The Garbage Can Model
The Garbage Can Model
The Garbage Can Model
The garbage can model (also known as garbage can process, or garbage can
theory) describes the chaotic reality of organizational decision making in an
organized anarchy.The model originated in the 1972 seminal paper, A Garbage Can
Model of Organizational Choice, written by Michael D. Cohen, James G. March,
and Johan P. Olsen
Organized anarchy
General properties
Problematic preferences
Unclear technology
The organization's processes are not understood by the organization's own members.
The organization operates based on trial and error procedures, learning from accidents
of past experiences, and pragmatic inventions of necessity.It is not clear what the
consequences are for proposed solutions, or how to solve problems with solutions that
lack evidence.
Fluid participation
Participants vary in how much time and effort they commit to different domains.
Participant involvement also varies, depending on the time. Consequently, the
boundaries of the organization are continuously uncertain and changing. Audiences
and decision makers for any type of choice change suddenly and unpredictably.
Meaning making
Organized anarchies need structures and processes that symbolically reinforce their
espoused values, that provide opportunities for individuals to assert and confirm
their status, and that allow people to understand to which of many competing
claims on their attention they should respond. They require a means through which
irrelevant problems and participants can be encouraged to seek alternative ways of
expressing themselves so that decision-makers can do their jobs. They should also
be able to “keep people busy, occasionally entertain them, give them a variety of
experiences, keep them off the streets, provide pretexts of storytelling, and allow
socializing” (Weick’s The Social Psychology of Organizing, p. 264).
Decision streams
The garbage can model views decisions as outcomes of four independent streams
(detailed below) within organizations. Prior to the garbage can model, the decision
process was imagined very differently, as visually displayed, based on references
from the foundational literature, in the figures below.
Problems arise from people both inside and outside of the organization, and for many
different reasons, all consuming attention. Examples may include family, career,
distribution of status and money, or even current events in the media. These problems
do not need to be real, or actually important, but only to be perceived as such by the
decision makers.
Participants have other demands on their time, and actively arrive to, and leave from,
the decision making process. They may also have different preferences for different
Choice opportunities
Choice opportunities give the organizations chances to act in ways that can be called
decisions. These opportunities occur regularly, and organizations are able to
determine moments for choice. Examples may include the signing of contracts, hiring
and firing employees, spending money, and assigning tasks.The first three streams of
problems, solutions, and participants, flow into the fourth stream of choice
opportunities, and mix based on chance, timing, and who happens to be present.
While the first three streams of problems, solutions, and participants, meet in the
stream of choice opportunity (for example, a choice to hire a new employee), the
decision/choice arena is the larger domain where all four of these streams meet. This
arena can be the type of organization (government, school, university) or the greater
setting in which this interaction is occurring. For example, a board or committee may
be a choice arena, while the committee's annual elections may be a choice
opportunity. Choice opportunities may also move between different choice arenas,
such as a decision being passed between committees, or departments.
Decision outcomes
The outcomes of how the four streams mix in a choice arena can vary. Sometimes
decisions are made. Other times no decisions are made. Still other times, decisions are
made, but do not address the problem that they were meant to solve.
Resolution occurs when the choices taken resolve the problem that was being
addressed. This success occurs when problems arise in choice opportunities, and the
decision makers present have the energy/ability to properly address the problems'
Oversight occurs when a decision is taken before the problem reaches it. This happens
when choice opportunities arrive and no problems are attached to them. This may be
due to problems being attached to other choice arenas at the moment. If there is
sufficient energy available to make a choice quickly, participants will make the choice
and move on before the relevant problem arrives.
Flight occurs when a decision is taken after the problem goes away. This happens
when problems are attached to choice opportunities for a period of time and exceed
the energy of their respective decision makers to stay focused on the problem. The
original problem may then move to another choice arena. Examples are tabling, or
sending decisions to subcommittees, where the problems may not get attached to
Early implications
The Fortran model simulations, used in the original paper, found that, most often,
decisions are not made to resolve problems. Decision making processes were found to
be very sensitive to variations in energy and time. Decision makers and problems
were also found to seek each other out, and continue to find each other.Three key
aspects of the efficiency of the decision process are problem activity, problem latency,
and decision time.Problem activity is the amount of time unresolved problems are
actively attached to choice situations. This is a rough measure of the potential for
decision conflict in an organization. Problem latency is the amount of time problems
spend activated but not linked to choices. Decision time is the persistence of
choices. Good organizational structures would be assumed to keep problem activity
and problem latency low by quickly solving problems with choices. Notably, this
result was not observed in the garbage can model.The model's processes are very
interactive, and some phenomena are dependent on specific combinations of other
structures at play. Important problems were found more likely to be solved than
unimportant ones, and important choices were less likely to solve problems than
unimportant ones.
Model constraints
Access structures and deadlines provide limitations on what can enter into the garbage
can model's processes.
Access Structure
Democratic structures allow everyone to participate, but can also complicate the
decision-making process.
Access structures are the social boundaries that influence which persons, problems,
and solutions are allowed access to the choice arena.
Unrestricted/democratic access
Hierarchical access
Hierarchical structures, such as this chairpersons meeting, limit access to important
Hierarchical access gives priority entry to important actors, problems, and solutions.
Both choices and problems are arranged in a hierarchy so that important problems
(having low numbers) have access to many choices, and
important choices (also having low numbers) are accessible to only important
meeting/committee, while small decisions are left for the general population.[2]
Specialized access
Specialized access happens when only special problems and solutions can gain entry
to certain meetings. Specific specialists have access to specific choices that fit their
expertise.Each problem has access to only one choice and each choice is accessible to
only two problems. Hence, choices specialize in the types of problems that can be
connected to them.[1] An example could be computer specialists in a technology
committee addressing technical issues.
Deadlines characterize temporal boundaries, the timing of decision arenas and what
flows access them. Constraints include arrival times of problems (seasonal or weather
issues, such as a heat wave, or a blizzard), solutions (time delayed, for example by 1
or 5 year plans), participants (determined by the timing of business days, school
semesters, etc.), and choice opportunities (for example, meetings based on budget
cycles, or student admissions).
Decisions arise from the constraints of access structures and deadlines interacting
with the time-dependent flows of problems, solutions, and participants.
By 1972, March, Cohen, and Olsen had all found their way from the University of
California, Irvine to Stanford University, in the positions of professor, post-doctoral
fellow, and visiting professor, respectively.That year, they published the seminal
paper A Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice.In this paper, the authors used
version 5 of the programming language Fortran to translate their ideas into a computer
simulation model of a garbage can decision making process.
Practical applications
The model enables choices to be made and problems resolved, even when an
organization may be plagued by conflict, goal ambiguity, poorly understood problems
that come and go, variable environments, and distracted decision makers. There are
many situations where the garbage can process of decision making cannot be
eliminated, and in some of these instances, such as research, or family, the garbage
can process should not be eliminated.Knowing the characteristics of an organizational
anarchy and a garbage can model can help people to properly identify when and
where these phenomena exist, and approach them strategically. Understanding how
these decision arenas operate provide tools to successfully manage what could
otherwise be a problematic decision-making process.
Management styles
Organized anarchies can be managed, to use the garbage can model to your
advantage. Three different management styles can be used, as detailed below.
A reformer eliminates the chaotic garbage can elements from decisions. This creates
greater order and control, which centralizes and rationalizes the organization
In contrast to the reformer, the enthusiast tries to discover a new vision of the decision
making within garbage can processes.The enthusiast realizes that the planning is in
large part symbolic, and is an excuse for participants to interact and generate
meaning. It allows participants to feel a sense of belonging, and to learn about
identities and views. Once the enthusiast understands that the decision arena is more
for sense-making and observations, than for making decisions, temporal sorting can
be used as a way to organize attention. The temporal order of topics presented can
suggest what is of more concern for collective discussion. Flows of problems and
solutions are viewed as a matching market, where energies and connections are
mobilized.Assessing who is present, and where time and energy are sufficient, allows
the enthusiasts to advance their case most effectively. Characteristics of the garbage
can model that were seen by others as disadvantages, such as flexible implementation,
uncoordinated action, and confusion, are viewed as advantages by the enthusiast.
The pragmatist tries to exploit the anarchy inherent in the garbage can processes to
further personal agendas. Timing can be manipulated to have solutions arrive when
attention is low. The meeting can be arranged in an order that is personally favorable,
where items that are desired to be discussed are placed at the top of the agenda, and
items that need to be passed, in which discussion is not desired, are placed at the
bottom of the agenda, so that the decision can be rushed through when there is not
enough time for discussion. The pragmatist pays attention to fluctuations in interests
and participant involvement, so that when certain individuals are not present, it can be
easier to advance issues and solutions that may have otherwise been opposed by
different participants.Initiatives that are entangled with other streams can be
abandoned, and if an unfavorable topic arises, the system can be overloaded to protect
the pragmatist's interests. This can be accomplished by bringing up different problems
and solutions, which will slow the decision making process down and make it more
complex. Other choice opportunities (meetings) can also be proposed to lure problems
and participants away from choices that are of interest, in the process gaining time for
the pragmatists to address the issues of their concern.
Multi-disciplinary impact
The garbage can model can be especially helpful in explaining all types of meetings
where problems and solutions are fluidly discussed. The model fits well with almost
any decentralized social system attempting to address issues, and the model is
continuously finding its way into new domains. For example, across a sample of firms
involved in hydrocarbon mega projects, researchers found that problems given the
most attention are different from those responsible for budget overruns, and that the
attribution of reasons for these overruns differ between project owners and supply
chain firms. These inconsistencies are addressed by the garbage can model. Also,
trade fairs have been found to be organizational forms that have permeable, fluid
participation, and diversified and spontaneous in terms of individual goals and
actions, once again displaying traits characteristic of the model.
Several fields such as higher education, the policy-government world, and academic
research, are discussed further below.
Higher education
Public policy
Research in psychology
The research process in the field of social sciences, particularly in psychology, can be
interpreted as an organized anarchy. The academic field of psychology is much more
a loose collection of ideas and theories, rather than a coherent structure with a shared
intellectual paradigm. Technologies used to conduct research may not be fully
understood. Methods for analyzing data, or conducting research, are taken from other
fields when the need arises. Participation in the research process is fluid, with some
research being done by students, other research being done by professors who may
publish one or a few articles and then not continue as a researcher, and other research
being done by people who make the research process their life-long
profession. Joanne Martin recognized these characteristics of organized anarchy, and
applied an adapted version of the garbage can model to the psychological research
process. Martin's model restyled the original model's four streams. Problems took the
parameters of theoretical problems. Solutions were seen as the results of the research
process. Choice opportunities were understood as the selection of which methodology
to use for the research. Finally, the stream for participants was re-termed resources, to
reflect that, unlike in organizational decision making, not only were actors required to
move the decision/research process forward, but specific intellects and skill-sets could
also be required, as well as financing, study subjects, and access to certain
environments for conducting the research in. The garbage can model of the
psychological research process describes how and why some research topics may go
unaddressed, certain theoretical problems may be linked with only a single
methodological approach, researchers may continue to work on the same issues
throughout their careers, some methods may be seldom applied, and how and why the
field may appear to make little progress at times.
The garbage can model continues to appear in academic articles, textbooks, and the
press, being applied across many diverse domains. Features of organized anarchy
have increased in modern times, and many attempts have been made to contribute to
the theoretical discourse of the garbage can model by extending it to include new
components. For example, fluid participation, a key characteristic of organized
anarchy, has greatly increased since the original model was formulated. Some recent
research has sought to contribute to the theoretical discourse of the model, by finding
leadership style to be a key predictor of decision structure in organized anarchy. Other
recent research has found problems with the computer simulation model used in the
original article by Cohen, March, and Olsen, suggesting that decision making styles
have not been sufficiently analyzed.
The volume's papers collectively suggest that the next logical stage of evolution for
the garbage can model may be to directly model complex network dependencies
linking participants, solutions, problems, and choice opportunities, or overall, social
processes, within organizations. Taken as a whole, the volume contributes to defining
an intellectual agenda that may well extend far beyond the next forty years of
organizational research.