Hulleman Relevance in Science 1: Hullemcs@jmu - Edu

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Hulleman Relevance in Science 1

Promoting Interest and Performance in High School Science Classes

Chris S. Hulleman1* and Judith M. Harackiewicz2

Department of Graduate Psychology, James Madison University
Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

This is a pre-print of the article that was published as

Hulleman, C. S., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2009). Promoting interest and performance in High
School classes. Science, 326, 1410-1412. doi: 10.1126/science.1177067
© 2009 AAAS.
Hulleman Relevance in Science 2


A randomized field experiment demonstrated that a motivational intervention designed to help

high school students make connections between course material and their lives increased interest
and performance in high school science courses.


We test whether curriculum that is relevant and personally meaningful will increase student
motivation and learning. We hypothesize that this effect will be stronger for students who have
low expectations of success. In a randomized field experiment with high school students, we find
that a relevance intervention, which encouraged students to make connections between their lives
and what they were learning in their science courses, increased interest in science and course
grades for students with low success expectations. The results have implications for the
development of science curricula.


Many educators and funding agencies share the belief that making education relevant to
students’ lives will increase engagement and learning (1-6). However, little empirical evidence
supports the specific role of relevance in promoting optimal educational outcomes, and most
evidence that does exist is anecdotal or correlational (1-3, 5, 7, 8). The purpose of our research is
to demonstrate how an intervention specifically designed to enhance the relevance of science to
students’ lives can enhance interest in science and classroom performance, particularly for
students who are most at risk for being disengaged from school.

Numerous curricular reform efforts have emphasized applying science to students’ lives, such as
providing out-of-school research experiences (7, 9), creating learning modules for specific topics
(e.g., “Acids, Bases, and Cocaine Addicts,” 10, 11), developing an undergraduate course (e.g.,
“The Biology and Chemistry of Everyday Life”, 12-13), and redesigning the academic structure
of entire high schools (14). For example, the Metro Nashville Public School District redesigned
several of its high schools into career academies within which students can choose from
thematically-focused learning communities (15). The intention of these career academies is to
enable students to “connect what they learn in school with their career aspirations and goals”
(14). Although many of these programs have produced positive outcomes, such as improvements
in retention in academic programs (13) or performance on achievement tests (7, 10-12), it is not
clear that these effects were due to personal relevance. These educational reforms are multi-
faceted, and an emphasis on relevance is just one of several components that may have
contributed to the programs’ outcomes. For example, other potentially effective components are
small group instruction (12, 16), repeated exposure to the material (10), individual mentoring and
teaching (14), individualized and/or team-based projects (7, 13, 16), hands-on activities (9),
visualization exercises (11), increased autonomy (6), and increased knowledge development (17,
Hulleman Relevance in Science 3

Programs that emphasize personal relevance may be particularly empowering for students who
are disengaged from school due to a lack of confidence. Students can become energized if they
believe they are competent in science and can successfully perform classroom tasks. As
described by expectancy-value models of motivation (19), both an individual’s expectancy for
success and their perception of value for the activity facilitate student motivation. Research on
expectancies reveals that expecting to successfully perform a task leads to greater persistence,
performance, and interest in academic activities (19-20). Thus, students who do not believe that
they can do well in the classroom are at risk for performing poorly and becoming less interested
in academics.

In addition to lacking confidence, students with low success expectancies may not perceive, or
may have a harder time perceiving, relevance and value in their schoolwork (21). These students
may require external support – from teachers or classroom activities – to foster or maintain task
engagement (22). Interventions that facilitate the perception of relevance in a topic might
promote attention and learning for students with low success expectancies (23). Instead of
withdrawing from the activity, these students may become energized as they discover reasons for
exerting effort and becoming more involved in learning (24). In contrast, more confident
students may not need this type of motivational boost because their effort and involvement in
school are already strong (22, 24).

Reduced interest in academics is particularly problematic for long-term outcomes such as

educational and career choices. Research on the development of interest (i.e., experiencing
positive affect, value, and knowledge with an activity) demonstrates that interest is a more
powerful predictor of future choices than prior achievement or demographic variables (22-25).
For example, Harackiewicz and colleagues (25) found that interest in an introductory
undergraduate psychology course during freshman year was more predictive of subsequent
course taking and majoring in psychology over a seven-year span than were grades from that
introductory course. Interest development can begin in situations that promote student
engagement with the material (i.e., situational interest; 24). If students repeatedly experience
situational interest in relation to a particular topic, they may eventually develop a more enduring
interest in the topic (i.e., individual interest). A crucial factor in the progression from situational
to individual interest is finding personal meaning and relevance in a topic (24). Perceiving a
topic to be useful and relevant for other activities or life goals (i.e., utility value) predicts both
subsequent interest and performance (8).

Making science courses personally relevant and meaningful may engage students in the learning
process, enable them to identify with future science careers, foster the development of interest,
and promote science-related academic choices (e.g., course enrollment, pursuit of advanced
degrees) and career paths. The first step in this process is to investigate whether emphasizing
relevance in the classroom promotes interest and performance in science courses. Thus, the goal
of our research was to examine the effectiveness of a curricular intervention on interest and
performance in high school science classes, particularly for students with low performance
Hulleman Relevance in Science 4

We conducted a randomized field experiment of a motivational intervention that was designed to

help students make connections between their high school science classes and their lives. The
intervention was embedded within the entire semester of ninth-grade science courses. We
investigated whether this intervention would increase student interest in science, performance in
the course, and interest in science-related careers compared to a control condition where students
wrote summaries of the material they were studying. Because students wrote about science topics
in both conditions, knowledge activation was controlled, and the conditions differed only in
terms of personal relevance activation. We predicted that the relevance intervention would
promote interest in science and performance in the course, particularly for students with low
performance expectations. Subsequently, we expected that increased science interest would lead
to more interest in science-related courses and careers.

Participants were 262 high school students taught by seven science teachers (biology, integrated
science, physical science) from two high schools in a small, mid-western city in the US. Students
were 92% ninth-graders (8% tenth-graders), 52% female, 66% Caucasian, 15% African-
American, 12% Asian, and 8% Hispanic. The analysis covered one academic semester. Students
were randomly assigned within each classroom to either write about the usefulness and utility
value of the course material in their own lives (relevance condition, N = 136), or write a
summary of the material they were studying (control condition, N = 126). Teachers were
informed that the research concerned the effectiveness of writing assignments, but were blind to
our hypotheses and students’ experimental conditions. To ensure this, the researchers randomly
assigned students to conditions at the beginning of the semester by giving students booklets with
identical covers, but with different instructions inside depending upon experimental condition.
Students completed their essays in these books, which were collected by the researchers after
each assignment, every three or four weeks starting at the beginning of the semester. Students
wrote from 1 to 8 essays (M = 4.7, SD = 1.4) throughout the semester. The researchers provided
teachers with information regarding whether students had completed the essays, but teachers
remained blinded to condition throughout the semester (26).
Students’ success expectancies and initial interest in science were measured with multi-item self-
report scales at the beginning of the semester (sample item, "I expect to do well in this class").
Student’s interest in science and future plans for science-related courses and careers were
measured with multi-item self-report scales at the end of the semester (sample items, "I think the
field of science is interesting" for interest, "I want to have a job that involves science one day"
for future plans). Second quarter grades were obtained from school records for one of the high
schools (N = 100 students).
The data were analyzed using multiple regression with dummy codes representing the nesting of
students, teachers, and schools (26). The focal predictor was the interaction between the dummy
code for experimental condition (0 = control, 1 = relevance) and student’s performance
expectations for the course. We predicted that this interaction term would be negative, such that
the intervention effect would be more positive for those with low as opposed to high
performance expectations. To examine effects of sex and race, and whether the condition effects
varied by sex and/or race, the regression models included dummy codes for sex, race, and their
interactions with condition (26).
As predicted, there was a significant negative interaction between the relevance intervention and
students’ expectations for success on science interest (β = -0.11, p = .05), and the same negative
Hulleman Relevance in Science 5

interaction was also significant on second quarter grades (β = -0.18, p = .03). The predicted
values from the regression equation indicate that students with low success expectancies (one
standard deviation below the mean) reported more interest in science at the end of the semester
(and received higher course grades) in the relevance condition than in the control condition,
whereas students with high success expectancies (one standard deviation above the mean)
reported similar levels of interest (and course grades) regardless of experimental condition (Fig.
1). There were no statistically significant interactions with gender or race, indicating that
intervention did not have differential effects. Finally, interest in science at the end of the
semester was a significant predictor of interest in future science-related courses and careers (β
= .58, p < .01).

Our results demonstrate that encouraging students to make connections between science course
material and their lives promoted both interest and performance for students with low success
expectancies. The effect on performance was particularly striking, as students with low success
expectancies improved nearly two-thirds of a letter-grade in the relevance condition compared to
the control condition, which is comparable to other social-psychological interventions aimed at
reducing the black-white achievement gap (27). Differences between conditions for students with
high success expectancies were not statistically significant. These results provide experimental
support for expectancy-value models of motivation that hypothesize that perceived value is an
important contributor to interest, performance, and future plans (19-21).

Although our experimental design included randomizing students within classrooms, evaluating
the effects of the intervention over time, and assessing change in our dependent variables by
including pre- and post- measures in the analyses, this single study requires replication before
generalizations can be made about more diverse settings and students. In addition, although the
control condition was designed to activate students’ content knowledge, further investigations of
the cognitive processes instigated by the intervention are warranted. Nonetheless, our results
show how motivational principles can be utilized to increase interest and performance in science
courses early in high school. Our intervention was effective in raising interest and performance,
was easy to implement, and required few external resources. This type of motivational
intervention can be easily incorporated into almost any course with little cost to the instructor.
Hulleman Relevance in Science 6

Figure Legend

Figure 1. Science interest and course grades as predicted by the relevance intervention and
performance expectations. Predicted values are computed from the multiple regression equation
for the interaction between the relevance intervention and performance expectations (Low = -1
SD, High = +1 SD) on final course interest and second quarter grades. Error bars represent +/- 2
SEM (0.12 for interest and 0.28 for grades).

Control Relevance
Science Interest





Low Expectations High Expectations

Control Relevance
Second Quarter Grade





Low Expectations High Expectations
Hulleman Relevance in Science 7


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optimal motivation and performance, C. Sansone, J. M. Harackiewicz, Eds. (Academic

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2. National Research Council, How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school.

National Academies Press, Washington, DC (2000).

3. National Research Council, Engaging schools: Fostering high school students’

motivation to learn. National Academies Press, Washington, DC (2004).

4. P. R. Pintrich, D. H. Schunk, Motivation in education: Theory, research, and

applications (2nd Ed.). (Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2002).

5. T. J. Newby, J Educ Psy 83, 195-200 (1991).

6. K. Mitchell et al., Rigor, relevance and results: The quality of teacher assignments and

student work in new and conventional high schools. (American Institutes for Research

and SRI International, Washington, DC, 2005).

7. D. I. Hanauer, et al., Science 314, 1880-1881 (2006).

8. C. S. Hulleman et al., J Educ Psy 100, 398-416 (2008).

9. S. A. Tucker, D. L. Hanuscin, C. J. Bearnes, Science 319, 1621-1622 (2008).

10. N. C. Kwiek, M. J. Halpin, J. P. Reiter, L. A. Hoeffler, R. D. Schwartz-Bloom, Science

317, 1871-1872 (2006).

11. M. C. Linn, H. Lee, R. Tinker, F. Husic, J. L. Chiu, Science 313, 1049-1050 (2006).

12. L. A. Denofrio, B. Russell, D. Lopatto, Y. Lu, Science 318, 1872-1873 (2007).

Hulleman Relevance in Science 8

13. N. L. Fortenberry, J. F. Sullivan, P. N. Jordan, D. W. Knight, Science 317, 1175-1176


14. S. H. Russell, M. P. Hancock, J. McCullough, Science 316, 548-549 (2007).

15. “Career academy,” (Helping America’s Youth Web site, 2008,

16. “Metro Nashville Public School career/thematic centers for 2008-09,” (Metro Nashville

Public Schools Web site,

17. F. M. Newmann, H. M. Marks, A. Gamoran, Am J Educ 104, 280-312 (1996).

18. F. Newmann, A. S. Bryk, J. K. Nagaoka, Authentic intellectual work and standardized

tests: Conflict or coexistence? (Consortium on Chicago School Research, Chicago,


19. J. Eccles et al., in Achievement and achievement motives: Psychological and sociological

approaches, J. T. Spence, Ed. (Freeman, San Francisco, 1983), pp. 75-146.

20. K. A. Updegraff, J. S. Eccles, B. L. Barber, K. M. O’Brien, Learn Ind Diff 8, 239-259


21. J. E. Jacobs, S. Lanza, D. W. Osgood, J. S. Eccles, A. Wigfield, Child Dev 73, 509


22. S. Hidi, J. M. Harackiewicz, Rev Educ Res 70, 151-179 (2000).

23. S. Hidi, Rev Educ Res 60, 549-571 (1990).

24. S. Hidi, K. A. Renninger, Educ Psy 41, 111-127 (2006).

25. J. M. Harackiewicz et al., J Educ Psy 94, 562–575 (2002).

26. See Supplementary Online Material.

27. G. L. Cohen et al., Science 313, 1307-1310 (2006).

Hulleman Relevance in Science 9

28. Acknowledgments: This article is based on a doctoral dissertation submitted by Chris S.

Hulleman to the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the supervision of Judith M.

Harackiewicz. Thanks are extended to Martha Alibali, Geoffrey Borman, Patricia Devine,

and Adam Gamoran for their service on the dissertation committee; to the Madison

Metropolitan School District for their assistance with data collection; and to Janet Hyde,

Steven McFadyen-Ketchum, Clifford Thurber, and Teresa Hulleman for their comments

on earlier versions of this manuscript. This research was supported in part by grants from

the Department of Psychology and the Institute for Education Sciences, U.S. Department

of Education, through Award #R305C050055 to the University of Wisconsin-Madison

and Award # R305B050029 to Vanderbilt University.

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