Assignment 2

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AM-14101: Fluid Mechanics

Assignment: 2 (Unit 1: Hydrostatic force and Kinematics)

1. A water tank has a circular panel in its vertical wall. The panel has a radius of 50 cm, and its centre is 2 m
below the surface. Neglecting atmospheric pressure, determine the water force on the panel and its
line of action.
2. A vat filled with oil (SG = 0.85) is 7 m long and 3 m deep and has a trapezoidal cross section 2 m wide at
the bottom and 4 m wide at the top. Compute (a) the weight of oil in the vat, (b) the force on the vat bottom,
and (c) the force on the trapezoidal end panel.
3. Gate AB in Fig. 1 is 1.2 m long and 0.8 m into the paper. Neglecting atmospheric pressure, compute the
force F on the gate and its centre-of-pressure position X.

Fig. 1
4. Suppose that the tank in Fig. 1 is filled with liquid X, not oil. Gate AB is 0.8 m wide into the paper.
Suppose that liquid X causes a force F on gate AB and that the moment of this force about point B is 26,500
N m. What is the specific gravity of liquid X?
5. Panel ABC in the slanted side of a water tank is an isosceles triangle with the vertex at A and the base BC =
2 m, as in Fig. 2. Find the water force on the panel and its line of action.



6. Gate AB in Fig. 3 is a homogeneous mass of 180 kg, 1.2 m wide into the paper, hinged at A, and resting on
a smooth bottom at B. All fluids are at 20°C. For what water depth h will the force at point B be zero?
7. The tank in Fig. 4 is 3 m wide into the paper. Neglecting atmospheric pressure, compute the hydrostatic (a)
horizontal force, (b) vertical force, and (c) resultant force on quarter-circle panel BC.
8. The three components of velocity in a velocity field are given by u = Ax + By + Cz, v = Dx + Ey
+ Fz, and w = Gx + Hy + Jz. Determine the relationship among the coefficients A through J that is
necessary if this is to be a possible incompressible flow field.
9. The y component of velocity in a steady, incompressible flow field in the xy plane is v = – Bxy3,
where B = 0.2 m3/s-1, and x and y are measured in meters. Find the simplest x component of
velocity for this flow field. Find the equation of the streamlines for this flow. Plot the streamlines
through points (1, 4) and (2, 4).
10. Show that streamlines and equipotential lines are perpendicular to each other.
11. Prove that ψ and ϕ satisfies Laplace equation?
3 2
12. Consider a flow with velocity components u = 0, v = –y – 4z, and w = 3y z.
i. Is this a one-, two-, or three-dimensional flow?
ii. Demonstrate whether this is an incompressible or compressible flow.
iii. Derive a stream function for this flow.
13. The stream function in a two dimensional, incompressible flow field is given as,
(a) Determine the velocity components.
(b) Determine whether the above flow field represents a possible case of an incompressible flow
or not.
(c) Obtain an expression for the velocity potential.
14. A three-dimensional velocity field is given by
V = - x2yi – y2z j + (2xyz + yz2) k
Determine the velocity and acceleration at (1, 1, 2).

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