Industrial Engineering: Unit 3: Tarea 1

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Student’s Name: Chávez Delgado Jhonny Gabriel

Career/ Level: II nivel “A”

Email: [email protected]

Cell phone number: 0995854130

Professor: Lic. Yuliana Roca Castro Mg.Eii.

Email: [email protected]
Exercise 1: Vocabulary – Actions
Write the meaning in Spanish for each one word.

Start= Comienzo Sit= Sentarse

Hold= Sostener Stand= Quedarse de pie

Look for= Buscar Run= Correr

Wave= Ola End= Fin

Vocabulary – Prepositions of pace

Read the meaning in Spanish for each one word.

Behind= detrás de

In= dentro

In front of= al frente de

On= sobre

Under= debajo
Vocabulary – Activities.
Write the meaning in Spanish for each one word.

Create a website= Crear una página web

Learn to drive= Crear una página web
Look for a job= Buscar un trabajo
Study for an exam= Estudiar para un examen
Study italian= Estudiar italiano
Take a dance class= Tomar clases de baile
Take tennis lessons= Tomar lecciones de tenis
Tutor a Student= Tutor de un estudiante

We form the present continous with Be + V ing.

We use the present continuous:
1. To talk about things that are happening now, at the moment we speak.
A: What are you doing?
B: I´m writing an e-mail.

We ´re leaving now. Goodbye.

The bus is coming.
2. To talk about things that are happening now, but not exactly at the moment
we speak.
• My brother is looking for a job at the moment.
• You are spending a lot of money these days.
3. To talk about something we have already arranged or planned to do in the
We often give the future time (tomorow, in July, on Saturday, this afternoon,
next week, etc…)
A: What are you doing on Saturday morning?
B: I´m meeting a friend.
We´ re visiting our grandparents next weekend.
My sister is starting a new job next Monday.


➢ With most verbs we add -ing.

go > going play > playing work > working

➢ If the verb ends in consonant + -e we delete the -e and add -ing.

come > coming live > living
move > moving have > having

➢ If the verb ends in -ie, we change -ie to -ying.

die > dying lie > lying

➢ If the verb ends in one vowel + one consonant, we double the consonant.
get > getting run > running shop > shopping
sit > sitting put > putting
Add the –ing.

1. camp: Camping 2. swim: wimming

3. travel: Travelling 4. walk: Walking
5. have: Having 6. write: Writing

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present continuous.

1. I __am watching ____ (watch) a reality show onTV.

2. My favourite team __is winning __ (win)!
3. Someone __is swimming __ (swim) in the sea.
4. Two people _are cooking __ (cook) dinner on the beach.
5. We __are not watching ___ (not watch) a soap opera.
6. I _am not doing ___ (not do) my homework.
7. Mum _is reading __ (read) a magazine.
8. My brother __is not listening __ (not listen) to the radio.
9. Dad __is not cooking __ (not cook) dinner.
10. Tara __is talking __ (talk) by phone.
Write the meaning in Spanish for each one word.

Listen to music: Escuchar música

Play basketball: Jugar baloncesto

Play in a band: Tocar en una banda

Shop for new clothers: Comprar ropa nueva

Stay home: Quedarse en casa

Stay out late: Quédate fuera hasta tarde

Visit relatives: Visitar parientes

Watch a old movies: Ver películas viejas


How do we make a Be question?

Am /is / are + Subject (I, you, we...) + verb + ing + ?


How do we make a WH question?

Wh question Word (what, when...) + am /is / are + Subject (I, you, we...) + verb +
ing + others

Wh Question
Auxilary Verb Subject Verb others
Where are you going to?
What is she watching on TV?
When is Mike leaving school?
Who are you talking to?
Why is the teacher saying that?
How are they coming here?
These wh question words are at the beginning of the sentence. After them, we use
auxilary verb and subject.

We don't use yes or no in the answer.

Example Sentences:

"Where" question asks for the place:

• Where is she living? --> She's living in NewYork.

• Where are you meeting your friends? --> I'm meeting them at the school.

"What" question asks for information about something:

• What are you eating ? --> I'm eating fruits.

• What are you reading? --> I'm reading a funny book.

"When" question asks for information about time:

• When are you meeting your father? --> I'm meeting him at 9.
• When is she coming home? --> She is coming home late today.

"Who" question asks for information about a person:

• Who is she talking on the phone? --> She is talking to her mother.
• Who are they travelling with? --> They are travelling with Tom.

"Why" question asks for information about reason, explanation:

• Why is she crying? --> She is crying because she lost her toy car.
• Why are we waiting here? --> We're waiting here because I cannot find my

"How" question asks for information about manner, the way to do:

• How is Sally singing?--> She is singing very well.

• How are they going to work? -->I am going there by train.

1. Write present continuous questions with the Information in parentheses.

1. (what / you / do / these day) What are you doing these days?

2. (you / take / an art class) You are taking an art class?

3. (Brad/ take / the class) Brad is taking the class?

4. (Where / you / study / French) Where are you studying French?

5. (What / you and Dave / do / these days) What are you and Dave doing these days?

2.- Complete the questions with the present continuous forms of the verb.
1. Are you taking (take) music lessons days?
2. What clases ___are____ you ___taking_____ (take)?
3. _Are__ you and your friends __buying____ (buy) CDs these days?
4. What _is_ your classmates __learning___ (learn) in this class?
5. What languages _are_ you _studying___(study)?
6. _Are__ you _learning___ (learn) to drive?

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