Sample Question Paper No.2 - Mathematics Time: 3Hrs Max - Marks: 80 Instructions

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Sample Question Paper No.


Time : 3Hrs Max.Marks : 80


1.This question papar contains two parts A and B.

2.Both Part A and Part B have internal choices.


1.It consists two sections -Section I and Section II.

2.Section I has 16 questions of 1 mark each .Internal choice is provided in 5 questions.
3.Section II has 4 questions on case study.Each case study has 5 case-based sub-parts.An examinee is to
atttempt any 4 out of 5 sub-parts


1.Question No.21 to 26 are Very Short Answer Type questions of 2 marks each
2.Question No.27 to 33 are Short Answer Type questions of 3 marks each
3.Question No.34 to 36 are Long Answer Type questions of 5 marks each
4.Internal choice is provided in 2 questions of 2 marks,2 questions of 3 marks and 1 question of 5 marks

Directions (Q.Nos. 1-16) Section I has 16 questions of 1 mark each. Internal choice is provided in
1. A,B and C start at the same time in the same direction to run around a circular stadium. A completes
a round in 252 s, B in 308 s and C in 198 s, all starting at the same point. After what time will they
meet again at the starting point?
2. If one of the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial ( k - 1) x 2 + kx + 1 is -3, then find the value of k.
What is the sum of all natural numbers from 1 to 100?
3. Find the point in which the pair of equations 4x + y = 256 and 256 = 4 will be intersect.

4. In the given figure, if ED P AB , then prove that 1 + = 1+


X Class 1
Sample Question Paper No.2_Mathematics
MP 4
In the given figure, PQ P NO . If = and QO=15.6 cm, then find MQ.
PN 13

3sin q - 5cos q
5. If 3 tan q = 5 , then find
3sin q + 5cos q
6. In the given figure, find the angle x.

110 o

7. Find the area swept by a minute hand of the clock of length 15 cm in 10 min.
8. When two dice are thrown together, find the probability of getting a number always greater than 4 on
the second die.
17 3 - 4sin 2 A
9. If sec A = , then find the value of
8 4 cos2 A - 3
Evaluate the value of tan 30o + sin 600 sec60 o
10. In the given figure, if ÐRPS = 25o , then find the value of ÐROS .


11. Three metallic solid cubes whose edges are 4cm, 5cm and 6cm are melted and formed into a single
cube. Find the edge of the formed cube.
12. Two parallel tangents are drawn on a circle having radius 5 cm, find the distance between two tangents.

Sample Question Paper No.2_Mathematics
13. What is the nature of roots of the quadratic equation 5y2 - 4y + 3 = 0 .
If 2 is one of the root of the equation kx 2 + 2x - 3 = 0 , then find the value of k.
14. Find the probability of throwing a sum 9 with two dice.
15. A wire is in the form of a circle of radius 28 cm. It is re-bent into a square form. Determine the length
of the side of the square.
16. Is -5 a solution of quadratic equation 3x 2 + 14x - 5 = 0?
Find the non-zero value of k for which the quadratic equation 3x 2 - kx + k = 0 has equal roots.
Directions (Q.Nos. 17-20) Case study based questions are compulsory. Attempt any four sub parts of each
question. Each sub part carries 1 mark

17. Case Study I

Efficiency of Machine
In the current scenario, government has policy to make a highway as soon as possible. So, the
constructor used the heavy machine instead of using man labour.
A machine operator dug out a field in the shape of circular having radius 3 m and some depth 10 m.

(a) When the machine operator dug out the field in the given dimension, the three dimensional
shape of the digging area is
(i) cylindrical (ii) conical
(iii) cubical (iv) spherical
(b) Find the volume of the soil.
(i) 250 m3 (ii) 280 m3
(iii) 282.6 m3 (iv) 290 m3
(c) How much the cover area of the field dug out?
(i) 27 m 2 (ii) 28.90m2
(iii) 28.26m2 (iv) 29.2m 2
(d) Find the total inner surface area of the digging field.
(i) 216.66 m2 (ii) 212.66 m2
(iii) 210.66 m2 (iv) 214.66 m2
(e) If the cost of digging out of 1 cubic metre field is Rs.50. Find the total cost of complete
digging out field.
(i) Rs.1420 (ii) Rs.1413.0
(iii) Rs.1450 (iv) Rs.1510

X Class 3
Sample Question Paper No.2_Mathematics
18. Case Study II
Probability of Space
A circle with diameter 20 cm is drawn somewhere on a rectangular piece of paper with length 40 cm
and width 30 cm. This paper is kept horizontal on table top and very small size of die, is dropped on
the rectangular paper without seeing towards it.

40c m
3 0c m
20 cm

(a) Write the interval in which the probability of any event lies.
(i) [0, 2] (ii) [0, 1]
(ii) [-1, 1] (iv) None of these
(b) What is the probability of any impossible event?
(i) 0 (ii) 1
1 1
(iii) (iv)
2 4
(c) In tossing of die, what is the probability of getting any number?
1 1
(i) (ii)
3 2

(iii) 1 (iv)
(d) What is the probability of tossing the falls inside the circle?
15 11
(i) (ii)
42 42

17 11
(iii) (iv)
42 40
(e) What is the probability of tossing die lands outside the circle?
31 25
(i) (ii)
42 42

27 29
(iii) (iv)
42 40

Sample Question Paper No.2_Mathematics
19. Case Study III
Sports Day Activity in School
In sports day activities of Delhi Public School, the line were drawn with chalk powder in rectangular
shape OBCD. Each line is 1/2 m distance from each other. 60 flower pots have been placed at a
distance of 1/2 m from each other along OD. Yamini runs th of the distance OD on the 3rd line and

makes a red flower. Kamla runs th of the distance OD on the 7 th line and makes a yellow



1/4th 1/5th
Part Part

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 X

(a) Find the position of red and yellow flowers.

(i) (1.5, 15), (3.5, 12) (ii) (15, 1.5), (12, 3.5)
(iii) (1.5, 12), (3.5, 9) (iv) None of the above
(b) Find the distance between these flowers.
(i) 13 (ii) 11
(iii) 5 (iv) 4
(c) What is the length of the rectangle field?
(i) 5.5 (ii) 5
(iii) 6.5 (iv) 7
(d) Find the area of rectangular field.
(i) 160m2 (ii) 165m 2

(iii) 155m 2 (iv) 145m 2

(e) Find the length of the diagonal of rectangle
(i) 29 (ii) 29.5
(iii) 30 (iv) 30.5

X Class 5
Sample Question Paper No.2_Mathematics
20. Case Study IV
Reshma is fly fishing in a stream. The tip of her fishing rod is 1.8 m above the surface of the water and
fly at the end of the string rests on the water 3.6 m away from the initial and 2.4 m from a point
directly under the tip of the rod.

(a) Assuming that her string (from the tip of her rod to the fly) is taut, how much string does she
have out?
(i) 2.8 m (ii) 2.4 m
(iii) 3.2 m (iv) 3 m
(b) Find the angle subtend the rod to the horizontal in terms of tan q .
(i) 0.70 (ii) 0.75
(iii) 0.65 (iv) 5
(c) Find the area of triangle formed in the question (a).
(i) 2.16m 2 (ii) 2.30m 2
(iii) 2.90m 2 (iv) 3.2 m2
(d) Write the shape, in which the Reshma is sitting.
(i) Rectangle (ii) Parallelogram
(iii) Trapezium (iv) Rhombus
(e) If we decrease the width of the triangle, then length of hypotenuse is
(i) decrease (ii) increase
(iii) do not say anything (iv) None of the above

Sample Question Paper No.2_Mathematics
Directions (Q.Nos. 21-26) These are Very Short Answer Type questions of 2 marks each.

21. Find the LCM and HCF of 12, 15 and 21 by applying the prime factorisation method.
The decimal expansion of the rational number will terminate after how many places of
2 ´ 53

22. Determine the sum of first 35 terms of an AP, if its second term is 2 and seventh term is 22.
23. Compute the Arithmetic Mean by assumed mean method for the following data

Mark obtained Number of students

0-10 14
10-20 8
20-30 15
30-40 21
40-20 9
50-60 8

sin q - 2sin 3 q
24. Prove that = tan q
2 cos3 q - cos q
Prove that cot A + tan A = sec A cos ec A
25. If a and b are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial f ( x ) = px 2 + qx + r , then find the value of

1 1
pa + q pb + q
26. Show that the points (12, 8), (-2, 6) and (6, 0) are the vertices of a isosceles right angled triangle.

Directions (Q.Nos. 27-33) These are Short Answer Type questions of 3 marks each.
27. Prove that n is not a rational number, if n is not a perfect square.
The length, breadth and height of a room are 8 m 25 cm, 6m 75cm and 4 m 50 cm, respectively. Find
the length of the longest rod that can measure the three dimensions of the room exactly.
28. Three chairs and two tables cost Rs.1850. Five chairs and three tables cost Rs. 2850. Find the cost
of seven chairs and three tables.
Solve the following equations for x and y.
x + 4y = 27xy, x + 2y = 21xy

X Class 7
Sample Question Paper No.2_Mathematics
29. On a square handkerchief, 9 circular designs each of radius 7 cm are made (see the figure). Find the
area of the remaining portion of the handkerchief.



30. Find the median for the following data.

Class interval Frequency

130-139 4
140-149 9
150-159 18
160-169 28
170-179 24
180-189 10
190-199 7

31. In the given figure, from an external point P, a tangent PT and a line segment PAB drawn to a circle
with centre O. ON is perpendicular on the chord AB.

Prove that
(i) PA.PB = PN 2 - AN 2
(ii) PN 2 - AN 2 = OP 2 - OT 2
(iii) PA.PB = PT 2
32. An army pilot is flying an aeroplane at an altitude of 1800 m obseves some suspicious activity of two
ships which are sailing towards it in the same directions and immediately report it to the navy chief.
The angles of depression of the ships as observed from the aeroplane are 60o and 30o , respectively..
Find the distance between two ships.
33. Express the following equation in the standard form and then find its roots by factorisation method.
2x - 3 2x - 7 1
+ = 5 ( x ¹ 2, x ¹ 4 ) .
x -2 x-4 3

Sample Question Paper No.2_Mathematics

Directions (Q.Nos. 34-36) These are Long Answer Type questions of 5 marks each.
34. Draw a circle of radius 2 cm. Take two points A and B on one of its extended diameter each at a
distance of 5 cm from its centre. Draw tangent to the circle from these two points A and B.
35. Prove that

æ secA - 1 ö æ sin A - 1 ö
cot 2 A ç ÷ + sec A ç ÷ =0

è 1 + sin A ø è 1 + sec A ø
Prove that

cos ec A - 1 cos ec A + 1
+ = 2secA
cosec A + 1 cosec A - 1

36. Suppose the 8th term of an AP is 31 and the 15th term is 16 more than the 11th term.
(i) Find the AP series.
(ii) Find the sum of first 15 terms of a series.

X Class 9

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