CS-321 Software Engineering - Update
CS-321 Software Engineering - Update
CS-321 Software Engineering - Update
Faculty of CS & IT
Course outline
Title Software Engineering
Code CS-321
Credit Hours Theory/week:
Weight 3 Cr. Hrs.
Lectures 2
Duration 1.5 Hrs
S yllabus The Scope of Information System Software Engineering: Motivation and need, Importance and need of information systems,
Definition of Software Engineering, Introduction to information system software engineering vocabulary . The Software:
Characteristics, Application, Software Process Models: Introduction, Models. Project Management Concepts: Software Project Life
cycle; Project Scheduling, (GANTT chart, Critical Path M ethod) The Management Spectrum, Introduction of M icrosoft Project.
Software Metrics: Measurements techniques. Software Quality M etrics, Software Project Planning, Software Cost Estimation
techniques, COCOMO model, Requirements Engineering: Requirement gathering and fact finding techniques; Requirement
Elicitation: Introduction, techniques, Introduction. Data modeling: , Use Case Techniques, Entity Relationship Diagram, State
Transition Diagram, Data Flow Diagrams, S oftware Design: Design Concepts, Abstraction, refinement, modularity, Software
Architecture: Architectural Styles, M apping Requirements into software architecture ,Cohesion & Coupling, Architectural Design,
Data Design, M apping ER to Data M odel, User Interface Design Interface Design, Human Computer Interface, Modular Design,
M apping Design to Code, Software Testing: Fundamentals, Test Case Design, techniques., White Box Testing & Black Box Testing, ,
Debugging practices, Software Inspection, Software Quality Assurance, Software Quality Standards.
A. Roger S. Pressman, “ Software Engineer: A Practitioner’s Approach”, 6 /e, M c Graw-Hill, 2001, ISB: 0072496681
B. Bruce M., Roger P., Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, viii ed. McGraw-Hill Science, 2014, ISBN
Text Book/s 978-0078022128
C. Iam Sommerville, “Software Engineering”. 6 /e, Addison-Wesley, 2000, ISBN: 020139815.
Reference Material C. Internet