02 Exodus - Targum Onkelos English

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The document discusses the history of the Israelites from their arrival in Egypt through the early life of Moses.

The document is about the Book of Exodus from the Bible. It recounts the story of the Israelites living as slaves in Egypt and their liberation led by Moses.

The Israelites face oppression and forced labor at the hands of the Egyptian Pharaoh. He orders the killing of all newborn Israelite boys in an attempt to curb their population growth.

Exodus 1:1 1 Exodus 1:14

The Targum of Onkelos

The Book Shemoth,
1 And these are the names of the sons of Israel who
came into Mizraim with Jakob; (each) man with the men
of his house they came in: 2 Reuben, Shimeon, Levi and
Jehudah, 3 Issakar, Zebulon and Benyamin, 4 Dan and
Naphtali, Gad and Asher. 5 And all the souls that came
forth from the thigh of Jakob were seventy souls, with
Joseph who was in Mizraim. 6 And Joseph died, and all
his brethren, and all that generation; 7 But the sons of
Israel increased and propagated, and became great and
very mighty, and the land was filled with them.
8 But a new king arose over Mizraim who did not hold
valid (or confirm) the decree of Joseph. 9 And he said to
his people, Behold, the people of the sons of Israel are
more numerous and stronger than we: 10 Come, let us
deal wisely by them, lest they multiply, and it be that
should war happen to us they join themselves with our
enemies, and break forth in the war against us, and go up
from the land. 11 And they appointed over them evildoing
governors (shiltonin) to afflict them in their labours. And
they builded cities of treasure houses for Pharoh, Pithom,
and Raamsas. 12 But by as much as they afflicted them,
so they increased and waxed strong, and the Mizraee
had vexation on account of the sons of Israel; 13 And the
Mizraee made the sons of Israel serve with rigour, 14 and
embittered their lives with hard labour, in clay and in
Exodus 1:15 2 Exodus 2:6

brick, and in all labour of the field, all the work which they
wrought, they made them do with hardship.
15 And the king of Mizraim spake to the midwives of
Jewesses, (Yehuditha,) of whom the name of the one was
Shiphra, and the name of the second Puvah; 16 And he
said, When you do the office of the midwife among the
Jewish women, and you look upon the childbirth, if it be
a son, you shall kill him; but if a daughter, let her live.
17 But the midwives feared before the Lord, and did not
act as the king of Mizraim had bidden them, but preserved
the sons alive. 18 And the king of Mizraim called 19 The
midwives said to Pharoh, It is because the Jewesses are
unlike the Mizraite women; they are cunning, and give
birth before the midwives come to them. 20 And the
Lord did good to the midwives; and the people multiplied
and became strong. 21 And because the midwives feared
before the Lord He made for them houses. 22 But Pharoh
commanded all his people, saying, Every son who is born
to the Jews you shall throw into the river, and every
daughter you shall keep alive.

1 And a man of the house of Levi went and took a
daughter of Levi (to wife). 2 And the woman conceived,
and bare a son; and she saw that he was good, and
concealed him three months. 3 But not being able to
hide him longer, she took an ark of reed, and covered it
with bitumen and pitch, and laid the child within it, and
set it in the river upon the brink of the stream. 4 And
his sister stationed herself at a distance, to know what
would be done to him. 5 And the daughter of Pharoh came
down to wash at the river, and her damsels walked on
the river’s bank; and she saw the ark in the flood, and
reached out her arm and took it. 6 And opening, she saw
Exodus 2:7 3 Exodus 2:18

the child; and, behold, the infant wept. And she had
compassion on him and said, This is one of the children
of the Jehudaee. 7 Then spake his sister to the daughter of
Pharoh, Shall I go and call a nurse-woman of the Jehudaee
who will suckle the child for thee? 8 And the daughter of
Pharoh said to her, Go; and the maiden went, and called
the child’s mother. 9 And Pharoh’s daughter said to her,
Take this child and nurse it for me, and I will give thee
they recompense. And the woman took the child and
suckled him. 10 And the child grew, and she brought him
to Pharoh’s daughter, and he became to her a son, and she
called his name Mosheh, saying, Because I drew him out
from the water.
11 And it was in those days when Mosheh had grown
that he went out to his brethren and beheld their servi-
tude. And he saw a Mizraite man smite a man, a Jehudai,
(one) of his brethren. 12 And he turned this way and that,
and saw that there was no man; and smote the Mizraite,
and buried him in the sand. 13 And he went out the
second day, and, behold, two men, Jehudaeen contended.
And he said to the guilty one, Why did you strike your
companion? 14 But he said, Who set you a chief man and
judge over us? Will you who speak so kill me, as you killed
the Mizraya? And Mosheh was afraid, and said, Surely the
thing is known.
15 And Pharoh heard that thing, and sought to kill
Mosheh; and Mosheh fled from before Pharoh, and dwelt
in the land of Midian. And he sat by a well; 16 And
the prince (rabba) of Midian had seven daughters; and
they came and drew and filled the troughs to water their
father’s flock. 17 But the shepherds came and drave them
away; and Mosheh arose and rescued them, and watered
the flock. 18 And they came to Reuel their father; and he
said, What is this, that ye have come so quickly today?
Exodus 2:19 4 Exodus 3:6

19 And they said, A man, a Mizraya, delivered us from the

hand of the shepherds, and also drew for us and watered
the flock. 20 And he said to his daughters, And where is he?
Wherefore have you left the man? Call him, that he may
eat bread. 21 And Mosheh was willing to dwell with the
man; and he gave Zipporah his daughter unto Mosheh.
22 And she bare a son; and he called his name Gershom;
for, said he, I am a stranger in a foreign land.
23 And it was in many of those days: and the king of
Mizraim died. And the sons of Israel groaned with the
hard service which was upon them; and the cry rose up
before the presence of the Lord, form their labour. 24 And
their appeal was heard before the Lord; and the Lord
remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Izhak, and
with Jakob. 25 And the servitude of the sons of Israel was
know before the Lord, and the Lord said in His Word, that
He would deliver them.

1 And Mosheh tended the flock of Jethro his father-in-
law, the rabba of Midian, and he led the flock to the place
of the best pastures of the wilderness, and came to the
mountain on which was revealed the glory of the Lord,
unto Horeb. 2 And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him
in a flame of fire in the midst of a bush. And he gazed, and,
behold, the bush burned with fire, but the bush was not
consumed. 3 And Mosheh said, I will now turn and see this
great sight, why the bush is not burned up. 4 And the Lord
saw that he turned to see, and the Lord called to him from
the midst of the bush, and said, Mosheh, Mosheh! And
he said, Behold me. 5 And He said, Approach not hither;
loose the sandal from thy foot, for the place where thou
standest is holy. 6 And He said, I am the God of thy fathers;
the God of Abraham, the God of Izhak, and the God of
Exodus 3:7 5 Exodus 3:16

Jakob. And Mosheh bowed with his face; for he was afraid
to look up to the glory of the Lord.
7 And the Lord said, The bondage of My people who
is in Mizraim is verily disclosed before Me, and before
Me is heard their cry on account of their toils; for their
afflictions are disclosed before me; 8 And I have appeared
to deliver them from the hand of the Mizraee, and to bring
them up from that land, unto a land good and large, a
land producing milk and honey, unto the place of the
Kenaanaee, an the Hittaee, and the Amoraee, and the
Perizaee, and the Hivaee, and the Yevusaee. 9 And now,
behold, the cry of the sons of Israel ascendeth before Me,
and the affliction is also revealed before Me wherewith
the Mizraee afflict them. 10 And now, come, I will send
thee to Pharoh, and will bring forth the sons of Israel form
Mizraim. 11 And Mosheh said before the Lord, Who am I,
that I should go unto Pharoh to bring forth the sons of
Israel from Mizraim? 12 And He said, Because My Word
shall be thy helper: and this shall be the sign that I have
sent thee: In thy leading forth of the people from Mizraim
you shall do service before the Lord upon this mountain.
13 And Mosheh said before the Lord, Behold, when I am
come to the sons of Israel, and say to them, The God of
your fathers hath sent me to you, and they say to me,
What is His name? What shall I say to them? 14 And the
Lord said unto Mosheh, EHEYEH ASHER EHEYEH. And he
said, Thus shalt thou speak to the sons of Israel, EHEYEH
hath sent me unto you. 15 The Lord said moreover to
Mosheh, Thus shalt thou speak to the sons of Israel, The
Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the
God of Izhak, and the God of Jakob, hath sent me unto
you. This is My Name forever, and this is My Memorial
in every generation and generation. 16 Go and assemble
the elders of Israel and say to them, The Lord, the God
Exodus 3:17 6 Exodus 4:3

of your fathers, hath revealed Himself to me, the God

of Abraham, Izhak, and Jakob, saying, Remembering I
have remembered you, and that which hath been done
to you in Mizraim; 17 And I have said that I would bring
you up from the bondage of Mizraim to the land of the
Kenaanaee, and Hittaee, and Emoraee, and the Pherizaee,
and Hivaee, and Jebusaee, to a land producing milk and
honey. 18 And they will be obedient to thee, and thou shalt
go, thou and the elders of Israel, to the king of Mizraim,
and say to him, The Lord, the God of the Jehudaee, hath
called us; and now let us go, as (for) a journey of three
days into the desert, that we may sacrifice before the Lord
our God. 19 But it is manifest before Me that the king of
Mizraim will not release you, that you may go, not even
on account of Him whose power is mighty. 20 But I will
send forth the stroke of My power, and will smite the
Mizraee with all My miracles which I will perform among
them, and afterward they will send you away. 21 And I
will give this people to become favourites in the eyes of
the Mizraee, and it shall be that when you go you shall
not go empty. 22 But you shall demand, a woman of her
neighbour and the inmates of her house, articles of silver
and of gold and vestments, and put them upon you sons
and upon your daughters, and shall make the Mizraee

1 And Mosheh answered and said, But, behold, they will
not believe me nor hearken to me: for they will say, The
Lord hath no been revealed to thee. 2 And the Lord said
to him, What is that which is in thy hand? And he said,
A rod. 3 And He said, Cast it to the ground; and he cast
it upon the ground, and it became a serpent, and Mosheh
Exodus 4:4 7 Exodus 4:14

fled from before it. 4 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Stretch
forth thy hand and seize it by its tail; and he put forth
his hand and grasped it, and it became a rod in his hand.
5 That they may believe that the Lord god of their fathers
hath been revealed to thee, that God of Abraham, the God
of Izhak, and the God of Jakob. 6 And the Lord said yet
to him, Put now thy hand into thy bosom. And he put
his hand into his bosom, and drew it out; and, behold,
his hand was white as snow. 7 And He said, Return thy
hand into thy bosom. And he returned his hand into his
bosom, and drew it out form his bosom, and, behold, it
had turned to be as his own flesh. 8 And it shall be, if they
will not believe thee nor receive the voice of the first sign,
that they shall believe the voice of the latter sign. 9 But if
they will not believe either of these two signs, nor receive
from thee, take of the water that is in the river, and pour
it upon the ground; and the water which thou takest form
the river shall become blood upon the ground.
10 And Mosheh said before the Lord, In entreating, I
am not a man who is (well) spoken, neither yesterday
nor the day before, and from the time that thou spakest
with Thy servant: for I am heavy of speech and of a deep
tongue. 11 But the Lord said to him, Who hath appointed
the mouth of man, and who hath appointed the mute,
or the deaf, or the open-sighted, or the blind? Have not
I, the Lord? 12 And now go, and My Word shall be with
thy mouth, and I will teach thee what to say. 13 And
he said, I beseech the Lord to send by the hand of one
who is fit to be sent. 14 And the displeasure of the Lord
was kindled against Mosheh; and He said, Is not Aharon
the Levite, thy brother, known before Me as one who
speaking can speak? And also, behold, he cometh forth
to anticipate thee, and will see thee, and rejoice in his
Exodus 4:15 8 Exodus 4:27

heart. 15 And thou shalt speak with him, and put the
words in his mouth; and My Word will be with thy mouth
and with his mouth, and I will teach you what to do. 16 And
he shall speak for thee with the people, and shall be thy
interpreter, and thou shalt be to him a rab; 17 And this staff
thou shalt take in thy hand wherewith to work the signs.
18 And Mosheh went, and returned to Jether his father-
in-law, and said to him, I will now go and return to my
brethren who are in Mizraim, and see if they still live. And
Jether said to Mosheh, Go in peace. 19 And the Lord said to
Mosheh in Midian, Go, return to Mizraim; for all the men
who sought to kill thee are dead. 20 And Mosheh took his
wife and his sons, and made them ride upon the ass, and
returned to the land of Mizraim. And Mosheh took the
staff with which the miracles had been done before the
Lord in his hand.
21 And the Lord said to Mosheh, In thy going to return
to Mizraim look to all the wonders that I have appointed
by thy hand, and do them before the Pharoh. But I will
obdurate his heart, and he will not send the people away.
22 And thou shalt say unto Pharoh, Thus said the Lord;
Israel is My son, My firstborn. 23 And I say unto thee, Let
My son go, that he may serve before Me; and if thou refuse
to send him away, behold, I will kill thy son, thy firstborn.
24 And it was in the way, at the place of lodging, that the
Angel of the Lord met him, and sought to kill him. 25 And
Zipporah took a stone, and circumcised the foreskin of
her son, and approached before him, and said, On account
of the blood of this circumcision let my husband be given
(back) to me. 26 And when he had desisted from him, she
said, But for the blood of this circumcision my husband
would have been condemned to die.
27 And the Lord said to Aharon, Go thou to meet Mosheh
in the desert. And he went, and met him at the mountain
Exodus 4:28 9 Exodus 5:8

on which was revealed the glory of the Lord, and he kissed

him. 28 And Mosheh showed Aharon all the words with
which the Lord had sent him, and all the signs which
he had commanded. 29 And Mosheh and Aharon went
and assembled all the elders of the sons of Israel; 30 And
Aharon told all the words which the Lord had spoken with
Mosheh, and did the signs in the eyes of the people. 31 And
the people believed, and understood (heard) that the Lord
had remembered the sons of Israel, and that heir slavery
was manifest before him; and they bowed, and adored.

1 And afterward Mosheh and Aharon went in, and said
to Pharoh: Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, Let My
people go, to solemnize a feast (yechagun) before Me in
the desert. 2 And Pharoh said, The name of the Lord is not
know to me, that I should hearken to His word to send
Israel away. The name of the Lord is not revealed to me,
and Israel I shall not release. 3 And they said, The God
of the Jehudaee hath revealed Himself to us; let us now
go three days’ journey into the desert to sacrifice before
the Lord our God, lest He come upon us with death or
with slaughter. 4 And the king of Mizraim said to them,
Why, Mosheh and Aharon, do you hinder the people from
their works? Go to your employment. 5 And Pharoh said,
Behold now, the people of the land are many, and you
make them relax from their employment. 6 And Pharoh
that day commanded the masters of the people and the
overseers, saying, 7 You shall not continue (add) to give
straw to the people to cast bricks, as heretofore; let them
go and collect straw for themselves; 8 Yet the number of
bricks which they have made heretofore you shall still
lay upon them and not diminish; for they are idle, and
therefore cry, saying, We will go and sacrifice before our
Exodus 5:9 10 Exodus 5:22

God. 9 Make labour heavy upon the men: let them be

occupied with it, and not with vain words.
10 And the masters of the people and the overseers went
forth and spake to the people, saying, Thus saith Pharoh,
I will not give you straw; 11 You shall go and gather up
straw for yourselves wheresoever you can find it; though
from you work there shall be mother diminished. 12 And
the people were scattered abroad over all the country of
Mizraim to gather stubble for straw. 13 And the masters
were urgent, saying, Fulfil your work, the matter of a
day in a day, as you did when straw was given to you.
14 And the masters whom Pharoh set over the sons of
Israel smote them, saying, Why do you not fulfil your
requirement to cast bricks as heretofore, as yesterday, so
also today?
15 And the overseers of the sons of Israel came and
complained before Pharoh, saying, Why hast thou done
thus with thy servants? 16 Thou hast not given thy ser-
vants straw, yet they say to us, Make bricks; and, behold,
thy servants are beaten, and thy people sin against us.
17 But he said, You are idle: therefore you say, We will go
and sacrifice before the Lord. 18 And now go, work: but
straw I will not give you; yet the number of bricks you
shall render. 19 And the overseers of the sons of Israel
perceived that they were in evil: for they said to them,
You shall not diminish form your bricks the matter of
a day, in a day. 20 And they met Mosheh and Aharon
standing before them in their coming out from being with
Pharoh. 21 And they said to them, May the Lord manifest
Himself to you and adjudge; because you have made our
savour evil in the eyes of Pharoh, and in the eyes of his
servants, and have put a sword into their hands to kill us!
22 And Mosheh returned before the Lord and said, O
Exodus 5:23 11 Exodus 6:9

Lord, why hast Thou done evil unto this people, and
wherefore didst Thou send me? 23 And from the time that
I went in to Pharoh to speak in Thy name he hath done
evil to this people, but liberating Thou hast not liberated
Thy people.

1 But the Lord said to Mosheh, Now shalt thou see what
I will do to Pharoh: for with a strong hand shall he send
them away, and with a strong hand drive them from his
2 And the Lord spake to Mosheh and said to him, I am
the Lord; 3 And I appeared unto Abraham and to Izhak
and to Jakob by (the name) EI-Shaddai, but by My name
Jehovah I was not known to them. 4 And also I have
confirmed My covenant with them to give them the land
of Kenaan, the land of their sojournings in which they
sojourned. 5 And before Me hath been heard the cry of
the sons of Israel whom the Mizraee make to labour for
them; and I have remembered My covenant. 6 Therefore,
say thou to the sons of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will
bring you out from the midst of the sore labour for the
Mizraee, and will deliver you from their servitude, and
redeem you with a lofty arm and with great judgments.
7 And I will bring you nigh before Me to be a people, and
I will be unto you a God; and you shall know that I am
the Lord your God who bringeth you out from the sore
Mizrean bondage. 8 And I will lead you into the land which
I have sworn in My Word to give to Abraham, to Izhak, and
to Jakob; and to you will I give it for an inheritance; I am
the Lord. 9 And Mosheh so spake with the sons of Israel:
but they received not from Mosheh through anguish of
spirit, and from the labour which was hard upon them.
Exodus 6:10 12 Exodus 6:25
10 And the Lord spake to Mosheh, saying, 11 Go in, speak
with Pharoh king of Mizraim, that he send away the sons
of Israel from his land. 12 And Mosheh spake before the
Lord, saying, Behold, the sons of Israel have not received
from me, and how then will Pharoh receive, and I (so)
heavy of speech? 13 And the Lord spake to Mosheh and
Aharon, and gave them commandment to the sons of
Israel and unto Pharoh king of Mizraim for the going forth
of the sons of Israel from the land of Mizraim.
14 These are the heads of the house of their fathers.The
sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel, Hanuk and Phalli,
Hetsron and Karmi; these are the progeny of Reuben.
15 And the sons of Shimeon, Yemuel and Yamin and Achad
and Yakin and Zochar and Shaul the son of a Kenaanitha;
these are the progeny of Shimeon. 16 And these are the
names of the sons of Levi, according to their generations:
Gershon and Kehath and Merari. And the years of the life
of Levi were a hundred and thirty and seven years. 17 The
sons of Gerson, Libni and Shimei, after their progenies.
18 And the sons of Kehath. Amram and Izhar and Hebron
and Uzziel. And the years of the life of Kehath, a hundred
and thirty and three years. 19 And the sons of Merari,
Maheli and Mushi. These are the progenies of Levi, after
their generations. 20 And Amram took Yokebed the sister
of his father unto him to wife, and she bare him Aharon
and Mosheh. And the years of the life of Amram were an
hundred and thirty and seven years. 21 And the sons of
Izhar, Korah and Nepheg and Zikri. 22 And the sons of
Uzziel, Mishael and Elzaphan and Sithri. 23 And Aharon
took Elisheba the daughter of Aminadab the sister of
Nachshon to him to wife; and she bare him Nadab and
Abihu, Elazar and Ithamar. 24 And the sons of Korah,
Asir and Elkanah and Abiasaph: these are the progeny of
Korah. 25 And Elazar the son of Aharon took (one) of the
Exodus 6:26 13 Exodus 7:7

daughters of Phutiel to himself to wife, and she bare him

Pinhas. These are the chiefs of the fathers of the Levaee,
according to their generations.
26 It is Aharon and Mosheh, to whom the Lord had said,
Bring forth the sons of Israel from the land of Mizraim by
their armies. 27 These are they who spake with Pharoh
king of Mizraim to let the sons of Israel go forth from
Mizraim: it is Mosheh and Aharon.
28 And it was in the day when the Lord spake with
Mosheh in the land of Mizraim, 29 That the Lord spake
unto Mosheh, saying, I am the Lord: Speak with Pharoh
king of Mizraim all that I have said to thee. 30 But Mosheh
said before the Lord, Behold, I am heavy of speech, and
how will Pharoh receive from me?

1 But the Lord said to Mosheh, See, I have appointed
thee a Master (rab) with Pharoh, and Aharon shall be thy
interpreter (methurgeman). 2 Thou shalt speak all that
I have commanded thee, and Aharon thy brother shall
speak with Pharoh to send away the sons of Israel from
his land. 3 And I will harden the heart of Pharoh, and will
multiply My signs and wonders in the land of Mizraim.
4 But Pharoh will not receive from you; and I will give
forth the stroke of My power upon Mizraim, and will bring
out My host, My people, the sons of Israel, from the land
of Mizraim by great judgments. 5 And the Mizraee shall
know that I am the Lord when I uplift the stroke of My
power upon Mizraim, and bring forth the sons of Israel
from among them. 6 And Mosheh and Aharon did as the
Lord commanded them, so did they. 7 And Mosheh was
the son of eighty years, and Aharon the son of eighty and
three years, in their speaking with Pharoh.
Exodus 7:8 14 Exodus 7:19
8 And the Lord spake to Mosheh and Aharon, saying,
9 When Pharoh shall speak to you, saying, Produce a sign,
thou shalt say to Aharon, Take thy rod, and throw it down
before Pharoh. And it shall become a serpent (tanina,
Heb tanin, a long creature, whether serpent or crocodile).
10 And Mosheh and Aharon went in unto Pharoh, and
did as the Lord had commanded them. Aharon threw
down his rod before Pharoh and before his servants, and it
became a serpent. 11 And Pharoh called for the wise men
and the magicians; and they also, the Mizraite magicians,
did so by their enchantments. 12 They cast down every
man his rod, and they became serpents; but the rod of
Aharon swallowed up their rods. 13 And Pharoh’s heart
was hardened, and be would not hearken to them, as the
Lord had said.
14 And the Lord said to Mosheh, The heart of Pharoh
is obdurate (heavy): he is unwilling to send the people
away. 15 Go unto Pharoh in the morning; behold, he goeth
forth to the waters, and stand to meet him on the bank of
the river, and the rod that was turned to a serpent (hevja,
Heb, nachash) take in thy hand; 16 And say to him, The
Lord God of the Jehudaee hath sent me to thee, saying,
Release My people, that they may serve before Me in the
desert; and, behold, thou hast not yet acceded. 17 Thus
saith the Lord, By this thou shalt know that I am the Lord:
Behold, with the rod that is in my hand I smite the water
of the river, and it shall be turned to blood: 18 And the
fish which are in the river shall die, and the river become
putrid, and the Mizraee try in vain to drink the water from
the river. 19 And the Lord spake to Mosheh, Say to Aharon,
Take thy rod, and lift up thy hand over the waters of the
Mizraee, upon their rivers, upon their canals, and upon
their lakes, and upon all their reservoirs of water, that
they may become blood; and there shall be blood in all
Exodus 7:20 15 Exodus 8:2

the land of Mizraim, and in vessels of wood and in vessels

of stone.
20 And Mosheh and Aharon did so, as the Lord com-
manded; and he lifted the rod, and struck the waters
of the river, in the sight of Pharoh, and in the eyes of
his servants, and all the waters of the river were turned
into blood. 21 And the fish of the river died, and the
river became putrid; and the Mizraee could not drink
of the water of the river, and there was blood in all the
land of Mizraim. 22 And the magicians did so with their
enchantments; and Pharoh’s heart was hardened, and he
would not hearken to them, as the Lord had said. 23 And
Pharoh turned and entered into his house; neither did he
set his heart also unto this. 24 And all the Mizraee digged
by the bending of the river for water to drink; for the
water which was in the river they could not drink.
25 And seven days were fulfilled after that the Lord had
struck the river; 26 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Go in
unto Pharoh and say to him, Thus saith the Lord: Send
away My people, that they may serve before me. 27 But if
thou refuse to send them away, behold, I will smite all thy
borders with frogs, 28 And the river shall multiply frogs;
and they shall come up and enter into thy house, and into
thy chamber the place of sleep, and upon thy bed, and
into the house of thy servants, and among thy people, and
into thy ovens and thy kneading pans; 29 And upon thee
and upon thy people and upon all thy servants shall the
frogs come up.

1 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Say to Aharon, Uplift thy
hand with thy staff upon the streams, upon the rivulets,
and upon the lakes; and the frogs shall come up on the
land of Mizraim. 2 And Aharon lifted up his hand over the
waters of the Mizraee, and the frogs came up and covered
Exodus 8:3 16 Exodus 8:15

the land of Mizraim. 3 And the magicians did so with their

enchantments, and made frogs to come up on the land of
4 And Pharoh called Mosheh and Aharon, and said, Pray
before the Lord that the frogs may be removed from me
and from my people; and I will release the people, that
they may sacrifice before the Lord. 5 And Mosheh said
to Pharoh, Demand for thyself a miracle, and appoint me
a time when I shall pray for thee, and for thy servants
and thy people, that the frogs may be finished from thee
and from thy house, and remain only in the river. 6 And
he said, Tomorrow. And he said, According to thy word;
that thou mayest know that there is none as the Lord
our God. 7 And the frogs shall be removed from thee and
from thy house and thy servants and thy people; in the
river only shall they remain. 8 And Mosheh and Aharon
went out from Pharoh; and Mosheh prayed before the
Lord concerning the frogs which he had appointed unto
Pharoh. 9 And the Lord did according to the words of
Mosheh; and the frogs died from the houses, and from the
courts, and from the fields. 10 And they gathered them in
heaps (upon) heaps, and they corrupted upon the ground.
11 And Pharoh saw that there was relief; and hardened his
heart, and would not hearken to them, as the Lord had
12 And the Lord spake to Mosheh, Say unto Aharon, Lift
up thy rod and smite the dust of the earth, and it shall
become, insects, in all the land of Mizraim. 13 And they did
so. And Aharon lifted up his hand with the rod and smote
the dust of the earth, and it became insects on man and on
cattle; all the dust of the earth became insects in all the
land of Mizraim. 14 And the magicians wrought so with
their enchantments to produce the insects, but were not
able; and there were insects on man and on beast. 15 And
Exodus 8:16 17 Exodus 8:25

the magicians said to Pharoh, This is a plague from before

the Lord. Yet Pharoh’s heart was hardened, and he would
not hearken to them, as the Lord had said.
16 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Arise in the morning
and stand before Pharoh; behold, he goeth out to the
waters; and say to him, Thus saith the Lord, Send My
people away, that they may serve before Me. 17 For if
thou wilt not send My people away, behold, I will send on
thee, and on thy servants, and on thy people, and upon
thy houses, the aroba; I and they shall fill the houses of
the Mizraee with the aroba; and also the ground on which
they are. 18 But I will make a distinction in that day with
the land of Goshen where My people dwell, that the aroba
shall not be there; so that thou mayest know that I the
Lord do rule in the midst of the earth. 19 And I will ordain
redemption to My people, but upon thy people shall be
the plague. Tomorrow shall this sign be. 20 And the Lord
did so; and the aroba came with strength into the house
of Pharoh, and into the house of his servants, and into all
the land of Mizraim; and the land was destroyed before
the aroba.
21 And Pharoh called for Mosheh and Aharon, and said,
Go, sacrifice before your God in the land. 22 But Mosheh
said, It will not be fitting to do so; because the animals
which the Mizraee worship we shall take to sacrifice
before the Lord our God. Behold, should we immolate the
animal which the Mizraee worship, would they not stone
us when they saw it? 23 A journey of three days will we
go into the desert, and sacrifice before the Lord our God,
as He hath told us. 24 And Pharoh said, I will send you
away, that you may sacrifice before the Lord your God in
the desert; only you shall not go farther and farther: pray
also for me. 25 And Mosheh said, Behold I will go out from
being with thee, and will pray before the Lord, and He will
Exodus 8:26 18 Exodus 9:10

remove the aroba from Pharoh, and from his servants, and
his people, tomorrow; only let Pharoh no more be false in
not sending away the people to sacrifice unto the Lord.
26 And Mosheh went out from before Pharoh, and prayed
before the Lord. 27 And the Lord did according to the word
of Mosheh, and removed the aroba from. Pharoh and his
servants, and his people; not one remained. 28 But Pharoh
hardened his heart this time also, and would not dismiss
the people.

1 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Go in unto Pharoh and
say to him: Thus saith the Lord, the God of the Jehudaee;
Send My people away, that they may serve before Me:
2 For if thou refuse to send them away, and thou hast kept
them until now, 3 behold, a plague from before the Lord
shall be upon thy cattle which are in the field; upon the
horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen,
and upon the sheep, a very great death. 4 But the Lord
will make distinction between the cattle of Israel and the
cattle of the Mizraee; and of all that the children of Israel
possess not one shall die. 5 And the Lord set a time, saying,
Tomorrow will the Lord do this thing in the land. 6 And
the Lord did that thing on the following day, and all the
cattle of the Mizraee died; but of the cattle of the sons
of Israel died not one. 7 And Pharoh sent, and, behold,
not one of the cattle of the sons of Israel had died. And
Pharoh’s heart was hardened, and he would not send the
people away.
8 And the Lord said to Mosheh and Aharon, Take you
handfuls of dust of the furnace, and let Mosheh scatter it
towards the heavens in the presence of Pharoh; 9 And it
will be like fine powder upon all the land of Mizraim, and
it shall be upon man and beast an inflammation growing
into ulcers in all the land of Mizraim. 10 And they took
Exodus 9:11 19 Exodus 9:22

the dust of the furnace and stood before Pharoh; and

Mosheh scattered it towards the heavens, and it became
an inflammation of ulcers multiplying on man and beast.
11 And the magicians could not stand before Mosheh,
on account of the disease; for the disease was upon the
magicians and upon all the Mizraee. 12 And the Lord
obdurated the heart of Pharoh, and he would not hearken
to them, as the Lord had said to Mosheh.
13 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Rise up in the morn-ing
and stand before Pharoh, and say to him, Thus saith the
Lord, the God of the Jehudaee Send My people away, that
they may serve before Me: 14 For at this time I will send
all My plagues upon thy heart, and upon thy servants and
thy people, that thou mayest know that there is no one
like Me, the Ruler in all the earth. 15 For now it is nigh
before Me to send indeed My strong plagues, and smite
thee and thy people with death, and cut thee off from the
earth. 16 For therefore have I raised thee up, that I may
show thee My power, and that they may acknowledge
the might of My name in all the earth. 17 Until now hast
thou kept My people down, that thou mayest not release
them. 18 Behold, I will cause to come down, as at this time
tomorrow, hail most mighty, the like of which hath never
been in Mizraim from the day that it was founded until
now. 19 And now, send, gather in thy cattle and all that
thou hast in the field; for upon every man and beast that
may be found in the field not gathered into the house the
hail will fall, and they shall die. 20 Who feared the word
of the Lord among the servants of Pharoh collected his
servants and his cattle unto the houses; 21 But he who
did not set his heart upon the word of the Lord, left his
servants and his cattle in the field.
22 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Uplift thy hand towards
the heavens, and there shall be hail in all the land of
Exodus 9:23 20 Exodus 9:34

Mizraim upon man, and beast, and every herb of the field
throughout the land of Mizraim. 23 And Mosheh lifted up
the rod towards the heavens, and the Lord sent thunders,
(voices,) and hail, and fire going upon the ground: and the
Lord rained hail upon the land of Mizraim, 24 And there
was hail, and fire flaming among the hail, very mighty,
such as the like of had not been in all the land of Mizraim
since the time it had been for a people. 25 And the hail
smote in all the land of Mizraim all that was in the field
from man to cattle, and every herb of the field the hail
struck, and every tree of the field it brake. 26 Only in the
land of Goshen, where the sons of Israel were, there was
no hail.
27 And Pharoh sent and called for Mosheh and Aharon,
and said to them, I have sinned this time; the Lord is
righteous, and I and my people are guilty. 28 Pray before
the Lord that relief may be multiplied before Him, so that
there may be upon us no more thunders of malediction
like these before the Lord, nor hail; and I will send you
away, and will not continue to detain you. 29 And Mosheh
said to him, When I shall have gone out of the city, I will
spread forth my hands in prayer before the Lord, and the
thunders shall cease, and there shall be no more hail,
that you may know that the earth is the Lord’s. 30 But
(as for) thee and thy servants, I know that as yet ye are
not humbled before the Lord God. 31 And the flax and
the barley were smitten, because the barley was earing
and the flax was in flower: 32 But the wheat and the spelt
were not smitten, for they were later. 33 And Mosheh
went out of the city from Pharoh, and spread forth his
hands in prayer before the Lord, and the thunders ceased,
and the hail and the rain which had descended came not
(more) upon the earth. 34 And Pharoh saw that the rain
had ceased, and the hail and the thunders, and he added
Exodus 9:35 21 Exodus 10:8

yet to sin, and hardened his heart, he and his servants.

35 And the heart of Pharoh was hardened, and he would
not send away the sons of Israel, as the Lord had spoken
by the hand of Mosheh.

1 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Go in unto Pharoh; for
I have hardened his heart. And the heart of his servants,
to set these My signs among them; 2 and that thou mayest
relate before thy son and the son of thy son the miracles
which I wrought in Mizraim and the signs that I did set
among them, that ye may know that I am the Lord.
3 And Mosheh and Aharon entered unto Pharoh, and
said to him, Thus saith the Lord the God of the Jehudaee,
Until now thou hast obstinately refused to humble thyself
before Me; send My people away, that they may serve
Me. 4 For if thou refuse to release My people, behold,
tomorrow I will bring the locust into thy borders, 5 And
he shall cover the eye of the sun of the earth, (or, shall
hide the sun (which is) the eye of the earth,) so that it
will not be possible to see the ground; and he will devour
the residue which hath been spared (saved) and that hath
been reserved to you from the hail, and will devour every
tree which groweth up for you from the field; 6 and they
shall fill thy house, and the houses of thy servants, and
the houses of all the Mizraee, which thy fathers have not
seen, nor the fathers of thy fathers, from the day they
were upon the earth until this day. And he turned and
went out from Pharoh.
7 And the servants of Pharoh said to him, How long shall
this man be an injury (stumbling-block) to us? Send the
men away, that they may serve before the Lord their God.
Knowest thou not yet that Mizraim hath perished? 8 And
Mosheh and Aharon were made to return unto Pharoh;
Exodus 10:9 22 Exodus 10:19

and he said to them; Go, serve before the Lord your God:
(but) who and who shall go? 9 And Mosheh said, With our
young ones and with our old men will we go; with our
sons and with our daughters, with our sheep and with
our oxen, will we go; for we have a feast before the Lord.
10 And he said to them, So be the Word of the Lord in your
help when I send you away and your little ones: beware,
for the evil that you are thinking to do will be turned
against your faces. 11 Not so: but let the men go and serve
before the Lord; for it was that which you demanded. And
they were driven from before Pharoh.
12 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Lift up thy hand over
the land of Mizraim, that the locusts may come, and go
up on the land of Mizraim, and devour every herb of the
earth, even all which the hail hath left. 13 And Mosheh
stretched forth his rod upon the land of Mizraim, and the
Lord led an east wind upon the land all that day and all
the night; at morn the east wind bare the locust. 14 And
the locust came up on all the land of Mizraim, and abode
in all the boundary of Mizraim exceedingly strong. Before
him the locust had never been like him nor afterward will
he be so; 15 And he covered the eye of the sun of all the
earth, and the earth was darkened; and he devoured every
herb of the ground, and all the fruit of the trees which the
hail had left; and there did not remain any green on the
trees nor herbage of the field in all the land of Mizraim.
16 And Pharoh made haste to call Mosheh and Aharon, and
said, I have sinned before the Lord your God, and you.
17 And now, forgive my sin only this time, and intercede
before the Lord your God, that He may remove from me
only this death. 18 And they went out from Pharoh, and
prayed before the Lord. 19 And the Lord turned a west
wind exceedingly strong, and it carried the locust and
Exodus 10:20 23 Exodus 11:2

drave him into the sea of Suph, nor did one locust remain
in all the border of Mizraim. 20 Yet the heart of Pharoh
was hardened, and he would not send the sons of Israel
21 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Uplift thy hand towards
heaven, and there shall be darkness upon the land of
Mizraim after the darkness of the night hath passed away.
22 And Mosheh lifted up his hand towards heaven, and
there was darkness of darkness in all the land of Mizraim
three days: 23 A man saw not his brother, nor did any man
rise up from his place, three days. Yet, all the sons of
Israel had light in their dwellings. 24 And Pharoh called
Mosheh and said, Go, serve before the Lord; only leave
your sheep and your oxen, your little ones also may go
with you. 25 But Mosheh said, Thou must give into our
hands also the holy victims and holocausts, that we may
serve before the Lord our God. 26 Our cattle too shall go
with us, and there shall not remain any thereof; for of it
we must take to serve the Lord our God, and we know not
with what we have to do service before Him until we come
thither. 27 But the Lord hardened Pharoh’s heart, and he
was not willing to send them away. 28 And Pharoh said
to him, Go from me. Beware for thyself. See my face no
more; for in the day that thou seest my face thou shalt
die. 29 And Mosheh said, Thou hast spoken well. I will see
thy face no more.

1 But the Lord said to Mosheh, Yet one plague will I
bring upon Pharoh and upon Mizraim; after which he
will send you hence. When sending away he thoroughly
driving will drive you from hence. 2 Speak now before the
people of Israel that a man shall require of his companion,
and a woman of her companion, vessels of silver and
Exodus 11:3 24 Exodus 12:3

vessels of gold. 3 And the Lord gave the people favour in

the eyes of the Mizraee; also the man Mosheh was very
great in the land of Mizraim, in the eyes of the servants of
Pharoh and in the eyes of the people.
4 And Mosheh said, Thus saith the Lord, At the dividing
of the night I will be revealed in the midst of Mizraim,
5 And all the firstborn in the land of Mizraim shall die;
from the firstborn of Pharoh who would sit upon the
throne of his kingdom, unto the firstborn of the wom-
anservant who is behind the mills, and all the firstborn
of cattle. 6 And there shall be a great cry in all the land
of Mizraim, the like of which hath not been, nor will be
the like of it again. 7 But anyone of the sons of Israel no
dog will hurt even with his tongue by barking, from man
and to beast, so that you shall know that the Lord hath
distinguished between the Mizraee and Israel. 8 And all
these thy servants shall come down to me, and beseech
of me, saying, Go forth, thou and all thy people who are
with thee: and after that I will go forth. And he went out
from Pharoh with vehement anger. 9 And the Lord said to
Mosheh, Pharoh will not hearken to you; therefore will I
multiply My wonders in the land of Mizraim.
10 And Mosheh and Aharon wrought all these wonders
before Pharoh; but the Lord hardened Pharoh’s heart,
that he would not send the children of Israel from his

1 And the Lord spake to Mosheh and Aharon in the
land of Mizraim, saying, 2 This month shall be to you the
beginning of the months; the first, it shall be to you, of
the months of the year. 3 Speak with all the congregation
of Israel, saying, In the tenth of this month they shall take
to them every man a lamb for the house of a father, a
Exodus 12:4 25 Exodus 12:14

lamb for the house. 4 And if the house be smaller than the
numbering (required) for the lamb, let him take himself,
and his neighbour who is nearest to his house, according
to the number of the souls, every man according to the
mouth of his eating shall you count over the lamb. 5 The
lamb shall be perfect, a male, the son of a year; it shall
be to you; from the sheep or from the goats you may take
it. 6 And you shall have it in keeping till the fourteenth
day of this month, and the whole church (kehala) of the
congregation of Israel shall kill him between the suns.
7 And they shall take of the blood, and apply it upon the
two posts and upon the lintel of the houses in which they
eat him. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that night roasted
with fire, and (with) unleavened cake with bitters you
shall eat him. 9 You shall not eat of it while living, neither
boiled with boiling in water, but roasted with fire; his
head with his feet and his inwards. 10 And you shall not
leave of it till the morning; and that which remains of it
till morning you shall burn in the fire. 11 And thus shall
you eat it; with your loins girded, with your sandals on
your feet, and your staves in your hands, and you shall
eat it in haste; it is the Pascha before the Lord. 12 And I
will appear in the land of Mizraim in that night, and will
kill every firstborn in the land from man unto beast, and
on all the idols of Mizraim I will execute judgment: I am
the Lord. 13 And the blood shall be for you a sign upon
the houses where you are; and I will see the blood, and
will have mercy upon you, and there shall not be among
you the destruction of death when I slay in the land of
Mizraim. 14 And this day shall be to you for a memorial,
and you shall solemnize it a festival before the Lord in
your generations; an everlasting ordinance (covenant)
Exodus 12:15 26 Exodus 12:25

shall you solemnize it. 15 [no translation*] 16 And on the

first day there shall be an holy congregation, and on the
seventh day an holy congregation shall there be to you.
Every kind of work may not be done in them; save what
pertains to the eating of every soul, that only may be
done by you. 17 And you shall keep the (feast of the)
Unleavened; for on this very day shall I have brought your
hosts out of the land of Mizraim, and you shall keep this
day to all your generations forever. 18 In Nisan, on the
fourteenth day of the month in the evening you shall eat
unleavened, until the twenty and first of the mouth in the
evening. 19 Seven days leaven shall not be found in your
houses; for whosoever will eat of that which is leavened,
that man shall perish from the congregation of Israel, of
the stranger, or of the native of the land. 20 You shall
eat no leavened (food), in all your dwellings you shall eat
21 And Mosheh called for all the elders of Israel, and
said to them, Draw out, and take to you from the sons
of the flock for your families, and kill the pascha. 22 And
you shall take a bundle of hyssop and dip it in the blood
that is in the basin, and sprinkle upon the lintel and the
two posts from the blood which is in the basin; and you
shall not go forth from the door of your house until the
morning. 23 For the Lord will be revealed to smite the
Mizraee; and seeing the blood upon the lintel and upon
the two posts, the Lord will be merciful upon the door,
and will not suffer the Destroyer (or destruction) to enter
your houses to smite. 24 And you shall observe the thing
for an ordinance to thee and to thy sons forever. 25 And it
shall be, when you have entered into the land which the
Lord will give you as He hath said, that you shall (still)
* 12:15 Etheridge, p. 370.
Exodus 12:26 27 Exodus 12:38

keep this service. 26 And it shall be, when your children

say to you, What is this service to you? 27 You shall say,
It is a sacrifice for compassion before the Lord, because
He had compassion on the house of the sons of Israel
in Mizraim, when He smote the Mizraee, but spared our
houses. And the people bowed and worshipped.
28 And the sons of Israel went and did as the Lord had
commanded Mosheh and Aharon, so did they.
29 And it came to pass at the dividing of the night that
the Lord slew all the firstborn in the land of Mizraim;
from the firstborn of Pharoh who should sit on the throne
of his kingdom unto the firstborn of the captive in the
house of the chained, and all the firstborn of cattle. 30 And
Pharoh rose up in that night, and all his servants and
all the Mizraee; and there was a great cry in Mizraim,
because there was no house in which there was not the
dead. 31 And he cried to Mosheh and to Aharon by night,
and said, Arise, go out from among my people, you and
the sons of Israel, and go and serve before the Lord, as
you have said. 32 Your flocks and your herds take also, as
you have spoken, and go, and pray also for me.
33 And the Mizraee were forcible on the people to
hasten to send them away; for they said, All of us are dead.
34 And the people took their dough while not leavened,
remaining in the kneading pans, bound with their clothes
upon their shoulders. 35 And the children of Israel did
according to the word of Mosheh, and demanded of the
Mizraee vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and raiment.
36 And the Lord gave the people favour in the eyes of
the Mizraee, and they demanded of them, and left the
Mizraee empty.
37 And the children of Israel journeyed from Ramases
to Succoth; about six hundred thousand men on foot,
besides children (or families); 38 And a multitude of
Exodus 12:39 28 Exodus 12:51

strangers also went up with them, and flocks and herds

and very much cattle. 39 And they baked the dough which
they had brought out from Mizraim (into) unleavened
cakes; for it had not been leavened, because they had been
driven out from Mizraim and could not stay, and they had
not made provision.
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel in their abode
in Mizraim (was) four hundred and thirty years. 41 And it
was at the end of four hundred and thirty years, in that
same day, that all the hosts of the Lord went forth from
the land of Mizraim. 42 It is a night to be kept before the
Lord for bringing them forth from the land of Mizraim:
this is that night before the Lord kept by all the children
of Israel in their generations.
43 And the Lord said to Mosheh and to Aharon, This is
the rite of the Pascha. Every son of Israel who apostatizes
shall not eat of it; 44 But every male servant bought with
silver, and thou hast circumcised him, may eat thereof.
45 A sojourner and a hireling shall not eat thereof. 46 In
one company it shall be eaten. You shall not carry any
of the flesh from the house without, and a bone shall not
be broken in him. 47 All the congregation of Israel shall
do this. 48 And when the sojourner who sojourneth with
thee will perform the pascha before the Lord, every male
of his shall be circumcised, and he may then approach and
perform it; he shall be as one born in the land, but none
uncircumcised shall eat of it. 49 One law shall there be for
the native and for the proselyte who sojourneth among
50 And all the children of Israel did as the Lord com-
manded Mosheh and Aharon, so did they. 51 And it was
on the same day that the Lord led forth the sons of Israel
from the land of Mizraim by their armies.
Exodus 13:1 29 Exodus 13:13

1 And the Lord spake with Mosheh, saying, 2 Sanctify
unto Me all the firstborn. Everyone which openeth the
womb among the children of Israel, of man and of beast,
that is Mine.
3 And Mosheh said to the people, Remember this day,
in which you went forth from Mizraim from the house of
servitude; for with a mighty hand hath the Lord brought
you forth from thence; and you shall not eat what is
leavened. 4 This day have you come out, in the month
of Abiba. 5 And it shall be when the Lord hath led thee
into the land of the Kenaanaee and Hittaee and Emoraee
and Hivaee and Jebusaee, which He covenanted to thy
fathers to give thee, a land producing milk and honey,
that thou shalt perform this service in this month. 6 Seven
days thou shalt eat the (phatira) unleavened cake, and in
the seventh day solemnize a feast before the Lord. 7 The
unleavened cake thou shalt eat seven days; that which is
leavened shall not be seen with thee; the leavened thing
shall not be seen with thee in all thy limits. 8 And thou
shalt teach thy son on that day, saying, (It is) on account
of that which the Lord did for me in bringing me out of
Mizraim. 9 And it shall be a sign to thee on thy hand, and
for a memorial between thine eyes, that the Law of the
Lord may be in thy mouth, for that with a mighty hand
did the Lord bring thee forth from Mizraim: 10 And thou
shalt keep this ordinance in its season from time to time.
11 And it shall be, when the Lord hath brought thee
into the land of the Kenaanaee, as He sware to thee and
to thy fathers, and hath given it to thee, 12 that thou
shalt make over whatsoever openeth the womb before the
Lord; among the cattle which thou hast the male shall be
consecrate before the Lord. 13 And every firstling of an
ass thou shalt ransom with a lamb; but if thou wilt not
Exodus 13:14 30 Exodus 14:2

ransom it, thou shalt destroy it; and every firstborn of

man among thy children thou shalt ransom. 14 And it shall
be, when thy son shall ask thee tomorrow, saying, Why is
this? Thou shalt say to him, By a mighty hand the Lord
brought us out of Mizraim from the house of servitude.
15 And it was when Pharoh was obdurate about letting us
go away that the Lord slew all the firstborn in the land
of Mizraim, from the firstborn of man to the firstborn
of cattle: therefore I sacrifice before the Lord of all that
openeth the womb, the males, and all the firstborn of my
children I ransom. 16 And it shall be for a sign upon thy
hand and for Tephillin between thine eyes, because with
a mighty hand hath the Lord brought thee out of Mizraim.
17 And it was when Pharoh had sent the people away,
that the Lord led them not by the way of the land of
the Philistaee because it was the nearest: for the Lord
said, Lest the people be terrified at the seeing of war, and
return to Mizraim. 18 But the Lord led the people round
by the way of the desert to the sea of Suph; and harnessed
(or girded) went the sons of Israel up out of the land of
Mizraim. 19 And Mosheh brought up the bones of Joseph
with him; for he had adjured the sons of Israel with an
oath, saying, Remembering, the Lord will remember you,
and you shall carry up my bones from hence. 20 And they
journeyed from Sukkoth, and encamped in Etham, which
is beside the desert. 21 And the Lord went before them by
day in the column of the cloud to lead them in the way,
and by night in the column of fire to enlighten them, that
they might go in the day and in the night. 22 The column
of the cloud by day, nor the column of the fire by night,
departed not before the people.

1 And the Lord spake to Mosheh, saying, 2 Speak with
Exodus 14:3 31 Exodus 14:13

the sons of Israel that they return and encamp before

Pum-Hiratha, between Migdol and the sea, before Beel
Zephon: you shall encamp before it by the sea. 3 And
Pharoh will say of the children of Israel, They are bewil-
dered in the land, the desert hath got hold of them: 4 And I
will harden Pharoh’s heart, and he will pursue them; and
I will be glorified in Pharoh and in all his host; and the
Mizraee shall know that I am the Lord. And they did so.
5 And it was seen by the king of Mizraim that the people
had gone. And the heart of Pharoh and of his servants was
turned to the people; and they said, What is this that we
have done, that we have sent Israel away from serving us?
6 And he set his chariot in order, and took his people with
him. 7 He took also six hundred select chariots, and all the
chariots of the Mizraee, and appointed strong men over
them. 8 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharoh king
of Mizraim, and he pursued after the children of Israel.
But the children of Israel went forth with uncovered head.
9 And the Mizraee followed after them, and overtook them
while encamping by the sea; all the chariot horses of
Pharoh, and his horsemen, and his army, by Pum-Hiratha
which is before Beel Zephon.
10 And Pharoh drew nigh, and the sons of Israel lifted
up their eyes, and, behold, the Mizraee were coming after
them: and they were greatly afraid, and the children of
Israel cried before the Lord. 11 But to Mosheh they said,
Was it because there were no graves in Mizraim that thou
hast taken us to die in the wilderness? What is this that
thou hast done to bring us out of Mizraim? 12 Was not this
the word which we spake with thee in Mizraim, saying, Let
us alone, and we will serve the Mizraee? For better would
it have been for us to serve the Mizraee, than to die in the
wilderness. 13 And Mosheh said to the people, Fear not,
stand still (or, be ready) and see the Lord’s deliverance
Exodus 14:14 32 Exodus 14:25

which He will work for you this day; for as you have seen
the Mizraee this day, you will see them no more forever:
14 The Lord will fight for you the fight, and you shall
be quiet. 15 And the Lord said to Mosheh, I have heard
thy prayer. Speak to the children of Israel that they go
onward: 16 And thou, take thy rod and stretch forth thy
hand over the sea, and divide it, and the children of Israel
shall go in the midst of the sea on dry ground. 17 And I,
behold, I will harden the hearts of the Mizraee, and they
will go in after them; and I will be glorified by Pharoh
and by all his army, by his chariots and his horsemen;
18 And the Mizraee shall know that I am the Lord, when
I have been glorified by Pharoh and his chariots and his
19 And the angel of the Lord who went before the
camp of Israel passed by and came behind them; and the
column of the cloud passed from before them and abode
behind them. 20 And it entered between the camp of
the Mizraee and the camp of Israel; and was a cloud and
darkness to the Mizraee, but unto Israel a light all the
night: and that came not near to this all the night.
21 And Mosheh stretched forth his hand over the sea;
and the Lord drave the sea by a mighty east wind all the
night, and caused the sea to be dry, and the waters were
disparted; 22 And the children of Israel went into the midst
of the sea upon dry ground; and the waters were to them
a wall on their right hand and on their left. 23 And the
Mizraee followed and entered in after them, all the horses
of Pharoh, and his chariots and horsemen, into the midst
of the sea. 24 And it was in the morning watch that the
Lord looked upon the host of the Mizraee from the column
of fire and cloud, and perturbed the host of the Mizraee.
25 And he removed the wheels of the chariots, so that they
drave them by strength; and the Mizraee said, Let us flee
Exodus 14:26 33 Exodus 15:4

from before Israel; for this is the power of the Lord which
hath done battle for them against Mizraim.
26 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Stretch forth thy
hand over the sea, and the waters shall return upon the
Mizraee, upon their chariots and their horsemen. 27 And
Mosheh stretched out his hand over the sea, and the sea
returned, at the time of the morning, unto its strength;
and the Mizraee fled before it; and the Lord drowned
the Mizraee in the midst of the sea. 28 And the waters
returned and covered the chariots and horsemen and all
the host of Pharoh who had gone after them into the sea,
and there remained of them not one. 29 But the children
of Israel walked on dry land in the midst of the sea; and
the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on
their left.
30 And the Lord delivered Israel that day from the
Mizraee, and Israel saw the Mizraee dead upon the shore
of the sea. 31 And Israel saw the Power of the Great Hand
which the Lord had made (to appear) in Mizraim; and the
people feared before the Lord, and believed in the Word
of the Lord, and in the prophetic (work) of Mosheh His
1 Then sang Mosheh and the children of Israel this
hymn before the Lord; and they spake, saying, We will
sing and give thanks before the Lord, because He is
magnified upon the mighty, and the power is His own;
the horse and his rider hath He cast into the sea. 2 My
strength and my song is the terrible Lord; He hath said by
His Word that He will be mine to redeem This is my God,
and I will build Him a sanctuary; the God of my fathers,
and I will worship before Him. 3 The Lord is the Lord of
Victory in battles, the Lord is His Name. 4 The chariots
of Pharoh and his horses He hath cast into the sea, his
Exodus 15:5 34 Exodus 15:18

chosen warriors are drowned in the sea of Suph. 5 The

depths covered them over, they went down to the bottom
as a stone. 6 Thy right hand, O Lord, is illustrious in power;
Thy right hand, O Lord, shattereth the adversary; 7 And in
the greatness of Thy might Thou hast broken down them
who arose against Thy people. Thou didst send forth Thy
wrath, and it consumed them as stubble in the flame, 8 and
by the word of Thy mouth the waters, (as if) wise, stood up
like a wall; the depths were congealed in the heart of the
sea. 9 The adversary said, I will pursue, I will overtake, I
will divide the spoil; my soul shall be satisfied upon them;
I will draw my sword, and my hand shall destroy them.
10 Thou didst speak by Thy Word, the sea covered them
over, they sank like lead in the mighty waters. 11 There is
none beside Thee, 0 God, (who art) glorious in holiness,
fearful in praises, doing wonders. 12 Thou didst uplift
Thy right hand, the earth swallowed them up. 13 Thou
hast led forth in goodness Thy people whom Thou hast
redeemed; Thou wilt bring them by Thy strength to the
dwelling of Thy holiness. 14 The nations will hear it, and
be moved; terror will seize on the inhabiters of Pelasheth;
15 Then will the princes of Edom be alarmed, the strong
ones of Moab will be seized with trembling and they who
dwell in Kenaan will be broken down. 16 Fear and dread
will fall upon them, by the greatness of Thy power they
will be silent as a stone, until Thy people, O Lord, pass
over Arnona, until Thy people whom Thou hast redeemed
pass over Jardena. 17 Thou wilt bring them in, and cause
them to dwell in the mountain of Thine inheritance, in
the place which Thou hast ordained for the house of Thy
Shekina, the sanctuary which Thy hands, O Lord, have
prepared. 18 The kingdom of the Lord endureth forever,
and forever, evermore!
Exodus 15:19 35 Exodus 16:1
19 Because, when the horses of Pharoh with his chariots
and his horsemen had entered into the sea, the Lord
caused the waters of the sea to return upon them, and
the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst
of the sea. 20 And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of
Aharon, took the timbrel in her hand, and all the women
went out after her with timbrels and choruses. 21 And
Miriam answered them: Sing and give thanks before the
Lord, for He hath magnified Himself upon the proud: and
the majesty belongeth (only) unto Him; the horse and his
rider hath He cast into the sea.
22 And Mosheh caused Israel to remove from the sea of
Suph, and they went forth into the desert of Chagra, and
went three days in the desert, but found no water. 23 And
they came to Marah, and could not drink the waters of
Marah because they were bitter; therefore he called the
name of it Marah. 24 And the people were fretful against
Mosheh, saying, What shall we drink?
25 And he prayed before the Lord; and the Lord in-
structed him (in the properties of) a tree, and he cast
it into the waters, and the waters became sweet. There
decreed He a statute, and a judgment, and there He tried
him. 26 And He said, If hearkening thou wilt hearken unto
the Word of the Lord thy God, and wilt do what is right
in His eyes, and wilt listen to His precepts and keep all
His statutes, none of the maladies which I have set upon
Mizraim will I put upon thee; for I am the Lord thy Healer.
27 And they came to Elim, and there were twelve wells
of water and seventy palm trees; and they encamped
there before the waters.

1 And they journeyed from Elim, and came, the whole
assembly of the sons of Israel, to the desert of Sir, which is
Exodus 16:2 36 Exodus 16:12

between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second

month from their outgoing from the land of Mizraim.
2 And all the congregation of the children of Israel were
troublous against Mosheh and against Aharon in the
desert; 3 And the children of Israel said to them, 0 that
we had died before the Lord in the land of Mizraim, when
we sat by the caldrons of flesh, and could eat bread and
be satisfied! Why have you brought us out into this
wilderness to kill this whole assembly with famine?
4 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Behold, I will cause
bread to come down to you from heaven; and the people
shall go out and collect the matter of the day for the day;
that I may prove them whether they will walk in My law,
or not. 5 And in the sixth day, when they prepare that
which they bring in, it shall be two for one upon what they
collect from day to day. 6 And Mosheh and Aharon said to
all the children of Israel, In the evening you shall know
that the Lord brought you out of the land of Mizraim,
7 And in the morning shall you see the Glory of the Lord;
for your tumults are heard before the Lord: and we what,
that you are restive against us? 8 And Mosheh said, When
the Lord will give you at evening flesh to eat, and bread
in the morning to satisfy, while are heard before the Lord
your tumults against Him! For what are we? Your tumults
are not against us, but against the Word of the Lord.
9 And Mosheh said to Aharon, Bid all the congregation
of the sons of Israel to come together before the Lord; for
your tumult is heard before the Lord. 10 And it was, while
Aharon was speaking with all the congregation of the
sons of Israel, that they turned towards the desert, and,
behold, the glory of the Lord was revealed in the cloud.
11 And the Lord spake with Mosheh, saying, 12 The tumult
of the children of Israel is heard before Me. Speak with
Exodus 16:13 37 Exodus 16:23

them to say, Between the evenings you shall eat flesh,

and in the morning be satisfied with bread, and you shall
know that I am the Lord your God.
13 And it was in the evening that the quails came up and
covered the camp; and in the morning a dew descended
round about the camp; 14 And when the dew which had
fallen had gone up, behold, upon the face of the desert, a
small (substance) without covering, small like hoar frost,
heaped on the earth. 15 And the sons of Israel saw, and
said, a man to his brother, Mana-hu! For they knew not
what it was. And Mosheh said to them, This is the bread
which the Lord will give you to eat. 16 This is the word
that the Lord hath commanded: Let every man gather
of it according to his eating an omera for every head
according to the number of your souls, a man for those
of his tent shall you take. 17 And the sons of Israel did
so, and gathered, some more, (others) less; 18 And they
measured with an omera, and he who had (gathered)
much had not more, and he who had (gathered) little had
not less; every man according to his eating they gathered.
19 And Mosheh said to them, No man must leave of it for
the morning. 20 But they hearkened not to Mosheh, but
some left for the morning, and it swarmed worms and
corrupted. And Mosheh was angry with them. 21 And they
gathered it from morning to morning a man according
to his eating; and when the sun grew hot on that which
remained upon the face of the field, it melted.
22 And it was that on the sixth day they gathered a
double (quantity) of bread, two omers for one: and all
the chiefs of the congregation came and showed Mosheh.
23 And be said to them, Tomorrow is the rest of the holy
Shabbath before the Lord. That which you prepare by
baking, bake, and that which you prepare by boiling,
Exodus 16:24 38 Exodus 17:1

boil, and all the remainder lay up to you, a store for

the morning. 24 And they laid it up till the morning, as
Mosheh had instructed; and it did not corrupt, neither
were there worms in it. 25 And Mosheh said, Eat that
today, for this day is Shabbath before the Lord; this day
you would not find it in the field. 26 Six days you shall
collect it; but on the seventh day, the Shabbath, there will
be none. 27 And it was on the seventh day that some of the
people went out to gather, but they found it not. 28 And
the Lord said to Mosheh, How long will you be unwilling
to keep My commandments and My laws? 29 See, because
the Lord hath given you the Shabbath He hath therefore
given you on the sixth day the bread for two days; let
every man dwell in his resting, and not go out from his
place on the seventh day. 30 And the people reposed on
the seventh day.
31 And the house of Israel called the name of it Manna;
and it was as the seed of Gida white, and its taste was like
cake broiled with honey. 32 And Mosheh said, This is the
word which the Lord hath commanded. Fill an omera of
it to be kept for your generations, that they may see the
bread which I made you eat in the desert when I brought
you forth from the land of Mizraim. 33 And Mosheh said
to Aharon, Take one vase, and put therein an omera full
of manna, and lay it up before the Lord to be preserved
for your generations. 34 As the Lord commanded, so did
Mosheh; and Aharon laid it up before the Testimony, to
keep. 35 And the children of Israel ate the manna forty
years, until they came to the land inhabited; they did eat
the manna till they came to the confines of the land of
Kenaan. 36 And one omera is the tenth of three seahs.

1 And all the congregation of the children of Israel
Exodus 17:2 39 Exodus 17:12

journeyed from the desert of Sin, according to their

itinerations by the Word of the Lord; and they encamped
in Rephidim: but the people had no water to drink; 2 and
the people were contentious with Mosheh, and said, Give
us water that we may drink. And Mosheh said, Why do
you contend with me? Why do you tempt before the
Lord? 3 But the people thirsted there for water, and the
people were turbulent against Mosheh, and said, Why is
this, to have brought us from Mizraim, to kill me and my
children and my cattle with thirst? 4 And Mosheh prayed
before the Lord, saying, What shall I do with this people?
Yet a little, and they will stone me! 5 And the Lord said to
Mosheh, Pass over before the people, and take with thee
of the elders of Israel, and thy rod wherewith thou didst
smite the river take in thy hand, and go. 6 Behold, I will
stand before thee there, upon the rock in Horeb, and thou
shalt smite the rock, and water shall come out of it, that
the people may drink. And Mosheh did so in the eyes
of the elders of Israel. 7 And he called the name of the
place, Temptation and Strife, because of the striving of
the sons of Israel, and because they tempted before the
Lord, saying, Is the Majesty of the Lord among us, or not?
8 And Amaleq came, and warred battle with Israel in
Rephidim. 9 And Mosheh said to Jehoshua, Choose for us
men, and go forth and do battle with Amaleq. Tomorrow
I will stand on the top of the hill, and the rod with which
the miracles are wrought from before the Lord shall be
in my hand. 10 And Jehoshua did as Mosheh had said
to him, and he did battle with Amaleq. And Mosheh,
Aharon, and Hur ascended to the top of the hill. 11 And
it was that when Mosheh lifted up his hand, the house
of Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, the
house of Amaleq prevailed. 12 But the hands of Mosheh
Exodus 17:13 40 Exodus 18:7

became heavy, and they took a stone and placed it under

him, and he sat upon it, and Aharon and Hur held up his
hands, here one, and there one; and thus were his hands
stretched out in prayer until the going of the sun. 13 And
Jehoshua shattered Amaleq and his people with the edge
of the sword.
14 And the Lord said to Mosheh: Write this memorial
in the Book, and set it before Jehoshua, That blotting,
I will blot out the memorial of Amaleq from under the
heavens. 15 And Mosheh builded an altar, and ministered
upon it before the Lord who had wrought (such) miracles
for him. 16 And he said, With an oath hath this been
declared from before the Fearful One whose Shekinah is
upon His glorious throne; that war shall be waged with
the house of Amaleq, to destroy it from the generations
of the world.
1 And Jethro, the rabba of Midian, the father-in-law
of Mosheh, had heard of all that the Lord had done for
Mosheh and for Israel His people, and that the Lord had
brought Israel out of Mizraim. 2 And Jethro, Mosheh’s
father-in-law, took Zipporah the wife of Mosheh, after
he had let her go, 3 And his two sons, the name of the
one Gershom; For, he said, I have been a sojourner in a
strange land; 4 And the name of the other Eliezer; For (said
he) the God of my fathers hath been my helper, and hath
delivered me from the sword of Pharoh. 5 And Jethro the
father-in-law of Mosheh came, and his sons, and his wife,
to Mosheh in the desert where he had encamped at the
mountain upon which was revealed the glory of the lord.
6 And he had told Mosheh, I, thy father-in-law Jethro,
come to thee with thy wife, and her two sons with her.
7 And Mosheh went forth to meet his father-in-law, and
bowed, and kissed him, and each saluted the other with
Exodus 18:8 41 Exodus 18:18

peace; and they entered the tabernacle. 8 And Mosheh

recounted to his father-in-law all that the Lord had done
to Pharoh and to Mizraim for Israel’s sake; and all the
tribulation that they had found upon the way, and how
the Lord had delivered them. 9 And Jethro was glad over
all the good which the Lord, who had saved him from the
hand of Mizraim, had wrought for Israel.
10 And Jethro said, Blessed be the Lord, who hath
delivered you out of the hand of the Mizraee, and out
of the hand of Pharoh, and hath delivered the people
from under the domination of the Mizraee. 11 Now know
I that the Lord is great, and that there is no God but
He for by the thing by which the Mizraee had thought
to punish (judge) Israel, they themselves are punished.
12 And Jethro the father-in-law of Mosheh offered a burnt
offering and sacrificed holy things before the Lord. And
Aharon came, with all the elders of Israel, to eat bread
with the father-in-law of Mosheh before the Lord.
13 And on the day after, Mosheh sat to judge the
people, and the people stood about Mosheh from morn
till evening; 14 And the father-in-law of Mosheh observed
all that he did to the people. And he said, What thing is
this that thou art doing to the people? Why dost thou
sit alone, with all the people standing about thee from
morn till evening? 15 And Mosheh said to his father-in-
law, Because the people come to me to ask instruction
from before the Lord. 16 When they have (a matter) for
judgment they come to me, and I adjudicate between
a man and his neighbour, and make them to know the
statutes of the Lord, and His laws. 17 But the father-in-
law of Mosheh said to him, The thing thou art doing is
not right; 18 With weariness thou wilt be weary, thou and
also this people who are with thee; for the thing is too
weighty for thee, thou art not able to do it by thyself.
Exodus 18:19 42 Exodus 19:3
19 Now hearken to me, I will give thee counsel, and the
Word of the Lord shall be thy helper. Be thou for the
people the seeker of instruction from the presence of the
Lord, to bring the matters before the Lord: 20 And thou
shalt admonish them in the statutes and the laws, and
make them know the way in which to walk, and the work
that must be done. 21 And thou, look out from the whole
people men of ability who fear the Lord, men of truth who
abhor to take mammon; and superappoint them chiefs of
thousands, and chiefs of hundreds, and chiefs of fifties,
and chiefs of tens. 22 And they shall judge the people
at any time, and every great matter they shall bring to
thee, but every small thing they shall judge; and they
will lighten it from thee, and bear it with thee. 23 If thou
wilt do this, and the Lord teach thee, thou wilt be able
to endure, and (of) all this people everyone will go to his
place in peace.
24 And Mosheh hearkened to his father-in-law, and did
all that he had said. 25 And Mosheh chose men of ability
from all Israel, and appointed them heads over the people;
chiefs of thousands, chiefs of hundreds, chiefs of fifties,
and chiefs of tens; 26 And they judged the people at all
times; a weighty thing they brought to Mosheh, and every
minor thing they judged themselves. 27 And Mosheh sent
his father-in-law away, and he went unto his land.

1 In the third month of the outgoing of the sons of Israel
from the land of Mizraim, on that day came they to the
desert of Sinai. 2 And they journeyed from Rephidim, and
came to the desert of Sinai, and dwelt there by the side of
the mountain. 3 And Mosheh ascended before the Lord.
And the Lord called to him from the mount, saying, As
thus thou shalt speak to the house of Jakob, and show
Exodus 19:4 43 Exodus 19:14

to the sons of Israel: 4 You have seen what I did to the

Mizraee, and how I bare you as on eagles’ wings, and
brought you nigh to serve Me: 5 And now, if hearkening
you will hearken to My Word, and will keep My covenant,
you, before Me, shall be more beloved than all peoples; for
all the earth is Mine. 6 And you, before Me, shall be kings
(and) priests, a holy people. These are the words which
thou shalt speak with the sons of Israel.
7 And Mosheh came, and called the elders of the people,
and set all these words in order before them, as the
Lord had instructed him. 8 And all the people responded
together, and said, All that the Lord hath spoken we will
do. And Mosheh brought back the words of the people
before the Lord.
9 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Behold, I will be
revealed to thee in the darkness of the cloud, that the
people may hear, in My speaking with thee, and also that
they may confide in thee forever. And Mosheh showed
the words of the people before the Lord. 10 And the
Lord said to Mosheh, Go unto the people and prepare
them, today and tomorrow, and let them purify their
clothing; 11 And be ready for the third day; for on the
third day the Lord will be revealed in the eyes of all the
people upon mount Sinai. 12 And thou shalt set a limit
for the people round about, saying, Beware you of going
up on the mountain, or of approaching the border of it.
Whoever approaches the mountain, slain he shall be slain.
13 No hand shall touch him; for stoned he shall be stoned,
or pierced he shall be pierced; whether beast or man, he
shall not live. When the trumpet is prolonged they shall
be allowed to go forward to the mount. 14 And Mosheh
came down from the mountain unto the people, and
prepared the people, and they made white their clothes.
Exodus 19:15 44 Exodus 20:2

15 And he said to the people, Be ready on the third day,

approach not to a woman.
16 And it was the third day at morning; and there
were voices, and lightnings, and mighty clouds upon
the mountain, and the voice of the trumpet exceedingly
strong; and all the people trembled who were in the camp.
17 And Mosheh led forth the people out of the camp to
meet the Word of the Lord; and they stood at the lower
parts of the mount. 18 And the mountain of Sinai was
altogether fuming from before the revelation of the Lord
upon it in fire; and the smoke went up as the smoke of a
furnace, and the whole mount trembled greatly. 19 But
when the voice of the trumpet went forth and became
exceedingly strong, Mosheh spake, and from the presence
of the Lord he was answered by a voice. 20 And the
Lord was revealed upon mount Sinai, on the head of the
mountain; and the Lord called Mosheh unto the head of
the mount; and Mosheh went up. 21 And the Lord said
to Mosheh, Go down, warn the people lest they break
through before the Lord to see, and many of them fall.
22 And let the priests also, who are to minister before the
Lord, sanctify themselves, lest the Lord slay them. 23 And
Mosheh spake before the Lord, The people are not able to
come up to mount Sinai; for Thou hast warned us, saying,
Set a boundary to the mountain, and sanctify it. 24 But
the Lord said to him, Go, descend, and come up, thou and
Aharon with thee; but let not the priests nor the people
break through to come up before the Lord, lest He slay
them. 25 And Mosheh went down to the people, and spake
with them.
And the Lord spake all these words, saying, 2 I am the
Lord thy God, who have brought thee out of the land of
Exodus 20:3 45 Exodus 20:14

Mizraim, out of the house of servitude.

3 Thou shalt have no other God beside Me.
4 Thou shalt not make to thee image nor likeness of
anything that is in the heavens above, nor in the earth
beneath, nor in the waters under the earth: 5 Thou shalt
not worship them nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God
am a jealous God; visiting the sins of the fathers upon
the rebellious children, unto the third generation and to
the fourth generation of those who hate Me; while the
children continue (or complete) to sin after their fathers;
6 But doing good to thousands of generations of those who
love Me and keep My commandments.
7 Thou shalt not swear in the name of the Lord thy God
vainly; for the Lord will not acquit him who sweareth in
His Name with falsity.
8 Remember the day of Shabbatha to sanctify it. 9 Six
days shalt thou do service and do all thy work; 10 but
the seventh day is Shabbath before the Lord thy God.
Thou shalt not do every work; thou, nor thy son, nor thy
daughter, thy servant nor thy handmaid, nor thy cattle,
nor thy sojourner who is in thy city. 11 For in six days the
Lord made the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that
is in them, and rested on the seventh day; wherefore the
Lord blessed the day of Shabbath, and sanctified it.
12 Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days
may be prolonged upon the land which the Lord thy God
giveth to thee.
13 Thou shalt not kill life. [14] Thou shalt not commit
adultery. [15] Thou shalt not steal. [16] Thou shalt not
testify against thy neighbour a testimony of falsehood.
14 [17] Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house; thou
shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his servant, nor
Exodus 20:15 46 Exodus 21:1

his handmaid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is
thy neighbour’s.
15 [18] And all the people saw the thunders, and the
flames, and the voice of the trumpet, and the mountain
smoking; and the people saw, and trembled, and stood
afar off.
16 [19] And they said to Mosheh, Speak thou with us,
and we will hearken; but let it not be spoken to us from
before the Lord, lest we die.
17 [20] And Mosheh said to the people, Fear not; for that
He may prove you He hath revealed to you the glory of the
Lord, and that His fear may be before your face, that you
may not sin.
18 [21] And the people stood afar off, but Mosheh drew
nigh to the darkness where was the glory of the Lord.
19 [22] And the Lord said to Mosheh, Thus shalt thou speak
to the children of Israel; You have seen that I have spoken
to you from the heavens. 20 [23] You shall not make before
Me idols of silver, neither idols of gold shall you make to
21 [24] An altar of earth shalt thou make before Me,
and shalt sacrifice upon it thy burnt offerings and thy
sanctified victims, thy sheep and thy oxen. In every place
where I may cause My Shekinah to dwell, thither will I
send My blessing, and will bless thee. 22 [25] And if thou
wilt make Me an altar of stone before Me, thou shalt not
build it with hewn stones lest thou lift up thy cutting-tool
(lit. thy sword) upon it and profane it. 23 [26] And thou
shalt not ascend by steps to My altar, that thy nakedness
may not be discerned upon it.

1 And these are the judgments which thou shalt set In
Exodus 21:2 47 Exodus 21:15

order before them. 2 When thou dost purchase a servant,

a son of Israel, six years he shall serve, and in the seventh
go forth free, for nothing. 3 If he came in alone, he shall
go out alone; if the husband of a wife, his wife shall go
out with him. 4 If his master have given him a wife, and
she have borne him sons or daughters, the wife and the
children are the master’s, and he shall go out alone. 5 But
if the servant saying shall say, I love my master, my wife
and my children, I will not go out free; 6 His master shall
bring him before the judges, and shall take him to the
door, even to the post, and his master shall bore his ear
with an awl; and he shall be to him a working servant
7 And when a man selleth his daughter to be a hand-
maid, she shall not go out as at the outgoing of the men
servants. 8 If she be evil in the eyes of the master who
had covenanted with her to be his, then shall he make her
free; to another man he shall not have ability to sell her
to domineer over her. 9 And if he hath covenanted her to
his son, after the custom of the daughters of Israel shall he
act towards her. 10 And if he take another to him, her food,
her raiment, and her marriage due he shall not restrain.
11 And if these three he doth not perform to her, he shall
release her freely without money.
12 Whosoever striketh a man and killeth him, being
killed he shall be killed. 13 But if it was not (done) covertly
to him, but he was delivered into his hand from before the
Lord, then I will appoint thee a place whither he may flee.
14 But when a wicked man acts toward his neighbour with
deceitfulness to kill him, even from Mine altar thou shalt
bring him away to put him to death.
15 Whosoever striketh his father or his mother shall be
surely put to death.
Exodus 21:16 48 Exodus 21:30
16 And whosoever stealeth a soul of the house of Israel
and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, shall be
surely put to death.
17 And he who curseth his father or his mother shall
surely be put to death.
18 And when men contend, and a man smiteth his
neighbour with a stone or with his fist, and he die not, but
fall upon his bed; 19 If he rise (again) and walk about upon
his staff, he who smote him shall be acquitted; only he
shall make good his loss of labour, and defray the charge
of the physician.
20 And when a man smiteth his servant or his handmaid
with a staff, and he die under his hand, condemned he
shall be condemned. 21 But if he survive one day, or two,
he shall not be condemned, because he was his money.
22 If men contending strike a woman with child and
she miscarry, but die not, fined he shall be fined, as the
husband of the woman may set upon him, and he shall
give according to the sentence of judgment. 23 But if death
take place, thou shalt give life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth
for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burning for
burning, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.
26 And if a man smite the eye of his servant or his
handmaid and destroy it, he shall let him go free, for the
sake of his eye. 27 Or if he beat out (cause to fall) a tooth
of his servant or a tooth of his handmaid, he shall let him
go free for the sake of his tooth.
28 If an ox gore a man or woman unto death, the ox
being stoned shall be stoned, and his flesh must not be
eaten; but the master of the ox shall be acquitted. 29 But
if the ox had gored in time before (yesterday and the day
before), and it had been attested to his master, and he not
keeping him he hath killed man or woman, the ox shall be
stoned and the owner be put to death. 30 If a fine of money
Exodus 21:31 49 Exodus 22:5

(if mammon) be laid upon him, he may give redemption

for his life according to all that is laid upon him. 31 If the
ox gore a son or daughter of Israel, after this judgment
shall it be done to him. 32 If an ox gore a man-servant or
a maidservant, (the owner) shall give to his master thirty
sileen of silver, and the ox shall be stoned.
33 And if a man open a pit, or dig a pit, and doth not
cover it, and an ox or an ass fall therein, 34 The master of
the pit shall pay: he shall give silver to his owner, and the
carcass shall be his own.
35 And if the ox of one man hurt a neighbour’s ox that
it die, they shall sell the living ox and divide the money;
and that which is dead they shall also divide. 36 But if it
be known that the ox gored in time past and his owner
did not keep him in, paying he shall pay ox for ox, and the
dead one shall be his.
37 If a man steal an ox or a lamb, and kill or sell it, he
shall repay five oxen for the ox, and four sheep for the

1 If a thief be found breaking through, and he be
smitten and die, there shall be no blood due to him.
2 If the eyes of witnesses fall upon him, blood shall be
due to him, paying he shall pay. If he have nothing, he
shall be sold for his robbery. 3 If the thing stolen, from an
ox to an ass, be found in his possession, they being alive,
he shall restore two for one.
4 If a man make waste a field or vineyard, or send his
cattle to consume another’s field, the best of his field and
the best of his vineyard he shall restore.
5 If fire breaks out, and it find thorns, so that sheaves or
standing corn or the field be consumed, he who kindled
the fire paying shall pay.
Exodus 22:6 50 Exodus 22:19
6 When a man giveth his neighbour silver or vessels to
keep, and they be stolen from the man’s house; if the thief
be found, he shall repay double. 7 If the thief be not found,
the master of the house shall be brought before the judges
(to make oath) that he hath not put forth his hand upon
that which his neighbour had delivered to him.
8 Upon every matter of guiltiness about ox or ass or
lamb, or raiment, or anything destroyed of which it may
be said, This is it, the cause of both shall be brought before
the judges, and he whom the judges shall condemn shall
pay double to his neighbour.
9 If a man deliver to his neighbour an ass or an ox or a
lamb or any cattle to keep, and it die, or be injured, or be
carried away, no one seeing; 10 An oath of the Lord shall be
between them that he bath not put forth his hand against
that which his neighbour had delivered, and the owner
shall accept the oath, and he shall not repay. 11 But if it be
stolen from him, he shall repay its owner; 12 And if it be
torn, and he bring witnesses that it was torn, he shall not
13 And if a man borrow of his neighbour and it be
injured or die, the owner of it not being with it, repaying
he shall repay. 14 But if the owner be with it, he shall not
repay. If it were hired, let it be (considered) for its hire.
15 And if a man seduce a virgin who is not betrothed and
lie with her, he shall surely establish her to be his wife.
16 If her father be unwilling to give her to him, he shall
weigh down silver according to the dowry of virgins.
17 An enchantress shall not live.
18 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall be surely put to
19 Whosoever sacrificeth to the idols of the Gentiles
shall be put to death: but to the Name of the Lord alone.
Exodus 22:20 51 Exodus 23:2

20 And a stranger thou shalt not trouble nor oppress;

for you were sojourners in the land of Mizraim. 21 Afflict
not the widow or the orphan: 22 If you indeed afflict them,
and they cry before Me, I will surely hearken to their cry;
23 And My displeasure shall be strong, and will kill you
with the sword; and your wives shall be widows and your
children fatherless.
24 If thou lend money to My people, to the poor who is
with thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither
shalt thou inflict an injury upon him. 25 If, (as) a pledge,
thou take thy neighbour’s garment, at the going away
of the sun thou shalt return it unto him. 26 For it may
be his only covering; for (then) it is the clothing for his
skin: wherein shall he sleep? And it shall be that when he
crieth before Me I will hearken; for I am merciful.
27 Thou shalt not revile the judges, nor curse the ruler
of My people.
28 Thy firstfruits and thy tithes thou shalt not delay (to
offer:) the firstborn of thy children thou shalt separate
before Me; 29 so shalt thou do with thy oxen and with thy
sheep. Seven days shall (the firstling) be with its mother;
on the eighth day thou shalt separate it before Me.
30 And ye shall be holy men before Me; and the flesh
torn from a living animal you may not eat; you shall cast
it to the dogs.

1Thou shalt not take up a false report, nor set thine
hand with the wicked to be a false witness for him. 2 Thou
shalt not follow the many to wickedness, neither shalt
thou fail to teach that which in thine eyes is judgment;
after the many (majority?) thou shalt fulfil judgment.
Exodus 23:3 52 Exodus 23:15
3 And upon the poor thou shalt not be pitiful in judging
4 If thou meet the ox of thy enemy, or his ass, wan-
dering away, thou shalt surely bring it back to him.
5 When thou seest thine enemy’s ass prostrate beneath his
burden, thou shalt forbear from forsaking him; thou shalt
surely abandon what is in thy heart against him, and shalt
deliver it unto him.
6 Thou shalt not warp the judgment of the poor man in
his cause. 7 From a false matter keep distant; and him who
has been acquitted and has come forth from judgment
uncondemned thou shalt not kill; for I will not justify the
guilty. 8 And thou art not to receive a bribe; for a bribe
blinds the eyes of the wise, and perverts the words of the
9 And thou shalt not distress the sojourner; for you
know the mind of a sojourner; for you were dwellers in
the land of Mizraim.
10 Six years thou shalt sow the land and gather in its
produce, 11 but the seventh year thou shalt let it alone
and suffer it to rest, that the poor of thy people may eat,
and what they leave the beast of the field may eat. So
also shalt thou do with thy vineyard and with thy olive
12 Six days shalt thou do thy work, and in the seventh
day have rest, that thy ox and thy ass may rest, and the
son of thine handmaid and thy sojourner may be quiet.
13 And of all that I have spoken to you be mindful, and the
name of the idols of the Gentiles remember not; let it not
be heard upon thy lips.
14 Three times thou shalt solemnize festival before Me
in the year. 15 Thou shalt keep the festival of unleavened
bread. Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened cake, as
I have commanded thee, in the time of the moon of
Exodus 23:16 53 Exodus 23:27

Abiba, for therein you went forth from Mizraim; and you
shall not appear before Me empty. 16 And the festival
of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labours which thou hast
sowed in thy fields; and the festival of gathering, at the
end of the year when thou gatherest in thy labours from
the field. 17 Three times in the year shall all thy males
appear before the Lord, the Ruler of the world.
18 Thou shalt not offer with unleavened bread the blood
of My pascha, neither shall the fat of the sacrifice of the
feast remain without on the altar until morning.
19 The beginning of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt
bring into the sanctuary of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt
not eat flesh with milk.
20 Behold, I send My Angel before thee, to protect thee
in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have
prepared. 21 Take heed before Him, and hearken to His
words; rebel not against Him, for He will not forgive your
sins; for in My Name are His words.
22 For if thou wilt truly hearken to His words, and do all
that I shall speak, I will be a foe to thy enemies, and will
afflict them that afflict thee.
23 For My Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in,
to the Amoraee and Hittaee, and Perizaee and Kenaanaee,
Hivaee and Jebusaee; and I will destroy them. 24 Thou
shalt not worship their idols, nor serve them, nor do
according to their doings, but shalt utterly demolish
them, and break their images.
25 And you shall serve before the Lord your God, and
He will bless thy food and thy drink, and will take away
grievous evils from among thee. 26 There shall be none
abortive or barren in thy land; the number of thy days will
I complete. 27 I will send My terror before thee, and will
perturb all the people among whom thou shalt come to
Exodus 23:28 54 Exodus 24:6

fight against them, and I will make all thy adversaries turn
their back before thee. 28 I will send the hornet before
thee, and it shall drive out the Hivaee and Kenaanaee and
the Hittaee from before thee. 29 I will not expel them
before thee in one year, lest the land be made desolate,
and the beasts of the field multiply against thee. 30 By
little and little I will drive them out before thee, until
thou shalt be increased and inherit the land. 31 And I will
appoint thy boundary from the sea of Suph unto the sea
of the Philistaee, and from the desert to the river; for I
will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hands,
and thou shalt drive them out before thee. 32 Thou shalt
strike no covenant with them nor with their idols. 33 They
shall not dwell in thy land, lest they cause thee to commit
sin before Me; for if thou serve their idols, it will be a
stumbling-block to thee.

1 And He said to Mosheh, Come up before the Lord,
thou and Aharon, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the
elders of Israel; and they shall worship at a distance. 2 And
Mosheh shall draw nigh alone before the Lord, but they
shall not draw nigh, nor shall the people ascend with
3 And Mosheh came and recited to the people all the
words of the Lord and all the judgments; and all the
people answered with one voice and said, All the words
that the Lord hath spoken will we do. 4 And Mosheh wrote
all the words of the Lord. And he arose in the morning,
and builded an altar at the lower part of the mountain,
and twelve pillars, according to the twelve tribes of Israel.
5 And he sent the firstborn sons of Israel, and they offered
holocausts, and sacrificed oxen (as) consecrated victims
before the Lord. 6 And Mosheh took half of the blood
and set it in basins, and half the blood he sprinkled upon
Exodus 24:7 55 Exodus 24:18

the altar. 7 And he took the Book of the Covenant, and

read before the people; and they said, All that the Lord
hath spoken we will do and obey. 8 And Mosheh took the
blood and sprinkled it upon the altar to propitiate for the
people, and said, Behold the Blood of the Covenant which
the Lord hath ratified with you upon all these words.
9 And Mosheh and Aharon, Nadab and Abihu, and
seventy of the elders of Israel went up. 10 And they saw
the Glory of the God of Israel, and under the throne of His
glory as the work of a precious stone, and as the face of
heaven for its clearness. 11 Yet the princes of the sons of
Israel were not hurt; and they saw the Glory of the Lord,
and rejoiced in their sacrifices which were accepted with
favour, as though they had eaten and drunk.
12 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Come up into My
Presence in the mountain, and be there, and I will give
thee the tablets of stone, and the law and the precepts, as I
have written (them), that thou mayest teach them. 13 And
Mosheh arose and Jehoshua his minister, and Mosheh
ascended the mountain on which was revealed the Glory
of the Lord. 14 But to the elders he said, Wait for us here
until we return to you: and, behold, Aharon and Hur are
with you: whosoever hath a (matter for) judgment, let
him bring it before them.
15 And Mosheh ascended the mountain, and the cloud
covered the mountain; 16 And the glory of the Lord dwelt
upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud enveloped it six days.
And He called to Mosheh on the seventh day out of the
midst of the cloud. 17 And the appearance of the Glory of
the Lord was as the appearance of devouring fire on the
summit of the mountain in the eyes of the sons of Israel.
18 And Mosheh entered into the midst of the cloud, and
ascended the mount; and Mosheh was in the mount forty
day and forty nights.
Exodus 25:1 56 Exodus 25:18

1 And the Lord spake with Mosheh, saying, 2 Speak
with the sons of Israel that they set apart before Me a
separated portion: from every man who is willing in his
heart thou shalt receive that which is set apart. 3 And
this is the separation that thou shalt take of them: gold,
and silver and brass; 4 And hyacinth, and purple and
vermilion, (bright colour,) and fine linen, (butz,) and hair
of goats, 5 And skins of rams made red, and skins of purple,
and sittin woods; 6 Oil for the illuminators, aromatics for
the anointing oil, and aromatics for the incense; 7 Burilla
stones, and stones that may complete the insetting of the
ephod and the breastplate. 8 And they shall make before
me A SANCTUARY in which I will dwell among them.
9 Altogether as I show thee the pattern of the sanctuary,
and the pattern of all its vessels, even so shalt thou make
10 And they shall make an ARK of sitta wood; two cubits
and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth,
and a cubit and a half its height. 11 And thou shalt cover it
with pure gold within and without, and thou shalt make
a crown of gold upon it round about. 12 And thou shalt
cast for it four rings of gold, and set them upon its four
corners, two rings upon one side of it, and two rings upon
its other side. 13 And thou shalt make staves of sittin
woods, and cover them with gold, 14 and shalt insert the
staves in the rings upon the sides of the ark, that the ark
may be carried upon them. 15 In the rings of the ark shall
be the staves, they shall not be removed therefrom. 16 And
thou shalt place in the ark the Testimony that I will give
thee. 17 And thou shalt make A PROPITIATORY Of pure
gold; two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a
half its breadth. 18 And thou shalt make two KERUBIN
of gold, beaten (ductile) shalt thou make them, on the
Exodus 25:19 57 Exodus 25:31

two sides of the propitiatory. 19 And thou shalt make one

keruba on this side and one keruba on that side of the
propitiatory; thou shalt make the kerubin on its two sides.
20 And the kerubin shall have their wings outspreading
above, overshadowing the propitiatory with their wings;
and their faces shall be opposite one to another, towards
the propitiatory shall be the faces of the kerubin. 21 And
thou shalt set the propitiatory upon the Ark over above,
and within the ark shalt thou put the Testimony that I
will give thee. 22 And I will appoint My Word (Memra)
with thee there; and I will speak with thee from above the
Propitiatory, from between the two kerubin that are upon
the Ark of the Testimony, all that I may command thee for
the sons of Israel.
23 And thou shalt Make A TABLE of sittin woods, two
cubits the length of it, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit
and a half its height. 24 And thou shalt overlay it with
pure gold, and make for it a crown of gold round about.
25 And thou shalt make to it a border, a handbreadth high
round about, and make a crown of gold to the border of
it round about. 26 And thou shalt make for it four golden
rings, and put the rings upon the four corners of its four
feet. 27 Opposite to the border shall be the rings for the
place of the staves for carrying the table. 28 And thou shalt
make the staves of sittin woods, and cover them with gold,
that they may carry the table upon them. 29 And thou
shalt make its dishes and its vases, its vials and its chalices
with which the libations are outpoured, of pure gold shalt
thou make them. 30 And thou shalt set upon the table the
PRESENCE BREAD continually before Me.
31 And thou shalt make A CANDELABRUM; of pure
ductile gold shalt thou make the candelabrum; its base
and its shaft, its cups, apples, and lilies, of the same shall
Exodus 25:32 58 Exodus 26:5

they be. 32 And six branches shall come out from its sides,
three branches of the candelabrum from one side, and
three branches of the candelabrum on the second side.
33 Three cups (calyxes) figured on one branch with apple
and lily, and three cups figured on one branch with apple
and lily, so for the six branches that come out from the
candelabrum. 34 And upon the candelabrum shall be four
cups, figurated with apples and lilies; 35 An apple under
the two branches of this, and an apple under the two
branches of that, according to the six branches that come
forth from the candelabrum. 36 Their apples and their
branches shall be of it, all beaten of pure gold. 37 And
thou shalt make its seven lights, and kindle its lights that
they may shine towards its face. 38 And its snuffers and
shovels (shall be made) of pure gold. 39 Of a talent of pure
gold shall he make it and all these vessels. 40 And look
thou, and make, according to their resemblance which
was displayed in the mount.

1 And thou shalt make THE TABERNACLE (of) ten
curtains of fine linen twined, and hyacinth, and purple,
and vermilion, (and) figures of kerubin, the work of the
artificer shalt thou make them. 2 The length of one
curtain twenty and eight cubits, and the breadth of one
curtain four cubits; the measure of all the curtains shall be
one. 3 Five curtains shall be conjoined one with another,
and five curtains conjoined one with another. 4 And thou
shalt make loops of hyacinth upon the edge of one curtain
in the side on which it is joined, and so shalt thou do on
the border of the second curtain in the side on which it
is joined. 5 Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one curtain,
and fifty loops shalt thou make in the side of the curtain
which is in the place of the second coupling, that the
Exodus 26:6 59 Exodus 26:20

loops, may answer one with another. 6 And thou shalt

make fifty taches of gold, and loop the curtains one with
another with the taches, that it may be one Tabernacle.
7 And thou shalt make curtains of goat’s (hair) to
stretch over the tabernacle; eleven curtains thou shalt
make them. 8 The length of one curtain shall be thirty
cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits; of one
measure shall be the eleven curtains. 9 And thou shalt
loop five curtains together, and six curtains together, and
fold the sixth curtain against the front of the tabernacle.
10 And thou shalt make fifty loops on the edge of the one
curtain where it is conjoined, and fifty loops on the edge
of the curtain at the place of the second conjoinment.
11 And thou shalt make fifty taches of brass, and intro-
duce the taches into the loops, and conjoin the tabernacle
that it may be one. 12 And the overplus which remaineth
of the tabernacle curtains, the half curtain, (namely,)
thou shalt stretch over the hinder side of the tabernacle.
13 And the cubit on this and the cubit on that (side) which
remain in the length of the curtains of the tabernacle
shall be spread over the sides of the tabernacle, here and
there, to cover it. 14 And thou shalt make a covering for
the tabernacle of rams’ skins dyed red, and a covering of
purple skins above.
15 And thou shalt make the standing-boards of the
tabernacle of sittin woods. 16 Ten cubits the length of one
board, and a cubit and a half its breadth. 17 Two tenons
(shall there be) to each board, fastened over against
one another; so shalt thou make all the boards of the
tabernacle. 18 And thou shalt make the boards for the
tabernacle, twenty boards on the southern side. 19 And
forty bases of silver shalt thou make under the twenty
boards; two bases under one board for its two tenons, and
two bases under one board for its two tenons. 20 And for
Exodus 26:21 60 Exodus 26:35

the second side of the tabernacle, on the northern side,

twenty boards 21 And their forty sockets of silver; two
sockets under one board, and two sockets under another.
22 And for the side of the tabernacle westward thou shalt
make six boards. 23 And two boards thou shalt make at the
corners of the tabernacle at their extremities; 24 And they
shall be united below and likewise united at head with one
ring; so shall it be with both of them for the two corners.
25 And they shall be eight boards, and their silver bases,
sixteen bases; two bases under one board, and two bases
under the other board.
26 And thou shalt make bars of sittin woods, five for the
boards of one side of the tabernacle, 27 and five bars for
the boards of the second side of the tabernacle, and five
bars for the end side of the tabernacle toward the west.
28 And the middle bar in the midst of the boards shall pass
from end to end. 29 And the boards thou shalt overlay with
gold, and the rings make thou of gold, the place for the
bars, and cover the bars with gold. 30 And thou shalt erect
the tabernacle after the manner of it which hath been
showed thee on the mount.
31 And thou shalt make A VEIL, of hyacinth, and purple,
and vermilion, and fine linen twined with the work of the
artificer, it shall be made, figured with kerubin. 32 And
thou shalt set it upon four pillars of sittin covered with
gold, and their hooks shall be of gold upon four bases of
silver. 33 And thou shalt put the veil under the taches,
and shalt bring in thither within the veil the Ark of the
Testament; and the veil shall separate to you between the
Holy and the Holy of Holies. 34 And thou shalt set the
Mercy Seat upon the ark of the Testament in the Holy of
Holies. 35 And place thou the table without the veil, and
the candelabrum over against the table at the south side
of the tabernacle, and the table place thou at the north
Exodus 26:36 61 Exodus 27:12
36 And thou shalt make a curtain for the door of the
tabernacle of hyacinth, and purple, and vermilion, and
fine linen twined, the work of the embroiderer; 37 And
make for the curtain five pillars of sittin, and overlay
them with gold, and their hooks shall be of gold; and shalt
set them upon five bases of brass.

1 And thou shalt make THE ALTAR of sittin woods; five
cubits the length and five cubits the breadth; square shall
be the altar, and three cubits its height. 2 And thou shalt
make its horns upon its four corners; of the same shall be
its horns, and overlay it with brass. 3 And make its pots, to
collect the ashes, and its fireshovels, and its basins, and its
flesh-hooks, and its thuribles, all its vessels make thou of
brass. 4 And make for it a grate, a work of netting of brass,
and make upon the network four rings of brass upon its
four sides, 5 And place it under the surrounding of the
altar beneath, that the net may extend to the middle of
the altar. 6 And make thou staves for the altar, staves of
sittin wood, and overlay them with brass; 7 And he shall
put the staves into the rings, and the staves shall be at the
two sides of the altar to carry it. 8 Hollow (with) boards
make thou it, according to what was showed thee in the
mount, so do thou.
9 And thou shalt make THE COURT of the tabernacle on
the side toward the south: curtains (shall there be) for
the court of fine twined linen a hundred cubits in length
on one side. 10 And its pillars twenty and their bases
twenty of brass, the hooks of the pillars and their rods of
silver. 11 And so for the north side in length (there shall
be) curtains of a hundred cubits long, and their columns
twenty and their bases twenty of brass; the hooks of the
pillars and their rods shall be of silver. 12 And on the side
Exodus 27:13 62 Exodus 28:3

of the court toward the west curtains of fifty cubits, their

columns ten and their bases ten. 13 And the breadth of the
court toward the east side eastward, fifty cubits, 14 And
fifteen cubits the curtains on a side, their columns three
and their bases three. 15 And on the second side fifteen
curtains, their pillars three, and their bases three. 16 And
for the door of the court shall be an hanging of twenty
cubits, of hyacinth, and purple, and vermilion, and fine
linen twined, the work of the embroiderer; their pillars
four and their bases four. 17 All the pillars round about
the court shall be (united) with rods of silver, their hooks
shall be of silver and their bases of brass. 18 The length
of the court, one hundred cubits, and the breadth fifty,
and the height five cubits, of fine linen twined, and their
bases of brass. 19 All the vessels of the tabernacle, and all
its service, and all its utensils, and all the pins of the court
shall be of brass.
20 And thou shalt instruct the sons of Israel to bring
to thee the pure oil of olives, beaten, to illuminate, that
the lamps may burn continually. 21 In the tabernacle of
ordinance, without the veil that is before the testimony,
Aharon and his sons shall set it in order from evening
to morning before the Lord; a perpetual statute for the
generations of the sons of Israel.

1 And thou, bring to thee Aharon thy brother and his
sons with him from among the sons of Israel, that they
may minister before Me; Aharou, Nadab and Abihu, Elazar
and Ithamar, sons of Aharon. 2 And thou shalt make the
holy vestments for Aharon thy brother for glory and for
praise. 3 And speak thou with all the wise of heart whom I
have filled with the Spirit of wisdom, that they make the
vestments of Aharon to consecrate him to minister before
Exodus 28:4 63 Exodus 28:17

Me. 4 And these are the vestments which they shall make;
the breastplate, and the ephoda, and the robe, and the
inwrought tunic, and the mitre, and the girdle; and they
shall make holy vestments for Aharon thy brother and for
his sons to minister before Me.
5 And they shall take the gold, and the hyacinth, and
the vermilion, and the fine linen. 6 And shall make the
EPHODA of gold, hyacinth, and vermilion, and fine linen
twined, the work of the artificer. 7 Two shoulder-pieces
doubled (or, conjoined) shall it have at the two sides
conjoined. 8 And the adorned girdle thereof which is upon
it shall be of the same work, and be of gold, hyacinth,
vermilion, and fine linen twined. 9 And thou shalt take
two stones of onyx (burilla); and engrave upon them the
names of the sons of Israel. 10 Six of their names upon
the one stone, and the six names which remain upon
the second stone, according to their nativity. 11 By the
work of the artificer in precious stone the writing shall
be distinct; as the engraving of a ring, so shalt thou
engrave the two stones with the names of the sons of
Israel; inwrought in sockets of gold shalt thou make them.
12 And thou shalt put the two stones upon the shoulders
of the ephod, stones of the memorial of the sons of Israel;
and Aharon shall bear their names before the Lord upon
his two shoulders for a memorial. 13 And thou shalt make
sockets of gold; 14 And two chains of pure gold enwreathed
shalt thou make of twisted work, and shalt set the twisted
chains in the sockets.
15 And thou shalt make THE BREASTPLATE OF JUDG-
MENT with the work of the artificer, like the work of the
ephod shalt thou make it, of gold, hyacinth, vermilion,
and fine linen twined shalt thou make it. 16 Square shall
it be; doubled; a span its length and a span its breadth;
17 And thou shalt fulfil in it the complement of stones:
Exodus 28:18 64 Exodus 28:30

four rows of precious stones; the first row, the carnelian,

topaz and smaragd, the first row; 18 The second row,
the carbuncle, sapphire, and onyx; 19 And the third row,
the jacinth, agate, and amethyst; 20 And the fourth row,
the chrysolite, and beryl, and jasper: they shall be inset
in gold in their completeness. 21 And the stones shall
be according to the names of the sons of Israel, twelve
according to their names; the writing distinct as the
engraving of a ring; a man according to his name shall
they be, after the twelve tribes. 22 And thou shalt make
on the breastplate wreathed chains of twisted work of
pure gold, 23 and upon the breastplate two golden rings,
and shalt set the two rings upon the two sides of the
breastplate. 24 And thou shalt put the two wreaths of
gold into the two rings on the sides of the breastplate;
25 And the two wreaths which are upon its two sides
thou shalt set in the two sockets, and put them upon the
shoulders of the ephod over against its front. 26 And thou
shalt make two rings of gold, and set them on the two
sides of the breastplate at its edges on the side of the
ephod within. 27 And thou shalt make two (other) rings of
gold, and put them upon the two shoulders of the ephod
beneath, over against its conjoinment above the girdle of
the ephod. 28 And they shall unite the breastplate with its
rings to the rings of the ephod with ribbon of hyacinth
to be above the girdle of the ephod, that the breastplate
be not separated from (being) upon the ephod. 29 And
Aharon shall bear the names of the sons of Israel on
the breastplate of judgment upon his heart in his going
into the sanctuary, for a perpetual memorial before the
Lord. 30 And thou shalt put in (or upon) the breastplate
of judgment THE URAIA and THE THUMMAIA; and they
shall be upon Aharon’s heart when he entereth before the
Exodus 28:31 65 Exodus 28:42

Lord; and Aharon shall carry the judgment of the sons of

Israel upon his heart before the Lord continually.
31 And thou shalt make the ROBE of the ephod of hy-
acinth altogether. 32 And the orifice thereof for the head
shall be doubled inwardly; its opening shall be binded
round about with the work of the sewer, as the opening
of a coat of mail it shall be, that it be not torn. 33 And
thou shalt make on the lower part of it pomegranates
of hyacinth, and purple, and vermilion upon its lower
part round about, with bells of gold between them round
about. 34 A golden bell and a pomegranate; a golden bell
and a pomegranate upon the lower part of the robe round
about. 35 And it shall be upon Aharon to minister, and its
voice shall be heard in his entering into this sanctuary
before the Lord, and in his coming out, that he shall not
have died.
36 And thou shalt make a DIADEM (or plate) of pure
gold, and engrave upon it (in) distinct writing HOLINESS
UNTO THE LORD; 37 And thou shalt set it upon a ribbon
of hyacinth, that it may be upon the tiara; over the
front of the tiara shall it be. 38 And it shall be upon
Aharon’s forehead, that Aharon may bear the iniquity of
the things which the sons of Israel may consecrate of all
their consecrated gifts; and it shall be upon his fore-head
continually for their acceptableness before the Lord.
39 And thou shalt weave the vesture of fine linen, and
make the tiara of fine linen, and a girdle shalt thou make,
the work of the embroiderer.
40 And for the sons of Aharon thou shalt make vestures,
and make for them girdles, and mitres shalt thou make
for them for honour and for praise. 41 And thou shalt
dress them, Aharon thy brother and his sons with him,
and shalt anoint them and offer oblations and consecrate
them, that they may minister before Me. 42 And thou
Exodus 28:43 66 Exodus 29:12

shalt make them coverings of fine linen to cover the flesh

of their shame; from the loins to the thighs shall they
be. 43 And they shall be upon Aharon and upon his sons
in their entering into the tabernacle of ordinance, or in
approaching to the altar to minister in the sanctuary,
that they contract not guilt and die. (This shall be) an
everlasting statute for him and for his sons after him.

1 And this is the thing which thou shalt do to them, to
consecrate them to minister before Me: Take one bullock,
the young of a bullock, and two rams unblemished; 2 And
unleavened bread, and unleavened cakes mingled with
oil, and wafers unleavened which are anointed with oil; of
wheaten flour shalt thou make them. 3 And thou shalt put
them on one basket, and bring them in the basket, and the
bullock and the two rams, 4 And Aharon and his sons thou
shalt bring to the door of the tabernacle of ordinance,
and wash them with water. 5 And thou shalt take the
vestments, and dress Aharon with the tunic and the robe
of the ephod, and the ephod and the breastplate, and shalt
ordain him with the girdle of the ephod. 6 And thou shalt
set the tiara on his head, and put the diadem of Holiness
upon the tiara. 7 And thou shalt take the oil of anointing,
and pour upon his head to anoint him. 8 And thou shalt
bring his sons near, and dress them in the tunics 9 And
gird them with the girdles, Aharon and his sons; and thou
shalt set on them the mitres, and it shall be to them a
priesthood, by a perpetual statute. And thou shalt offer
the oblation for Aharon and the oblation for his sons.
10 And the bullock shalt thou offer before the taberna-
cle of ordinance. And Aharon and his sons shall lay their
hands upon the head of the bullock; 11 And thou shalt slay
the bullock before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle
of ordinance. 12 And thou shalt take of the blood of the
Exodus 29:13 67 Exodus 29:23

bullock, and put it upon the horns of the altar with thy
finger, and all the blood (that remains) thou shalt pour
out at the base of the altar. 13 And thou shalt take all the
fat which covereth the inwards, and the caul that is upon
the liver, and the two kidneys and the fat that is upon
them, and sacrifice them upon the altar. 14 And the flesh
of the bullock, his skin, and his dung, burn thou with fire
without the camp; it is a sin offering.
15 And thou shalt take the one ram, and Aharon and his
sons shall lay their hands upon the head of the ram; 16 And
thou shalt kill the ram, and take his blood, and sprinkle
upon the altar round about. 17 And the ram thou shalt
divide by his members, and shalt cleanse his inwards, and
his legs, and put them upon his members, and upon his
head, 18 and thou shalt sacrifice the ram at the altar; it is
a holocaust before the Lord, to be accepted with favour,
an oblation before the Lord.
19 And thou shalt take the second ram, and Aharon and
his sons shall lay their hands upon the head of the ram.
20 And thou shalt kill the ram, and take of his blood, and
put it on the tip of Aharon’s ear, and upon the tip of the
right ear of his sons, and upon the thumb of their right
hand, and upon the toe of their right foot; and thou shalt
sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about. 21 And
thou shalt take of the blood which is upon the altar, and
of the oil of anointing, and drop it on Aharon and on his
vestments, and on his sons, and on the vestments of his
sons with him, and he shall be consecrated, he and his
vestments, and his sons, and the vestments of his sons
with him.
22 And thou shalt take of the ram, the fat, and the tall,
and the fat which covereth the inwards, and the caul
which is on the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat
which is on them, and the right shoulder, for it is a ram
for oblation; 23 And one loaf of bread, and one cake of
Exodus 29:24 68 Exodus 29:34

bread (with) oil, and one wafer from the basket of the
unleavened ones which is before the Lord: 24 And put thou
all upon the hands of Aharon and upon the hands of his
sons, and uplift them for an elevation before the Lord;
25 And take them from their hands, and offer them at the
altar upon the burnt offering, that they may be received
with acceptance before the Lord; it is an oblation before
the Lord.
26 And thou shalt take the breast of the ram of Aharon’s
oblations, and uplift it, an elevation before the Lord; and
it shall be thy portion. 27 And thou shalt consecrate the
breast of the elevation and the shoulder of separation
which is uplifted and which is separated of the oblation-
ram of Aharon and that of his sons; 28 And it shall be
for Aharon and for his sons by a perpetual statute for
the sons of Israel, because it is a thing separated. And a
separation shall be (taken) from the sons of Israel of their
consecrated sacrifices, (even) their separation before the
29 And the sacred garments of Aharon shall be his sons’
after him, to be anointed in them, (and) in them to offer
their oblations. 30 Seven days shall the priest wear them,
who of his sons (is to be anointed) instead of him, and who
shall enter into the tabernacle of ordinance to minister in
the sanctuary.
31 And the ram of the oblations thou shalt take, and
boil his flesh in the holy place. 32 And Aharon and his
sons shall eat the flesh of the ram and the bread that is
on the basket at the door of the tabernacle of ordinance.
33 And they may eat those things by which propitiation is
made in offering them as oblations to consecrate them;
but an alien may not eat, because they are sacred. 34 And
if any (part) of the flesh of the oblations or of the bread
Exodus 29:35 69 Exodus 29:46

remain until the morning, the remainder shall be burned

with fire; it shall not be eaten, it is sacred.
35 And thou shalt do (thus) to Aharon and to his sons,
according to all that I have prescribed to thee: seven days
shalt thou offer their oblations. 36 A bullock that is a
sin offering thou shalt perform daily for expiation, and
thou shalt make purification upon the altar in making
expiation upon it, and shalt anoint it, to sanctify it.
37 Seven days must thou make expiation on the altar to
sanctify it, and the altar shall be most holy; whosoever
shall touch the altar let him be sanctified.
38 And this is what thou shalt perform upon the altar:
Two lambs, the offspring of the year, for the day continu-
ally. 39 The one lamb thou shalt perform in the morning,
and the second lamb thou shalt perform between the
evenings. 40 And a tenth of flour, sprinkled with the
fourth of a hina of beaten oil, and a libation of the fourth
of a hina of wine, to one lamb. 41 And the second lamb
thou shalt perform between the evenings, as the oblation
of the morning, and as its libation thou shalt perform it
to be received with acceptance, an oblation before the
Lord. 42 A perpetual holocaust unto your generations at
the door of the tabernacle of ordinance before the Lord,
where I have appointed My Word with you, to speak with
you there. 43 And I will appoint My Word there unto
the sons of Israel, and (with) My glory will I sanctify (it).
44 And I will sanctify the tabernacle of ordinance, and the
altar, and Aharon, and his sons will I sanctify to minister
before Me. 45 And I will cause My Shekinah to dwell in the
midst of the sons of Israel, and I will be their God. 46 And
they shall know that I am the Lord their God who brought
them out from the land of Mizraim, that I may make My
Shekinah to dwell among them. I am the Lord their God.
Exodus 30:1 70 Exodus 30:13

1 And thou shalt make an altar upon which to burn
fragrant incense, of woods of sittin shalt thou make it. 2 A
cubit its length, and a cubit its breadth, four-square shall
it be, and two cubits its height. The horns of it shall be
of the same. 3 And thou shalt cover it with fine gold, its
top and its sides round about, and its horns. And thou
shalt make to it a crown of gold round about, 4 And two
rings of gold shalt thou make to it under its crown, upon
its top corners, at its two sides and it shall be for the
places of the staves by which to carry it. 5 And thou shalt
make the staves of sittin woods, and cover them with gold.
6 And thou shalt place it before the veil which is over the
ark of the testimony before the mercy seat which is over
the testimony, where I will appoint My Word to be with
thee. 7 And Aharon shall burn thereon fragrant incense
from morning to morning, when he setteth the lamps
in order he shall burn it. 8 And when Aharon kindleth
the lamps between the evenings, he shall burn fragrant
incense continually before the Lord in your generations.
9 You shall not offer upon it incense of strange perfumes,
nor holocaust, nor mincha, nor pour any libation upon it.
10 And Aharon shall atone upon its horns once in the year
with the blood of the sin offering of the atonement, once
in the year shall he atone upon it, unto your generations.
It is holy of holiness before the Lord.
11 And the Lord spake with Mosheh, saying, 12 When
thou takest the account of the sons of Israel according
to their number, they shall give every man a ransom for
his soul before the Lord, when thou numberest them,
that there may not be death among them when thou
numberest them. 13 This they shall give: everyone who
cometh over to the adnumberment, a half shekel, of the
Exodus 30:14 71 Exodus 30:25

shekel of the sanctuary, of twenty mayin the shekel, half

a shekel shall be set apart before the Lord. 14 Everyone
who cometh over to the adnumberment, from a son of
twenty years and above, shall give the separation before
the Lord. 15 He who is rich shall not increase (it), and he
who is poor shall not diminish from the half shekel in
presenting the separation before the Lord to propitiate
for your souls. 16 And thou shalt take the silver of the
propitiation from the sons of Israel, and appoint it for
the service of the tabernacle of ordinance and it shall be
to the sons of Israel for a memorial before the Lord to
propitiate for your souls.
17 And the Lord spake with Mosheh, saying, 18 Thou
shalt make a LAVER of brass, and its foundation of brass
for purifying; and set it between the tabernacle of ordi-
nance and the altar, and put water therein. 19 And Aharon
and his sons shall purify at it their hands and their feet.
20 In their entering into the tabernacle of ordinance they
shall cleanse themselves with water, that they die not;
or when they approach the altar to minister, to offer an
oblation before the Lord; 21 And (thus) they shall purify
their hands and their feet, that they may not die. And it
shall be to them an everlasting statute, to him and to his
sons unto their generations.
22 And the Lord spake with Mosheh, saying, 23 Take
thou also to thee choice (first or principal) aromatics:
pure myrrh, five hundred (shekels’ weight); and sweet
cinnamon, one half (as much), two hundred and fifty
(shekels) weight; of sweet calamus, two hundred and fifty
(shekels’) weight; 24 And cassia, five hundred (shekels)
weight, of the shekels of the sanctuary; and olive oil,
a hina full; 25 And make it a holy anointing oil, most
fragrant, the work of the perfumer; it shall be the holy
Exodus 30:26 72 Exodus 31:3

oil for anointing. 26 And thou shalt anoint therewith the

tabernacle of ordinance and the ark of the testimony,
27 and the table and all its vessels, and the candelabrum
and its vessels, and the altar of sweet incense, 28 and
the altar of burnt offering and all its vessels, and the
laver and its foundation, 29 And consecrate them. They
shall be most holy; whoever approacheth them shall be
sanctified. 30 And Aharon and his sons thou shalt anoint,
and consecrate them to minister before Me. 31 And thou
shalt speak to the sons of Israel, saying, A holy anointing
oil shall thus be unto Me for your generations. 32 Upon
the flesh of man it shall not be poured, nor the like to it
be made; sacred is it, and sacred shall it be to you. 33 The
man who compoundeth the like to it, or who putteth it
upon an alien, shall be destroyed from his people.
34 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Take thee spices,
stachte and onycha, and galbanum spices, and pure
frankincense, weight for weight shall they be; 35 And thou
shalt make it a sweet incense, fragrant, the work of the,
perfumer, mixed, pure, for consecration. 36 And thou
shalt beat some of it and make it fine, and put thereof
before the testimony in the tabernacle of ordinance,
where I will appoint My Word to be with thee; to you it
shall be most holy. 37 And of the sweet incense which thou
shalt make you must not make the like for yourselves; it
shall be sacred to thee before the Lord. 38 The man who
maketh the like of it, to smell thereto, shall be destroyed
from his people.

1 And the Lord spake with Mosheh, saying, 2 Behold,
I have named by name Bezalel bar Uri bar Hur, of the
tribe of Jehudah, 3 And have fulfilled him with the spirit
of prophecy from before the Lord, with wisdom and
Exodus 31:4 73 Exodus 31:17

with intelligence, and with knowledge, and in all work

(to excel), 4 To Instruct artificers to work in gold, and
in silver, and in brass, 5 And in artisanship of precious
stone, to fill in, and in carving of wood, to accomplish
all the work. 6 And I, behold, have given with him
Ahaliab bar Achisamak, of the tribe of Dan; and in the
heart of all the wise of heart have I ingiven wisdom, that
they may make all that I have commanded thee: 7 The
tabernacle of ordinance, and the ark of the testimony,
and the propitiatory that is upon it, and all the vessels
of the tabernacle; 8 And the table and its vessels, and
the pure candelabrum and all its vessels, and the altar
of sweet incense, 9 and the altar of burnt offering and
all its vessels, and the laver and its foundation. 10 And
the vestments of ministration, and the holy vestments
of Aharon the priest, and the vestments of his sons for
ministry; 11 And the oil of anointing and the sweet incense
for the sanctuary, according to all that I have commanded
thee, they shall make.
12 And the Lord spake with Mosheh, saying, 13 Speak
thou also with the sons of Israel, saying, The days of My
Sabbaths ye shall indeed keep; for it is a sign between
My Word and you, unto your generations, that ye may
know that I am the Lord who sanctifieth you. 14 And you
shall keep the Sabbath, for it is holy unto you; whosoever
profaneth it, dying, he shall die; for whosoever doeth
work therein, that man shall be destroyed from among
his people. 15 Six days shalt thou do work, and the
seventh day is Sabbath, the Holy Sabbath before the
Lord: whosoever doeth work on the day of the Sabbath,
dying, he shall die. 16 And the sons of Israel shall keep
the Sabbath to fulfil (perform) the Sabbath unto their
generations, a statute forever. 17 Between My Word and
Exodus 31:18 74 Exodus 32:8

the sons of Israel it is a sign forever for in six days the Lord
made the heavens and the earth; and in the seventh day
rested and was refreshed.
18 And He gave to Mosheh, when He had finished
to speak with him on Mount Sinai, two tablets of the
testimony, tablets of stone inscribed with the finger of
the Lord.
1 But the people saw that Mosheh delayed to come
down from the Mount; and the people gathered together
unto Aharon, and said to him, Arise, make us gods
(dachalan, pl. objects to be venerated) that may proceed
before us; for this Mosheh, the man who brought us up
from the land of Mizraim, we know not what hath been
to him. 2 And Aharon said to them, Take off the golden
ear-rings which are in the ears of your wives, your sons,
and your daughters, and bring them to me. 3 And all the
people took off the golden rings which were in their ears
and brought them unto Aharon. 4 And he took them from
their hands, and formed it with a graver, and made it a
molten calf. And they said, These are thy gods, Israel,
which brought thee up from the land of Mizraim. 5 And
Aharon saw, and builded an altar before it; and Aharon
proclaimed and said, A feast shall be held before the Lord
tomorrow. 6 And they arose next day, and sacrificed burnt
offerings and offered oblations; and the people sat around
to eat and drink, and rose up to disport.
7 And the Lord spake with Mosheh, Go, descend, for
thy people whom thou broughtest up from the land of
Mizraim have corrupted themselves; 8 They have quickly
warped from the way which I had taught them; they
have made a molten calf, and have worshipped it, and
sacrificed unto it and have said, These are thy gods, Israel,
Exodus 32:9 75 Exodus 32:19

which have brought thee up from the land of Mizraim.

9 And the Lord said to Mosheh, It is seen before Me that
this people are hard-necked. 10 And now refrain from
thy prayer before Me, and My anger shall prevail against
them, and I will destroy them, and will make thee to a
great people.
11 But Mosheh prayed before the Lord his God, and said,
Why, Lord, is Thy anger strong against Thy people, whom
Thou didst bring up from the land of Mizraim with great
power and with might hand? 12 Wherefore should the
Mizraee speak to say, With evil (purpose) He led them
out to kill them among the mountains, and to consume
them from the face of the earth? Turn from the strength
of Thine anger, and revert from the evil which Thou
hast threatened to do unto Thy people. 13 Remember
Abraham, Izhak, and Israel, Thy servants to whom Thou
hast sworn by Thy Word, and to whom Thou hast said, I
will multiply your sons as the stars of the heavens, and
all this land of which I have spoken I will give unto your
sons, and they shall own it forever. 14 And the Lord did
turn from the evil which He had threatened to do unto
the people.
15 And Mosheh returned and went down from the
Mount, and the two tablets of testimony were in his hand:
the tablets were inscribed on their two sides, here and
there were they inscribed. 16 And the tablets were the
work of the Lord, and the writing was the writing of the
Lord set forth distinctly upon the tablets. 17 And Jehoshua
heard the voice of the people as they made outcry, and he
said to Mosheh, The voice of war is in the camp. 18 But he
said, It is not the voice of men who are victorious, nor is it
the voice of the weak who are beaten, but it is the voice of
revelers that I hear. 19 And it was that as he drew nigh the
camp, and saw the calf and the dancing, that the anger
Exodus 32:20 76 Exodus 32:30

of Mosheh grew strong, and he cast from his hands the

tablets, and brake them at the declivity of the mountain.
20 And he took the calf which they had made, and burned
it in fire, and ground it until it was powder, and spread it
on the face of the water, and made the sons of Israel drink
21 And Mosheh said to Aharon, What did this people to
thee, that thou hast brought upon them so great a sin?
22 And Aharon said, Let not my lord’s anger be violent:
thou knowest the people, that it is prone to evil. 23 And
they said to me, Make us gods that shall go before us: for
this Mosheh, the man who brought us up form the land
of Mizraim, we know not what hath been done to him.
24 And I said to them, Whoever hath gold let him deliver,
and give it to me; and I cast it into the fire, and this calf
came forth.
25 And Mosheh saw that the people were undone (or,
made empty); for Aharon had undone them, to defile
them with an evil name in their generations; 26 And
Mosheh stood at the gate of the camp, and said, Let those
who fear the Lord come to me. And all the sons of Levi
gathered together to him. 27 And he said to them. Thus
saith the Lord the God of Israel, Let every man put his
sword upon his thigh, pass through, and return, from gate
to gate in the camp, and slay, a man his brother, and a
man his companion, and a man his neighbour. 28 And
the sons of Levi did according to the word for Mosheh,
and there fell of the people in that day as three thousand
men. 29 And Mosheh said, Present your hands this day an
offering before the Lord, every man with (or, on account
of) his son and his brother, that you may bring blessings
upon you this day.
30 And it was on the day following that Mosheh said to
the people, You have sinned a great sin; but now I will
Exodus 32:31 77 Exodus 33:6

go up before the Lord, if haply I may propitiate for your

sin. 31 And Mosheh returned before the Lord, and said in
his prayer, This people have sinned a great sin, for they
have made to them gods of gold. 32 But now, if Thou wilt
forgive their sin! But if not, blot me now out of the Book,
which Thou hast written. 33 And the Lord said to Mosheh,
Him who hath sinned before Me, will I blot from My book.
34 But now, go, lead the people to the place that I have told
thee of: behold, My Angel shall proceed before thee; and
in the day that I visit, I will visit upon them their sin.
35 And the Lord smote the people because they had
worshipped (or served) the calf which Aharon had made.

1 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Go, descend from hence,
thou and the people thou hast brought up from the land
of Mizraim, unto the land which I have covenanted unto
Abraham, to Izhak, and to Jakob, saying, To thy sons will
I give it. 2 Arid I will send My Angel before thee, and will
drive oat the Kenaanaee, the Amoraee, and Hittaee, and
the Pherizaee, the Hivaee, and the Jebusaee; 3 to the land
producing milk and honey: for My Shekinah shall not go
up among you, because thou art a hard-necked people,
lest I destroy thee in the way.
4 And the people heard these words of evil, and
lamented, and no man put on his usual ornaments. 5 And
the Lord said to Mosheh, Say to the children of Israel, Ye
are a hard-necked people; if one hour My Shekinah go up
among thee, I should destroy thee. And now take off thy
garnishing from thee, and it will appear before me what
I shall do with thee. 6 Arid the children of Israel removed
their usual ornaments (on their return) from the mount
of Horeb.
Exodus 33:7 78 Exodus 33:16

7 Arid Mosheh took a tabernacle, and spread it for

himself without the camp, at a distance from the camp,
and called it the Tabernacle of the House of Instruction:
and it was that everyone who sought instruction from
before the Lord, went forth to the tabernacle of the house
of instruction without the camp. 8 And it came to pass
that when Mosheh went forth to the tabernacle, all the
people rose up, and stood, every man at the door of his
tent, and looked after Mosheh until he had entered into
the tabernacle. 9 And it was when Mosheh had entered
the tabernacle, the column of the Cloud descended and
stood at the door of the tabernacle, and (He) spake with
Mosheh. 10 And all the people saw the column of the Cloud
standing at the door of the tabernacle, and all the people
arose and worshipped, every man at the door of his tent.
11 And the Lord spake with Mosheh word with word, as a
man speaketh with his companion. And he returned to
the camp; but his minister, Jehoshua bar Nun, a young
man, did not remove from the tabernacle.
12 And Mosheh said before the Lord, See, Thou hast
said to me, Take this people up; but Thou hast not let
me know whom Thou wilt send with me; yet Thou hast
said, I have ordained thee by name, and thou hast found
mercy before Me. 13 And if now I have found mercy before
Thee, show me, I pray, Thy good way, that I may know
Thy loving-kindness, and may find mercy before Thee,
and make it manifest before Thee that this people is Thy
people. 14 And He said, My Shekinah shall go, and I will
give thee rest. 15 And he said before Him, If Thy Shekinah
goeth not among us, let us not ascend from hence. 16 And
in what shall it be known that I and Thy people have found
mercy before Thee, if Thy Shekinah go not up with us,
to make for us the distinction, and to distinguish me and
Thy people from every people that is upon the face of the
Exodus 33:17 79 Exodus 34:6

17 And the Lord said to Mosheh, This thing that thou
hast spoken will I do, because thou hast found mercy
before Me, and I have ordained thee by name. 18 And
he said, Show me, I pray, Thy Glory! 19 And He said, I
will make all My Goodness pass before thy face, and I will
proclaim the Name of the Lord before thee, and I will be
gracious to whom I will be gracious, and have mercy on
whom I will have mercy. 20 And He said, Thou canst not
see the Face of My Shekinah; for no man can see Me and
abide alive. 21 And the Lord said, Behold, there is a place
prepared before Me, and thou shalt stand upon the rock,
22 and it shall be, when My Glory passeth, I will put thee
in a cavern of the rock, and My Word shall overshadow
thee until I have passed; 23 And I will take away the Word
(dibberath) of My Glory, and thou shalt see that which is
after Me, but My Aspect shall not be seen.

1 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Hew thee two tablets of
stone as the first ones, and I will write upon the tablets
the words that were upon the former tablets which thou
hast broken. 2 And be ready in the morning, and go up
at morn to Mount Sinai, and stand there before Me on
the summit of the mountain. 3 Let no man ascend with
thee; let no man be seen upon all the mountain, nor sheep
nor oxen be grazing upon the mountain. 4 And hew two
tablets of stone like the former ones. And Mosheh arose
in the morning, and ascended Mount Sinai, as the Lord
had commanded him, and took in his hand two tablets of
stone. 5 And the Lord was revealed in the Cloud, and He
stood with him there, and He proclaimed the Name of the
Lord. 6 And the Lord made His Shekinah pass before his
face; and he proclaimed, The Lord, the Lord God, Merciful
Exodus 34:7 80 Exodus 34:16

and Gracious, slow to anger, and making goodness and

truth to abound; 7 Keeping goodness for thousands of
generations; Forgiving iniquity and rebellion and guilt;
Pardoning them who convert unto His law, but acquitting
not them who convert not; Visiting the guilt of fathers
upon the children and upon the children’s children of
the rebellious, upon the third and upon the fourth gen-
eration. 8 And Mosheh made haste, and bowed upon the
ground and worshipped. 9 And he said, If now I have found
mercy before Thee, O Lord, let, I pray, the Shekinah of
the Lord go among us; for it is a hard-necked people; but
forgive Thou our guilty and our sin, and take possession
of us.
10 And He said, Behold, I make a covenant before all thy
people that I will do wonders which were never created
upon all the earth, nor among any of the people; and all
peoples among whom thou art shall see the work of the
Lord; for terrible shall that be which I will do with thee.
11 Observe thou that which I command thee this day.
Behold, I will drive out from before thee the Amoraee, and
Kenaanaee, and Hittaee, and Pherizaee, and Hivaee, and
Jebusaee. 12 Beware lest thou make a covenant with the
inhabitants of the land upon which thou shalt enter, lest
it become a stumbling-block in the midst of thee: 13 But
their altars thou shalt destroy, and their statues break,
and their groves cut down; 14 For thou shalt not worship
the idols of the peoples; for the Lord, Zealous is His Name,
a zealous God is He. 15 Lest thou strike a covenant with the
inhabitants of the land, and go erring after their idols,
and to their idols offer sacrifices, and they invite thee,
and thou eat of their sacrifices, 16 And thou take of their
daughters for thy sons, and they make thy daughters go
erring after their idols, and thy sons to go erring after
their idols.
Exodus 34:17 81 Exodus 34:29
17 Molten gods thou shalt not make to thee.
18 The feast of the unleavened thou shalt keep. Seven
days thou shalt eat unleavened (bread) as I have com-
manded thee, in the time of the month of Abiva; for in the
month of Abiva thou didst come out of Mizraim. 19 All that
openeth the womb is Mine; all males of cattle thou shalt
sanctify, the first-born of oxen and of sheep. 20 But the
firstling of an ass thou mayest redeem with a lamb; but if
thou redeem him not, thou shalt cut him off. All the first-
born of thy sons thou shalt redeem. And let none appear
before Me empty.
21 Six days thou shalt labour, and on the seventh day
rest; in sowing (time) and in reaping thou shalt rest.
22 And the feast of Weeks thou shalt make to thee, of the
firsts of the wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering
in the cycle of the year. 23 Three times in the year shall
all your males appear before the Master of the World, the
Lord God of Israel. 24 For I will drive out the nations before
thee, and enlarge thy borders, and no man shall covet thy
land when thou goest up to appear before the Lord thy
God three times in the year.
25 Thou shalt not sacrifice the blood of My Pascha with
leaven, nor shall the fat of the sacrifices of the Paschal
feast be left without the altar till the morning. 26 The
chief of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring to the
sanctuary of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not eat flesh
with milk.
27 And the Lord said to Mosheh, Write for thee these
words; for upon the expression of these words I make
covenant with thee and with Israel. 28 And he was there
before the Lord forty days and forty nights; bread he ate
not, nor water did he drink; and he wrote upon the tablets
the words of the covenant, the Ten Words.
29 And it was when Mosheh descended from the moun-
tain of Sinai with the two tablets of the testimony in
Exodus 34:30 82 Exodus 35:6

the hand of Mosheh, in his descending from the mount,

that Mosheh knew not how great was the splendour of
the glory of his countenance through His speaking with
him. 30 And Aharon and all the sons of Israel saw Mosheh,
and, behold, great was the splendour of the glory of
his countenance, and they were afraid to approach him.
31 But Mosheh called to them, and Aharon and all the
chiefs of the congregation returned to him, and Mosheh
conversed with them. 32 And afterward all the sons of
Israel drew near, and he taught them all that the Lord
had said to him on Mount Sinai. 33 And when Mosheh had
completed to speak with them, he put a veil upon his face.
34 But when Mosheh went in before the Lord to speak with
Him, he removed the veil until he came out. And he went
forth and spake with the sons of Israel of that which was
commanded. 35 And the children of Israel saw the face of
Mosheh, that the splendour of the glory of Mosheh’s face
was great; and Mosheh put the veil again upon his face
until he went in to speak with Him.

1 And Mosheli assembled all the congregation of the
sons of Israel, and said to them, These are the things
which the Lord hath commanded you to do. 2 Six days
thou shalt do work, but the seventh day (is) a holy rest,
the Sabbath before the Lord: everyone who doeth work
thereon shall be put to death. 3 You may not kindle a fire
in all your dwellings on the day of the Sabbath.
4 And Mosheh spake to all the congregation of the
sons of Israel, saying, 5 Take from you a separation
(aphrashutha) before the Lord of everyone whose heart
may be willing; let him bring the separation before the
Lord: gold, and silver, and brass, 6 And hyacinth, and
crimson, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goat’s hair,
Exodus 35:7 83 Exodus 35:23
7 and ram’s skin dyed red, and purple skins, and sittin
woods; 8 And oil for the illuminator, and aromatics for
the anointing oil, and for the sweet perfumes; 9 And onyx
stones and complete stones for insetting in the ephod and
in the breastplate.
10 And all the wise-hearted among you shall come
and make all that the Lord hath commanded: 11 The
tabernacle, its tent and its coverings, its hasps, its boards,
its bars, its pillars, and its bases. 12 The ark, and its staves,
the mercy seat, and the veil that shall be spread; 13 The
table, and its staves, and all its vessels; and the bread
of the Presence, 14 and the candelabrum for light, and
its vessels, and its lamps, and the oil for illumination.
15 And the altar of sweet incense, and its staves, and the
oil of anointing, and the incense of perfumes, and the
curtain of the door of the tabernacle. 16 The altar of
burnt offering, and its brasen grate, its staves, and all
its vessels; the laver and its base. 17 The curtains of the
court, and its pillars, and its bases, and the hanging of the
gate of the court. 18 The nails of the tabernacle, and the
nails of the court and their cordings. 19 The vestments
of ministration for ministering in the sanctuary, the holy
vestments of Aharon the priest, and the vestments of his
sons for ministration.
20 And all the congregation of the sons of Israel went
forth from before Mosheh. 21 And they came, every man
who was led by his heart, and everyone whose spirit was
ample, and brought their separation before the Lord, for
the work of the tabernacle of ordinance, and for all its
service, and for the holy vestments. 22 And they came, the
men with the women, everyone who was willing of heart,
and brought chains, and bracelets, and rings, and bands,
all of gold. 23 And every man who uplifted an offering
of gold before the Lord, and every man with whom was
Exodus 35:24 84 Exodus 35:35

found hyacinth, or purple, or crimson, or fine linen, or

goats’ skins, or rams’ skins dyed red, or purpled skins,
brought. 24 Everyone who would offer silver or brass,
brought the separation before the Lord; and everyone
with whom was found woods of sittin for any work of
the service, brought. 25 And every woman wise in heart
spun with her hands, and brought what was spun, the
hyacinth, the purple, the crimson, and the fine linen.
26 And all the women with whom was willingness of heart
with wisdom spun goat’s hair. 27 And the princes brought
onyx stones and complete stones for the insetting of the
ephod and the breastplate; 28 And the perfume, and oil
for the light and for the oil of anointing, and incense
of perfumes. 29 Every man and woman whose heart
led them to bring for all the work which the Lord had
commanded to make by Mosheh, did the children of Israel
bring willingly before the Lord.

30 And Mosheh said to the sons of Israel, See, the

Lord hath ordained by mane Bezalel bar Uri bar Hur,
of the tribe of Jehudah, 31 And hath filled him with the
spirit of prophecy from before the Lord, with wisdom,
with intelligence, and with knowledge, for all handicraft,
32 And to teach the arts of working in gold, and in silver,
and in brass, 33 And the skilful work of precious stones for
enchasing, and the workmanship of wood to work in all
the work of the artificer. 34 And be hath ingiven in his
heart to teach also Ahaliab bar Achisamak, of the tribe
of Dan, 35 And hath filled them with wisdom of heart to
make all the work of the carpenter, and artificer, and
embroiderer, in hyacinth, and in purple, and in scarlet,
and in fine linen, and the weaver, of (such as) do any work,
and who teach the arts.
Exodus 36:1 85 Exodus 36:11

1 And Bezalel and Ahaliab, with every man wise in
heart, to whom the Lord had given wisdom and intelli-
gence to know how to make each work for the service of
the sanctuary, wrought (according) to all that the Lord
had commanded.
2 And Mosheh called Bezalel and Ahaliab, and every
man wise in heart, to whose heart the Lord had given
wisdom, everyone whose heart was led to draw near and
do the work itself. 3 And they took from Mosheh all the
separation which the children of Israel had brought for
the work of the service of the sanctuary to make it. And
they still brought to him votive offerings from morning to
morning. 4 And all the wise men who wrought all the work
of the sanctuary came, each man from his work which
they had wrought. 5 And they spake with Mosheh, saying,
The people abound in bringing more than is needed for
the work which the Lord hath commanded to make. 6 And
Mosheh ordered, and they made publication in the camp,
saying, Let no man or woman make any more work of the
separation for the sanctuary: and the people ceased to
bring. 7 For what had been done was sufficient for all the
work to be wrought, and more than enough.
8 And all the wise-hearted of them who did the work
of the tabernacle made ten curtains of fine linen, and hy-
acinth, and purple, and crimson, (with) forms of kerubin
the work of the embroiderer he made them. 9 The length
of one curtain twenty and eight cubits, and the breadth
of the curtain four cubits; there was one measure for all
the curtains.
10 And he conjoined five curtains one with another,
and five curtains conjoined he one with another. 11 And
he made loopings of hyacinth upon the border of one
curtain at the edge of the place of conjunction; so made
Exodus 36:12 86 Exodus 36:28

he upon the border of the other curtain at the edge of the

second place of conjunction. 12 Fifty loopings he made
on one curtain, and fifty loopings he made on the border
of the second curtain at the place of conjunction: the
loopings were arranged the one to correspond with the
other. 13 And he made fifty taches of gold, and conjoined
the curtains one with another by the taches, and the
tabernacle became one.
14 And he made curtains of goat’s hair to spread over
the tabernacle: eleven curtains made he them. 15 The
length of one curtain thirty cubits, and four cubits the
breadth of one curtain; one measure had the eleven
curtains. 16 And he conjoined five curtains together, and
six curtains together. 17 And he made fifty loops upon the
border of the curtain on the side of the conjunction, and
fifty loops made be upon the side of the second curtain
at the place of conjuncture. 18 Arid he made fifty taches
of brass to conjoin the tabernacle, that it might be one.
19 And be made the covering of the tabernacle of rams’
skins reddened, and a covering of purple skins above.
20 And he made the boards of the tabernacle of sittin
wood, standing. 21 Ten cubits the length of a board, and a
cubit and a half the breadth of one board. 22 Two tenons
for one board corresponding one with the other; so made
he for all the boards of the tabernacle. 23 And be made
the boards of the tabernacle twenty boards on the side
towards the south. 24 And forty sockets of silver made he
under the twenty boards, two sockets under one board for
its two tenons, and two sockets under one board for its
two tenons. 25 And for the second side of the tabernacle
toward the north he made twenty boards, 26 And their
forty sockets of silver; two sockets under one board, and
two sockets under one board. 27 And for the side of
the tabernacle westward he made six boards; 28 And two
Exodus 36:29 87 Exodus 37:5

boards made he at the corners of the tabernacle at their

extremities. 29 And they were compacted in the lower part
together, and compacted in their upper part by one ring;
thus did he at both of the two corners. 30 And there were
eight boards, and their sockets of silver, sixteen sockets,
two and two, under each board.
31 And he made bars of sittin wood; five for the boards
of one side of the tabernacle, 32 and five bars for the
boards of the second side of the tabernacle, and five bars
for the extremity of the tabernacle, westward. 33 And he
made a middle bar to pass through, in the midst of the
boards from end to end. 34 And the boards he overlaid
with gold, and their rings made he of gold (to be) places
for the bars, and be covered the bars with gold.
35 And he made the VEIL of hyacinth, and purple, and
crimson, and fine linen; of the work of the embroiderer
he made it, with forms of kerubin. 36 And he made for
it four pillars of sittin, and covered (them) with gold,
and their books of gold, and cast for them four sockets
of silver. 37 And he made a curtain for the door of the
tabernacle, of hyacinth, and purple, and crimson, and
fine linen, the work of the embroiderer. 38 And its five
pillars and their hooks; and he overlaid their capitals, and
covered them and their joining rods with gold, and their
five bases (made he) of brass.

1 And Bezalel made the ARK of sittin woods; two cubits
and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth, and
a cubit and a half its height. 2 And he covered it with pure
gold within and without, and made for it a wreath of gold
round about. 3 And he cast for it four rings of gold upon
its four corners, two rings on one of it, and two rings on
the second side. 4 And he made staves of sittin wood, and
covered them with gold. 5 And he introduced the staves
Exodus 37:6 88 Exodus 37:19

into the rings on the sides of the ark, for carrying the ark.
6 And he made the MERCY SEAT of pure gold; two cubits
and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth.
7 And he made two kerubim, of beaten gold he made them,
at the two sides of the mercy seat. 8 One keruba on this
side, and one keruba on that side of the mercy seat; he
made the kerubaia from its two sides. 9 And the kerubaia
spread out their wings above, overshadowing the mercy
seat with their wings; and their faces were one towards
the other, over against the mercy seat were the faces of
the kerubaia.
10 And he made the TABLE of sittin woods; two cubits
its length, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half
its height. 11 And he covered it with pure gold, and made
for it a golden crown round about, 12 And made for it a
rim its height a span, round about; and he made a crown
of gold for its rim round about. 13 And he cast for it four
golden rings, and set the rings upon the four corners of
its four feet. 14 Over against the rim were the rings to
be the place of the staves for carrying the table. 15 [no
translation*] 16 And he made the vessels which were to be
upon the table; its dishes, and its vases, and its measures,
and the cups with which (the libations) are outpoured, of
pure gold.
17 And he made the CANDELABRUM of pure gold,
beaten made he the candelabrum, its rest, its shaft, its
cups, its apples, and its lilies were of the same. 18 And
six branchlets proceeded from its sides; three branchlets
of the candelabrum on one side, and three branchlets
of the candelabrum on the second side. 19 Three cups
figurated on one branchlet, an apple, and a lily: so the
six branchlets which proceeded from the candelabrum.
* 37:15 Etheridge, p. 432.
Exodus 37:20 89 Exodus 38:7
20 And on the candelabrum four cups figurated, its apples
and its lilies. 21 An apple under two branchlets of the
same, and an apple under two branchlets of the same,
and an apple under two branchlets of the same, for the
six branchlets that proceeded from it. 22 Their apples and
their branches were of the same, all of one beaten work
of pure gold. 23 And he made its seven lamps, and its
snuffers, and its receivers of pure gold; 24 of a talent of
pure gold made he, it, and all its vessels.
25 And he made the ALTAR OF SWEET INCENSE of
sittin wood; its length a cubit, and a cubit its breadth,
foursquare. And two cubits the height of it; of the same
were its horns. 26 And he overlaid it with pure gold, its top
and its sides round about, and its horns: and he made for
it a golden crown round about. 27 And two rings of gold
made he for it under its crown, upon its two sides, the
place for the staves by which to carry it. 28 And he made
the staves of sittin wood, and overlaid them with gold.
29 And he made the oil for holy anointment, and the
pure sweet incense, the work of the perfumer.

1 And be made the ALTAR OF BURNT OFFERING of sittin
wood; five cubits its length, and five cubits its breadth,
four-square, and three cubits its height. 2 And he made its
horns upon its four corners, of the same were its horns,
and he coated it with brass. 3 And he made all the vessels
of the altar, the caldrons, and the cleaners, and the basins,
and the fleshhooks, and the receivers; all its vessels made
he of brass. 4 And he made for the altar a brasen grate
of network, under its border beneath, (reaching) unto its
middle. 5 And he cast four rings for the four corners of the
brasen grate, the place for the staves. 6 And he made the
staves of sittin wood, and overlaid them with brass. 7 And
Exodus 38:8 90 Exodus 38:20

he put the staves into the rings upon the sides of the altar
by which to carry it; hollow with boards he made it.
8 And be made the LAVER of brass, and its base of brass,
of the mirrors of the women who come to pray at the door
of the tabernacle of ordinance.
9 And he made the court, the southern side of which
was of hangings for the court, of fine linen twined, of a
hundred cubits; 10 Their pillars twenty, and their sockets
twenty, of brass; the hooks, pillars, and their uniting rods
of silver. 11 And for the northern side (hangings) of a
hundred cubits, their pillars twenty, and their sockets
twenty, of brass; the hooks of the pillars and their uniting
rods of silver. 12 And for the western side, curtains, fifty
cubits; their pillars ten, and their sockets ten; the hooks
of the pillars and their uniting rods of silver. 13 And on
the eastern side, eastward, fifty cubits. 14 The hangings
fifteen cubits on (one) side (of the gate), their pillars
three, and their bases three. 15 And on the second side
of the gate of the court, here and there, hangings, fifteen
cubits; their pillars three, and their bases three. 16 All
the hangings of the court round about were of fine linen
twined. 17 And the bases of the pillars were of brass, the
hooks, pillars, and their uniting rods of silver, and the
overlaying of their heads was of silver, and there were
uniting rods of silver for all the pillars of the court. 18 And
the veil for the gate of the court was the work of the
embroiderer, hyacinth, and purple, and crimson, and fine
linen; and twenty cubits was its length, and the height,
in the breadth five cubits, according (to the height of)
the curtains of the court. 19 And their pillars four, and
their bases four, of brass, and their hooks silver, and the
overlaying of their head and their uniting rods, silver.
20 And all the pins of the tabernacle, and of the court
round about, were of brass.
Exodus 38:21 91 Exodus 38:31
21 These are the admeasurements of the Tabernacle,
the Tabernacle of the Testimony, as they were numbered
upon the word of Mosheh: the service of the Levites by
the hand of Ithamar bar Aharon the priest. 22 And Bezalel
bar Uri bar Hur of the tribe of Jehudah made all that
the Lord commanded Mosheh. 23 And with him Ahaliab
bar Achisamak, of the tribe of Dan, a woodworker, and
artificer, and embroiderer in hyacinth, and in purple, and
in crimson, and in fine linen.
24 And all the gold which was used in making all the
work of the sanctuary, and which had been a separation
(thereunto), was twenty and nine talents, and seven
hundred and thirty shekels, of the shekels of the sanctuary.
25 And the silver of the numbered ones of the congrega-
tion was a hundred talents, and a thousand and seven
hundred and seventy and five shekels, in the shekels of the
sanctuary. 26 The weight was (appointed) by capitation; a
half shekel, in the shekel of the sanctuary, for everyone
who passed to the adnumberments from twenty years
(old) and upward, for six hundred and three thousand and
five hundred and fifty men. 27 And the hundred talents of
silver were for casting the bases of the sanctuary, and the
bases of the veil (or tent), a hundred bases with a hundred
talents, a talent for a base. 28 And with the thousand
and seven hundred and seventy and five (shekels) he made
the hooks for the pillars, and covered their capitals, and
made their uniting rods. 29 And the brass of the oblation
was seventy talents, and two thousand and four hundred
shekels. 30 And with it he made the bases of the door of
the Tabernacle of Ordinance, and the altar of brass, and
the brasen grate which pertained to it, and all the vessels
of the altar; 31 And the bases of the court round about, and
the bases of the door of the court, and all the pins of the
tabernacle, and all the pins of the court round about.
Exodus 39:1 92 Exodus 39:14

1 And of the hyacinth, and purple, and crimson, they
made the vestments of ministration to minister in the
sanctuary, and they made the holy vestments of Aharon,
as the Lord commanded Mosheh.
2 And he made the ephoda of gold, hyacinth, and
purple, and crimson, and fine linen twined. 3 And they
beat out the plates of gold, and cut (them) into threads, to
insert into the hyacinth, and the purple, and the crimson,
and the fine linen, the work of the artificer. 4 Shoulder-
pieces made they for it, conjoined; at the two sides were
they conjoined. 5 And the band of its fastening which is
upon it was of the same according to its work, of gold,
hyacinth, and purple, and crimson, and fine linen twined,
as the Lord had commanded Mosheh.
6 And they wrought the onyx stones, inset in sockets
of gold, engraven in distinct writing, with the names of
the sons of Israel. 7 And he set them upon the shoulders
of the ephoda, stones of memorial of the sons of Israel, as
the Lord commanded Mosheh.
8 And he made the BREASTPLATE (chushena), the work
of the artificer, according to the work of the ephoda, of
gold, hyacinth, and purple, and crimson, and fine linen
twined. 9 Foursquare was it, doubled made they the
breastplate; a span its length, and a span its breadth,
doubled. 10 And they filled it with four rows of precious
stones: the first row carnelian, topaz, and carbuncle, row
one; 11 The second row, smaragud, sapphire, and emerald;
12 And the third row, jacinth, agate, and amethyst; 13 And
the fourth row, chrysolite, beryl, and jasper: they were
set in sockets of gold, in their infillings. 14 And the
stones were according to the names of the sons of Israel,
twelve, according to their names, written distinctly, as
the engraving of a ring, each according to his name for
Exodus 39:15 93 Exodus 39:28

the twelve tribes. 15 And they made upon the breastplate

chains enwreathed, a work of braiding, of pure gold.
16 And they made two sockets of gold, and two golden
rings, and put the two rings upon the two sides of the
breastplate. 17 And they put the two golden wreaths upon
the two rings upon the sides of the breastplate, 18 and the
two wreaths which were upon the two sides they put upon
the two sockets, and set them upon the shoulders of the
ephoda towards its face. 19 And they made two rings of
gold, and set them on the two sides of the breastplate,
upon its edge which was on the side of the ephoda inward.
20 And they made two golden rings, and set them on
the two shoulders of the ephoda underneath towards its
front, toward the place of its conjoinment, above the
band of the ephoda. 21 And they adunited the breastplate
by its rings to the rings of the ephoda, by a ribbon of
hyacinth, to be upon the band of the ephoda, that the
breastplate might not be loosened from the ephoda, as
the Lord commanded Mosheh.
22 And he made the ROBE of the ephoda, the work of the
embroiderer, altogether of hyacinth. 23 And the opening
(mouth) of the robe in the middle of it like the opening
of a corslet, with a binding going about its border, that
it might not be torn. 24 And they made upon the hem
of the robe pomegranates of hyacinth and purple and
crimson inwoven. 25 And they made bells of pure gold,
and set the bells among the pomegranates upon the hem
of the robe round about among the pomegranates. 26 A
bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, upon
the hem of the robe round about, to minister, as the Lord
commanded Mosheh.
27 And they made the tunics of fine linen, the work of
the weaver, for Aharon and for his sons. 28 And the tiara of
Exodus 39:29 94 Exodus 39:43

fine linen, and the mitres of beauty of fine linen; and the
drawers of linen, of fine linen twined. 29 And the girdle of
fine linen twined, and hyacinth and purple and crimson,
the work of the embroiderer, as the Lord commanded
30 And they made the plate of the diadem of holiness of
pure gold, and wrote upon it as the engraving of a ring in
distinct writing, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD. 31 And they
put upon it a ribbon of hyacinth, that it might be upon the
tiara above, as the Lord commanded Mosheh.
32 Arid completed was all the work of the tabernacle,
the tabernacle of ordinance; and the sons of Israel did
according to all that the Lord had commanded Mosheh,
so did they. 33 And they brought the tabernacle to
Mosheh, the tabernacle and all its vessels, its taches, its
boards, its bars, and its pillars, and its bases. 34 And the
covering of rams’ skins reddened, and the covering of
purple skins, and the veil for the hanging; 35 And the ark
of the testimony and its staves, and the mercy seat; 36 The
table and all its vessels, and the bread of the Presence;
37 The pure candelabrum and its lamps, the lamps of
order, and all its vessels; and the oil for the light 38 And the
golden altar, and the oil of consecration, and the sweet
incense; and the hanging for the door of the tabernacle;
39 And the brasen altar and the brasen grate for it; its
staves and all its vessels; and the laver and its base, 40 the
hangings of the court, its pillars, and its sockets, and the
veil for the gate of the court, its cords, and its pins, and
all the vessels of the service of the tabernacle, for the
tabernacle of ordinance; 41 The vestments of ministration
to minister in the sanctuary, and the holy vestments
of Aharon the priest, and the vestments of his sons to
minister: 42 According to all that the Lord commanded
Mosheh, so made the sons of Israel all the service. 43 And
Exodus 40:1 95 Exodus 40:15

Mosheh surveyed all the work, and, behold, they had done
it as the Lord had commanded, so had they done; and
Mosheh blessed them.

1And the Lord spake with Mosheh, saying, 2 In the
day of the first month, in the first of the month, thou
shalt uprear the tabernacle, the tabernacle of ordinance.
3 And thou shalt set there the ark of the testimony, and
outspread the veil before the ark; 4 And thou shalt bring in
the table, and arrange the order thereof. And thou shalt
bring in the candelabrum, and kindle its lamps. 5 And
thou shalt put the golden altar of sweet incense before
the ark of the testimony, and set the veil of the door of
the tabernacle. 6 And thou shalt put the altar of burnt
offering before the door of the tabernacle, the tabernacle
of ordinance. 7 And thou shalt place the laver between
the tabernacle of ordinance and the altar, and put water
therein. 8 And thou shalt set the court round about, and
put the hanging at the gate of the court. 9 And thou shalt
take the oil of consecration, and anoint the tabernacle
and all that is therein, and sanctify it, and all its vessels,
and it shall be holy. 10 And thou shalt anoint the altar of
burnt offering, and all its vessels, and sanctify the altar;
and it shall be an altar most holy. 11 And thou shalt anoint
the laver and its base, and sanctify it. 12 And thou shalt
bring Aharon and his sons to the door of the tabernacle of
ordinance, and lave them with water, 13 and shalt clothe
Aharon with the holy vestments, and anoint him, and
consecrate him, that he may minister before Me. 14 And
thou shalt bring his sons and clothe them with the tunics,
15 And consecrate them, as thou didst consecrate their
father, that they may minister before Me, and that it may
Exodus 40:16 96 Exodus 40:32

be to them the consecration of a perpetual priesthood in

their generations.
16 And Mosheh did according to all which the Lord com-
manded, so did he. 17 And it was in the first month, in the
second year, on the first of the month, that the tabernacle
was reared. 18 And Mosheh reared the tabernacle, and
placed its bases, and set its boards, and fixed its bars,
and reared its pillars; 19 Arid he spread the tent upon the
tabernacle, and set the covering of the tabernacle over it,
above, as the Lord commanded Mosheh. 20 And he took
and placed the testimony in the ark, and set the staves
upon the ark, and placed the mercy seat upon the ark
above. 21 And he brought the ark into the tabernacle, and
placed the veil which was spread to overshadow the ark of
the testimony, as the Lord commanded Mosheh. 22 And
he placed the table in the tabernacle of ordinance upon
the side of the tabernacle northward without the veil.
23 And he set in order upon it the rows of bread before
the Lord, as the Lord commanded Mosheh. 24 And he
set the candelabrum in the tabernacle of ordinance over
against the table on the side of the tabernacle southward.
25 And he kindled the lamps before the Lord, as the Lord
commanded Mosheh. 26 And he set the golden altar in
the tabernacle of ordinance before the veil, 27 and burned
thereon sweet incense, as the Lord commanded Mosheh.
28 And he set the hanging of the door of the tabernacle,
29 and the altar of burnt offering set he at the door
of the tabernacle of ordinance, and offered upon it the
burnt offering, and the oblation, (mincha,) as the Lord
had commanded Mosheh. 30 And he set the laver between
the tabernacle of ordinance and the altar, and put water
therein for purifying. 31 And Mosheh and Aharon and
his sons purified with it their hands and their feet. 32 In
their going into the tabernacle of ordinance and in their
Exodus 40:33 97 Exodus 40:38

approachment to the altar, they purified (themselves), as

the Lord commanded Mosheh. 33 And he set up the court,
round about the tabernacle and the altar, and set the
hanging of the gate of the court: and Mosheh completed
the work.
34 And the Cloud covered the tabernacle of ordinance,
and the Glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 35 And
Mosheh was not able to enter into the tabernacle of
ordinance, because the Cloud abode upon it, and the
Glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 36 And when the
Cloud ascended above the tabernacle, the sons of Israel
went forward in all their journeys. 37 And if the Cloud
did not ascend, they did not proceed, until the day of its
uprising. 38 For the Cloud of the Glory of the Lord was
upon the tabernacle by day, and the vision of fire was in
it by night, in the eyes of all the house of Israel in all their

Targum Onkelos Etheridge

The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel On the Pentateuch
With The Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum From the Chaldee by
J. W. Etheridge, M.A. First Published 1862-65.
Public Domain
Language: English

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