Advantages of Proportional Controller

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Advantages of Proportional Controller:

 Proportional controller helps in reducing the steady state error, thus makes the system
more stable.
 Slow response of the over damped system can be made faster with the help of these
 Easy to tune the proportional constant
 Easy to implement and low cost

Disadvantages of Proportional Controller

 Due to presence of these controllers we get some offsets in the system.
 Proportional controllers also increases the maximum overshoot of the system.
 Responds only change in error.
 Error can be reduced to zero (i.e controlled value cannot reach Set point)
 Fine controlling is not possible

Application of proportional controller

A very important application of proportional controller with fixed bias or offset id the zero load
process. It means the dynamic characteristics of process will not get any disturbance even if
there is no flow through the controller for small duration.This introduces the proportional
controller can be used for temperature control of any material or fluid.

Advantages of Integral Controller

 Due to their unique ability they can return the controlled variable back to the exact set
point following a disturbance that’s why these are known as reset controllers.
 Zero steady state error, Stability
 Maximum peak overshoot

Disadvantages of Integral Controller

 It tends to make the system unstable because it responds slowly towards the produced
 PI controller fails when the controlled object is highly nonlinear and uncertain
 PI controller will eliminate forced oscillations and steady state error resulting in
operation of on-off controller and P controller respectively
PI controllers provide a balance of complexity and capability that makes them by far the most
widely used algorithm in process control application

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