Pea300 Basic Mathematics
Pea300 Basic Mathematics
Pea300 Basic Mathematics
Course Code Course Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits
PEA300 BASIC MATHEMATICS 19157::Aditya Prakash 1 1 0 2
Course Weightage ATT: 15 CA: 30 MTT: 15 ETT: 40 Exam Category: 11: Mid Term Exam: All MCQ – End Term Exam: All MCQ
Course Orientation PLACEMENT EXAMINATION(Mass Recruiters)
TextBooks ( T )
Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name
Reference Books ( R )
Sr No Title Author Edition Year Publisher Name
Other Reading ( OR )
OR-1 Pratiyogita Darpan - Magazine to learn general knowledge and practicing various competitive exam papers ,
OR-2 Civil Services Times - Magazine for practicing competitive exam papers ,
OR-3 Competition Success Review - Magazine for practicing competitive exam papers ,
Relevant Websites ( RW )
Sr No (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
RW-1 The website to view online vidoes and practice questions related to topics
on Quantitative Aptitude
RW-2 Suggested Website to view placement papers of the reputed Companies
RW-3 The best website for practicing aptitude questions online
An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week Lecture Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Other Readings, Lecture Description Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Live Examples
Number Number Text/reference Relevant Websites, Demonstration/
books Audio Visual Aids, Case Study /
software and Virtual Images /
Labs animation / ppt
etc. Planned
Week 1 Lecture 1 Number System(Types of T-1:Chapter 1 RW-1 Identification of Ability to perform the Power Point
Numbers, Rules of RW-2 Numbers mathematical Presentation,
Divisibility) RW-3 calculations quickly White Board
so that students can Teaching,
solve the Placement Worksheets,
Test/Competitive Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Week 2 Lecture 2 Number System T-1:Chapter 1 OR-1 Perform tests of Ability to perform the Power Point
(Simplification concepts of R-1:Chapter 1 to 6 OR-2 Divisibility and mathematical Presentation,
Vedic Maths) OR-3 Multiplicity calculations quickly White Board
RW-1 so that students can Teaching,
RW-2 solve the Placement Worksheets,
RW-3 Test/Competitive Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Number System(Multiplicity T-1:Chapter 1 OR-1 Perform tests of Ability to perform the Power Point
and Squaring R-1:Chapter 1 to 6 OR-2 Divisibility and mathematical Presentation,
of Numbers, Arithmetic and OR-3 Multiplicity calculations quickly White Board
Geometric Progression) RW-1 so that students can Teaching,
RW-2 solve the Placement Worksheets,
RW-3 Test/Competitive Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Week 3 Lecture 3 Number System(Problem T-1:Chapter 1 OR-1 To Solve problems Ability to solve the Power Point
based on unit digit) R-1:Chapter 12 OR-2 based on unit digits series related Presentation,
OR-3 problems quickly so White Board
RW-1 that students can Teaching,
RW-2 solve the questions of Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Number System(Remainder T-1:Chapter 1 OR-1 To Solve problems Ability to solve the Power Point
theorem) R-1:Chapter 12 OR-2 based on unit digits series related Presentation,
OR-3 problems quickly so White Board
RW-1 that students can Teaching,
RW-2 solve the questions of Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 4 Lecture 4 Number System(HCF & T-1:Chapter 2 OR-1 To Solve HCF and LCM Ability to solve the Power Point
LCM of Numbers) R-1:Chapter 7 OR-2 questions HCF and LCM Presentation,
OR-3 related problems White Board
RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Number System(Application T-1:Chapter 2 OR-1 To Solve HCF and LCM Ability to solve the Power Point
based Questions(Company R-1:Chapter 7 OR-2 questions HCF and LCM Presentation,
Specific)) OR-3 related problems White Board
RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Week 5 Lecture 5 Average(Average of T-1:Chapter 6 OR-1 To solve questions of To solve application Power Point
numbers, Real life examples R-1:Chapter 19 OR-2 Average based/company Presentation,
of Average) OR-3 specific questions of White Board
RW-1 Average. Teaching,
RW-2 Worksheets,
RW-3 Relevant Websites
Average(Arithmetic Mean, T-1:Chapter 6 OR-1 To solve questions of To solve application Power Point
Application based R-1:Chapter 19 OR-2 Average based/company Presentation,
Questions) OR-3 specific questions of White Board
RW-1 Average. Teaching,
RW-2 Worksheets,
RW-3 Relevant Websites
Week 6 Lecture 6 Problems on Ages & T-1:Chapter 7 to 8 OR-1 To solve the Problems Ability to solve the Power Point
Numbers(Problems on Ages, R-1:Chapter 20 OR-2 on Ages and Numbers Ages & Numbers Presentation,
Problem on Numbers, OR-3 related problems White Board
Application based questions) RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Week 7 Lecture 7 Spill Over
An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 8 Lecture 8 Percentage(Concept of T-1:Chapter 10 OR-1 To solve basic questions To solve application Power Point
Percentage, Comparison R-1:Chapter 18 OR-2 of Percentage based/company Presentation,
based questions) OR-3 specific questions of White Board
RW-1 Percentage in given Teaching,
RW-2 time period Worksheets,
RW-3 Relevant Websites
Percentage(Population based T-1:Chapter 10 OR-1 To solve basic questions To solve application Power Point
examples) R-1:Chapter 18 OR-2 of Percentage based/company Presentation,
OR-3 specific questions of White Board
RW-1 Percentage in given Teaching,
RW-2 time period Worksheets,
RW-3 Relevant Websites
Percentage(Application T-1:Chapter 10 OR-1 To solve basic questions To solve application Power Point
based questions) R-1:Chapter 18 OR-2 of Percentage based/company Presentation,
OR-3 specific questions of White Board
RW-1 Percentage in given Teaching,
RW-2 time period Worksheets,
RW-3 Relevant Websites
Week 9 Lecture 9 Profit & Loss(Cost Price, T-1:Chapter 11 OR-1 To solve questions of Ability to solve the Power Point
Selling Price, Profit and R-1:Chapter 21 OR-2 Profit and Loss Profit & Loss related Presentation,
Loss, Calculation of OR-3 problems quickly so White Board
Profit/Loss RW-1 that students can Teaching,
Percent) RW-2 solve the Placement Worksheets,
RW-3 Test/Competitive Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Profit & Loss(Conceptual T-1:Chapter 11 OR-1 To solve questions of Ability to solve the Power Point
formulae, Application based R-1:Chapter 21 OR-2 Profit and Loss Profit & Loss related Presentation,
questions) OR-3 problems quickly so White Board
RW-1 that students can Teaching,
RW-2 solve the Placement Worksheets,
RW-3 Test/Competitive Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Week 10 Lecture 10 Simple Interest(Concept of T-1:Chapter 21 OR-1 To Solve the questions Ability to solve the Power Point
simple interest, General R-1:Chapter 22 OR-2 of Simple Interest Simple Interest Presentation,
formulas, Application based OR-3 related problems White Board
questions.) RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 11 Lecture 11 Compound Interest T-1:Chapter 22 OR-1 To Solve the questions Ability to solve the Power Point
(Population Based R-1:Chapter 23 OR-2 of Compound Interest Compound Interest Presentation,
Questions, Economy Based OR-3 related problems White Board
Questions) RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Compound Interest T-1:Chapter 22 OR-1 To Solve the questions Ability to solve the Power Point
(Questions based on relation R-1:Chapter 23 OR-2 of Compound Interest Compound Interest Presentation,
between OR-3 related problems White Board
Compound and Simple RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
interest) RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Week 12 Lecture 12 Height & Distance T-1:Chapter 34 OR-1 To Solve the questions Ability to solve the Power Point
(Trigonometrical Identities) R-1:Chapter 36 OR-2 of Height and Distance Height and Distance Presentation,
OR-3 related problems White Board
RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Height & Distance(Values T-1:Chapter 34 OR-1 To Solve the questions Ability to solve the Power Point
of T-ratios) R-1:Chapter 36 OR-2 of Height and Distance Height and Distance Presentation,
OR-3 related problems White Board
RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Height & Distance(Angle of T-1:Chapter 34 OR-1 To Solve the questions Ability to solve the Power Point
Elevation, Angle of R-1:Chapter 36 OR-2 of Height and Distance Height and Distance Presentation,
Depression) OR-3 related problems White Board
RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 13 Lecture 13 Logarithms(Basics of T-1:Chapter 23 OR-1 To Solve the questions Ability to solve the Power Point
Logarithms) OR-2 of Logarithms Logarithms Presentation,
OR-3 related problems White Board
RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Logarithms(Properties of T-1:Chapter 23 OR-1 To Solve the questions Ability to solve the Power Point
Logarithms) OR-2 of Logarithms Logarithms Presentation,
OR-3 related problems White Board
RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Logarithms(Characteristics, T-1:Chapter 23 OR-1 To Solve the questions Ability to solve the Power Point
Mantissa) OR-2 of Logarithms Logarithms Presentation,
OR-3 related problems White Board
RW-1 quickly so that Teaching,
RW-2 students can solve the Worksheets,
RW-3 Placement Relevant Websites
Test paper in given
time period
Week 14 Lecture 14 Spill Over
Week 15 Lecture 15 Spill Over
Total :- 30 120
An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
AT No. Objective Topic of the Academic Task Nature of Academic Task Evaluation Mode Allottment /
(group/individuals/field submission Week
MCQ1 To check the general Questions would be asked covering topics from Lecture No. 1-3. Individual All CA would be 3/4
mental ability of the conducted in labs.
students and There would be 30
evaluate them MCQs. Negative
Marking of 25%
should be done to
avoid guess work.
The Quiz should be
of 40 minutes.
MCQ2 To check the general Questions would be asked covering topics from Lecture No. 4-5. Individual All CA would be 4/5
mental ability of the conducted in labs.
students and There would be 30
evaluate them MCQs. Negative
Marking of 25%
should be done to
avoid guess work.
The Quiz should be
of 35 minutes.
MCQ3 To check the general Questions would be asked covering topics from Lecture No. 8-9. Individual All CA would be 9 / 10
mental ability of the conducted in labs.
students and There would be 30
evaluate them MCQs. Negative
Marking of 25%
should be done to
avoid guess work.
The Quiz should be
of 30 minutes.
MCQ4 To check the general Questions would be asked covering topics from Lecture No. 10- Individual All CA would be 11 / 12
mental ability of the 11. conducted in labs.
students and There would be 30
evaluate them MCQs. Negative
Marking of 25%
should be done to
avoid guess work.
The Quiz should be
of 30 minutes.
Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned
(case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)
An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Tutorial2 Number System : Multiplicity and Squaring of Numbers, Arithmetic Problem Solving
and Geometric Progression, Simplification concepts of Vedic Maths
Tutorial3 Test - 1: Questions would be asked covering topics from Lecture Test
No. 1-3. NOTE - All CA would be conducted in labs. There would
be 30 MCQs. Negative Marking of 25% should be done to avoid
guess work. The Quiz should be of 40 minutes.
Tutorial4 Number System : Problem based on unit digit, Remainder theorem, Problem Solving
HCF & LCM, Application based Questions(Company Specific)
Tutorial5 Average : Average of numbers, Real life examples of Average, Problem Solving
Arithmetic Mean, Application based Questions
Tutorial6 Test - 2: Questions would be asked covering topics from Lecture Test
No. 4-5. NOTE - All CA would be conducted in labs. There would
be 30 MCQs. Negative Marking of 25% should be done to avoid
guess work. The Quiz should be of 35 minutes.
Tutorial7 Problems on Ages & Numbers : Problems on Ages, Problem on Problem Solving
Numbers, Application based questions
After Mid-Term
Tutorial8 Percentage : Concept of Percentage, Comparison based Problem Solving
questions, Population based examples, Application based
Tutorial9 Profit & Loss : Cost Price, Selling Price, Profit and Loss, Problem Solving
Calculation of Profit/Loss Percent, Conceptual formulae,
Application based questions
Tutorial10 Test - 3: Questions would be asked covering topics from Lecture Test
No. 8-9. NOTE - All CA would be conducted in labs. There would
be 30 MCQs. Negative Marking of 25% should be done to avoid
guess work. The Quiz should be of 30 minutes.
Tutorial11 Simple Interest : Concept of simple interest, General formulas, Problem Solving
Application based questions.
Tutorial12 Compound Interest : Population Based Questions, Economy Based Problem Solving
Questions, Questions based on relation between Compound and
Simple interest
Tutorial13 Test - 4: Questions would be asked covering topics from Lecture Test
No. 10-11. NOTE - All CA would be conducted in labs. There would
be 30 MCQs. Negative Marking of 25% should be done to avoid
guess work. The Quiz should be of 30 minutes.
Tutorial14 Height & Distance, Logarithms Problem Solving
An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.