WIF Inadequately Pricing Insurance

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Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation

Société d’indemnisation en matière d’assurances IARD

Why insurers fail

Inadequately pricing
the promise of insurance




Darrell Leadbetter
Peter Stodolak

Why insurers fail

Inadequately pricing
the promise of insurance

Darrell Leadbetter
Peter Stodolak


PACICC’s mission and principles . . . . . . i Exhibit I: Data deficiency simulation . . . 25

Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Exhibit II: Price control simulation . . . . . 26

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Exhibit III: Statistical results . . . . . . . . . 27

A historical overview of insurance References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

underwriting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Insolvency experience by jurisdiction . . 6

Inadequate pricing: the Canadian

experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Strategic decision-making
and governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Underwriting and risk selection . . . . . 9
Reserving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
New entrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Aggressive pricing practices . . . . . . . . 10

Analysis of corporate characteristics:

inadequate pricing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Firm size and data deficiency . . . . . . . 11
Managerial experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Rate regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Statistical analysis of U.S.

P&C insurance insolvencies . . . . . . . . . . 18
Literature review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Methodology and data . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Discussion of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Link to characteristics of Canadian
involuntary exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
PACICC’s mission and principles

Mission statement
The mission of the Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation is to protect
eligible policyholders from undue financial loss in the event that a member insurer becomes
insolvent. We work to minimize the costs of insurer insolvencies and seek to maintain a high
level of consumer and business confidence in Canada’s property and casualty insurance industry
through the financial protection we provide to policyholders.

J In the unlikely event that an insurance company becomes insolvent, policyholders should be protected
from undue financial loss through prompt payment of covered claims.

J Financial preparedness is fundamental to PACICC’s successful management support of insurance company

liquidations, requiring both adequate financial capacity and prudently managed compensation funds.

J Good corporate governance, well-informed stakeholders and cost-effective delivery of member services
are foundations for success.

J Frequent and open consultations with members, regulators, liquidators and other stakeholders will
strengthen PACICC’s performance.

J In-depth P&C insurance industry knowledge – based on applied research and analysis – is essential for
effective monitoring of insolvency risk.

“For every promise, there is a price to pay”
Executive summary

nsurance is a promise to pay claims in the future in exchange for premiums today. Confidence
I in the industry rests upon the foundation that these claims will be paid. Over the past 30 years,
inadequate pricing and reserving has been the leading cause of failure for Canada’s insurers. What
can we learn from the experience of 14 Canadian insurers that failed due to price inadequacy and
deficient loss reserves?

The leading cause of failure

Since 1979, 32 insurers have been involuntarily wound-up by Canada’s solvency regulators.
Several (11 companies) were financially sound yet were closed because their foreign parent became
insolvent. But most became insolvent (21 companies). Two-thirds of the insolvent Canadian
insurers over the past 30 years failed due to inadequate pricing, deficient loss reserves or rapid
growth (14 of the 21 companies).

Insolvency arises when insufficient assets and capital are in place to cover the claims liabilities
incurred. A few insurance companies have failed over the last 30 years because of shocks to their
capital or reinsurance arrangements (3 companies). One company failed because it was
overwhelmed by claims from a catastrophic event. A few companies failed due to alleged fraud
(3 companies). But two-thirds of the Canadian insurance failures over the past 30 years were due
to some form of price or reserve inadequacy (14 companies).

PACICC is Canada’s national guarantee fund that protects insurance consumers from undue
financial loss in the event that a member insurer fails. More than 75 percent of the claims
paid by PACICC since it was founded were the result of insurers that failed due to price or
reserving inadequacy.

This is the third report in PACICC’s ongoing research into why insurers fail. Our objective
in this report is to focus on lessons learned from insurance failures due to severe price
or reserving problems. We have identified five factors that have contributed to severe price
or reserve inadequacy:

Insurance pricing is difficult

Claims, the largest cost for insurers, are unknown when the customer is accepted. Pricing is
determined and agreed to before costs are known. Actuarial analysis is used to anticipate the
expected frequency and severity of future claims but actual costs are not known when prices are
set. Some have described this as an inverted production cycle, noting that insurance is quite
different from the other financial industries and most businesses where input costs are largely
known when prices are set.

Pricing under duress

Troubled companies frequently assume additional risks when struggling to survive. Distressed
insurers sometimes enter into new markets where the risks are unfamiliar, and/or they
temporarily offer aggressive pricing to attract customers and additional revenue. While there may
be examples where “gambling the company” proved successful, often these approaches cause the
situation to deteriorate rapidly.

De-linking the relationship between claims costs
and pricing increases insolvency risk
Anything that systemically disrupts the link between pricing and expected claims costs increases
the risk of insolvency. Experience in Canada and the United States indicates that stricter forms
of rate regulation can weaken or even disrupt the price/claim link. Specifically, these stricter forms
of rate regulation can reduce the capacity of insurers to make rate changes consistent with changes
in underlying claims patterns. As a result, an insurer may be forced to draw down its capital to
support claims, possibly impairing its solvency strength in the process.

Data deficiency and poor information management

Most Canadian insurers that have failed due to price and reserve inadequacy had poor information
management systems. The specific deficiencies varied, yet consistently failed to provide meaningful
and timely information about claims costs needed to properly manage solvency risks.

Pricing is difficult in new markets

North American data show that almost one quarter of new insurance companies fail within their
first five years of operation and 70 percent of failed insurers were less than ten years old. Setting
adequate prices is a challenge for inexperienced insurers, including new companies and established
companies that enter into new markets.

Overall, our detailed case review of the Canadian insolvency experience and supplementary analysis
of the United States experience relating to inadequate pricing has identified a number of relevant
general observations:

Governance and operational risk

• In many cases strategic decisions to enter new or unrelated lines lacked appropriate underwriting
expertise and loss experience data.
• Prior to the wind-up of a company, management in many cases undertook strategies that
could be described as “gambling for survival.”
• Inadequate information and reporting processes and systems were found in 71 percent
of involuntary exits linked to inadequate pricing.

Costs of insolvency
• Inadequate pricing is the leading cause of failure among insurance companies.
• Insolvent insurers that underwrote rate-regulated products were more expensive in liquidation
than other insolvent insurers.

Monitoring and supervision

• When industry growth in claims costs exceeds growth in capital, the probability
of insolvency increases.
• Managerial experience in new entrants is an important determinant in the survival capacity
of an institution.
• Companies writing in new lines of business, outside their area of expertise, are at greater risk.
• Price controls in a rate-regulated system that de-links the price/claim cost relationship
are a risk factor for insolvency.


he insurance industry is built on policyholder confidence that insurance contracts will be

T fulfilled and eligible claims paid. This is the “promise” that insurers make to policyholders
in exchange for premiums. For consumers, the purchase of insurance is a key component of how
they manage their financial risk and consumer confidence in the industry is therefore closely
linked to confidence in the solvency of their financial institutions. The credit crisis that began
in 2008 clearly demonstrated that eroding confidence can rapidly and adversely impact a
well-functioning financial industry. Insurer insolvency exposes claimants and policyholders to the
risk of unexpected financial loss and the potential for considerable personal and economic cost.

There is a body of literature that examines the causes of insolvency among property and casualty
(P&C) insurance companies. Consistently across both time and jurisdiction this literature has
found inadequate pricing (deficient loss reserves) to be the leading cause of insolvency. Inadequate
pricing, in some contexts called mispricing, is defined as:

the consistent and broad failure to manage pricing risk such that the going concern
assumption for the institution is at risk of being violated. 1

Inadequate pricing leads to an insufficiency of resources earned (either through premiums or

investment) to establish appropriate loss reserves. A loss reserve is the amount established
as the estimated cost of a claim. Deficient loss reserves may be the result of either past or present
inadequate pricing of the product due to improper or inaccurate estimation. Alternatively,
deficient loss reserves may occur because of future inadequate pricing, (for example, when the
product that was priced was ultimately not the correct product. This may occur in long-tail lines,
when retroactive change in the statutory or legal environment was not originally priced for).

From a solvency perspective, inadequate pricing and deficient loss reserves are therefore
effectively similar concepts, only approaching the problem from different angles. Rapid growth
(defined as greater than twice the industry level of growth), encouraged by underpricing relative
to the competition is a special case of inadequate pricing and deficient loss reserves.

According to data from A.M. Best and PACICC, in the United States and Canada since 1979
a total of 314 P&C insurers have involuntarily exited the market because of inadequate pricing.
Since 2000, 115 P&C insurers from both countries, or half of all insurers that failed in that
period, became insolvent due to inadequate pricing.

1 This definition is not meant to include short-term decisions to under-price a product for strategic gain when there
is sufficient capital to support such a strategy.

To the best of our knowledge, there is no body of literature that examines the sources
of inadequate pricing in insurance insolvencies. However, given the enormous cost of such
insolvencies, including the dislocation of policyholders and $25.3 billion USD in guarantee fund
assessments since 1979
Figure 1 – Involuntary exit from inadeqate pricing
(Canada and U.S.) (inflation adjusted to 2008
Number of insurers and equalling $32.3 billion
30 CDN), an improved
6 20%
understanding of the
dynamics of inadequate
pricing in insurance
would be beneficial for
guarantee funds, solvency
supervisors and
10 policymakers. 2

0 0 0%
1979 1986 1993 2000 2007

Inadequate pricing Rapid growth

or defiicit loss reserves (future inadequate pricing)
Source: Data from PACICC, A.M. Best

1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

A historical overview of insurance underwriting

nadequate pricing is a recurring cause of property and casualty insurer insolvency due to the
I industry’s inverted production process. In contrast to most other goods and services where input
costs are largely known beforehand and are used to set prices, insurer output prices (insurance
premiums) are established before most of the input costs (insurance claims) are known. At the
beginning of the contract, policyholders pay a known insurance premium in exchange for a
promise of compensation should some uncertain future event involving a loss occur.
Figure 2: Industry production cycles
Additional input
Input costs Output and marketing costs

Direct materials 60.9%
Labour 14.2% $ XXX 21.9%
Energy and water 3.0% Delivery of product Warranty and distribution

Prices and fees

Interest expense 61.2%
Distribution 23.9%
Deposit taking $ X XX 6.6%
Premises and
equipment 8.3% Banking services Advertising and other


and general 7.2%
P&C insurance Distribution 19.8% $ XXX 72.5%
Investment 0.5% Insurance contract Claims costs


Source: Manufacturing (Statistics Canada Cansim database). Deposit taking (OSFI website). P&C insurance (MSA Researcher).

As can be seen from Figure 2, the production cycle of the P&C industry is indeed inverted.2 Nearly
three quarters of the costs of the product are incurred after the contract is delivered, in some
long-tail lines perhaps not materializing for a decade or more. Importantly, largely as a result
of this inverted production process, illiquidity rarely precedes the insolvency of a P&C insurance
company (Plantin & Rochet, 2007). This is in contrast to most other industries which typically
experience liquidity constraints before insolvency. Because P&C insurers receive the premium
before the costs are incurred, under-reserving may not result in a liquidity challenge prior to
technical insolvency.3

2 Comparing the production processes of different industries presents challenges as, for example, core input costs in
one may be an inconsequential or post-production cost in another. For example, distribution is a core business process
of financial services but not of manufacturing (automakers notwithstanding).
3 It should be noted that insurance actuaries do estimate claims costs and factor this into the pricing of insurance
contracts. The fact that most insurance companies operate successfully speaks to their actuarial skill and success.
However, the large uncertainties prevalent in this process and the after-the-fact occurrence of claims have historically
continued to present risks to solvency, particularly when combined with inadequate risk management and governance.

Historically, P&C insurance companies have consistently earned an underwriting loss on their
product. Between 1979 and 2007 the Canadian P&C insurance industry generally charged
policyholders a premium level (after adjusting for inflation) that was a cumulative $22.8 billion
less than was necessary to pay claims and underwriting expenses. Insurance companies invested
the premiums to earn sufficient investment income to compensate for the underwriting loss.

Figure 3 – Policy subsidization by investments While the

incorporation of
Underwriting income ($ billions) Return on investment
investment income
$4,000 14% 6
into the pricing
$3,000 12% model has long been
part of standard
$2,000 10%
practice, with4the
$1,000 8% advent of sustained
underwriting losses
$0 6%
in the late 1970s, the
($1,000) 4% incidence of
involuntary exit
($2,000) 2%
grew. For example,
during the period of
($3,000) 0%
19 7 9 198 6 19 93 2 000 2007 1960 to 1978, only
Underwriting income Return on investment three insurers failed –
Source: PACICC, with data from IBC or one every six
years. Only one of
these failures was due to inadequate pricing. During the 1979 to 2008 period, 32 insurers failed,
slightly greater than one company per year. Highlighting this, during the 1980s, a period of
19 7 5interest 19 rate
80 volatility and rising19claims
19 85 90 costs
95 in liability
2 000 lines), seven Canadian P&C
2 005
insurers failed as a result of inadequate pricing and reserving.

During this period, the industry generally relied on strong investment performance for success.
However, this model also increases an institution’s risk profile as the company is subject to risk
from two sets of parameters instead of one: investments and underwriting. Success is dependent
upon the ability of management to estimate these parameters. From a solvency perspective, an
insurer operating such that premiums fund the underwriting risks is subject to risk primarily from
underwriting parameters.4

In a low interest rate environment, such as that experienced since the early to mid-1990s, those
insurers who place a greater reliance on investment income for financial health generate increased
exposure to insolvency risk in the event of unexpected claims trends or developments in financial

4 Underwriting parameters include reserve estimation, appropriate risk selections, etc. The insurer is still subject
to investment and/or asset risk but this should not be an inadequate pricing risk.
5 Further, because a low interest rate environment reduces investment income from “safer” investments such
as government bonds, some insurers relying on investment income may pursue higher-risk investments.

markets.5 Reflecting this, inadequate
Table 1: Comparing inflation and interest rates
pricing and rapid growth were the
primary cause of involuntary exit 1975 to 1991 1992 to 2006
for 80 percent of all Canadian P&C
Consumer Price Index 7.25 1.85 3.9x
failures since the mid-1990s – a
period of low and stable interest 90-day Treasury Bill 10.33 4.30 2.4x

rates. During the period between Source: PACICC, with data from Statistics Canada
the mid-1970s to the early 1990s,
interest rates and inflation were both higher. These same sources of involuntary exit only
represented 44 percent of all involuntary exits in Canada.

Prior to 1990, the correlation coefficient between return on investment and underwriting results
was -80.9 percent. The magnitude and sign of the coefficient indicate that as investment income
increased, underwriting profitability decreased. This correlation, while still strong, has weakened
by a third since the 1990s. In the past decade, Canadian P&C insurers have adapted to the new
interest rate environment by exerting underwriting discipline and aligning underwriting costs
with premiums.
Figure 4 – Interest rate volatility* and involuntary exits from inadequate pricing
(United States)
Insurance companies
Number of insolvencies Interest rate
with sufficient capital 30 2%
and risk management
supporting the strategy, 25
may also temporarily
underprice a product for 20
strategic or competitive
15 1.0%
reasons (for example,
to gain market share).

PACICC Insurers fail – Promise – D r a f t 4 . April 8, 2009

However, A.M. Best 0.6%

(2002) noted that the 0.4%

sustained period of high 0.2%
interest rates in the late 0 0%
19 79 1986 199 3 2 000 2 007
1970s and early 1980s
encouraged many Insolvencies Interest rate
* Standard deviation of US Treasury yields
insurers in the United
Source: PACICC, with data from A.M. Best and U.S. Federal Reserve
States P&C industry to
adopt an underwriting strategy reliant on investment income. Insurers in the United States also
invest a higher proportion of their assets in stock markets than Canadian-based insurers and
increases in the stock market also
197 5supported 1980 such underwriting.
1985 19 9 0 19 9 5 2 000 2 005

As a consequence, in the United States, the relationship between interest rates and the proportion
of financial impairment as a result of inadequate pricing has also been historically strong.

Insolvency experience by jurisdiction

ndividual insurers are supervised for solvency purposes by the jurisdiction in which they are
I incorporated. Companies incorporated under the federal Insurance Companies Act are regulated by
the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions. Insurers incorporated under the various
provincial statutes are regulated by provincial superintendents. In 2007, there were
154 provincially regulated insurance companies (for solvency purposes) and 192 federally
regulated insurance companies writing $9.5 billion and $30 billion in premiums, respectively.

Frequency on the basis of supervised institutions shows Ontario to have the highest frequency
of P&C insurance company insolvency as a result of inadequate pricing in Canada. In Ontario, the
majority (80 percent) of companies that involuntarily exited the market as a result of inadequate
pricing were primarily writers
Figure 5 – P&C insolvency frequency by supervisory jurisdiction of automobile insurance
(failures from inadequate pricing 1990 to 2007) (compared to 55 percent of
Percent insolvency per number of operating insurers
insurers who were primary
0.40% 6
writers of Ontario auto
Among federal insurers, the4
frequency of involuntary
0.20% exit has been declining since
the reform of the federal 2
supervisory system and
establishment of OSFI in 1987.
Supervisory resources dedicated
to enhancing accounting and0
United States Ontario Newfoundland Federal Quebec actuarial reliance (for example
Source: PACICC
peer review) have further
supported reduced frequency. Since 1990, only one federally supervised insurer (which was
in run-off) has failed as a result of inadequate pricing or deficient loss reserves. No federally
supervised going concern insurers have failed as a result of inadequate pricing in nearly
two decades.
19 7 5 19 8 0 19 8 5 19 9 0 19 9 5 2 000 2 005
The average frequency of involuntary exits linked to inadequate pricing (0.10 percent) for Canada
is approximately one-third of that for the United States. Among involuntary exits linked to
inadequate pricing in the United States, a majority (58 percent) were domiciled in rate-regulated
jurisdictions. By comparison, the average number of states with prior approval or state-prescribed
pricing between 1990 and 2007 was 19, or 35.3 percent of jurisdictions.

6 A primary writer of auto insurance is defined as an insurer with two-thirds or more

of its premiums written in the Ontario automobile insurance product.

Inadequate pricing: the Canadian experience

ince PACICC was established in 1989, ten insurance companies have failed as a result of
S inadequate pricing in Canada, representing 71 percent of all P&C insurance failures in the past
20 years.7 These insolvencies directly affected 193,000 policyholders and cost the industry (after
accounting for inflation) $128 million.

Figure 6 – PACICC claims The pricing of an insurance contract is an inherently

payments by cause challenging process. Insurers are setting a price on an
of insolvency unknown future risk – the payment of future claims.
($ millons)
Policyholders enter into short-term contracts – typically
$160 6
a year in length – by paying premiums in exchange for
financial protection from losses due to the occurrence
$120 of unforeseen future events, accidents, natural disasters
or legal liability. As with all predictive exercises, there 4

is significant uncertainty in the estimation of both

$80 individual and aggregate insurance losses. Therefore,
a major challenge for all P&C insurers is the estimation 2
of the size and timing of future cash outflows necessary
to pay claims as they are incurred.

This challenge with estimating future losses manifests 0

Inadequate Other through both the underwriting and reserving processes.
pricing causes of
insolvency Underwriting or risk selection is the assessment and
Source: PACICC, inflation-adjusted to 2008
acceptance of risk in exchange for a premium whereas
reserving involves the estimation of the future costs and
claims-related payouts. Both underwriting and reserving are important factors in the
determination of the premium to charge for a risk.
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Inadequate pricing and deficient loss reserves are two sides of the same coin and manifest through
higher than expected/estimated loss resulting in adverse loss development. From a detailed
case-by-case review of 35 failed Canadian P&C insurers, there is a range of scenarios that led to
the inadequacy of pricing and deficient loss reserves (Dibra and Leadbetter, 2008). However, in
broad terms they can be grouped into four primary types of scenarios:
• strategic decision-making/governance
• underwriting/risk selection
• under-reserving, and
• new entrant.

In general, two or more of these characteristics can be observed in every involuntary exit identified
as having failed from inadequate pricing.

7 Insurers identified as having a proximate cause of failure being current deficient loss reserves or rapid growth
(future deficient loss reserves). If liquidity risks (where solvent Canadian insurers were wound-up due to the failure
of a foreign parent) are excluded, then 71 percent of failures were related to inadequate pricing.

Strategic decision-making and governance
For the majority of the insolvencies in Canada (61 percent), the cause of involuntary exit can
ultimately be traced to a strategic risk or operational decision by the company. If branch insurers
are excluded, this proportion increases to 84 percent.8

Internal controls and financial reporting are an important aspect for the accountability and
operational effectiveness of an insurance company. Internal controls and processes may break
down for a number of reasons, but company solvency risk is further increased when they are
purposefully circumvented. Alleged fraud was involved in three (9 percent) of the identified
involuntary exits in the entire period covered in the study (1979 to 2008). It was also identified
as a contributing factor to other insolvencies. Most of these failed companies were newly
licensed and operating for less than three years.

In the Canadian insolvency experience since 1979, of the fourteen involuntary exits resulting
from inadequate pricing, five management teams were relatively inexperienced either in a new
line of business or had limited direct insurance underwriting experience. Seven others
demonstrated operational weakness.9

Upon becoming financially stressed, in the sample of insolvent Canadian insurers (excluding
branches), 60 percent could be identified as exhibiting a “spiral of decline” as outlined by Kanter
(2003). For example, behaviours such as repeated changes in strategic direction and entering and
exiting new lines of business in
Figure 7 – Markham General Insurance Company
rapid succession occurred in
Average annual auto insurance premium by period leading up to winding-up
several distressed insurers. In the
$1,000 6
Canadian insolvency experience
since 1979, of the 14 involuntary
$750 exits resulting from inadequate
pricing, 10 exhibited managerial
and/or strategic behaviour
$500 consistent with “gambling for
survival” or a “spiral of decline.”
Figure 7 provides an example of
one such insurer’s pricing activity
as it sought to attract premium in
$0 its final year of operation in0its
1 6 2 1 2 1 “gamble for survival.”
year months months month weeks week
Source: PACICC, with data from liquidations

8 Historically, branch insurers are wound-up because of the failure of a foreign parent rather than due to exposure to
1975 the Canadian underwriting environment.
1980 1985 Excluding branches puts 1995
1990 the focus on insurers
2000that failed as 2005
a result of
Canadian underwriting conditions.
9 Operational weakness is defined as a weak internal control system which provided limited capacity for accountability
or performance measurement. Adequate performance measurement allows managers to evaluate skills, systems and
take timely and effective action to correct problems.

Underwriting and risk selection
The second set of experience involves challenges in risk selection and underwriting. An insurer
would consistently under-price the product, in some cases to maintain or gain market share in a
period of rising claims costs. Typically, this was accompanied by weak or loosened risk selection
which in some cases led to the selection of risks either outside the company’s prior experience or
higher than planned for.

In several cases where this occurred, the strategy was supported by insufficient capital and the
management was expecting to ride out the rough time in the belief that the insurance cycle would
turn around before it got to the point of insolvency. Typically, when the situation became more
critical (that is, it became difficult to pay claims), these insurers would start to grow even more
rapidly, selling policies in order to generate revenue to pay current claims. This scenario was more
typical of small regional insurers.

The final set of experience involved reserving challenges. In these cases, more common among
liability writers, an insurer would price the product more aggressively than the rest of the market
and claims reserves were also set comparatively low. As the actual claims costs were incurred,
these insurers had not set aside adequate reserves for the liability and had insufficient capital to
absorb the losses. This occurred more with insurers exposed to the U.S. market, particularly
asbestos and other significant liability risks.

Of course, risk selection and reserving are generally not independent of each other. However, for
the purposes of this review, we define reserving as the estimation of claims liabilities and risk
selection as follows: the underwriting of policies that conform to the corporate strategic plan and
underwriting guidelines. Deficient loss reserves are therefore defined as a mis-estimation of
liabilities and inappropriate risk selection or a deviation from or lack of underwriting guideline
leading to the assumption of risks outside the plan or experience of the company.

New entrants
The involuntary exit of a new entrant linked to inadequate pricing is a special case of the previous
factors. During the period between 1985 and 2005, nearly a third of all new entrants into P&C
insurance in Canada were wound-up. Among failed new entrants that were in business less than
ten years, 57 percent were wound-up as a result of inadequate pricing (most of the rest were
related to fraud).

A new entrant may be a new company or a new entrant into a line of business. In four cases,
an insurer entered a line of business and did not have sufficient knowledge or data to properly
estimate the expected losses. Two were new players in the industry with limited underwriting
experience. In two other cases, a relatively small insurer expanded aggressively into new lines
of business (one into auto insurance and the other into commercial lines) in which it had limited

experience. In one case, the insurer was already experiencing financial distress and exhibited signs
of “gambling for survival” by its entry into the new line of business. The second company had no
prior financial stress but misjudged the claims experience. Both insurers had decades of experience
in the insurance industry.

Among many new entrants, management appeared overly optimistic about the profitability
of the market, and believed their corporate business model would deliver lower costs than found
elsewhere in the industry. As a result they under-priced the product to gain business. In an
industry where the primary consideration for consumers is price (particularly in the key
automobile insurance segment), a strategy for growth is to underprice competitors. While taking
losses for market share is not uncommon, in cases where it led to insolvency, under-pricing was
often much more aggressive than elsewhere and not supported by knowledge of the market
or appropriate risk management. Typically, this occurred in conjunction with limited capital
being put into the endeavour, quickly leading to its depletion and to the eventual wind-up
of the insurers.

The lessons from the Canadian experience therefore suggest that the risk of inadequate pricing
of insurance is significantly higher for new entrants into a line of business, or into an unrelated
line of business for experienced insurers.

Aggressive pricing practices

The common theme underlying each set of experiences is an aggressive pricing or underestimation
of risk related to the insurance product relative to the market. In fact, most involuntary exits
involve more than one
Figure 8 – Pricing and claims experience: auto insurance policies
Index based on industry = 100
factor. Exits as a result
100 500 of deficient
6 loss reserves
PACICC Insurers fail – Promise – D r a f t 4 . April 8, 2009

typically had a higher

400 concentration of business
in higher-risk
4 policies.
90 This pricing and
200 underestimation of risk is
85 illustrated below with two
examples of failed
Canadian0 insurance
80 $0
Industry Markham Advocate Average claim Claims frequency
companies. In general, each
average General General severity experience represents a
price Insurance Insurance
Company Company Industr y Markham Advocate
average General General different miscalculation that
Source: PACICC, with data from liquidations and General Insurance Statistical Agency (AU90)
led to the mis-estimation
of the claims experience.
Advocate General underestimated the severity (and subsequently established insufficient reserves)
1975 of its1980 claims experience.
1985 In1990
19 7 5 Markham
1995 19 8 0 General loosened
2000 19 85 2005 1990its risk selection
199 5 process
2 000 in order
2 005
to grow rapidly, building a book of business with higher-risk policyholders that were much more
likely to make a claim.

Analysis of corporate characteristics: inadequate pricing

he previous section identified various factors related to involuntary exit and inadequate
T pricing in the Canadian historical experience. Given the existence of statistical data plans and
extensive actuarial research on pricing models, the question exists, for example in risk selection,
as to why an insurer would make such a catastrophic mistake. This section attempts to provide
some insight to this question of “why.”

A few potential mechanisms can be identified that could result in a systemic and catastrophic
mis-pricing of insurance policies so as to result in the ultimate failure of the company (more than
one of which may have played a role in the outlined historical scenarios). The following sources
of mis-pricing are discussed:
• firm size and data deficiency
• managerial experience
• rate regulation.

Firm size and data deficiency

The insurance industry devotes considerable actuarial resources to developing pricing tools
and techniques for insurance risks. Similarly regulators and rating agencies have devoted
considerable resources to monitoring the pricing and reserving of insurance. At its most basic,
however, insurance pricing is typically based on historical loss trends. Actuarial judgement and
other techniques, including modeling for catastrophic risks may supplement the base model.
Despite these resources within the industry, in the Canadian insolvency experience since 1979,
of the 14 involuntary exits resulting from inadequate pricing, 10 failures (71 percent) exhibited
data or information systems-related challenges and deficiencies. These deficiencies took a variety
of forms but typically made it difficult for the insurer to conduct analysis or extract meaningful
claims cost information.

The need to measure risk and develop expectations on future claims costs means that insurance
pricing is heavily reliant on statistical loss data for its pricing models. An insufficient loss history
for a particular risk can lead to mispricing and possibly insolvency. A very simple illustrative
example of how the use of an inappropriate or insufficiently representative dataset could result
in mispricing is found in Exhibit I.

While the simulation in Exhibit I represents an extreme example for demonstration purposes,
it does highlight that inappropriate data can lead to financial distress.

For the standard lines of business such as automobile and property (fire) insurance, there is a
breadth and depth of loss history on which to base pricing. In the United States, there are several
statistical agencies (Insurance Services Office, etc.) that provide data and actuarial services to
insurance companies for their underwriting. In Canada, the General Insurance Statistical Agency
(GISA) provides statistical data on auto insurance and Ontario general liability. Further, the
Insurance Information Division of the Insurance Bureau of Canada (the contracted data agency
for GISA) provides statistical data on personal property for subscribers and regularly holds data
quality sessions for insurers. Similarly, the Casualty Actuarial Society regularly holds seminars
on pricing.

Limited loss experience and data may be an issue in the pricing of certain risks. Policies with
exposure to natural catastrophes would be an example. In nearly five decades of experience, only
one Canadian insurer has failed from natural catastrophe risks. However, as the A.M. Best data
separates such sources of involuntary exit from the inadequate pricing sample, they would
therefore offer limited explanatory power for involuntary exits due inadequate pricing.

Figure 9 – Size distributions of insurers Using data from the

Percent of sample United States, the size
distribution of
companies failing
from inadequate
pricing (Figure 9) is
not substantially
40% different from the
industry distribution,
suggesting that
insufficiency of data
may not be a systemic
risk. However,
Less than $101 $501 $1,001 $5,001 More than insurers failing from
$100 to $500 to $1,000 to $5,000 to $10,000 $10,000 other causes do tend
$ millions in assets
to be smaller in size.
Inadequate pricing All insolvencies Solvent insurers
Source: Data from A.M. Best
An analysis of the
Canadian experience finds that the primary source of data deficiency for most involuntary exits
was the inadequacy of the insurer’s own information management systems, rather than a lack
19 7 5 19 80 19 8 5 19 90 19 9 5 2 000 2 005
of data. But in a few cases, particularly in commercial lines, the lack of loss data was a factor.

Managerial experience
Management plays a central and critical role in the governance and operational management of
the risks faced by an insurance company. Management determines the risks to be underwritten but
also how they are underwritten. Managerial experience may either amplify or mitigate risks. For
example, managers with greater experience may be able to draw on their experience and recognize
whether the pricing model is consistent with industry practice and trends.

Those with less experience may be less likely to recognize those patterns or inadvertently make
other higher-risk operational choices. The risk map framework in Figure 10 illustrates the linkages
where the quality and experience of management can affect the business processes, risk tolerance
and pricing of an insurance company.

Considerable research effort has been devoted to the study of effective managers (see, for example,
Goleman, 1998; Collins, 2001). In financially stressed or distressed institutions, the reaction of
management can be important for the success of the institution’s turnaround (Kanter, 2003).
Managerial activities, such as focusing on self-protection, building barriers to information and
creating harmful incentives can lead to a cycle of decline (Kanter, 2003).

Among the 35 Canadian P&C insurance insolvencies since 1960, 46 percent exhibited weaknesses
in their operational management relating to their oversight of internal controls or other business
process-related issues. In one-fifth of these, inexperience in a new line of business could be
identified as a factor. In addition, three of these experienced fraud by senior management.

Figure 10 – Insurer risk map

Underlying cause – Underlying or trigger causes – external

Management risk Economic cycle and condition risk

Internal governance Social, technical, demographic, political, legal, tax etc. risk
and control risk
Market competition risk
Controller and
group risk Catastrophe or extreme event risk

Failed processes Risk decisions Financial outcomes Policyholder harm

Data risk Investment and Market risk Participating

ALM risk policyholder loss
Accounting risk Credit risk
Reinsurance risk Liquidity risk
Technology risk Claims deviation
Insurance Insolvency risk
Distribution risk underwriting risk Other liability risk

Administration Expense risk Loss of goodwill

risk and reputation risk
Business risk
Other operational

Risk appetite Incorrect evaluations of outcomes

Technical provisions – evaluation risk

Other liabilities evaluation risk

Asset evaluation risk

Source: McDowell, 2002

Rate regulation
Active price regulation in Canada is a relatively recent phenomenon that until 2003 was restricted
to the province of Ontario. At that time, a hard insurance market, with historically low profitability
and subsequent premium increases for consumers, at that time spurred a political reaction toward
adopting price regulation in Alberta and Atlantic Canada.

In the United States and Europe, rate regulation has had a longer and different history. American
experience with auto insurance regulation differs from Canada due to a different legal and
constitutional framework. In the United States, the McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945 exempts any
insurance company that is subject to other state regulations from federal anti-trust laws. To take
advantage of this exemption, all states established state regulation of insurance by 1951, primarily
for solvency purposes. According to data from Harrington (2002) and the Insurance Information
Institute, stricter forms of rate regulation were in place in up to 37 states during 1970s, as few as
25 in the mid-1980s, up to 32 in the late 1990s. Following recent reforms in a number of states, strict
price regulation (prior approval and state prescribed) was applied in only 12 states in 2007.

In Europe, the Third Council Insurance Directives introduced the ‘freedom of service’ principle and
completed the establishment of a single European insurance market. This resulted in the removal
of strict price regulation in most European countries after 1992. Currently, European supervisory
authorities generally have only limited means of interfering with the premium setting by insurance
companies. Outside of Europe and North America, the regulation of insurance prices is relatively
common in both Southeast Asia and Latin America.

Rate regulation may have two mutually supporting transmission mechanisms related to insolvency.
First, standard finance theory indicates that price controls generate incentives to reduce exposure
(capital commitments)
Figure 11A – Rate regulation Figure 11B – Leverage by type
and cost of capital theory of incorporation by owners of firms by
Percent return Insurance risk ratio increasing leverage.
3 6
Firms that have
capital that is subject
to regulatory
Y% constraints 4(for
example, on rate of
return), will in general
X% deploy less capital
1 (see Figure 11A). In
Canada, leverage rates
between provincially-
supervised 0insurers
A B C D 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 are higher than those
Leverage: Insurance risk ratio
Provincial Federal for federally-
Cost of equity Cost of debt
supervised insurers
Cost of capital
(see Figure 11B).
Source: Based on Stephen Ross (2005). “Capital Structure Source: PACICC, with data from MSA Research and IBC.
and the Cost of Capital” Journal of Applied Finance Insurance risk ratio = NPW/equity

19 7 5 19 8 0 19 8 5 1919
9075 1919
9580 2 000
19 8 5 2 005
19 9 0 19 9 5 2 000 2 005
While federal insurers are also subject to rate regulation in their automobile insurance business,
the federal supervisory authority has noted in its annual reports the solvency-related risk that rate
regulation may pose to insurers in a deteriorating underwriting environment. Federal insurers are
expected to take this and others risks into account when setting their company MCT target at some
point above the supervisory minimum. Provincial insurers do not typically, on a systemic basis,
have similar supervisory oversight to mitigate the incentive effects.

Second, in addition to the incentive effects, stricter forms of rate regulation may reduce the
ability of insurers to make rate changes consistent with changes in underlying claims patterns.
As a result, an insurer is forced to draw down its capital to support claims. The example found
in Exhibit II, which is based on actual claim trends during the period 1999 to 2002 in Canada,
illustrates the principle.

Stricter forms of rate regulation may therefore de-link changes in the price of insurance from
changes in the cost of insurance claims. Evidence of such de-linking can be found within the
Canadian automobile insurance data. Statistical correlations in Canada between average earned
premiums and average claims incurred (or alternatively claims incurred per earned vehicle) have
generally been close to unity during the 1986 to 2001 period for most jurisdictions.10 The exception
is Ontario following the introduction of a prior-approval form of rate regulation in late 1989.

Figure 12 – Relationship between average price and average claim*

(all provinces 1986 to 2007)
Non-rate regulated Rate-regulated
Average claims cost Average claims cost
$9,000 $12,000 6

$6,000 $9,000 4

$3,000 $6,000 2

$0 $3,000
$300 $600 $900 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400
Average premiums Average premiums
* We use average claims because it is more intuitive than other measures. Alternative measures such as average claims cost per earned
vehicle yield similar results (an R-squared of 0.846 rather than 0.9033).

1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1975 2000 1980 2005 1985 1990 1995

10 The period 1986 to 2001 roughly represents two full insurance cycles in Canada. The use of an entire cycle allows
for the average long-term systemic effect, after accounting for periods of price softening and hardening.

From Figure 12 and Table 2, there
Table 2: Correlation coefficient between average premiums
is evidence a de-linking of the
and average claims costs for private passenger
relationship between changes in
automobile insurance
claims costs and those of prices
Ontario Alberta Atlantic Canada under rate regulation.
1986 to 1989 0.99 0.63 0.99
For Alberta and Atlantic Canada,
1986 to 2001 0.61 0.95 0.95
the price freezes during 2002 and
2002 to 2007 0.60 0.09 076 subsequent introduction of rate
PACICC Insurers fail – Promise – D r a f t 4 . April 8, 2009

regulation in 2003 led to a similar

Source: IBC Insurance Information Division, Private Passenger Automobile Economic Trends Exhibit
(Shading indicates a period that included rate regulation) de-linking of average prices and
average claims costs. Our access to
data from the United States is limited to the period of 2002 to 2004, a period in which automobile
claims costs per exposure were falling. Nevertheless, a similar trend can be found in auto
insurance there. Non-rate regulated states had a higher correlation between prices and claims costs
(73 percent) than states with stricter forms of rate regulation (53 percent).

Figure 12 illustrates the greater dispersion in the average price/claim relationship associated with
rate-regulated as compared to non-rate regulated.11 In general, there is evidence that stricter forms
of rate regulation can de-link changes in the price of insurance from changes in the cost of
insurance claims. Subdividing the Canadian data for 1986 to 2007 into periods of soft markets and
hard markets, the correlations between average price and average claims during a soft market
(where prices are declining) in rate-regulated jurisdictions is 96 percent. This suggests that the
detrimental effect of rate regulation on the relationship between claims and prices exists primarily
when claims costs and prices are moving upward.

Figure 13 – Capital and involuntary exit PACICC claims payments

(1989 to 2008)
Percent $ millions
45% $120





–30% $0
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2008 Insurers All others
with rate
Involuntary exits Growth in claims in excess of growth in capital regulation
(excluding branches)
Source: PACICC with data from MSA Research Source: PACICC, inflation-adjusted to 2008

11 Note: while the vertical and horizontal axes show different dollar amounts, they have the same range
(9000 on the y-axis and 600 on the x-axis) so that the differentials are the same and the spreads comparable.

19 7 5 19 8 0 19 8 5 19 9 0 19 9 5 2 000 2 005
19 7 5 19 8 0 19 8 5 19 9 0
Rate regulation is not in itself a direct cause of inadequate pricing. Rather, rate regulation can
adversely affect an insurer’s ability to respond to changes in claims trends. Risk increases if claims
costs increase at a rate faster than can be accommodated under the rate regime, requiring an
insurer to draw down its capital. Insurers with less capital and/or greater rate inadequacy are
therefore less likely to achieve rate adequacy before the onset of financial distress. In the industry,
historically the risk of insolvency increases when claims costs exceed capital growth (Figure 13).

Put simply, price controls that de-link prices from claims costs for an already stressed insurer
can have a detrimental effect on the company’s solvency.

In the Canadian insolvency experience since 1989, when rate regulation was introduced in
Ontario, of the 10 involuntary exits resulting from inadequate pricing, five were writers of
rate-regulated Ontario automobile insurance. These five rate-regulated insurers that failed as
a result of inadequate pricing generated $115 million in claims costs for the guarantee fund
system, or 90 percent of the total claims incurred from failed insurers as a result of inadequate
pricing. These claims costs also accounted for 71.1 percent of the total financial obligations
incurred by PACICC since 1989.

19 95 2 000 2 005
Statistical analysis of U.S. P&C insurance insolvencies

he purpose of this statistical analysis is to supplement the case study analysis of the Canadian
T insolvency experience and reinforce or further gain insight into the risk factors associated with
insolvency and inadequate pricing. The Canadian data sample of insolvency is small, making
statistical inference challenging. We have therefore utilized the broader set of data from the United
States to further assess the issue of severe pricing inadequacy. The overall purpose of this
statistical analysis was not to create another predictive model of insolvency, nor necessarily to
compare different methods against each other, and thus differs from most previous work. The
primary goal is to establish whether a tangible relationship exists between specific risk factors
for mispricing and insolvency.

Literature review
Insolvency prediction and the various sources of mispricing in the P&C insurance industry are
all topics that have been subject to extensive research.12 While insolvency may be incorporated into
some pricing models, there is rarely a linkage between the causes of mispricing and insolvency.

On insolvency prediction, multiple methods have been applied to better identify at-risk
institutions. For example, Brockett, Cooper, Golden, Pitatong (1994) used neural networks and
Beaver, McNicols, Rhie (2005) employed a hazard model. However, the logit/probit approach is
by far the most popular whether it is used strictly on its own as in Cummins, Grace, Philips (1999),
Pottier, Sommer (2002), Sharpe, Stadnik (2007) or used in a modified manner as in Cummins,
Harrington, Klein (1995) and Chen, Wong (2004). BarNiv and McDonald (1992) tested a variety
of methods in insolvency prediction and favoured probit/logit for its superior ability to examine
predictive differences over different time periods and regions.

Typical for most research in insolvency prediction is a period of three-to-five years projected
two-to-three years into the future to predict insolvency. IRIS (Insurance Regulatory Information
System) and FAST (Financial Analysis and Surveillance Tracking) ratios, or equivalents when
using non-U.S. data, in combination with other factors such as the type of company
(mutual/stock, size, etc.) are standard measures used to predict insolvency. Grace, Harrington,
Klein (1998) found that risk-based capital (RBC) ratios are of little predictive value on their own
but add to the predictive power of IRIS and FAST ratios. Pottier and Sommer (1997) conducted
similar analysis using private sector RBC ratios and concluded that these ratios are not useful
for the prediction of insolvency.

A.M. Best (2004), Dibra and Leadbetter (2007) and McDonnell (2002) aggregated the results of
individual case reviews of national sets of failed institutions in the United States, Canada and the
United Kingdom. Each of these studies found that inadequate pricing and deficient loss reserves
were the leading cause of failure in each jurisdiction. While none of these studies explored
inadequate pricing further, each study identified governance and internal controls as being
important factors in the failure of institutions.

12 Mispricing is defined as a consistent and company-wide failure to manage pricing risk such that the going concern
assumption for the institution is at risk of being violated. It is not meant to include short-term decisions to under-
price a product for strategic gain where there is sufficient capital to support such a strategy.

The literature on pricing or ratemaking and reserving within the actuarial community is far too
extensive and diverse to summarize here. Jones and Ussif (2008) provide a brief overview of rate
making methods. Similarly Derrig (1991) and Cummins (1990) provide historical overviews of the
development of insurance pricing models in the United States. In general, the models are based
on the going-concern assumption with a risk of default.

Typically, the literature is focused on the process of ratemaking rather than characteristics of
insurers who may experience challenges in pricing the insurance product. However, the firm
survival literature does highlight an empirical regularity that survival is highly dependent on firm
size and age (Thompson, 2005 & Dunne et al, 1988). Cummins and Phillips (2005) estimated that
the size factor in P&C insurance was much smaller than other risk factors.

With regard to the effect of managerial quality and experience on survivability, a number of
studies in non-financial sectors, notably Thompson (2005), Mitchell (1991), Carroll et al. (1996), and
Klepper and Simons (2000) have found that the prior experience of management is an important
factor in firm survival rates. For example, several studies have found that experienced firms that
diversify into businesses outside of their experience also have a higher risk of involuntary exit.

Similarly, studies on insurer insolvency have found that quality of management was an important
component of insurer insolvency (McDonnell, 2002, A.M. Best 2004). For example, A.M. Best’s 2004
Insolvency Report states that “…all primary causes of financial impairments in this study were related to
some form of mismanagement.”

Since the establishment of the McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945 in the United States, there has been
a historical recognition that rate regulation was necessary for solvency purposes (Doherty
& Garven, 1986). In Canada, rate regulation has always been a market conduct tool to address
insurance affordability issues rather than a solvency-related regulatory tool. Due to the extent
of rate regulation in the United States, the constraints it imposes have long been a part of the
ratemaking processes.

In addition, there is an extensive empirical literature on the market dynamics of prior approval
rate regulation. This literature suggests that the effect on rates from prior-approval regulation,
relative to claims costs, varies over time (Harrington, 1987; Tennyson, 1997, & Cummins et al,
2001). In general, strict price regulation has been found to limit competition, reduce availability
of coverage and increase volatility in insurance premiums (Tennyson, 1991; Harrington, 2002
& Leadbetter et al, 2008).

Overall, this literature has noted that stricter forms of rate regulation tend to temporarily
compress the premiums collected per dollar of loss experience. In the long run, stricter forms of
rate regulation have not been found to result in overall lower prices (Cummins et al, 2001
& Harrington, 2001). To date, however, this literature has not explicitly considered the implications
of price controls on the involuntary exit of insurance companies.

In summary, therefore, the literature on firm survival and insurer insolvency identifies
the following:
• no single financial indicator, or set of indicators, has been identified as a robust measure
for predicting financial distress
• firm size is a factor in financial distress
• managerial experience and governance are important factors in firm survival
• price controls increase the volatility of insurance premiums and may temporarily
compress prices relative to loss experience.

Methodology and data

Data from the A.M. Best and Highline Data databases from the period 1996 to 2006 were used.
A.M. Best provided the balance sheet and income statement data which was supplemented with
data from Highline on by-state premiums. The method of analysis was a logit regression model
in the following form:

Failure j , t = ß0 + ß1 RegulationIndex j , t + ß2 Size j , t + ß3 YearsIncorporated j , t + ß4 Mutual j , t + ßn Other n, j , t + ε j , t

The variable Size j,t – the natural logarithm of total assets – was included following the method of
Sharpe & Stadnik (2007) using that measure as a size proxy. As size is closely correlated with scale
of underwriting data, particularly in personal lines, we used the size variable as a proxy to test the
capacity to internally generate sufficient loss experience data. As size can also be associated with
other scalable factors, it may be an imperfect proxy. However, we note that with respect to direct
financial solvency linkages, other financial indicators such as investment returns are not variable
by size of institution in either the Canadian or U.S. data.13 Alternative measures such as the
dummy variable approach of Cummins et al (1995) were also tested with similar results. However,
using size as a proxy may be imperfect – the variable may also be influenced by other size-
sensitive factors relevant to solvency such as business diversification, access to financial markets
and better capacity to attract human capital.

As managerial experience is generally unobservable, we use age of the firm as a proxy for
experience. While this is an imperfect proxy, it is consistent with the results of Dibra & Leadbetter
(2007), Thompson, (2005) and Dunne et al, (1988) which indicate that likelihood of survival is
higher with older companies and that the age of a firm may be linked to the quality of
management. Similarly, it is expected that in a conservative and mature industry like P&C
insurance, start-ups and newer companies would have difficulty attracting experienced managers
from larger and more established players. Therefore, the variable, YearsIncorporated j,t represents
the age of the company.

13 For example, in 2007 only one of the largest 10 Canadian insurers had a return on investment greater than the
industry average and six had returns worse than the industry average. Three quarters of all insurers recorded
an ROI within 25 basis points of the industry average. Similarly in the U.S., only one of the 10 largest insurers had
an ROI greater than the industry average. The correlation coefficient between size and ROI is 0.08 and 0.009 for
Canada and the U.S., respectively. This similarity of returns among insurers is likely due to the high proportion
of assets invested in government bonds.

Following Cummins, Harrington, Klein (1995) we include Mutual j,t as a binary dummy to indicate
if the company was a mutual company, thus accounting for any differences that mutual companies
may have from other companies.

Table 3: Descriptive statistics for solvent and failed insurers (1996 to 2006)

Failed insurers

Inadequate Failures other

Solvent pricing-related than inadequate All failed
insurers failures pricing insurers

Number of insurers 2,648 88 101 189

Percentage of mutual insurers 16.3% 12.5% 12.9% 12.7%

Age of institutions (years)

Average 38 40 31 35

Median 24 21 17 19

Size of institutions (assets, $millions)

Average $311 $114 $29 $69

Maximum $100,413 $7,846 $2,062 $7,846

Source: PACICC, with data from A.M. Best

The variable RegulationIndex j,t was defined as the proportion of auto insurance premiums subject
to rate regulation. States requiring state-prescribed rates or prior approval for rate changes were
considered to be regulated. An index for the amount of rate-regulated business was determined by
summing the product of the proportion of auto premiums written to total premiums in each state
by a binary variable representing whether or not the state was regulated. On occasion there were
irregularities in the data (for example, companies in run-off had a negative premium value
resulting in a negative index value) which were adjusted to either one or zero, depending on
which case was more appropriate.

In some cases, premium data by state and line of business were unavailable. To correct for this,
estimates were made of state-by-state auto coverage by taking the proportion of auto premiums
to total premiums and applying the proportion to the total premiums written in each state. While
such estimation loses some accuracy, the majority of the companies to which this method
was applied were regionally focused and operated in few lines of business, thus limiting any
distortion effects.

Other variables were also included to control for additional risk factors. A variety of profitability,
liquidity and solvency indicators were used, similar to the approach used by Cummins et al (1999),
Poittier & Somner (2006) and Sharpe & Stadnik (2007). While a number of indicators were
considered and tested, the variables outlined in Exhibit III were identified as being representative
of the literature.

The correlation matrix identified few significant correlations (defined as greater than 0.20) among
the various indicators. The variable YearsIncorporated was negatively correlated with the Mutual
variable (–0.435) suggesting that in the sample, as a company gets older, it is less likely to be a
mutual. Size was modestly correlated with overall liquidity (0.337), suggesting that larger insurers
had better access to sources of liquidity. Not surprisingly, nearly all the IRIS ratio variables relating
to the failure of a specific IRIS test were correlated in some manner with each other and strongly
correlated with the total number of IRIS test failures.

In addition to the primary specification, two others were tested using sub-samples of insolvent
insurers. The sample of insolvent insurers was split into those identified by A.M. Best as having
inadequate pricing as a cause of failure, and those that had other causes of failure. The secondary
specifications utilized the same set of independent variables but the dependent variable was
replaced with a dummy variable isolating companies that failed due to inadequate pricing or other
reasons. These secondary specifications were conducted to identify whether there were
relationships distinct to failures from inadequate pricing that did not exist for other failures.

Discussion of results
Overall, the regression results were consistent with those of the prior literature. As can be seen
from the table in Exhibit III, the variable for size was significant and had a coefficient of the
expected sign, indicating that larger companies are less likely to fail, confirming the results of
Cummins, Harrington, Klein (1995); Cummins, Grace, Philips (1999); Pottier & Sommer (2002)
and Sharpe & Stadnik (2007). In the secondary specifications, the size variable was also significant,
although the much smaller coefficient suggests that in practice the importance of size is less
material for predicting insolvency as a result of inadequate pricing. This result does provide
some support for the hypothesis that smaller insurers do have some disadvantage in access
to underwriting data, but the weakness of the result may be due to the availability of industry
data sources through statistical agents.

The age of the insurance company was found to be statistically significant for insolvencies related
to causes other than inadequate pricing, but only weakly significant for insolvencies caused by
inadequate pricing. As the age distribution of insolvencies caused by inadequate pricing is similar
to that of the population of solvent insurers, this is not surprising. In contrast to studies in other
industries, the positive coefficient in the inadequate price-related failure model is opposite the
expected sign. The sign of the age variable is of the expected sign for other types of insolvencies,
suggesting that overall as companies develop more experience in the market they are less likely to
become insolvent. As insurer age may be a poor proxy for managerial experience, the development
of an appropriate dataset and further exploration of the relationship between managerial quality
and insolvency could be a useful area for future study.

An insurer’s exposure to rate regulation is a significant explanatory variable and the coefficient
is of the expected sign if price controls are likely to increase the risk of insolvency. In the
secondary specifications, the coefficient and significance of rate regulation increases for failures
resulting from inadequate pricing, but is not significant for other types of failures.

Indicators of profitability and liquidity showed mixed results in terms of significance. However,
with the exception of ROA, virtually all profitability and liquidity indicators were not found to
be important explanatory variables for insolvency. This is consistent with the literature (Cummins
et al, 1995; Cummins et al, 1999; Sharpe & Stadnik, 2007). The relatively strong negative coefficient
of the ROA variable reinforces the results of Sharpe & Stadnik (2007) and conventional wisdom
that profitability is a strong indicator of financial health. The ROA variable is robust with or
without the other measures in the specification.

A number of solvency-related indicator variables were found to be significant. A.M. Best’s capital
test measure is significant but the low coefficient suggests weak explanatory power. Other risk-
based capital measures tested (RBC-related scores) were not found to be significant. The insurance
risk ratio – a measure of leverage – is significant but the coefficient suggests that it offers limited
explanatory power. This is consistent with Cummins, Grace, Philips (1999) and to a lesser extent
Pottier & Sommer (2002) which respectively found risk-based capital ratios to be not significant,
or only weakly so. In the discussion of explanatory power of risk-based capital measures, it may
be important to consider that they are designed and calibrated to protect assets in liquidation.
As a result, the risk factor that they measure may be collectability of assets rather than the
solvency of the institution in itself. More research in this area may be required.

The dummy variable for mutual companies was not found to be statistically significant in the
supplementary specifications, but was in the general model. This suggests that being a mutual
organization is a poor predictor of a type of insolvency, but it does indicate a lower overall risk of
insolvency. This is consistent with Cummins, Grace, Philips (1999) and Cummins, Harrington, Klein (1995).

Link to characteristics of Canadian involuntary exits

In general the statistical analysis of the U.S. data confirmed the results of the smaller Canadian
sample of involuntary exits.

The Canadian experience identified three potential sources of systemic and catastrophic mispricing
of insurance policies that could result in the ultimate failure of the company:
• firm size and data deficiency
• managerial experience
• rate regulation.

In the analysis, firm size is statistically significant although the size of the coefficient suggests
that it might not be a strong factor in contributing to involuntary exit. The results for managerial
experience, proxied by age of the institution in the statistical analysis, was inconclusive. It was not
significant in the full sample and only marginally so in the sample of involuntary exits linked to
inadequate pricing, and with the wrong sign. Institutional age is likely a poor proxy for
managerial experience and quality. An improved dataset would likely provide more insight.

Our statistical analysis of the experience of the United States, with its longer history of rate
regulation, found this factor was significant in explaining involuntary exits linked to inadequate
pricing, but not for other types of involuntary exit. This suggests that price controls have a
detrimental effect on the solvency of weaker insurers.


e reviewed the circumstances for all Canadian insurance companies that involuntarily exited
W the market during the past thirty years, and further conducted a statistical analysis using
data from the U.S. P&C insurance industry. The analysis presented in this report offers a number
of lessons and observations concerning the solvency implications of severe price and reserving
inadequacy. Many of these observations will not be surprising to experienced observers.
Nevertheless, they are recurring themes for involuntary exits extending over several insurance
cycles and thus bear repeating.

For solvency supervisors and insurance guarantee funds, understanding and being reminded
of the factors related to insurer insolvency can help mitigate or reduce the overall impact of such
occurrences for policyholders.

Overall, our detailed case review of the Canadian insolvency experience and supplementary
analysis of the U.S. experience relating to inadequate pricing reveals the following general

Governance and operational risk

• In many cases strategic decisions to enter new or unrelated business lines lacked appropriate
underwriting expertise and loss experience data.
• Prior to the wind-up of a company, management in many cases undertook strategies that could
be described as “gambling for survival.”
• Inadequate information and reporting processes and systems were found in 71 percent of
Canadian involuntary exits linked to inadequate pricing.

Costs of insolvency
• Inadequate pricing is the leading cause of failure among insurance companies.
• Insolvent insurers that underwrote rate-regulated products were more expensive in liquidation
than other insolvent insurers.

Monitoring and supervision

• When industry growth in claims costs exceeds growth in capital, the probability
of insolvency increases.
• Managerial experience in new entrants is an important determinant in the survival capacity
of an institution.
• Companies writing in new lines of business, outside their area of expertise, are at greater
risk of insolvency.
• Price controls in a rate-regulated system that de-link the price/claim cost relationship
increase the risk of insolvency.

Exhibit I: Data deficiency simulation

In this exercise, a population of auto insurance policies sample was randomly generated to
simulate the market. The insurer (ABC Insurance Company) is assumed to be a new company
entering the market with access to market data that is not representative of the risks it is
underwriting. The insurer bases its pricing policy on the data and assumptions set out below.

Base data
Average industry loss claim: $3,461
Loss ratio: 074%
Combined ratio: 100%

• Claims distribution is based on Ontario auto size of loss reports AU50 for 2002.
• Premiums are set to cover claims costs.
• Insurer only has data on good risks but is exposed to the entire population.
• The effect of investments is ignored.

ABC Insurance Company Full data Partial data

Expected price per policy $1,184 $393

Expected premium $70,080 $23,285

Expected claims costs $51,911 $17,248

Actual claims costs $51,911 $51,911

Loss ratio 74.1% 222.9%

Premium surplus (or deficiency) $0 ($28,626)

The simulation illustrates how incorrect expectations on claims costs can result in a too low
level of price per policy (and overall expected premium) necessary in order to pay the actual
claims costs.

Exhibit II: Price control simulation

In this exercise, the insurer (ABC Insurance Company) is assumed to be facing growing claims
costs and restrictions on its ability to adjust premiums.

Note, that this rather simple example ignores the effect of increased liabilities from the worsening
environment and only includes the income statement effect. Increasing liabilities would accelerate
the company toward technical insolvency.

• Premiums only permitted to grow at the level of inflation or less.

• Claims growth based on actual claim trends during the period 1999 to 2002 for Ontario auto.

• For simplicity, expenses are confined to claims incurred.

ABC Insurance Company

Capital available $4 million

Earned premium $8 million

Claims incurred $7.68 million

Initial insurance risk ratio 2.00 (Leverage below regulatory threshold of 3)

Initial loss ratio 96% (Positive underwriting experience)

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

Permitted earned premium increase 0.9% 3% 3% inflation

Claims cost increase 15.8% 14.5% 8.2%

Insurance risk ratio 2.5 6.3 n/a

Loss ratio 110% 122% 129%

Capital ($millions) $3.18 $1.31 –$1.14 (technically insolvent)

Exhibit III: Statistical results

Risk variables utilized

Return on assets a profitability test

Return on equity a profitability test

Combined ratio an underwriting profitability test

BCAR A.M. Best’s capital adequacy measure

Overall liquidity admitted assets/(total liabilities less conditional reserves)

Operating cash flow measures revenue generated from underwriting

and related investments

Ceded reinsurance to equity measure of dependence on reinsurance for solvency

Business retention proportion of premium written retained by the insurer

Insurance risk ratio net retained premiums to capital. A measure of exposure

to pricing errors on current book of business.

IRIS ratios dummy variables = 1 if test is failed

IRIS 1 gross premium to surplus (leverage)

IRIS 3 change in net writings (a growth measure)

IRIS 7 percentage increase or decrease in capital held

IRIS 11 two-year reserve development relative to capital

Number of Iris failures number tests failed (0 to 12)

Table 5: Summary of results
1 2 3
General Inadequate Failures caused
Independent variables model pricing by other sources

ROA –1.237 –0.152 –0.708

(0.000) (0.094) (0.015)

Size –0.138 –0.067 –0.209

(0.000) (0.019) (0.000)

BCAR –0.009 –0.009 –0.008

(0.000) (0.001) (0.002)

Years incorporated 0.000 0.002 –0.003

(0.715) (0.090) (0.034)

Mutual –0.191 –0.222 –0.139

(0.082) (0.138) (0.357)

Rate regulation 0.124 0.171 0.000

(0.054) (0.013) (0.987)

Combined ratio 0.000 0.000 0.000

(0.336) (0.416) (0.990)

ROE –0.002 –0.002 0.000

(0.037) (0.021) (0.723)

Overall liquidity 0.000 0.000 0.001

(0.037) (0.179) (0.002)

Operating cash flow 0.000 0.000 0.000

(0.000) (0.001) (0.012)

Ceded reinsurance to equity 0.001 0.002 0.001

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)

Business retention 0.001 0.001 0.000

(0.107) (0.024) (0.790)

Insurance risk ratio 0.001 0.002 0.000

(0.003) (0.000) (0.062)

IRIS ratios

IRIS 1 –1.093 –1.119 –1.000

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)

IRIS 3 –0.063 –0.079 –0.053

(0.617) (0.500) (0.442)

IRIS 7 –1.090 –0.782 –1.245

(0.000) (0.020) (0.000)

IRIS 11 0.185 0.602 –0.225

(0.125) (0.000) (0.165)

Number of IRIS tests failed 0.328 0.207 0.418

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000)

Nagelkerke R2 0.164 0.127 0.142

Hosmer-Lemeshow 0.501 0.518 0.030

Coefficients reported with p-values in parentheses. Bold values are significant at the 10% level of confidence.

The pseudo R2 is low but in the range of previous studies. The Hosmer and Lemeshow
Goodness-of-Fit Test with a p-value of greater than 0.05 indicates that the general and inadequate
pricing models have an adequate fit.


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Property and Casualty Insurance
Compensation Corporation
20 Richmond Street East, Suite 210
Toronto, Ontario M5C 2R9
Phone (416) 364-8677
Fax (416) 364-5889

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