Test - Embryology Practice Questions With Answers - Quizlet

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The document discusses embryonic development of various organs and structures. It provides explanations of embryological origins for parts of the heart, placenta and other tissues.

The first two germ layers to differentiate are the epiblast and hypoblast. They develop into the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm layers.

The crista terminalis is the structure that marks where the right cusp of the sinoatrial valve was located before the sinus became part of the atrium.


7 Matching questions

1. 113. Of the following, the one most closely associated with

the cerebrum is:
A. A. is correct.
The primitive pulmonary vein becomes incorporated into
A. telencephalon
the wall of the fetal left atrium, forming most of it. The
B. diencephalon
original left atrium becomes a trabeculated atrial
C. mesencephalon
appendage called the left auricle, because it resembles an
D. metencephalon
"ear" on the heart.
E. myelencephalon

B. E. is correct.
No answer given If the vitelline duct remains patent, there will be an
THE ANSWER umbilical or vitelline fistula, leaking meconium or fetal
G. A. is correct. feces at the umbilicus. Partial closure of vitelline duct may
The cerebrum arises from the telencephalon. Telencephalon, result in a vitelline cyst or a Meckel's/ileal diverticulum. The
the most rostral part of the brain vesicles, develops from the latter are found on the anti-mesenteric side of ileum within
prosencephalon as lateral outgrowths, the cerebral 2 feet of cecum.
hemispheres and an intermediate area, the lamina terminalis.
Lamina terminalis develops into the commissures connecting C. B. is correct.
the hemispheres. Labia majora arise from the genital swellings. Their
counterpart in the male is the scrotum, which also arises
2. 75. The crista terminalis is derived from: from the genital swellings. The genital tubercle forms the
distal end of penis and most of clitoris.
A. right horn of the sinus venosus
B. left horn of the sinus venosus D. D. is correct.
C. primitive atrium
The placenta is made of maternal tissue, the decidua
D. AV canal basalis, and fetal tissue, the chorion frondosum or
E. Right cusp of the valve of the sinus venosus bushy/villous chorion. The smooth chorion or chorion
INCORRECT laeve is covered by decidua capsularis, which disappears
No answer given as the fetus grows and smooth chorion pushes up against
THE ANSWER he decidua parietalis.

E. E. is correct.
E. E. is correct.
This is pretty picky. Cristal terminalis is the ridge on the inner
This is pretty picky. Cristal terminalis is the ridge on the
surface of the right atrium that demarcates the smooth walled
inner surface of the right atrium that demarcates the
part derived from sinus venosus and the pectinate muscle-
containing part from primitive right atrium. It marks where the smooth walled part derived from sinus venosus and the

right cusp of the sinoatrial valve was before the sinus became pectinate muscle-containing part from primitive right
atrium. It marks where the right cusp of the sinoatrial valve
part of atrium.
was before the sinus became part of atrium.

F. B. is correct.
The epiblast and hypoblast develop from the inner cell
mass during the 2nd week. During the 3rd week, the
epiblast produces cells between itself and the hypoblast,
called the mesoderm. Epiblast also replaces the hypoblast
with endoderm cells. Epiblast then changes its name to
ectoderm, completing the process of gastrulation.
3. 13. The first two intraembryonic germ layers to differentiate G. A. is correct.
are the: The cerebrum arises from the telencephalon.
Telencephalon, the most rostral part of the brain vesicles,
A. ectoderm and hypoblast develops from the prosencephalon as lateral outgrowths,
B. epiblast and hypoblast the cerebral hemispheres and an intermediate area, the
C. ectoderm and endoderm lamina terminalis. Lamina terminalis develops into the
D. ectoderm and mesoderm commissures connecting the hemispheres.


No answer given

F. B. is correct.
The epiblast and hypoblast develop from the inner cell mass
during the 2nd week. During the 3rd week, the epiblast
produces cells between itself and the hypoblast, called the
mesoderm. Epiblast also replaces the hypoblast with
endoderm cells. Epiblast then changes its name to ectoderm,
completing the process of gastrulation.

4. 86. A persistence of the vitelline duct may result in:

A. ileal diverticulum
B. Meckel's diverticulum
C. Vitelline cyst
D. Umbilical fistula
E. All of the above


No answer given

B. E. is correct.
If the vitelline duct remains patent, there will be an umbilical
or vitelline fistula, leaking meconium or fetal feces at the
umbilicus. Partial closure of vitelline duct may result in a
vitelline cyst or a Meckel's/ileal diverticulum. The latter are
found on the anti-mesenteric side of ileum within 2 feet of

5. 71. The fetal left atrium is mainly derived from the:

A. primitive pulmonary vein

B. primitive atrium
C. right pulmonary vein
D. sinus venarum
E. sinus venosus


No answer given

A. A. is correct.
The primitive pulmonary vein becomes incorporated into the
wall of the fetal left atrium, forming most of it. The original left
atrium becomes a trabeculated atrial appendage called the
left auricle, because it resembles an "ear" on the heart.
6. 108. Which of the following gives rise to the labia majora?

A. genital folds
B. genital swellings
C. genital tubercle
D. urorectal gold
E. inguinal fold


No answer given

C. B. is correct.
Labia majora arise from the genital swellings. Their
counterpart in the male is the scrotum, which also arises from
the genital swellings. The genital tubercle forms the distal end
of penis and most of clitoris.

7. 31. The most important region of the decidua for the

nourishment of the conceptus is the decidua ___________.

A. frondosum
B. capsularis
C. parietalis
D. basalis
E. laeve


No answer given

D. D. is correct.
The placenta is made of maternal tissue, the decidua basalis,
and fetal tissue, the chorion frondosum or bushy/villous
chorion. The smooth chorion or chorion laeve is covered by
decidua capsularis, which disappears as the fetus grows and
smooth chorion pushes up against he decidua parietalis.

7 Multiple choice questions

1. D. is correct.
It is during the third week that the notochordal process and its associated mesoderm induce the neural plate. The hollow
notochordal process eventually becomes the solid notochord, the forerunner of the axial skeleton.

No answer given

118. In the development of the nervous system:

A. the neural groove forms from the neural plate

B. the neural folds are composed of neuroepithelial cells
C. the neural tube maintains temporary contact with the amniotic cavity via neuropores
D. neuroepithelial cells give rise to both neuroblasts and glia blasts
B. E. all of the above are correct

34. Which of the following is NOT a component of the mature placental barrier?

A. the endothelial lining of fetal capillaries

B. the cytotrophoblast
C. the syncytiotrophoblast
D. the basement membrane of fetal capillaries
C. E. all of the above are part of the mature placental barrier

116. In the development of the nervous system:

A. there are five primary brain vesicles

B. during the 5th week, each brain vesicle subdivides into 2 parts
C. the pontine flexure is in a direction opposite the mesencephalic and cervical flexure
D. D. neural epithelial cells are found in the marginal layer

20. In the third week of human embryonic development:

A. the amnion appears

B. a bilaminar embryonic disc is formed
C. the body stalk moves ventrally and joins with the yolk sac stalk to form the umbilical cord
D. the neural plate is induced by the notochordal process and associated mesoderm
E. the uteroplacental circulation is established
2. E. is correct.
The prostate is derived from the urogenital sinus, with no contribution from the mesonephric ducts. Ureteric bud, from
mesonephric duct, gives rise to the collecting system of the kidney. A portion of the mesonephric ducts becomes
incorporated into the trigone region of the bladder. Seminal vesicles bud from the mesonephric duct.

No answer given

99. The derivatives of the Wolffian duct include each of the following except:

A. longitudinal duct of Gartner

B. round ligament of uterus
C. ductus deferens
D. duct of the epididymis
B. E. ejaculatory duct

97. The following structures are directly or indirectly derived from the mesonephric or Wolffian duct EXCEPT:

A. part of the epididymis

B. part of the kidney
C. part of the urinary bladder
D. seminal vesicles
E. prostate

42. After folding of the head region, the structure lying just caudal to the pericardial cavity is the:

A. developing heart
B. connecting stalk
C. primitive streak
D. liver
D. E. septum transversum

98. The following structures are the derivatives of the primitive urogenital sinus EXCEPT:

A. most of the urinary bladder

B. male urethra
C. female urethra
D. lower vagina
E. E. ejaculatory ducts
3. C. is correct.
All chorionic villi possess an outer layer of syncytiotrophoblast. The cytotrophoblast shell is a feature of the mature chorion.
Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm forms the core of secondary villi, becoming tertiary with vascular development. Primary
villi, at 14 days, are syncytial processes with a core of cytotrophoblast.

No answer given

88. The tracheoesophageal septum separates the:

A. laryngotracheal tube and nasopharynx

B. esophagus and nasopharynx
C. laryngotracheal tube and esophagus
D. laryngotracheal tube and oropharynx
B. E. esophagus and oropharynx

25. Which of the following structures does not turn under onto the ventral surface of the embryo during folding of the

A. prochordal plate
B. heart
C. notochord
D. pericardial cavity
E. septum transversum

28. The most distinctive characteristic of a primary chorionic villus is its:

A. outer syncytiotrophoblastic layer

B. cytotrophoblastic shell
C. extraembryonic somatic mesodermal core
D. bushy appearance
D. E. cytotrophoblastic core

29. Chorionic villi are designated as secondary chorionic villi when they:

A. contact the decidua basalis

B. are covered by syncytiotrophoblast
C. develop a mesenchymal core
D. give rise to branch villi
E. none of the above
4. E. is correct.
At four days, the blastocyst cavity of blastocele forms within the morula. Trophoblast are outer cells of the blastocyst, while a
knot of cells appears, protruding into the blastocele. This is the inner cell mass. Trophoblast becomes 2 layers:
syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast. Inner cell mass becomes epiblast and hypoblast.

No answer given

72. The fetal right atrium is mainly derived from:

A. primitive pulmonary vein

B. primitive atrium
C. right pulmonary vein
D. sinus venarum
B. E. sinus venosus

5. The first week of human development is characterized by formation of the:

A. inner cell mass

B. hypoblast
C. trophoblast
D. blastocyst
E. all of the above

97. The following structures are directly or indirectly derived from the mesonephric or Wolffian duct EXCEPT:

A. part of the epididymis

B. part of the kidney
C. part of the urinary bladder
D. seminal vesicles
D. E. prostate

57. The most superior part of the inferior vena cava is derived from:

A. left vitelline vein

B. right vitelline vein
C. right umbilial vein
D. left umbilical vein
E. E. sinus venosus
5. B. is correct.
The hypothalamus of the diencephalon is the control center for visceral and endocrine functions.

No answer given

111. Of the following, the item most closely associated with the regulation of visceral and endocrine functions is:

A. telencephalon
B. diencephalon
C. mesencephalon
D. metencephalon
E. myelencehalon

63. Of the following the one most closely associated with the ligamentum teres hepatis is:

A. umbilical vein
B. umbilical artery
C. vitelline vein
D. 3rd aortic arch
C. E. 6th aortic arch

103. Of the following, the one most closely associated with the urethra in the female is:

A. mesonephric tubules
B. mesonephric duct
C. paramesonephric duct
D. genital swellings
D. E. urogenital sinus

113. Of the following, the one most closely associated with the cerebrum is:

A. telencephalon
B. diencephalon
C. mesencephalon
D. metencephalon
E. E. myelencephalon
6. E. is correct.
The zona pellucida persists until early it the blastocyst stage. It dissolves during the blastocyst stage in order that
implantation may occur.

No answer given

98. The following structures are the derivatives of the primitive urogenital sinus EXCEPT:

A. most of the urinary bladder

B. male urethra
C. female urethra
D. lower vagina
B. E. ejaculatory ducts

22. The following organs are derived from mesoderm EXCEPT:

A. skeletal musculature
B. musculature of blood vessels
C. cardiac musculature
D. suprarenal cortex
C. E. suprarenal medulla

10. With the light microscope, the zona pellucida appears as a translucent membrane surrounding the:

A. primary oocyte
B. zygote
C. morula
D. very early blastocyst
E. all of the above are correct

70. The most common type of cardiac septal defect is:

A. muscular type ventricular septal defect, or VSD

B. secundum type atrial septal defect, or ASD
C. membranous type VSD
D. primum type ASD
E. E. sinus venosus
7. B. is correct.
The aortic sac receives blood from the truncus arteriosus and sends it into the aortic arch arteries which branch from it and
connect it to the paired dorsal aortae. Aortic sac becomesthe proximal part of aortic arch and the brachiocephalic trunk.
Semilunar valves arise from the walls of truncus arteriosus.

No answer given

34. Which of the following is NOT a component of the mature placental barrier?

A. the endothelial lining of fetal capillaries

B. the cytotrophoblast
C. the syncytiotrophoblast
D. the basement membrane of fetal capillaries
B. E. all of the above are part of the mature placental barrier

74. The aortic sac:

A. is the area immediately distal to the ventricles

B. is connected to the dorsal aorta via the aortic arch arteries
C. is preserved as the region of the semilunar valves in the adult heart
D. is also known as the truncus arteriosus
E. none of the above

27. The wall of the chorionic sac is composed of:

A. cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast

B. two layers of trophoblast lined by extraembryonic somatic mesoderm
C. trophoblast and exocoelomic membrane
D. extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm and both layers of trophoblast
D. E. none of the above

57. The most superior part of the inferior vena cava is derived from:

A. left vitelline vein

B. right vitelline vein
C. right umbilial vein
D. left umbilical vein
E. E. sinus venosus

6 True/False questions
1. E. is correct.
All chorionic villi possess an outer layer of syncytiotrophoblast. The cytotrophoblast shell is a feature of the mature chorion.
Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm forms the core of secondary villi, becoming tertiary with vascular development. Primary

villi, at 14 days, are syncytial processes with a core of cytotrophoblast.   104. Which of the following associations are

A. renal pelvis - ureteric bud

B. ureter - ureteric bud
C. urethra - urogenital sinus
D. median umbilical ligament - urachus
E. all of the above are correct


No answer given


It should be   28. The most distinctive characteristic of a primary chorionic villus is its:

A. outer syncytiotrophoblastic layer

B. cytotrophoblastic shell
C. extraembryonic somatic mesodermal core
D. bushy appearance
E. cytotrophoblastic core

2. B. is correct.
In the last half of pregnancy, the cytotrophoblast and extraembryonic mesoderm layers are lost from the placental barrier,
leaving only syncytium, capillary basement membrane and capillary endothelium between maternal and fetal

circulations.   34. Which of the following is NOT a component of the mature placental barrier?

A. the endothelial lining of fetal capillaries

B. the cytotrophoblast
C. the syncytiotrophoblast
D. the basement membrane of fetal capillaries
E. all of the above are part of the mature placental barrier


No answer given

3. E. is correct.
The left sinus horn regresses during development to form coronary sinus. Oblique vein of left atrium, from left common

cardinal, drains to it. Coronary sinus drains blood from the heart into the right atrium.   22. The following organs are derived
from mesoderm EXCEPT:

A. skeletal musculature
B. musculature of blood vessels
C. cardiac musculature
D. suprarenal cortex
E. suprarenal medulla


No answer given


It should be   61. The following embryonic structures are involved in the formation of the definitive right atrium EXCEPT:

A. primitive atrium
B. right sinus venosus
C. left sinus venosus
D. right sinus horn
E. left sinus horn

4. B. is correct
Proper migration of neural crest cells into the face area is vitally important to facial development. Neural crest tissue will form

much of the facial skeleton.   51. Many facial malformations are believed to be due to:

A. a failure of the oral membrane to rupture

B. a failure to neural crest cells to migrate into the facial processes
C. a failure in growth of the head fold
D. an abnormal persistence of the pharyngeal clefts
E. none of the above


No answer given


5. C. is correct.
The foramen cecum on the tongue is the point from which the thyroid gland evaginated and began its journey down into the
neck. It lies at the apex of the V-shaped terminal sulcus, which divides the tongue into anterior 2/3rds, from the lateral lingual

swellings and truberculum impar, and posterior 1/3rd, from the copula.   52. The foramen cecum of the adult tongue:

A. marks the point of embryonic evagination of the thymus gland

B. divides the tongue into two parts, an anterior one-third and a posterior two-thirds
C. marks the point of embryonic evagination of the thyroid gland
D. develops into taste buds
E. has no embryologic significance


No answer given

6. D. is correct.
The metencephalon differentiates into the cerebellum, the coordination center for posture and movement and the pons,

which serves as a neural relay center.   112. Of the following, the item most closely associated with the pons is:

A. telencephalon
B. diencephalon
C. mesencephalon
D. metencephalon
E. myelencephalon


No answer given


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