Writing Part1 (Citlali, Edgar Week 6)

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Citlali Hau Dzib

Edgar Percastre Tzuc

The benefits of training students to think positively

We often hear students complaining about their amount of homework or projects, and they
usually have negative thoughts about it. They feel frustrated or pressured, but they rarely
think positive. Positive thinking has many benefits, and it is considered a way to succeed. If
you think you can do anything, you will put your best to achieve it. So, what are the main
benefits of training students to think positively?

The first of the benefits is stress reduction; it is immensely beneficial for students because
they get easily stressed as for deadlines or low grades. A relaxed student can focus and get
better results not only in the educational area but in their professional career as well.

Secondly, thinking positively increases productivity as you feel motivated to do any kind of
task. For example, a current problem for students is procrastination, which is related to
feeling bad, so having positive thoughts like “I feel I can achieve more” can reduce this
problem. This productivity enhancement is not only reflected in procrastination, but also in
better efficiency when working, for example, the time and strategies we use to carry out a

Taking everything into consideration, we are convinced that reducing stress is the most
important benefit of thinking positively since many times problems stem from stressful
situations. Learning is an important part of our lives, but sometimes we can face frustrating
situations that can damage our health; and our health comes before everything else. The
school should be a good experience for students to develop properly.

Points (5) (3) (1)

Completion of task The product covers all the The product addresses The product attempts to address the
requirements of the given task some of the requirement topic but fails to give sufficient
(Content) and provides sufficient of the given task. It relevant information.
arguments for each includes relevant
standpoint. information but not clearly

Language There are no syntactical nor There are some syntactical There are many syntactical or
morphological mistakes that or morphological mistakes morphological mistakes that affect the
affect the clarity of the that affect the clarity of clarity of the product.
product. the product.

The essay has many problems with

Punctuation and spelling are There are slight problems spelling and punctuation
correct. with punctuation and

Format (structure) The essay is organized in The essay is organized in The essay has many problems with the
paragraphs. Each paragraph paragraphs but is format including combing arguments
contains the information that inconsistent with the in the same paragraph. The essay does
should be contained (Intro, structure of an essay. not follow an adequate format.
two standpoints, Conclusion).

Clarity & The paragraphs are clear and Some inconsistent use of There is no clear structure in each
Coherence are coherent. Paragraphs have coherency in paragraphs. paragraph. There is no topic sentence
a clear topic, supporting, and Inconsistent use of topic, and/or the topic sentence is not related
concluding sentences. supporting, and to supporting sentences. Transitions
Transitions are used smoothly concluding sentences. are absent and/or used wrongly. Use
between and within Transitions are not always of 1-2 sentence paragraphs.
paragraphs. used between and within

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