Yr) GUETT/ AT) abst CO) POLYOL pall pglal Thy soya wlll deal De SBN ne sl d pall ll de lacy dy tl oI ad (> Sy poles US ee pela ell ite lacy iy ttl ob nad Co eet olyaly oly NS paz tll Bp lacy yall ob wad (y Gp bes Ly he pemaly dae 3 Hep oLael Ube ow Gyll gle G pall C5 cle ely a OL, evel Coll Aa sph lad Coed Seal 055 DAB Gl deg Cea eo Sere ol JS Ly LS dy «ple JSty Us a SIM eal tab Gert ob bes le soll dee ele dg tl Obey Gly Lala La easton Sol 2 -¥ ASS calf He Lally opt 3 SL ys sl agg apilrlind gle (oe dels lee oH Oa oe ds WT Bert ea ele obs ppl le opal eel ya Lp ll et et) -GyBt slaty dg ll OLA ols pia clad “7 PFN hl aS pel) pall ee od Oj gS! Jjuatt a Lidaey Kay tI SLL lla VI ge Gly ha SOM eel Bar B pe eld Bas OILS ye de pat USL BRAS Lye Lad Lawl oi Seb oles dale] Gotta Lee Lleol tile SHA cL phased Hell Zed Sa dl pide ga sl Ney sfarSI¥ eos Guat 2g) tod hake ie clsY L lot Ui ad -1 Ee iSO pale eG el el Ay SIA oye Fe pat Gull Mle ge tll aa ele ty wall EU ae (1 PN ot Ble] ge Ley Ky tt OL Ue (OO Fw Le 3 pe tS pel Bahl ols plea Hage Ls) Ly sll OL Ld ( t Pag ec ee pe a nll dee Lae Sy ll OLR tans JT ete yy SAVED V/V ETS gall All ye SUI galt ot sill Ba eLeel obec FL“ A ay SII I gles eel ola ll oe ogi LL ee oe etl G by toile 3 od! Obes deg yd) bet cose gent Ugh AL (144) OLS Ge SU yey Led oe I Sted SILI tall PH cosh will ya oteut poles gdabas Ghat Lad py nll dea elias) ein SN elie G pelle ple BIASED peel dn pda ell obs 4d yp aS a Lae gd Ab iy OL, Lez gelye ge Bet Lad Chany pay aly JS Cd LS Bp SUS cabal Le bole gar ISAS «listy Lia gy Le yall Sane eazy CUM Sb Ally Lybaly LelarV CUMS) bet 513] Labitl gps Digine Sp AM ALOMS) gochett os 928! 5b] Send Le Led Ly to WIL SeS AYN © yall Bel Lee led Ly to WIL ele aM pb ols ple Saeed Boel dye lee Ly lol Wile OB GaSY plallolsh ols aby ole Spode Boats dae Ley Ly lo Wile Shap-SIY ball oly is erent dake Laced iy Alar] UY ob Gas tog fe Repl SL td bp ll Ha clined tl Leb Let I) te Gt gut jet Leanlytlob a geal yy alle Le Bt pl ae eLiely “gary Ne a gil gle oad Lin wats NAL Gedat pal SIS td = UN deals Zyl AS py sll dee eLazed le Pb ale pee Pail Ba eled 2 esl -1 yr Ua icles ht od een) Lely Ws Resta UNG ca Gein agillge Boba ALS ALE UY le SLL oye ddl ost theeey eda aSM ebeeld Beales zp ole La! OLY 2 —! souptally dott Oa pel gt cabal 5) Late] I ge -1 62 il abel oye asl bys AyV iS Lally sw Jelasl Boj -1 Sem edt iT en Led Spell pay —E G89 play ageligl bas Us Jat holt lela aks gil ele 3 fall pod Jy 9 ego piel Gaz Le ALL 5 gt RyALI Agha dey SLL asl je LS atl JS BT ezyts ay «pial JL § Roly whe GBS gle Sa LS deplete le eel BL y eb JL gol al Spa pb ee tt Soe SLA Sg el dell he Syl + ILS «(Holl, 2001; Wombel, 2007) oe cgebeell le 255 acl Sd Lebel SLY Ce Cam A GISLly Hula ALI Ube oat fa GA Sl See Le JL oF UI IK oy haya Gy il tel » J} HL] GVEPY TD BU ON) Ed Lally Lyell pglal VEp cage lll ale De rl ae par Tale Ea AIS 3 ll lee ppt ove JS Shoal PSL Steal gf Stead ey 2 yes SUL whee gh pole hac coal otal BCT) BYLAy Lal La JL 9 Shy NG ble a tlly gabe oe eS Lgay cL tig ge atl le rCa) EYAL Lal IFS bcd aye ope dal ye 1 dll Goby Lill 3 te ge FSM eet Gp BILE pls -¥ Sul dye Diy pON oly dl Gey coe gg 2 geet OF Se er GoLLE LW pols “7 NENT pe B99 Ope LN) coe Sa pSI! HgTe ple Bos Oh FY) She Lol ol La aL b jy -£ SYS) Aa Hs Say Bae ea Ades Le ol te ayes (Pl dey yea ple Le pe Lig eS) Le aL a Epil Lally LA pti slsal (v4) ofp ig iegs pla a pal 3 AS ga AS fapSIP at 2B goal ap ae gpl Og LN ne dTatg gy bao ye Les Liccligk J] (Wang & Cohen, 2003) eb ides jails pe etal | petal Karly oe dl Lae pee SF J] BLO] Lal Mobs at edad EO VENE ial fA 0c og) BRA IL le Gly Ca 874 A SRLES CANOE gy BN) pa Laadee La clip Lie ple GY ody bel plideal Ls SEG py nll Ba ele) pete Leal le eaeity «in AWS Ant Fp oles OU gray Lite alt oe ge ples pines La elie ler oly FASO pole eal G otal ts sLaey be WI LLM le eel pea pea Of (Pineda, 2009) Lory (6 51D dle BeiSyy a2 pS a 3 aU Say aly jl Cael ett Ba prell ee OLS phy SIM 1a pSY pla OVE GB epeery chee LM Gag Leal alll Gaz ey LAT le Laat alo eee Gel VG SLL LY > LG hill Gy wll ol «a dp tall ake Le st ot BL GLY Ce ts thn 05S at SoG COTE Capel bats Ally dt ate 13] 9] dls BS 3 tml y GY ee Veg S5 fa EVO SUM a ght) 2 pM eb Ab gS oly GUI Joly db py (pba yo p5 ahj5 tae Abad aelie elt Ze gcll SUS iy deeb od pees Ly Jobe cpeballs SUI ogy BSyLALly GVEA ce) Soe lsall ot Le gat BVT) pared pete spay Reale Saal B coon Gad gil pe Gita GM SA cyl yaw 1 eed ej renabelly Ly cat ogee AU ple La Sey «ga 2SIN bes py yt HAS yp tll 6 pill LAS Lag pF Lys Ly Radel Jy! J) ee otter S anlbaly SEG telat spill ag pte “1 pet Of LL gbL I py gill sy 2S ee tee hag tall ase pith ia 2SF! Ab cia SI lal Glee BALL LV! Lg ele Se Vy Jy ide 2Si cowed splat oe ge Lal pada gue LY IS AUS le oly LSU shy ASD bast & plas ae SS ela gb ee AIL ce Wag Ye 68 daar Mewlell det Heya Lacey pall Ga ll UIE oye Garey Of Se AS 9 Sly foe gs Lad OTH oka 3 ay ll yYo “Meer [peony pray ee SEL ys -t ee el OL Led «JU! papily es gee sl oas2y GSN 5ecall Seely dual gia J) Lake pd Cy ed Glial -0 Lebel dis iS BY Wop SY Lapa Haig SOY! pele Beg (E-Learning Environment) Kall Le ope pig pSIY pbactl Ley 04S LeU es ely Lesley Lal Sy (Manolo et plat Obes eH ino paihly ead ey Lh (1) LU Ls LS al, 2007) Aypailly Tig OL Ally Lol Sl pb By ped Aha pSIM asl ole yet y Ly SY ols Sho] ey Asy pSV! Lb GI eal dl go Gap bell LT IIE gy Bd lyst Leh eh oly VEYA) ea gll Gyny SEE LL St le LA yy Olas hell ey SUA ey ll 8 ee ll SELLS cay piss DLs a pill Lgl colertsl dey Gest SLAY BAF ye SILI regen end ole olay GUETT/ AT) abst CO) POLYOL pall pglal Thy soya wlll deal De ot DS corny AVENE (9S any « cblaline) A pee OI KE UGT Oly dea’ 2D ya Sy cole ln Yl fet aid Jol pal Ble -) ape obylsl alae lel ay OLIGY Lge gs -Y HA 5eiF Dla) oes tll Quill ello RAL Legh ge BLE “1 Gebel obebont jell ty yl As ee USI Lot CI Sp - 8 er gals romp ell aid wlll 0 Labs alll (Yoo VD nigs pases OLA ty obLgy Lally lage -1 Naas gh pend ol ES phe fd BGs] 3 Gadi pln ols fe -¥ ST eplepbee sl egblt o1 us b Ula sf Ue age aly todt CIT sf glad Cy Lage eb iat 1 SLY gh ar gl pS gf Lp ol sod lke 1 che oti loli iC Basle ONS ay as ot ny bal Cae Oya ote] Ms pl by ll yw any fapSIP at 2B goal ap ae gpl Oe LH ae dT gy bao wh BASIN la iy Se BAlse) gaASIM abel & a lh Sn ALY OL SN GSH Cover Lely 2 4JLAI (Major Players) HALA) pata Jlyad lla spb! -1 pcb Law plubculy pe nial ole dual (1 yd U3 BL I A pl Ui xe CG “GAS Aydly IAP Che eal olay cll -1 shad pUidcanly GLI) CLAM Ly Gey LIT “gar AS My Spal BIA tes Gulgeotysl -1 peel ty OL Sa (10) ) LM Gites Ly peal te pole LS ye eLly SL ip ob ll Zia SI Pe Bris La Loblly Ley gM Tasks ls dey a pS! abel By ol (V+ 1) catldl Bs lly rll = saglat PD plat ob C1 SS GL AI LD pad ia aN dydly CSSyI BY AS by pl ee Lb -1 2 NS ata ON tt GL Lande pa atl (1 IM bay le ee SI et le Gan Bae (Gs 2 SUM fone + TCPAP networking. + Data communications networking LAN = WANS. © WWW. E-mail. and FTP server expertise. ‘© Operating system programs used on server. Ba SOY pled Be D apt wid +¢UMass, 2010, pp6-7) GLiyby Loti pliolpy gus seat Lajegd ats LEU oe HyLe ogi cLaslte] i Pliny coer plied le GLI! Shp 53 Rte ol Sle Lin CANS ne JL Ey S] ASN Da) Bhs groban 45 opel Gt] OF lel aD oda JS aciy ALLL Keyl ll ns Y Ly SIN ball a ppd BL Qt ALE als Lopes eM lhe tb]y eels eae! ali on OS eal 52 Job dle as pil abely ql ces La ol gh (0 el) pal all JS SU Lal He Lek OL eo elt otjlge Gd pads elelly bb LAS) CH SYIK A old GIS, ACY tall) yrv GVEPY TD BU ON) Ed Lally Lyell pglal VEp cage lll ale De Tyaclel Gill Yo LMG colad Berl eacbes SI et bt yp lees CHM le OLN 26 Slee SLI 6S ay tnd wal ol YL Cr+ + A)UaILe oo gig BADIA pall: pe foieall las GLa spi Cort oatlah HH Ll tly s acball gpioy ot BEIM ELL eptendis ply cual He IW ally a itly pt IL Kall Lyn ob aly Lal os Lelill probe Li y ol plied doled) aldol abd! Ae eee FT MD gaat ney USB pe pttl laed dy pid oe eA Ley One bea yall Lyall Shall Cpa cele Let wl Lee 1S alll Als ge Sy B pele Law Le J Leal epee panes eH OMe «galt gabe sls gl oH J SL cle sis PM belly BEB edey eal (To roe tle ell La ola Late Ob pe rnb a pe yrs 55 eyiyyyey AUG gS Oly cde pt eal G SLAY fale tally Ga all HS LL eat Belay ceed Le Batt be 5S il be SSA Ce acd Leal Job aed! Lec Bite bb See tee =! compa OSE Rely ly GT og Guely “7 Stel pay yh J a Ls DS eet G aed gel., -7 ALL, LAA qalill le Gxt Ep a ait Uc pele pool get 2 BI G3 ld lel ys oye ela! Sy raill Li jlis (poten Lael Gas -0 Aiyhed) bal gal Ay pl Obst wt Lap eliael le 55) pi Lala gay Le cabal ol LZ Gola § tl wees « CAVEYE) Oba Gi Bel ee pad LM Ey st ole HB OL OLS Lebel OL JL LAL gle IE Cpe i Quy peat SLE 5 LH LT ng tl ee ele Ly ull plod Ble cated Ay « LE alt owe bby leele Gaull ole ai el CIS y py AT Le pia (VE) Eel ot Spee plea JEG epee ere Slee ty apy at sly I pebead ol Lael algal Gall LU) olsen! fapSIP at 2B goal api ae gpl Og LN ne JTatg gy bao YA Cokes ILE BUG lly dal le PLY Ba daa yy eUpee GelLndy BL ge QSatly AL Gly abl dee) Olt yall GAIT WV ASin559 Wd Lely seth pl sLigeey ccpebee dl oi Lica pata Gi anlasrinly ogy agile aginlt LL Saal Saal Ally de gall IL, tga Bale aallly «hel gl Doe (18) pl eb gls eB A pols Buel s pl Lngll pot! be Lens Flt IIE gee hy SY abel ell pal Ayton, U3 y «pe ll Lhe eLizel UTED apes Lay Laat Gal Les It AER 5S yay cp pitll Bea elzel obra cael pal ge Lae ML IS aty «ll eel Teel He Ll ast LS ci gy Sl] Ly BapSIY phat ity 3 ni Lt etal slgay i apSOM pastlly ala oll 1 son ea Lael poled aly 1 samt Ble 1 sje cleyae -t soilyyill 5,3] els -0 LA bby ley pe tll SLi plead sorepil Baa pie ay wigs ee 5S) LB (Te 0) te Ladd Lal cept ae lized OUUS pbs La IL Of tLgaal tll pn Le pet Jobe sls pra Lele ple yap JL gba Lae A pet al oF ee ee tl ee BEI LAL petals pce heey ed Se Lae apes LY Fle GLAD Se aid Qe gap Ene eLaael en Ul pay Lapp oll Te ape IS ahd ALLS LS ay pple gl GIL JL! abel! GB) eels che gaa 6 (190) Sop tt Uf ASE Bg, DUS y gael HI Se Ca ll dear! © ecb ld ele dl Sloe Lordy oe Tie plat pei Bate ee alg] Gaal pesky eds ce thd le pel Bley AW elt te tlt LULL gall pil Upelyl ole ly JLart sodaglly ULSI Sy> (10) Opin Lal et datys dy Pe SS 92M et Oley Saglt ASLAN) ty 3 nada GIS Ub ples Ley c+ Bae Legh LUN peal oye DIS (po pardl Eyal ra GVEPY TD BU ON) Ed Lally Lyell pglal VEp cage lll ale De Ny STs SV) le py Baht al Ld Jb bol ke EaLwlass -¥ Be A Agee pe pebel agbely ey JAS se UME oye B29 bell Ayashal celal ye Babin ly Halll jaball ct pra G tes al opry tena -f pee el all hl ete bt ed a as lal ia SY! Caealall phd B tels obal29 alee olbelye G37 ball By pe ar pall LM IIE gu eed BCH 10) LIL Gl ape Gage 1) J ate OLA att Sede 3 chee Rosh Jalal le Gall Tap eliarl Gly LG be Sad (iy 09 EB ed AL a tld eal pedal I ert SSM bel all agers Leatly oh 49SY! pba Aga JSAM oly All abel) « gebetl aaa ot et OT he (110) yas aS py Lay LM opt Le pat cles Sy pS ebacll Je OLN yo Fe pat Gale Ge Wy OLLI cel Le yas Lad] cle pL) Tees ably glnA best ty 3 peered Aalst LIN yall Lota ee Gols SY dala} —5 eV! OL Cpabelly papal tee eliael siyal aly Jpmy BOD ty pleted eel ppt ies eLael ols Je lel sha Geshe J pA lotta g eg ed et ly tt Lag LoS GA (FHA) GAAS BIL) 1 iy p59 ela > hall j25aly peal AypAll pd Qing Sty NEL i O98 See 2 gil fois jy505 J] Lo] «Gig GPS tl dee Lanse at J) (Davis, 2009).6 51 Lato ty ett eh toll ily Fess pe Lined LS Ll Gb Jails fis ply oli del etal po aS) pels pill et pe tll ea Lael eb ope gS pba yg Late eal BL GT LL AS igh Td Likely Lyd OLS sysol -) dale opry taal ab shu et panate pe phety Gale OL pte 19g pS0Y pb op eb old iyi ols sts of -1 peg te Ratt Lith JS dl 2 fapSIP at 2B goal ap ae gpl Og LN ne dTatg gy bao te J cpa Cael gals oliply tool SL Legh atc inergll ell Cott ‘aphelly peo § pales obpical I dpe yl satel pb LS Gedy GLAS gle UW yg esl WL ALS -1 Roly Lab sone Blend foey Qs to 2 DIE ge colds Tiles os Eaeall Gal g Sal CLS Lael Ch ASEM Spall ol ole aya All deal Ge HEL Lage LL SLs phy Ll ily ole Gp! Sal ose b rapt Ba ela! Lae eLiael Ce at OL el (¢ sopaee ALM dak dll LS pay ntl By tll aby Fyy tll » Lal cle pribyI (> cod ge I> AS Sp ELIS Hala Bea ob dy Ue abs (o peal slacd Ly tl OWL tir Ws 4d (5 yas ALIN Lal Sy pS ball ole 3 pvt dle 9 Fae BU desl é Mok bike (5 Bla BS al Las ite ce Sly Blew eae (e Lobes ple JEN eaball ol we le 55) Coby I) SRN STL ob Ns gall | VEY 8 Lbale § att cals COT gh abil fot 0 lie seYeror dhe gals seals i Luly cp ATO sag BI eT Oe de Late pee (TV MSS GS Ye 0 ople JS dans clicl pes eprby pert Cdl eel le Ge owl asp ley dee eLizel olelent gle Lally ULL By past So) hap ele Lb or ger chee tDavis, 2009 YA clin EVO O4 er ie aba (Yo LT Etro cA Ab phat 0,5; o1 Gaal es (Davis, 2009) Ly pal JE op Tyee baal Gaal! OLS LY) Lad Lal Jog Lay gest eb Jl LS BLL Lally atin Le ang (VV po Ryall IL LaLa OF ola Le oe dehy hapSIP pba BaD pelt le IS 5 Las S py Lali da GLE LU cdgy tl ola ul ie Lae Ey pall ol UI ad Je Lael JB Gedy Hall dy sl geal ll oy Ga-SO ball gf ILL coed! dang eae ah gL a LaLa le pL Ly yey GVEPY TD BU ON) Ed Lally Lyell pglal VEp cage lll ale De yds prensa he t pslidl yy Al sabe getty «fa ,SI9l ball tad IL yedeny SW ett Mobbe 4 gadaly hy ptcll GLall Shy tA ob ly Tabet LLY coy ab BLE Bile ee gpl Y) pall esl aU ply Gate Gilye 6 alge « Gilye BBs Yl J pre gl pull cpa Tot et ha «PIN coal eld Uke LAS CETTE VG) SN poell pe plat Op Slace ipa Leh of eo U set ON pod EVO ETE LeU ght lo gll BLU abe gle Gell Sele J pa ntl ye pie ty Sel pd Ce ae La ope de pat y CIS oe tend ge de pyle elvael Thea dep Lined yo yandl nhely lal Yes gig é ey BL gle UN ge pall GA Sa de Lall ol daly Lic N5 55 hos TAB clea (QV) Le era eb, rae (AV) Lond Lad Ast Dad oS Cael dy gSLatl Jhb 3] AUB SG «ees SPSS) gat planed the Bl it Ube by OA alll Cdl cells cea (Fel Ll ad clyde ope Stal foot Lad y ast shod ge de Blow Gebes -¥ Ley layendiy gull Util volepill -£ Bhan Se tt lel BH oe Ble OS Lil ye Sabet be glall spaas i gl 5 pet Gendell BB che aN ett cd) Zl seaietsl Aly J} Blo] «(apasl SUE Base EA) gates LH! 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PSA Leese ae» dee Bi ill eH Jd pall Lal Sy pel Y 10 dLiail shay B0n929 abe yglai” hes dat da Ay pt fall tadin Jas By .'B pli hee i ley pit JM alc sete elt abel dele VB eel Lang piSi le ytte Aelab hab cal ApTeey ASU jo 13 ala) LE Bt ge gia SUM bell” lt eb ball OS ppalatl eat ol ele agd Haye! AVENA) ypnens COT) soba Lipa! Woh cat gt hl aces sha 8 ylidly (Gabe) cega SAI go 18a ype chs Gly Lay te +t Sal fapSIPN at ZB goal ap ae gpl Og LN ne dTatg gp bao (SiN pl Ladle ciyptin pb pteorls DLey sda le gee AVEVA cdg lS hnupz/erefuqu.edu safiles/Thesi/ind8630.pdt Fa ele ete T mat CIE «geen! Apel EIS yynrrall Lisle sauce PUN sd Elaphe og gine gle 53 EMSs UD Leal pas 6653 delet Le gata Le LE bpp eds ALI ale! £5 E-School) 134,539) TNS phe Lary dna Lene SQV) Gaal ued ogo Reale etisl Dba aM! ele! ds ays” al der Mab pipe "da al taba 3 gel IES Mats Lang WG tl ae G Ly pK e90 cOull LEY pall gall yy Led! AS! Ball FM clog” Sill pebedl 3155 IM ns oo ebtly pig SY le) ells pit IM el Wy gly! HDVEYS Cob by Aah olivally Lgl SLUSI" WU ce gi Ae Ne Lees ce pant SK ye LAL SL Loy gg Ls Keay aN Zyl Eyal LAY "Gas gal AYO) LE 6 sagt cp plally AHA y dyad VEVHV EY CCV 0) OY) oat ne Asay Leyak” lew copaley peal yl idl rel gall ipl dgder Sb bed 630 HV4 Fala Zig SI Let) gol! hee) ust) apes LW dale 28 eye Sohne cig) TALK) 2 Wed CT pL plie! crt Wide GC Layla Lady bly dp tin et gta Tle Sry a La ONS oye SI ADVENT cola Lgl eSSy ype ducted 2 Sede plas” geal abe hated gf tL pela AEM SLUS- iy yall glad foal ANON c Ry US gta duke peu! ceopghdl” phy tl slp jajalbae elit 5S 0 ell ego.” pg el ens et hap add Ly ll SLM gg SH pad LAVENY cag Syl Kell Gye” Se ply de cos nhl el UI yn tl Hes Ley el! Qi Mel abt pabaslly Ley Lo atl Sl mabe Saget dene 6 AID gall yl Sey pee olin plnead E Ili at ogo yy ll Lat LA pola yp J Liye bbe ape yo Meyer. John D. Administrative support for online teaching faculty. Nova Southeastern University. Doctoral Dissertation, 2009, Parra, Julia . 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Self-efficacy. and usefulness. Doctoral Dissertation, 2007 GUETT/ AT) abst CO) POLYOL pall pglal Thy soya wlll deal De 5g Ryall SLL Lyd" SUS Qnty, eh Wp eal ip Undies Jone (DLee hldeawe Ly ytd alll Lea Peay ee WN geet Abel, R. Achieving success in Interet-supported learning in higher education. Ailiance for Higher Education Competitiveness, 2005. Davis. Robert. Faculty training for online teachers in three rural Alabama community colleges: A multiple case study. The University of Alabama. Doctoral Dissertation , 2008. Hu. Wen-Chi. 4 qualitative study of Education ‘faculty's experiences in online instruction University of Idaho. Doctoral Dissertation . 2008. Istrate. Olimpius." Effective eLearning”. The 4th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2009 University of Bucharest and “Gh. Asachi” Tehnical University of Iasi, 341-348. ‘Availabe at: pi wwwiov.eu/2009/dise/icv/documente/pdinte VICVL_IntelEducation_paper02 pat ‘Kaufman. R. Why needs assessment. In R. Kaufman ‘& F. W. English (eds.). Needs assessment: Concept and application (pp. 7-36). Englewood Clifis. NJ: Fucational Technology Publications, 1979, pith oleh roe STs ete mw ‘Training needs for faculty members to teach in an e-learning environment Ahmad Almassaad Assistance professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction Collegeof Education, King Saud University. bad, Saul Arabia salmasiad@eu edo. (Received 5/4/4318; accepted for publication 11/7/1431 Keywords: Training need. eleaming environment Abstracts: This study aimed to determine traning needs for faculty members fo be able to teach in an_ elearning environment. The researcher adopted a descriptive spproach to research. and the sample ofthe study consisted of (97) faculty member of the College of Education at King Saud University. The study found tat there were five important areas of raining tat faculty members shuld get fo be ale w teach in an of elearning environment which ac: Teaching io the classroom using moder techniques. teaching via the Interact. the ‘se of edeaming techniques in communicating with ocers. the planing and design of e-learaing courses. and the utilization of techniques and tools of eleaming in education. Moreover this study found no statistically significant difeences in paricipans' responses to the rescarch questions according on the variables: Nationality. sex. department. and educational experience. Yet. there were significant differences between paricipuns in responses according tothe variable academic degree. The study presented objectives for some taining courses tobe provided for faculky members tobe able to teach in an elearing environment and recommendations for future research were Proposed

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